Синоним funds

  • affluence
  • assets
  • backing
  • bankroll
  • belongings
  • bread
  • budget
  • capital
  • collateral
  • currency
  • dough
  • earnings
  • finance
  • lucre
  • means
  • money
  • possessions
  • proceeds
  • profits
  • property
  • resources
  • revenue
  • savings
  • securities
  • specie
  • stakes
  • store
  • stuff
  • substance
  • treasure
  • wealth
  • wherewithal
  • winnings
  • accounts receivable
  • fluid assets
  • hard cash
  • money in the bank
  • money on hand
  • nest egg
  • petty cash
  • pork barrel
  • ready money

On this page you’ll find 72 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to funds, such as: affluence, assets, backing, bankroll, belongings, and bread.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use funds in a sentence

Those who collect taxes without being duly authorized by Government, or misappropriate public funds.


Thereupon the generals hastened round the town to procure funds, and appeased the Visayos with a distribution of 1,800 pesos.


Ecclesiastics, soldiers in active service, and persons receiving emolument from public funds are debarred from these offices.


He has exhausted his private credit, and his sullen subjects will not help him any more from the public funds.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • ace in the hole
  • ace up sleeve
  • backing
  • budget
  • capital
  • credit
  • equity
  • estate
  • funds
  • goods
  • holdings
  • means
  • nest egg
  • possessions
  • rainy day fund
  • reserve
  • resources
  • riches
  • something put aside
  • something put away
  • stake
  • stash
  • stuff
  • valuables
  • wealth
  • abetment
  • accompaniment
  • adherence
  • advocacy
  • aegis
  • aid
  • assistance
  • auspices
  • championing
  • championship
  • encouragement
  • endorsement
  • funds
  • grant
  • help
  • patronage
  • reinforcement
  • sanction
  • secondment
  • sponsorship
  • subsidy
  • checking account
  • current account
  • deposit
  • deposit account
  • funds
  • savings account
  • cabbage
  • cash
  • coin
  • dollars
  • dough
  • finance
  • funds
  • gravy
  • greenbacks
  • mazuma
  • scratch
  • account
  • aggregate
  • allocation
  • allowance
  • bulk
  • cost
  • estimated expenses
  • finances
  • fiscal estimate
  • funds
  • means
  • planned disbursement
  • quantity
  • quantum
  • resources
  • spending plan
  • statement
  • total
  • CD
  • IRA
  • business
  • cash
  • estate
  • finances
  • financing
  • fortune
  • funds
  • gold
  • interests
  • investment
  • kitty
  • means
  • money
  • nest egg
  • principal
  • property
  • resources
  • savings
  • stake
  • stock
  • substance
  • treasure
  • ways and means
  • wealth
  • wherewithal

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

  • 1

    allocate funds распределять фонды ample funds достаточные запасы ample funds достаточные резервы appropriate funds выделять денежные средства available funds наличные денежные средства available funds наличные фонды borrowed funds заемные средства borrowed funds заемный капитал budget funds бюджетные фонды cash funds наличные средства cash funds фонды денежной наличности cheque without sufficient funds чек без достаточного покрытия covering funds фонды покрытия disposable funds свободные фонды donated funds переданные в дар фонды donation funds благотворительные фонды excise funds акцизные фонды Federal funds федеральные резервные фонды (США) funds государственные ценные бумаги funds капитал funds средства funds фонды, средства funds фонды funds ценные бумаги (преим. государственные) funds ценные бумаги government funds правительственные финансовые ресурсы government funds правительственные фонды lack funds нуждаться в фондах liquid funds ликвидные активы liquidation funds ликвидные средства misappropriate funds злоупотреблять денежными средствами mobilize funds мобилизовать денежные фонды no funds (N/F) без покрытия overnight funds средства, полученные на срок до начала следующего рабочего дня own funds собственные средства partnership funds фонды товарищества pension funds пенсионные фонды post giro funds фонды почтовых жиросчетов profit funds фонды прибыли public funds государственные средства public funds государственные ценные бумаги public funds общественные фонды raise funds мобилизовывать капитал raise funds получать деньги raise funds получать ссуду repatriate funds возвращать капитал на родину repatriate funds репатриировать денежные средства same day funds однодневные средства separate funds обособленные денежные средства shareholders’ funds акционерный капитал shareholders’ funds собственный капитал solicit funds ходатайствовать о предоставлении средств spare funds резервные фонды specialist funds специальные фонды surplus funds резервный капитал tie up funds замораживать фонды total funds used общая сумма израсходованных средств total funds used общая сумма капиталовложений Treasury funds государственные фонды trust funds капитал, переданный в доверительное управление unemployed funds неиспользованные фонды

