Синоним make out

What is another word for Make out?

  • discern

    notice, see

  • distinguish

    recognise, see

  • manage

    fare, get by

  • do

    make, prepare

  • see

    understand, know

  • recognize

    understand, know

  • fare

    get by, get on

  • get along

    get by, get on

  • get by

    get on

  • know

    recognise, notice

  • cope

    fare, get on

  • spot

  • pick out


  • neck

    make love, canoodle

  • understand

  • perceive

    understand, recognise

  • make

    prepare, do

  • get on

    fare, get by

  • comprehend


  • observe

    see, catch sight of

  • descry

    understand, discern

  • apprehend


  • espy

    see, catch sight of

  • have sex

    make love

  • make do

  • grasp

  • decipher

    sort out

  • behold


  • detect

    recognise, see

  • make love

  • do it

    make love, snog

  • screw

    fuck, make love

  • write out

  • catch


  • discover

    catch sight of

  • recognise

    identify, discern

  • identify

    recognise, discern

  • fuck

    make love, vulgar slang

  • notice

  • deduce


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Sweet Couple on Brown Grass Field Elderly Vietnamese women working and making wicker bamboo fish traps Free stock photo of adore, antique, business Crop black woman making aromatic liquid incense Brown Wooden Opened Door Shed Two Hands of People Laying on Flowery Meadow Stretched Out to Sky

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poster, vintage, antique lipstick, make-up, makeup possible, impossible, opportunity young woman, meadow, concerns soap bubbles, puste fix, make soap bubbles cup, red, cookie

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Synonyms for Make out. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 02, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/make_out

Synonyms for Make out. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/make_out>.

Synonyms for Make out. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/make_out.

All synonyms in one line

apprehend, bang, be intimate, bed, behold, en.synonym.one, boff, bonk, come, complete, cut, descry, detect, diddle, discern, discover, distinguish, do, do it, eff, espy, fare, fill in, fill out, frig, fuck, en.synonym.one, get along, get it on, get laid, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, hump, identify, issue, jazz, jump, knob, know, lay, lie with, love, make love, make whoopee, nail, neck, note, observe, pash, en.synonym.one, penetrate, perceive, pick out, pork, recognise, recognize, roger, roll in the hay, root, screw, see, sense, shaft, shag, sleep together, sleep with, spot, swive, tell, tell apart, write out.

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • make out [meɪk aʊt] гл

    1. разобрать, разбирать


    2. различить, разглядеть, различать

      (discern, distinguish)

    3. понять, разобраться, выяснить

      (understand, find out)

    4. оформлять


    5. выписывать, выписать


разглядеть make out, discern, distinguish, sight, spy
понять understand, grasp, find out, make out, get at, seize
различить make out
выписывать write, write out, draw, discharge, make out, copy
составлять be, constitute, make up, make, compose, make out
разбирать make out, dismantle, analyze, sort, sort out, handle
увидеть see, spot, sight, catch sight of, make out, spy
уяснить understand, make out
давать понять give to understand, make out
жить live, dwell, stay, reside, exist, make out
справляться cope, manage, consult, master, refer, make out
делать вид pretend, let on, make out, affect
доказывать prove, argue, demonstrate, show, establish, make out
существовать exist, be, live, subsist, prevail, make out
преуспевать succeed, do well, prosper, get on, thrive, make out
притворяться pretend, act, feign, dissemble, play, make out

Перевод по словам

make [noun]

noun: марка, изготовление, производство, модель, выработка, работа, стиль, фасон, выделка, варенье

verb: делать, производить, совершать, создавать, зарабатывать, составлять, заставлять, получать, изготавливать, готовить

  • make familiar with — познакомиться с
  • make of a mind — сделать ум
  • make faces — делать лица
  • make oneself inconspicuous — сделать себя незаметным
  • make a detour around — обойти вокруг
  • make common cause — делать общее дело
  • make the gas — выделять газ
  • make effort — предпринимать усилие
  • make debut — дебютировать
  • base under make-up treatment — питательная основа для макияжа

out [adjective]

preposition: из, вне, за

noun: аут, выход, недостаток, пропуск, лазейка

adverb: вне, наружу, вон, снаружи, больше обычного

adjective: наружный, внешний, отдаленный, крайний, выключенный

verb: изгнать, выгонять, тушить, гасить, выставлять, нокаутировать, удалять с поля

  • pluck out — вырвать
  • not spelt out — не указано
  • out (cold) — (холодный)
  • look-out watch — вахта наблюдателя
  • beat jesus out of — избивать до полусмерти
  • zoom in or out — увеличивать или уменьшать масштаб
  • pulling out of the spin — вывод из штопора
  • view out the window — вид из окна
  • take out of — вынуть из
  • smoothed out — сглаживается

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • make out гл

    • discern · distinguish · discriminate · descry
    • make · draw · draw up · arrange · formalize · execute
    • see · understand · decipher
    • disassemble · dismantle · take apart


  • bed, lie with, get laid, have it off, sleep with, hump, love, jazz, sleep together, bonk, bang, have sex, eff, know, screw, be intimate, make love, fuck, do it, have intercourse
  • neck
  • manage, contend, get by, make do, deal, grapple, cope
  • distinguish, spot, tell apart, discern, recognize, pick out
  • get along, do, come, fare
  • fill in, fill out, complete
  • cut, issue, write out

Предложения с «make out»

If we could build this Earth-sized telescope, we could just start to make out that distinctive ring of light indicative of the black hole’s event horizon.

(Смех) Если бы мы смогли создать такой телескоп, мы бы всего лишь начали различать кольцо света, обозначающее горизонт событий чёрной дыры.

Wind whispers words that i can’t make out.

Ветер шепчет слова, которые я не могу разобрать.

What can you make out of baking soda and beer?

Что ты можешь приготовить из пищевой соды и пива?

He couldn’t make out her expression in the gloom.

Он не мог рассмотреть выражение ее лица в сумраке.

The faint moonlight barely let her make out the bedposts.

В слабом лунном свете она едва различала даже столбики кровати.

To avoid jumping in conclusions about globalization we should make out how it influences the life of a single person, for example me.

Чтобы избежать поспешных выводов о глобализации, мы должны рассмотреть ее влияние на жизнь отдельного человека, например, на мою жизнь.

Once we were close enough to make out details it was obvious that the mausoleum’s builders had belonged to one of our more bizarre early religions.

Вблизи стало ясно, что склеп возводили приверженцы одного из наших полубезумных культов.

Kelly could barely make out the murmur of conversation but not the words or cadence.

Он едва слышал звуки их голосов и не мог разобрать слов или интонаций.

Tam was still murmuring, but so softly Rand could not make out the words.

Тэм по — прежнему бормотал, но так тихо, что юноша не мог разобрать его слова.

The silver moonlight gleamed on it but I could not make out what it was.

Серебряный лунный свет блестел на этом предмете, но я не мог понять, что это.

Your ship, as far as I can make out from your illiterate scrawl is in Central Africa.

Ваш корабль, если я правильно разобрал эти безграмотные каракули, находится в Центральной Африке.

By the ruddy light of the star he could just make out Rincewind’s eyes looking up at him.

В красноватом свете звезды он различил глядящие на него глаза Ринсвинда.

She’s found a passage in Fordyce’s Sermons that she can’t make out.

Она нашла отрывок из старинной книги псалмов и не может прочесть.

Far ahead of him he could make out lacy lines sketching a long double cone.

Далеко впереди виднелся схематично обозначенный тонкими линиями длинный двойной конус.

Through it, she could make out the colors of twilight, the twinkle of a high, lonely star.

Через эту пасть она различила сумеречный свет, мерцание высокой одинокой звезды.

