Синоним nails

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  1. nails

    Song lyrics by nails — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by nails on the Lyrics.com website.

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How to use nails in a sentence?

  1. Brian LaVigne:

    My dad was tough as nails, just like the dogs are, so it’s nice to know that he’s still kind of out here with us.

  2. John Philip Sousa IV:

    I had an email this morning from a volunteer … saying, ‘Gee, we love Dr. Carson, we hope he gets out and moves his support to a really, good honest, Christian conservative: Ted Cruz.’ And I’m scratching my head and going, honest? How does that fit in there with what Cruz did to Carson? some people are so angry at Cruz they could spit nails. They wouldn’t support him if he were the last guy on earth after what he did to us.

  3. Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev:

    Certain people in the United States are driving nails into this structure of our relationship, then cutting off the heads. So the Soviets must use their teeth to pull them out.

  4. Mathieu Jaton:

    The goal is to create an experience that puts artists together. That is our passion in the programing, nine Inch Nails has never been to Montreux before. What’s great again is this billing with Gary Numan and Nine Inch Nails who have collaborated, they have mutual respect for each other’s music.

  5. Daniel Brown:

    What really nails this experience for me are the images, Especially exciting will be getting the results of the samples recovered from below the surface and seeing their chemical composition.


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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • nails [neɪlz] сущ

    1. гвоздики

    2. Наращенные ногти

    3. забивание гвоздей

  • nail [neɪl] сущ

    1. ноготьм, гвоздьм, ноготокм

      (fingernail, peg)

      • ingrown nail – вросший ноготь
      • roofing nail – кровельный гвоздь
    2. коготьм


      • strong nails – крепкие когти
    3. маникюрм, наращивание ногтей

      (manicure, nail extension)

    4. гвоздикм


  • nail [neɪl] гл

    1. прибивать, прибить, пригвоздить, приколотить, приколачивать

      (tack, beat, pin, hammer)

    2. забивать гвозди, заколачивать

      (spike, board)

    3. пригвождать, прибивать гвоздями

      (nail up)

    4. закрепить


    5. прищучить

гвоздь nail, pin, spike, hobnail
ноготь nail, fingernail, unguis
коготь claw, nail, talon, pounce, unguis
прибивать nail, nail down, hammer, nail on, lodge
забивать гвозди nail, spike, sprig
приковывать arrest, rivet, enchain, nail, root
схватить seize, catch, take hold of, grapple, capture, snatch
арестовать arrest, nab, bust, nail, pick up, take in charge
поймать catch, capture, pick up, catch hold of, hook, nail
прибивать гвозди nail
приколачивать nail, fasten with nails
переколачивать nail
забрать pick up, take away, nail
обнаруживать find, detect, discover, find out, reveal, locate

Предложения со словом «nails»

Nails, screws, bolts, washers, keys…

Гвозди, шурупы, шпингалеты, шайбы, ключи…

Her nails were short and usually black with grime.

Теперь у нее были короткие ногти с черной каемкой грязи.

The client bit his nails , and pondered again.

Клиент принялся грызть себе ногти и снова погрузился в раздумье.

She was all high heels and long, red nails .

У неё были высокие каблуки и длинные, красные ногти .

There were drawers of nails , screws, nuts …

В выдвижных ящичках лежали гвозди, шурупы, гайки.

Her fingers were slender, tapered, very white against the polished burgundy nails .

Длинные и тонкие пальцы, очень белые в сравнении с ярко — красными полированными ногтями .

We found blood and tissue samples from a secondary source under her nails .

Мы обнаружили кровь и образцы тканей из вторичного источника под ее ногтями .

Not far from my coign of vantage, Pologne sat on a large rock painting her nails .

Неподалеку на большом валуне сидела Полони и красила ногти .

Then he rummaged around on the workbench until he found a rubber funnel and a glass jar filled with rusty nails .

Потом он пошарил на верстаке и нашел резиновую воронку и стеклянную банку, полную ржавых гвоздей.

Vercueil sat up, took off his hat, scratched his scalp with long, dirty nails .

Веркюэль сел, снял шляпу, почесал голову длинными грязными ногтями .

Their helmets hung on nails driven into the wall and their rifles leaned against the plank wall.

Их каски висели на гвоздях, вбитых в стену, винтовки стояли у дощатой стены.

She was in pyjamas, carefully painting her toe-nails red.

Она сидела в пижаме и сосредоточенно раскрашивала ногти на ногах алым лаком.

He needs to leam to keep his nails clean and not to dangle his participles.

Он должен научиться чистить ногти и правильно употреблять причастия.

Jason had laid the tools and the horseshoes and the nails ready to hand on the bench beside the anvil.

Джейсон разложил инструменты, подковы и гвозди на верстаке рядом с наковальней.