    English-Russian short dictionary > funds

  • 2

    Англо-русский технический словарь > funds

  • 3

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. capital (noun) capital; cash; collateral; corporate assets; fluid assets; funded debt; hard cash; money; money on hand

    3. pool (noun) bank; jackpot; kitty; pool; pot; purse; reserves

    5. backs (verb) backs; capitalises; funds; subsidises

    English-Russian base dictionary > funds

  • 4

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > funds

  • 5

    8) SAP. бюджетные средства

    9) Американский английский: Финансы

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > funds

  • 6

    1) «фонды», государственные ценные бумаги в Великобритании;


    2) наличные деньги, векселя, платежные поручения

    и др.

    инструменты, легко превращаемые в наличные;
    3) канадский доллар (




    * * *

    средства; суммы; фонды; средства денежные

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > funds

  • 7

    Фонды (классификация инвестиционных фондов)

    Mergers and Acquisitions English-Russian dictionary > Funds

  • 8

    English-russian dictionary of physics > funds

  • 9

    (n) государственные ценные бумаги; капитал; средства; фонды

    * * *

    финансовые средство, фонды

    * * *

    государственные процентные бумаги

    * * *




    Новый англо-русский словарь > funds

  • 10


    (да́рственный) фонд

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > funds

  • 11

    English-Russian Dictionary of Military Terms and Abbreviations > funds

  • 12

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > funds

  • 13

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > funds

  • 14

    English-Russian smart dictionary > funds

  • 15

    Англо-русский словарь по инвестициям > funds

  • 16
    funds flow statement

    Англо-русский словарь Финансы и долги > funds flow statement

  • 17
    funds transfer


    перевод (денежных) средств, перевод фондов



    * * *

    перевод денежных средств: перевод денег с одного счета на другой, от одного лица или учреждения другому с помощью различных средств платежа, в т. ч. электронных.

    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > funds transfer

  • 18
    funds flow statement

    English-Russian project management dictionary > funds flow statement

  • 19
    funds statement

    1. отчет о движении денежных средств

    отчет о движении денежных средств
    отчет по фондам

    1. Отчет, в котором денежные поступления и выплаты группируются по источникам их происхождения — в результате операционной деятельности, вложений инвестиций или финансовой деятельности. Называется также Отчет по фондам (Funds Statement).
    2. Бухгалтерский отчет, характеризующий изменения в финансовом положении организации в разрезе текущей, инвестиционной и финансовой деятельности. Раскрывает данные о движении денежных средств в отчетном периоде, характеризующие наличие поступление и расходование денежных средств в организации (п. 29 ПБУ 4/98).
    [ http://www.lexikon.ru/dict/uprav/index.html]

    отчет о движении денежных средств
    (иногда говорят — о движении наличности, что не представляется правильным) — в мировой практике — вид ежегодной статистической отчетности, отражающей получение и использование капитала в результате во-первых, операционной, во-вторых, финансовой и, в-третьих, инвестиционной деятельности компании. В первом случае расчет поступлений денежных средств от обычных хозяйственных операций состоит в суммировании чистой прибыли, начисленной амортизации и прироста задолженности к оплате и вычитании прироста суммы текущих активов (кроме денежных средств), а также разницы между балансовой стоимостью и продажной ценой основных средств. Во втором случае, поступления денежных средств включают вновь полученные займы, выпуск новых акций, проценты и дивиденды. В третьем случае учитывается разница между ценой, уплаченной за новые средства производства, и ценой продажи старых средств производства. В составе этого отчета имеется специальный раздел «Движение денежных средств по инвестиционной деятельности».
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]


