Singular синонимы

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  • Англо-русский словарь

    1. [ʹsıŋgjʋlə] n (сущ.)

    1. грам.

    1) единственное число

    2) слово в единственном числе

    2. редк. отдельный человек или предмет

    2. [ʹsıŋgjʋlə] a (прил.)

    1. исключительный, необыкновенный, замечательный

    2. 1) странный, необычный, своеобразный

    2) неодобр. странный

    3. единственный; единичный

    4. грам. единственный (о числе)

    5. спец. особый, сингулярный, исключительный


(the singular) лингв. единственное число Антонимы: plural 2.

форма единственного числа какого-л. слова; слово, стоящее в единственном числе Антонимы: plural 2.

исключительный, выдающийся, необыкновенный, необычайный, замечательный Синонимы: extraordinary, exceptional, unparalleled, remarkable

необычный, своеобразный, странный Синонимы: strange, odd 1., unusual, uncommon 1., peculiar

единичный, единственный в своем роде, уникальный Синонимы: unique 1., solitary 1.

лингв. единственный (о числе) Антонимы: plural 1.

Синонимы: singular adj.
1 unusual, different, atypical, eccentric, extraordinary,
remarkable, special, uncommon, strange, odd, peculiar, bizarre,
outlandish, curious, queer, outr, offbeat, Slang far-out:
Ideas that yesterday were considered singular have today become
quite commonplace.
2 outstanding, prominent, eminent,
pre-eminent, noteworthy, significant, important, conspicuous,
particular, notable, signal, exceptional, superior: Stempel
made a singular contribution to the development of microscopy.

3 lone, isolated, single, separate, uncommon, rare, unique,
distinct, one of a kind: Some medieval philosophers denied the
existence of general realities, and claimed that all things that
exist were particular and singular.

Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений

Примеры фраз, тематические словари

in the singular — в единственном числе

these singular opinions — эти странные воззрения

a singular adventure — удивительное приключение

singular beauty — редкая красота

a most singular phenomenon — редчайшее явление


Сочетаемость частей речи

a singular phenomenon—единичный случай
(сочетаемость существительных:)


Словарные статьи, содержащие слово


All synonyms in one line

accurate, alone, attractive, bizarre, certain,, concrete, conspicuous, curious, definite, desolate, different, discrete, distinct, distinctive, eccentric, entire, especial, exceptional, express, extraordinary, forlorn, individual, infrequent, intrinsic, limited,, lone, marked, meagre, memorable, noteworthy, noticeable, obvious, odd, one, only, outstanding, particular, peculiar, personal, phenomenal, private, privy, queer, rare, real, remarkable, respective, scarce, separate, set,, several, signal, single, sold, sole, solid, solitary, sparse, special, specific, sporadic, strange, striking, surprising, unaccompanied, uncommon, unequaled, unique, unparalleled, unprecedented, unthinkable, unusual, infrequent, limited, meagre, scarce, sparse,, uncommon, unusual, funny, rum, rummy, singular form.

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[ sˈɪŋɡjʊlə], [ sˈɪŋɡjʊlə], [ s_ˈɪ_ŋ_ɡ_j_ʊ_l_ə]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    all (adjective)

    • singular.

    alone (adjective)

    • singly,
    • unsurpassed,
    • unmatched,
    • solely,
    • incomparable.

    bizarre (adjective)

    • ludicrous,
    • way-out,
    • comical,
    • ridiculous,
    • grotesque,
    • off the wall,
    • offbeat,
    • oddball,
    • freakish.

    certain (adjective)

    • a couple,
    • a few,
    • upwards of.

    curious (adjective)

    • puzzling,
    • mysterious,
    • unconventional,
    • unexpected,
    • unorthodox,
    • wonderful,
    • exotic.

    different (adjective)

    • specialized,
    • something else,
    • another,
    • another story,
    • other,
    • unusual,
    • out of the ordinary,
    • startling,
    • diverse.

    distinctive (adjective)

    • far cry,
    • diacritic,
    • out-standing,
    • poles apart,
    • excellent,
    • cool,
    • wicked,
    • like night and day,
    • typical,
    • gnarly,
    • perfect.

    distinguished (adjective)

    • imposing,
    • glorious,
    • big name,
    • aristocratic,
    • brilliant,
    • esteemed,
    • arresting,
    • namer,
    • acclaimed,
    • renowned,
    • memorable,
    • Famed,
    • signal,
    • talked of,
    • celebrated,
    • name,
    • notable,
    • foremost,
    • reputable,
    • dignified,
    • shining,
    • stately,
    • well-known,
    • highly regarded,
    • noted,
    • venerable,
    • noble,
    • royal,
    • salient,
    • honored,
    • prominent,
    • unforgettable,
    • distingue,
    • illustrious.

