Shameful синонимы

  • dastardly
  • disgraceful
  • embarrassing
  • flagrant
  • heinous
  • humiliating
  • ignominious
  • immoral
  • indecent
  • outrageous
  • reprehensible
  • scandalous
  • shocking
  • sinful
  • vile
  • base
  • carnal
  • contemptible
  • corrupt
  • debauched
  • degrading
  • diabolical
  • dishonorable
  • drunken
  • immodest
  • impure
  • infamous
  • intemperate
  • lewd
  • low
  • mean
  • mortifying
  • notorious
  • obscene
  • opprobrious
  • profligate
  • reprobate
  • ribald
  • shaming
  • unbecoming
  • unclean
  • unworthy
  • villainous
  • vulgar
  • wicked

On this page you’ll find 99 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to shameful, such as: dastardly, disgraceful, embarrassing, flagrant, heinous, and humiliating.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use shameful in a sentence

And he stood up in the shameful fall of the people: in the goodness and readiness of his soul he appeased God for Israel.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • abject
  • abominable
  • cheap
  • coarse
  • common
  • contemptible
  • corrupt
  • depraved
  • despicable
  • disgraceful
  • dishonorable
  • disreputable
  • foul
  • grovelling
  • humble
  • ignoble
  • immoral
  • indelicate
  • loathsome
  • lowly
  • mean
  • menial
  • offensive
  • paltry
  • pitiful
  • plebeian
  • poor
  • scandalous
  • servile
  • shameful
  • shoddy
  • sleazy
  • sordid
  • sorry
  • squalid
  • trashy
  • ugly
  • unworthy
  • vile
  • worthless
  • wretched
  • abject
  • abominable
  • cheap
  • coarse
  • common
  • contemptible
  • corrupt
  • depraved
  • despicable
  • disgraceful
  • dishonorable
  • disreputable
  • foul
  • grovelling
  • humble
  • ignoble
  • immoral
  • indelicate
  • loathsome
  • lowly
  • mean
  • menial
  • offensive
  • paltry
  • pitiful
  • plebeian
  • poor
  • scandalous
  • servile
  • shameful
  • shoddy
  • sleazy
  • sordid
  • sorry
  • squalid
  • trashy
  • ugly
  • unworthy
  • vile
  • worthless
  • wretched
  • blamable
  • criminal
  • culpable
  • disgraceful
  • reprehensible
  • shameful
  • abject
  • awful
  • base
  • beastly
  • cheap
  • contemptible
  • degrading
  • detestable
  • dirty
  • disgraceful
  • disreputable
  • down
  • ignominious
  • infamous
  • insignificant
  • loathsome
  • low
  • low-life
  • mean
  • no-good
  • pitiful
  • reprehensible
  • shameful
  • slimy
  • sordid
  • vile
  • worthless
  • wretched
  • appalling
  • blameworthy
  • disgraceful
  • dishonorable
  • ignominious
  • shameful
  • abject
  • bad
  • base
  • beggarly
  • cheap
  • contemptible
  • derogatory
  • despicable
  • discreditable
  • disgraceful
  • disorderly
  • dissolute
  • ignominious
  • in bad
  • in low esteem
  • in the doghouse
  • infamous
  • inglorious
  • lewd
  • libidinous
  • licentious
  • mean
  • no good
  • notorious
  • opprobrious
  • pitiable
  • scandalous
  • scurvy
  • shabby
  • shady
  • shameful
  • shocking
  • shoddy
  • sordid
  • sorry
  • unprincipled
  • vicious
  • vile

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


1    atrocious, base, dastardly, degrading, disgraceful, dishonourable, ignominious, indecent, infamous, low, mean, outrageous, reprehensible, scandalous, unbecoming, unworthy, vile, wicked  

2    blush-making     (informal)   cringe-making     (Brit. informal)   degrading, embarrassing, humiliating, mortifying, shaming  
   admirable, creditable, estimable, exemplary, honourable, laudable, right, worthy  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



If you describe a person’s action or attitude as shameful, you think that it is so bad that the person ought to be ashamed.      adj  
…the most shameful episode in US naval history.     

  shamefully      adv   ADV with v, ADV adj  
At times they have been shamefully neglected.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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Предложения со словом «shameful»

Learning to recognize that shameful feeling of holding back just a little love to try to spare ourselves just a little pain somewhere further down the road.

Обучаясь узнаванию того стыдного чувства сдерживания даже капли любви, в попытке сберечь себя хотя бы от капли страданий, предстоящих где — то в дальнейшем.

Our gender norms tell her that by producing this nude image of herself, she somehow did the most horrible, shameful thing.

Гендерные нормы говорят, что, делая такие фото самой себя, она совершила ужасно неприличную вещь.

He hated the shameful cage that he was in.

Он ненавидел ту позорную западню, в которую попал.

Memory of their new and shameful loyalty came to them.

И тут они вспомнили о своих новых постыдных обязанностях.

Make sure you don’t do anything shameful , understand?

Дай мне уверенность, что ты не сделаешь ничего постыдного .

I warn you that I intend to put an end to this shameful business.

Я предупреждаю вас, что намерен положить конец этому позорному бизнесу.

It was a very rare and shameful thing for a Mando father to be formally shunned by his sons.

Такое отрицание от сыновей было очень редким и позорным для отца — мандо.

My crusade of reason is the result of my deep, shameful family secret.

Все дело в моем большом, постыдном семейном секрете.

He has pestered me at every opportunity with shameful suggestions and indecent invitations

Он при каждом случае докучал мне постыдными намеками и непристойными приглашениями.

I can see that you were led and prompted by the detectives in a shameful and unprofessional manner.

Ваше признание было подсказано и продиктовано вам следователями самим постыдным и преступным образом.

There’s a little shameful secret that I need to share with you.

Есть один маленький постыдный секрет, которым я хочу поделиться.

As if he did not want his suit soiled or did not want to leave a shameful trail of carmine.

То ли испачкать костюм боялся, то ли оставить на нем кровавый след своего конфуза.

It was shameful of me To disgrace the memory of your husband.

Мне стыдно, что я пытался осквернить память о вашем муже.

It was shameful , but I couldn’t seem to help myself.

Мне было стыдно, но я ничего не могла с собой поделать.

I needed to play this shameful trick in order to convince myself.

И моя подлая хитрость лишь убедила меня в твоей невиновности.

Now is not the time to be encumbered by the company’s tragic and shameful loss of our chief technology officer.

Не время скорбеть о печальной потере нашего главного инженера.

The love that I suffer from is a shameful disease.

Любовь, от которой я страдаю, позорная болезнь.

You know, Castiel, y-you said all sorts of shameful , appalling, scatological things about Raphael.

Знаешь, Кастиэль, ты сказал столько постыдного , отвратительного и непристойного про Рафаила.

Yet Turkey spares no effort to deny this shameful event of its past.

Тем не менее Турция не щадя усилий отрицает это позорное событие прошлого.

Your exploitation of your daughter has been shameful .

Вам должно быть стыдно за то, как вы эксплуатировали свою дочь.

The situation today is one of shameful aggression by an occupying Power against a defenceless, unarmed people under its occupation.

Сегодняшняя ситуация характеризуется постыдной агрессией оккупирующей державы в отношении беззащитного безоружного народа, находящегося под его оккупацией.

If it’s constant torment for me, a painful, shameful occupation, sort of squeezing out a hemorrhoids.

Если для меня это мука, болезненное, постыдное занятие, что — то вроде выдавливания геморроя.

“The fact that they would resort to burning the bodies of their own soldiers is horrific and shameful .”

— И то, что они прибегают к практике сожжения трупов своих солдат, ужасно и позорно».

Their actions, she added, were “shameful” and “unforgivable.”

Их действия, сказала она, были «позорными» и «непростительными».

Democracies make shameful mistakes, but they eventually correct them, or at least apologize for them.

Демократии допускают постыдные ошибки, но они, в конечном счете, исправляют их или хотя бы извиняются за них.

Undoubtedly, there will be people on the outside who will not understand the condition you men have, or will think it a rather shameful condition.

Несомненно, на гражданке найдутся люди которые не поймут вашего, народ, состояния или посчитают это довольно постыдным состоянием.

So either we wait for a shameful death or go into battle for the fatherland, for freedom and honor, for the life of our nation!

Так будем ждать позорной смерти или пойдём в бой за отечество, за волю и честь, за жизнь народа нашего!

Grecko, who is in New York, reportedly told a news website the hacking was shameful and those targeted would feel violated.

Греко, которая находится в Нью — Йорке, по имеющимся сведениям, сказала новостному вебсайту, что хакерская атака была постыдной и что те, на кого она была направлена, чувствуют, что к ним вторглись.

And to do that for a handshake with an autocrat like Putin isn’t just a shameful deal, it’s a bad deal.

А поскольку делается все это ради рукопожатия с диктатором, каким является Путин, то это не просто постыдная , но и плохая сделка.

For a man who loved to present false choices (you either favored the invasion or Iraq or were a Bathist sympathizer) this is embarrassing and shameful prevarication.

Для такого любителя ложных выборов, как Хитченс (как известно, вы либо поддерживаете вторжение в Ирак, либо симпатизируете Батисте), это, безусловно, позорный промах.

Oh, if only we could be as shy and timid in our shameful actions as we are in our proper ones!

О, если бы мы в позорных делах были такие же стеснительные и боязливые, как часто мы бываем боязливые и порочно стеснительные в порядочных поступках !

When the history of this sun-baked Siberia is written, these shameful words will live in infamy.

Когда будет написана история этой высушенной солнцем Сибири это место будет навечно опозорено.

There’s no country on earth without shameful chapters in it’s history, like oppression, racism or fighting other peoples.

На Земле нет ни одного государства, в истории которого не было бы постыдных страниц, связанных с угнетением, расизмом или истреблением других народов.

Yeah,cody had a shameful game- zero t.d.s,two fumbles and five blown routes

Да, Коди безобразно играл — ни одного тачдауна, две потери мяча, пять смазанных передач.

But now that you support yourself by earning your own money, that’s somehow shameful ?

Теперь же ты сама себя обеспечиваешь, сама зарабатывая свои кровные деньги и это почему — то позорно?

What side of oneself does one display in evasions? the shameful side.

Что вы обнаруживаете, увертываясь от нее? Собственный позор.

The old man skilfully helped him in his shameful questions. Their slimy tongues threw the refuse of their obscene words at Eugenie Grandet, Ludmilla, and Henry IV.

