Переводчик с синонимами на английском

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Чтобы интегрироваться в современный мир, нужно уметь представлять себя, свои идеи и свой бизнес на английском. Переведенное на английский резюме или научный труд значительно повышают шансы на успех. В деловом мире английский язык также является главным средством общения. Он господствует в устных переговорах и в переписке, с русского на английский часто переводятся проекты и контракты, на товары предоставляется англоязычная документация.

Практически в любом онлайн-магазине по всему миру можно заказать товар, обсудить детали и открыть спор, если это потребуется, на английском языке.

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Основные варианты перевода слова «синоним» на английский

- synonym |ˈsɪnənɪm|  — синоним

синоним для — a synonym for
лексический синоним — lexical synonym
разрешённый синоним — allowed synonym

неразрёшенный синоним — disallowed synonym
морфологический синоним — morphological synonym
определение через синоним — a synonym definition
абсолютный синоним; полный синоним — absolute synonym
синтаксический эквивалент; синтаксический синоним — syntactic synonym
контекстуальный синоним; идеографический синоним; контекстный синоним — contextual synonym

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

- convertible terms  — синонимы
- synonymous |sɪˈnɑːnɪməs|  — синонимичный, синонимический

Родственные слова, либо редко используемые варианты перевода

- alias |ˈeɪlɪəs|  — псевдоним, прозвище, кличка, вымышленное имя

Синоним — не что иное, как сходное значение конкретного слова или его семантического отношения. Таким образом, это слово или фраза, которые означают то же самое, что и другое слово или фраза. Тем не менее, многие синонимы имеют различные смысловые оттенки — коннотации, которые представляют собой не сами предметы и явления, а отношение к ним.

