Синоним слову confused

All synonyms in one line

abashed, aggrieved, agitated, aimless, amazed, en.synonym.one, anxious, ashamed, astonished, baffled, bewildered, blank, blind, blurred, boisterous, chagrined, chaotic, complicated, concealed, confounded, contrite, convoluted, crazy, crest-fallen, dark, dazed, en.synonym.one, deceived, delinquent, deluded, demented, dim, disconcerted, disconnected, dishevelled, disordered, disorderly, disorganised, disorganized, distracted, distrait, distraught, distressed, disturbed, dizzy, doubtful, drunken, elaborate, embarrassed, embroiled, entangled, erratic, en.synonym.one, erring, erroneous, fallacious, faulty, flustered, foolish, frantic, frenzied, garbled, groggy, haphazard, harassed, hazy, hectic, hidden, hotchpotch, humiliated, ignorant, ill-advised, illegible, impaired, imprudent, in error, in the dark, inappropriate, inchoate, indiscriminate, indistinct, indistinguishable, inextricable, infirm, intricate, involved, irregular, jumbled, madcap, misguided, mistaken, muddled, multifarious, mystified, nebulous, obscure, odd, off, perplexed, promiscuous, purposeless, puzzled, queer, random, rash, reckless, repentant, restless, scattered, secluded, shaky, shamed, shamefaced, sheepish, snarled, stupid, tangled, thoughtless, tired, tormented, troubled, tumultuous, twisted, umbrageous, unaware, uncertain, unclear, unenlightened, uninformed, uninstructed, unintelligible, unplanned, unpredictable, unreadable, unresolved, unsettled, unused, unusual, unwise, up in the air, vacant, vacuous, vague, wayward, weak, worried, wrong, at sea, befuddled, bemused, broken, disjointed, en.synonym.one, disoriented, illogical, lost, mazed, mixed-up, unconnected, upset, beat, bedeviled, discombobulated, dumbfounded, flummoxed, en.synonym.one, flurried, foxed, fuddled, got, graveled, mixed up, nonplussed, obnubilated, obscured, posed, put off, stuck, stupefied, threw, vexed.

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  • baffled
  • befuddled
  • bewildered
  • dazed
  • disorganized
  • distracted
  • muddled
  • perplexed
  • perturbed
  • puzzled
  • abashed
  • addled
  • discombobulated
  • disconcerted
  • flummoxed
  • flustered
  • gone
  • misled
  • nonplussed
  • stumped
  • thrown
  • unscrewed
  • unzipped
  • woolly
  • at a loss
  • at sea
  • at sixes and sevens
  • come apart
  • fouled-up
  • glassy-eyed
  • mixed up
  • not with it
  • out to lunch
  • punch-drunk
  • punchy
  • screwy
  • shook-up
  • shot to pieces
  • slaphappy
  • spaced out
  • taken aback
  • thrown off balance
  • unglued
  • chaotic
  • disorganized
  • messy
  • blurred
  • disarranged
  • involved
  • jumbled
  • miscalculated
  • mistaken
  • misunderstood
  • obscured
  • snafu
  • snarled
  • unsettled
  • anarchic
  • disorderly
  • haywire
  • in a muddle
  • in disarray
  • miscellaneous
  • out of order
  • topsy-turvy
  • untidy

On this page you’ll find 160 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to confused, such as: baffled, befuddled, bewildered, dazed, disorganized, and distracted.

  • ordered
  • organized
  • systematic
  • clear
  • methodical
  • oriented
  • separated
  • understanding

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use confused in a sentence

When another doctor had tried to take her medical history the night before, Johnson was too confused to provide it.


One of the minor tragedies of the current President is that even when he faces problems that needs facing, his approach is so confused and, at times, unhinged that it overshadows the real issues.


The crowd shuffled off in all directions, and then engaged in a confused struggle for the chairs.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • confused
  • surprised
  • thrown off
  • thrown off guard
  • ashamed
  • bewildered
  • bugged
  • chagrined
  • confounded
  • confused
  • crushed
  • discombobulated
  • disconcerted
  • embarrassed
  • fazed
  • fuddled
  • humbled
  • humiliated
  • in a tizzy
  • mortified
  • rattled
  • shamed
  • taken aback
  • awry
  • bad
  • confused
  • crooked
  • erring
  • erroneous
  • fallacious
  • false
  • faulty
  • flawed
  • foul
  • glitched up
  • haywire
  • imperfect
  • improper
  • inaccurate
  • inappropriate
  • incorrect
  • mistaken
  • out of order
  • sick
  • unfair
  • unlawful
  • unsuitable
  • untoward
  • addled
  • adrift
  • befuddled
  • bewildered
  • confused
  • puzzled
  • sailing
  • abashed
  • backward
  • blushful
  • blushing
  • chary
  • confused
  • constrained
  • coy
  • demure
  • diffident
  • embarrassed
  • humble
  • modest
  • nervous
  • overmodest
  • recoiling
  • reserved
  • reticent
  • retiring
  • self-conscious
  • self-effacing
  • shamefaced
  • sheepish
  • shrinking
  • silent
  • timid
  • timorous
  • unassertive
  • verecund
  • at a loss
  • awestruck
  • bewildered
  • confounded
  • confused
  • dazed
  • disconcerted
  • muddled
  • nonplussed
  • stupefied
  • uncomprehending
  • wonderstruck

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • confused [kənˈfjuːzd] прич

    1. смущенный, озадаченный, растерянный, сконфуженный, обескураженный

      (embarrassed, puzzled, bewildered, discouraged)

    2. сбитый с толку


    3. перепутанный


    4. сбитый


    5. спутанный


    6. путаемый

    7. дезориентированный


    8. замороченный

  • confused [kənˈfjuːzd] прил

    1. запутанный, путаный, сбивчивый

      (confusing, inconsistent)

    2. беспорядочный, сумбурный


    3. бестолковый


    4. неясный


  • confused [kənˈfjuːzd] нареч

    1. в замешательстве


  • confused [kənˈfjuːzd] гл

    1. смутиться

  • confuse [kənˈfjuːz] гл

    1. смущать, смешивать, запутывать, путать, смутить, запутать, запутаться, спутать, перепутать, сбивать с толку, растеряться, смешать, напутать

      (embarrass, mix, entangle, mix up, complicate, bewilder, lose, mess)

      • confuse things – смешивать вещи
      • confuse the situation – запутать ситуацию
    2. спутывать


    3. сбивать, сбить

      (bring down)

    4. дезориентировать


    5. приводить в замешательство

    6. создавать путаницу

      (create confusion)

    7. заморочить

    8. поставить в тупик

смущенный embarrassed, confused, bewildered, disconcerted, abashed, flummoxed
спутанный confused, matted
сбивчивый confused, discursive, indistinct
беспорядочный messy, disorderly, random, erratic, indiscriminate, confused
поставленный в тупик confused

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • confused прил

    • perplexed · puzzled · distracted · lost · confounded · confused · embarrassed · abashed
    • bewildered · baffled · disoriented · stunned · bemused · befogged
    • chaotic
    • disorderly
    • convoluted · intricate
  • confuse гл

    • embarrass · disturb · disconcert · fluster · perturb · abash · faze · discomfit
    • confound · perplex · bewilder · obfuscate · conflate · obscure · mystify · complicate
    • mix up · mingle
    • disorient · disorientate
    • mistake · mess · muddle · muss
    • mix
    • upset
    • befuddle · bemuse


  • bewildered, bemused, puzzled, perplexed, baffled, mystified, nonplussed, muddled, dumbfounded, at sea, at a loss, taken aback, disoriented, disconcerted, flummoxed, clueless, fazed, discombobulated
  • demented, bewildered, muddled, addled, befuddled, disoriented, disorientated, unbalanced, unhinged, senile
  • vague, unclear, indistinct, imprecise, blurred, hazy, woolly, shadowy, dim, imperfect, sketchy
  • disorderly, disordered, disorganized, disarranged, out of order, untidy, muddled, jumbled, mixed up, chaotic, topsy-turvy, shambolic
  • befuddled, bewildered, mixed-up, at sea, mazed, confounded, baffled, lost, bemused
  • disordered, illogical, scattered, disconnected, disjointed, unconnected, garbled
  • disoriented, lost
  • disordered, broken, upset


  • bewilder, baffle, mystify, bemuse, perplex, puzzle, confound, flummox, faze, stump, fox, discombobulate, bedazzle
  • complicate, muddle, jumble, overcomplicate, garble, blur, obscure, cloud
  • mistake for, take for, misinterpret as, mix up with, muddle up with, confound with
  • confound
  • flurry, put off, disconcert
  • blur, obnubilate, obscure
  • befuddle, throw, confound, bedevil, fuddle, discombobulate, fox
  • mix up, jumble

Предложения со словом «confused»

He kind of got this confused look on his face, and he said …

По нему было видно, что он смущён .

Now, when you wake from a deep sleep, you might feel confused about the time or anxious about oversleeping, but there’s always a basic sense of time having passed, of a continuity between then and now.

Когда просыпаешься после глубокого сна, порой не можешь понять, который час, переживаешь, что проспал, но всегда есть подспудное ощущение прошедшего времени и неразрывной связи между тогда и сейчас.

I was very confused , because there was nothing funny about this.

Я была обескуражена, здесь не было ничего смешного.

Like you notice, nobody could make any sense of what was happening except me, and I didn’t give a damn, really, because the whole world, and whole humanity, seemed as confused and lost as I was.

Как вы заметили, никто не имел ни малейшего понятия, что происходит, кроме меня, но мне было наплевать, потому что весь мир и всё человечество казались такими же потерянными, как и я.

In other words, I’m your basic confused human when it comes to violence.

Другими словами, к теме жестокости я отношусь крайне неоднозначно.

Some of them have evolved for extremely low levels of aggression, others have evolved in the opposite direction, and floating there in between by every measure are humans, once again this confused , barely defined species that has all these potentials to go one way or the other.

Эволюционно одни виды менее склонны к проявлению агрессии, чем другие, а люди находятся где — то между этими крайностями, неуверенные и готовые в любой миг сделать шаг в одну из этих сторон.

And I was confused , because the fire hadn’t been difficult physically, so why was he looking at me with something like astonishment?

Я смутилась: потушить пожар не было физически сложно, так почему в его взгляде было нечто похожее на изумление?

They would be understandably confused and caught off guard, but then a conversation would ensue.

Их это, конечно, заставало врасплох и удивляло, но в результате начинался разговор.

She looked at me really confused and unengaged, but then said, Halul.

Она посмотрела на меня очень смущённо и безучастно, но потом ответила: Халюль.

And we got just instantaneously confused about what time it was.

И мы мгновенно запутались, который же час был на самом деле.

So that we don’t get confused .

Теперь мы не запутаемся.

I was very confused because I was thinking, well, My white people, come on, where are they?

Я была очень обескуражена, потому что подумала тогда: Ну же, где вы, мои белые люди?

Again, I was so confused , I couldn’t understand what was going on.

Я снова была обескуражена, не понимала, что происходит.

And then those who are anti-parochial and who — whenever I get confused , I just think of the John Lennon song Imagine.

И напротив, анти — парохиальные, которые, если я начинаю путаться, вспоминаю песню Леннона Imagine.

Confused, I call my father, who calmly intones, There’s been a shooting in Deah’s neighborhood in Chapel Hill.

Сбитая с толку, я звоню отцу, который спокойно сообщает: Недалеко от дома Диа в Чапел — Хилл была перестрелка.

Stop being perplexed or confused or befuddled by the achievement gap, the income gap, the incarceration rates, or whatever socioeconomic disparity is the new it term for the moment.

Хватит быть растерянными, или смущёнными , или ошарашенными разрывом в образовании, разрывом в доходах, уровнем преступности или другим термином, которым сейчас измеряется социоэкономическое неравенство.

I don’t think Brendan confused interest with flirtation.

Не думаю, что Брендан мог спутать интерес с флиртом.

He confused Osiris with Apopis, his mortal enemy.

Он перепутал Апопа с Осирисом, его злейшим врагом!

But there’s one thing I’m not confused about.

Но есть одна вещь, которой я не смущаюсь .

Bosch was confused by the sudden departure in the conversation.

Босх был сбит с толку неожиданным отклонением от темы.

The innocent little Princess looked confused by her request.

Молоденькая невинная принцесса, казалось, растерялась от ее просьбы.

Because Chevy Suburbans are often confused with Israeli tanks.

Потому что внедорожники Chevy так часто путают с израильскими танками.

And he would have explained it to me in very clear terms, because I get confused sometimes.

И он бы все понятно объяснил, потому что меня легко сбить с толку.

It really would be totally understandable if you were feeling confused .

Это действительно могло бы быть совершенно понятным, если ты чувствуешь себя сбитым с толку.

We look weak to our adversaries, confused to our friends.

Мы выглядим слабыми перед нашими врагами, озадаченными перед нашими друзьями.

He was scared, excited, frustrated, confused , unsure, scared, unhappy, worried.

Он был напуган, возбужден, раздосадован, сбит с толку, неуверен и встревожен.

It tries to catch up, but then it gets confused and throws itself into reverse.

Он пытается, но сбивается с толку, начинает вести отсчет времени в обратном направлении.

