Rush синонимы на английском

What is another word for Rush?

  • process, run at top speed

  • dart, move at great speed

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1    accelerate, barrel (along)     (informal, chiefly U.S. & Canad.)   bolt, burn rubber     (informal)   career, dart, dash, dispatch, expedite, fly, hasten, hotfoot, hurry, hustle, lose no time, make haste, make short work of, press, push, quicken, race, run, scramble, scurry, shoot, speed, speed up, sprint, stampede, tear  

2    charge, dash, dispatch, expedition, haste, hurry, race, scramble, speed, stampede, surge, swiftness, urgency  

3    attack, capture, charge, overcome, storm, take by storm  

4    assault, charge, onslaught, push, storm, surge  

5    brisk, cursory, emergency, expeditious, fast, hasty, hurried, prompt, quick, rapid, swift, urgent  

1    dally, dawdle, delay, procrastinate, slow down, tarry, wait  

5    careful, detailed, leisurely, not urgent, slow, thorough, unhurried  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( rushes    plural & 3rd person present)   ( rushing    present participle)   ( rushed    past tense & past participle  )

1       verb   If you rush somewhere, you go there quickly.  
A schoolgirl rushed into a burning flat to save a man’s life…      V prep/adv  
I’ve got to rush. Got a meeting in a few minutes…      V  
Shop staff rushed to get help.      V to-inf  

2       verb   If people rushto do something, they do it as soon as they can, because they are very eager to do it.  
Russian banks rushed to buy as many dollars as they could…      V to-inf  

3       n-sing   A rush is a situation in which you need to go somewhere or do something very quickly.  
The men left in a rush…, It was all rather a rush…     

4       n-sing   If there is a rushfor something, many people suddenly try to get it or do it.  
usu N for n  
Record stores are expecting a huge rush for the single.     

5       n-sing   Therush is a period of time when many people go somewhere or do something.  
the N, oft supp N  
The shop’s opening coincided with the Christmas rush…     

6       verb   If you rush something, you do it in a hurry, often too quickly and without much care.  
You can’t rush a search…      V n  
Instead of rushing at life, I wanted something more meaningful.      V at n  

  rushed      adj  
The report had all the hallmarks of a rushed job.     

7       verb   If you rush someone or something to a place, you take them there quickly.  
We got an ambulance and rushed her to hospital…      V n prep  
We’ll rush it round today if possible.      V n with adv  

8       verb   If you rushinto something or are rushedinto it, you do it without thinking about it for long enough.  
He will not rush into any decisions…      V into n  
They had rushed in without adequate appreciation of the task…      V in  
Ministers won’t be rushed into a response…      be V-ed into n  
Don’t rush him or he’ll become confused.      V n  

  rushed      adj   usu v-link ADJ  
At no time did I feel rushed or under pressure.     

9       verb   If you rush something or someone, you move quickly and forcefully at them, often in order to attack them.  
They rushed the entrance and forced their way in…      V n  
Tom came rushing at him from another direction.      V at n  

10       verb   If air or liquid rushes somewhere, it flows there suddenly and quickly.  
Water rushes out of huge tunnels…      V prep/adv  
      Rush is also a noun., n-count   usu sing, with supp  
A rush of air on my face woke me.     

11       n-count   If you experience a rushof a feeling, you suddenly experience it very strongly.  
usu sing, with supp  
A rush of pure affection swept over him…     

12    If you are rushed off your feet, you are extremely busy.  

be rushed off your feet      phrase   usu v-link PHR  
We used to be rushed off our feet at lunchtimes.      rush out      phrasal verb   If a document or product is rushed out, it is produced very quickly.  
A statement was rushed out…      be V-ed P  
Studios are rushing out monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusiasm for dinosaurs.      V P n (not pron), Also V n P   rush through      phrasal verb   If you rush something through, you deal with it quickly so that it is ready in a shorter time than usual.  
The government rushed through legislation aimed at Mafia leaders…      V P n (not pron)  
They rushed the burial through so no evidence would show up.      V n P  

gold rush        ( gold rushes    plural  ) A gold rush is a situation when a lot of people suddenly go to a place where gold has been discovered.      n-count  

