Right синоним и антоним

Предложения со словом «right»

It turns out, real cleanliness is not about killing off bacteria right away.

Оказывается, настоящий порядок не в том, чтобы сразу убить бактерии.

The UN are using it to geotag photos in disaster zones so they can deliver aid to exactly the right place.

ООН использует её для доставки помощи в нужное место, добавляя геотеги к фотографиям зон бедствия.

And I am doing the most rewarding and meaningful work of my life right now.

Я сейчас занимаюсь самым значимым и благодарным делом в жизни.

It took weeks before I could admit it, but the doctor was right : I was depressed.

Понадобились недели, чтобы я это осознала, но доктор оказался прав: это была депрессия.

And how many of you are confident that you know how to bring up your children in exactly the right way?

И кто из вас уверен, что знает, как воспитать их действительно правильно ?

The data showed that even when their parents were doing everything right — putting them to bed on time and reading to them every day and everything else — that only got those children so far.

Данные показали, что даже если родители делали всё правильно — укладывали спать вовремя, читали каждый день, и всё остальное — это помогает лишь до определённого уровня.

She was right : we were the enemy.

Она была права : мы были врагами.

Yes, you heard me right , they can walk.

Да, вы меня правильно услышали, они умеют ходить.

And then, as if it had suddenly changed its mind, came towards me and then swerved to the right and went right around me.

И потом, как будто вдруг передумав, стая подплыла ко мне, но вдруг резко свернула вправо и обогнула меня.

And with the right motion rules and the right pattern rules, we can actually get the robots to build whatever we want.

И с подходящими правилами движения и образцами, мы можем фактически заставить роботов строить всё, что захотим.

Pretty heavy thoughts for a child, right ?

Довольно мрачные мысли для ребёнка, не так ли?

The point is: this is the image of physics, right ?

И это представления о физике?

This — this is my job, right ?

Это моя работа, правильно ?

And if you go to some places like black holes in the beginning of the universe, we know that these are frontiers in physics, right ?

И если говорить о таких местах, как чёрные дыры в начале Вселенной, мы знаем, что это новые области в физике, так?

And by playing with these fundamental little things in everyday life, we gain the confidence to ask the right questions.

И играя с этими ключевыми закономерностями в повседневной жизни, мы получаем уверенность для правильных вопросов.

By the way — why should kids have all the fun, right ?

Кстати, почему всё веселье достаётся детям?

They might discover some new quantum mechanics, but apples right here are still going to fall down.

Вероятно, обнаружат что — то в квантовой механике, но яблоки так и будут продолжать падать.

So as Lauran and I were getting to know each other, it was right in the middle of that 2012 presidential campaign, and most of our early political conversations were really just based in jokes and pranks.

Когда мы только узнавали друг друга, это совпало с президентской кампанией 2012 — го года, большинство наших политических бесед было основано только на шутках и розыгрышах.

Our ability to move past political debate into true dialogue is a critical skill we should all be focused on right now, especially with the people that we care about the most.

Наша способность перейти от прошлых политических дебатов к настоящему диалогу — это ключевой навык, на котором нам всем следует сосредоточиться, особенно с самыми близкими людьми.

And perhaps most importantly for our relationship, we have made the commitment to each other that our friendship is way more important than either of us being right or winning a conversation about politics.

И, возможно, самым важным для наших взаимоотношений стало обоюдное соглашение, что наша дружба намного важнее, чем правота любого из нас или победа в споре о политике.

So, it was a dumb strategy, right ?

Простейшая стратегия, так?

In order to be an effective investor, one has to bet against the consensus and be right .

Чтобы быть эффективным инвестором, нужно ставить на непопулярное и оказываться правым .

One has to bet against the consensus and be right because the consensus is built into the price.

Чтобы быть предпринимателем, успешным предпринимателем, нужно идти против общепринятого и оказываться правым .

And in order to be an entrepreneur, a successful entrepreneur, one has to bet against the consensus and be right .

Я был и предпринимателем, и инвестором, и то, и другое занятие не обходится без множества болезненных ошибок.

They see their own opinions as just one of many and naturally start asking themselves, How do I know my opinion is right ?

Они видят, что их мнение — только одно из многих, и у них возникает вопрос: «Как узнать, что прав именно я?

So in 2011, I altered my name so that I could participate in Far Right youth camp in Hungary.

В 2011 году я поменяла имя, чтобы попасть в праворадикальный молодёжный лагерь Венгрии.

I saw that a lot of young people I was talking to were joining the Far Right , and this was astounding to me.

Тогда я узнала, что многие из тех молодых людей, с кем я общалась, присоединялись к праворадикалам , и это повергло меня в шок.

And these are pretty much similar for Far Right , neo-Nazi groups all the way to Islamist extremist and terrorist groups.

Они очень сильно напоминают факторы для ультраправых, неонацистских, и даже исламистских и террористических группировок.

Not a very pleasant sight, right ?

Не очень приятное зрелище, да?

This makes sense, right ?

Звучит логично, не так ли?

And so one of the major challenges of our project, really, is to find photographs that were taken before something happens, right ?

И один из самых больших вызовов нашего проекта — найти фотографии, сделанные до того, как что — то случилось, так?

Well, the internet is basically a database with millions of images, right ?

А интернет — база данных с миллионами снимков, так?

Some of those babies are going to climb out of the crib, right ?

Некоторые дети будут пытаться выбраться из кроватки, так?

That means we do not know the answer yet, right ?

Это значит, что мы пока не знаем ответа на этот вопрос, верно?

it is obvious number four is the correct answer, right ?

Очевидно, что правильный ответ — под номером 4, так?

But — do I read you right , that you think we really need quite an urgent revolution in education to help kids do the things that humans can do better than AIs?

Но правильно ли я понял, что, по — вашему, на самом деле мы нуждаемся в срочной революции в образовании с целью помочь детям делать то, что люди могут делать лучше ИИ?

Dylan, on the right , 3 out of 10.

Дилан, справа, — 3 из 10.

At the end of the day, our old Dodge van takes them right back to St.

В конце дня мы отвозим рабочих обратно в центр Св.

Right around the same time, we figured out how to record light onto a piece of photographic paper, celluloid — the beginning of film and television.

Примерно в то же время мы поняли, как записывать свет на лист светочувствительной бумаги, изобрели киноплёнку — основу кино и телевидения.

I want you to check yourselves right now.

Я хочу, чтобы вы сейчас задумались.

Justice is not a thing that just descends from above and makes everything right .

Справедливость — это не что — то, дарованное нам с небес и делающее всё правильным .

Right now, on this stage, I feel fear.

Прямо сейчас на этой сцене я испытываю страх.

How does your finger feel right now?

Каким теперь кажется ваш палец?

Look at how much the position of women has changed in my lifetime or the incredible strides that the gay rights movement has made in just a few decades, right ?

Посмотрите, как изменилось положение женщин на моём веку или как далеко продвинулось движение за права геев всего за несколько десятилетий, верно?

And I think this idea is probably not right .

Я думаю, что эта позиция ошибочна.

So to get this image on the left by Anita Kunz, or the one on right by Tomer Hanuka, you have to play spot the differences.

Поэтому, чтобы понять этот рисунок слева, созданный Анитой Кунц, или рисунок справа, созданный Томером Ханукой, вам придётся сыграть в игру «найди отличия».

So this is the image that we published by Bob Staake right after the election of Barack Obama, and captured a historic moment.

Вот это рисунок Боба Стейка, который мы опубликовали прямо после избрания на пост Барака Обамы, мы поймали при этом исторический момент.

