Найдите синонимы reason need

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


We should give it to them, because clearly people who are hurting themselves, whatever the reason, need help.

Всем и так было ясно, что попавшим в беду людям — независимо от причины — нужно помочь.

If you, for some reason, need a specially suited accommodation, you must talk to your reception centre.

Если вам по каким-то причинам необходимо жилье, приспособленное под ваши особые нужды, вам нужно обсудить это с приемным отделением Миграционного управления.

There are no statistics concerning the percentage of children whose mothers are working or are students or, for any other reason, need assistance in keeping their children.

Статистические данные, касающиеся числа детей, матери которых работают или являются студентами, или которым по какой-либо другой причине необходима помощь в воспитании детей, отсутствуют.

You recognize, my beloved, that even if people actually abuse freedom, this still gives them an experience that they, for some reason, need until they can find a higher approach.

Согласитесь, мои возлюбленные, что даже если люди на самом деле злоупотребляют свободой, это всё же даёт им опыт, который им по какой-то причине нужен, пока они не смогут найти более высокий подход.

Foreign companies who wish to close down their present China company for whatever reason, need to go through the process by following the proper rules and regulations that have been put in place by the Chinese authorities.

Иностранные компании, которые по какой-либо причине хотят закрыть свою нынешнюю китайскую компанию, должны пройти через этот процесс, следуя соответствующим правилам и положениям, которые были установлены китайскими властями.

«This politics is turning Germany into a hostage of all those in the euro zone who may in the future, for whatever reason, need help,» he said.

«Политики превратили Германию в заложника всех находящихся в еврозоне, кому в будущем по любой причине может понадобиться помощь», заявляет он.

Другие результаты

One participant, however, suggested that the documents would, for various reasons, need substantial revision.

Вместе с тем один из участников высказал мысль, что эти документы в силу ряда причин потребуют существенной переработки.

The current situation with the issuing of Therapeutic Use Exemptions, permitting the use of prohibited substances for medical reasons, needs improving.

Нынешняя ситуация с выдачей терапевтических исключений, допускающих использование запрещенных веществ по медицинским показаниям, нуждается в улучшении.

Some owners of Mac for this or other reasons, need access to Windows.

Некоторым владельцам Мас по тем или иными причинам нужен доступ к Windows.

And for whatever reason, he needs you too.

Whatever the reason, you need help.

Но каковы бы ни были причины, теперь вам нужна помощь.

For this reason, they need maximum protection.

But for the rest of us who need reason, we need to look at what he was.

For patients who, due to medical reasons, need air transport and/or medical escort in the ambulance vehicle stocked with all the necessary equipment.

Для пациентов, которым по медицинским показаниям необходима транспортировка и/ или сопровождение бригадой врачей в машине Скорой помощи, оснащенной всем необходимым оборудованием.

For patients who, due to medical reasons, need air transport and medical escort in a specialized aircraft stocked with all the necessary equipment.

Для пациентов, которым по медицинским показаниям необходима авиатранспортировка и сопровождение бригадой врачей в специализированном самолете, оснащенном всем необходимым оборудованием.

Housing services are provided for people who, for special reasons, need help or support with regard to housing.

Жилищная услуга организована для людей, которые в силу особых причин, нуждаются в помощи или поддержке жилья или в организации проживания.

As a family-owned company we consider it our obligation to share our business success with people who, for various reasons, need particular support.

Как семейное предприятие мы видим свою ответственность в том, чтобы успех нашей компании разделяли люди, которым по разным причинам нужна поддержка.

The scope of the board game, for playability reasons, needs be narrowed down a bit compared to the video game, and after all it is called Europa Universalis.

Объем настольной игры, из соображений играбельности, нужно немного сузить по сравнению с видеоигрой, и, в конце концов, она называется Europa Universalis.

Certain harmful substances may, for sound scientific and technical reasons, need to be prohibited for carriage or be limited as to the quantity which may be carried aboard any one ship.

Некоторые вредные вещества по обоснованным научным и техническим причинам могут требовать запрещения их перевозки либо ограничения количества, которое может перевозиться на борту любого судна.

a set of impulses (reasons, needs, incentives, situational factors) that stimulate the activity of individual and determine the focus of its activities.

это совокупность побуждающих факторов (мотивы, потребности, стимулы, ситуативные факторы), которые вызывают активность личности и определяют направленность ее деятельности.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат reason, need

Результатов: 11474. Точных совпадений: 6. Затраченное время: 690 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

What is another word for Reason?

  • cause

    intention, event

  • intellect

    mind, sense

  • understanding

    sense, mind

  • sense

    character trait, sane

  • motive

    cause, intention

  • ground

    cause, purpose

  • mind

    sense, mental condition

  • justification

    explanation, true

  • argument

    explanation, intention

  • sanity

    sense, mental condition

  • rationale

    intention, cause

  • occasion

    intention, motive

  • conclude

    deduce, calculate

  • reasonableness

    common sense, mental analysis

  • rationality

    sense, mental analysis

  • excuse

    explanation, motive

  • explanation

    language, rationalisation

  • argue

    speech, debate

  • grounds

    cause, motive

  • basis

    cause, true

  • account

    motive, subject

  • logic

    evidence, rationalism

  • intelligence

    understanding, mind

  • reasoning

    rationality, rationalization

  • infer

    deduce, activity

  • ratiocination

    language, explanation

  • deduce

    calculate, reach a conclusion

  • wit

    mind, intellect

  • motivation

    motive, start

  • think

    activity, calculate

  • rationalization

    explanation, reasoning

  • foundation

    basis, true

  • purpose

    subject, aim

  • incentive

    aim, objective

  • case

    justification, explanation for an action

  • wisdom

    good sense, mental analysis

  • persuade

    speech, argue

  • intention

    view, aim

  • brains

    intelligence, mental analysis

  • gather

    deduce, reach a conclusion

Use filters to view other words, we have 2602 synonyms for reason.

Synonyms for reason

  • Определения слова reason

    • причина
    • разум
    • доказывать
    • повод

Синонимы к слову reason

    • aim
    • analyze
    • argue
    • basis
    • brains
    • cause
    • debate
    • deduce
    • dispute
    • end
    • explanation
    • goal
    • good sense
    • grounds
    • incentive
    • infer
    • intelligence
    • intention
    • logic
    • mind
    • motivation
    • motive
    • object
    • persuade
    • purpose
    • rationale
    • rationalize
    • right mind
    • sanity
    • sense
    • senses
    • think logically
    • wisdom
    • wits
    • work out

Похожие слова на reason

    • reason
    • reason’s
    • reasonable
    • reasonableness
    • reasonableness’s
    • reasonably
    • reasoner
    • reasoner’s
    • reasons

Посмотрите другие слова

    • Что такое beforehand
    • Определение термина arrange
    • Толкование слова manage
    • Что означает понятие love
    • Лексическое значение here
    • Словарь значения слов spike
    • Грамматическое значение malware
    • Значение слова coarseness
    • Прямое и переносное значение слова bookmarklet
    • Происхождение слова industry
    • Синоним к слову post
    • Антоним к слову respect
    • Омоним к слову relevant
    • Гипоним к слову retail
    • Холоним к слову top
    • Гипероним к слову head
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову suffice
    • Перевод слова на другие языки wysiwyg

Подборка по базе: практическое задание 2 английский.docx, русс язык 5 кл.pdf, русский язык.docx, Олимпиада по английскому языку для обучающихся по профессии «Пов, Задание 2. Карьерная лестница английский .docx, Контрольная работа по РУССКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Вариант 3 (1).docx, Роль языка в жизни общества-языкознание.docx, Задание 2 Русский язык и культура речи.docx, Задание 1 Русский язык и культура речи.docx, Русский язык 5 класс КСП.docx

4. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Reason, need, best, maximize, purpose, necessity, excellent, link, similar, bind, increase, same.

    1. Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицатель­ных префиксов:

In- significance, separable, official, subordinate, sufferable, urban(e), appropriate, supportable, dependence, dependant.

Un-: limited, steady, suitable, known, reasonable, thinking, trained, suspected.

    1. Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Основная схожесть, несмотря на организационные рамки, пра­вительственные структуры (агентства), картирование остается ос­новой, оценка имущества (недвижимости), электронная бизнес- стратегия, уникальный цифровой определить (идентификатор), инициатива модернизации правительства, полевые заметки, в со­ответствии с количеством участков, «объединенное правитель­ство», бывшие колонии, степень безопасности и надежности, он должен обратиться к регистратору.

