Синоним слову fit

  • Определения слова fit

    • подходить
    • соответствовать

Синонимы к слову fit

    • able-bodied
    • add
    • adequate
    • all set
    • appropriate
    • athletic
    • convulsion
    • correspond
    • epileptic fit
    • fitting
    • fix
    • grand mal
    • healthy
    • in shape
    • install
    • match
    • mount
    • on top form
    • petit mal
    • prepared
    • proper
    • provide with
    • put in
    • ready
    • ready to go
    • right
    • robust
    • spasm
    • suit
    • suitable
    • tally
    • turn
    • vigorous
    • well

Похожие слова на fit

    • fit
    • fit’s
    • fitch
    • fitch’s
    • fitful
    • fitfully
    • fitly
    • fitness
    • fitness’s
    • fits
    • fitted
    • fitter
    • fitter’s
    • fitters
    • fittest
    • fitting
    • fittingly
    • fittings
    • fitzgerald
    • fitzgerald’s
    • fitzpatrick
    • fitzpatrick’s
    • fitzroy
    • fitzroy’s

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. fit

    Adequate, commensurate, and sufficient signify equal to some given occasion or work; as, a sum sufficient to meet expenses; an adequate remedy for the disease. Commensurate is the more precise and learned word, signifying that which exactly measures the matter in question. Adapted, fit, suitable, and qualified refer to the qualities which match or suit the occasion. A clergyman may have strength adequate to the work of a porter; but that would not be a fit or suitable occupation for him. Work is satisfactory if it satisfies those for whom it is done, though it may be very poor work judged by some higher standard. Qualified refers to acquired abilities; competent to both natural and acquired; a qualified teacher may be no longer competent, by reason of ill health. Able and capable suggest general ability and reserved power, able being the higher word of the two. An able man will do something well in any position. A capable man will come up to any ordinary demand. We say an able orator, a capable accountant.

    able, adapted, adequate, capable, commensurate, competent, equal, fitted, fitting, qualified, satisfactory, sufficient, suitable

    disqualified, inadequate, incompetent, inferior, insufficient, poor, unequal, unfit, unqualified, unsatisfactory, unsuitable, useless, worthless

    Adequate to the demand; for the purpose.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. fit

    decent, befitting, meet, apt, fitting, adapted, seemly, appropriate, becoming, decorous, qualified, congruous, peculiar, particular, suitable, prepared, adequate, calculated, contrived, expedient, proper, ripe

    awkward, ungainly, misfitting, ill-suited, unseemly, inappropriate, unsuitable, unprepared, inadequate, miscalculated, miscontrived, inexpedient, improper, unfit

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. fit, tantrum, scene, conniptionnoun

    a display of bad temper

    «he had a fit»; «she threw a tantrum»; «he made a scene»

    vista, panorama, setting, aspect, picture, paroxysm, shot, prospect, conniption, convulsion, scenery, tantrum, scene, view, burst

    flaccid, subhuman, bowlegged, unfit, mutilated, impaired, crookbacked, soft, dipped, bandy-legged, broken-backed, disabled, lame, gammy, unready, hunchbacked, bowleg, apractic, flabby, kyphotic, gimpy, crippled, swayback, gibbous, knock-kneed, afflicted, crookback, swaybacked, unsuitable, halt, humped, bandy, halting, handicapped, apraxic, maimed, lordotic, humpbacked, bowed, spavined, game

  2. paroxysm, fit, convulsionnoun

    a sudden uncontrollable attack

    «a paroxysm of giggling»; «a fit of coughing»; «convulsions of laughter»

    paroxysm, conniption, convulsion, tantrum, scene, upheaval, turmoil, burst

    gimpy, disabled, bowleg, soft, unfit, bowlegged, knock-kneed, broken-backed, bowed, mutilated, afflicted, bandy, halt, dipped, swaybacked, swayback, flabby, apractic, gibbous, spavined, crookback, impaired, gammy, unsuitable, humpbacked, apraxic, handicapped, crippled, game, maimed, humped, unready, kyphotic, lame, crookbacked, flaccid, lordotic, subhuman, bandy-legged, halting, hunchbacked

  3. fitnoun

    the manner in which something fits

    «I admired the fit of her coat»

    scene, convulsion, conniption, tantrum, burst, paroxysm

    swayback, flaccid, crookbacked, unready, lame, bandy-legged, bowlegged, dipped, hunchbacked, swaybacked, bandy, gimpy, humped, flabby, lordotic, unfit, disabled, gibbous, subhuman, spavined, broken-backed, bowleg, apractic, knock-kneed, game, kyphotic, bowed, unsuitable, impaired, halting, soft, apraxic, humpbacked, halt, handicapped, afflicted, maimed, crookback, gammy, crippled, mutilated

  4. burst, fitadjective

    a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)

    «a burst of applause»; «a fit of housecleaning»

    fusillade, convulsion, paroxysm, outburst, conniption, explosion, salvo, tantrum, volley, scene, flare-up, burst

    apraxic, hunchbacked, swayback, unfit, soft, halt, crookbacked, dipped, bandy-legged, lame, crippled, disabled, unready, gibbous, gammy, broken-backed, knock-kneed, humpbacked, apractic, maimed, crookback, handicapped, bandy, game, bowleg, unsuitable, flabby, subhuman, lordotic, mutilated, impaired, afflicted, swaybacked, bowlegged, bowed, flaccid, halting, humped, spavined, gimpy, kyphotic

