Синоним слову grant

  • Определения слова grant

    • дарить, жаловать, даровать; предоставлять
    • оказывать материальную поддержку; давать дотацию, субсидию.
      • The government granted a pension to her.
    • удовлетворить (чью-либо просьбу, запрос)
    • разрешать; давать согласие на что-либо; предоставить право (на что-либо).
      • The authorities at once cheerfully granted all that they asked.
    • допускать, предполагать.
      • Granting that you are correct, you may find it hard to prove your point.
    • отчуждать, передавать право собственности.
      • en (юр.)
    • английская фамилия

Синонимы к слову grant

    • accord
    • admit
    • agree to
    • allow
    • allowance
    • approve of
    • award
    • bequest
    • bestow
    • cede
    • concede
    • confer
    • consent to
    • contribution
    • donation
    • endowment
    • exclude
    • exempt
    • funding
    • gift
    • give
    • go along with
    • permit
    • present
    • promise
    • scholarship
    • sign over
    • undertake

Похожие слова на grant

    • grant
    • grant’s
    • granted
    • granting
    • grants

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • grant [grɑːnt] сущ

    1. грантм, субсидияж, дотацияж

      (hrant, subsidy)

      • program of educational grants – программа образовательных грантов
      • grant application – заявка на грант
      • government grant – государственная субсидия
      • cash grant – денежная дотация
    2. стипендияж, пособиеср

      (scholarship, allowance)

      • annual grant – годовая стипендия
      • education grant – пособие на образование
    3. дарм


      • grant of power – дар силы
    4. предоставлениеср, выдачаж

      (granting, issue)

      • granting leave – предоставление отпуска
      • grant of patent – выдача патента
    5. пожалованиеср


  • grant [grɑːnt] гл

    1. предоставлять, даровать, дарить, предоставить, дать, давать, подарить, наделять, наделить


      • grant concessions – предоставлять концессии
      • grant freedom – даровать свободу
      • grant women – дарить женщинам
      • granted credit – предоставленный кредит
      • grant interviews – давать интервью
    2. удовлетворить


      • grant the request – удовлетворить просьбу
    3. выдавать, выдать


      • grant licences – выдавать лицензии
    4. гарантировать


    5. присвоить


    6. пожаловать


  • grant [grɑːnt] прил

    1. грантовый

      • grant competition – грантовый конкурс
грант grant
субсидия subsidy, grant, subvention, grant-in-aid
разрешение resolution, permission, permit, authorization, solution, grant
дар gift, grant, donation, talent, endowment, boon
согласие agreement, consent, harmony, accordance, accord, grant
стипендия scholarship, grants, grant, stipend, award, bursary
дотация subsidy, grant, subvention, appropriation in aid, grant-in-aid
дарение donation, giving, grant, endowment
уступка concession, cession, rebate, transfer, acquiescence, grant
пожертвование donation, donating, endowment, contribution, offering, grant
дарственный акт grant
безвозмездная ссуда grant
официальное предоставление grant
предоставлять give, provide, grant, allow, furnish, afford
даровать grant, bestow, confer
дарить give, present, donate, gift, grant, bestow
пожаловать grant, visit
разрешать allow, authorize, resolve, permit, solve, grant
допускать admit, allow, assume, suppose, concede, grant
жаловать grant, give, accord
давать согласие consent, grant
давать дотацию grant
дозволять permit, suffer, tolerate, grant
давать субсидию grant

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • grant сущ

    • award · scholarship · fellowship · bursary · stipend
    • subsidy · subvention · subsidization
    • give · allow · confer
    • allocation · entitlement · benefit · provision · allowance · manual
    • gift


  • endowment, subvention, award, donation, bursary, allowance, subsidy, contribution, handout, allocation, gift, scholarship
  • concession
  • subsidization
  • assignment


  • allow, accord, permit, afford, vouchsafe
  • give, award, bestow on, confer on, present with, provide with, endow with, supply with
  • admit, accept, concede, yield, allow, appreciate, recognize, acknowledge, confess, agree
  • give
  • accord, allot
  • allow
  • award
  • concede, yield
  • cede, concede, yield

Предложения со словом «grant»

So to really find out what was going on, they hired an ethnographer, Grant McCracken, to gather thick data insights.

