Синоним bargain

What is another word for Bargain?

  • deal

    agreement, haggle

  • steal

    thing, money

  • dicker

    agree, negotiate terms of sale or agreement

  • contract

    agreement, negotiate

  • buy

    thing, discount

  • haggle

    agree, dicker

  • transaction

    agreement, deal

  • negotiate

    settle, agree

  • understanding

    agreement, contract

  • agreement

    contract, arrangement

  • pact

    agreement, contract

  • compact

    contract, arrangement

  • arrangement

    contract, agree

  • trade

    haggle, deal

  • covenant

    negotiate, agree

  • barter

    haggle, dicker

  • pledge


  • agree

    adjustment, negotiate

  • negotiation


  • treaty


  • palter

    chaffer, negotiate terms of sale or agreement

  • good buy

    something bought at cheap price

  • promise

    pledge, negotiate terms of sale or agreement

  • traffic

    haggle, negotiate terms of sale or agreement

  • accord

  • convention

  • giveaway

    snip, good buy

  • purchase

    discount, buy

  • bond


  • settlement


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phrasal verb



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bargaining, bargainer, bargained

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Photo search results for Bargain

Men's Gray and Black Button-up Shirt on Mannequin clothes on sale Photo of Discount Sign Shallow Focus Photography of Assorted-color Clothes Hanged on Clothes Rack Round Silver and Gold Coins Push Cart and a White Paperbag

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sale, price, bargain sale, price, bargain sale, price, bargain sale, bargain, offers sale, bargain, offers black friday, sale, discount

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Synonyms for Bargain. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 04, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bargain

Synonyms for Bargain. N.p., 2016. Web. 04 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bargain>.

Synonyms for Bargain. 2016. Accessed May 04, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bargain.

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1    agreement, arrangement, business, compact, contract, convention, engagement, negotiation, pact, pledge, promise, stipulation, transaction, treaty, understanding  

2    (cheap) purchase, discount, giveaway, good buy, good deal, good value, reduction, snip     (informal)   steal     (informal)  

3    agree, contract, covenant, negotiate, promise, stipulate, transact  

4    barter, buy, deal, haggle, sell, trade, traffic  

bargain for     
anticipate, contemplate, expect, foresee, imagine, look for, plan for  

bargain on     
assume, bank on, count on, depend on, plan on, rely on  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( bargains    plural & 3rd person present)   ( bargaining    present participle)   ( bargained    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-count   Something that is a bargain is good value for money, usually because it has been sold at a lower price than normal.  
At this price the wine is a bargain…     

2       n-count   A bargain is an agreement, especially a formal business agreement, in which two people or groups agree what each of them will do, pay, or receive.  

I’ll make a bargain with you. I’ll play hostess if you’ll include Matthew in your guest-list…, The treaty was based on a bargain between the French and German governments.     

3       verb   When people bargainwith each other, they discuss what each of them will do, pay, or receive.  

They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash…      V with n  
Shop in small local markets and don’t be afraid to bargain.      V  

  bargainer     ( bargainers    plural)    n-count  
A union bargainer said that those jobs have been saved.     

  bargaining      n-uncount   oft supp N  
The government has called for sensible pay bargaining.     

4    If people drive a hard bargain, they argue with determination in order to achieve a deal which is favourable to themselves.  

drive a hard bargain      phrase   V, ADJ, and N inflect  
…a law firm with a reputation for driving a hard bargain.     

5    You use into the bargain when mentioning an additional quantity, feature, fact, or action, to emphasize the fact that it is also involved. You can also say in the bargain in American English.  

into the bargain      phrase   cl PHR     (emphasis)
This machine is designed to save you effort, and keep your work surfaces tidy into the bargain…, She is rich. Now you say she is a beauty into the bargain.     