    eccentric (adjective)

    • off center,
    • freakest,
    • out left field,
    • un-natural,
    • offcenter,
    • flaky,
    • quirky,
    • funnier.

    especial (adjective)

    • preponderant,
    • pre-eminent.

    exceptional (adjective)

    • world-class,
    • first class,
    • uncustomary,
    • firstclass.

    express (adjective)

    • most designful,
    • ex pressed,
    • most expressed,
    • in tended,
    • out righter,
    • out right,
    • in-tended,
    • more expressed,
    • un ambiguous,
    • de-finite,
    • un-conditional,
    • de liberate,
    • clearcut,
    • most witting,
    • clean cut,
    • un-qualified,
    • un conditional,
    • ex-pressed,
    • out-righter,
    • de finite,
    • un mistakable,
    • pre-meditated,
    • out rightest,
    • un qualified,
    • cleancut,
    • more witting,
    • ex-act,
    • pre meditated,
    • un-mistakable,
    • ex-press,
    • out-right,
    • ex act,
    • more designful,
    • uttered,
    • de-liberate,
    • ex press.

    • fabber,
    • sur-prising,
    • in conceivable,
    • flashest,
    • fabbest,
    • in-conceivable,
    • incredible,
    • extra-ordinary,
    • un familiar,
    • sur prising,
    • unfamiliar,
    • in credible,
    • in-credible,
    • un-familiar,
    • flasher.

    fantastic (adjective)

    • in-saner,
    • un-likeliest,
    • un likeliest,
    • mis leading,
    • un believable,
    • mis-leading,
    • most phantasmagorical,
    • un likely,
    • out sight,
    • fictional,
    • in sane,
    • un-likelier,
    • in saner,
    • far fetched,
    • in-sanest,
    • un-likely,
    • more phantasmagorical,
    • in sanest,
    • in-sane,
    • un-believable,
    • un likelier.

    individual (adjective)

    • in-dividual,
    • in dividual,
    • re-served,
    • re served,
    • in divisible,
    • personalized,
    • most personalized,
    • most unitary,
    • more unitary,
    • in-divisible,
    • more personalized.

    irregular (adjective)

    • irregular,
    • exceptional.

    lone (adjective)

    • most onliest,
    • more onliest,
    • un accompanied,
    • staggest,
    • solo,
    • un-accompanied.

    marvelous (adjective)

    • most bewildering,
    • in comprehensible,
    • most confounding,
    • super-natural,
    • awe inspiring,
    • more confounding,
    • super natural,
    • difficult believe,
    • staggering,
    • be wildering,
    • be-wildering,
    • aweinspiring,
    • more bewildering.

    mind-boggling (adjective)

    • unimaginable.

    novel (adjective)

    • more neoteric,
    • more newfashioned,
    • newfangled,
    • innovative,
    • most novel,
    • most neoteric,
    • modernistic,
    • new fashioned,
    • most new-fashioned,
    • more new fashioned,
    • avantgarde,
    • most newfashioned,
    • avant garde,
    • most new fashioned,
    • nower,
    • re cent,
    • more new-fashioned,
    • nowest,
    • more innovative.

    odd (adjective)

    • more unconsumed,
    • sur plussest,
    • sur-plussest,
    • re-maining,
    • most exceeding,
    • un-consumed,
    • sur plusser,
    • more exceeding,
    • re maining,
    • un paired,
    • un consumed,
    • sur-plusser,
    • over above,
    • most unpaired,
    • more unpaired,
    • most unconsumed,
    • un-paired.

    odd/oddball (adjective)

    • more off the wall,
    • most character,
    • more weirdo,
    • most off the wall,
    • more off-the-wall,
    • more oddball,
    • more character,
    • most off-the-wall,
    • most weirdo,
    • oddest.

    one (adjective)