In the only occupied bed there was a drowsy and confused woman with her arm in a sling.

В единственной занятой постели я увидела сонную перепуганную женщину с рукой на перевязи.

She was somewhat confused and agitated, and could make no ready answer.

Она была слегка смущена и взволнована и ничего не могла ответить.

I looked from one leering young face to the other, confused .

Я недоуменно переводил взгляд с одного хитрого лица на другое.

I just got confused because i was thinking of another guy

Я просто смущен , потому что я думал о другом парне.

He was confused and blinded by the rush of it and the beat of angry wings.

Стремительный натиск и яростные удары крыльев ослепили, ошеломили волчонка.

This chistian is confused in his thoughts, because of incomplete knowledge of church’s canons.

В этом христианине находим мы смятенность мысли от неполного знания церковных канонов.

We live at the end of a long driveway which often gets confused with a road.

Мы живем в конце длинного проезда который часто путают с дорогой.

Aston and Morris looked utterly confused , and she made a face.

Эстон и Моррис выразили на своих лицах полнейшее недоумение, и она недовольно поморщилась.

Tankado clutched at his chest with crippled hands, a confused look of terror on his face.

Танкадо прижал изуродованную руку к груди с выражением недоумения и ужаса на лице.

There’s no way this majestic tower can be confused with the male organ of love.

Никаким образом эту величественную башню нельзя спутать с мужским органом любви.

You must have been so confused to associate with this filthy creature.

Ты, наверное, просто сбита с толку общением с таким непристойным созданием.

He fumbled for his pitch-pipe, and arose with a confused intention of attempting a musical exorcism.

Он поискал в кармане камертон и встал со смутным намерением пустить в дело музыкальное заклинание.

His white makeup gave a ghastly comic look to his confused , panic-stricken face.

Белый грим делал испуганное лицо похожим на отвратительно комичную маску.

The asteroid was massive, and the instruments, not designed for the current situation, were producing confused readings.

Астероид был массивный, и приборы, сконструированные для совершенно иных ситуаций, выдавали показания, ставящие в тупик.

Someone at the mortuary had misunderstood, confused Richard’s name with a similar name of another body at the mortuary.

Спутали фамилию Ричарда и другого человека, чье тело лежало в этом морге?

Now the confused threads are gradually becoming untangled and a clear pattern emerges.

Теперь спутанные нити удалось расплести, и стала ясной подоплека событий.

She was sure it had confused her with Emily.

Ким была уверена, что эта штука спутала ее с Эмили.

That way you won’t be confused later by their unexplainable presence in your home.

Чтобы вы потом не удивлялись их необъяснимому появлению в вашем доме.

By long day’s end, the confused woman had to be given a sizable dose of heavy wine and forcefully put to bed.

Дело кончилось тем, что ее напоили крепким вином и уложили в постель.

In the distance the deep beat of temple drumming mingled with the confused roaring of the mob.

Вдалеке гулкая дробь барабанов храма смешивалась с нечленораздельным ревом толпы.

They could easily distinguish a confused mass of great trees, which extended beyond the limits of their view.

Без труда можно было различить смутные очертания высоких деревьев, сливавшихся в необозримые леса.

It would have been clear to anyone that I was profoundly confused and dreadfully incomplete.

Каждому было бы ясно, что я совершенно растерян и ужасающе неполноценен.

External EEG could get confused if there are multiple structural abnormalities.

Внешняя ЭЭГ может быть неточной, если есть многочисленные структурные аномалии.

McKeon met her scrutiny with a stolid expression and fought to suppress his confused , bitter resentment.

Маккеон бесстрастно встретил ее испытующий взгляд и постарался задавить растущую обиду.

It was inappropriate, and I think it may have confused you.

Это было недопустимо и я думаю, что ты меня неправильно поняла.

Poor, confused , wounded bird for Agent Crawford and Doctors Lecter and Bloom.

Бедная, запутавшаяся, раненая пташка для агента Кроуфорда, доктора Лектера и Блум.

The sable had been running in a bunch as they came out and any individual track was confused or obliterated.

Антилопы сначала бежали стадом, и все следы были запутаны или стерты.

He stood watching us, a kindly, rather confused smile on his face.

Он стоял и смотрел на нас с доброй, несколько смущенной улыбкой.

Last week I helped a confused young woman free herself from her tangled web of lies and deceit.

На прошлой неделе я помог запутавшейся девушке освободиться от паутины лжи и обмана.

More heartbeats joined it, a confused chorus of drumming beats, but I was able to identify individual rhythms into a pair of groups.

Стук сливался в нестройный хор, но мне удалось выделить две группы.

Hang in its blind spot, make noise, keep it confused !

Держитесь слепой зоны, шумите, сбейте его с толку!

Ruling requires power and stratagems, but right and wrong cannot be confused !

Правление требует силы и хитрости, но нельзя путать добро и зло!

I’m just… I’m confused about how to behave.

Я просто не знаю, как себя вести.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. confused

    That is complex which is made up of several connected parts. That is compound in which the parts are not merely connected, but fused, or otherwise combined into a single substance. In a composite object the different parts have less of unity than in that which is complex or compound, but maintain their distinct individuality. In a heterogeneous body unlike parts or particles are intermingled, often without apparent order or plan. Conglomerate (literally, globed together) is said of a confused mingling of masses or lumps of various substances. The New England pudding-stone is a conglomerate rock. In a complex object the arrangement and relation of parts may be perfectly clear; in a complicated mechanism the parts are so numerous, or so combined, that the mind can not readily grasp their mutual relations; in an intricate arrangement the parts are so intertwined that it is difficult to follow their windings; things are involved which are rolled together so as not to be easily separated, either in thought or in fact; things which are tangled or entangled mutually hold and draw upon each other. The conception of a material object is usually complex, involving form, color, size, and other elements; a clock is a complicated mechanism; the Gordian knot was intricate; the twining serpents of the Laocoon are involved. We speak of an abstruse statement, a complex conception, a confused heap, a heterogeneous mass, a tangled skein, an intricate problem; of composite architecture, an involved sentence; of the complicated or intricate accounts of a great business, the entangled accounts of an incompetent or dishonest bookkeeper.

    abstruse, complex, complicated, composite, compound, conglomerate, entangled, heterogeneous, intricate, involved, manifold, mingled, mixed, multiform, obscure, tangled

    clear, direct, homogeneous, obvious, plain, simple, uncombined, uncompounded, uniform, unraveled

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. confused

    abashed, embarrassed, perplexed, disconcerted, disorganized, promiscuous, chaotic, complex, involved, disarranged, disordered

    unabashed, unembarrassed, systematic, unconfused, organized, arranged

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.3 / 3 votes

  1. baffled, befuddled, bemused, bewildered, confounded, confused, lost, mazed, mixed-up, at seaadjective

    perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment

    «obviously bemused by his questions»; «bewildered and confused»; «a cloudy and confounded philosopher»; «just a mixed-up kid»; «she felt lost on the first day of school»

    scattered, befuddled, helpless, lost(p), mixed-up, disoriented, woolly, bemused, deep in thought(p), disjointed, disordered, preoccupied, at sea, illogical, woolly-headed, missed, confused, disconnected, unconnected, addled, muddled, baffled, upset, lost, befogged, confounded, muzzy, wooly-minded, broken, wooly, garbled, mazed, bewildered

    oriented, clear-thinking, ordered, organized, consistent, clear, unperplexed, logical, clearheaded, orientated, coherent, unclouded

  2. confused, disconnected, disjointed, disordered, garbled, illogical, scattered, unconnectedadjective

    lacking orderly continuity

    «a confused set of instructions»; «a confused dream about the end of the world»; «disconnected fragments of a story»; «scattered thoughts»

    abrupt, befuddled, staccato, mixed-up, disoriented, disordered, bemused, separated, scattered, at sea, fragmented, illogical, lost, disconnected, unconnected, unordered, baffled, unlogical, upset, confounded, broken, disjointed, split, dislocated, disunited, garbled, mazed, bewildered, confused

    clear, consistent, logical, coherent, orientated, organized, ordered, clearheaded, oriented, clear-thinking, unclouded, unperplexed

  3. confused, disoriented, lostadjective

    having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity

    «I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway»; «the anesthetic left her completely disoriented»

    befuddled, lost(p), mixed-up, disoriented, disordered, bemused, deep in thought(p), scattered, preoccupied, at sea, illogical, anomic, lost, disconnected, unconnected, missed, baffled, alienated, upset, confounded, broken, disjointed, helpless, garbled, mazed, bewildered, confused

    unclouded, clear, oriented, clearheaded, logical, coherent, clear-thinking, consistent, orientated, ordered, unperplexed, organized

  4. broken, confused, disordered, upsetadjective

    thrown into a state of disarray or confusion

    «troops fleeing in broken ranks»; «a confused mass of papers on the desk»; «the small disordered room»; «with everything so upset»

    overturned, scattered, rugged, impoverished, befuddled, at sea, upset(a), confounded, disconnected, upturned, illogical, mixed-up, unkept, bemused, disoriented, humbled, disquieted, low, broken, lost, disjointed, unordered, disturbed, wiped out(p), disordered, bewildered, worried, baffled, garbled, crushed, upset, mazed, confused, busted, broken in, distressed, humiliated, unconnected

    clearheaded, consistent, orientated, clear-thinking, clear, oriented, unclouded, coherent, ordered, organized, unperplexed, logical

  5. confusedadjective

    mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently

    «the flood of questions left her bewildered and confused»

    befuddled, mixed-up, disoriented, disordered, bemused, scattered, at sea, illogical, lost, disconnected, unconnected, baffled, upset, confounded, broken, disjointed, garbled, mazed, bewildered

    consistent, clear, coherent, oriented, logical, orientated, clearheaded, ordered, clear-thinking, unperplexed, organized, unclouded

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. beffuddled

    confused,muddled,addled,out of it,foggy

    sometimes i’m confused on what stuff i don’t know and people ask me.

    Submitted by anonymous on February 16, 2020  

  2. flummadiddle

    you can say you were a bit flummadiddled.

    Submitted by anonymous on January 11, 2021  

  3. mixed up

    Submitted by anonymous on January 11, 2021  

  4. rattle-pated

    not remembering what was happening or not noticing what’s going on.

    oh, gosh, i forgot what i was doing. i’m so rattle-pated today!

    Submitted by rinat on September 22, 2019  

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «confused»:

    confusing, muddled, disoriented, confounded, troubled, unclear, bewildered, perplexed, lost, confusion, disturbed, disorientated, puzzled, fuzzy, chaotic, mistaken, messy, boggled, woolly, disconcerted, baffled, garbled, stumped, restive

How to pronounce CONFUSED?

How to say CONFUSED in sign language?

How to use CONFUSED in a sentence?

  1. Courtney Wilson:

    He told us that he was going to find the manager he was going to sign a trespass form and that we were no longer going to be allowed in any Foodland establishments because of the conduct of our behavior. So, being confused as to what exactly we did and how that was just I called the police myself.

  2. Kardashian West:

    You’re too smart for that, bro, you know where that comes from. Don’t make no record with nothing that could be confused.

  3. Andrew Hu:

    The responsible authorities and the internet users are equally confused, even if the enforcement is irregular, they know the simple option is to increase pressure.

  4. Eric Siddall:

    There has to be a legal justification for it. And a legal justification isn’t simply a pronouncement from your leader, it has to actually be based upon the law. And those were the fundamental problems we had with what he did and how [his directives] contradicted the law and confused the law.

  5. Michelle Moseng:

    He was upset and confused.