Bucket of water over the door, a rake on the floor, two miniature beds of nails and a very hungry tiger.

Ведро с водой над дверью, грабли на полу, два слоя гвоздей и очень голодный тигр.

He drew open the mouth of the poke and let the sides drop so his hammer, tongs, bellows, and nails lay exposed in the street.

Он раскрыл мешок, и все увидели молоток, клещи, меха и гвозди.

It’s nylon. Diameter and texture from the strands in the case were identical to the material found under Sally’s nails .

Диаметр и структура нитей идентичны найденным под ногтями у Салли.

He was holding on to her so tightly that his nails were drawing blood.

Он вцепился в нее так сильно, что костяшки пальчиков побелели.

We’re down to talking about how many nails are in the carpenter’s tool belt.

Мы скатились до обсуждения того, сколько гвоздей в поясной сумке у плотника.

My nails just seemed to automatically dig into his back again.

Мои ногти на автомате вновь вонзились в его спину.

Scarlett’s nails dug into her palms as she clenched her fists.

Скарлетт с такой силой сжала кулаки, что ногти вонзились в ладони.

The men in front of him were shifting their weight from foot to foot or chewing their nails or flicking their thumbs on their knees.

Собравшиеся уже переминались с ноги на ногу, грызли ногти , барабанили пальцами по коленям.

While Gornon bent over the crippled robot at the foot of the stairs, Horis Antic chewed his nails .

Когда Горнон склонился над изувеченным роботом, Хорис Антик начал грызть ногти .

He took a blue pill and started biting his nails again.

Он принял еще одну голубую таблетку и стал грызть ногти .

The DNA from the towel has the same four core loci as the DNA under the victim’s nails .

ДНК с полотенец содержит те же 4 локуса, что и ДНК из — под ногтей жертвы.

Ten kegs of nails , 20 barrels of tar, and all these tools.

10 бочонков с гвоздями, 20 бочек смолы и все эти инструменты.

From the planks and injured ribs Pencroft and Ayrton had extracted the bolts and a large quantity of copper nails .

Из изуродованных ребер и досок Пенкроф с Айртоном вырвали много болтов и медных гвоздей.

It smelled of hammered nails and power tools just turned off, sweat in a flannel shirt, coffee spilled on stone.

Пахло гвоздями, вбитыми в доски, только что выключенными электроинструментами, пропотевшей фланелью, пролитым на камни кофе.

The wood on the underside seemed smooth enough; but at one corner one of the nails holding the frame together was protruding a couple of millimeters.

В одном углу кончики гвоздей, которые скрепляли рамку, на несколько миллиметров выступали из дерева.

He keeps wanting to paint my nails and shave all the hair off my body.

Он все время хочет покрасить мои ногти и сбрить все волосы с моего тела.

Clip his nails , file his teeth, bleach his skin, and shorten the penis.

Подстригите ногти , подпилите зубы, Отбелите кожу и укоротите пенис.

I wasn’t happy either to find pins and nails hidden in my pillows or to climb into bed only to land in a bowl of ice cold water.

Мне тоже не нравилось находить в подушке булавки или ногти Или ложиться в постель и попасть в таз с ледяной водой.

Her toe nails must have changed color.

Ногти на её ногах, должно быть, переменились в цвете.

This is my apology to rusty nails , if there’s any inference That the character of krusty is anything like rusty.

Я прошу прощения у Расти Нэйлза, если кто — то считает, что персонаж Красти хоть в чем — нибудь подобен Расти.

He used a needle seven times to pierce her under her finger nails .

В случае отказа следователь угрожал облить се кипятком, семь раз загонял ей под ногти иголку.

I throw in nails for free because you are premium customer.

Гвозди вам тогда бесплатно, как оптовый покупатель.

It was a lot easier to pound nails in Haiti than it would have been to stay here.

Хорошо, что я поехала работать на Гаити, потому что здесь мне пришлось бы хуже.

She’d made pastry, she scrubbed it out of her nails like she didn’t care if she took the skin off.

Я помню, что она замесила тесто, вычистила его из — под ногтей , да так, будто её не волновало, если она сдерёт себе кожу.

She saw Vera was cutting pastry from under her nails .

Она видела, как Вера очищала ногти от теста.

I specifically ordered tin nails and they sent me tin snails.

Я заказал много катушек ниток, а мне прислали кучу кадушек улиток.

Secondly, we got acrylic paint under the nails .

Второе, акриловая краска под ногтями .

Minus the acrylic nails and hot pants.

Только без нарощенных ногтей и коротких шорт.

And I’m as Queens as acrylic nails .

А я до кончиков ногтей жительница Квинса.

Just like I get used to my acrylic nails .

Так же как я привык к своим нарощенным ногтям .

