Синоним слова хард

  • Определения слова hard

    • жёсткий, твёрдый; тугой, негибкий, негнущийся; неподатливый
    • металлический (о деньгах)
    • крепкий, прочный, ноский; выносливый
    • трудный, утомительный, тяжёлый, напряжённый (о работе и т. п.)
    • суровый, трудный, затруднительный, тревожный; тяжёлый, тягостный
    • неприятный (для слуха, зрения)
    • (английская фамилия) english surname example.
      • ? (помета)

Синонимы к слову hard

    • arduous
    • awkward
    • brutal
    • brutally
    • callous
    • challenging
    • cruel
    • demanding
    • difficult
    • durable
    • fast
    • fierce
    • fiercely
    • firm
    • grueling
    • harsh
    • inflexible
    • intense
    • intensely
    • pitiless
    • powerful
    • powerfully
    • problematical
    • relentless
    • relentlessly
    • remorseless
    • remorselessly
    • rigid
    • rigorously
    • severe
    • solid
    • stiff
    • strict
    • testing
    • thick-skinned
    • tough
    • tricky
    • troublesome
    • unbreakable
    • unkind
    • vigorous
    • vigorously
    • violent
    • violently

Похожие слова на hard

    • hard
    • hardbacks
    • hardball
    • hardball’s
    • hardcover
    • hardcover’s
    • hardcovers
    • hardener
    • hardener’s
    • hardeners
    • harder
    • hardest
    • hardheaded
    • hardheadedly
    • hardheadedness
    • hardheadedness’s
    • hardhearted
    • hardheartedly
    • hardheartedness
    • hardheartedness’s
    • hardier
    • hardiest
    • hardily
    • hardin
    • hardin’s
    • hardiness
    • hardiness’s
    • harding
    • harding’s
    • hardliner
    • hardliners
    • hardly
    • hardness
    • hardness’s
    • hardships
    • hardtack
    • hardtack’s
    • hardtop
    • hardtop’s
    • hardtops
    • hardware
    • hardware’s
    • hardwood
    • hardwood’s
    • hardwoods
    • hardy
    • hardy’s

Гиперонимы к слову hard

    • surname

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    • Перевод слова на другие языки dear

What is another word for Hard?

  • attitude, character trait

  • forcefully, with difficulty

  • unyielding, characteristic

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Синоним Рейтинг
1 винт[34]00 0
2 винчестер[9]00 0

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Слово «хард» имеет как синонимы, так и антонимы. Они диаметрально противоположны по значению, но относятся к той же лексической группе и выполняют похожие функции в предложении.

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hardadjective

    tough, intolerable, unbearable, difficult, confusing, unfriendly, severe, puzzling, unambiguous, harsh, incontrovertible, indubitable, unequivocal, unquestionable, hostile, strong, stony, resistant, strict, solid, tricky

    simple, approachable, soft, pleasant, questionable, equivocal, easy, straightforward, nice, amiable, controvertible, ambiguous, doubtful, agreeable, trite, bearable, friendly

  2. hardadjective

    Having muscles that are tightened as a result of intense, regular exercise.

    incontrovertible, puzzling, hostile, unquestionable, unambiguous, confusing, unfriendly, unbearable, difficult, unequivocal, resistant, strict, harsh, indubitable, solid, intolerable, tricky, strong, severe, stony, tough

    easy, amiable, straightforward, trite, pleasant, simple, soft, approachable, questionable, bearable, controvertible, doubtful, agreeable, equivocal, nice, friendly, ambiguous

  3. hardadjective

    Of a ferromagnetic material, having the capability of being a permanent magnet by being a material with high magnetic coercivity (compare soft)

    severe, stony, solid, harsh, difficult, intolerable, puzzling, indubitable, unequivocal, resistant, strict, tricky, unbearable, strong, unquestionable, hostile, confusing, incontrovertible, tough, unambiguous, unfriendly

    ambiguous, amiable, equivocal, simple, trite, bearable, questionable, nice, easy, agreeable, straightforward, pleasant, doubtful, controvertible, friendly, approachable, soft

  4. hardadjective

    Resistant to pressure.

    hostile, strong, indubitable, tough, resistant, tricky, intolerable, difficult, unambiguous, unequivocal, solid, unquestionable, confusing, stony, harsh, unfriendly, puzzling, strict, incontrovertible, severe, unbearable

    agreeable, questionable, simple, controvertible, trite, ambiguous, soft, pleasant, nice, easy, approachable, bearable, doubtful, equivocal, friendly, amiable, straightforward

  5. hardadjective

    Requiring a lot of effort to do or understand

    a hard problem

    strict, unfriendly, indubitable, unquestionable, unequivocal, stony, severe, puzzling, unambiguous, confusing, tough, strong, intolerable, unbearable, tricky, incontrovertible, resistant, hostile, solid, difficult, harsh

    friendly, nice, trite, soft, straightforward, easy, bearable, pleasant, equivocal, doubtful, approachable, simple, ambiguous, questionable, amiable, controvertible, agreeable

  6. hardadjective

    Demanding a lot of effort to endure.

