Render синонимы

  • deliver
  • distribute
  • give
  • provide
  • restore
  • cede
  • exchange
  • furnish
  • impart
  • minister
  • pay
  • present
  • relinquish
  • repay
  • return
  • show
  • submit
  • supply
  • surrender
  • swap
  • tender
  • trade
  • yield
  • give back
  • give up
  • hand over
  • make available
  • make restitution
  • part with
  • pay back
  • turn over
  • carry out
  • depict
  • display
  • do
  • give
  • interpret
  • perform
  • portray
  • represent
  • act
  • administer
  • administrate
  • delineate
  • evince
  • exhibit
  • govern
  • image
  • limn
  • manifest
  • picture
  • play
  • present
  • deliver
  • interpret
  • reproduce
  • construe
  • paraphrase
  • pass
  • put
  • restate
  • reword
  • state
  • transcribe
  • transliterate
  • transpose
  • turn

On this page you’ll find 180 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to render, such as: deliver, distribute, give, provide, restore, and cede.

  • conceal
  • fail
  • stop
  • withhold
  • cover
  • refrain
  • cloud
  • confuse
  • obscure
  • remove
  • suppress
  • take
  • take
  • cloud
  • conceal
  • confuse
  • fail
  • obscure
  • remove
  • suppress

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use render in a sentence

Yet it certainly would render the country more agreeable to strangers, whether sojourners or mere travelers.


But for the trees, these sullen skies and level grounds would render England dreary enough.


This is a slow process, but earnest hearts and united minds will render it a sure one.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • accede
  • acquiesce
  • admit
  • allow
  • award
  • bestow
  • concede
  • confer
  • endow
  • give
  • present
  • render
  • tender
  • vouchsafe
  • administrate
  • be in the driver’s seat
  • be in the saddle
  • boss
  • carry out
  • conduct
  • control
  • crack the whip
  • direct
  • execute
  • govern
  • head
  • head up
  • hold the reins
  • oversee
  • pull the strings
  • pull the wires
  • render
  • ride herd on
  • run
  • run the show
  • sit on top of
  • superintend
  • supervise
  • bestow
  • furnish
  • grant
  • impart
  • offer
  • provide
  • render
  • supply
  • yield
  • bestowed
  • furnished
  • granted
  • imparted
  • offered
  • provided
  • rendered
  • supplied
  • yielded
  • bestowing
  • furnishing
  • granting
  • imparting
  • offering
  • providing
  • rendering
  • supplying
  • yielding
  • bestows
  • furnishes
  • grants
  • imparts
  • offers
  • provides
  • renders
  • supplies
  • yields

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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  • APA
  • MLA
  • CMS

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • render [ˈrendə] гл

    1. оказывать, отдавать, предоставлять, оказать, предоставить, воздать, воздавать, отдать

      (provide, give, exert, reward)

      • render services – оказывать услуги
      • render support – оказать поддержку
    2. представлять, представить

      (represent, present)

      • render the text – представить текст
    3. выводить, отображаться, отображать


    4. делать, сделать


    5. вынести, выносить


      • render a verdict – вынести вердикт
      • render a decision – выносить решение
    6. визуализировать


    7. передавать, воспроизводить

      (transmit, reproduce)

    8. осуществлять


    9. наносить


    10. обезвреживать


  • render [ˈrendə] сущ

    1. оказаниеср, визуализацияж, рендерм, рендерингм, предоставлениеср, отрисовкаж

      (rendering, renderer)

    2. штукатуркаж


оказывать render, extend, show, pay, accord
отдавать give, give away, return, render, give back, contribute
воспроизводить reproduce, play back, render, copy, reconstitute
представлять represent, present, introduce, furnish, perform, render
передавать pass, transmit, transfer, send, convey, render
воздавать repay, render
переводить transfer, translate, convert, move, interpret, render
исполнять perform, execute, fulfill, comply, play, render
изображать depict, portray, represent, paint, describe, render
превращать turn, transform, convert, turn into, transmute, render
платить pay, give, disburse, stump up, render, plank
штукатурить plaster, render, stucco, parget
травиться render
сдавать hand over, surrender, pass, turn in, deliver, render
обмазывать coat, daub, render, do over
оказывать услугу render a service, render, serve, accommodate
сдаваться give up, surrender, give in, yield, capitulate, render
топить heat, drown, sink, stoke, fire, render
платить дань render
идти в раскрут render
приводить в какое-л. состояние render
перевод transfer, translation, shifting, interpretation, conversion, render
оплата payment, remuneration, disbursement, repayment, reimbursement, render
первый слой штукатурки laying, render

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • render гл

    • provide · give · deliver · submit · offer · exert · lend · represent
    • draw · make · do · inflict
    • show
    • apply · extend


  • make, cause to be/become, leave
  • give, provide, supply, furnish, contribute, offer, proffer
  • send in, present, submit
  • deliver, return, hand down, give, announce
  • paint, draw, depict, portray, represent, execute, limn
  • perform, sing
  • act, perform, play, depict, interpret
  • translate, put, express, rephrase, reword
  • melt down, clarify
  • return
  • submit
  • depict, picture, show
  • generate, give, return, yield
  • supply, provide, furnish
  • give
  • fork over, turn in, hand over, fork out, fork up, deliver
  • try
  • translate, interpret
  • return, deliver
  • interpret

Предложения со словом «render»

When we invest in the redemptive value of relevancy, we can render a return of both personal responsibility and healing.

Когда мы делаем вклад в спасительную ценность значимости, то не только берём на себя ответственность, но и сами исцеляемся.

Rebecca Solnit, I think, put it brilliantly, when she explained: The accretion of incremental, imperceptible changes which can constitute progress and which render our era dramatically different from the past — the past was much more stable — a contrast obscured by the undramatic nature of gradual transformation, punctuated by occasional tumult.

Ребекка Солнит блестяще сформулировала эту мысль: постепенное приращение незаметных изменений, которые и создают прогресс и делают нашу эпоху настолько отличной от прошлого, — прошлое было намного стабильнее, — контраст, скрытый из — за незначительности постепенной трансформации, перемежающейся периодическими всплесками.

And not only to survive, but to render and to develop moral values in this cruel world.

И не только выжить, но и пронести и раз­вить моральные ценности в этом жестоком мире.

In essence, HIV viruses do not kill people, they merely render the immune system defenceless against other infections, e.g. yeast invasions, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, massive herpes infections, special forms of pneumonia that kill in half of all AIDS patients.

В сущности, ВИЧ — вирусы не убивают людей, они просто делают иммунную систему беззащитной против других заразных болезней, например, грибков, токсоплазмоза, цитомегаловируса, тяжелой формы герпеса, особых форм пневмонии, которые убивают больных СПИДом в половине всех случаев.

Isn’t it true that the drug that was supposed to render him unconscious didn’t work?

Верно ли, что препарат, который должен был лишить его сознания, не подействовал?

A correct proof would essentially render all modern encryption obsolete.

Верное доказательство, по сути, сделало бы все современные системы шифрования устаревшими.

A machine that could render any vehicle immobile in moments.

Машина, которая может сделать любой автомобиль неподвижным в любой момент.

The more fanatic brothers render themselves physically incapable of yielding to temptation.

Наиболее фанатичные из братьев даже делают себя физически не способными поддаться искушению.

It is a letter in my hand, directing whoever among the clergy may read it, to render you whatever help you require.

Это письмо, написанное моей рукой, указывает всем священнослужителям оказывать вам любую помощь, какая только потребуется.

Ten kilos of pure opium will only render you one kilo of pure heroin.

Десять килограмм чистого опиума дадут тебе только килограмм героина.

You took an oath to render an impartial verdict, based on the law and the evidence.

Вы клялись вынести беспристрастный вердикт на основании закона и доказательств.

You will collect this amount in gold on delivery of the prisoners and render strict accounting to me.

Вы соберете это количество в золоте после поставки заключенных и дадите мне отчет.

Render unto you homage to the crown and sworn allegiance to our Kingdom.

Воздайте дань уважения короне и поклянитесь в верности нашему королевству.

I can go to the tailor of my choice, order a new dinner jacket, and render the account to them.

Я могу выбрать любого портного, заказать новый смокинг, А счет предъявить им.

Its motion ceased suddenly; a scattering of brands was in the air, and then all remained dark as the conjunction of night, forest, and mountain could render the scene.

И затем уже все погрузилось в полную тьму, созданную союзом ночи, лесов и гор.

This effort has been encouraged by technological advances which would render the project feasible.

Идея проекта была вызвана внушающими надежду технологическими достижениями, которые позволяли надеяться на его выполнимость.

Upon your request we are ready to render you chauffeur service or rent-a-car service and organize you a shuttle.

Вы можете арендовать автомобиль с экипажем, взять автомобиль в аренду без водителя или заказать трансфер.

In addition, crop protection products that keep crops healthy are important tools to render crop production more efficient, including in terms of water usage.

Кроме этого, средства защиты растений, которые обеспечивают нормальное состояние их здоровья, являются важными инструментами, обеспечивающими более эффективное производство сельскохозяйственной продукции, в том числе с точки зрения потребления воды.

Mentors also render on-site assistance to establish and develop FIUs.

Наставники также оказывают помощь на местах в создании и развитии подразделений финансовой разведки.

The offices are situated in places convenient for visiting and render a whole range of possible services of the Company.

Офисы расположены в удобных для посещения местах и оказывают весь спектр возможных услуг компании.

Such policy coherence through the MFN clause could render useless the efforts of contracting parties to distinguish their BIT from other agreements.

Такое сближение политики на основе положения о НБН может сделать бесполезными усилия договаривающихся сторон выделить их ДИД из числа других соглашений.

Such measures demonstrate a determination to put an end to impunity and to render justice to those to whom justice is due.

Такие меры демонстрируют решимость покончить с безнаказанностью и обеспечить правосудие для тех, кто в нем нуждается.

The Committee has also decided to render the list in both English transliteration and in the language of the original documents.

Комитет также постановил представлять Перечень как в транслитерации на английском языке, так и на языке оригинала.

A tax differentiation scheme would render the consumer price of unleaded petrol lower than that of leaded petrol.

В результате применения системы налоговой дифференциации розничные цены на неэтилированный бензин становятся ниже цен на этилированный бензин.

We value their ability to quickly resolve any issue at hand, and to render pertinent advice on all aspects of our business objectives.

Мы высоко ценим их способность быстро разобраться в интересующей нас ситуации и дать грамотный совет при решения наших бизнес задач.

Moreover this constructor is optimized for mobile browsing — it doesn’t need JavaScript support and render well on narrow-screen devices.

