Separate синонимы на английском

  • Определения слова separate

    • разделять.
      • Separate the articles from the headings.
    • разводить.
      • If the kids get too noisy, separate them for a few minutes.
    • разделяться, расслаиваться.
      • The sauce will separate if you don’t keep stirring.

Синонимы к слову separate

    • branch out
    • break
    • break away
    • break free
    • break up
    • detach
    • detached
    • disconnect
    • discrete
    • dispersed
    • distinct
    • divide
    • independent
    • individual
    • isolated
    • part
    • pull out
    • secede
    • single
    • split
    • take apart
    • unattached
    • unconnected
    • undo
    • withdraw

Похожие слова на separate

    • separate
    • separately
    • separates’s

Посмотрите другие слова

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    • Грамматическое значение seminar
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    • Происхождение слова serendipity
    • Синоним к слову serenity
    • Антоним к слову test drive
    • Омоним к слову testament
    • Гипоним к слову testicle
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    • Гипероним к слову tetragon
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову serum
    • Перевод слова на другие языки serve

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. separateverb

    The central idea of withdrawing makes abstract in common speech a euphemism for appropriate (unlawfully), purloin, steal. In mental processes we discriminate between objects by distinguishing their differences; we separate some one element from all that does not necessarily belong to it, abstract it, and view it alone. We may separate two ideas, and hold both in mind in comparison or contrast; but when we abstract one of them, we drop the other out of thought. The mind is abstracted when it is withdrawn from all other subjects and concentrated upon one, diverted when it is drawn away from what it would or should attend to by some other interest, distracted when the attention is divided among different subjects, so that it can not be given properly to any. The trouble with the distracted person is that he is not abstracted. Compare DISCERN.

    abstract, appropriate, detach, discriminate, distinguish, distract, divert, eliminate, purloin, remove, steal, take away, withdraw

    add, combine, complete, conjoin, fill up, increase, restore, strengthen, unite

    The purse may be abstracted from the pocket; the substance from the accidents; a book into a compend.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. separateverb

    part, never, disjoin, disunite, divorce, tear, rend, remove, disintegrate, detach, disconnect, divide, dissipate, scatter, segregate, diverge

    unite, fasten, tie, conjoin, wed, link, amalgamate, consolidate, integrate, incorporate, connect, fuse, confound, mass, herd, congregate, convene, gather, collect, meet, converge

  2. separateadjective

    disunited, disjoined, disconnected, unconnected, detached, severed, different

    connected, conjoined, united, alike

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.3 / 3 votes

  1. offprint, reprint, separatenoun

    a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication

    offprint, reissue, reprint, reprinting

    conjunct, conjoined, cooperative, collective, conjunctive, joint, corporate, clannish, integrated, concerted, connected, cosignatory, conjoint, attached

  2. separateadjective

    a garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments

    offprint, reprint

    conjoined, joint, concerted, collective, attached, connected, corporate, clannish, cooperative, conjoint, cosignatory, conjunctive, integrated, conjunct

  3. separateadjective

    independent; not united or joint

    «a problem consisting of two separate issues»; «they went their separate ways»; «formed a separate church»

    disjoined, freestanding

    conjoined, cooperative, joint, conjunctive, connected, collective, conjoint, conjunct, concerted, cosignatory, corporate, clannish, integrated, attached

  4. freestanding, separateadjective

    standing apart; not attached to or supported by anything

    «a freestanding bell tower»; «a house with a separate garage»

    disjoined, freestanding

    concerted, clannish, cosignatory, conjoined, conjunctive, cooperative, collective, integrated, joint, connected, conjunct, corporate, conjoint, attached

  5. separateadjective

    separated according to race, sex, class, or religion

    «separate but equal»; «girls and boys in separate classes»

    disjoined, freestanding

    conjunct, cooperative, connected, corporate, integrated, cosignatory, clannish, conjoint, joint, concerted, conjunctive, collective, attached, conjoined

  6. disjoined, separateverb

    have the connection undone; having become separate

    disjoined, freestanding

    joint, conjunctive, concerted, clannish, attached, conjunct, conjoined, cosignatory, integrated, conjoint, cooperative, connected, corporate, collective

  7. separate, divideverb

    act as a barrier between; stand between

    «The mountain range divides the two countries»

    divide, assort, carve up, come apart, fork, classify, sort out, dissever, differentiate, class, distinguish, part, break, disunite, severalise, fraction, furcate, fall apart, severalize, secernate, break up, split up, split, sort, secern, tell apart, tell, branch, single out, ramify, discriminate

    conjoined, concerted, conjunct, joint, cosignatory, corporate, conjoint, attached, integrated, collective, connected, conjunctive, clannish, cooperative