Because the main thing we need right now is a good cartoon.

Потому что самое главное, что нам нужно сейчас, — это хорошая карикатура.

And on the right-hand side of him is an African-American walking.

А справа от него шагает афроамериканец.

above you right here on the slide is a painting by Frans Hals.

Над вами, прямо тут на слайде картина Франса Халса.

I could move the lens a little to the right , and you would go back and the folks in the background would come out.

Я также мог сдвинуть объектив немного вправо, и вы бы отодвинулись назад, а люди сзади вышли бы вперёд.

Alongside that is an amendment, something that says, This is where we were, but this is where we are right now.

Мы добавляем к нему поправку, что — то вроде: «Вот как было и вот как стало теперь».

A scientist in Guam wrote, I cried right into my mask, seeing the damage on the reefs.

Но в прошлом году учёный из Гуаме написал: «Я плакал прямо в маске», когда он увидел повреждение рифов.

The best time to protect a reef was 50 years ago, but the second-best time is right now.

Лучшее время для защиты рифов было 50 лет назад, но и сейчас снова такое время.

One of my favorite coral babies of all time showed up right after Hurricane Omar.

Один из моих любимых деток кораллов за всё время обнаружился сразу после урагана Омар.

This might sound like science fiction, but this actually exists right now, today.

Возможно, это звучит как научная фантастика, но такое действительно существует уже сейчас.

And right there underneath the item it said, Who wants to RSVP for the dinner?

И чуть ниже следующий вопрос: «Кто приглашает?»

Maybe instead of worrying about hypothetical future runaway artificial intelligences that are maximizing for one goal, we could solve the runaway artificial intelligence that already exists right now, which are these newsfeeds maximizing for one thing.

Может быть, вместо того, чтобы беспокоиться о гипотетическом будущем восстании искусственного интеллекта, а это всего одна цель, мы можем доработать искусственный интеллект, который уже существует и уже оптимизирует новостные ленты.

Well, because there’s no way of really predicting right now which patients will get cancer, we use the next best population: cancers in remission; specifically, lung cancer.

Поскольку невозможно точно предсказать, у кого появится рак, мы решили взять одну популяцию — пациентов с раком лёгких в стадии ремиссии.

There could be somebody in this room right now surrounded by a thousand people experiencing loneliness.

И в этом зале может быть человек, окружённый тысячью людей, но при этом чувствующий себя одиноко.


right (прилагательное)

Морфологические и синтаксические свойства

сравн. ст. превосх. ст.
righter rightest, rightmost



Корень: -right-.


  • МФА: [ɹaɪt]

омофоны: rite, wright, Wright, write

Семантические свойства


  1. устар. прямой (не согнутый) ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  2. правильный; правый, верный; справедливый ◆ We are fighting for a right cause. — Мы бьёмся за правое дело. ◆ It’s not right for them to get all the money. — Это не справедливо, что все деньги достанутся им.
  3. правильный, верный, точный ◆ You gave the right answer. — Ты ответила правильно.
  4. правильный, подходящий, надлежащий; уместный ◆ He is the right person for the job. — Он правильный человек для такой работы.
  5. здоровый, здравый; исправный ◆ Are you in your right mind? — Ты в здравом уме?
  6. геометр. прямой (об угле), прямоугольный (о треугольнике) ◆ A right triangle has a right angle. — У прямоугольного треугольника один угол прямой.
  7. правый ◆ What do I have in my right hand? — Что у меня в правой руке?
  8. перен., полит. правый, реакционный ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).


  1. straight
  2. correct, just
  3. correct, true
  4. suitable, appropriate
  5. healthy
  6. reactionary


  1. bent, crooked
  2. wrong
  3. wrong
  4. wrong
  5. sick, broken
  6. left
  7. left



Родственные слова

Ближайшее родство


От прагерм. формы *rekhtaz, от которой в числе прочего произошли: др.-англ. riht и англ. right, др.-в.-нем. reht, нем. recht, др.-сканд. rettr, готск. raihts и т. п. Восходит к праиндоевр. *reg- «выпрямлять; править». Использованы материалы Online Etymology Dictionary Дугласа Харпера. См. Список литературы.

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания

  • all right

right (наречие)

Морфологические и синтаксические свойства


Наречие; неизменяемое.

Корень: -right-.


  • МФА: [ɹaɪt]

омофоны: rite, wright, Wright, write

Семантические свойства


  1. правильно, верно; точно ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  2. справедливо; заслуженно; оправданно; честно ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  3. должным образом; как следует ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  4. прямо, по прямой линии ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  5. точно, как раз; непосредственно; сразу ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  6. совсем, полностью, совершенно ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  7. направо ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).





Родственные слова

См. right (прилагательное).


См. right (прилагательное).

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания

  • right now

right (междометие)

Морфологические и синтаксические свойства


Междометие, неизменяемое.

Корень: -right-.


  • МФА: [ɹaɪt]

омофоны: rite, wright, Wright, write

Семантические свойства


  1. да, хорошо, согласен, идёт ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  2. однословная реплика или вводное слово короткой реплики так, понятно, ясно (говорящий слушает собеседника) ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  3. разг. вводное слово стоп, секундочку, погодите, короче (смена темы разговора) ◆ Right, who wants to grab lunch? — Стоп, кто хочет пойти на обед?
  4. разг. в конце вопросительной фразы ведь, же; верно, так ведь, не так ли (подчёркивание) ◆ You are free tomorrow, right? — У тебя ведь завтра нет планов?
  5. разг. вводное слово так, значит (утверждение, размышление) ◆ Right, first we need to buy tools. — Так, сначала нам надо купить инструмент.


  1. yes, OK, all right, sure
  2. I see
  3. so
  4. correct
  5. OK




Родственные слова

См. right (прилагательное).


См. right (прилагательное).

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания

right (существительное)

Морфологические и синтаксические свойства

ед. ч. мн. ч.
right rights



Корень: -right-.


  • МФА: ед. ч. [ɹaɪt], мн. ч. [ɹaɪts]

омофоны: rite, wright, Wright, write

Семантические свойства


  1. правота; правильность ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  2. справедливость ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  3. право; привилегия ◆ The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. — Право носить оружие не должно нарушаться.
  4. обычно мн. ч. верность, соответствие фактам; корректность; объективность ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  5. обычно мн. ч. порядок, должное состояние ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  6. правая сторона ◆ On the right, you can see the royal palace. — Справа (на правой стороне) вы можете увидеть королевский дворец.
  7. перен., полит. правые ◆ Our party will unite the right and the left. — Наша партия сможет объединить правых и левых.





Родственные слова

См. right (прилагательное).


См. right (прилагательное).

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания

right (глагол)

Морфологические и синтаксические свойства


Глагол, правильный.

Корень: -right-.


  • МФА: [ɹaɪt]

Семантические свойства


  1. выпрямлять ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  2. восстанавливать (равновесие, справедливость); исправлять (ситуацию) ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  3. выпрямляться ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  4. исправляться ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).





Родственные слова

См. right (прилагательное).


См. right (прилагательное).

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания

  • Определения слова right

    • прямой (не согнутый).
      • en (устар.)
    • правильный; правый, верный; справедливый
    • правильный, верный, точный
    • подходящий, надлежащий; уместный
    • здоровый; исправный
    • прямой (об угле).
      • en (геометр.)
    • правый
    • , правый, реакционный.
      • en (п.)
      • en (полит.)