    1. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на ан­глийский:

1. Важной характерной чертой разработки является связь меж­ду кадастром и регистрацией земли. 2. Франция — колыбель (ро­доначальник) кадастра. 3. Французский кадастр был определен Наполеоном в начале XIX века. 4. В Соединенном Королевстве нет кадастра. 5. В Англии два агентства, которые несут ответ­ственность за запись прав на землю. 6. Англия имеет полную циф­ровую государственную топографическую базу данных. 7. Уни­кальный топографический определитель используется для всех площадей. 8. Дания имеет всестороннюю кадастровую карту, ох­ватывающую всю страну.

    1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глагола­ми:

1. You … go to the Agency by bus. 2. This is an easy text on land cadastre. You … translate it without a dictionary. 3. The students … work hard. 4. Information … be organized in integrative form. 5. Work …be based on sound cadastral survey. 6. The computerization … have much place in land use planning.

    1. Замените модальные глаголы их эквивалентами:

1. The Government Agencies can «hook» and manage data. 2. Re­searches must look at the possibilities of different services. 3. The results of the trial couldn’t be announced. 4. The providers may use digital topographic identifier. 5. This system must provide proper information. 6. Cadastre must have basis for further modernization. 7. Completely new land records must be compiled.

    1. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. There are numerous models … cadastre. 2. The cadastre is used … record information … land rights, valuation, land use, etc. 3. There is no single organization responsible … the cadastre … the UK. 4. Na­tional Mapping Agency maintains large scale mapping … England, Scotland, and Wales. 5. The detailed digital mapping is maintained … two Government Agencies.

    1. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. The basic principles should consist of two parts. 2. This pro­grammes must provide interesting results. 3. Researches must have basis for further development. 4. The Spanish cadastral system must provide national coverage. 5. The cadastre is developing gradually.

    1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внима­ние на многозначность словаone.

1. One of them is a land use planner. 2. Another cadastre emerged parallel to this one. 3. One should know all these rules. 4. In all Western European countries, cadastral maps are used for many purposes besides the original one. 5. One of the greatest achievements of the Napoleon­ic cadastre was that it provided a complete record of all land units.

    1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:

1. Is there the UK cadastre? 2. Are there models of its use and im­plementation throughout Europe? 3. How many Government Agencies providing digital mapping are there in the UK? 4. What organization provides a wealth of free mapping on web site? 5. What is «e-business strategy»? 6. Can the Government Agencies «hook» and manage data? 7. May the providers use digital topographic identifier? 8. Must Na­tional Mapping Agency maintain large scale mapping for England, Scotland, and Wales?

    1. Перескажите текст 8A.
    2. Прочитайте, переведите текст 8В и сформулируйте основ­ную мысль каждого абзаца:

Text 8В

Cadastre in Western Europe

For historical reasons, there are basic similarities among all the ca­dastres of Western Europe. They are all, in one way or another, based on the principles of the French cadastre as defined by Napoleon early in the nineteenth century. A basic principle was that it should consist of the two main parts: a verbal description and a map showing the loca­tions and boundaries of all land units. The maps were established sys­tematically, area by area, by relatively uniform cadastral surveys, which produced not only the maps but also the field notes on which they were based. The unique cadastral number of each land unit — normally the parcel rather than the farm unit — served as a link between map and description. Since the main purpose was taxation, the original cadastre was arranged according to the names of the owners, showing each own­er’s parcels with area, land use, in accordance with the numbers of the parcels.

An important feature of these developments is the connection be­tween the cadastre and the land register. In Germany, Austria, Switzer­land and the Netherlands, there is nowadays a very close link between cadastres and land registers. In the Netherlands, both are maintained by the same organization in common offices. In other countries mentioned above, the legal units used in the land registers are also identical with the cadastral units or combinations of them. Because of the unique definitions in the cadastral records and maps, it has been possible to introduce systems of title registration with a high degree of security and reliability in all these countries.

In France — the mother country of the cadastre — the unification of the cadastre and the land register has not progressed as far. For one thing, the French cadastre is not as comprehensive nor is it maintained in quite the same way as in the aforementioned countries. It also has less legal validity, and is still mainly a fiscal cadastre lacking the very close link between cadastre and legal land registers.

A common trait in all of Western Europe is that the cadastre pro­vides systematic coverage of the entire territory, and that collected and recorded data are continually updated. Parcels are described according to their uses, square measures and taxation values, their buildings and topography; ownership is recorded; links to other administrative regis­ters and files are established. A general trend is that the original fiscal aspect of the cadastre is becoming less and less pronounced, while its role as the basis of a general land information system is assuming in­creasing importance.

In all Western European countries, cadastral maps are used for many purposes. In Switzerland, for example, the towns often produce ex­tremely accurate municipal maps based on cadastral information. The integration of cadastral surveys with other kinds of large scale mapping for urban purposes is a common trend in other countries within the region as well. With regard to the cadastral survey, there has generally been a trend towards using increasingly accurate methods, and at the same time, assigning more and more weight to the demarcation of boundaries and to agreements between the owners.

The land information systems must always be aimed at new changes which will help to adopt to new developments. Therefore it will be pos­sible to improve the registration systems.

The administration of the cadastre is organized in a variety of ways in different countries. In Germany and the Netherlands, the cadastral authorities were initially government officers connected to the Ministry of Finance. But as a consequence of the expanded function of the ca­dastre as the basis of a multipurpose land information system, the Dutch cadastre, for example, was reorganized as a separate division within the Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and the Environment. In other countries like France, Switzerland and Belgium, the principle work of cadastral surveying is left to licensed surveyors.

16. Прочитайте текст 8С и раскройте содержание рассматрива­емых в нем проблем:

Text 8С

Cadastre in Northern, Southern and Eastern Europe

Between Scandinavian countries, Denmark has the system most similar to the Western European ones. Denmark has long had a com­prehensive cadastral map, covering the whole country and connected to a common reference system. Cadastral surveys are made by private surveyors. However, the records are kept, and the cadastral maps are maintained by a central government office in Copenhagen. The cadas­tre is closely integrated with the land registration system, which is of the title registration type.

The same close integration is also found in Sweden and Finland, which both have systems of title registration based on cadastral units. In these countries the cadastre has developed gradually from simple taxa­tion records loosely linked to maps, to a comprehensive system with a high degree of reliability. In Sweden, the urban cadastres were linked with large scale maps at an early date. Later, a photo map in the scale of 1 : 10000, showing all land units in rural areas with their boundaries, was established as a registration index map.

In Sweden the cadastre has been further integrated with the land register through automation. One single agency, the Central Board for Real Estate Data, collects and transforms selected cadastral and land register information for automatic data processing. The regional cadas­tral and land registration offices are still responsible for data collection. They have on-line links with the Central Board, and are empowered to change the records in case of subdivision, transfer of ownership, etc. This Board is responsible for issuing all certificates, as well as for all communications with other authorities using real-estate data. Duplica­tion of effort is thereby avoided. The time needed to produce the legal documents and distribute them to those concerned has also been short­ened substantially. The system is now operational in the greatest part of the country, and will be complete in about 5 years.

Norway has not previously had a proper cadastral system, relying instead on old tax records, only partially supported by maps. The coun­try has, however, decided to establish an automated system providing data on land units, addresses and buildings. Its main purpose is to pro­vide information, not to serve as a legal basis for taxation, land registra­tion, etc.

Spain and Italy were also influenced by the Napoleonic cadastre, and adopted basically similar systems. However, they were only par­tially developed, and the Spanish system especially does not provide comprehensive, national coverage. The link between cadastre and land registration is weak. The two records are administered by different au­thorities, and the descriptions of the land in the land register do not always refer to the cadastral units. The link between cadastre and reg­ister is, therefore, not primarily the parcel designation, but rather the name of the owner. This is, of course, an obstacle to further integra­tion.

The fiscal nature of the cadastres is more predominant in Southern than in Western Europe. As buildings are important objects for taxa­tion, Italy has established a modern building register as a part of the cadastre.

Greece does not have a comprehensive, homogeneous, national ca­dastre, but the problem has been studied, and a governmental decision to establish a nationwide system appears forthcoming.

17. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст 8D:

Text 8D

Some European Experience

The main development of cadastral and land registration systems has taken place in Europe. Even though times and conditions have changed, some lessons might be drawn from these European experiences.

The cadastre will be largely worthless unless it is substantially com­plete within a particular geographical area. One of the greatest achieve­ments of the Napoleonic cadastre was that from the very start, and re­gardless of the land nature, it provided a complete record of all land units within the area — including unique identification — and defined these units on comprehensive maps. To attain this goal, cadastres and land registers must be kept simple, and must be concentrated on the essentials. Furthermore, the work must have a solid foundation. Even if conditions are changed over time, if new aspects have become relevant, if new political winds have started to blow, the process must be still continued along the same main lines until it is finished. Costs must be kept reasonable in relation to expected medium-term benefits. There are many examples in Europe of cadastral systems which have been stopped or delayed because of faltering political support. Even in France — the cradle of the European cadastre — it was difficult to complete and maintain the cadastre

.Cadastres were created with the aim of improving the basis for land taxation, and land registers were established to make land transactions more secure. Initially they were independent of each other, but they have become increasingly interrelated, and are used with increasing frequency for purposes other than the original ones. It has taken a long time, however, for most European countries to reach this point. Diffi­culties arose since the original records were not designed as parts of common information systems, and because their maintenance was en­trusted to different organizations. It is, therefore, essential that the goals of multiple usage and integration will be adopted the conception of a modern cadastral/land information system.