  8. separate, disunite, divide, partverb

    force, take, or pull apart

    «He separated the fighting children»; «Moses parted the Red Sea»

    tell apart, distinguish, start, classify, assort, disassociate, start out, differentiate, split up, fork, tell, fraction, break up, divide, come apart, single out, part, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, depart, dissociate, set off, class, discriminate, branch, take off, secern, divorce, disunite, set forth, sort out, ramify, disjoint, secernate, set out

    conjunct, corporate, attached, cosignatory, clannish, joint, conjoint, collective, cooperative, integrated, conjoined, connected, conjunctive, concerted

  9. distinguish, separate, differentiate, secern, secernate, severalize, severalise, tell, tell apartverb

    mark as different

    «We distinguish several kinds of maple»

    tell apart, distinguish, classify, discriminate, spot, mark, differentiate, sort, signalise, enjoin, split up, key out, evidence, tell, break up, divide, come apart, single out, part, state, pick out, order, carve up, key, severalize, split, assure, speciate, fall apart, severalise, furcate, dissever, signalize, assort, specialize, recount, class, identify, make out, specialise, branch, discern, secern, recognize, recite, name, disunite, recognise, narrate, describe, break, sort out, ramify, fork, discover, secernate, say

    concerted, attached, integrated, collective, conjoined, connected, conjoint, clannish, cosignatory, joint, corporate, cooperative, conjunctive, conjunct

  10. divide, split, split up, separate, dissever, carve upverb

    separate into parts or portions

    «divide the cake into three equal parts»; «The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I»

    tell apart, distinguish, classify, cleave, split up, fork, differentiate, fraction, break up, divide, rive, single out, part, come apart, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, assort, class, discriminate, branch, break open, secern, divorce, disunite, tell, burst, sort out, ramify, secernate

    conjunctive, concerted, cosignatory, conjoined, attached, cooperative, clannish, conjoint, conjunct, collective, joint, corporate, connected, integrated

  11. separateverb

    divide into components or constituents

    «Separate the wheat from the chaff»

    divide, assort, carve up, come apart, fork, classify, sort out, dissever, differentiate, class, distinguish, part, break, disunite, severalise, furcate, fall apart, severalize, secernate, break up, split up, split, sort, secern, tell apart, tell, branch, single out, ramify, discriminate

    conjoined, collective, integrated, conjoint, concerted, cosignatory, clannish, conjunct, conjunctive, attached, joint, corporate, cooperative, connected

  12. classify, class, sort, assort, sort out, separateverb

    arrange or order by classes or categories

    «How would you classify these pottery shards—are they prehistoric?»

    tell apart, distinguish, classify, associate, single out, split up, shed light on, crystalise, differentiate, sieve, divide, crystalize, fall apart, part, crystallise, carve up, sort, severalize, consort, split, come apart, correct, severalise, dissever, furcate, assort, affiliate, class, illuminate, clear, discriminate, discipline, branch, secern, screen out, elucidate, screen, crystallize, clear up, enlighten, relegate, disunite, straighten out, tell, break, sort out, ramify, fork, break up, secernate

    clannish, cooperative, collective, attached, connected, joint, conjoined, conjunctive, cosignatory, corporate, conjoint, concerted, conjunct, integrated

  13. separate, divideverb

    make a division or separation

    divide, assort, carve up, come apart, fork, classify, sort out, dissever, differentiate, class, distinguish, part, break, disunite, severalise, fraction, furcate, fall apart, severalize, secernate, break up, split up, split, sort, secern, tell apart, tell, branch, single out, ramify, discriminate

    joint, connected, corporate, integrated, collective, conjunct, conjunctive, conjoint, cosignatory, conjoined, concerted, clannish, attached, cooperative

  14. separate, part, split up, split, break, break upverb

    discontinue an association or relation; go different ways

    «The business partners broke over a tax question»; «The couple separated after 25 years of marriage»; «My friend and I split up»

    crack, fork, give way, soften, disperse, reveal, cut off, give out, single out, unwrap, fall apart, part, disassemble, collapse, die, classify, transgress, founder, weaken, fragmentise, calve, fragmentize, bump, discover, snap off, take off, go, ramify, demote, break out, split, sort out, give away, take apart, crack up, damp, smash, interrupt, carve up, offend, distinguish, fracture, relegate, discriminate, bring out, violate, class, divulge, pause, break-dance, let on, recess, get around, rive, wear out, cave in, sort, conk out, tell apart, break away, check, break open, break up, breach, develop, give, split up, branch, secern, decompose, dissolve, assort, better, furcate, fragment, burst, go bad, adjourn, tell, secernate, break off, cleave, disclose, crash, bust, erupt, scatter, dismantle, recrudesce, break apart, break dance, divide, go against, dampen, set forth, severalize, divorce, fall in, disrupt, break in, let out, dissever, severalise, ruin, start, depart, kick downstairs, disunite, differentiate, stop, dispel, break down, infract, set out, fail, come apart, bankrupt, set off, expose, break, crock up, discontinue, start out, intermit, dissipate, sever, get out, pick, resolve, wear

    concerted, attached, integrated, collective, cosignatory, joint, clannish, conjoined, cooperative, conjunctive, connected, conjoint, conjunct, corporate