Синонимы к слову right

    • absolute
    • absolutely
    • acceptable
    • acceptably
    • accurate
    • accurately
    • actual
    • amend
    • appropriate
    • appropriately
    • aptly
    • as it should be
    • authentic
    • best
    • birthright
    • claim
    • completely
    • correct
    • correctly
    • dead on
    • decent
    • desirable
    • directly
    • due
    • entirely
    • entitlement
    • exact
    • exactly
    • fair
    • fine
    • fit
    • fitting
    • genuine
    • healthy
    • honorable
    • in shape
    • just
    • justification
    • justified
    • moral
    • non-discriminatory
    • perfectly
    • permission
    • precise
    • precisely
    • privilege
    • proper
    • properly
    • real
    • reasonable
    • reasonably
    • rectify
    • redress
    • remedy
    • respectable
    • restore
    • righteous
    • sincere
    • straight
    • suitable
    • suitably
    • suited
    • totally
    • true
    • upright
    • utterly
    • very well
    • well

Похожие слова на right

    • right
    • righted
    • righteous
    • righteously
    • righteousness
    • righteousness’s
    • righter
    • rightest
    • rightful
    • rightfully
    • rightfulness
    • rightfulness’s
    • righting
    • rightist
    • rightists
    • rightmost
    • rightness
    • rightness’s
    • rights
    • rights’s

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 2 votes

  1. rightnoun

    A right is that which one may properly demand upon considerations of justice, morality, equity, or of natural or positive law. A right may be either general or special, natural or artificial. «Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness» are the natural and inalienable rights of all men; rights of property, inheritance, etc., are individual and special, and often artificial, as the right of inheritance by primogeniture. A privilege is always special, exceptional, and artificial; it is something not enjoyed by all, or only to be enjoyed on certain special conditions, a peculiar benefit, favor, advantage, etc. A privilege may be of doing or avoiding; in the latter case it is an exemption or immunity; as, a privilege of hunting or fishing; exemption from military service; immunity from arrest. A franchise is a specific right or privilege granted by the government or established as such by governmental authority; as, the elective franchise; a railroad franchise. A prerogative is an official right or privilege, especially one inherent in the royal or sovereign power; in a wider sense it is an exclusive and peculiar privilege which one possesses by reason of being what he is; as, reason is the prerogative of man; kings and nobles have often claimed prerogatives and privileges opposed to the inherent rights of the people. Compare DUTY; JUSTICE.

    claim, exemption, franchise, immunity, liberty, license, prerogative, privilege

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 14 votes

  1. rightnoun

    rectitude, correctness, straightness, integrity, justice, truth, propriety, fitness, suitableness, claim, power, privilege

    wrong, incorrectness, perverseness, crookedness, disintegrity, injustice, falsehood, impropriety, unfitness, usurpation, encroachment, force, violence

  2. rightadjective

    straight, upright, direct, lawful, correct, exact, just, fair, fit, proper, suitable, equitable

    crooked, indirect, wrong, unlawful, inexact, unjust, unfair, unfit, improper, unsuitable

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.7 / 21 votes

  1. rightnoun

    an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature

    «they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights»; «Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people»- Eleanor Roosevelt; «a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    wrong, wrongfulness, left, two-handed, left-hand(a), leftmost, unsatisfactory, base, near(a), centrist, left-of-center, vicious, incorrect, immoral, larboard, parallel, center, erroneous, leftish, left-handed, liberal, nigh(a), condemnable, improper, inaccurate, deplorable, criminal, misguided, inopportune, far left, fallacious, mistaken, false, inside, reprehensible, wrongheaded, inappropriate, leftist, left-wing, oblique, middle-of-the-road, ambidextrous, port, incorrectly, wrongly

  2. rightnoun

    location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east

    «he stood on the right»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, port, oblique, middle-of-the-road, improper, left-of-center, condemnable, false, reprehensible, erroneous, base, mistaken, criminal, far left, leftish, centrist, vicious, misguided, left-hand(a), larboard, center, left-handed, inside, leftmost, ambidextrous, inappropriate, inaccurate, near(a), two-handed, deplorable, inopportune, left-wing, parallel, liberal, nigh(a), unsatisfactory, wrongheaded, immoral, leftist, fallacious, incorrect, incorrectly, wrongly

  3. right field, rightfield, rightnoun

    the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher’s right

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, base, ambidextrous, larboard, far left, leftist, improper, reprehensible, condemnable, two-handed, erroneous, fallacious, inappropriate, near(a), wrongheaded, false, inside, criminal, left-of-center, parallel, center, left-wing, nigh(a), mistaken, port, deplorable, left-handed, inopportune, left-hand(a), vicious, leftish, immoral, incorrect, misguided, oblique, unsatisfactory, centrist, inaccurate, leftmost, liberal, middle-of-the-road, incorrectly, wrongly

  4. right, right wingnoun

    those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, false, immoral, left-hand(a), ambidextrous, near(a), left-wing, fallacious, criminal, centrist, base, misguided, mistaken, improper, inappropriate, inopportune, liberal, port, unsatisfactory, erroneous, condemnable, wrongheaded, center, deplorable, two-handed, larboard, inaccurate, incorrect, oblique, leftmost, far left, left-handed, reprehensible, inside, middle-of-the-road, vicious, leftish, leftist, nigh(a), parallel, left-of-center, wrongly, incorrectly

  5. right, right handnoun

    the hand that is on the right side of the body

    «he writes with his right hand but pitches with his left»; «hit him with quick rights to the body»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, inappropriate, middle-of-the-road, leftist, nigh(a), wrongheaded, false, leftish, port, larboard, deplorable, criminal, liberal, fallacious, inside, center, incorrect, condemnable, leftmost, left-wing, oblique, left-of-center, base, erroneous, left-handed, improper, immoral, vicious, inaccurate, two-handed, near(a), inopportune, parallel, ambidextrous, mistaken, misguided, left-hand(a), unsatisfactory, far left, centrist, reprehensible, wrongly, incorrectly

  6. rightnoun

    a turn toward the side of the body that is on the south when the person is facing east

    «take a right at the corner»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    wrongfulness, wrong, left, deplorable, erroneous, mistaken, leftmost, left-wing, liberal, base, vicious, ambidextrous, middle-of-the-road, improper, oblique, condemnable, nigh(a), two-handed, center, left-handed, centrist, immoral, parallel, fallacious, leftish, leftist, false, incorrect, left-of-center, left-hand(a), far left, port, inappropriate, wrongheaded, larboard, inside, inopportune, criminal, near(a), misguided, unsatisfactory, inaccurate, reprehensible, wrongly, incorrectly

  7. right, rightfulnessnoun

    anything in accord with principles of justice

    «he feels he is in the right»; «the rightfulness of his claim»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, center, leftish, criminal, middle-of-the-road, fallacious, nigh(a), centrist, ambidextrous, base, left-of-center, near(a), two-handed, port, left-wing, left-handed, parallel, vicious, incorrect, inaccurate, wrongheaded, liberal, mistaken, inopportune, false, larboard, improper, immoral, inside, leftmost, left-hand(a), condemnable, leftist, inappropriate, far left, oblique, reprehensible, unsatisfactory, misguided, deplorable, erroneous, incorrectly, wrongly

  8. rightadjective

    (frequently plural) the interest possessed by law or custom in some intangible thing

    «mineral rights»; «film rights»

    right wing, rightfield, right field, rightfulness, right hand

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, left-hand(a), nigh(a), left-handed, liberal, left-of-center, ambidextrous, leftmost, larboard, inaccurate, reprehensible, leftish, immoral, base, erroneous, criminal, mistaken, near(a), deplorable, unsatisfactory, two-handed, improper, port, wrongheaded, inside, parallel, oblique, far left, incorrect, left-wing, inappropriate, vicious, leftist, center, false, fallacious, condemnable, misguided, centrist, inopportune, middle-of-the-road, wrongly, incorrectly

