Синоним слову burn

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • burn [bɜːn] гл burned/burnt, burned/burnt

    1. сжигать, сгорать, пылать, сжечь, сгореть, разгораться

      (burn up, blaze, will burn, burn down, flare)

      • burn fat – сжигать жир
      • burn calories – сжечь калории
    2. жечь, прожигать, прожечь


      • burn a candle – жечь свечу
    3. гореть, обжигать, обжечь, спалить, выжечь, обжечься, загореться

      (fire, scorch, burn yourself)

      • burn forever – гореть вечно
      • burnt brick – обожженный кирпич
      • burn the house – спалить дом
    4. записать, записывать


    5. выгореть, выгорать, выжигать

      (burn out)

    6. испепелить


    7. прогорать

  • burn [bɜːn] сущ

    1. ожогм, сожжениеср


      • chemical burn – химический ожог
      • third degree burn – ожог третьей степени
    2. прожигм


  • burn [bɜːn] прил

    1. ожоговый

      • burn center – ожоговый центр
ожог burn, scorch, scald, singe, sting, sear
выжигание растительности burn
клеймо brand, stamp, mark, seal, trademark, burn
ручеек streamlet, rill, brooklet, dribble, runnel, burn
сжигать burn, incinerate, combust, burn up, burn out, burn away
гореть burn, glow, broil, flame, combust, blaze
жечь burn, sting, parch, grill, smart, bite
обжечь burn
спалить burn, singe
сгорать burn, burn down, burn away, burn out, go up
прожигать burn
пылать blaze, glow, burn, flame, be ablaze
выжигать burn, burn out, burn down, scorch, roast
обжигать burn, bake, scorch, anneal, roast, kiln
палить scorch, fire, burn, pop off, pop, plink
прижигать cauterize, burn, sear, sere
подгорать burn, scorch
погореть burn, be burnt out, fail, burn down
топиться drown, burn, melt, drown oneself
распаляться burn, get burning hot
жечься burn, sting
загорать sunbathe, tan, sun, take the sun, burn, brown
вызывать загар burn
разозлиться turn nasty, flare up, burn, flame out, flame up
резать автогеном burn
приходить в бешенство burn
получать ожог burn
сжигать в ядерном реакторе burn

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • burn гл

    • burn up · burn down · burn off · burn out · set on fire
    • fire · blaze · flame · flare · combust · torch
    • ignite · kindle · incinerate · inflame
    • consume · devour
    • light · glow
    • sunburn · sting · burn mark
    • cauterize · scorch · scald · singe · sear
    • illuminate


  • burn mark
  • burning
  • sunburn, tan, suntan


  • be on fire, be alight, be ablaze, blaze, go up, go up in smoke, be in flames, be aflame, smolder, glow
  • set fire to, set on fire, set alight, light, ignite, touch off, incinerate, torch
  • scorch, singe, sear, char, blacken, brand, sizzle, scald
  • be hot, be warm, be feverish, be on fire, blush, redden, go red, flush, color
  • be consumed by/with, be eaten up by/with, be obsessed by/with, be tormented by/with, be beside oneself with
  • consume, use up, expend, go/get through, eat up, dissipate
  • combust
  • sting, bite
  • incinerate
  • glow
  • cauterise, cauterize
  • burn off, burn up
  • cut
  • sunburn
  • fire, burn down

Предложения со словом «burn»

Do I tell her about our bodies, how they are 60 percent water, but we still burn like driftwood, making fuel of our sacrifice?

Должна ли я рассказывать ей о наших телах, которые на 60 % состоят из воды, но горят, как сухие щепки, питая огонь нашими жертвами?

So in the 18th century, if Scotland wanted — and the Scots wanted several times — to break out of the control of London, the reaction of the government in London was to send an army up north to burn down Edinburgh and massacre the highland tribes.

Если в XVIII веке Шотландия захотела бы — а шотландцы не раз этого хотели — выйти из — под контроля Лондона, реакцией правительства в Лондоне была бы отправка армии на север с приказом сжечь Эдинбург дотла и вырезать племена Шотландского нагорья.

My guess is that if, in 2018, the Scots vote for independence, the London government will not send an army up north to burn down Edinburgh.

Готов предположить, что если в 2018 году шотландцы проголосуют на независимость, лондонское правительство не пошлёт армию на север, чтобы сжечь Эдинбург дотла.