  English Word Перевод Synonyms 1 Ability способность Синонимы ability: aptitude, capability, capacity, competence, competency, efficiency, faculty, power, skill, talent 2 Able способный Синонимы able: accomplished, adept, adequate, adroit, capable, clever, competent, efficient, expert, fit, masterful, proficient 3 Accept принимать Синонимы accept: admit, agree, assent, believe, confirm, honor, take 4 Achieve достигать Синонимы achieve: accomplish, acquire, attain, do, effect, execute, finish, fulfill, gain, perform, win 5 Always всегда, постоянно Синонимы always: aye, consistently, constantly, eternally, ever, everlasting, evermore, forever, invariably, perpetually 6 Amazing удивительный Синонимы amazing: astonishing, astounding, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, improbable, incredible, unbelievable, wonderful 7 Anger гнев Синонимы anger: arouse, enrage, exasperate, inflame, infuriate, madden, nettle 8 Angry злой Синонимы angry: aroused, enraged, exasperated, excited, furious, indignant, inflamed, mad, wrathful 9 Answer ответ Синонимы answer: acknowledge, reply, respond, retort 10 Appearance появление, вид Синонимы appearance: landscape,, outlook, picture, scene, scenery, setting, show, sight, tableau, view 11 Ask спрашивать Синонимы ask: question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to, demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz 12 Attention внимание Синонимы attention: care, heed, notice, regard, study 13 Attract привлекать Синонимы attract: allure, bewitch, captivate, charm, decoy, draw, enchant, endear, engage, entice, fascinate, incline, induce, interest, invite, lure 14 Awful ужасный Синонимы awful: abominable, bad, dreadful, poor, terrible, unpleasant 15 Bad плохой Синонимы bad: atrocious, base, contaminated, contemptible, corrupt, cross, defective, deplorable, depraved, despicable, detestable, disagreeable, dismal, evil, execrable, faulty, foul, ghastly, gross, harmful, heinous, horrible, immoral, imperfect, improper, inappropriate, infamous, inferior, injurious, irascible, nasty, nefarious, noxious, obnoxious, outrageous, putrid, rank, rotten, scandalous, sinful, sinister, snide, spoiled, substandard, tainted, unfavorable, unfriendly, unpleasant, unsuitable, wicked, wrong 16 Beautiful красивый Синонимы beautiful: aesthetic, attractive, blooming, comely, dazzling, delicate, elegant, exquisite, fair, fine, glorious, glowing, gorgeous, graceful, handsome (man), heavenly, lovely, magnificent, pleasing, pretty, radiant, ravishing, resplendent, shapely, sparkling, splendid, stunning 17 Begin начинать Синонимы begin: commence, inaugurate, initiate, launch, open, originate, start 18 Benefit прибыль, выгода Синонимы benefit: advantage, avail, boon, favor, gain, profit, service 19 Big большой Синонимы big: ample, astronomical, broad, colossal, enormous, expansive, gargantuan, gigantic, grand, great, huge, immense, large, mammoth, mountainous, sizable, spacious, stout, substantial, tall, titanic, tremendous, vast 20 Bore скучный или глупый человек Синонимы bore: nuisance, pest, talkative, talker, troublesome 21 Brave смелый Синонимы brave: audacious, bold, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, heroic, intrepid, mettlesome, plucky, valiant, valorous 22 Break ломать Синонимы break: atomize, crash, demolish, fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck 23 Bright яркий Синонимы bright: brilliant, colorful, gleaming, incandescent, intellectual, intelligent, knowing, luminous, lustrous, quick-witted, radiant, shimmering, shining, shiny, smart, sparkling, vivid 24 Busy занятый Синонимы busy: active, diligent, engaged, engrossed, industrious, occupied 25 Call звать Синонимы call: bid, convent, invite, invoke, muster, recall, summon 26 Calm спокойный Синонимы calm: aloof, collected, composed, detached, level-headed, mild, peaceful, quiet, serene, smooth, still, tranquil, unexcited, unruffled 27 Care забота, уход Синонимы care: custody, prudence, thrift, wariness 28 Careful осторожный Синонимы careful: conscientious, meticulous, punctilious, scrupulous 29 Carry нести Синонимы carry: bear, bring, convey, haul, take, transport 30 Celebrated знаменитый Синонимы celebrated: distinguished, eminent, illustrious, notable, noted 31 Change изменять Синонимы change: alter, convert, diversity, modify, shift, transfigure, transform, transmute, veer 