If land records develop along these lines, the chosen cadastral unit will become important in many connections. If legal land registration, as well as other land records are based on the same unit, the unit will assume considerable legal and practical importance. In most countries with well-developed cadastral/land information systems, subdivision or other changes in the cadastral unit require formal legal proceedings and, as a rule, re-surveying. Private changes or subdivisions made with­out formal proceedings are not accepted or given legal status. A conclu­sion drawn from European experiences is that the land unit tends to become a legal entity protected by law.

A cadastre/land register must cover an entire geographical area in order to provide essential benefits from a public point of view. Seen from the viewpoint of the private owner, even a sporadic register can be useful, as it can provide protection for his interests.

Finally, the rapid rate of change in existing European systems, espe­cially during the last two decades, shows clearly that the design of ca­dastral/land registration systems must be future oriented. This applies to technical aspects as well as to the fundamental principles of the system. Less-developed countries must, therefore, carefully consider and evalu­ate all experiences which can be obtained from other countries. An example is automation. It is often doubtful whether it should be intro­duced from the beginning. Today’s systems and structures must be planned in such a way that necessary changes are easy to make tomor­row



  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Multipurpose, revenue, guarantees, collection, private, tax, corre­spondence, user, mortgage, urban, grid, benchmarks, features, link, registration, subdivision, broker, title, stockholders.

  1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Registry service, property registry, unique parcel, private investors,

multipurpose tool, city revenue, urban certificates, tax collection, own purposes, individual demands, geodetic grids, real estate, information users, comprehensive census of owners and occupants.

  1. Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст 9А:

Text 9А

What Is an Urban Cadastre

An urban cadastre is a physical description of the land and real estate tenure in a city. It contains graphic and textual information. Graphic information includes the description of each individual parcel and building, topographic features such as roads, rivers, contour lines, additional information such as cartographic grids, geodetic bench­marks, etc. Textual information includes names of owners or occu­pants, names of streets or areas of specific interest, main characteris­tics of each parcel or building such as the area, the fiscal value, the associated urban certificates, etc. Both types of information are linked together and managed in a system known as a cadastral information system.

Most of the time, the cadastre is integrated with the property regis­try, the legal registration of land and real estate property. Integration of the cadastre with the registry creates a parcel based registry or a legal cadastre. This guarantees the exact correspondence between physical and legal ownership. In other words, wherever there is a parcel or building, there are the corresponding titles or «legal tenure documents» registered ih the property registry, and respectively, wherever there are registered titles, there is a unique parcel corresponding to it. This is technically permitted by a unique identification number that links uni­laterally the parcel or the building to the title.

We can identify two categories of stockholders involved in the main­tenance and use of cadastral information: information providers and information users. Information providers include cadastral and registry services as well as private surveyors and notaries. The former are re­sponsible for the systematic production and maintenance of the infor­mation, the latter generally intervene for day to day individual demands, such as private utility and facility companies that would produce and need data for their own purposes like water tax collection. Information users include the private individual users, municipalities and local com­munities, public and private investors, banks, real estate and mortgage brokers, etc.

The successful urban cadastre depends upon legal frameworks, the social assessment and participation as well as use of new technologies.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • reason [riːzn] сущ

    1. причинаж, поводм, причина того

      (cause, reason of that)

      • technical reason – техническая причина
      • main reason why – главная причина
      • most important reasons – главных причин
      • number of objective reasons – ряд объективных причин
      • following reason – следующая причина
      • formal reason – формальный повод
    2. рассудокм, разумм


      • voice of reason – голос рассудка
      • man’s reason – человеческий разум
      • critique of pure reason – критика чистого разума
    3. соображениеср


      • reasons of national security – соображения государственной безопасности
    4. мотивм


      • serious reason – серьезный мотив
    5. доводм, резонм, аргументм

      (argument, sense)