There’s an African proverb that says, If the young are not initiated into the village, they will burn it down just to feel its warmth.

В одной африканской пословице говорится: если молодых людей не приняли в деревне — они сожгут её дотла, чтобы почувствовать её тепло.

We burn with passion.

Сгораем от страсти.

And he says, How can it be that something so beautiful would burn, and nobody seems to even care?

Странник спросил: Как это возможно, что такая красота сейчас погибнет, а никто даже не пытается её спасти?

Satellites there are naturally buffeted by Earth’s atmosphere, so their orbits naturally decay, and they’ll eventually burn up, probably within a couple of decades.

Спутники естественным образом подвергаются влиянию земной атмосферы и постепенно сходят с орбиты, в конечном счёте сгорая, вероятно, в течение пары десятилетий.

My son shall burn in hell for your sins.

Мой сын будет гореть в аду за ваши грехи.

Analysis of the burn showed high concentration nitrocellulose and camphor.

Анализ продуктов горения показал высокую концентрацию нитроцеллюлозы и камфоры.

He shook his arm and glared at the flash burn.

Он потрясал кулаком и с яростью смотрел на вспышки разрывов.

He let me run the burn center last night.

Он разрешил мне работать в ожоговом центре вчера ночью.

But junior leaders rarely conserve themselves and burn out faster.

Но младшие командиры редко берегут себя и сгорают быстрее.

But I work exclusively with burn victims, with children

Но я работаю исключительно с врожденными дефектами лица у новорожденных.

But she managed to burn my best Indian muslin negligee.

Зато она ухитрилась сжечь мое лучшее неглиже из индийского муслина.

The sinners who go there burn up in a flash.

Грешники, попавшие туда, сгорают в мгновение ока.

I wouldn’t burn or do any harm to anyone.

Я никого не сжигаю, никому не причиняю вреда.

You want to burn books you don’t like?

Ты хочешь сжигать книги, которые тебе не нравятся?

Courage of a warrior Anything shall burn

Мужество воинов вечно будет пылать

Kill him, burn him, destroy him utterly!

Стреляйте в него, жгите его, размазывайте по камням!

Let it burn through our souls and our minds.

Пусть она горит в наших душах и наших сознаниях.

Their lasers could easily burn us out of the sky.

Их лазеры могут нас спалить в небе без труда.

They burn a dummy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire and let off fireworks.

Они сжигают чучело, сделанное из соломы и старой одежды, на костре, и пускают фейерверки.

At the Jolly parties on New Year’s eve and also on Burn’s night, when they commemorate their national poet (Jan.

На веселые вечеринки в канун Нового Года а также ночь Бернса, когда они почитают своего Национального поэта (янв.

They burn a dummy, made of straw and old clothes, in a bonfire and let off fireworks.

Они сжигают на костре чучело, сделанное из соломы и старой одежды, и устраивают фейерверк.

People traditionally eat lots of pancakes on this holiday and burn the scarecrow saying farewell to winter snow.

Люди традиционно едят много блинов в этот праздник, и сжигают чучело, прощаясь с зимним снегом.

Wailing Goggle Man alone must burn enough fuel in a year to send a rocket to Mars.

Вопящий Гугл — мэн в год сжигает достаточно топлива, чтобы запустить ракету на Марс.

Bash ’em, slash ’em, bust ’em, and burn ’em.

Бейте их, режьте их, взрывайте и сжигайте.

The culprit likely used the pressure oven Watson identified at the scene to burn away the other remains.

Преcтупник вероятно воспользовался печью, которую Ватсон указала на месте преступления, чтобы сжечь другие останки.

We banish traffickers And we burn down houses that are used to sell drugs.

Мы выгоняем курьеров и сжигаем дома, в которых торгуют наркотиками.

You can already tell from the quality of the wax that this candle is gonna have a nice even burn.

По качеству воска вы уже можете сказать, что эта свеча будет гореть аккуратно и равномерно.

You see the muzzle impression, the powder burn, and the stippling pattern.

Виден отпечаток ствола, ожог от выстрела и следы пороха.

The kisses seemed to burn across her skin like little fiery footprints.

Поцелуи, казалось, горели на ее коже как маленькие пламенные следы.

The burn scar looked very black against the white of his skin and the shimmering black of the fur.