Even with my powers I could make out the purple glimmer of the magic wands hidden in their sleeves.

Даже моих способностей хватало, чтобы заметить пурпурное мерцание магических жезлов, спрятанных в их рукавах.

The dust had settled enough for him to make out that the hoverjeep was painted a bright yellow.

Пыль уже осела, и он увидел, что едущая к лагерю машина окрашена в желтый цвет.

In the bluish glow of the lone computer monitor, Rachel could make out racks of telephone gear, radios, and satellite telecommunications devices.

В голубоватом свете компьютерного монитора Рейчел различила нагромождение телефонного оборудования, радиоприемников и спутниковых приборов связи.

We couldn’t understand it but we could make out the diagrams just sufficiently well to give us the necessary hints.

Мы не смогли в них разобраться, но чертежи все — таки подсказали нам верный путь.

They implored help, but they were so beside themselves that we couldn’t make out what the matter was.

Они умоляли о помощи, но были так взволнованы, что мы не могли понять, что случилось.

He could make out trees against the sky, stars, and the looming black shape of the Keep.

Зедд смог различить деревья на фоне неба, звезды и неясные очертания Башни.

I could just make out her shape under the covers in the dim light.

Очертания ее тела под одеялом были едва видны в тусклом свете углей.

Two Rivers men still stood guard up there, but the tents were down, and he could make out loaded packhorses.

Двуреченцы по — прежнему несли там караул, но палатки были сняты, и Перрин разглядел нагруженных вьючных лошадей.

He found, in his delusional but alert state of mind, that he could make out individuals by their crying.

В бредовом, но тревожном сознании он различал людей по плачу.

They call them privately, and they make out with them on porches.

Они звонят им тайком и целуются с ними на крыльце.

They were faded almost to oblivion, but they could make out figures wearing robes and cloaks.

Изображения почти совершенно выцвели, но им удалось различить отдельные фигуры в длинных платьях и мантиях.

It was a dwarfed sun in a purple sky in which he could make out three or four stars.

Карликовое солнце на бледном небе, на котором виднелись три — четыре звезды.

They were still far away, but she could make out Hutch, even amid the tangles.

Спасенные по — прежнему находились очень далеко, но Эмбри уже смогла распознать Хатч на фоне сплетений звеньев.

At maximum magnification Louis could just make out patterns of streets.

При максимальном увеличении Луис мог даже различить рисунок улиц.

She could just make out what appeared to be a burly man standing on the other side.

Она с трудом рассмотрела появившегося на другом берегу плотного человека.

Above the roar of the waterfall Rincewind thought he could make out the splash of oars.

Ринсвинду показалось, что сквозь шум водопада доносится плеск весел.

All I was doing was trying to read that kid’s lips to make out his last words.

Я пытался прочитать по губам, что говорил ребёнок перед смертью.

He could not make out the words, but he could hear the panic in their shouts.

Слов различить офицер не мог, но в криках явно звучали панические ноты.

He moved his eyes about, and through the darkness he could make out the darker outline of her whips on the wall.

Он перевел глаза и сквозь тьму смог разглядеть черные силуэты плеток на стене.

In some observatories the detection equipment was not sensitive enough even to make out the individual pulses.

В некоторых обсерваториях приемные устройства не позволяли разделять отдельные импульсы.

In fact, I could only just make out the building at the end of the street.

Административный корпус можно было с трудом разглядеть на другом конце улицы.

He could decipher the letters and thus make out the word.

Ему удалось сразу же разобрать буквы и составить из них слово.

The room below them was dimly lit, but in the flickering light of a single torch it was possible to make out four figures.

Помещение внизу было слабо освещено, но мерцающий свет единственного факела позволял разглядеть четыре фигуры.

Danielle stood you up so she could make out with the adorable new man in her life.

Даниэль отшила тебя, чтобы целоваться с новым очаровательным мужчиной в её жизни.