Translations for CONFUSED

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • разбъркан, разстроен, объркан, безсмислен, смутенBulgarian
  • desconcertat, confúsCatalan, Valencian
  • zmatenýCzech
  • forvirretDanish
  • wirr, verwirrtGerman
  • αμήχανος, συγκεχυμένος, μπερδεμένοςGreek
  • confusoSpanish
  • hämmentynyt, sekava, älytönFinnish
  • ørkymlaðurFaroese
  • confus, incohérent, embarrassé, embrouilléFrench
  • betiizdWestern Frisian
  • tro-chèileScottish Gaelic
  • מבולבל, מבולבלתHebrew
  • zavartHungarian
  • confusoItalian
  • 混乱しましたJapanese
  • exterruitLatin
  • forvirret, forfjamsetNorwegian
  • in de war, verwardDutch
  • zakłopotany, zmieszanyPolish
  • confundido, confusoPortuguese
  • încurcat, haotic, confuzRomanian
  • спу́танный, сби́тый с то́лку, сконфу́женный, беспоря́дочный, смущённый, бессмы́сленныйRussian

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[ kənfjˈuːzd], [ kənfjˈuːzd], [ k_ə_n_f_j_ˈuː_z_d]

Table of Contents

Similar words for confused:

  • abashed (adjective)

  • all (adjective)

  • amiss (adjective)

  • asea (adjective)

  • bashful (adjective)

  • blank (adjective)

  • catatonic (adjective)

  • chaotic (adjective)

  • cloudy (adjective)

  • complex (adjective)

  • complicated (adjective)

  • crisscross (adjective)

  • delirious (adjective)

  • disjointed (adjective)

  • disordered (adjective)

  • disorderly (adjective)

  • disorganized (adjective)

  • disoriented mentally (adjective)

  • distraught (adjective)

  • disturbed (adjective)

  • dizzy (adjective)

  • dizzying (adjective)

  • doubtful (adjective)

  • groggy (adjective)

  • haywire (adjective)

  • heavy (adjective)

  • hectic (adjective)

  • heightened (adjective)

  • helter-skelter (adjective)

  • heterogeneous (adjective)

  • ill-advised (adjective)

  • incoherent (adjective)

  • indefinite (adjective)

  • indiscriminate (adjective)

  • indistinct (adjective)

  • involute (adjective)

  • irregular (adjective)

  • maudlin (adjective)

  • messy (adjective)

  • miscellaneous (adjective)

  • misguided (adjective)

  • misinterpreted (adjective)

  • mistaken (adjective)

  • mixed (adjective)

  • mixed up, disordered (adjective)

  • muddy (adjective)

  • off-course (adjective)

  • other relevant words (adjective)

  • overturned (adjective)

  • pell-mell (adjective)

  • rambling (adjective)

  • spaced-out (adjective)

  • stunned (adjective)

  • thoughtless (adjective)

  • topsy-turvy (adjective)

  • troubled (adjective)

  • turbid (adjective)

  • turbulent (adjective)

  • unaware (adjective)

  • uncertain (adjective)

  • unclear (adjective)

  • uncomfortable (adjective)

  • unhinged (adjective)

  • unorganized (adjective)

  • unsettled (adjective)

  • unsystematic (adjective)

  • upset (adjective)

  • upside-down (adjective)

  • woozy (adjective)

  • topsy-turvy (adjective, adverb)

  • other relevant words (adverb)

  • aback (adverb)

  • other relevant words (adverb)

  • topsy-turvy (adverb)

  • addled (noun)

  • addlepated (noun)

  • baffled (noun)

  • befogged (noun)

  • befuddled (noun)

  • bemused (noun)

  • broken (noun)

  • clouded (noun)

  • confused (noun)

  • other relevant words (noun)

  • complicated (verb)

  • confused (verb)

  • deranged (verb)

  • other synonyms
  • addlebrained

  • baffled

  • bewildered

  • crossbred

  • disturbed

  • embarrassed

  • frenetic

  • mentally ill

  • mistaken

  • other relevant words

  • punch-drunk

  • puzzling

  • unorganized

  • unreadable

How to use «confused» in context?

for confused

Antonyms for confused

Hypernyms for confused

  • adj.

    abashed (adjective)

    • more bugged,
    • more humbled,
    • dis concerted,
    • most crushed,
    • most humbled,
    • most fuddled,
    • more fazed,
    • most rattled,
    • more crushed,
    • most chagrined,
    • be-wildered,
    • in tizzy,
    • more rattled,
    • more fuddled,
    • more chagrined,
    • dis-concerted,
    • most fazed,
    • most mortified,
    • be wildered,
    • more mortified,
    • most bugged.

    all (adjective)

    • confused.

    amiss (adjective)

    • sickest,
    • un fair,
    • un-fair,
    • in-appropriate,
    • unsuitable,
    • in-correct,
    • un-fairest,
    • un-suitable,
    • in-accurate,
    • most flawed,
    • un suitable,
    • foul,
    • un-fairer,
    • in appropriate,
    • un-lawful,
    • un lawful,
    • out order,
    • in accurate,
    • un fairest,
    • more flawed,
    • in correct,
    • un fairer.

    asea (adjective)

    • most adrift,
    • more adrift,
    • most sailing,
    • more sailing.

    bashful (adjective)

    • more overmodest,
    • most recoiling,
    • self-conscious,
    • de mure,
    • most overmodest,
    • timorous,
    • self conscious,
    • more recoiling,
    • most unassertive,
    • shrinking,
    • re-served,
    • Verecund,
    • selfeffacing,
    • re tiring,
    • more verecund,
    • over modest,
    • un assertive,
    • selfconscious,
    • re-tiring,
    • most blushful,
    • un-assertive,
    • more blushful,
    • most verecund,
    • more unassertive,
    • more nervous,
    • re coiling,
    • re-coiling,
    • self effacing,
    • re served,
    • de-mure.

    blank (adjective)

    • most awestruck,
    • more wonderstruck,
    • at loss,
    • most wonderstruck,
    • un-comprehending,
    • un comprehending,
    • more awestruck,
    • more nonplussed,
    • most nonplussed.

    catatonic (adjective)

    • more wedged,
    • wedged,
    • unconscious,
    • un-conscious,
    • un conscious,
    • most wedged,
    • suspended.

    chaotic (adjective)

    • loose,
    • anarchistic,
    • chaotic,
    • muddled,
    • rambunctious,
    • disheveled,
    • inexact,
    • tumultuous,
    • irregular,
    • lax,
    • Disintegrated,
    • shapeless,
    • tempestuous,
    • obscure,
    • disconnected,
    • unruly,
    • lawless,
    • jumbled,
    • deformed,
    • inchoate,
    • perturbed,
    • undisciplined,
    • incoherent,
    • embroiled,
    • cluttered,
    • out of control,
    • disarrayed,
    • formless,
    • discomposed,
    • insane,
    • anarchical,
    • fuzzy,
    • amorphous,
    • deranged,
    • inconsistent,
    • uneven,
    • frantic,
    • blurry,
    • frenzied,
    • wild.

    cloudy (adjective)

    • mucky,
    • emulsified,
    • mis tier,
    • more nontransparent,
    • somber,
    • mis-tier,
    • over cast,
    • non translucent,
    • mushy,
    • gloomy,
    • misty,
    • over-cast,
    • nontransparent,
    • most emulsified,
    • most blurred,
    • non transparent,
    • more emulsified,
    • more nontranslucent,
    • overcast,
    • most nontransparent,
    • non-translucent,
    • most nubilous,
    • more blurred,
    • most nontranslucent,
    • more nubilous.

    complex (adjective)

    • involute,
    • inter-woven,
    • motley,
    • knotted,
    • paradoxical,
    • multiplex,
    • round-about,
    • mazy,
    • meandering,
    • involved.

    complicated (adjective)

    • complicated,
    • elaborate,
    • snarled,
    • intricate,
    • labyrinthine,
    • perplexing,
    • tangled,
    • confounded.

    crisscross (adjective)

    • more traversed,
    • most traversed.

    delirious (adjective)

    • off head,
    • de-ranged,
    • dis-arranged,
    • off one head,
    • out head,
    • out skull,
    • most deviate,
    • out of one’s skull,
    • most flipped,
    • most manic,
    • out one skull,
    • out of one head,
    • out of one skull,
    • off ones head,
    • in sanest,
    • out of skull,
    • most maniac,
    • un reasonable,
    • in sane,
    • more flipped,
    • un-reasonable,
    • out of ones head,
    • more maniac,
    • in-sane,
    • out one’s skull,
    • out one’s head,
    • in saner,
    • in-saner,
    • out ones skull,
    • most disarranged,
    • de ranged,
    • more disarranged,
    • Flipped,
    • out ones head,
    • more maniacal,
    • out of ones skull,
    • in-sanest,
    • dis arranged,
    • more deviate,
    • out one head.

    disjointed (adjective)

    • in cohesive,
    • most incohesive,
    • dis jointed,
    • most disunited,
    • in-cohesive,
    • dis continuous,
    • in choate,
    • farout,
    • dis-united,
    • more out-to-lunch,
    • more out of it,
    • dis-placed,
    • most out of it,
    • un-attached,
    • dis-jointed,
    • most out-to-lunch,
    • most split,
    • most out to lunch,
    • more incohesive,
    • more out-of-it,
    • more split,
    • in-choate,
    • dis placed,
    • un attached,
    • dis united,
    • most out-of-it,
    • dis-continuous,
    • more out to lunch,
    • more disunited.

    disordered (adjective)

    • most out of place,
    • all over place,
    • un-tidy,
    • more molested,
    • most dislocated,
    • more ruffled,
    • most tampered with,
    • dis connected,
    • most molested,
    • more tossed,
    • most out-of-place,
    • dis ordered,
    • more out-of-place,
    • un tidy,
    • most shifted,
    • more tampered with,
    • most tossed,
    • more tamperedwith,
    • more tumbled,
    • more shuffled,
    • dis-connected,
    • more shifted,
    • untidiest,
    • dis located,
    • more tampered-with,
    • tamperedwith,
    • dis-located,
    • dis-ordered,
    • un tidiest,
    • mis laid,
    • most tampered-with,
    • most tumbled,
    • more dislocated,
    • mis-laid,
    • mis-placed,
    • un-tidiest,
    • more rumpled,
    • most shuffled,
    • most tamperedwith,
    • mis placed,
    • more out of place,
    • most ruffled,
    • most rumpled,
    • un-tidier,
    • re moved,
    • un tidier.

    disorderly (adjective)

    • most out-of-whack,
    • un kemptest,
    • more out of line,
    • most out-of-control,
    • more out of whack,
    • un-disciplined,
    • more out-of-line,
    • most out of step,
    • more unmethodical,
    • more uncombed,
    • un-restrained,
    • un-methodical,
    • most out of whack,
    • more out-of-whack,
    • most out of control,
    • most out-of-line,
    • un-kempt,
    • most tumult,
    • most scrambled,
    • un combed,
    • most unmethodical,
    • un kempt,
    • un kempter,
    • most uncombed,
    • un restrained,
    • un disciplined,
    • dis-orderly,
    • more out-of-step,
    • un-kempter,
    • more out-of-control,
    • un-kemptest,
    • more out of step,
    • most out-of-step,
    • more tumult,
    • un methodical,
    • most out of line,
    • slovenly,
    • un trained,
    • un-combed,
    • more scrambled,
    • dis orderly,
    • more out of control,
    • un-trained.

    disorganized (adjective)

    • dis organized,
    • dis-organized.

    disoriented mentally (adjective)

    • shook up,
    • out to lunch,
    • Stumped,
    • spaced out,
    • disconcerted,
    • thrown,
    • shot to pieces,
    • glassy-eyed,
    • not with it,
    • fouled up,
    • screwy,
    • at sixes and sevens,
    • mixed up,
    • gone,
    • distracted,
    • unzipped,
    • thrown off balance,
    • discombobulated,
    • Misled,
    • Punchy.

    distraught (adjective)

    • most harassed,
    • dis-trait,
    • in panic,
    • harassed,
    • dis tressed,
    • more flustered,
    • out of ones mind,
    • un screwed,
    • over wrought,
    • most unzipped,
    • out of one mind,
    • like chicken with its head cut off,
    • more tormented,
    • un zipped,
    • out mind,
    • dis composed,
    • un-zipped,
    • out one mind,
    • more harassed,
    • more unzipped,
    • un-glued,
    • most unscrewed,
    • most flustered,
    • dis-composed,
    • more unglued,
    • out ones mind,
    • dis trait,
    • most discomposed,
    • more unscrewed,
    • worried,
    • most tormented,
    • out one’s mind,
    • dis-tressed,
    • most unglued,
    • un glued,
    • un-screwed,
    • more discomposed.

    disturbed (adjective)

    • more disrupted,
    • most disrupted.

    dizzy (adjective)

    • woozy.

    dizzying (adjective)

    • more fainting,
    • vertiginous,
    • most fainting.

    doubtful (adjective)

    • dis-trustful,
    • doubting,
    • more baffled,
    • most baffled,
    • in-decisive,
    • more faltering,
    • un-resolved,
    • un sure,
    • in decisive,
    • questioning,
    • dis trustful,
    • un-sure,
    • more agnostic,
    • most unconvinced,
    • most questioning,
    • un-convinced,
    • more unconvinced,
    • most agnostic,
    • in quandary,
    • un decided,
    • un-decided,
    • un resolved,
    • more questioning,
    • un convinced,
    • most faltering.

    groggy (adjective)

    • unsteady,
    • hazy,
    • out of it,
    • staggering.

    haywire (adjective)

    • haywire,
    • psycho,
    • in a mess,
    • amok,
    • Orderless,
    • out of whack,
    • in pieces,
    • schizo.

    heavy (adjective)

    • Acroamatic,
    • effortful,
    • Heightened.

    hectic (adjective)

    • more riproaring,
    • hasslest,
    • nutsiest,
    • ex cited,
    • more rip roaring,
    • more rip-roaring,
    • jungler,
    • hassler,
    • ex-cited,
    • more madhouse,
    • more flurrying,
    • most flustering,
    • most rip roaring,
    • more zoolike,
    • more flustering,
    • zoolike,
    • rip-roaring,
    • most zoolike,
    • ex citing,
    • rip roaring,
    • nutsier,
    • most flurrying,
    • hell broke loose,
    • most riproaring,
    • junglest,
    • most rip-roaring,
    • most madhouse.

    heightened (adjective)

    • in-tense,
    • in tensive,
    • te,
    • in-tensest,
    • ter,
    • in-tensive,
    • in tense,
    • in tenser,
    • in-tenser.

    helter-skelter (adjective)

    • hurry-scurry,
    • in disorder.

    heterogeneous (adjective)