  15. separate, part, splitverb

    go one’s own way; move apart

    «The friends separated after the party»

    tell apart, distinguish, start, classify, cleave, start out, differentiate, rive, split up, fork, tell, break up, divide, come apart, single out, break open, part, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, depart, assort, set off, class, discriminate, branch, take off, secern, disunite, set forth, burst, sort out, ramify, secernate, set out

    clannish, collective, conjoined, corporate, cosignatory, concerted, cooperative, integrated, joint, conjoint, conjunctive, conjunct, attached, connected

  16. break, separate, split up, fall apart, come apartverb

    become separated into pieces or fragments

    «The figurine broke»; «The freshly baked loaf fell apart»

    crack, break away, give way, soften, reveal, develop, single out, unwrap, conk out, expose, die, distinguish, transgress, founder, weaken, discover, snap off, stop, go, ramify, demote, break out, split, sort out, give away, damp, smash, interrupt, carve up, offend, get out, fracture, relegate, discriminate, bring out, violate, class, divulge, divorce, pause, let on, get around, wear out, cave in, sort, fork, tell apart, break-dance, break up, check, give out, break in, give, split up, branch, secern, better, furcate, burst, go bad, tell, secernate, breach, break off, disclose, bust, erupt, collapse, recrudesce, break dance, divide, go against, dampen, severalize, break down, assort, fall in, bump, let out, dissever, severalise, ruin, fall apart, kick downstairs, disunite, part, infract, fail, come apart, bankrupt, crumble, differentiate, break, discontinue, intermit, go to pieces, wear, classify

    connected, joint, corporate, cosignatory, concerted, collective, conjoint, conjunct, attached, conjunctive, clannish, conjoined, cooperative, integrated

  17. discriminate, separate, single outverb

    treat differently on the basis of sex or race

    divide, assort, carve up, know apart, come apart, fork, classify, secern, sort out, dissever, differentiate, class, part, break, disunite, severalise, furcate, fall apart, severalize, secernate, break up, split up, split, sort, distinguish, tell apart, tell, branch, single out, ramify, discriminate

    conjunctive, conjunct, conjoined, cosignatory, cooperative, connected, collective, corporate, attached, joint, concerted, clannish, integrated, conjoint

  18. separate, divide, partverb

    come apart

    «The two pieces that we had glued separated»

    tell apart, distinguish, start, classify, start out, differentiate, split up, fork, tell, fraction, break up, divide, come apart, single out, part, carve up, sort, severalize, split, break, fall apart, severalise, dissever, furcate, depart, assort, set off, class, discriminate, branch, take off, secern, disunite, set forth, sort out, ramify, secernate, set out

    joint, collective, clannish, integrated, conjunctive, concerted, conjoint, attached, connected, conjoined, cooperative, cosignatory, conjunct, corporate

  19. branch, ramify, fork, furcate, separateverb

    divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork

    «The road forks»

    divide, split, pitchfork, sort, come apart, assort, classify, secern, sort out, dissever, differentiate, class, part, break, disunite, severalise, break up, fall apart, severalize, secernate, complexify, split up, furcate, fork, distinguish, tell apart, carve up, tell, branch, single out, ramify, discriminate

    cooperative, collective, corporate, connected, cosignatory, conjunct, conjoined, conjunctive, conjoint, joint, clannish, concerted, attached, integrated

Matched Categories

    • Article
    • Categorize
    • Change
    • Change Integrity
    • Diverge
    • Identify
    • Move

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. split up

    cause to move or be apart.

    police were trying to separate two rioting mobs.

    Submitted by JP03 on March 29, 2015  

  2. unmergedverb

    take apart, keep as separate components of the whole

    the union should give separate representation to the individual voices with different opinions and should unmerge them.

    Submitted by anonymous on July 26, 2021  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. separateverb

    disjoin, disunite, disconnect, dispart, divide, detach, disengage, insulate, isolate

  2. separateverb

    sever, dissever, sunder, cleave, part

  3. separateverb

    withdraw, remove, eliminate

  4. separateadjective

    disjoined, disconnected, unconnected, disunited, dissociated, detached, distinct, discrete

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. separateadjective

    detached, disconnected, disjoined, separated, apart, distinct, isolated, segregated, disunited, severed, withdrawn

  2. separateverb

    divide, dissolve, detach, sunder, sever, disconnect, part, disjoin, withdraw, rend, dissociate, disengage, isolate, disunite, eliminate, disintegrate, segregate, scatter, disperse, dissipate, sequester, cleave, insulate, dissever, deglutinate

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «separate»:

    distinct, separated, independent, separately, different, discrete, segregated, individual, distinctive, sporadic, segregate, separating, stand-alone, split, corrigendum, pry, various, distinguish, dissociate, specific, autonomous, respectively, independence, own, isolated, separation, decouple, free-standing, standalone, detach, toseparate, breakaway

How to pronounce separate?

How to say separate in sign language?

