Синоним broke down

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adulteration, breakup, corrupt, crack-up, decay, en.synonym.one, decomposition, dislocation, equipment failure, partitioning, putrefaction, waste, analyse, analyze, blubber, break, break up, en.synonym.one, burst out, cave in, choke, collapse, conk out, crap out, cripple, crumble, crumple, crush, decompose, destroy, die, disintegrate, disorder, disorganise, disorganize, dispel, disperse, dissect, en.synonym.one, dissolve, end, exhaust, expire, fail, fall, fall down, founder, give, give out, give way, go, go bad, go phut, jumble, kick off, lame, lose it, mangle, miscarry, mutilate, pass away, rage, scatter, snap, en.synonym.one, sob, stifle, succumb, take apart, topple, tumble, upset, worsen.

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What is another word for Break down?

  • fail

    result, die

  • crumble

    break, disintegrate

  • decompose

    die, dirty

  • collapse

    fail, die

  • break

    crumble, disintegrate

  • break up

    break, fall apart

  • disintegrate

    fail, die

  • dissect

    separate, analyze

  • die

    destroy, conk out

  • analyze

    categorize, explain

  • give out

    stop working, sag

  • conk out

    stop working, to malfunction

  • give way

    founder, die or surrender

  • crush

    demolish, make or become wrinkled

  • decay

    rot, dirty

  • destroy

    weaken, incapacitate

  • lose it

    crack up, lose control

  • dissolve

    break, disintegrate

  • fall through

    fail, break

  • crash

    descend, flatten

  • deteriorate

    decay, wither

  • go

    die, die or surrender

  • resolve

    explain, make clear

  • anatomize

    analyze, find solution

  • divide

    break, categorize

  • founder

    fail, take on water and sink

  • miscarry

    fail, take on water and sink

  • cave in

    give, descend

  • snap

  • go bad

    decay, wither

  • crumple


  • tumble


  • dismantle

    demolish, fall apart

  • shatter

    demolish, weaken

  • perish

    disappear, corrode

  • succumb

    give, sag

  • take apart

    fall apart

  • fall apart


  • ruin

    demolish, weaken

  • smash

    demolish, flatten

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Synonyms for Break down. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 04, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/break_down

Synonyms for Break down. N.p., 2016. Web. 04 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/break_down>.

Synonyms for Break down. 2016. Accessed May 04, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/break_down.


be overcome, collapse, come unstuck, conk out     (informal)   crack up     (informal)   fail, fall apart at the seams, give way, go kaput     (informal)   go phut, go to pieces, seize up, stop, stop working  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



1    batter, burst, crack, crash, demolish, destroy, disintegrate, divide, fracture, fragment, part, rend, separate, sever, shatter, shiver, smash, snap, splinter, split, tear, total     (slang)   trash     (slang)  

2    breach, contravene, disobey, disregard, infract     (Law)   infringe, renege on, transgress, violate  

3    cow, cripple, demoralize, dispirit, enervate, enfeeble, impair, incapacitate, subdue, tame, undermine, weaken  

4    abandon, cut, discontinue, give up, interrupt, pause, rest, stop, suspend  

5    bust     (informal)   degrade, demote, discharge, dismiss, humiliate, impoverish, make bankrupt, reduce, ruin  

6    announce, come out, come out in the wash, disclose, divulge, impart, inform, let out, make public, proclaim, reveal, tell  

7      (of a record, etc.)   beat, better, cap     (informal)   exceed, excel, go beyond, outdo, outstrip, surpass, top  

8    appear, burst out, come forth suddenly, emerge, erupt, happen, occur  

9    cut and run     (informal)   dash, escape, flee, fly, get away, hook it     (slang)   run away  

10    cushion, diminish, lessen, lighten, moderate, reduce, soften, weaken  

11    breach, cleft, crack, division, fissure, fracture, gap, gash, hole, opening, rent, rift, rupture, split, tear  

12    breather     (informal)   breathing space, entr’acte, halt, hiatus, interlude, intermission, interruption, interval, let-up     (informal)   lull, pause, recess, respite, rest, suspension  

13    alienation, breach, disaffection, dispute, divergence, estrangement, rift, rupture, schism, separation, split  

14      (informal)   advantage, chance, fortune, opening, opportunity, stroke of luck  

1    attach, bind, connect, fasten, join, repair, unite  

2    abide by, adhere to, conform, discharge, follow, obey, observe  

break away  

1    decamp, escape, flee, fly, hook it     (slang)   make a break for it, make a run for it     (informal)   make off, run away  

2    break with, detach, part company, secede, separate  

break down     
be overcome, collapse, come unstuck, conk out     (informal)   crack up     (informal)   fail, fall apart at the seams, give way, go kaput     (informal)   go phut, go to pieces, seize up, stop, stop working  

breaking and entering, burglary, invasion, robbery  

break in  

1    barge in, burst in, butt in, interfere, interject, interpose, interrupt, intervene, intrude, put one’s oar in, put one’s two cents in     (U.S. slang)  

2    break and enter, burgle, invade, rob  

3    accustom, condition, get used to, habituate, initiate, prepare, tame, train  

break into     
begin, burst into, burst out, commence, dissolve into, give way to, launch into  

break off  

1    detach, divide, part, pull off, separate, sever, snap off, splinter  

2    belay     (Nautical)   cease, desist, discontinue, end, finish, halt, pause, pull the plug on, stop, suspend, terminate  

break out  

1    appear, arise, begin, commence, emerge, happen, occur, set in, spring up, start  

2    abscond, bolt, break loose, burst out, escape, flee, get free  

break through     
achieve, burst through, crack it     (informal)   cut it     (informal)   emerge, get past, pass, penetrate, shine forth, succeed  

breakdown, breaking, crackup     (informal)   disintegration, dispersal, dissolution, divorce, ending, parting, rift, separation, split, splitting, termination, wind-up  

break up     
adjourn, disband, dismantle, disperse, disrupt, dissolve, divide, divorce, end, part, scatter, separate, sever, split, stop, suspend, terminate  

break with     
break away from, depart from, ditch     (slang)   drop     (informal)   jilt, part company, reject, renounce, repudiate, separate from  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( breaks    plural & 3rd person present)   ( breaking    present participle)   ( broke    past tense)   ( broken    past participle  )