I just forced my boyfriend to make out with my best friend from junior high.

Я только что вынудила своего парня разобраться со своим лучшим другом со средней школы.

He was armed with a machine gun. I could make out the grenade on his belt and the bayonet in its sheath.

Я увидел часового, он был вооружен автоматом и гранатами, которые висели у него на ремне.

I don’t normally make out with strangers in broom closets like this.

Понимаешь, я обычно не занимаюсь этим с незнакомцами в кладовках типо этой.

Without lights, it is still possible to make out the checkered pattern of the blue and white scarf tied tightly around his head and the thick, dark stubble that covers his face.

Несмотря на темноту, все еще можно разглядеть покрывающую его щеки густую щетину и клетки на его сине — белом головном платке.

I’m going to get drunk and make out with the deaf girl who runs the Tilt-A-Whirl.

Я собираюсь нажраться и позажигать с той глухой чиксой, которая управляет ракушками.

We will make out an itinerary for you, showing all costs as to travel, hotel, meals, etc.

Мы составим план для Вас со всеми ценами на путешествие, проживание, питание и т.д.

After a few days with the iPhone X, I can begin to make out its themes.

Подержав у себя iPhone X несколько дней, я могу сделать несколько выводов.

I will make out a list of several places for you to choose from.

Я составлю Вам список, и Вы сами выберете.

Frankly speaking, it was difficult for me to make out what he was saying.

По правде говоря, мне было сложно разобрать, что он такое говорит.

Perseus Descending, make out one whit better.

Нисхождении Персея, оказался ничуть не лучше.

I never can make out what you mean by a prig, said Rosamond.

— Я никогда не могла понять, что ты подразумеваешь под словами самодовольный педант, — сказала Розамонда.

So you can make out when your old Grandpa ain’t around to pester you.

Чтобы ты могла существовать, когда твой старый дед перестанет докучать тебе.

Tafa-lafa! But what he’s jabbering no one can make out, said a soldier, mimicking the general who had ridden away. I’d shoot them, the scoundrels!

Тафа — лафа, а что бормочет, ничего не разберешь, — говорил солдат, передразнивая отъехавшего генерала. — Расстрелял бы я их, подлецов!

How you can sit there calmly eating muffins… when we’re in this horrible trouble I can’t make out.

Как ты можешь преспокойно сидеть и уплетать оладьи когда мы оба попали в такую беду, из которой я не вижу выхода.

Postage stamp is damaged, as is the postmark, but I can make out

Марка повреждена, как и штемпель, но могу разобрать

They’re trying to make out like you’re some kind of crank who’s got a grudge against Danny.

Они пытаются выставить все так, что, якобы, у вас есть повод к неприязни по отношению к Дэнни.

And on the porch, hanging, was one of those things the Japs make out of glass and hang on strings — rings and clangs in the least little blow — with only four pieces of glass left to go.

А на веранде висела японская штука из бечевок и стекляшек, которые звенят и бренчат от самого слабого ветерка; в ней осталось всего четыре стекляшки.

From my vantage point in the window I could see the bodies of her crew strewn about, although I could not make out what manner of creatures they might be.

Со своей удобной позиции у окна я мог наблюдать на палубе разбросанные тела, хотя и не мог различить, к какому роду существ они принадлежат.

That all we really have is a garbled reality, a fuzzy picture we will never truly make out.

Что все, что у нас есть — искаженная суть, замутненная картинка, на которой ничего не разобрать.

In the far distance I could just make out what must have been the mountain’s peak: white and conical, with vapour drifting from the, volcanic crater.

Где — то далеко — далеко, на самой границе видимости, я едва различал выпуклость, которая, вероятно, и была вершиной, — белый конус с облаком дыма над вулканическим кратером.

I can’t make out why she ordered a dozen, said Mr. Carey. Two would have done.