How to use separate in a sentence?

  1. Farah Kabir:

    Rich nations have pushed making financial commitments to reduce disaster risk to a separate round of financing negotiations later in the year.

  2. Rob Malley:

    We want to hold them separate because we don’t want to hold the release of the hostages, we don’t want to condition it on reaching a deal on the JCPOA, our view is the release of the hostage should occur no matter what and we will continue to press whether the JCPOA is ongoing or not.

  3. Johnnie Jones:

    He knocked me down and started kicking me, things weren’t right. ‘ Separate but equal’ was unconstitutional and I wanted to fight it and make it better.

  4. Marino Rescek:

    We have two separate worlds in our economy. There are companies that deal with the state and mostly have no problems in keeping business afloat. Others struggle on the free market, burdened by unpaid bills, poor law enforcement, high taxation and a lack of capital to invest.

  5. Major Hodges:

    If you go at minimum rations of one meal a day, we were looking at numbers about 1800 meals that we needed to get in there, so, there was not the physical space in the cave to put 1800 meals and that would be 18 separate dive missions. Some of the rescued soccer team members bowing their heads respectfully in front of a sketch of the Thai NavySEAL Facebook Page SEAL diver who died while trying to rescue them. ( Thailand’s Ministry of Health and the Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital via AP).

Translations for separate

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • skei, afgesonderde, aparte, verdeel, deel, geskeideAfrikaans
  • منفصل, فصلArabic
  • айырым, башҡа, айырыуBashkir
  • separat, separarCatalan, Valencian
  • oddělený, oddělit, separátní, samostatnýCzech
  • gwahanWelsh
  • adskilleDanish
  • unterscheiden, separieren, trennen, separat, sich trennen, getrennt, teilen, einzeln, scheiden, auseinanderfallenGerman
  • malkunigi, malkunaEsperanto
  • separado, separar, disgregarSpanish
  • erottaa, eri, erillinen, irrottaa, erottua, irtonainenFinnish
  • séparer, séparée, séparéFrench
  • scaoil i, deighilIrish
  • air leth, bhoScottish Gaelic
  • separar, separado, separarseGalician
  • अलगHindi
  • elkülönít, elválaszt, különálló, különHungarian
  • բաժանել, անջատել, առանձնացնել, տրոհել, առանձին, անջատArmenian
  • aðkilinnIcelandic
  • separato, separata, separareItalian
  • נפרדHebrew
  • 分離, 分れた, 分かれる, 別れる, 切り離すJapanese
  • 분리되다, 개개의, 별개의, 분리하다Korean
  • schiften, afgezonderde, afgezonderd, scheiden, gescheiden, afzonderlijkDutch
  • oddzielny, osobnyPolish
  • جلا, بېلPashto, Pushto
  • separar-se, separado, separarPortuguese
  • haytarakuyQuechua
  • despărți, separa, separată, separatRomanian
  • разделять, разлучать, разъединять, отдельный, раздельный, отделять, обособленный, разделятьсяRussian
  • avskilja, skiljd, söndra, avskild, skilja, splittra, separat, dela, skildSwedish
  • தனிTamil
  • విడిపోవు, వేరు చేయు, విడిTelugu
  • окремоUkrainian
  • الگUrdu
  • schåyîWalloon

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1    break off, cleave, come apart, come away, come between, detach, disconnect, disentangle, disjoin, divide, keep apart, remove, sever, split, sunder, uncouple  

2    discriminate between, isolate, put on one side, segregate, single out, sort out  

3    bifurcate, break up, disunite, diverge, divorce, estrange, go different ways, part, part company, set at variance or at odds, split up  

4    detached, disconnected, discrete, disjointed, divided, divorced, isolated, unattached, unconnected  

5    alone, apart, autonomous, distinct, independent, individual, particular, single, solitary  
,       vb   amalgamate, combine, connect, join, link, merge, mix, unite  
      adj   affiliated, alike, connected, interdependent, joined, similar, unified, united  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



        ( separates    plural & 3rd person present)   ( separating    present participle)   ( separated    past tense & past participle  )
The adjective and noun are pronounced sepərət. The verb is pronounced sepəreɪt.     

1       adj   If one thing is separatefrom another, there is a barrier, space, or division between them, so that they are clearly two things.  
oft ADJ from n  
Each villa has a separate sitting-room…, They are now making plans to form their own separate party…, Business bank accounts were kept separate from personal ones.     

  separateness      n-uncount  
…establishing Australia’s cultural separateness from Britain.     

2       adj   If you refer to separate things, you mean several different things, rather than just one thing.  
usu ADJ n  

Use separate chopping boards for raw meats, cooked meats, vegetables and salads…, Men and women have separate exercise rooms…, The authorities say six civilians have been killed in two separate attacks.     

