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5 синонимов к слову «ПОЙНТ» -  synonyms.su

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: — встреча — тусовка — сейшн — цилиндр — пойнтовка…

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5 (1)

Синоним Рейтинг
1 встреча[60]00 0
2 тусовка[43]00 0
3 сейшн[14]00 0
4 цилиндр[28]00 0
5 пойнтовка[4]00 0

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Частое повторение одинаковых слов (тавтология) делает речь скучной и однообразной. Спасти положение могут синонимы. Это слова, близкие по смыслу, но разные по звучанию. Используйте их, и ваши тексты станут ярче.

Если вам нужно подобрать синонимы к слову «пойнт», вы попали по адресу. Мы постарались собрать все близкие по значению слова и словосочетания на этой странице и сделать доступными для использования. В русском языке в качестве синонимов к слову чаще всего используются: встреча, тусовка, сейшн. Всего в словаре 5 синонимов.

Слово «пойнт» имеет как синонимы, так и антонимы. Они диаметрально противоположны по значению, но относятся к той же лексической группе и выполняют похожие функции в предложении.

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Смотреть что такое ПОЙНТ в других словарях:


сущ., кол-во синонимов: 5
• встреча (50)
• пойнтовка (4)
• сейшн (14)
• тусовка (33)
• цилиндр (22)
Словарь синонимов ASIS.В.Н. Тришин.2013.
встреча, пойнтовка, сейшн, тусовка, цилиндр… смотреть


1) Орфографическая запись слова: пойнт2) Ударение в слове: по`йнт3) Деление слова на слоги (перенос слова): пойнт4) Фонетическая транскрипция слова пой… смотреть


(англ. point) — пустотелый металлич. цилиндр, предназнач. для оттаивания паром мёрзлых пород. Дл. П. 2 — 3 м, диам. 19 — 22 мм. Пар обычно поступает в … смотреть


пойнт, -аСинонимы:
встреча, пойнтовка, сейшн, тусовка, цилиндр


встреча, пойнтовка, сейшн, тусовка, цилиндр


ПОЙНТ (англ . point), пустотелый стальной цилиндр для оттаивания паром мерзлых пород. Применяется в основном на россыпях.


ПОЙНТ (англ. point) — пустотелый стальной цилиндр для оттаивания паром мерзлых пород. Применяется в основном на россыпях.


— (англ. point) — пустотелый стальной цилиндр для оттаивания пароммерзлых пород. Применяется в основном на россыпях.


Начальная форма — Пойнт, винительный падеж, единственное число, мужской род, неодушевленное


Ударение в слове: п`ойнтУдарение падает на букву: о


Нто Пойнт Пот Йот Той Тон Топ Понт Опт Ной Нпо


ПОЙНТ (англ . point), пустотелый стальной цилиндр для оттаивания паром мерзлых пород. Применяется в основном на россыпях.


ПОЙНТ (англ. point), пустотелый стальной цилиндр для оттаивания паром мерзлых пород. Применяется в основном на россыпях.

Все словари русского языка: Толковый словарь, Словарь синонимов, Словарь антонимов, Энциклопедический словарь, Академический словарь, Словарь существительных, Поговорки, Словарь русского арго, Орфографический словарь, Словарь ударений, Трудности произношения и ударения, Формы слов, Синонимы, Тезаурус русской деловой лексики, Морфемно-орфографический словарь, Этимология, Этимологический словарь, Грамматический словарь, Идеография, Пословицы и поговорки, Этимологический словарь русского языка.


Синонимы к слову поинтеллигентнее

нареч, кол-во синонимов: 1

Полезные сервисы


Орфографический словарь

Полезные сервисы


Синонимы к слову поинтересовавшийся

прил., кол-во синонимов: 9

Полезные сервисы


Толковый словарь


Проявить к кому-либо, чему-либо интерес.