  9. rightadjective

    being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north

    «my right hand»; «right center field»; «a right-hand turn»; «the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream»

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, left-handed, condemnable, leftish, ambidextrous, far left, leftmost, improper, erroneous, false, left-wing, criminal, two-handed, misguided, left-of-center, port, wrongheaded, leftist, nigh(a), center, deplorable, fallacious, left-hand(a), centrist, incorrect, middle-of-the-road, inside, larboard, near(a), oblique, inaccurate, reprehensible, inopportune, mistaken, liberal, unsatisfactory, base, vicious, parallel, immoral, inappropriate, wrongly, incorrectly

  10. correct, rightadjective

    free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth

    «the correct answer»; «the correct version»; «the right answer»; «took the right road»; «the right decision»

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, inappropriate, misguided, deplorable, wrongheaded, liberal, nigh(a), parallel, unsatisfactory, erroneous, left-wing, middle-of-the-road, leftish, ambidextrous, far left, leftmost, center, reprehensible, false, fallacious, two-handed, vicious, left-hand(a), port, left-of-center, mistaken, condemnable, inaccurate, near(a), improper, criminal, larboard, centrist, left-handed, inside, incorrect, leftist, inopportune, base, oblique, immoral, wrongly, incorrectly

  11. correct, rightadjective

    socially right or correct

    «it isn’t right to leave the party without saying goodbye»; «correct behavior»

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, center, reprehensible, base, condemnable, inopportune, fallacious, improper, port, mistaken, deplorable, centrist, near(a), leftist, larboard, left-wing, inaccurate, liberal, two-handed, left-of-center, left-hand(a), leftish, middle-of-the-road, inside, wrongheaded, ambidextrous, erroneous, incorrect, vicious, inappropriate, nigh(a), left-handed, oblique, far left, false, unsatisfactory, misguided, leftmost, immoral, criminal, parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

  12. rightadjective

    in conformance with justice or law or morality

    «do the right thing and confess»

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

    wrong, wrongfulness, left, false, middle-of-the-road, incorrect, left-handed, left-wing, improper, leftish, base, left-of-center, center, inappropriate, deplorable, nigh(a), immoral, oblique, parallel, two-handed, vicious, condemnable, reprehensible, larboard, erroneous, port, left-hand(a), leftist, inside, fallacious, centrist, near(a), inopportune, criminal, wrongheaded, unsatisfactory, far left, mistaken, inaccurate, ambidextrous, liberal, leftmost, misguided, wrongly, incorrectly

  13. right, correctadjective

    correct in opinion or judgment

    «time proved him right»

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    wrong, wrongfulness, left, unsatisfactory, two-handed, mistaken, base, wrongheaded, liberal, leftmost, inappropriate, reprehensible, near(a), left-wing, fallacious, misguided, false, vicious, middle-of-the-road, ambidextrous, leftish, larboard, far left, improper, oblique, deplorable, centrist, center, nigh(a), leftist, immoral, inaccurate, erroneous, criminal, port, condemnable, left-of-center, inside, incorrect, left-handed, inopportune, left-hand(a), parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

  14. proper, rightadjective

    appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person’s character, needs

    «everything in its proper place»; «the right man for the job»; «she is not suitable for the position»

    right(a), proper(a), proper, good, proper(ip), veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, near(a), centrist, leftist, wrongheaded, inside, fallacious, improper, left-of-center, incorrect, inopportune, far left, left-handed, inappropriate, oblique, mistaken, middle-of-the-road, vicious, inaccurate, unsatisfactory, two-handed, liberal, deplorable, left-hand(a), leftmost, false, erroneous, base, leftish, reprehensible, immoral, parallel, larboard, left-wing, center, port, misguided, criminal, nigh(a), condemnable, ambidextrous, incorrectly, wrongly

  15. rightadjective

    of or belonging to the political or intellectual right

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, left-wing, ambidextrous, vicious, liberal, port, base, deplorable, false, two-handed, condemnable, improper, leftmost, wrongheaded, parallel, mistaken, centrist, leftist, reprehensible, immoral, unsatisfactory, criminal, larboard, far left, inside, nigh(a), leftish, left-of-center, inopportune, fallacious, left-hand(a), inaccurate, misguided, inappropriate, middle-of-the-road, incorrect, near(a), erroneous, left-handed, center, oblique, wrongly, incorrectly

  16. rightadjective

    in or into a satisfactory condition

    «things are right again now»; «put things right»

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, wrongheaded, deplorable, two-handed, leftish, base, left-wing, nigh(a), mistaken, near(a), leftmost, incorrect, left-of-center, center, leftist, fallacious, improper, parallel, criminal, centrist, condemnable, inside, ambidextrous, erroneous, reprehensible, inappropriate, inaccurate, left-handed, misguided, far left, left-hand(a), false, unsatisfactory, vicious, port, oblique, liberal, middle-of-the-road, inopportune, larboard, immoral, incorrectly, wrongly

  17. right(a), right-hand(a)adjective

    intended for the right hand

    «a right-hand glove»

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, false, incorrect, improper, fallacious, liberal, inopportune, left-hand(a), two-handed, oblique, inaccurate, port, leftmost, near(a), leftist, left-handed, mistaken, inappropriate, leftish, center, left-wing, ambidextrous, base, centrist, unsatisfactory, nigh(a), deplorable, vicious, wrongheaded, left-of-center, middle-of-the-road, condemnable, far left, criminal, reprehensible, misguided, larboard, immoral, inside, erroneous, parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

  18. correct, rightadjective

    in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure

    «what’s the right word for this?»; «the right way to open oysters»

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, misguided, oblique, middle-of-the-road, left-hand(a), improper, unsatisfactory, near(a), left-wing, two-handed, port, base, incorrect, criminal, leftist, left-of-center, centrist, inaccurate, deplorable, fallacious, false, inappropriate, leftish, ambidextrous, left-handed, mistaken, erroneous, nigh(a), wrongheaded, parallel, condemnable, vicious, immoral, reprehensible, leftmost, far left, inopportune, liberal, center, inside, larboard, incorrectly, wrongly

  19. rightadjective

    having the axis perpendicular to the base

    «a right angle»

    good, correct, ripe, right-hand(a), proper, right(a), veracious

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, left-wing, immoral, improper, misguided, leftish, far left, inappropriate, two-handed, larboard, near(a), vicious, condemnable, erroneous, base, inaccurate, left-hand(a), leftmost, inopportune, parallel, reprehensible, nigh(a), center, leftist, fallacious, mistaken, centrist, deplorable, inside, left-of-center, false, criminal, oblique, unsatisfactory, incorrect, left-handed, wrongheaded, liberal, ambidextrous, port, middle-of-the-road, incorrectly, wrongly

  20. right(a)adjective

    (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward

    «the right side of the cloth showed the pattern»; «be sure your shirt is right side out»

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, leftish, parallel, unsatisfactory, two-handed, left-hand(a), inside, liberal, leftmost, base, improper, oblique, ambidextrous, centrist, inaccurate, left-wing, near(a), vicious, incorrect, deplorable, nigh(a), left-of-center, criminal, misguided, immoral, false, erroneous, inappropriate, left-handed, center, leftist, larboard, middle-of-the-road, port, wrongheaded, mistaken, condemnable, fallacious, reprehensible, far left, inopportune, wrongly, incorrectly

