Right синонимы на английском

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 2 votes

  1. rightnoun

    A right is that which one may properly demand upon considerations of justice, morality, equity, or of natural or positive law. A right may be either general or special, natural or artificial. «Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness» are the natural and inalienable rights of all men; rights of property, inheritance, etc., are individual and special, and often artificial, as the right of inheritance by primogeniture. A privilege is always special, exceptional, and artificial; it is something not enjoyed by all, or only to be enjoyed on certain special conditions, a peculiar benefit, favor, advantage, etc. A privilege may be of doing or avoiding; in the latter case it is an exemption or immunity; as, a privilege of hunting or fishing; exemption from military service; immunity from arrest. A franchise is a specific right or privilege granted by the government or established as such by governmental authority; as, the elective franchise; a railroad franchise. A prerogative is an official right or privilege, especially one inherent in the royal or sovereign power; in a wider sense it is an exclusive and peculiar privilege which one possesses by reason of being what he is; as, reason is the prerogative of man; kings and nobles have often claimed prerogatives and privileges opposed to the inherent rights of the people. Compare DUTY; JUSTICE.

    claim, exemption, franchise, immunity, liberty, license, prerogative, privilege

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 14 votes

  1. rightnoun

    rectitude, correctness, straightness, integrity, justice, truth, propriety, fitness, suitableness, claim, power, privilege

    wrong, incorrectness, perverseness, crookedness, disintegrity, injustice, falsehood, impropriety, unfitness, usurpation, encroachment, force, violence

  2. rightadjective

    straight, upright, direct, lawful, correct, exact, just, fair, fit, proper, suitable, equitable

    crooked, indirect, wrong, unlawful, inexact, unjust, unfair, unfit, improper, unsuitable

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.7 / 21 votes

  1. rightnoun

    an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature

    «they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights»; «Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people»- Eleanor Roosevelt; «a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    wrong, wrongfulness, left, two-handed, left-hand(a), leftmost, unsatisfactory, base, near(a), centrist, left-of-center, vicious, incorrect, immoral, larboard, parallel, center, erroneous, leftish, left-handed, liberal, nigh(a), condemnable, improper, inaccurate, deplorable, criminal, misguided, inopportune, far left, fallacious, mistaken, false, inside, reprehensible, wrongheaded, inappropriate, leftist, left-wing, oblique, middle-of-the-road, ambidextrous, port, incorrectly, wrongly

  2. rightnoun

    location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east

    «he stood on the right»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, port, oblique, middle-of-the-road, improper, left-of-center, condemnable, false, reprehensible, erroneous, base, mistaken, criminal, far left, leftish, centrist, vicious, misguided, left-hand(a), larboard, center, left-handed, inside, leftmost, ambidextrous, inappropriate, inaccurate, near(a), two-handed, deplorable, inopportune, left-wing, parallel, liberal, nigh(a), unsatisfactory, wrongheaded, immoral, leftist, fallacious, incorrect, incorrectly, wrongly

  3. right field, rightfield, rightnoun

    the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher’s right

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, base, ambidextrous, larboard, far left, leftist, improper, reprehensible, condemnable, two-handed, erroneous, fallacious, inappropriate, near(a), wrongheaded, false, inside, criminal, left-of-center, parallel, center, left-wing, nigh(a), mistaken, port, deplorable, left-handed, inopportune, left-hand(a), vicious, leftish, immoral, incorrect, misguided, oblique, unsatisfactory, centrist, inaccurate, leftmost, liberal, middle-of-the-road, incorrectly, wrongly

  4. right, right wingnoun

    those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, false, immoral, left-hand(a), ambidextrous, near(a), left-wing, fallacious, criminal, centrist, base, misguided, mistaken, improper, inappropriate, inopportune, liberal, port, unsatisfactory, erroneous, condemnable, wrongheaded, center, deplorable, two-handed, larboard, inaccurate, incorrect, oblique, leftmost, far left, left-handed, reprehensible, inside, middle-of-the-road, vicious, leftish, leftist, nigh(a), parallel, left-of-center, wrongly, incorrectly

  5. right, right handnoun

    the hand that is on the right side of the body

    «he writes with his right hand but pitches with his left»; «hit him with quick rights to the body»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, inappropriate, middle-of-the-road, leftist, nigh(a), wrongheaded, false, leftish, port, larboard, deplorable, criminal, liberal, fallacious, inside, center, incorrect, condemnable, leftmost, left-wing, oblique, left-of-center, base, erroneous, left-handed, improper, immoral, vicious, inaccurate, two-handed, near(a), inopportune, parallel, ambidextrous, mistaken, misguided, left-hand(a), unsatisfactory, far left, centrist, reprehensible, wrongly, incorrectly

  6. rightnoun

    a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east

    «take a right at the corner»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    wrongfulness, wrong, left, deplorable, erroneous, mistaken, leftmost, left-wing, liberal, base, vicious, ambidextrous, middle-of-the-road, improper, oblique, condemnable, nigh(a), two-handed, center, left-handed, centrist, immoral, parallel, fallacious, leftish, leftist, false, incorrect, left-of-center, left-hand(a), far left, port, inappropriate, wrongheaded, larboard, inside, inopportune, criminal, near(a), misguided, unsatisfactory, inaccurate, reprehensible, wrongly, incorrectly

  7. right, rightfulnessnoun

    anything in accord with principles of justice

    «he feels he is in the right»; «the rightfulness of his claim»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, center, leftish, criminal, middle-of-the-road, fallacious, nigh(a), centrist, ambidextrous, base, left-of-center, near(a), two-handed, port, left-wing, left-handed, parallel, vicious, incorrect, inaccurate, wrongheaded, liberal, mistaken, inopportune, false, larboard, improper, immoral, inside, leftmost, left-hand(a), condemnable, leftist, inappropriate, far left, oblique, reprehensible, unsatisfactory, misguided, deplorable, erroneous, incorrectly, wrongly

  8. rightadjective

    (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing

    «mineral rights»; «film rights»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, left-hand(a), nigh(a), left-handed, liberal, left-of-center, ambidextrous, leftmost, larboard, inaccurate, reprehensible, leftish, immoral, base, erroneous, criminal, mistaken, near(a), deplorable, unsatisfactory, two-handed, improper, port, wrongheaded, inside, parallel, oblique, far left, incorrect, left-wing, inappropriate, vicious, leftist, center, false, fallacious, condemnable, misguided, centrist, inopportune, middle-of-the-road, wrongly, incorrectly

  9. rightadjective

    being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north

    «my right hand»; «right center field»; «a right-hand turn»; «the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream»

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, left-handed, condemnable, leftish, ambidextrous, far left, leftmost, improper, erroneous, false, left-wing, criminal, two-handed, misguided, left-of-center, port, wrongheaded, leftist, nigh(a), center, deplorable, fallacious, left-hand(a), centrist, incorrect, middle-of-the-road, inside, larboard, near(a), oblique, inaccurate, reprehensible, inopportune, mistaken, liberal, unsatisfactory, base, vicious, parallel, immoral, inappropriate, wrongly, incorrectly

  10. correct, rightadjective

    free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth

    «the correct answer»; «the correct version»; «the right answer»; «took the right road»; «the right decision»

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, inappropriate, misguided, deplorable, wrongheaded, liberal, nigh(a), parallel, unsatisfactory, erroneous, left-wing, middle-of-the-road, leftish, ambidextrous, far left, leftmost, center, reprehensible, false, fallacious, two-handed, vicious, left-hand(a), port, left-of-center, mistaken, condemnable, inaccurate, near(a), improper, criminal, larboard, centrist, left-handed, inside, incorrect, leftist, inopportune, base, oblique, immoral, wrongly, incorrectly

