What is another word for Chance?
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accidental, adventitious, capricious, casual, chancy, en.synonym.one, contingent, fickle, fortuitous, haphazard, hazardous, incidental, inconstant, involuntary, irregular, lucky, random, speculative, uncertain, undependable, unexpected, unforeseen, unintentional, unplanned, unpredictable, unsteady, en.synonym.one, variable, venturesome, accident, advantage, adventure, alternative, attempt, en.synonym.one, bad luck, break, circumstance, circumstances, coincidence, contingency, convenience, danger, destiny, device, doom, end, endeavour, event, evil, excuse, expectation, expedient, exposure, fate, en.synonym.one, fluke, fortune, gamble, hazard, hope, inevitability, insecurity, jeopardy, karma, kismet, leisure, liability, likelihood, lot, luck, occasion, odds, opening, opportunity, outcome, outlook, peril, pitfall, place, possibility, en.synonym.one, predestination, prediction, probability, prospect, providence, range, reach, resort, resource, risk, shot, source, try, uncertainty, unison, venture, wager, arrive, befall, bet, bump, buy and sell, en.synonym.one, come, come about, come to pass, dare, encounter, endanger, find, gamble, happen, hazard, imperil, jeopardise, jeopardize, lay a wager, occur, plunge, risk, run a risk, speculate, stake, en.synonym.one, take a chance, take chances, take place, transpire, turn out, turn up, venture, wager, wheel and deal.
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Определения слова chance
- случайность, случай; неожиданное событие, непредвиденное обстоятельство.
- en (помета.)
- судьба; счастье, удача; удачное стечение обстоятельств
- шанс, возможность, вероятность
- риск
- случайность, случай; неожиданное событие, непредвиденное обстоятельство.
Синонимы к слову chance
- ability
- accidental
- attempt
- casual
- coincidental
- destiny
- fate
- fortuitous
- fortune
- gamble
- good fortune
- hazard
- likelihood
- luck
- occasion
- opening
- opportunity
- option
- possibility
- probability
- prospect
- risk
- try
- unintended
- unplanned
- venture
Похожие слова на chance
- chance
- chance’s
- chanced
- chanced’s
- chancel
- chancel’s
- chancelleries
- chancellery
- chancellery’s
- chancellors
- chancellorsville
- chancellorsville’s
- chancels
- chanceries
- chancery
- chancery’s
- chances
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- Синоним к слову conjonction
- Антоним к слову douar
- Омоним к слову encastrement
- Гипоним к слову conjugaison
- Холоним к слову connaissance
- Гипероним к слову chancissure
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- Перевод слова на другие языки enceinte
1 liability, likelihood, occasion, odds, opening, opportunity, possibility, probability, prospect, scope, time, window
2 accident, casualty, coincidence, contingency, destiny, fate, fortuity, fortune, luck, misfortune, peril, providence
3 gamble, hazard, jeopardy, risk, speculation, uncertainty
4 befall, betide, come about, come to pass, fall out, happen, occur
5 endanger, gamble, go out on a limb, hazard, jeopardize, risk, skate on thin ice, stake, try, venture, wager
6 accidental, casual, contingent, fortuitous, inadvertent, incidental, random, serendipitous, unforeseeable, unforeseen, unintentional, unlooked-for
, n certainty, design, impossibility, improbability, intention, surety, unlikelihood
adj arranged, deliberate, designed, expected, foreseen, intentional, planned
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
( chances plural & 3rd person present) ( chancing present participle) ( chanced past tense & past participle )
1 n-var If there is a chanceof something happening, it is possible that it will happen.
oft N of -ing/n, N that
Do you think they have a chance of beating Australia?…, This partnership has a good chance of success…, The specialist who carried out the brain scan thought Tim’s chances of survival were still slim…, There was really very little chance that Ben would ever have led a normal life.
2 n-count If you have a chanceto do something, you have the opportunity to do it.
usu N to-inf, N for n to-inf
The electoral council announced that all eligible people would get a chance to vote…, I felt I had to give him a chance.
3 adj A chance meeting or event is one that is not planned or expected.
