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What is another word for Shift?

  • transformation, transition

  • metamorphosis, transformation

Use filters to view other words, we have 3334 synonyms for shift.

Synonyms for shift

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Similar words of shift

  • APA
  • MLA
  • CMS

  • about-face
  • alteration
  • change
  • conversion
  • deviation
  • move
  • transfer
  • transformation
  • variation
  • bend
  • changeover
  • deflection
  • displacement
  • double
  • fault
  • modification
  • passage
  • permutation
  • rearrangement
  • removal
  • shifting
  • substitution
  • tack
  • transference
  • transit
  • translocation
  • turn
  • veering
  • yaw
  • move
  • strategy
  • artifice
  • contrivance
  • craft
  • device
  • dodge
  • equivocation
  • evasion
  • expediency
  • expedient
  • gambit
  • hoax
  • makeshift
  • maneuver
  • ploy
  • recourse
  • refuge
  • resort
  • resource
  • ruse
  • stopgap
  • substitute
  • subterfuge
  • wile
  • bout
  • go
  • period
  • spell
  • stint
  • time
  • tour
  • trick
  • turn
  • working time
  • alter
  • change
  • deviate
  • drift
  • move
  • relocate
  • remove
  • ship
  • shuffle
  • transfer
  • turn
  • vary
  • veer
  • about-face
  • budge
  • cook
  • dislocate
  • displace
  • disturb
  • exchange
  • fault
  • flip-flop
  • rearrange
  • replace
  • reposition
  • slip
  • stir
  • substitute
  • swerve
  • tack
  • transmogrify
  • transpose
  • vacillate
  • waffle
  • yo-yo
  • blow hot and cold
  • bottom out
  • change gears
  • dial back
  • do up
  • hem and haw
  • move around
  • move over
  • recalibrate
  • swap places
  • switch over
  • turn around
  • turn the corner
  • turn the tables

On this page you’ll find 344 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to shift, such as: about-face, alteration, change, conversion, deviation, and move.

  • directness
  • facing
  • honesty
  • meeting
  • openness
  • permanent
  • maintenance
  • stagnation
  • maintenance
  • stagnation
  • continue
  • fix
  • hold
  • keep
  • remain
  • stay
  • calm
  • leave alone
  • order
  • deactivate
  • stagnate

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


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How to use shift in a sentence

The question was put rather testily and caused the other to shift uncomfortably before making answer.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • adjustment
  • adoption
  • alteration
  • conversion
  • modification
  • refitting
  • remodeling
  • reworking
  • shift
  • transformation
  • variation
  • acclimatization
  • accustomednesses
  • agreements
  • assuefactions
  • compliances
  • correspondences
  • familiarization
  • habituations
  • naturalizations
  • adapt
  • adjust
  • amend
  • change
  • convert
  • cook
  • correct mid-course
  • develop
  • dial back
  • diversify
  • doctor
  • fine tune
  • make different
  • metamorphose
  • modify
  • mutate
  • phony up
  • recalibrate
  • recast
  • reconstruct
  • refashion
  • reform
  • remodel
  • renovate
  • reshape
  • revamp
  • revise
  • shift
  • transform
  • transmute
  • turn
  • vary
  • about-face
  • accommodation
  • adaptation
  • adjustment
  • amendment
  • conversion
  • correction
  • difference
  • diversification
  • exchange
  • fixing
  • flip-flop
  • metamorphosis
  • mid-course correction
  • modification
  • mutation
  • reformation
  • remodeling
  • reshaping
  • revision
  • shift
  • switch
  • switchover
  • transformation
  • transmutation
  • turn
  • variance
  • variation
  • act reciprocally
  • alter
  • blow hot and cold
  • change
  • come and go
  • exchange
  • fill in for
  • fluctuate
  • follow
  • follow in turn
  • interchange
  • intersperse
  • oscillate
  • relieve
  • rotate
  • seesaw
  • shift
  • shilly-shally
  • substitute
  • sway
  • vacillate
  • vary
  • waver
  • yo-yo
  • interchange
  • rotation
  • shift
  • transposition
  • variation