  11. correct, rightadjective

    socially right or correct

    «it isn’t right to leave the party without saying goodbye»; «correct behavior»

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, center, reprehensible, base, condemnable, inopportune, fallacious, improper, port, mistaken, deplorable, centrist, near(a), leftist, larboard, left-wing, inaccurate, liberal, two-handed, left-of-center, left-hand(a), leftish, middle-of-the-road, inside, wrongheaded, ambidextrous, erroneous, incorrect, vicious, inappropriate, nigh(a), left-handed, oblique, far left, false, unsatisfactory, misguided, leftmost, immoral, criminal, parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

  12. rightadjective

    in conformance with justice or law or morality

    «do the right thing and confess»

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

    wrong, wrongfulness, left, false, middle-of-the-road, incorrect, left-handed, left-wing, improper, leftish, base, left-of-center, center, inappropriate, deplorable, nigh(a), immoral, oblique, parallel, two-handed, vicious, condemnable, reprehensible, larboard, erroneous, port, left-hand(a), leftist, inside, fallacious, centrist, near(a), inopportune, criminal, wrongheaded, unsatisfactory, far left, mistaken, inaccurate, ambidextrous, liberal, leftmost, misguided, wrongly, incorrectly

  13. right, correctadjective

    correct in opinion or judgment

    «time proved him right»

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    wrong, wrongfulness, left, unsatisfactory, two-handed, mistaken, base, wrongheaded, liberal, leftmost, inappropriate, reprehensible, near(a), left-wing, fallacious, misguided, false, vicious, middle-of-the-road, ambidextrous, leftish, larboard, far left, improper, oblique, deplorable, centrist, center, nigh(a), leftist, immoral, inaccurate, erroneous, criminal, port, condemnable, left-of-center, inside, incorrect, left-handed, inopportune, left-hand(a), parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

  14. proper, rightadjective

    appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person’s character, needs

    «everything in its proper place»; «the right man for the job»; «she is not suitable for the position»

    right(a), proper(a), proper, good, proper(ip), veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, near(a), centrist, leftist, wrongheaded, inside, fallacious, improper, left-of-center, incorrect, inopportune, far left, left-handed, inappropriate, oblique, mistaken, middle-of-the-road, vicious, inaccurate, unsatisfactory, two-handed, liberal, deplorable, left-hand(a), leftmost, false, erroneous, base, leftish, reprehensible, immoral, parallel, larboard, left-wing, center, port, misguided, criminal, nigh(a), condemnable, ambidextrous, incorrectly, wrongly

  15. rightadjective

    of or belonging to the political or intellectual right

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, left-wing, ambidextrous, vicious, liberal, port, base, deplorable, false, two-handed, condemnable, improper, leftmost, wrongheaded, parallel, mistaken, centrist, leftist, reprehensible, immoral, unsatisfactory, criminal, larboard, far left, inside, nigh(a), leftish, left-of-center, inopportune, fallacious, left-hand(a), inaccurate, misguided, inappropriate, middle-of-the-road, incorrect, near(a), erroneous, left-handed, center, oblique, wrongly, incorrectly

  16. rightadjective

    in or into a satisfactory condition

    «things are right again now»; «put things right»

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, wrongheaded, deplorable, two-handed, leftish, base, left-wing, nigh(a), mistaken, near(a), leftmost, incorrect, left-of-center, center, leftist, fallacious, improper, parallel, criminal, centrist, condemnable, inside, ambidextrous, erroneous, reprehensible, inappropriate, inaccurate, left-handed, misguided, far left, left-hand(a), false, unsatisfactory, vicious, port, oblique, liberal, middle-of-the-road, inopportune, larboard, immoral, incorrectly, wrongly

  17. right(a), right-hand(a)adjective

    intended for the right hand

    «a right-hand glove»

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, false, incorrect, improper, fallacious, liberal, inopportune, left-hand(a), two-handed, oblique, inaccurate, port, leftmost, near(a), leftist, left-handed, mistaken, inappropriate, leftish, center, left-wing, ambidextrous, base, centrist, unsatisfactory, nigh(a), deplorable, vicious, wrongheaded, left-of-center, middle-of-the-road, condemnable, far left, criminal, reprehensible, misguided, larboard, immoral, inside, erroneous, parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

  18. correct, rightadjective

    in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure

    «what’s the right word for this?»; «the right way to open oysters»

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, misguided, oblique, middle-of-the-road, left-hand(a), improper, unsatisfactory, near(a), left-wing, two-handed, port, base, incorrect, criminal, leftist, left-of-center, centrist, inaccurate, deplorable, fallacious, false, inappropriate, leftish, ambidextrous, left-handed, mistaken, erroneous, nigh(a), wrongheaded, parallel, condemnable, vicious, immoral, reprehensible, leftmost, far left, inopportune, liberal, center, inside, larboard, incorrectly, wrongly

  19. rightadjective

    having the axis perpendicular to the base

    «a right angle»

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, left-wing, immoral, improper, misguided, leftish, far left, inappropriate, two-handed, larboard, near(a), vicious, condemnable, erroneous, base, inaccurate, left-hand(a), leftmost, inopportune, parallel, reprehensible, nigh(a), center, leftist, fallacious, mistaken, centrist, deplorable, inside, left-of-center, false, criminal, oblique, unsatisfactory, incorrect, left-handed, wrongheaded, liberal, ambidextrous, port, middle-of-the-road, incorrectly, wrongly

  20. right(a)adjective

    (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward

    «the right side of the cloth showed the pattern»; «be sure your shirt is right side out»

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, leftish, parallel, unsatisfactory, two-handed, left-hand(a), inside, liberal, leftmost, base, improper, oblique, ambidextrous, centrist, inaccurate, left-wing, near(a), vicious, incorrect, deplorable, nigh(a), left-of-center, criminal, misguided, immoral, false, erroneous, inappropriate, left-handed, center, leftist, larboard, middle-of-the-road, port, wrongheaded, mistaken, condemnable, fallacious, reprehensible, far left, inopportune, wrongly, incorrectly

  21. good, right, ripeadjective

    most suitable or right for a particular purpose

    «a good time to plant tomatoes»; «the right time to act»; «the time is ripe for great sociological changes»

    dear, good, beneficial, in effect(p), unspoiled, skillful, sound, secure, serious, effective, upright, salutary, in force(p), skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, veracious, expert, correct, just, proficient, right-hand(a), right(a), proper, full, honest, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, ripe, mature, ripe(p), safe, adept, honorable, well(p), near, advanced

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, improper, fallacious, vicious, larboard, criminal, far left, wrongheaded, left-of-center, near(a), left-hand(a), inaccurate, center, parallel, two-handed, left-handed, deplorable, misguided, leftist, port, centrist, condemnable, base, inappropriate, incorrect, nigh(a), inopportune, erroneous, inside, oblique, immoral, reprehensible, ambidextrous, unsatisfactory, liberal, middle-of-the-road, false, mistaken, left-wing, leftish, leftmost, wrongly, incorrectly

  22. veracious, rightverb

    precisely accurate

    «a veracious account»

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, left-of-center, two-handed, port, incorrect, base, leftmost, centrist, condemnable, improper, near(a), larboard, reprehensible, leftist, ambidextrous, unsatisfactory, inside, left-hand(a), inopportune, inappropriate, left-handed, parallel, nigh(a), leftish, immoral, middle-of-the-road, erroneous, far left, liberal, criminal, left-wing, vicious, inaccurate, false, mistaken, center, deplorable, oblique, misguided, wrongheaded, fallacious, wrongly, incorrectly

