Найдите синонимы rapidly sophisticated

encode, capacity, disintegrate, emission, widen, intensive, in­credible, defence, stranger, reality, strengthen, fulfilment, inde­structible, amplification, substance, entirely, vaporize.

Упражнение 14. Назовите производные от следующих слов, переведите.

limit, transmit, approximate, success, science, relate.

Упражнение 15. Найдите русскому слову соответствующее английское.

устанавливать — installment, installation, install; различие, разница — differ, difference, different; распадаться — disintegrator, disintegration, disintegrate; применимый — application, applicable, apply; укреплять — strong, strength, strengthen; эффективно — efficient, efficiency, efficiently; усилитель — amplification, amplifier, amplify.

Упражнение 16. Найдите:

а) синонимы

rapidly, sophisticated, to conduct, demand, almost, quickly, to carry out, approximately, opportunity, requirement, also, use, to fulfill, complex, as well, to realize, application, possibility;

б) антонимы

further, integrate, cooling, outside, powerless, uncontrolled, limited, disintegrate, nearer, capable, limitless, controlled, inca­pable, powerful, heating, inside.


Упражнение 17. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на много­значность слов make и light.

What makes a soap bubble (мыльный пузырь) rise and fall. If a soap bubble does not break at once, it will begin to fall. Why? To explain this, we must remember a balloon which is filled with hot air. It rises for some time and then it falls again. A balloon rises be­cause the hot air inside it is lighter than the air round it, and as it is lighter, it must rise. When the air inside a balloon cools, the weight of the balloon itself makes it fall. A soap bubble is really a little bal­loon filled with hot air. This air is much lighter than the air outside. It can carry the weight of the water which makes the skin of the soap bubble. But this cannot last for a long time, because the skin of the soap bubble is very thin. The bubble becomes as cool as the air around it and it begins to fall. It is interesting to know that the early experiments with balloons were based on soap bubbles.

Упражнение 18. Переведите.

There is a large garage on Seventh Street that provides work for eleven men. There is one man who meets the customers. There are two other men who take care of batteries. There is another man who washes cars. There are three other men who sell gas and oil. There is another man who repairs timers. There are two men who work with engines and there is one man who sells tires. There is no better place for automobile service.

Упражнение 19. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

I … now in the garage on Seventh Street. There … three cars here. One … a Ford. There … a man in it. He … buying a tire. One car … a Buick. There … five people in it. There … a third саг. А man and his wife … in it. Their battery … dead. The two battery men … looking at it. «I… sure you will have to rent a battery», one man says. «We … a long way from home», the man in the car an­swers. «We …. not here often. We must buy a battery. There … nothing else to do».

Упражнение 20. Дайте недостающие формы глаголов, запомните их.

chosen, fed, costing, put, overcome, coming, made.


Упражнение 21. Прочитайте и переведите без словаря.

То understand why light from the laser is so concentrated, you must know that light travels in waves. Ordinary white light is made up of many wavelengths travelling in every direction. Laser light is essentially of one wavelength, with all the waves moving in one di­rection. Because the laser wavelengths intensify each other, they can remain in an unbelievably straight beam for a long distance. Al­most any substance can be forced to «lase» if you work hard enough with it. Gas lasers give off continuous beams of light. Tiny semi­conductor lasers may be especially useful in computers for trans­mitting signals to replace the use of cables. Many lasers can give off invisible radiation, either infrared or ultraviolet.

CONVERSATION Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

1. What is a laser? (a device producing an intensive beam of light) 2. What is its principle of operation? (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) 3. What light is produced by a la­ser? (light of pure single colour) 4. What can be done by means of a laser? (vaporizing the hardest materials) 5. What materials can be treated with a laser? (practically any material and any substance) 6. What is the most promising use of lasers? (the use in all kinds of communication) 7. What prevents putting into effect the projects to use lasers more widely in space? (great technological difficulties and great cost involved)

Exercise 2. Make a sentence out of the two parts.

  1. A laser can find

  2. It is very interesting to com­bine

  3. There is an idea

  4. In this case a laser beam

  5. The light capacity in a laser in­stallation should be dozens of times greater

  6. To develop such a laser system in practice

  7. