Синоним слову catch

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. catchnoun

    snag, trick, capture, latch, grasp, collar, snippet, hitch, beau, clasp, conquest, find, haul, gimmick, snatch, seizure, bit, burden, problem, chorus, take, stop, prize, refrain, observation, chock, fragment, get, hook, grab, snare

    release, drop

  2. catchnoun

    A concealed difficulty, especially in a deal or negotiation.

    haul, refrain, find, prize, capture, problem, conquest, chock, clasp, hitch, snatch, observation, take, snippet, snag, gimmick, grasp, collar, latch, bit, chorus, trick, burden, beau, seizure, stop, fragment

  3. catchnoun

    A crick; a sudden muscle pain during unaccustomed positioning when the muscle is in use.

    I bent over to see under the table and got a catch in my side.

    observation, snatch, burden, fragment, clasp, conquest, trick, beau, find, hitch, haul, snag, grasp, capture, snippet, take, prize, gimmick, chock, collar, bit, stop, chorus, refrain, seizure, problem, latch

  4. catchnoun

    A fragment of music or poetry.

    grasp, trick, snatch, collar, burden, capture, refrain, take, snag, latch, conquest, fragment, bit, problem, chorus, snippet, seizure, chock, observation, beau, find, haul, gimmick, hitch, clasp, prize, stop

  5. catchnoun

    A state of readiness to capture or seize; an ambush.

    burden, find, snippet, fragment, observation, conquest, collar, gimmick, capture, chorus, beau, prize, trick, bit, take, hitch, problem, snag, grasp, latch, snatch, seizure, chock, refrain, clasp, stop, haul

  6. catchnoun

    A crop which has germinated and begun to grow.

    snag, find, latch, fragment, chorus, snatch, haul, collar, clasp, stop, grasp, trick, capture, bit, problem, burden, conquest, seizure, take, chock, beau, observation, refrain, hitch, prize, gimmick, snippet

  7. catchnoun

    A type of strong boat, usually having two masts; a ketch.

    grasp, collar, prize, burden, problem, chorus, find, seizure, hitch, conquest, capture, fragment, take, snatch, bit, refrain, haul, stop, snag, snippet, latch, observation, beau, gimmick, chock, clasp, trick

  8. catchnoun

    A type of humorous round in which the voices gradually catch up with one another; usually sung by men and often having bawdy lyrics.

    gimmick, capture, fragment, beau, bit, refrain, snippet, stop, grasp, observation, hitch, collar, haul, snag, chorus, snatch, take, find, problem, latch, conquest, burden, clasp, seizure, chock, trick, prize

  9. catchnoun

    The refrain; a line or lines of a song which are repeated from verse to verse.

    seizure, snatch, take, beau, bit, prize, chock, trick, conquest, fragment, find, snippet, hitch, problem, grasp, latch, gimmick, burden, stop, clasp, observation, collar, haul, refrain, snag, chorus, capture

  10. catchnoun

    The act of catching a hit ball before it reaches the ground, resulting in an out.

    bit, chorus, snippet, chock, take, snatch, haul, snag, stop, gimmick, seizure, clasp, fragment, problem, trick, latch, find, observation, beau, prize, refrain, capture, grasp, conquest, hitch, collar, burden

  11. catchnoun

    A player in respect of his catching ability; particularly one who catches well.

    problem, snatch, collar, beau, fragment, conquest, find, chorus, capture, grasp, observation, seizure, hitch, clasp, trick, gimmick, prize, take, chock, snippet, stop, snag, haul, bit, refrain, burden, latch

  12. catchnoun

    To capture, overtake.

    The catch of the perpetrator was the product of a year of police work.

    snatch, latch, trick, stop, collar, gimmick, clasp, snag, burden, problem, find, haul, chock, refrain, fragment, take, bit, hitch, snippet, conquest, chorus, prize, capture, beau, grasp, seizure, observation, grab, snare, hook, get

    drop, release

  13. catchnoun

    The first contact of an oar with the water.

    hitch, capture, snatch, stop, seizure, chock, take, trick, find, bit, burden, conquest, fragment, observation, prize, beau, grasp, gimmick, snag, snippet, haul, refrain, problem, latch, chorus, collar, clasp

  14. catchnoun

    A stoppage of breath, resembling a slight cough.

    clasp, conquest, fragment, chorus, snatch, snag, haul, bit, prize, problem, beau, chock, observation, capture, hitch, latch, gimmick, trick, snippet, find, burden, collar, grasp, take, stop, refrain, seizure

  15. catchnoun

    To seize hold of.

    clasp, seizure, hitch, snag, conquest, fragment, take, prize, collar, chock, haul, latch, observation, gimmick, snatch, find, stop, beau, refrain, problem, grasp, capture, snippet, trick, bit, chorus, burden, grab, hook, snare, get

    drop, release

  16. catchnoun

    To intercept.

    Good catch. I never would have remembered that.

    collar, latch, burden, gimmick, trick, observation, chock, prize, snatch, conquest, haul, stop, clasp, seizure, fragment, snippet, chorus, hitch, snag, capture, bit, take, grasp, find, refrain, beau, problem, snare, grab, get, hook

    release, drop

  17. catchnoun

    To receive (by being in the way).

    The kids love to play catch.

    bit, gimmick, snag, hitch, find, refrain, chorus, fragment, clasp, capture, latch, grasp, chock, burden, snatch, take, observation, haul, snippet, stop, beau, collar, trick, conquest, problem, seizure, prize, snare, grab, hook, get

    release, drop

  18. catchnoun

    To take in with one’s senses or intellect.

    observation, grasp, latch, capture, beau, collar, gimmick, hitch, clasp, fragment, snag, bit, seizure, find, chorus, take, prize, haul, problem, chock, snatch, trick, snippet, refrain, conquest, burden, stop, get, grab, hook, snare

    release, drop

  19. catchnoun

    To seize attention, interest.

    The fishermen took pictures of their catch.

    chock, fragment, snippet, snatch, burden, haul, refrain, grasp, capture, collar, hitch, conquest, clasp, prize, trick, beau, bit, seizure, observation, find, latch, problem, gimmick, chorus, take, snag, stop, grab, get, hook, snare

    drop, release

  20. catchnoun

    The amount which is caught, especially of fish.