1       verb   When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped.  
He fell through the window, breaking the glass…      V n  
The plate broke…      V  
Break the cauliflower into florets…      V n into pl-n  
The plane broke into three pieces.      V into pl-n  
…bombed-out buildings, surrounded by broken glass and rubble…      V-ed  
The only sound was the crackle of breaking ice.      V-ing  

2       verb   If you break a part of your body such as your leg, your arm, or your nose, or if a bone breaks, you are injured because a bone cracks or splits.  
She broke a leg in a skiing accident…      V n  
Old bones break easily…      V  
Several people were treated for broken bones.      V-ed  
      Break is also a noun., n-count  
It has caused a bad break to Gabriella’s leg.     

3       verb   If a surface, cover, or seal breaks or if something breaks it, a hole or tear is made in it, so that a substance can pass through.  
Once you’ve broken the seal of a bottle there’s no way you can put it back together again…      V n  
The bandage must be put on when the blister breaks…      V  
Do not use the cream on broken skin.      V-ed  

4       verb   When a tool or piece of machinery breaks or when you break it, it is damaged and no longer works.  
When the clutch broke, the car was locked into second gear…      V  
The lead biker broke his bike chain.      V n, Also V-ed  

5       verb   If you break a rule, promise, or agreement, you do something that you should not do according to that rule, promise, or agreement.  
We didn’t know we were breaking the law.      V n  
…broken promises.      V-ed  

6       verb   If you break free or loose, you free yourself from something or escape from it.  
She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest.      V adj  

7       verb   If someone breaks something, especially a difficult or unpleasant situation that has existed for some time, they end it or change it.  
New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions…      V n  
The country is heading towards elections which may break the party’s long hold on power.      V n  
      Break is also a noun., n-count   usu sing  
Nothing that might lead to a break in the deadlock has been discussed yet.     

8       verb   If someone or something breaks a silence, they say something or make a noise after a long period of silence.  
Hugh broke the silence. `Is she always late?’ he asked…      V n  

9       n-count   If there is a breakin the cloud or weather, it changes and there is a short period of sunshine or fine weather.  
A sudden break in the cloud allowed rescuers to spot Michael Benson.     

10       verb   If you breakwith a group of people or a traditional way of doing things, or you break your connection with them, you stop being involved with that group or stop doing things in that way.  
In 1959, Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner…      V with n  
They were determined to break from precedent…      V from n  
They have yet to break the link with the trade unions.      V n with n, Also V n  
      Break is also a noun., n-count   usu sing  
Making a completely clean break with the past, the couple got rid of all their old furniture.     

11       verb   If you break a habit or if someone breaks you of it, you no longer have that habit.  
If you continue to smoke, keep trying to break the habit…      V n  
The professor hoped to break the students of the habit of looking for easy answers.      V n of n  

12       verb   To break someone means to destroy their determination and courage, their success, or their career.  

He never let his jailers break him…      V n  
Ken’s wife, Vicki, said: `He’s a broken man.’      V-ed  

13       verb   If someone breaksfor a short period of time, they rest or change from what they are doing for a short period.  
They broke for lunch.      V  

14       n-count   A break is a short period of time when you have a rest or a change from what you are doing, especially if you are working or if you are in a boring or unpleasant situation.  
oft N from/in n  
They may be able to help with childcare so that you can have a break…, I thought a 15 min break from his work would do him good…, She rang Moira during a coffee break.     
  lunch break  

  tea break  

15       n-count   A break is a short holiday.  
They are currently taking a short break in Spain.     

16       verb   If you break your journey somewhere, you stop there for a short time so that you can have a rest.  
Because of the heat we broke our journey at a small country hotel.      V n  

17       verb   To break the force of something such as a blow or fall means to weaken its effect, for example by getting in the way of it.  
He sustained serious neck injuries after he broke someone’s fall.      V n  

18       verb   When a piece of news breaks, people hear about it from the newspapers, television, or radio.  
The news broke that the Prime Minister had resigned…      V  
He resigned from his post as Bishop when the scandal broke.      V  

19       verb   When you break a piece of bad news to someone, you tell it to them, usually in a kind way.  
Then Louise broke the news that she was leaving me…      V n  
I worried for ages and decided that I had better break it to her.      V n to n  

20       n-count   A break is a lucky opportunity that someone gets to achieve something.  
INFORMAL   He went into TV and got his first break playing opposite Sid James in the series `Citizen James’.     

21       verb   If you break a record, you beat the previous record for a particular achievement.  
Jurassic Park had broken all box office records.      V n  

22       verb   When day or dawn breaks, it starts to grow light after the night has ended.  
They continued the search as dawn broke.      V  

23       verb   When a wave breaks, it passes its highest point and turns downwards, for example when it reaches the shore.  
Danny listened to the waves breaking against the shore.      V  

24       verb   If you break a secret code, you work out how to understand it.  

It was feared they could break the Allies’ codes.      V n  

25       verb   If someone’s voice breaks when they are speaking, it changes its sound, for example because they are sad or afraid.  
Godfrey’s voice broke, and halted.      V  

26       verb   When a boy’s voice breaks, it becomes deeper and sounds more like a man’s voice.  
He sings with the strained discomfort of someone whose voice hasn’t quite broken.      V  

27       verb   If the weather breaks or a storm breaks, it suddenly becomes rainy or stormy after a period of sunshine.  
I’ve been waiting for the weather to break…      V  

28       verb   In tennis, if you break your opponent’s serve, you win a game in which your opponent is serving.  
He broke McEnroe’s serve.      V n  
      Break is also a noun., n-count  
A single break of serve settled the first two sets.     