rush hour        ( rush hours    plural  ) , rush-hour   The rush hour is one of the periods of the day when most people are travelling to or from work.      n-count   also at/during N  
During the evening rush hour it was often solid with vehicles…, Try to avoid rush-hour traffic…     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

summer rush




roads etc crowded with holidaymakers

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benjamin rush, aggression, alacrity, assault, attack,, bang, boom, boot, burst, burst of growth, career, celebration, celerity, charge, course, dash, dispatch, encounter, fibre, fling, flow, flush, foray, good time, gust,, haste, hurry, hustle, increase, indulgence, inflation, invasion, kick, offensive, onset, onslaught, outbreak, outpouring, party, plunge, quickness, race, raid, reeds, rise, rushing, sortie, spate, speed, spurt,, stampede, storm, surge, swell, tear, thrill, torrent, upsurge, upswell, accelerate, assault, attack, belt along, besiege,, bestir, blow, boil, bolt, bucket along, bulge, bustle, cannonball along, cascade, charge, course, dart, dash, discharge, drain, drive, escape, festinate, flap, flash,, flee, fling, flow, flutter, fly, foray, get a move on, gush, haste, hasten, heave, hie, hotfoot, hurry, hurry up, hurtle, hustle, induce, jet, look sharp, make haste, overcome, overflow, panic, peak,, pelt along, pour out, push on, race, raid, retreat, rise, run, rush along, sally, scoot, scramble, scurry, shoot, smash, speed, speed up, spout, sprint, spurt, squirt, stampede, step on it, stimulate, storm, surge, tear, thrash, travel rapidly, waft, whip, whirl, whisk, whiz, zip, first-come-first-serve, rushed.

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • rush [rʌʃ] гл

    1. мчаться, помчаться, понестись, промчаться

      (race, dart, suffer, fly)

      • rush home – помчаться домой
    2. бросаться, броситься, ринуться, кинуться, устремиться, рвануться, кидаться, примчаться

      (jump, dash, lunge, fling)

      • rush forward – броситься вперед
    3. торопить, поспешить, торопиться, спешить, поторопиться


    4. ворваться, врываться


    5. выбежать, прибежать, выбегать

      (run out, run)

    6. устремляться


    7. хлынуть


    8. наброситься


    9. влететь


  • rush [rʌʃ] сущ

    1. спешкаж


      • big rush – большая спешка
    2. приливм


      • rush of blood – прилив крови
    3. Рашм

    4. перебежкиж

  • rush [rʌʃ] прил

    1. стремительный


прилив rush, flow, high tide, flood, boss, flush
спешка rush, hurry, haste, time pressure, skiffle, drive
стремление aspiration, pursuit, tendency, intention, ambition, rush
ажиотаж agiotage, boom, stir, rush, agio
натиск onslaught, onset, rush, push, onrush, dash
погоня chase, pursuit, chasing, race, rush, chivvy
камыш cane, reed, rush, sedge
суета vanity, bustling, bustle, rush, scurry, stir
тростник cane, reed, rush, thatch, frail
напор pressure, thrust, push, rush, fall, inrush
ситник bulrush, rush
стремительное движение rush, dash, scurry, tear, dart, lunge
напряжение voltage, tension, strain, stress, straining, rush
устремление aspiration, rush
перебежка rush
стремительный бросок rush
стремительная атака rush
большой спрос rush, pressing demand
соревнование competition, contest, emulation, game, meet, rush
совершенный пустяк rush
внезапная осадка кровли rush
состязание match, contest, competition, duel, tug, rush
мелочь trifle, small change, change, nothing, pocket money, rush
срочный urgent, immediate, express, rush, terminable, exigent
спешный rush, pressing, immediate, importunate, hurry-up
требующий быстрых действий rush
торопиться rush, hurry, hasten, hurry up, haste, be in a hurry
бросаться rush, fling, swoop, plunge, dash, throw oneself
устремляться rush, bear down, tear along
торопить rush, hurry, hasten, hurry up, haste, push
устремиться rush, rush in, lunge, rush into, dart
мчаться rush, race, dash, tear, slip along, sweep
нестись rush, sweep, lay, run, fly, drive
мчать rush
обдирать abrade, strip, scrape, fleece, rush, rook
выполнять слишком поспешно rush
приударять rush
нахлынуть invade, surge, rush
стремительно тащить rush
действовать слишком поспешно rush
подгонять match, urge, hurry, rush, prod, goad
быстро доставлять rush
прихлынуть rush
брать стремительным натиском rush
ухаживать care, look after, court, tend, nurse, rush