3       v-recip   If you separate people or things that are together, or if they separate, they move apart.  
Police moved in to separate the two groups…      V pl-n  
The pans were held in both hands and swirled around to separate gold particles from the dirt…      V n from n  
The front end of the car separated from the rest of the vehicle…      V from n  
They separated. Stephen returned to the square…      pl-n V  
They’re separated from the adult inmates.      V-ed  

4       v-recip   If you separate people or things that have been connected, or if one separatesfrom another, the connection between them is ended.  
They want to separate teaching from research…      V n from n  
It’s very possible that we may see a movement to separate the two parts of the country…      V pl-n  
He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec’s threat to separate from Canada.      V from n  

5       v-recip   If a couple who are married or living together separate, they decide to live apart.  
Her parents separated when she was very young…      pl-n V  
Since I separated from my husband I have gone a long way.      V from n  

6       verb   An object, obstacle, distance, or period of time which separates two people, groups, or things exists between them.  
…the white-railed fence that separated the yard from the paddock…      V n from n  
They had undoubtedly made progress in the six years that separated the two periods…      V pl-n  
But a group of six women and 23 children got separated from the others.      get V-ed  

7       verb   If you separate one idea or fact from another, you clearly see or show the difference between them.  

It is difficult to separate legend from truth…      V n from n  
It is difficult to separate the two aims.      V pl-n  
      Separate out means the same as separate., phrasal verb  
How can one ever separate out the act from the attitudes that surround it?      V P n from n  

8       verb   A quality or factor that separates one thing from another is the reason why the two things are different from each other.  

The single most important factor that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting…      V n from n  

9       verb   If a particular number of points separate two teams or competitors, one of them is winning or has won by that number of points.  
In the end only three points separated the two teams.      V pl-n  

10       verb   If you separate a group of people or things into smaller elements, or if a group separates, it is divided into smaller elements.  

The police wanted to separate them into smaller groups…      V n into n  
Let’s separate into smaller groups…      V into n  
So all the colours that make up white light are sent in different directions and they separate.      V  
      Separate out means the same as separate., phrasal verb  
If prepared many hours ahead, the mixture may separate out.      V P  

11       n-plural   Separates are clothes such as skirts, trousers, and shirts which cover just the top half or the bottom half of your body.  

13    When two or more people who have been together for some time go their separate ways, they go to different places or end their relationship.  

go their separate ways      phrase   V inflects  
Sue and her husband decided to go their separate ways.      separate out      phrasal verb   If you separate out something from the other things it is with, you take it out.  
The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.      V P n from n, Also V P n (not pron)  
  separate 7, 10  

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all, any, each, every, individual,, particular, specific, all, alone, another, any, apart,, deserted, detached, different, disagreeable, disconnected, discrete, disparate, dissimilar, distinct, distinctive, diverse, divided, each, every, free, in isolation, incomparable, independent, individual, infrequent,, intrinsic, isolated, lone, lonely, lonesome, one, only, opposite, other, particular, personal, private, rare, remote, removed, retired, scattered, secluded, self-reliant, separated, single, singular, sole, solitary, specific,, sporadic, unaccompanied, unattached, uncommon, unconnected, unconstrained, unique, unlike, abstract, agitate, annul, apportion, arrange,, assort, bail, bend, branch, break, break off, break up, burst, cancel, carve, carve up, choose, class, classify, cleave, cloister, come apart, crack, cull, cut apart,, cut off, cut up, deal out, desert, detach, difference, differentiate, dip, disconnect, discriminate, disengage, disjoin, disjoint, dislocate, dislodge, dispel, disperse, disrupt, dissever, dissipate, dissociate, distil, distinguish, distribute, disunite,, diverge, divert, divide, divorce, drop, embroil, end, entangle, estrange, evict, fall apart, file, filter, filtrate, fork, fracture, furcate, gape, hew, individualise, individualize, insulate, isolate, know, ladle, leave, mete out, mine, notice, nullify, open, order, ostracise, ostracize, pan, parcel out, part, particularise, particularize, partition, pick, portion, pull off, purify, quarantine, radiate, ramify, refine, remove, rend, rend asunder, resolve, rupture, secern, secernate, seclude, segregate, select, sequester, set apart, set off, sever, severalise, severalize, shake, share, sieve, sift, single out, skim, sort, sort out, spatter, splinter, split, split up, sprain, spray, strain, sunder, swerve, tear, tell, tell apart, throw out, undo, wash, withdrawn, withhold, wrench, disjoined, freestanding, reprint, offprint.