    • one and only,
    • one only.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • zero cool,
    • alone,
    • phantasmagorical,
    • extraordinary,
    • breaking new ground,
    • anti-social,
    • one,
    • Unfrequent,
    • Newfashioned,
    • un-ordinary,
    • over and above,
    • striking,
    • Neoteric,
    • quaint,
    • unequalled,
    • hermitical,
    • novel,
    • uncommon,
    • strange,
    • gilt-edged,
    • at cutting edge,
    • giltedged,
    • odd,
    • marvelous,
    • peculiar,
    • recherche,
    • bugged out,
    • certain,
    • rummy,
    • fantastic,
    • rum,
    • remarkable,
    • unconsumed,
    • Clocklike,
    • unsocial,
    • phenomenal,
    • world class,
    • clear cut,
    • off the beaten track,
    • off-the-wall,
    • whimsical,
    • Subtile,
    • witting,
    • out in left field,
    • particular,
    • express,
    • difficult to believe,
    • uncanny,
    • unprecedented,
    • secluded,
    • off beaten track,
    • off beaten path,
    • individual,
    • unitary,
    • characteristic,
    • queer,
    • curious,
    • outlandish,
    • new-fashioned,
    • unthinkable,
    • Uncompanionable,
    • unparalleled,
    • especial,
    • unaccustomed,
    • Unparagoned,
    • Designful,
    • different,
    • respective,
    • bizarre,
    • eccentric,
    • weird,
    • unpaired,
    • Arrestive,
    • few and far between,
    • rare,
    • just out,
    • distinctive,
    • distinguished,
    • blow by blow,
    • extra ordinary,
    • lone,
    • freaker,
    • grody,
    • fab,
    • out and out,
    • eremetic,
    • single,
    • stag,
    • sui generis,
    • semioccasional,
    • primo.

    outlandish (adjective)

    • un couth,
    • un-couth.

    particular (adjective)

    • more clocklike,
    • de-tailed,
    • most clocklike,
    • more particularized,
    • de tailed,
    • most particularized.

    queer (adjective)

    • dis-quieting,
    • dis quieting,
    • un-balanced,
    • un hinged,
    • fly ball,
    • un-hinged.

    rare (adjective)

    • more attenuate,
    • more attenuated,
    • most attenuate,
    • more unfrequent,
    • sub tiler,
    • un frequent,
    • more semioccasional,
    • semi-occasional,
    • most unfrequent,
    • sub-tile,
    • most semioccasional,
    • subtilest,
    • sub-tiler,
    • semi occasional,
    • more recherche,
    • few far between,
    • sub tile,
    • few,
    • un-frequent,
    • subtiler,
    • most recherche,
    • most seldom,
    • most attenuated,
    • more seldom,
    • rarest.

    • most gilt-edged,
    • more smashing,
    • most giltedged,
    • most smashing,
    • more arrestive,
    • most gilt edged,
    • most primo,
    • more primo,
    • gilt edged,
    • more gilt-edged,
    • more giltedged,
    • more gilt edged,
    • most arrestive.

    respective (adjective)

    • re levant,
    • re-levant.

    secluded (adjective)

    • Screened,
    • tucked away,
    • secluse,
    • Seclusive,
    • blockaded.

    single (adjective)

    • sole,
    • unalloyed,
    • unshared,
    • unique,
    • singled out,
    • singled-out,
    • without equal,
    • not general,
    • only,
    • unblended,
    • unmixed,
    • not public,
    • solitary,
    • uncompounded.

    singular (adjective)

    • eminent,
    • unrepeatable,
    • noteworthy,
    • loner,
    • exclusive,
    • out-of-the-way,
    • atypical,
    • definite,
    • unwonted,
    • special,
    • avant-garde,
    • original,
    • prodigious,
    • unordinary,
    • conspicuous.

    solitary (adjective)

    • more hermitical,
    • most eremetic,
    • de-solate,
    • anti social,
    • un social,
    • most hermitical,
    • de solate,
    • un-attended,
    • most unsocial,
    • more uncompanionable,
    • mis-anthropic,
    • un companionable,
    • mis anthropic,
    • most uncompanionable,
    • un-companionable,
    • un attended,
    • more unsocial,
    • un-social,
    • more eremetic.

    strange (adjective)

    • in-experienced,
    • un-seasoned,
    • un seasoned,
    • un accountable,
    • in experienced.

    striking (adjective)

    • more dynamite,
    • eyecatching,
    • most dynamite,
    • more electrifying,
    • eye catching,
    • most electrifying.

    unaccustomed (adjective)

    • un known,
    • un accustomed,
    • un-accustomed,
    • un-known.

    uncanny (adjective)

    • superhuman,
    • scary,
    • scarier,
    • supernormal,
    • supranormal,
    • Inexplainable,
    • magical.

    uncommon (adjective)

    • out the way,
    • in-imitable,
    • un-commonest,
    • un-commoner,
    • out of way,
    • in imitable,
    • un commonest,
    • un-common,
    • un commoner,
    • out way,
    • un common.