  21. good, right, ripeadjective

    most suitable or right for a particular purpose

    «a good time to plant tomatoes»; «the right time to act»; «the time is ripe for great sociological changes»

    dear, good, beneficial, in effect(p), unspoiled, skillful, sound, secure, serious, effective, upright, salutary, in force(p), skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, veracious, expert, correct, just, proficient, right-hand(a), right(a), proper, full, honest, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, ripe, mature, ripe(p), safe, adept, honorable, well(p), near, advanced

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, improper, fallacious, vicious, larboard, criminal, far left, wrongheaded, left-of-center, near(a), left-hand(a), inaccurate, center, parallel, two-handed, left-handed, deplorable, misguided, leftist, port, centrist, condemnable, base, inappropriate, incorrect, nigh(a), inopportune, erroneous, inside, oblique, immoral, reprehensible, ambidextrous, unsatisfactory, liberal, middle-of-the-road, false, mistaken, left-wing, leftish, leftmost, wrongly, incorrectly

  22. veracious, rightverb

    precisely accurate

    «a veracious account»

    right(a), good, proper, veracious, correct, ripe, right-hand(a)

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, left-of-center, two-handed, port, incorrect, base, leftmost, centrist, condemnable, improper, near(a), larboard, reprehensible, leftist, ambidextrous, unsatisfactory, inside, left-hand(a), inopportune, inappropriate, left-handed, parallel, nigh(a), leftish, immoral, middle-of-the-road, erroneous, far left, liberal, criminal, left-wing, vicious, inaccurate, false, mistaken, center, deplorable, oblique, misguided, wrongheaded, fallacious, wrongly, incorrectly

  23. right, compensate, redress, correctverb

    make reparations or amends for

    «right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust»

    remunerate, chasten, pay, counterbalance, adjust, redress, even out, overcompensate, discipline, recompense, correct, even up, rectify, indemnify, sort out, set, cover, compensate, pay off, even off, chastise, repair, make up, decline, castigate, slump, objurgate

    wrongfulness, wrong, left, liberal, mistaken, inappropriate, left-wing, base, port, inaccurate, reprehensible, left-of-center, centrist, two-handed, immoral, far left, leftmost, fallacious, unsatisfactory, wrongheaded, false, inside, deplorable, parallel, middle-of-the-road, condemnable, nigh(a), larboard, center, leftish, left-handed, left-hand(a), leftist, criminal, improper, erroneous, misguided, ambidextrous, incorrect, near(a), vicious, inopportune, oblique, wrongly, incorrectly

  24. rightverb

    put in or restore to an upright position

    «They righted the sailboat that had capsized»

    rectify, redress, correct, compensate

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, improper, mistaken, inaccurate, port, leftish, parallel, far left, reprehensible, near(a), leftmost, left-of-center, larboard, leftist, nigh(a), inopportune, deplorable, left-hand(a), centrist, false, center, liberal, oblique, ambidextrous, criminal, inside, middle-of-the-road, base, erroneous, unsatisfactory, two-handed, wrongheaded, vicious, immoral, fallacious, left-wing, incorrect, left-handed, inappropriate, misguided, condemnable, incorrectly, wrongly

  25. rightverb

    regain an upright or proper position

    «The capsized boat righted again»

    rectify, redress, correct, compensate

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, left-handed, center, left-of-center, base, two-handed, inopportune, false, ambidextrous, criminal, leftish, larboard, parallel, left-hand(a), inaccurate, inappropriate, leftmost, centrist, improper, oblique, condemnable, liberal, nigh(a), unsatisfactory, vicious, immoral, port, near(a), middle-of-the-road, mistaken, inside, erroneous, incorrect, leftist, left-wing, far left, fallacious, reprehensible, misguided, deplorable, wrongheaded, incorrectly, wrongly

  26. correct, rectify, rightadverb

    make right or correct

    «Correct the mistakes»; «rectify the calculation»

    refine, reclaim, regenerate, chasten, counterbalance, adjust, redress, even out, objurgate, discipline, castigate, correct, decline, reform, even up, amend, rectify, chastise, compensate, sort out, even off, remedy, repair, make up, remediate, slump, set

    left, wrongfulness, wrong, misguided, unsatisfactory, leftmost, left-wing, inappropriate, improper, oblique, mistaken, far left, center, reprehensible, inopportune, condemnable, larboard, centrist, false, port, inaccurate, ambidextrous, left-hand(a), incorrect, middle-of-the-road, inside, wrongheaded, criminal, leftish, fallacious, near(a), nigh(a), left-of-center, erroneous, left-handed, leftist, two-handed, vicious, base, deplorable, liberal, immoral, parallel, incorrectly, wrongly

  27. rightadverb

    precisely, exactly

    «stand right here!»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, base, inside, port, deplorable, liberal, incorrect, leftish, two-handed, parallel, immoral, inappropriate, fallacious, left-wing, leftmost, reprehensible, left-of-center, far left, improper, centrist, center, mistaken, inopportune, nigh(a), false, near(a), misguided, leftist, ambidextrous, middle-of-the-road, vicious, inaccurate, wrongheaded, criminal, oblique, erroneous, unsatisfactory, left-hand(a), left-handed, larboard, condemnable, incorrectly, wrongly

  28. rightadverb


    «she called right after dinner»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, improper, base, leftist, immoral, inaccurate, misguided, inside, inopportune, left-hand(a), condemnable, mistaken, wrongheaded, port, vicious, left-of-center, centrist, middle-of-the-road, unsatisfactory, oblique, criminal, left-handed, incorrect, nigh(a), reprehensible, leftmost, larboard, ambidextrous, left-wing, inappropriate, parallel, near(a), fallacious, erroneous, false, liberal, two-handed, center, far left, deplorable, leftish, wrongly, incorrectly

  29. right, flopadverb


    «he fell flop on his face»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, larboard, inaccurate, ambidextrous, fallacious, middle-of-the-road, condemnable, port, liberal, parallel, left-handed, mistaken, misguided, deplorable, left-of-center, unsatisfactory, nigh(a), far left, improper, immoral, leftish, oblique, wrongheaded, criminal, inopportune, near(a), base, left-hand(a), two-handed, centrist, inappropriate, vicious, center, leftist, reprehensible, erroneous, inside, false, incorrect, left-wing, leftmost, wrongly, incorrectly

  30. rightadverb

    toward or on the right; also used figuratively

    «he looked right and left»; «the party has moved right»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, reprehensible, far left, improper, port, false, larboard, near(a), centrist, left-wing, base, immoral, fallacious, parallel, nigh(a), condemnable, mistaken, leftmost, left-of-center, criminal, liberal, incorrect, oblique, erroneous, middle-of-the-road, inside, leftish, inaccurate, left-hand(a), misguided, leftist, unsatisfactory, vicious, center, left-handed, inopportune, two-handed, wrongheaded, ambidextrous, inappropriate, deplorable, wrongly, incorrectly

  31. properly, decently, decent, in good order, right, the right wayadverb

    in the right manner

    «please do your job properly!»; «can’t you carry me decent?»

    in good order, the right way, by rights, powerful, decently, justly, flop, properly, right on, mightily, correctly, mighty, aright, decent

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, inappropriate, liberal, condemnable, parallel, center, erroneous, reprehensible, improper, criminal, base, left-handed, wrongheaded, oblique, centrist, near(a), inopportune, mistaken, incorrect, deplorable, unsatisfactory, vicious, middle-of-the-road, fallacious, port, far left, immoral, left-of-center, two-handed, inaccurate, misguided, ambidextrous, false, leftist, leftmost, left-wing, larboard, nigh(a), left-hand(a), inside, leftish, wrongly, incorrectly