ПОИНТЕРЕСОВА́ТЬСЯ — глаг., св., употр. сравн. часто

Морфология: я поинтересу́юсь, ты поинтересу́ешься, он/она/оно поинтересу́ется, вы поинтересу́етесь, они поинтересу́ются, поинтересу́йся, поинтересу́йтесь, поинтересова́лся, поинтересова́лась, поинтересова́лось, поинтересова́лись, поинтересова́вшийся, поинтересова́вшись

1. см. нсв. интересоваться

2. Если кто-либо поинтересовался, то это означает, что этот человек задал кому-либо вопрос о чём-либо с целью узнать что-либо существенное для себя.

Вы художник? — поинтересовался попутчик. | — Ты кем работал до этого? — поинтересовался Никитич.

Толковый словарь Ушакова

ПОИНТЕРЕСОВА́ТЬСЯ, поинтересуюсь, поинтересуешься, совер. (к интересоваться). Проявить интерес, любопытство, внимательность. Я поинтересовался узнать, что там произошло.

Толковый словарь Ожегова

ПОИНТЕРЕСОВА́ТЬСЯ см. интересоваться.

Энциклопедический словарь

ПОИНТЕРЕСОВА́ТЬСЯ -су́юсь, -су́ешься; св. Проявить некоторый интерес (1 зн.) к кому, чему. П. поведением сына в школе. Раньше других поинтересовался новым соседом. Вы художник? — поинтересовался попутчик.

Академический словарь

-су́юсь, -су́ешься; сов.

Проявить некоторый интерес (в 1 знач.) к кому-, чему-л.

[Сосипатра:] Не думала, что он раньше других поинтересуется Оболдуевой. А. Островский, Красавец-мужчина.

Я как-то даже не поинтересовался прислушаться, за что именно меня высылают. Короленко, История моего современника.

— Поди, из студентов кто-нибудь к вам приставлен? — поинтересовался Матвей. Марков, Строговы.

Орфографический словарь

поинтересова́ться, -су́юсь, -су́ется

Синонимы к слову поинтересоваться

спросить, узнать, полюбопытствовать, осведомиться, задать вопрос

Морфемно-орфографический словарь

Грамматический словарь

Полезные сервисы


Синонимы к слову поинтриговавший

прил., кол-во синонимов: 2

Полезные сервисы


Толковый словарь

сов. перех.

В течение некоторого времени совершить действие, названное соответствующим беспрефиксным глаголом.

Толковый словарь Ушакова

ПОИНТРИГОВА́ТЬ, поинтригую, поинтригуешь, совер., кого-что и без доп. Провести некоторое время, интригуя.

Энциклопедический словарь

ПОИНТРИГОВА́ТЬ -гу́ю, -гу́ешь; св. Интриговать некоторое время. Любитель п.

Академический словарь

-гу́ю, -гу́ешь; сов., перех. и без доп.

Интриговать некоторое время.

Незнакомка сильно куталась в большой платок, так что ее лица нельзя было рассмотреть; но голос был изменен; очевидно, добрый гений хотел поинтриговать предварительно. Мамин-Сибиряк, Горное гнездо.

Орфографический словарь

поинтригова́ть, -гу́ю, -гу́ет

Морфемно-орфографический словарь

Грамматический словарь

Полезные сервисы

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. pointnoun

    to indicate a probability of something

    place, position, spot, location

  2. pointnoun

    To direct or encourage (someone) in a particular direction

    If he asks for food, point him toward the refrigerator.

    time, moment

  3. pointnoun

    to separate an integer from a decimal with a decimal point

    end, tip

  4. pointnoun

    to mark with diacritics

    decimal point

  5. pointnoun

    To direct the central processing unit to seek information at a certain location in memory.

    opinion, view, viewpoint, point of view

  6. pointverb

    To direct requests sent to a domain name to the IP address corresponding to that domain name.