  23. right, compensate, redress, correctverb

    make reparations or amends for

    «right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust»

    remunerate, chasten, pay, counterbalance, adjust, redress, even out, overcompensate, discipline, recompense, correct, even up, rectify, indemnify, sort out, set, cover, compensate, pay off, even off, chastise, repair, make up, decline, castigate, slump, objurgate

    wrongfulness, wrong, left, liberal, mistaken, inappropriate, left-wing, base, port, inaccurate, reprehensible, left-of-center, centrist, two-handed, immoral, far left, leftmost, fallacious, unsatisfactory, wrongheaded, false, inside, deplorable, parallel, middle-of-the-road, condemnable, nigh(a), larboard, center, leftish, left-handed, left-hand(a), leftist, criminal, improper, erroneous, misguided, ambidextrous, incorrect, near(a), vicious, inopportune, oblique, wrongly, incorrectly

  24. rightverb

    put in or restore to an upright position

    «They righted the sailboat that had capsized»

    rectify, redress, correct, compensate

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, improper, mistaken, inaccurate, port, leftish, parallel, far left, reprehensible, near(a), leftmost, left-of-center, larboard, leftist, nigh(a), inopportune, deplorable, left-hand(a), centrist, false, center, liberal, oblique, ambidextrous, criminal, inside, middle-of-the-road, base, erroneous, unsatisfactory, two-handed, wrongheaded, vicious, immoral, fallacious, left-wing, incorrect, left-handed, inappropriate, misguided, condemnable, incorrectly, wrongly

  25. rightverb

    regain an upright or proper position

    «The capsized boat righted again»

    rectify, redress, correct, compensate

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, left-handed, center, left-of-center, base, two-handed, inopportune, false, ambidextrous, criminal, leftish, larboard, parallel, left-hand(a), inaccurate, inappropriate, leftmost, centrist, improper, oblique, condemnable, liberal, nigh(a), unsatisfactory, vicious, immoral, port, near(a), middle-of-the-road, mistaken, inside, erroneous, incorrect, leftist, left-wing, far left, fallacious, reprehensible, misguided, deplorable, wrongheaded, incorrectly, wrongly

  26. correct, rectify, rightadverb

    make right or correct

    «Correct the mistakes»; «rectify the calculation»

    refine, reclaim, regenerate, chasten, counterbalance, adjust, redress, even out, objurgate, discipline, castigate, correct, decline, reform, even up, amend, rectify, chastise, compensate, sort out, even off, remedy, repair, make up, remediate, slump, set

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, misguided, unsatisfactory, leftmost, left-wing, inappropriate, improper, oblique, mistaken, far left, center, reprehensible, inopportune, condemnable, larboard, centrist, false, port, inaccurate, ambidextrous, left-hand(a), incorrect, middle-of-the-road, inside, wrongheaded, criminal, leftish, fallacious, near(a), nigh(a), left-of-center, erroneous, left-handed, leftist, two-handed, vicious, base, deplorable, liberal, immoral, parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

  27. rightadverb

    precisely, exactly

    «stand right here!»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, base, inside, port, deplorable, liberal, incorrect, leftish, two-handed, parallel, immoral, inappropriate, fallacious, left-wing, leftmost, reprehensible, left-of-center, far left, improper, centrist, center, mistaken, inopportune, nigh(a), false, near(a), misguided, leftist, ambidextrous, middle-of-the-road, vicious, inaccurate, wrongheaded, criminal, oblique, erroneous, unsatisfactory, left-hand(a), left-handed, larboard, condemnable, incorrectly, wrongly

  28. rightadverb


    «she called right after dinner»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, improper, base, leftist, immoral, inaccurate, misguided, inside, inopportune, left-hand(a), condemnable, mistaken, wrongheaded, port, vicious, left-of-center, centrist, middle-of-the-road, unsatisfactory, oblique, criminal, left-handed, incorrect, nigh(a), reprehensible, leftmost, larboard, ambidextrous, left-wing, inappropriate, parallel, near(a), fallacious, erroneous, false, liberal, two-handed, center, far left, deplorable, leftish, wrongly, incorrectly

  29. right, flopadverb


    «he fell flop on his face»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, larboard, inaccurate, ambidextrous, fallacious, middle-of-the-road, condemnable, port, liberal, parallel, left-handed, mistaken, misguided, deplorable, left-of-center, unsatisfactory, nigh(a), far left, improper, immoral, leftish, oblique, wrongheaded, criminal, inopportune, near(a), base, left-hand(a), two-handed, centrist, inappropriate, vicious, center, leftist, reprehensible, erroneous, inside, false, incorrect, left-wing, leftmost, wrongly, incorrectly

  30. rightadverb

    toward or on the right; also used figuratively

    «he looked right and left»; «the party has moved right»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, reprehensible, far left, improper, port, false, larboard, near(a), centrist, left-wing, base, immoral, fallacious, parallel, nigh(a), condemnable, mistaken, leftmost, left-of-center, criminal, liberal, incorrect, oblique, erroneous, middle-of-the-road, inside, leftish, inaccurate, left-hand(a), misguided, leftist, unsatisfactory, vicious, center, left-handed, inopportune, two-handed, wrongheaded, ambidextrous, inappropriate, deplorable, wrongly, incorrectly

  31. properly, decently, decent, in good order, right, the right wayadverb

    in the right manner

    «please do your job properly!»; «can’t you carry me decent?»

    in good order, the right way, by rights, powerful, decently, justly, flop, properly, right on, mightily, correctly, mighty, aright, decent

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, inappropriate, liberal, condemnable, parallel, center, erroneous, reprehensible, improper, criminal, base, left-handed, wrongheaded, oblique, centrist, near(a), inopportune, mistaken, incorrect, deplorable, unsatisfactory, vicious, middle-of-the-road, fallacious, port, far left, immoral, left-of-center, two-handed, inaccurate, misguided, ambidextrous, false, leftist, leftmost, left-wing, larboard, nigh(a), left-hand(a), inside, leftish, wrongly, incorrectly

  32. right, right onadverb

    an interjection expressing agreement

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, mistaken, inopportune, unsatisfactory, fallacious, immoral, middle-of-the-road, left-of-center, nigh(a), oblique, left-handed, misguided, far left, incorrect, two-handed, leftmost, leftist, near(a), false, condemnable, improper, inappropriate, larboard, ambidextrous, center, inaccurate, inside, erroneous, reprehensible, leftish, left-hand(a), left-wing, deplorable, centrist, parallel, criminal, liberal, port, base, vicious, wrongheaded, wrongly, incorrectly

  33. rightadverb


    «she felt right at home»; «he fell right into the trap»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, leftist, left-handed, near(a), larboard, middle-of-the-road, port, reprehensible, improper, condemnable, center, base, erroneous, leftish, inappropriate, parallel, liberal, inaccurate, fallacious, left-hand(a), left-of-center, misguided, leftmost, mistaken, inside, deplorable, two-handed, immoral, far left, vicious, nigh(a), false, inopportune, oblique, ambidextrous, centrist, left-wing, incorrect, criminal, unsatisfactory, wrongheaded, wrongly, incorrectly

  34. mighty, mightily, powerful, rightadverb

    (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree

    «the baby is mighty cute»; «he’s mighty tired»; «it is powerful humid»; «that boy is powerful big now»; «they have a right nice place»; «they rejoiced mightily»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, mighty, mightily, powerful, right on, aright, decent