  32. right, right onadverb

    an interjection expressing agreement

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, mistaken, inopportune, unsatisfactory, fallacious, immoral, middle-of-the-road, left-of-center, nigh(a), oblique, left-handed, misguided, far left, incorrect, two-handed, leftmost, leftist, near(a), false, condemnable, improper, inappropriate, larboard, ambidextrous, center, inaccurate, inside, erroneous, reprehensible, leftish, left-hand(a), left-wing, deplorable, centrist, parallel, criminal, liberal, port, base, vicious, wrongheaded, wrongly, incorrectly

  33. rightadverb


    «she felt right at home»; «he fell right into the trap»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, powerful, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    wrongfulness, left, wrong, leftist, left-handed, near(a), larboard, middle-of-the-road, port, reprehensible, improper, condemnable, center, base, erroneous, leftish, inappropriate, parallel, liberal, inaccurate, fallacious, left-hand(a), left-of-center, misguided, leftmost, mistaken, inside, deplorable, two-handed, immoral, far left, vicious, nigh(a), false, inopportune, oblique, ambidextrous, centrist, left-wing, incorrect, criminal, unsatisfactory, wrongheaded, wrongly, incorrectly

  34. mighty, mightily, powerful, rightadverb

    (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree

    «the baby is mighty cute»; «he’s mighty tired»; «it is powerful humid»; «that boy is powerful big now»; «they have a right nice place»; «they rejoiced mightily»

    properly, the right way, correctly, in good order, decently, justly, flop, mighty, mightily, powerful, right on, aright, decent

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, center, left-wing, immoral, deplorable, near(a), leftist, false, left-of-center, mistaken, improper, oblique, inaccurate, criminal, inopportune, middle-of-the-road, parallel, fallacious, unsatisfactory, incorrect, liberal, centrist, nigh(a), inappropriate, far left, leftish, vicious, condemnable, port, left-handed, two-handed, ambidextrous, erroneous, leftmost, inside, larboard, base, misguided, left-hand(a), wrongheaded, reprehensible, incorrectly, wrongly

  35. justly, rightadverb

    in accordance with moral or social standards

    «that serves him right»; «do right by him»

    flop, rightly, correctly, in good order, decently, mighty, justly, powerful, properly, right on, mightily, justifiedly, the right way, aright, decent

    left, wrong, wrongfulness, improper, deplorable, incorrect, criminal, near(a), two-handed, left-handed, mistaken, oblique, inappropriate, middle-of-the-road, port, false, fallacious, center, inaccurate, immoral, condemnable, left-wing, misguided, vicious, wrongheaded, parallel, nigh(a), base, inside, left-of-center, erroneous, leftmost, left-hand(a), liberal, far left, inopportune, centrist, ambidextrous, leftist, reprehensible, larboard, leftish, unsatisfactory, wrongly, incorrectly

  36. correctly, right, arightadverb

    in an accurate manner

    «the flower had been correctly depicted by his son»; «he guessed right»

    in good order, the right way, correctly, powerful, decently, justly, flop, properly, right on, mightily, mighty, aright, decent

    wrong, left, wrongfulness, immoral, inopportune, condemnable, mistaken, fallacious, leftist, oblique, reprehensible, improper, near(a), parallel, inappropriate, incorrect, deplorable, two-handed, larboard, centrist, vicious, center, far left, wrongheaded, left-hand(a), inaccurate, liberal, base, inside, middle-of-the-road, nigh(a), left-handed, left-wing, leftmost, erroneous, leftish, misguided, false, ambidextrous, left-of-center, criminal, port, unsatisfactory, wrongly, incorrectly

Matched Categories

    • Abstraction
    • Change
    • Change Posture
    • Faction
    • Geometry
    • Hand
    • Justice
    • Position
    • Tract
    • Turn

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rightadjective

    straight, direct, rectilinear, not crooked

  2. rightadjective

    just, lawful, equitable, fair, rightful, honest, in accordance with duty

  3. rightadjective

    fit, suitable, seemly, proper, meet, becoming, appropriate, as it should be, COMME IL FAUT

  4. rightadjective

    correct, true, not erroneous, not mistaken

  5. rightadjective

    right hand

  6. rightadjective

    directly, in a direct line

  7. rightadjective

    uprightly, equitably, fairly, lawfully, rightfully, rightly

  8. rightadjective

    fitly, suitably, properly

  9. rightadjective

    correctly, truly

  10. rightadjective

    very, in a great degree

  11. rightnoun

    rectitude, justice, equity, fairness, goodness, lawfulness, propriety, what ought to be, what should be

  12. rightnoun

    truth, correctness

  13. rightnoun

    prerogative, privilege, immunity

  14. rightnoun

    legal claim

  15. rightverb

    set upright

  16. rightverb

    do justice to, relieve from wrong, see one righted, see justice done to one

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. rightadjective

    just, true, equitable, honest, rightful, lawful, correct, true, accurate, reasonable, ethical, condign, appropriate, proper, suitable, seemly, relevant, consistent, fortunate, auspicious, favorable, dexter, dextral, dextrorse

  2. rightnoun

    prerogative, privilege, immunity, exemption

  3. rightnoun

    uprightness, rectitude, probity, integrity, propriety, justice, morality, virtue, equity, title, claim, authority

    Associated words:
    ethics, casuistry, deontology, redress, ethology, aretology

  4. rightverb

    correct, rectify, emend, make restitution, redress

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «right»:

    law, correct, droit, rights, reason, good, agreement, entitled, entitlement, derecho, proper, huh, rightly, correctly, appropriate, right-wing, right-hand, recht, true, just, well, okay, fair, diritto, straight, eligible, real, duty, rightwards, properly, raison, adequate, ok, direito, fine, suitable, giusto, eh, fee, exact, jure, result, yeah, legal, laws, yes, accurate, accord

How to pronounce right?

How to say right in sign language?

How to use right in a sentence?

  1. Noah Bonsey:

    Clearly the trends right now are working against the regime, but it appears the regime’s backers — and Iran in particular — may increase their support in an attempt to reverse those trends, it is too early to tell what such an escalation could achieve.

  2. The FBI:

    North Korea’s actions were intended to inflict significant harm on a U.S. business and suppress the right of American citizens to express themselves, we are deeply concerned about the destructive nature of this attack on a private sector entity and the ordinary citizens who worked there.

  3. New York:

    Not wearing a mask is not ok. And that has to be the culture and that has to be the attitude, you don’t have a right to jeopardize my health. It is as Rosie said, it’s respect.

  4. Libby Schaaf:

    I’m not going to let the bullies in Washington, DC, deter me from doing what I know is right for my community. In Oakland, we’re very clear about what our values are. We value our immigrant communities. We value diversity. And we will not allow anyone to intimidate us. We will not apologize for those values.

  5. Young Japanese:

    ( Young Japanese) are discovering that they can engage in political issues without reproducing the same old political patterns of belonging to either the right or the left of the political landscape.