…a chance meeting.
Chance is also a noun., n-uncount
…a victim of chance and circumstance.
4 verb If you chanceto do something or chanceon something, you do it or find it although you had not planned or tried to.
FORMAL It was just then that I chanced to look round. V to-inf
…Christopher Columbus, who chanced upon the Dominican Republic nearly 500 years ago. V upon/on/across n
5 verb If you chance something, you do it even though there is a risk that you may not succeed or that something bad may happen.
Andy knew the risks. I cannot believe he would have chanced it… V it
He decided no assassin would chance a shot from amongst that crowd. V n
7 Something that happens by chance was not planned by anyone.
by chance phrase PHR after v, PHR with cl
He had met Mr Maude by chance.
8 You can use by any chance when you are asking questions in order to find out whether something that you think might be true is actually true.
by any chance phrase PHR with cl (not first in cl)
Are they by any chance related?
9 If you say that someone stands a chanceof achieving something, you mean that they are likely to achieve it. If you say that someone doesn’t stand a chanceof achieving something, you mean that they cannot possibly achieve it.
stand a chance phrase V inflects, usu PHR of -ing
Being very good at science subjects, I stood a good chance of gaining high grades…, Neither is seen as standing any chance of snatching the leadership from him.
10 When you take a chance, you try to do something although there is a large risk of danger or failure.
take a chance phrase V and N inflect
You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK…, From then on, they were taking no chances…
off-chance , off chance
If you do something on the off-chance, you do it because you hope that it will succeed, although you think that this is unlikely.
on the off-chance phrase PHR after v, oft PHR that, PHR of n/-ing
He had taken a flight to Paris on the off-chance that he might be able to meet Francesca.
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
fat chance
little or no possibility of something to happen
Additional comments:
Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus
run into someone |
exp. |
meet someone by chance |
E.g.I ran into James the other day when I was shopping (meaning=I met James without planning it, by chance) |
the early bird catches the worm |
exp. |
one who arrives first has the best chance of being successful or getting the best deals; often shortened to ‘early bird’ and also used in the sense of ‘early riser’ |
Ex.: »The early bird catches the worm, yeah maybe, but it’s the second mouse that gets the cheese!», he argued. |
take the leap |
exp. |
go for something, take one’s chances |
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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
An accident is that which happens without any one’s direct intention; a chance that which happens without any known cause. If the direct cause of a railroad accident is known, we can not call it a chance. To the theist there is, in strictness, no chance, all things being by divine causation and control; but chance is spoken of where no special cause is manifest: «By chance there came down a certain priest that way,» Luke x, 31. We can speak of a game of chance, but not of a game of accident. An incident is viewed as occurring in the regular course of things, but subordinate to the main purpose, or aside from the main design. Fortune is the result of inscrutable controlling forces. Fortune and chance are nearly equivalent, but chance can be used of human effort and endeavor as fortune can not be; we say «he has a chance of success,» or «there is one chance in a thousand,» where we could not substitute fortune; as personified, Fortune is regarded as having a fitful purpose, Chance as purposeless; we speak of fickle Fortune, blind Chance; «Fortune favors the brave.» The slaughter of men is an incident of battle; unexpected defeat, the fortune of war. Since the unintended is often the undesirable, accident tends to signify some calamity or disaster, unless the contrary is expressed, as when we say a fortunate or happy accident. An adventure is that which may turn out ill, a misadventure that which does turn out ill. A slight disturbing accident is a mishap. Compare EVENT; HAZARD.
accident, adventure, calamity, casualty, contingency, disaster, fortuity, hap, happening, hazard, incident, misadventure, misfortune, mishap, possibilityAntonyms:
appointment, calculation, certainty, decree, fate, foreordination, intention, law, necessity, ordainment, ordinance, plan, preparation, provision, purposePreposition:
The accident of birth; an accident to the machinery.