  5. fitadjective

    meeting adequate standards for a purpose

    «a fit subject for discussion»; «it is fit and proper that you be there»; «water fit to drink»; «fit for duty»; «do as you see fit to»

    set(p), fit(p), primed(p)

    halting, humpbacked, unfit, handicapped, swayback, soft, mutilated, bowlegged, bowleg, crookbacked, hunchbacked, unready, apraxic, bowed, humped, dipped, flaccid, knock-kneed, swaybacked, impaired, apractic, broken-backed, spavined, gimpy, unsuitable, bandy-legged, lame, maimed, subhuman, flabby, crookback, lordotic, disabled, kyphotic, afflicted, gammy, bandy, halt, gibbous, crippled, game

  6. fit(p), primed(p), set(p)adjective

    (usually followed by `to’ or `for’) on the point of or strongly disposed

    «in no fit state to continue»; «fit to drop»; «laughing fit to burst»; «she was fit to scream»; «primed for a fight»; «we are set to go at any time»

    bandy, hunchbacked, soft, subhuman, bandy-legged, unready, swaybacked, unfit, broken-backed, crippled, dipped, knock-kneed, flaccid, bowed, disabled, humped, gimpy, spavined, humpbacked, apraxic, game, halt, unsuitable, kyphotic, bowlegged, crookback, afflicted, halting, gammy, maimed, lame, lordotic, swayback, impaired, apractic, bowleg, flabby, mutilated, crookbacked, handicapped, gibbous

  7. fitverb

    physically and mentally sound or healthy

    «felt relaxed and fit after their holiday»; «keeps fit with diet and exercise»

    set(p), fit(p), primed(p)

    humpbacked, apraxic, swaybacked, flaccid, kyphotic, disabled, gimpy, swayback, hunchbacked, unready, unfit, knock-kneed, halt, bowed, crookbacked, game, lordotic, flabby, impaired, bandy, broken-backed, crippled, maimed, bowlegged, halting, gibbous, soft, afflicted, humped, dipped, handicapped, gammy, spavined, crookback, apractic, lame, mutilated, bowleg, bandy-legged, subhuman, unsuitable

  8. suit, accommodate, fitverb

    be agreeable or acceptable to

    «This suits my needs»

    go, conciliate, outfit, suit, gibe, admit, fit out, equip, hold, meet, agree, adapt, check, match, tally, correspond, jibe, oblige, lodge, accommodate, reconcile, become, befit, conform to, beseem

    maimed, afflicted, swayback, spavined, bowed, mutilated, unsuitable, kyphotic, unfit, gibbous, lordotic, halt, subhuman, unready, apractic, halting, game, humped, handicapped, apraxic, crippled, humpbacked, impaired, swaybacked, bowlegged, bandy, knock-kneed, hunchbacked, gimpy, bowleg, crookbacked, flaccid, crookback, gammy, dipped, broken-backed, bandy-legged, lame, flabby, disabled, soft

  9. fit, goverb

    be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired

    «This piece won’t fit into the puzzle»

    conform to, drop dead, pop off, operate, belong, outfit, give-up the ghost, work, choke, go away, get, rifle, hold out, sound, get going, fail, kick the bucket, run, blend, function, lead, match, live, pass away, perish, meet, survive, croak, plump, move, extend, conk, endure, die, agree, become, run low, conk out, break, proceed, last, decease, give out, break down, go, equip, accommodate, hold up, snuff it, pass, run short, start, depart, gibe, locomote, tally, fit out, travel, give way, correspond, blend in, exit, buy the farm, jibe, live on, cash in one’s chips, expire, suit, go bad, check

    flabby, game, humped, soft, halt, spavined, handicapped, bowlegged, unready, gibbous, lame, gammy, humpbacked, hunchbacked, crookback, apraxic, subhuman, apractic, crippled, bandy-legged, unsuitable, dipped, unfit, lordotic, afflicted, bandy, bowleg, disabled, flaccid, swaybacked, broken-backed, halting, maimed, kyphotic, bowed, crookbacked, swayback, gimpy, knock-kneed, impaired, mutilated

  10. meet, fit, conform toverb

    satisfy a condition or restriction

    «Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?»

    conform to, touch, follow, outfit, foregather, gather, fulfill, adjoin, match, suffer, fulfil, meet, converge, satisfy, receive, agree, forgather, encounter, get together, go, equip, accommodate, cope with, fill, play, run into, run across, come across, gibe, tally, fit out, assemble, contact, correspond, take on, jibe, see, suit, check

    swaybacked, knock-kneed, crookbacked, gimpy, apractic, bowlegged, gibbous, humped, spavined, impaired, flabby, crippled, crookback, halting, lame, soft, unfit, dipped, unsuitable, swayback, kyphotic, maimed, bandy-legged, unready, lordotic, mutilated, broken-backed, afflicted, halt, game, bandy, handicapped, bowleg, bowed, humpbacked, hunchbacked, subhuman, apraxic, flaccid, gammy, disabled

  11. fitverb

    make fit

    «fit a dress»; «He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out»

    correspond, accommodate, meet, suit, check, tally, equip, agree, go, match, jibe, outfit, gibe, fit out, conform to

    humpbacked, swaybacked, apraxic, flabby, mutilated, unready, kyphotic, dipped, afflicted, halt, gibbous, apractic, impaired, gammy, bandy, game, subhuman, soft, crippled, gimpy, bandy-legged, halting, lordotic, crookbacked, unsuitable, bowleg, knock-kneed, hunchbacked, bowed, maimed, swayback, crookback, humped, spavined, handicapped, broken-backed, bowlegged, disabled, lame, unfit, flaccid