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. shiftverb

    To change is distinctively to make a thing other than it has been, in some respect at least; to exchange to put or take something else in its place; to alter is ordinarily to change partially, to make different in one or more particulars. To exchange is often to transfer ownership; as, to exchange city for country property. Change is often used in the sense of exchange; as, to change horses. To transmute is to change the qualities while the substance remains the same; as, to transmute the baser metals into gold. To transform is to change form or appearance, with or without deeper and more essential change; it is less absolute than transmute, tho sometimes used for that word, and is often used in a spiritual sense as transmute could not be; «Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,» Rom. xii, 2. Transfigure is, as in its Scriptural use, to change in an exalted and glorious spiritual way; «Jesus … was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light,» Matt. xvii, 1, 2. To metamorphose is to make some remarkable change, ordinarily in external qualities, but often in structure, use, or chemical constitution, as of a caterpillar into a butterfly, of the stamens of a plant into petals, or of the crystalline structure of rocks, hence called «metamorphic rocks,» as when a limestone is metamorphosed into a marble. To vary is to change from time to time, often capriciously. To commute is to put something easier, lighter, milder, or in some way more favorable in place of that which is commuted; as, to commute capital punishment to imprisonment for life; to commute daily fares on a railway to a monthly payment. To convert (Latin con, with, and verto, turn) is to primarily turn about, and signifies to change in form, character, use, etc., through a wide range of relations; iron is converted into steel, joy into grief, a sinner into a saint. To turn is a popular word for change in any sense short of the meaning of exchange, being often equivalent to alter, convert, transform, transmute, etc. We modify or qualify a statement which might seem too strong; we modify it by some limitation, qualify it by some addition.

    alter, change, change, commute, convert, diversify, exchange, metamorphose, modify, qualify, substitute, transfigure, transform, transmute, turn, vary, veer

    abide, bide, continue, endure, hold, keep, persist, remain, retain, stay

    To change a home toilet for a street dress; to change from a caterpillar to or into a butterfly; to change clothes with a beggar.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. shiftverb

    change, alter, transfer, shelve, displace, remove

    fix, fasten, locate, insert, pitch, plant, place

  2. shiftnoun

    contrivance, expedient, substitute, pretext, motive, change, evasion, device, artifice, resource, transference

    miscontrivance, fixity, steadiness, retention, location, permanence

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. shift, displacementnoun

    an event in which something is displaced without rotation

    work shift, transmutation, fault, supplanting, displacement, slip, deracination, duty period, shifting, chemise, geological fault, faulting, switch, break, displacement reaction, teddy, switching, transformation, shimmy, shift, sack, translation, shift key, fracture

  2. transformation, transmutation, shiftnoun

    a qualitative change

    work shift, fault, displacement, slip, duty period, shift key, shifting, chemise, geological fault, faulting, shift, break, shimmy, teddy, transubstantiation, switching, transformation, switch, sack, translation, transmutation, fracture

  3. shift, work shift, duty periodnoun

    the time period during which you are at work

    work shift, transmutation, fault, displacement, slip, duty period, shifting, chemise, geological fault, faulting, switch, break, teddy, switching, transformation, shimmy, shift, sack, shift key, fracture

  4. switch, switching, shiftnoun

    the act of changing one thing or position for another

    «his switch on abortion cost him the election»

    electrical switch, work shift, fault, displacement, transposition, duty period, shift key, shifting, sack, chemise, break, geological fault, faulting, shift, substitution, shimmy, teddy, slip, switching, transformation, replacement, switch, permutation, transmutation, fracture, electric switch

  5. shift, shiftingnoun

    the act of moving from one place to another

    «his constant shifting disrupted the class»

    work shift, transmutation, fault, displacement, slip, duty period, shifting, chemise, geological fault, faulting, switch, break, teddy, switching, transformation, shimmy, shift, sack, shift key, fracture

  6. fault, faulting, geological fault, shift, fracture, breaknoun

    (geology) a crack in the earth’s crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other

    «they built it right over a geological fault»; «he studied the faulting of the earth’s crust»

    prison-breaking, suspension, gap, jailbreak, respite, sack, happy chance, crack, interruption, chemise, duty period, severance, rift, prisonbreak, transmutation, recess, breakout, displacement, faulting, defect, switch, geological fault, teddy, shifting, falling out, break, intermission, good luck, breaking, shimmy, open frame, gaolbreak, mistake, slip, disruption, breach, breakage, flaw, shift key, demerit, fault, pause, shift, fracture, time out, switching, work shift, rupture, break of serve, cracking, transformation, error

  7. shiftnoun

    a crew of workers who work for a specific period of time

    work shift, transmutation, fault, displacement, slip, duty period, shifting, chemise, geological fault, faulting, switch, break, teddy, switching, transformation, shimmy, sack, shift key, fracture