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • separate [ˈseprɪt] прил

    1. отдельный, раздельный, самостоятельный, обособленный

      (individual, split, independent, isolated)

      • separate agreement – отдельное соглашение
      • separate constitutional court – отдельный конституционный суд
      • separate ethnic group – отдельная этническая группа
      • separate dining room – отдельная столовая
      • own separate entrance – отдельный вход
      • separate sheet of paper – отдельный лист бумаги
      • separate work of art – отдельное произведение искусства
      • separate vote – раздельное голосование
      • separate legal entity – самостоятельное юридическое лицо
      • separate business unit – обособленное подразделение
    2. разный


      • separate directions – разные направления
    3. сепаратный

      • separate negotiations – сепаратные переговоры
  • separate [ˈseprɪt] гл

    1. отделять, разделять, отделить, разделить, отделиться, разделиться

      (divide, break)

      • separating layer – разделяющий слой
      • separate words – отделить слова
    2. разлучать, разлучить, отлучить, расстаться

      (part, apart, excommunicate)

    3. разъединять, разъединить


    4. разойтись


  • separate [ˈseprɪt] сущ

    1. разделениеср


      • separate line – линия разделения
    2. отделениеср


    3. отдельностьж


  • separate [ˈseprɪt] нареч

    1. отдельно, раздельно

      (individual, apart)

отдельный separate, individual, single, particular, distinct, detached
самостоятельный independent, separate, solo, substantive, fledged, unaided
особый special, particular, specific, distinct, exclusive, separate
сепаратный separate
индивидуальный individual, separate, special, particular, distinct, peculiar
изолированный isolated, insulated, insulate, secluded, separate, sequestered
уединенный secluded, solitary, lonely, private, remote, separate
различный different, various, varied, variant, divers, separate
отделять separate, set apart, detach, dissociate, divide, isolate
разделять divide, share, separate, split up, partition, share in
отделяться separate, detach, divide, secede, segregate, part
разделяться divide, separate, split up, part, segregate, dispart
сортировать sort, assort, separate, grade, screen, select
разъединять disconnect, sever, dissociate, divide, separate, disunite
разнимать separate, pull apart, part, set apart, disjoint, joint
расходиться diverge, disperse, break, break up, separate, disband
разлучать separate, part, sunder, sever
разъединяться divide, separate, disunite, dissever, bust up
отлучать separate
разлагать decompose, corrupt, disintegrate, resolve, dissolve, separate
увольнять dismiss, fire, retire, lay off, discharge, separate
демобилизовывать separate
разлучаться separate, part
отсеивать winnow, sift, separate, bolt, bolt out, pearl off
расселяться settle, separate
развозить deliver, drive, take, be down, conduct, separate
отдельный оттиск offprint, separate, reprint, excerpt, separatum

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • separate сущ

    • individual · private · particular · discrete · specific · special
    • single · different · detached · singular
    • independent · autonomous · freestanding
    • split · divide · segregate · split up · diverge · compartmentalize · disunite · sunder
    • distinguish · differentiate
    • part · branch · share · divorce
    • break · sever · break up
    • disconnect


  • unconnected, unrelated, different, distinct, discrete, detached, divorced, disconnected, independent, autonomous
  • set apart, detached, fenced off, cut off, segregated, isolated, free-standing, self-contained
  • disjoined
  • freestanding


  • split (up), break up, part, pull apart, divide, sunder
  • disconnect, detach, disengage, uncouple, unyoke, disunite, disjoin, split, divide, sever, disentangle
  • partition, divide, come between, keep apart, bisect, intersect
  • isolate, partition off, section off, close off, shut off, cordon off, fence off, screen off
  • part (company), go their separate ways, split up, say goodbye, disperse, disband, scatter
  • fork, divide, branch, bifurcate, diverge
  • split up, break up, part, be estranged, divorce
  • isolate, set apart, segregate, distinguish, differentiate, dissociate, sort out, sift out, filter out, remove, weed out
  • break away from, break with, secede from, withdraw from, leave, quit, dissociate oneself from, resign from, drop out of, repudiate, reject
  • divide
  • split up, dissever, split, carve up, divide
  • sort, classify, class, assort, sort out
  • disunite, part, divide
  • split, part
  • ramify, fork, branch, furcate
  • discriminate, single out
  • distinguish, secern, tell, differentiate, tell apart, severalize
  • split up, split, part, break, break up
  • part, divide
  • come apart, fall apart, split up, break


  • reprint, offprint

Предложения со словом «separate»

This tool helps people both express their opinions and then separate themselves from their opinions to see things from a higher level.

Этот инструмент даёт возможность высказаться и при этом посмотреть на ситуацию отстранённо, на более высоком уровне.

They sort and separate the winners from the losers.

Они сортируют людей, отделяя победителей от проигравших.

We need to separate those two things.

Нам нужно разделять эти две вещи.

You separate components of blood or body fluids to be able to detect and identify pathogens.

Они разделяют компоненты крови или физиологических жидкостей, чтобы найти и определить патогены.

And we can identify malaria parasites that are in the blood that we can separate out and detect with something like a centrifuge.

И мы можем обнаружить малярийных паразитов, находящихся в крови, которую мы можем отделить и сделать её анализ с помощи центрифуги.

Another version of this allows me to separate nucleic acids to be able to do nucleic acid tests out in the field itself.

Другой вариант такого прибора позволяет отделить нуклеиновую кислоту, чтобы провести анализ на нуклеиновую кислоту в полевых условиях.

Here is another version that allows me to separate bulk samples, and then, finally, something new that we’ve been working on to be able to implement the entire multiplex test on an object like this.