Старик ловко помогал ему в этом бесстыдными вопросами; их липкие языки забрасывали хламом постыдных слов Евгению Гранде, Людмилу, Генриха IV.

Okay, that is my most shameful , painful, private secret, okay?

Так, это мой самый зазорный, тяжкий, личный секрет, ясно?

I indulged in certain practices that our society regards as shameful .

Я предавался определенному занятию, которое в нашем обществе считается постыдным .

They would defile it, and make it shameful .

Они осквернят его и опозорят.

Well, you think future generations will be interested in such shameful antics?

Вы думаете будущим поколяниям будут интересны такие позорные выходки?

Bad as this might be, it was anyway better than a rupture, which would put her in a hopeless and shameful position, and deprive him of everything he cared for.

Как ни было это дурно, это было все — таки лучше, чем разрыв, при котором она становилась в безвыходное, позорное положение, а он сам лишался всего, что любил.

You could be deluding yourself, suppressing a shameful , costly, and yes extremely tacky shopping addiction from your memory.

Ты можешь обманывать себя, подавляя постыдную , дорогостоящую, и крайне навязчивую шопинговую зависимость в твоих воспоминаниях.

And what other method but a speedy rupture can justify a shameful choice?

Вступив в постыдную связь, можно ли оправдать себя иначе, как быстрым разрывом?

The College of Cardinals will be convened not to discuss our deposition but to consider their shameful abandonment of the Vatican in its hour of need.

Коллегию кардиналов созывают, совсем не ради обсуждения вопроса о нашем низложении, но для рассмотрения их позорного бегства из Ватикана в час нужды.

Two T’s. Geoffrey, this is shameful .

Два т! Это постыдно !

He was indeed quivering with hope and desire that Charles, the hateful Charles, the detested dead, had borne this shameful ridicule.

Он и в самом деле горел желанием узнать, что Шарль, постылый Шарль, ненавистный, презренный мертвец, носил это смешное и позорное украшение.

Shameful to state, they treat me as one of them and I hear them talk openly.

Стыдно признаться, но они смотрят на меня как на своего, и открыто говорят при мне обо всем.

Is she sorry for her shameful conduct?-I asked myself. That will be a novelty: but she may come to the point-as she will-I sha’n’t help her!

Жалеет о своем постыдном поведении? — спросила я себя. — Это ново! Все равно, пусть сама приступит к извинениям, — не стану ей помогать!

But the act of a master taking shameful , contemptuous possession of her was the kind of rapture she had wanted.

Но поступок властелина, который вот так, с презрением, постыдно для неё овладел её телом, породил в ней тот страстный восторг, которого она так долго ждала.

It’s a little shameful , I feel, mused Berenice.

По — моему, в этом есть что — то очень гадкое, — сказала Беренис.

Do you mean that you encouraged Brother Oswin in this… this furtive and shameful practice?

Вы думаете, что если вы будете подбивать брата Освина на это это тайное и постыдное занятие?

He caught himself indulging in all sorts of shameful thoughts, as though a devil were mocking at him.

Он ловил самого себя на всякого рода постыдных мыслях, точно бес его дразнил.

But Lichonin suddenly felt a prickling, shameful awkwardness and something inimical toward this woman, yesterday unknown to him, now- his chance mistress.

Но Лихонин вдруг почувствовал колючую стыдливую неловкость и что — то враждебное против этой, вчера ему незнакомой женщины, теперь — его случайной любовницы.

She remembered the ball, remembered Vronsky and his face of slavish adoration, remembered all her conduct with him: there was nothing shameful .

Вспомнила бал, вспомнила Вронского и его влюбленное покорное лицо, вспомнила все свои отношения с ним: ничего не было стыдного.

Silno me Vrede Your shameful sympathy to the loyalists.

У меня есть большие подозрения в ваших симпатиях к роялистам.

Plan B, however, is hastily improvised and shameful in its crudity.

План Б, однако, придуман наспех и позорен в своей непродуманности.

When they came back to him, he studiously drove them away, regarding them as shameful and girlish, below the dignity of a boy and a schoolboy.

Когда они приходили, он старательно отгонял их от себя, считая их стыдными и свойственными только девочкам, а не мальчику и товарищу.

Nor can piety itself, at such a shameful sight, completely stifle her upbraidings against the permitting stars.

При столь постыдном зрелище само благочестие не может не слать укоров допустившим позор звездам.

The two older boys flinched when they heard the shameful syllable.

Двое старших вздрогнули от постыдного слова.

What is another word for shameful?

836 synonyms found


[ ʃˈe͡ɪmfə͡l], [ ʃˈe‍ɪmfə‍l], [ ʃ_ˈeɪ_m_f_əl]

Related words:

ashamed, feel ashamed, feeling ashamed, causes of shame, shameful things, shame definition, shameful person, words for shame, what is the meaning of shame

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    atrocious; disreputable (adjective)

    • unclean,
    • low,
    • vulgar,
    • intemperate,
    • villainous,
    • diabolical,
    • immoral,
    • degrading,
    • disgraceful,
    • vile,
    • carnal,
    • reprobate,
    • scandalous,
    • unbecoming,
    • lewd,
    • dishonorable,
    • Shaming,
    • dastardly,
    • reprehensible,
    • debauched,
    • impure,
    • mean,
    • drunken,
    • indecent,
    • profligate,
    • wicked,
    • opprobrious,
    • immodest.

    base (adjective)

