Синоним слову dirty

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • dirty [ˈdɜːtɪ] прил

    1. грязный, пакостный, немытый

      (filthy, nasty, unwashed)

    2. нечистый


    3. грязноватый

      (rather dirty)

    4. нечистоплотный


    5. чумазый


    6. скабрезный


  • dirty [ˈdɜːtɪ] гл

    1. загрязнять, загрязнить

      (pollute, contaminate)

    2. пачкать, испачкаться, испачкать, запачкаться, замарать, марать

      (mess, soil, stain)

    3. загрязниться


    4. загадить

  • dirty [ˈdɜːtɪ] прич

    1. загрязненный


грязный dirty, messy, filthy, muddy, foul, nasty
нечистый unclean, impure, dirty, wicked, muddy, dark
подлый vile, sneaky, despicable, dastardly, mean, dirty
нечестный dishonest, unfair, foul, crooked, dirty, cammed
непристойный obscene, indecent, lewd, unseemly, salacious, dirty
неприличный indecent, obscene, rude, improper, unbecoming, dirty
нечистоплотный dirty, uncleanly, sluttish, dishonorable, disgraceful, dishonourable
замаранный dirty, flyblown
скабрезный scabrous, dirty, racy, ribald, blue
ненастный nasty, dirty
заношенный worn, dirty
бурный stormy, turbulent, rough, rugged, tempestuous, dirty
дающий радиоактивные осадки dirty
пачкать besmirch, smudge, stain, dirty, soil, discolor
загрязнять pollute, contaminate, dirty, defile
обсирать smear, slander, dirty, damage
завозить deliver, dirty, convey
лахудра whore, dirty, slut, unkempt woman

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • dirty гл

    • filthy · dusty · unwashed · vile · sordid · stained · lousy · mucky
    • muddy
    • nasty · foul · black
    • grimy · grubby · dingy · grungy · grotty
    • raunchy · obscene · lewd · indecent · dishonest · uncleanly
    • unclean · impure
    • contaminate · pollute · sully
    • grime


  • soiled, grimy, grubby, filthy, mucky, stained, unwashed, greasy, smeared, smeary, spotted, smudged, cloudy, muddy, dusty, sooty, unclean, sullied, impure, tarnished, polluted, contaminated, defiled, foul, unhygienic, unsanitary, cruddy, yucky, icky, grotty, grungy, befouled, besmirched, begrimed
  • indecent, obscene, rude, naughty, vulgar, smutty, coarse, crude, filthy, bawdy, suggestive, ribald, racy, salacious, risqué, offensive, off-color, lewd, pornographic, explicit, X-rated, blue, triple-X, XXX, adult
  • dishonest, deceitful, unscrupulous, dishonorable, unsporting, ungentlemanly, below the belt, unfair, unethical, unprincipled, crooked, double-dealing, underhanded, sly, crafty, devious, sneaky
  • despicable, contemptible, hateful, vile, low, mean, unworthy, worthless, beyond contempt, sordid, rotten, scurvy
  • malevolent, resentful, hostile, black, dark, angry, cross, indignant, annoyed, disapproving, peeved
  • filthy, lousy
  • foul, unsportsmanlike, unsporting, cheating
  • foul
  • muddy, dingy, muddied
  • ill-gotten
  • soiled, unclean
  • sordid
  • pestiferous


  • soil, stain, muddy, blacken, mess up, mark, spatter, bespatter, smudge, smear, splatter, sully, pollute, foul, defile, befoul, besmirch, begrime
  • bemire, grime, colly, soil, begrime

Предложения со словом «dirty»

It dumbfounds me how the word refugee is considered something to be dirty , something to be ashamed of.

Меня поражает, как слово «беженец» считается чем — то грязным , чем — то, чего надо стыдиться.

But to understand the technology, getting our hands dirty was crucial.

Важно было отработать технологию, и мы закатали рукава.

It’s an urban mosquito, and it’s the female that does the dirty work.

Это городской комар, и всю грязную работу выполняет самка.

Growing up in West Africa, when people used the term mental, what came to mind was a madman with dirty , dread-locked hair, bumbling around half-naked on the streets.

Выросший в Западной Африке, где когда используют слово психика, на ум приходит только сумасшедшие с грязными дредами на голове, полуголыми шатающиеся по улицам.

The water looked and tasted dirty , there was never enough food, never any showers, women menstruating without any hygiene products, no medical attention whatsoever.

Вода — грязная на вид и на вкус, еды никогда не хватало, нельзя было принять душ, у менструирующих женщин никогда не было средств гигиены, не было медицинской помощи.

Filling up these clear plastic bottles with dirty water from streams on the roadside.

Они наполняли чистые пластиковые бутылки грязной водой из ручьёв, которые текли по обочине дороги.

Watching these kids forced to drink water that I felt was too dirty to touch changed my perspective on the world.

При виде детей, вынужденных пить настолько грязную на вид воду, что к ней не хотелось даже прикасаться, мой взгляд на мир поменялся.

I didn’t tell you one dirty little secret.

Я не рассказал вам неприятную маленькую тайну.

Taste like a dirty sock filled with old cheesecake.

На вкус будто в грязный носок засунули старый пудинг.

It was Robert Ford That dirty little coward

Этот трус Роберт Форд Чтоб забрал его чёрт

And wisps of dirty hair cling to your angry face

И клочья грязных волос прилипают к твоему разгневанному лицу

Pale skin became a pallid, dirty , leathery coating.

Бледная кожа превратилась в серую, грязную , кожистую оболочку.

There are people who like to sniff dirty underwear.

Есть люди, которые любят нюхать грязное нижнее белье.

My chest hurt like hell from his dirty knees.

От его паршивых коленок у меня вся грудь болела.

Eddies huddle together in clusters and spill their dirty secrets.

Облака сбиваются в группы и делятся своими грязными секретами.

We suspect it has the names of dirty cops.

Мы подозреваем, что там также есть имена грязных копов.

At that time its streets were narrow, dark and dirty .

В это время его улицы были узкими, темными и грязными .

His captive huddled under a blanket, dirty , defeated.

Свою пленницу, укутанную в одеяло, грязную , жалкую.

Many ships lose some of the oil in the water and the water becomes dirty .

Из — за утечки нефти на многих кораблях происходит загрязнение воды.

Can’t imagine why they call you Dirty John.

Не понимаю, почему тебя называют Грязным Джоном

The dirty spy who denied them their chance for justice.

Грязный шпион, который лишил их шанса на правосудие.