30    The break of day or the break of dawn is the time when it begins to grow light after the night.  

the break of day/dawn      phrase   prep PHR  
`I,’ he finished poetically, `will watch over you to the break of day.’     

31    You can say `give me a break’ to show that you are annoyed by what someone has said or done.  

give sb a break      convention  
`I’m a real intellectual-type guy, Tracy,’ James joked. `Oh, give me a break,’ Tracy moaned.     

32    If you make a break or make a break for it, you run to escape from something.  

to make a break (for it)      phrase   V inflects  
The moment had come to make a break or die…     

  to break cover  


  to break even  


  to break new ground  


  to break someone’s heart  


  all hell breaks loose  


  to break the ice  


  to break ranks  


  to break wind  

break away  

1       phrasal verb   If you break awayfrom someone who is trying to hold you or catch you, you free yourself and run away.  
(=cut loose)  

I broke away from him and rushed out into the hall…      V P from n  
Willie Hamilton broke away early in the race.      V P  

2       phrasal verb   If you break awayfrom something or someone that restricts you or controls you, you succeed in freeing yourself from them.  
Aboriginal art has finally gained recognition and broken away from being labelled as `primitive’ or `exotic’…      V P from n/-ing   break down         

1       phrasal verb   If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working.  
Their car broke down.      V P  

2       phrasal verb   If a discussion, relationship, or system breaks down, it fails because of a problem or disagreement.  
Talks with business leaders broke down last night…      V P  
Paola’s marriage broke down.      V P  

3       phrasal verb   To break down    something such as an idea or statement means to separate it into smaller parts in order to make it easier to understand or deal with.      
The report breaks down the results region by region…      V P n (not pron)  
These rules tell us how a sentence is broken down into phrases.      be V-ed P into n, Also V n P into n  

4       phrasal verb   When a substance breaks down or when something breaks it down, a biological or chemical process causes it to separate into the substances which make it up.  
Over time, the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids…      V P  
The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down.      V n P, Also V P n (not pron)  

5       phrasal verb   If someone breaks down, they lose control of themselves and start crying.  
Because he was being so kind and concerned, I broke down and cried…      V P  

6       phrasal verb   If you break down    a door or barrier, you hit it so hard that it falls to the ground.      
An unruly mob broke down police barricades and stormed the courtroom…      V P n (not pron)  
Firemen were called after his father failed to break the door down.      V n P  

7       phrasal verb   To break down    barriers or prejudices that separate people or restrict their freedom means to change people’s attitudes so that the barriers or prejudices no longer exist.   ,   (approval)
His early experience enabled him to break down barriers between Scottish Catholics and Protestants.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  


break in  

1       phrasal verb   If someone, usually a thief, breaks in, they get into a building by force.  
Masked robbers broke in and made off with $8,000…      V P  

2       phrasal verb   If you break in on someone’s conversation or activity, you interrupt them.  
(=butt in)  

O’Leary broke in on his thoughts…      V P on n  
Mrs Southern listened keenly, occasionally breaking in with pertinent questions…      V P  
`She told you to stay here,’ Mike broke in.      V P with quote  

3       phrasal verb   If you break someone in, you get them used to a new job or situation.  
The band are breaking in a new backing vocalist.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

4       phrasal verb   If you break in something new, you gradually use or wear it for longer and longer periods until it is ready to be used or worn all the time.  
When breaking in an engine, you probably should refrain from high speed for the first thousand miles…      V P n (not pron), Also V n P   break into  

1       phrasal verb   If someone breaks into a building, they get into it by force.  
There was no one nearby who might see him trying to break into the house…      V P n  

2       phrasal verb   If someone breaks into something they suddenly start doing it. For example if someone breaks into a run they suddenly start running, and if they break into song they suddenly start singing.  
The moment she was out of sight she broke into a run…      V P n  
Then, breaking into a smile, he said, `I brought you something.’      V P n  

3       phrasal verb   If you break into a profession or area of business, especially one that is difficult to succeed in, you manage to have some success in it.  
She finally broke into films after an acclaimed stage career.      V P n   break off  

1       phrasal verb   If part of something breaks off or if you break it off, it comes off or is removed by force.  
The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact…      V P  
Grace broke off a large piece of the clay…      V P n (not pron)  
They’ve torn down wooden fences and broken branches off trees.      V n P n, Also V n P  

2       phrasal verb   If you break off when you are doing or saying something, you suddenly stop doing it or saying it.  
Llewelyn broke off in mid-sentence…      V P  
The commander of the German task force radioed that he was breaking off the action.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

3       phrasal verb   If someone breaks off a relationship, they end it.  
The two West African states had broken off relations two years ago…      pl-n V P n (not pron)  
He doesn’t seem to have the courage to break it off with her.      V it P with n (non-recip)   break out  

1       phrasal verb   If something such as war, fighting, or disease breaks out, it begins suddenly.  
He was 29 when war broke out…      V P  
I was in a nightclub in Brixton and a fight broke out.      V P  

2       phrasal verb   If a prisoner breaks outof a prison, they escape from it.  
The two men broke out of their cells and cut through a perimeter fence.      V P of n, Also V P  

3       phrasal verb   If you break outof a dull situation or routine, you manage to change it or escape from it.  
It’s taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training…      V P of n  
If her marriage becomes too restrictive, she will break out and seek new horizons.      V P  

4       phrasal verb   If you break outin a rash or a sweat, a rash or sweat appears on your skin.  
A person who is allergic to cashews may break out in a rash when he consumes these nuts…      V P in n  
A line of sweat broke out on her forehead and she thought she might faint.      V P   break through  

1       phrasal verb   If you break through a barrier, you succeed in forcing your way through it.  
Protesters tried to break through a police cordon…      V P n  
About fifteen inmates broke through onto the roof.      V P  