    • dis-graceful,
    • dis graceful,
    • dis-honorable,
    • more grovelling,
    • most grovelling,
    • in delicate,
    • dis honorable,
    • grovelling,
    • menial,
    • in-delicate.

    despicable (adjective)

    • shabby,
    • lowlife,
    • low-life.

    discreditable (adjective)

    • dis creditable,
    • dis-creditable.

    disreputable (adjective)

    • in the doghouse,
    • in bad,
    • in low esteem,
    • no good,
    • scurvy.

    dreadful (adjective)

    • more shuddersome,
    • most godawful,
    • most shuddersome,
    • more godawful,
    • grodier.

    embarrassing (adjective)

    • un propitious,
    • dis-commodious,
    • ex asperating,
    • most exasperating,
    • un-propitious,
    • most distracting,
    • uneasy,
    • most troubling,
    • un-easiest,
    • most compromising,
    • in-convenient,
    • dis-agreeable,
    • inconvenient,
    • un seemlier,
    • most mortifying,
    • in commodious,
    • more discomfiting,
    • more rattling,
    • more distracting,
    • be wildering,
    • more exasperating,
    • more discommodious,
    • unpropitious,
    • most discommoding,
    • more compromising,
    • un easier,
    • in opportune,
    • un-easy,
    • un-easier,
    • un-seemliest,
    • un comfortable,
    • most discommodious,
    • troubling,
    • be-wildering,
    • dis concerting,
    • un easy,
    • dis-concerting,
    • more bewildering,
    • un-seemlier,
    • most rattling,
    • un-seemly,
    • most disconcerting,
    • more discommoding,
    • un seemliest,
    • un seemly,
    • more mortifying,
    • in-opportune,
    • most discomfiting,
    • ex-asperating,
    • un easiest,
    • up-setting,
    • more troubling,
    • un-comfortable,
    • more disconcerting,
    • in convenient,
    • in-commodious,
    • dis commodious,
    • most bewildering,
    • up setting,
    • dis agreeable.

    flagrant (adjective)

    • flagitous,
    • ostentatious,
    • noticeable,
    • bare-faced,
    • egregious,
    • shameless,
    • stick out like sore thumb,
    • out and out,
    • undisguised.

    foul (adjective)

    • un-clean,
    • un clean,
    • more sullied,
    • most pigpen,
    • most sullied,
    • more contaminated,
    • most contaminated,
    • more polluted,
    • mucky,
    • un cleaner,
    • un-cleaner,
    • un cleanest,
    • un-cleanest,
    • more pigpen,
    • yecchier,
    • yecchiest,
    • most polluted,
    • yucky.

    grievous (adjective)

    • most heart-rending,
    • heart rending,
    • in tolerable,
    • more heart rending,
    • in-tolerable,
    • most afflicting,
    • more heart-rending,
    • most heart rending,
    • dis-quieting,
    • un bearable,
    • un-bearable,
    • more afflicting,
    • more wounding,
    • most wounding,
    • dis quieting.

    gross (adjective)

    • out-right,
    • out righter,
    • out-righter,
    • un-mitigated,
    • un-qualified,
    • un mitigated,
    • out rightest,
    • in-ordinate,
    • out right,
    • un qualified.

    horrible (adjective)

    • more sickie,
    • fairier,
    • most sickie,
    • fairiest.

    horrible/horrendous/horrid (adjective)

    • un-holier,
    • grisly,
    • un godlier,
    • un kindest,
    • un kind,
    • dis-gusting,
    • un holier,
    • un godliest,
    • un-godly,
    • un-godliest,
    • un holiest,
    • un-kind,
    • dis gusting,
    • un kinder,
    • unholy,
    • un holy,
    • un-godlier,
    • un-kinder,
    • un-holy,
    • horrendous,
    • un godly,
    • un-kindest,
    • scary,
    • scarier,
    • un-holiest.

    ignoble (adjective)

    • un washed,
    • un-washed,
    • de-graded,
    • most peasant,
    • de-generate,
    • de generate,
    • more peasant,
    • de graded.

    inexcusable (adjective)

    • unforgivable.

    inglorious (adjective)

    • un respectable,
    • in-glorious,
    • most unrespectable,
    • unrespectable,
    • more unrespectable,
    • in glorious,
    • un-respectable.

    miserable (adjective)

    • poverty stricken,
    • povertystricken.

    nasty (adjective)

    • x rated,
    • in decorous,
    • xrated,
    • in-decorous.

    notorious (adjective)

    • un-disputed,
    • wanted,
    • illfamed,
    • more illfamed,
    • more ill-famed,
    • unadmirable belled,
    • most illfamed,
    • most ill-famed,
    • un disputed,
    • ill famed,
    • well known,
    • most ill famed,
    • wellknown,
    • more ill famed.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • broken down,
    • demeritorious,
    • unadmirable one belled,
    • ignominious,
    • ignoble,
    • lowdown,
    • regrettable,
    • notorious,
    • unfair,
    • Bummed,
    • despicable,
    • un-regenerate,
    • shuddersome,
    • sordid,
    • shocking,
    • Discommodious,
    • heart-rending,
    • nasty,
    • red hot,
    • inglorious,
    • flagrant,
    • nefarious,
    • grievous,
    • horrible,
    • sickie,
    • Despisable,
    • low-down,
    • unrighteous,
    • godawful,
    • unrightful,
    • scummier,
    • miserable,
    • sinful,
    • unregenerate,
    • ill-famed,
    • unsporting,
    • grody,
    • dreadful,
    • down and out,
    • morally wrong,
    • yecchy,
    • in the pits,
    • slummy,
    • unworthy,
    • disreputable,
    • slummier,
    • schlocky.