Шрам от ожога чернел на белом фоне кожи в черной раме.

Nobunaga was now watching the flames of Odani Castle, which were almost close enough to burn his face.

Нобунага любовался пожаром в крепости Одани с такой близи, что едва не обжигал лицо.

But you cannot touch the iron, because it’s going to burn your fingers.

Но ты не можешь трогать утюг, потому что он обожжет твои пальцы.

The energy emission from the gun left a superficial burn on the killer’s skin…

Энергия излучения из пистолета оставила поверхностный ожог на коже убийцы.

With every death Elric seemed to grow stronger and the black radiance from the blade seemed to burn fiercer.

С каждым убитым Элрик становился сильнее, а черное сияние меча, казалось, становилось все яростнее.

In some places, people burn up from the heat, and in others they freeze from the cold.

В одних местах люди изнывают от жары, а в других они замерзают от холода.

Her throat and lungs seemed to burn in rivers of fire with each gulp of the cold, wonderful air.

Вместе с холодным чудесным воздухом в ее горло и легкие хлынули потоки огня.

I felt inside me a huge burn as if someone was pokeing a hot iron in to my chest…

У меня в груди горело так, как будто меня жгли раскаленным утюгом.

They’ll dance in the streets. They’ll burn you in effigy under the coconut tree of freedom.

Народ будет петь, плясать на улицах и жечь ваше чучело под кокосовой пальмой.

The inedible flesh and bitter blood would burn the tongue, but they must be killed.

Пусть несъедобная плоть и горькая кровь жгут язык, но этих нужно убить.

Doesn’t it burn you up that she’s getting a C-section?

Тебя не напрягает, что ей будут делать кесарево сечение?

The burn began to subside, but his whole hand throbbed.

Жжение начало спадать, но по всей руке пробегали волны боли.

I’m going to kill all the humans and burn the disgusting place to the ground.

Я намерен убить всех людей и сжечь это мерзкое место дотла.

I’m going to kill all the humans and burn the disgusting place to the ground.

Я убью всех людей и сожгу это мерзкое место дотла.

Then we burn them separately and scatter the ashes over different bodies of water.

Потом их следует сжечь отдельно и развеять над различными водными массивами.

The Wizards of long ago created the binding spells as a way of reining in the powerful forces that burn inside us.

Волшебники давних времен создали связывающие чары как способ управления могущественными силами которые горят внутри нас.

There were ligature marks on her wrists, burn marks and crude brands on her neck, breasts, and buttocks.

Были множественные следы на запястьях, следы ожогов и зубов на шее, груди и ягодицах.

When I’m dead, they can burn me in effigy or build a statue or forget about me completely.

Когда я умру, пусть сожгут мое чучело, поставят памятник или вообще обо мне забудут.

And you’re gonna burn in hell, and drown in shit and blood forevermore.

И ты будешь гореть в аду и утонешь в дерьме и крови во веки веков.

Oil paintings of race horses and dead pheasants burn.

Пылают картины, написанные маслом, с изображенными на них скаковыми лошадьми и мертвыми фазанами.

Burn it into your soul with letters of fire.

Выжгите эти слова у себя в сердце огненными буквами.

Move to a new city. Change our names, burn our fingertips off with acid, swap faces.

Изменим наши имена, выжжем кислотой наши отпечатки на пальцах, изменим лица.

They burn down an AIDS hospice and they all end up getting it.

Они сожгли хоспис для больных СПИДом, и закончили тем, что заражены им.

One of them actually stole a pack of matches and tried to burn it down.

Одна из них даже стащила коробку спичек и попыталась сжечь его дотла.

Burn scars crawled up his arms from his hands to disappear under the short sleeves of his white dress shirt.

Следы ожогов тянулись по его рукам от кистей и скрывались под короткими рукавами белой рубашки.

The cipher written into the Booth diary page that Thomas tried to burn.

Шифр был записан на странице дневника Бута, которую Томас пытался сжечь.

Now you will burn forever in the flames of eternal love!

Теперь ты будешь вечно гореть в пламени бессмертной любви!

That I’ve come to destroy your cities, burn down your homes, murder you, and orphan your children.

Что я пришла разрушить ваши города, сжечь ваши дома, убить вас, сделать ваших детей сиротами.