Nice, ordinary Hungarian people did the dirty work.

Такие хорошие, обычные венгры делали всю грязную работу.

Two women shouldn’t be fighting dirty over a man.

Двум женщинам не следует устраивать грязные битвы за мужчину.

Asset recovery, bag grabs, the dirty stuff.

Возвращал ценности, сумки с наличными и прочую дрянь.

Don`t wash your dirty linen in public.

Не выноси сор из избы.

Our factories, cars, trains and planes make the air dirty , so the atmosphere is polluted.

Наши заводы, машины, поезда и самолеты делают воздух грязным , поэтому атмосфера загрязнена.

We can help if we stop making the air dirty but we must do something fast!

Мы можем помочь, если мы прекратим загрязнять воздух, но мы должны делать что — то быстро!

We haven’t got to work physically a lot, be covered with dust or soot, dirty up our hands with mazut when lathing, We just sit in our clean offices and look into a monitor.

Нам не приходится много работать физически, в пыли и грязи , или стоять за станком, капаясь в мазуте, Мы просто сидим в наших чистых офисах и погружены в монитор.

Firstly, they do all kinds of dirty and hard work, as cleaning.

Во — первых, они выполняют всю грязную и тяжелую работу, такую как уборка.

I lowered the toilet lid and sat to remove my dirty wet boots.

Я опустила крышку унитаза, села и начала снимать ботинки.

They need to learn what they can do quick and dirty .

Они должны научиться, что они смогут сделать на скорую руку.

But the sea captain had learned to brawl in the world’s most dangerous ports, and he knew his share of dirty tricks.

Но капитан учился драться в портах всего мира, кишащих головорезами, он умел пользоваться запрещенными приемами.

Their legion of dirty tricks comes from those millennia of experience.

Их легион грязных приемов происходит из опыта этих тысячелетий.

I’ve been told that the risk of radiation exposure From a dirty bomb is fairly negligible.

Мне сказали, что риск радиационного заражения от взрыва грязной бомбы весьма незначителен.

The one called Hobbs folds himself into the driver’s seat, yanks the door shut, and glares at them through the dirty side window.

Хоббс молча залезает в кабину, хлопает дверью, бросает яростный взгляд через грязное боковое стекло.

The walls were brick, old and uneven, thickly coated with dirty green paint.

Неровные кирпичные стены подсобки покрывал толстый слой грязно — зеленой краски.

During the night someone had scrawled a slogan on the wall of a dirty red brick building that stood across the street.

Ночью кто — то написал лозунг на стене из красного кирпича.

But there’s no place in the service for dirty coppers.

Но здесь нет места для нечистых на руку полицейских.

But I’m not risking two years of undercover work because of a dirty cop.

Но я не стану рисковать двумя годами работы под прикрытием из — за нечистого на руку полицейского.

I didn’t want you to think I was dirty .

Я не хотела, чтобы ты думал, что я нечиста.

She knew now that Frank would be contented to dawdle along with his dirty little store for the rest of his life.

Теперь она знала, что Фрэнк готов довольствоваться этой грязной лавчонкой до конца своей жизни.

I shoved most of the old clothes into the dirty clothes hamper and folded the dress on top of it.

Я затолкала большую часть старой одежды в корзину для грязного белья и сложила платье сверху.

The usual garb there was coarse dirty wool and stained linen.

Обычно там носили грубую одежду из шерсти или окрашенного полотна.

He was wearing a dirty T-shirt and an even dirtier pair of pants.

Всю его одежду составляли замызганная футболка и заплатанные грязные брюки с отворотами.

The thud that aroused me shook the building, accompanied by the crash of various dirty dishes shattering on the floor.

Разбудивший меня стук сотрясал здание и сопровождался грохотом множества рассыпавшихся по полу грязных тарелок.

Littered all over the floor were empty wine bottles and dirty dishes.

По всему полу валялись пустые бутылки из — под вина и немытые тарелки.

The salesmen finished their discussion of sports and started on dirty jokes.

Продавцы закончили обсуждать спортивные события и принялись травить пошлые анекдоты.

At its entrance crowded impudent paupers with the dirty , inspired faces of prophets and wise men.

У входа в нее толпились нахальные нищие с грязными вдохновенными лицами пророков.

He edged among the bags and packets of food, the bundled, dirty smelling clothes that they’d stripped off the poor tethyn when they died.

Он проскользнул мимо мешков с едой, мимо узлов с плохо пахнувшей одеждой несчастных умерших тетхинов.

Cars passed with a tearing hiss and a wave of dirty spray.

Меня с шумом обгоняли автомобили, разбрызгивавшие струи воды.

He was being nursemaided by a fifty-year-old battleax of a midget who carried a nasty halberd on her back, and continuously sang snatches of dirty songs.

Его опекала пятидесятилетняя кроха с уродливой алебардой за спиной, непрерывно распевавшая непристойные песни.

The dirty asphalt pavement vibrated under the steady hum of an acre of diesel engines.

От непрерывного рева дизельных двигателей вокруг асфальт под ногами дрожал.

His clothing had the dirty dust color of the roof, and it flapped erratically in the wind.

Ветер трепал его одежду, принявшую серый цвет пыльной крыши.

The man reached beneath the counter and pulled up three very dusty, very dirty bottles, which he slammed on the bar.

Старик полез куда — то вниз, вытащил три запыленных, невероятно грязных бутылки и шваркнул ими о прилавок.

Their tempestuous relationship and dirty divorce had entertained the world night after night on the news.

Их бурные взаимоотношения и грязный развод развлекали весь мир день за днем в вечерних новостях.

A grass-green emerald light blazed up and shimmered in the dark corners of the caretaker’s dirty room.

По темным углам зачумленной дворницкой вспыхивал и дрожал изумрудный весенний свет.

Litter was piled everywhere in great festering heaps, and every inch of the dirty stone walls was covered in obscene graffiti.

Повсюду громоздились огромные кучи вонючего мусора, каждый дюйм грязных каменных стен испещряли граффити.

Seems like these two morons, what they did was they collected a bunch of these dirty pictures and they put them on the Internet.

Похоже, эти два придурка собрали кучу грязных картинок и выложили в Интернет.

Bars and splashes of sunlight flitted over him and sweat made glistening streaks on his dirty body.

По нему прыгали солнечные штрихи и кляксы, высвечивали на грязном теле блестящие полоски пота.

Dirty air and dirty water came in and pooled in tanks.

Грязный воздух и грязная вода поступают в огромные емкости.

What is another word for Dirty?