    unheard-of (adjective)

    • little-known,
    • little known,
    • unheard of,
    • Unrenowned,
    • unheard-of.

    unimaginable (adjective)

    • in describable,
    • unknowable,
    • in apprehensible,
    • un-imaginable,
    • in cogitable,
    • in-describable,
    • un imaginable,
    • in effable,
    • most incogitable,
    • in-cogitable,
    • most unknowable,
    • more incogitable,
    • beyond wildest dreams,
    • most inapprehensible,
    • in-apprehensible,
    • Incogitable,
    • more inapprehensible,
    • more unknowable,
    • un-knowable,
    • in-effable,
    • Inapprehensible,
    • not understandable,
    • un knowable.

    unique (adjective)

    • most unparagoned,
    • un paragoned,
    • un exampled,
    • un-equaled,
    • un equaled,
    • most unexampled,
    • more unparagoned,
    • un-exampled,
    • un-paragoned,
    • more unexampled.

    unordinary (adjective)

    • un ordinary.

    unparalleled (adjective)

    • beyond compare,
    • Champer,
    • solid gold.

    unthinkable (adjective)

    • in supportable,
    • beyond possibility,
    • un-thinkable,
    • un-reasonable,
    • out of question,
    • beyond belief,
    • un reasonable,
    • un thinkable,
    • out the question,
    • in-supportable,
    • out question.

    unwonted (adjective)

    • un wonted,
    • un-wonted.

    weird (adjective)

    • in scrutable,
    • in-scrutable.

    whimsical (adjective)

    • un predictable,
    • un-predictable.
  • n.

    • select,
    • great,
    • superior,
    • splendid,
    • ace,
    • terrific.

    • imperative,
    • future,
    • separate,
    • include,
    • impersonal,
    • imperfect,
    • finite,
    • ergative,
    • continuous,
    • intransitive,
    • causative,
    • active.

    • surreal,
    • edgy,
    • unreal.

    • screwball.

    anomalous (noun)

    • anomalous.

    communication (noun)

    • singular form.

    funny (noun)

    • funny.
  • Other synonyms:

    • far-out,
    • badass,
    • plum,
    • out of sight,
    • kooky,
    • tubular,
    • countable,
    • famous,
    • cushdy,
    • uncountable,
    • cracking,
    • smashing,
    • PHAT,
    • noncount,
    • ducky.

    • nonpareil,
    • towering,
    • touched,
    • unequaled,
    • preeminent,
    • matchless,
    • discrete,
    • unexampled,
    • The,
    • awesome.

    • peerless,
    • outstanding,
    • unnatural,
    • unrivaled,
    • swell,
    • all-right,
    • cranky,
    • nominal.

    • magnificent.

    • hot.

How to use «Singular» in context?

Singular is an adjective that means only one. It can be used to describe things like a noun or a pronoun. For example, «the singular noun ‘pain’ means a feeling of discomfort or suffering.

Paraphrases for Singular:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      bizarre, curious, distinct, exceptional, extraordinary, noticeable, odd, outstanding, particular, peculiar, remarkable, special, specific, striking, uncommon, unitary, unparalleled, one-off.
    • Noun, singular or mass
      particular, plural.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      distinctive, single, sole, strange, unusual.

Homophones for Singular:

  • sinclair, smuggler, Skin Colour, skin color, shingler.

Hyponym for Singular:

  • n.

    • communication
      signifier, form, word form, descriptor.

Word of the Day

bow 1

twist tie,


  • SINGULAR synonyms at
  • SINGULAR synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    — SINGULAR synonyms
  • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of SINGULAR
  • YourDictionary
    — another words for SINGULAR

What is another word for Singular?

  • unique

    characteristic, same

  • peculiar

    unusual, strange

  • curious

    strange, unusual

  • odd

    unusual, strange

  • extraordinary

    unusual, strange

  • unusual

    strange, exceptional

  • strange

    unusual, notable

  • queer

    usual, unique

  • exceptional

    remarkable, better

  • remarkable

    better, exceptional

  • individual

    single, characteristic

  • rare

    exceptional, unique

  • uncommon

    exceptional, unique

  • single

    property, individual

  • bizarre

    usual, unique

  • sole

    property, unique

  • particular

    individual, notable

  • only

    property, same

  • weird


  • outstanding

    exceptional, remarkable

  • solitary

    property, sole

  • eccentric


  • one

    characteristic, individual

  • unparalleled

    same, remarkable

  • funny

  • rum


  • noteworthy

    remarkable, notable

  • special

    characteristic, particular

  • outlandish


  • lone

    property, single

  • separate

    individual, single

  • atypical

  • alone

    same, only

  • conspicuous

    remarkable, noticeable

  • especial

    characteristic, particular

  • phenomenal

  • unprecedented

  • exclusive


  • distinctive


  • striking


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Photo search results for Singular