    The catch amounted to five tons of swordfish.

    latch, prize, burden, gimmick, snatch, problem, trick, capture, beau, conquest, snag, hitch, find, refrain, snippet, chorus, collar, stop, haul, take, seizure, observation, chock, bit, fragment, grasp, clasp

  21. catchnoun

    A stopping mechanism, especially a clasp which stops something from opening.

    She installed a sturdy catch to keep her cabinets closed tight.

    prize, refrain, fragment, conquest, seizure, grasp, beau, take, bit, snatch, gimmick, haul, snippet, problem, clasp, hitch, observation, chorus, snag, burden, collar, trick, stop, capture, chock, find, latch

  22. catchnoun

    A hesitation in voice, caused by strong emotion.

    There was a catch in his voice when he spoke his father’s name.

    refrain, latch, trick, collar, gimmick, conquest, snatch, clasp, fragment, capture, observation, snippet, chorus, chock, snag, beau, find, take, burden, prize, problem, hitch, seizure, stop, bit, haul, grasp

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. catch

    To catch is to come up with or take possession of something departing, fugitive, or illusive. We catch a runaway horse, a flying ball, a mouse in a trap. We clutch with a swift, tenacious movement of the fingers; we grasp with a firm but moderate closure of the whole hand; we grip or gripe with the strongest muscular closure of the whole hand possible to exert. We clasp in the arms. We snatch with a quick, sudden, and usually a surprising motion. In the figurative sense, catch is used of any act that brings a person or thing into our power or possession; as, to catch a criminal in the act; to catch an idea, in the sense of apprehend or comprehend. Compare ARREST.

    apprehend, capture, clasp, clutch, comprehend, discover, ensnare, entrap, grasp, grip, gripe, lay hold of (on, upon), overtake, secure, seize, snatch, take, take hold of

    fail of, fall short of, give up, let go, lose, miss, release, restore, throw aside, throw away

    To catch at a straw; to catch a fugitive by the collar; to catch a ball with the left hand; he caught the disease from the patient; the thief was caught in the act; the bird in the snare.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. catch

    take, seize, grip, clutch, capture, secure, ensnare, snatch, hit, arrest, comprehend, overtake, apprehend

    lose, miss, misapprehend, escape

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes

  1. catch, gimmicknoun

    a drawback or difficulty that is not readily evident

    «it sounds good but what’s the catch?»

    whatchamacallum, thingumabob, thingamabob, whatchamacallit, doohickey, whatsis, thingummy, collar, gimmick, haul, twist, widget, pinch, gizmo, thingumajig, thingamajig, thingmabob, match, gismo, snap, grab, thingmajig, gubbins, apprehension, snatch, doodad, stop, taking into custody, arrest, doojigger, device

  2. catch, haulnoun

    the quantity that was caught

    «the catch was only 10 fish»

    snatch, stop, collar, apprehension, grab, pinch, taking into custody, arrest, snap, match, draw, haul, gimmick, haulage

  3. catch, matchnoun

    a person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect

    lucifer, apprehension, compeer, equal, collar, gimmick, haul, pinch, friction match, match, snap, mates, grab, peer, mate, snatch, couple, stop, taking into custody, arrest

  4. catchnoun

    anything that is caught (especially if it is worth catching)

    «he shared his catch with the others»

    snatch, stop, collar, apprehension, grab, pinch, taking into custody, arrest, snap, match, haul, gimmick

  5. catchnoun

    a break or check in the voice (usually a sign of strong emotion)

    snatch, stop, collar, apprehension, grab, pinch, taking into custody, arrest, snap, match, haul, gimmick

  6. catch, stopnoun

    a restraint that checks the motion of something

    «he used a book as a stop to hold the door open»

    hitch, stoppage, apprehension, plosive speech sound, plosive, diaphragm, full stop, snap, arrest, snatch, occlusion, point, stop consonant, taking into custody, full point, block, blockage, stopover, layover, stop, occlusive, collar, period, pinch, stay, match, halt, plosive consonant, gimmick, grab, haul, closure, check

  7. catchnoun

    a fastener that fastens or locks a door or window

    snatch, stop, collar, apprehension, grab, pinch, taking into custody, arrest, snap, match, haul, gimmick

  8. catchnoun

    a cooperative game in which a ball is passed back and forth

    «he played catch with his son in the backyard»

    snatch, stop, collar, apprehension, grab, pinch, taking into custody, arrest, snap, match, haul, gimmick

  9. catch, grab, snatch, snapnoun

    the act of catching an object with the hands

    «Mays made the catch with his back to the plate»; «he made a grab for the ball before it landed»; «Martin’s snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away»; «the infielder’s snap and throw was a single motion»

    snapshot, apprehension, crack, cunt, piece of cake, bit, arrest, twat, elasticity, duck soup, picnic, match, slit, pussy, ginger snap, ginger nut, taking into custody, centering, snatch, kidnapping, cinch, stop, collar, gingersnap, pushover, walkover, pinch, snap, snap bean, puss, child’s play, press stud, breeze, gimmick, grab, snap fastener, cracking, haul, shot

  10. apprehension, arrest, catch, collar, pinch, taking into custodyverb

    the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal)

    «the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar»

    hitch, hint, touch, understanding, mite, jot, stoppage, apprehension, halt, shoe collar, dog collar, snap, match, snatch, tinge, soupcon, exigency, speck, neckband, collar, taking into custody, leash, stop, discernment, misgiving, emergency, arrest, tweak, pinch, stay, apprehensiveness, dread, savvy, gimmick, grab, haul, choker, check

  11. catchverb

    discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state

    «She caught her son eating candy»; «She was caught shoplifting»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  12. catch, pick upverb

    perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily

    «I caught the aroma of coffee»; «He caught the allusion in her glance»; «ears open to catch every sound»; «The dog picked up the scent»; «Catch a glimpse»

    hitch, cop, take in, peck, call for, capture, beguile, get, percolate, nail, trip up, perk up, captivate, view, arrest, gather up, get word, nab, trance, fascinate, enamor, see, find out, collar, becharm, catch up with, watch, receive, gain vigor, lift up, entrance, apprehend, get a line, charm, uplift, intoxicate, pick up, overhear, turn around, elate, enamour, overtake, grab, learn, enchant, get wind, perk, collect, discover, take hold of, bewitch, hear

