Raven синоним

What is another word for Raven?

  • devour


  • ebony

    black, dark

  • black

    very dark in color, dark

  • sable

    dark, colour

  • prey

    game, something stolen

  • inky

    black, very dark in color

  • gorge


  • dark

    very dark in color, black

  • pitch-black

    very dark in color, black

  • coal-black


  • guttle

  • jet

    dark, very dark in color

  • pitchy

  • swarthy

    dark, colour

  • pig

  • pillage

    something stolen, target of attack

  • pitch-dark

  • cram


  • wolf


  • predate

  • stuff

    something stolen, choke

  • gobble

  • loot

    something stolen, target of attack

  • bolt

  • gulp

  • crow

    black bird, bird

  • plunder

  • jet-black

  • sooty

  • dusky

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ravenous, ravening, ravenously, Ravenna

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Photo search results for Raven

Selective Focus Photograph of Black Crow Black Crow in Macro Photgraphy Black Bird Perching on Concrete Wall With Ocean Overview Black Crow Perching on Tree Low Angle Photo of Bird Flying during Night Black Crow Bird

Image search results for Raven

raven, crow, raven bird raven, bird, animal world bergdohle, jackdaw, winter bird, nature, jackdaw bird, nature, jackdaw raven, crow, night

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Synonyms for Raven. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 30, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/raven

Synonyms for Raven. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/raven>.

Synonyms for Raven. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/raven.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • raven [reɪvn] сущ

    1. воронм


ворон raven, corbie
цвета воронова крыла raven
вороной raven
черный с блестящим отливом raven
иметь волчий аппетит raven
набрасываться pounce, lash out, attack, come down, wade into, raven
рыскать в поисках добычи raven
есть с жадностью gorge, raven, tuck into, guzzle, devour, gobble
пожирать devour, gobble, consume, eat up, eat away, raven
искать добычу raven
грабить rob, plunder, loot, pillage, despoil, raven

Предложения со словом «raven»

Red found the silver leva Raven had given Shed.

Рыжий нашел серебряную леву, которую дал Шеду Ворон .

I recalled that Raven had been pretty good with tricks.

Я вспомнил, что Ворон тоже умел показывать фокусы.

It contained fifty silver castle coins from Raven’s horde.

В нем оказалось пятьдесят серебряных монет из запасов Ворона .

Raven took another sheet from the pile and resumed reading.

Ворон взял из кучи очередной лист и стал читать.

He grabbed Krage, dragged him toward Raven’s wagon.

Шед схватил Крейга за ноги и поволок к фургону Ворона .

We put Raven in the wagon and headed south.

Мы погрузили Ворона в фургон и направились на юг.

The raven took to the air again, and yellow and red kernels went everywhere.

Ворон опять взвился в воздух, а зерно, желтое с красным, рассыпалось по полу.

I negotiated the peace treaty between your people and the Raven’s Court.

Я добился мирного договора между твоим фьефом и Вороньим двором.

April sunlight turned the dark sheen of his hair to the gloss of a raven’s wing.

Апрельское солнце придало его темным волосам блеск воронова крыла.

The Raven King himself began life as a nameless slave in a fairy kingdom, and rose to great heights.

Сам Король Ворон начинал как безымянный слуга в царстве фей и достиг невероятных высот.

Revealing object, when you think about Raven , who comes across so bitter, cold, and silent, whose only use for a knife seems so sinister.

Многозначительный факт, когда начинаешь думать о Вороне , внешне столь мрачном, холодном и молчаливом.

They destroy factories and looms and proclaim themselves to be the followers of the Raven King.

Они крушат фабрики и станки, и провозглашают себя последователями Короля — ворона .

Then the scout, who had walked up behind Raven in utter silence, seized the boy.

И тут разведчик, совершенно бесшумно подошедший сзади к Ворону , схватил его за плечи.

Behind the raven a churned line of footsteps showed where men had slithered down the hill into dead ground.

За вороном просматривалась бегущая вниз по холму цепочка человеческих следов.

It was indistinct because the raven had speared a pickled egg with its beak.

Крик был невнятным потому, что ворон в своем клюве сжимал большое маринованное яйцо.

Raven does not do that unless he expects the situation to get nasty.

Ворон точил нож лишь в том случае, если ожидал, что ситуация станет паршивой.

The creator they worshiped was the raven god whom they pictured as an enormous black bird with white wings.

Они поклонялись богу — создателю в образе ворона , которого они представляли гигантской черной птицей с белыми крыльями.

He pointed to the sky, where a lone raven winged over the field.

Страж указал на небо, где кружил одинокий ворон .

Curse raven viper For operating under a cloak of darkness!

Чтоб обломилось Черному Вайперу за то, что действует под покровом тьмы!

King Taranis stated that your Raven Guard is a danger to all women.

Его величество утверждает, что Королевские Вороны представляют опасность для всех женщин.

He cast curses on Raven and all his house.

В душе он клял последними словами и Ворона , и весь род его.

Raven placed a foot on the carpet gingerly, seemed surprised that the works did not collapse.

Ворон осторожно поставил ногу на ковер и явно удивился, что вся конструкция не развалилась.

Jack had been recaptured, and would now suffer whatever punishment Raven demanded for his action.

Джека снова схватили, и теперь он понесет наказание, которое придумает для него Рейвн.

I figured the chances of anybody tracking Asa and Raven were nil.

Я считал, что шансы на поимку Азы и Ворона равны нулю.

Raven turns to her, smiles broadly, shrugs.

Ворон поворачивается к ней и с широкой улыбкой пожимает плечами.

Raven, we can’t find the ignition system.

Рейвен, мы не можем найти зажигательную систему.

Bran needs to find the raven beyond the Wall.

Брану нужно найти ворона за Стеной.

Send a raven with this message to Littlefinger at the Eyrie or wherever he’s slithering about.

Отправьте сообщение Мизинцу в Орлиное Гнездо, или где он там еще пресмыкается.

Colloquially, it calls the ‘bot the Iron Raven , a nod to the old Grumman Iron Works and how it seems to have a raven’s beak when viewed in profile.

Между собой они называют его «Железным вороном ». Это дань уважения старому сталелитейному заводу компании Grumman, и кроме того, если на беспилотник посмотреть в профиль, кажется, что у него вороний клюв.

As he quoted The Raven from Edgar Allan Poe.

Когда он процитировал Ворона из Эдгара Алана По.

Beware of the birds, he said. The raven and the crow.

Остерегайтесь птиц, — сказал он. Воронов и ворон .

This was the famous living water brought in legends by the Raven , water rich in radioactive salts.

Это была та самая живая вода, которую в сказках приносил ворон , — вода, богатая радиоактивными солями.

Raven, pull up screen four, rewind it.

Рэйвен, подтяни четвёртый экран и проиграй запись.

When raven crows and adder hisses, ’tis no time for Cupid’s kisses.

Когда ворон кричит и гадюка шипит. Купидону целовать сие время не велит.

To the wicked enemy, to the wicked raven .

Злому ворогу , злому ворону .

Blueprints rustled on the raven grass at their feet.

На черной как вороново крыло траве у их ног шуршали чертежи.

Although raven feathers tend to breed a little more discontent than canary.

Хотя перья ворона немного лучше отвращают, чем канареечные.

In the middle of the summer Moses the raven suddenly reappeared on the farm, after an absence of several years.

В середине лета на ферме после нескольких лет отсутствия неожиданно появился Мозус, ручной ворон .

Whet the steel, the raven croaks!

Точите мечи — ворон кричит!

Well, trooper raven , my name’s herriot.

Ну, рядовой Рэйвен, моя фамилия Хэрриот.

But he was not a pompous raven like you!

Но он наверняка не был такой чванливой вороной , как вы.

If we look at the spatial relationships between the crime scenes, it suggests the offender lives in the university quarter or Raven Hill travelling to and from the crime scenes on foot.

Если мы посмотрим на отношения сцен убийства, то можно предположить, что подозреваемый живет где — то в райное Рейвен Хилла, отправляясь на сцены убийства пешком.

So, you’re still sinning with Raven ?

Так, вы все еще грешите с Рэйвен?

And then she had such a fine head of hair; raven-black and so becomingly arranged: a crown of thick plaits behind, and in front the longest, the glossiest curls I ever saw.

И потом у нее замечательные волосы — черные, как вороново крыло, и так красиво причесаны: на затылке корона из толстых кос, а спереди длинные блестящие локоны.

Bring up the malware analysis Raven did on Isabel’s toy.

Подтяни аналитику Рэйвен по вирусу на игрушке Изабель.

The raven is a carrion bird… attracted to death and decay.

Ворон отвратительная птица, привлекаемая смертью и разложением.

My rotten, no good, bastard father… .. was stupidly entrusted to deliver the Book of the Raven King to a man in the Derbyshire Hills, the last man in England who could read the King’s letters.

Моему никчемному, пропащему отцу — ублюдку некто по глупости доверил отвезти Книгу Короля — ворона к одному человеку в Дербиширских холмах, последнему англичанину, читавшему письмена Короля.

The pigs had an even harder struggle to counteract the lies put about by Moses, the tame raven .

Г ораздо больше трудов доставила свиньям необходимость опровергать ложь, пущенную Мозусом, ручным вороном .

His mirth was hoarse and ghastly, like a raven’s croak, and the sick wolf joined him, howling lugubriously.

Он засмеялся хриплым, страшным смехом, похожим на карканье ворона , и больной волк вторил ему, уныло подвывая.

He could still laugh, that mad raven !

Он ещё смеялся, сумасшедший ворон !

‘It’s not very difficult to imagine,’ said Shulubin. His voice had become lively again, and he had lost his startled expression of the ‘miller-raven’.

А нетрудно и представить! — опять оживлялся Шулубин, но без этого всполошенного выражения мельника — ворона .

Draw out, you old raven , and keep to the right!

Сворачивай, ворона , направо!

Never look a raven in the eye for too long.

Никогда не смотри ворону в глаза.

Right, Raven get your coat please.

Ладно, Рейвен, бери пальто.

It’s good to see you, Raven .

Рад тебя видеть, Рейвен.

Who the hell’s Billy Raven ?

Кто такой Билли Рэйвен?

No raven will ever wear the number 44 again.

Никто из Воронов никогда не будет носить 44 номер.

Like the raven that perched above the lintel of the door, sad memory was here, grave in her widow weeds, crying never more.

Мучительное воспоминание о невозвратном прошлом будет вечно преследовать ее, словно плакальщик в траурных одеждах, словно пресловутый ворон , прокаркавший у дверей свое никогда, никогда.

Her black, glistening hair encircled her brow like the raven’s wing.

Черные блестящие волосы падали на ее лоб, как два вороньих крыла.

Nothing, said the Jewess; all about him is black as the wing of the night raven .

Нет, — отвечала еврейка, — все на нем черно как вороново крыло.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. raven, Corvus coraxverb

    large black bird with a straight bill and long wedge-shaped tail

  2. ravenverb

    obtain or seize by violence

    devour, pig, predate, guttle, prey

  3. raven, prey, predateverb

    prey on or hunt for

    «These mammals predate certain eggs»

    guttle, pig, forego, antedate, feed, forgo, antecede, foredate, precede, devour, prey, predate

  4. devour, guttle, raven, pigverb

    eat greedily

    «he devoured three sandwiches»

    pig it, guttle, pig, down, go through, consume, farrow, predate, devour, prey

  5. ravenverb

    feed greedily

    «The lions ravened the bodies»

    devour, pig, predate, guttle, prey

Matched Categories

    • Eat
    • Feed
    • Forage
    • Seize

NicknamesRate these nicknames:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of known nicknames for «Raven»:

    David Petruschin, Rachel Vickers, Raven St. James, Nelly Vickers, Nellie Marie Vickers, Vicky Vickers, Scott Anthony Levy, Scott Anthony, Johnny Polo, Scotty Flamingo, Scotty the Body, Scotty, Seaton «Chuck» Hancock III, Seaton Hancock III

Suggested Resources

  1. raven

    The raven symbol — In this Symbols.com article you will learn about the meaning of the raven symbol and its characteristic.

  2. raven

    Song lyrics by raven — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by raven on the Lyrics.com website.

How to pronounce raven?

How to say raven in sign language?

How to use raven in a sentence?

  1. Francis M. Faber Jr.:

    What is blacker than the ‘raven’?
    Answer; His Feathers:

  2. Nick Longrich:

    The fossil record is incomplete enough that if you’re in a new area or a new time, there’s a fair chance that the dinosaurs there are going to be distinct, Steven Jasinski said. For instance, scientists might discover a toe from a brand new species, but such subtle differences may be unrecognizable or impossible to prove. [ T ] hings that we call separate species today would be very, very hard to tell apart based on their skeleton( crow versus raven, for example).