  • sully, cause to be soiled

  • attack, cause to be soiled

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  • Определения слова dirty

    • грязный, запачканый.
      • Despite a walk in the rain, my shoes weren’t too dirty.
    • неприличный, непристойный, сальный.
      • At the reception, Uncle Nick got drunk and told dirty jokes to the bridesmaids.
    • бесчестный, постыдный.
      • He might have scored, but it was a dirty trick that won him the penalty.
    • незаконный, нелегальный.
      • I won’t accept your dirty money!

Синонимы к слову dirty

    • cheating
    • cloudy
    • corrupt
    • crooked
    • defile
    • dishonest
    • dull
    • filthy
    • foul
    • fraudulent
    • grimy
    • grubby
    • illegal
    • immoral
    • indecent
    • lewd
    • muddy
    • muted
    • obscene
    • pollute
    • polluted
    • raunchy
    • salacious
    • soil
    • soiled
    • sordid
    • stain
    • sullied
    • sully
    • unclean
    • unfair
    • unscrupulous
    • unsporting
    • unsportsmanlike
    • unwashed

Похожие слова на dirty

    • dirty
    • dirtying

Антонимы к слову dirty

    • clean
    • sportsmanlike

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. dirtyadjective

    unwashed, soiled, filthy, unclean, sordid


  2. dirtyadjective


  3. dirtyadjective

    dishonest, filthy, unethical, lousy, mean, vile, base, sordid, dishonorable, despicable

  4. dirtyverb

    lewd, raunchy, indecent, salacious, obscene

  5. dirtyadverb

    soil, taint

  6. dirtyverb

    To make (something) dirty.

    Despite a walk in the rain, my shoes weren’t too dirty.

    underhandedly, dirtily, deceptively, indecently

  7. dirtyadjective

    That makes one unclean; corrupting, infecting.

    Don’t put that in your mouth, dear, it’s dirty.


  8. dirtyadjective

    Dishonourable; violating accepted standards or rules.

    He might have scored, but it was a dirty trick that won him the penalty.

    unsportsmanlike, unsporting, cheating, foul


  9. dirtyadjective

    Of color, discolored by impurities.

    The old flag was a dirty white.

    dingy, muddy, muddied, dullish

    bright, pure

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. dirty

    disorderly, dowdy, negligent, rough, rude, slouchy, slovenly, soiled, uncared for, unkempt, untidy

    clean, cleanly, dapper, natty, neat, nice, orderly, prim, spruce, tidy, trim

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. dirty, soiled, uncleanadjective

    soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime

    «dirty unswept sidewalks»; «a child in dirty overalls»; «dirty slums»; «piles of dirty dishes»; «put his dirty feet on the clean sheet»; «wore an unclean shirt»; «mining is a dirty job»; «Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves»

    soiled, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, lousy, dingy, filthy, cheating(a), impure, unclean, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, foul, contaminating, sordid, muddy, muddied

    spick-and-span, pure, legal, unused, calm, washed, antiseptic, clean, incorrupt, dry-cleaned, immaculate, amicable, speckless, unobjectionable, pristine, spic-and-span, spotless, unsullied, fair, just, cleanable, nice, spick, unsoiled, legible, cleanly, scrubbed, fresh, uncontaminating, unspotted, water-washed, spic, unstained, make clean

  2. dirtyadjective

    (of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency

    «dirty words»; «a dirty old man»; «dirty books and movies»; «boys telling dirty jokes»; «has a dirty mouth»

    unsportsmanlike, unsporting, marked-up, soiled, sordid, muddy, muddied, ill-gotten, unclean, filthy, foul, cheating(a), lousy, dingy, pestiferous, contaminating

    scrubbed, clean, dry-cleaned, pure, speckless, legal, unused, amicable, water-washed, immaculate, cleanly, unsullied, nice, antiseptic, fair, spotless, spic-and-span, spick-and-span, washed, unstained, fresh, cleanable, uncontaminating, unsoiled, spick, spic, incorrupt, unspotted, calm, unobjectionable, pristine, just, legible, make clean

  3. dirty, filthy, lousyadjective

    vile; despicable

    «a dirty (or lousy) trick»; «a filthy traitor»

    soiled, cruddy, smutty, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, lousy, stinky, dingy, crappy, filthy, cheating(a), nasty, stinking, unclean, rotten, shitty, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, foul, contaminating, sordid, icky, muddy, muddied

    pure, spic, water-washed, scrubbed, unsullied, spick, unsoiled, clean, incorrupt, spic-and-span, antiseptic, speckless, legible, nice, amicable, calm, pristine, fair, unstained, just, unused, fresh, dry-cleaned, immaculate, legal, cleanly, spick-and-span, unobjectionable, cleanable, spotless, uncontaminating, unspotted, washed, make clean

  4. dirty, contaminatingadjective

    spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination

    «the air near the foundry was always dirty»; «a dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout»

    soiled, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, lousy, corrupting, dingy, filthy, cheating(a), unclean, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, foul, contaminating, sordid, muddy, muddied

    calm, dry-cleaned, pure, spic-and-span, incorrupt, spick, immaculate, legible, unstained, antiseptic, cleanable, water-washed, unobjectionable, just, cleanly, washed, fair, legal, spotless, speckless, unsullied, unused, clean, spic, uncontaminating, pristine, unsoiled, spick-and-span, amicable, scrubbed, unspotted, nice, fresh, make clean

  5. dirty, pestiferousadjective

    contaminated with infecting organisms

    «dirty wounds»; «obliged to go into infected rooms»- Jane Austen

    vexatious, soiled, pestilent, unsporting, irritating, unsportsmanlike, lousy, dingy, vexing, filthy, teasing, galling, cheating(a), plaguy, bothersome, unclean, plaguey, corruptive, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, pesky, pestering, foul, contaminating, nettlesome, annoying, sordid, pestilential, perversive, muddy, muddied

    water-washed, dry-cleaned, antiseptic, clean, unspotted, nice, spick, spotless, pristine, calm, immaculate, spic-and-span, scrubbed, fair, unstained, just, unused, unsoiled, fresh, amicable, washed, pure, uncontaminating, unsullied, spic, legal, unobjectionable, legible, speckless, incorrupt, cleanable, spick-and-span, cleanly, make clean

