Синоним revived

  • arouse
  • encourage
  • energize
  • invigorate
  • overcome
  • quicken
  • recover
  • rejuvenate
  • rekindle
  • renew
  • renovate
  • repair
  • restore
  • resurrect
  • resuscitate
  • revitalize
  • strengthen
  • animate
  • awaken
  • brighten
  • cheer
  • comfort
  • console
  • enkindle
  • enliven
  • exhilarate
  • gladden
  • inspirit
  • please
  • rally
  • reanimate
  • recondition
  • refresh
  • relieve
  • rouse
  • solace
  • bounce back
  • breathe new life into
  • bring around
  • bring to
  • come around
  • come to life
  • make whole
  • snap out of it
  • spring up
  • touch up
  • wake up

On this page you’ll find 129 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to revive, such as: arouse, encourage, energize, invigorate, overcome, and quicken.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use revive in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • activate
  • arouse
  • cheer
  • embolden
  • encourage
  • energize
  • enliven
  • exalt
  • excite
  • fire
  • gladden
  • hearten
  • impel
  • incite
  • inform
  • inspire
  • inspirit
  • instigate
  • invigorate
  • kindle
  • liven
  • make alive
  • move
  • quicken
  • revive
  • revivify
  • rouse
  • spark
  • spur
  • stimulate
  • stir
  • urge
  • vitalize
  • vivify
  • activate
  • alert
  • animate
  • arouse
  • awaken
  • call forth
  • enliven
  • excite
  • incite
  • kindle
  • provoke
  • revive
  • stimulate
  • stir up
  • vivify
  • activate
  • animate
  • arouse
  • awake
  • call
  • enliven
  • excite
  • fan
  • incite
  • kindle
  • pile out
  • provoke
  • rally
  • revive
  • rise and shine
  • roll out
  • rouse
  • show a leg
  • stimulate
  • stir up
  • turn out
  • vivify
  • wake
  • activates
  • animates
  • arouses
  • awakes
  • calls
  • enlivens
  • excites
  • fans
  • incites
  • kindles
  • piles out
  • provokes
  • rallies
  • revives
  • rises and shines
  • rolls out
  • rouses
  • shows a leg
  • stimulates
  • stirs up
  • turns out
  • vivifies
  • wakes
  • activated
  • alerted
  • animated
  • aroused
  • awakened
  • called forth
  • enlivened
  • excited
  • incited
  • kindled
  • provoked
  • revived
  • stimulated
  • stirred up
  • vivified
  • activated
  • alerted
  • animated
  • aroused
  • awakened
  • called forth
  • enlivened
  • excited
  • incited
  • kindled
  • provoked
  • revived
  • stimulated
  • stirred up
  • vivified

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

2 definitions

revived (Adjective) —   Restored to consciousness, life or vigour 1 example
1. ex. «felt revived hope»
revived (Adjective) —   Given fresh life, vigour or spirit 1 example
1. ex. «stirred by revived hopes»

5 definitions

revived (Verb) —   Cause to regain consciousness 1 example
1. ex. «The doctors revived the comatose man»
revived (Verb) —   Give new life or energy to 1 example
1. ex. «A hot soup will revive me»
revived (Verb) —   Be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength 1 example
1. ex. «Interest in ESP revived»
revived (Verb) —   Restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state 1 example
1. ex. «He revived this style of opera»
revived (Verb) —   Return to consciousness 1 example
1. ex. «She revived after the doctor gave her an injection»

7 misspelling


All synonyms in one line

refreshed, regenerated, reinvigorated, reanimated, animated, came to, quickened, recreated, renovated, en.synonym.one, repaired, resurrected, resuscitated, revivified, vivified.

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • revived [rɪˈvaɪvd] прич

    1. восстановленный, возрожденный, воскрешенный

      (restored, resurrected)

    2. воскресший


    3. возродившийся


    4. реанимированный


  • revived [rɪˈvaɪvd] прил

    1. оживленный

  • revive [rɪˈvaɪv] гл

    1. возрождать, восстанавливать, возродить, оживить, восстановить, реанимировать, восстановиться

      (restore, revitalize, reanimate)

      • revive the economy – возродить экономику
    2. возобновлять, возобновить


    3. оживать, воскрешать, воскресать, возрождаться, возродиться, ожить, воскресить, воскреснуть

      (recover, resurrect, regenerate, alive)

      • revive again – возродиться вновь
    4. оживлять


    5. оживиться, оживляться

      (brighten, quicken)

    6. пробудить


воскрешенный revived

Предложения со словом «revived»

Nearly 40 years later, Khmer classical dance has been revived to new heights.