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, center, left-wing, immoral, deplorable, near(a), leftist, false, left-of-center, mistaken, improper, oblique, inaccurate, criminal, inopportune, middle-of-the-road, parallel, fallacious, unsatisfactory, incorrect, liberal, centrist, nigh(a), inappropriate, far left, leftish, vicious, condemnable, port, left-handed, two-handed, ambidextrous, erroneous, leftmost, inside, larboard, base, misguided, left-hand(a), wrongheaded, reprehensible, incorrectly, wrongly

  35. justly, rightadverb

    in accordance with moral or social standards

    «that serves him right»; «do right by him»

    flop, rightly, correctly, in good order, decently, mighty, justly, powerful, properly, right on, mightily, justifiedly, the right way, aright, decent

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, improper, deplorable, incorrect, criminal, near(a), two-handed, left-handed, mistaken, oblique, inappropriate, middle-of-the-road, port, false, fallacious, center, inaccurate, immoral, condemnable, left-wing, misguided, vicious, wrongheaded, parallel, nigh(a), base, inside, left-of-center, erroneous, leftmost, left-hand(a), liberal, far left, inopportune, centrist, ambidextrous, leftist, reprehensible, larboard, leftish, unsatisfactory, wrongly, incorrectly

  36. correctly, right, arightadverb

    in an accurate manner

    «the flower had been correctly depicted by his son»; «he guessed right»

    in good order, the right way, correctly, powerful, decently, justly, flop, properly, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, immoral, inopportune, condemnable, mistaken, fallacious, leftist, oblique, reprehensible, improper, near(a), parallel, inappropriate, incorrect, deplorable, two-handed, larboard, centrist, vicious, center, far left, wrongheaded, left-hand(a), inaccurate, liberal, base, inside, middle-of-the-road, nigh(a), left-handed, left-wing, leftmost, erroneous, leftish, misguided, false, ambidextrous, left-of-center, criminal, port, unsatisfactory, wrongly, incorrectly

Matched Categories

    • Abstraction
    • Change
    • Change Posture
    • Faction
    • Geometry
    • Hand
    • Justice
    • Position
    • Tract
    • Turn

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rightadjective

    straight, direct, rectilinear, not crooked

  2. rightadjective

    just, lawful, equitable, fair, rightful, honest, in accordance with duty

  3. rightadjective

    fit, suitable, seemly, proper, meet, becoming, appropriate, as it should be, COMME IL FAUT

  4. rightadjective

    correct, true, not erroneous, not mistaken

  5. rightadjective

    right hand

  6. rightadjective

    directly, in a direct line

  7. rightadjective

    uprightly, equitably, fairly, lawfully, rightfully, rightly

  8. rightadjective

    fitly, suitably, properly

  9. rightadjective

    correctly, truly

  10. rightadjective

    very, in a great degree

  11. rightnoun

    rectitude, justice, equity, fairness, goodness, lawfulness, propriety, what ought to be, what should be

  12. rightnoun

    truth, correctness

  13. rightnoun

    prerogative, privilege, immunity

  14. rightnoun

    legal claim

  15. rightverb

    set upright

  16. rightverb

    do justice to, relieve from wrong, see one righted, see justice done to one

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rightadjective

    just, true, equitable, honest, rightful, lawful, correct, true, accurate, reasonable, ethical, condign, appropriate, proper, suitable, seemly, relevant, consistent, fortunate, auspicious, favorable, dexter, dextral, dextrorse

  2. rightnoun

    prerogative, privilege, immunity, exemption

  3. rightnoun

    uprightness, rectitude, probity, integrity, propriety, justice, morality, virtue, equity, title, claim, authority

    Associated words:
    ethics, casuistry, deontology, redress, ethology, aretology

  4. rightverb

    correct, rectify, emend, make restitution, redress

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «right»:

    law, correct, droit, rights, reason, good, agreement, entitled, entitlement, derecho, proper, huh, rightly, correctly, appropriate, right-wing, right-hand, recht, true, just, well, okay, fair, diritto, straight, eligible, real, duty, rightwards, properly, raison, adequate, ok, direito, fine, suitable, giusto, eh, fee, exact, jure, result, yeah, legal, laws, yes, accurate, accord

How to pronounce right?

How to say right in sign language?

How to use right in a sentence?

  1. Joakim Noah:

    I’m happy he did that, france is going through some tough times right now, and he honored the people.

  2. Jonas Kaufmann:

    It’s true, we’re planning to do an’ Otello’ together, on one hand you feel right to do it… on the other hand it is not only a technical issue, it is also a lot of experience and how you pace yourself to keep the stamina through such a demanding part.

  3. Buzz Aldrin:

    Aldrin in the Apollo 11 Lunar Module. For the 50th anniversary of the landing, Omega issued a limited edition Speedmaster watch, a tribute to the one that Buzz Aldrin wore to the moon. ( Neil Armstrong/NASA via AP) I prefaced desolate with magnificent, because of humanitys reaching outward and accomplishing something that people thought was impossible, Buzz Aldrin said. They dreamed of somehow reaching the moon. And to demonstrate, to be a part of demonstrating this miracle was magnificent. On July 16, 1969, Buzz Aldrin, along with mission commander Neil Armstrong and command module pilot Michael Collins, launched from Kennedy Space Center atop a Saturn V rocket. Four days later, Neil Armstrong made history when Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon. Aldrinexited thelunar module 19 minutes after Neil Armstrong. The famed astronaut joked about being second during his interview. APOLLO 11 INSIDERS REMEMBER HISTORYS MOST FAMOUS SPACE MISSION : WE HAD A JOB TO DO AND WE DID IT I will forever, no matter what I do, be known as the second man on the moon, he quipped. In this July 20, 1969 photo made available by NASA, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, lunar module pilot, walks on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 extravehicular activity. ( Neil Armstrong/NASA via AP) Why does it bother you to be a second man to walk on the moon ? Youre one of a dozen men who had that incredible role, Cavuto asked in a follow-up question. Well, people love being vice president, dont they ? No, Buzz Aldrin responded with a chuckle. APOLLO 11S EPIC MISSION TO THE MOON IN PICTURES Does it bother me ? Yeah, it does a little bit, Buzz Aldrin continued. Why ? Because that isnt the way I would have described what this country did with two human beings landing on the moon and then deciding who was going to go out. We did things together as a team. The famous astronaut also recalls his famous steps across the surface of the moon and how he was well aware that the world was watching. Right near the end of our period out there Buzz Aldrin was doing something with the rock boxes — I knew where the TV camera was, and I jumped up and down and pranced around to demonstrate the mobility that a person has, he said. So I was demonstrating for the people watching on TVintentionally showing them the varieties of kangaroo hop of turning. APOLLO 11 INSIDERS REMEMBER HISTORYS MOST FAMOUS SPACE MISSION : WE HAD A JOB TO DO AND WE DID IT During his sit-down with Cavuto, Buzz Aldrin also recollected the experience of looking back at Earth while on the surface of the Moon. [ You ] look up there, theres the earth. It looks small when its up there. If you look close, you may be able to see the ice over a pole, he said. If you look at your Omega watch, you may be able to tell what time it is in Houston. Buzz Aldrin also talked about the political significance of their mission to the moon, coming as it did duringthe space race with Russia atthe height of the Cold War. APOLLO 11 : THE BOOK THAT LANDED MAN ON THE MOON COULD SELL FOR $ 9 MILLION I do a lot of thinking today — about somebody who had — the guts to see that we were being outshone — outshined in the Cold War by the Soviet Union, and to say, What can we do ?