      • compelling reason – неопровержимый довод
      • direct reason – прямой резон
    6. основаниеср, обоснованиеср

      (basis, justification)

    7. предпосылкаж


    8. предлогм


  • reason [riːzn] гл

    1. рассуждать, размышлять, рассудить

      (argue, think, judge)

      • reason thus – рассуждать так
    2. аргументировать


  • reason [riːzn] нареч

    1. зачем-то

рассуждать reason, discourse, hold forth, dissertate, dissert, descant
аргументировать argue, reason
размышлять reflect, meditate, think, ponder, contemplate, reason
убеждать urge, assure, convince, persuade, exhort, reason
уговаривать persuade, coax, reason, sell, win, blandish
доказывать prove, argue, demonstrate, show, establish, reason
делать вывод conclude, infer, deduce, draw a conclusion, reason, elicit
умозаключать reason, gather
обсуждать discuss, debate, consider, argue, deliberate, reason
умствовать philosophize, reason
причина cause, reason, why, root, ground, account
повод occasion, reason, cause, rein, bridle, halter
основание base, basis, reason, bottom, foundation, ground
разум mind, reason, intellect, understanding, sense, brains
рассудок mind, reason, intellect, intelligence, brain, brains
довод argument, reason, plea, cause
резон reason
аргумент argument, reason, fact
мотив motive, tune, reason, cause, ground, air
соображение consideration, reason
благоразумие prudence, discretion, reason, reasonableness, policy
оправдание justification, excuse, acquittal, defense, vindication, reason
интеллект intelligence, intellect, mind, mentality, brains, reason
здравый рассудок reason
справедливость justice, equity, fairness, right, righteousness, reason
здравый ум sanity, reason

Предложения со словом «reason»

One reason is the stigma, with 63 percent of black Americans mistaking depression for a weakness.

Одна из причин — предрассудки; 63 процента афроамериканцев ошибочно принимают депрессию за слабость.

So what was the next reason why people move to cities?

Так зачем же ещё людям переезжать в города?

Now, what was the third reason why people move to cities?

Какая же третья причина , по которой люди едут в город?

The only reason to do it is to get more people to benefit from it.

Всё, чтобы больше людей смогли воспользоваться технологией.

So when it comes to reasons for studying physics, for example, here is the best reason I can think of: I think that each of us has three life-support systems.

Поэтому, когда речь идёт о том, зачем нам изучать физику, вот лучшая причина , которая приходит в голову: я думаю, что у каждого из нас три системы жизнеобеспечения.

Lying there facing death, he had a reason to live: love.

Когда он лежал там, перед лицом смерти, у отца была причина жить: любовь.

So that was the reason why I started Todai Robot Project, making an AI which passes the entrance examination of the University of Tokyo, the top university in Japan.

Это дало старт моему проекту Todai Robot, суть которого — создать робота, который сдаст вступительный экзамен в Токийский университет, самый лучший университет Японии.

Whatever the reason, we need a new way, and AfroBubbleGum is one approach.

Каковы бы ни были причины , нам нужен новый путь, и Афробубльгум — один из подходов к этому.

The reason is ageism: discrimination and stereotyping on the basis of age.

Ответ кроется в эйджизме — создании стереотипов и дискриминации по возрасту.

If you really want to know the truth, the only reason I got into art is because of a woman.

И если вы хотите знать правду, то я заинтересовался искусством только из — за женщины.

There is a reason why he is the highest in the composition here.

Есть причина , по которой этот человек — самый высокий в композиции.

There is a reason why the painter is showing us this gold necklace here.

Есть причина , по которой художник показывает нам золотое ожерелье.

The reason I care about this problem so much is I studied at a lab called the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford that taught [students how to recognize] exactly these techniques.

Меня это так беспокоит, потому что я занимался этим вопросом ещё в Стэнфорде, в лаборатории технологий убеждения, в которой студентов обучали этим техникам.

And in a rather innovative view — Madison never failed to innovate when he thought about anything — he said the reason that the press was so pro-Federalist is that the advertisers were all Federalists, because they were traders on the coasts who got their capital from Britain, which Federalism was in bed with.

И в довольно передовом ключе — Мэдисон всегда был склонен к новаторству, о чём бы он ни думал — он сказал, что пресса поддержала федералистов, потому что все рекламодатели были федералистами, ведь они торговали на побережьях, которые получали свои капиталы из Великобритании, с которой федералисты были заодно.

And the reason I built these tools is for moments like this.