Почти 40 лет спустя классический танец кхмеров воскрес и достиг новых высот.

I revived a dubious talent from my misspent youth.

Я воскресил сомнительный талант из моей растраченной впустую юности.

My revived hopes were quickly swallowed by grim reality.

Мои ожившие надежды вскоре задохнулись под гнетом мрачной действительности.

Later on the Games have disappeared and were revived in the present era, in 1896.

Позже игры исчезли, и были возобновлены в нашей эре, в 1896 году.

The old tradition to hold the Games every four years was also revived .

Старая традиция проводить игры каждые четыре года была также возобновлена.

The city revived to life as a mythical bird Phoenix.

Город, восстановленный к жизни как мифическая птица Финикс.

For ten thousand years I would design an artificial planetoid equipped with fail-safes to insure that you would be revived automatically in case of emergency.

Для десяти тысячелетий я спроектирую искусственный планетоид, оснащенный на случай необходимости всеми средствами автоматического оживления.

The fresh air revived me, and with renewed determination I approached the door of their cottage.

Свежий воздух ободрил меня, и я с новой решимостью приблизился к дверям хижины.

You’ve revived somebody who’s been legally dead for almost a day!

Вы оживили человека, который по всем законам был мёртв почти целый день!

The doctor declared me dead, but they revived me after two hours.

Доктор счел меня мертвым, но меня оживили через два часа.

Claire had been a very old woman before the State revived her as a corpsicle.

Клэр была очень старой женщиной до того, как Государство воскресило ее в качестве размера.

In the minutes that followed they made their peace, revived their love, forgave one another.

В течение нескольких минут они помирились, восстановили свою любовь и простили друг друга.

If the banks are to be revived at all, they must be saved within days.

Если банки будут полностью возрождены , они должны быть спасены в течение нескольких дней.

Owing to their business activities in the past, they could certainly have built a social network in Tunisia which could be revived upon their return.

Учитывая их коммерческую деятельность в прошлом, они, безусловно, имели возможность создать сеть социальных связей в Тунисе, которая может быть восстановлена после их возвращения.

What began as a colonial fantasy, can be revived itself as a popular myth forever.

То, что начиналось как колониальная фантазии, можно было бы возродить себя как популярный миф навсегда.

The Conference on Disarmament has been in limbo for too long, with no prospect of being revived any time soon.

Конференция по разоружению слишком долго находится в тупике, и в ближайшее время не видно перспектив выхода из него.

Bodies will start to decompose after a player is resurrected or revived .

После воскрешения персонажа останки его тела начнут разлагаться.

The revived and improved in a digital epoch age-old technique gives to the analog picture the novelty and variety.

Возрожденная и усовершенствованная в цифровую эпоху старинная техника придает аналоговой фотографии новизну и разнообразие.

Fourth, Friedman’s tale of a revived NATO is wishful thinking at best and pure fiction at worst.

В — четвертых, сказки Фридмана об «оживлении НАТО» это в лучшем случае выдача желаемого за действительное, а в худшем — чистой воды фикция.

Major infrastructure investments will also be needed if the economy is to be revived .

Для возрождения экономики также необходимо сделать большие инвестиции в создание инфраструктуры.

Two months ago, the United States. and Europe were jolted by a revived Russia.

Два месяца назад усилившаяся Россия устроила ‘встряску’ США и Европе.

May my soul be revived by you and enlightened with your glory.

Оживи мою душу и освети своей славой.

BERLIN — Whether or not the French presidency of the EU, which begins next month, is successful will depend in large part on whether Franco-German cooperation can be revived .

Берлин — Успех начинающегося в следующем месяце председательства Франции в ЕС во многом зависит от возобновления франко — германского сотрудничества.

The imperialism that has sprung from Putin’s revived emphasis on Russian identity cannot neatly be compared with either its tsarist or its Soviet forebears.

Империализм, порожденный идеями Путина о российской идентичности, не совпадает полностью ни с царистским, ни с советским.