  4. Kathleen Sebelius:

    The Senate has the keys to the castle right now, the Senate could actually pass a bill that gives Americans some confidence that they would have economic support, get the extra $ 600 in unemployment benefits running again, make sure that people understand that they could feed their kids and pay their rent if we have in some areas of the country to restrict activities. And they have the ability to step up to their president and say,’ Kathleen Sebelius need to act differently, Kathleen Sebelius must acknowledge the election and conduct a smooth transition,’.

  5. D. H. Lawrence:

    I believe a man is born first unto himself —for the happy developing of himself, while the world is a nursery, and the pretty things are to be snatched for, and pleasant things tasted; some people seem to exist thus right to the end. But most are born again on entering manhood; then they are born to humanity, to a consciousness of all the laughing, and the never-ceasing murmur of pain and sorrow that comes from the terrible multitudes of brothers.

Translations for right

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  • regsAfrikaans
  • حق, يَمِين, على اليمين, إلى اليمين, یمین, صحيح, صَحَّحَArabic
  • sağAzerbaijani
  • төҙ, уңдағы, тура, уң яҡ, уңға, дөрөҫ, хоҡуҡ, хаҡ, уңда, уң, төҙәтеү, дөрөҫләүBashkir
  • ве́рны, пра́вы, пра́вільны, справа, направа, прамы́Belarusian
  • прав, право, десен, ве́рен, перпендикулярен, десничарски, надясно, пра́вилен, права, дясно, де́сен, отдясно, коригирам, изправямBulgarian
  • dretCatalan, Valencian
  • vpravo, právo, pravice, na pravé, správný, pravý, napravitCzech
  • правъOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
  • sgŵr, rhaith, de, cywir, hawl, reitWelsh
  • retvinklet, lige, ret, rettighed, højre, konservativ, korrekt, side, højre-, rigtig, korrigere, retteDanish
  • rechts, Recht, Rechte, nach rechts, richtig, gerade, rechtwinklig, ganz, ne?, oder?, richtigstellen, nicht wahr?, berichtigen, korrigierenGerman
  • δεξιός, δεξιά, ορθός, σωστό, προς τα δεξιά, συντηρητικός, σωστάGreek
  • rekta, rajto, dekstra, korekta, ĝusta, ortaEsperanto
  • sano, derecho, justo, a la diestra, derecha, recto, correcto, perpendicular, a la derecha, de derecha, diestra, de derechas, de la derecha, ¿vale?, ¿verdad?, corregir, ¿cierto?, ¿no?, verdad, valeSpanish
  • õigus, parem, otse, õigeEstonian
  • eskuin, eskubi, ongi, eskuma, zuzen, zuzenduBasque
  • راست, راستگرا, در سمت راست, درستPersian
  • oikea, oikeus, oikeistolainen, oikeaan, oikealla, oikeanpuoleinen, terve, suora, oikealle, oikeisto, aivan, oikein, [[kääntää]] [[oikein]] [[päin]], oieta, eikö niin, ihan miten vain, ihan, todella, korjata, [[nostaa]] [[pystyyn]], no niin, [[nousta]] [[pystyyn]]Finnish
  • correct, droit, droite, juste, à droite, bon, de droite, se redresser, hein, n’est-ce pas, non, corriger, redresser, d’accordFrench
  • deas, rechtIrish
  • còirScottish Gaelic
  • dereita, dereitoGalician
  • akatúvapeGuaraní
  • של האגף הימני, זְכוּת, יָמִין, ימיןHebrew
  • ठीक, दाहिना, दाहिनेHindi
  • dwaHaitian Creole
  • jobb, egyenes, jog, jobboldal, helyesHungarian
  • ուղիղ, աջ, ուղղահայաց, ճիշտ, իրավունքArmenian
  • dextra, juste, dextere, correcte, dextera, dextre, derectoInterlingua
  • hak, betul, lurus, benar, kananIndonesian
  • dextra, korekta, yuro, dextroIdo
  • rétt, hægri, réttur, horn, bein, beinn, beintIcelandic
  • diritto, a destra, destra, corretto, destro, correggereItalian
  • 正しい, 垂直, 権利, 右, 直, まっすぐ, 右翼, ね, 訂正するJapanese
  • მარჯვენაGeorgian
  • оңKazakh
  • ស្ដាំKhmer
  • 우익, 곧다, 오른쪽, 권리, 오른, 옳다, 바른, 바르다Korean
  • rastê, ماف, rast, راست, rastgir, ته‌واو, maf, heq, durist, rêk, راست کردن, sererast kirin, rast kirin, durist kirinKurdish
  • оңKyrgyz
  • directus, dexter, elegans, rectus, emendatusLatin
  • rietsLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • ຂວາLao
  • dešinysLithuanian
  • labaisLatvian
  • десно, прав, од десно, нормален, право, десничарски, исправен, правилен, десница, десен, де́сен, точен, исправа, корегира, поправаMacedonian
  • баруунMongolian
  • kanan, tepat, betulMalay
  • tajba, koretta, dritta, tajjeb, korett, lemin, drittMaltese
  • မှန်Burmese
  • rechts, rechterkant, rechter-, recht, correct, juist, toch, verbeterenDutch
  • rettighet, høyre siden, riktig, rett, høyreNorwegian
  • nishʼnáájígo, akótʼéNavajo, Navaho
  • gichinik, gwayak, gwekibagizoOjibwe, Ojibwa
  • prawa, prawidłowy, w prawo, prawy, poprawny, na prawo, prawo, prawica, prawda, co nie, niePolish
  • correto, justo, [[à]] [[direita]], reto, direita, direito, perpendicular, certo, de direita, direto, né, endireitar-se, corrigirPortuguese
  • pañaQuechua
  • dretgRomansh
  • pe dreapta, la dreapta, dreapta, drept, corectitudine, sănătos, așa-i, e drept, și atunci?, nimic de zis, nu-i așa?, sigur, așa-iRomanian
  • пра́вый, направо, права, правый, справа, ве́рный, как ра́з, прямо́й, вправо, право, пра́вильный, перпендикуля́рный, исправить, выпрямлять, пра́вильно, ве́рно, исправлять, выпрямить, верно, правильноRussian
  • točan, ispravan, на̏десно, pravo, desnica, ispravno, nȁdesno, точан, исправно, desni, okomit, prav, desničarski, десни, исправан, ravan, uspraviti, ispravitiSerbo-Croatian
  • na pravé, vpravo, pravýSlovak
  • pravi, desni, na desni, desničarski, pravica, desnica, desno, popravljati, popravitiSlovene
  • djathtë, drejtëAlbanian
  • rätvinklig, rak, rät, högern, rätt, åt höger, rättighet, höger, höger-, riktig, vinkelrät, korrigera, eller hur?, rätta, rätaSwedish
  • kulia, hakiSwahili
  • வலதுTamil
  • సరైన, లంబ, కుడి, హక్కు, సరిTelugu
  • ростTajik
  • ดิ่ว, ใช่, มุมฉาก, ขวา, ถูก, ตรง, ฝ่ายขวา, แก้, ตำหนิเพื่อแก้ไข, ซื่อThai
  • hakTurkmen
  • karapatan, kananTagalog
  • dik, sağ, düz, tutucu, doğru, hak, muhafazakâr, dikey, düzeltmek, doğrultmakTurkish
  • пра́вильний, направо, зправа, ві́рний, прями́й, пра́вийUkrainian
  • ٹھیکUrdu
  • oʻng, sogʻUzbek
  • cánh hữu, phải, thẳng, quyền lợi, hữu khuynh, ở bên phải, quyền, bên phải, đúng, có lýVietnamese
  • verätikVolapük