  13. get, catchverb

    reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot

    «the rock caught her in the back of the head»; «The blow got him in the back»; «The punch caught him in the stomach»

    overhear, take, pick up, catch up with, make, mystify, experience, develop, draw, have, become, sustain, receive, scram, amaze, stimulate, sire, drive, engender, enamour, trance, go, fix, pay back, get under one’s skin, stick, suffer, beat, set about, get down, arrive, fascinate, enamor, becharm, incur, contract, bring forth, grow, dumbfound, stupefy, start, take hold of, captivate, arrest, bring, bewilder, see, mother, induce, buzz off, let, obtain, beget, flummox, entrance, get, generate, capture, grab, find, watch, take in, produce, start out, pose, view, vex, enchant, aim, hitch, perplex, overtake, gravel, begin, fetch, father, commence, beguile, trip up, puzzle, set out, convey, acquire, come, pay off, bugger off, cause, bewitch, nonplus, charm, baffle

  14. catch, grab, take hold ofverb

    take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of

    «Catch the ball!»; «Grab the elevator door!»

    seize, beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, snap up, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, snaffle, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  15. get, catch, captureverb

    succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase

    «We finally got the suspect»; «Did you catch the thief?»

    overhear, take, pick up, catch up with, make, mystify, experience, develop, draw, have, become, sustain, receive, scram, conquer, amaze, stimulate, sire, drive, engender, enamour, trance, go, fix, pay back, get under one’s skin, stick, suffer, beat, set about, get down, arrive, fascinate, enamor, becharm, incur, contract, bring forth, grow, dumbfound, stupefy, start, take hold of, captivate, arrest, bring, bewilder, see, mother, induce, buzz off, let, obtain, beget, flummox, entrance, get, generate, capture, grab, find, watch, appropriate, take in, produce, start out, pose, view, vex, enchant, aim, hitch, perplex, overtake, gravel, begin, fetch, seize, father, commence, beguile, trip up, puzzle, set out, convey, acquire, come, pay off, bugger off, cause, bewitch, nonplus, charm, baffle

  16. hitch, catchverb

    to hook or entangle

    «One foot caught in the stirrup»

    hitch, jerk, capture, beguile, get, trip up, captivate, hitchhike, arrest, take in, trance, view, fascinate, enamor, see, enamour, buck, becharm, hobble, catch up with, watch, thumb, entrance, charm, limp, pick up, overhear, gimp, overtake, grab, enchant, take hold of, bewitch

  17. catch, arrest, getverb

    attract and fix

    «His look caught her»; «She caught his eye»; «Catch the attention of the waiter»

    pick up, collar, catch up with, sire, mystify, experience, develop, watch, stupefy, have, hold, overhear, cop, receive, scram, commence, stop, go, stimulate, bewitch, drive, engender, trance, fix, pay back, suffer, sustain, stick, set about, get down, fascinate, enamor, becharm, incur, draw, contract, bring forth, grow, dumbfound, beat, start, set out, take hold of, check, hold back, fetch, bring, bewilder, see, mother, take, buzz off, let, make, beget, puzzle, flummox, entrance, get, generate, capture, grab, find, become, amaze, obtain, enamour, start out, convey, view, vex, enchant, aim, induce, hitch, perplex, overtake, arrest, gravel, begin, contain, father, trip up, get under one’s skin, nab, beguile, nail, captivate, arrive, turn back, produce, acquire, come, pay off, pose, bugger off, cause, take in, halt, nonplus, apprehend, charm, baffle

  18. capture, catchverb

    capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping

    «I caught a rabbit in the trap today»

    beguile, watch, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, appropriate, see, fascinate, enchant, catch up with, charm, trip up, bewitch, take in, becharm, overtake, conquer, get, grab, trance, take hold of, hitch, pick up, seize, enamor, arrest, captivate

  19. catchverb

    reach in time

    «I have to catch a train at 7 o’clock»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  20. catchverb

    get or regain something necessary, usually quickly or briefly

    «Catch some sleep»; «catch one’s breath»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  21. overtake, catch, catch up withverb

    catch up with and possibly overtake

    «The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp»

    hitch, take in, overwhelm, make up, capture, beguile, get, sweep over, whelm, trip up, captivate, view, arrest, enamour, trance, fascinate, enamor, see, becharm, catch up with, watch, overhaul, pass, entrance, enchant, charm, pick up, overhear, overtake, grab, overpower, overcome, take hold of, bewitch

  22. catchverb

    be struck or affected by

    «catch fire»; «catch the mood»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  23. catchverb

    check oneself during an action

    «She managed to catch herself before telling her boss what was on her mind»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  24. catch, take in, overhearverb

    hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers

    «We overheard the conversation at the next table»

    hitch, earn, take in, put one over, gather in, suck up, capture, beguile, get, befool, invite, slang, gull, imbibe, trip up, pull in, put on, view, arrest, enamour, captivate, take, have, trance, adopt, make, fascinate, enamor, see, receive, gain, becharm, assimilate, put one across, ingest, realise, catch up with, sop up, watch, suck, clear, entrance, take up, soak up, charm, cod, pick up, fool, draw, bring in, overhear, overtake, grab, dupe, enchant, realize, consume, absorb, collect, take hold of, bewitch, suck in

  25. watch, view, see, catch, take inverb

    see or watch

    «view a show on television»; «This program will be seen all over the world»; «view an exhibition»; «Catch a show on Broadway»; «see a movie»

    ensure, project, receive, bring in, interpret, look out, make, look, experience, get word, visualise, watch, have, assure, image, fancy, overhear, go steady, look on, cod, learn, absorb, run into, discover, escort, keep an eye on, draw, earn, examine, bewitch, pick up, visit, adopt, reckon, trance, fascinate, consider, collect, gather in, come across, get a line, gull, get wind, enamor, becharm, take care, take up, gain, watch out, put one across, invite, control, ascertain, insure, attend, take hold of, date, realize, sop up, check, consume, meet, go out, witness, pull in, fool, take, catch up with, construe, find out, see, suck, befool, regard, entrance, visualize, picture, suck in, grab, find, captivate, go through, take in, enamour, get, view, capture, enchant, soak up, watch over, dupe, hitch, overtake, put on, arrest, hear, follow, realise, envision, determine, beguile, encounter, trip up, clear, slang, figure, suck up, look at, see to it, understand, run across, put one over, ingest, assimilate, observe, imbibe, charm