  8. shift key, shiftnoun

    the key on the typewriter keyboard that shifts from lower-case letters to upper-case letters

    work shift, transmutation, fault, displacement, slip, duty period, shifting, chemise, geological fault, faulting, shift, break, shimmy, teddy, switching, transformation, switch, sack, shift key, fracture

  9. chemise, shimmy, shift, slip, teddynoun

    a woman’s sleeveless undergarment

    cutting, berth, trip, faux pas, sack, pillowcase, shift key, miscue, gaffe, transmutation, slickness, duty period, slipperiness, slip of paper, pillow slip, mooring, slick, displacement, gaucherie, parapraxis, chemise, switch, elusion, geological fault, teddy, shifting, sideslip, break, eluding, shimmy, faulting, moorage, skid, case, teddy bear, fault, shift, fracture, switching, work shift, strip, solecism, transformation, slip, slip-up

  10. chemise, sack, shiftverb

    a loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders without a waist

    pocket, paper bag, firing, liberation, sack, duty period, shift key, release, transmutation, carrier bag, poke, sacking, displacement, faulting, chemise, switch, geological fault, teddy, sacque, shifting, hammock, break, shimmy, dismissal, sac, fault, shift, fracture, pouch, switching, discharge, work shift, dismission, transformation, slip, sackful

  11. switch, change over, shiftverb

    make a shift in or exchange of

    «First Joe led; then we switched»

    exchange, change, throw, interchange, budge, dislodge, careen, agitate, wobble, lurch, tack, alternate, reposition, stir, tilt, shift, switch over, flip-flop, pitch, flip, trade, convert, switch, transfer, change over, swap, swop

  12. shift, dislodge, repositionverb

    change place or direction

    «Shift one’s position»

    wobble, pitch, budge, bump, lurch, agitate, reposition, free, stir, change, careen, shift, tilt, switch, transfer, change over, dislodge

  13. transfer, shiftverb

    move around

    «transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket»

    reassign, change, agitate, budge, channel, careen, transplant, transport, remove, transpose, stir, reposition, tilt, wobble, pitch, channelize, shift, transmit, lurch, switch, channelise, transfer, change over, dislodge

  14. stir, shift, budge, agitateverb

    move very slightly

    «He shifted in his seat»

    fight, touch, shake up, charge, excite, arouse, put forward, raise up, shake, transfer, commove, tilt, vex, agitate, stir, call down, conjure, stimulate, switch, rouse, budge, bring up, campaign, conjure up, reposition, invoke, raise, turn on, pitch, lurch, call forth, change over, careen, shift, wobble, dislodge, evoke, charge up, push, foment, crusade, change, press, stir up, disturb

  15. shiftverb

    move from one setting or context to another

    «shift the emphasis»; «shift one’s attention»

    switch, careen, lurch, stir, transfer, wobble, change, dislodge, budge, reposition, change over, pitch, agitate, tilt

  16. shiftverb

    change in quality

    «His tone shifted»

    switch, careen, lurch, stir, transfer, wobble, change, dislodge, budge, reposition, change over, pitch, agitate, tilt

  17. shiftverb

    move and exchange for another

    «shift the date for our class reunion»

    switch, careen, lurch, stir, transfer, wobble, change, dislodge, budge, reposition, change over, pitch, agitate, tilt

  18. careen, wobble, shift, tiltverb

    move sideways or in an unsteady way

    «The ship careened out of control»

    coggle, pitch, agitate, keel, careen, switch, wobble, change, tip, lean, reposition, stir, swag, shift, tilt, cant over, stagger, lurch, shimmy, transfer, cant, angle, change over, reel, slant, budge, dislodge

  19. lurch, pitch, shiftverb

    move abruptly

    «The ship suddenly lurched to the left»

    cant, gear, transfer, huckster, set up, cant over, flip, tilt, agitate, deliver, peddle, hawk, stir, change, prowl, switch, reel, reposition, sky, keel, swag, budge, pitch, lurch, toss, change over, careen, shift, wobble, dislodge, incline, monger, slope, skunk, vend, stagger, slant

  20. shiftverb

    use a shift key on a keyboard

    «She could not shift so all her letters are written in lower case»

    switch, careen, lurch, stir, transfer, wobble, change, dislodge, budge, reposition, change over, pitch, agitate, tilt