    • in congruous,
    • independent,
    • in-harmonious,
    • most amalgamate,
    • in-congruous,
    • more amalgamate,
    • un-likest,
    • un related,
    • in dependent,
    • dis similar,
    • dis-similar,
    • un-related,
    • in-dependent,
    • most unallied,
    • most mongrel,
    • un-allied,
    • more mongrel,
    • more unallied,
    • in harmonious,
    • un liker,
    • un-liker,
    • un likest,
    • more contrasted,
    • un allied,
    • most contrasted.

    ill-advised (adjective)

    • ill-judged,
    • off the top of head,
    • ill-considered,
    • off the top of one’s head,
    • over hasty,
    • off top of head,
    • injudicious,
    • halfbaked,
    • overhasty.

    incoherent (adjective)

    • unvocal.

    indefinite (adjective)

    • un-limited,
    • in-determinable,
    • un known,
    • most unspecific,
    • un defined,
    • un dependable,
    • more indeterminable,
    • un-defined,
    • more unfixed,
    • un-known,
    • un-dependable,
    • in definite,
    • in-definite,
    • ill defined,
    • un-specific,
    • in-exhaustible,
    • un fixed,
    • in determinate,
    • most indeterminable,
    • un-determined,
    • most imprecise,
    • in-tangible,
    • in determinable,
    • illdefined,
    • un determined,
    • in-finite,
    • innumerable,
    • in numerable,
    • in exhaustible,
    • in-numerable,
    • in-exact,
    • more imprecise,
    • in tangible,
    • most unfixed,
    • in finite,
    • in exact,
    • un specific,
    • more unspecific,
    • un-fixed.

    indiscriminate (adjective)

    • unselective,
    • wholesale,
    • Imperceptive,
    • undiscriminating,
    • uncritical,
    • Designless.

    indistinct (adjective)

    • out focus,
    • more bleared,
    • in-conspicuous,
    • un heard,
    • in distinct,
    • in-distinct,
    • most bleared,
    • un-heard,
    • in discernible,
    • un-intelligible,
    • unheard,
    • in conspicuous,
    • in-audible,
    • in audible,
    • in-discernible.

    involute (adjective)

    • Daedal.

    irregular (adjective)

    • unsystematic.

    maudlin (adjective)

    • tear jerking,
    • tearful,
    • more cornball,
    • more syrupy,
    • most syrupy,
    • schmaltzy,
    • in sipid,
    • in-sipid,
    • tearjerking,
    • soap,
    • most cornball,
    • slushest,
    • soapest,
    • slusher.

    messy (adjective)

    • most unfastidious,
    • more unfastidious,
    • un-fastidious,
    • most littered,
    • more littered,
    • un fastidious.

    miscellaneous (adjective)

    • un sorted,
    • most unsorted,
    • more unsorted,
    • un matched,
    • un-sorted,
    • un-matched,
    • many.

    misguided (adjective)

    • disinformed,
    • faked-out,
    • led up the garden path,
    • uncalled for,
    • unwarranted,
    • faked out.

    misinterpreted (adjective)

    • misunderstood,
    • misrepresented,
    • misread,
    • misquoted,
    • misinterpreted,
    • twisted,
    • distorted.

    mistaken (adjective)

    • most misinformed,
    • more misjudging,
    • mis-interpreting,
    • mis-informed,
    • un-truer,
    • most misunderstanding,
    • most misjudging,
    • mis informed,
    • un truest,
    • mis-construed,
    • un-sound,
    • un founded,
    • most duped,
    • more misunderstanding,
    • un-real,
    • un-soundest,
    • wide mark,
    • un-sounder,
    • mis-judging,
    • more misconstrued,
    • mis taken,
    • more duped,
    • more misinterpreting,
    • un advised,
    • un sound,
    • unadvised,
    • un sounder,
    • off base,
    • un-advised,
    • more misinformed,
    • mis-taken,
    • most tricked,
    • barking wrong tree,
    • misinformed,
    • un-founded,
    • un truer,
    • more tricked,
    • mis construed,
    • un-truest,
    • most misconstrued,
    • mis interpreting,
    • mis understanding,
    • most misinterpreting,
    • mis-understanding,
    • mis judging.

    mixed (adjective)

    • promiscuous.

    mixed up, disordered (adjective)

    • untidy,
    • snafu,
    • out of order,
    • in disarray,
    • in a muddle,
    • miscalculated,
    • anarchic.

    muddy (adjective)

    • sodden,
    • more bemired,
    • more bespattered,
    • more caked,
    • sub fuse,
    • gunkiest,
    • soiled,
    • un cleaner,
    • most bespattered,
    • be spattered,
    • be-mired,
    • un-cleaner,
    • most bemired,
    • un cleanest,
    • un clean,
    • sub-fuse,
    • un-cleanest,
    • gunkier,
    • most caked,
    • more subfuse,
    • be-spattered,
    • be mired,
    • most subfuse.

    off-course (adjective)

    • more off track,
    • dis-oriented,
    • offcourse,
    • most off track,
    • more offtrack,
    • lost ones bearing,
    • offtrack,
    • most offtrack,
    • most off-track,
    • more off-track,
    • lost one bearing,
    • dis oriented,
    • lost bearing.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • tampered with,
    • unglued,
    • incohesive,
    • out of head,
    • smoggy,
    • nontranslucent,
    • all wet,
    • flawed,
    • unpeaceful,
    • come apart,
    • soaper,
    • disjointed,
    • roily,
    • riproaring,
    • unconvinced,
    • on head,
    • misguided,
    • out-to-lunch,
    • boggy,
    • punch-drunk,
    • rambling,
    • anguished,
    • miscellaneous,
    • nutsy,
    • boggiest,
    • out of step,
    • boggier,
    • blank,
    • Stormful,
    • unconnected,
    • blushful,
    • not clear,
    • bottom up,
    • muddy,
    • abashed,
    • turbid,
    • awestruck,
    • syrupy,
    • maudlin,
    • uncombed,
    • in confusion,
    • bottom-side-up,
    • in clouds,
    • helter-skelter,
    • Unallied,
    • heavy,
    • groggy,
    • inverted,
    • Wonderstruck,
    • subfuse,
    • indiscriminate,
    • all torn up,
    • delirious,
    • like a chicken with its head cut off,
    • non-transparent,
    • mussy,
    • bummed out,
    • unscrewed,
    • unfixed,
    • tipped over,
    • Caked,
    • under wrong impression,
    • unorganized,
    • unhinged,
    • out of place,
    • cornball,
    • unrestful,
    • without belief,
    • glitched up,
    • off one’s head,
    • indistinct,
    • disturbed,
    • off-course,
    • wrongly identified,
    • bespattered,
    • in pain,
    • broken up,
    • messy,
    • out of mind,
    • out-of-step,
    • distraught,
    • in a quandary,
    • taken aback,
    • roiled,
    • not following,
    • sedimentary,
    • Nubilous,
    • unsettled,
    • out-of-control,
    • bashful,
    • blown away,
    • unclear,
    • unspecific,
    • in a panic,
    • up set,
    • wrong number,
    • worried stiff,
    • tampered-with,
    • fuddled,
    • unmethodical,
    • changeful,
    • indeterminable,
    • at a loss,
    • imprecise,
    • wrong way,
    • off track,
    • amiss,
    • way off,
    • over-wrought,
    • in chaos,
    • barking up wrong tree,
    • heterogeneous,
    • uncomfortable,
    • off-track,
    • out of line,
    • unfastidious,
    • turbulent,
    • be set,
    • crisscross,
    • pell-mell,
    • thoughtless,
    • complex,
    • all over the place,
    • unsorted,
    • psyched out,
    • uproarious,
    • disorderly,
    • in a tizzy,
    • wrong-side-up,
    • of two minds,
    • unassertive,
    • spaced-out,
    • GUNKY,
    • confused with,
    • out-of-place,
    • out-of-line,
    • doubtful,
    • out-of-it,
    • stirred up,
    • in dilemma,
    • stupefied,
    • disordered,
    • indefinite,
    • overturned,
    • disorganized,
    • out-of-whack,
    • mistaken,
    • over-modest,
    • out of one’s head,
    • ill-advised,
    • upside-down,
    • cloudy,
    • bottom side up,
    • delusional,
    • off course,
    • wide of mark,
    • longwinded,
    • upset,
    • lost one’s bearing,
    • out of focus,
    • stunned,
    • overmodest.

    overturned (adjective)

    • over turned,
    • over-turned.

    pell-mell (adjective)

    • Pellmell.

    rambling (adjective)

    • periphrastic,
    • long winded.

    spaced-out (adjective)

    • drugged.

    stunned (adjective)

    • over come,
    • most astonished,
    • more floored,
    • more dismayed,
    • dis-mayed,
    • most dismayed,
    • most flabbergasted,
    • more astonished,
    • more astounded,
    • most floored,
    • dis mayed,
    • over-whelmed,
    • more flabbergasted,
    • over whelmed,
    • most amazed,
    • most astounded,
    • more amazed.

    thoughtless (adjective)

    • unreflective,
    • unreasoning,
    • undiscerning,
    • lamebrained,
    • emptyheaded,
    • Irreflective,
    • unheeding.

    topsy-turvy (adjective)

    • upended,
    • downside-up,
    • inside-out,
    • topsyturvy,
    • Luxated.

    troubled (adjective)

    • more plagued,
    • most aggravated,
    • most riled,
    • most pestered,
    • more inconvenienced,
    • more tortured,
    • most plagued,
    • miffed,
    • dis pleased,
    • more beset,
    • most harrowed,
    • ex acerbated,
    • more exacerbated,
    • more riled,
    • most exacerbated,
    • most inconvenienced,
    • more irked,
    • ex-acerbated,
    • more aggravated,
    • dis-pleased,
    • most tortured,
    • most beset,
    • most irked,
    • more pestered,
    • more harrowed,
    • be-set.

    turbid (adjective)

    • most polluted,
    • more polluted,
    • most sedimentary,
    • more sedimentary.

    turbulent (adjective)

    • more swirling,
    • un stable,
    • more foaming,
    • un stablest,
    • Moiling,
    • tumultous- tumultuous,
    • more storming,
    • most storming,
    • un-stable,
    • howling,
    • most moiling,
    • most stormful,
    • most howling,
    • un stabler,
    • more moiling,
    • more stormful,
    • un-stabler,
    • more blustering,
    • in-clement,
    • most swirling,
    • most foaming,
    • un-stablest,
    • most blustering,
    • more howling.

    unaware (adjective)

    • catatonic.

    uncertain (adjective)

    • moot,
    • uncertain,
    • precarious,
    • changeable,
    • debatable,
    • controversial,
    • insecure,
    • questionable,
    • vague,
    • deniable,
    • tentative,
    • arguable,
    • asea,
    • contestable,
    • undecided,
    • ambivalent,
    • disputable,
    • unsure,
    • mysterious.

    unclear (adjective)

    • un-clear,
    • un clearer,
    • un-clearest,
    • un clearest,
    • un clear,
    • un-clearer.

    uncomfortable (adjective)

    • most discomfited,
    • more chafed,
    • un-comfortable,
    • dis quieted,
    • most anguished,
    • most chafed,
    • more disquieted,
    • more anguished,
    • ill ease,
    • more wracked,
    • more suffering,
    • most suffering,
    • most wracked,
    • most disquieted,
    • more vexed,
    • un-easiest,
    • pained,
    • un easiest,
    • dis-quieted,
    • un-easier,
    • un easy,
    • most galled,
    • more discomfited,
    • un easier,
    • more galled,
    • un comfortable,
    • most vexed.

    unhinged (adjective)

    • un hinged,
    • un-hinged.

    unorganized (adjective)

    • Unarranged.

    unsettled (adjective)

    • most unrestful,
    • un-nerved,
    • in secure,
    • un restful,
    • un peaceful,
    • un quiet,
    • ex-plosive,
    • un-restful,
    • most unnerved,
    • un nerved,
    • most shifting,
    • in securer,
    • pre carious,
    • un quieter,
    • un-quiet,
    • in securest,
    • most unpeaceful,
    • pre-carious,
    • in-secure,
    • un quietest,
    • ex plosive,
    • un-quieter,
    • un-quietest,
    • in-securest,
    • mutable,
    • un-peaceful,
    • in-securer,
    • un-settled,
    • more changeful,
    • more unpeaceful,
    • un predictable,
    • more unrestful,
    • more unnerved,
    • most changeful,
    • un-predictable,
    • in-constant,
    • un settled,
    • unnerved.

    unsystematic (adjective)

    • un systematic,
    • un-systematic.

    upset (adjective)

    • most grieved,
    • most dragged,
    • more dragged,
    • top pled,
    • up-set,
    • top-pled,
    • more grieved,
    • more toppled,
    • most toppled.

    upside-down (adjective)

    • most wrong side up,
    • more bottom-side-up,
    • more wrong side up,
    • most wrong-side-up,
    • more bottom side up,
    • most bottom side up,
    • re-versed,
    • more wrong-side-up,
    • most bottom-side-up,
    • re versed,
    • upsidedown.

    woozy (adjective)

    • more weak-kneed,
    • light headed,
    • be-mused,
    • more weakkneed,
    • weak in knees,
    • off balance,
    • more weak kneed,
    • weak knees,
    • be mused,
    • most weakkneed,
    • most weak-kneed,
    • seeing stars,
    • weak kneed,
    • weak the knees,
    • weak in the knees,
    • weakkneed.
  • a. & adv.

    topsy-turvy (adjective, adverb)

    • wrong side up.
  • adv

    Other relevant words: (adverb)

    • thrown off.
  • adv.

    aback (adverb)

    • sur-prised,
    • sur prised,
    • thrown guard.