  26. catchverb

    cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, or entangled

    «I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  27. trip up, catchverb

    detect a blunder or misstep

    «The reporter tripped up the senator»

    beguile, watch, enamour, view, catch up with, overhear, see, capture, captivate, trip up, hitch, take hold of, trip, charm, entrance, bewitch, take in, slip up, overtake, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, arrest, fascinate, stumble

  28. catch, getverb

    grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of

    «did you catch that allusion?»; «We caught something of his theory in the lecture»; «don’t catch your meaning»; «did you get it?»; «She didn’t get the joke»; «I just don’t get him»

    pick up, catch up with, sire, mystify, experience, develop, draw, have, overhear, sustain, receive, scram, commence, go, stimulate, bewitch, drive, engender, trance, fix, pay back, stick, suffer, beat, set about, get down, fascinate, enamor, becharm, incur, contract, bring forth, grow, dumbfound, stupefy, start, set out, take hold of, arrest, bring, bewilder, see, mother, take, buzz off, let, make, beget, puzzle, flummox, entrance, get, generate, capture, grab, find, become, amaze, obtain, enamour, start out, convey, view, vex, enchant, aim, induce, hitch, perplex, overtake, gravel, begin, fetch, father, get under one’s skin, trip up, beguile, captivate, arrive, produce, watch, acquire, come, pay off, pose, bugger off, cause, take in, nonplus, charm, baffle

  29. catchverb


    «did you catch a cold?»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  30. catchverb

    start burning

    «The fire caught»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  31. catch, getverb

    perceive by hearing

    «I didn’t catch your name»; «She didn’t get his name when they met the first time»

    pick up, catch up with, sire, mystify, experience, develop, draw, have, overhear, sustain, receive, scram, commence, go, stimulate, bewitch, drive, engender, trance, fix, pay back, stick, suffer, beat, set about, get down, fascinate, enamor, becharm, incur, contract, bring forth, grow, dumbfound, stupefy, start, set out, take hold of, arrest, bring, bewilder, see, mother, take, buzz off, let, make, beget, puzzle, flummox, entrance, get, generate, capture, grab, find, become, amaze, obtain, enamour, start out, convey, view, vex, enchant, aim, induce, hitch, perplex, overtake, gravel, begin, fetch, father, get under one’s skin, trip up, beguile, captivate, arrive, produce, watch, acquire, come, pay off, pose, bugger off, cause, take in, nonplus, charm, baffle

  32. catch, getverb

    suffer from the receipt of

    «She will catch hell for this behavior!»

    pick up, catch up with, sire, mystify, experience, develop, draw, have, overhear, sustain, receive, scram, commence, go, stimulate, bewitch, drive, engender, trance, fix, pay back, stick, suffer, beat, set about, get down, fascinate, enamor, becharm, incur, contract, bring forth, grow, dumbfound, stupefy, start, set out, take hold of, arrest, bring, bewilder, see, mother, take, buzz off, let, make, beget, puzzle, flummox, entrance, get, generate, capture, grab, find, become, amaze, obtain, enamour, start out, convey, view, vex, enchant, aim, induce, hitch, perplex, overtake, gravel, begin, fetch, father, get under one’s skin, trip up, beguile, captivate, arrive, produce, watch, acquire, come, pay off, pose, bugger off, cause, take in, nonplus, charm, baffle

  33. capture, enamour, trance, catch, becharm, enamor, captivate, beguile, charm, fascinate, bewitch, entrance, enchantverb

    attract; cause to be enamored

    «She captured all the men’s hearts»

    hitch, tempt, capture, take in, delight, ravish, conquer, beguile, get, witch, spellbind, trip up, transfix, mesmerize, captivate, view, arrest, enamour, grip, trance, jinx, fascinate, enamor, see, enrapture, enthrall, becharm, mesmerise, hex, magnetise, intrigue, hoodwink, transport, catch up with, enthral, watch, seize, entrance, charm, glamour, pick up, overhear, appropriate, influence, magnetize, overtake, grab, enchant, juggle, take hold of, bewitch

  34. catch, getverb

    apprehend and reproduce accurately

    «She really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings»; «She got the mood just right in her photographs»

    pick up, catch up with, sire, mystify, experience, develop, draw, have, overhear, sustain, receive, scram, commence, go, stimulate, bewitch, drive, engender, trance, fix, pay back, stick, suffer, beat, set about, get down, fascinate, enamor, becharm, incur, contract, bring forth, grow, dumbfound, stupefy, start, set out, take hold of, arrest, bring, bewilder, see, mother, take, buzz off, let, make, beget, puzzle, flummox, entrance, get, generate, capture, grab, find, become, amaze, obtain, enamour, start out, convey, view, vex, enchant, aim, induce, hitch, perplex, overtake, gravel, begin, fetch, father, get under one’s skin, trip up, beguile, captivate, arrive, produce, watch, acquire, come, pay off, pose, bugger off, cause, take in, nonplus, charm, baffle

  35. catchverb

    take in and retain

    «We have a big barrel to catch the rainwater»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  36. catchverb

    spread or be communicated

    «The fashion did not catch»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  37. catchverb

    be the catcher

    «Who is catching?»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  38. catchverb

    become aware of

    «he caught her staring out the window»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

  39. catchverb

    delay or hold up; prevent from proceeding on schedule or as planned

    «I was caught in traffic and missed the meeting»

    beguile, watch, captivate, view, enamour, overhear, entrance, capture, trip up, hitch, take hold of, catch up with, charm, arrest, bewitch, take in, becharm, get, grab, trance, enchant, pick up, enamor, overtake, fascinate, see

Matched Categories

    • Adult
    • Attach
    • Attract
    • Baseball
    • Board
    • Change
    • Collect
    • Contract
    • Control
    • Delay
    • Fastener
    • Find Out
    • Game
    • Get
    • Hear
    • Hit
    • Ignite
    • Manner Of Speaking
    • Object
    • Perceive
    • Play
    • Reproduce
    • Restraint
    • See
    • Spread
    • Suffer
    • Surprise
    • Touch
    • Understand
    • Watch

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. catchverb

    grasp, seize, snatch, clutch, gripe, grasp, lay hold of, fasten upon

  2. catchverb

    arrest, apprehend, capture

  3. catchverb

    overtake, come up with

  4. catchverb

    insnare, entrap, entangle

  5. catchverb

    captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate, bewitch, win

  6. catchverb

    take (as a disease)

  7. catchverb

    lay hold, take hold

  8. catchverb

    be contagious, be communicated, spread by infection

  9. catchnoun

    seizure, CAPTURE

  10. catchnoun

    snatch, short effort

  11. catchnoun

    clasp, hook, HASP

  12. catchnoun

    (Mus.) humorous round

  13. catchnoun

    quantity of fish caught

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. catchnoun

    capture, seizure, arrest, apprehension, hasp, hook, clasp

  2. catchverb

    seize, grasp, clutch, snatch, gripe, nab, apprehend, arrest, deprehend, overtake, insnare, entangle, entrap

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «catch»:

    catches, capture, grab, captures, harvest, taken, attraper, fishing, trap, wrestling, get, trapping, take, grabs, catching, uptake, fang, fish, fishery

How to pronounce catch?