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • rush гл

    • hurry · haste
    • run · jump · fly · hurtle · hurl · scurry · rush along
    • chase · dash · race · surge · bolt
    • attack · storm · charge · onslaught · onset
    • hasten
    • hustle · buzz · bustle
    • rushing
  • rush сущ

    • reed · cane
    • tide · influx · high tide · rising tide · hot flash
    • lunge · dart
    • gust · speeding · impulse · pursuit
    • fuss
    • barge


  • dash, run, sprint, dart, bolt, charge, scramble, break
  • hustle and bustle, commotion, hubbub, stir, busy time
  • demand, clamor, call, request, run on
  • hurry, haste, urgency
  • surge, flow, flood, spurt, stream, thrill, flash, charge, jolt, kick
  • gust, blast, draft
  • charge, onslaught, attack, assault, onrush
  • haste, hurry, rushing
  • upsurge, surge, spate
  • flush, bang, thrill, kick, charge, boot
  • rushing


  • hurry, dash, run, race, sprint, bolt, dart, gallop, career, charge, shoot, hurtle, careen, hare, fly, speed, zoom, scurry, scuttle, scamper, hasten, tear, belt, pelt, scoot, zip, whip, hotfoot it, leg it, bomb, hightail it
  • flow, pour, gush, surge, stream, cascade, run, course
  • push, hurry, hasten, speed, hustle, press, force
  • attack, charge, run at, assail, storm
  • hasten, festinate, look sharp, hurry
  • race
  • pelt along, hasten, race, step on it, hie, rush along, belt along, hotfoot, bucket along, speed
  • stimulate, hasten, induce
  • hurry


  • urgent, high-priority, emergency, hurried, hasty, fast, quick, swift, hurry-up
  • rushed

Предложения со словом «rush»

In the urban rush for a new, more embellished survival, things started to look a little different.

В городской суете условия выживания поменялись, и многое стало выглядеть по — другому.

It’s as if we’ve plucked these animals up from the quiet countryside and dropped them into a big city in the middle of rush hour.

Это как если бы мы вырвали этих животных из их тихой сельской местности и бросили бы в большой город во время часа пик.

Come down with pneumonia, and your mother will rush you to the nearest hospital for medical treatment.

Будь у тебя пневмония, твоя мама потащит тебя в ближайшую больницу за медицинской помощью.

Now when I say, Take out a book and read, kids rush to my library.

Теперь, когда я говорю: Возьмите книгу и почитайте, дети несутся к библиотеке.

I couldn’t breathe over the rush of power.

Под натиском магии я на миг потеряла способность дышать.

Something filled his eyes with a sudden rush of panic.

Его глаза вдруг заполнило чувство, близкое к панике.

What`s more, numerous cars cause rush hours so that people can spend an hour not having moved at all.

Более того, многочисленные автомобили вызывают пробки, человек может потратить полчаса, совсем не сдвинувшись с места.

The American dream was a driving factor not only in the Gold Rush of the mid to late 1800s, but also in the waves of immigration throughout that century and the following.

Американская мечта была движущим фактором не только Золотой лихорадки в середине — конце 1800 — х годов, но и волн иммиграции в течение всего этого века и следующего.

Sometimes I do my morning exercises, then I rush to the bathroom.

Иногда я делаю утреннюю зарядку, а после нее мчусь в ванную.

At a quarter to eight I grab my bag and rush to my school.

Без четверти восемь я хватаю мою сумку и несусь в школу.

I could scarcely see it through the steadily falling snow, but I could smell it and hear the rush of its passage.

Я едва мог разглядеть реку сквозь снег, но чувствовал ее запах и слышал шум течения.

In the all-consuming race of time suspended before the violent rush of her power, she felt only a resolute determination.