Чтобы узнать, что происходило, они наняли этнографа Гранта МакКрекена проанализировать плотные данные.

It’s a monthly grant , enough to pay for your basic needs: food, shelter, education.

Это ежемесячные выплаты, которых хватает на основные нужды: еду, жильё и образование.

When other people see me as powerful, they grant me a wider range.

Когда другие люди уверены в моём превосходстве, они расширяют мою зону.

A few months ago, Hamdi Ulukaya, the CEO and founder of the yogurt company Chobani, made headlines when he decided to grant stock to all of his 2,000 employees.

Пару месяцев назад Хамди Улукая, глава и основатель компании Chobani, производящей йогурты, попал в заголовки газет, когда решил дать акции компании всем её 2 000 сотрудников.

Not even the cannons of General Grant could help him!

Вряд ли помогли бы ему даже пушки генерала Гранта!

The judiciaries on Miland or Whitecliff can also grant authorization.

Власти Майлэнда или Уайтклиффа также наделены полномочиями выдачи лицензий.

Grant Duverney would have been properly diagnosed and treated.

Гранта Даверни могли бы должным образом диагностировать и лечить.

They can perform certain tasks or grant certain wishes.

Они могут выполнить определенные задачи или исполнить определенные желания.

Colton Grant , head of the Global Warming Awareness Front?

Колтон Гранд, глава Фонда информирования о глобальном потеплении?

Cary Grant always looked his best with white roses.

Кэри Грант всегда смотрится выгоднее всего с белыми розами.

I’m sorry about your coccyx too, Miss Grant .

Я тоже извиняюсь за твой копчик, мисс Грант.

General grant sends his best to me and Mrs. Delaney.

Генерал Грант шлет наилучшие пожелания мне и миссис Дилани.

I would grant you the right of personal opinion.

Я бы позволил вам иметь право высказать собственное мнение.

He got out his portable phone and called Rick Grant .

Он вынул мобильный телефон и набрал номер Рика Гранта.

I’m going to grant your request for unlimited discovery.

По вашему запросу я разрешаю неограниченный допуск к материалам.

I had considered you my best Intelligence Officer, Grant .

А я считал вас лучшим офицером разведки, Грант.

It is believed that the lord will grant the prayers

Считается, что Господь выполнит просьбу

Of past employment in Eureka, Dr. Grant’s file

Его работы в Эврике, личное дело доктора Гранта

Bob Gallaudet will grant Ainge immunity on the gun charge.

Боб Галлодет обеспечит Инджу иммунитет от обвинений в хранении оружия.

The doctors at James Madison hospital have informed me that President Grant’s condition remains critical.

Доктора в больнице имени Джеймса Мэдисона сообщили мне, что состояние Президента Гранта остается критическим.

I find in favor of the plaintiff and grant the order sought.

Я принимаю решение в пользу истца и выдаю предписание.

He has asked that the Colonial Office grant him an Empire export licence.

Он попросил, чтобы колониальное управление предоставило ему имперскую экспортную лицензию.

I’m in a position to grant her the kinds of indulgences she seeks.

Я располагаю возможностью пожаловать ей кое — какие виды снисходительности, в которых она нуждается.

At the end of the civil war, grant’s union army Had lee’s confederate soldiers outflanked at appomattox.

В конце гражданской войны армия Гранта обошла с фланга армию генерала Ли у Аппоматокса.

The first affair doesn’t make any appearances as a public couple, not until senator Mellie Grant becomes President Mellie Grant .

Первый роман не появляется как пара на публике, пока сенатор Грант не станет президентом Грант.