  • blaze
  • char
  • heat
  • ignite
  • incinerate
  • light
  • melt
  • scorch
  • smolder
  • torch
  • bake
  • brand
  • broil
  • calcine
  • cauterize
  • combust
  • conflagrate
  • cook
  • cremate
  • enkindle
  • flame
  • flare
  • flash
  • flicker
  • glow
  • kindle
  • parch
  • rekindle
  • roast
  • scald
  • sear
  • singe
  • toast
  • wither
  • be ablaze
  • reduce to ashes
  • set a match to
  • hurt
  • bite
  • pain
  • smart
  • sting
  • tingle
  • blaze
  • boil
  • rage
  • bristle
  • desire
  • fume
  • lust
  • seethe
  • simmer
  • smoulder
  • tingle
  • yearn
  • be angry
  • be aroused
  • be inflamed
  • be passionate
  • be stirred up
  • breathe fire
  • eat up
  • beat
  • take
  • use
  • bilk
  • chisel
  • cozen
  • deceive
  • defraud
  • gyp
  • overreach
  • ream
  • swindle
  • trick

On this page you’ll find 185 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to burn, such as: blaze, char, heat, ignite, incinerate, and light.

  • help
  • aid
  • dislike
  • dread
  • give
  • aid
  • help

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use burn in a sentence

Truth is a torch, but one of enormous size; so that we slink past it in rather a blinking fashion for fear it should burn us.


They used to declare that every unbaptised baby would go to Hell and burn for ever in fire and brimstone.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • acerbate
  • affront
  • aggravate
  • agitate
  • annoy
  • antagonize
  • arouse
  • bait
  • blow up
  • boil
  • boil over
  • bristle
  • burn
  • burn up
  • chafe
  • craze
  • cross
  • displease
  • egg on
  • embitter
  • enrage
  • exacerbate
  • exasperate
  • excite
  • fret
  • gall
  • get mad
  • get on one’s nerves
  • goad
  • incense
  • inflame
  • infuriate
  • irritate
  • lose one’s temper
  • madden
  • make sore
  • miff
  • nettle
  • offend
  • outrage
  • pique
  • provoke
  • raise hell
  • rankle
  • rant
  • rave
  • rile
  • ruffle
  • seethe
  • steam up
  • stew
  • stir up
  • tempt
  • umbrage
  • vex
  • acerbating
  • affronting
  • aggravating
  • agitating
  • annoying
  • antagonizing
  • arousing
  • baiting
  • blowing up
  • boiling
  • boiling over
  • bristling
  • burning
  • burning up
  • chafing
  • crazing
  • crossing
  • displeasing
  • egg on
  • embittering
  • enraging
  • exacerbating
  • exasperating
  • exciting
  • fretting
  • galling
  • getting mad
  • getting on one’s nerves
  • goading
  • incensing
  • inflaming
  • infuriating
  • irritating
  • losing one’s temper
  • maddening
  • making sore
  • miffing
  • nettling
  • offending
  • outraging
  • piquing
  • provoking
  • raising hell
  • rankling
  • ranting
  • raving
  • riling
  • ruffling
  • seething
  • steaming up
  • stewing
  • stirring up
  • tempting
  • umbraging
  • vexing
  • acerbates
  • affronts
  • aggravates
  • agitates
  • annoys
  • antagonizes
  • arouses
  • baits
  • blows up
  • boils
  • boils over
  • bristles
  • burns
  • burns up
  • chafes
  • crazes
  • crosses
  • displeases
  • egg on
  • embitters
  • enrages
  • exacerbates
  • exasperates
  • excites
  • frets
  • galls
  • gets mad
  • gets on one’s nerves
  • goads
  • incenses
  • inflames
  • infuriates
  • irritates
  • loses one’s temper
  • maddens
  • makes sore
  • miffs
  • nettles
  • offends
  • outrages
  • piques
  • provokes
  • raises hell
  • rankles
  • rants
  • raves
  • riles
  • ruffles
  • seethes
  • steams up
  • stews
  • stirs up
  • tempts
  • umbrages
  • vexes
  • burn
  • emit
  • glare
  • gleam
  • glitter
  • glow
  • radiate
  • yield
  • ask alms
  • benefit
  • bite
  • brace
  • bum
  • burn
  • buzz
  • cadge
  • call on
  • call upon
  • chisel
  • clamor for
  • dime up
  • freeload
  • hit up
  • hustle
  • knock
  • live hand to mouth
  • mendicate
  • mooch
  • nick
  • nickel up
  • panhandle
  • pass the hat
  • put the bite on
  • put the touch on
  • score
  • scrounge
  • solicit charity
  • sponge
  • sponge on
  • tap
  • touch
  • want
  • betray
  • bluff
  • burn
  • cheat
  • chisel
  • con
  • deceive
  • delude
  • double-cross
  • dupe
  • entice
  • exploit
  • finesse
  • flimflam
  • gyp
  • have
  • hoodwink
  • impose on
  • jockey
  • juggle
  • lure
  • manipulate
  • mislead
  • play
  • play for a sucker
  • rook
  • rope in
  • scam
  • seduce
  • shave
  • snow
  • stick
  • string along
  • suck in
  • take
  • take in
  • trick