6    If you keep your side of the bargain, you do what you have promised or arranged to do.  

keep one’s side of the bargain      phrase   V inflects  
Dealing with this dictator wasn’t an option. He wouldn’t have kept his side of the bargain.      bargain for   , bargain on      phrasal verb   If you have not bargained for or bargained on something that happens, you did not expect it to happen and so feel surprised or worried by it.  
usu with brd-neg  
The effects of this policy were more than the government had bargained for…      V P n  

bargain basement      , bargain-basement  
If you refer to something as a bargain basement thing, you mean that it is cheap and not very good quality.      adj   ADJ n  
…a bargain-basement rock musical.     

bargain hunter        ( bargain hunters    plural  ) , bargain-hunter   A bargain hunter is someone who is looking for goods that are value for money, usually because they are on sale at a lower price than normal.      n-count  

plea bargain        ( plea bargains    plural & 3rd person present)   ( plea bargaining    present participle)   ( plea bargained    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-count   In some legal systems, a plea bargain is an agreement that, if an accused person says they are guilty, they will be charged with a less serious crime or will receive a less severe punishment.  
A plea bargain was offered by the state assuring her that she would not go to prison.     

2       verb   If an accused person plea bargains, they accept a plea bargain.  
More and more criminals will agree to plea-bargain.      V  

  plea bargaining      n-uncount  
…the introduction of a system of plea bargaining.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus


Flat EKG


Absence of Electric Systoles = Cardiac Arrest

get your panties in a wad


= get your knickers in a twist/knot

US English, colloquial











person who sends sexts (= sex texts)



In the UK, a chav is a highly antisocial juvenile delinquent who wears (usually counterfeit) designer sports clothes and high-end brands and vulgar jewellery (= bling) and listens to rap music.

Very common, colloquial
En France on appelle ça un caillera

la-la land


1. Los Angeles or Hollywood, especially with regard to the film and television industry, in their reputed glamour and trendiness 2. a fanciful state or dreamworld [be in la-la land = a state of being out of touch with reality]

[US] [informal] 1. She’s very fond of stories about life in la-la land 2. He’s unrealistic about these issues and looks like he’s in la-la land the whole time

negative press


= bad press: negative opinion or image expressed in the media

The firm got some negative press over that decision


albeit : «Reality is merely an illusion,albeit a very persistent one!»


albeit although, even if, even though, notwithstanding that, tho’ (U.S. or poetic) though <You use albeit to introduce a fact or comment which reduces the force or significance of what you have just said. FORMAL adv ADV with cl/group (=although)

Charles’s letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form.

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It’s easy and only takes a few seconds:

  • arrangement
  • contract
  • deal
  • negotiation
  • pact
  • transaction
  • understanding
  • bond
  • business
  • compact
  • convention
  • covenant
  • engagement
  • pledge
  • promise
  • stipulation
  • treaty
  • deal
  • discount
  • good deal
  • reduction
  • value
  • buy
  • closeout
  • giveaway
  • steal
  • budget price
  • good buy
  • good value
  • low price
  • markdown
  • nominal price
  • barter
  • confer
  • dicker
  • haggle
  • agree
  • arrange
  • buy
  • compromise
  • contract
  • covenant
  • deal
  • palter
  • promise
  • sell
  • stipulate
  • trade
  • traffic
  • transact
  • do business
  • make terms

On this page you’ll find 130 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to bargain, such as: arrangement, contract, deal, negotiation, pact, and transaction.