Swiftly Grant stuffed the papers back in the portfolio, strode to the door.

Грант быстро убрал бумаги в портфель и подошел к двери.

So there’s this thing called furlough, where they grant an inmate temporary leave…

Здесь эта вещь называется отпуск, который они дают беременным заключенным…

The letter of reinstatement submitted on behalf of President Grant was entirely premature.

Письмо о восстановлении в должности, вынесенное на рассмотрение президентом Грантом, было очень поспешным.

Grant sensed rather than heard the rustle of feet in the high grass back of him.

Грант скорее почувствовал, чем услышал шелест шагов в высокой траве за своей спиной.

He wanted to follow up Grant’s notion of recording every bit of knowledge the gang possessed.

Он хотел последовать совету Гранта и собрать все знания, которыми располагала колония.

But the Prelate said the Creator had given me a great opportunity to grant the sacred gift of forgiveness.

Но Аббатиса сказала мне, что Создатель дал мне превосходную возможность преподносить священный дар прощения.

Then I will grant release on bail without payment until I reach a decision.

Тогда я выпущу Вас под залог без внесения залога до принятия решения.

The chief usher and his staff have just four hours to switch the White House over from one President Grant to the next.

У обслуживающего персонала есть всего 4 часа, чтобы обустроить Белый дом для следующего президента.

Bodies of asian refugees in the sea, after Greek authorities refused to grant them political asylum.

Трупы азиатских беженцев в море, после того, как греческое правительство отказало им в политическом убежище.

I made an application to the M.C. Guffin Foundation for a grant to upgrade our office equipment.

Я подал заявление в фонд Макгаффина с просьбой обновления нашего офисного оборудования.

I need all the bank statements sent to this address in Long Island City, care of LaKeisha Grant .

Пусть все банковские отчёты высылают на этот адрес в Лонг — Айленд Сити, на имя Лакиши Грант.

I need to finish this grant proposal, and turn it in by tonight.

Мне нужно заполнить заявку на грант и до полуночи ее отправить.

You’re working on a grant proposal for a new fusion reactor.

Ты работаешь над заявкой на грант для нового термоядерного реактора.

I’m working on a grant proposal for a new fusion reactor.

Я работаю над заявкой на грант для нового термоядерного реактора.

Grant Larson has offered me a chance to oversee a branch office of the national park service.

Грант Ларсон дал мне шанс возглавить филиал службы национальных парков.

They’ve decided to grant your request for humanitarian release.

Они решили удовлетворить ваше прошение и освободить вас досрочно.

I would like you to be aware that Grant left the hospital tonight without being discharged.

Я звоню предупредить вас, что Грант ушёл из больницы сегодня ночью без выписки.

Ross’ confirmation was surely aided by president’s Grant’s visit to the Democratic caucus.

Утверждению Росс, безусловно, помог визит президента на закрытое собрание демократов.

Now, Katy says she’d happily grant me more access if I’d come up with more child maintenance.

Сейчас Кэти заявляет, что с радостью разрешит мне встречаться чаще, если я увеличу алименты.

The treaties under which our arm of the Registry operates grant us a great deal of flexibility.

Соглашения, под которыми оперирует наше подразделение реестра, дает нам большую гибкость.

I will grant you equal time to prove that you have moved beyond past transgressions.

Я дам тебе время доказать что ты избавился от прошлого.

Is it poor President Grant with a cold, frigid wife, or poor Mrs. Grant with the mean, slutty husband?

Это бедный Президент живет с холодной, фригидной женой, или бедная Миссис Грант живет с мужем — распутником?

The Holy Father has licensed me to grant pardons for sins not yet committed.

Святой Отец даровал мне право помиловать за несовершённые грехи.

Only God can grant eternal life, not this pagan water.

Лишь Бог может даровать вечную жизнь а не эта языческая вода.

In exchange I will grant you autonomy and the principality of your choice when the new order arises.