  12. fitverb

    insert or adjust several objects or people

    «Can you fit the toy into the box?»; «This man can’t fit himself into our work environment»

    correspond, accommodate, meet, suit, check, tally, equip, agree, go, match, jibe, outfit, gibe, fit out, conform to

    bandy, flaccid, disabled, crookback, bowlegged, bowed, game, hunchbacked, mutilated, maimed, unready, bowleg, unfit, dipped, humped, swayback, spavined, halt, swaybacked, subhuman, humpbacked, afflicted, crippled, soft, gimpy, knock-kneed, apractic, flabby, impaired, crookbacked, handicapped, lame, lordotic, kyphotic, gammy, gibbous, halting, apraxic, broken-backed, unsuitable, bandy-legged

  13. match, fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agreeverb

    be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics

    «The two stories don’t agree in many details»; «The handwriting checks with the signature on the check»; «The suspect’s fingerprints don’t match those on the gun»

    equate, ensure, hold in, hit, couple, jibe, accord, consort, tick off, gibe, concur, chequer, hold, moderate, learn, checker, total, mark off, add, add up, twin, go, cope with, condition, assure, scoff, tick, tot, tally, harmonize, suss out, check off, check over, add together, accommodate, match, check up on, control, look into, ascertain, mate, mark, insure, change course, flout, tote up, go over, train, check, hold back, rival, harmonise, equalize, meet, pair, suit, tot up, jib, find out, see, discipline, equalise, sum up, equal, correspond, score, curb, concord, summate, gybe, arrest, stand for, check into, play off, contain, oppose, outfit, conform to, represent, determine, sum, stop, retard, crack, turn back, watch, chalk up, equip, see to it, break, touch, fit in, check out, barrack, rack up, jeer, fit out, agree, pit, delay

    unfit, crookback, broken-backed, dipped, flaccid, lame, spavined, game, maimed, soft, bowlegged, bandy, humped, flabby, crippled, disabled, gibbous, gammy, apractic, halting, mutilated, handicapped, afflicted, lordotic, bowleg, subhuman, apraxic, unsuitable, halt, swayback, humpbacked, knock-kneed, crookbacked, bandy-legged, impaired, kyphotic, swaybacked, bowed, hunchbacked, gimpy, unready

  14. fitverb

    conform to some shape or size

    «How does this shirt fit?»

    correspond, accommodate, meet, suit, check, tally, equip, agree, go, match, jibe, outfit, gibe, fit out, conform to

    lordotic, bowed, gimpy, maimed, gibbous, crookbacked, flabby, flaccid, handicapped, swaybacked, game, subhuman, crippled, unfit, bowleg, broken-backed, knock-kneed, lame, bandy-legged, apractic, hunchbacked, halt, impaired, humpbacked, mutilated, unready, disabled, bandy, humped, swayback, soft, unsuitable, spavined, apraxic, gammy, afflicted, bowlegged, halting, crookback, dipped, kyphotic

  15. equip, fit, fit out, outfitverb

    provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose

    «The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities»

    go, outfit, habilitate, suit, tog, apparel, gibe, clothe, meet, agree, jibe, check, match, garb, dress, tally, correspond, fit out, enclothe, raiment, garment, accommodate, conform to, equip

    crookbacked, soft, swaybacked, unfit, hunchbacked, halting, bowleg, kyphotic, disabled, gibbous, gammy, unsuitable, impaired, gimpy, swayback, flabby, maimed, halt, apractic, bandy-legged, subhuman, humpbacked, game, afflicted, mutilated, broken-backed, bandy, lordotic, bowlegged, unready, apraxic, knock-kneed, spavined, flaccid, lame, crookback, dipped, bowed, humped, handicapped, crippled

  16. match, fitverb

    make correspond or harmonize

    «Match my sweater»

    suit, match, outfit, play off, touch, gibe, equate, pair, equip, meet, agree, equal, check, pit, equalize, cope with, tally, rival, fit out, mate, go, couple, correspond, equalise, accommodate, oppose, twin, conform to, jibe

    hunchbacked, maimed, bowleg, spavined, gammy, swayback, halting, gimpy, bandy-legged, lame, soft, knock-kneed, halt, bowed, humpbacked, swaybacked, apractic, lordotic, subhuman, dipped, bowlegged, gibbous, flaccid, flabby, kyphotic, unfit, crookback, impaired, game, afflicted, unready, apraxic, crippled, mutilated, crookbacked, humped, unsuitable, broken-backed, bandy, disabled, handicapped

Matched Categories

    • Adapt
    • Adjust
    • Attack
    • Bad Temper
    • Be
    • Equal
    • Manner
    • Shape

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. co-incides

    to occupy the same place in space, the same point or period in time, or the same relative position

    the events coincided

    Submitted by rinat on June 1, 2017  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. fitnoun

    paroxysm, spasm, sudden attack, stroke of disease

  2. fitnoun

    humor, whim, fancy, temporary affection

  3. fitnoun

    interval, turn, period, spell

  4. fitadjective

    qualified, competent, fitted

  5. fitadjective

    suitable, appropriate, apt, apposite, meet, seemly, becoming, fitting, befitting, proper, convenient, good

  6. fitverb

    suit, adapt, adjust, make suitable

  7. fitverb

    become, be adapted to, be suitable for, be becoming to

  8. fitverb

    accommodate, provide, qualify, equip, prepare, get ready

  9. fitverb

    be proper, be becoming

  10. fitverb

    be suited, be adapted

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. fitadjective

    meet, becoming, suitable, proper, appropriate, congruous, adequate, expedient, congruent, apposite, qualified, eligible, competent, befitting, apt, convenient

  2. fitnoun

    spasm, paroxysm, convulsion, access, outburst, attack, epilepsy, catalepsy, humor, whim, caprice, fancy

  3. fitverb

    adapt, qualify, prepare, equip, accommodate, shape, adjust, trim

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. List of paraphrases for «fit»:

    appropriate, worthy, suitable, install, dignified, tif, adjustment, adjust, proper, adapt, correspond, adapted, suited, adjusting, monte, adequate, concordance, adjusted, funds-in-trust

Suggested Resources

  1. FIT

    What does FIT stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the FIT acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

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How to use fit in a sentence?