The question is whether it will be a Pinochet-style dictatorship bent on economic modernization, or a dictatorship with a revived totalitarian ideology?

Вопрос в том, будет ли это диктатура в стиле Пиночета, стремящаяся к экономической модернизации, или диктатура с возрождённой тоталитарной идеологией.

The likelihood of a revived Red Army marching on Berlin or Paris is below nonexistent.

Вероятность возрождения Красной Армии и ее похода маршем на Берлин или Париж сейчас ниже нуля.

Whether or not the French presidency of the EU, which begins next month, is successful will depend in large part on whether Franco-German cooperation can be revived .

Успех начинающегося в следующем месяце председательства Франции в ЕС во многом зависит от возобновления франко — германского сотрудничества.

A labor policy favorable to workers and unions revived Wage Councils for setting pay.

Трудовая политика, благоприятная для рабочих и профсоюзов восстановила организации, ответственные за урегулирование выплат зарплаты.

How can economic growth be revived and sustained throughout the EU?

Каким образом можно восстановить экономический рост во всем ЕС, и как можно сделать его устойчивым?

If the games are successful, Putin may yet reemerge as the restored leader of a unified and revived Russia.

Если Олимпийские игры пройдут успешно, Путин может еще восстановить свои позиции лидера единой и возрожденной России.

This has revived concerns that governments may be unable to backstop a too-big-to-save financial system.

Это воскресило озабоченность по поводу того, что правительства могут не суметь поддержать слишком большие и поэтому требующие спасения финансовые системы.

Dormant spores have been revived after thousands of years in airless isolation.

Спящие споры могут ожить после того, как провели тысячи лет в безвоздушном пространстве.

Obamamania seems to have revived it.

Похоже, обамамания её оживила.

It’s very becoming, said Rosamund. You remember — when they revived The Miracle last year. Sonia Wells looked absolutely too glamorous for words.

— Выглядят они очень колоритно, — промолвила Розамунд. — Помните, когда в прошлом году возобновили постановку Чуда, Соня Уэллс смотрелась просто великолепно в костюме монахини.

Wellzyn immediately revived the program With the blessings of wayne enterprises.

Велзайн немедленно возобновил программу с одобрения Уэйн Энтерпрайзис.

It may have seeped into the caverns from the outside and this new energy revived Rodan from its stasis.

Огромная энергия, возможно, пробудила Родана от его сна продолжительностью в 200 — миллионов лет.

My griefs have always been dispelled by your presence, and my courage revived ; that angelic smile now on your lips has purified me, so to speak.

Твое присутствие всегда рассеивало мои горести и дарило мне отраду; сейчас ангельская твоя улыбка как будто очистила меня.

For awhile, his desire was revived .

На какое — то время желание вернулось к нему.

When you freed Willy when you found Nemo when you revived the Dead Sea.

Как ты спасала Вилли …и нашла Немо и возрождала Мертвое море

It’s been revived more times than Dick Cheney.

Его будут восстанавливать ещё чаще, чем Дика Чейни.

Can she be revived , like you were?

Она может восстановиться как ты?

Once you have revived them put the proposition and let them proceed with the first concept.

Как только они восстановятся, объясни им план и путь они разберутся с первой концепцией.

His hind legs had been nearly pulled off more than once, twice he had been hanged, every week he was thrashed till he was half dead, but he always revived .

Ему уж не раз отбивали задние ноги, раза два его вешали, каждую неделю пороли до полусмерти, но он всегда оживал.

Our dear Lucien has revived the Metamorphoses of Ovid.

Наш милый Люсьен воскрешает Метаморфозы Овидия.

I have no memory of being revived , of being in a hospital.

Я не помню, чтобы меня воскрешали, чтобы я был в больнице.

Varvara Petrovna’s faith in everything instantly revived and she was thrown into a violent ferment.

Варвара Петровна тотчас же вновь и во всё уверовала и ужасно засуетилась.

Often, when all was dry, the heavens cloudless, and I was parched by thirst, a slight cloud would bedim the sky, shed the few drops that revived me, and vanish.

Часто, когда все вокруг сохло, небо было безоблачно и я томился от жажды, набегало легкое облачко, роняло на меня освежающие капли и исчезало.

Presently I heard Pilot bark far below, out of his distant kennel in the courtyard: hope revived .