    regretful (adjective)

    • penitent,
    • lamenting,
    • regretful,
    • rueful,
    • sorrowful,
    • remorseful,
    • mourning,
    • contrite,
    • grieving,
    • repentant.

    regrettable (adjective)

    • un happy,
    • illadvised,
    • dis-appointing,
    • un happiest,
    • dis appointing,
    • un favorable,
    • un-happy,
    • un-favorable,
    • un happier.

    scandalous (adjective)

    • most vilifying,
    • most maligning,
    • more vilifying,
    • more gossiping,
    • more detracting,
    • most detracting,
    • de tractive,
    • un truer,
    • more maligning,
    • most traducing,
    • most gossiping,
    • un-truest,
    • more backbiting,
    • un truest,
    • more traducing,
    • de-tractive,
    • un-truer,
    • libelous,
    • most backbiting.

    shabby (adjective)

    • most low-down,
    • more despisable,
    • most lowdown,
    • most low down,
    • more lowdown,
    • most despisable,
    • low down,
    • more low-down,
    • more low down,
    • scummiest,
    • scummy.

    shocking (adjective)

    • un speakable,
    • most horrifying,
    • more stupefying,
    • most stupefying,
    • un-speakable,
    • more horrifying.

    shoddy (adjective)

    • not snuff,
    • not to snuff,
    • junkier,
    • not up snuff,
    • brokendown,
    • junky,
    • junkiest,
    • not up to snuff.

    sinful (adjective)

    • more unregenerate,
    • more demeritorious,
    • more unrighteous,
    • most unregenerate,
    • most demeritorious,
    • de meritorious,
    • un-righteous,
    • re probate,
    • un righteous,
    • most unrighteous,
    • re-probate,
    • de-meritorious,
    • un regenerate.

    sordid (adjective)

    • un-cleanliest,
    • slummiest,
    • un-cleanly,
    • self seeking,
    • un-generous,
    • un cleanlier,
    • un generous,
    • uncleanly,
    • selfseeking,
    • slumest,
    • un cleanly,
    • un-cleanlier,
    • small minded,
    • un cleanliest,
    • smallminded,
    • slumer.

    unfair (adjective)

    • un-fairer,
    • in excusable,
    • un-reasonable,
    • more unsporting,
    • un juster,
    • un-justifiable,
    • un-fairest,
    • un-lawful,
    • un duest,
    • most unsporting,
    • un-sporting,
    • dis criminatory,
    • one sided,
    • un-just,
    • onesided,
    • un-fair,
    • un justest,
    • in equitable,
    • uncalledfor,
    • un-justest,
    • un reasonable,
    • un-duer,
    • un fairer,
    • un due,
    • un-rightful,
    • un just,
    • un-juster,
    • un justifiable,
    • un lawful,
    • most cheating,
    • dis-criminatory,
    • un rightful,
    • in-excusable,
    • un-warranted,
    • un-duest,
    • most unrightful,
    • more cheating,
    • more unrightful,
    • un sporting,
    • un fair,
    • in-equitable,
    • un fairest,
    • un-due.

    unforgivable (adjective)

    • unpermissible,
    • inexpiable,
    • not forgivable,
    • unallowable.

    unmentionable (adjective)

    • off-limits,
    • off limits.

    unworthy (adjective)

    • not fit,
    • unmerited,
    • not deserving,
    • undeserving,
    • not good enough,
    • out of place,
    • not worth.

    wretched (adjective)

    • in pits,
    • dis tressed,
    • more bummed,
    • un fortunate,
    • un-fortunate,
    • more hurting,
    • dis-tressed,
    • de pressed,
    • de-pressed,
    • most bummed.
  • n.

    • embarrassed,
    • embarrassing,
    • guilty,
    • painful,
    • awkward.

    • admirable,
    • infernal,
    • hellish,
    • worthy,
    • creditable,
    • wrong,
    • gross,
    • evil,
    • infamous,
    • contemptible,
    • outrageous,
    • heinous,
    • dishonest,
    • disgusting,
    • foul,
    • ribald,
    • obscene.

    • respect.

    black (noun)

    • black.

    dishonourable (noun)

    • dishonourable.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • base.
  • v.

    Other relevant words: (verb)

    • behaviour,
    • corrupt.
  • Other synonyms:

    • unseemly,
    • humiliating,
    • undignified,
    • condemnable,
    • mortifying,
    • discreditable,
    • toe-curling.

    • deplorable,
    • dreaded.

    • unfortunate.


    • horrid.