  1. Wesley Trimble:

    Overall hiking pant fit is quite subjective, but folks should take a few factors into consideration, for starters, Sahara Convertible Pants should n’t limit your range of motion. Lots of hiking pants now tend to have more stretch, which allows a wider range of movement. Pants that are too tight will often limit your range of motion, and tight pants may also limit breathability and ventilation.

  2. Floyd Mayweather:

    I love fast cars and I love to compete. I know NASCAR will not be easy, but anything easy is n’t worth doing to me, with that being said, this move into auto racing seems to be a perfect fit for the Mayweather brand.

  3. Peter Bergen:

    Commandeering would fit with the few facts that we do know, and (it’s) certainly a theory that we haven’t heard a lot of that isn’t a conspiracy.

  4. Ken Burns:

    His phrasing owes more to jazz than it does to any country rhythms, and that’s what made it hard for him to fit it into Nashville, they couldn’t figure out what to do with his phrasing and he needed to retreat to his native Texas, where they loved him and took him for what he was.

  5. Eric Trappier:

    There is one production line but we will increase output if we sign a third contract, for now we have the first two contracts which fit into our existing production, because France is substituting export planes for its own planes.

Translations for fit

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • ناسبArabic
  • ставам, съгласувам се, в добра форма, нагаждам, подходящ, припадък, порив, екипирам, пристъп, монтирам, съответствам, слагам, подхождамBulgarian
  • adequat, apteCatalan, Valencian
  • sedět, vhodný, padnoutCzech
  • passe til, tilpasse, i form, slagtilfælde, passe sammen, passende, pasvormDanish
  • scharf, Anfall, passen, sexy, heiß, PaßformGerman
  • σπασμός, ταιριάζω, κατάλληλος, υγιής, προσαρμόζω, ικανός, κρίση, κάνω, ξέσπασμα, παροξυσμός, προμηθεύωGreek
  • quedar, apropiado, caber, hacer juego, convulción, crisisSpanish
  • kohtaus, sovelias, sopia, puuska, korrekti, sairaskohtaus, sopivaFinnish
  • crise, convenir, adapter, ajuster, allerFrench
  • infheidhmeIrish
  • freagairScottish Gaelic
  • cooieManx
  • התאים, התקףHebrew
  • मिर्गीHindi
  • roham, kitörés, epizódHungarian
  • սազեցնել, պիտանի, համապատասխանել, պատշաճ, բռնել, սազելArmenian
  • in formaInterlingua
  • tepat, segar bugar, pas, sehat, adjustar, sesuai, serasi, cocokIndonesian
  • adatto, confacente, rispondente, indicato, in forma, idoneo, appropriatoItalian
  • 美人, 適する, 健康, 合う, 適切, 元気, 合わせる, 似合う, 適合Japanese
  • derēt, vingrs, lēkme, atbilstošs, sakrist, piemērots, atbilstīgsLatvian
  • passeNorwegian
  • aanpassen, fit, passenDutch
  • passeNorwegian Nynorsk
  • deilig, passeNorwegian
  • iichʼąhNavajo, Navaho
  • ataque, caber, servir, combinar, crise, ajustar, apropriado, convulsão, em formaPortuguese
  • încăpeaRomanian
  • порыв, приступ, подходить, приспосабливать, быть впору, подгонять, подойти, припадок, прилаживать, поместитьсяRussian
  • utbrott, anfall, passande, snygg, passa, trim, prova ut, skräddarsy, skov, attack, form, läcker, passformSwedish
  • మూర్చTelugu
  • uydurmak, uymakTurkish
  • придатнийUkrainian
  • مرگیUrdu
  • פאסןYiddish
  • 適合Chinese

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1    able, adapted, adequate, apposite, appropriate, apt, becoming, capable, competent, convenient, correct, deserving, equipped, expedient, fitted, fitting, good enough, meet     (archaic)   prepared, proper, qualified, ready, right, seemly, suitable, trained, well-suited, worthy  

2    able-bodied, as right as rain, hale, healthy, in good condition, in good shape, in good trim, robust, strapping, toned up, trim, well  

3    accord, agree, be consonant, belong, concur, conform, correspond, dovetail, go, interlock, join, match, meet, suit, tally  

4      (often with)
   out or up   accommodate, accoutre, arm, equip, fit out, kit out, outfit, prepare, provide, rig out  

5    adapt, adjust, alter, arrange, customize, dispose, fashion, modify, place, position, shape, tweak     (informal)  

1    amiss, ill-fitted, ill-suited, improper, inadequate, inappropriate, unfit, unprepared, unseemly, unsuitable, untimely  

2    flabby, in poor condition, out of shape, out of trim, unfit, unhealthy  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  


fit          [2]  

1    attack, bout, convulsion, paroxysm, seizure, spasm  

2    caprice, fancy, humour, mood, whim  

3    bout, burst, outbreak, outburst, spell  

4    by fits and starts      erratically, fitfully, intermittently, irregularly, on and off, spasmodically, sporadically, unsystematically  

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1]     ( fits    3rd person present)   ( fitting    present participle)   ( fitted    past tense & past participle  )   (BEING RIGHT OR GOING IN THE RIGHT PLACE)  
In American English the form fit    is used in the present tense and sometimes also as the past tense and past participle of the verb., Please look at category 13 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.         

