Синоним retreat

  • evacuation
  • flight
  • withdrawal
  • ebb
  • retirement
  • haven
  • hideaway
  • refuge
  • resort
  • sanctuary
  • shelter
  • ark
  • asylum
  • cell
  • cloister
  • convent
  • cover
  • covert
  • defense
  • den
  • habitat
  • harbor
  • haunt
  • hermitage
  • port
  • privacy
  • retirement
  • seclusion
  • security
  • solitude
  • adytum
  • hiding place
  • ivory tower
  • safe house
  • safe place
  • abandon
  • back down
  • back off
  • backtrack
  • depart
  • escape
  • evacuate
  • fall back
  • go
  • go back
  • hide
  • leave
  • pull out
  • recede
  • reel
  • retire
  • reverse
  • shrink
  • withdraw
  • avoid
  • back
  • decamp
  • disengage
  • ebb
  • elude
  • evade
  • fold
  • quail
  • quit
  • recoil
  • regress
  • relinquish
  • resign
  • retrograde
  • run
  • sequester
  • vacate
  • back away
  • back out
  • beat it
  • cave in
  • draw back
  • give ground
  • go along with
  • hand over
  • keep aloof
  • keep apart
  • lay down
  • move back
  • opt out
  • retrocede
  • seclude oneself
  • start back
  • turn tail

On this page you’ll find 218 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to retreat, such as: evacuation, flight, withdrawal, ebb, and retirement.

  • advance
  • arrival
  • coming
  • advance
  • come
  • continue
  • enter
  • forge
  • forward
  • go forward
  • keep
  • meet
  • remain
  • stay
  • face
  • take on

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use retreat in a sentence

The engineer officer charged with preparing the line of retreat reported that the one bridge across the Elster was not sufficient.


When this last shred of hope was gone, the Brigadier reluctantly gave the order to retreat.


Orlean was regarded as a fairly attractive woman; but her chin, unlike that of the one before him, was inclined to retreat.


In the retreat across the Niemen he proved himself absolutely incapable of reorganising a beaten force.


At least, his way of retreat would have remained open, and he might have gone, to return another day with force at his heels.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • barge
  • basket
  • chest
  • coffer
  • hutch
  • refuge
  • retreat
  • shelter
  • ship
  • vessel
  • cover
  • den
  • harbor
  • haven
  • hideaway
  • hideout
  • hole
  • ivory tower
  • port
  • preserve
  • refuge
  • retreat
  • safe house
  • safety
  • sanctuary
  • security
  • shelter
  • absention
  • circumvention
  • delay
  • departure
  • dodge
  • dodging
  • elusion
  • escape
  • escapism
  • eschewal
  • evasion
  • flight
  • forbearance
  • nonparticipation
  • parry
  • passive resistance
  • prevention
  • recession
  • recoil
  • restraint
  • retreat
  • runaround
  • self-restraint
  • shirking
  • shunning
  • steering clear of
  • backtrack
  • drive back
  • fall back
  • recede
  • regress
  • repel
  • repulse
  • retire
  • retract
  • retreat
  • reverse
  • turn tail
  • withdraw
  • back out
  • backpedal
  • crawfish
  • pull back
  • retreat
  • withdraw
  • abandon
  • accede
  • acquiesce
  • admit
  • back off
  • back out
  • back pedal
  • backtrack
  • balk
  • beg off
  • bow out
  • cancel
  • cave in
  • chicken out
  • concede
  • cop out
  • demur
  • give ground
  • give in
  • give up
  • go back on
  • have no fight left
  • hold back
  • pull back
  • pull out
  • recant
  • recoil
  • renege
  • resign
  • retreat
  • submit
  • surrender
  • take back
  • wimp out
  • withdraw
  • withdraw from agreement or statement
  • yield

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

  • Определения слова retreat

    • помета. отступление
    • отступлению.
      • en (военн.)
    • отход; отбой.
      • en (военн.)
    • вечерняя заря, спуск флага.
      • en (военн.)
    • уединение, удаление (от общества)
    • уединённое место, убежище, пристанище, приют
    • дом престарелых; психиатрическая больница

Синонимы к слову retreat

    • back away
    • departure
    • draw back
    • flee
    • flight
    • give ground
    • haven
    • hideaway
    • leave
    • move away
    • move back
    • recoil
    • refuge
    • run away
    • sanctuary
    • withdraw
    • withdrawal

Похожие слова на retreat

    • retreat
    • retreated
    • retreating
    • retreats

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All synonyms in one line

abandonment, abbey, alcove, aloofness, arbor, en.synonym.one, arbour, asylum, avoidance, bed, breakout, cavern, chamber, cloister, community, convent, cove, cover, defeat, den, departure, escape, escaping, evacuation, evasion, exit, en.synonym.one, fleeing, flight, gazebo, grotto, hangout, harbor, harbour, harbourage, haunt, haven, hegira, hermitage, hide-out, hideaway, hole, home, hospital, hotel, house, institution, lair, lattice, leave, library, living room, en.synonym.one, loss, lounge, meeting place, monastery, motel, nest, nook, nunnery, opening, orphanage, pergola, preserve, priory, privacy, protection, receding, recession, refuge, regression, release, rendezvous, reserve, resort, resource, respite, retirement, reversal, rout, running away, safety, sanatorium, sanctuary, seclusion, security, sequestration, shelter, solitude, spa, study, trellis, withdrawal, abandon, abate, absent, back, back away, en.synonym.one, back out, cede, crawfish, crawfish out, crayfish, dart, demur, depart, disengage, draw back, ebb, escape, evacuate, flee, flinch, fly, give, give over, give up, go, en.synonym.one, leave, move back, part, pass, pull away, pull back, pull in one’s horns, quit, recede, recoil, repel, retire, retract, retread, retrograde, reverse, rush, secede, shrink, shudder, subside, wince, withdraw, yield.