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. point

    Advert, mention, and refer are used of language that more or less distinctly utters a certain thought; the others of language from which it may be inferred. We allude to a matter slightly, perhaps by a word or phrase, as it were in byplay; we advert to it when we turn from our path to treat it; we refer to it by any clear utterance that distinctly turns the mind or attention to it; as, marginal figures refer to a parallel passage; we mention a thing by explicit word, as by naming it. The speaker adverted to the recent disturbances and the remissness of certain public officers; tho he mentioned no name, it was easy to see to whom he alluded. One may hint at a thing in a friendly way, but what is insinuated is always unfavorable, generally both hostile and cowardly. One may indicate his wishes, intimate his plans, imply his opinion, signify his will, suggest a course of action. Compare SUGGESTION.

    advert, allude, hint, imply, indicate, insinuate, intimate, mention, refer, signify, suggest

    The passage evidently alludes to the Jewish Passover.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. pointverb

    aim, level, direct, show, indicate

  2. pointnoun

    apex, top, summit, sharp end, aim, purpose, subject matter, object

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. pointnoun

    a geometric element that has position but no extension

    «a point is defined by its coordinates»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  2. pointnoun

    the precise location of something; a spatially limited location

    «she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  3. pointnoun

    a brief version of the essential meaning of something

    «get to the point»; «he missed the point of the joke»; «life has lost its point»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  4. detail, item, pointnoun

    an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole

    «several of the details are similar»; «a point of information»

    period, stage, power point, full point, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, detail, peak, full stop, token, tip, particular, head, item, compass point, distributor point, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level, contingent

  5. degree, level, stage, pointnoun

    a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process

    «a remarkable degree of frankness»; «at what stage are the social sciences?»

    tier, full point, layer, stratum, dot, spot, stop, head, leg, full stop, horizontal surface, gunpoint, peak, microscope stage, point in time, floor, percentage point, breaker point, spirit level, phase, power point, academic degree, level, grade, stage, degree, arcdegree, pointedness, period, story, detail, decimal point, distributor point, item, stagecoach, compass point, storey, tip

  6. point, point in timenoun

    an instant of time

    «at that point I had to leave»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  7. pointnoun

    the object of an activity

    «what is the point of discussing it?»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  8. point, tip, peaknoun

    a V shape

    «the cannibal’s teeth were filed to sharp points»

    hint, bloom, heyday, wind, spot, pinnacle, crest, dot, breaker point, stop, head, full stop, confidential information, bakshis, gunpoint, visor, peak, gratuity, pourboire, vizor, lead, point in time, prime, superlative, percentage point, tip, baksheesh, apex, full point, steer, eyeshade, efflorescence, bill, level, extremum, elevation, stage, degree, pointedness, bakshish, meridian, blossom, period, power point, acme, detail, decimal point, distributor point, flower, flush, item, top, compass point, tiptop, vertex, summit, crown, backsheesh, height

  9. point, dotnoun

    a very small circular shape

    «a row of points»; «draw lines between the dots»

    period, stage, window pane, back breaker, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, battery-acid, distributor point, full point, full stop, pane, peak, power point, head, superman, dose, item, acid, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level, loony toons, dit

  10. pointnoun

    the unit of counting in scoring a game or contest

    «he scored 20 points in the first half»; «a touchdown counts 6 points»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  11. pointnoun

    a promontory extending out into a large body of water

    «they sailed south around the point»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  12. item, pointnoun

    a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list

    «he noticed an item in the New York Times»; «she had several items on her shopping list»; «the main point on the agenda was taken up first»

    period, stage, power point, full point, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, detail, peak, full stop, token, tip, particular, head, item, compass point, distributor point, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  13. pointnoun

    a style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing quality or effect

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  14. point, spotnoun

    an outstanding characteristic

    «his acting was one of the high points of the movie»

    touch, slur, berth, blot, place, spot, stain, billet, dot, breaker point, stop, head, full stop, dapple, gunpoint, post, peak, spotlight, topographic point, bit, position, point in time, smear, percentage point, period, full point, fleck, situation, level, stage, degree, pointedness, daub, speckle, smudge, power point, detail, decimal point, distributor point, smirch, item, office, compass point, maculation, pip, tip, patch