    Other relevant words:

    • quality,
    • embarrassment,
    • remorse,
    • confusion,
    • shame,
    • trait,
    • indignity,
    • attribute,
    • disgrace,
    • dishonour,
    • ignominy,
    • infamy,
    • feature,
    • humiliation,
    • guilt,
    • dishonor.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • undue,
    • strictly,
    • odium,
    • lustful,
    • wistful,
    • erotic,
    • shady,
    • currish,
    • suggestive,
    • exaggerated,
    • iniquitous,
    • achromatic,
    • unreasonable,
    • woeful,
    • loathsome,
    • provocative,
    • errant,
    • meanness,
    • Disrespectable,
    • lowering,
    • below scorn,
    • gruesome,
    • manifest,
    • contemptibility,
    • poorly,
    • self-flagellating,
    • malicious,
    • nastiness,
    • lawless,
    • humiliated,
    • ghastly,
    • corruptly,
    • foul-mouthed,
    • disconcerting,
    • taboo,
    • cursed,
    • self-accusing,
    • contemptuously,
    • humbled,
    • preposterous,
    • glaring,
    • insufferable,
    • unchaste,
    • louche,
    • revoltingly,
    • unworthy of one,
    • contraband,
    • incorrigible,
    • blackguardly,
    • unjust,
    • vilely,
    • dirty,
    • titillating,
    • blameworthy,
    • seamy,
    • too bad,
    • flagrantly,
    • bleak,
    • damned,
    • shoddy,
    • pitiable,
    • indelicate,
    • disdainfully,
    • perfidious,
    • improper,
    • grave,
    • unpardonable,
    • inappropriate,
    • fulsome,
    • immoderate,
    • shamefulness,
    • noisome,
    • illicit,
    • sorry,
    • illegitimate,
    • illegal,
    • scornfully,
    • abhorrent,
    • bad,
    • Lubricous,
    • Fiendish,
    • uncomfortable,
    • rude,
    • execrable,
    • disastrous,
    • rank,
    • disrepute,
    • beastly,
    • deviant,
    • abusive,
    • cheap,
    • unrestrained,
    • bootleg,
    • upsetting,
    • sexy,
    • ferociously,
    • scatological,
    • insidious,
    • filthy,
    • scandalously,
    • intolerable,
    • devilish,
    • criminal,
    • perverse,
    • unprincipled,
    • foetid,
    • degraded,
    • coarse,
    • reproachful,
    • unworthiness,
    • awful,
    • pornographic,
    • debased,
    • worrying,
    • awfully,
    • ashamed,
    • Goatish,
    • Fescennine,
    • rough,
    • ill-mannered,
    • apologetic,
    • sensual,
    • sternly,
    • naughty,
    • brutally,
    • abandoned,
    • fearfully,
    • knavish,
    • reproach,
    • fetid,
    • libertine,
    • obnoxious,
    • exorbitant,
    • pitiful,
    • grim,
    • untrustworthy,
    • unethical,
    • appalling,
    • licentious,
    • badly,
    • lascivious,
    • inelegant,
    • lubricious,
    • cruelty,
    • in poor taste,
    • meanly,
    • loose,
    • off-base,
    • beneath one,
    • evident,
    • guilt-ridden,
    • bitter,
    • mortified,
    • unlawful,
    • fateful,
    • not done,
    • odious,
    • unconscionable,
    • unfitting,
    • scabrous,
    • unattractive,
    • dreadfully,
    • repellent,
    • gutter,
    • barbarous,
    • prurient,
    • underhand,
    • Infamously,
    • lamentable,
    • Shamefast,
    • unrepentant,
    • worst,
    • impropriety,
    • corpulence,
    • aberrant,
    • excessive,
    • plain,
    • unhappy,
    • demean,
    • offensive,
    • mordant,
    • cruelly,
    • disgracefully,
    • Facinorous,
    • rascally,
    • beneath scorn,
    • wretched,
    • off-color,
    • peccant,
    • dark,
    • terrible,
    • broad,
    • insulting,
    • paltry,
    • scornful,
    • perverted,
    • Black-hearted,
    • debasing,
    • conscience-smitten,
    • rotten,
    • unwholesome,
    • diabolic,
    • humbling,
    • beyond contempt,
    • ignominiousness,
    • foully,
    • hateful,
    • damnable,
    • ungentlemanly,
    • pitch black,
    • unspeakable,
    • out-of-line,
    • Abased,
    • schlock,
    • amoral,
    • unlucky,
    • Ithyphallic,
    • lousy,
    • extreme,
    • atrocious,
    • distressing,
    • dirtily,
    • flagitious,
    • Egregiously,
    • fatal,
    • smutty,
    • humiliate,
    • enormous,
    • inferior,
    • questionable,
    • hideous,
    • dubious,
    • nastily,
    • dim,
    • contemptuous,
    • irredeemable,
    • pitch-dark,
    • monstrous,
    • accursed,
    • repulsive,
    • injudicious,
    • unfit,
    • beyond disdain,
    • unbearable,
    • abominable,
    • squalid,
    • derogatory,
    • brutal,
    • below disdain,
    • unsavoury,
    • indecency,
    • worthless,
    • bawdy,
    • dismal,
    • incarnate,
    • wanton,
    • incorrect,
    • venal,
    • lecherous,
    • delinquent,
    • shamed,
    • chastening,
    • indelicacy,
    • bashful,
    • wrongly,
    • blamable,
    • touchy,
    • abject,
    • immodesty,
    • mortify,
    • vicious,
    • arrant,
    • infra indignitatem,
    • revealing,
    • conscience-stricken,
    • distastefully,
    • embarrass,
    • disgracefulness,
    • Discomfiting,
    • extravagant,
    • dire,
    • treacherous,
    • depraved,
    • crooked,
    • obvious,
    • distasteful,
    • tough,
    • cyprian,
    • disgustingly,
    • blue,
    • demeaning,
    • Paphian,
    • degenerate,
    • shamefully,
    • beneath contempt,
    • Self-reproaching,
    • disrespect,
    • beyond scorn,
    • unpalatable,
    • scurrilous,
    • unladylike,
    • fiercely,
    • grossness,
    • indecorous,
    • detestable,
    • revolting,
    • blatant,
    • ugly,
    • libidinous,
    • beneath disdain,
    • Dedecorous,
    • coarseness,
    • bringing ruin,
    • ruttish,
    • inordinate,
    • dissolute,
    • seriously,
    • Mean-spirited,
    • unscrupulous,
    • felonious,
    • unrefined,
    • indecorum,
    • scandalousness,
    • blackened,
    • severely,
    • infra dig,
    • salacious,
    • sinister,
    • sad,
    • shamefaced,
    • anxious,
    • repining,
    • Blackly,
    • calamitous,
    • sacrilegious,
    • unmentionable,
    • wrongful,
    • thersitical,
    • lurid,
    • unwarranted,
    • ignominiously,
    • abnormal,
    • unsuitable,
    • impossible,
    • below contempt,
    • in bad taste.