А здесь ещё один вариант, позволяющий отделять массовые пробы, и, наконец, совсем новое, над чем сейчас работаем, чтобы можно было проводить комплексный анализ на подобном приборе.

But for our purposes, chief among them was training yourself to separate what you can control from what you cannot control, and then doing exercises to focus exclusively on the former.

Для наших целей главным из них было научение себя отличать то, что можешь контролировать, о того, что не в твоей власти, а затем сосредотачиваться исключительно на первом.

Early in the morning, sunlight rakes the facades, sharpening shadows, and at night, lamplight segments the buildings into hundreds of distinct areas, balconies and windows and arcades, each one a separate pocket of visual activity.

Раннее утро, солнечные лучи на фасадах зданий, чёткие тени, а ночью свет фонарей делит здания на тысячи отдельных участков, балконов, окон и галерей, каждый со своей визуальной составляющей.

We call it FEEL, and it teaches how do you separate your emotional decisions from your financial decisions, and the four timeless rules to personal finance: the proper way to save, control your cost of living, borrow money effectively and diversify your finances by allowing your money to work for you instead of you working for it.

Мы называем её просто FEEL — эта программа учит, как разделять эмоциональные решения от финансовых решений, а также четырём незыблемым правилам управления личными деньгами: эффективный способ сбережений, контроль своего прожиточного минимума, разумное одалживание денег и вклад капитала: позволяйте деньгам работать на вас вместо того, чтобы работать на них.

This is what I use to separate the mother and the baby, she said.

Этот инструмент для перерезания пуповины, — объяснила она.

You essentially separate the litter, the babies of this rat, at birth, to two kinds of fostering mothers — not the real mothers, but mothers that will take care of them: high-licking mothers and low-licking mothers.

В нём выводок — детёнышей крысы — при рождении отделили от матери и передали двум видам приёмных матерей… не настоящим матерям, а тем, кто позаботится о детёнышах: часто вылизывающим крысят и редко вылизывающим.

We competed in FIRST LEGO League which is an international LEGO robotics competition for kids, and in addition to a robotics game, we also worked on a separate science project, and this was the project that we were working on.

Мы участвовали в соревнованиях в первой лиге Лего, которая является международным Конкурсом Лего по робототехнике для детей, и кроме игры по робототехнике мы также работали над отдельным научным проектом, и именно об этом проекте я только что рассказал.

Questions like, Is it normal to sleep in a separate bed to my wife?

Например: Нормально ли спать с женой в разных кроватях?

G and J, let’s separate their roles.

Давайте разделим роли букв G и J.

Broadly speaking, the ability to separate and enrich biomarkers with nanoscale precision in an automated way, opens the door to better understanding diseases such as cancer, with applications ranging from sample preparation to diagnostics, and from drug resistance monitoring to therapeutics.

В широком смысле способность разделять и концентрировать биомаркеры с наномасштабной точностью и в автоматическом режиме открывает возможности для лучшего понимания таких болезней, как рак, а применение может быть в диапазоне от подготовки образцов до диагностики и от контроля устойчивости к препаратам до терапии.

What it means in terms of the distances between them, how they will start to feel separate from each other and just the logistics of the time.

Речь идёт о расстоянии между ними, о том, как они будут себя чувствовать вдали друг от друга, и как в этом случае управлять временем.

I told my sister we had probably been doing the same thing, carting around made-up stories in our heads that kept us separate .

Я сказала сестре, что мы занимались с ней тем же самым, перебирая в головах выдуманные истории, которые держали нас порознь.

So it’s important to not separate the physical construction of the places we live from other things that are happening at that time.

Важно не разделять физическое строительство мест, в которых мы живём, и события, которые происходят с нами в это время.

So you have to first separate your feelings about the candidate from your feelings about the people who are given a choice.

Прежде всего нужно отделить свои чувства к кандидату от чувств к людям, которым предоставлен выбор.

And then you have to realize that, because we all live in a separate moral world — the metaphor I use in the book is that we’re all trapped in The Matrix, or each moral community is a matrix, a consensual hallucination.

А затем понять, что мы живём с разными моральными устоями, метафора, которую я использую в книге, — мы внутри матрицы, каждое сообщество это матрица, согласованная галлюцинация.

Separate but equal was OK.

Раздельно, но на равных всех бы устроило.

But while we all know things were indeed separate , they were in no ways equal.

Но как мы все знаем, когда всё было разделено, все были далеко не равны.

The Federation would recognise them as separate and unique.

Я думаю, что Федерация признает их независимыми и уникальными.

The agenda for tomorrow is in three separate sections.

Завтрашняя программа состоит из трех отдельных пунктов

Guards at the estate were separate from the army.

Гвардейцы, охранявшие поместье, армейскому начальству не подчинялись.

You need separate insurance for dry rot and longhorn beetles.

Необходимо наличие отдельного страхования для сухой гнили и древоточцев.