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote
accident, fortuity, hazard, haphazard, fortune, random, casualty, befoulment, luckAntonyms:
law, rule, sequence, consequence, causation, effectuation, intention, purpose, design, certainty
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
opportunity, chancenoun
a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances
«the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington»; «now is your chance»
luck, fortune, prospect, chance, opportunity, probability, hazardAntonyms:
planned -
luck, fortune, chance, hazardnoun
an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another
«bad luck caused his downfall»; «we ran into each other by pure chance»
circumstances, luck, jeopardy, chance, lot, risk, destiny, fortune, prospect, hazard, peril, portion, fate, opportunity, probability, endangermentAntonyms:
planned -
a risk involving danger
«you take a chance when you let her drive»
luck, fortune, prospect, opportunity, probability, hazardAntonyms:
planned -
probability, chancenoun
a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur; a number expressing the ratio of favorable cases to the whole number of cases possible
«the probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0.5»
luck, fortune, prospect, chance, opportunity, probability, hazardAntonyms:
planned -
prospect, chanceadjective
the possibility of future success
«his prospects as a writer are excellent»
fortune, scene, prospect, view, luck, probability, aspect, prognosis, candidate, opportunity, outlook, expectation, chance, vista, hazard, panorama, medical prognosisAntonyms:
planned -
casual, chance(a)verb
occurring or appearing or singled out by chance
«seek help from casual passers-by»; «a casual meeting»; «a chance occurrence»
planned -
be the case by chance
«I chanced to meet my old friend in the street»
bump, find, run a risk, risk, gamble, encounter, happen, hazard, take a chance, take chances, adventureAntonyms:
planned -
gamble, chance, risk, hazard, take chances, adventure, run a risk, take a chanceverb
take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome
«When you buy these stocks you are gambling»
pretend, encounter, happen, guess, run a risk, chance, gamble, bump, adventure, venture, hazard, jeopardize, stake, take chances, find, take a chance, put on the line, lay on the line, riskAntonyms:
planned -
find, happen, chance, bump, encounterverb
come upon, as if by accident; meet with
«We find this idea in Plato»; «I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here»; «She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day»
line up, detect, recover, kick downstairs, find oneself, befall, take chances, get, get hold, run across, gamble, demote, fall out, find, pass off, retrieve, hazard, knock, rule, notice, meet, chance, determine, see, find out, come about, come up, play, take a chance, encounter, materialize, happen, go on, receive, feel, occur, risk, pass, incur, take place, come across, bechance, observe, run into, adventure, witness, dislodge, run a risk, ascertain, relegate, bump, take on, hap, break, regain, obtain, materialise, discoverAntonyms:
Matched Categories
- Happen
- Possibility
- Risk
Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
possible, possibleitiy
it can be considered as chance , because when posibilidad is translated to englsih it is possibility and the odds will always be 50/50 therefor chance is a synonym of posibilidad. : )
do i have a chance to get your heart?
Submitted by reiallen27 on October 4, 2019
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
accident, casualty, contingency, fortuity, fortune, fortuitous event, unforseen event -
risk, hazard, peril, jeopardy -
happen, occur, befall, betide, take place, fall out, turn up, come to pass
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
casual, fortuitous, accidental, contingent, random -
fate, fortune, luck, fortuity, hap, casualty, accident, possibility, likelihood, contingency, opportunity, hazard, jeopardy, risk, uncertainty -
befall, risk, venture
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «chance»:
luck, opportunity, possibility, iuck, probability, occasion, chances, likelihood, opportunities, lucky, random, shot, coincidence, azar, risk, prospect, fortunate, chauncey, option, potential
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Song lyrics by chance — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by chance on the Lyrics.com website.
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How to use Chance in a sentence?
Sarah Hyland:
When a family member gives you a second chance at life and it fails, it feels like your fault, and it’s not.
Henry Ford:
There is no such thing as no chance.
Virginia Woolf:
When a subject is highly controversial… one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold. One can only give one’s audience the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the prejudices, the idiosyncrasies of the speaker.
Brian Kennedy:
Most of the people in Rikers are there for serious crimes, including Mr. Mungin, but they shouldn’t ever be subjected to this kind of violence and chaos because we’re better than that as a society, i think we should allow people a chance at redemption without them being terrorized, beaten, stabbed.