  • increase
  • ripoff
  • break
  • deny
  • differ
  • disagree
  • dispute
  • dissent
  • refuse

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use bargain in a sentence

The promoters went his security and put up the cash into the bargain, and he went back to the publishing house victorious.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • bargain
  • budget
  • cheap
  • cost-effective
  • economical
  • fair
  • low-cost
  • modest
  • nominal
  • reasonable
  • reduced
  • steal
  • thrifty
  • acknowledgment
  • adjudication
  • affidavit
  • approval
  • arrangement
  • assent
  • avowal
  • bargain
  • bond
  • cartel
  • charter
  • codicil
  • compact
  • compromise
  • confirmation
  • covenant
  • deal
  • indenture
  • lease
  • negotiation
  • note
  • oath
  • okay
  • pact
  • piece of paper
  • protocol
  • recognition
  • settlement
  • stipulation
  • the nod
  • transaction
  • treaty
  • understanding
  • writ
  • accedings
  • accessions
  • accommodations
  • accordance
  • accords
  • acknowledgings
  • adjustments
  • affiliations
  • affinities
  • alliances
  • amity
  • approvings
  • arbitrations
  • arrangements
  • assentings
  • authorizings
  • bargainings
  • compatibilities
  • compliances
  • complyings
  • compromises
  • concerts
  • concessions
  • concordances
  • concords
  • concurrings
  • conformities
  • congruities
  • consistencies
  • correspondences
  • endorsings
  • grantings
  • harmonies
  • mediations
  • ratifies
  • reconciliations
  • similarities
  • suitablenesses
  • sympathies
  • understandings
  • unions
  • unison
  • verifications
  • verifies
  • bargain
  • jam
  • sell-off
  • bargain
  • exchange
  • haggle
  • swap
  • trade
  • traffic
  • truck
  • agreement
  • bargain
  • certificate
  • collateral
  • compact
  • convention
  • covenant
  • debenture
  • guaranty
  • obligation
  • pact
  • pledge
  • promise
  • security
  • transaction
  • warrant
  • warranty
  • word

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

All synonyms in one line

budget, cheap, competitive, economical, inexpensive, en.synonym.one, low cost, low-priced, acquisition, agreement, arrangement, auction, bankruptcy sale, en.synonym.one, bond, buy, buying, clearance, compact, compromise, concession, concord, concordat, contract, covenant, deal, discount, disposal, dumping, markdown, negotiation, pact, partnership, pledge, en.synonym.one, procurement, purchase, reduction, sale, settlement, snip, special, steal, terms, transaction, treaty, understanding, value, agree, arbitrate, arrange, barter, buy and sell, en.synonym.one, come to terms, compromise, concert, conciliate, confer, contract, covenant, deal, dicker, do business, exchange, haggle, handle, make terms, merchandise, negotiate, peddle, retail, sell, serve, en.synonym.one, settle, stipulate, swap, trade, traffic, transact, treat, vend, buy, markdown, purchase.

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From Old French bargaigne, from bargaignier to trade, of Germanic origin; compare Medieval Latin barcāniāre to trade, Old English borgian to borrow.


Этимология это наука о происхождении слов и изменении их конструкции и значения.







Значение слова bargain в словаре английский языка

Первое определение сделки в словаре — соглашение или договор, устанавливающий, что каждая сторона будет давать, получать или выполнять в транзакции между ними. Другое определение сделки — это нечто приобретенное или полученное в таком соглашении. Сделка также является чем-то купленным или предлагаемым по низкой цене.

The first definition of bargain in the dictionary is an agreement or contract establishing what each party will give, receive, or perform in a transaction between them. Other definition of bargain is something acquired or received in such an agreement. Bargain is also something bought or offered at a low price.

Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть исходное определение слова «bargain» в словаре английский языка.

Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть автоматический перевод определения на русский языке.