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. burn

    To burn is to subject to the action of fire, or of intense heat so as to effect either partial change or complete combustion; as, to burn wood in the fire; to burn one’s hand on a hot stove; the sun burns the face. One brands with a hot iron, but cauterizes with some corrosive substance, as silver nitrate. Cremate is now used specifically for consuming a dead body by intense heat. To incinerate is to reduce to ashes; the sense differs little from that of cremate, but it is in less popular use. To kindle is to set on fire, as if with a candle; ignite is the more learned and scientific word for the same thing, extending even to the heating of metals to a state of incandescence without burning. To scorch and to singe are superficial, and to char usually so. Both kindle and burn have an extensive figurative use; as, to kindle strife; to burn with wrath, love, devotion, curiosity. Compare LIGHT.

    blaze, brand, cauterize, char, consume, cremate, flame, flash, ignite, incinerate, kindle, scorch, set fire to, set on fire, singe

    cool, extinguish, put out, smother, stifle, subdue

    To burn in the fire, burn with fire; burn to the ground, burn to ashes; burn through the skin, or the roof; burn into the soil, etc.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. burn

    ignite, kindle, brand, consume, cauterize, rage, glow, smoulder, blaze, flash, cremate, incinerate

    extinguish, stifle, cool, wane, subside, glimmer, lower, pale

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. burn, burningnoun

    pain that feels hot as if it were on fire

    burn mark, tan, burn, combustion, electrocution, burning at the stake, sunburn, suntan, burning

  2. tan, suntan, sunburn, burnnoun

    a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun

    burning, topaz, erythema solare, burn, tangent, burn mark, sunburn, suntan, tan

  3. burnnoun

    an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation

    tan, suntan, burning, burn mark, sunburn

  4. burn, burn marknoun

    a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person’s body)

    tan, suntan, burning, burn mark, burn, sunburn

  5. burnverb

    damage inflicted by fire

    tan, suntan, burning, burn mark, sunburn

  6. burn, fire, burn downverb

    destroy by fire

    «They burned the house and his diaries»

    kindle, evoke, bite, sack, give the axe, burn, dismiss, go off, go up, enkindle, give the sack, cut, glow, elicit, burn up, terminate, fire, combust, arouse, give notice, open fire, displace, sting, send away, raise, sunburn, provoke, can, burn down, cauterize, incinerate, discharge, burn off, fuel, force out, cauterise

  7. burn, glowverb

    shine intensely, as if with heat

    «The coals were glowing in the dark»; «The candles were burning»

    shine, beam, burn up, radiate, burn, cut, incinerate, sunburn, sting, combust, burn down, burn off, bite, cauterize, glow, cauterise, fire

  8. burn, combustverb

    undergo combustion

    «Maple wood burns well»

    throw a fit, fly off the handle, catch fire, take fire, ignite, flip one’s wig, hit the roof, burn, burn up, blow up, lose one’s temper, cut, incinerate, sunburn, sting, blow a fuse, combust, erupt, hit the ceiling, burn down, conflagrate, go ballistic, burn off, bite, cauterize, blow one’s stack, have kittens, flip one’s lid, glow, cauterise, fire, have a fit

  9. bite, sting, burnverb

    cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort

    «The sun burned his face»

    stick, burn down, seize with teeth, burn, prick, burn up, cut, twinge, incinerate, sunburn, sting, combust, burn off, bite, cauterize, glow, cauterise, fire