В обмен за это я дарую вам независимость и свободу выбора, когда наступит новый порядок.

He has asked that the Colonial Office grant him an Empire export licence.

Он попросил, чтобы министерство колоний даровало ему экспортную лицензию Британской империи.

We’ve just heard the first words from president Grant since the end of the impeachment hearings.

Мы только что услышали первые слова президента Гранта после окончания слушания по его импичменту.

An historical grant would definitely help repair and preserve this natural wonder.

Исторический грант несомненно помог бы отремонтировать и сохранить это чудо природы.

Yet she would not take back the words either, nor would she grant the veil.

И все — таки она не хочет ни брать их обратно, ни подарить мне шарф.

If I could grant you peace of mind If you could let me inside your heart…

Если я смогу подарить тебе душевный покой, если ты пустишь меня в свое сердце…

He owed the wrong people a lot of money, and he was counting on the grant to bail him out.

Парень задолжал кучу денег нехорошим людям и рассчитывал на грант, чтобы расплатиться с ними.

Which my client is willing to do in the presence of an attorney and with a grant of transactional immunity.

Что моя клиентка с радостью сделает в присутствии адвоката и с гарантией предоставления свидетельского иммунитета.

I was hoping Your Majesty might grant me a private audience.

Могу ли я просить о личной аудиенции Его Величеством?

His president is willing to grant political asylum to you and to your family.

Его президент готов предоставить политическое убежище вам и вашей семье.

If Mellie Grant’s campaign manager is arrested for framing Cyrus…

Если менеджера компании Мелли Грант арестуют за подставу Сайруса…

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. grant

    Allot, originally to assign by lot, applies to the giving of a definite thing to a certain person. A portion or extent of time is allotted; as, I expect to live out my allotted time. A definite period is appointed; as, the audience assembled at the appointed hour. Allot may also refer to space; as, to allot a plot of ground for a cemetery; but we now oftener use select, set apart, or assign. Allot is not now used of persons. Appoint may be used of time, space, or person; as, the appointed day; the appointed place; an officer was appointed to this station. Destine may also refer to time, place, or person, but it always has reference to what is considerably in the future; a man appoints to meet his friend in five minutes; he destines his son to follow his own profession. Assign is rarely used of time, but rather of places, persons, or things. We assign a work to be done and assign a man to do it, who, if he fails, must assign a reason for not doing it. That which is allotted, appointed, or assigned is more or less arbitrary; that which is awarded is the due requital of something the receiver has done, and he has right and claim to it; as, the medal was awarded for valor. Compare APPORTION.

    allot, appoint, apportion, assign, award, destine, distribute, divide, give, mete out, portion out, select, set apart

    appropriate, confiscate, deny, refuse, resume, retain, seize, withhold

    Allot to a company for a purpose.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. grant

    give, allot, bestow, confer, transfer, admit, allow, concede, convey, impart, yield, cede

    withhold, withdraw, reserve, resume, deny

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. grantnoun

    any monetary aid

    concession, assignment, subsidisation, subsidization

  2. grant, subsidization, subsidisationnoun

    the act of providing a subsidy

    concession, assignment, subsidisation, subsidization

  3. grant, assignmentnoun

    (law) a transfer of property by deed of conveyance

    duty assignment, appointment, subsidisation, assigning, designation, naming, assignment, concession, subsidization

  4. Grant, Duncan Grant, Duncan James Corrow Grantnoun

    Scottish painter; cousin of Lytton Strachey and member of the Bloomsbury Group (1885-1978)

    concession, assignment, subsidisation, subsidization

  5. Grant, Cary Grantnoun

    United States actor (born in England) who was the elegant leading man in many films (1904-1986)

    concession, assignment, subsidisation, subsidization

  6. Grant, Ulysses Grant, Ulysses S. Grant, Ulysses Simpson Grant, Hiram Ulysses Grant, President Grantnoun

    18th President of the United States; commander of the Union armies in the American Civil War (1822-1885)