Husam Zumlot:
President Abbas is coming to give peace a well-deserved chance and fully embrace this historic opportunity for another chance for peace presented by President Trump, we are focused on seizing this moment and giving this all that we have.
Translations for Chance
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- فرصةArabic
- форсатBashkir
- вероятност, възможност, рискувам, попадам на, случайностBulgarian
- oportunitatCatalan, Valencian
- šance, pravděpodobnost, příležitost, narazit, náhodaCzech
- chanceDanish
- Zufall, Chance, Wahrscheinlichkeit, Gelegenheit, MöglichkeitGerman
- ευκαιρία, συγκυρία, πιθανότητα, τύχη, ενδεχόμενο, σύμπτωση, περίστασηGreek
- hazardo, ŝancoEsperanto
- chance, oportunidad, probabilidad, posibilidad, azar, suerteSpanish
- võimalusEstonian
- zoriBasque
- فرصت, شانسPersian
- mahdollisuus, todennäköisyys, sattumaFinnish
- chance, risque, raccrocFrench
- faill, seansIrish
- cothromScottish Gaelic
- oportunidadeGalician
- סיכוי, מקרהHebrew
- अवसर, सम्भावना, मोकाHindi
- eshetőség, véletlen, valószínűség, alkalom, esély, lehetőségHungarian
- դիպված, հնարավորություն, պատահականություն, հավանականությունArmenian
- kesempatanIndonesian
- probabilità, possibilità, opportunità, chanceItalian
- チャンス, 機会Japanese
- 기회, 機會Korean
- accidentia, fors, potestas, probabilitas, opportunitas, possibilitasLatin
- tūponoMāori
- can, peluang, kesempatan, cerlakMalay
- gelegenheid, kans, wagen, mogelijkheid, toevalDutch
- sjanse, sannsynlighet, mulighet, tilfeldigheterNorwegian
- szansa, okazjaPolish
- chance, acaso, probabilidadePortuguese
- pussaivladadRomansh
- întâmplare, ocazie, probabilitate, șansă, risca, șanse, accidentRomanian
- случайность, шанс, вероятность, возможностьRussian
- mogućnost, šansa, шанса, могућностSerbo-Croatian
- priložnostSlovene
- slump, chans, råka, chansa, riskera, sannolikhetSwedish
- nafasiSwahili
- అవకాశముTelugu
- talih, şansTurkish
- موقعUrdu
- cơ hội, 機會Vietnamese
- mögodVolapük
- 机会Chinese
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Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
chance [ʧɑːns] сущ
шансм, возможностьж, удобный случай
- last chance – последний шанс
- pretty good chance – неплохой шанс
- only chance of survival – единственный шанс на выживание
- real chance of success – реальный шанс на успех
- have an equal chance – иметь равные шансы
- unique chance – уникальная возможность
вероятностьж, рискм
(probability, risk)
- chance of infection – вероятность инфицирования
- small chance – небольшой риск
- play of chance – игра случая
- pure chance – чистая случайность
- game of chance – игра на удачу
chance [ʧɑːns] нареч
chance [ʧɑːns] гл
рисковать, рискнуть
noun | ||
шанс | chance, break, potluck, hazard, look-in | |
возможность | opportunity, possibility, potential, capacity, ability, chance | |
вероятность | probability, likelihood, chance, possibility, credibility, likeliness | |
случай | happening, case, occasion, event, incident, chance | |
случайность | accident, accidental, chance, eventuality, happenstance, contingency | |
риск | risk, hazard, chance, peril, adventure, jeopardy | |
удача | fortune, luck, good luck, success, chance, piece of luck | |
судьба | fate, destiny, fortune, lot, luck, chance | |
счастье | happiness, luck, fortune, bliss, blessing, chance | |
adjective | ||
случайный | random, casual, accidental, chance, occasional, incidental | |
verb | ||
рискнуть | take a chance, chance, have a go at, go nap on | |
случаться | happen, occur, be, match, take place, chance |
Предложения со словом «chance»
But afterwards they felt less self-centered, and they even behaved more generously when given the chance to help someone. |
После этого они были менее зациклены на себе и даже вели себя более великодушно, если им выпадал шанс кому — то помочь. |
You know, I could paint the whole house if I had a chance, but when I grew up, I knew being an artist was not an option, |
Знаете, я мог бы расписать весь дом, бы была возможность, но, повзрослев, я понял: быть художником мне не светит. |
I never knew what a coral could do when it was given a chance to thrive. |
Я не знала, что происходит с кораллами, когда у них есть шанс процветать. |