  15. pointnoun

    sharp end

    «he stuck the point of the knife into a tree»; «he broke the point of his pencil»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  16. compass point, pointnoun

    any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass

    «he checked the point on his compass»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  17. pointnoun

    a linear unit used to measure the size of type; approximately 1/72 inch

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  18. pointnoun

    one percent of the total principal of a loan; it is paid at the time the loan is made and is independent of the interest on the loan

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  19. period, point, full stop, stop, full pointnoun

    a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations

    «in England they call a period a stop»

    hitch, occlusion, plosive, spot, menses, halt, catamenia, dot, period of time, stop, head, full stop, gunpoint, peak, flow, plosive speech sound, diaphragm, point in time, blockage, percentage point, breaker point, catch, full point, stop consonant, block, menstruation, time period, stopover, layover, level, occlusive, stage, degree, pointedness, stoppage, arrest, period, power point, stay, detail, decimal point, distributor point, item, plosive consonant, geological period, compass point, menstruum, tip, closure, check

  20. point, headnoun

    a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer

    «the point of the arrow was due north»

    heading, promontory, psyche, school principal, spot, nous, mind, head teacher, dot, breaker point, stop, head, full stop, question, gunpoint, forefront, peak, top dog, point in time, percentage point, brain, headland, full point, header, principal, headspring, headway, level, foreland, pass, chief, degree, pointedness, read/write head, drumhead, head word, period, power point, detail, decimal point, distributor point, capitulum, oral sex, item, fountainhead, caput, compass point, straits, stage, tip

  21. decimal point, percentage point, pointnoun

    the dot at the left of a decimal fraction

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, level, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, decimal point

  22. point, pointednessnoun

    the property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  23. pointnoun

    a distinguishing or individuating characteristic

    «he knows my bad points as well as my good points»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  24. point, gunpointnoun

    the gun muzzle’s direction

    «he held me up at the point of a gun»

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  25. point, power pointnoun

    a wall socket

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, distributor point, full point, full stop, peak, power point, head, item, compass point, detail, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot, level

  26. distributor point, breaker point, pointverb

    a contact in the distributor; as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts them and current flows to the spark plugs

    period, stage, gunpoint, pointedness, decimal point, degree, dot, percentage point, tip, item, full point, full stop, power point, level, head, peak, detail, compass point, distributor point, breaker point, stop, point in time, spot

  27. indicate, point, designate, showverb

    indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively

    «I showed the customer the glove section»; «He pointed to the empty parking space»; «he indicated his opponents»

    fate, taper, place, suggest, demo, exhibit, register, show, testify, head, depict, target, evidence, sharpen, maneuver, present, read, indicate, specify, channelize, record, betoken, denominate, repoint, channelise, picture, assign, signal, shew, steer, usher, intend, manoeuver, delegate, destine, aim, designate, manoeuvre, depute, level, prove, render, direct, charge, luff, doom, establish, demonstrate, evince, argue, bespeak, express, orient, guide, show up, bear witness

  28. orient, pointverb

    be oriented

    «The weather vane points North»; «the dancers toes pointed outward»

    manoeuvre, manoeuver, sharpen, taper, channelize, indicate, aim, betoken, maneuver, place, head, luff, guide, repoint, direct, orientate, tailor, designate, charge, channelise, target, bespeak, steer, signal, level, orient, show