1       verb   If something fits, it is the right size and shape to go onto a person’s body or onto a particular object.  
The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child…      V n  
She has to go to the men’s department to find trousers that fit at the waist…      V prep/adv  
Line a tin with lightly-greased greaseproof paper, making sure the corners fit well.      V prep/adv  

2       n-sing   If something is a good fit   , it fits well.      
adj N  
Eventually he was happy that the sills and doors were a reasonably good fit.     

3       verb   If you are fitted for a particular piece of clothing, you try it on so that the person who is making it can see where it needs to be altered.  
usu passive  
She was being fitted for her wedding dress.      be V-ed for n  

4       verb   If something fits somewhere, it can be put there or is designed to be put there.  
…a pocket computer which is small enough to fit into your pocket…      V prep/adv  
He folded his long legs to fit under the table…      V prep/adv  

5       verb   If you fit    something into a particular space or place, you put it there.      
She fitted her key in the lock…      V n prep/adv  
When the crown has been made you go back and the dentist will fit it into place.      V n prep/adv  

6       verb   If you fit    something somewhere, you attach it there, or put it there carefully and securely.      
Fit hinge bolts to give extra support to the door lock…      V n  
Peter had built the overhead ladders, and the next day he fitted them to the wall…      V n prep  

7       verb   If something fits something else or fits into it, it goes together well with that thing or is able to be part of it.  
Her daughter doesn’t fit the current feminine ideal…      V n  
Fostering is a full-time job and you should carefully consider how it will fit into your career…      V in/into n  
There’s something about the way he talks of her that doesn’t fit.      V  

8       verb   You can say that something fits a particular person or thing when it is appropriate or suitable for them or it.  

The punishment must always fit the crime.      V n  

9       adj   If something is fit    for a particular purpose, it is suitable for that purpose.      
oft ADJ for n, ADJ to-inf, ADJ n to-inf, ADJ n for n  
Of the seven bicycles we had, only two were fit for the road., …safety measures intended to reassure consumers that the meat is fit to eat…     

10       adj   If someone is fit    to do something, they have the appropriate qualities or skills that will allow them to do it.      
oft ADJ to-inf, ADJ for n, ADJ n for n, ADJ n to-inf  
You’re not fit to be a mother!…, He was not a fit companion for their skipper that particular morning.     

  fitness      n-uncount   N for n, N to-inf  
There is a debate about his fitness for the highest office…     

11       verb   If something fits someone for a particular task or role, it makes them good enough or suitable for it.  
FORMAL   …a man whose past experience fits him for the top job in education…      V n for n  
It is not a person’s gender that fits them to be a vicar but what is in their hearts.      V n to-inf  

12    If you say that someone sees fitto do something, you mean that they are entitled to do it, but that you disapprove of their decision to do it.  

see fit      phrase   V inflects     (disapproval)
He’s not a friend, you say, yet you saw fit to lend him money.     



  fit the bill  


  to fit like a glove  


  not in a fit state  

fit in  

1       phrasal verb   If you manage to fit    a person or task in, you manage to find time to deal with them.      
We work long hours both outside and inside the home and we rush around trying to fit everything in…      V n P  
I find that I just can’t fit in regular domestic work.      V P n (not pron)  

2       phrasal verb   If you fit in as part of a group, you seem to belong there because you are similar to the other people in it.  
She was great with the children and fitted in beautifully.      V P  

3       phrasal verb   If you say that someone or something fits in, you understand how they form part of a particular situation or system.  
He knew where I fitted in and what he had to do to get the best out of me…      V P  
This fits in with what you’ve told me.      V P with n   fit into  

1       phrasal verb   If you fit into a particular group, you seem to belong there because you are similar to the other people in it.  
It’s hard to see how he would fit into the team.      V P n (not pron)  

2       phrasal verb   If something fits into a particular situation or system, that seems to be the right place for it.  
Most film locations broadly fit into two categories; those on private property and those in a public place.      V P n   fit out      phrasal verb  
in BRIT, also use fit up      If you fit    someone or something out, or you fit    them up, you provide them with equipment and other things that they need.         
(=kit out)  

We helped to fit him out for a trip to the Baltic…      V n P for n  
They spent 18 million pounds of Government funds fitting out the London headquarters.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P   fit up  

1       phrasal verb   If someone fits another person up, they try to make it seem that that person is responsible for a crime.  

Mr Stone said inmates who had given evidence were trying to `fit him up’…      V n P  
There can never be any legitimate basis for police officers to fit up suspects they `know’ to be guilty.      V P n (not pron)  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


fit          [2]     ( fitter    comparative)   ( fittest    superlative  )   (HEALTHY)  
Please look at category 2 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.     

1       adj   Someone who is fit    is healthy and physically strong.   ,   (Antonym: unfit)
An averagely fit person can master easy ski runs within a few days.     

  fitness      n-uncount   oft N n  
Squash was once thought to offer all-round fitness.     

  fit as a fiddle  


  fighting fit  


Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


fit          [3]     ( fits    plural  )   (UNCONTROLLABLE MOVEMENTS OR EMOTIONS)  

1       n-count   If someone has a fit    they suddenly lose consciousness and their body makes uncontrollable movements.      

About two in every five epileptic fits occur during sleep…     

2       n-count   If you have a fit of coughing or laughter, you suddenly start coughing or laughing in an uncontrollable way.  
with supp, N of n  
Halfway down the cigarette she had a fit of coughing…     

3       n-count   If you do something in a fit of anger or panic, you are very angry or afraid when you do it.  
N of n  
Pattie shot Tom in a fit of jealous rage.     