    a hard life

    confusing, tough, unambiguous, intolerable, unbearable, strict, solid, harsh, hostile, unquestionable, unfriendly, tricky, unequivocal, puzzling, severe, resistant, stony, indubitable, difficult, incontrovertible, strong

    questionable, doubtful, pleasant, bearable, controvertible, equivocal, agreeable, nice, ambiguous, soft, easy, friendly, amiable, approachable, simple, straightforward, trite

  7. hardadjective

    , severe, harsh, unfriendly, brutal.

    unambiguous, difficult, incontrovertible, tough, confusing, resistant, puzzling, unequivocal, strong, stony, hostile, unfriendly, strict, tricky, unquestionable, indubitable, harsh, solid, intolerable, severe, unbearable

    nice, straightforward, equivocal, amiable, doubtful, friendly, trite, questionable, soft, controvertible, bearable, approachable, ambiguous, agreeable, easy, simple, pleasant

  8. hardadjective


    hard evidence

    unambiguous, strict, tricky, stony, difficult, intolerable, severe, unfriendly, strong, solid, hostile, incontrovertible, unequivocal, puzzling, confusing, harsh, unbearable, resistant, tough, indubitable, unquestionable

    trite, soft, nice, doubtful, controvertible, amiable, friendly, pleasant, ambiguous, agreeable, easy, equivocal, straightforward, simple, approachable, questionable, bearable

  9. hardadjective

    Of drink, strong.

    strong, confusing, harsh, incontrovertible, unequivocal, hostile, unquestionable, puzzling, resistant, indubitable, difficult, unbearable, unambiguous, tricky, stony, solid, intolerable, unfriendly, severe, tough, strict

    approachable, ambiguous, amiable, trite, questionable, bearable, pleasant, doubtful, straightforward, easy, controvertible, simple, nice, soft, friendly, agreeable, equivocal

  10. hardadjective

    Having a comparatively larger or a ninety-degree angle.

    At the intersection, there are two roads going to the left. Take the hard left.

    unfriendly, unbearable, tricky, hostile, confusing, difficult, intolerable, strict, tough, strong, puzzling, unequivocal, unambiguous, harsh, severe, incontrovertible, stony, solid, indubitable, resistant, unquestionable

    ambiguous, approachable, nice, easy, doubtful, controvertible, agreeable, trite, straightforward, questionable, friendly, amiable, pleasant, soft, simple, equivocal, bearable

  11. hardadjective

    Of water, high in dissolved calcium compounds.

    incontrovertible, resistant, severe, strict, difficult, solid, indubitable, unquestionable, puzzling, unfriendly, unambiguous, tough, intolerable, confusing, hostile, tricky, strong, unbearable, harsh, unequivocal, stony

    approachable, straightforward, ambiguous, questionable, equivocal, amiable, trite, simple, nice, doubtful, pleasant, controvertible, friendly, soft, agreeable, easy, bearable

  12. hardadjective

    Sexually aroused.

    I got so hard watching two hot guys wrestle each other on the beach.

    resistant, difficult, incontrovertible, unquestionable, strong, confusing, unbearable, harsh, puzzling, solid, indubitable, tough, unequivocal, tricky, unfriendly, strict, unambiguous, stony, intolerable, severe, hostile

    trite, nice, soft, simple, agreeable, bearable, equivocal, friendly, straightforward, pleasant, ambiguous, controvertible, easy, questionable, doubtful, amiable, approachable

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hard

    Arduous (Latin arduus, steep) signifies primarily so steep and lofty as to be difficult of ascent, and hence applies to that which involves great and sustained exertion and ordinarily for a lofty aim; great learning can only be won by arduous toil. Hard applies to anything that resists our endeavors as a scarcely penetrable mass resists our physical force. Anything is hard that involves tax and strain whether of the physical or mental powers. Difficult is not used of that which merely taxes physical force; a dead lift is called hard rather than difficult; breaking stone on the road would be called hard rather than difficult work; that is difficult which involves skill, sagacity, or address, with or without a considerable expenditure of physical force; a geometrical problem may be difficult to solve, a tangled skein to unravel; a mountain difficult to ascend. Hard may be active or passive; a thing may be hard to do or hard to bear. Arduous is always active. That which is laborious or toilsome simply requires the steady application of labor or toil till accomplished; toilsome is the stronger word. That which is onerous (Latin onus, a burden) is mentally burdensome or oppressive. Responsibility may be onerous even when it involves no special exertion.

    arduous, difficult, exhausting, laborious, onerous, severe, toilsome, trying

    easy, facile, light, pleasant, slight, trifling, trivial

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hard

    firm, dense, solid, compact, unyielding, impenetrable, arduous, difficult, grievous, distressing, rigorous, oppressive, exacting, unfeeling, stubborn, harsh, forced, constrained, inexplicable, flinty, severe, cruel, obdurate, hardened, callous

    soft, fluid, liquid, elastic, brittle, penetrable, easy, mild, lenient, tender, ductile, uninvolved, simple, intelligible, perspicuous

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.7 / 3 votes

  1. difficult, hardadjective

    not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure

    «a difficult task»; «nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access»; «difficult times»; «why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?»