  29. charge, level, pointverb

    direct into a position for use

    «point a gun»; «He charged his weapon at me»

    channelize, excite, taper, bear down, place, tear down, raze, blame, show, commove, commit, burden, bespeak, agitate, betoken, appoint, even out, dismantle, level off, load, level, indicate, rouse, sharpen, channelise, file, pull down, shoot down, accuse, head, institutionalise, orient, lodge, manoeuver, bill, designate, manoeuvre, consign, direct, take down, institutionalize, turn on, charge, luff, aim, buck, charge up, repoint, even, shoot, flush, target, tear, send, signal, maneuver, saddle, guide, rase, steer

  30. steer, maneuver, manoeuver, manoeuvre, direct, point, head, guide, channelize, channeliseverb

    direct the course; determine the direction of travelling

    channelize, operate, transfer, taper, repoint, place, pass, show, head, target, lead, sharpen, maneuver, take, indicate, signal, betoken, aim, channelise, take aim, train, steer, channel, manoeuver, transport, address, manoeuvre, direct, level, engineer, organize, charge, organise, luff, calculate, head up, conduct, draw, bespeak, guide on, run, orient, send, orchestrate, mastermind, guide, designate, transmit

  31. bespeak, betoken, indicate, point, signalverb

    be a signal for or a symptom of

    «These symptoms indicate a serious illness»; «Her behavior points to a severe neurosis»; «The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued»

    predict, augur, foreshadow, taper, call for, prognosticate, place, suggest, betoken, show, head, guide, request, foretell, maneuver, auspicate, signalise, channelize, level, indicate, channelise, signal, sign, steer, quest, manoeuver, signalize, aim, designate, manoeuvre, portend, direct, bode, charge, luff, presage, repoint, argue, bespeak, target, orient, omen, forecast, sharpen, prefigure

  32. luff, pointverb

    sail close to the wind

    manoeuvre, manoeuver, sharpen, taper, bespeak, indicate, aim, betoken, maneuver, place, head, luff, guide, repoint, direct, channelize, level, designate, charge, channelise, target, steer, signal, orient, show

  33. pointverb

    mark (Hebrew words) with diacritics

    manoeuvre, manoeuver, sharpen, taper, bespeak, indicate, aim, betoken, maneuver, place, head, luff, guide, repoint, direct, channelize, designate, charge, channelise, target, steer, signal, level, orient, show

  34. pointverb

    mark with diacritics

    «point the letter»

    manoeuvre, manoeuver, sharpen, taper, bespeak, indicate, aim, betoken, maneuver, place, head, luff, guide, repoint, direct, channelize, designate, charge, channelise, target, steer, signal, level, orient, show

  35. pointverb

    mark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes

    manoeuvre, manoeuver, sharpen, taper, bespeak, indicate, aim, betoken, maneuver, place, head, luff, guide, repoint, direct, channelize, designate, charge, channelise, target, steer, signal, level, orient, show

  36. pointverb

    be positionable in a specified manner

    «The gun points with ease»

    manoeuvre, manoeuver, sharpen, taper, bespeak, indicate, aim, betoken, maneuver, place, head, luff, guide, repoint, direct, channelize, designate, charge, channelise, target, steer, signal, level, orient, show

  37. target, aim, place, direct, pointverb

    intend (something) to move towards a certain goal

    «He aimed his fists towards his opponent’s face»; «criticism directed at her superior»; «direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself»

    charge, taper, drive, repoint, rank, channelise, get, put, localize, organise, range, commit, target, lead, station, sharpen, maneuver, take, place, signal, designate, come in, betoken, position, grade, steer, purpose, take aim, show, train, lay, calculate, engineer, manoeuver, purport, aspire, aim, address, manoeuvre, direct, level, head, identify, organize, channelize, propose, luff, shoot for, draw a bead on, conduct, post, invest, bespeak, locate, rate, orient, send, orchestrate, mastermind, come out, set, guide, order, site, pose, localise, indicate

  38. pointverb

    indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle

    «the dog pointed the dead duck»

    manoeuvre, manoeuver, sharpen, taper, bespeak, indicate, aim, betoken, maneuver, place, head, luff, guide, repoint, direct, channelize, designate, charge, channelise, target, steer, signal, level, orient, show