Затем я услышала, как на дворе залаял в своей будке Пилот.

I studied the mosses, with their colors revived by showers, or transformed by the sun into a brown velvet that fitfully caught the light.

Я изучал, как мох то становился ярким после дождя, то, высыхая на солнце, превращался в сухой бурый бархат с причудливыми отливами.

I know the concern; they will pay splendid dividends taken out of the capital, to put a head on the shares -an old idea of Nucingen’s revived .

Я в курсе дела: акционерам дадут на их пай отличные дивиденды, чтобы повысить интерес к акциям. Это затея Нусингена.

The human-machinery theory of the 18th century has been revived by the technology of artificial brain implanting and cyborgs.

Механистические теории человеческой природы 18 века… ожили в технологиях имплантации искусственного мозга и киборгах.

Everyone revived , was reborn, in everyone there are transformations, upheavals.

Каждый ожил, переродился, у всех превращения, перевороты.

I became patron of the sport of wrestling, and revived archery among the yang-bans.

Я сделался покровителем спорта борьбы и воскресил среди янг — банов угасшее искусство стрельбы из лука.

Even Miss M. Melvilleson, in the revived Caledonian melody of

Даже мисс М. Мелвилсон, исполняя снова вошедшую в моду каледонскую песенку

I soaked some crumbled morsels of biscuit in the wine, and, little by little, I revived her failing strength by nourishment administered at intervals in that cautious form.

Я намочил несколько кусочков бисквита в вине и мало помалу начал возвращать покинувшие ее силы едой, которую давал понемногу и осторожно.

How I writhed, and yawned, and nodded, and revived !

Как я морщился и зевал, клевал носом и снова приходил в себя!

The Countess inhaled the salts and revived .

Она дала сестре понюхать нюхательной соли, и графиня пришла в себя.

What angered him was that the coming of these visitors revived in his mind an unsettled question he always tried to stifle, one about which he always deceived himself.

Его сердило то, что приезд этих гостей поднимал в его душе нерешенный, постоянно заглушаемый вопрос, — вопрос, насчет которого старый князь всегда сам себя обманывал.

The pain in Winston’s belly had revived .

Уинстона донимала боль в животе.

The fresh mountain air did him a world of good; it revived his appetite and brought him quiet, restful sleep at night.

Свежий горный воздух воскресил его, вернул ему аппетит и спокойный сон по ночам.

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «revived»:

    reactivated, rekindled, relaunched, revitalized, resurrected, reinvigorated, regenerated, re-launched, reconstituted, resuscitated, retendered, resurfaced, renewed, restored, reignited

How to pronounce revived?

How to say revived in sign language?

How to use revived in a sentence?

  1. Saddam Hussein:

    He (Hussein) defended Iraq’s honor and revived its historical rights over those dogs.

  2. Pricsilla Perez:

    Branden, who had an underlying heart condition, was admitted to the hospital after developing a fever. He eventually had emergency heart surgery andwas revived, but was unable to be revived a second time, Pricsilla Perez noted. His photo was there and we can go back and visit any time we like.

  3. Sri Lanka:

    He revived the faith of our people.

  4. Houston Police Chief Troy Finner:

    When he was examined, he went unconscious. They administered Narcan, travis Scott was revived and the medical staff did notice a prick similar to what you would get if somebody was trying to inject. That is one part of it.

  5. Valery Giscard:

    The momentum can be revived, first of all by a British decision to stay in the union.


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268 synonyms found


[ ɹɪvˈa͡ɪvd], [ ɹɪvˈa‍ɪvd], [ ɹ_ɪ_v_ˈaɪ_v_d]

Related words: revival, revive, regenerated, reanimated, resuscitated, resuscitate

Related questions:

  • Can a revival be called a revival when it’s already been aired before?
  • How to revive a dead battery in your car?
  • How to revive a dying plant?
  • How to revive a dying computer battery?
  • How to revive wilted plants?
  • Table of Contents

    • adj.

      all (adjective)

      • revived.

      fresh (adjective)