2       phrasal verb   If you break through, you achieve success even though there are difficulties and obstacles.  
There is still scope for new writers to break through…      V P  
I broke through the poverty barrier and it was education that did it.      V P n  

break up  

1       phrasal verb   When something breaks up or when you break it up, it separates or is divided into several smaller parts.  
There was a danger of the ship breaking up completely…      V P  
Break up the chocolate and melt it…      V P n (not pron)  
He broke the bread up into chunks and gave Meer a big one…      V n P into n  
Tanks are strongly built. It is a complicated and difficult process to break them up.      V n P  

2       phrasal verb   If you break upwith your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, your relationship with that person ends.  
(=split up)  

My girlfriend had broken up with me…      V P with n  
He felt appalled by the whole idea of marriage so we broke up.      pl-n V P  

3       phrasal verb   If a marriage breaks up or if someone breaks it up, the marriage ends and the partners separate.  
MPs say they work too hard and that is why so many of their marriages break up…      V P  
Fred has given me no good reason for wanting to break up our marriage.      V P n (not pron)  

4       phrasal verb   When a meeting or gathering breaks up or when someone breaks it up, it is brought to an end and the people involved in it leave.  

A neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up…      V P  
Police used tear gas to break up a demonstration…      V P n (not pron)  
He charged into the crowd. `Break it up,’ he shouted.      V n P  

5       phrasal verb   When a school or the pupils in it break up, the school term ends and the pupils start their holidays.  
  (BRIT, Antonym: go back)  
It’s the last week before they break up, and they’re doing all kinds of Christmas things.      V P  

6       phrasal verb   If you say that someone is breaking up when you are speaking to them on a mobile telephone, you mean that you can only hear parts of what they are saying because the signal is interrupted.  
The line’s gone; I think you’re breaking up.      V P  

break-even point     
When a company reaches break-even point, the money it makes from the sale of goods or services is just enough to cover the cost of supplying those goods or services, but not enough to make a profit.     (BUSINESS)      n-sing  
`Terminator 2′ finally made $200 million, which was considered to be the break-even point for the picture.     

break-in        ( break-ins    plural  ) If there has been a break-in, someone has got into a building by force.      n-count  

The break-in had occurred just before midnight.     

break-up        ( break-ups    plural  ) , breakup  

1       n-count   The break-upof a marriage, relationship, or association is the act of it finishing or coming to an end because the people involved decide that it is not working successfully.  
usu N of n, n N  

…the acrimonious break-up of the meeting’s first session., …a marital break-up.     

2       n-count   The break-upof an organization or a country is the act of it separating or dividing into several parts.  
usu N of n  
…the break-up of British Rail for privatisation…, At no time did a majority of Czechoslavakia’s citizens support the country’s break-up.     

career break        ( career breaks    plural  ) If someone takes a career break, they stop working in their particular profession for a period of time, with the intention of returning to it later.     (BUSINESS)      n-count  
Many women still take career breaks to bring up children.     

coffee break        ( coffee breaks    plural  ) A coffee break is a short period of time, usually in the morning or afternoon, when you stop working and have a cup of coffee.      n-count  
It looks like she’ll be too busy to stop for a coffee break.     

commercial break        ( commercial breaks    plural  ) A commercial break is the interval during a commercial television programme, or between programmes, during which advertisements are shown.      n-count  

lunch break        ( lunch breaks    plural  ) , lunchbreak   Your lunch break is the period in the middle of the day when you stop work in order to have a meal.      n-count   usu poss N  

mini-break        ( mini-breaks    plural  ) A mini-break is a short holiday.  
  (BRIT, JOURNALISM)      n-count  

tax break        ( tax breaks    plural  ) If the government gives a tax break to a particular group of people or type of organization, it reduces the amount of tax they have to pay or changes the tax system in a way that benefits them.  
  (mainly AM)      n-count  
Today they’ll consider tax breaks for businesses that create jobs in inner cities.     

tea break        ( tea breaks    plural  ) If you have a tea break, you stop working and have a cup of tea or coffee.  
  (mainly BRIT)      n-count  
in AM, use coffee break     

tie-break        ( tie-breaks    plural  ) A tie-break is an extra game which is played in a tennis match when the score in a set is 6-6. The player who wins the tie-break wins the set.  
  (mainly BRIT)      n-count  
in AM, usually use tie-breaker     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


break     ( breaks    plural & 3rd person present)   ( breaking    present participle)   ( broke    past tense)   ( broken    past participle  )

1       verb   When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped.  
He fell through the window, breaking the glass…      V n  
The plate broke…      V  
Break the cauliflower into florets…      V n into pl-n  
The plane broke into three pieces.      V into pl-n  
…bombed-out buildings, surrounded by broken glass and rubble…      V-ed  
The only sound was the crackle of breaking ice.      V-ing  

2       verb   If you break a part of your body such as your leg, your arm, or your nose, or if a bone breaks, you are injured because a bone cracks or splits.  
She broke a leg in a skiing accident…      V n  
Old bones break easily…      V  
Several people were treated for broken bones.      V-ed  
      Break is also a noun., n-count  
It has caused a bad break to Gabriella’s leg.     

3       verb   If a surface, cover, or seal breaks or if something breaks it, a hole or tear is made in it, so that a substance can pass through.  
Once you’ve broken the seal of a bottle there’s no way you can put it back together again…      V n  
The bandage must be put on when the blister breaks…      V  
Do not use the cream on broken skin.      V-ed  

4       verb   When a tool or piece of machinery breaks or when you break it, it is damaged and no longer works.  
When the clutch broke, the car was locked into second gear…      V  
The lead biker broke his bike chain.      V n, Also V-ed  

5       verb   If you break a rule, promise, or agreement, you do something that you should not do according to that rule, promise, or agreement.  
We didn’t know we were breaking the law.      V n  
…broken promises.      V-ed  

6       verb   If you break free or loose, you free yourself from something or escape from it.  
She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest.      V adj  

7       verb   If someone breaks something, especially a difficult or unpleasant situation that has existed for some time, they end it or change it.  
New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions…      V n  
The country is heading towards elections which may break the party’s long hold on power.      V n  
      Break is also a noun., n-count   usu sing  
Nothing that might lead to a break in the deadlock has been discussed yet.     