    • бухгалтерский учет
    • экономика


    • отчет по фондам


    • cash flow statement
    • funds statement
    • statement of cashflow

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > funds statement

  • 20
    funds availability

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > funds availability


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • funds — [plural] ► the financial resources that a business, organization, or project has available: raise/provide/generate funds »A new shares issue was launched to raise funds for the acquisition. sufficient/insufficient funds »Experts have criticized… …   Financial and business terms

  • funds — I noun assets, bank account, capital, cash, currency, economic success, finance, income, liquid assets, lucre, means, money, pecuniary resources, pelf, personalty, possessions, principal, proceeds, property, revenue, specie, stocks and bonds,… …   Law dictionary

  • funds — [n] cash reserve accounts receivable, affluence, assets, backing, bankroll, belongings, bread*, budget, capital, collateral, currency, dough*, earnings, finance, fluid assets, hard cash*, kitty*, lucre, means, money, money in the bank*, money on… …   New thesaurus

  • funds — n. 1) to raise funds 2) to disburse, pay out funds 3) matching; private; public funds 4) (stamped on a check) insufficient funds (AE; BE has refer to drawer) 5) funds dry up, run out 6) the funds to + inf. (we have enough funds to complete the… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • funds — /fʌndz/ plural noun 1. money which is available for spending ● The company has no funds to pay for the research programme. ⇒ insufficient funds ♦ the company called for extra funds the company asked for more money ♦ to convert funds to another… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • funds — noun assets in the form of money (Freq. 19) • Syn: ↑finances, ↑monetary resource, ↑cash in hand, ↑pecuniary resource • Hypernyms: ↑assets • Hyponyms …   Useful english dictionary

  • funds — noun Financial resources I dont know if I have the funds for this …   Wiktionary

  • funds —   Kālā. Out of funds, a ohe kālā; puki, poloke (slang) …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • funds — lėšos statusas Aprobuotas sritis finansų rinka apibrėžtis Grynieji pinigai (banknotai ir monetos), pinigai sąskaitoje ir elektroniniai pinigai. atitikmenys: angl. funds vok. Geldbetrag šaltinis Lietuvos Respublikos mokėjimų įstatymo pakeitimo… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • funds —  Money, in funds Having money …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • funds of funds — Funds that are specifically created to invest in a range of other private equity funds. Like feeder funds, they often offer access to investment opportunities not otherwise available to an investor. In addition, they allow investors to diversify… …   Law dictionary

What is another word for Funds?

  • riches

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes

  1. funds

    Money is the authorized medium of exchange; coined money is called coin or specie. What are termed in England bank-notes are in the United States commonly called bills; as, a five-dollar bill. The notes of responsible men are readily transferable in commercial circles, but they are not money; as, the stock was sold for $500 in money and the balance in merchantable paper. Cash is specie or money in hand, or paid in hand; as, the cash account; the cash price. In the legal sense, property is not money, and money is not property; for property is that which has inherent value, while money, as such, has but representative value, and may or may not have intrinsic value. Bullion is either gold or silver uncoined, or the coined metal considered without reference to its coinage, but simply as merchandise, when its value as bullion may be very different from its value as money. The word capital is used chiefly of accumulated property or money invested in productive enterprises or available for such investment.

    bills, bullion, capital, cash, coin, currency, gold, money, notes, property, silver, specie

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «funds»:

    fund, funding, fonds, resources, money, appropriations, monies, boxes, moneys, means, holdings, financing, finances, caisses, capital, credits, finance, fondos, sums, amounts, backgrounds, crates, coffers

How to pronounce funds?