Coil nails are packaged in 5 layers carton boxes.

Также пакуем в картонные ящики по 25 кг, на один поддон кладем по 36 ящиков.

Concrete mix, lumber, nails . 40 feet of extra-wide furnace duct.

Бетонная смесь, пиломатериалы, гвозди 40 футов супер широких печных труб.

It appears so, although his nails didn’t look like they’ve ever been touched by an emery board.

Похоже на то, однако его ногти выглядят так, как будто их никогда не касалась пилочка для ногтей .

You know, sometimes when I come home at night… I expect to find him pounding nails into the banister or cursing about split varnish.

Знаешь, временами, когда я вечером возвращаюсь домой… я ожидаю застать его забивающим гвозди в перила или проклинающим растрескавшуюся лакировку.

Trim these nails , brush that hair.

Постричь эти ногти , причесать шерсть.

True, if one has a hammer, all problems look like nails .

Действительно, если у Вас есть молоток, то все проблемы похожи на гвозди.

His pistol holster is filled with six-inch nails , which he says he can carry around Kiev legally.

В пистолетной кобуре у него 15 — сантиметровые гвозди, которые, по словам Падре, он может носить на вполне законных основаниях.

Not everyone is qualified to own wood and nails .

Не каждый достоин владеть деревом и гвоздями.

The Gospel of Peter, a non-canonical gospel from the first or second century CE, specifically describes in verse 21 how after Jesus had died, the nails were removed from his hands.

В неканоническом Евангелии от Петра первого или второго века н.э., в частности, описывается (21 — й стих), как после смерти Иисуса из его рук были извлечены гвозди.

But in the end, it is the enduring image of the cross, and not the matter of whether nails or ropes were used, that most firmly evokes the death of Jesus in art and tradition.

Но в конце концов, именно непреходящий образ креста, вне зависимости от того, присутствовали там гвозди или веревки, наиболее прочно ассоциируется со смертью Иисуса в искусстве и в традиции.

In Christian tradition, nailing the limbs to the wood of the cross is assumed, with debate centring on whether nails would pierce hands or the more structurally sound wrists.

Исследователями христианской традиции признается тот факт, что конечности прибивали к деревянному кресту гвоздями, вопрос в том, пронзали ли гвозди ладони или более крепкие по структуре запястья.

So today, I’m collecting what I shed or slough off — my hair, skin and nails — and I’m feeding these to edible mushrooms.

Поэтому, сегодня я собираю все, что выпадает и отшелушивается: свои волосы, отшелушившуюся кожу, ногти , я подкармливаю этим съедобные грибы.

Obviously, being highly educated, wearing a tie, eating with a fork, or cutting one’s nails weekly is not enough.

Безусловно, для этого недостаточно быть высоко образованным, носить галстук, есть вилкой и еженедельно подстригать ногти .

Instead of ball bearings or nails .

Вместо подшипников и гвоздей.

Are you gonna start braiding my hair, or doing my nails while we dish on each other’s relationships?

Начать заплетать косички, красить ногти , пока мы будем выяснять отношения?

Looking for a cause, doctors and scientists reportedly conducted 7,000 tests on “soil, water, air, patients’ blood, hair, nails ” — without success.

В поисках причин этого феномена врачи и ученые взяли уже 7000 проб «почвы, воды, воздуха и биоматериалов (крови, волос и ногтей пострадавших)» — но все безуспешно.

  • catch
  • hook
  • apprehend
  • bag
  • collar
  • detain
  • get
  • nab
  • pinch
  • prehend
  • secure
  • seize
  • take

On this page you’ll find 107 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to nail, such as: attach, hit, pin, tack, whack, and beat.

  • let go
  • release
  • fail
  • free
  • give
  • liberate
  • lose
  • misunderstand
  • offer
  • receive
  • unfasten

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use nail in a sentence

Air- and heat-activated polish sealant as well as UV-cured gels, standard tools in the nail professional’s arsenal, also owe their origins to this former dentist.


Piegan snorted when I told him we were on the dodge—that they were trying to nail us for holding up the paymaster.


«Well, as far as public opinion goes, I s’pose Tom has hit the nail on the head,» observed Bill.