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1    equitable, ethical, fair, good, honest, honourable, just, lawful, moral, proper, righteous, true, upright, virtuous  

2    accurate, admissible, authentic, correct, exact, factual, genuine, on the money     (U.S.)   precise, satisfactory, sound, spot-on     (Brit. informal)   true, unerring, valid, veracious  

3    advantageous, appropriate, becoming, comme il faut, convenient, deserved, desirable, done, due, favourable, fit, fitting, ideal, opportune, proper, propitious, rightful, seemly, suitable  

4    all there     (informal)   balanced, compos mentis, fine, fit, healthy, in good health, in the pink, lucid, normal, rational, reasonable, sane, sound, unimpaired, up to par, well  

5    conservative, reactionary, Tory  

6    absolute, complete, out-and-out, outright, pure, real, thorough, thoroughgoing, utter  

7    accurately, aright, correctly, exactly, factually, genuinely, precisely, truly  

8    appropriately, aptly, befittingly, fittingly, properly, satisfactorily, suitably  

9    directly, immediately, instantly, promptly, quickly, straight, straightaway, without delay  

10    bang, exactly, precisely, slap-bang     (informal)   squarely  

11    absolutely, all the way, altogether, completely, entirely, perfectly, quite, thoroughly, totally, utterly, wholly  

12    ethically, fairly, honestly, honourably, justly, morally, properly, righteously, virtuously  

13    advantageously, beneficially, favourably, for the better, fortunately, to advantage, well  

14    authority, business, claim, due, freedom, interest, liberty, licence, permission, power, prerogative, privilege, title  

15    equity, good, goodness, honour, integrity, justice, lawfulness, legality, morality, propriety, reason, rectitude, righteousness, truth, uprightness, virtue  

16    by rights      equitably, in fairness, justly, properly  

17    to rights      arranged, in order, straight, tidy  

18    compensate for, correct, fix, put right, rectify, redress, repair, settle, set upright, sort out, straighten, vindicate  
,       adj  

1    bad, dishonest, immoral, improper, indecent, unethical, unfair, unjust, wrong  

2    counterfeit, erroneous, fake, false, fraudulent, illegal, illicit, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, invalid, mistaken, questionable, uncertain, unlawful, untruthful, wrong  

3    disadvantageous, inappropriate, inconvenient, undesirable, unfitting, unseemly, unsuitable, wrong  

5    left, leftist, left-wing, liberal, radical, right-on     (informal)   socialist  

7    inaccurately, incorrectly  

9    incompletely, indirectly, slowly  

13    badly, poorly, unfavourably  

15    badness, dishonour, evil, immorality, impropriety  

all right  

1    acceptable, adequate, average, fair, O.K. or okay     (informal)   passable, satisfactory, so-so     (informal)   standard, unobjectionable, up to scratch     (informal)  

2    hale, healthy, out of the woods, safe, sound, unharmed, unimpaired, uninjured, well, whole  

3    acceptably, adequately, O.K. or okay     (informal)   passably, satisfactorily, unobjectionably, well enough  
,       adj  

1    bad, inadequate, not good enough, not up to scratch     (informal)   objectionable, poor, unacceptable, unsatisfactory  

2    ailing, bad, ill, injured, off colour, out of sorts, poorly, sick, sickly, unhealthy, unwell  

right away     
at once, directly, forthwith, immediately, instantly, now, posthaste, promptly, pronto     (informal)   right off, straightaway, straight off     (informal)   this instant, without delay, without hesitation  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  




1]     ( rights    3rd person present)   ( righting    present participle)   ( righted    past tense & past participle  )   (CORRECT, APPROPRIATE, OR ACCEPTABLE)  
Please look at category 16 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.     

1       adj   If something is right   , it is correct and agrees with the facts.      
  (Antonym: wrong)
That’s absolutely right…, Clocks never told the right time…, The barman tells me you saw Ann on Tuesday morning. Is that right?     
      Right is also an adverb., adv   ADV after v  
He guessed right about some things.     

  rightly      adv   ADV after v  
She attended one meeting only, if I remember rightly.     

2       adj   If you do something in the right    way or in the right    place, you do it as or where it should be done or was planned to be done.         
usu ADJ n  
  (Antonym: wrong)
Walking, done in the right way, is a form of aerobic exercise…, The chocolate is then melted down to exactly the right temperature.     
      Right is also an adverb., adv   ADV after v  

To make sure I did everything right, I bought a fat instruction book.     

3       adj   If you say that someone is seen in all theright    places or knows all theright    people, you mean that they go to places which are socially acceptable or know people who are socially acceptable.         
usu ADJ n     (Antonym: wrong)
He was always to be seen in the right places…     

4       adj   If someone is right   about something, they are correct in what they say or think about it.   ,   (Antonym: wrong)
Ron has been right about the result of every General Election but one…     

  rightly      adv  
He rightly assumed that the boy was hiding.     

5       adj   If something such as a choice, action, or decision is the right    one, it is the best or most suitable one.   ,   (Antonym: wrong)
She’d made the right choice in leaving New York…, The right decision was made, but probably for the wrong reasons…     

  rightly      adv   ADV with v  
She hoped she’d decided rightly.     

6       adj   If something is notright   , there is something unsatisfactory about the situation or thing that you are talking about.      
v-link ADJ, with brd-neg     (Antonym: wrong)
Ratatouille doesn’t taste right with any other oil…     

7       adj   If you think that someone was right   to do something, you think that there were good moral reasons why they did it.      
v-link ADJ, usu ADJ to-inf     (Antonym: wrong)
You were right to do what you did, under the circumstances…     

  rightly      adv   ADV before v, ADV with cl  
The crowd screamed for a penalty but the referee rightly ignored them…     

8       adj   Right is used to refer to activities or actions that are considered to be morally good and acceptable.  
v-link ADJ, oft with brd-neg     (Antonym: wrong)
It’s not right, leaving her like this…     
      Right is also a noun., n-uncount  
At least he knew right from wrong.     

  rightness      n-uncount   usu N of n  
Many people have very strong opinions about the rightness or wrongness of abortion.     

9       verb   If you right    something or if it rightsitself, it returns to its normal or correct state, after being in an undesirable state.      
They recognise the urgency of righting the economy…      V n  
Your eyesight rights itself very quickly.      V pron-refl  

10       verb   If you right    a wrong, you do something to make up for a mistake or something bad that you did in the past.      

We’ve made progress in righting the wrongs of the past…      V n  

11       verb   If you right    something that has fallen or rolled over, or if it rightsitself, it returns to its normal upright position.      
He righted the yacht and continued the race…      V n  
The helicopter turned at an awful angle before righting itself.      V pron-refl  

12       adj   The right    side of a material is the side that is intended to be seen and that faces outwards when it is made into something.      
ADJ n     (Antonym: wrong)

13    If you say that things are going right, you mean that your life or a situation is developing as you intended or expected and you are pleased with it.  

to go right      phrase   V inflects  
I can’t think of anything in my life that’s going right…     

14    If someone has behaved in a way which is morally or legally right, you can say that they are in the right. You usually use this expression when the person is involved in an argument or dispute.  

in the right      phrase   usu v-link PHR     (Antonym: in the wrong)
She wasn’t entirely in the right…     

15    If you put something right   , you correct something that was wrong or that was causing problems.      

to put sth right      phrase   V inflects  
We’ve discovered what’s gone wrong and are going to put it right.     

  heart in the right place  


  it serves you right  


  on the right side of  


Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


right          [2]     (DIRECTION AND POLITICAL GROUPINGS)  
The spelling Right is also used for meaning 3.     