32 Cheap дешево Синонимы cheap: common, inexpensive, inferior, mean, paltry, worthless 33 Check контролировать, проверять Синонимы check: control, curb, hinder, impede, repress, stop, subdue 34 Choose выбирать Синонимы choose: cull, elect, pick, prefer, select 35 Class классифицировать Синонимы class: arrange, classify, dispose, distribute, group, rank 36 Clean чистить Синонимы clean: clarify, cleanse, faultless, immaculate, purify, spotless, unblemished 37 Clear ясный Синонимы clear: definite, district, explicit, unmistakable 38 Clever умная Синонимы clever: capable, dexterous, gifted, natural, sharp, smart, talented 39 Cold холодный Синонимы cold: chilled, chilly, cool, frigid, frosty, gelid, icy 40 Come приходить Синонимы come: advance, approach, arrive, near, reach 41 Comfortable комфортный Синонимы comfortable: agreeable, convenient, cozy, delightful, homely, pleasant, pleasing, relaxing, restful 42 Common общий Синонимы common: familiar, frequent, hackneyed, low, mean, ordinary, trite, usual, vulgar 43 Company компания Синонимы company: assemblage, assembly, collection, conclave, crowd, firm, gang, gathering, group, house, troupe 44 Compulsory обязательный Синонимы compulsory: binding, forced, imperative, mandatory, obligatory, required, requisite 45 Convenient удобный Синонимы convenient: adapted, advantageous, comfortable, handy, suitable 46 Cool прохладный Синонимы cool: chilly, cold, frigid, frosty, icy, wintry 47 Cover чехол, обложка Синонимы cover: hide, mask, project, screen, shield, veil 48 Crooked изогнутый Синонимы crooked: bent, curved, hooked, twisted, zigzag 49 Cry кричать Синонимы cry: bawl, bellow, roar, scream, shout, sob, wail, weep, yell, yowl 50 Cut резать Синонимы cut: carve, chop, cleave, crop, gash, lop, nick, prick, reduce, sever, slash, slice, slit 51 Dangerous опасный Синонимы dangerous: hazardous, perilous, risky, uncertain, unsafe 52 Dark тёмный Синонимы dark: black, dim, dismal, dusky, gloomy, murky, sad, shaded, shadowy, sunless, unlit 53 Decide решать Синонимы decide: choose, determine, resolve, settle 54 Defeat поражение Синонимы defeat: fail, frustration, outwit, overcome, rout 55 Definite определённый Синонимы definite: certain, clear, determined, distinct, obvious, positive, sure 56 Delicious вкусный Синонимы delicious: appetizing, delectable, delightful, enjoyable, exquisite, luscious, palatable, savory, scrumptious, toothsome 57 Describe описывать Синонимы describe: characterize, narrate, picture, portray, record, recount, relate, report, represent 58 Destroy разрушать Синонимы destroy: demolish, end, extinguish, kill, raze, ruin, slay, waste 59 Develop развивать Синонимы develop: clear, disclose, expand, lay, open, unfold 60 Difference различие Синонимы difference: contrast, disagreement, dissimilarity, incompatibility, inequity 61 Dirty грязный Синонимы dirty: filthy, foul, impure, soiled, sordid, squalid, unclean 62 Do делать Синонимы do: accomplish, achieve, attain, carry out, conclude, effect, enact, execute, finish, implement 63 Dull скучный Синонимы dull: boring, dead, dreary, dumb, expressionless, humdrum, insensible, lifeless, listless, monotonous, plain, slow, stupid, tedious, tiresome, tiring, unimaginative, uninteresting, wearisome 64 Eager страстно желающий Синонимы eager: alive to, enthusiastic, fervent, interested, involved, keen 65 Easy легкий, мягкий Синонимы easy: calm, carefree, child’ splay, clear, comfortable, contented, effortless, facile, lenient, light, mild, peaceful, serene, simple, tolerant, tranquil 66 Encourage поощрять Синонимы encourage: animate, back up, cheer, embolden, foster, hearten, incite, promote, reassure, support, urge 67 End заканчивать Синонимы end: cessation, close, conclude, discontinuance, finish, halt, stop, terminate 68 Enjoy наслаждаться Синонимы enjoy: appreciate, delight in, be pleased, indulge in, luxuriate in, bask in, relish, devour, savor, like 69 Enough достаточно Синонимы enough: abundant, adequate, ample, plenty, sufficient 70 Excite возбуждать Синонимы excite: animate, arise, awake, inflame, irritate, kindle, provoke, stimulate 71 Explain объяснять Синонимы explain: account for, clarify, define, elaborate interpret, justify 72 Fair справедливый Синонимы fair: honest, impartial, just, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced 73 Fall падать