How to say funds in sign language?

How to use funds in a sentence?

  1. Speaker John Boehner:

    The Congress is very concerned about taxpayer funding of political activities, this provision was worked out in a bipartisan way to allow those who are organizing conventions the opportunity to raise the money from private sources as opposed to using taxpayer funds.

  2. Todd Rosenbluth:

    Based on the names and country profiles, it should seem they are offering you the same exposure, but they track different indices, their country exposure is going to be different, and that exposure difference helps explain why they perform differently. So far, the discrepancy has helped The Vanguard fund, Todd Rosenbluth said, although both funds have taken a hit since the end of June, when the Shanghai Composite Index. SSEC started falling. Since then, The Vanguard fund has lost 11.65 percent, while the iShares fund has fallen 12.45 percent. Year to date, The Vanguard fund is down 6.97 percent, and the iShares fund is down 8.89 percent. Chinese shares have been falling on fears that the nation’s economy may slow well beyond the 7 percent growth rate that analysts had earlier suggested would be a bottom for that market. China has moved to weaken its currency to bolster its economy and share prices. The difference between the two funds is expected to widen because the two different indexes they follow will be treating Chinese stocks differently. Financial Times Stock Exchange, the Financial Times Stock Exchange, plans to begin adding onshore Chinese equities, known as A-shares, to Financial Times Stock Exchange broad emerging markets indexes, which Vanguard follows. The Vanguard benchmark, the FTSE Emerging Index, now has approximately 26 percent exposure to China, according to the mutual fund company. In June, Vanguard said it would begin shifting to a new Financial Times Stock Exchange index later this year. The new index will have a 29 percent exposure to China, including a 5.6 percent exposure to A-shares. MSCI Inc( MSCI.N), however, said in June that it was not ready to include the A-shares in its two emerging market indexes.

  3. Holly Fulton:

    If you are quite a small operation, it’s hard to see how you can make that shift and have access to the funds to make that shift.

  4. Sandeep Aggarwal:

    In the modern world, you do not die from hunger but indigestion. Not all but many sectors and many startups or new-age companies in India have now indigestion type of situation. Do not raise so much funds that you get indigestion and become your own enemy.

  5. Mark Nunnikhoven:

    With a situation like this there is no guarantee of destruction, and paying the cybercriminals only funds future hacks, in the case of a breach, you have to assume the worst case scenario and assume that the users’ data will be sold in the digital underground and used for malicious purposes.


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[ fˈʌndz], [ fˈʌndz], [ f_ˈʌ_n_d_z]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    asset(s) (noun)

    • ace the hole,
    • ace hole,
    • something put asides,
    • ace up sleeves,
    • re-serves,
    • ace sleeve,
    • ace sleeves,
    • re serves,
    • something put aways.

    backing (noun)

    • championings.

    bank account (noun)

    • de posits,
    • current accounts,
    • checking accounts,
    • de-posits,
    • de-posit,
    • bank-account,
    • deposit accounts,
    • de posit.

    bread (noun)

    • mazuma.

    budget (noun)

    • fiscal estimates,
    • spending plans,
    • estimated expense,
    • planned disbursements.

    capital (noun)

    • hard cash,
    • stocks and bonds,
    • pelf,
    • accounts collectible,
    • stakes,
    • belongings,
    • letters of credit,
    • jack,
    • Securities,
    • money on hand,
    • collateral,
    • money in the bank,
    • possessions,
    • stores,
    • affluence,
    • winnings,
    • fluid assets,
    • pecuniary resources,
    • corporate assets,
    • substance,
    • filthy lucre,
    • earnings,
    • accounts receivable.

    cash (noun)

    • re serve,
    • green stuffs,
    • re-serve,
    • re-funds,
    • re-fund,
    • ready asset,
    • bullions,
    • re funds,
    • mazumahs,
    • re fund,
    • wampums,
    • dineros.

    cash in hand (noun)