Decorative cardboard illustration of blue and red figures in row representing health and illness concept on yellow background Set of raw chicken eggs in box on orange background Fresh lemons with juicy flesh on blue background Tasty fresh bananas with peel on yellow background Background of whole chicken eggs in rows Woman With White Hair and Black Eye Shadow

Image search results for Singular

green, grow, grow up poppy, only, isolated form torres, buildings, city singularity, beach, sand worm hole, space, science texture, grass, leaf

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Synonyms for Singular. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 30, from

Synonyms for Singular. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Singular. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2023.

  • bizarre
  • exceptional
  • extraordinary
  • peculiar
  • rare
  • remarkable
  • strange
  • uncommon
  • unimaginable
  • unparalleled
  • unprecedented
  • unusual
  • avant-garde
  • cool
  • eccentric
  • loner
  • original
  • queer
  • special
  • weird
  • atypical
  • breaking new ground
  • conspicuous
  • curious
  • eminent
  • noteworthy
  • out-of-the-way
  • outlandish
  • outstanding
  • prodigious
  • puzzling
  • unordinary
  • unthinkable
  • unwonted
  • particular
  • unique
  • exclusive
  • individual
  • one
  • single
  • sole
  • solitary
  • solo
  • certain
  • definite
  • discrete
  • only
  • respective
  • unrepeatable

On this page you’ll find 149 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to singular, such as: bizarre, exceptional, extraordinary, peculiar, rare, and remarkable.

  • common
  • usual
  • combined
  • shared
  • together
  • attached
  • mixed
  • normal
  • ordinary
  • regular

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use singular in a sentence

Kepler himself later rejected this model, after concluding that the orbits of the planets did not form the singular perfect shape of a circle, but instead had the ugly appearance of an ellipse, which can take one of a whole range of shapes.


She gave details of the singular mood that had come upon her with the arrival of Tony, but Tom hardly heard her.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • incomparable
  • matchless
  • peerless
  • singly
  • singular
  • solely
  • unequalled
  • unique
  • unmatched
  • unparalleled
  • unrivaled
  • unsurpassed
  • bugged out
  • camp
  • comical
  • curious
  • eccentric
  • extraordinary
  • fantastic
  • far-out
  • freakish
  • grody
  • grotesque
  • kooky
  • ludicrous
  • odd
  • oddball
  • off the wall
  • offbeat
  • outlandish
  • outre
  • outré
  • peculiar
  • queer
  • ridiculous
  • singular
  • unusual
  • way-out
  • weird
  • a couple
  • a few
  • defined
  • divers
  • express
  • individual
  • many
  • marked
  • numerous
  • one
  • particular
  • precise
  • regular
  • several
  • singular
  • some
  • special
  • specific
  • specified
  • sundry
  • upwards of
  • various
  • appropriate
  • diagnostic
  • differentiating
  • discriminating
  • discriminative
  • distinctive
  • distinguishing
  • emblematic
  • especial
  • essential
  • exclusive
  • fixed
  • idiosyncratic
  • inborn
  • inbred
  • indicative
  • individual
  • individualistic
  • individualizing
  • ingrained
  • inherent
  • innate
  • local
  • marked
  • native
  • normal
  • original
  • particular
  • peculiar
  • personal
  • private
  • proper
  • regular
  • representative
  • singular
  • special
  • specific
  • symbolic
  • symptomatic
  • unique
  • bizarre
  • exotic
  • extraordinary
  • marvelous
  • mysterious
  • novel
  • oddball
  • peculiar
  • puzzling
  • quaint
  • queer
  • rare
  • remarkable
  • singular
  • strange
  • unconventional
  • unexpected
  • unique
  • unorthodox
  • unusual
  • weird
  • wonderful
  • another
  • another story
  • atypical
  • bizarre
  • discrete
  • diverse
  • especial
  • express
  • extraordinary
  • individual
  • novel
  • original
  • other
  • out of the ordinary
  • particular
  • peculiar
  • rare
  • several
  • singular
  • something else
  • special
  • specialized
  • specific
  • startling
  • strange
  • uncommon
  • unconventional
  • unique
  • unusual
  • various

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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