Кроме того конструктор оптимизирован для просмотра с мобильных устройств — он не требует поддержки JavaScript и нормально отображается на устройствах с узким экраном.

They render Differential GPS services in the Barents and Kara Seas and apply a static differential station located to the north of Kolguev Island.

На акваториях Баренцева и Карского морей РГП предоставляет DGPS сервис, используя дифференциальную станцию постоянного базирования, установленную на северной оконечности о. Колгуев.

The very purpose of its elevation is to render a comprehensive protection and promotion of the rights of women in equal terms with men.

Основная цель повышения статуса этого органа заключается в обеспечении всеобъемлющей защиты прав женщин на равных условиях с мужчинами.

Such damage may render the munition unserviceable or unsafe to use.

А такое повреждение может сделать боеприпас неработоспособным или небезопасным в употреблении.

The device shall perceive the visual spectrum and shall always render this image without the need for interpretation into the visual spectrum. Устройство воспринимает визуальный спектр и во всех случаях воспроизводит данное изображение без необходимости толкования визуального спектра.

The Joint Appeals Board does not render binding decisions but issues opinions and recommendations which are submitted to the Secretary-General for decision.

Объединенный апелляционный совет не выносит обязательных решений, а формулирует заключения и рекомендации, которые представляются Генеральному секретарю для принятия решения.

Each marriage in customary law must have marriage advocates or advisors, to render counselling services to the husband and the wife.

Что касается заключения браков по обычному праву, то должны быть юрисконсульты или советники по вопросам брака, которые бы консультировали мужей и жен.

Any further dilution of Mr. Kälin’s text would render the general comment inconsistent with the Committee’s Views.

Любое дальнейшее изменение текста г — на Келина может привести к тому, что замечание общего порядка войдет в противоречие с соображениями Комитета.

There’s still going to be no audio, but what I am going to do is I’m going to render the sound visually in real time at the bottom of the screen.

Будет звук, но вот что я сделаю — я вынесу звук визуально в том же времени вниз экрана.

But the actual ad will render fine and display the name specific to the actual country the viewer is in.

Но сама реклама будет преобразована должным образом, а название будет отображено на языке, который используется в стране пользователя.

Also, If your app is categorized as a game and you have a presence on Facebook Canvas, you can use the Invitable Friends API to render a custom invites dialog within your game.

Кроме того, если ваше приложение является игрой и в нем используется Холст Facebook, вы можете создать в нем индивидуальный диалог приглашений с помощью API Invitable Friends API.

Tracking user IDs will not enable us to catch or stop bad guys, and it will render the Internet impossible to use.

Отслеживание идентификации пользователя не даст нам возможности поймать или остановить злоумышленника, и приведет к тому, что Интернет будет невозможно использовать.

not to render aid or assistance to the State which has committed the breach in maintaining the situation so created;

не оказывать помощь или содействие государству, совершившему такое нарушение, в сохранении сложившейся в результате этого ситуации;

In that sense, economic success in China or India may be those states’ undoing, as middle-class political aspirations render current arrangements dysfunctional.

В этом смысле, экономический успех Китая или Индии может погубить эти государства, по мере того как политические устремления среднего класса сделают нынешние механизмы нерабочими.

Chris and I were really amazed by the potential now with modern web browsers, where you have HTML5 audio and video and the power of JavaScript to render amazingly fast.

Мы с Крисом были сильно удивлены потенциалом современных веб — браузеров, где есть видео и аудио на языке HTML5, и мощью JavaScript для супербыстрого воспроизведения.

It’s up to us: We have choices – cars powered by electricity or natural gas, and public transportation systems that render cars superfluous in densely populated zones.

Все зависит от нас: у нас есть выбор — электромобили или машины на природном газе, а также общественные транспортные системы, которые делают машины ненужными в густонаселенных районах.

Think of strokes that can devastate your mind or render you unconscious.

Подумайте об инсульте, способном разрушить ваш разум или превратить вас в бессознательное существо.

And then he started to look inside, so that he could help or render assistance to someone.

Он решил заглянуть внутрь, чтобы помочь кому — либо или предложить помощь.

None of this will render the OSCE or NATO redundant, and that should be no one’s goal.

Это не означает, что ОБСЕ или НАТО станут бесполезны, – подобную цель не стоит ставить.

There are two ways to avoid this and have images render on the first Like or Share action.

Чтобы изображения отображались при первой отметке «Нравится» или публикации, воспользуйтесь одним из двух способов ниже.

Filmmakers often use a technique called ray tracing to render light and reflections in images.

Кинематографисты часто используют прием под названием трассировка лучей (ray tracing) для выставления света и отражений предмета.

In women, being overweight increases the risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome, which causes irregular ovulation and can occasionally render women infertile.

Лишний вес у женщин увеличивает риск возникновения синдрома поликистозных яичников, который нарушает регулярность овуляций и иногда вызывает бесплодие.

His goal was to render the Soviet nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete.

Целью президента было сделать советское ядерное оружие «устаревшим и бессильным».

And several judges have signalled that they do not want to oversee the referendum, which would render it invalid.

Многие судьи также сообщили, что не хотят наблюдать за референдумом, что сделало бы его недействительным.

Put people first, Run the country according to law, Render the media closer to the people, and Make government transparent.

Сначала люди, Управление страной согласно закону, Сделать СМИ ближе к народу и Сделать правительство прозрачным.

If so, standing trial in The Hague would be the best service he could render to his country.

Если так, то суд в Гааге может стать самой большой его услугой для своей страны.

To implement this change, instead of using a redirect, render a splash page calling FB.login() automatically once the FB SDK is initialized.

Чтобы реализовать этот способ, вместо перенаправления добавьте страницу — заставку, которая автоматически вызывает FB.login() после запуска SDK Facebook.

You can more easily view recipient properties because the EAC uses the recipient types to render different property pages.

Проще просматривать свойства получателей, так как типы получателей используются в Центре администрирования Exchange для отображения различных страниц свойств.

Bomb guys disrupted the device to render it safe.

Подрывники уничтожили устройство, чтобы обезопасить его.

Images and videos must be high resolution and render as such for all screen sizes and interactive features used in Instant Articles.

Изображения и видео должны быть представлены в высоком разрешении для всех размеров экрана и интерактивных функций, используемых в моментальных статьях.

Each item may render a button which can be used as a call-to-action.

В каждом элементе может отображаться кнопка, которую можно использовать как призыв к действию.

The settings for Instant-On power mode can render a small number of consoles unable to read discs.

Настройки для режима мгновенного доступа могут привести к невозможности прочитать диски на небольшом числе консолей.

And while the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement might be critical for charting a reform path for Ukraine’s future, the lack of a deal with Russia could easily render it irrelevant.

И хотя соглашение об ассоциации между ЕС и Украиной может иметь критическое значение для начала украинских реформ, из — за отсутствия договоренности с Россией эта сделка легко может оказаться бесполезной.

It is their recruitment strategy by which to stoke the fires of East-West hatred and render them significant players.”

Это их стратегия вербовки – они разжигают огни ненависти между Востоком и Западом и превращают себя, тем самым, в важных игроков».

According to fairy tale law, if not fully satisfied, true love’s kiss will render this contract null and void.

Согласно сказочному закону, при недовольстве условиями контракта поцелуй любви аннулирует его навсегда.

3 синонимов к слову «РЕНДЕР» -

  • О нас
  • Словарь антонимов
  • Словарь паронимов
  • Словарь ударений
  • Словарь морфологии
  • Словари
  • Регистрация
  • Вход

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  • пять

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2 отрисовка[4]00 0
3 графика[27]00 0

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Слово «рендер» имеет как синонимы, так и антонимы. Они диаметрально противоположны по значению, но относятся к той же лексической группе и выполняют похожие функции в предложении.

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. render

    Make is essentially causative; to the idea of cause all its various senses may be traced (compare synonyms for CAUSE). To make is to cause to exist, or to cause to exist in a certain form or in certain relations; the word thus includes the idea of create, as in Gen. i, 31, «And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.» Make includes also the idea of compose, constitute; as, the parts make up the whole. Similarly, to cause a voluntary agent to do a certain act is to make him do it, or compel him to do it, compel fixing the attention more on the process, make on the accomplished fact. Compare COMPEL; DO; INFLUENCE; (make better) AMEND; (make haste) QUICKEN; (make known) ANNOUNCE; AVOW; CONFESS; (make prisoner) ARREST; (make up) ADD; (make void) CANCEL.

    See synonyms for ABOLISH; BREAK; DEMOLISH.

    become, bring about, bring into being, bring to pass, cause, compel, compose, constitute, constrain, construct, create, do, effect, establish, execute, fabricate, fashion, force, frame, get, make, make out, make up, manufacture, occasion, perform, reach, require, shape

    Make of, out of, or from certain materials, into a certain form, for a certain purpose or person; made with hands, by hand; made by a prisoner, with a jack-knife.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. render

    give, present, return, restore, give up apportion, assign, surrender, pay, requite, deliver

    keep, retain, withhold, appropriate, alienate, misapportion, misappropriate, misrequite

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. renderverb

    a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls

  2. renderverb

    cause to become

    «The shot rendered her immobile»

    deliver, supply, give, show, furnish, turn in, interpret, try, fork up, hand over, fork out, translate, fork over, depict, generate, return, provide, yield, picture, submit

  3. supply, provide, render, furnishverb

    give something useful or necessary to

    «We provided the room with an electrical heater»

    provide, put up, yield, deliver, picture, supply, append, show, furnish, hand over, add, turn in, interpret, translate, fork up, submit, fork out, give, offer, fork over, depict, generate, return, ply, bring home the bacon, try, leave, allow, issue, allow for, cater

  4. interpret, renderverb

    give an interpretation or rendition of

    «The pianist rendered the Beethoven sonata beautifully»

    furnish, construe, deliver, represent, give, fork out, rede, turn in, interpret, try, fork up, hand over, translate, supply, picture, fork over, depict, show, generate, return, understand, provide, read, yield, see, submit

  5. render, yield, return, give, generateverb

    give or supply

    «The cow brings in 5 liters of milk»; «This year’s crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn»; «The estate renders some revenue for the family»

    consecrate, knuckle under, give way, interpret, riposte, devote, chip in, cede, have, afford, collapse, hold, recall, buckle under, supply, try, turn over, ease up, sire, concede, founder, engender, open, hand, gift, move over, feed, pay, pass on, picture, soften, deliver, return, bring forth, grant, establish, regress, reelect, contribute, come back, yield, fork up, fork over, hand over, retrovert, give, mother, father, furnish, apply, present, show, make, beget, repay, impart, rejoin, get, devolve, generate, bring back, refund, reach, hark back, relent, retort, submit, depict, fork out, throw, fall in, succumb, dedicate, cave in, give in, bear, turn in, fall, pass, turn back, provide, take back, break, revert, translate, leave, commit, sacrifice, kick in, give back