So even if you have a drug that’s highly effective, that kills almost all the cells, there is a chance that there’s a small population that’s resistant to the drug. |
Поэтому даже если препарат очень эффективен и убивает почти все раковые клетки, остаётся вероятность существования небольшой популяции, невосприимчивой к лечению. |
And that’s why just relying on big data alone increases the chance that we’ll miss something. |
Поэтому надежда лишь на большие данные увеличивает вероятность что — то упустить из виду. |
He was a perfectionist who left nothing to chance, and was very precise in his approach to work. |
Он был перфекционистом, который ничего не оставлял на волю случая, и был очень точен в своем подходе к работе. |
It means we have the chance to change direction, a chance to have our voices heard, a chance to write ourselves into a future we want. |
Это значит, что мы можем поменять направление, заставить услышать наши голоса, вписать себя в желаемое будущее. |
And after the fact, that’s what scared me the most: the element of chance. |
Впоследствии больше всего меня пугал элемент случайности. |
I took my chance and followed free, they led the way to Tennessee. |
Я рискнула и пошла за ними на волю, они указали дорогу в штат Теннесси. |
And don’t worry — you’re going to get your chance to sing. |
И не волнуйтесь, вы получите свой шанс спеть. |
I’d once had my hopes crushed in a war, but because of them, I had a chance to pursue my dream to become a doctor. |
Однажды все мои надежды были разрушены войной, но благодаря этому у меня появился шанс осуществить свою мечту стать врачом. |
So if you got sick in the city where those few doctors remain, you might stand a chance. |
То есть, если ты заболел в городе с таким количеством докторов, то у тебя ещё был какой — то шанс. |
Way out in rural Liberia, where most girls have not had a chance to finish primary school, Musu had been persistent. |
В глубинке Либерии, где у большинства девочек нет шанса окончить начальную школу, Мусу отличилась упорством. |
With the Liberian government, we created a contract, paid her and gave her the chance to have a real job. |
Вместе с правительством Либерии мы создали трудовой договор, заплатили ей и дали возможность иметь настоящую работу. |
So last year I was visiting A.B., and like Musu, A.B. had had a chance to go to school. |
Так, в прошлом году я познакомился с А.Б., как и у Мусу, у А.Б. был шанс посещать в школу. |
Doc, since I dropped out of school, this is the first time I’m having a chance to hold a pen to write. |
Док, с тех пор как я был отчислен из школы, у меня впервые появился шанс держать ручку в руках и писать. |
The chance of getting all 130 things to not fail at the same time is 9 for 90 percent to the 130th power. |
Шанс сделать так, чтобы 130 предметов одновременно сработали как нужно, всего лишь 0,9 — это наши 90% — в 130 — й степени. |
So calculate that out and you get 000001, which is one ten-thousandth of one percent, so your chance for success is literally one in a million. |
Так что посчитайте, и всё станет понятно 0,000001, одна десятитысячная доля процента, то есть шанс на успех — буквально один из миллиона. |
Shouldn’t you give him a chance? |
Ему нужно дать шанс. |
But he had a good chance of being there for her birth and for the beginning of her life. |
Но у него был шанс присутствовать при её рождении и начале жизни. |
Would you want to be on life support if it offered any chance of longer life? |
Хотели бы вы находиться на жизнеобеспечении, если бы это был единственный шанс продлить жизнь? |
In a typical middle class or affluent household, if a kid is struggling, there’s a good chance that a parent or a teacher will come to their rescue even if they don’t ask for help. |
Если ребёнок из семьи среднего класса или из богатой семьи испытывает сложности, велика вероятность, что родитель или учитель придут на помощь, даже если ребёнок не просит помощи. |
However, if that same kid is growing up poor and doesn’t ask for help, there’s a good chance that no one will help them. |
Но если такой же ребёнок растёт в бедности и не просит помощи, велика вероятность, что никто ему не поможет. |
It’s a 50-50 chance, but I have a feeling. |
Шансов 50 на 50, но у меня предчувствие. |
And that’s what you live for: a chance to try. |