Непонятно, зачем ей вздумалось заказывать целую дюжину! — сказал мистер Кэри. — И двух фотографий вполне хватило бы.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. make out

    Make is essentially causative; to the idea of cause all its various senses may be traced (compare synonyms for CAUSE). To make is to cause to exist, or to cause to exist in a certain form or in certain relations; the word thus includes the idea of create, as in Gen. i, 31, «And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.» Make includes also the idea of compose, constitute; as, the parts make up the whole. Similarly, to cause a voluntary agent to do a certain act is to make him do it, or compel him to do it, compel fixing the attention more on the process, make on the accomplished fact. Compare COMPEL; DO; INFLUENCE; (make better) AMEND; (make haste) QUICKEN; (make known) ANNOUNCE; AVOW; CONFESS; (make prisoner) ARREST; (make up) ADD; (make void) CANCEL.

    See synonyms for ABOLISH; BREAK; DEMOLISH.

    become, bring about, bring into being, bring to pass, cause, compel, compose, constitute, constrain, construct, create, do, effect, establish, execute, fabricate, fashion, force, frame, get, make, make up, manufacture, occasion, perform, reach, render, require, shape

    Make of, out of, or from certain materials, into a certain form, for a certain purpose or person; made with hands, by hand; made by a prisoner, with a jack-knife.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. spot, recognize, recognise, distinguish, discern, pick out, make out, tell apartverb

    detect with the senses

    «The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards»; «I can’t make out the faces in this photograph»

    discern, bang, have it away, screw, acknowledge, recognise, deal, grapple, get along, choose, distinguish, greet, make love, discover, do, jazz, key, love, roll in the hay, separate, cut, neck, be intimate, signalize, accredit, name, pick out, eff, bonk, make do, spot, bed, do it, mark, have intercourse, realize, manage, have sex, tell apart, select, secern, take, fill out, fill in, have a go at it, key out, tell, agnise, describe, secernate, sleep with, agnize, blemish, identify, contend, issue, fleck, hump, get laid, severalize, descry, have it off, sleep together, get by, signalise, write out, spy, cope, recognize, severalise, know, come, get it on, differentiate, complete, blot, fare, lie with, espy, realise, blob

  2. write out, issue, make out, cutverb

    make out and issue

    «write out a check»; «cut a ticket»; «Please make the check out to me»

    discern, bang, shorten, cut off, ignore, screw, recognise, deal, grapple, distinguish, reduce, hack, make love, go forth, prune, do, jazz, geld, spot, roll in the hay, turn off, cut, be intimate, cut back, egress, write up, get along, turn out, release, pick out, slew, eff, switch off, bring out, make do, trim down, tell apart, contract, bed, do it, come out, trim back, rationalise, put out, have intercourse, rationalize, disregard, abridge, manage, have sex, publish, trend, neck, fill out, bring down, fill in, slue, thin, emerge, abbreviate, have it away, sleep with, cut down, come forth, burn, contend, issue, love, edit, hump, get laid, edit out, have it off, skip, sleep together, get by, foreshorten, dilute, write out, tailor, cope, curve, recognize, swerve, supply, bonk, know, thin out, snub, come, get it on, trim, sheer, complete, veer, fare, lie with, have a go at it

  3. make outverb


    «I cannot make out what this politician is saying»

    tell apart, distinguish, have intercourse, get it on, have a go at it, have sex, complete, spot, be intimate, screw, know, get along, get laid, make love, fill out, fare, cut, love, grapple, pick out, deal, neck, manage, contend, do, do it, eff, bonk, bed, have it off, write out, lie with, fill in, discern, sleep together, recognize, jazz, sleep with, hump, bang, come, recognise, have it away, cope, make do, get by, roll in the hay, issue