    severe, voiceless, arduous, grueling, tough, toilsome, concentrated, heavy, difficult, laborious, gruelling, intemperate, knockout, punishing, unvoiced, operose, backbreaking, surd, strong, unmanageable

    semisoft, palatalised, diffused, spirant, spongy, cushioned, good, downlike, compressible, brushed, sibilant, effortless, weak, palatalized, salving, wooly, strict, cottony, napped, soft, fricative, softening, downy, velvet, mellow, continuant, flaccid, cushiony, nonalcoholic, spongelike, nonindulgent, flocculent, squishy, demulcent, strident, cheeselike, flossy, yielding, palatal, fresh, padded, fluffy, squeezable, softish, diffuse, fleecy, velvety, squashy, overstuffed, mushy, emollient, woolly

  2. hardadjective


    «took a hard look»; «a hard bargainer»;

    severe, arduous, grueling, tough, toilsome, heavy, voiceless, laborious, difficult, knockout, gruelling, intemperate, concentrated, punishing, unvoiced, operose, backbreaking, surd, strong

    strict, palatalised, cushioned, emollient, salving, downlike, fricative, wooly, effortless, soft, semisoft, flaccid, flocculent, overstuffed, demulcent, yielding, diffuse, cheeselike, nonindulgent, nonalcoholic, mushy, continuant, cottony, compressible, fresh, good, squashy, velvet, fleecy, palatal, fluffy, spongy, weak, woolly, cushiony, brushed, spongelike, downy, palatalized, diffused, softish, squeezable, spirant, padded, flossy, softening, squishy, sibilant, strident, velvety, mellow, napped

  3. hardadjective

    resisting weight or pressure

    severe, arduous, grueling, tough, toilsome, heavy, voiceless, laborious, difficult, knockout, gruelling, intemperate, concentrated, punishing, unvoiced, operose, backbreaking, surd, strong

    squashy, flaccid, sibilant, wooly, fresh, napped, continuant, cottony, velvet, palatalized, effortless, strident, palatalised, semisoft, compressible, padded, good, soft, cheeselike, flossy, squishy, fricative, nonalcoholic, downy, flocculent, mellow, yielding, strict, softish, spongelike, spirant, velvety, mushy, weak, diffused, squeezable, spongy, fleecy, overstuffed, cushiony, fluffy, brushed, salving, woolly, nonindulgent, diffuse, palatal, emollient, demulcent, softening, downlike, cushioned

  4. hard, knockout, severeadjective

    very strong or vigorous

    «strong winds»; «a hard left to the chin»; «a knockout punch»; «a severe blow»

    severe, arduous, wicked, grueling, tough, grievous, serious, terrible, toilsome, stark, life-threatening, spartan, stern, heavy, voiceless, laborious, difficult, grave, austere, knockout, gruelling, intemperate, concentrated, punishing, unvoiced, dangerous, operose, backbreaking, surd, strong

    soft, cushioned, palatalized, flocculent, palatal, strident, diffused, softening, continuant, mellow, nonalcoholic, overstuffed, velvet, fricative, squashy, downlike, sibilant, softish, demulcent, napped, fluffy, spongelike, mushy, effortless, wooly, yielding, compressible, brushed, emollient, fresh, good, downy, padded, velvety, squishy, strict, weak, semisoft, cheeselike, cottony, nonindulgent, palatalised, diffuse, salving, fleecy, squeezable, spongy, spirant, woolly, flaccid, cushiony, flossy

  5. arduous, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsomeadjective

    characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort

    «worked their arduous way up the mining valley»; «a grueling campaign»; «hard labor»; «heavy work»; «heavy going»; «spent many laborious hours on the project»; «set a punishing pace»

    backbreaking, sullen, ponderous, laborious, overweight, toilsome, intemperate, sound, wakeless, dense, grueling, with child(p), threatening, grave, straining, severe, cloggy, lumbering, large(p), great(p), clayey, enceinte, voiceless, grievous, tough, fleshy, weighed down, weighty, unvoiced, gruelling, expectant, concentrated, lowering, surd, heavy(a), sonorous, impenetrable, arduous, operose, strenuous, heavy, heavy(p), big(a), labored, profound, difficult, laboured, punishing, strong, gravid, big(p), leaden, knockout

    cushioned, cheeselike, sibilant, weak, brushed, yielding, soft, softening, flaccid, demulcent, downlike, effortless, nonindulgent, strict, velvety, cottony, fresh, napped, cushiony, good, squashy, flossy, fleecy, diffused, flocculent, mushy, salving, semisoft, overstuffed, compressible, fricative, spongy, squishy, velvet, palatalised, squeezable, softish, wooly, palatal, continuant, diffuse, emollient, strident, woolly, palatalized, spongelike, fluffy, spirant, nonalcoholic, padded, mellow, downy

  6. unvoiced, voiceless, surd, hardadjective

    produced without vibration of the vocal cords

    «unvoiced consonants such as `p’ and `k’ and `s'»

    unspoken, unstated, disfranchised, arduous, unuttered, backbreaking, disenfranchised, breathed, unsaid, toilsome, aphonic, unverbalized, voiceless, laborious, difficult, tough, gruelling, intemperate, concentrated, punishing, unvoiced, severe, operose, knockout, heavy, surd, unverbalised, grueling, voteless, strong, unexpressed

    velvety, fluffy, squeezable, strident, softening, softish, flocculent, cushiony, semisoft, diffused, cottony, downy, mushy, soft, weak, cushioned, squashy, yielding, diffuse, cheeselike, velvet, fleecy, salving, padded, continuant, wooly, flaccid, strict, napped, fricative, mellow, squishy, nonalcoholic, emollient, flossy, nonindulgent, sibilant, brushed, good, demulcent, spongelike, compressible, spongy, effortless, downlike, palatal, palatalized, woolly, overstuffed, palatalised, spirant, fresh