И причина , по которой я создал те приборы, — ради таких моментов.

If I was to pinpoint any reason why I am successful, it is because I was and I am a loved child, now, a loved child with a lot of sass and sarcasm, but a loved child nonetheless.

Если бы мне пришлось точно указать причину того, почему я успешна, то это только потому что я была, да и сейчас я — любимый ребёнок, только теперь я любимый ребёнок, полный дерзости и сарказма, но несмотря на это, любимый ребёнок.

Those are precisely the reasons we should be helping refugees, not a reason not to help them.

Это как раз те причины , по которым мы должны им помочь, а не наоборот — отвергнуть.

And it’s a reason to help them because of what it says about us.

Это причины поддержать их, потому что так мы познáем себя.

The reason that refugees have rights around the world

Почему у беженцев имеются права во всём мире?

And the only reason I took my finger off the trigger was thanks to a few lucky coincidences.

Я убрал палец с курка только благодаря нескольким счастливым совпадениям.

And the reason they’re like that is that the need for shelter is so bound up with the human desire for beauty.

И причина , почему они так выглядят, в том, что необходимость в пристанище у людей тесно связана с жаждой прекрасного.

And along the way, glass became the default material of the high-rise city, and there’s a very powerful reason for that.

Кроме того, стекло стало стандартным материалом для строительства высотных зданий по достаточно веской причине .

One reason is, there is a massive amount of data.

Во — первых, собран огромный объём данных.

And all it took here was hours for these men to develop a completely new category of us, all of us in the trenches here on both sides, dying for no damn reason, and who is a them, those faceless powers behind the lines who were using them as pawns.

Всего за несколько часов эти люди превратились в новую категорию мы; есть мы, засевшие в этих окопах по обе стороны, погибающие без какой — либо причины , и есть они — представители безликой силы за линией фронта, которые используют нас как пешек.

The reason I laughed also was this was a man who not only was a Holocaust denier, but seemed quite proud of it.

В том числе я рассмеялась, потому что этот человек не только отрицал Холокост, но и, казалось, гордился этим.

But I was small when I was really young for whatever reason.

Но в раннем детстве я была маленькой по какой — то причине .

The only reason I am who I am is because of my losses.

Я стала тем, кем я стала, исключительно благодаря своим поражениям.

His fearless voice of reason was seen as a threat to the political establishment, and Joseph Stalin had him executed in 1929.

Его бесстрашный голос разума казался угрозой для политической элиты, и в 1929 году Иосиф Сталин расстрелял его.

But could a big reason for that be that we are not training our students right?

Но, Может Быть, Дело В Том, Что Мы Не Тому Учим Студентов?

It was part of the reason for the delay in their return.

Это стало одной из причин задержки расследования.

There’s no reason why we can’t measure racism if we put our minds to it.

Не вижу причин , почему мы не сможем оценить его, если зададимся такой целью.

And this brings us to the second reason why we aren’t paying proper attention to this issue.

И это подводит нас ко второй причине нашего равнодушия к этой теме.

However, we only see a few samples, and for that reason, there are an infinite number of possible images that are perfectly consistent with our telescope measurements.

Однако, у нас не много образцов, и по этой причине существует бесконечное множество возможных изображений, прекрасно сочетающихся с показаниями наших телескопов.

So I think those two issues would be the main reason.

Поэтому, я думаю, эти два факта и послужили основным мотивом.

And so I think that was a huge reason why Trump was elected.

Я думаю, это сыграло огромную роль в выборе Трампа президентом.

And I think his health care repeal will fail for that reason.

Именно поэтому эта затея с отменой страхования провалится.

Another reason why Trump became so popular: because he says what he thinks.

Ещё одна причина популярности Трампа: он говорит то, что думает.

It’s also about understanding what is important in breast milk so that we can deliver better formulas to moms who cannot or do not breastfeed for whatever reason.

Речь идёт о понимании того, что важно в грудном молоке, чтобы можно было создавать улучшенную смесь для тех мам, которые не могут кормить самостоятельно по разным причинам .

This question is also about averages in a way, because part of the reason why people are so frustrated with these national statistics, is they don’t really tell the story of who’s winning and who’s losing from national policy.

В некотором смысле это тоже касается средних величин, потому что одна из причин разочарования людей в общенациональной статистике — это то, что она не рассказывает, кто выигрывает и кто проигрывает от национальной политики.

Well, the reason that you wouldn’t want to do it, let me reassure you, is in order to interfere in the democratic processes of another country.