    • cash in hand.

    cash reserve (noun)

    • wealth,
    • bread,
    • nut,
    • kitty,
    • scratch,
    • bankroll,
    • backing,
    • specie,
    • dough,
    • profits,
    • proceeds,
    • finance,
    • pork barrel,
    • stuff,
    • store,
    • assets,
    • ready money,
    • petty cash,
    • currency.

    funds (noun)

    • monetary resource,
    • pecuniary resource.

    lucre (noun)

    • in comes,
    • in-comes,
    • in come,
    • in-come.

    means (noun)

    • intangibles.

    money (noun)

    • balance sheet,
    • net worth,
    • wad,
    • money order,
    • nugget,
    • dollar,
    • check,
    • wallet,
    • change,
    • moolah,
    • spending money,
    • pocket money,
    • draft,
    • fortune,
    • bond,
    • coinage,
    • issue,
    • pounds,
    • worth,
    • copper,
    • coupon,
    • greenback,
    • ingot,
    • receipts,
    • promissory note,
    • swag,
    • bill,
    • ways and means,
    • bank note,
    • sterling,
    • silver,
    • iou,
    • profit,
    • note,
    • gross.

    monies (noun)

    • bills,
    • bankrolls,
    • greenbacks,
    • dollars,
    • monies,
    • nuggets,
    • coinages,
    • notes,
    • IOUs,
    • purses,
    • coupons,
    • wallets,
    • coppers,
    • treasures,
    • fortunes,
    • ingots,
    • swags,
    • Incomes,
    • stocks,
    • promissory notes,
    • issues,
    • wads,
    • cashes,
    • checks,
    • money orders,
    • drafts,
    • Currencies,
    • bank notes,
    • balance sheets,
    • bonds.

    nest egg (noun)

    • sinking fund,
    • rainy day fund,
    • emergency funds,
    • unexpended balance,
    • reserve fund,
    • piggy banks,
    • emergency fund,
    • something to fall back on,
    • something for a rainy day,
    • life savings,
    • piggy bank.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • checking account,
    • secondments,
    • over-the-counter,
    • stash,
    • pride and joy,
    • spending plan,
    • gold,
    • subsidization,
    • lettuces,
    • savings,
    • secondment,
    • PEARLS,
    • peso,
    • lucre,
    • pool,
    • GOLDS,
    • loot,
    • treasure trove,
    • grubstake,
    • moola,
    • something put aside,
    • dinero,
    • planned disbursement,
    • wampum,
    • nest egg,
    • ready resources,
    • available means,
    • convertibles,
    • bullion,
    • lettuce,
    • fiscal estimate,
    • deposit account,
    • Resources,
    • exchequer,
    • green stuff,
    • cash,
    • banknotes,
    • estimated expenses,
    • ready assets,
    • current account,
    • something put away,
    • means,
    • finances,
    • mazumah,
    • wherewithal,
    • money,
    • property,
    • purse,
    • payment,
    • stock,
    • blue chips,
    • bank account,
    • PESOS,
    • exchequers,
    • income,
    • CDS,
    • treasure,
    • banknote,
    • ace up sleeve,
    • budget,
    • stock in trade,
    • capital,
    • stake,
    • blue chip,
    • equity.

    purse (noun)

    • ex-chequer,
    • pre-sents,
    • pre-sent,
    • ex-chequers,
    • ex chequer,
    • pre sent,
    • ex chequers.

    resources (noun)

    • the goods,
    • material goods,
    • ace in hole.

    savings (noun)

    • gleanings,
    • mattress full.

    stock (noun)

    • over-the-counters,
    • over the counters.

    stock in trade (noun)

    • ready resource,
    • stock-trade,
    • available mean,
    • stock trade.

    treasure (noun)

    • pride joy,
    • treasure troves,
    • pride and joys,
    • pride joys.

    wealth (noun)