Во всеуничтожающем беге времени, предшествующем вспышке неистовой силы, она чувствовала только твердую решимость.

Why the hell is your man asking me all these damn questions, Rush?

Какого черта твой друг задаёт мне все эти дурацкие вопросы, Раш?

A rush of wicked pleasure touched her like a long cold kiss on the back of the neck.

Порыв нечистого удовольствия коснулся ее, словно долгий холодный поцелуй в шею пониже затылка.

The fans used to rush the field after every win and tear down the goalposts, and coach hated it.

Фанаты выбегали на поле после каждой победы и вырывали ворота и тренер дико обозлился.

We rush across the desert, then turn into the forest.

Мы мчимся по пустыне, потом сворачиваем в лес.

We have so many things to shoot tomorrow at the graveyard, and then we have to rush to catch our plane.

Нам завтра предстоит так много снять на кладбище, а потом придётся мчаться на самолёт.

Since there would be no funeral, he wouldn’t be forced to rush out and buy a new black one.

Раз не будет никаких похорон, не надо мчаться покупать новый, черный костюм.

The rush of excitement was over, but Sara’s hands started shaking.

Напряжение восторга от одержанной победы спало, и у нее стали дрожать руки.

We camped, and the hurry and rush and turmoil of the grand preparations began.

Мы разбили лагерь, и сразу же поднялась суматоха, беготня, шум праздничных приготовлений.

He could ruin me by jumping or by a wild rush.

Ведь она погубила бы меня, если бы прыгнула или рванулась изо всех сил вперед.

She purses her lips and whistles one sharp loud blast and laughs as the dogs scurry off the dock and rush out of sight.

Внезапно она резко, пронзительно свистит, и собаки мгновенно убираются с пристани.

They are going to rush to judgment because the public is demanding their villain.

Они будут спешить с оценкой, потому что общество требует злодея.

Drizzt felt the stinging pain all through his legs, and he heard the rush of air pressed out of his lungs when he landed on the hard stone.

Дриззт почувствовал как жгучая боль охватила его ноги, когда он приземлился на жесткий камень.

I jump from my bed and rush to slam the room’s windows and doors shut.

Соскакиваю с кровати и поспешно захлопываю окна и двери.

We felt a sudden rush of joy unlike anything we’ve ever felt before.

Мы ощутили такой прилив радости, подобный которому никогда не испытывали.

The energy rush that Jean-Claude had given me was fading, calming.

Прилив энергии, вызванный у меня Жан — Клодом, спадал, успокаивался.

A prickling rush of energy came off him like heat, and his eyes turned.

Колючий прилив энергии полыхнул от него жаром, и глаза его изменились.

At least the movement and the fresh rush of adrenaline had helped chase away the muscle fatigue.

Зато хотя бы свежий прилив адреналина помог прогнать мышечную усталость.

The rush and chatter, the wail of alarms and flash of lights behind him, did not impinge upon his consciousness.

Вой сирен и бешеное мигание огней за спиной не доходили до его сознания.

His yell of triumph was followed by a rush of air, and the sound of something crashing to the ground at his side.

За его победным воплем последовало стремительное движение воздуха и звук чего — то рухнувшего рядом на землю.

I’ve been walking around in order to conserve energy but I’m in a bit of a rush today.

Я стараюсь экономить электроэнергию и хожу пешком, но сегодня немного спешу.

He was confused and blinded by the rush of it and the beat of angry wings.

Стремительный натиск и яростные удары крыльев ослепили, ошеломили волчонка.

We were longing to rush right up there and get lost in those mysterious Spanish streets.

Нам не терпелось рвануть прямо туда и затеряться в таинственных испанских улочках.

I tried to draw back from it, but the sweet rush of knowing was too keen.

Я пытался уйти от этого, но сладостный поток осознания того, что видел, был слишком пронзительным.

They made a rush for the vest and pants, and collared the trousers.

Они набросились на жилетку и кальсоны, уцепились за брюки.

What you heard was a clang and the rush of water as they closed the sluice gates on the Thames.

Ты слышал лязг и звук прибывающей воды, потому что они закрывали шлюзы на Темзе.