How to say catch in sign language?

How to use catch in a sentence?

  1. Jos Davi Urbaez:

    The governments message today is : Catch your coronavirus, and if its serious, there is intensive care. That sums up our policy today.

  2. Helima Croft:

    They are playing catch-up, the early warning system for the President Joe Biden.Until administration was not commensurate with that of the Former President Donald Trump administration. They may not have realized how potentially consequential that OPEC meeting was.

  3. Marco Rubio:

    That’s where we’re really going to catch fire.

  4. Luis Florido:

    I consulted with many of my friends before leaving the country, and they all told me I should not let them catch me, that I should not give a trophy to the regime.

  5. Takashi Kasukawa:

    The brain’s information is transmitted to the muscle through the nerve cells during movements. The HAL will catch the bioelectric potential signals generated at that time and then act.

Translations for catch

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • أَمْسَكَ, مَسَكَArabic
  • залаві́ць, лаві́ць, злаві́цьBelarusian
  • резе, уловка, хващане, разбиране, улавяне, хващам, закачам се, улавям, схващамBulgarian
  • chytit, chytnout, zachytitCzech
  • fangeDanish
  • Fang, Haken, fangen, begreifen, bekommen, erwischen, verstehenGerman
  • xeEwe
  • pega, cuestión, trampa, traba, truco, capturar, atajar, captar, cazar, cachar, comprenderSpanish
  • harrapatuBasque
  • گرفتنPersian
  • koppi, saalis, huomio, salpa, kopittelu, löytö, haka, solki, koukku, ottaa kiinni, napata, ymmärtää, pyydystää, siepata, käsittää, tarttuaFinnish
  • touche, prise, conquête, hic, attraperFrench
  • beir arIrish
  • glacScottish Gaelic
  • עוקץ, תפיסה, תפס, תָּפַסHebrew
  • पकड़नाHindi
  • fogás, bökkenőHungarian
  • բռնելArmenian
  • fermaglio, trabocchetto, trucco, bottino, colpo, presa, conquista, fermaglio di sicurezza, trappola, fregatura, agguantareItalian
  • 捕る, キャッチボール, 捕まえる, 捕らえる, 分かる, 理解Japanese
  • დაჭერაGeorgian
  • 잡다Korean
  • گرتنKurdish
  • fänkenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • कॅच, पकडणे, समझणेMarathi
  • vangen, vangst, valstrik, opvangen, haak, struikelblok, begrijpen, grijpen, snappen, halenDutch
  • fangstNorwegian Nynorsk
  • fangstNorwegian
  • złapać, dostrzegać, ogarniać, ogarnąć, łapać, schwytać, dostrzec, przechwycać, przechwycićPolish
  • apanhada, conquista, pegar, fecho, tranca, tranqueta, apanhadura, cilada, presa, entender, capturar, sacar, compreender, captarPortuguese
  • prindeRomanian
  • уло́в, добы́ча, пои́мка, захва́т, подво́х, поня́ть, расслы́шать, схва́тывать, пойма́ть, лови́ть, схвати́ть, понима́тьRussian
  • ujetiSlovene
  • hasp, fångst, kap, hake, fånga, fatta, uppfatta, gripaSwedish
  • dakaSwahili
  • лови́ти, пійма́тиUkrainian
  • پکڑناUrdu

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  • Определения слова catch

    • ловить, поймать
    • хватать

Синонимы к слову catch

    • apprehend
    • arrest
    • become aware of
    • become infected with
    • bump
    • bump into
    • capture
    • clasp
    • cling
    • clip
    • clutch
    • contract
    • crash into
    • detain
    • difficulty
    • discover
    • drawback
    • ensnare
    • entrap
    • fall prey to
    • fall victim to
    • fastener
    • fastening
    • find
    • get entangled
    • get snarled
    • get stuck
    • get tangled
    • get trapped in
    • go down with
    • grab
    • grab hold of
    • grasp
    • hear
    • hit
    • hitch
    • hold
    • hook
    • impediment
    • knock
    • latch
    • net
    • no-win situation
    • notice
    • obstacle
    • perceive
    • pick up
    • problem
    • see
    • seize
    • snag
    • snare
    • spot
    • stick
    • strike
    • surprise
    • take
    • take captive
    • take hostage
    • take prisoner
    • trap
    • understand
    • vicious circle

Похожие слова на catch

    • catch
    • catchall
    • catchall’s
    • catchalls
    • catcher
    • catcher’s
    • catchers
    • catches
    • catchier
    • catchiest
    • catching
    • catchings
    • catchment
    • catchment’s
    • catchphrase
    • catchword
    • catchword’s
    • catchwords
    • catchy