  6. render, deliver, returnverb

    pass down

    «render a verdict»; «deliver a judgment»

    supply, rejoin, bring back, extradite, rescue, hand over, surrender, try, retrovert, pass, show, return, depict, save, fork over, fork up, present, drive home, refund, hark back, deport, give back, repay, give, redeem, picture, turn back, come back, translate, retort, have, devolve, riposte, give up, turn in, birth, take back, revert, pitch, provide, recall, deliver, reelect, yield, regress, fork out, furnish, fall, cede, generate, interpret, give birth, submit, bear

  7. render, submitverb

    make over as a return

    «They had to render the estate»

    supply, put forward, try, pass on, show, return, depict, put in, give in, deliver, fork over, fork up, take, defer, state, subject, bow, picture, hand over, translate, reconcile, accede, give, turn in, provide, present, resign, yield, posit, fork out, furnish, relegate, generate, interpret, submit

  8. render, returnverb

    give back

    «render money»

    supply, rejoin, bring back, hand over, try, retrovert, pass, show, return, depict, deliver, fork over, fork up, refund, hark back, give back, repay, take back, devolve, picture, turn back, come back, translate, retort, fall, riposte, give, turn in, revert, provide, recall, reelect, yield, regress, fork out, furnish, generate, interpret, submit

  9. hand over, fork over, fork out, fork up, turn in, deliver, renderverb

    to surrender someone or something to another

    «the guard delivered the criminal to the police»; «render up the prisoners»; «render the town to the enemy»; «fork over the money»

    supply, go to bed, extradite, rescue, crawl in, hand over, surrender, try, show, retire, depict, put on, save, fork over, fork up, present, have, generate, deport, give, return, redeem, hit the sack, translate, give up, turn in, birth, bed, pitch, sack out, deliver, picture, yield, hit the hay, go to sleep, fork out, furnish, cede, provide, drive home, interpret, kip down, give birth, submit, bear

  10. picture, depict, render, showverb

    show in, or as in, a picture

    «This scene depicts country life»; «the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting»

    supply, figure, express, hand over, demo, try, exhibit, register, show, return, establish, depict, shew, deliver, fork over, fork up, present, read, indicate, evidence, point, record, furnish, see, testify, fancy, picture, translate, visualize, usher, give, envision, turn in, designate, limn, show up, evince, provide, prove, image, yield, demonstrate, portray, fork out, draw, visualise, generate, describe, interpret, project, submit, bear witness

  11. renderverb

    coat with plastic or cement

    «render the brick walls in the den»

    deliver, supply, give, show, furnish, turn in, interpret, try, fork up, hand over, fork out, translate, fork over, depict, generate, return, provide, yield, picture, submit

  12. give, renderverb


    «give homage»; «render thanks»

    supply, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, hand over, fork out, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, depict, turn in, deliver, show, fork over, reach, present, have, fall in, make, furnish, pay, throw, picture, gift, kick in, translate, feed, break, ease up, apply, give, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, provide, sacrifice, yield, turn over, fork up, leave, interpret, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, try, afford, submit, hand

  13. translate, interpret, renderverb

    restate (words) from one language into another language

    «I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S.»; «Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?»; «She rendered the French poem into English»; «He translates for the U.N.»

    furnish, construe, deliver, represent, transform, give, fork out, rede, turn in, interpret, try, fork up, hand over, translate, supply, picture, fork over, depict, show, generate, return, understand, provide, read, yield, see, submit

  14. try, renderverb

    melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities

    «try the yak butter»; «render fat in a casserole»

    supply, hand over, try, sample, essay, return, depict, test, deliver, try out, fork over, fork up, show, examine, picture, stress, seek, try on, give, attempt, turn in, strain, adjudicate, provide, prove, judge, yield, taste, fork out, furnish, translate, generate, interpret, hear, assay, submit

Matched Categories

    • Art
    • Coat
    • Communicate
    • Cooking
    • Give
    • Law
    • Make
    • Masonry
    • Melt
    • Pass
    • Perform
    • Performing Arts
    • Present
    • Produce
    • Repeat
    • Represent

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. renderverb

    return, restore, pay back, reimburse

  2. renderverb

    give, assign, offer

  3. renderverb

    furnish, contribute, supply

  4. renderverb

    make, cause to be

  5. renderverb

    translate, construe, interpret

How to pronounce render?

How to say render in sign language?

How to use render in a sentence?

  1. Patrick Thomassey:

    There’s always so much emotion involved in these cases, that’s the hard part from a defense posture and a prosecution posture. You just hope that the people listen to the law, set aside whatever emotions are involved, follow the law, and render the proper decision.

  2. Richard Nephew:

    The real problem is does this stop these countries and the companies from their work to render the Arak and Fordow facilities safer? if it causes them to stop that work and gives Iran an excuse to restart Fordow or to rebuild Arak as a plutonium-production reactor, then we will have done real damage to our nonproliferation objectives.

  3. Rod Rosenstein:

    It’s not our job to render conclusive factual findings. We just decide whether it is appropriate to file criminal charges.

  4. Lathan Lipperman:

    Without the necessary training and medical equipment, officers — including those on-scene for this incident — can not effectively render aid. Without the proper training, officers risk causing greater harm, the Fraternal Order of Columbus Police has requested the City provide officers with the necessary training and equipment to ensure that officers will be prepared to more effectively render aid in the future and hopefully that training will be provided on an annual basis.

  5. Miguel Cardona:

    Many of these borrowers have waited a long time for relief, and Betsy Devos need to work swiftly to render decisions for those whose claims are still pending.

Translations for render

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • تقديمArabic
  • rendernGerman
  • reproduktiEsperanto
  • pasar, dar, renderizar, representar gráficamente, devolverSpanish
  • ارائهPersian
  • antaa, palauttaa, tehdä, antaa takaisin, aiheuttaa, renderöidä, tulkitaFinnish
  • interpréter, rendreFrench
  • dìolScottish Gaelic
  • visszaad, teszHungarian
  • 일어나게 하다, 통역하다, 번역하다, 하게하다Korean
  • duiden, veroorzaken, weergeven, uitleggenDutch
  • renderowaniePolish
  • renderizar, interpretarPortuguese
  • రెండర్Telugu
  • kılmakTurkish
  • rindeWalloon
  • ופפירןYiddish
  • 給予Chinese

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  • English (English)


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Are we missing a good synonym for render? - качественный поиск

С тем же началом: рендеринг, рендерящий, рендеривший, рендерящийся, рендерившийся

С таким же окончанием: лидер, тендер, аутсайдер, провайдер, гендер, трейдер, живодер

Вопросы из кроссвордов (сканвордов)

  1. Создание растрового изображения
  2. Компьютерная программа, производящая рендеринг

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Случайное: душой и телом, утолявший жажду, консалтер

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What is another word for render?

2650 synonyms found


[ ɹˈɛndə], [ ɹˈɛndə], [ ɹ_ˈɛ_n_d_ə]

Related words: 3d render, 3d render engine, 3d rendering, 3d rendering services, 3d rendering architecture, 3d rendering farm, 3d renderings

Related questions:

  • How to render a movie?
  • How to render a model in mrt?
  • How to render a video on tv?
  • How to render a video on mac?

    Table of Contents

    • n.

      • benefit,
      • get behind,
      • distribute,
      • get through,
      • nurse,
      • support,
      • guide,
      • help out.

      • carry out,
      • address.

      • amuse,
      • conjure,
      • appear,
      • debut,
      • extemporize,
      • go on,
      • emcee,
      • entertain.

      • encode,
      • fidelity,
      • fluent,
      • bilingual,
      • communicative competence,
      • fluency,
      • anglophone,
      • false beginner,
      • code switching.

      • be,
      • feel,
      • come over,
      • form,
      • look,
      • hand down,
      • go,
      • grow.

      • barbecue,
      • charbroil,
      • braise,
      • baste,
      • brown,
      • broil,
      • burn,
      • bake,
      • boil,
      • boil down.

      • performing arts.

      • words.

      • law.

      depict (noun)

      • depict.

      generate (noun)

      • generate.

      get in (noun)

      • get in.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • show,
      • resolve,
      • process,
      • stucco.

      render (noun)

      • turn in,
      • try.
    • v.

      accord (verb)

      • all-owed,
      • be stows,
      • be-stows,
      • be-stow,
      • end owing,
      • be-stowed,
      • end owed,
      • be-stowing,
      • pre sents,
      • pre-sents,
      • end-owed,
      • be stow,
      • pre-sent,
      • end-owing,
      • be stowing,
      • be stowed,
      • all owed,
      • all owing,
      • all-owing,
      • pre sent.

      administer (verb)