Also put a rush on the ballistic test for the shotgun shell.

И надо ускорить баллистическую экспертизу по той гильзе от выстрела.

He caught sight of Rush walking down the lane in the gathering shadows.

Он заметил Раша, идущего в сгущающихся сумерках по тропинке.

Dr. Rush has pinpointed The stargate’s position on the surface, And I’ve plotted a course.

Доктор Раш выявил местонахождение звездных врат на поверхности, и я проложил курс.

Nearer and nearer they drew to the great rocks, and the shaggy man was in despair because he could do nothing to stop the wild rush of the sand-boat.

Скалы быстро приближались, и Косматого охватило отчаяние: он никак не мог остановить дикий бег лодки — саней.

More chaos on the tube as another power cut hits London during the rush hour…

Хаос в метро усилился из — за очередного отключения электроэнергии в час пик…

The smell of cinnamon and vanilla seemed to soak into my skin like a warm rush.

Аромат корицы и ванили впитывался в кожу теплым потоком.

Jennsen swallowed, feeling at the edge of tears from the rush of emotion, the fear, the elation, the panic, the triumph.

Дженнсен вздохну — ла и позволила себе наконец всхлипнуть от избытка эмоций, от страха и ликования.

Now, if there’s a rush and the cattle are stampeding toward you, it’s not much good prancing and dancing about on your show pony.

Если вдруг стадо помчится навстречу вам гарцевать на своей красивой лошадке бессмысленно.

He expects us to just pick up and rush back.

Он ждет, что мы просто возьмем и помчимся обратно.

No river was visible, but the air was full of the rush and babble of a torrent close at hand.

Нигде не было видно рек, но воздух был наполнен бормотанием стремительного потока, находящегося где — то поблизости.

Somebody had had a rush of sense, and the lead units were mostly artillery.

У кого — то случился припадок здравого смысла, и передовые части состояли в основном из артиллерии.

I could feel the blood in his body, the beat of his heart, the rush of him.

Я могла чувствовать кровь в его теле, биение его сердца, его напряжение.

The ceiling stopped its giddy rush, and male voices somewhere nearby spoke with grave rapidity.

Потолок остановил свой головокружительный бег, и где — то поблизости мужские голоса заговорили быстро и серьезно.

I felt something, a prickling rush of warmth.

Я почувствовала что — то, покалывающую волну тепла.

The mad rush for the sodden pleasures of Earth has depleted our pure Nest.

Безумная гонка за наслаждениями, так развратившая Землю, оскверняет чистоту нашего Гнезда.

Police and National Guard have been powerless to stem the wild rush away from the doomed city.

Полиция и Национальная гвардия бессильны остановить безумное бегство людей из обреченного города.

The smell of grass and sod met him as he reached the ground, a great intoxicating earthy rush.

Ледяной Сокол достиг земли и почуял запах травы и дерна, опьяняющий земной запах.

The silence was broken only by the rush of blood in his veins, the rhythm of his exhalations.

Тишину нарушал только ритмичный ток крови в венах и быстрая череда вдохов и выдохов.

He looked ready to rush forward and catch her if she fell.

Он готов был в любой момент броситься вперед и подхватить девушку, если та сорвется.

My dad would wake me early, and we’d rush downstairs.

Мой отец будил меня пораньше, и мы в спешке спускались по лестнице.

She ran out then, passed Oldpappy all in a rush, clattered down the stairs.

Она встала, в спешке пронеслась мимо Дедушки и загрохотала вниз по лестнице.

I think I left some papers out this morning in the rush…

И ещё я забыла кое — какие бумаги с утра в спешке…

But I won’t let him harry me into a frazzled rush.

Но я не дам ему загнать меня в изматывающую спешку.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rush

    A career was originally the ground for a race, or, especially, for a knight’s charge in tournament or battle; whence career was early applied to the charge itself.

    If you will use the lance, take ground for your career…. The four horsemen met in full career.

    Scott Quentin Durward ch. 14, p. 194. [D. F. & CO.]