  3. Jamal Lewis:

    George Gojkovich/Getty Images’s a sad day to be a Raven I must say.

  4. Robert Chesney:

    The Project Raven (story) perfectly well documents that there is reason to be concerned and it is Congress’ job to get to the bottom of it.

  5. Raven Saunders:

    Track was my first love…( it) gave me that oomph to push in the environment that I was in, i wasn’t necessarily fulfilled because being a young, Black, LGBTQ woman in America and being in Mississippi — the( most) old school of old school places that you can find in America — it was really hard going through a phase of trying to learn and find Raven Saunders in a place where I didn’t fully feel accepted.Steeplechaser Colleen Quigley discusses mental health, modeling and hunger for Olympic success.


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Are we missing a good synonym for raven?

  • sunless
  • unlighted
  • unlit
  • pitch-dark
  • starless
  • stygian
  • clouded
  • dusky
  • murky
  • shadowy
  • jet
  • wood
  • inky
  • dark
  • ebony
  • midnight
  • obsidian
  • sable
  • atramentous
  • bituminous
  • coal-black
  • ebon
  • inky
  • pitch-black
  • pitch-dark
  • brunet
  • charcoal
  • coal
  • ebony
  • jet
  • jetty
  • obsidian
  • pitch
  • sable
  • slate
  • sloe
  • atramentous
  • clouded
  • dingy
  • dusky
  • ebon
  • inklike
  • inky
  • livid
  • melanoid
  • murky
  • piceous
  • pitch-black
  • pitch-dark
  • pitchy
  • shadowy
  • somber
  • sombre
  • sooty
  • starless
  • stygian
  • swart
  • swarthy
  • atramentous
  • brunet
  • charcoal
  • clouded
  • coal
  • dingy
  • dusky
  • ebon
  • ebony
  • inklike
  • inky
  • jet
  • jetty
  • livid
  • melanoid
  • murky
  • obsidian
  • onyx
  • piceous
  • pitch
  • pitch-dark
  • pitch-dark pitchy
  • sable
  • shadowy
  • slate
  • sloe
  • somber
  • sombre
  • sooty
  • starless
  • stygian
  • swart
  • swarthy
  • atramentous
  • brunet
  • charcoal
  • clouded
  • coal
  • dingy
  • dusky
  • ebon
  • ebony
  • inklike
  • inky
  • jet
  • jetty
  • livid
  • melanoid
  • murky
  • obsidian
  • onyx
  • piceous
  • pitch
  • pitch-black
  • pitch-dark
  • sable
  • shadowy
  • slate
  • sloe
  • somber
  • sombre
  • sooty
  • starless
  • stygian
  • swart
  • swarthy
  • black
  • dark
  • ebony
  • jet
  • jetty
  • dusky
  • dusty
  • ebon
  • gloomy
  • inky
  • murky
  • pitch-black
  • pitch-dark
  • somber
  • chase
  • fish
  • fowl
  • kill
  • meat
  • prey
  • quarry
  • ravin
  • wild animals
  • aim
  • chase
  • game
  • objective
  • prey
  • prize
  • quest
  • victim
  • ravin
  • pillage
  • booty
  • goods
  • graft
  • loot
  • make
  • pickings
  • plunderage
  • prey
  • prize
  • quarry
  • rapine
  • spoil
  • stuff
  • take
  • trappings
  • winnings
  • hot goods
  • harbinger
  • Mother Carey’s chicken
  • omen
  • rebel
  • red flag
  • storm petrel
  • casualty
  • chased
  • dupe
  • game
  • kill
  • loot
  • mark
  • martyr
  • mug
  • pillage
  • quarry
  • quest
  • spoil
  • sufferer
  • underdog
  • victim
  • burden
  • clog
  • cloy
  • congest
  • cram
  • deluge
  • devour
  • feast
  • fill
  • flood
  • gorge
  • hog
  • inundate
  • jade
  • load
  • overfeed
  • overload
  • overstock
  • overwhelm
  • pack
  • pall
  • sate
  • satiate
  • saturate
  • stuff
  • surfeit
  • wolf
  • make a pig of
  • bully
  • devour
  • exploit
  • feed on
  • fleece
  • haunt
  • intimidate
  • oppress
  • plunder
  • take advantage of
  • victimize
  • blackmail
  • bleed
  • burden
  • consume
  • depredate
  • distress
  • eat
  • hunt
  • live off
  • load
  • raid
  • seize
  • tax
  • trouble
  • weigh
  • worry

On this page you’ll find 297 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to raven, such as: sunless, unlighted, unlit, pitch-dark, starless, and stygian.