  6. dirty, dingy, muddied, muddyadjective

    (of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear

    «dirty» is often used in combination; «a dirty (or dingy) white»; «the muddied grey of the sea»; «muddy colors»; «dirty-green walls»; «dirty-blonde hair»

    filthy, raunchy, marked-up, sloughy, foul, lousy, sordid, sloppy, dismal, soiled, disconsolate, turbid, grungy, pestiferous, marshy, begrimed, gloomy, blue, muddied, cheating(a), swampy, unclean, mucky, boggy, grimy, dark, grim, miry, soggy, ill-gotten, unsportsmanlike, grubby, unsporting, contaminating, squashy, cloudy, sorry, muddy, murky, drab, mirky, dingy, waterlogged, dreary, drear, quaggy

    unsoiled, speckless, amicable, incorrupt, antiseptic, clean, fair, legible, spic, pure, washed, spic-and-span, unspotted, scrubbed, dry-cleaned, unused, nice, cleanly, calm, unstained, immaculate, cleanable, fresh, spick-and-span, spotless, water-washed, unsullied, legal, spick, unobjectionable, just, uncontaminating, pristine, make clean

  7. dirty, foul, marked-upadjective

    (of a manuscript) defaced with changes

    «foul (or dirty) copy»

    filthy, noisome, fetid, revolting, marked-up, foul, lousy, sordid, ill-scented, distasteful, soiled, cruddy, smelly, foetid, pestiferous, disgustful, loathly, disgusting, afoul(ip), muddied, cheating(a), unclean, foul-smelling, loathsome, ill-gotten, yucky, wicked, unsportsmanlike, skanky, nasty, unsporting, contaminating, funky, smutty, stinking, repelling, muddy, repellent, fouled, dingy, repellant

    dry-cleaned, unstained, speckless, incorrupt, unsullied, antiseptic, unsoiled, just, nice, clean, legal, spotless, scrubbed, pristine, immaculate, spick-and-span, fresh, spic-and-span, spic, unobjectionable, water-washed, amicable, legible, calm, uncontaminating, cleanly, spick, unused, unspotted, washed, pure, cleanable, fair, make clean

  8. dirty, ill-gottenadjective

    obtained illegally or by improper means

    «dirty money»; «ill-gotten gains»

    soiled, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, lousy, dingy, filthy, cheating(a), unclean, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, foul, contaminating, sordid, muddy, muddied

    fresh, clean, spick, speckless, spick-and-span, unobjectionable, water-washed, antiseptic, just, cleanable, dry-cleaned, spic, spic-and-span, nice, calm, unused, incorrupt, legal, scrubbed, washed, legible, unspotted, spotless, fair, cleanly, uncontaminating, pristine, unstained, amicable, immaculate, unsullied, pure, unsoiled, make clean

  9. dirtyadjective

    expressing or revealing hostility or dislike

    «dirty looks»

    unsportsmanlike, unsporting, marked-up, soiled, sordid, muddy, muddied, ill-gotten, unclean, filthy, foul, cheating(a), lousy, dingy, pestiferous, contaminating

    unobjectionable, uncontaminating, spick-and-span, clean, spic, just, antiseptic, spotless, legible, unsoiled, dry-cleaned, unspotted, unsullied, fair, spic-and-span, amicable, unused, spick, fresh, speckless, calm, nice, incorrupt, immaculate, scrubbed, cleanable, water-washed, washed, pure, unstained, cleanly, legal, pristine, make clean

  10. cheating(a), dirty, foul, unsporting, unsportsmanlikeadjective

    violating accepted standards or rules

    «a dirty fighter»; «used foul means to gain power»; «a nasty unsporting serve»; «fined for unsportsmanlike behavior»

    antiseptic, spick-and-span, fair, spic-and-span, clean, nice, water-washed, unobjectionable, spotless, spick, unsullied, unstained, legal, legible, scrubbed, incorrupt, unused, cleanable, speckless, washed, spic, calm, immaculate, pure, fresh, unspotted, just, amicable, pristine, unsoiled, uncontaminating, cleanly, dry-cleaned, make clean

  11. dirty, sordidadjective

    unethical or dishonest

    «dirty police officers»; «a sordid political campaign»

    soiled, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, lousy, dingy, seamy, filthy, squalid, cheating(a), unclean, flyblown, sleazy, pestiferous, marked-up, ill-gotten, seedy, foul, contaminating, sordid, muddy, muddied

    unused, dry-cleaned, speckless, clean, unspotted, unobjectionable, unsoiled, spick, cleanly, unstained, antiseptic, pristine, amicable, spic-and-span, spic, spick-and-span, fair, calm, spotless, washed, incorrupt, just, immaculate, uncontaminating, fresh, pure, water-washed, legible, cleanable, unsullied, scrubbed, nice, legal, make clean

  12. dirtyverb

    unpleasantly stormy

    «there’s dirty weather in the offing»

    unsportsmanlike, unsporting, marked-up, soiled, sordid, muddy, muddied, ill-gotten, unclean, filthy, foul, cheating(a), lousy, dingy, pestiferous, contaminating

    unspotted, fair, unsullied, clean, scrubbed, calm, dry-cleaned, speckless, cleanly, spick, legal, just, nice, pure, unused, amicable, immaculate, legible, fresh, spic, antiseptic, cleanable, unstained, washed, uncontaminating, unsoiled, pristine, unobjectionable, spic-and-span, water-washed, incorrupt, spick-and-span, spotless, make clean

  13. dirty, soil, begrime, grime, colly, bemireverb

    make soiled, filthy, or dirty

    «don’t soil your clothes when you play outside!»

    begrime, bemire, colly, grime, soil

    spic, cleanly, legal, water-washed, spick-and-span, amicable, spotless, spic-and-span, legible, fresh, immaculate, spick, unobjectionable, unsoiled, speckless, calm, clean, antiseptic, scrubbed, just, uncontaminating, washed, cleanable, nice, unused, pure, unsullied, unspotted, pristine, unstained, incorrupt, fair, dry-cleaned, make clean

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. bolly

    where there isn’t any character

    bollywood cinema background comprise of bolly deeds

    Submitted by anonymous on June 18, 2020  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. dirtyadjective

    unclean, foul, filthy, nasty, soiled, begrimed

  2. dirtyadjective

    clouded, cloudy, dark, sullied

  3. dirtyadjective

    mean, base, vile, low, grovelling, sneaking, pitiful, paltry, beggarly, scurvy, shabby, despicable, contemptible

  4. dirtyverb

    foul, befoul, soil, defile, draggle, daggle

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. dirtyadjective

    defiled, unclean, foul, nasty, filthy, soiled, begrimed, grimy, squalid, uncleanly, loathsome, bedraggled, daggletailed, besmeared, sullied, sordid, groveling, despicable, vile, contemptible, abject

  2. dirtyverb

    soil, befoul, begrime, besmirch, sully, tarnish, besmear, defile

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «dirty»:

    filthy, squalid, soiled, sales, unclean, salts, pig, nasty, sordid, polluting, ugly, stinking, messy, naughty, bad, fucking, polluted, salacious, rotten, sale, goddamn, exits

Suggested Resources

  1. dirty

    Song lyrics by dirty — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by dirty on the Lyrics.com website.