  4. do, fare, make out, come, get alongverb

    proceed or get along

    «How is she doing in her new job?»; «How are you making out in graduate school?»; «He’s come a long way»

    suffice, discern, bang, have it away, progress, screw, recognise, coiffure, grapple, occur, get along, distinguish, total, act, make love, come on, add up, do, jazz, number, roll in the hay, descend, get along with, cut, be intimate, write out, arrange, practice, execute, pick out, behave, eff, practise, come along, make do, spot, coif, dress, deal, bed, do it, amount, serve, have intercourse, issue forth, manage, have sex, tell apart, set, shape up, neck, answer, fill out, derive, come in, fill in, make, come up, get, recognize, sleep with, coiffe, advance, perform, follow, contend, issue, love, hump, get laid, have it off, get on with, sleep together, get by, hail, cope, fall, arrive, bonk, exercise, know, come, get it on, complete, get on, cause, fare, lie with, have a go at it

  5. cope, get by, make out, make do, contend, grapple, deal, manageverb

    come to terms with

    «We got by on just a gallon of gas»; «They made do on half a loaf of bread every day»

    wield, take, finagle, discern, bang, screw, vie, handle, recognise, deal, grapple, distinguish, debate, repugn, make love, divvy up, do, jazz, spot, roll in the hay, cut, escape, be intimate, get along, address, fight, lot, pick out, get out, portion out, eff, dole out, make do, compete, plow, bed, do it, consider, superintend, have intercourse, share, manage, struggle, tell apart, supervise, neck, apportion, contest, fill in, administer, treat, parcel out, sell, have it away, sleep with, bring off, dispense, get off, dish out, contend, come, issue, love, argue, hump, get laid, fence, negociate, get away, pull off, allot, have it off, get it on, oversee, sleep together, cover, get by, distribute, write out, carry on, carry off, cope, recognize, bonk, know, wangle, mete out, look at, postulate, have sex, complete, grip, care, fare, lie with, deal out, trade, shell out, have a go at it, conduct, fill out

  6. sleep together, roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, get it on, bonkverb

    have sexual intercourse with

    «This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm»; «Adam knew Eve»; «Were you ever intimate with this man?»

    spang, discern, bang, screw, acknowledge, recognise, deal, whop, grapple, get along, bop, distinguish, go to sleep, bash, make love, do, jazz, cheat, roll in the hay, sock, cut, be intimate, retire, pick out, live, eff, go to bed, bonk, recognize, spot, hunch over, slam, do it, chicane, have intercourse, hit the sack, manage, jockey, have sex, tell apart, complete, cognise, neck, whap, fill out, fill in, have a go at it, drive in, bed, have it away, sleep with, enjoy, sack out, hit the hay, contend, hunch forward, issue, love, hump, get laid, have it off, make do, sleep together, get by, write out, turn in, cope, crawl in, chouse, experience, know, come, get it on, kip down, shaft, fare, lie with, cognize, hunch

  7. neck, make outverb

    kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion

    «The couple were necking in the back seat of the car»

    tell apart, distinguish, have intercourse, get it on, have a go at it, have sex, complete, spot, be intimate, screw, know, get along, get laid, make love, fill out, fare, cut, love, grapple, pick out, deal, neck, manage, contend, do, do it, eff, bonk, bed, have it off, write out, lie with, fill in, discern, sleep together, recognize, jazz, sleep with, hump, bang, come, recognise, have it away, cope, make do, get by, roll in the hay, issue

  8. complete, fill out, fill in, make outverb

    write all the required information onto a form

    «fill out this questionnaire, please!»; «make out a form»

    tell apart, distinguish, have intercourse, get it on, have a go at it, fatten, dispatch, come, complete, spot, love, be intimate, cut, nail, fat, know, get along, write out, make love, fill out, flesh out, fare, have sex, plump out, plump, sub, grapple, pick out, eff, eke out, round, deal, do it, manage, contend, finish, pad, round out, do, bonk, bed, stand in, fatten out, lie with, fill in, discern, substitute, sleep together, recognize, jazz, sleep with, fatten up, bang, hump, screw, discharge, issue, recognise, have it away, cope, make do, get by, roll in the hay, neck, have it off, get laid, shade