Для этого мы и живём: ради шанса попробовать. |
Last year, I got a chance to watch the new Star Wars movie, which was fantastic, but one thing kept bugging me. |
В прошлом году мне удалось посмотреть новые Звёздные войны, и они были потрясающими, но вот что не давало мне покоя. |
These devices can drastically increase your chance of survival — almost like a tauntaun on Hoth. |
Это устройство может значительно увеличить ваш шанс на выживание — почти как таунтаун на Хоте. |
Today, we have the chance to create new conversations. |
Сегодня мы можем общаться по новому. |
He was a poor boy from the islands who had this rapid and amazing rise to success, and he wanted government to give poor boys and girls like him a chance to succeed, using limited but energetic government to create social mobility. |
Бедный паренёк с Карибских островов, достигший головокружительных высот, хотел, чтобы правительство предоставило шанс на успех похожим на него ребятам, сильное правительство с узким полномочием для социальной мобильности. |
OK, I want to give each of you the chance to imagine you’re speaking to — I don’t know — the people online who are watching this, who may be Trump supporters, who may be on the left, somewhere in the middle. |
Хорошо, я хотел бы предоставить каждому из вас шанс, представьте, что вы беседуете, к примеру, с людьми в онлайн — конференции, возможно, со сторонниками Трампа, возможно, с левыми, либо с людьми в центре. |
Because we thought we were doing a really good job, but the one group of people who could really tell us were the Iraqis, and they rarely got the chance to find our analysis, let alone question it. |
Потому что мы думали, что делаем реально хорошую работу, но единственными, кто действительно мог бы её оценить, были иракцы, а у них было мало шансов познакомиться с нашим анализом или задать вопросы. |
I personally have a lot of issues with political polls because I think the role of journalists is actually to report the facts and not attempt to predict them, especially when those predictions can actually damage democracy by signaling to people: don’t bother to vote for that guy, he doesn’t have a chance. |
У меня лично много к ним претензий, потому что я считаю, что роль журналистов — сообщать факты, а не пытаться их предсказывать, особенно когда эти предсказания наносят вред демократии, говоря людям: даже не думайте голосовать за того парня, у него нет шансов. |
They offer a chance to reintroduce native plants and animals to a region. |
Мы можем восстановить популяцию местных растений и животных в регионе. |
Most importantly, they offer us, once again, a chance to just decompose in a hole in the ground. |
Самое главное, что земля снова даёт нам шанс раствориться в почве. |
If we can die in a way that is more humble and self-aware, I believe that we stand a chance. |
Если мы сможем умирать смиренно и осознанно, я верю, что у нас есть шанс. |
He talks a great deal to us about suicide being an option, but the reality is that the person who actually commits suicide, Ophelia, after she’s been humiliated and abused by him, never gets a chance to talk to the audience about her feelings. |
Он всерьёз рассуждает о самоубийстве как о возможном решении проблемы, но в итоге покончила с собой Офелия, после того, как герой унизил и надругался над ней, и шанса высказать свои чувства ей не предоставили. |
And I wanted to hide from the world I’d rejected for so long — people who had no reason at all to give me a second chance after a lifetime of antagonism. |
И я хотела спрятаться от мира, который так долго отвергала — от людей, у которых не было никаких причин давать мне второй шанс после многих лет противостояния. |
It matched up about the same as chance. |
Результат был сравним с простым совпадением. |
Recognizing what little chance he had for survival, his parents chose to focus on the quality of time that they could spend together. |
Осознав, что шанс выжить у малыша невелик, родители решили провести оставшееся у малыша время вместе с ним. |
It’s going to originate in technological questions, and we have no chance of solving that unless we operate as a connected world. |
Это произойдёт по вине технологий, и единственный шанс решить эти проблемы — в действиях сообща всем миром. |