  • white
  • white
  • white
      • good
      • happy
      • hopeful
      • white
          • gift
            • attacker
            • abstain
            • aid
            • deplete
            • deprive
            • dissatisfy
            • fast
            • help
            • open
            • relieve
            • underwhelm
            • diet
            • moderate
            • reduce
            • repress
            • suppress
            • aid
            • assist
            • give
            • help
            • guard
            • protect
            • save

            Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


            Mine Your Memory For The Answers To This Cryptocurrency Terms Quiz

            START THE QUIZ

            How to use raven in a sentence

            The sunken eyes, the tangled masses of raven hair, the look of exhaustion and hopeless woe.


            The dwarf who had watched her came back again on his raven followed this time by a crowd of little men.


            For, singular, uncanny circumstance, this was a one-eyed raven which sat upon the shoulder of his one-eyed master!

            DOPESAX ROHMER

            SYNONYM OF THE DAY

            OCTOBER 26, 1985


            • charcoal
            • coal-black
            • ebony
            • inklike
            • inky
            • jet
            • obsidian
            • onyx
            • pitch-black
            • raven
            • sable
            • inky
            • jet
            • raven
            • wood
            • chase
            • fish
            • fowl
            • kill
            • meat
            • prey
            • quarry
            • raven
            • ravin
            • wild animals
            • burden
            • clog
            • cloy
            • congest
            • cram
            • deluge
            • devour
            • feast
            • fill
            • flood
            • gorge
            • hog
            • inundate
            • jade
            • load
            • make a pig of
            • overfeed
            • overload
            • overstock
            • overwhelm
            • pack
            • pall
            • raven
            • sate
            • satiate
            • saturate
            • stuff
            • surfeit
            • wolf
            • atramentous
            • bituminous
            • coal-black
            • dark
            • ebon
            • ebony
            • inky
            • midnight
            • obsidian
            • pitch-black
            • pitch-dark
            • raven
            • sable
            • atramentous
            • brunet
            • charcoal
            • clouded
            • coal
            • dingy
            • dusky
            • ebon
            • ebony
            • inklike
            • inky
            • jet
            • jetty
            • livid
            • melanoid
            • murky
            • obsidian
            • piceous
            • pitch
            • pitch-black
            • pitch-dark
            • pitchy
            • raven
            • sable
            • shadowy
            • slate
            • sloe
            • somber
            • sombre
            • sooty
            • starless
            • stygian
            • swart
            • swarthy

            Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

            What is another word for raven?

            423 synonyms found


            [ ɹˈe͡ɪvən], [ ɹˈe‍ɪvən], [ ɹ_ˈeɪ_v_ə_n]

            Related words: raven tattoos, raven symbols, raven meaning, raven quotes and sayings, japanese names for ravens

            Related questions:

          • Is a raven a bird?
          • How does a raven fly?
          • What does a raven symbolize in japanese?
          • Is the raven canadian?
          • Why is a raven called a devil?
          • Table of Contents

            • adj.

              black (adjective)

              • slater,
              • swart,
              • Atramentous,
              • brunet,
              • ebon,
              • coaler,
              • Piceous,
              • coal,
              • obsidian,
              • inklike,
              • clouded,
              • onyx,
              • ebony,
              • sooty,
              • shadowy,
              • pitch,
              • somber,
              • murky,
              • pitch-dark,
              • sombrer,
              • jet,
              • pitch-black,
              • slate,
              • pitch dark,
              • starless,
              • pitchy,
              • swarthy,
              • dingy,
              • livid,
              • sombre,
              • melanoid,
              • charcoal,
              • dusky,
              • sloe,
              • stygian.

              ebony (adjective)

              • wood.

              jet (adjective)

              • inky,
              • midnight.