    Other relevant words: (adverb)

    • thrown off guard.

    topsy-turvy (adverb)

    • more backwards,
    • most backwards.
  • n.

    • beside yourself,
    • at a loss (to do something),
    • can’t think straight.

    • order.

    addled (noun)

    • addled.

    addlepated (noun)

    • addlepated.

    baffled (noun)

    • baffled.

    befogged (noun)

    • befogged.

    befuddled (noun)

    • befuddled.

    bemused (noun)

    • bemused.

    broken (noun)

    • broken.

    clouded (noun)

    • clouded.

    confused (noun)

    • at sea,
    • mazed,
    • mixed-up,
    • muddleheaded,
    • slaphappy,
    • lost,
    • dazed,
    • woolly,
    • puddingheaded,
    • disorganised,
    • disoriented,
    • wooly,
    • potty,
    • woolly-headed,
    • unoriented,
    • trancelike,
    • wooly-minded,
    • illogical,
    • scattered,
    • muzzy,
    • garbled,
    • dazzled,
    • silly.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • eccentric,
    • characteristic,
    • mistake.
  • v.

    complicated (verb)

    • entangled.

    confused (verb)

    • Misconstrued,
    • Obscured,
    • perplexed,
    • flustered,
    • Mistook.

    deranged (verb)

    • tousled,
    • Displaced,
    • botched,
    • dislocated,
    • Rummaged,
    • roughened,
    • Tampered,
    • Whipped,
    • misplaced,
    • Capsized,
    • Mussed,
    • blurred,
    • disarranged,
    • Meddled,
    • rippled,
    • rumpled,
    • Hashed,
    • Whisked,
    • fermented,
    • ruffled,
    • mislaid,
    • troubled,
    • Tossed,
    • mixed up muddled,
    • agitated,
    • Churned,
    • Tumbled,
    • Swirled,
    • scrambled,
    • Messed,
    • Convulsed.
  • Other synonyms:

    • mind-boggling,
    • byzantine,
    • cumbersome,
    • non compos mentis,
    • puzzled,
    • flummoxed,
    • indecipherable,
    • sophisticated,
    • inscrutable,
    • knotty,
    • uncomprehending,
    • puzzling,
    • recherche,
    • opaque,
    • esoteric,
    • unaccountable,
    • kafkaesque,
    • confusional,
    • dizzy,
    • hysterical,
    • muddle-headed,
    • spaced,
    • impenetrable,
    • fathomless,
    • unintelligible,
    • unfathomable,
    • enigmatic,
    • foggy,
    • Dizzying,
    • indigestible,
    • bureaucratic,
    • highfalutin,
    • arcane,
    • Bedazzled,
    • incomprehensible,
    • tortuous,
    • higgledy-piggledy,
    • cerebral,
    • high-flown,
    • unclassified.

    • difficult,
    • baroque,
    • bewildering,
    • inaccessible,
    • fanciful,
    • definite,
    • unreadable,
    • topsy-turvy,
    • inextricable,
    • dim,
    • convoluted,
    • ambiguous,
    • contorted.

    • nice,
    • dense,
    • upside down.

    • profound.

    • fancy.


    • addlebrained,
    • addleheaded.


    • nonplussed.


    • bewildered.


    • mongrel.


    • state,
    • vexed.


    • ashamed.


    • hectic.

    mentally ill

    • neurotic,
    • demented,
    • certifiable,
    • schizophrenic,
    • sick,
    • mental,
    • paranoid,
    • unbalanced,
    • melancholic,
    • mad,
    • witless,
    • depressed,
    • psychotic,
    • diminished responsibility,
    • bipolar,
    • paranoiac,
    • madly,
    • manic.


    • off.

    Other relevant words:

    • muddiness,
    • nonunionized,
    • close to,
    • parliamentary law,
    • overnice,
    • concerned,
    • strained,
    • regorge,
    • brouhaha,
    • douse,
    • dubiousness,
    • ready,
    • just about,
    • ho-hum,
    • hoary,
    • guess,
    • foetid,
    • big,
    • diffused,
    • extended,
    • outwear,
    • encrust,
    • grayness,
    • down,
    • eternal,
    • loudly,
    • hallucinating,
    • injury,
    • overcloud,
    • fudge,
    • obfuscation,
    • skew-whiff,
    • ignominious,
    • unplumbed,
    • slipshod,
    • kayoed,
    • jejune,
    • disgusted,
    • loathsome,
    • becloud,
    • highfaluting,
    • romanticistic,
    • glooming,
    • swooning,
    • rummy,
    • mixture,
    • dissonant,
    • mouse-colored,
    • giddiness,
    • arrange,
    • ill,
    • inhomogeneous,
    • queen,
    • fag,
    • chanceful,
    • exquisite,
    • mother,
    • irrational number,
    • unsound,
    • bring,
    • vexing,
    • ghastly,
    • interference,
    • salacious,
    • state department,
    • bad,
    • rolled,
    • puddle,
    • dip,
    • circulate,
    • atomic number 52,
    • harebrained,
    • narcotised,
    • hold over,
    • sound,
    • disgusting,
    • max,
    • watery,
    • bruise,
    • mystical,
    • pay off,
    • bootleg,
    • unrecognisable,
    • atomic number 49,
    • turnabout,
    • chance variable,
    • interruption,
    • nervy,
    • intrigue,
    • torturesome,
    • smutch,
    • make,
    • clandestine,
    • at rest,
    • come alive,
    • grayish,
    • waste,
    • stung,
    • come down,
    • oleaginous,
    • clean,
    • abaft,
    • thudding,
    • stimulate,
    • earn,
    • blockade,
    • pasty,
    • accommodate,
    • light-colored,
    • go for,
    • commonwealth,
    • depress,
    • gather,
    • tempestuousness,
    • lucubrate,
    • express,
    • aloud,
    • strident,
    • parlous,
    • enervate,
    • discombobulation,
    • cleared,
    • subdued,
    • frowzled,
    • abysmal,
    • funky,
    • labyrinth,
    • unfitting,
    • assortment,
    • ruffle,
    • rules of order,
    • tawdry,
    • ko’d,
    • father,
    • start out,
    • peril,
    • repel,
    • harass,
    • vex,
    • dianoetic,
    • obsessed,
    • induce,
    • lopsided,
    • preposterous,
    • aggravated,
    • unwarrantable,
    • dour,
    • absorbed,
    • discommode,
    • demon,
    • inverse,
    • katzenjammer,
    • raging,
    • clog up,
    • inch,
    • shrinkage,
    • place,
    • nonsense,
    • boring,
    • daunted,
    • victimized,
    • incompatible,
    • fuzzed,
    • astonied,
    • noble-minded,
    • cheating,
    • black eye,
    • kookie,
    • baffle,
    • birl,
    • hotheaded,
    • appeal,
    • evoke,
    • pathetic,
    • befoul,
    • haphazardly,
    • jerk,
    • nasty,
    • ineffable,
    • interpolate,
    • extend,
    • fancier,
    • particoloured,
    • bellow,
    • straightaway,
    • fictitious,
    • flying,
    • skin rash,
    • inscribe,
    • relieved,
    • incapacitated,
    • congest,
    • hifalutin,
    • frightened,
    • half-crazed,
    • tomb,
    • chapped,
    • rocky,
    • hollo,
    • pudding stone,
    • convey,
    • boom,
    • screwball,
    • uncertainty,
    • incipient,
    • expand,
    • blate,
    • ignite,
    • play a joke on,
    • character,
    • torturous,
    • be sick,
    • harm,
    • smart,
    • gild,
    • illume,
    • transposition,
    • eddy,
    • banal,
    • authorise,
    • simple,
    • illumination,
    • intent,
    • nighttime,
    • enamour,
    • rip,
    • ungratified,
    • greyness,
    • several,
    • contrive,
    • qabalistic,
    • falsify,
    • incrust,
    • liquid ecstasy,
    • blizzard,
    • unsealed,
    • shake,
    • charm,
    • overweight,
    • enamor,
    • vile,
    • utter,
    • shady,
    • clamant,
    • bring forth,
    • sedate,
    • flash,
    • bother,
    • rackety,
    • get along with,
    • fateful,
    • vortex,
    • seawards,
    • blind drunk,
    • thickset,
    • wilderness,
    • tack,
    • imbue,
    • courteous,
    • spacy,
    • take to,
    • wrongly,
    • finical,
    • astonishing,
    • outside,
    • snag,
    • lightness,
    • mordant,
    • detached,
    • drink,
    • tongue-tied,
    • indecent,
    • indescribable,
    • discombobulate,
    • clamorous,
    • easygoing,
    • contaminated,
    • shameful,
    • detriment,
    • syncope,
    • identical,
    • gnarled,
    • mishmash,
    • brighten,
    • crisscrossed,
    • juvenile,
    • goosey,
    • decipherable,
    • lush,
    • stimulated,
    • tear,
    • meretricious,
    • afield,
    • saccharine,
    • hole-and-corner,
    • tangle,
    • cogent,
    • exalted,
    • garboil,
    • disconcertion,
    • unnerve,
    • issue,
    • stock split,
    • imitation,
    • tearing,
    • one and only,
    • composite plant,
    • diametric,
    • patchwork,
    • singular,
    • spacious,
    • get under one’s skin,
    • develop,
    • heels over head,
    • melange,
    • shift,
    • molest,
    • rag,
    • dissipated,
    • viscid,
    • lumpish,
    • corrupt,
    • head-in-the-clouds,
    • rumbustious,
    • encompassing,
    • wide-open,
    • downcast,
    • exuberant,
    • face to face,
    • intellectual,
    • awake,
    • phrenetic,
    • fleshy,
    • smack,
    • degraded,
    • clog,
    • hex,
    • come,
    • nauseated,
    • indiscriminately,
    • sempiternal,
    • mesmerize,
    • set upon,
    • in love,
    • bring out,
    • mucilaginous,
    • stormy,
    • dicey,
    • honeyed,
    • all the way,
    • main,
    • hard put,
    • frowsy,
    • grievous bodily harm,
    • dainty,
    • flit,
    • bustle,
    • inconvenience,
    • unfathomed,
    • solemn,
    • incommode,
    • fight,
    • call forth,
    • chuck,
    • distress,
    • some,
    • chevy,
    • crude,
    • unmortgaged,
    • hoard,
    • imbalanced,
    • continuous tense,
    • take leave,
    • traitorously,
    • cushy,
    • done for,
    • aweary,
    • nonplus,
    • nebulose,
    • unusual,
    • first,
    • otiose,
    • insanely,
    • illusion,
    • varying,
    • partizan,
    • unwitting,
    • ado,
    • balmy,
    • harum-scarum,
    • capture,
    • part,
    • incertain,
    • lighter,
    • flat,
    • insight,
    • rarified,
    • conk,
    • unthinking,
    • uncivilized,
    • sharp,
    • insupportable,
    • romanticist,
    • rank,
    • quaggy,
    • homophile,
    • kabbalistic,
    • hesitation,
    • melancholy,
    • treacly,
    • evenfall,
    • separate,
    • fondness,
    • pile up,
    • disharmonious,
    • aim,
    • inspire,
    • fan out,
    • start,
    • slushy,
    • inapplicable,
    • loggerheaded,
    • potpourri,
    • emotional,
    • of a sudden,
    • release,
    • quickly,
    • outlandish,
    • squashy,
    • cloak-and-dagger,
    • grate,
    • disseminate,
    • variegate,
    • brightness level,
    • dulled,
    • forth,
    • mercurial,
    • bygone,
    • obsessional,
    • fake,
    • flocculent,
    • dishearten,
    • uncomprehensible,
    • calico,
    • hobo camp,
    • social club,
    • aflutter,
    • sozzled,
    • drab,
    • inept,
    • defeated,
    • relinquish,
    • prompt,
    • cosmopolitan,
    • lame,
    • abrasive,
    • terrific,
    • thunder,
    • trouble,
    • interrupt,
    • hazard,
    • untrue,
    • rotary,
    • fog,
    • unexpended,
    • fagged,
    • scatty,
    • deepen,
    • guerrilla,
    • sober,
    • inwards,
    • feebleminded,
    • befuddlement,
    • writhen,
    • rearward,
    • fire,
    • looney,
    • doomed,
    • dullard,
    • tack together,
    • debate,
    • pollute,
    • oblique,
    • inner light,
    • unnumberable,
    • remove,
    • flim-flam,
    • variance,
    • crepuscule,
    • welter,
    • get on with,
    • var.,
    • folie,
    • chatoyant,
    • unjustified,
    • smother,
    • repellent,
    • flagitious,
    • liven up,
    • spry,
    • thunder mug,
    • bedlam,
    • dissever,
    • atrocious,
    • implicit,
    • throw together,
    • ravingly,
    • spark,
    • flaky,
    • heady,
    • threatening,
    • softened,
    • ill-conceived,
    • tough,
    • propagate,
    • misshapen,
    • pretended,
    • mutually exclusive,
    • madman,
    • crack,
    • hedge,
    • parti-color,
    • hide,
    • prankish,
    • invisible,
    • flaccid,
    • rouse,
    • nonpareil,
    • shelve,
    • state of matter,
    • punishing,
    • consecrate,
    • once again,
    • realize,
    • slack,
    • tangential,
    • rum,
    • packed,
    • let,
    • mist,
    • solve,
    • hollow,
    • awaken,
    • turn around,
    • dumbfound,
    • envision,
    • partiality,
    • mire,
    • insensible,
    • convolution,
    • sombre,
    • mesmerise,
    • unrivaled,
    • apart,
    • ogre,
    • curious,
    • exonerated,
    • poker-faced,
    • prospect,
    • unsporting,
    • decree,
    • reverse,
    • notional,
    • knobbed,
    • concentrated,
    • dusk,
    • glum,
    • put over,
    • misapprehension,
    • intemperate,
    • foiled,
    • liberal,
    • regularise,
    • degenerate,
    • churning,
    • delusive,
    • moody,
    • full,
    • heavily,
    • shot,
    • work,
    • becharm,
    • take chances,
    • fuss,
    • crazily,
    • rapt,
    • blanch,
    • sovereign,
    • disconsolate,
    • iffy,
    • crusade,
    • stuporous,
    • chuck up the sponge,
    • logy,
    • fickle,
    • grandiose,
    • confounding,
    • jolty,
    • cur,
    • overtake,
    • nonchalant,
    • clayey,
    • scathe,
    • fuzz,
    • indefensible,
    • stool,
    • setback,
    • featherbrained,
    • panoptic,
    • adjust,
    • quiver,
    • riddle,
    • jinx,
    • infirm,
    • multifaceted,
    • plodding,
    • trick,
    • revolting,
    • round the bend,
    • pesky,
    • heighten,
    • catch,
    • bats,
    • chemical compound,
    • coherent,
    • besotted,
    • mismatched,
    • dapple,
    • grim,
    • absurd,
    • pernicious,
    • fantasy,
    • pugnacious,
    • severe,
    • approximative,
    • soft on,
    • gauze-like,
    • imperfect tense,
    • informal,
    • tiddly,
    • first gear,
    • freewheeling,
    • scratchy,
    • morose,
    • flicker,
    • cat,
    • read,
    • fluttering,
    • charge up,
    • cracked,
    • shadow,
    • stun,
    • crestfallen,
    • straggly,
    • indecorous,
    • nance,
    • superfluous,
    • get the better of,
    • regulate,
    • panicked,
    • postpone,
    • set up,
    • unnatural,
    • beguile,
    • yucky,
    • engrave,
    • gravel,
    • leftover,
    • aft,
    • fluid,
    • ill-used,
    • subterfuge,
    • liberate,
    • poof,
    • ill-shapen,
    • pervade,
    • grade,
    • burbly,
    • baroque period,
    • tatty,
    • waver,
    • bowelless,
    • blunt,
    • departed,
    • provoke,
    • deadening,
    • stupefying,
    • wounded,
    • represent,
    • deceased,
    • thrown and twisted,
    • sparkle,
    • soggy,
    • disperse,
    • self-employed person,
    • muddy up,
    • remorseful,
    • frilly,
    • resign,
    • unarticulate,
    • undeterminable,
    • thwart,
    • leave office,
    • deviate,
    • agile,
    • downhearted,
    • sick of,
    • dampen,
    • play a trick on,
    • matte,
    • diametrical,
    • calamitous,
    • bedazzle,
    • spiritless,
    • dun,
    • back,
    • shopworn,
    • inapposite,
    • wan,
    • unenviable,
    • clearly,
    • wide-cut,
    • heartbreaking,
    • corpulent,
    • pose,
    • scant,
    • scratch,
    • defer,
    • incur,
    • throw off,
    • hurly burly,
    • fussy,
    • daredevil,
    • schizoid,
    • noncontinuous,
    • crackbrained,
    • percipient,
    • bump,
    • become,
    • affray,
    • askew,
    • mottle,
    • deflated,
    • haze,
    • astonish,
    • hinder,
    • stiff,
    • foreswear,
    • gruesome,
    • war-ridden,
    • interrupted,
    • scram,
    • dislocation,
    • type,
    • numberless,
    • encounter,
    • excitement,
    • table,
    • hoo-ha,
    • indiscriminating,
    • hullabaloo,
    • frail,
    • hoity-toity,
    • elucidate,
    • delicate,
    • united,
    • strain,
    • repellant,
    • hazardous,
    • spooky,
    • dolt,
    • detailed,
    • impacted,
    • sceptical,
    • peerless,
    • lofty,
    • fantastic,
    • glutinous,
    • unintentional,
    • abyssal,
    • backward,
    • unhorse,
    • grumpy,
    • vaporish,
    • draw,
    • collect,
    • sloughy,
    • unbecoming,
    • blushing,
    • opposite word,
    • tearaway,
    • roughly,
    • grand,
    • tellurium,
    • salmagundi,
    • roseola,
    • unspeakable,
    • all-encompassing,
    • inward,
    • stroke,
    • unnumbered,
    • grip,
    • wooden-headed,
    • puzzler,
    • wanton,
    • indium,
    • light up,
    • vomit up,
    • brace,
    • carrousel,
    • mingle,
    • drop,
    • rising,
    • militant,
    • gruelling,
    • spasmodic,
    • intemperately,
    • nettled,
    • nation,
    • untellable,
    • bumpy,
    • foil,
    • airheaded,
    • stock,
    • permeate,
    • puke,
    • faux,
    • obstruct,
    • ill-scented,
    • twilight,
    • amorous,
    • maniac,
    • miry,
    • blanket,
    • set out,
    • darkness,
    • get off,
    • unbroken,
    • elude,
    • commence,
    • no matter,
    • peculiar,
    • cast off,
    • shake up,
    • agonising,
    • muffle,
    • choke off,
    • have,
    • delinquent,
    • poverty-stricken,
    • respective,
    • crystallize,
    • uncrystallized,
    • jolted,
    • idle,
    • give,
    • can,
    • free,
    • goofball,
    • fast,
    • disgorge,
    • perch,
    • progressive tense,
    • unaccented,
    • grave accent,
    • fatheaded,
    • pull a fast one on,
    • problematical,
    • view as,
    • mental disorder,
    • half-baked,
    • scramble,
    • jostle,
    • bedaze,
    • tripping,
    • lather,
    • moonstruck,
    • shitless,
    • publish,
    • past,
    • peeved,
    • authorize,
    • partisan,
    • precipitous,
    • dos,
    • rive,
    • insurgent,
    • rough out,
    • monstrous,
    • schism,
    • vagabondage,
    • put forward,
    • gentle,
    • easy lay,
    • bugger off,
    • unharmonious,
    • reversion,
    • quizzical,
    • come on,
    • exculpate,
    • skillful,
    • frantically,
    • hard-pressed,
    • precipitant,
    • unutterable,
    • antonym,
    • deucedly,
    • vaporific,
    • moo,
    • foregone,
    • fanatic,
    • veil,
    • infinite,
    • irritable,
    • frilled,
    • prospering,
    • appalled,
    • sprawling,
    • stranded,
    • lenient,
    • gangrenous,
    • picture,
    • atypical,
    • faithlessly,
    • expose,
    • knockabout,
    • hardly,
    • noise,
    • chafed,
    • dingy,
    • soupy,
    • universal,
    • dolorous,
    • energise,
    • metagrobolized,
    • unthoughtful,
    • aroused,
    • all-embracing,
    • daily,
    • at large,
    • immediate,
    • throw away,
    • fire up,
    • outback,
    • omnium-gatherum,
    • device characteristic,
    • sickish,
    • combine,
    • mark,
    • half-witted,
    • jam-packed,
    • careworn,
    • churrigueresco,
    • holla,
    • multi-colour,
    • worn out,
    • sorry,
    • phantasy,
    • igniter,
    • extraneous,
    • raise,
    • understand,
    • eclecticist,
    • nauseate,
    • mystification,
    • deceptive,
    • saturnine,
    • impaired,
    • project,
    • zany,
    • kooky,
    • cabalistic,
    • sculpture,
    • unseemly,
    • flap,
    • multicoloured,
    • push,
    • short,
    • geek,
    • crabby,
    • asleep,
    • cleave,
    • shock,
    • surd,
    • smorgasbord,
    • tiresome,
    • fag out,
    • bowl over,
    • twist,
    • smutty,
    • crackers,
    • spoil,
    • deep,
    • sappy,
    • down in the mouth,
    • windy,
    • contraband,
    • colonial,
    • stir,
    • set back,
    • foul-smelling,
    • all of a sudden,
    • tumble,
    • turn over,
    • uncounted,
    • visible radiation,
    • firmly,
    • mat,
    • nighted,
    • variate,
    • prissy,
    • converse,
    • swirl,
    • come along,
    • thwarted,
    • unconscious mind,
    • energising,
    • anesthetise,
    • quarantined,
    • commonplace,
    • prorogue,
    • society,
    • melanise,
    • lightsome,
    • spread out,
    • straighten out,
    • abject,
    • buddy-buddy,
    • beget,
    • second,
    • unobtainable,
    • lodge,
    • sonorous,
    • easy,
    • gushy,
    • defeat,
    • stick,
    • govern,
    • sidestep,
    • tortured,
    • image,
    • crinkly,
    • raving mad,
    • prosperous,
    • vapourous,
    • reprobate,
    • exculpated,
    • warp,
    • great,
    • ill-tempered,
    • particular,
    • hoar,
    • spin,
    • fruity,
    • imbecile,
    • gay,
    • muted,
    • multicolor,
    • chamberpot,
    • about,
    • taxing,
    • deject,
    • smuggled,
    • scurvy,
    • dishevelled,
    • marked-up,
    • change of mind,
    • opposition,
    • set-apart,
    • bat,
    • disorder,
    • dirty,
    • marvelous,
    • overseas,
    • rudderless,
    • insidious,
    • turnaround,
    • marvellous,
    • conjure,
    • maddened,
    • net,
    • spotty,
    • fundamental,
    • infuriated,
    • engender,
    • mischievous,
    • heavyset,
    • sack,
    • sicken,
    • jumbal,
    • heartrending,
    • promptly,
    • headlong,
    • unsmooth,
    • mobile,
    • adverse,
    • psychotic person,
    • unloose,
    • master,
    • irritating,
    • bonkers,
    • stymie,
    • absent,
    • free-and-easy,
    • reel,
    • noncritical,
    • cloying,
    • irrationality,
    • call down,
    • wrongfulness,
    • luminance,
    • grey-haired,
    • unsportsmanlike,
    • contaminate,
    • mouselike,
    • plaguy,
    • out or keeping,
    • meet,
    • inquiring,
    • fearful,
    • demoralized,
    • chained,
    • empty,
    • adventure,
    • gross out,
    • wondering,
    • sundry,
    • arch,
    • injure,
    • pansy,
    • heterogenous,
    • foment,
    • realise,
    • jerking,
    • mousey,
    • transport,
    • speculative,
    • stupefy,
    • din,
    • mugwump,
    • discomfiture,
    • loathly,
    • multicolored,
    • fiat,
    • inauspicious,
    • figure,
    • devil,
    • peregrine,
    • hackneyed,
    • pointless,
    • inflated,
    • modest,
    • tip over,
    • haze over,
    • pervert,
    • gluey,
    • fortune,
    • disappointed,
    • nutcase,
    • viscous,
    • fall by the wayside,
    • assoil,
    • dubitable,
    • negro,
    • loaded,
    • divers,
    • twinkle,
    • wiped out,
    • stochastic variable,
    • clumsy,
    • barmy,
    • disjunct,
    • expectant,
    • escaped,
    • hassle,
    • off-and-on,
    • absentminded,
    • nimble,
    • deliberate,
    • overwhelm,
    • sebaceous,
    • inquisitive,
    • gossamer,
    • risky,
    • bemusement,
    • puzzlement,
    • slur,
    • lacuna,
    • febrile,
    • snarly,
    • honied,
    • small,
    • mingle-mangle,
    • mutt,
    • miscellanea,
    • voiced,
    • press,
    • misinterpret,
    • convulsion,
    • ruction,
    • huffy,
    • dictate,
    • vapourish,
    • swage,
    • energize,
    • washed-out,
    • cryptical,
    • confutative,
    • crepuscle,
    • disruptive,
    • set about,
    • impassive,
    • fucked-up,
    • sapless,
    • retch,
    • wispy,
    • red,
    • dying,
    • ill-chosen,
    • noisome,
    • waterlogged,
    • enkindle,
    • disconcert,
    • worked up,
    • gracious,
    • palpitate,
    • upchuck,
    • cumbrous,
    • left,
    • cast,
    • hold,
    • grey-headed,
    • woolly-haired,
    • unsettle,
    • volatile,
    • blotto,
    • pied,
    • smudge,
    • murder,
    • jutting,
    • rattling,
    • pull,
    • free lance,
    • unclutter,
    • low-down,
    • stump,
    • wound,