8       verb   If someone or something breaks a silence, they say something or make a noise after a long period of silence.  
Hugh broke the silence. `Is she always late?’ he asked…      V n  

9       n-count   If there is a breakin the cloud or weather, it changes and there is a short period of sunshine or fine weather.  
A sudden break in the cloud allowed rescuers to spot Michael Benson.     

10       verb   If you breakwith a group of people or a traditional way of doing things, or you break your connection with them, you stop being involved with that group or stop doing things in that way.  
In 1959, Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner…      V with n  
They were determined to break from precedent…      V from n  
They have yet to break the link with the trade unions.      V n with n, Also V n  
      Break is also a noun., n-count   usu sing  
Making a completely clean break with the past, the couple got rid of all their old furniture.     

11       verb   If you break a habit or if someone breaks you of it, you no longer have that habit.  
If you continue to smoke, keep trying to break the habit…      V n  
The professor hoped to break the students of the habit of looking for easy answers.      V n of n  

12       verb   To break someone means to destroy their determination and courage, their success, or their career.  

He never let his jailers break him…      V n  
Ken’s wife, Vicki, said: `He’s a broken man.’      V-ed  

13       verb   If someone breaksfor a short period of time, they rest or change from what they are doing for a short period.  
They broke for lunch.      V  

14       n-count   A break is a short period of time when you have a rest or a change from what you are doing, especially if you are working or if you are in a boring or unpleasant situation.  
oft N from/in n  
They may be able to help with childcare so that you can have a break…, I thought a 15 min break from his work would do him good…, She rang Moira during a coffee break.     
  lunch break  

  tea break  

15       n-count   A break is a short holiday.  
They are currently taking a short break in Spain.     

16       verb   If you break your journey somewhere, you stop there for a short time so that you can have a rest.  
Because of the heat we broke our journey at a small country hotel.      V n  

17       verb   To break the force of something such as a blow or fall means to weaken its effect, for example by getting in the way of it.  
He sustained serious neck injuries after he broke someone’s fall.      V n  

18       verb   When a piece of news breaks, people hear about it from the newspapers, television, or radio.  
The news broke that the Prime Minister had resigned…      V  
He resigned from his post as Bishop when the scandal broke.      V  

19       verb   When you break a piece of bad news to someone, you tell it to them, usually in a kind way.  
Then Louise broke the news that she was leaving me…      V n  
I worried for ages and decided that I had better break it to her.      V n to n  

20       n-count   A break is a lucky opportunity that someone gets to achieve something.  
INFORMAL   He went into TV and got his first break playing opposite Sid James in the series `Citizen James’.     

21       verb   If you break a record, you beat the previous record for a particular achievement.  
Jurassic Park had broken all box office records.      V n  

22       verb   When day or dawn breaks, it starts to grow light after the night has ended.  
They continued the search as dawn broke.      V  

23       verb   When a wave breaks, it passes its highest point and turns downwards, for example when it reaches the shore.  
Danny listened to the waves breaking against the shore.      V  

24       verb   If you break a secret code, you work out how to understand it.  

It was feared they could break the Allies’ codes.      V n  

25       verb   If someone’s voice breaks when they are speaking, it changes its sound, for example because they are sad or afraid.  
Godfrey’s voice broke, and halted.      V  

26       verb   When a boy’s voice breaks, it becomes deeper and sounds more like a man’s voice.  
He sings with the strained discomfort of someone whose voice hasn’t quite broken.      V  

27       verb   If the weather breaks or a storm breaks, it suddenly becomes rainy or stormy after a period of sunshine.  
I’ve been waiting for the weather to break…      V  

28       verb   In tennis, if you break your opponent’s serve, you win a game in which your opponent is serving.  
He broke McEnroe’s serve.      V n  
      Break is also a noun., n-count  
A single break of serve settled the first two sets.     







30    The break of day or the break of dawn is the time when it begins to grow light after the night.  

the break of day/dawn      phrase   prep PHR  
`I,’ he finished poetically, `will watch over you to the break of day.’     

31    You can say `give me a break’ to show that you are annoyed by what someone has said or done.  

give sb a break      convention  
`I’m a real intellectual-type guy, Tracy,’ James joked. `Oh, give me a break,’ Tracy moaned.     

32    If you make a break or make a break for it, you run to escape from something.  

to make a break (for it)      phrase   V inflects  
The moment had come to make a break or die…     

  to break cover  


  to break even  


  to break new ground  


  to break someone’s heart  


  all hell breaks loose  


  to break the ice  


  to break ranks  


  to break wind  

break away  

1       phrasal verb   If you break awayfrom someone who is trying to hold you or catch you, you free yourself and run away.  
(=cut loose)  

I broke away from him and rushed out into the hall…      V P from n  
Willie Hamilton broke away early in the race.      V P  

2       phrasal verb   If you break awayfrom something or someone that restricts you or controls you, you succeed in freeing yourself from them.  
Aboriginal art has finally gained recognition and broken away from being labelled as `primitive’ or `exotic’…      V P from n/-ing   break down  

1       phrasal verb   If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working.  
Their car broke down.      V P  

2       phrasal verb   If a discussion, relationship, or system breaks down, it fails because of a problem or disagreement.  
Talks with business leaders broke down last night…      V P  
Paola’s marriage broke down.      V P  

3       phrasal verb   To break down something such as an idea or statement means to separate it into smaller parts in order to make it easier to understand or deal with.  
The report breaks down the results region by region…      V P n (not pron)  
These rules tell us how a sentence is broken down into phrases.      be V-ed P into n, Also V n P into n  