              Other relevant words: (adjective)

              • pitch black,
              • black,
              • wooder,
              • sable,
              • jetty,
              • coal-black,
              • dark,
              • pitch-dark pitchy,
              • bituminous.

              sable (adjective)

              • dusty,
              • gloomy.
            • n.

              Corvus Corax (noun)

              • Corvus Corax.

              • budgerigar,
              • bobwhite,
              • budgie,
              • bantam,
              • bluejay,
              • bird of paradise.

              animal (noun)

              • raven.

              bird (noun)

              • falcon,
              • magpie,
              • eagle,
              • oriole,
              • swan,
              • cassowary,
              • bluebird,
              • goose,
              • cockatoo,
              • emu,
              • pheasant,
              • grouse,
              • finch,
              • heron,
              • duck,
              • dove,
              • coot,
              • egret,
              • sheldrake,
              • grackle,
              • songbird,
              • ostrich,
              • sandpiper,
              • loon,
              • ringtail,
              • macaw,
              • albatross,
              • nightingale,
              • ibis,
              • horned owl,
              • bullfinch,
              • booby,
              • blackbird,
              • road runner,
              • sparrow,
              • mourning dove,
              • chickadee,
              • condor,
              • cormorant,
              • bald eagle,
              • robin,
              • pelican,
              • jackdaw,
              • wren,
              • barn owl,
              • turtledove,
              • crow,
              • crested jay,
              • myna,
              • hawk,
              • sea gull,
              • parrot,
              • lark,
              • partridge,
              • kingfisher,
              • mockingbird,
              • plover,
              • gull,
              • crane,
              • hummingbird,
              • pigeon,
              • nuthatch,
              • curlew,
              • harrier,
              • woodpecker,
              • osprey,
              • goldfinch,
              • yellowbird,
              • mallard,
              • rook,
              • bittern,
              • thrush,
              • stork,
              • swift,
              • cardinal,
              • canary,
              • penguin,
              • redwing,
              • grosbeak,
              • waxwing,
              • redbird,
              • blue jay,
              • dodo,
              • squab,
              • spoonbill,
              • turkey,
              • snipe,
              • flamingo,
              • weaver,
              • cuckoo,
              • teal,
              • buzzard,
              • starling,
              • Canada Goose,
              • parakeet,
              • vulture,
              • tern,
              • jay,
              • quetzal,
              • lovebird,
              • peregrine,
              • owl,
              • puffin,
              • bluebill,
              • peacock.

              devour (noun)

              • devour.

              gulp (noun)

              • gulp.

              guttle (noun)

              • guttle.

              Other relevant words: (noun)

              • demon,
              • pickings,
              • colour,
              • corvine bird,
              • game,
              • winnings,
              • hot goods,
              • prey,
              • stormy petrel,
              • plunderage,
              • plunder,
              • bird.

              plunder (noun)

              • graft,
              • booty,
              • make,
              • prize,
              • goods,
              • trappings,
              • take.

              prey (noun)

              • mark,
              • quest,
              • casualty,
              • dupe,
              • underdog,
              • sufferers,
              • martyr,
              • sufferer,
              • kill,
              • mug,
              • chased.

              stormy petrel (noun)

              • omen,
              • red flag,
              • rebel,
              • harbinger,
              • storm petrel,
              • Mother Carey’s Chicken.
            • v.

              glut (verb)

              • fill,
              • clog,
              • overwhelm,
              • pack,
              • satiate,
              • sate,
              • jade,
              • overload,
              • congest,
              • gorge,
              • flood,
              • wolf,
              • saturate,
              • stuff,
              • cram,
              • pall,
              • deluge,
              • inundate,
              • surfeit,
              • load,
              • overstock,
              • cloy,
              • feast,
              • burden.

              Other relevant words: (verb)

              • feed,
              • forage,
              • seize,
              • eat.
            • Other synonyms:

              Other relevant words:

              • overfeed,
              • ravening,
              • hog,
              • overfed,
              • overfeeding,
              • overfeeds,
              • make a pig of,
              • Ravened,
              • ravens,
              • Overstocking,
              • Overstocked,
              • glut.