  10. burn, combustverb

    cause to burn or combust

    «The sun burned off the fog»; «We combust coal and other fossil fuels»

    throw a fit, fly off the handle, catch fire, take fire, ignite, flip one’s wig, hit the roof, burn, burn up, blow up, lose one’s temper, cut, incinerate, sunburn, sting, blow a fuse, combust, erupt, hit the ceiling, burn down, conflagrate, go ballistic, burn off, bite, cauterize, blow one’s stack, have kittens, flip one’s lid, glow, cauterise, fire, have a fit

  11. burnverb

    feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion

    «She was burning with anger»; «He was burning to try out his new skies»

    sting, burn down, burn off, cauterise, fire, burn up, cauterize, glow, incinerate, sunburn, combust, cut, bite

  12. burn, incinerateverb

    cause to undergo combustion

    «burn garbage»; «The car burns only Diesel oil»

    sting, burn down, burn off, cauterise, fire, burn up, burn, cauterize, glow, incinerate, sunburn, combust, cut, bite

  13. burnverb

    burn at the stake

    «Witches were burned in Salem»

    sting, burn down, burn off, cauterise, fire, burn up, cauterize, glow, incinerate, sunburn, combust, cut, bite

  14. burnverb

    spend (significant amounts of money)

    «He has money to burn»

    sting, burn down, burn off, cauterise, fire, burn up, cauterize, glow, incinerate, sunburn, combust, cut, bite

  15. burnverb

    feel hot or painful

    «My eyes are burning»

    sting, burn down, burn off, cauterise, fire, burn up, cauterize, glow, incinerate, sunburn, combust, cut, bite

  16. cauterize, cauterise, burnverb

    burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent

    «The surgeon cauterized the wart»

    cauterize, burn up, burn down, burn off, sting, fire, combust, burn, cut, sunburn, incinerate, bite, glow, cauterise, callous

  17. sunburn, burnverb

    get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun

    sting, burn down, burn off, cauterise, fire, burn up, cauterize, burn, glow, incinerate, sunburn, combust, cut, bite

  18. cut, burnverb

    create by duplicating data

    «cut a disk»; «burn a CD»

    veer, bring down, snub, bite, turn off, edit out, cut, burn up, burn, rationalize, hack, trim down, write out, prune, thin, slue, glow, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, combust, shorten, cut off, edit, thin out, cut down, skip, abridge, reduce, rationalise, sting, contract, foreshorten, dilute, curve, switch off, sheer, make out, geld, slew, tailor, burn down, cauterize, incinerate, turn out, fire, disregard, burn off, issue, cauterise, cut back, abbreviate, trend, sunburn

  19. burn off, burn, burn upverb

    use up (energy)

    «burn off calories through vigorous exercise»

    flare, go up, burn up, burn, cut, incinerate, sunburn, sting, combust, burn down, flame up, burn off, bite, cauterize, blaze up, glow, cauterise, fire

  20. burnverb

    burn with heat, fire, or radiation

    «The iron burnt a hole in my dress»

    sting, burn down, burn off, cauterise, fire, burn up, cauterize, glow, incinerate, sunburn, combust, cut, bite

Matched Categories

    • Ache
    • Burn
    • Change Integrity
    • Change State
    • Consume
    • Create
    • Discolor
    • Feel
    • Hyperpigmentation
    • Injury
    • Shine
    • Treat
    • Waste

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. burnverb

    consume with fire, reduce to ashes

  2. burnverb

    calcine, char, scorch, toast, parch, bake

  3. burnverb

    injure by fire or heat

  4. burnverb

    shrivel, cause to wither

  5. burnverb

    flame, be on fire

  6. burnverb

    glow, warm, be excited

  7. burnnoun

    [Scottish.] brook, rivulet, streamlet, runnel, rivulet, rill, small stream

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. burnnoun


  2. burnverb

    scorch, scald, singe, char, sear, cauterize, brand, consume, incinerate, cremate, incremate

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «burn»:

    burning, blight, recording, burned, burns, burnt, combustion, incinerate, record, brûlé, combust, brûlée, ignite

Suggested Resources

  1. burn

    Song lyrics by burn — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by burn on the Lyrics.com website.

  2. BURN

    What does BURN stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the BURN acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

How to pronounce BURN?

How to say BURN in sign language?