How to pronounce dirty?

How to say dirty in sign language?

How to use dirty in a sentence?

  1. Paul Nolte:

    The U.S. is the cleanest shirt in a dirty laundry. That’s why the dollar has been strong and we can talk about raising interest rates, but unless the global economy turns around it’s going to be hard for the U.S. to remain that clean.

  2. An FBI agent:

    We are all there to get the point across that we are speaking out against this foolish notion that Juggalos are a gang, we plan on staying within our march route and we could really not give a damn what the other groups on the National Mall are doing that day. As Patrick Swayze said in ‘Dirty Dancing,’ ‘This is my dance space. This is your dance space.’.

  3. Wayne Rivers:

    One dirty little secret is that the advisers don’t like family businesses successors; they perceive that they are spoiled and entitled, it’s awful to watch, because they are prized by senior-generation family members as professional and objective. But they are human beings like everyone else, and they sometimes have an agenda.

  4. Laksheish M Patel:

    Dirty game of sbi cap securities is still seen today as it has again frozen all its trading web pages to make it unresponsive so that traders can’t do any buy or sale of shares

  5. Ben Carson:

    We’re not in the era now where you send, you know, big armies to fight or, you know, air forces. We’re in a place where you use a jet plane as a missile to knock down buildings; where dirty bombs can be used to extinguish large numbers of people, there are lots of different techniques that you use — cyber-attacks, attacking our electrical grid.

Translations for dirty

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • vuil, vaalAfrikaans
  • قذر, وسخArabic
  • çirkliAzerbaijani
  • брудныBelarusian
  • нечестен, циничен, изцапан, неприличен, мръсенBulgarian
  • নোংরাBengali
  • lousaatBreton
  • embrutar, brutCatalan, Valencian
  • špinavě, špinavý, sprostýCzech
  • grumset, beskidt, urenDanish
  • verdreckt, schmutzig, verdrecken, dreckig, vulgär, obszön, beschmutzenGerman
  • βρώμικος, βρωμερός, βρωμιά, ακάθαρτος, ακαθαρσία, λερωμένοςGreek
  • malpuraEsperanto
  • ensuciar, enturbiar, descolorido, sucio, turbio, obscenamente, guarro, verde, manchar, degradar, ensuciarseSpanish
  • räpaneEstonian
  • کثیفPersian
  • rivosti, likainen, rumasti, tuhma, törkyinen, liata, tahrata, säädytön, rivo, ruma, likaisesti, hävytön, epäreilusti, törkeä, epäpuhdas, tuhmasti, ryvettää, halpamainen, ryvettyäFinnish
  • cochon, sale, salir, se salir, salement, salissant, avilirFrench
  • gruzich, smoarchWestern Frisian
  • gáirsiúil, salachIrish
  • cacaScottish Gaelic
  • מלוכלך, הכתים, לכלך, מלכלךHebrew
  • गंदा, मैलाHindi
  • koszos, piszkos, mocskosHungarian
  • կեղտոտArmenian
  • polluerInterlingua
  • kotorIndonesian
  • óhreinnIcelandic
  • lurido, sporco, lercio, sudicio, insudiciare, lordare, sporca, sudicia, sporcare, sporcarsiItalian
  • 汚いJapanese
  • ბინძურიGeorgian
  • лас, батпақты, кірKazakh
  • កខ្វក់, ក្រខ្វក់Khmer
  • 더러운, 더럽다Korean
  • lewitî, pîs, qirêjî, پیس, rêvin, herrimîKurdish
  • баткак, кирKyrgyz
  • inquinō, sordidus, impuratusLatin
  • ເປື້ອນLao
  • nepadorus, nešvankus, purvinas, bjaurus, nešvarusLithuanian
  • nosmērēt, nešķīsts, netīrs, neķītrsLatvian
  • валканMacedonian
  • бохирMongolian
  • kotorMalay
  • maħmuġMaltese
  • ညစ်Burmese
  • oneerlijk, smerig, vuil, grof, obsceen, schunnig, vulgair, vies, bevuilenDutch
  • skittenNorwegian
  • niłhin, chin bąąhNavajo, Navaho
  • nieprzyzwoity, brudzący, świński, brudzić, sprośny, haniebny, brudnyPolish
  • سخا, خيرنPashto, Pushto
  • suja, sujo, sujarPortuguese
  • murdar, murdări, spurcaRomanian
  • грязный, пачкать, пятнать, пачкаться, испачканный, подло, сальный, загрязнять, запятнать, загрязняться, подлый, скабрёзныйRussian
  • nečist, нечист, prljav, прљавSerbo-Croatian
  • කිලිටිSinhala, Sinhalese
  • špinavýSlovak
  • umazan, umazati, umazati seSlovene
  • ndyrëAlbanian
  • oren, fläcka, smutsa ner, grumlig, snuskig, smutsig, smutsigt, ojuste, osnygg, ful, skitig, orättmätig, fult, osnyggt, orena, skita nerSwedish
  • మురికి, మురికిగాTelugu
  • касиф, лойолуд, чиркин, пурлойTajik
  • สกปรกThai
  • kirliTurkmen
  • madumi, marumiTagalog
  • pis pis, pisletmek, müstehcen, lekelemek, kirli, pis, kirletmekTurkish
  • бруднийUkrainian
  • گندا, گندہUrdu
  • kirUzbek
  • không, xấu xa, [[bất]] [[hợp pháp]], bẩn thỉu, dơ, bẩn, tục tĩu, xấu, bậy, trái luật, bậy bạVietnamese
  • miotikVolapük
  • mannete, mannet, måssîte, måssî, anichter, manniWalloon
  • גראָבYiddish
  • Chinese

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1    begrimed, filthy, foul, grimy, grotty     (slang)   grubby, grungy     (slang, chiefly U.S.)   messy, mucky, muddy, nasty, polluted, scuzzy     (slang, chiefly U.S.)   soiled, sullied, unclean  

2    blue, indecent, obscene, off-colour, pornographic, risqué, salacious, sleazy, smutty, vulgar, X-rated     (informal)  