Синонимы fall: descend, drop, plunge, topple, tumble 74 False ложный Синонимы false: counterfeit, deceptive, erroneous, fake, fallacious, fraudulent, groundless, spurious, unfounded, untrue 75 Famous известный Синонимы famous: celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famed, illustrious, noted, notorious, renowned, well-known 76 Famous известный Синонимы famous: celebrated, noted, renowned, well-known 77 Fast быстрый Синонимы fast: a expeditiously, flash, fleet, hastily, hasty, lickety-split, like mercurial, posthaste, quick, quickly, rapid, rapidly, snappily, snappy, speedily, speedy, swiftly 78 Fat толстый Синонимы fat: beefy, bulky, burly, chubby, chunky, corpulent, elephantine, fleshy, full, paunchy, plump, pudgy, rotund, stout, tubby 79 Fear страх Синонимы fear: alarm, anxiety, apprehension, awe, dismay, dread, fright, horror, panic, scare, terror 80 Find находить Синонимы find: ascertain, detect, discover, learn, locate, unearth 81 Finish заканчивать Синонимы finish: close, complete, conclude, end, finalize, perfect, shape 82 Fly летать Синонимы fly: coast, cruise, flee, flit, glide, hover, sail, skim, soar, waft, wing 83 Funny забавный Синонимы funny: amusing, comic, comical, droll, humorous, laughable, silly 84 Generous щедный Синонимы generous: bountiful, lavish, liberal, magnanimous, noble 85 Get получать Синонимы get: accept, accumulate, acquire, bag, by, catch, collect, come derive, earn, fetch, find, gain, gather, glean, net, obtain, pick procure, regain, rep, salvage, score, secure, up, win 86 Go уходить Синонимы go: depart, disappear, fade, move, proceed, recede, travel 87 Good хороший Синонимы good: advantageous, agreeable, ample, apt, beneficial, capable, edifying, estimable, excellent, expedient, favorable, fine, first-rate, friendly, generous, genuine, gracious, grand, great, helpful, honorable, kindly, marvelous, noble, obedient, obliging, pleasant, pleasurable, profitable, proper, qualified, reliable, respectable, righteous, safe, salubrious, satisfactory, splendid, sterling, suitable, suited, superb, superior, top-notch, trustworthy, valid, well-behaved, wonderful, worthy 88 Great великий Синонимы great: considerable, distinguished, grand, mighty, much, noteworthy, powerful, remarkable, worthy 89 Gross грубый, вульгарный Синонимы gross: coarse, crude, extreme, grievous, improper, indecent, low, obscene, outrageous, rude, shameful, uncouth, vulgar 90 Happy счастливый Синонимы happy: blissful, cheerful, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, gay, glad, gratified, joyful, jubilant, overjoyed, pleased, satisfied, tickled 91 Hard трудный Синонимы hard: arduous, difficult, laborious, troublesome, trying 92 Hate ненавидеть Синонимы hate: abhor, abominate, despise, detest, disapprove, disfavor, dislike, loathe 93 Hate ненавидеть Синонимы hate: abhor, abominate, be hostile to, be reluctant, be repelled by, be sick of, despise, dislike, have an aversion to, loath 94 Have иметь Синонимы have: absorb, acquire, bear, beget, believe, contain, enjoy, fill, gain, hold, maintain, occupy, own, possess 95 Healthy здоровый Синонимы healthy: hale, hearty, robust, sound, sound, strong, sturdy, vigorous 96 Heavy тяжелый Синонимы heavy: burdensome, crushing, difficult, gloomy, onerous, oppressing, serious, sluggish 97 Help помогать Синонимы help: abet, aid, assist, attend, back, befriend, benefit, encourage, on, relieve, serve, succor, support, wai 98 Hide прятать Синонимы hide: camouflage, cloak, conceal, cover, mask, screen, shroud, veil 99 High высокий Синонимы high: elevated, great, lofty, soaring, steep, tall, towering 100 Highest высочайший Синонимы highest: supreme, tallest, topmost, uppermost 101 Horrible ужасный Синонимы horrible: appalling, awful, dire, dreadful, fearful, frightful, ghastly, hideous, repulsive, terrific, ugly 102 Hot горячий Синонимы hot: burning, feverish, scorching, torrid 103 Hurry торопиться Синонимы hurry: accelerate, bustle, hasten, race, run, rush, speed, urge 104 Hurt причинять боль Синонимы hurt: afflict, damage, distress, harm, injure, pain, wound 105 Idea мысль Синонимы idea: belief, concept, conception, notion, opinion, plan, thought, understanding, view 106 Important важный Синонимы important: considerable, critical, distinguished, essential, famous, indispensable, necessary, notable, primary, principal, significant, valuable, vital, well-known 