  7. hard, concentratedadjective

    (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source

    severe, arduous, grueling, tough, toilsome, heavy, voiceless, laborious, difficult, knockout, gruelling, intemperate, concentrated, punishing, unvoiced, operose, backbreaking, surd, strong, saturated

    yielding, palatalised, wooly, soft, fleecy, cushiony, flaccid, strident, downlike, woolly, overstuffed, flossy, squishy, squeezable, cheeselike, softish, sibilant, demulcent, palatalized, spongy, velvet, squashy, padded, mellow, brushed, softening, diffused, palatal, cushioned, downy, fluffy, napped, flocculent, cottony, fricative, spirant, continuant, diffuse, velvety, emollient, compressible, mushy, spongelike, nonindulgent, fresh, weak, semisoft, strict, nonalcoholic, salving, effortless, good

  8. hardadjective

    (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum

    «Russian distinguished between hard consonants and palatalized or soft consonants»

    severe, arduous, grueling, tough, toilsome, heavy, voiceless, laborious, difficult, knockout, gruelling, intemperate, concentrated, punishing, unvoiced, operose, backbreaking, surd, strong

    demulcent, nonalcoholic, spirant, soft, cottony, fresh, fluffy, semisoft, squeezable, palatalized, flaccid, spongy, woolly, palatalised, velvet, downy, napped, fricative, mushy, spongelike, yielding, diffuse, padded, cushiony, overstuffed, diffused, cheeselike, sibilant, cushioned, softening, velvety, compressible, squishy, emollient, softish, wooly, brushed, strident, continuant, nonindulgent, weak, mellow, palatal, squashy, effortless, strict, flossy, flocculent, fleecy, salving, downlike, good

  9. intemperate, hard, heavyadjective

    given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors

    «a hard drinker»

    backbreaking, sullen, ponderous, laborious, overweight, toilsome, intemperate, sound, wakeless, dense, grueling, with child(p), threatening, grave, profound, severe, cloggy, lumbering, large(p), great(p), clayey, enceinte, voiceless, grievous, tough, fleshy, weighed down, weighty, unvoiced, gruelling, expectant, concentrated, lowering, surd, heavy(a), sonorous, impenetrable, arduous, operose, heavy, heavy(p), big(a), labored, difficult, laboured, punishing, strong, gravid, big(p), leaden, knockout

    diffused, fleecy, nonindulgent, continuant, flocculent, cushioned, soft, salving, spirant, padded, spongelike, flaccid, velvety, fluffy, emollient, cottony, mellow, mushy, cushiony, squeezable, good, overstuffed, napped, spongy, nonalcoholic, brushed, softish, palatalised, sibilant, yielding, strict, palatalized, velvet, squashy, downlike, semisoft, downy, fricative, flossy, strident, effortless, compressible, wooly, diffuse, weak, cheeselike, softening, palatal, squishy, fresh, demulcent, woolly

  10. hard, strongadjective

    being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content

    «hard liquor»

    severe, arduous, grueling, tough, potent, impregnable, toilsome, substantial, unattackable, stiff, inviolable, heavy, voiceless, laborious, difficult, unassailable, knockout, gruelling, solid, intemperate, concentrated, punishing, unvoiced, firm, warm, operose, backbreaking, surd, strong, secure

    brushed, padded, yielding, napped, softish, velvety, spongelike, cushioned, fleecy, nonalcoholic, effortless, palatal, wooly, flaccid, mellow, fluffy, flossy, salving, fresh, good, overstuffed, downy, fricative, compressible, demulcent, soft, cottony, diffused, downlike, semisoft, strict, weak, diffuse, nonindulgent, emollient, mushy, sibilant, spirant, velvet, spongy, squashy, palatalized, woolly, strident, palatalised, cheeselike, flocculent, squeezable, squishy, cushiony, continuant, softening

  11. hard, toughadjective

    unfortunate or hard to bear

    «had hard luck»; «a tough break»

    severe, knotty, arduous, grueling, tough, ruffianly, toilsome, bad, rugged, sturdy, toughened, heavy, voiceless, laborious, difficult, elusive, knockout, gruelling, intemperate, concentrated, punishing, unvoiced, problematic, operose, backbreaking, problematical, surd, strong, baffling

    sibilant, salving, nonindulgent, strict, flossy, squeezable, compressible, fricative, soft, softening, squashy, padded, diffused, flaccid, continuant, emollient, cheeselike, effortless, diffuse, good, cushioned, spongelike, palatal, yielding, mushy, woolly, downy, weak, brushed, fleecy, spirant, spongy, demulcent, nonalcoholic, velvety, palatalized, overstuffed, semisoft, cottony, fresh, strident, downlike, wooly, velvet, palatalised, flocculent, mellow, squishy, cushiony, fluffy, softish, napped