He pulled his heavy sweater down off a nail and put it on, scowling because the sleeves had to be pulled in place on his arms.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • bag
  • bust
  • capture
  • collar
  • cop
  • grab
  • nab
  • nail
  • place under arrest
  • run-in
  • seize
  • take in
  • take into custody
  • take prisoner
  • accommodation
  • apprehension
  • appropriation
  • bag
  • booby trap
  • bust
  • captivity
  • capture
  • collar
  • commitment
  • confinement
  • constraint
  • crimp
  • detention
  • drop
  • fall
  • gaff
  • glom
  • grab
  • heat
  • hook
  • imprisonment
  • incarceration
  • jailing
  • mitt
  • nab
  • nail
  • nick
  • nip
  • pick up
  • pickle
  • pinch
  • preventive custody
  • protective custody
  • pull
  • pull in
  • restraining
  • run-in
  • snare
  • sweep
  • apprehend
  • bag
  • book
  • brace
  • bust
  • capture
  • catch
  • collar
  • detain
  • drop
  • gaff
  • get
  • glom
  • grab
  • hook
  • imprison
  • incarcerate
  • jail
  • kick
  • nab
  • nail
  • net
  • nick
  • pick up
  • pinch
  • pull
  • pull in
  • put the arm on
  • put the cuffs on
  • round up
  • roust
  • run-in
  • secure
  • seize
  • sidetrack
  • snag
  • tab
  • tag
  • take in
  • take prisoner
  • toss in jail
  • acquire
  • apprehend
  • capture
  • collar
  • gain
  • get
  • hook
  • kill
  • land
  • nab
  • nail
  • net
  • seize
  • shoot
  • take
  • trap
  • acquired
  • apprehended
  • captured
  • collared
  • gained
  • got
  • hooked
  • killed
  • landed
  • nabbed
  • nailed
  • netted
  • seized
  • shot
  • took
  • trapped
  • abduction
  • acquirement
  • acquisition
  • apprehension
  • appropriating
  • appropriation
  • arrest
  • bag
  • bust
  • catch
  • collar
  • commandeering
  • confiscation
  • drop
  • ensnaring
  • fall
  • gaining
  • grab
  • grasping
  • hit the jackpot
  • hook
  • imprisonment
  • knock off
  • laying hold of
  • nab
  • nail
  • obtaining
  • occupation
  • pick up
  • pinch
  • pull
  • run-in
  • securing
  • seizing
  • seizure
  • snatching
  • sweep
  • taking
  • taking captive
  • taking into custody
  • trapping
  • trip
  • winning

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


      vb   attach, beat, fasten, fix, hammer, join, pin, secure, tack  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( nails    plural & 3rd person present)   ( nailing    present participle)   ( nailed    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-count   A nail is a thin piece of metal with one pointed end and one flat end. You hit the flat end with a hammer in order to push the nail into something such as a wall.  
A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand…     

2       verb   If you nail something somewhere, you fix it there using one or more nails.  
Frank put the first plank down and nailed it in place…      V n prep/adv  
They nail shut the front door…      V n with adj  

3       n-count   Your nails are the thin hard parts that grow at the ends of your fingers and toes.  
usu poss N in pl  
Keep your nails short and your hands clean.     

4       verb   To nail someone means to catch them and prove that they have been breaking the law.  
INFORMAL   The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists.      V n  

5    If you say that someone is as hard as nails, you mean that they are extremely tough and aggressive, either physically or in their attitude towards other people or other situations.  

as hard as nails/hard as nails      phrase   v-link PHR  
He’s a shrewd businessman and hard as nails…     

6    If you say that someone has hit the nail on the head, you think they are exactly right about something.  

hit the nail on the head      phrase   V inflects  
`I think it would civilize people a bit more if they had decent conditions.’—`I think you’ve hit the nail on the head.’     

  a nail in the coffin  


  to fight tooth and nail  

nail down  

1       phrasal verb   If you nail down something unknown or uncertain, you find out exactly what it is.  
(=pin down)  

It would be useful if you could nail down the source of this tension.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

2       phrasal verb   If you nail down an agreement, you manage to reach a firm agreement with a definite result.  
The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

If you describe something such as a story or a sports match as nail-biting, you mean that it makes you feel very excited or nervous because you do not know how it is going to end.      adj  
…the nail-biting legal thriller, `The Pelican Brief’.     

nail bomb        ( nail bombs    plural  ) A nail bomb is a bomb which contains nails that are intended to cause a lot of damage and injury when the bomb goes off.      n-count  

nail brush        ( nail brushes    plural  ) , nailbrush   A nail brush is a small brush that you use to clean your nails when washing your hands.      n-count  

nail file        ( nail files    plural  ) , nailfile   A nail file is a small strip of rough metal or card that you rub across the ends of your nails to shorten them or shape them.      n-count  

nail polish        ( nail polishes    3rd person present  ) Nail polish is a thick liquid that women paint on their nails.      n-mass  
(=nail varnish)  

nail scissors      , nail-scissors  
Nail scissors are small scissors that you use for cutting your nails.      n-plural   also a pair of N  
Mishka got some nail scissors and started carefully trimming his fingernails.     

nail varnish        ( nail varnishes    plural  ) Nail varnish is the same as nail polish.  
  (BRIT)      n-mass  
in AM, use nail polish     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

hit the nail on the head




do or say something exactly right

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