107 Improve улучшать Синонимы improve: ameliorate, amend, better, correct, rectify, reform 108 Include включать Синонимы include: , comprehend, comprise, contain, involve 109 Influence влиять Синонимы influence: actuate, compel, draw, drive, excite, incite, induce, inflame, lead, move, prompt, stir, urge 110 Interesting интересный Синонимы interesting: absorbing, animated, appealing, arresting, attractive, bewitching, bright, captivating, challenging, consuming, curious, enchanting, engaging, engrossing, entertaining, enthralling, exciting, fascinating, gripping, inspiring, intelligent, intriguing, inviting, involving, keen, lively, moving, piquant, provocative, racy, sharp, spellbinding, spicy, spirited, tantalizing, though-provoking, titillating 111 Keep держать Синонимы keep: hold, maintain, preserve, retain, support, sustain, withhold 112 Kill убивать Синонимы kill: abolish, assassinate, cancel, destroy, execute, murder, slay 113 Kind добрый, хороший Синонимы kind: affable, benign, charitable, compassionate, complacent, generous, lenient, merciful, philanthropic, sympathetic, tender 114 Knowledge знание Синонимы knowledge: cognition, comprehension, information, intelligence, intuition, light, lore, perception, science, wisdom 115 Known известный Синонимы known: , acknowledged, admitted, avowed, celebrated, common, familiar, manifest, obvious, patent, popular, published, recognized, well-known 116 Large большой Синонимы large: big, great, mammoth, monumental 117 Lazy ленивый Синонимы lazy: idle, inactive, indolent, slothful, sluggish 118 Learn учиться Синонимы learn: acquire, attain, detect, discover, imbibe, memorize, trace 119 Learning изучение Синонимы learning: erudition, knowledge, scholarship, understanding 120 Little маленький Синонимы little: cramped, diminutive, dinky, exiguous, itsy-bitsy, limited, microscopic, miniature, minute, petite, puny, runt, shrimp, slight, small, tiny 121 Look смотреть Синонимы look: behold, contemplate, discover, examine, explore, eye, gape, gawk, gaze, glance, glimpse, inspect, leer, notice, observe, ogle, peek, peep, peer, perceive, peruse, recognize, scrutinize, search for, see, seek, sight, spy, stare, study, survey, view, watch, witness 122 Love любить Синонимы love: admire, adore, appreciate, care for, cherish, esteem, fancy like, savor, treasure, worship 123 Maintain поддерживать Синонимы maintain: carry on, claim, conserve, contend, justify, keep, nurture, perpetuate, retain, support, uphold, vindicate 124 Make делать Синонимы make: accomplish, acquire, beget, build, compose, construct, create, design, develop, do, earn, effect, execute, fabricate, form, gain, get, invent, manufacture, obtain, originate, perform, produce 125 Mark отмечать Синонимы mark: brand, designate, effect, heed, impress, imprint, label, note, notice, price, sign, stamp, tag, ticket, trace 126 Mind разум Синонимы mind: brian, disposition, intellect, intelligence, reason, sense, spirit, thought, understanding, wit 127 Mischievous озорной Синонимы mischievous: impish, naughty, playful, prankish, roguish, sportive, waggish 128 Miserable несчастный Синонимы miserable: dismal, forlorn, sorry, unhappy, wretched 129 Modern современный Синонимы modern: contemporary, current, new, present, recent, timely 130 Moody легко поддающийся переменам настроения Синонимы moody: changeable, fretful, glum, irritable, mopish, morose, peevish, short-tempered, spiteful, sulky, sullen, temperamental, testy, touchy 131 Move двигаться Синонимы move: accelerate, amble, bolt, bound, breeze, budge, chase, coast, crawl, creep, dart, dash, dawdle, drag, fling, flow, gallop, glide, go, hasten, high-tail, hobble, hotfoot, hump, hurry, inch, jog, journey, lag, lope, lumber, lunge, meander, mosey, pace, paddle, perambulate, plod, plug, poke, prance, promenade, race, ride, roam, run, rush, sail, saunter, scamper, scoot, scramble, scurry, scuttle, shuffle, skedaddle, slide, slip, slither, slouch, slump, spin, sprint, stagger, stir, straggle, streak, stride, swagger, tear, toddle, trail, traipse, travel, trek, trip, trot, trudge, waddle, walk, wander, whisk, wobble 132 Neat опрятный Синонимы neat: clean, dapper, desirable, elegant, natty, orderly, shapely, shipshape, smart, spruce, super, tidy, trim, well-kept, well-organized 133 Necessary необходимый Синонимы necessary: essential, needful, required, requisite, unavoidable, undeniable 134 New новый Синонимы new: current, fresh, modern, novel, original, recent, unique, unusual 135 Old старый Синонимы old: aged, ancient, archaic, broken-down, conventional, customary, dilapidated, extinct, faded, feeble, former, frail, mature, musty, obsolete, old-fashioned, outmoded, passe, primitive, ragged, stale, traditional, used, venerable, veteran, weak, worn 136 Opinion мнение Синонимы opinion: dogma, idea, judgment, mind, notion, speculation, tenet, theory, thought, verdict 137 Opportunity возможность Синонимы opportunity: chance, expedient, occasion, scope, turn, window 138 Optimistic оптимистичный Синонимы optimistic: brave, bright, cheerful, confident, happy, hopeful 139 Ordinary обычный Синонимы ordinary: average, common, commonplace, inferior, low, medium, regular, undistinguished, usual 140 Organize организовать, сортировать Синонимы organize: arrange, classify, marshal, order, sort 141 Outstanding выдающийся Синонимы outstanding: arresting, celebrated, distinguished, due, eminent, eye-catching, great, important, impressive, payable, prominent, salient, special, superior, superlative 142 Part часть Синонимы part: allotment, fraction, fragment, piece, portion, section, share 143 Passion страсть Синонимы passion: anger, desire, emotion, excitement, fervor, fever, fury, love, zeal 144 Perfect идеальный Синонимы perfect: consummation, faultless, flawless, ideal 145 Place место Синонимы place: area, dwelling, location, plot, position, region, residence, set, site, situation, space, spot, state, station, status 146 Plan план Синонимы plan: arrangement, blueprint, contrivance, design, device, diagram, draw, intention, map, method, plot, procedure, scheme, way 147 Popular популярный Синонимы popular: accepted, approved, celebrated, common, current, favorite, well-liked 148 Predicament затруднение Синонимы predicament: dilemma, jam, pickle, plight, problem, quandary, scrape, spot 149 Promote содействовать Синонимы promote: advance, advocate, assist, elevate, encourage, excite, exhort, foment, foster, further, help, push, raise, urge on 150 Provide предоставлять Синонимы provide: arrange, care, cater, furnish, get, prepare, procure, purvey, supply 151 Put класть Синонимы put: achieve, aside, assign, attach, build, do, effect, establish, keep, place, save, set set 152 Quality качество Синонимы quality: attribute, brand, characteristic, excellence, nature, property, trait 153 Question сомнение Синонимы question: doubt, inquiry, inquisition, interrogation, investigation, query 154 Quick быстрый Синонимы quick: active, agile, alert, alive, deft, fast, perceptible, rapid, sudden, swift 155 Quiet тихий Синонимы quiet: calm, mute, peaceful, restful, silent, soundless, still, tranquil 156 Ready готовый Синонимы ready: alert, disposed, prepared, quick, set, speedy, willing 157 Real реальный Синонимы real: actual, certain, demonstrable, developed, essential, genuine, positive, true, veritable 158 Reasoning мыслящий Синонимы reasoning: analysis, exposition, generalization, logic, rationale, thinking 159 Respect уважение Синонимы respect: accept, consideration, esteem, regard 160 Right правильный Синонимы right: accurate, apt, correct, factual, fair, good, honest, just, lawful, legal, moral, proper, suitable, true, upright 161 Run бежать Синонимы run: dash, elope, escape, flee, hasten, hurry, race, rush, speed, sprint 162 Sad грустный Синонимы sad: dejected, depressed, downcast, dull, grave, melancholy 163 Satisfy удовлетворять Синонимы satisfy: appease, assuage, feed, fulfill, indulge, meet, pacify, quench, sate, satiate, serve, slake, suffice, surfeit 164 Say/Tell сказать Синонимы say/tell: inform, notify, advise, relate, recount, narrate, explain, reveal, disclose, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, enlighten, instruct, insist, teach, train, direct, issue, remark, converse, speak, affirm, suppose, utter, negate, express, verbalize, voice, articulate, pronounce, deliver, convey, impart, assert, state, allege, mutter, mumble, whisper, sigh, exclaim, yell, sing, yelp, snarl, hiss, grunt, snort, roar, bellow, thunder, boom, scream, shriek, screech, squawk, whine, philosophize, stammer, stutter, lisp, drawl, jabber, protest, announce, swear, vow, content, assure, deny, dispute 165 Scared испуганный