4    If you say that someone will have a fit when they hear about something, you mean that they will be very angry or shocked.  

have a fit      phrase   V inflects  
(=go mad)  

He’d have a fit if he knew what we were up to!     

5    Something that happens in fits and starts or by fits and starts keeps happening and then stopping again.  

in fits and starts      phrase   PHR after v  
My slimming attempts tend to go in fits and starts…, Military technology advances by fits and starts.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

shit fit




extreme nervousness

Additional comments:

Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus

fit and proper


fit and proper means morally suitable

suit smb./smth. to a T


be a perfect fit for smb./smth.;



in youth slang, means attractive or well-toned Somebody who is buff has an attractive body, they look ‘fit’.




hin, often tapered piece of material, such as wood, stone, or metal, used to fill gaps, make something level, or adjust something to fit properly




(typically of a man) strong, fit, with well-developed muscles.



(Medical) repetitive fits or crises : sign of vital distress

Status epilepticus, asthmiticus

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • fit [fɪt] сущ

    1. пригонкаж, подгонкаж


    2. припадокм


      • hysterical fit – истерический припадок
    3. годный

  • fit [fɪt] гл

    1. помещаться, поместиться, уместиться, вместиться

      (be, hold, go, fit in)

    2. подходить, подойти, годиться

      (suitable, suit)

    3. приспосабливать, приспособить, вместить, уместить


    4. соответствовать, отвечать

      (correspond, meet)

      • fit the facts – соответствовать фактам
    5. установить, смонтировать

      (set, mount)

    6. вписываться, сочетаться

      (blend, combine)

    7. поместить


    8. подогнать


    9. вписать


    10. влезть


    11. встраивать


    12. втиснуть


    13. уложиться


  • fit [fɪt] прил

    1. пригодный


    2. нужный


соответствовать correspond, match, meet, fit, conform, satisfy
приспосабливать fit, adapt, adjust, accommodate, fit in, gear
подходить approach, come, fit, nigh, suit, near
устанавливать install, set, establish, place, set up, fit
сидеть sit, sit down, seat, fit, set, hang
монтировать mount, install, assemble, edit, fit, cut
приспосабливаться fit, adapt, conform, fit in, suit, acclimatize
совпадать coincide, match, fit, concur, tally, dovetail
оборудовать equip, fit, outfit, tool up, appoint
точно соответствовать fit, click
годиться suit, fit, serve, do, lend, answer the purpose
снабжать supply, provide, furnish, equip, deliver, fit
прилаживать fit, adjust, piece on, adapt
пригонять bring, fit, gather, fit in, true, reseat
быть впору fit, sit
прилаживаться fit
приходиться account, happen to, fall on, fit, be related
приспособленный fit, accommodated, tailor-made
подходящий suitable, appropriate, right, suited, fitting, fit
соответствующий corresponding, appropriate, suitable, fit, adequate, correct
годный fit, suitable, valid, good, fitting, available
в хорошей форме fit
достойный worthy, dignified, deserving, respectable, fit, exalted
готовый ready, prepared, willing, made, ripe, fit
здоровый healthy, wholesome, sound, good, healthful, fit
способный capable, able, apt, gifted, clever, fit
в хорошем состоянии taut, fit, sitting pretty, right, well-conditioned, well-placed
подобающий worthy, becoming, fit, seemly, beseeming, meet
сильный strong, keen, powerful, severe, heavy, fit
припадок fit, attack, seizure, paroxysm, bout, turn
пригонка fit, fitting, adjustment, matching
посадка landing, fit, embarkation, seat, touchdown, carriage
приступ attack, fit, assault, bout, seizure, stroke
судороги convulsions, fit
порыв impulse, gust, fit, burst, puff, elan
пароксизм paroxysm, fit, exacerbation
прилегаемость fit
вспышка flash, outbreak, flare, outburst, burst, fit
конвульсии convulsions, jerks, fit
истерия hysteria, fit
каприз caprice, whim, freak, fancy, whimsy, fit
настроение mood, sentiment, spirits, tune, humor, fit
впору fit, to a nicety

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • fit гл

    • fitting · suit · right · proper · applicable
    • suitable · appropriate · capable
    • accommodate · meet
    • match · bout
    • adjust · put · hold · set · go · equip
    • conform · conform to
    • shape · ready · tailor
    • correspond · coincide
  • fit сущ

    • adjustable · approach · adjustment
    • worthy
    • landing · boarding
    • compliance · conformity


  • suitable, good enough, relevant, pertinent, apt, appropriate, suited, apposite, fitting, meet
  • competent, able, capable, ready, prepared, qualified, trained, equipped
  • ready, prepared, all set, in a fit state, likely, about, psyched up
  • healthy, well, in good health, in (good) shape, in (good) trim, in good condition, fighting fit, as fit as a fiddle, athletic, muscular, well-built, strong, robust, hale and hearty, in the pink
  • primed, set


  • correlation, correspondence, agreement, consistency, equivalence, match, similarity, compatibility, concurrence
  • convulsion, spasm, paroxysm, seizure, attack, ictus
  • outbreak, outburst, attack, bout, spell
  • tantrum, fit of temper, outburst of anger/rage, frenzy, blowout, hissy fit, conniption (fit)
  • scene, tantrum, conniption
  • burst
  • convulsion, paroxysm


  • lay, position, place, put in place/position, fix
  • equip, provide, supply, fit out, furnish
  • join, connect, put together, piece together, attach, unite, link (together), slot together
  • match, suit, be appropriate to, correspond to, tally with, go with, accord with, correlate to, be congruous with, be congruent with, be consonant with
  • qualify, prepare, make ready, train, groom
  • suit, accommodate
  • match
  • fit out, outfit, equip
  • go
  • conform to, meet
  • gibe, correspond, jibe, check, agree, tally, match

Предложения со словом «Fit»

So we know that some urban planners are using it as a sketching tool, so while the simulation is not completely realistic, it is realistic enough that if something works in the game, it is highly likely that it will also work in the real world, so that you can actually try out things, see if this intersection might fit this kind of a situation.