How to use BURN in a sentence?

  1. Mark Hamill about his Hollywood:

    Thanks, Bill. It would n’t be as special without a classic Shatner-burn from you ! Live Long, But Get Lost.

  2. Brian Klaas:

    If Donald Trump loses, Donald Trump seems to be signaling that Donald Trump will happily try to burn American democratic institutions to the ground if Donald Trump believes it will help save Donald Trump or help Donald Trump save face.

  3. Elizabeth Warren:

    These harsh tactics might work if you’re willing to burn down the rest of the party in order to be the last man standing. They might work if you don’t worry about leaving Iowa Democratic Party and our politics worse off than how you found Iowa Democratic Party. They might work if you think only you have all the answers and only you are the solution to all our problems.

  4. Dustin Craun:

    It is disturbing enough that some sick individual would attempt to burn a house of worship to the ground, but referencing the slayings in New Zealand is beyond the pale, while the majority of humanity has responded to the tragedy to draw closer to one another and refute hatred, a violent and hate-filled minority seeks further divisions. We are grateful that someone was inside the mosque and was able to act quickly to put the fire out. We ask anyone with information to come forward and contact the Escondido Police Department. We stand in solidarity with our community members who attend the Islamic Center of Escondido.

  5. Huma Abedin:

    If there was a schedule that was created that was her Secretary of State daily schedule, and a copy of that was then put in the burn bag, that?.?.?. that certainly happened on?.?.?.?on more than one occasion.


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Synonyms of burn

  • verb

  • as in to glow

  • as in to scorch

  • as in to steam

  • as in to flame

  • as in to deceive

  • as in to consume

  • noun

  • as in brook

  • as in to glow
  • as in to scorch
  • as in to steam
  • as in to flame
  • as in to deceive
  • as in to consume
  • as in brook

  • Phrases Containing

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1 of 2


Definition of burnnext


as in to glow

to be on fire especially brightly

all evening long we just sat there, contentedly watching the Yule log burn

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • glow

  • flame

  • blaze

  • fire

  • combust

  • flicker

  • smolder

  • shine

  • ignite

  • gleam

  • melt

  • scorch

  • go up in flames

  • cook

  • kindle

  • bake

  • roast

  • char

  • light (up)

  • flare (up)

  • deflagrate

  • enkindle

  • catch

  • beam

  • spark

  • broil

  • smoulder

  • brighten

  • waver

  • sputter

  • flash

  • beat (down)

  • radiate

  • sparkle

  • glisten

  • glare

  • glitter

  • swelter

  • shimmer

  • glint

  • twinkle

  • gutter

  • glimmer

  • scintillate


as in to scorch

to set (something) on fire

it is not a good idea to try to burn old papers in the sink

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • scorch

  • ignite

  • fire

  • light

  • kindle

  • torch

  • inflame

  • bake

  • enflame

  • illumine

  • enkindle

  • cook

  • illuminate

  • immolate

  • ash

  • incinerate

  • set off

  • char

  • lighten

  • cremate

  • brighten

  • broil

  • deflagrate

  • rekindle

  • stoke

  • kiln

  • relight

  • irradiate

  • scald

  • radiate

  • reignite

  • sear

  • frizzle

  • bank

  • scathe

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • extinguish

  • put out

  • quench

  • douse

  • choke

  • snuff (out)

  • smother

  • suffocate

  • dowse

  • dull

  • stamp (out)

  • dim

  • darken

  • blacken

  • obscure

See More

  • extinguish

  • put out

  • quench

  • douse

  • choke

  • snuff (out)

  • smother

  • suffocate

  • dowse

  • dull

  • stamp (out)

  • dim

  • darken

  • blacken

  • obscure

See More


as in to steam

to be excited or emotionally stirred up with anger

he came home burning with anger because of a reprimand at work

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • steam

  • rage

  • storm

  • boil

  • shake

  • foam

  • see red

  • sizzle

  • fume

  • seethe

  • rankle

  • agitate

  • smoulder

  • smolder

  • rave

  • rant

  • inflame

  • fulminate

  • enflame

  • flare (up)