  39. sharpen, taper, pointverb

    give a point to

    «The candles are tapered»

    manoeuvre, manoeuver, focus, head, bespeak, indicate, aim, betoken, maneuver, place, taper, luff, designate, sharpen, guide, repoint, heighten, focalise, direct, channelize, focalize, charge, channelise, target, steer, signal, level, orient, show

  40. point, repointverb

    repair the joints of bricks

    «point a chimney»

    manoeuvre, manoeuver, sharpen, taper, bespeak, indicate, aim, betoken, maneuver, place, head, luff, guide, repoint, direct, channelize, designate, charge, channelise, target, steer, signal, level, orient, show

Matched Categories

    • Aim
    • Be
    • Characteristic
    • Component
    • Control
    • Direction
    • Disk
    • End
    • Fact
    • Indicate
    • Linear Unit
    • Loan
    • Location
    • Mark
    • Mathematical Notation
    • Meaning
    • Measure
    • Navigation
    • Part
    • Promontory
    • Relevance
    • Repair
    • Sail
    • State
    • Taper
    • Unit Of Measurement
    • Wall Socket

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. pointnoun

    sharp end

  2. pointnoun

    cape, headland, projection

  3. pointnoun

    moment, instant, period, verge, eve

  4. pointnoun

    spot, place, station, stage

  5. pointnoun

    degree, grade, state, condition

  6. pointnoun

    object, end, aim, purpose, design

  7. pointnoun

    punctilio, nicety

  8. pointnoun

    question, position, thesis, theme, proposition, text, subject-matter, moot point

  9. pointnoun

    respect, particular aspect

  10. pointnoun

    10. characteristic, peculiarity, salient trait

  11. pointnoun

    mark (as of punctuation), character, stop

  12. pointnoun

    dot, speck

  13. pointnoun

    sally, witticism, flash of wit, lively turn of thought

  14. pointnoun

    poignancy, sting

  15. pointverb

    sharpen, make pointed

  16. pointverb

    aim, level, direct

  17. pointverb

    indicate, designate, show, point out, direct attention to

  18. pointverb


Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. pointnoun

    prick, gad, goad, punctilio, nicety, subtlety, poignancy, sting, degree, step, stage, ferrule, zenith (highest point), nadir (lowest point), aiglet, tag, apex, tip

  2. pointverb

    aim, level, direct, show, indicate, designate, punctuate, taper

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. List of paraphrases for «point»:

    item, kok, points, aspect, issue, remark, comment, paragraph, dot, stage, matter, question, motion, punto, moment, thing, extent, observation, time, verge, knitted, argument, element, regard, juncture, point-in-time, choose, subject, select, respect, station, punkt, sense, bodu, place, topic, pointe, spot, centre, draw

How to pronounce point?

How to say point in sign language?

How to use point in a sentence?

  1. Rakim Mayers:

    At this point I intervened. I threw him to the ground, and stepped on his arm, I kicked his arm and I punched or shoved him.

  2. Dez Dickerson:

    I’m thankful I had a very authentic relationship, obviously, he was my employer but at the same time there was a level of respect and because of the window of time I worked with him it was in that critical point where you go from off-the-radar to dominating the radar. I think, more than anything else, I really felt, and he demonstrated, that he saw me as not just a band member or employee but more as a confidante big brother and we had an authentic relationship.

  3. Nate Lashley:

    It definitely crosses your mind, it came through my mind at one point today. At some points it’s not easy, but it goes through your mind and it’s something that’s always going to be there.

  4. James Clyburn:

    At some point, I want to go to a rocking chair. At some point I want to have more time to play golf.

  5. Darren Seifer:

    This might actually have an effect. Sugar is the focal point for consumers right now.