    In its figurative use career signifies some continuous and conspicuous work, usually a life-work, and most frequently one of honorable achievement. Compare BUSINESS.

    career, charge, course, flight, line of achievement, passage, public life, race

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rush

    speed, course, dash, sweep, hurry, stream, roll, charge, drive, fly, burst

    march, saunter, lag, retreat, bait, hesitate

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. haste, hurry, rush, rushingnoun

    the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner

    «in his haste to leave he forgot his book»

    upsurge, surge, boot, rushing, precipitation, flush, bang, kick, spate, hurriedness, haste, charge, hurry, thrill, hastiness

    reserved, unhurried, linger, delay, hold up, detain, dawdle

  2. rush, spate, surge, upsurgenoun

    a sudden forceful flow

    tidy sum, wad, peck, mint, haste, plenty, lot, batch, raft, quite a little, passel, spate, muckle, rushing, pile, kick, good deal, stack, mountain, sight, billow, deal, heap, boot, freshet, thrill, flock, hatful, mickle, slew, charge, upsurge, mess, mass, hurry, flush, bang, great deal, surge, pot

    reserved, unhurried, detain, linger, hold up, dawdle, delay

  3. rushnoun

    grasslike plants growing in wet places and having cylindrical often hollow stems

    upsurge, surge, rushing, bang, flush, kick, spate, boot, haste, charge, hurry, thrill

    unhurried, reserved, linger, detain, hold up, dawdle, delay

  4. Rush, Benjamin Rushnoun

    physician and American Revolutionary leader; signer of the Declaration of Independence (1745-1813)

    upsurge, surge, rushing, bang, flush, kick, spate, boot, haste, charge, hurry, thrill

    unhurried, reserved, dawdle, detain, linger, delay, hold up

  5. bang, boot, charge, rush, flush, thrill, kicknoun

    the swift release of a store of affective force

    «they got a great bang out of it»; «what a boot!»; «he got a quick rush from injecting heroin»; «he does it for kicks»

    iron boot, peak, recoil, strike, haste, accusation, thrill, shudder, blossom, commission, electric charge, prime, squawk, belt, explosive charge, blush, fringe, smash, care, hit, knock, bam, complaint, kick, bloom, gripe, heraldic bearing, billing, cathexis, clap, the boot, tutelage, hot flash, eruption, boot, efflorescence, outpouring, bursting charge, smasher, armorial bearing, guardianship, direction, rosiness, kicking, quiver, chill, charge, upsurge, heyday, rushing, frisson, bearing, spate, hurry, tingle, flower, flush, bitch, bang, bash, blast, shiver, burster, iron heel, mission, gush, surge, beef

    unhurried, reserved, detain, linger, dawdle, hold up, delay

  6. rushnoun

    a sudden burst of activity

    «come back after the rush»

    upsurge, surge, rushing, bang, flush, kick, spate, boot, haste, charge, hurry, thrill

    unhurried, reserved, delay, detain, linger, dawdle, hold up

  7. rush, rushingadjective

    (American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running into the line

    «the linebackers were ready to stop a rush»

    upsurge, surge, rushing, bang, flush, kick, spate, boot, haste, charge, hurry, thrill

    unhurried, reserved, hold up, delay, detain, linger, dawdle

  8. first-come-first-serve(p), rushadjective

    not accepting reservations

    reserved, unhurried, dawdle, hold up, delay, detain, linger

  9. rush(a), rushedverb

    done under pressure

    «a rush job»

    reserved, unhurried, delay, linger, dawdle, hold up, detain

  10. rush, hotfoot, hasten, hie, speed, race, pelt along, rush along, cannonball along, bucket along, belt along, step on itverb

    move fast

    «He rushed down the hall to receive his guests»; «The cars raced down the street»

    run, hotfoot, zip, travel rapidly, cannonball along, quicken, bucket along, race, hurry, accelerate, rush along, hie, hasten, belt along, speed, expedite, look sharp, induce, pelt along, stimulate, festinate, speed up, step on it

    unhurried, reserved, delay, hold up, linger, dawdle, detain

  11. rushverb

    attack suddenly

    hotfoot, cannonball along, induce, hasten, look sharp, stimulate, belt along, speed, festinate, hurry, pelt along, hie, step on it, rush along, race, bucket along

    unhurried, reserved, dawdle, detain, delay, hold up, linger

  12. rush, hurryverb

    urge to an unnatural speed

    «Don’t rush me, please!»