3    clouded, dark, dull, miry, muddy, not clear  

4    corrupt, crooked, dishonest, fraudulent, illegal, treacherous, unfair, unscrupulous, unsporting  

5    base, beggarly, contemptible, cowardly, despicable, ignominious, low, low-down     (informal)   mean, nasty, scurvy, shabby, sordid, squalid, vile  

6    angry, annoyed, bitter, choked, indignant, offended, resentful, scorching  

7      (of weather)   gusty, louring or lowering, rainy, squally, stormy  

8    begrime, blacken, defile, foul, mess up, muddy, pollute, smear, smirch, smudge, soil, spoil, stain, sully  
,       adj  

4    decent, honest, moral, reputable, respectable, upright  

7    pleasant  
      vb   clean, tidy up  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( dirtier    comparative)   ( dirtiest    superlative)   ( dirties    3rd person present)   ( dirtying    present participle)   ( dirtied    past tense & past participle  )

1       adj   If something is dirty, it is marked or covered with stains, spots, or mud, and needs to be cleaned.  
  (Antonym: clean)
She still did not like the woman who had dirty fingernails…     

2       verb   To dirty something means to cause it to become dirty.  
He was afraid the dog’s hairs might dirty the seats…      V n  

3       adj   If you describe an action as dirty, you disapprove of it and consider it unfair, immoral, or dishonest.  
usu ADJ n     (disapproval)
The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.     
      Dirty is also an adverb., adv   ADV after v  
Jim Browne is the kind of fellow who can fight dirty.     

4       adj   If you describe something such as a joke, a book, or someone’s language as dirty, you mean that it refers to sex in a way that some people find offensive.  
usu ADJ n  
They told dirty jokes and sang raucous ballads…     
      Dirty is also an adverb., adv   ADV after v  
I’m often asked whether the men talk dirty to me. The answer is no.     

5       adj   Dirty is used before words of criticism to emphasize that you do not approve of someone or something.  
INFORMAL   ADJ n     (emphasis)
You dirty liar.     

6    If you say that someone washes their dirty linen in public, you disapprove of their discussing or arguing about unpleasant or private things in front of other people. There are several other forms of this expression, for example wash your dirty laundry in public, or in American English, air your dirty laundry in public.  

wash one’s dirty linen in public      phrase   V inflects     (disapproval)
We shouldn’t wash our dirty laundry in public and if I was in his position, I’d say nothing at all.     

7    If someone gives you a dirty look, they look at you in a way which shows that they are angry with you.  

dirty look      phrase   N inflects, PHR after v  
Michael gave him a dirty look and walked out.     

8    Dirty old man is an expression some people use to describe an older man who they think shows an unnatural interest in sex.  

dirty old man      phrase   N inflects, usu vlink PHR     (disapproval)

9    To do someone’s dirty work means to do a task for them that is dishonest or unpleasant and which they do not want to do themselves.  

do someone’s dirty work      phrase   V inflects  
As a member of an elite army hit squad, the army would send us out to do their dirty work for them.     

10    If you say that an expression is a dirty word in a particular group of people, you mean it refers to an idea that they strongly dislike or disagree with.  

a dirty word      phrase   v-link PHR  
Marketing became a dirty word at the company.     

dirty bomb        ( dirty bombs    plural  ) A dirty bomb is a nuclear bomb that uses explosives to release radioactive material over a wide area.      n-count  

dirty trick        ( dirty tricks    plural  ) You describe the actions of an organization or political group as dirty tricks when you think they are using illegal methods to harm the reputation or effectiveness of their rivals.      n-count   usu pl  
He claimed he was the victim of a dirty tricks campaign..     

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unattractive person, looking dirty and/or smelling bad



in American English, ‘dirt’ is what British people call ‘soil’ (‘put some dirt in a plant pot’). In British English, dirt has the connotation of being dirty (‘you’ve got some dirt on your shoe’)




An apron is a piece of clothing that you put on over the front of your normal clothes and tie round your waist, especially when you are cooking, in order to prevent your clothes from getting dirty.



low; cheap, dirty, sluttish (as behavior and/or look)

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It’s easy and only takes a few seconds:

грязный dirty, messy, filthy, muddy, foul, nasty
нечистый unclean, impure, dirty, wicked, muddy, dark
подлый vile, sneaky, despicable, dastardly, mean, dirty
нечестный dishonest, unfair, foul, crooked, dirty, cammed
непристойный obscene, indecent, lewd, unseemly, salacious, dirty
неприличный indecent, obscene, rude, improper, unbecoming, dirty
нечистоплотный dirty, uncleanly, sluttish, dishonorable, disgraceful, dishonourable
замаранный dirty, flyblown
скабрезный scabrous, dirty, racy, ribald, blue
ненастный nasty, dirty
заношенный worn, dirty
бурный stormy, turbulent, rough, rugged, tempestuous, dirty
дающий радиоактивные осадки dirty
пачкать besmirch, smudge, stain, dirty, soil, discolor
загрязнять pollute, contaminate, dirty, defile
обсирать smear, slander, dirty, damage
завозить deliver, dirty, convey
лахудра whore, dirty, slut, unkempt woman

Подбор противоположных по смыслу и значению слова (антонимов) к «dirty».