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What is another word for Retreat?

  • retirement, place one goes for peace

  • vacation spot, place one goes for peace

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Synonyms for retreat

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. retreatnoun

    defense, repulsion, resistance, submission, surrender

    aggression, assault, attack, attack, encroachment, incursion, infringement, intrusion, invasion, onset, onslaught, trespass

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. retreatnoun

    (military) withdrawal of troops to a more favorable position to escape the enemy’s superior forces or after a defeat

    «the disorderly retreat of French troops»

    retirement, hideaway

    procession, advance, onward motion, advancement, progression, progress, forward motion

  2. retreatnoun

    a place of privacy; a place affording peace and quiet

    retirement, hideaway

    advancement, progress, progression, advance, onward motion, procession, forward motion

  3. retreatnoun

    (military) a signal to begin a withdrawal from a dangerous position

    retirement, hideaway

    advance, procession, progression, forward motion, advancement, onward motion, progress

  4. retreatnoun

    (military) a bugle call signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset

    retirement, hideaway

    advancement, advance, progression, forward motion, procession, onward motion, progress

  5. hideaway, retreatnoun

    an area where you can be alone

    retreat, retirement, hideout, den, hideaway

    forward motion, advance, progression, procession, advancement, onward motion, progress

  6. retirement, retreatnoun

    withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation

    «the religious retreat is a form of vacation activity»

    retreat, retirement, hideaway

    progress, advance, forward motion, procession, progression, onward motion, advancement

  7. retreatverb

    the act of withdrawing or going backward (especially to escape something hazardous or unpleasant)

    retirement, hideaway

    onward motion, procession, forward motion, progress, progression, advancement, advance

  8. withdraw, retreat, pull away, draw back, recede, pull back, retire, move backverb

    pull back or move away or backward

    «The enemy withdrew»; «The limo pulled away from the curb»

    call in, swallow, sequester, lose, seclude, crawfish out, drop off, retire, crawfish, hit the hay, retreat, take, back away, strike out, back out, put out, take back, hit the sack, pull away, take out, fall back, unsay, turn in, crawl in, bow out, fall behind, draw back, recede, bed, sack out, recall, move back, retrograde, call back, go to sleep, sequestrate, draw, pull in one’s horns, take away, go to bed, adjourn, disengage, withdraw, draw off, retract, pull back, kip down, remove

    procession, progress, advance, forward motion, onward motion, advancement, progression

  9. retreatverb

    move away, as for privacy

    «The Pope retreats to Castelgondolfo every summer»

    pull away, crawfish, draw back, back out, back away, retrograde, recede, withdraw, pull in one’s horns, move back, retire, crawfish out, pull back

    procession, advancement, advance, forward motion, onward motion, progression, progress

  10. retrograde, retreatverb

    move back

    «The glacier retrogrades»

    draw back, retrogress, withdraw, back away, regress, retire, hash over, back out, retrograde, crawfish, move back, rehash, retreat, recede, pull away, pull in one’s horns, pull back, crawfish out

    progression, progress, advance, onward motion, advancement, procession, forward motion

  11. retreat, pull back, back out, back away, crawfish, crawfish out, pull in one’s horns, withdrawverb

    make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity

    «We’ll have to crawfish out from meeting with him»; «He backed out of his earlier promise»; «The aggressive investment company pulled in its horns»

    recall, retract, call in, draw back, take away, sequester, swallow, withdraw, back out, back away, draw off, remove, seclude, take, retire, draw, take back, pull back, call back, retrograde, crawfish, move back, retreat, sequestrate, recede, bow out, pull away, take out, adjourn, pull in one’s horns, unsay, crawfish out, disengage

    procession, progress, advancement, progression, advance, onward motion, forward motion

Matched Categories

    • Area
    • Bugle Call
    • Military
    • Move
    • Recede
    • Signal
    • Withdrawal

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. retreatnoun

    departure, withdrawal

  2. retreatnoun

    retirement, seclusion, privacy

  3. retreatnoun

    asylum, refuge, shelter

  4. retreatnoun

    haunt, resort, den

  5. retreatverb

    withdraw, retire, give way

  6. retreatverb

    recede, fall back, take the back track

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «retreat»:

    retirement, withdrawal, retreats, retreated, retraite, pension, -retreat, retire, retiring, seminar, decline, climb-down, retraction, withdraw, retired, eases, reconsiders, backspace, regression

How to pronounce RETREAT?

How to say RETREAT in sign language?

How to use RETREAT in a sentence?

  1. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz:

    Donald Trump is wrong that America should withdraw from the world and abandon our allies. Donald Trump is wrong that American should retreat from Europe, retreat from NATO, hand Putin a major victory and while he’s at it hand ISIS a major victory.

  2. Andre Maurois:

    Above all things, never be afraid. The enemy who forces you to retreat is himself afraid of you at that very moment.

  3. Jawad Hejri:

    It is a tactical retreat to avoid civilian casualties in the area. We have fresh forces in the area and soon the districts will be recaptured.

  4. Kristalina Georgieva:

    It is hugely important for us to resist what may be a natural tendency to retreat behind our borders.

  5. Michelle Karam:

    It’s not a hidden gem to some, but I’d recommend Segera Retreat in Laikipia county, one of the 47 counties in Kenya.


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