1       n-sing   The right    is one of two opposite directions, sides, or positions. If you are facing north and you turn to the right, you will be facing east. In the word `to’, the `o’ is to the right of the `t’.      
usu the N     (Antonym: left)
Ahead of you on the right will be a lovely garden…     
      Right is also an adverb., adv   ADV after v  
Turn right into the street.     

2       adj   Your right    arm, leg, or ear, for example, is the one which is on the right side of your body. Your right    shoe or glove is the one which is intended to be worn on your right foot or hand.         
ADJ n     (Antonym: left)

3       n-sing-coll   You can refer to people who support the political ideals of capitalism and conservatism as the right. They are often contrasted with the left, who support the political ideals of socialism.  
the N     (Antonym: left)
The Tory Right despise him…     

4       n-sing   If you say that someone has moved tothe right, you mean that their political beliefs have become more right-wing.  
the N     (Antonym: left)
They see the shift to the right as a worldwide phenomenon.     

5    If someone is at a person’s right hand, they work closely with that person so they can help and advise them.  

at sb’s right hand      phrase   usu v-link PHR  
I think he ought to be at the right hand of the president.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


right          [3]     ( rights    plural  )   (ENTITLEMENT)  

1       n-plural   Your rights are what you are morally or legally entitled to do or to have.  
usu poss N  
They don’t know their rights…, You must stand up for your rights.     

2       n-sing   If you have a right   to do or to have something, you are morally or legally entitled to do it or to have it.      
usu N to-inf  
…a woman’s right to choose…     

3       n-plural   If someone has the rightsto a story or book, they are legally allowed to publish it or reproduce it in another form, and nobody else can do so without their permission.  
the N, usu with supp  
An agent bought the rights to his life…, He’d tried to buy the film rights of all George Bernard Shaw’s plays.     

4    If something is not the case but you think that it should be, you can say that by rights it should be the case.  

by rights      phrase   PHR with cl  
She did work which by rights should be done by someone else.     

5    If someone is a successful or respected person in their own right, they are successful or respected because of their own efforts and talents rather than those of the people they are closely connected with.  

in one’s own right      phrase   usu n adj PHR  
Although now a celebrity in her own right, actress Lynn Redgrave knows the difficulties of living in the shadow of her famous older sister…     

6    If you say that you reserve the rightto do something, you mean that you will do it if you feel that it is necessary.  

reserve the right      phrase   V inflects, PHR to-inf  
He reserved the right to change his mind…     

7    If you say that someone is within their rightsto do something, you mean that they are morally or legally entitled to do it.  

within one’s rights      phrase   usu v-link PHR  

You were quite within your rights to refuse to co-operate with him.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


right          [4]     (DISCOURSE USES)  

1       adv   You use right    in order to attract someone’s attention or to indicate that you have dealt with one thing so you can go on to another.      
Right, I’ll be back in a minute…     

2       convention   You can use right    to check whether what you have just said is correct.      
SPOKEN   They have a small plane, right?     

3       adv   You can say `right   ‘ to show that you are listening to what someone is saying and that you accept it or understand it.      
SPOKEN   ADV as reply  

`Your children may well come away speaking with a bit of a broad country accent’—`Right.’—`because they’re mixing with country children.’     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


right          [5]     (USED FOR EMPHASIS)  

1       adv   You can use right    to emphasize the precise place, position, or time of something.      
ADV adv/prep     (emphasis)
The back of a car appeared right in front of him., …a charming resort right on the Italian frontier…     

2       adv   You can use right    to emphasize how far something moves or extends or how long it continues.      
ADV prep/adv     (emphasis)
…the highway that runs through the Indian zone right to the army positions…, She was kept very busy right up to the moment of her departure…     

3       adv   You can use right    to emphasize that an action or state is complete.      
ADV adv/prep     (emphasis)
The candle had burned right down…, The handle came right off in my hand.     

4       adj   You can use right    to emphasize a noun, usually a noun referring to something bad.      
INFORMAL   ADJ n     (emphasis)


He gave them a right telling off…     

5       adv   If you say that something happened right   after a particular time or event or right   before it, you mean that it happened immediately after or before it.         
ADV prep/adv     (emphasis)


All of a sudden, right after the summer, Mother gets married…     

6       adv   If you say I’ll be right there or I’ll be right back, you mean that you will get to a place or get back to it in a very short time.  
ADV adv     (emphasis)
I’m going to get some water. I’ll be right back.     

7    If you do something right away or right off, you do it immediately.  

right away/off      phrase   PHR after v, PHR with cl     (emphasis)

(=straight away)  

He wants to see you right away…, Right off I want to confess that I was wrong.     

8    You can use right now to emphasize that you are referring to the present moment.  

right now      phrase   PHR with cl     (emphasis)
I’m warning you; stop it right now!     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

All synonyms in one line

absolutely, actually, advantageously, appropriately, dead, en.synonym.one, direct, directly, due, equitably, fairly, favourably, fitly, fittingly, immediately, justly, lawfully, precisely, properly, really, righteously, rightfully, rightly, straight away, suitably, truly, en.synonym.one, uprightly, well, accurate, allowed, appropriate, apt, becoming, en.synonym.one, befitting, continuous, convenient, correct, creditable, critical, delicate, demanding, desired, distinguishing, equitable, estimable, ethical, even-handed, exact, fair, fine, fit, fitting, front, en.synonym.one, genuine, good, honest, honorable, honourable, impartial, just, lawful, legal, legitimate, lucid, nice, normal, obverse, orderly, orthodox, outer, outward, perfect, precise, principal, proper, rational, reasonable, rightful, en.synonym.one, sanctioned, sane, scrupulous, seemly, sensible, sober, sound, straight, suitable, through, timely, top, true, uninterrupted, upper, upright, valid, wholesome, wise, ancestry, birthright, charter, claim, counterclaim, en.synonym.one, demand, due, equity, fairness, heritage, holding, immunity, inheritance, integrity, interest, justice, legacy, liberty, licence, lot, ownership, patrimony, prerogative, pretension, privilege, en.synonym.one, rectitude, right field, right hand, right wing, rightfield, rightfulness, title, uprightness, virtue, adjust, ameliorate, amend, better, change, en.synonym.one, compensate, correct, counteract, cure, emend, heal, help, improve, mend, rectify, redress, relieve, remedy, repair, restore, solve, done, right-hand, ripe, veracious, aright, correctly, decent, decently, flop, en.synonym.one, in good order, mightily, mighty, powerful, the right way.