  12. hardadverb

    dried out

    «hard dry rolls left over from the day before»

    severe, arduous, grueling, tough, toilsome, heavy, voiceless, laborious, difficult, knockout, gruelling, intemperate, concentrated, punishing, unvoiced, operose, backbreaking, surd, strong

    strict, squashy, cheeselike, cushiony, velvety, spongy, fricative, weak, diffuse, downlike, compressible, flaccid, effortless, sibilant, squeezable, soft, nonalcoholic, emollient, cottony, palatal, strident, palatalised, palatalized, salving, good, brushed, napped, padded, softish, nonindulgent, cushioned, diffused, woolly, flossy, spongelike, fluffy, fresh, spirant, continuant, fleecy, semisoft, mushy, wooly, downy, softening, squishy, mellow, velvet, overstuffed, yielding, flocculent, demulcent

  13. hardadverb

    with effort or force or vigor

    «the team played hard»; «worked hard all day»; «pressed hard on the lever»; «hit the ball hard»; «slammed the door hard»

    intemperately, firmly, heavily, severely

    nonalcoholic, diffuse, fresh, weak, spirant, padded, softish, squashy, palatalised, cottony, diffused, velvet, napped, softening, nonindulgent, cushiony, fricative, cheeselike, flossy, spongy, downy, mushy, compressible, brushed, wooly, fluffy, overstuffed, strident, effortless, soft, flaccid, palatalized, flocculent, emollient, salving, velvety, mellow, downlike, sibilant, demulcent, squishy, strict, squeezable, fleecy, palatal, spongelike, woolly, semisoft, continuant, good, cushioned, yielding

  14. hard, firmlyadverb

    with firmness

    «held hard to the railing»

    intemperately, severely, firmly, steadfastly, heavily, unwaveringly, firm, securely

    good, nonindulgent, squishy, flaccid, palatalised, weak, compressible, nonalcoholic, softish, fleecy, semisoft, strict, squeezable, brushed, velvet, sibilant, softening, cushiony, diffused, fresh, emollient, fricative, demulcent, palatal, squashy, flocculent, padded, soft, spongy, spirant, mushy, spongelike, woolly, napped, strident, wooly, cheeselike, palatalized, diffuse, flossy, cushioned, mellow, overstuffed, effortless, yielding, fluffy, salving, velvety, downlike, cottony, continuant, downy

  15. hardadverb

    earnestly or intently

    «thought hard about it»; «stared hard at the accused»

    intemperately, firmly, heavily, severely

    nonalcoholic, mushy, mellow, cheeselike, fricative, squishy, squashy, flossy, cushioned, spongy, napped, continuant, velvety, spongelike, salving, brushed, soft, semisoft, woolly, squeezable, fluffy, demulcent, fleecy, nonindulgent, cushiony, wooly, sibilant, diffuse, palatalised, yielding, softish, cottony, compressible, overstuffed, effortless, fresh, downy, good, spirant, downlike, palatalized, softening, palatal, velvet, padded, diffused, weak, strict, flocculent, emollient, strident, flaccid

  16. hard, severelyadverb

    causing great damage or hardship

    «industries hit hard by the depression»; «she was severely affected by the bank’s failure»

    badly, severely, firmly, sternly, gravely, intemperately, heavily, seriously

    softening, fluffy, squashy, mushy, padded, nonindulgent, fricative, velvety, fleecy, strident, fresh, spirant, sibilant, diffuse, cheeselike, semisoft, soft, brushed, cottony, continuant, wooly, salving, palatal, overstuffed, squishy, emollient, velvet, spongy, weak, cushiony, good, compressible, flossy, woolly, strict, downlike, cushioned, palatalised, flaccid, yielding, effortless, mellow, downy, diffused, nonalcoholic, palatalized, demulcent, spongelike, squeezable, flocculent, napped, softish

  17. hardadverb

    slowly and with difficulty

    «prejudices die hard»

    intemperately, firmly, heavily, severely

    good, fresh, softening, diffused, palatalized, mushy, cheeselike, downy, spongy, padded, softish, flocculent, downlike, palatalised, cushioned, soft, diffuse, fleecy, strict, strident, salving, cushiony, compressible, squeezable, emollient, nonindulgent, mellow, spirant, sibilant, velvet, squishy, effortless, spongelike, demulcent, semisoft, yielding, flossy, brushed, wooly, squashy, overstuffed, velvety, palatal, napped, continuant, fricative, woolly, fluffy, flaccid, nonalcoholic, weak, cottony

  18. heavily, intemperately, hardadverb

    indulging excessively

    «he drank heavily»

    intemperately, firmly, heavily, heavy, severely, to a great extent

    brushed, napped, compressible, diffuse, soft, nonalcoholic, spirant, flocculent, overstuffed, padded, mushy, cottony, fleecy, fricative, cushioned, yielding, fresh, wooly, palatalized, palatalised, cheeselike, palatal, softening, weak, emollient, flaccid, continuant, fluffy, woolly, squeezable, diffused, downlike, strident, squashy, demulcent, salving, effortless, sibilant, cushiony, spongy, good, squishy, spongelike, softish, downy, velvet, nonindulgent, semisoft, mellow, flossy, velvety, strict