Мы знаем, что некоторые градостроители используют её для создания чертежей, в то время как моделирование игры не совсем реалистично, но то, что успешно функционирует в игре, с большой вероятностью будет реализовано и в реальном мире, вы можете проверить свои идеи на практике, посмотреть, вписывается ли этот перекрёсток в данную обстановку.

So the simulated robot has a motion rule, which is how it traverses through the structure, looking for a place to fit in, and it has pattern rules where it looks at groups of blocks to decide whether to place a block.

Такой робот знает правило движения, то есть как пройти через структуру в поиске подходящего места для себя, и он знает правило, по которому, глядя на группы кубиков, он решит, нужно ли размещать кубик именно там.

Only especially fit organisms can afford to divert resources to maintaining such an extravagant appendage.

Только хорошо приспособленные организмы могут позволить себе тратить ресурсы для поддержания такого причудливого аксессуара.

Only especially fit men can afford the price that testosterone levies on their immune system.

Только сильные мужчины могут оплатить штраф, который выписывает тестостерон их иммунной системе.

I see organizations throwing out data all the time because it didn’t come from a quant model or it doesn’t fit in one.

Я вижу организации, постоянно отбрасывающие наши данные из — за того, что они пришли не из сухой статистики или не подтверждают её.

Half of critical care nurses and a quarter of ICU doctors have considered quitting their jobs because of distress over feeling that for some of their patients, they’ve provided care that didn’t fit with the person’s values.

Половина медсестёр и четверть врачей отделения интенсивной терапии решили уйти с работы из — за стресса, который они испытывают при назначении своим пациентам неправильного лечения.

Obviously I’m going to have a baby and I’m going to stay fit and kind of come back and play tennis and keep working on my fashion line.

Очевидно, я собираюсь родить ребёнка, собираюсь поддерживать себя в форме и вернуться в теннис, а также продолжу бизнес дома моды.

If you don’t fit in that formula, you feel like you’re not respected.

А если ты не укладываешься в эти рамки, то чувствуешь себя отщепенцем.

The point of asking where you fit in is to get as much context as possible.

Смысл вопроса о своём месте в том, чтобы собрать больше сопутствующих фактов.

They really don’t fit the pattern.

В сегодняшних условиях оно уже не нужно.

How would this fit in with the very recent desire a lot of people seem to have to be buried under a tree, or to become a tree when they die?

Как это соотносится с недавней идеей некоторых людей быть похороненным под деревом или самому стать деревом после смерти?

Mostly what we want is to change reality, to fit it to our own desires, to our own wishes, and I think we should first want to understand it.

Мы же по большей части хотим изменить действительность, подогнать её под наши желания, под наши стремления, а я думаю, что мы в первую очередь должны захотеть её понять.

If you look at the long-term trajectory of history, what you see is that for thousands of years we humans have been gaining control of the world outside us and trying to shape it to fit our own desires.

Если вы посмотрите на историю на всём её протяжении, вы увидите, что тысячелетиями мы, люди, пытались завладеть окружающим нас миром и подогнать его под наши желания.

This is so tiny that you could fit about a million of them into a single red blood cell.

Это так мало, что в один эритроцит может поместиться примерно миллион экзосом.

And then that baby grows up, and in order to fit into the family, to conform to the culture, to the community, to the gender, that little one begins to cover its soul, layer by layer.

А затем этот ребёнок растёт и, чтобы вписаться в семью, чтобы соответствовать культуре, сообществу, полу, этот малыш начинает скрывать свою душу, слой за слоем.

Now, communications experts tell us that when facts do not fit with the available frames, people have a difficult time incorporating new facts into their way of thinking about a problem.

Специалисты по коммуникациям говорят, что если факты расходятся с привычными установками, люди с трудом меняют отношение к проблеме с учётом новых фактов.

As the other girls slipped easily into their Lycra and tulle creations, not one of the tutus was big enough to fit me.

Другие девочки легко скользнули в свои наряды из лайкры и тюля, но ни одного трико моего размера не было.

Those 85 drivers could all fit in one Londonian red bus.

Эти 85 водителей могли бы поместиться в один лондонский автобус.

Our machine intelligence can fail in ways that don’t fit error patterns of humans, in ways we won’t expect and be prepared for.

Искусственный интеллект может ошибиться там, где человек не допустит ошибку, там, где мы не ожидаем ошибку и не готовы к ней.

Even avid followers of the same-sex ballroom circuit can attest that while same-sex partner dancing can be dynamic and strong and exciting, it just doesn’t quite seem to fit.

Даже пылкие приверженцы бальных танцев одного пола могут подтвердить: какими бы ни были динамичными, яркими и захватывающими танцы пар одного пола, каким — то образом они не вписываются.

Only that conclusion would fit the facts we know.

Из известных мне фактов можно сделать только такое заключение.

It doesn’t fit my vision for our Christmas spectacular.

Это не входит в мои представления о нашем рождественском спектакле.

I don’t fit in your pretty little picture.