    hotfoot, zip, travel rapidly, cannonball along, bucket along, race, hurry, rush along, hie, hasten, belt along, speed, look sharp, induce, pelt along, stimulate, festinate, step on it

    reserved, unhurried, hold up, delay, linger, detain, dawdle

  13. rush, hasten, hurry, look sharp, festinateverb

    act or move at high speed

    «We have to rush!»; «hurry—it’s late!»

    hotfoot, zip, travel rapidly, cannonball along, bucket along, race, hurry, rush along, hie, hasten, belt along, speed, expedite, look sharp, induce, pelt along, stimulate, festinate, step on it

    unhurried, reserved, linger, detain, hold up, delay, dawdle

  14. rushverb

    run with the ball, in football

    hotfoot, cannonball along, induce, hasten, look sharp, stimulate, belt along, speed, festinate, hurry, pelt along, hie, step on it, rush along, race, bucket along

    unhurried, reserved, detain, hold up, linger, delay, dawdle

  15. race, rushverb

    cause to move fast or to rush or race

    «The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze»

    hotfoot, cannonball along, bucket along, race, induce, hurry, rush along, hie, hasten, belt along, speed, look sharp, run, pelt along, stimulate, festinate, step on it

    unhurried, reserved, delay, detain, hold up, linger, dawdle

  16. induce, stimulate, rush, hastenverb

    cause to occur rapidly

    «the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions»

    shake up, cannonball along, excite, look sharp, belt along, get, shake, energize, perk up, hurry, hasten, stir, induct, expedite, make, energise, arouse, bucket along, speed, step on it, pelt along, cause, bring on, race, induce, hie, stimulate, provoke, have, festinate, hotfoot, brace, rush along

    reserved, unhurried, hold up, delay, detain, dawdle, linger

Matched Categories

    • American Revolutionary Leader
    • Attack
    • Effect
    • Excitement
    • Flow
    • Marsh Plant
    • Move
    • Outburst
    • Physician
    • Run
    • Urge

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  1. List of paraphrases for «rush»:

    haste, ruée, precipitate, precipitation, peak, scramble, race, hurry, stampede, rashness

Suggested Resources

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    Song lyrics by rush — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by rush on the website.

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    What does RUSH stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the RUSH acronym on the website.

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How to use rush in a sentence?

  1. Wentworth Miller:

    Yes, there’s a potential reunion, but will she even recognize him and is he even worthy of that relationship still? those are things that take time to explore and we didn’t want to rush.

  2. Chief Executive Randall Stephenson:

    So if somebody were interested in talking about a strategic combination of those assets with a different product, we would have to look at it. Would we consider selling them ? Yes, but we are in no rush.

  3. Alejandro Galasao:

    If I go to work at rush hour, it would take me three hours, this is the only job I know. Even if I find something else, I doubt I would earn any better.

  4. Billy Howard:

    It was a mad rush to the finish line.

  5. George Eliot:

    The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.

Translations for rush

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • سمارArabic
  • spěchCzech
  • brwynWelsh
  • Eile, Vorwärtsstürmen, Binse, Hast, RauschGerman
  • βούρλοGreek
  • juncácea, acometidaSpanish
  • ryntäys, nousut, vihvilä, syöksy, kiireFinnish
  • se ruer, jonc, hâteFrench
  • feagIrish
  • dian-ruith, deann, cabhagScottish Gaelic
  • սլանալArmenian
  • fretta, giuncoItalian
  • למהרHebrew
  • 골풀Korean
  • iuncusLatin
  • sivNorwegian
  • biesDutch
  • sev, sivNorwegian Nynorsk
  • tłʼohtsʼózíNavajo, Navaho
  • pośpiechPolish
  • pressa, juncoPortuguese
  • pipirig, papurăRomanian
  • напор, натиск, ажиотаж, спешка, бросок, стремительная атака, прилив, наплыв, гонкаRussian
  • sitSerbo-Croatian
  • chvat, výpad, ponáhľanie, návalSlovak
  • поривUkrainian
  • جلدیUrdu

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