How to use «Shameful» in context?

With the term «shameful,» many people immediately think about embarrassing or sensitive information that has been disclosed. Although that definition is usually linked with personal embarrassment, there are other, more serious uses of the word. Shame is often used as a tool to control people or as a punishment.

It’s often considered a negative feeling, one that can make someone feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or in pain. People can experience shame in different ways. Sometimes it’s a feeling of censure, shame about one’s natural or authentic self. Alternatively, embarrassment can be about the presence or actions of others, or the circumstances in which a situation occurred.

Paraphrases for Shameful:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
  • Independent

    • Adjective
      blatant, dreadful, inappropriate, miserable, monstrous, objectionable, painful, pitiful, wicked.
  • Other Related

    • Adjective
      abhorrent, abominable, appalling, ashamed, awful, contemptible, degrading, demeaning, deplorable, despicable, disgusting, dishonorable, dishonourable, distressing, embarrassed, embarrassing, heinous, humiliating, ignoble, ignominious, indecent, infamous, lamentable, nefarious, obscene, outrageous, regrettable, reprehensible, revolting, sad, scandalous, shameless, shocking, sinful, terrible, unacceptable, undignified, unfortunate, unworthy, vile, Shaming.
    • Noun, singular or mass
      disgrace, embarrassment, scandalous, shocking.

Homophones for Shameful:

  • sniffly, sinful, simply, San Pablo, symphyla, shamble, semivowel, simple eye, sniffle, snap willow, synovial, snuffly, snowfall, snowbell, schnabel, sample, seasonable, scumble, snivel, shamefully, seasonably, symbol, snaffle, simple, swamp willow, swine flu, snowmobile, snowplow, snuffle, Skinful, sun valley, snowball, swamp lily.

All synonyms in one line

abominable, appalling, awful, bad, base,, carnal, contemptible, corrupt, crooked, debauched, degrading, deplorable, detestable, diabolical, disgraceful, dishonorable, dishonourable, disreputable, dreadful, false, flagitious, flagrant, foul, fraudulent, glaring,, grievous, gross, heinous, humiliating, hurting, ignoble, ignominious, immodest, immoral, indecent, indelicate, infamous, inglorious, iniquitous, insulting, intemperate, intolerable, lascivious, lewd, low, nasty, nefarious, notorious, obscene, offensive,, opprobrious, outrageous, profligate, relentless, reprobate, ruthless, scandalous, shameless, shocking, sinful, sordid, terrible, underhanded, undignified, unforgiving, vile, villainous, vulgar, wicked, black.

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What is another word for Shameful?

  • disgraceful

    characteristic, respect

  • ignominious

    disgraceful, respect

  • scandalous

    disgraceful, characteristic

  • shocking

    outrageous, disgraceful

  • dishonorable

    respect, notorious

  • infamous

    disgraceful, characteristic

  • opprobrious

    respect, disgraceful

  • vile

    atrocious, wicked

  • outrageous

    atrocious, property

  • inglorious

  • discreditable


  • ignoble


  • dishonourable

    characteristic, base

  • disreputable

    characteristic, base

  • immoral

    behaviour, unchaste

  • heinous

    atrocious, property

  • humiliating

    embarrassing, atrocious

  • low


  • base

    disreputable, wicked

  • contemptible

    outrageous, shocking

  • deplorable


  • degrading


  • unworthy

  • indecent

    behaviour, unchaste

  • wicked


  • flagrant

    property, gross

  • reprehensible

  • nefarious


  • sordid

    behaviour, nasty

  • sinful


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Shameful Antonyms

Nearby Words

shameless, shame, shaming, shamed, shamelessly, shamefully

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Photo search results for Shameful

Person Putting Palm on Face While Holding Prayer Beads Ethnic female with long braids blaming  pointing with forefinger at camera standing against gray background African American female with Afro hairstyle standing near green plant and hiding eyes behind hands Flowers of Shame Plant in Close-up Shot Side view of Muslim female hiding face behind scarf while standing on wet beach in tropics Free stock photo of activism, activist, adult

Image search results for Shameful

bullying, woman, face woman, bullying, stress woman, face, bullying women, girly, asia women, girly, asia woman, face, bullying

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Synonyms for Shameful. 2016. Accessed May 01, 2023.