It dumbfounds me how the word «refugee» is considered something to be dirty, something to be ashamed of. Меня поражает, как слово «беженец» считается чем-то грязным, чем-то, чего надо стыдиться.
But to understand the technology, getting our hands dirty was crucial. Важно было отработать технологию, и мы закатали рукава.
It’s an urban mosquito, and it’s the female that does the dirty work. Это городской комар, и всю грязную работу выполняет самка.
Growing up in West Africa, when people used the term mental, what came to mind was a madman with dirty, dread-locked hair, bumbling around half-naked on the streets. Выросший в Западной Африке, где когда используют слово психика, на ум приходит только сумасшедшие с грязными дредами на голове, полуголыми шатающиеся по улицам.
The water looked and tasted dirty, there was never enough food, never any showers, women menstruating without any hygiene products, no medical attention whatsoever. Вода — грязная на вид и на вкус, еды никогда не хватало, нельзя было принять душ, у менструирующих женщин никогда не было средств гигиены, не было медицинской помощи.
Filling up these clear plastic bottles with dirty water from streams on the roadside. Они наполняли чистые пластиковые бутылки грязной водой из ручьёв, которые текли по обочине дороги.
Watching these kids forced to drink water that I felt was too dirty to touch changed my perspective on the world. При виде детей, вынужденных пить настолько грязную на вид воду, что к ней не хотелось даже прикасаться, мой взгляд на мир поменялся.
I didn’t tell you one dirty little secret. Я не рассказал вам неприятную маленькую тайну.
Taste like a dirty sock filled with old cheesecake. На вкус будто в грязный носок засунули старый пудинг.
It was Robert Ford That dirty little coward Этот трус Роберт Форд Чтоб забрал его чёрт
And wisps of dirty hair cling to your angry face И клочья грязных волос прилипают к твоему разгневанному лицу
Pale skin became a pallid, dirty, leathery coating. Бледная кожа превратилась в серую, грязную, кожистую оболочку.
There are people who like to sniff dirty underwear. Есть люди, которые любят нюхать грязное нижнее белье.
My chest hurt like hell from his dirty knees. От его паршивых коленок у меня вся грудь болела.
Eddies huddle together in clusters and spill their dirty secrets. Облака сбиваются в группы и делятся своими грязными секретами.
We suspect it has the names of dirty cops. Мы подозреваем, что там также есть имена грязных копов.
At that time its streets were narrow, dark and dirty. В это время его улицы были узкими, темными и грязными.
His captive huddled under a blanket, dirty, defeated. Свою пленницу, укутанную в одеяло, грязную, жалкую.
Many ships lose some of the oil in the water and the water becomes dirty. Из — за утечки нефти на многих кораблях происходит загрязнение воды.
Can’t imagine why they call you Dirty John. Не понимаю, почему тебя называют Грязным Джоном
The dirty spy who denied them their chance for justice. Грязный шпион, который лишил их шанса на правосудие.
Nice, ordinary Hungarian people did the dirty work. Такие хорошие, обычные венгры делали всю грязную работу.
Two women shouldn’t be fighting dirty over a man. Двум женщинам не следует устраивать грязные битвы за мужчину.
Asset recovery, bag grabs, the dirty stuff. Возвращал ценности, сумки с наличными и прочую дрянь.
Don`t wash your dirty linen in public. Не выноси сор из избы.
Our factories, cars, trains and planes make the air dirty, so the atmosphere is polluted. Наши заводы, машины, поезда и самолеты делают воздух грязным, поэтому атмосфера загрязнена.
We can help if we stop making the air dirty but we must do something fast! Мы можем помочь, если мы прекратим загрязнять воздух, но мы должны делать что-то быстро!
We haven’t got to work physically a lot, be covered with dust or soot, dirty up our hands with mazut when lathing, We just sit in our clean offices and look into a monitor. Нам не приходится много работать физически, в пыли и грязи, или стоять за станком, капаясь в мазуте, Мы просто сидим в наших чистых офисах и погружены в монитор.
Firstly, they do all kinds of dirty and hard work, as cleaning. Во-первых, они выполняют всю грязную и тяжелую работу, такую как уборка.
I lowered the toilet lid and sat to remove my dirty wet boots. Я опустила крышку унитаза, села и начала снимать ботинки.
They need to learn what they can do quick and dirty. Они должны научиться, что они смогут сделать на скорую руку.
But the sea captain had learned to brawl in the world’s most dangerous ports, and he knew his share of dirty tricks. Но капитан учился драться в портах всего мира, кишащих головорезами, он умел пользоваться запрещенными приемами.
Their legion of dirty tricks comes from those millennia of experience. Их легион грязных приемов происходит из опыта этих тысячелетий.
I’ve been told that the risk of radiation exposure From a dirty bomb is fairly negligible. Мне сказали, что риск радиационного заражения от взрыва грязной бомбы весьма незначителен.
The one called Hobbs folds himself into the driver’s seat, yanks the door shut, and glares at them through the dirty side window. Хоббс молча залезает в кабину, хлопает дверью, бросает яростный взгляд через грязное боковое стекло.
The walls were brick, old and uneven, thickly coated with dirty green paint. Неровные кирпичные стены подсобки покрывал толстый слой грязно-зеленой краски.
During the night someone had scrawled a slogan on the wall of a dirty red brick building that stood across the street. Ночью кто-то написал лозунг на стене из красного кирпича.
But there’s no place in the service for dirty coppers. Но здесь нет места для нечистых на руку полицейских.
But I’m not risking two years of undercover work because of a dirty cop. Но я не стану рисковать двумя годами работы под прикрытием из-за нечистого на руку полицейского.
I didn’t want you to think I was dirty. Я не хотела, чтобы ты думал, что я нечиста.
She knew now that Frank would be contented to dawdle along with his dirty little store for the rest of his life. Теперь она знала, что Фрэнк готов довольствоваться этой грязной лавчонкой до конца своей жизни.
I shoved most of the old clothes into the dirty clothes hamper and folded the dress on top of it. Я затолкала большую часть старой одежды в корзину для грязного белья и сложила платье сверху.
The usual garb there was coarse dirty wool and stained linen. Обычно там носили грубую одежду из шерсти или окрашенного полотна.
He was wearing a dirty T-shirt and an even dirtier pair of pants. Всю его одежду составляли замызганная футболка и заплатанные грязные брюки с отворотами.
The thud that aroused me shook the building, accompanied by the crash of various dirty dishes shattering on the floor. Разбудивший меня стук сотрясал здание и сопровождался грохотом множества рассыпавшихся по полу грязных тарелок.
Littered all over the floor were empty wine bottles and dirty dishes. По всему полу валялись пустые бутылки из-под вина и немытые тарелки.
The salesmen finished their discussion of sports and started on dirty jokes. Продавцы закончили обсуждать спортивные события и принялись травить пошлые анекдоты.
At its entrance crowded impudent paupers with the dirty, inspired faces of prophets and wise men. У входа в нее толпились нахальные нищие с грязными вдохновенными лицами пророков.
He edged among the bags and packets of food, the bundled, dirty smelling clothes that they’d stripped off the poor tethyn when they died. Он проскользнул мимо мешков с едой, мимо узлов с плохо пахнувшей одеждой несчастных умерших тетхинов.
Cars passed with a tearing hiss and a wave of dirty spray. Меня с шумом обгоняли автомобили, разбрызгивавшие струи воды.
He was being nursemaided by a fifty-year-old battleax of a midget who carried a nasty halberd on her back, and continuously sang snatches of dirty songs. Его опекала пятидесятилетняя кроха с уродливой алебардой за спиной, непрерывно распевавшая непристойные песни.
The dirty asphalt pavement vibrated under the steady hum of an acre of diesel engines. От непрерывного рева дизельных двигателей вокруг асфальт под ногами дрожал.
His clothing had the dirty dust color of the roof, and it flapped erratically in the wind. Ветер трепал его одежду, принявшую серый цвет пыльной крыши.
The man reached beneath the counter and pulled up three very dusty, very dirty bottles, which he slammed on the bar. Старик полез куда-то вниз, вытащил три запыленных, невероятно грязных бутылки и шваркнул ими о прилавок.
Their tempestuous relationship and dirty divorce had entertained the world night after night on the news. Их бурные взаимоотношения и грязный развод развлекали весь мир день за днем в вечерних новостях.
A grass-green emerald light blazed up and shimmered in the dark corners of the caretaker’s dirty room. По темным углам зачумленной дворницкой вспыхивал и дрожал изумрудный весенний свет.
Litter was piled everywhere in great festering heaps, and every inch of the dirty stone walls was covered in obscene graffiti. Повсюду громоздились огромные кучи вонючего мусора, каждый дюйм грязных каменных стен испещряли граффити.
Seems like these two morons, what they did was they collected a bunch of these dirty pictures and they put them on the Internet. Похоже, эти два придурка собрали кучу грязных картинок и выложили в Интернет.
Bars and splashes of sunlight flitted over him and sweat made glistening streaks on his dirty body. По нему прыгали солнечные штрихи и кляксы, высвечивали на грязном теле блестящие полоски пота.
Dirty air and dirty water came in and pooled in tanks. Грязный воздух и грязная вода поступают в огромные емкости.
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Предлагаем Вашему вниманию современный англо-русский и русско-английский словарь English-Grammar Dictionary, в котором содержиться более 2 000 000 слов и фраз. На этой странице содержится полезная информации о слове «dirty». А именно, здесь можно найти перевод (значение) «dirty» на русском языке, синонимы, антонимы, краткое определение слова «dirty» , произношение и транскрипцию к слову «dirty». Также, к слову «dirty» представлено грамотно составленные предложения для лучшего восприятия слова в контексте.