    concession, assignment, subsidisation, subsidization

  7. concession, grantnoun

    a contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business

    «he got the beer concession at the ball park»

    concession, subsidisation, yielding, conceding, assignment, subsidization

  8. grantverb

    a right or privilege that has been granted

    concession, assignment, subsidisation, subsidization

  9. allow, grantverb

    let have

    «grant permission»; «Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison»

    admit, set aside, accord, appropriate, deed over, give, yield, let, cede, award, give up, reserve, tolerate, countenance, permit, concede, provide, allot, leave, allow, take into account, allow for, earmark

  10. award, grantverb

    give as judged due or on the basis of merit

    «the referee awarded a free kick to the team»; «the jury awarded a million dollars to the plaintiff»;»Funds are granted to qualified researchers»

    allow, give, allot, yield, award, cede, concede, deed over, present, accord

  11. concede, yield, grantverb

    be willing to concede

    «I grant you this much»

    ease up, give way, pay, bear, return, allow, confess, allot, afford, knuckle under, give in, concede, succumb, soften, give, move over, deed over, generate, cede, buckle under, yield, profess, award, render, relent, accord

  12. accord, allot, grantverb

    allow to have

    «grant a privilege»

    harmonize, lot, accord, parcel out, consort, allow, give, fit in, mete out, administer, dispense, harmonise, deal out, yield, concord, portion, award, cede, concede, assign, dish out, deed over, dole out, allot, distribute, agree, shell out, deal

  13. grant, giveverb

    bestow, especially officially

    «grant a degree»; «give a divorce»; «This bill grants us new rights»

    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, allow, establish, allot, reach, concede, have, fall in, make, deed over, give, return, accord, gift, kick in, feed, break, throw, apply, cede, open, founder, devote, ease up, hold, pass, render, present, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, award, generate, contribute, afford, pay, hand

  14. concede, yield, cede, grantverb

    give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another

    ease up, give way, pay, deliver, bear, surrender, return, allow, confess, allot, afford, knuckle under, give in, concede, succumb, soften, give, give up, move over, deed over, generate, cede, buckle under, yield, profess, award, render, relent, accord

  15. grant, deed oververb

    transfer by deed

    «grant land»

    allow, give, allot, yield, award, cede, concede, deed over, accord

Matched Categories

    • President Of The United States
    • Actor
    • Agree
    • Aid
    • Allotment
    • Contract
    • General
    • Give
    • Law
    • Painter
    • Transferred Property

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. grantverb

    admit, allow, concede, cede, yield

  2. grantverb

    GIVE, bestow, CONFER, vouchsafe, deign

  3. grantverb

    (Law.) convey (by deed), transfer, make conveyance of

  4. grantnoun

    gift, boon, donation, benefaction, bounty, largess, present, concession

  5. grantnoun

    (Law.) conveyance, cession

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. grantnoun

    conveyance, transfer, cession, concession, gift, bounty, subsidy

  2. grantverb

    convey, transfer, code, give, bestow, allot, deign, vouchsafe, admit, concede, allow, comply, permit

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «grant»:

    subsidy, grants, granting, concession, subvention, subsidies, give, allowance, donation, award, issuance, gratien, subsidisation, subsidization, awarding, provide, accord, concede, donations, confer, issuing, scholarship, don, premium, allocation, pay, funding, giving, lease, allow

How to pronounce grant?

How to say grant in sign language?

How to use grant in a sentence?

  1. Abraham Lincoln:

    Find out what whiskey he drinks and send all of my generals a case, if it will get the same results. — in reply to comments about General Grant’s drinking problems

  2. Rahul Gupta:

    They allow 12 sectors of the community to come together first to figure out what’s what is the challenge in that particular community, so it’s a very customizable grant, so those 12 sectors include law enforcement, business, faith-based, nonprofits, medical, public health, education, and so many others. So these different sectors come together and see what their local challenge is. And they look at the top three things that are challenges in that community, and then they address those things.