    • weakly,
    • let loose,
    • acquire,
    • discrepancy,
    • snap,
    • panic-stricken,
    • pitch blackness,
    • block,
    • luminousness,
    • swarm,
    • fray,
    • blotted out,
    • cam stroke,
    • misunderstanding,
    • defile,
    • crystalise,
    • drear,
    • divide,
    • visualize,
    • dismount,
    • indocile,
    • lightheadedness,
    • drifting,
    • cruddy,
    • pass around,
    • jolting,
    • teasing,
    • intensify,
    • exposit,
    • sulky,
    • agonizing,
    • miasmal,
    • captive,
    • full general,
    • indulgent,
    • brainish,
    • annoying,
    • fluctuation,
    • laughable,
    • of unsound mind,
    • anesthetize,
    • melanize,
    • kerfuffle,
    • crocked,
    • offended,
    • pudden-head,
    • scotch,
    • embrangle,
    • life-threatening,
    • wind,
    • liven,
    • roar,
    • renounce,
    • mixed bag,
    • delight,
    • nonconcentric,
    • garish,
    • greyish,
    • crucify,
    • unnumerable,
    • planless,
    • neural,
    • anserine,
    • rescript,
    • cease,
    • straggling,
    • break open,
    • take,
    • ungraded,
    • swoon,
    • particolored,
    • sticky,
    • autonomous,
    • miserable,
    • put,
    • manifold paper,
    • light within,
    • pull in,
    • uptight,
    • tipsy,
    • myriad,
    • wear upon,
    • unmanageable,
    • high-minded,
    • dodgy,
    • tire,
    • twat,
    • guilty,
    • bang,
    • gummed,
    • unlettered,
    • regurgitate,
    • tip-tilted,
    • smear,
    • policy change,
    • run a risk,
    • dolourous,
    • piebald,
    • rough in,
    • thickly,
    • dispirit,
    • african-american,
    • united states department of state,
    • unrestrained,
    • discharge,
    • implike,
    • acquit,
    • poove,
    • rumpus,
    • quixotic,
    • rapturous,
    • marooned,
    • savage,
    • overemotional,
    • nutlike,
    • discomfit,
    • disastrous,
    • animate,
    • devil-may-care,
    • wavy,
    • upheaval,
    • awestricken,
    • beat,
    • paired,
    • crapper,
    • advanced,
    • away,
    • spread,
    • disobedient,
    • find,
    • intoxicated,
    • chopfallen,
    • turbulency,
    • rattlebrained,
    • victimised,
    • varicolored,
    • pudding head,
    • midst,
    • unhappy,
    • swashbuckler,
    • turn off,
    • approximate,
    • nonunionised,
    • floating,
    • more or less,
    • sonant,
    • unsubtle,
    • flourishing,
    • once more,
    • unnoticeable,
    • timeworn,
    • tizzy,
    • forte,
    • clean-cut,
    • foregather,
    • sublime,
    • building complex,
    • at random,
    • white,
    • rueful,
    • hokey,
    • drippy,
    • disoblige,
    • risk,
    • gloomful,
    • tired of,
    • wakeful,
    • sore,
    • vomit,
    • necessitous,
    • circularise,
    • all-inclusive,
    • wonderful,
    • spue,
    • oddball,
    • wrong-side-out,
    • imperfectly,
    • stymy,
    • stray,
    • orderliness,
    • enlighten,
    • circumvent,
    • nettlesome,
    • get down,
    • squiffy,
    • depleted,
    • astound,
    • waken,
    • demoralised,
    • roll up,
    • undue,
    • vindicated,
    • conjure up,
    • suffering,
    • stilted,
    • dangerous,
    • error-prone,
    • dodger,
    • topsy-turvily,
    • fling,
    • legal injury,
    • puckish,
    • vacillation,
    • to-do,
    • nescient,
    • unknowledgeable,
    • pillock,
    • transfix,
    • blank shell,
    • apprehensive,
    • trance,
    • interpenetrate,
    • flowery,
    • untouchable,
    • put together,
    • blacken,
    • province,
    • exalt,
    • inglorious,
    • prescribe,
    • split up,
    • lewd,
    • uncivilised,
    • lightlessness,
    • weighed down,
    • retire,
    • indigent,
    • spite,
    • indiana,
    • alight,
    • undercover,
    • touch,
    • planetary,
    • lanate,
    • fatal,
    • tone down,
    • topsy-turvydom,
    • fob,
    • mental disturbance,
    • enraged,
    • rent,
    • smitten,
    • rosy,
    • soppy,
    • slow,
    • fall,
    • malformed,
    • debauched,
    • throw in the towel,
    • macabre,
    • bungled,
    • stupid person,
    • oddments,
    • back up,
    • remote control,
    • distant,
    • bring up,
    • goof,
    • ridiculous,
    • plague,
    • on the spur of the moment,
    • flesh out,
    • probationary,
    • gray-headed,
    • see,
    • whelm,
    • absolved,
    • dismay,
    • bozo,
    • wear down,
    • grow,
    • pass out,
    • loco,
    • advance,
    • carousel,
    • hoo-hah,
    • bilk,
    • wickedness,
    • undone,
    • rate,
    • unquiet,
    • chivy,
    • plastered,
    • edict,
    • out of sight,
    • polar,
    • assumed,
    • convoke,
    • treacherously,
    • twisting,
    • stretch out,
    • arrive,
    • invigorate,
    • pass,
    • sticking out,
    • turned,
    • put under,
    • glaze over,
    • clear-cut,
    • flyaway,
    • visualise,
    • ungoverned,
    • dispatch,
    • mix-up,
    • severely,
    • anaesthetize,
    • haggard,
    • unclouded,
    • fall apart,
    • say,
    • red-faced,
    • logical,
    • merry-go-round,
    • hot and bothered,
    • fed up,
    • old-hat,
    • in a bad way,
    • step down,
    • bedim,
    • multi-color,
    • unassuming,
    • barf,
    • wear,
    • nitwitted,
    • unloosen,
    • metagrabolised,
    • light source,
    • crimson,
    • purge,
    • convolute,
    • libertine,
    • trepid,
    • unjustifiable,
    • sinister,
    • improvident,
    • decent,
    • hodgepodge,
    • sort out,
    • dateless,
    • devilishly,
    • offer,
    • kaleidoscopical,
    • elaborated,
    • flukey,
    • shadowed,
    • multitudinous,
    • roving,
    • bemuse,
    • sentimental,
    • muddle,
    • dilemma,
    • arrest,
    • infatuated,
    • silent,
    • unknown,
    • ragbag,
    • stir up,
    • whimsical,
    • jackass,
    • toilet,
    • uncrystallised,
    • castrate,
    • cause,
    • bring in,
    • out,
    • err,
    • fix,
    • obtain,
    • sexual perversion,
    • interracial,
    • pallid,
    • umbrageous,
    • bleary-eyed,
    • over again,
    • switch,
    • distribute,
    • booming,
    • baroqueness,
    • transposed,
    • lay off,
    • simulated,
    • ordain,
    • sloshed,
    • overthrow,
    • damp,
    • get the best,
    • derangement,
    • carve up,
    • rarefied,
    • scoop,
    • obstinate,
    • scummy,
    • enceinte,
    • total darkness,
    • fatigue,
    • mute,
    • relax,
    • unsounded,
    • gap,
    • suffer,
    • fathead,
    • beguilement,
    • maverick,
    • holloa,
    • yowl,
    • unpaired,
    • panic-struck,
    • harrowing,
    • offensive,
    • foolhardy,
    • receive,
    • sheer,
    • daimon,
    • edgy,
    • drunk,
    • piece,
    • left over,
    • throw in,
    • produce,
    • whirlpool,
    • wear out,
    • ripped,
    • department of state,
    • pall,
    • slyboots,
    • ordinate,
    • played out,
    • stupor,
    • abruptly,
    • shape up,
    • fluster,
    • experience,
    • hagridden,
    • neuter,
    • mawkish,
    • hothead,
    • unsighted,
    • disconcertment,
    • clutter,
    • throne,
    • effusive,
    • topsy-turvyness,
    • shake off,
    • doddering,
    • enraptured,
    • variation,
    • willy-nilly,
    • snarl up,
    • certified,
    • get on,
    • seaward,
    • luck,
    • grungy,
    • crinkled,
    • jade,
    • go,
    • untimely,
    • enthrall,
    • high-sounding,
    • obese,
    • fault,
    • awed,
    • wake up,
    • schmalzy,
    • translate,
    • passing,
    • groundless,
    • ordination,
    • aghast,
    • soaked,
    • spellbind,
    • dumbstricken,
    • sack up,
    • humble,
    • nox,
    • sex,
    • torment,
    • pie-eyed,
    • tumultuousness,
    • drawn,
    • gloaming,
    • unaffixed,
    • brightness,
    • draw in,
    • cheap,
    • secret,
    • white-haired,
    • untune,
    • guerilla,
    • soft-witted,
    • bypast,
    • occasional,
    • speedy,
    • unmated,
    • fictive,
    • begin,
    • maculate,
    • abstemious,
    • backbreaking,
    • wild-eyed,
    • expound,
    • lumbering,
    • undistinguishable,
    • alien,
    • sticking,
    • distasteful,
    • sweep over,
    • loose-fitting,
    • angered,
    • blow,
    • mild,
    • disgraceful,
    • bleak,
    • purl,
    • quicksilver,
    • religious mystic,
    • burst,
    • marshy,
    • entrance,
    • country,
    • play tricks,
    • many-sided,
    • wraithlike,
    • choke,
    • dissolute,
    • circularize,
    • picky,
    • undetectable,
    • unsolved,
    • opportunity,
    • varicoloured,
    • kindle,
    • frowzy,
    • pissed,
    • buzz off,
    • well-worn,
    • spew,
    • flakey,
    • stirred,
    • smashed,
    • ululation,
    • touch-and-go,
    • freelance,
    • provisionary,
    • in great confusion,
    • thrust,
    • surreptitious,
    • lowly,
    • lightly,
    • coupled,
    • raspy,
    • crystalize,
    • stinking,
    • dazzle,
    • charge,
    • illiterate,
    • fleet,
    • generalised,
    • flapping,
    • wide-ranging,
    • crazed,
    • flitter,
    • tire out,
    • unrivalled,
    • thriving,
    • fairy,
    • occult,
    • hirsute,
    • torturing,
    • destitute,
    • anguish,
    • vertigo,
    • or so,
    • work out,
    • trauma,
    • large-minded,
    • amuck,
    • sculpt,
    • confusedness,
    • eccentric person,
    • fluky,
    • top,
    • fallible,
    • grizzly,
    • cursory,
    • deem,
    • unleash,
    • nebular,
    • consistent,
    • one,
    • fatigued,
    • unattended,
    • taken with,
    • efflorescence,
    • guesswork,
    • vagrant,
    • regularize,
    • arranged,
    • bunglesome,
    • endanger,
    • low gear,
    • black-market,
    • ecstatic,
    • weasel-worded,
    • uncut,
    • trigger-happy,
    • harry,
    • churrigueresque,
    • joseph black,
    • state of nature,
    • unheeded,
    • pother,
    • bump off,
    • unintelligent,
    • blench,
    • unknowing,
    • coarse,
    • question,
    • unranked,
    • estranged,
    • tell,
    • palmy,
    • unrest,
    • pitch-dark,
    • ill-timed,
    • weeping,
    • pay back,
    • around the bend,
    • washy,
    • weirdo,
    • unelaborated,
    • gauzy,
    • gimcrack,
    • multi-colored,
    • superior general,
    • randomly,
    • progressive,
    • gyration,
    • goose,
    • steamed,
    • wide-eyed,
    • turnover,
    • gray-haired,
    • barbarian,
    • contract,
    • gamble,
    • shed light on,
    • case,
    • doped,
    • everyday,
    • unfirm,
    • head over heels,
    • screw-loose,
    • fare,
    • afoul,
    • flabby,
    • confutable,
    • form,
    • unexplainable,
    • insouciant,
    • worn-out,
    • retrousse,
    • capricious,
    • kitschy,
    • give up,
    • spent,
    • hustle,
    • overturn,
    • burdensome,
    • knock over,
    • thick-skulled,
    • sour,
    • tolerant,
    • whirl around,
    • unretrievable,
    • jerked meat,
    • fencesitter,
    • stressed,
    • blackness,
    • tacky,
    • guild,
    • discontinue,
    • goop,
    • large,
    • vagabond,
    • widely,
    • unalike,
    • calorie-free,
    • twirl,
    • body politic,
    • swampy,
    • derisory,
    • evade,
    • glowering,
    • low-spirited,
    • imaginary,
    • miscellany,
    • trashy,
    • howl,
    • luxuriant,
    • impish,
    • senseless,
    • driving,
    • about-face,
    • enwrapped,
    • uncorrected,
    • unexpressive,
    • at peace,
    • ignitor,
    • soused,
    • all in,
    • buff,
    • tremendous,
    • elicit,
    • at odds,
    • low-toned,
    • unlearned,
    • wasted,
    • ordering,
    • reticent,
    • in large quantities,
    • dodge,
    • adolescent,
    • underground,
    • freelancer,
    • ignored,
    • unsatisfied,
    • profuse,
    • slay,
    • loosen,
    • make out,
    • happen,
    • wrapped,
    • negroid,
    • blemished,
    • trite,
    • screaming,
    • zymolysis,
    • unsung,
    • freakish,
    • writhed,
    • twiddle,
    • holler,
    • picket,
    • luminosity,
    • brassy,
    • baseless,
    • unsafe,
    • matchless,
    • depression,
    • with child,
    • sibylline,
    • spin around,
    • dead reckoning,
    • warm,
    • cockeyed,
    • carefree,
    • witch,
    • gaudy,
    • flashy,
    • snow flurry,
    • blue,
    • perverted,
    • campaign,
    • throw up,
    • astounding,
    • oecumenical,
    • linked,
    • compile,
    • exonerate,
    • unvoiced,
    • ponderous,
    • contrary,
    • faggot,
    • cloud cover,
    • ti,
    • commove,
    • matt,
    • freaky,
    • uncategorised,
    • deadly,
    • consider,
    • smelly,
    • sickening,
    • self-aware,
    • kaput,
    • shifty,
    • compact,
    • pestering,
    • idealistic,
    • edition,
    • space,
    • expatiate,
    • unseasonable,
    • blot out,
    • vacillant,
    • overstrung,
    • nomadic,
    • rattlepated,
    • slopped,
    • wet,
    • discompose,
    • circle,
    • fraudulent,
    • rarify,
    • blear-eyed,
    • depraved,
    • dementedly,
    • threadbare,
    • shortsighted,
    • turn on,
    • angry,
    • oily,
    • readable,
    • baroque era,
    • inapt,
    • bellowing,
    • variable star,
    • glamour,
    • genial,
    • cloudiness,
    • break up,
    • arduous,
    • energizing,
    • take a chance,
    • polish off,
    • mirky,
    • mired,
    • untamed,
    • ludicrous,
    • taint,
    • in question,
    • face-to-face,
    • obliterate,
    • voiceless,
    • buggy,
    • plight,
    • hush-hush,
    • whirligig,
    • dreary,
    • forgather,
    • aqueous,
    • disregarding,
    • variable quantity,
    • wonky,
    • farrago,
    • barbaric,
    • anaesthetise,
    • remit,
    • misdirection,
    • refine,
    • voluminous,
    • monastic order,
    • holy order,
    • undecipherable,
    • treasonably,
    • outre,
    • deadpan,
    • remaining,
    • penitent,
    • stocky,
    • painted,
    • grouchy,
    • coordination compound,
    • refutable,
    • forced,
    • narcotized,
    • teaser,
    • raise up,
    • trembling,
    • decrepit,
    • stop,
    • bothersome,
    • repelling,
    • enthral,
    • taken up,
    • irrespective,
    • illuminate,
    • uncontrollable,
    • order of magnitude,
    • version,
    • on the fence,
    • goosy,
    • chivvy,
    • sustain,
    • diaphanous,
    • low-pitched,
    • error,
    • doddery,
    • wavelike,
    • magnetize,
    • film over,
    • put on,
    • winnow,
    • low-cal,
    • exploited,
    • embarrassing,
    • misidentify,
    • on the loose,
    • penetrate,
    • orphic,
    • discrepant,
    • ravish,
    • preceding,
    • pain,
    • off-key,
    • brainwave,
    • hit the bottle,
    • dilate,
    • hold out,
    • approximately,
    • disgustful,
    • ungovernable,
    • tedious,
    • skirt,
    • enjoin,
    • rickety,
    • la-di-da,
    • discredited,
    • squeamish,
    • self-contradictory,
    • probability,
    • dispirited,
    • burbling,
    • range,
    • unsymmetrical,
    • mental confusion,
    • random variable,
    • progress,
    • opponent,
    • visible light,
    • unmatchable,
    • unprompted,
    • open,
    • haunted,
    • churn up,
    • sluttish,
    • fetch,
    • land,
    • zymosis,
    • render,
    • wake,
    • offend,
    • damage,
    • agitation,
    • illumine,
    • unlawful,
    • shivering,
    • multi-coloured,
    • roiling,
    • variety,
    • activated,
    • take in,
    • drop by the wayside,
    • fermenting,
    • happy-go-lucky,
    • rampantly,
    • shed,
    • cloud-covered,
    • ecumenical,
    • club,
    • obscene,
    • hysteric,
    • fagot,
    • sullen,
    • inexplicable,
    • predicament,
    • effortless,
    • fetid,
    • whacky,
    • duck,
    • turn,
    • magnetise,
    • incertitude,
    • stretch forth,
    • parry,
    • faint-hearted,
    • worldwide,
    • pouf,
    • doubtfulness,
    • delphian,
    • gyrate,
    • undesirable,
    • lite,
    • telling,
    • booze,
    • knockout,
    • twisty,
    • generate,
    • weighted,
    • mare’s nest,
    • sham,
    • deceitful,
    • multicolour,
    • ferocious,
    • distort,
    • used,
    • unfounded,
    • inexpedient,
    • rotund,
    • hilarious,
    • feature,
    • drive,
    • strong,
    • unorthodox,
    • mindless,
    • robustious,
    • surmount,
    • unprocurable,
    • odds and ends,
    • dummy,
    • transparent,
    • overcasting,
    • drop out,
    • sports fan,
    • inharmonic,
    • natural state,
    • letting down,
    • tight,
    • gnarly,
    • softheaded,
    • uncomely,
    • bad-tempered,
    • cautious,
    • disarray,
    • round,
    • sire,
    • bolt,
    • tame,
    • fouled,
    • pissed off,
    • cloggy,
    • cutthroat,
    • belligerent,
    • flip-flop,
    • screen,
    • volte-face,
    • self-governing,
    • needy,
    • iridescent,
    • wooly-haired,
    • enlarge,
    • lover,
    • disregardless,
    • arbitrarily,
    • amatory,
    • mystifier,
    • opprobrious,
    • get over,
    • witting,
    • sluggish,
    • honk,
    • grueling,
    • lousy,
    • feverous,
    • derelict,
    • dysphoric,
    • wicked,
    • dog-tired,
    • monster,
    • hangdog,
    • nauseating,
    • piano,
    • free-lance,
    • pitch-black,
    • louis harold gray,
    • magisterial,
    • posit,
    • clear up,
    • budge,
    • chummy,
    • empire,
    • fermentation,
    • flip,
    • invoke,
    • wondrous,
    • diffraction grating,
    • circumlocutious,
    • hollering,
    • brumous,
    • headless,
    • unaccessible,
    • murderously,
    • wind up,
    • depart,
    • melancholiac,
    • furrowed,
    • uncategorized,
    • high-strung,
    • grey,
    • bafflement,
    • brainsick,
    • overpower,
    • rasping,
    • benumb,
    • temperamental,
    • protruding,
    • dubiety,
    • begrimed,
    • psychological disorder,
    • outlaw,
    • highly strung,
    • lawlessness,
    • irritated,
    • inebriated,
    • hag-ridden,
    • broadcast,
    • bathetic,
    • frustrate,
    • ruckus,
    • across-the-board,
    • si,
    • mental case,
    • have the best,
    • grisly,
    • cross,
    • ruthful,
    • toilsome,
    • flake,
    • crystallise,
    • anatropous,
    • bizarre,
    • sheeplike,
    • afloat,
    • spay,
    • terrified,
    • purchase order,
    • metagrobolised,
    • uncaring,
    • incorrectly,
    • vary,
    • break,
    • ache,
    • see-through,
    • chevvy,
    • change,
    • pandemonium,
    • fuck off,
    • mentally ill,
    • projecting,
    • miasmic,
    • demoralize,
    • arrhythmic,
    • godforsaken,
    • countless,
    • ind.,
    • modify,
    • commode,
    • injured,
    • multiply,
    • pouring,
    • demoralise,
    • funny,
    • perfunctory,
    • disgust,
    • pestiferous,
    • serious,
    • dishonored,
    • gravid,
    • dart,
    • profligate,
    • aberrant,
    • enamored,
    • subdue,
    • blackened,
    • tump over,
    • superficial,
    • gain,
    • submit,
    • get together,
    • temporary,
    • imposing,
    • elevated,
    • weakened,
    • fainthearted,
    • plaguey,
    • off-the-wall,
    • lighting,
    • cobwebby,
    • parliamentary procedure,
    • gooselike,
    • innumerous,
    • perk up,
    • nerveless,
    • provisional,
    • artificial,
    • wide of the mark,
    • purblind,
    • dead,
    • blatant,
    • well-defined,
    • poor fish,
    • cumulate,
    • skanky,
    • cancelled,
    • wakeless,
    • scupper,
    • versatile,
    • slap,
    • skeptical,
    • conform,
    • stricken,
    • bastard,
    • ungainly,
    • hurl,
    • vapourific,
    • dismal,
    • metagrabolized,
    • inattentive,
    • traffic circle,
    • gravelly,
    • sunless,
    • daemon,
    • pot,
    • undirected,
    • slip,
    • sully,
    • enigmatical,
    • unconventional,
    • unclean.