    • luxuriance,
    • clover,
    • long green,
    • substantiality,
    • CLOVERS,
    • cornucopia,
    • lap of luxury,
    • Cornucopias,
    • substantialities.
  • v.

    aids (verb)

    • assists,
    • aids,
    • attends,
    • Mothers,
    • relieves,
    • serves,
    • endows,
    • benefits,
    • supports,
    • sustains,
    • tends,
    • facilitates,
    • encourages,
    • fosters,
    • motivates,
    • helps,
    • ministers,
    • abets.

    gives (verb)

    • ascribes,
    • assigns,
    • Lends,
    • tenders,
    • donates,
    • lavishes,
    • bequeaths,
    • presents,
    • sends,
    • Grants,
    • doles,
    • contributes,
    • supplies,
    • consigns,
    • shares,
    • rations,
    • allots,
    • pays,
    • showers,
    • bestows,
    • Gives,
    • offers,
    • imparts,
    • disburses,
    • extends,
    • expends,
    • allows,
    • furnishes,
    • delivers,
    • renders,
    • pledges,
    • awards,
    • dispenses,
    • attributes,
    • provides,
    • devotes,
    • submits.
  • Other synonyms:

    • circumstances,
    • revenue,
    • mutual fund.

    • subsistence.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • resort,
    • bundle,
    • tangible,
    • supply,
    • saves,
    • quick assets,
    • Pecunious,
    • reserves,
    • intangible assets,
    • balance,
    • breeds,
    • jackpot,
    • recourses,
    • resource,
    • recourse,
    • needful,
    • subsidy,
    • principal,
    • tangibles,
    • ability,
    • devices,
    • pocket,
    • share,
    • bloodlines,
    • lolly,
    • defrays,
    • flush,
    • Memories,
    • storages,
    • shillings,
    • Chests,
    • legal tender,
    • capacity,
    • holdings,
    • commands,
    • sponsors,
    • wherewith,
    • coin money,
    • pedigrees,
    • descents,
    • ready,
    • shops,
    • promotes,
    • bucks,
    • turn to account,
    • funding,
    • bottom dollar,
    • almighty dollar,
    • Slows,
    • Strains,
    • liquid assets,
    • Budgets,
    • out of debt,
    • Foundations,
    • grant,
    • ancestries,
    • subsidizes,
    • Brasses,
    • in cash,
    • Endowments,
    • support,
    • lodes,
    • origins,
    • in full feather,
    • mammon,
    • patronizes,
    • hoards,
    • investment,
    • assets and liabilities,
    • storehouses,
    • public funds,
    • Quarries,
    • power,
    • stashes,
    • banks,
    • LINEs,
    • sponsorship,
    • pot,
    • lineages,
    • coin,
    • readies,
    • Credit mobilier,
    • fund,
    • ways,
    • Varieties,
    • accounts,
    • accumulations,
    • broths,
    • Pence,
    • raise money,
    • solvent,
    • amasses,
    • shekels,
    • in the black,
    • Backs,
    • fundings,
    • cash reserves,
    • device,
    • make money,
    • Moneys,
    • provision,
    • way,
    • net assets,
    • current assets,
    • capitals,
    • treasury,
    • backs with bucks,
    • resorts,
    • riches,
    • accumulates,
    • make profit,
    • cache,
    • savings account,
    • money market,
    • bloods,
    • gillyflowers,
    • fixed assets,
    • bank,
    • ownership,
    • all straight,
    • caches,
    • depots,
    • compiles,
    • mean,
    • money matters,
    • DOSH,
    • method.

How to use «Funds» in context?

When people think about money, most likely the first thing that comes to mind is a stack of cash, maybe a few bills tucked away in an envelope, and a few checks. But what about all the other ways money is invested?

One way to think about money is in terms of funds. A fund is simply a collection of money that has been pooled together to invest in a certain type of asset. There are different types of funds, and they each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

One advantage of funds is that they are a way to invest money that doesn’t require a lot of time to manage.