  19. hardadverb

    into a solid condition

    «concrete that sets hard within a few hours»

    intemperately, firmly, heavily, severely

    downlike, velvety, continuant, semisoft, spongy, cushioned, squishy, mushy, strident, palatalized, napped, wooly, fleecy, cottony, weak, cushiony, fricative, compressible, soft, spongelike, palatalised, emollient, diffuse, overstuffed, strict, good, brushed, demulcent, velvet, fresh, mellow, effortless, sibilant, downy, fluffy, squashy, woolly, palatal, yielding, padded, flaccid, diffused, spirant, nonindulgent, nonalcoholic, cheeselike, softish, salving, softening, squeezable, flossy, flocculent

  20. hardadverb

    very near or close in space or time

    «it stands hard by the railroad tracks»; «they were hard on his heels»; «a strike followed hard upon the plant’s opening»

    intemperately, firmly, heavily, severely

    diffused, flossy, mellow, compressible, flaccid, softish, cheeselike, flocculent, fricative, overstuffed, velvety, squashy, soft, good, effortless, strident, nonindulgent, fresh, spongy, cottony, strict, brushed, sibilant, spirant, fleecy, fluffy, wooly, mushy, palatal, woolly, demulcent, downlike, yielding, spongelike, continuant, emollient, weak, padded, napped, downy, palatalized, squeezable, squishy, palatalised, semisoft, softening, cushiony, velvet, salving, cushioned, diffuse, nonalcoholic

  21. hardadverb

    with pain or distress or bitterness

    «he took the rejection very hard»

    intemperately, firmly, heavily, severely

    downlike, velvet, diffuse, salving, sibilant, demulcent, brushed, softish, palatalised, napped, weak, squishy, soft, flossy, palatalized, spirant, fluffy, overstuffed, mushy, cheeselike, good, fleecy, strident, fricative, wooly, nonindulgent, strict, nonalcoholic, mellow, downy, squashy, emollient, cottony, woolly, effortless, continuant, spongelike, fresh, spongy, flocculent, palatal, padded, semisoft, diffused, flaccid, squeezable, velvety, yielding, softening, compressible, cushioned, cushiony

  22. hardadverb

    to the full extent possible; all the way

    «hard alee»; «the ship went hard astern»; «swung the wheel hard left»

    intemperately, firmly, heavily, severely

    cheeselike, padded, woolly, spirant, flossy, nonindulgent, downy, strident, downlike, nonalcoholic, fresh, overstuffed, softening, fricative, weak, emollient, cushiony, soft, mushy, cushioned, demulcent, squeezable, compressible, cottony, salving, sibilant, flocculent, diffused, spongy, fleecy, yielding, palatalized, palatalised, spongelike, flaccid, softish, semisoft, effortless, fluffy, wooly, good, velvet, squashy, napped, continuant, velvety, brushed, mellow, squishy, palatal, diffuse, strict

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hardadjective

    firm, solid, compact, impenetrable, unyielding, not soft

  2. hardadjective

    difficult, embarrassing, perplexing, puzzling, knotty, intricate, not easily understood

  3. hardadjective

    laborious, arduous, toilsome, fatiguing, wearying

  4. hardadjective

    unfeeling, unkind, insensible, unsusceptible, cruel, oppressive, rigorous, severe, unyielding, inflexible, callous, obdurate, hard-hearted

  5. hardadjective

    grievous, distressing, calamitous, painful, disagreeable, unpleasant

  6. hardadjective

    inclement, stormy, tempestuous, cold

  7. hardadjective

    harsh, rough, sour, acid

  8. hardadjective

    coarse, unpalatable

  9. hardadjective

    unfavorable, unprosperous, unpropitious

  10. hardadjective

    10. stiff, constrained, forced, unnatural, ungraceful

  11. hardadjective

    excessive, intemperate

  12. hardadjective

    close, near

  13. hardadjective

    laboriously, diligently, earnestly, incessantly, energetically

  14. hardadjective

    with difficulty, not easily

  15. hardadjective

    distressfully, painfully, severely, rigorously

  16. hardadjective

    vehemently, forcibly, violently

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hardadjective

    firm, solid, compact, impenetrable, unimpressible, unyielding, rigid, adamantine, dense, insoluble, flinty, indurate, indurated, infrangible, arduous, laborious, wearisome, onerous, burdensome, toilsome, tiresome, exhausting, difficult, knotty, intricate, puzzling, incomprehensible, irresistible, uncontrollable, severe, rigorous, unendurable, oppressive, unjust, grievous, calamitous, incompliant, stern, unyielding, obdurate, unfeeling, exacting, insensible, hard-hearted, callous, implacable, inflexible, repelling, constrained, inelegant, severe, inclement, rigorous, excessive, immoderate, unprosperous, unfavorable, disastrous

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «hard»:

    difficult, tough, harsh, arduous, hdd, fort, duro, rough, durum, version, harshly, intensively, challenging, severely, strong, badly, heavy, herd, severe, difficile, dura, tirelessly, hard-drive, rigid, paper, diligently, intensive, painstaking, strongly, dur, harder, printable, intense, rock-hard, strenuous, heavily, seriously, stiff, difficulty, assiduously

Suggested Resources

  1. HARD

    What does HARD stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the HARD acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

How to pronounce hard?

How to say hard in sign language?

How to use hard in a sentence?