Фразеологизмы для слова catch

    • catch up
    • схватывать
    • догонять
    • I’m catching up
    • понимать

Посмотрите другие слова

    • Что такое kill
    • Определение термина tall
    • Толкование слова tickler
    • Что означает понятие fault
    • Лексическое значение empower
    • Словарь значения слов service
    • Грамматическое значение filter
    • Значение слова beaten
    • Прямое и переносное значение слова rude
    • Происхождение слова average
    • Синоним к слову startup
    • Антоним к слову start-up
    • Омоним к слову overkill
    • Гипоним к слову cover
    • Холоним к слову boast
    • Гипероним к слову enjoy
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову cost
    • Перевод слова на другие языки shell
  • hook
  • snap
  • bolt
  • buckle
  • clamp
  • clasp
  • clip
  • hasp
  • latch
  • hook and eye
  • snag
  • conundrum
  • deception
  • decoy
  • drawback
  • hitch
  • joke
  • puzzle
  • puzzler
  • trap
  • Catch-22
  • fly in the ointment
  • stumbling block
  • arrest
  • capture
  • grab
  • pick
  • seize
  • snag
  • snare
  • take
  • trap
  • bag
  • bust
  • clasp
  • claw
  • clench
  • clutch
  • collar
  • cop
  • corral
  • entangle
  • entrap
  • glom
  • glove
  • grasp
  • grip
  • hook
  • lasso
  • nab
  • nail
  • net
  • pluck
  • prehend
  • secure
  • snatch
  • get one’s fingers on
  • lay hold of
  • pounce on
  • take hold of
  • detect
  • spot
  • descry
  • encounter
  • expose
  • surprise
  • unmask
  • hit upon
  • meet with
  • take unawares
  • turn up
  • get
  • take
  • develop
  • incur
  • receive
  • sicken
  • become infected with
  • break out with
  • come down with
  • fall ill with
  • fall victim to
  • succumb to
  • suffer from
  • get
  • go after
  • grab
  • make
  • overtake
  • pass
  • reach
  • take
  • board
  • jump
  • overhaul
  • ram
  • climb on
  • come upon
  • cotch
  • hop on
  • run down
  • apprehend
  • follow
  • get
  • see
  • accept
  • comprehend
  • discern
  • feel
  • grasp
  • perceive
  • recognize
  • sense
  • understand
  • take in

On this page you’ll find 346 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to catch, such as: hook, snap, bolt, buckle, clamp, and clasp.

    • free
    • let go
    • liberate
    • lose
    • offer
    • reject
    • release
    • loose
    • loosen
    • unfasten
    • let off
    • overlook
    • lose
    • misplace
    • miss
    • misunderstand
    • fall behind
    • leave
    • lose
    • miss
    • let go
    • release
    • misunderstand
    • disbelieve
    • misinterpret
    • miss
    • mistake
    • overlook

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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    How to use catch in a sentence


    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • access
    • achieve
    • amass
    • annex
    • attain
    • bring in
    • buy
    • catch
    • collect
    • cop
    • corral
    • earn
    • gain
    • gather
    • get
    • get hands on
    • get hold of
    • grab
    • have
    • land
    • latch onto
    • lock up
    • pick up
    • procure
    • promote
    • rack up
    • scare up
    • secure
    • snag
    • take
    • take possession of
    • wangle
    • win
    • attach
    • berth
    • catch
    • dock
    • drop
    • fasten
    • fix
    • imbed
    • make port
    • moor
    • plant
    • secure
    • stay
    • tie
    • tie up
    • attaching
    • berthing
    • catching
    • docking
    • dropping
    • fastening
    • fixing
    • imbedding
    • making port
    • mooring
    • planting
    • securing
    • staying
    • tying
    • tying up
    • absorb
    • accept
    • appreciate
    • believe
    • catch
    • comprehend
    • conceive
    • digest
    • fathom
    • get
    • get the picture
    • grasp
    • have
    • imagine
    • know
    • perceive
    • read
    • realize
    • recognize
    • sense
    • think
    • absorb
    • catch
    • engage
    • engross
    • fascinate
    • grip
    • be associated with
    • be connected with
    • bear
    • catch
    • follow
    • issue from
    • make the scene
    • occur with
    • result from

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    Варианты (v1)

    Варианты (v2)

    • catch [kæʧ] гл caught, caught

      1. поймать, уловить, ловить, улавливать, выловить, отлавливать, вылавливать, отловить

        (capture, fish out)

        • caught fish – пойманная рыба
        • catch the moment – уловить момент
        • catch a ball – ловить мяч
      2. схватить, подхватить, перехватить, прихватить

        (grab, pick, intercept, take)

        • catch a cold – подхватить простуду
      3. застать, застичь


      4. попасть, попасться, попадаться, попадать

        (get, come across)

        • catch the eye – попасться на глаза
      5. успеть

        (have time)

        • catch a plane – успеть на самолет
      6. догнать, догонять

        (catch up)

        • catch the leaders – догнать лидеров
      7. привлечь


        • catch the attention – привлечь внимание
      8. заразиться


      9. зацепиться


      10. застрять


      11. заполучить


      12. цеплять


    • catch [kæʧ] сущ

      1. уловм, выловм, ловля

        (haul, fishing)

        • total allowable catch – общий допустимый улов
        • incidental catch – случайный вылов
      2. перехватм


    поймать catch, capture, pick up, catch hold of, hook, nail
    ловить catch, take, prey, prey on, prey upon
    уловить catch
    догнать catch
    зацепиться catch
    схватывать grasp, catch, grab, grip, apprehend, lay hands on
    зацепить catch
    схватить seize, catch, take hold of, grapple, capture, snatch
    застать catch, reach, cop
    расслышать catch
    попасть get, find, catch, land, walk into
    подлавливать catch
    перебивать interrupt, break, catch
    задерживать delay, detain, stay, hold, retard, catch
    загораться light up, light, catch fire, ignite, fire, catch
    заражаться be infected, catch, taint, get, take
    задевать hurt, offend, graze, affect, catch, scrape
    прерывать interrupt, discontinue, break, intercept, break in, catch
    привлекать внимание capture the attention, catch, come into notice, invite attention, limelight, bring up
    покрываться льдом ice, freeze, catch, catch over
    успевать have time, catch, be in time, make, make progress, advance
    подхватывать болезнь contract, catch
    ударить slam, mar, ram, lash out, catch, bop
    поймать в ловушку ensnare, entrap, snare, catch
    провести outwit, catch, hoodwink, best, entrap
    поддевать catch
    защемить catch
    прихлопнуть slam, kill, catch
    застигать catch
    улов catch, haul, take, taking, draught
    добыча production, prey, mining, extraction, spoil, catch
    выгода benefit, profit, advantage, gain, avail, catch
    защелка latch, snap, catch, pawl, click, trigger
    захват capture, grab, taking, seizure, grip, catch
    ловушка trap, snare, hook, pitfall, catch, decoy
    задвижка latch, catch, bolt, damper, shutter, fastener
    уловка trick, ploy, ruse, stratagem, gimmick, catch
    хитрость cunning, trick, stealth, trickery, guile, catch
    стопор stopper, stop, detent, lock, catch, plug
    упор stop, thrust, rest, detent, pawl, catch
    поимка capture, catch, cop
    арретир catch, detent
    шпингалет catch
    щеколда latch, heck, catch, lock
    тормоз brake, drag, catch, cataract
    подковырка catch
    выгодное приобретение catch
    захватывающее приспособление catch, pickup
    запирающее приспособление catch
    стяжной болт catch
    приостановка suspense, suspension, delay, arrest, catch, letup