      • are saddle,
      • wast in the driver seat,
      • were in the drivers seat,
      • wast in the saddle,
      • am the driver’s seat,
      • cracked the whip,
      • hold reins,
      • were the driver’s seat,
      • are in the driver seat,
      • were in the driver seat,
      • over see,
      • art the drivers seat,
      • being driver’s seat,
      • be the saddle,
      • super-intends,
      • are in saddle,
      • is the drivers seat,
      • were driver’s seat,
      • was the drivers seat,
      • being in driver seat,
      • wast in the drivers seat,
      • super-vised,
      • sat on top of,
      • art the driver seat,
      • being in the drivers seat,
      • ran show,
      • was in drivers seat,
      • cracking whip,
      • be in the driver seat,
      • wast in driver seat,
      • am saddle,
      • were in saddle,
      • be the drivers seat,
      • cracked whip,
      • is driver seat,
      • sit top of,
      • runs show,
      • wast driver’s seat,
      • is in the driver’s seat,
      • wert drivers seat,
      • am driver seat,
      • held the reins,
      • heading up,
      • were in the driver’s seat,
      • wert driver’s seat,
      • over saw,
      • was in the driver seat,
      • over-sees,
      • am in driver’s seat,
      • being driver seat,
      • are in the drivers seat,
      • is the driver seat,
      • being in the driver seat,
      • was in driver’s seat,
      • pulled the strings,
      • art in the driver’s seat,
      • are in the saddle,
      • be in drivers seat,
      • wert in the drivers seat,
      • wast the drivers seat,
      • over sees,
      • pulling the strings,
      • over-saw,
      • is in saddle,
      • wert in the driver seat,
      • wast in driver’s seat,
      • pulled strings,
      • art in saddle,
      • are drivers seat,
      • super intends,
      • super vising,
      • cracks whip,
      • was driver seat,
      • wert in driver’s seat,
      • holds reins,
      • is in driver seat,
      • be the driver seat,
      • being the driver seat,
      • over-seen,
      • is in drivers seat,
      • super intend,
      • art saddle,
      • sits on top of,
      • sitting top of,
      • was driver’s seat,
      • be saddle,
      • holding reins,
      • over seen,
      • sat top of,
      • are in driver seat,
      • being drivers seat,
      • was in the driver’s seat,
      • pulling the wires,
      • were in drivers seat,
      • super-intending,
      • is driver’s seat,
      • am the drivers seat,
      • runs the show,
      • was the driver seat,
      • be driver seat,
      • being in drivers seat,
      • be drivers seat,
      • pulling wires,
      • art in drivers seat,
      • wast in saddle,
      • super intending,
      • over-seeing,
      • am in driver seat,
      • pulls the strings,
      • were saddle,
      • is saddle,
      • super vise,
      • are driver’s seat,
      • art in the driver seat,
      • pulled the wires,
      • were the driver seat,
      • was the saddle,
      • wast the driver seat,
      • cracking the whip,
      • wast in the driver’s seat,
      • being saddle,
      • wast the driver’s seat,
      • were in the saddle,
      • am the saddle,
      • crack whip,
      • super vised,
      • is in driver’s seat,
      • cracks the whip,
      • sits top of,
      • sitting on top of,
      • is in the drivers seat,
      • pulls wires,
      • wast drivers seat,
      • wert the drivers seat,
      • wert driver seat,
      • being the driver’s seat,
      • am the driver seat,
      • wert the driver seat,
      • was in the saddle,
      • be in the drivers seat,
      • is in the driver seat,
      • wert saddle,
      • pulls strings,
      • super-intended,
      • are in drivers seat,
      • wast the saddle,
      • super-intend,
      • sate on top of,
      • were the drivers seat,
      • am in drivers seat,
      • are driver seat,
      • being in the driver’s seat,
      • run show,
      • was drivers seat,
      • were in driver’s seat,
      • is drivers seat,
      • wast driver seat,
      • are in driver’s seat,
      • be in driver seat,
      • are the saddle,
      • wast saddle,
      • am drivers seat,
      • wert in the saddle,
      • wert in the driver’s seat,
      • was in saddle,
      • pulled wires,
      • being the saddle,
      • wert the driver’s seat,
      • super-vising,
      • pulling strings,
      • super-vise,
      • are the driver’s seat,
      • is the saddle,
      • wert in driver seat,
      • are in the driver’s seat,
      • being in saddle,
      • be driver’s seat,
      • were drivers seat,
      • holds the reins,
      • were in driver seat,
      • being in driver’s seat,
      • are the drivers seat,
      • art in the drivers seat,
      • over seeing,
      • is in the saddle,
      • were the saddle,
      • being the drivers seat,
      • wert in drivers seat,
      • am driver’s seat,
      • was saddle,
      • art the driver’s seat,
      • over-see,
      • pulls the wires,
      • being in the saddle,
      • is the driver’s seat,
      • art in the saddle,
      • be the driver’s seat,
      • running the show,
      • was the driver’s seat,
      • wast in drivers seat,
      • wert the saddle,
      • was in driver seat,
      • super intended,
      • art in driver seat,
      • are the driver seat,
      • running show,
      • were driver seat,
      • art in driver’s seat,
      • art the saddle,
      • ran the show,
      • sate top of,
      • held reins,
      • was in the drivers seat,
      • wert in saddle.

      award (verb)

      • de crees,
      • sweeten kitty,
      • re-warded,
      • dis tributes,
      • de-crees,
      • re warding,
      • forks out,
      • sweetens kitty,
      • forking out,
      • re-warding,
      • sweetened the kitty,
      • dis-tributes,
      • sweetening the kitty,
      • sweetening kitty,
      • sweetened kitty,
      • de-creed,
      • de-cree,
      • de creed,
      • re warded,
      • dis tribute,
      • de cree,
      • sweetens the kitty,
      • dis-tribute.

      bid (verb)

      • pro posing,
      • pro posed,
      • pro-pose,
      • pro-posing,
      • pro pose.

      bill (verb)

      • de-biting,
      • re cording,
      • de-bits,
      • putting bite on,
      • putting squeeze on,
      • drew upon,
      • re corded,
      • puts arm on,
      • in-voices,
      • in voice,
      • putting arm on,
      • puts the arm on,
      • putting the squeeze on,
      • put bite on,
      • puts the squeeze on,
      • in voiced,
      • in-voice,
      • re cords,
      • in-voiced,
      • in voicing,
      • re cord,
      • de bit,
      • re-cords,
      • puts squeeze on,
      • puts bite on,
      • putting the bite on,
      • de bits,
      • draws upon,
      • puts the bite on,
      • putting the arm on,
      • de biting,
      • drew up on,
      • re-cording,
      • de-bit,
      • in-voicing,
      • draws up on,
      • draw up on,
      • re-cord,
      • re-corded,
      • drawing up on,
      • in voices,
      • put arm on.

      change (verb)

      • render.

      communication (verb)

      • deliver.

      construe (verb)

      • under-stands,
      • ex-plicate,
      • ex pounds,
      • one best guess,
      • figure it be,
      • under-standing,
      • ex-plicated,
      • figures to be,
      • ones best guesses,
      • figuring it be,
      • ex pound,
      • de-fined,
      • ex pounded,
      • figure to be,
      • ex-pounding,
      • de fined,
      • figures it to be,
      • de fine,
      • one’s best guessing,
      • one best guessing,
      • under stood,
      • de fines,
      • under stand,
      • one best guessed,
      • ex pounding,
      • one best guesses,
      • de-fining,
      • ex-plicating,
      • figured be,
      • ex-pounds,
      • figure be,
      • figuring to be,
      • figuring be,
      • figured it be,
      • de fining,
      • ex plicate,
      • ones best guessed,
      • ex plicates,
      • figures be,
      • ones best guess,
      • under-stood,
      • figured to be,
      • one’s best guessed,
      • ex-pound,
      • figures it be,
      • ex-plicates,
      • under stands,
      • ones best guessing,
      • ex plicated,
      • ex plicating,
      • de-fine,
      • ex-pounded,
      • figuring it to be,
      • under-stand,
      • de-fines,
      • one’s best guesses,
      • under standing,
      • figured it to be.

      contribute (verb)

      • furnish,
      • turn over,
      • yield,
      • present,
      • supply,
      • give back,
      • hand over,
      • exchange,
      • submit,
      • cede,
      • make available,
      • surrender,
      • tender,
      • impart,
      • minister,
      • trade,
      • repay,
      • restore,
      • give up,
      • swap,
      • make restitution.

      deal (verb)

      • coming across with,
      • de-liver,
      • dis burse,
      • de-livered,
      • dis perse,
      • de-livering,
      • dis burses,
      • de-livers,
      • forked over,
      • forks over,
      • dis-burse,
      • de livered,
      • forking over,
      • dis-burses,
      • de livers,
      • de livering,
      • came across with,
      • comes across with,
      • de liver,
      • dis-perse.

      decipher (verb)

      • de coded,
      • find key,
      • de ciphering,
      • dis entangled,
      • dis-entangling,
      • un-riddled,
      • re-veal,
      • doping out,
      • un-fold,
      • re-veals,
      • de-ciphers,
      • doped out,
      • finds the key,
      • de-coded,
      • un riddle,
      • found the key,
      • un-riddle,
      • de-cipher,
      • de cipher,
      • broke down,
      • finding key,
      • un raveling,
      • un ravelling,
      • un folded,
      • un-folds,
      • finding the key,
      • dis entangling,
      • de ciphered,
      • dis-entangle,
      • unriddles,
      • de-ciphering,
      • de-codes,
      • un ravel,
      • breaks down,
      • un ravelled,
      • dis entangle,
      • brake down,
      • un-riddles,
      • un riddles,
      • un-ravelling,
      • un fold,
      • un-ravelled,
      • dopes out,
      • de-duce,
      • de-coding,
      • un-folding,
      • un ravels,
      • un riddled,
      • un raveled,
      • re veals,
      • puzzled out,
      • un folding,
      • puzzling out,
      • makes clear,
      • de code,
      • de codes,
      • found key,
      • dis-entangled,
      • de-duces,
      • finds key,
      • un-ravel,
      • de duces,
      • un-raveled,
      • un riddling,
      • un folds,
      • dis entangles,
      • dis-entangles,
      • de duce,
      • un-ravels,
      • un-raveling,
      • de-ciphered,
      • un-folded,
      • de-code,
      • de coding,
      • un-riddling,
      • unriddled,
      • de ciphers,
      • puzzles out.

      declare (verb)

      • dis close,
      • re-asserted,
      • dis-closing,
      • de clares,
      • re-affirm,
      • re-peat,
      • putting forward,
      • pro claim,
      • pro pounded,
      • bringing forward,
      • is positive,
      • allegated,
      • pro-pounded,
      • de clare,
      • allegating,
      • de-clares,
      • pro-claiming,
      • dis-closes,
      • pro pounding,
      • re asserted,
      • am positive,
      • in forming,
      • pro-fesses,
      • pro-fess,
      • dis closed,
      • dis closing,
      • pro claimed,
      • in-forms,
      • art positive,
      • dis closes,
      • re-affirming,
      • pro-pounding,
      • asservates,
      • re peat,
      • re asserting,
      • pro-pound,
      • pro fess,
      • pro claiming,
      • sets forth,
      • re peats,
      • dis-closed,
      • re-peats,
      • re affirming,
      • re-affirms,
      • are positive,
      • wast positive,
      • pro pounds,
      • pro-pounds,
      • pro-claims,
      • re-asserting,
      • in forms,
      • pro fesses,
      • were positive,
      • re affirms,
      • pro claims,
      • re-assert,
      • brings forward,
      • asservating,
      • re asserts,
      • was positive,
      • de-clare,
      • re-asserts,
      • asservated,
      • dis-close,
      • wert positive,
      • re affirm,
      • allegates,
      • re-affirmed,
      • in form,
      • in-forming,
      • being positive,
      • re affirmed,
      • pro pound,
      • re assert.

      dissolve (verb)

      • de-fronts,
      • liquesced,
      • de fronted,
      • de-fronting,
      • dis solve,
      • dis-solving,
      • defronted,
      • de fronts,
      • wastes away,
      • dis solves,
      • defronting,
      • dis-solve,
      • dis solved,
      • de-fronted,
      • liquescing,
      • de front,
      • de fronting,
      • fluidifying,
      • dis solving,
      • dis-solves,
      • fluidifies,
      • defronts,
      • liquesces,
      • de-front,
      • fluidified,
      • dis-solved.