  1. Cameron Crowe:

    We had a hard time with the boombox, we tried it a couple different ways. … We finished the last shot of the last day of’ Say Anything,'( with) a little light in the sky left. The light is disappearing, the shot’s moving in on( John McClane) Cusack, and I see it. I see it through the camera : The anger, the resentment, the love, the pain, the glory, the adolescence. All of it was there in his face. We got lucky.

  2. Kelly Incandela:

    At first I was heartbroken… then I got angry, i can’t fathom the idea that someone can use an innocent child whom they’ve never met and who is going through a very hard time, how they can use that to benefit themselves.

  3. Suhani Bhawani:

    Work hard until your signature gets called as autograph

  4. Max Stier:

    It’s hard to point the finger at Senate Democrats when there aren’t very many names before them, the Trump team has fallen behind on an essential aspect of running the most complicated, important, diverse organization on the planet and you can’t do it properly if you don’t have the right people put in place.

  5. Joseph Morpelli:

    It breaks my heart, it’s hard to imagine that this year, there’s nothing, that we’ll need to wait one more year.

Translations for hard

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • صعب, صلبArabic
  • ҡыйын, ҡаты, ауырBashkir
  • цвёрдыBelarusian
  • твърдBulgarian
  • complicat, dura, difícil, durCatalan, Valencian
  • tvrdý, těžký, obtížnýCzech
  • caled, anoddWelsh
  • vanskeligDanish
  • schwierig, stark, hart, herausfordernd, fix, fest, schwerGerman
  • δύσκολοςGreek
  • severa, forta, nerefutebla, malfacila, malmolaEsperanto
  • duro, difícil, fuerteSpanish
  • سخت, پایدار, سفت, مقاوم, قوی, صلب, مشکل, دشوار, صعبPersian
  • ankara, kova, vahva, rankka, vaikeaFinnish
  • torførur, strævin, ringurFaroese
  • dur, dure, difficile, irréfutable, fortFrench
  • cruaIrish
  • duilich, garg, cruaidh, doirbh, borbScottish Gaelic
  • सख़्त, कड़ा, कठिन, कठोरHindi
  • difisilHaitian Creole
  • nehéz, keményHungarian
  • ծանր, կարծր, պինդ, դժվար, բարդArmenian
  • forte, dur, difficile, inquestionabile, severInterlingua
  • harda, desfacilaIdo
  • hörð, hart, erfiður, harðurIcelandic
  • cruda, duro, difficileItalian
  • 困難, 硬い, 難しいJapanese
  • 어렵다Korean
  • قایمKurdish
  • helleLimburgish, Limburgan, Limburger
  • kieta, griežtas, sunkus, rūstus, kietas, sunkiLithuanian
  • ciets, stiprs, grūts, smagsLatvian
  • tuapaka, tūmārōMāori
  • цврст, напорен, тежок, тврд, тврда, жестокMacedonian
  • iebesMaltese
  • မာBurmese
  • vanskeligNorwegian
  • hard, moeilijk, zwaar, onweerlegbare, straf, kalkrijk, harde, sterk, onweerlegbaarDutch
  • hardNorwegian
  • nantłʼahNavajo, Navaho
  • ciężki, mocny, twarda, twardy, surowy, niepodważalny, trudnyPolish
  • ګران, سخت, کلک, زيږPashto, Pushto
  • forte, difícil, duro, inquestionável, severo, bemPortuguese
  • rumiQuechua
  • deir, dir, dürRomansh
  • greu, dur, tare, vârtos, sever, durăRomanian
  • кре́пкий, тру́дный, твёрдый, тяжёлый, про́чный, тяже́лыйRussian
  • duruSardinian
  • тврд, tvrdSerbo-Croatian
  • tvrdýSlovak
  • tŕdSlovene
  • fortëAlbanian
  • besvärlig, hård, stark, sträng, obestridlig, svårSwedish
  • ngumuSwahili
  • கடினம்Tamil
  • కఠిన, కఠోర, గట్టిTelugu
  • แข็ง, ยากThai
  • mahirapTagalog
  • sertTurkish
  • тве́рдийUkrainian
  • کٹھن, سخت, کٹھور, کڑا, مشکلUrdu
  • cứng, khó khăn, khó, rắn, khốn khó, khó tính, mạnhVietnamese
  • deure, deur, målåjheyWalloon
  • שווער, האַרבYiddish

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  • Ελληνικά (Greek)
  • Latinum (Latin)
  • Svenska (Swedish)
  • Dansk (Danish)
  • Suomi (Finnish)
  • فارسی (Persian)
  • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


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Are we missing a good synonym for hard?