It was divided into three separate cells with vertical bars.

Оно было разделено на три отдельные камеры вертикальными прутьями.

Your mama really believed you slept in separate bedrooms?

Твоя мама реально верила что вы спите в разных спальнях?

And didn’t I tell you to separate colors?

И разве я не говорила тебе разделять одежду по цветам?

Which means that his esophagus developed in two separate pieces.

Что означает, что его пищевод разделён на две части.

Each eye takes three separate images of the same object.

Каждый из зрительных органов видит 3 различных изображения одного объекта.

The Cheviot Hills separate England from Scotland.

Чевиот — Хилс отделяет Англию от Шотландии.

I’ve got buckets catching rainwater in three separate bedrooms.

У меня в трех разных спальнях дождевая вода капает в ведра

You may want a separate cabin for your family and reserve first class cabins with three or four berths.

Вы можете пожелать отдельную каюту для вашей семьи и заказать каюту первого класса с тремя или четырьмя койками .

They separate , go up hills and cross rivers.

Они расходятся, поднимаются на холмы, пересекают реки.

Christianity is split in two distinct and very separate religions.

Христианство разделяется на две самостоятельные и заметно различающиеся религии.

They took separate apartments and switched off coming to us.

Они сняли отдельные квартиры и приходили к нам по очереди.

You stopped believing in Horselover Fat as a separate person.

Перестал верить в Жирного Лошадника как в отдельную личность.

Forty yards of channel separate it from the mainland.

От большой земли его отделяют только сорок ярдов канала.

Each head was in a separate cupboard lined with velvet.

Каждая голова хранилась в отдельном шкафчике, обитом изнутри бархатом.

Square foot by square foot into separate evidence bags.

Каждый квадратный фут собирать в отдельный пакет для улик.

I’m having the boxes sent to your separate offices.

У меня коробки которые будут разосланы в ваши раздельные офисы.

For once they made no effort to separate their identities.

Впервые каждая из них не пыталась подчеркнуть собственную индивидуальность.

The playgrounds would be separate , one for the young children and the other for the senior forms.

Площадки были бы отдельными : одна — для младших школьников, а другая — для старшеклассников.

In the mid-4th century it was established by the Roman Catholic church as a separate feast and was celebrated on 25 December according to the Julian calendar.

В середине IV века оно было установлено римско — католической церковью как отдельный праздник, а по юлианскому календарю его отмечали 25 декабря.

The present territory of the USA consists of three separate parts.

Нынешняя территория США состоит из трех отдельных частей.

Every day at two o’clock in the afternoon in the city of London two or three comedies are perfomed at separate places.

Каждый день, в два часа пополудни, в Лондоне две или три комедии представляются в разных местах.

A train de luxe implies constantly smiling, never irritated faces of the conductors, no dust on the handrails, and teabags in separate sachets.

Фирменный поезд предполагает постоянно улыбающиеся, никогда не раздраженные лица проводников, никакой пыли на поручнях, а также чайные пакетики в отдельных упаковках.

Researches, who have studied negotiations, recommend separate people from facts.

Исследователи, изучавшие деловые переговоры, рекомендуют отделять факты от людей.

I consider this is wrong: advertisements occupy the space which could be used for news or reviews and must be published only as special separate periodicals.

Я считаю, это неправильно: объявления занимают место, которое могло бы использоваться для новостей или обзоров, и должны публиковаться только как специальные отдельные периодические издания.

There is also a separate state in the USA, called Washington, but it’s situated in the far west of the country, whereas the capital-city is in the east.

Существует также отдельный штат в США под названием Вашингтон, но он расположен на крайнем западе страны, в то время как столица – на востоке.

As a result, Union of South Africa operated under a policy of apartheid — the separate development of the races.

В результате, союз Южной Африки использовал политику апартеида — отдельное развитие рас.

It is the task of the expert interrogator to separate wheat and chaff, and allow the winds to blow away the rubbish from the precious seed.

Обязанность опытного следователя отделить пшеницу от плевел и дать ветрам сдуть сор с драгоценных зерен.

Master thieves who practice the long con live separate lives as civilians.

Bыдaющиеcя воры ведут вторую жизнь в кaчеcтвe пpимeрныx гpaждaн.

Each of us chose one group of digits and started to work on separate bags.

Мы выбрали разные группы чисел и принялись за дело.

The city of Los Angeles is made up of over 100 separate and distinct ethnic, racial, and religious communities.

Лос — Анджелес состоит из более чем 100 отдельных и различных этнических, расовых и религиозных сообществ.

I was able to assemble and reconstruct four separate audio segments from the glue.

Мне удалось собрать и восстановить четыре отдельных звуковых сегмента из клея.

He forced me to reconsider each separate incident from every possible perspective.

Он заставил меня описать каждый отдельный случай со всех возможных точек зрения.

It began to resolve itself into distinct shapes, to gather into separate fiery whirlpools.

Свет начал распадаться на отдельные образы, собираться в огненные вихри.

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