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  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. black, disgraceful, ignominious, inglorious, opprobrious, shamefuladjective

    (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame

    «Man…has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands»- Rachel Carson; «an ignominious retreat»; «inglorious defeat»; «an opprobrious monument to human greed»; «a shameful display of cowardice»

    pitch-dark, black-market, dim, fatal, inglorious, scurrilous, grim, calamitous, abusive, blackened, fateful, black, dark, sinister, opprobrious, bootleg, scandalous, disgraceful, smutty, contraband, pitch-black, smuggled, shocking, ignominious, disastrous, bleak, mordant

    honourable, moral, honorable

  2. disgraceful, scandalous, shameful, shockingadjective

    giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation

    «scandalous behavior»; «the wicked rascally shameful conduct of the bankrupt»- Thackeray; «the most shocking book of its time»

    lurid, opprobrious, inglorious, shocking, scandalous, disgraceful, black, ignominious

    honorable, moral, honourable

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. shamefuladjective

    disgraceful, scandalous, dishonorable, disreputable, infamous, outrageous, ignominious, opprobrious, base, vile, villanous, nefarious, heinous, atrocious, wicked, dark

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. shamefuladjective

    indecent, immodest, obscene, scandalous, disgraceful, reproachful, ignominious, infamous, flagitious, disreputable, vile, opprobrious

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «shameful»:

    disgraceful, scandalous, outrageous, embarrassing, disgrace, shame, ashamed, shameless, unworthy, despicable, undignified, infamous, humiliating, ignominious, ignoble, reprehensible, appalling

How to pronounce shameful?

How to say shameful in sign language?

How to use shameful in a sentence?

  1. Karine Jean-Pierre:

    There’s a legal way of doing this. And for managing migrants, Republican governors, interfering in that process and using migrants as political pawns is shameful, is reckless and just plain wrong. And remember, these are people who are fleeing communism, who are fleeing hardship.

  2. Steve Gray:

    Emma Weyant, Reka Gyorgy and all of the collegiate swimmers that had to compete against Lia Thomas— these girls have dedicated hours to learning and mastering their sport, and now they’re being robbed of victories and robbed of rightful victories, it’s just shameful that politicians, the NCAA and others are more concerned with being politically correct than doing what’s right for our dedicated, biologically female athletes.

  3. State Rep. Mike Johnson:

    It’s shameful, he never met me before he said that. He never read the legislation. People will say what they say – I can’t control that.

  4. Casey Michel:

    It’s embarrassing, it’s shameful. It’s a blight on the Kennedy Center itself and its only going to continue aging poorly.

  5. Pete Hegseth:

    While this shameful act may be an isolated incident, what’s not isolated are the almost daily reports that feed the perception that VA leadership are detached from the urgent challenges facing returning veterans, but it’s even more troubling that Ms. Paul’s shockingly poor judgment did not merit immediate firing. She should have been fired the minute such poor judgment was discovered and failing to do so only reinforces VA’s track record of failing to hold its employees accountable.


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Synonyms of shameful

  • as in notorious

  • as in notorious

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Definition of shamefulnext

as in notorious

not respectable

shameful behavior by a bunch of drunken boors

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • notorious

  • infamous

  • shady

  • immoral

  • criminal

  • disgraceful

  • discreditable

  • dishonorable

  • ignominious

  • bad

  • disreputable

  • shoddy

  • opprobrious

  • shy

  • vile

  • low

  • dirty

  • sordid

  • unrespectable

  • unethical

  • corrupt

  • louche

  • vicious

  • despicable

  • wicked

  • contemptible

  • detestable

  • miserable

  • evil

  • sinful

  • wrong

  • unsavory

  • iniquitous

  • seamy

  • mean

  • reprehensible

  • nefarious

  • rotten

  • wretched

  • inglorious

  • villainous

  • unrighteous

  • depraved

  • censurable

  • blameworthy

  • perverted

  • base

  • debased

  • degenerate

  • blamable

  • debauched

  • dissolute

  • libertine

  • loose

  • gamy

  • reprobate

  • gamey

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • honorable

  • good

  • moral

  • respectable

  • noble

  • ethical

  • honest

  • decent

  • righteous

  • reputable

  • just

  • legal

  • principled

  • upright

  • permissible

  • prestigious

  • permitted

  • respected

  • esteemed

  • authorized

  • proper

  • reputed

  • correct

  • endorsed

  • licensed

  • approved

  • clean

  • exemplary

  • commendable

  • upstanding

  • decorous

  • creditable

  • blameless

  • sanctioned

  • seemly

  • guiltless

  • indorsed

See More

  • honorable

  • good

  • moral

  • respectable

  • noble

  • ethical

  • honest

  • decent

  • righteous

  • reputable

  • just

  • legal

  • principled

  • upright

  • permissible

  • prestigious

  • permitted

  • respected

  • esteemed

  • authorized

  • proper

  • reputed

  • correct

  • endorsed

  • licensed

  • approved

  • clean

  • exemplary

  • commendable

  • upstanding

  • decorous

  • creditable

  • blameless

  • sanctioned

  • seemly

  • guiltless

  • indorsed

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“Shameful.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 2 May. 2023.

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More from Merriam-Webster on shameful

Nglish: Translation of shameful for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of shameful for Arabic Speakers

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