    Синонимы (v1)

    Синонимы (v2)

    • catch гл

      • grab · seize · snatch · nab
      • get · capture · take · pick up · find · see · catch on · grasp
      • hook · hitch · snare
      • catch up with · overtake · catch up
      • snag
      • snap
      • notice · trick · yield · gotcha
      • have time


    • haul, net, bag, yield
    • latch, lock, fastener, clasp, hasp
    • snag, disadvantage, drawback, stumbling block, hitch, fly in the ointment, pitfall, complication, problem, hiccup, difficulty, trap, trick, snare, catch-22
    • gimmick
    • haul
    • stop
    • pinch, collar, apprehension, taking into custody, arrest
    • snap, grab, snatch
    • match


    • seize, grab, snatch, take hold of, grasp, grip, trap, clutch, clench, receive, get, intercept
    • capture, seize, apprehend, arrest, take prisoner/captive, take into custody, trap, snare, ensnare, net, hook, land, nab, collar, run in, bust
    • become trapped, become entangled, snag
    • be in time for, make, get, board, get on, step aboard
    • discover, find, come upon/across, stumble on, chance on, surprise, catch red-handed, catch in the act
    • engage, capture, attract, draw, grab, grip, seize, hold, absorb, engross
    • perceive, notice, observe, discern, detect, note, make out
    • hear, perceive, discern, make out, understand, comprehend, grasp, apprehend, get, get the drift of, figure out
    • evoke, conjure up, call to mind, recall, encapsulate, capture
    • hit, strike, slap, smack, bang
    • become infected with, contract, get, fall ill with, be taken ill with, develop, come down with, be struck down with
    • ignite, start burning, catch fire, kindle
    • get
    • take in, overhear
    • capture
    • capture, enamour, enchant, trance, enamor, becharm, entrance, captivate, charm, beguile, fascinate, bewitch
    • trip up
    • get, arrest
    • hitch
    • take hold of, grab
    • pick up
    • capture, get
    • catch up with, overtake
    • view, watch, take in, see

    Предложения со словом «catch»

    But there is a little catch .

    Но есть небольшая загвоздка.

    The player must quickly rotate and place the tiles to catch and conduct a continuously-flowing stream of water from pipes on one side of the shaft to the other.

    Игрок должен быстро вращать и размещать плитки, чтобы поймать и провести непрерывно текущую струю воды из труб с одной стороны шахты в другую.

    The question is: Are we able to catch this earlier?

    Вопрос: могли ли мы заметить рецидив раньше?

    So how did we take this simple idea of walking and start a revolution that would catch a fire in neighborhoods across America?

    Но как же нам удалось взять простую идею ходьбы и начать революцию, которая охватила каждый район Америки?

    The Obama Administration was caught in a perfect catch-22 .

    Администрация Обамы попалась в идеальную Уловку — 22.

    Flames were pouring out, smoke was in the air and it looked like our wooden deck was about to catch fire.

    Огни пламени вырывались наружу, вокруг всё в дыму, и наша терраса вот — вот будет объята пламенем.

    So in the future, don’t be afraid if your grill goes up in flames, because you never know when your idea might just catch fire.

    Поэтому в будущем не бойтесь, если ваш гриль сгорит, потому что вы никогда не знаете, когда ваша идея выстрелит.

    If that doesn’t work, maybe you’d consider paying somebody to just unofficially take care of it on your behalf — especially if you thought nobody was going to catch you.

    Если это не сработает, вы, может быть, будете думать заплатить неофициально кому — нибудь, чтобы позаботились об этом за вас, особенно если вы думаете, что вас на этом не поймают .

    To catch cancer early, however, you have to frequently intercept these messages to determine when cancer-causing troublemakers within your body decide to start staging a coup, which is why regular screening is so critical and why we’re developing technologies to make this possible.

    Однако, чтобы рано обнаружить рак, вы должны часто улавливать эту информацию, чтобы определить, когда вызывающие рак смутьяны в вашем организме решат начать государственный переворот, именно поэтому так важен регулярный скрининг, и поэтому мы разрабатываем технологии, которые позволят его проводить.

    So how do you catch a taker before it’s too late?

    Так как же выявить берущего, пока не стало слишком поздно?

    And my favorite way to catch these people in the interview process is to ask the question, Can you give me the names of four people whose careers you have fundamentally improved?

    Очень люблю подлавливать их на собеседовании следующим вопросом: Можете назвать мне имена четырёх людей, которым вы помогли наладить карьерный рост?

    So of course this makes me even more intrigued, and when I finally do catch up with her, she explains it like this.

    Конечно, это меня ещё больше заинтриговало, и когда мы наконец встретились, она объясняла это так.

    Now, I’ve been a fan since I ran home from the bus stop in second grade desperate to catch the end of Luke and Laura’s wedding, the biggest moment in General Hospital history.

    Я всегда была фаном сериалов, поэтому однажды во втором классе я добежала от школы до дома, чтобы успеть увидеть конец свадьбы Луки и Лоры — самый лучший момент в сериале Главный госпиталь.

    Actions like Ulukaya’s are beautiful because they catch us off guard.

    Такие поступки прекрасны, потому что застают нас врасплох.

    I want to catch the coward behind the killer.

    Я хочу поймать труса, что стоит за убийцей.

    The barbs on the arrowheads don’t catch your guts.

    Шипы на головках стрел не вопьются в твои кишки.

    Didn’t fishermen catch great whites in these waters?

    Разве рыбаки не вылавливают больших белых акул в этих водах?

    Gorillas are sensitive to cold and easily catch pneumonia.

    Гориллы чуствительны к холоду и легко могут заболеть воспалением легких

    There you will see thousands of people trying to catch a train, a bus, a ship or a plane.

    Там вы увидите тысячи людей, которые пытаются сесть на поезд, автобус, корабль или самолет.

    I didn’t catch it.