  21. shiftverb

    change phonetically as part of a systematic historical change

    «Grimm showed how the consonants shifted»

    switch, careen, lurch, stir, transfer, wobble, change, dislodge, budge, reposition, change over, pitch, agitate, tilt

  22. shiftverb

    change gears

    «you have to shift when you go down a steep hill»

    switch, careen, lurch, stir, transfer, wobble, change, dislodge, budge, reposition, change over, pitch, agitate, tilt

  23. switch, shift, changeverb

    lay aside, abandon, or leave for another

    «switch to a different brand of beer»; «She switched psychiatrists»; «The car changed lanes»

    exchange, change, throw, interchange, budge, careen, agitate, alter, commute, wobble, lurch, tack, alternate, reposition, vary, stir, tilt, shift, switch over, flip-flop, pitch, flip, modify, trade, swop, switch, transfer, change over, deepen, swap, convert, dislodge

Matched Categories

    • Change
    • Crack
    • Gang
    • Geology
    • Hours
    • Key
    • Motion
    • Move
    • Phonetics
    • Substitute
    • Undergarment

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. elastic rebound theory

    elastic rebound is when a fault shifts.

    there was a shift that caused the road to be uneven.

    Submitted by rinat on August 14, 2019  

  2. workdaynoun

    my shift is from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.

    my workday is 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. shiftverb

    change, alter, vary

  2. shiftverb

    move, change place, change about

  3. shiftverb

    change, vary, veer, chop

  4. shiftverb

    contrive, manage, plan, scheme, devise ways and means

  5. shiftnoun


  6. shiftnoun

    expedient, contrivance, resort, resource, means

  7. shiftnoun

    evasion, artifice, fraud, trick, doubling, stratagem, subterfuge, dodge, mask, ruse, wile, craft, device, artful contrivance

  8. shiftnoun

    chemise, smock

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. shiftnoun

    subterfuge, device, contrivance, evasion, stratagem, trick, dodge, resource, expedient, change, substitution, chemise

  2. shiftverb

    veer, change, turn, quirk, quibble, palter, change, substitute

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «shift»:

    selection, change, displacement, select, transition, reorientation, transfer, selecting, transformation, passage, move, quarter, exchange, changeover, changing, changes, selector, uppercase, evolution, shiftwork, turn, movement, reversal

How to pronounce SHIFT?

How to say SHIFT in sign language?

How to use SHIFT in a sentence?

  1. Francois Miquet-Marty:

    What’s new is that Nicolas Sarkozy has managed to shift the lines, to get people to think he could actually win.

  2. William Barber:

    There is a sleeping giant in America, poor and low-wealth folks now make up 30% of the electorate in every state and over 40% of the electorate in every state where the margin of victory for the presidency was less than 3%. If you could just get that many poor and low-wealth people to vote, they could fundamentally shift every election in the country.

  3. State John Kerry:

    The Saudi shift … was predicated on the notion that people would freeze in place, but what happened was the Houthi began to take advantage of the absence of air campaign, moving not only additionally on Aden, but moving in other parts of the country.

  4. Garrett Marrero:

    This is going to create a paradigm shift in craft beer moving forward.

  5. James Sheehan:

    Edward Breen is an individual both sides respect, and Edward Breen will be accepted by Trian Partners as an interim CEO, edward Breen selection probably does not indicate a dramatic shift in corporate strategy.

Translations for SHIFT

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • směna, posun, posuvCzech
  • Verschiebung, Verstellung, Gangschaltung, verlagern, Shift, Hochstelltaste, Schicht, Verlagerung, Schaltung, Umschalten, Umschalttaste, Shifttaste, verschieben, verstellenGerman
  • βάρδιαGreek
  • cambio, desplazamiento, tecla mayúsculas, desviación, deslizamiento, turno, tecla shift, moverse, mover, cambiarSpanish
  • شیفت, جابه‌جا شدن, انداختن, جابه‌جا کردنPersian
  • vuoro, siirtyminen, vaihteisto, siirtyä, vaihtaa, siirto, muutos, vaihto, shift, työvuoro, muuttaa, siirtääFinnish
  • décalage, touche majuscule, roulementFrench
  • खिसक जानाHindi
  • váltás, váltó, műszak, váltHungarian
  • spostarsi, muoversi, cambio, scambiare, barattare, permutareItalian
  • משמרתHebrew
  • シフト, シフトキーJapanese
  • subcinctusLatin
  • сменаMacedonian
  • ploegendienst, ploegenstelselDutch
  • przesunięcie, zmianaPolish
  • turno, troca, câmbio, marcha, trocar, desvio, shift, mudar, moverPortuguese
  • mit’aQuechua
  • переключи́ть, сдвиг, измене́ние, [[кла́виша]] [[шифт]], перемеще́ние, [[переключе́ние]] [[передача, шифт, сме́на, передвиже́ние, смеще́ние, переключе́ние, поменя́ть, изменя́ть, перемести́ть, дви́гаться, перемеща́ться, меня́ть, измени́ть, перемеща́ть, перемести́ться, дви́гать, дви́нуться, дви́нуть, переключа́тьRussian
  • smenaSlovak
  • växla, arbetspass, pass, skift, växel, flytta, arbetsskift, skifte, byte, skifttangent, byta, skifta, ändraSwedish
  • doriaSwahili
  • మార్పు, బదిలీ, మారు, మార్చుTelugu
  • kaydırma, üst karakter tuşu, vardiya, değiştirme, vites, shift tuşuTurkish