  9. make outverb

    imply or suggest

    «Your remarks make me out to be stupid»

    tell apart, distinguish, have intercourse, get it on, have a go at it, have sex, complete, spot, be intimate, screw, know, get along, get laid, make love, fill out, fare, cut, love, grapple, pick out, deal, neck, manage, contend, do, do it, eff, bonk, bed, have it off, write out, lie with, fill in, discern, sleep together, recognize, jazz, sleep with, hump, bang, come, recognise, have it away, cope, make do, get by, roll in the hay, issue

  10. make outverb

    try to establish

    «She made out that she know nothing about the crime»

    tell apart, distinguish, have intercourse, get it on, have a go at it, have sex, complete, spot, be intimate, screw, know, get along, get laid, make love, fill out, fare, cut, love, grapple, pick out, deal, neck, manage, contend, do, do it, eff, bonk, bed, have it off, write out, lie with, fill in, discern, sleep together, recognize, jazz, sleep with, hump, bang, come, recognise, have it away, cope, make do, get by, roll in the hay, issue

Matched Categories

    • Claim
    • Copulate
    • Go
    • Pet
    • Suggest
    • Understand
    • Write

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. make out

    (Active.) discover, ascertain, learn, determine, interpret, decipher, get a clear understanding of

  2. make out

    prove, establish

  3. make out

    prepare, draw up

  4. make out

    provide, furnish, supply

  5. make out

    (Neuter.) succeed, be able at last

How to pronounce make out?

How to say make out in sign language?

How to use make out in a sentence?

  1. Anthony Gilberthorpe:

    I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious.

  2. Satnam Singh:

    I can make out from his height that he could become a good player, i took him to the ground to practice. Day by day he excelled and touched greater heights.

  3. Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald:

    Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald said at a news conference in October. FLASHBACK : James Closs FAMILY, COMMUNITY HOLD OUT HOPE 2 MONTHS AFTER TEENS DISAPPEARANCE Emergencylogsreleased days laterappeared to indicate that the cell phone of James Closs mother, 46-year-old Denise Closs, placed the call and that James Closs, 56-year-old James Closs, answered the door and was the first to be fatally shot. No one talked on that call and we dont know who made it. We heard voices but we cant make out what was said, we do believe James Closs was home at the time the call was made. Detectives pursued thousands of tips, watched dozens of surveillance videos and conducted numerous searches in the effort to find the girl. James Closs, 13, vanished on Oct. 15 after her parents were fatally shot at their home in Barron County, located about 80 miles northeast of Minneapolis. ( Courtesy of Barron County Sheriff’s Department via AP, File) Roughly two weeks after she disappeared, a man identified as Kyle Jaenke-Annis, 32, was arrested for allegedly burglarizing the James Closs home. He was reportedly found with two girls tank tops, underwear, and a dress. However, Barron County officials cleared him of any involvement in the teens disappearance. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP The sheriff previously said his office was receiving around 25 tips per day regarding James Closs disappearance. Hed been confident that James Closs was alive somewhere.

  4. Erica Renteria:

    You have to use a toothpick brush to brush your teeth and be careful. You need to rinse also because your mouth can get dry. The only thing is you can’t really make out.

  5. Freddie Roach:

    They’re trying to make out like American Chris Algieri is the next Rocky, But this isn’t a movie.

Translations for make out

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • إفعلها بالخارحArabic
  • vyhotovitCzech
  • Rummachen, küssenGerman
  • σκαρφίζομαι, επινοώ, φασώνομαιGreek
  • kisadiEsperanto
  • enrollarseSpanish
  • موفق شدنPersian
  • pärjätä, ymmärtää, saada selvää, muhinoidaFinnish
  • réussir, discerner, conclure, faire l’amour, embrasserFrench
  • leig airScottish Gaelic
  • limonare, pomiciareItalian
  • zoenenDutch
  • uprawiać seks, zrozumiećPolish
  • comerPortuguese
  • distinge, face dragoste, înțelegeRomanian
  • целоватьсяRussian
  • lyckas, hitta på, ställa ut, urskilja, hångla, fabriceraSwedish
  • chim nhauVietnamese

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  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for make out?