Paraphrases for Funds:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Proper noun, plural
    • Noun, plural
      funding, monies.
  • Forward Entailment

    • Noun, plural
  • Independent

    • Adjective
    • Proper noun, plural
      assets, Boxes, Les, expenses, Properties, Subsidies, Budgets, Grants, Programs, benefits, auditors, accounts, estimates, sums, appropriations, projects, initiatives, nations, dollars, contributions, merits, PORTS, VOTES, products.
    • Proper noun, singular
      financing, dollars, contributions.
    • Noun, plural
      goods, housings, means, media, needs, proceeds, supplies, treasuries, Activities, Agencies, Areas, Bases, Beneficiaries, Bodies, Bonuses, Boxes, Businesses, Capabilities, Capacities, Categories, Deputies, Difficulties, Entities, Entries, Facilities, Firms, Ones, Opportunities, Penalties, Policies, Quantities, Remedies, Royalties, Securities, Universities, Warehouses, shares, expenses, Companies, Currencies, Possibilities, Premiums, Properties, Societies, Subsidies, Associations, Beds, Budgets, Charges, Donors, Drugs, Efforts, Endowments, Fees, Floors, Forms, Goals, Governments, Grants, Households, Incentives, Incomes, Insurances, LINEs, Measures, Oils, Organizations, Pensions, Programs, Recommendations, Records, Regulations, Remittances, Rights, Risks, Taxes, Vehicles, checks, cuts, directors, officers, withdrawals, assists, benefits, agents, challenges, levels, counts, pockets, contacts, bonds, pledges, sanctions, advances, agreements, arrangements, approvals, representatives, claims, states, trusts, yields, approaches, inputs, allowances, ends, appeals, requests, auditors, officials, accounts, balances, registers, estimates, figures, plans, schemes, sums, assessments, calculations, methods, systems, notes, loans, collections, reports, applications, assignments, deposits, appropriations, bins, coffers, depots, markets, repositories, safes, actions, cases, implications, solutions, sections, sectors, enterprises, practices, factors, forces, sources, commitments, projects, purposes, powers, corporations, interests, initiatives, procedures, instruments, flows, transfers, rules, paragraphs, pleas, controls, groups, types, debts, donations, gifts, issues, reviews, dates, pools, payments, results, interventions, tools, proposals, months, obligations, headings, targets, unions, portions, allotments, quotas, members, awards, reservations, limits, options, drums, modalities, modes, placements, cars, trucks, shells, weapons, outlays, circles, enclosures, models, speculations, founders, engines, questions, titles, candidates, mechanisms, matters, problems, preparations, items, materials, substances, dollars, estates, centers, bottoms, containers, crates, reservoirs, tanks, disbursements, cages, depths, offices, contributions, cartons, envelopes, chapters, bucks, kinds, revenues, requirements, employers, merits, outlets, DUES, FARES, VOTES, deniers, regimes, avenues, appellants, products, levers, mappings, imports, departments, competitions, taxpayers, greenhouses, Fundraisers, investors, organisms, shipments, institutions, jurisdictions, inflows, hydrocarbons, booths, priorities, additives, recipients, administrations, Euros, wallpapers, packages, entitlements, exchequers, cheques, commissioners, organisations, pinks, antimicrobials, instalments, financings.
    • Verb, past tense
      involved, Provided.
    • Verb, 3rd person singular present
      des, means, needs, program, provide, vote, Has, Les, Of, Bears, promotes, allows, includes, considers, projects, contributes, covers, pays, provides, invests, is, subvents.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
    • Proper noun, plural
    • Proper noun, singular
      fund, funding, Fellowships.
    • Noun, plural
      allocations, capitals, subventions.
    • Verb, past tense
    • Verb, gerund or present participle
      financing, Embezzling.
    • Verb, 3rd person singular present
      financing, Subsidies, Grants, assists, underwrites, sponsors, bankrolls, contributions, subventions, subsidizes, subsidises.

Homophones for Funds:

  • funds’, fund’s.

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