Translations for right

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • regsAfrikaans
  • حق, يَمِين, على اليمين, إلى اليمين, یمین, صحيح, صَحَّحَArabic
  • sağAzerbaijani
  • төҙ, уңдағы, тура, уң яҡ, уңға, дөрөҫ, хоҡуҡ, хаҡ, уңда, уң, төҙәтеү, дөрөҫләүBashkir
  • ве́рны, пра́вы, пра́вільны, справа, направа, прамы́Belarusian
  • прав, право, десен, ве́рен, перпендикулярен, десничарски, надясно, пра́вилен, права, дясно, де́сен, отдясно, коригирам, изправямBulgarian
  • dretCatalan, Valencian
  • vpravo, právo, pravice, na pravé, správný, pravý, napravitCzech
  • правъOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
  • sgŵr, rhaith, de, cywir, hawl, reitWelsh
  • retvinklet, lige, ret, rettighed, højre, konservativ, korrekt, side, højre-, rigtig, korrigere, retteDanish
  • rechts, Recht, Rechte, nach rechts, richtig, gerade, rechtwinklig, ganz, ne?, oder?, richtigstellen, nicht wahr?, berichtigen, korrigierenGerman
  • δεξιός, δεξιά, ορθός, σωστό, προς τα δεξιά, συντηρητικός, σωστάGreek
  • rekta, rajto, dekstra, korekta, ĝusta, ortaEsperanto
  • sano, derecho, justo, a la diestra, derecha, recto, correcto, perpendicular, a la derecha, de derecha, diestra, de derechas, de la derecha, ¿vale?, ¿verdad?, corregir, ¿cierto?, ¿no?, verdad, valeSpanish
  • õigus, parem, otse, õigeEstonian
  • eskuin, eskubi, ongi, eskuma, zuzen, zuzenduBasque
  • راست, راستگرا, در سمت راست, درستPersian
  • oikea, oikeus, oikeistolainen, oikeaan, oikealla, oikeanpuoleinen, terve, suora, oikealle, oikeisto, aivan, oikein, [[kääntää]] [[oikein]] [[päin]], oieta, eikö niin, ihan miten vain, ihan, todella, korjata, [[nostaa]] [[pystyyn]], no niin, [[nousta]] [[pystyyn]]Finnish
  • correct, droit, droite, juste, à droite, bon, de droite, se redresser, hein, n’est-ce pas, non, corriger, redresser, d’accordFrench
  • deas, rechtIrish
  • còirScottish Gaelic
  • dereita, dereitoGalician
  • akatúvapeGuaraní
  • של האגף הימני, זְכוּת, יָמִין, ימיןHebrew
  • ठीक, दाहिना, दाहिनेHindi
  • dwaHaitian Creole
  • jobb, egyenes, jog, jobboldal, helyesHungarian
  • ուղիղ, աջ, ուղղահայաց, ճիշտ, իրավունքArmenian
  • dextra, juste, dextere, correcte, dextera, dextre, derectoInterlingua
  • hak, betul, lurus, benar, kananIndonesian
  • dextra, korekta, yuro, dextroIdo
  • rétt, hægri, réttur, horn, bein, beinn, beintIcelandic
  • diritto, a destra, destra, corretto, destro, correggereItalian
  • 正しい, 垂直, 権利, 右, 直, まっすぐ, 右翼, ね, 訂正するJapanese
  • მარჯვენაGeorgian
  • оңKazakh
  • ស្ដាំKhmer
  • 우익, 곧다, 오른쪽, 권리, 오른, 옳다, 바른, 바르다Korean
  • rastê, ماف, rast, راست, rastgir, ته‌واو, maf, heq, durist, rêk, راست کردن, sererast kirin, rast kirin, durist kirinKurdish
  • оңKyrgyz
  • directus, dexter, elegans, rectus, emendatusLatin
  • rietsLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • ຂວາLao
  • dešinysLithuanian
  • labaisLatvian
  • десно, прав, од десно, нормален, право, десничарски, исправен, правилен, десница, десен, де́сен, точен, исправа, корегира, поправаMacedonian
  • баруунMongolian
  • kanan, tepat, betulMalay
  • tajba, koretta, dritta, tajjeb, korett, lemin, drittMaltese
  • မှန်Burmese
  • rechts, rechterkant, rechter-, recht, correct, juist, toch, verbeterenDutch
  • rettighet, høyre siden, riktig, rett, høyreNorwegian
  • nishʼnáájígo, akótʼéNavajo, Navaho
  • gichinik, gwayak, gwekibagizoOjibwe, Ojibwa
  • prawa, prawidłowy, w prawo, prawy, poprawny, na prawo, prawo, prawica, prawda, co nie, niePolish
  • correto, justo, [[à]] [[direita]], reto, direita, direito, perpendicular, certo, de direita, direto, né, endireitar-se, corrigirPortuguese
  • pañaQuechua
  • dretgRomansh
  • pe dreapta, la dreapta, dreapta, drept, corectitudine, sănătos, așa-i, e drept, și atunci?, nimic de zis, nu-i așa?, sigur, așa-iRomanian
  • пра́вый, направо, права, правый, справа, ве́рный, как ра́з, прямо́й, вправо, право, пра́вильный, перпендикуля́рный, исправить, выпрямлять, пра́вильно, ве́рно, исправлять, выпрямить, верно, правильноRussian
  • točan, ispravan, на̏десно, pravo, desnica, ispravno, nȁdesno, точан, исправно, desni, okomit, prav, desničarski, десни, исправан, ravan, uspraviti, ispravitiSerbo-Croatian
  • na pravé, vpravo, pravýSlovak
  • pravi, desni, na desni, desničarski, pravica, desnica, desno, popravljati, popravitiSlovene
  • djathtë, drejtëAlbanian
  • rätvinklig, rak, rät, högern, rätt, åt höger, rättighet, höger, höger-, riktig, vinkelrät, korrigera, eller hur?, rätta, rätaSwedish
  • kulia, hakiSwahili
  • வலதுTamil
  • సరైన, లంబ, కుడి, హక్కు, సరిTelugu
  • ростTajik
  • ดิ่ว, ใช่, มุมฉาก, ขวา, ถูก, ตรง, ฝ่ายขวา, แก้, ตำหนิเพื่อแก้ไข, ซื่อThai
  • hakTurkmen
  • karapatan, kananTagalog
  • dik, sağ, düz, tutucu, doğru, hak, muhafazakâr, dikey, düzeltmek, doğrultmakTurkish
  • пра́вильний, направо, зправа, ві́рний, прями́й, пра́вийUkrainian
  • ٹھیکUrdu
  • oʻng, sogʻUzbek
  • cánh hữu, phải, thẳng, quyền lợi, hữu khuynh, ở bên phải, quyền, bên phải, đúng, có lýVietnamese
  • verätikVolapük

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Old English riht, reoht; related to Old High German reht, Gothic raihts, Latin rēctus.


Этимология это наука о происхождении слов и изменении их конструкции и значения.







Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть исходное определение слова «right» в словаре английский языка.

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Права — это правовые, социальные или этические принципы свободы или права; то есть права являются основополагающими нормативными правилами о том, что разрешено людям или причитающимся людям, согласно какой-либо правовой системе, социальной конвенции или этической теории. Права имеют важное значение в таких дисциплинах, как право и этика, особенно теории справедливости и деонтологии. Права часто считаются основополагающими для цивилизации, считаясь установленными столпами общества и культуры, а история социальных конфликтов может быть найдена в истории каждого права и его развития. Согласно Стэнфордской энциклопедии философии, «структура прав — форма правительств, содержание законов и форма нравственности, как это в настоящее время воспринимается». … Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory. Rights are of essential importance in such disciplines as law and ethics, especially theories of justice and deontology. Rights are often considered fundamental to civilization, being regarded as established pillars of society and culture, and the history of social conflicts can be found in the history of each right and its development. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, «rights structure the form of governments, the content of laws, and the shape of morality as it is currently perceived.»…

Значение слова right в словаре английский языка

Первое определение права в словаре соответствует принятым нормам морального или правового поведения, справедливости и т. Д. Другое определение права соответствует действительности, разуму или истине; правильно или верно. Правильно также подходит, подходит, подгонка или правильность.