There is a chance many new jobs will appear, but it’s not certain. |
Есть вероятность, что появится много новых рабочих мест, но гарантий нет. |
I mean, in your own thinking, isn’t there a chance that what humans are for is to be the universe’s sentient things, to be the centers of joy and love and happiness and hope? |
По — вашему, разве не может так быть, что предназначение людей — как раз и быть душой Вселенной, быть центром радости, любви, счастья и надежды? |
When I imagine what that would feel like if, every time I left my house, there was a chance a police officer would run my license plate, see a warrant for unpaid debt, seize my body they way the did in DC and then take me to a jail cell. |
Представляю, что бы я чувствовал, если бы каждый раз, покидая свой дом, рисковал, что полицейский проверит номер моей машины и увидит ордер о долге, схватит меня так, как тогда, в Вашингтоне, и посадит в тюрьму. |
When we give our kids the nourishment they need, we give them the chance to thrive, both in the classroom and beyond. |
Когда мы даём детям полноценное питание, мы даём им шанс преуспеть как на занятиях, так и вне уроков. |
But the good news is, the global community has the chance to do something just as audacious today. |
Плюс этого в том, что в настоящее время всё мировое сообщество может повторить подобный смелый шаг. |
This jump up in energy in 2015 represented the best chance that we as a species had ever had of discovering new particles — new answers to these long-standing questions, because it was almost twice as much energy as we used when we discovered the Higgs boson. |
Этот энергетический скачок в 2015 году предоставил лучшую в истории человечества возможность для открытия новых частиц — это новый ответ на давние вопросы, потому что нынешняя мощность почти в два раза больше той, на которой был открыт бозон Хиггса. |
They can demo it by 2025, and they can deliver it in scale by 2030, if only we give them a chance. |
Прототип можно подготовить к 2025 году, начать поставки электроэнергии в промышленных масштабах — к 2030 году, если только мы дадим им шанс. |
Now, the experience that gave rise to intersectionality was my chance encounter with a woman named Emma DeGraffenreid. |
Термин интерсекциональность появился после случайной встречи с женщиной по имени Эмма ДеГраффенрид. |
And many corporate leaders welcome that as a chance to increase profits. |
Многие крупные компании видят в этом шанс увеличить прибыль. |
And we did not give ourselves a chance to develop a virtuous character. |
Мы не дали себе шанса на развитие такого качества, как добродетель. |
But ProPublica, an investigative nonprofit, audited that very algorithm with what public data they could find, and found that its outcomes were biased and its predictive power was dismal, barely better than chance. |
Но следственная некоммерческая организация ProPublica проверила алгоритм, используя данные из Интернета, и обнаружила, что результаты необъективны, способность прогнозирования ужасная, немного лучше, чем случайность. |
For you to leap from a place of certainty, to take a chance on that someone or something unknown, you need a force to pull you over the gap, and that remarkable force is trust. |
Чтобы прыгнуть с привычного места и испытать удачу на ком — то или чём — то незнакомом, вам нужна сила, способная перенести вас через пропасть, и доверие является такой силой. |
She just wants a chance to talk to you again. |
Просто она хочет получить еще шанс и поговорить с тобой |
This is your only chance to examine the fresh specimen. |
Но у вас сейчас есть единственный шанс изучить свежий образец. |
Just giving you the chance to do the right thing. |
Я просто хочу дать тебе шанс сделать правильный выбор. |
He never got the chance to give his logical argument. |
Но Тэйлор не дала ему возможности привести этот логический аргумент. |
Our chance to plant a hidden camera on Corwin. |
У нас есть шанс установить скрытую камеру на Корвина. |
For once you have a chance at an exceptional guy. |
У тебя есть шанс, что тебя полюбит исключительный парень. |
If there is any chance that your power is real. |
Если есть хотя бы шанс, что твоя сила реальна. |
Because we wouldn’t have had a chance to win |
Поскольку у нас не было бы шанса победить |