      do (verb)

      • re solves,
      • trans-literates,
      • re-solving,
      • re-solve,
      • trans literates,
      • trans literate,
      • trans-literate,
      • re solve,
      • re-solved,
      • re-solves.

      draw (verb)

      • paint,
      • draw,
      • sketch,
      • trace,
      • doodle.

      effect (verb)

      • did to a t,
      • in duce,
      • be gun,
      • didst one’s thing,
      • didst trick,
      • do ones thing,
      • doth ones thing,
      • didst number,
      • doest number,
      • dost t,
      • be-ginning,
      • does ones thing,
      • puts across,
      • didst job,
      • doth a t,
      • doeth to a t,
      • doth number,
      • did trick,
      • doest one’s thing,
      • doth trick,
      • didst a t,
      • doing thing,
      • doth the trick,
      • didst to a t,
      • doest a number,
      • doeth one’s thing,
      • dost a t,
      • does thing,
      • un-zipped,
      • doest one thing,
      • doeth number,
      • dost number,
      • doest ones thing,
      • did ones thing,
      • dost one thing,
      • does the job,
      • un zipping,
      • doeth a number,
      • gat to,
      • dost thing,
      • doing the trick,
      • un zip,
      • doeth ones thing,
      • do a t,
      • gotten to,
      • do t,
      • doing t,
      • doing the job,
      • does a t,
      • turn trick,
      • does t,
      • doeth a t,
      • doest thing,
      • doeth one thing,
      • made waves,
      • didst a number,
      • do number,
      • does a number,
      • turned trick,
      • doeth the trick,
      • doing a number,
      • did a number,
      • doeth t,
      • doeth to t,
      • doth to t,
      • doest to t,
      • in-duce,
      • doest the trick,
      • did job,
      • does to a t,
      • do to t,
      • does to t,
      • doest trick,
      • dost job,
      • did one thing,
      • pro cures,
      • doest a t,
      • doing one thing,
      • pro-cure,
      • doing trick,
      • pro-cured,
      • did number,
      • dost trick,
      • do job,
      • doeth trick,
      • carried through,
      • did the trick,
      • doing ones thing,
      • didst the trick,
      • doest t,
      • dost to a t,
      • did to t,
      • did the job,
      • doeth thing,
      • doest job,
      • putting across,
      • does number,
      • pro curing,
      • doing number,
      • do one thing,
      • making it,
      • does the trick,
      • turning the trick,
      • pro-curing,
      • didst to t,
      • doth to a t,
      • doth thing,
      • doeth the job,
      • doth one thing,
      • do thing,
      • be ginning,
      • dost a number,
      • didst one thing,
      • doest the job,
      • un-zipping,
      • didst thing,
      • makes it,
      • un-zips,
      • doest to a t,
      • doth the job,
      • didst t,
      • doing one’s thing,
      • doth one’s thing,
      • did a t,
      • dost ones thing,
      • dost to t,
      • pulling it off,
      • dost the trick,
      • pro-cures,
      • pulled it off,
      • did thing,
      • does job,
      • un-zip,
      • doing job,
      • in-duces,
      • doing to t,
      • doth a number,
      • does one thing,
      • carries through,
      • pro cure,
      • do trick,
      • turned the trick,
      • turns trick,
      • un zips,
      • doth job,
      • turning trick,
      • didst the job,
      • turns the trick,
      • pulls it off,
      • pro cured,
      • doing a t,
      • didst ones thing,
      • in duces,
      • doth t,
      • doing to a t,
      • be-gun,
      • does one’s thing,
      • did t,
      • dost the job,
      • doeth job,
      • dost one’s thing,
      • did one’s thing,
      • does trick,
      • making waves.

      execute (verb)

      • sails through,
      • puts into effect,
      • getting there,
      • earns wings,
      • dis-charged,
      • puts in to effect,
      • trans acting,
      • dis-charges,
      • sailing through,
      • gets there,
      • puts through,
      • put in to effect,
      • trans-act,
      • dis charging,
      • bring fruition,
      • puts over,
      • taking care business,
      • trans-acting,
      • earned wings,
      • dis charge,
      • got there,
      • dis-charging,
      • takes care of business,
      • dis-charge,
      • taking care of,
      • trans-acted,
      • took care of business,
      • gotten there,
      • trans acted,
      • dis charges,
      • gat there,
      • takes care business,
      • brings to fruition,
      • trans act,
      • putting over,
      • brought fruition,
      • bringing fruition,
      • trans-acts,
      • take care business,
      • trans acts,
      • brings fruition,
      • dis charged,
      • earning wings,
      • took care business,
      • putting through,
      • brought to fruition,
      • sailed through,
      • putting into effect,
      • putting in to effect.

      explain (verb)

      • ex-plain,
      • threw light up on,
      • de scribes,
      • making plain,
      • re-fine,
      • ex plain,
      • re fine,
      • makes plain,
      • un-tangled,
      • de-scribed,
      • de-scribes,
      • threw light upon,
      • re fines,
      • puts plain english,
      • ex plains,
      • un tangles,
      • throw light up on,
      • puts in plain english,
      • un-tangling,
      • de scribe,
      • made plain,
      • putting in plain english,
      • ex-plaining,
      • un tangle,
      • de-scribe,
      • going into detail,
      • throws light upon,
      • re-fining,
      • ex plaining,
      • de scribed,
      • re-fines,
      • goes in to detail,
      • going in to detail,
      • ex plained,
      • goes into detail,
      • ex-plained,
      • un tangled,
      • went in to detail,
      • putting plain english,
      • un-tangle,
      • de-scribing,
      • re fined,
      • un-tangles,
      • ex-plains,
      • went into detail,
      • throws light up on,
      • de scribing,
      • put plain english,
      • sets right,
      • un tangling,
      • go in to detail,
      • throwing light up on,
      • throwing light upon.

      fulfill (verb)

      • hit the bull’s eye,
      • were just ticket,
      • hits the bulls-eye,
      • hitting bull’seye,
      • hits bull eye,
      • hits bulleye,
      • am just the ticket,
      • hit bull’seye,
      • hitting bull’s-eye,
      • fills the bill,
      • hitting the bull eye,
      • hit bull’s-eye,
      • hits the bulleye,
      • hits bull’seye,
      • hitting the bull’s-eye,
      • filling the bill,
      • art just ticket,
      • hit the bulleye,
      • making grade,
      • hit the bull eye,
      • were just the ticket,
      • hitting the bulls-eye,
      • hit the bull-eye,
      • art just the ticket,
      • are just the ticket,
      • hitting bulls-eye,
      • is just ticket,
      • hits the bull’s eye,
      • complies with,
      • hit bulleye,
      • hits bull’s-eye,
      • wert just the ticket,
      • hitting bull’s eye,
      • hits bulls eye,
      • hitting bulls eye,
      • be just ticket,
      • hit bull-eye,
      • being just the ticket,
      • hitting the bull’s eye,
      • hits the bull’s-eye,
      • makes grade,
      • hitting the bullseye,
      • hitting bull eye,
      • hit bull’s eye,
      • being just ticket,
      • hits bullseye,
      • are just ticket,
      • hitting the bull-eye,
      • hits bull-eye,
      • hitting the bull’seye,
      • hitting the bulleye,
      • am just ticket,
      • hits the bull eye,
      • fill bill,
      • hits bulls-eye,
      • filled the bill,
      • hit bulls eye,
      • wert just ticket,
      • was just the ticket,
      • hits bull’s eye,
      • hits the bull-eye,
      • hit bull eye,
      • hits the bulls eye,
      • hit the bulls eye,
      • make grade,
      • hitting bullseye,
      • was just ticket,
      • makes the grade,
      • wast just ticket,
      • hitting bull-eye,
      • hit bulls-eye,
      • fills bill,
      • wast just the ticket,
      • hits the bullseye,
      • made grade,
      • hit the bullseye,
      • hit the bulls-eye,
      • complying with,
      • filling bill,
      • filled bill,
      • hitting bulleye,
      • hits the bull’seye,
      • is just the ticket,
      • hit the bull’seye,
      • hitting the bulls eye,
      • hit bullseye.

      give (verb)

      • bequeath,
      • send,
      • allow,
      • award,
      • disburse,
      • lavish,
      • consign,
      • assign,
      • shower,
      • dole,
      • contribute,
      • expend,
      • dispense,
      • attribute,
      • share,
      • allot,
      • ascribe,
      • ration,
      • donate,
      • help,
      • pledge,
      • devote,
      • serve,
      • assist,
      • lend,
      • fund.

      govern (verb)

      • assuming command,
      • wast power,
      • wear crown,
      • wearing crown,
      • am power,
      • holds office,
      • held office,
      • laying down law,
      • lay down law,
      • calling signals,
      • exercised authority,
      • wears crown,
      • serves the people,
      • holding office,
      • serve people,
      • serves people,
      • calls signals,
      • exercises authority,
      • laid down law,
      • serving the people,
      • called the signals,
      • served people,
      • assumed command,
      • laid down the law,
      • calling the signals,
      • is power,
      • art in power,
      • were power,
      • over rules,
      • are in power,
      • wast in power,
      • wore crown,
      • art power,
      • call signals,
      • occupied throne,
      • over ruled,
      • be power,
      • serving people,
      • holds sway,
      • wert in power,
      • over-ruled,
      • was in power,
      • over-rule,
      • over-ruling,
      • over ruling,
      • being power,
      • called signals,
      • holds dominion,
      • over rule,
      • held dominion,
      • calls the signals,
      • lays down the law,
      • over-rules,
      • assumes command,
      • lays down law,
      • laying down the law,
      • being in power,
      • occupies throne,
      • served the people,
      • wert power,
      • is in power,
      • were in power,
      • holding dominion,
      • are power,
      • was power,
      • wearing the crown,
      • occupying throne.

      interpret (verb)

      • analyze,
      • comment,
      • annotate,
      • condense,
      • rephrase,
      • report,
      • decode,
      • elucidate.

      melt (verb)

      • co-oked,
      • dis appears,
      • dis integrating,
      • dis integrate,
      • dis-appeared,
      • dis integrated,
      • dis-appear,
      • dis integrates,
      • dis-integrated,
      • dis-integrating,
      • dis-appearing,
      • dis appear,
      • dis-integrates,
      • dis-appears,
      • dis appearing,
      • dis appeared,
      • co oked,
      • co oking,
      • co-oking,
      • dis-integrate.

      offer (verb)

      • approach,
      • bestow,
      • advance,
      • issue,
      • offer,
      • extend,
      • endow,
      • quote,
      • attempt,
      • cite,
      • grant,
      • invite.

      overcome (verb)