      • more refreshed,
      • bushy tailed,
      • un-faded,
      • hardy,
      • un used,
      • most bouncing,
      • most bright-eyed,
      • more unfaded,
      • most undimmed,
      • more bushytailed,
      • more bouncing,
      • un faded,
      • re freshed,
      • more brighteyed,
      • bright eyed,
      • most rehabilitated,
      • most bushytailed,
      • most unwithered,
      • most bushy-tailed,
      • brighteyed,
      • more bushy tailed,
      • un-wearied,
      • more bright-eyed,
      • un withered,
      • re-freshed,
      • un-dimmed,
      • most brighteyed,
      • re habilitated,
      • more unwithered,
      • more undimmed,
      • un-withered,
      • un dimmed,
      • more rehabilitated,
      • most unfaded,
      • re-habilitated,
      • most invigorated,
      • more bright eyed,
      • un wearied,
      • un-used,
      • most refreshed,
      • most bright eyed,
      • bushytailed,
      • most bushy tailed,
      • more invigorated,
      • more bushy-tailed.

      mended (adjective)

      • more rectified,
      • re built,
      • re-built,
      • more lessened,
      • more reorganized,
      • more rejuvenated,
      • most reorganized,
      • enhanced,
      • re modeled,
      • re organized,
      • re-furbished,
      • more cured,
      • most rejuvenated,
      • refurbished,
      • re paired,
      • more abated,
      • most bettered,
      • more enhanced,
      • more ameliorated,
      • most ameliorated,
      • most remedied,
      • most lessened,
      • most refurbished,
      • re-organized,
      • repaired,
      • more bettered,
      • most rectified,
      • more remedied,
      • remodeled,
      • most abated,
      • re furbished,
      • re-paired,
      • most enhanced,
      • re-modeled,
      • most cured,
      • Helped,
      • more refurbished.

      new (adjective)

      • newest,
      • redesigned.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • reborn,
      • dewy,
      • fresh,
      • undimmed,
      • bright-eyed,
      • peaches-and-cream,
      • dewier,
      • dewiest,
      • recovered,
      • like new,
      • Unfaded,
      • bushy-tailed,
      • resurgent,
      • new,
      • Unwithered.

      peaches-and-cream (adjective)

      • peaches and cream.

      recovered (adjective)

      • more healed,
      • most recuperated,
      • most healed,
      • more recuperated,
      • re-covered,
      • re covered.

      renewed (adjective)

      • more modernized,
      • most reborn,
      • most modernized,
      • more reborn,
      • re-born,
      • re born.

      rested (adjective)

      • untired,
      • Unfatigued.

      restored (adjective)

      • rested,
      • re-established.
    • n.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • qualified,
      • mutant,
      • regenerated,
      • Recreated,
      • improved,
      • reformed,
      • Metamorphosed,
      • reanimated,
      • degenerate,
      • revitalised,
      • Recollected,
      • worse,
      • Translated,
      • converted,
      • better,
      • rebuilt,
      • transformed,
      • alive,
      • revolutionary,
      • redux,
      • restored,
      • reexperienced,
      • Recrudescent,
      • renascent,
      • unmitigated,
      • remembered,
      • resurrected,
      • reappearing,
      • changeable,
      • Energized,
      • animated,
      • recharged,
      • invigorated,
      • refreshed,
      • renewed,
      • stimulated,
      • revitalized,
      • metastasized,
      • Transmuted,
      • subversive,
      • relived,
      • reminiscent,
      • modified,
      • Redivivus,
      • reinvigorated,
      • resuscitated,
      • changed,
      • deviant,
      • retrospective,
      • altered,
      • divergent,
      • exhilarated.
    • v.

      energized (verb)

      • drove,
      • sparked,
      • forced,
      • charged,
      • powered,
      • driven,
      • fired,
      • Roused,
      • empowered,
      • activated.

      healed (verb)

      • Recuperated,
      • Convalesced,
      • made well,
      • rehabilitated,
      • cured,
      • healed,
      • Remedied.

      invigorated (verb)

      • enlivened,
      • enthused,
      • excited,
      • agitated,
      • strengthened.

      restored (verb)