    Я не уловил.

    But their problems, no matter where they are, catch up with them.

    Но эти проблемы, где бы они ни находились, их настигают.

    I thought I’d catch the tram to see Rose.

    Думаю, что могла бы на трамвае отправиться к Роуз.

    You can catch a lot more flies with honey

    Можно поймать гораздо больше мух с помощью мёда

    Haven’t been able to catch him in the act.

    Только у нас не получалось поймать его с поличным.

    I wouldn’t send even Clave to catch a swordbird.

    Я даже Клэйва не послал бы ловить меч — птицу.

    You can catch all kinds of diseases down there.

    Там можно подхватить кучей болезней

    Maybe we can catch the end of the Undies.

    Возможно мы еще успеем к концу вечеринки

    You can still catch the end of our demo.

    Вы все еще можете успеть на окончание нашей демонстрации.

    I’ll bet you can sell your whole catch !

    Ставлю на то, что ты продашь там весь улов!

    You said you would catch him at any cost.

    Вы сказали, что были готовы поймать его любой ценой.

    Plane to catch and bring to Africans salad for lunch.

    Сесть в самолет и привезти им свой салат на завтрак?

    If you go in for sports, you are in a good mood and don’t often catch cold.

    Если вы занимаетесь спортом, вы находитесь в хорошем настроении и не часто простужаетесь.

    When I happen to catch a fish I set it free at once, because I do fishing just for pleasure.

    Случайно поймав рыбу, я освобождаю ее сразу, потому что я рыбачу просто ради удовольствия.

    But I don`t afraid to catch a cold on the contrary I feel the fresh surge of energy.

    Однако я чувствую прилив сил зимой, меня не пугает холод.

    I read somewhere that at the time he had not seen the works of French Impressionists, who tried to catch the sunlight and the air and transfer it to the canvas.

    Я читал, что в то время он еще не видел работ французских импрессионистов, которые пытались поймать солнечный свет и воздух, и передать его на полотне.

    His first art teacher was Repin, who noticed that the boy could catch the likeness of a model often more quickly and surely than older artists.

    Его первым учителем искусств был Репин, который заметил, что мальчик мог уловить сходство модели зачастую быстрее и вернее, чем взрослые художники.

    The more practice you have, the better — I did so and once realized I can make up dialogues and catch the ideas from video.

    Чем больше практики, тем лучше – я следовала этому совету и однажды поняла, что могу составлять диалоги и понимать то, о чем идет речь в фильмах, или учебных видео сюжетах.

    Scientists can create animals which produce more milk, meat and wool, or animals which don’t catch certain diseases.

    Ученые могут создать животных, которые производят больше молока, мяса и шерсти, или животных, которые не заражаются некоторыми заболеваниями.

    For example, chickens give eggs, cows give milk, dogs protect people, cats catch mice, sheep can give fur etc.

    Например, куры дают яйца, коровы дают молоко, собаки защищают людей, кошки ловят мышей, овцы могут давать мех и т.д.

    They are strict but ready to help us, if we can’t catch up with the class.

    Они (учителя) строги, но всегда готовы помочь нам, если мы отстаем от класса.

    Cats catch mice and rats.

    Кошки ловят мышей и крыс.

    If you try to catch a train on 24th December you may have difficulty in finding a seat.

    Если вы стараетесь попасть на поезд 24 декабря, вы рискуете столкнуться с трудностью найти место.

    Rod looked up in time to catch the last sight of the tower tops in silhouette-and stiffened.

    И Род при свете молнии успел разглядеть силуэт верхней части башни и весь застыл.

    Somehow the past always manages to catch up to us.

    Каким — то образом прошлому всегда удаётся догнать нас.

    The big new handsome radio in the corner whispered of dancing and love with a deep soft throbbing note like the catch in a torch singer’s voice.

    Большой красивый приемник в углу низким воркующим голосом нашептывал о танцах и любви.

    The pavilion was a simple structure of weathered silver wood, open on all four sides to catch the breeze, this morning a few faint puffs from the west.

    Павильон был легкой постройкой из старого серебристого дерева, открытой со всех четырех сторон.

    My body reacted faster than my mind was able to catch up with the implications of her reply.

    Мое тело отреагировало быстрее, чем мой разум смог уловить смысл ее слов.

    Sometimes I have trouble breathing ’cause I can’t catch my breath.

    Иногда мне бывает трудно дышать, из — за того, что просто не могу вдохнуть.

    Rise early in the morning, stay up late at night, and try to catch a nap in the afternoon if time allows.

    Научишься рано вставать, поздно ложиться и урывать время для сна днем.

    I saw him go down the alley, and I went down 7th to try to catch up with him.

    Увидел как он спускается по аллее, и пошел по седьмой в попытке догнать его.

    Frankie set up a distraction so I could make the catch without Nick finding out.

    Френки создал отвлекающий манёвр, чтобы я мог ловить за спиной у Ника.

    He’d probably need to catch a few more hours of sleep before the meeting, but he wasn’t tired now.

    Надо было бы поспать еще пару часов перед встречей, но он уже не чувствовал усталости.

    It tries to catch up, but then it gets confused and throws itself into reverse.

    Он пытается, но сбивается с толку, начинает вести отсчет времени в обратном направлении.

    My mother used to catch me reading comic books by torchlight.

    Мама всегда заставала меня за чтением комиксов при свете фонаря.

    The light has to be at the right angle to catch the shine.

    Свет должен падать под прямым углом, чтобы был виден блеск.

    If you think it’s a picnic to sit listening to two people talk for hours and not catch a word-

    Думаешь, приятно слушать вашу бесконечную болтовню и ничего не понимать?

    We have so many things to shoot tomorrow at the graveyard, and then we have to rush to catch our plane.

    Нам завтра предстоит так много снять на кладбище, а потом придётся мчаться на самолёт.

    I’d seen her crown a thousand times, and never seen the jewels catch the light so brilliantly.

    Я видела ее в этой короне тысячу раз, и бриллианты никогда не сверкали так ярко.

    Net fishing and bottom trawling catch everything, even the young fish.

    Рыбные сети и рыболовный трал ловят всё, даже молодую рыбу.

    Its surface was brilliantly colored with ducks and geese and herons and cranes in the shallows dipping to catch fish.

    Цапли и журавли ловили на мелководье рыбу и лягушек.

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