      • coming out on top,
      • out lives,
      • over whelm,
      • gotten the better of,
      • getting the better of,
      • gets the better of,
      • sur-mounts,
      • pre vails,
      • knocks socks off,
      • comes out top,
      • being victorious,
      • over-comes,
      • out-lived,
      • out-living,
      • are victorious,
      • out live,
      • re-duces,
      • re duces,
      • over coming,
      • sur-mounting,
      • over-whelmed,
      • knocked socks off,
      • sub dues,
      • over-thrown,
      • sub-dues,
      • over-whelms,
      • re-duce,
      • art victorious,
      • wast victorious,
      • out-lives,
      • coming out top,
      • triumphing over,
      • over whelming,
      • over throw,
      • over throws,
      • over came,
      • over throwing,
      • over-came,
      • getting better of,
      • rises above,
      • sub jugate,
      • gets better of,
      • were victorious,
      • sub-due,
      • over come,
      • over-throw,
      • over-whelming,
      • pre vail,
      • over-powered,
      • gat better of,
      • rose above,
      • sur mounting,
      • gat the better of,
      • over whelms,
      • out lived,
      • gotten better of,
      • knocking socks off,
      • be sting,
      • gotten around,
      • out-live,
      • am victorious,
      • triumphed over,
      • pre vailed,
      • pre-vails,
      • got the better of,
      • knocks over,
      • sur mount,
      • over thrown,
      • wert victorious,
      • gat around,
      • pre-vail,
      • over powers,
      • sub due,
      • gets around,
      • got better of,
      • comes out on top,
      • over whelmed,
      • over-throws,
      • over-coming,
      • triumphs over,
      • come out top,
      • over powered,
      • sur mounted,
      • came out top,
      • over-powering,
      • be-sting,
      • sur mounts,
      • out living,
      • pre vailing,
      • re duce,
      • sur-mount,
      • over comes,
      • came out on top,
      • over-whelm,
      • over-come,
      • over-throwing,
      • over powering,
      • get better of,
      • knocking over,
      • pre-vailed,
      • sur-mounted,
      • over-power.

      paraphrase (verb)

      • expressed in own words,
      • re-wording,
      • re capitulate,
      • re-capitulated,
      • re worded,
      • para phrasing,
      • para phrased,
      • re-hashes,
      • re-hashed,
      • expresses own words,
      • re wording,
      • para-phrased,
      • expressing in own words,
      • re-phrases,
      • re capitulated,
      • para-phrasing,
      • expressed in words,
      • disambiguating,
      • re phrasing,
      • re hashes,
      • re-phrasing,
      • expressed words,
      • expresses words,
      • expresses in own words,
      • re words,
      • disambiguates,
      • re hash,
      • para phrase,
      • re phrases,
      • expressing words,
      • expressing own words,
      • expressing in words,
      • para-phrases,
      • re phrase,
      • disambiguated,
      • re-worded,
      • expresses other words,
      • re-capitulates,
      • re-hash,
      • express other words,
      • re-phrase,
      • re hashed,
      • re phrased,
      • expresses in other words,
      • re capitulating,
      • re-capitulating,
      • expressing other words,
      • re-word,
      • re-capitulate,
      • expressed other words,
      • expresses in words,
      • express words,
      • re-hashing,
      • express own words,
      • re-words,
      • re-phrased,
      • re word,
      • expressed own words,
      • re hashing,
      • para phrases,
      • expressed in other words,
      • re capitulates,
      • para-phrase,
      • expressing in other words.

      pay (verb)

      • beared the cost,
      • digged up,
      • bare the cost,
      • re-pay,
      • beared cost,
      • pre paying,
      • de-frayed,
      • de-fraying,
      • beared the expense,
      • re funded,
      • pre paid,
      • de fray,
      • de fraying,
      • pre-pay,
      • re-coups,
      • pre pays,
      • re-quite,
      • plunked down,
      • de frayed,
      • re coup,
      • footed the bill,
      • makes payment,
      • kicked in,
      • pre pay,
      • bearing cost,
      • bearing the expense,
      • re-funded,
      • re-funds,
      • bearing the cost,
      • bore cost,
      • bore the cost,
      • bears the expense,
      • re couping,
      • re-funding,
      • plunks down,
      • re-couping,
      • re funding,
      • coughs up,
      • bear expense,
      • bare the expense,
      • bear cost,
      • bore the expense,
      • bears expense,
      • re-paid,
      • bearing expense,
      • made payment,
      • re paid,
      • bare expense,
      • bore expense,
      • re-coup,
      • re-paying,
      • beared expense,
      • making payment,
      • re paying,
      • de frays,
      • pre-paying,
      • de-fray,
      • re fund,
      • bare cost,
      • pre-pays,
      • re pays,
      • re-pays,
      • re funds,
      • re quite,
      • kicks in,
      • plunking down,
      • re coups,
      • bears cost,
      • kicking in,
      • foot bill,
      • re pay,
      • re-fund,
      • bears the cost,
      • de-frays,
      • re couped,
      • re-couped.

      perform (verb)

      • tread boards,
      • doeth turn,
      • acting out,
      • did turn,
      • dis coursed,
      • dis courses,
      • am on,
      • being on,
      • dis-courses,
      • acts out,
      • was on,
      • trod the boards,
      • brings down the house,
      • doth turn,
      • doing a turn,
      • doest a turn,
      • appears as,
      • doth a turn,
      • brought down house,
      • did a turn,
      • wast on,
      • dis-coursing,
      • bring down house,
      • didst turn,
      • brought down the house,
      • is on,
      • bringing down house,
      • do turn,
      • didst a turn,
      • are on,
      • dost a turn,
      • doing turn,
      • doeth a turn,
      • were on,
      • does turn,
      • dis course,
      • acted out,
      • dis coursing,
      • wert on,
      • dis-course,
      • dost turn,
      • appearing as,
      • does a turn,
      • appeared as,
      • doest turn,
      • bringing down the house,
      • brings down house,
      • dis-coursed.

      picture (verb)

      • photo-graphing,
      • photo graphing,
      • photo graphed,
      • photo-graphed.

      portray (verb)

      • acting like,
      • re-producing,
      • re producing,
      • acts like,
      • re-produced,
      • re-produce,
      • re-produces,
      • acted like,
      • re produced,
      • re produces.

      produce (verb)

      • brought forth,
      • pro-duce,
      • pro create,
      • gave birth,
      • de vised,
      • be-gotten,
      • gave forth,
      • be gotten,
      • in vent,
      • in venting,
      • in-vent,
      • de-vised,
      • de-vise,
      • pro-create,
      • pro creating,
      • de-signing,
      • brings forth,
      • de vise,
      • de-sign,
      • pro duce,
      • pro-creating,
      • multi-plied,
      • in vents,
      • pro created,
      • pro-created,
      • in vented,
      • gives forth,
      • multi plying,
      • in-vents,
      • shows fruit,
      • de-signs,
      • in-venting,
      • showing fruit,
      • de signing,
      • be getting,
      • de signs,
      • showed fruit,
      • de-vising,
      • pro creates,
      • pro-duces,
      • be-getting,
      • pro duces,
      • in-vented,
      • de signed,
      • pro-creates,
      • gives birth,
      • de vising,
      • de sign,
      • multi-plying,
      • de-signed.

      provide (verb)

      • fixes with,
      • pro-viding,
      • pre pare,
      • out fitting,
      • out fit,
      • fixed with,
      • re-plenish,
      • fixed up with,
      • pro viding,
      • out-fitting,
      • re-plenishes,
      • pro-visions,
      • re-plenished,
      • fixt with,
      • pro visions,
      • pre-pare,
      • fix with,
      • re plenished,
      • fixing with,
      • pre pares,
      • pro-visioned,
      • re-adies,
      • out-fit,
      • pre pared,
      • fixes up with,
      • pre-paring,
      • fixt up with,
      • fits out,
      • out fits,
      • pro-vided,
      • pro-vision,
      • re-plenishing,
      • pro visioned,
      • pro visioning,
      • pro vides,
      • pre-pared,
      • pro vision,
      • stocks up,
      • re adies,
      • out-fits,
      • re plenishing,
      • pro-vides,
      • pro vide,
      • pro vided,
      • pre paring,
      • re plenishes,
      • pro-vide,
      • fixing up with,
      • out fitted,
      • out-fitted,
      • pro-visioning,
      • re plenish.

      put (verb)

      • proponed,
      • proponing,
      • pro pones,
      • sets before,
      • pro-pones,
      • pro pone,
      • pro positions,
      • pro position,
      • pro positioning,
      • pro positioned,
      • pro-pone,
      • pro-positions,
      • pro-positioning,
      • setting before,
      • pro-positioned.

      quitclaim (verb)

      • leave holding bag,
      • leaves high and dry,
      • with drawing,
      • left high and dry,
      • re-tire,
      • leaved high and dry,
      • bagging it,
      • re tire,
      • left holding bag,
      • re-tiring,
      • re-signs,
      • with-draw,
      • re signs,
      • left holding the bag,
      • re signing,
      • with-drawing,
      • with drew,
      • bags it,
      • leaves high dry,
      • left high dry,
      • re tires,
      • with draw,
      • re tired,
      • leaved holding the bag,
      • leave lurch,
      • leaved high dry,
      • with drawn,
      • with-drew,
      • leaved holding bag,
      • Re sign,
      • leaving high dry,
      • with draws,
      • leave the lurch,
      • re tiring,
      • leaving holding the bag,
      • leave high dry,
      • re signed,
      • leaving holding bag,
      • bagged it,
      • with-drawn,
      • leaves holding the bag,
      • leaving high and dry,
      • re-signed,
      • leaves holding bag.

      read (verb)

      • de claim,
      • de claiming,
      • de claimed,
      • de claims,
      • de-claiming,
      • de-claims,
      • de-claim,
      • de-claimed.

      reciprocate (verb)

      • serves out,
      • inter change,
      • paying dues,
      • feeling return,
      • pays ones dues,
      • re plying,
      • re tort,
      • scratch back,
      • paying ones dues,
      • scratches one’s back,
      • is equivalent,
      • wast equivalent,
      • feels return,
      • feels in return,
      • payed dues,
      • pays one dues,
      • payed one’s dues,
      • returns the compliment,
      • returned the compliment,
      • inter changing,
      • scratches ones back,
      • being equivalent,
      • pay ones dues,
      • re torts,
      • re-plying,
      • pay one dues,
      • was equivalent,
      • scratch one back,
      • re-tort,
      • re-plied,
      • scratched one’s back,
      • payed one dues,
      • inter changed,
      • tits for tat,
      • paid one dues,
      • feeling in return,
      • titting for tat,
      • makes up for,
      • returned compliment,
      • returning compliment,
      • scratching one’s back,
      • pays one’s dues,
      • scratched one back,
      • wert equivalent,
      • titted for tat,
      • return compliment,
      • paid dues,
      • inter-changing,
      • returns compliment,
      • were equivalent,
      • scratched ones back,
      • paying one dues,
      • paid ones dues,
      • inter-changes,
      • scratches one back,
      • re plied,
      • serving out,
      • pays dues,
      • are equivalent,
      • scratching back,
      • payed ones dues,
      • paying one’s dues,
      • scratches back,
      • feel return,
      • felt in return,
      • scratch ones back,
      • am equivalent,
      • felt return,
      • scratched back,
      • makes for,
      • scratching one back,
      • re-torts,
      • returning the compliment,
      • scratching ones back,
      • inter changes.