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  • contaminated
  • crummy
  • disheveled
  • dusty
  • filthy
  • greasy
  • grimy
  • messy
  • muddy
  • murky
  • nasty
  • polluted
  • sloppy
  • stained
  • unkempt
  • bedraggled
  • begrimed
  • black
  • defiled
  • disarrayed
  • foul
  • fouled
  • smudged
  • spattered
  • spotted
  • sullied
  • cruddy
  • dreggy
  • dungy
  • grubby
  • grungy
  • icky
  • lousy
  • mucky
  • scummy
  • scuzzy
  • slatternly
  • slimy
  • slovenly
  • sooty
  • squalid
  • straggly
  • undusted
  • unhygienic
  • unlaundered
  • unsanitary
  • unsightly
  • unswept
  • untidy
  • unwashed
  • yucky
  • coarse
  • filthy
  • nasty
  • base
  • blue
  • low
  • mean
  • unclean
  • contemptible
  • despicable
  • immoral
  • impure
  • indecent
  • lewd
  • off-color
  • ribald
  • risqué
  • salacious
  • scatological
  • scurvy
  • smutty
  • sordid
  • squalid
  • unchaste
  • uncleanly
  • vile
  • vulgar
  • sleazy
  • cheating
  • corrupt
  • crooked
  • foul
  • below the belt
  • deceitful
  • double-dealing
  • shabby
  • shady
  • shifty
  • sneaky
  • sordid
  • underhanded
  • unethical
  • unscrupulous
  • untruthful
  • blacken
  • smear
  • smudge
  • sully
  • begrime
  • blotch
  • blur
  • coat
  • contaminate
  • corrupt
  • debase
  • defile
  • discolor
  • encrust
  • foul
  • grime
  • muddy
  • mung
  • pollute
  • rot
  • smoke
  • smutch
  • spatter
  • spoil
  • spot
  • stain
  • sweat
  • taint
  • tar
  • tarnish
  • besoil
  • make dusty
  • make impure
  • mess up

On this page you’ll find 269 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to dirty, such as: contaminated, crummy, disheveled, dusty, filthy, and greasy.

  • clean
  • decent
  • moral
  • nice
  • pure
  • spotless
  • upright
  • clean
  • good
  • honest
  • moral
  • pure
  • nice
  • spotless
  • upright
  • clean
  • cleanse
  • clear
  • flourish
  • grow
  • improve
  • purify
  • sterilize

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use dirty in a sentence

If you want to hurt him because you don’t like him and you want to exploit the connection because he has more cash than you, I guess you can do that, but it feels dirty.


I’d have enjoyed punching his proud head, for all that; it was a dirty way to serve a man who had done his level best.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • barbarian
  • barbaric
  • base
  • bawdy
  • blue
  • boorish
  • brutish
  • cheap
  • churlish
  • common
  • crass
  • crude
  • dirty
  • earthy
  • filthy
  • foul
  • foul-mouthed
  • gross
  • gruff
  • ill-bred
  • immodest
  • impolite
  • improper
  • impure
  • incult
  • indelicate
  • inelegant
  • loutish
  • low
  • lowbred
  • mean
  • nasty
  • obscene
  • off-color
  • offensive
  • raffish
  • raunchy
  • raw
  • ribald
  • rough
  • roughneck
  • rude
  • scatological
  • smutty
  • tacky
  • tasteless
  • uncivil
  • uncivilized
  • uncouth
  • uncultivated
  • uncultured
  • unpolished
  • unrefined
  • vulgar
  • vulgarian
  • adult
  • bawdy
  • dirty
  • erotic
  • fleshy
  • hard-core
  • immoral
  • indecent
  • lascivious
  • lewd
  • obscene
  • off-color
  • offensive
  • porn
  • porno
  • raunchy
  • sensual
  • sexual
  • sexy
  • smutty
  • steamy
  • decrepit
  • dilapidated
  • dirty
  • disheveled
  • disordered
  • dowdy
  • drenched
  • dripping
  • faded
  • messy
  • muddied
  • muddy
  • run down
  • seedy
  • shabby
  • sloppy
  • slovenly
  • sodden
  • soiled
  • stained
  • sullied
  • tacky
  • tattered
  • threadbare
  • untidy
  • wet
  • corrupt
  • defile
  • dirty
  • malign
  • pollute
  • slander
  • soil
  • stain
  • cowardly
  • dirty
  • dishonest
  • foul
  • unjust
  • unscrupulous
  • unsportsmanlike
  • cowardly
  • dirty
  • dishonest
  • foul
  • unjust
  • unscrupulous
  • unsportsmanlike

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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