              Other relevant words (noun):

              • nevertheless,
              • give birth,
              • sweep,
              • gormandize,
              • raid,
              • ravage,
              • bleak,
              • go through,
              • disastrous,
              • rapacity,
              • thirst for,
              • ravine,
              • be hungry,
              • forego,
              • antecede,
              • again,
              • disgraceful,
              • quarry,
              • hunger for,
              • crowbar,
              • smoke,
              • Hyacinthine,
              • faint,
              • maraud,
              • however,
              • nourish,
              • ransack,
              • Spoliate,
              • rifle,
              • thirst after,
              • antedate,
              • sooty mold,
              • hollow,
              • sepulchral,
              • thirst,
              • common raven,
              • accordingly,
              • drink in,
              • chough,
              • feel hungry,
              • black clouds,
              • gulp down,
              • ravish,
              • target,
              • ink,
              • corbel,
              • how,
              • foredate,
              • gathering clouds,
              • anyway,
              • despoil,
              • foray,
              • thus,
              • dense,
              • famish,
              • precede,
              • therefore,
              • tar,
              • achromatic,
              • consume,
              • raven-black,
              • ingurgitate,
              • lust after,
              • Coaly,
              • bird type,
              • Thunderhead,
              • browse,
              • Depredate,
              • swallow food,
              • robbery,
              • dissipate,
              • so,
              • wolf down,
              • afterward,
              • why,
              • engorge,
              • thundercloud,
              • predate,
              • expend,
              • fatal,
              • raucous,
              • grim,
              • whereby,
              • guzzle,
              • cry,
              • fateful,
              • dirty,
              • ink-black,
              • starve,
              • daw,
              • gut,
              • night,
              • eat out of house and home,
              • rapine,
              • black cat,
              • die for,
              • be ravenous,
              • dumb,
              • black as night,
              • pig,
              • down,
              • burn,
              • hunger,
              • unclean,
              • broken mirror,
              • loot,
              • jet-black,
              • thence,
              • yet,
              • reive,
              • forgo,
              • corvus,
              • fleece,
              • corrode,
              • rough,
              • crave,
              • squander,
              • spoil,
              • dry,
              • hunger after,
              • black as ink,
              • quaff,
              • victim,
              • inhale,
              • croaking,
              • thusly,
              • black as coal,
              • sack,
              • husky,
              • gluttonize,
              • storm clouds,
              • pillage,
              • also,
              • pig it,
              • dispiriting,
              • dine,
              • shooting star,
              • then,
              • prey on,
              • cantilever,
              • spend,
              • batten,
              • smut,
              • colored,
              • grisly,
              • consequently,
              • dark color,
              • black as midnight,
              • grasp,
              • spoliation,
              • dark cloud,
              • tarry,
              • fritter,
              • bare,
              • depredation,
              • chase,
              • bolt,
              • prey upon,
              • hence,
              • gobble up,
              • unlit,
              • evil,
              • hoarse,
              • Corbie,
              • despoliation,
              • soot,
              • rainbow,
              • when,
              • unlighted,
              • bolt down,
              • absorb,
              • pope cornelius,
              • eat like a horse,
              • scoff,
              • nonetheless,
              • angry clouds,
              • black as ebony,
              • gobble,
              • hanker after,
              • black man,
              • ghastly,
              • overgorge.

            How to use «Raven» in context?

            There are many different meanings to the word «raven» and it can have many different associated feelings and memories. It is a word that evokes a sense of mystery and intrigue, as well as being a potent symbol of strength and power. In some cultures, ravens are considered to be messengers of bad luck, while in others they are seen as symbols of wisdom and knowledge. Mythology and folklore abound with tales and stories involving ravens, and their roles in society and in the natural world are often both enigmatic and significant.

            Paraphrases for Raven:

            Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
            • Other Related

              • Proper noun, singular
              • Noun, singular or mass

            Homophones for Raven:

            • rivina, ravine, ravan, reuben, refine, robin, ribbony, rapine, rpm, revenue, reopen, ripen, repine, rope in, robinia, ruffian, ribbon, ravenna, riffian.

            Holonyms for Raven:

            • n.

              • animal
                corvus, Genus Corvus.

            Hyponym for Raven:

            • n.

              • animal
                corvine bird.
            • v.

              • consumption
                eat, feed.
              • contact

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            bow 1

            twist tie,


            • RAVEN synonyms at Thesaurus.com
            • RAVEN synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
            • Powerthesaurus.org
              — RAVEN synonyms
            • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of RAVEN
            • YourDictionary
              — another words for RAVEN

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