      recite (verb)

      • de tail,
      • re porting,
      • re-telling,
      • re telling,
      • re hearses,
      • reels off,
      • re counts,
      • give report,
      • gives an account,
      • holds forth,
      • re-cited,
      • de tailing,
      • re-hearse,
      • giving a report,
      • re late,
      • giving account,
      • gave an account,
      • giving report,
      • gave a report,
      • gives verbal account,
      • re-cites,
      • re-lated,
      • re counting,
      • re-tells,
      • gave report,
      • giving an account,
      • re-hearses,
      • re ported,
      • de-tails,
      • re told,
      • re-cite,
      • re-counted,
      • de-tailed,
      • re-counts,
      • reeled off,
      • re-ported,
      • de-tailing,
      • re tells,
      • de tails,
      • re cites,
      • re-citing,
      • de-tail,
      • re tell,
      • re-tell,
      • re cited,
      • re-told,
      • giving verbal account,
      • re counted,
      • gives account,
      • re-counting,
      • reeling off,
      • re cite,
      • re citing,
      • gave account,
      • gives a report,
      • de tailed,
      • gives report,
      • gave verbal account,
      • re-porting.

      represent (verb)

      • duplicate,
      • ape,
      • illustrate,
      • imitate,
      • silhouette,
      • model,
      • replicate,
      • copy,
      • photograph,
      • simulate,
      • outline,
      • approximate,
      • cast.

      restate (verb)

      • re state,
      • re states,
      • re stated,
      • re stating,
      • re-states,
      • re-stating,
      • re-state,
      • re-stated.

      return (verb)

      • payed back,
      • re-storing,
      • carries back,
      • putting back,
      • re place,
      • pays back,
      • re bated,
      • re-stored,
      • re acting,
      • re-acted,
      • re turned,
      • tost back,
      • tossed back,
      • re-instate,
      • re placed,
      • re seat,
      • re establishes,
      • rolling back,
      • re-placed,
      • re-joined,
      • re-seated,
      • re-turning,
      • re turn,
      • rolled back,
      • re instated,
      • re-seating,
      • re establish,
      • re bate,
      • re-insert,
      • puts back,
      • re joined,
      • handing back,
      • reinserts,
      • re-turned,
      • handed back,
      • re stored,
      • re places,
      • re inserting,
      • carrying back,
      • re-seat,
      • hands back,
      • re-inserted,
      • re storing,
      • re-joins,
      • re-bate,
      • re insert,
      • re seats,
      • re-join,
      • re-joining,
      • re-bating,
      • carried back,
      • re store,
      • re instating,
      • re-stores,
      • re stores,
      • re joins,
      • re-bated,
      • re instate,
      • re joining,
      • re acted,
      • re establishing,
      • re turns,
      • rolls back,
      • re-instates,
      • re-seats,
      • re-places,
      • re bating,
      • re seated,
      • tossing back,
      • re inserts,
      • re-instating,
      • thrusting back,
      • re seating,
      • re established,
      • re join,
      • re instates,
      • Re-turn,
      • re turning,
      • re placing,
      • re-inserting,
      • re inserted,
      • re-inserts,
      • re-turns,
      • tosses back,
      • thrusts back,
      • re bates,
      • arrives at,
      • reseats.

      rustle up (verb)

      • gat ready,
      • scrapes up,
      • scraped up,
      • scraping up,
      • gotten ready,
      • gets ready.

      say (verb)

      • breaking silence,
      • breaks silence,
      • gave voice,
      • brake silence,
      • putting into words,
      • re-marking,
      • re mark,
      • puts into words,
      • puts forth,
      • gives voice,
      • re-marked,
      • giving voice,
      • re marking,
      • put in to words,
      • re marks,
      • re-marks,
      • putting forth,
      • putting in to words,
      • re marked,
      • broke silence,
      • puts in to words,
      • makes known.

      show; execute (verb)

      • act,
      • image,
      • exhibit,
      • limn,
      • evince,
      • administrate.

      transcribe (verb)

      • re prints,
      • re printing,
      • re-write,
      • re write,
      • taperecorded,
      • taperecord,
      • re-printed,
      • re-print,
      • re written,
      • re-prints,
      • tape records,
      • copies out,
      • re writing,
      • sets out,
      • copying out,
      • writ out,
      • re-printing,
      • re printed,
      • writing out,
      • tape-records,
      • re writes,
      • taperecords,
      • re print,
      • tape recorded,
      • writes out,
      • re-written,
      • re wrote,
      • taperecording,
      • re-writes,
      • re-wrote,
      • tape-recording,
      • re-writing,
      • copied out.

      translate (verb)

      • doeth in to,
      • metaphrasing,
      • didst in to,
      • meta phrases,
      • trans lated,
      • does into,
      • trans late,
      • meta phrased,
      • trans-late,
      • did into,
      • doest into,
      • doeth into,
      • Metaphrased,
      • meta-phrases,
      • did in to,
      • meta-phrase,
      • dost into,
      • meta-phrased,
      • do in to,
      • dost in to,
      • doing in to,
      • meta phrase,
      • meta phrasing,
      • doth in to,
      • metaphrases,
      • trans-lated,
      • doth into,
      • does in to,
      • didst into,
      • meta-phrasing,
      • doest in to,
      • doing into.

      translate, explain (verb)

      • state,
      • reproduce,
      • pass.

      transpose (verb)

      • trans-figuring,
      • re locate,
      • trans-muted,
      • flip flopping,
      • re-located,
      • in-versed,
      • in versed,
      • trans-forming,
      • flipflopped,
      • flipflopping,
      • re-ordered,
      • re order,
      • trans mute,
      • re located,
      • ex-changing,
      • trans-formed,
      • re verse,
      • trans-forms,
      • re arranging,
      • re-locate,
      • trans-figure,
      • trans-figures,
      • turning tables,
      • re-arranging,
      • trans-figured,
      • trans-muting,
      • re-arrange,
      • re orders,
      • trans forming,
      • trans figuring,
      • inversing,
      • trans forms,
      • re-orders,
      • trans-posing,
      • trans form,
      • trans muted,
      • trans-pose,
      • re arranged,
      • meta-morphoses,
      • trans-posed,
      • trans pose,
      • re-locating,
      • trans posing,
      • re ordered,
      • ex-changed,
      • trans-mute,
      • re ordering,
      • turn tables,
      • in-verse,
      • trans mutes,
      • trans figure,
      • trans muting,
      • turns the tables,
      • trans posed,
      • re-locates,
      • re-order,
      • re-ordering,
      • turns tables,
      • re-verse,
      • ex changing,
      • re locating,
      • in-versing,
      • re arranges,
      • flip-flopped,
      • re locates,
      • re-arranged,
      • in verse,
      • re-arranges,
      • re-versed,
      • meta morphoses,
      • turned tables,
      • turning the tables,
      • ex change,
      • trans-form,
      • trans figured,
      • trans formed,
      • re versing,
      • flip flopped,
      • ex changes,
      • in versing,
      • trans-mutes.

      turn (verb)

      • be-comes,
      • refashions,
      • re-making,
      • re fashioning,
      • changing into,
      • re making,
      • growing into,
      • re make,
      • changes into,
      • re-modeling,
      • re made,
      • re-make,
      • re-fashioning,
      • passed in to,
      • re-made,
      • passes into,
      • growing in to,
      • re-modelled,
      • be comes,
      • be-came,
      • passes in to,
      • changing in to,
      • re model,
      • changes in to,
      • changed into,
      • re fashions,
      • re fashioned,
      • be come,
      • re-models,
      • re-fashion,
      • passing into,
      • re-model,
      • re-modeled,
      • re models,
      • passed into,
      • be came,
      • re modelled,
      • re-fashioned,
      • pass in to,
      • change in to,
      • passing in to,
      • changed in to,
      • grew into,
      • re-fashions,
      • be-come,
      • re makes,
      • grow in to,
      • grows into,
      • re modeled,
      • re modelling,
      • grows in to,
      • grew in to,
      • be-coming,
      • re fashion.

      turn over (verb)

      • de-legate,
      • gave over,
      • de-legates,
      • de legates,
      • gives over,
      • re-legates,
      • de legate,
      • re legates,
      • sur-render,
      • sur-rendering,
      • sur renders,
      • sur rendering,
      • sur-rendered,
      • re legate,
      • re-legate,
      • sur rendered,
      • sur-renders.
    • Other synonyms:

      • carry on,
      • notify,
      • proclaim,
      • emote,
      • inform,
      • give away,
      • pour out,
      • emanate,
      • blaze,
      • manifest,
      • glow,
      • announce,
      • cloud over,
      • open up,
      • externalize,
      • redecorate,
      • shine,
      • radiate,
      • glint,
      • reword,
      • refurbish,
      • light up,
      • promulgate,
      • pronounce.

      • delineate,
      • waive,
      • signal,
      • convey,
      • Demit,
      • relinquish,
      • sport,
      • forswear,
      • abdicate,
      • bare,
      • unload,
      • slaver,
      • renounce,
      • glitter,
      • gush,
      • grout,
      • explode,
      • unveil.

      • betray,
      • display,
      • rehabilitate,
      • abandon,
      • wallpaper,
      • enter,
      • release,
      • do over,
      • rule.

      • Anglo-.

      • whitewash,
      • sound,
      • prime.

      • hang.

      • floor.


      • supplying.


      • parse,
      • figure it to be,
      • Parsing,
      • spell out,
      • one’s best guess,
      • parses,
      • spelled out,
      • expound,
      • understand,
      • Parsed.


      • make it,
      • make waves,
      • makes waves,
      • carrying through,
      • do the trick,
      • put across,
      • gave rise to,
      • get to,
      • do the job,
      • carry through,
      • pull it off,
      • gets to,
      • got to,
      • giving rise to,
      • gives rise to,
      • made it,
      • do a number,
      • do one’s thing,
      • give rise to,
      • getting to,
      • turn the trick.