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alteration, artifice, bout, break, business, en.synonym.one, camisole, cavil, change, chemise, chicane, commerce, conversion, costume, development, device, displacement, dodge, dress, duty period, equivocation, evasion, exchange, excursion, expedition, faulting, en.synonym.one, fracture, frock, gang, geological fault, gown, hitch, hoop skirt, interchange, journey, lingerie, machination, manoeuvre, metamorphosis, modification, movement, mutation, passage, petticoat, prevarication, quibble, regeneration, relay, replacement, robe, ruse, en.synonym.one, sack, shift key, shifting, shimmy, skirt, slip, sophism, spell, squad, stint, stratagem, substitute, substitution, subterfuge, switching, team, teddy, term, time, tour, transfer, transformation, transition, transmutation, trick, trip, turn, undergarment, underskirt, underwear, variation, work, work shift, agitate, alternate, bank, budge, careen, en.synonym.one, change, change over, curve, deviate, digress, dislodge, displace, do, err, fare, fault, fluctuate, lurch, manage, move, oscillate, pitch, rearrange, reposition, resolve, en.synonym.one, reverse, scooch, seesaw, slip, stir, stray, swerve, switch, teeter, tilt, transform, transpose, turn, vacillate, vary, veer, wander, wobble, yaw.

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имя существительное:

сдвиг (shift, shear, translation, displacement, change, shearing)

смена (change, shift, exchange, interchange, relief, relay)

переключение (switching, switch, shift, shifting, changeover, commutation)

изменение (change, variation, Modification, alteration, shift, amendment)

перемещение (movement, displacement, motion, transfer, relocation, shift)

передвижение (movement, locomotion, shift, evolution)

перестановка (permutation, transposition, rearrangement, reshuffle, shift, reversal)

замена (replacement, exchange, change, substitution, substitute, shift)

перемена (change, turn, shift, break, alteration, mutation)

косое смещение (shift)

средство (means, agent, remedy, way, medium, shift)

разгонка швов в кладке (shift)

чередование (alternation, rotation, interchange, shift, vicissitude)

сорочка (shirt, shift)

рабочие одной смены (shift)

способ (way, method, manner, process, how, shift)

хитрость (cunning, trick, guile, stealth, ruse, shift)

уловка (trick, ploy, ruse, stratagem, gimmick, shift)

рабочая смена (shift, turn)

женское платье-рубашка (shift)


перемещаться (move, travel, shift, traverse)

перемещать (move, transfer, shift, relocate, transport, displace)

перекладывать (shift, transfer, move, displace, handle, re-lay)

меняться (change, vary, alter, switch, fluctuate, shift)

менять (change, vary, alter, switch, exchange, shift)

переключать (switch, shift, toggle, commute, throw over)

передвигать (move, shift, remove)

передвигаться (move, travel, shift, go, run, get about)

передвинуть (move, shift)

переводить (transfer, translate, convert, move, interpret, shift)

передавать (pass, transfer, transmit, send, convey, shift)

изворачиваться (dodge, shift, shuffle)

переключать скорости (shift)

ухищряться (shift)

устранять (eliminate, remove, obviate, preclude, exclude, shift)

ликвидировать (eliminate, liquidate, wind up, dispose of, kill, shift)

уплетать (tuck into, walk into, stodge, shift)

быстро есть (gobble, shift)

спешить (haste, hasten, push on, be in a hurry, hie, shift)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь.

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