Translations for point

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • نقطة, موقعArabic
  • точкаBulgarian
  • বিন্দুBengali
  • punt, endollCatalan, Valencian
  • ukázat, špička, výběžek, bod, čárka, nasměrovat, okamžik, místoCzech
  • punktum, pege, komma, punkt, point, tidspunkt, pointeDanish
  • Punkt, Komma, zeigen, Spitze, Landzunge, Standpunkt, Zeitpunkt, Halbinsel, PeninsulaGerman
  • σημείο, μνεία, θέση, δείχνω, βαθμός, ακίδα, μύτη, ακρωτήριο, στιγμή, αναφορά, αιχμή, υποδιαστολή, κόμμαGreek
  • poento, punktoEsperanto
  • [[punto]], punto, indicar, apuntar, puntaSpanish
  • ivaEstonian
  • نقطه, پوانPersian
  • pilkku, yksityiskohta, niemenkärki, kärki, nokka, pointti, piikki, rahtu, kiila, hetki, ilmansuunta, kunto, osoittaa, osoitella, täplä, piste, kymmenys, desimaalipilkku, pistorasia, sähköpiste, niemimaa, vaihe, hitunen, niemi, vaihde, näkökohta, näyttää, paikka, puoli, mieli, järkiFinnish
  • stigFaroese
  • indiquer, instant, point, but, objectif, pointe, virgule, flèche, case, point de vue, avis, pointer, dixième, prise, prise électrique, aiguillage, aiguille, péninsule, détail, opinionFrench
  • pointe, ponc, pointe ama, tráth, bior, rinn, rinn compáis, aird an chompáis, áit, pointe deachúlachIrish
  • àm, sròn, àird, àite, puing, seòl, bàrr, tomh, brìgh, amais, rubhaScottish Gaelic
  • બિંદુGujarati
  • נקודהHebrew
  • बिंदुHindi
  • csúcs, pont, lényeg, tizedespont, hegy, szempont, mutat, tizedesvesszőHungarian
  • կետ, ստորակետ, ծայր, թերակղզի, վայր, մատնացույց անել, միավոր, բերան, պահ, տեղArmenian
  • puncto, puncta, indicarInterlingua
  • titikIndonesian
  • PintarIdo
  • punto, virgolaItalian
  • ポイント, 点, 指す, 先Japanese
  • წვერიGeorgian
  • 점, 포인트Korean
  • نووکKurdish
  • punctumLatin
  • taškasLithuanian
  • kātara, mata, pūwāhi, pōkanekane, kūreitangaMāori
  • बिंदूMarathi
  • mata, tujuMalay
  • spissNorwegian
  • बिन्दुNepali
  • doelpunt, komma, onderdeel, tijdpunt, standpunt, punt, plek, doelstelling, oord, locatie, schiereiland, eenheid, stopcontact, tijdstip, wijzen, tel, plaats, objectief, target, doelDutch
  • punktNorwegian
  • ਬਿੰਦੂPanjabi, Punjabi
  • ostrze, szpic, chwila, punkt, wskazywać, kierować, punkty, przecinek, czubek, cypel, moment, punkt widzeniaPolish
  • pingo, ponto, apontar, objetivo, [[apontar]] [[para]], pontinha, décimo, península, direção, vírgula, ponta, milésimo, instante, propósito, indicar, ponto final, agulhaPortuguese
  • punctRomanian
  • полуо́стров, мне́ние, взгляд, пункт, указывать, очко́, то́чка, край, моме́нт, ме́сто, цель, смысл, острыйRussian
  • बिन्दुSanskrit
  • konica, pokazati, točka, kazati, pikaSlovene
  • punkt, plats, poäng, peka ut, peka på, peka, komma, spetsSwedish
  • pointiSwahili
  • புள்ளிTamil
  • พินทุThai
  • tuldok, puntoTagalog
  • nơiVietnamese
  • pün, länalineg, tinisulVolapük
  • ponteWalloon
  • indawo, iphuzu, iphoyinti, isihloko, umklomeloZulu

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