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  • adj.fair, just
  • adj.accurate, precise
  • adj.appropriate, fitting
  • adj.sane, healthy
  • adj.conservative politically
  • adj.opposite of left
  • adv.accurately, precisely
  • adv.appropriately, suitably
  • adv.fairly, justly
  • adv.beneficially
  • adv.directly, without delay
  • nounprivilege
  • nounjustice, morality
  • verbfix, correct
  • correct
  • perfect
  • proper
  • sure
  • true
  • valid
  • absolute
  • amen
  • complete
  • exact
  • faithful
  • nice
  • real
  • sound
  • utter
  • admissible
  • authentic
  • bona fide
  • factual
  • free of error
  • genuine
  • immaculate
  • indubitable
  • inerrant
  • infallible
  • just
  • on the money
  • on the nose
  • out-and-out
  • punctilious
  • right as rain
  • righteous
  • right on
  • rigorous
  • satisfactory
  • solemn
  • strict
  • thoroughgoing
  • undistorted
  • undoubted
  • unerring
  • unmistaken
  • veracious
  • veridical
  • veritable
  • watertight
  • acceptable
  • all right
  • common
  • convenient
  • correct
  • decent
  • desirable
  • good
  • happy
  • ideal
  • proper
  • sufficient
  • suitable
  • becoming
  • befitting
  • deserved
  • due
  • fit
  • merited
  • nice
  • requisite
  • adequate
  • advantageous
  • comely
  • comme il faut
  • condign
  • decorous
  • favorable
  • felicitous
  • opportune
  • propitious
  • rightful
  • satisfactory
  • seemly
  • tolerable
  • normal
  • reasonable
  • wise
  • balanced
  • discerning
  • enlightened
  • fine
  • fit
  • hale
  • penetrating
  • rational
  • sound
  • well
  • all there
  • circumspect
  • compos mentis
  • discreet
  • far-sighted
  • in good health
  • in the pink
  • judicious
  • lucid
  • unimpaired
  • up to par
  • reactionary
  • die-hard
  • old-line
  • orthodox
  • right wing
  • traditionalistic
  • clockwise
  • dexter
  • dextral
  • right-handed
  • clear
  • altogether
  • bang
  • correctly
  • sharp
  • well
  • absolutely
  • all the way
  • completely
  • entirely
  • exactly
  • factually
  • fully
  • genuinely
  • just
  • perfectly
  • quite
  • smack-dab
  • squarely
  • thoroughly
  • totally
  • truly
  • utterly
  • wholly
  • properly
  • well
  • acceptably
  • adequately
  • amply
  • aptly
  • becomingly
  • befittingly
  • fittingly
  • satisfactorily
  • decently
  • properly
  • conscientiously
  • dispassionately
  • equitably
  • ethically
  • evenly
  • honestly
  • honorably
  • impartially
  • lawfully
  • legitimately
  • morally
  • objectively
  • reliably
  • righteously
  • sincerely
  • squarely
  • virtuously
  • without bias
  • without prejudice
  • well
  • advantageous
  • exceedingly
  • extremely
  • favorably
  • for the better
  • fortunately
  • highly
  • notably
  • perfectly
  • remarkably
  • to advantage
  • very
  • away
  • straight
  • direct
  • due
  • now
  • at once
  • first off
  • forthwith
  • immediately
  • instanter
  • instantly
  • promptly
  • quickly
  • right away
  • straight away
  • straightly
  • undeviatingly
  • authority
  • benefit
  • business
  • claim
  • freedom
  • immunity
  • interest
  • license
  • power
  • priority
  • advantage
  • appanage
  • birthright
  • comeuppance
  • deserts
  • deserving
  • due
  • exemption
  • favor
  • franchise
  • liberty
  • merit
  • permission
  • perquisite
  • preference
  • prerogative
  • title
  • freedom
  • independence
  • integrity
  • correctness
  • emancipation
  • enfranchisement
  • equity
  • good
  • goodness
  • honor
  • lawfulness
  • legality
  • liberty
  • properness
  • propriety
  • reason
  • rectitude
  • righteousness
  • rightness
  • straight
  • truth
  • uprightness
  • virtue
  • adjust
  • amend
  • balance
  • debug
  • doctor
  • emend
  • launder
  • mend
  • overhaul
  • patch
  • recompense
  • recondition
  • reconstruct
  • rectify
  • redress
  • repair
  • restore
  • reward
  • scrub
  • settle
  • square
  • straighten
  • vindicate
  • clean up
  • compensate for
  • dial back
  • do justice
  • fiddle with
  • fix up
  • go straight
  • make up for
  • pick up
  • put in place
  • put right
  • recalibrate
  • set straight
  • set upright
  • shape up
  • sort out
  • straighten out
  • turn around

On this page you’ll find 642 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to right, such as: appropriate, good, honest, honorable, legal, and legitimate.

  • false
  • flawed
  • imprecise
  • inaccurate
  • incorrect
  • invalid
  • unacceptable
  • wrong
  • imperfect
  • incomplete
  • inexact
  • uncertain
  • unreliable
  • untrue
  • inadmissible
  • improper
  • inappropriate
  • unfitting
  • unsuitable
  • unsuited
  • inadequate
  • unbecoming
  • poorly
  • sick
  • unfit
  • unhealthy
  • unsound
  • insane
  • mad
  • left
  • left wing
  • left
  • inaccurately
  • inappropriately
  • incorrectly
  • indirectly
  • unfairly
  • unjustly
  • unsuitably
  • wrongly
  • inaccurately
  • inappropriately
  • incorrectly
  • indirectly
  • unfairly
  • unjustly
  • unsuitably
  • wrongly
  • inaccurately
  • inappropriately
  • incorrectly
  • indirectly
  • unfairly
  • unjustly
  • unsuitably
  • wrongly
  • inaccurately
  • inappropriately
  • incorrectly
  • indirectly
  • unfairly
  • unjustly
  • unsuitably
  • wrongly
  • inaccurately
  • inappropriately
  • incorrectly
  • indirectly
  • unfairly
  • unjustly
  • unsuitably
  • wrongly
  • disadvantage
  • disfavor
  • corruption
  • immorality
  • injustice
  • unfairness
  • unjustness
  • wrong
  • subordination
  • dishonesty
  • dishonor
  • evil
  • immorality
  • impropriety
  • unsuitableness
  • wickedness
  • wrong
  • corruption
  • injustice
  • unfairness
  • unjustness
  • break
  • confuse
  • damage
  • destroy
  • harm
  • hurt
  • injure
  • move
  • punish
  • ruin
  • upset
  • worsen
  • wrong

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • absolute
  • actual
  • authentic
  • authoritative
  • certain
  • conclusive
  • correct
  • definite
  • definitive
  • errorless
  • exact
  • factual
  • faultless
  • final
  • flawless
  • genuine
  • infallible
  • irrefutable
  • official
  • on-target
  • perfect
  • right
  • straight
  • strict
  • true
  • truthful
  • undeniable
  • undisputed
  • unimpeachable
  • unquestionable
  • unrefuted
  • valid
  • veracious
  • acceptable
  • allowed
  • applicable
  • appropriate
  • concedable
  • fair
  • fitting
  • just
  • justifiable
  • lawful
  • legal
  • legitimate
  • licit
  • likely
  • logical
  • not impossible
  • not unlikely
  • okay
  • passable
  • permissible
  • permitted
  • pertinent
  • possible
  • probable
  • proper
  • rational
  • reasonable
  • relevant
  • right
  • suitable
  • tolerable
  • tolerated
  • warranted
  • worthy
  • accurate
  • exact
  • good
  • great
  • precise
  • right
  • alter
  • ameliorate
  • better
  • change
  • elevate
  • enhance
  • fix
  • help
  • lift
  • make up for
  • mend
  • modify
  • pay one’s dues
  • raise
  • rectify
  • reform
  • remedy
  • repair
  • revise
  • right
  • square
  • affable
  • amicable
  • attractive
  • benign
  • breezy
  • buddy-buddy
  • charming
  • cheerful
  • clubby
  • complaisant
  • cool
  • copacetic
  • cordial
  • cozy
  • delightful
  • downright neighborly
  • easy
  • engaging
  • friendly
  • genial
  • good-humored
  • good-natured
  • gracious
  • kind
  • kindly
  • lenient
  • lovable
  • mellow
  • mild
  • obliging
  • palsy-walsy
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • princely
  • responsive
  • right
  • righteous
  • sociable
  • sweet-tempered
  • swell
  • tight
  • warm
  • warmhearted
  • winning
  • adjunct
  • perquisite
  • prerogative
  • privilege
  • right

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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