4       phrasal verb   When a substance breaks down or when something breaks it down, a biological or chemical process causes it to separate into the substances which make it up.  
Over time, the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids…      V P  
The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down.      V n P, Also V P n (not pron)  

5       phrasal verb   If someone breaks down, they lose control of themselves and start crying.  
Because he was being so kind and concerned, I broke down and cried…      V P  

6       phrasal verb   If you break down a door or barrier, you hit it so hard that it falls to the ground.  
An unruly mob broke down police barricades and stormed the courtroom…      V P n (not pron)  
Firemen were called after his father failed to break the door down.      V n P  

7       phrasal verb   To break down barriers or prejudices that separate people or restrict their freedom means to change people’s attitudes so that the barriers or prejudices no longer exist.,   (approval)
His early experience enabled him to break down barriers between Scottish Catholics and Protestants.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  


break in  

1       phrasal verb   If someone, usually a thief, breaks in, they get into a building by force.  
Masked robbers broke in and made off with $8,000…      V P  

2       phrasal verb   If you break in on someone’s conversation or activity, you interrupt them.  
(=butt in)  

O’Leary broke in on his thoughts…      V P on n  
Mrs Southern listened keenly, occasionally breaking in with pertinent questions…      V P  
`She told you to stay here,’ Mike broke in.      V P with quote  

3       phrasal verb   If you break someone in, you get them used to a new job or situation.  
The band are breaking in a new backing vocalist.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

4       phrasal verb   If you break in something new, you gradually use or wear it for longer and longer periods until it is ready to be used or worn all the time.  
When breaking in an engine, you probably should refrain from high speed for the first thousand miles…      V P n (not pron), Also V n P   break into  

1       phrasal verb   If someone breaks into a building, they get into it by force.  
There was no one nearby who might see him trying to break into the house…      V P n  

2       phrasal verb   If someone breaks into something they suddenly start doing it. For example if someone breaks into a run they suddenly start running, and if they break into song they suddenly start singing.  
The moment she was out of sight she broke into a run…      V P n  
Then, breaking into a smile, he said, `I brought you something.’      V P n  

3       phrasal verb   If you break into a profession or area of business, especially one that is difficult to succeed in, you manage to have some success in it.  
She finally broke into films after an acclaimed stage career.      V P n   break off  

1       phrasal verb   If part of something breaks off or if you break it off, it comes off or is removed by force.  
The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact…      V P  
Grace broke off a large piece of the clay…      V P n (not pron)  
They’ve torn down wooden fences and broken branches off trees.      V n P n, Also V n P  

2       phrasal verb   If you break off when you are doing or saying something, you suddenly stop doing it or saying it.  
Llewelyn broke off in mid-sentence…      V P  
The commander of the German task force radioed that he was breaking off the action.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P  

3       phrasal verb   If someone breaks off a relationship, they end it.  
The two West African states had broken off relations two years ago…      pl-n V P n (not pron)  
He doesn’t seem to have the courage to break it off with her.      V it P with n (non-recip)   break out  

1       phrasal verb   If something such as war, fighting, or disease breaks out, it begins suddenly.  
He was 29 when war broke out…      V P  
I was in a nightclub in Brixton and a fight broke out.      V P  

2       phrasal verb   If a prisoner breaks outof a prison, they escape from it.  
The two men broke out of their cells and cut through a perimeter fence.      V P of n, Also V P  

3       phrasal verb   If you break outof a dull situation or routine, you manage to change it or escape from it.  
It’s taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training…      V P of n  
If her marriage becomes too restrictive, she will break out and seek new horizons.      V P  

4       phrasal verb   If you break outin a rash or a sweat, a rash or sweat appears on your skin.  
A person who is allergic to cashews may break out in a rash when he consumes these nuts…      V P in n  
A line of sweat broke out on her forehead and she thought she might faint.      V P   break through  

1       phrasal verb   If you break through a barrier, you succeed in forcing your way through it.  
Protesters tried to break through a police cordon…      V P n  
About fifteen inmates broke through onto the roof.      V P  

2       phrasal verb   If you break through, you achieve success even though there are difficulties and obstacles.  
There is still scope for new writers to break through…      V P  
I broke through the poverty barrier and it was education that did it.      V P n  

break up  

1       phrasal verb   When something breaks up or when you break it up, it separates or is divided into several smaller parts.  
There was a danger of the ship breaking up completely…      V P  
Break up the chocolate and melt it…      V P n (not pron)  
He broke the bread up into chunks and gave Meer a big one…      V n P into n  
Tanks are strongly built. It is a complicated and difficult process to break them up.      V n P  

2       phrasal verb   If you break upwith your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, your relationship with that person ends.  
(=split up)  

My girlfriend had broken up with me…      V P with n  
He felt appalled by the whole idea of marriage so we broke up.      pl-n V P  

3       phrasal verb   If a marriage breaks up or if someone breaks it up, the marriage ends and the partners separate.  
MPs say they work too hard and that is why so many of their marriages break up…      V P  
Fred has given me no good reason for wanting to break up our marriage.      V P n (not pron)  

4       phrasal verb   When a meeting or gathering breaks up or when someone breaks it up, it is brought to an end and the people involved in it leave.  

A neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up…      V P  
Police used tear gas to break up a demonstration…      V P n (not pron)  
He charged into the crowd. `Break it up,’ he shouted.      V n P  

5       phrasal verb   When a school or the pupils in it break up, the school term ends and the pupils start their holidays.  
  (BRIT, Antonym: go back)  
It’s the last week before they break up, and they’re doing all kinds of Christmas things.      V P  

6       phrasal verb   If you say that someone is breaking up when you are speaking to them on a mobile telephone, you mean that you can only hear parts of what they are saying because the signal is interrupted.  
The line’s gone; I think you’re breaking up.      V P  

break-even point     
When a company reaches break-even point, the money it makes from the sale of goods or services is just enough to cover the cost of supplying those goods or services, but not enough to make a profit.     (BUSINESS)      n-sing  
`Terminator 2′ finally made $200 million, which was considered to be the break-even point for the picture.     

break-in        ( break-ins    plural  ) If there has been a break-in, someone has got into a building by force.      n-count  

The break-in had occurred just before midnight.     

break-up        ( break-ups    plural  ) , breakup  

1       n-count   The break-upof a marriage, relationship, or association is the act of it finishing or coming to an end because the people involved decide that it is not working successfully.  
usu N of n, n N  

…the acrimonious break-up of the meeting’s first session., …a marital break-up.     

2       n-count   The break-upof an organization or a country is the act of it separating or dividing into several parts.  
usu N of n  
…the break-up of British Rail for privatisation…, At no time did a majority of Czechoslavakia’s citizens support the country’s break-up.     

career break        ( career breaks    plural  ) If someone takes a career break, they stop working in their particular profession for a period of time, with the intention of returning to it later.     (BUSINESS)      n-count  
Many women still take career breaks to bring up children.     

coffee break        ( coffee breaks    plural  ) A coffee break is a short period of time, usually in the morning or afternoon, when you stop working and have a cup of coffee.      n-count  
It looks like she’ll be too busy to stop for a coffee break.     

commercial break        ( commercial breaks    plural  ) A commercial break is the interval during a commercial television programme, or between programmes, during which advertisements are shown.      n-count  

lunch break        ( lunch breaks    plural  ) , lunchbreak   Your lunch break is the period in the middle of the day when you stop work in order to have a meal.      n-count   usu poss N  

mini-break        ( mini-breaks    plural  ) A mini-break is a short holiday.  
  (BRIT, JOURNALISM)      n-count  

tax break        ( tax breaks    plural  ) If the government gives a tax break to a particular group of people or type of organization, it reduces the amount of tax they have to pay or changes the tax system in a way that benefits them.  
  (mainly AM)      n-count  
Today they’ll consider tax breaks for businesses that create jobs in inner cities.     

tea break        ( tea breaks    plural  ) If you have a tea break, you stop working and have a cup of tea or coffee.  
  (mainly BRIT)      n-count  
in AM, use coffee break     

tie-break        ( tie-breaks    plural  ) A tie-break is an extra game which is played in a tennis match when the score in a set is 6-6. The player who wins the tie-break wins the set.  
  (mainly BRIT)      n-count  
in AM, usually use tie-breaker     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

break down silos




(in an organization) set up a more informal structure/workflow/environment; give up on communication protocols between departments

Additional comments:

Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus

take sb down a notch


to take OR bring somebody down a notch means to make them behave less arrogantly or proudly.

take sth down a notch


to take OR turn OR bring something down a notch means to decrease its intensity

keep your hair on!


calm down!

chill out


relax, calm down

said to make someone temper his nerves or enthusiasm. E.g.: Chill out, I didn’t take your car!

go down that road


face a specific situation; act in a certain way

E.g.: John went out of rehab a few days ago and he is determined to not go down that road again.

walk down the aisle


metaphoric expression for getting married

pack a sad


1. break; fall apart; 2. be in a bad mood



Abbreviation for «eXamine Your Zipper». To let someone know the zipper on the front of his pants is down.




something that is top-down comes from the top of a hierarchy and is passed down to the lower ranking members

frame liner


A moulding commonly used in framing oil paintings. The liner is fixed inside the frame and appears between the image and the outer frame. Generally made out of wood or some other hard material, the liner may have fabric glued down to it. Liners are to canvases what a mat/mount is to a print on paper

[Artwork framing] Polystyrene or wood liner. Fabric-covered liner. Linen liner. Gold liner.

go belly up


die ; fail ; go bankrupt ; come to an end ; whether you’re a fisherman or ever had a pet fish, you figure out that the phrase alludes to a fish typically floating upside down, belly up when dying.

[Fam.] Ex.: The study reveals that most startups go belly up within the first four years

dig the dirt


to look for or expose information about a person’s past, usually bad, and to therefore bring that person down or put them in a bad light

hold your horses!


it’s said for determining someone to calm down, be patient, control his/her reactions

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past tense of break down


as in classified

to arrange or assign according to type

when presented with the pile of files, the first thing he did was to break them down by month, order within the month, and region

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in decomposed

to go through decomposition

the enamel of a human tooth will begin to break down when exposed to sugar for too long

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in analyzed

to identify and examine the basic elements or parts of (something) especially for discovering interrelationships

if we break the problem down into what appear to be three aspects of it, we’ll have a better chance of solving it

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in died

to stop functioning

the computer finally broke down and had to be replaced

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in melted down

to yield to mental or emotional stress

began to break down when he realized that he was on the verge of bankruptcy


as in knocked down

to take apart

the crew was breaking down the party tent when we arrived

Antonyms & Near Antonyms


as in shattered

to cause to break with violence and much noise

firefighters had to break down the wall to rescue the kitten

Thesaurus Entries Near broke down

Cite this Entry

“Broke down.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/broke%20down. Accessed 4 May. 2023.