Синонимы scared: afraid, alarmed, apprehensive, disquieted, disturbed, fearful, frightened, haunted, horrified, insecure, jumpy, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shocked, shrinking, shy, skittish, stunned, stupefied, terrified, terrorized, timid, timorous, tremulous, troubled, unnerved, vexed, worried 166 Selfish эгоистичный Синонимы selfish: greedy, illiberal, mean, mercenary, sordid, ungenerous 167 Show показывать Синонимы show: demonstrate, display, exhibit, explain, expose, indicate, note, point present, prove, reveal, to 168 Skill умение Синонимы skill: adroitness, artistry, finesse, mastery 169 Slow медленный Синонимы slow: behind, gradual, late, leisurely, slack, tedious, unhurried 170 Smart умный Синонимы smart: elegant, immaculate, neat, showy, spruce, trim, well-dressed 171 Sociable общительный Синонимы sociable: affable, companionable, convivial, festive, genial 172 Solve решать Синонимы solve: decipher, decode, uncover, unravel 173 Steady неуклонный Синонимы steady: consistent, constant, firm, regular, stable, undeviating, uniform 174 Stop останавливаться Синонимы stop: cease, conclude, discontinue, end, finish, halt, pause, quit, stay 175 Story история Синонимы story: account, anecdote, chronicle, epic, fable, legend, memoir, myth, narrative, record, sage, tale, yarn 176 Strange странный Синонимы strange: curious, exclusive, irregular, odd, outlandish, peculiar, queer, uncommon, unfamiliar, unique, unusual, weird 177 Strange странный Синонимы strange: eccentric, extraordinary, inexplicable, odd, queer, uncommon, unique, unnatural, unusual 178 Strong сильный Синонимы strong: athletic, fit, healthy, muscular, powerful, reinforced, robust, shout, stalwart, sturdy, tough 179 Sure уверенный Синонимы sure: accurate, assured, certain, clear, confident, definite, doubtless, persuaded, positive, positive, satisfied, trustworthy 180 Surprising удивительный Синонимы surprising: amazing, astonishing, marvelous, startling, striking, suddenness, unexpected 181 Take брать Синонимы take: acquire, assume, bewitch, buy, capture, catch, choose, consume, engage, grasp, hold, lift, occupy, pick, prefer, purchase, recall, remove, retract, rob, seize, select, steal, win 182 Tell рассказывать Синонимы tell: advise, bid, command, declare, disclose, divulge, explain, expose, inform, narrate, order, recount, relate, repeat, reveal, show, uncover 183 Think думать Синонимы think: assume, believe, consider, contemplate, deem, judge, mediate, reflect 184 Tired уставший Синонимы tired: drained, drowsy, enervated, exasperated, exhausted, fatigued, flagging, irked, irritated, sleepy, weary, weary 185 Trouble проблема Синонимы trouble: anguish, anxiety, concern, danger, difficulty, disaster, distress, effort, exertion, grief, inconvenience, misfortune, pain, pains, peril, worry, wretchedness 186 True верный, точный Синонимы true: accurate, actual, dependable, exact, genuine, loyal, precise, proper, real, right, sincere, staunch, steady, trusty, valid 187 Try пытаться Синонимы try: attempt, effort, endeavour, seek, strive, struggle, undertake 188 Ugly некрасивый Синонимы ugly: evil, frightening, frightful, ghastly, grisly, gross, gruesome, hideous, homely, horrible, horrid, monstrous, plain, repugnant, repulsive, shocking, terrifying, unpleasant, unsightly 189 Unhappy несчастный Синонимы unhappy: dejected, depressed, discouraged, dismal, downhearted, gloomy, glum, heart-broken, melancholy, miserable, poor, sad, sorrowful, uncomfortable, unfortunate, wretched 190 Unusual необычный Синонимы unusual: exceptional, extraordinary, peculiar, rare, remarkable, singular, uncommon 191 Use использовать Синонимы use: consume, employ, exercise, exhaust, expend, spend, utilize 192 Usual обычный Синонимы usual: accustomed, common, customary, familiar, ordinary, regular, regular 193 Various различный Синонимы various: different, manifold, many, multiform, multitudinous, numerous, several, sundry, variegated 194 Want потребность Синонимы want: indigence, penury, poverty, privation 195 Wide широкий Синонимы wide: broad, expansive, extensive, large, spacious 196 Wrong неверный, неправильный Синонимы wrong: erroneous, improper, inaccurate, incorrect, mistaken, unsuitable 197 Young молодой Синонимы young: boyish, childish, fresh, new, recent, youthful

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