  3. Ken Paxton:

    Our lawsuit is about the rule of law, not the wisdom of any particular immigration policy, texas has argued for years that the federal executive branch lacks the power to unilaterally grant unlawfully present aliens lawful presence and work authorization.

  4. The Justice Department official:

    Her focus is on ensuring that every peer reviewer has the appropriate expertise to review the grant.

  5. Burt Flickinger:

    The Canadian government has deemed that these P&G products are non-essential and therefore does not need to grant exemptions on them.

Translations for grant

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • schválit, poskytnout, grant, uznat, připustit, udělitCzech
  • erteilen, bewilligen, gewährenGerman
  • subvención, beca, patrocinio, concederSpanish
  • اعطا کردنPersian
  • myöntyä, suostua, avustus, suostuminen, apuraha, suoda, myöntyminen, myöntääFinnish
  • accorderFrench
  • grantarIdo
  • 授与, 叶える, 認める, 認可, 譲渡Japanese
  • whakaheiMāori
  • verlenen, toegevenDutch
  • innrømmelse, tildele, innvilge, innrømme, overgi, overføring, donasjon, tildelingNorwegian
  • concessão, conceder, subvençãoPortuguese
  • допуск, предоставление, допустить, субсидия, согласиться, жаловать, выдать, предоставить, предоставлять, грант, согласие, уступка, соглашаться, выдавать, допускать, пожаловатьRussian
  • dhurojAlbanian
  • beviljaSwedish
  • ihsan etmek, vermek, bahşetmek, bağışlamakTurkish
  • שענקעןYiddish
  • 發放Chinese

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Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for grant?

  • allocation
  • allotment
  • appropriation
  • assistance
  • award
  • charity
  • concession
  • contribution
  • donation
  • endowment
  • fellowship
  • handout
  • reward
  • scholarship
  • stipend
  • subsidy
  • admission
  • alms
  • benefaction
  • bequest
  • boon
  • bounty
  • dole
  • gratuity
  • lump
  • present
  • privilege
  • accept
  • accord
  • allocate
  • allot
  • assign
  • award
  • bestow
  • cede
  • donate
  • give
  • invest
  • permit
  • transfer
  • accede
  • acknowledge
  • acquiesce
  • admit
  • assume
  • avow
  • bless
  • concede
  • confer
  • convey
  • drop
  • impart
  • own
  • present
  • profess
  • relinquish
  • stake
  • suppose
  • surrender
  • transmit
  • vouchsafe
  • yield
  • agree to
  • come across
  • come around
  • come through
  • consent to
  • gift with
  • give in
  • give out
  • give the nod
  • give a thumbs-up
  • go along with
  • own up
  • shake on
  • sign off on
  • sign on

On this page you’ll find 233 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to grant, such as: allocation, allotment, appropriation, assistance, award, and charity.

  • deny
  • disagree
  • disallow
  • fight
  • hold
  • keep
  • refuse
  • reject
  • take
  • withhold
  • conceal
  • condemn
  • contradict
  • disapprove
  • disavow
  • dispute
  • dissent
  • hide
  • protest
  • refrain
  • renounce
  • repudiate
  • veto