  • detect
  • discern
  • discover
  • distinguish
  • espy
  • notice
  • observe
  • perceive
  • remark
  • accept
  • catch
  • collect
  • compass
  • comprehend
  • conclude
  • decipher
  • deduce
  • deduct
  • derive
  • dig
  • fathom
  • follow
  • gather
  • grasp
  • infer
  • judge
  • perceive
  • realize
  • recognize
  • see
  • take in
  • work out
  • accomplish
  • achieve
  • do
  • do well enough
  • do with
  • endure
  • fare
  • flourish
  • get along
  • get on
  • manage
  • muddle through
  • prosper
  • score
  • thrive

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 147 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to make out, such as: detect, discern, discover, distinguish, espy, and notice.

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How to use make out in a sentence

Who he could not make out, except that it was a Kirton: and it prayed him to hasten down immediately.


Well, old boy, I guess you lost me more than I’ll make out of you; but you’ve given me what I ought to have had three years ago!


I could not make out what it was, for the wind-was rustling the corn-shocks, but I arose and feigned to listen.


He stopped in the road and turned towards his companion, the shining of whose eyes he could just make out in the gloom.


And she thanked Heaven that in the dusk and in the shadow where she stood he could but ill make out her face.


I write a poor cramped hand, which I can hardly make out myself, and know very little about figures.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • boost
  • break the bank
  • develop
  • elevate
  • enlarge
  • get fat
  • get rich
  • grade
  • grow
  • hit pay dirt
  • hit the jackpot
  • improve
  • magnify
  • make a killing
  • make out
  • multiply
  • pan out
  • prefer
  • prosper
  • raise
  • strike gold
  • strike it rich
  • thrive
  • up
  • upgrade
  • uplift
  • accelerates
  • achieves
  • brings forward
  • comes forward
  • conquers
  • continues ahead
  • continues on
  • dispatches
  • drives
  • elevates
  • forges ahead
  • gains ground
  • gets ahead
  • gets green light
  • gets there
  • gets with it
  • goes ahead
  • goes forth
  • goes forward
  • goes great guns
  • goes places
  • goes to town
  • hastens
  • launches
  • makes headway
  • makes the scene
  • marches
  • moves on
  • moves onward
  • moves up
  • press on
  • proceeds
  • progresses
  • promotes
  • propels
  • pushes ahead
  • pushes on
  • quickens
  • sends forward
  • skyrockets
  • speeds
  • steps forward
  • storms
  • make out
  • osculate
  • peck
  • smack
  • smooch
  • snog
  • spoon
  • be capable of
  • be equal to
  • be up to
  • be within one’s area
  • be within one’s control
  • can do
  • commit
  • cut the mustard
  • have it made
  • lie in one’s power
  • make it
  • make out
  • make the grade
  • manage
  • may
  • take care of
  • appreciate
  • apprehend
  • assimilate
  • capiche
  • catch
  • click
  • cognize
  • conceive
  • dig
  • discern
  • envisage
  • envision
  • fathom
  • get
  • get the picture
  • gotcha
  • grasp
  • have
  • know
  • make out
  • perceive
  • read
  • savvy
  • see
  • take in
  • tumble
  • add up to
  • adjudge
  • analyze
  • assume
  • be afraid
  • boil down to
  • collect
  • derive
  • draw
  • figure
  • gather
  • have a hunch
  • infer
  • intuit
  • judge
  • make
  • make out
  • presume
  • ratiocinate
  • reason
  • reckon
  • sum up
  • suppose
  • surmise
  • the way one sees it

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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