I bargain

you bargain

he/she/it bargains

we bargain

you bargain

they bargain

Present continuous

I am bargaining

you are bargaining

he/she/it is bargaining

we are bargaining

you are bargaining

they are bargaining

Present perfect

I have bargained

you have bargained

he/she/it has bargained

we have bargained

you have bargained

they have bargained

Present perfect continuous

I have been bargaining

you have been bargaining

he/she/it has been bargaining

we have been bargaining

you have been bargaining

they have been bargaining



I bargained

you bargained

he/she/it bargained

we bargained

you bargained

they bargained

Past continuous

I was bargaining

you were bargaining

he/she/it was bargaining

we were bargaining

you were bargaining

they were bargaining

Past perfect

I had bargained

you had bargained

he/she/it had bargained

we had bargained

you had bargained

they had bargained

Past perfect continuous

I had been bargaining

you had been bargaining

he/she/it had been bargaining

we had been bargaining

you had been bargaining

they had been bargaining



I will bargain

you will bargain

he/she/it will bargain

we will bargain

you will bargain

they will bargain

Future continuous

I will be bargaining

you will be bargaining

he/she/it will be bargaining

we will be bargaining

you will be bargaining

they will be bargaining

Future perfect

I will have bargained

you will have bargained

he/she/it will have bargained

we will have bargained

you will have bargained

they will have bargained

Future perfect continuous

I will have been bargaining

you will have been bargaining

he/she/it will have been bargaining

we will have been bargaining

you will have been bargaining

they will have been bargaining



I would bargain

you would bargain

he/she/it would bargain

we would bargain

you would bargain

they would bargain

Conditional continuous

I would be bargaining

you would be bargaining

he/she/it would be bargaining

we would be bargaining

you would be bargaining

they would be bargaining

Conditional perfect

I would have bargain

you would have bargain

he/she/it would have bargain

we would have bargain

you would have bargain

they would have bargain

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been bargaining

you would have been bargaining

he/she/it would have been bargaining

we would have been bargaining

you would have been bargaining

they would have been bargaining



you bargain
we let´s bargain
you bargain


Past participle


Present Participle



Синонимы и антонимы слова bargain в словаре английский языка


Указанные слова имеют то же или сходное значение, что у слова «bargain», и относятся к той же грамматической категории.

Перевод слова «bargain» на 25 языков

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Посмотрите перевод слова bargain на 25 языков с помощью нашего многоязыкового переводчика c английский языка.

Переводы слова bargain с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «bargain» на английский языке.

Переводчик с английский языка на китайский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на хинди язык


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выгодная покупка

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Переводчик с английский языка на португальский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на французский язык

bonne affaire

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Переводчик с английский языка на немецкий язык


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거래 계약

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món hàng hời

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pazarlık etmek

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dobicie targu

50 миллионов дикторов

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вигідна покупка

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Переводчик с английский языка на норвежский язык


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Тенденции использования слова bargain




Слово используется очень часто

На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «bargain» в разных странах.

Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова bargain

Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «bargain».


На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «bargain» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «bargain» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове bargain


Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом bargain.

The best way to look stylish on a budget is to try second-hand, bargain hunting, and vintage.

I think the colleges should be free to give athletes less than a full scholarship, no scholarship and more than a scholarship. And the athletes should be free to bargain.

My mother raised us to think that if we worked hard, and if we put our end of the bargain in, it would work out OK for us.

All possible means were used by the infatuated parents to conclude the bargain; and deception put an end to these usual artifices.

Britain loves a bargain, but you don’t get good, lasting architecture on the cheap.

I’ve not as yet found one hobby that would absorb me completely when I’m not working, but I have just bought a new apartment and didn’t quite bargain for the amount of effort and time and money that that absorbs.

You will find the poet who wrings the heart of the world, or the foremost captain of his time, driving a bargain or paring a potato, just as you would do.

We get these lives for free. I didn’t do anything to get this life, and no matter what the hardships are, it is free and, in a way, it’s an extraordinary bargain.

I’ve been in the bargain basement of the movie business.

The bargain that yields mutual satisfaction is the only one that is apt to be repeated.


Поиск случаев использования слова bargain в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову bargain, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.

The sizzling first book in the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling Marriage to a Billionaire trilogy by “one of the most exciting breakout novelists” (USA TODAY) Jennifer Probst.


The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain

The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain is the last story in the series of Charles Dickens’ Christmas classics.