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use grant in a sentence

A McKinsey analysis of 54 countries estimates that governments had committed $10 trillion by June, through grants, loans, and furlough payments to unemployment benefits and welfare.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • abet
  • accede
  • accept
  • acquiesce
  • admit
  • agree
  • allow
  • approbate
  • approve
  • authorize
  • bless
  • blink at
  • boost
  • buy
  • charter
  • concede
  • concur
  • condone
  • consent
  • empower
  • enable
  • endorse
  • endure
  • franchise
  • give a thumbs-up
  • give leave
  • give permission
  • go for
  • grant
  • have
  • humor
  • indulge
  • leave
  • let
  • let pass
  • license
  • okay
  • pass
  • privilege
  • sanctify
  • sanction
  • say yes
  • shake on
  • sign
  • sign off on
  • suffer
  • take kindly to
  • tolerate
  • warrant
  • wink at
  • accept
  • acquiesce
  • admit
  • allow
  • assent
  • be game for
  • cave in
  • comply
  • concede
  • concur
  • cooperate
  • cry uncle
  • endorse
  • enter into
  • fold
  • give the go-ahead
  • give the green light
  • go along with
  • grant
  • let
  • okay
  • permit
  • play ball
  • roll over and play dead
  • subscribe
  • throw in the towel
  • yield
  • bestowal
  • bestowment
  • conferral
  • gift
  • grant
  • accede
  • accept
  • acquiesce
  • allow
  • avow
  • come clean
  • come out of closet
  • concede
  • confess
  • cop a plea
  • crack
  • declare
  • fess up
  • get off chest
  • grant
  • let on
  • open up
  • own
  • profess
  • recognize
  • yield
  • accedes
  • accepts
  • acquiesces
  • allows
  • avows
  • comes clean
  • comes out of closet
  • concedes
  • confesses
  • cops a plea
  • cracks
  • declares
  • fesses up
  • gets off chest
  • grants
  • lets on
  • opens up
  • owns
  • professes
  • recognizes
  • yields
  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • allowance
  • annuity
  • award
  • benefit
  • bonus
  • commission
  • dividend
  • donation
  • earnings
  • fortune
  • gain
  • gift
  • grant
  • income
  • increment
  • inheritance
  • net
  • premium
  • prize
  • proceeds
  • profit
  • remuneration
  • return
  • reward
  • riches
  • salary
  • security
  • wages
  • wealth
  • winnings

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.



1    accede to, accord, acknowledge, admit, agree to, allocate, allot, allow, assign, award, bestow, cede, concede, confer, consent to, donate, give, hand out, impart, permit, present, vouchsafe, yield  

2      (Law)   assign, convey, transfer, transmit  

3    admission, allocation, allotment, allowance, award, benefaction, bequest, boon, bounty, concession, donation, endowment, gift, hand-out, present, stipend, subsidy  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( grants    plural & 3rd person present)   ( granting    present participle)   ( granted    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-count   A grant is an amount of money that a government or other institution gives to an individual or to an organization for a particular purpose such as education or home improvements.  
They’d got a special grant to encourage research…, Unfortunately, my application for a grant was rejected.     

2       verb   If someone in authority grants you something, or if something is grantedto you, you are allowed to have it.  

France has agreed to grant him political asylum…      V n n  
It was a Labour government which granted independence to India and Pakistan…      V n to n  
Permission was granted a few weeks ago.      be V-ed  

3       verb   If you grantthat something is true, you accept that it is true, even though your opinion about it does not change.  
The magistrates granted that the charity was justified in bringing the action.      V that   You use `I grant you’ or `I’ll grant you’ to say that you accept something is true, even though your opinion about it does not change.  

I grant you/I’ll grant you      phrase   oft PHR that  
He took a risk, I’ll grant you. But when you think about it, the risk was pretty small…     

4    If you say that someone takes you for granted, you are complaining that they benefit from your help, efforts, or presence without showing that they are grateful.  

take someone for granted      phrase   take inflects  
The officials felt taken for granted and grumbled loudly.     

5    If you take something for granted, you believe that it is true or accept it as normal without thinking about it.  

take something for granted      phrase   take inflects  
I was amazed that virtually all the things I took for granted up north just didn’t happen in London.     

6    If you take it for grantedthat something is the case, you believe that it is true or you accept it as normal without thinking about it.  

take it for granted      phrase   take inflects, PHR that  
He seemed to take it for granted that he should speak as a representative.     

In Britain, a grant-maintained school is one which receives money directly from the national government rather than from a local authority. The abbreviation GM is also used.      adj   usu ADJ n  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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