Я могу назвать причину , по которой вы не захотите, — и я это понимаю, — вы не хотите вмешиваться в дела другого государства.

You wake up one morning, however, and you discover that the reason there are no rules is because there’s no government, and there are no laws.

Просыпаетесь вы однажды утром и обнаруживаете, что причина отсутствия правил в том, что больше нет ни правительства, ни законов.

And the reason for this is displayed in this chest X-ray.

Причина видна на рентгенограмме грудной клетки.

And as a result, had loss of developmental milestones, neurologic milestones, and the reason for this problem is here — it’s called hydrocephalus.

И как результат, задержка в развитии, неврологические проблемы, а причина этого — в заболевании под названием гидроцефалия.

But the only reason they exist is because I made them up.

Но они есть лишь потому, что я cам их выдумал.

And I wanted to hide from the world I’d rejected for so long — people who had no reason at all to give me a second chance after a lifetime of antagonism.

И я хотела спрятаться от мира, который так долго отвергала — от людей, у которых не было никаких причин давать мне второй шанс после многих лет противостояния.

People had every reason to doubt my sincerity, but most of them didn’t.

У людей были все основания сомневаться в моей искренности, но они не сомневались.

And for some reason, he was like, Sure, why not?

И он почему — то ответил: Конечно, почему нет?

The remaining 30 or so roles, there’s no reason why those minor roles can’t match or reflect the demography of where the story is taking place.

Что касается оставшихся 30 ролей, непонятно, почему бы им не отразить демографическую ситуацию среды, где разворачивается история.

Now, there’s no reason why a network, a studio or a production company cannot adopt the same contractual language in their negotiation processes.

Непонятно, почему сеть, студия или продюссерская компания не могут вести переговоры на этом юридическом языке.

It’s the reason that Carter G.

Это причина создания Картером Г.

It’s the reason that we continue to celebrate Black History Month in the US every February.

Это причина , по которой мы празднуем Месяц негритянской истории в США каждый февраль.

I mean, it feels like we need a different kind of conversation, one that’s based on — I don’t know, on reason, listening, on understanding, on a broader context.

Мне кажется, что нам нужен качественно новый диалог, который будет строиться на здравом смысле и понимании более широкого контекста.

Humans do such crazy things for no obvious reason, but again, at the same time, another very powerful force in human history is human wisdom.

Люди совершают безумства без какой — либо на то причины , но в то же время другой движущей силой в истории является человеческая мудрость.

The main reason we need it is because many of these issues are lose-lose situations.

Главная же в нём необходимость — это безвыигрышность многих из подобных решений.

And certainly there is no obvious reason to think that it would look like Denmark, or that it would be a democracy.

И, разумеется, нет никаких оснований полагать, что оно будет похоже на Данию или что оно будет демократичным.

Cows are conscious, pigs are conscious, chimpanzees are conscious, chickens are conscious, so if we go that way, first of all, we need to broaden our horizons and remember very clearly we are not the only sentient beings on Earth, and when it comes to sentience — when it comes to intelligence, there is good reason to think we are the most intelligent of the whole bunch.

Сознание есть у коров, свиней, у шимпанзе и у куриц, поэтому в первую очередь нам следует раздвинуть наши горизонты и всегда помнить, что мы не единственные чувствующие существа на Земле, а что касается чувств, вернее, что касается интеллекта, то у нас есть основания полагать, что мы умнее всех.

This, I think, is the deep reason for the feelings of alienation and loneliness and so forth, and therefore part of the solution is not to bring back some mass nationalism, but also reconnect with our own bodies.

Вот в чём, по — моему, глубинная причина чувств отчуждения, одиночества и им подобных, и поэтому частью решения служит не возвращение к массовому национализму, а восстановление связи с собственным телом.

And this is maybe the most important reason why international violence declined dramatically since 1945, and today, as I said, more people commit suicide than are killed in war.

И, возможно, это явилось основной причиной , по которой международная агрессия резко снизилась после 1945 года, и теперь, как я говорил, больше людей кончают с собой, чем погибают на войне.

The visit with the provider is not the center of Jennie’s model, and for good reason.

Встречи с медработником не являются центром модели Дженни, и не зря.

So the reason there’s a time difference on Mars right now, from the time that we’re at is because the Martian day is longer than the Earth day.

Причина разницы во времени между нами и Марсом состоит в том, что марсианские сутки длиннее земных.

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