    • slap-happy.


    • confusing.


    • unstructured.


    • illegible.

How to use «Confused» in context?

When something confuses you, it makes you not understand what’s going on or why something is happening. It can feel like everything is random and out of your control. That’s why it can be scary when something confuses you and you don’t know what to do.

Paraphrases for Confused:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
    • Verb, past tense
    • Verb, past participle
      bewildered, disoriented, muddled, perplexed.
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      altered, ambiguous, ashamed, complicated, disordered, disorderly, distressed, foggy, forfeited, godforsaken, lost, misguided, mixed, sorry, unsettled, Boggled.
    • Verb, past tense
      assumed, blurred, deducted, disrupted, dropped, dumped, faded, forfeited, included, left, lied, missed, mistake, mixed, perturbed, released, scrambled, Caught, Interfered, Took, chucked.
    • Verb, past participle
      abandoned, absorbed, agitated, altered, amazed, appalled, associated, assumed, astonished, backed, baffled, beaten, become, blend, blown, blurred, broken, buried, characterized, collapsed, combined, come, complicated, compounded, concerned, confounded, connected, considered, covered, crossed, cut, damaged, decreased, deducted, defeated, deprived, destroyed, detached, devastated, diminished, disconcerted, dismayed, disordered, disrupted, distinguished, distorted, distracted, disturbed, diverted, documented, doomed, dropped, dumped, embarrassed, embroiled, exhausted, faded, failed, fallen, finished, fired, flawed, forfeited, forgotten, fuddled, gone, hurt, identified, impaired, impeded, implicated, included, interconnected, intermingled, involved, jammed, landed, linked, marred, matched, misplaced, missed, mistaken, misunderstood, mixed, monitor, movement, mystified, outraged, perturbed, predicted, preoccupied, puzzled, realised, realized, reconciled, released, removed, reversed, road, ruined, rung, scared, seen, separated, settled, shaken, shattered, shed, shocked, shrunk, sounded, spent, split, squandered, startled, stranded, stressed, struck, stuck, stunned, sung, sunk, suspected, taken, tangled, terminated, terrified, threatened, thrown, tied, touched, treated, troubled, turned, undecided, understood, undone, unhinged, unsettled, upset, vitiated, wronged, Accounted, Assimilated, Betrayed, Bon, Brought, Caught, Ceased, Claimed, Deceived, Declined, Deemed, Deluded, Died, Equated, Erred, Fitted, Fooled, Freaked, Hampered, Killed, Knocked, Likened, Misled, Obscured, Outlived, Overheard, Questioned, Rendered, Tricked, Watched, Commingled, Compared, Compromised, Conflated, Conflicted, Counted, Stumped, Suffered, jettisoned, undermined, replaced, misinterpreted, misquoted, hoodwinked, AM, HIT, interlinked, concussed, internalized, redirected, rerouted.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      agitated, amazed, baffled, bemused, blurred, blurry, chaotic, clueless, concerned, confounding, confusing, disoriented, distraught, disturbed, embarrassed, flustered, fuzzy, hazy, messy, misleading, obscure, opaque, perplexing, perturbed, puzzling, restive, restless, troubled, turbulent, uncertain, unclear, upset, vague, woolly.
    • Verb, past tense
      confusion, lost.
    • Verb, past participle


1    at a loss, at sea, at sixes and sevens, baffled, bewildered, dazed, discombobulated     (informal, chiefly U.S. & Canad.)   disorganized, disorientated, flummoxed, muddled, muzzy     (U.S. informal)   nonplussed, not knowing if one is coming or going, not with it     (informal)   perplexed, puzzled, taken aback, thrown off balance, upset  

2    at sixes and sevens, chaotic, disarranged, disarrayed, disordered, disorderly, disorganized, higgledy-piggledy     (informal)   hugger-mugger     (archaic)   in disarray, jumbled, mistaken, misunderstood, mixed up, out of order, topsy-turvy, untidy  
   arranged, aware, enlightened, informed, in order, on the ball     (informal)   ordered, orderly, organized, tidy, with it     (informal)  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  




1       adj   If you are confused, you do not know exactly what is happening or what to do.  
oft ADJ about/by n  

A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy…, Things were happening too quickly and Brian was confused.     

2       adj   Something that is confused does not have any order or pattern and is difficult to understand.  
The situation remains confused as both sides claim success.     

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freak out



suddenly feel surprised,upset,angry,or confused

[US] I remember the first time I went onstage, I freaked out completely.



simultaneously frustrated and confused

[US] [Neologism] After trying many times and having no success installing the software, the confrused pc technician gave up in disgust.

senior moment


a brief moment when one does not remember something or is confused

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