The first definition of right in the dictionary is in accordance with accepted standards of moral or legal behaviour, justice, etc. Other definition of right is in accordance with fact, reason, or truth; correct or true. Right is also appropriate, suitable, fitting, or proper.

Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть исходное определение слова «right» в словаре английский языка.

Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть автоматический перевод определения на русский языке.




I right

you right

he/she/it rights

we right

you right

they right

Present continuous

I am righting

you are righting

he/she/it is righting

we are righting

you are righting

they are righting

Present perfect

I have righted

you have righted

he/she/it has righted

we have righted

you have righted

they have righted

Present perfect continuous

I have been righting

you have been righting

he/she/it has been righting

we have been righting

you have been righting

they have been righting



I righted

you righted

he/she/it righted

we righted

you righted

they righted

Past continuous

I was righting

you were righting

he/she/it was righting

we were righting

you were righting

they were righting

Past perfect

I had righted

you had righted

he/she/it had righted

we had righted

you had righted

they had righted

Past perfect continuous

I had been righting

you had been righting

he/she/it had been righting

we had been righting

you had been righting

they had been righting



I will right

you will right

he/she/it will right

we will right

you will right

they will right

Future continuous

I will be righting

you will be righting

he/she/it will be righting

we will be righting

you will be righting

they will be righting

Future perfect

I will have righted

you will have righted

he/she/it will have righted

we will have righted

you will have righted

they will have righted

Future perfect continuous

I will have been righting

you will have been righting

he/she/it will have been righting

we will have been righting

you will have been righting

they will have been righting



I would right

you would right

he/she/it would right

we would right

you would right

they would right

Conditional continuous

I would be righting

you would be righting

he/she/it would be righting

we would be righting

you would be righting

they would be righting

Conditional perfect

I would have right

you would have right

he/she/it would have right

we would have right

you would have right

they would have right

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been righting

you would have been righting

he/she/it would have been righting

we would have been righting

you would have been righting

they would have been righting



you right
we let´s right
you right


Present Participle



Синонимы и антонимы слова right в словаре английский языка


Указанные слова имеют то же или сходное значение, что у слова «right», и относятся к той же грамматической категории.

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Переводы слова right с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «right» на английский языке.

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Тенденции использования слова right




Слово используется очень часто

На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «right» в разных странах.

Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова right

Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «right».


На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «right» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «right» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове right


Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом right.

The man who prefers his country before any other duty shows the same spirit as the man who surrenders every right to the state. They both deny that right is superior to authority.

In performance, you don’t always feel that sort of family bond right off the top. It sort of develops and grows over time.

Your message is stupid. Iraq is not afraid of you or anyone else when it has a right to claim. What you warned about is not on Iraq’s agenda. Iraq is vital and powerful. It is not an opportunistic country. Your administration has not learned from the past.

Risks are a measure of people. People who don’t take them are trying to preserve what they have. Some risks have a future, and some people call them wrong. But being right may be like walking backwards, proving where you’ve been.

You are probably right when you say that I could get a role in any producer’s film if I just asked.

Sometimes the situation is only a problem because it is looked at in a certain way. Looked at in another way, the right course of action may be so obvious that the problem no longer exists.

As a precocious teen I dreamed of being Graham Greene. Well, as it turned out, I never wrote a great novel, sadly, and I never converted to Catholicism, happily, but I did do one thing he did. That is, in middle age I moved to a seaside town and got into a right barney with the local powers-that-be.

I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself.

I don’t smoke, I try to eat right, and I love doing yoga and going for hikes with my dog.

The only person to look out for me is me. I’ve got to make sure Corey Clark is all right.


Поиск случаев использования слова right в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову right, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.


Let the Right One In: A Novel

And she only comes out at night. . . . Sweeping top honors at film festivals all over the globe, director Tomas Alfredsson’s film of Let the Right One In has received the same kind of spectacular raves that have been lavished on the book.

John Ajvide Lindqvist, 2008

In this combative, controversial book, Terry Eagleton takes issue with the prejudice that Marxism is dead and done with.


First Grave on the Right

This is a thrilling debut novel from Darynda Jones, an exciting newcomer to the world of paranormal romantic suspense. First Grave on the Right is the winner of the 2012 Rita Award for Best First Book.


The Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis

The book argues that changes in social structure and the economy do not by themselves adequately explain the success of extremist parties.


Radical Right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market

This book, first published in 2005, expands our understanding of support for radical right parties through presenting an integrated new theory which is then tested systematically using a wealth of cross-national survey evidence covering …


Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution

Eat Right 4 Your Type provides a clear, simple life plan that anyone can follow and suggests the easiest ways to determine your blood type and diet for your blood type. Here is a breakthrough book that will change the way we eat and live.

Peter J. D’Adamo, Catherine Whitney, 1997


Dying Right: The Death with Dignity Movement

Dying Right provides an overview of the Death With Dignity movement, a history of how and why Oregon legalized physician-assisted suicide, and an analysis of the future of physician-assisted suicide.

Daniel Hillyard, John Dombrink, 2001

Always lively and provocative, this is the one book that conservatives and their critics must read to understand the past and future of the American Right.


Making the Match: The Right Book for the Right Reader at the …

Provides a guide to encouraging reading in teenagers and young adults, focusing on knowing the readers, the books, and the strategies for motivating students to read and assess their reading.


The Right to the City: Social Justice and the Fight for …

Blending historical and geographical analysis, this book examines the vital relationship between struggles over public space and movements for social justice in the United States.


Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин right в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

What are your rights during a traffic stop — and is it wise to exercise …

(CNN) No one can know what went through Sandra Bland’s mind when she was pulled over last week for what a Texas police officer later said was her failure to … «CNN, Июл 15»

Well | Getting the Diagnosis Right

Testing for every possible diagnosis is not feasible, so the doctor needs to ask the right questions, listen carefully to the answers, do the right kind of physical … «New York Times, Июл 15»

Right-to-die campaigners’ case rejected in Europe

A bid by UK campaigners to overturn the law on assisted dying has been rejected by the European Court of Human Rights. Applications by Jane Nicklinson, … «BBC News, Июл 15»

Supreme Court Ruling Makes Same-Sex Marriage a Right Nationwide

WASHINGTON — In a long-sought victory for the gay rights movement, the Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote on Friday that the Constitution guarantees a … «New York Times, Июн 15»

The right to die

The argument is over the right to die with a doctor’s help at the time and in the manner of your own choosing. As yet only a handful of European countries, … «The Economist, Июн 15»

Denmark’s Far-Right Kingmakers

Both of them lost — leaving the leader of the far-right Danish People’s Party, Kristian Thulesen Dahl, as the election’s big winner and firmly in control of whatever … «New York Times, Июн 15»

The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat

One officer explained that he ranked the right-wing threat higher because “it is an emerging threat that we don’t have as good of a grip on, even with our … «New York Times, Июн 15»

Finding the Right Balance

What seems like a simple act, in other words, is actually a complex and near-instantaneous calculation that enables you to place your foot in exactly the right … «New York Times, Июн 15»

Right side up

Education must water down imported notions of Western rights and stress duties to the state and the emperor. The group says that the nation should rearm, … «The Economist, Июн 15»

Opinionator | Getting It Right

And it turns out you are right, but only because the other person in the cafe, the barista, owns a Bentley, which you have no reason to suspect. So you here have … «New York Times, Май 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Right [онлайн]. Доступно на <https://educalingo.com/ru/dic-en/right>. Май 2023 ».

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