When she tricks Frances into buying her tea set, it’s the last straw. Can Frances show her that it’s better to lose a bargain than lose a friend?

Frances foils Thelma’s plot to trick her out of a new china set.


Breaking the Bargain: Public Servants, Ministers, and Parliament

In Breaking the Bargain, Donald J. Savoie reveals how the traditional deal struck between politicians and career officials that underpins the workings of our national political and administrative process is today being challenged.


Dark Bargain: Slavery, Profits, and the Struggle for the …

As Lawrence Goldstone provocatively makes clear in Dark Bargain, «to a significant and disquieting degree, America’s most sacred document was molded and shaped by the most notorious institution in its history.


Keeping the Immigrant Bargain: The Costs and Rewards of …

The book shows how they are adapting to American schools, jobs, neighborhoods, and culture.


Desperate Bargain: Why Jimmy Hoffa Had to Die

The book also reveals how the Watergate White House stole the country’s biggest union; how Hoffa built the underworld’s biggest bank; and how the mobs used this bank to capture Las Vegas.


The Faustian Bargain : The Art World in Nazi Germany: The …

Petropoulos has discovered a network of these rehabilitated experts that flourished in the postwar period, and he argues that this is a key to the tens of thousands of looted artworks that are still «missing» today.

Maryland Jonathan Petropoulos Associate Professor of History Loyola College, 2000


The Bachelor’s Bargain

Housemaid Anne Webster will stop at nothing to save her family from their dire circumstances.


Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин bargain в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

Ollie’s Bargain Outlet Seeks to Raise $134 Million in IPO

Discount retailer Ollie’s Bargain Outlet Holdings Inc. said Monday that it is looking to raise up to $134 million in its initial public offering. Ollie’s is … «Wall Street Journal, Июл 15»

10 bargain destinations for your late-summer vacation

Click ahead for a look at 10 bargain destinations. These 10 U.S. cities are the best for budget-friendly summer travel · 7 best beer vacations you … «CBS News, Июл 15»

Apple, Twitter & Chevron Attracted Bargain Hunters in June

Retail investors are keeping an eye out for a good deal or at least they did during the month of June. As popular stocks such as Apple (AAPL) … «Fox Business, Июл 15»

This Small-Cap Semiconductor Stock Looks Like a Bargain

This Small-Cap Semiconductor Stock Looks Like a Bargain … semiconductor packaging equipment, looks like a bargain for long-term investors. «Motley Fool, Июл 15»

Critics of Iran nuclear talks see room for a tougher bargain

The Obama administration began its nuclear negotiations with Iran by insisting that Tehran halt production of all nuclear fuel, dismantle its … «Los Angeles Times, Июл 15»

JPMorgan Acquires EUR 2.2B European Loans: A Good Bargain

along with Texas-based private wealth manager Lone Star Funds, purchased a European portfolio with a face value of €2.2 billion from the … «Nasdaq, Июл 15»

A good bargain gets better at One Watergate

After enjoying a vacation rental on Longboat Key for two seasons, Connecticut residents Len Tavormina and Mary Younglove wondered if they … «Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Июл 15»

Syracuse Chiefs offer new Monday family ticket bargain

Syracuse, N.Y. — The Syracuse Chiefs have introduced a new Family Four Pack plan, available immediately for families during all Monday … «Syracuse.com, Июл 15»

Bargain buy leads to search for newlywed couple in found photos

An SD card containing photos of a newlywed couple dated 2012 was found inside a digital frame purchased at a discount store. (Source: Randy … «WAFF, Июл 15»

NBA Free Agency: Overpaid, Bargain Or Just About Right

May 17, 2015; Houston, TX, USA; Los Angeles Clippers center DeAndre Jordan (6) reacts after a play during the second quarter against the … «Sir Charles In Charge, Июл 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Bargain [онлайн]. Доступно на <https://educalingo.com/ru/dic-en/bargain>. Май 2023 ».

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