      • reconditioned,
      • darned,
      • fixed,
      • Rejuvenated,
      • renovated,
      • Overhauled,
      • Mended,
      • reconstituted.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • refresh,
      • raised,
      • renovate,
      • Recruited,
      • stirred up,
      • waked up,
      • reheated,
      • attained,
      • recover,
      • resuscitate,
      • Pertained,
      • awaken,
      • concerned,
      • revivify,
      • quickened,
      • Returned,
      • inspired,
      • Solaced,
      • accelerated,
      • Freshened,
      • renew,
      • reinstated,
      • rejuvenate,
      • invigorate,
      • rekindled,
      • caught up,
      • Referred,
      • arouse,
      • quicken,
      • reinstate,
      • reinstituted,
      • revitalize,
      • newborn,
      • reenergized,
      • reproduced,
      • turned the tables,
      • Vivified,
      • reconstructed,
      • Whetted,
      • Boosted,
      • recreate,
      • livened,
      • comforted,
      • revive,
      • restore,
      • resurrect,
      • evoked,
      • rekindle,
      • dug up,
      • Wakened,
      • reanimate,
      • reestablished,
      • regenerate,
      • replaced,
      • wake,
      • related,
      • Rallied,
      • revivified,
      • awakened,
      • Cheered,
      • raked up,
      • turned over,
      • Retrieved,
      • resurrections,
      • reawakened,
      • recalled,
      • touched,
      • aroused,
      • exalted.

    How to use «Revived» in context?

    The word «revived» is often associated with the idea of returning to life after being dormant or dead. This is the main focus of the article.

    The word «revived» can be used to describe a number of different situations and concepts.

    When discussing the concept of revived art, we are referring to artwork that appeared to be dead or gone, only to be reborn later in history or as a result of a revival movement.

    Paraphrases for Revived:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Verb, past tense
      • Verb, past participle
        reinvigorated, resuscitated, revitalised, rekindled, resurrected.
    • Independent

      • Verb, past tense
        boom, booming, celebrated, extended, marked, mirrored, observed, pursued, raised, rally, reassured, rebound, recovered, refreshed, renewed, repeated, stabilized, Boomed, Boosted, Dwindled, Reiterated, Resumed, Returned, Woke, Commemorated, Corresponded, echoes, sparked, rebounded, reopened, reconfirmed, reinstated, reactivated, reaffirmed, restarted, regained, re-opened, re-launched.
      • Verb, past participle
        accepted, appropriated, buttressed, contained, copied, covered, derived, discarded, donated, enhanced, fueled, furnished, given, handed, included, incorporated, invigorated, kindled, listed, marked, mirrored, modernised, observed, raised, rebuilt, reclaimed, recovered, rectified, referenced, reflected, reformed, refreshed, rehabilitated, reinforced, renewed, renovated, reorganised, repaired, repeated, resettled, retained, revitalized, risen, stimulated, strengthened, surrendered, taken, transposed, turned, Abolished, Accounted, Awarded, Bolstered, Boosted, Brought, Captured, Delivered, Duplicated, Echoed, Embraced, Encountered, Energized, Enshrined, Enunciated, Extracted, Forgiven, Forwarded, Heightened, Launched, Overhauled, Picked, Quoted, Recreated, Remitted, Replenished, Replicated, Resumed, Retrieved, Returned, Reverted, Shown, Tendered, Underpinned, Rejuvenated, Constructed, Stalled, Surged, regenerated, normalized, redressed, restated, reproduced, rebounded, recommenced, reopened, reconstituted, fuelled, reappointed, reestablished, reinstated, resubmitted, reactivated, reaffirmed, revisited, renegotiated, reissued, rediscovered, reintroduced, refurbished, restarted, redesigned, regained, reprinted, recaptured, reworked, retaken, resurfaced, revamped, redone, reconvened, uprooted, subsumed, re-established, refilled, re-instated, re-opened, reignited, relaunched, re-launched, retabled, retendered, reenabled.
    • Other Related

      • Verb, past tense
        revitalized, Survived.
      • Verb, past participle

    Homophones for Revived:

    • rapt, reputed, rapid, reboot, repute, raped, rebate, rebato, rabbit-weed, Revet, repeat, rapidity, ribbed toad, rope tow, robed, raphidiidae, rabbit, riptide, refit, robot, Rabidity, raw beauty, rift, roofed, rabbiteye, rabbet, repot, rarebit, refute, rabato, repeated, rebut, rabbitwood, rarified, rarefied, rabid, rabbitweed, rowboat, ruby wood, repudiate, rip out, raft, Ribbed, rub out, raphidae, rubato, rabat, rivet, repudiated.

    Word of the Day

    re organize



    • REVIVED synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • REVIVED synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — REVIVED synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of REVIVED
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for REVIVED

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