  • arduous
  • complicated
  • heavy
  • rough
  • serious
  • terrible
  • tough
  • troublesome
  • backbreaking
  • bothersome
  • burdensome
  • demanding
  • difficile
  • distressing
  • effortful
  • exacting
  • fatiguing
  • formidable
  • grinding
  • hairy
  • herculean
  • intricate
  • involved
  • irksome
  • knotty
  • labored
  • laborious
  • mean
  • merciless
  • murder
  • onerous
  • operose
  • rigorous
  • rugged
  • scabrous
  • severe
  • slavish
  • sticky
  • strenuous
  • tiring
  • toilful
  • toilsome
  • unsparing
  • uphill
  • uphill battle
  • wearing
  • wearisome
  • wearying
  • bleak
  • grim
  • harsh
  • painful
  • tough
  • acrimonious
  • angry
  • antagonistic
  • austere
  • bitter
  • brutal
  • callous
  • cold
  • cold-blooded
  • cold fish
  • dark
  • disagreeable
  • distressing
  • dour
  • exacting
  • grievous
  • hard as nails
  • hard-boiled
  • hostile
  • inclement
  • intemperate
  • intolerable
  • obdurate
  • perverse
  • pitiless
  • rancorous
  • resentful
  • rigorous
  • rugged
  • severe
  • stern
  • strict
  • stringent
  • stubborn
  • thick-skinned
  • unfeeling
  • unjust
  • unkind
  • unpleasant
  • unrelenting
  • unsparing
  • unsympathetic
  • vengeful
  • positive
  • sure
  • absolute
  • actual
  • bare
  • cold
  • definite
  • down-to-earth
  • genuine
  • plain
  • practical
  • pragmatic
  • realistic
  • undeniable
  • unvarnished
  • verified
  • heavily
  • seriously
  • strongly
  • vigorously
  • severely
  • actively
  • angrily
  • animatedly
  • boisterously
  • briskly
  • brutally
  • cruelly
  • earnestly
  • energetically
  • ferociously
  • fiercely
  • forcibly
  • frantically
  • furiously
  • intensely
  • keenly
  • like fury
  • madly
  • meanly
  • painfully
  • powerfully
  • relentlessly
  • rigorously
  • roughly
  • rowdily
  • savagely
  • sharply
  • spiritedly
  • sprightly
  • stormily
  • tumultously/tumultuously
  • turbulently
  • uproariously
  • urgently
  • viciously
  • violently
  • vivaciously
  • wildly
  • with all one’s might
  • closely
  • assiduously
  • diligently
  • doggedly
  • earnestly
  • exhaustively
  • industriously
  • intensely
  • intensively
  • intently
  • painstakingly
  • persistently
  • searchingly
  • sharply
  • steadily
  • strenuously
  • thoroughly
  • unremittingly
  • untiringly
  • badly
  • vigorously
  • severely
  • agonizingly
  • arduously
  • awkwardly
  • burdensomely
  • carefully
  • cumbersomely
  • cumbrously
  • distressingly
  • exhaustingly
  • gruelingly
  • hardly
  • harshly
  • inconveniently
  • laboriously
  • painfully
  • ponderously
  • roughly
  • strenuously
  • tiredly
  • toilsomely
  • unwieldily
  • with great effort
  • bitterly
  • hardly
  • keenly
  • rancorously
  • reluctantly
  • slowly
  • sorely
  • close
  • fast
  • tight
  • firmly
  • firm
  • solidly
  • steadfastly
  • tightly

On this page you’ll find 503 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to hard, such as: solid, strong, tough, concentrated, adamantine, and callous.

  • easy
  • facile
  • flexible
  • simple
  • cheerful
  • easygoing
  • gentle
  • kind
  • nice
  • pleasant
  • flexible
  • merciful
  • mild
  • pliable
  • sensitive
  • soft
  • sympathetic
  • doubtful
  • indefinite
  • uncertain
  • unsure
  • disputable
  • inexact
  • questionable
  • sympathetic
  • untrue
  • lightly
  • easily
  • gently
  • moderately
  • softly
  • tolerantly
  • yielding
  • easily
  • gently
  • moderately
  • softly
  • tolerantly
  • unenthusiastically
  • yielding
  • easily
  • easily
  • enthusiastically
  • tolerantly
  • easily
  • gently
  • moderately
  • yielding

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • almighty
  • backbreaking
  • colossal
  • courageous
  • forceful
  • gargantuan
  • gigantic
  • hard
  • heroic
  • huge
  • impressive
  • laborious
  • mighty
  • strenuous
  • tough
  • vigorous
  • authentic
  • certain
  • concrete
  • confirmed
  • existing
  • factual
  • for-real
  • genuine
  • hard
  • honest-to-God
  • honest-to-goodness
  • indisputable
  • indubitable
  • kosher
  • physical
  • positive
  • real
  • substantial
  • substantive
  • sure-enough
  • tangible
  • true
  • undeniable
  • unquestionable
  • verified
  • brewed
  • distilled
  • fermented
  • hard
  • inebriant
  • inebriating
  • sprituous
  • vinous
  • arduous
  • bold
  • challenging
  • demanding
  • difficult
  • elaborate
  • energetic
  • exacting
  • formidable
  • grandiose
  • hard
  • impressive
  • industrious
  • lofty
  • pretentious
  • severe
  • strenuous
  • visionary
  • ascetic
  • astringent
  • cold
  • earnest
  • exacting
  • forbidding
  • formal
  • grave
  • grim
  • hard
  • harsh
  • inexorable
  • inflexible
  • obdurate
  • rigid
  • rigorous
  • serious
  • sober
  • solemn
  • somber
  • stern
  • stiff
  • strict
  • stringent
  • unfeeling
  • unrelenting
  • arduous
  • exhausting
  • grueling
  • hard
  • laborious
  • punishing
  • taxing
  • toilsome
  • wearisome

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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