      • be a source of,
      • posed,
      • given.


      • reenact,
      • exemplifies,
      • commentated,
      • reenacting,
      • make of,
      • commentate,
      • throw light on,
      • reenacted,
      • imaging,
      • made of,
      • Imaged,
      • commentates,
      • re-enacts,
      • commentating,
      • re-enact,
      • making of.

      Other relevant words:

      • interpret,
      • reaffirms,
      • rebated,
      • break down,
      • deal,
      • be in the saddle,
      • Soliloquizing,
      • Re-mark,
      • dun,
      • get there,
      • made known,
      • part with,
      • come across with,
      • paraphrase,
      • Debited,
      • fill the bill,
      • whelm,
      • fork out,
      • portray,
      • read,
      • rise above,
      • Downs,
      • put,
      • diagramming,
      • hold forth,
      • transliterate,
      • pay back,
      • diagraming,
      • grow into,
      • do into,
      • opine,
      • personates,
      • refashion,
      • arrived at,
      • reordering,
      • holding sway,
      • make plain,
      • stocked up,
      • set forth,
      • feel in return,
      • give voice,
      • be in driver’s seat,
      • make up for,
      • reassert,
      • paid one’s dues,
      • decipher,
      • restitute,
      • make known,
      • Whelmed,
      • be on,
      • Whelming,
      • take care of,
      • put back,
      • paid back,
      • tenders,
      • shell out,
      • parted with,
      • forked out,
      • refashioning,
      • pedaling,
      • put over,
      • Personated,
      • inter-change,
      • hammed,
      • write out,
      • reciprocate,
      • exercising authority,
      • rationed,
      • turn,
      • change into,
      • looks after,
      • fit out,
      • bring forward,
      • waste away,
      • sail through,
      • feathered,
      • draw upon,
      • reorders,
      • governed,
      • whelms,
      • portraying,
      • be positive,
      • hold dominion,
      • effect,
      • returning,
      • perform,
      • call shots,
      • making for,
      • construe,
      • make clear,
      • turned the tables,
      • pedaled,
      • smelts,
      • transliterates,
      • pay dues,
      • looked after,
      • serve the people,
      • head up,
      • handed out,
      • put forward,
      • wore the crown,
      • meted out,
      • Reinsert,
      • retells,
      • carry back,
      • pull the wires,
      • reordered,
      • scratch one’s back,
      • Invoicing,
      • come out on top,
      • give an account,
      • be in power,
      • Smelted,
      • is victorious,
      • retell,
      • boned,
      • encipher,
      • enciphered,
      • Tyrannized,
      • tape recording,
      • retelling,
      • transcribed,
      • Fluxing,
      • hold sway,
      • playact,
      • holding forth,
      • Unriddle,
      • reasserted,
      • pedalling,
      • re-establish,
      • puts forward,
      • melt,
      • lipped,
      • got ready,
      • wrote out,
      • reprint,
      • Personating,
      • run the show,
      • return,
      • ham up,
      • pointed out,
      • headed up,
      • reprints,
      • feathering,
      • flip-flopping,
      • quitclaim,
      • bill,
      • reprinted,
      • brought forward,
      • give account,
      • transcribe,
      • diagramed,
      • puzzle out,
      • reorder,
      • tape-record,
      • mete out,
      • tread the boards,
      • hamming,
      • refashioned,
      • arrive at,
      • bid,
      • tape-recorded,
      • say,
      • make for,
      • enciphers,
      • set right,
      • reseated,
      • Retold,
      • express in words,
      • fulfill,
      • insist,
      • diffusing,
      • do a turn,
      • put the bite on,
      • fitting out,
      • pedals,
      • liquesce,
      • reasserts,
      • pay one’s dues,
      • put the squeeze on,
      • downing,
      • act like,
      • knock socks off,
      • bringing to fruition,
      • Tendered,
      • Piloted,
      • put into effect,
      • throw light upon,
      • triumph over,
      • toss back,
      • defront,
      • reinserted,
      • complied with,
      • parts with,
      • come to,
      • captained,
      • takes care of,
      • meting out,
      • obey,
      • oversees,
      • pointing out,
      • be in the driver’s seat,
      • reasserting,
      • made clear,
      • Presenting,
      • made the grade,
      • transliterating,
      • holding the reins,
      • govern,
      • captaining,
      • reinserting,
      • recite,
      • be in saddle,
      • Debiting,
      • diagrammed,
      • get ready,
      • setting forth,
      • find the key,
      • heads up,
      • Tendering,
      • fix up with,
      • Lipping,
      • produce,
      • Ventured,
      • propones,
      • put squeeze on,
      • downed,
      • exercise authority,
      • wears the crown,
      • re-established,
      • lay down the law,
      • worsted,
      • DO,
      • reaffirming,
      • appear as,
      • go into detail,
      • break silence,
      • Dunned,
      • metes out,
      • give a report,
      • Propone,
      • execute,
      • give verbal account,
      • earn wings,
      • reseat,
      • put through,
      • knock over,
      • act out,
      • breaking down,
      • play,
      • wear the crown,
      • saying,
      • Dunning,
      • asservate,
      • hit the bull’s-eye,
      • inverses,
      • getting ready,
      • setting out,
      • pedalled,
      • made up for,
      • took care of,
      • take care of business,
      • taking care of business,
      • remakes,
      • pull the strings,
      • dope out,
      • Boning,
      • get the better of,
      • call the signals,
      • spieling,
      • set before,
      • reworded,
      • fork over,
      • turn the tables,
      • personate,
      • hold the reins,
      • Fluxed,
      • was victorious,
      • put forth,
      • dissolve,
      • pay,
      • restate,
      • soliloquizes,
      • make the grade,
      • making clear,
      • paying back,
      • express in own words,
      • thrust back,
      • parting with,
      • sit on top of,
      • drawing upon,
      • provide,
      • Smelting,
      • Worsting,
      • Provisioning,
      • soliloquize,
      • recapitulate,
      • Soliloquized,
      • parrot,
      • represent,
      • be equivalent,
      • knocked over,
      • arriving at,
      • administer,
      • rebating,
      • stocking up,
      • put the arm on,
      • governs,
      • sweeten the kitty,
      • translate,
      • rising above,
      • occupy throne,
      • inversed,
      • disambiguate,
      • Metaphrase,
      • spieled,
      • reaffirmed,
      • crack the whip,
      • pull strings,
      • reprinting,
      • get around,
      • wasted away,
      • piloting,
      • serve out,
      • assume command,
      • afford,
      • held sway,
      • re-establishes,
      • put into words,
      • set out,
      • Invoiced,
      • transliterated,
      • retrofit,
      • declare,
      • deal with,
      • passing away,
      • untangle,
      • obeys,
      • making the grade,
      • express in other words,
      • transpose,
      • DUNS,
      • copy out,
      • remake,
      • held forth,
      • making known,
      • stock up,
      • be just the ticket,
      • pedal,
      • roll back,
      • explain,
      • bring down the house,
      • setting right,
      • pass into,
      • be victorious,
      • performs,
      • Gifting,
      • unriddling,
      • look after,
      • scrape up,
      • overcome,
      • give out,
      • rustle up,
      • Overseeing,
      • served out,
      • wasting away,
      • reaffirm,
      • getting around,
      • reseating,
      • diffuses,
      • allegate,
      • be coming,
      • hand back,
      • bring to fruition,
      • reel off,
      • hold office,
      • diffused,
      • enciphering,
      • tape record,
      • fluidify,
      • return the compliment,
      • give,
      • traded,
      • Worded,
      • pull wires,
      • Provisioned,
      • comply with,
      • picture,
      • looking after.


      • digging up,
      • make payment,
      • digs up,
      • dig up,
      • pre-paid,
      • remunerate,
      • bear the cost,
      • plunk down,
      • cough up,
      • coughing up,
      • bear the expense,
      • prepays,
      • Prepaying,
      • prepaid,
      • recoup,
      • prepay,
      • footed,
      • coughed up.


      • giving birth,
      • bring forth,
      • parented,
      • produces,
      • giving forth,
      • authored,
      • bringing forth,
      • give forth,
      • authoring,
      • show fruit,
      • parenting,
      • flowered,
      • give birth.


      • leave holding the bag,
      • leave high and dry,
      • bag it,
      • leave in lurch.


      • body forth.

      turn over

      • pass on,
      • passes on,
      • passed on,
      • give over,
      • Handing,
      • handed,
      • passing on.

    How to use «Render» in context?

    Render is a software development workflow that converts models, textures, and animations into a finished product. It’s used to create 3D models and animations for video games, mobile applications, web apps, and other digital applications. Rendering combines the art and engineering disciplines to create a finished product. The goal of rendering is to create a high-quality 3D image that can be viewed in a simulation or physical space.

    Rendering starts with a model or a 3D sketch. The model or sketch is usually created using 3D modeling software such as Maya or 3D Studio Max.

    Paraphrases for Render:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Proper noun, singular
      • Noun, singular or mass
        rendering, Rendered.
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Noun, singular or mass
    • Independent

      • Adjective, comparative
      • Noun, singular or mass
        offer, Delivering, Providing.
      • Verb, non-3rd person singular present
        are, deliver, dictate, dispense, give, lend, offer, used.
      • Verb, base form
        administer, be, cancel, correctly, declare, deliver, deprive, dictate, disallow, dispense, engender, facilitate, give, incapacitate, lay, lend, made, neutralise, neutralize, nullify, offer, pronounce, prove, refuse, remove, rescind, transform, translate, Brought, Gives.
    • Other Related

      • Verb, base form
        express, surrender.

    Homophones for Render:

    • ranatra, re-enter, renter, reentry, rentier, rain tree, Rheometer, reindeer, rainwater, rowan tree, ranter, remainder, run dry, reminder, rounder, ruminator.

    Hyponym for Render:

    • n.

      • substance
    • v.

      • change
        make, get.
      • communication
        communicate, put across, pass on, pass along, pass, intercommunicate.
      • contact
        surface, coat.
      • possession
        present, give, gift.

    Word of the Day

    bow 1

    twist tie,


    • RENDER synonyms at
    • RENDER synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — RENDER synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of RENDER
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for RENDER


    render, synonym render, another word for render, words like render, thesaurus render

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    By the way
    found 12 synonyms

    1. generate (14)
    2. give (21)
    3. return (11)
    4. translate (7)
    5. try (0)
    6. depict (7)
    7. picture (8)
    8. represent (23)
    9. reproduce (8)
    10. portray (18)
    11. create (18)
    12. communicate (10)

    Morphological analysis of the word render

    Initial word form: RENDER

    All forms of the word:

    • RENDER

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