Я просто не вписывалась в твою маленькую красивую картинку.

This small business isn’t fit for the Japanese

Этот малый бизнес не пригоден для японцев

Now he released it in a fit of hearty laughter.

И теперь этот гнев растворился в искреннем, радостном смехе.

And finding parts to fit will be very hard.

И найти новые детали для починки будет очень сложно.

Or don’t those standards fit into your profession?

Или эти стандарты не входят в кодекс поведения твоей профессии?

That didn’t fit into his image of a revolution.

Вряд ли это совпадало с представлениями Террела о революции.

By the way, what do we take with us to the US to fit the case anytime and anywhere?

Кстати, что нам брать с собой в Штаты, чтобы всегда выглядеть подобающе?

To fit the case in the USA one has to dress in a stars-and-stripes kind of way!

Одежда в стиле звездно — полосатый флаг подойдет в Америке вот так!

You’re a comedian, a writer, a musician, a composer, you raise money for charity, how do you fit it all in?

Вы комик, писатель, музыкант, композитор, собираете деньги на благотворительность, как вам все это удается?

Well, some days I don’t fit it in very well at all, I feel that it’s all closing in on me.

Ну, бывают дни когда я совсем не в форме, я чувствую, что это все давит на меня.

So how does Sonia Brauer fit into the lawsuit?

Так как же в этот иск вписывается Соня Брауэр?

From hugging her dead husband in a fit of grief.

Потому что обнимала своего мертвого мужа в приступе горя.

Clouzot tried to fit his actors into strange kinetic images.

Клузо пытался превратить своих актеров в странные кинетические образы.

Except the latest victim didn’t fit the pattern.

Вот только последняя жертва не вписывается в эту схему.

Those dresses don’t fit right without the proper undergarments.

Без соответствующих приспособлений такие платья не будут сидеть правильно.

Sport is the good way to have some fun, to have your body fit.

Спорт это хороший способ повеселиться и поддержать свою фигуру в форме.

Or you can also stay unsatisfied if the country you have chosen does not fit your expectations.

Или вы можете остаться неудовлетворенными, если страна не оказалась такой, какой вы ожидали ее увидеть.

A lot of people are not fit nowadays.

Многие люди нездоровы в наши дни.

If you want to feel fit you’d better go in for one kind of sport or another.

Если вы хотите быть бодрым и здоровым лучше заниматься тем или другим видом спорта.

All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy.

Все виды физических упражнений, очень полезны для нашего организма, чтобы сделать его сильным и держать себя в хорошей форме.

There are many opportunities for keeping fit.

Есть много возможностей проявить заботу о своей фигуре.

People of different ages can design exercises that will fit them.

Люди разных возрастов могут выбрать упражнения, которые будут соответствовать им.

From the 1980s there were more halls and sections built to fit in all the collection and to host more visitors.

С 1980 — х годов было построено больше залов и секций, чтобы уместить всю коллекцию и принимать больше посетителей.

Nowadays, there are several ways to keep fit.

В настоящее время существует несколько способов поддерживать себя в форме.

Children also have numerous opportunities to keep fit.

Дети также имеют много возможностей поддерживать себя в форме.

Some like keeping fit and healthy, some like doing sport to become more organized and disciplined, and some like sport because it’s a competitive activity.

Некоторым нравится заботиться о своей фигуре и здоровье, некоторые любят заниматься спортом, чтобы стать более организованными и дисциплинированными, а некоторые любят спорт из — за соперничества.

It’s useful fro every person, as it helps to keep fit and in good shape.

Это полезно для каждого человека, так как помогает поддерживать себя здоровье и хорошую форму.

When you find what you love and fit it into your life, then you have found your personal dream, your own piece of the American Dream.

Но на самом деле, чтобы выяснить, что является вашей американской мечтой, вы должны найти то, что вы любите.

Santas wearing thick woollen clothes don’t fit with Australia’s thirty-degree heat.

Санта — Клаус в толстой шерстяной одежде не вписывается в тридцатиградусную жару Австралии.

Sometimes I wonder how I fit them all into my schedule because I have a lot homework.

Иногда интересно, как я приспосабливаю им всем в мой список, потому что я имею много домашней работы.

It keeps me fit and happy.

Это держит меня пригодным и счастливым.

If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or another.

Если хочешь быть здоров, ты должен заниматься тем или иным видом спорта.

The chamber’s far side was a wall of quarried stone, again so artfully constructed that the granite pieces fit together like an intricate jigsaw puzzle.

Дальняя стена была так искусно сложена из камня, что гранитные куски составляли замысловатую мозаику.

The chamber’s far side was a wall of quarried stone, again so artfully constructed that the granite pieces fit together like an intricate jigsaw puzzle.

Дальняя стена была так искусно сложена из камня, что гранитные куски составляли замысловатую мозаику.

The chamber’s far side was a wall of quarried stone, again so artfully constructed that the granite pieces fit together like an intricate jigsaw puzzle.

Дальняя стена была так искусно сложена из камня, что гранитные куски составляли замысловатую мозаику.

Lieutenant Lopez had been certified fit for flight duty by the ship’s Medical Officer the day before, and Blair restored him to the roster.

Офицер — медик вчера признал лейтенанта Лопеса готовым к полетам, и Блейр вернул его в летный состав.

But always he associated the house-fit with the woman in it.

Но он всегда связывал это раздражение с женщиной, которая жила в надоевшем доме.

Morley hauled up the stockings and then sat on the floor while he matched up boot soles with the bottom of his foot until he found a pair that fit.

Морли натянул носки и принялся перебирать сапоги, пока не нашел подходящие по размеру.

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