  • bristle

  • convulse

  • stew

  • chafe

  • fret

  • roil


as in to flame

to shine with a bright harsh light

the bright streetlight outside our motel room burned all night long

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • glow

  • flame

  • blaze

  • flare

  • glare

  • flash

  • gleam

  • beat

  • beam

  • radiate

  • sparkle

  • glance

  • glisten

  • glint

  • glitter

  • blind

  • shimmer

  • twinkle

  • dazzle

  • glimmer

  • scintillate

  • glister

  • bedazzle

  • daze


as in to deceive

to cause to believe what is untrue

he’s been burned before, so he’s careful to double-check such claims now

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • deceive

  • trick

  • fool

  • tease

  • kid

  • sucker

  • mislead

  • sting

  • suck in

  • juggle

  • misguide

  • delude

  • catch

  • cheat

  • snow

  • dupe

  • bluff

  • take in

  • have

  • buffalo

  • misinform

  • hoax

  • string along

  • beguile

  • have on

  • bamboozle

  • humbug

  • hoodwink

  • gaff

  • gammon

  • gull

  • con

  • spoof

  • cozen

  • pull one’s leg

  • fake out

  • stick

  • snooker

  • hornswoggle

  • pull the wool over one’s eyes

  • bleed

  • do a number on

  • lead one up the garden path

  • put on

  • lead one down the garden path

  • defraud

  • skin

  • shortchange

  • swindle

  • chisel

  • squeeze

  • diddle

  • hustle

  • mulct

  • fleece

  • rook

  • euchre

  • flimflam

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • expose

  • reveal

  • undeceive

  • show up

  • uncover

  • tell

  • unmask

  • debunk

  • disclose

  • divulge

  • unveil

  • uncloak

  • disabuse

  • disillusion

  • disenchant

See More

  • expose

  • reveal

  • undeceive

  • show up

  • uncover

  • tell

  • unmask

  • debunk

  • disclose

  • divulge

  • unveil

  • uncloak

  • disabuse

  • disillusion

  • disenchant

See More


as in to consume

to make complete use of

heedlessly burning the country’s resources without any concern for future generations

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • consume

  • spend

  • drain

  • exhaust

  • reduce

  • absorb

  • use

  • eat

  • deplete

  • expend

  • devour

  • draw down

  • run out of

  • use up

  • play out

  • decrease

  • waste

  • empty

  • diminish

  • weaken

  • blow

  • lessen

  • downsize

  • dwindle

  • clean (out)

  • undermine

  • bankrupt

  • impoverish

  • abate

  • cripple

  • dry up

  • lower

  • sap

  • debilitate

  • disable

  • dissipate

  • enfeeble

  • squander

  • throw away

  • guzzle

  • deescalate

  • run through

  • lavish

  • misspend

  • fritter (away)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • replace

  • increase

  • renew

  • augment

  • enforce

  • enlarge

  • reinforce

  • strengthen

  • restore

  • rebuild

  • repair

  • save

  • preserve

  • bolster

  • revive

  • conserve

  • fortify

  • reenforce

See More

  • replace

  • increase

  • renew

  • augment

  • enforce

  • enlarge

  • reinforce

  • strengthen

  • restore

  • rebuild

  • repair

  • save

  • preserve

  • bolster

  • revive

  • conserve

  • fortify

  • reenforce

See More


2 of 2



as in brook

a natural body of running water smaller than a river

the walkers forded the shallow burn and then came upon a field of gorse

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • brook

  • creek

  • stream

  • rill

  • run

  • rivulet

  • bayou

  • beck

  • tributary

  • wash

  • canal

  • bourn

  • fresh

  • runnel

  • bourne

  • brooklet

  • gill

  • streamlet

  • runoff

  • kill

  • runlet

  • slough

  • race

  • cut

  • slew

  • freshet

  • arroyo

  • cutoff

  • channel

  • coulee

  • watercourse

  • waterway

  • slue

  • branch

  • affluent

  • billabong

  • gut

  • distributary

  • confluent

  • influent

  • millstream

  • millrace

Phrases Containing burn

  • burn (up)
  • burn one’s ears
  • burn out
  • slow burn
  • burn (up)
  • burn one’s ears
  • burn out
  • slow burn

Articles Related to burn


Is ‘burnt’ acceptable as the past tense…

Don’t let either one burn you up

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“Burn.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/burn. Accessed 4 May. 2023.

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More from Merriam-Webster on burn

Nglish: Translation of burn for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of burn for Arabic Speakers

Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about burn

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