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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. break down

    break, despair, droop, fail, faint, fall, falter, give out, give up, sink, succumb, surrender, yield

    abide, afford, allow, bear, bear up under, bear with, brook, endure, permit, put up with, submit to, suffer, support, sustain, tolerate, undergo

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. break down, crushverb

    make ineffective

    «Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination»

    vanquish, decompose, crush, analyze, conk out, beat, fail, snap, suppress, go bad, tumble, break up, trounce, smash, give way, collapse, demolish, beat out, analyse, break, give out, crumble, go, squash, squeeze, crumple, die, dissect, mash, oppress, take apart, lose it, squelch, jam, shell

  2. analyze, analyse, break down, dissect, take apartverb

    make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features

    «analyze a specimen»; «analyze a sentence»; «analyze a chemical compound»

    go, examine, conk out, give way, psychoanalyse, discerp, dismantle, psychoanalyze, disassemble, collapse, dismember, crush, dissect, canvass, analyse, break, take apart, study, lose it, snap, crumble, decompose, break up, die, tumble, break apart, canvas, analyze, fail, give out, crumple, go bad

  3. break down, lose it, snapverb

    lose control of one’s emotions

    «When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely»; «When her baby died, she snapped»

    go, conk out, snatch up, click, give way, shoot, tear, bust, collapse, snarl, crush, dissect, analyse, break, take apart, die, lose it, snap, crumble, decompose, crack, break up, give out, tumble, photograph, snatch, analyze, fail, crumple, flick, rupture, go bad

  4. fail, go bad, give way, die, give out, conk out, go, break, break downverb

    stop operating or functioning

    «The engine finally went»; «The car died on the road»; «The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town»; «The coffee maker broke»; «The engine failed on the way to town»; «her eyesight went after the accident»

    peter out, function, crumble, give off, perish, break away, give way, unwrap, hold out, run, endure, lead, give out, hand out, split up, conk out, operate, dampen, travel, collapse, last, go wrong, bomb, transgress, discontinue, founder, weaken, go away, crumple, bump, discover, demote, stop, go, take apart, move, damp, ease up, rifle, separate, decompose, miscarry, split, run low, die out, cash in one’s chips, dissect, smash, pause, move over, spoil, pass out, pass away, get out, drop dead, fracture, relegate, bring out, violate, reveal, divulge, part, betray, let on, blend in, run short, get around, get going, locomote, intermit, wear out, expire, lose it, check, break dance, break-dance, live, give-up the ghost, kick the bucket, breach, blend, burst, give, plump, crack, ruin, run down, fit, erupt, emit, better, flush it, belong, tumble, offend, go bad, become flat, survive, crush, get, disclose, break off, snuff it, bust, flunk, become, give away, break up, analyse, live on, interrupt, break out, croak, run out, choke, poop out, pop off, pall, sound, fall in, soften, go against, let out, come apart, neglect, extend, start, depart, kick downstairs, distribute, decease, die, pass, proceed, infract, exit, conk, fail, buy the farm, bankrupt, hold up, develop, expose, break, analyze, fall apart, break in, snap off, snap, yield, work, cave in, wear, recrudesce

  5. crumble, crumple, tumble, break down, collapseverb

    fall apart

    «the building crumbled after the explosion»; «Negotiations broke down»

    topple, crease, collapse, analyze, buckle, crack, crack up, rumple, cave in, fail, snap, twig, whirl, go bad, tumble, break up, decay, cotton on, give, crock up, knit, get wise, conk out, analyse, whirl around, fall apart, give out, crumble, cockle, catch on, go, fall in, get onto, wrinkle, break, crumple, pucker, die, decompose, get it, latch on, dissect, give way, crush, take apart, dilapidate, burst, lose it, crinkle, founder, tip

  6. break downverb

    cause to fall or collapse

    go, conk out, give way, collapse, crush, dissect, analyse, break, take apart, die, lose it, snap, crumble, decompose, break up, give out, tumble, analyze, fail, crumple, go bad

  7. decompose, break up, break downverb

    separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts

    rot, fragmentise, fragmentize, decompose, collapse, analyze, interrupt, conk out, crumple, crash, split up, pick, fail, snap, moulder, analyse, go bad, dismantle, break up, recess, decay, part, crock up, molder, sever, cut off, fragment, dissect, split, crumble, disperse, separate, disrupt, give out, dissipate, go, dissolve, give way, disintegrate, crack, disassemble, break apart, lose it, die, calve, scatter, resolve, take apart, dispel, adjourn, break, crack up, tumble, crush

  8. break down, collapseverb

    collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack

    go, conk out, give way, crack up, founder, give, collapse, cave in, crush, dissect, analyse, break, take apart, die, lose it, snap, crumble, decompose, burst, break up, give out, tumble, crack, fall in, analyze, fail, crumple, crock up, go bad

Matched Categories

    • Break
    • Change Integrity
    • Suffer

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  1. break down

    Song lyrics by break down — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by break down on the Lyrics.com website.

How to pronounce break down?

How to say break down in sign language?

How to use break down in a sentence?

  1. Mayor James Knowles:

    We’re looking at where the break down was and then we’ll make changes accordingly.

  2. Deputy Trade Representative Robert Holleyman:

    We are working to try to break down those barriers, and we have also secured support from our allies and trade partners in Japan and the EU, this is not just a U.S.-led initiative; it’s an important global initiative.

  3. Aydian Dowling:

    My confidence is my success, success is any time you have a moment of feeling happy. Success is this interview. Success is any kind of barrier you break down in your life.

  4. Ted Kennedy:

    Robert Bork America is a land in which women would be forced into back alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids and school children could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censured at the whim of government.

  5. Gravis Marketing President Doug Kaplan:

    It’s a hard message to break down. ‘Make America great’ is a hard thing to tear apart, what her goal is, is to show that when Trump’s saying ‘Make America Great Again’ [he] means make America great for some people, not everyone. … Her message is inclusive, not exclusive.

Translations for break down

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • انفصالArabic
  • zhroutit seCzech
  • καταρρέωGreek
  • paneiEsperanto
  • transtornarse, desglosar, fallar, descomponerse, averiarse, echarse a perderSpanish
  • از کار افتادنPersian
  • hajota, maatua, murtua, luhistuaFinnish
  • craquer, décomposer, analyser, se décomposer, tomber en panneFrench
  • विभाजनHindi
  • felmondja a szolgálatotHungarian
  • 壊れるJapanese
  • მოიშალა, გაფუჭდაGeorgian
  • falen, stukgaan, ontbinden, kapotgaanDutch
  • demolirPortuguese
  • сломатьRussian
  • 分解Chinese

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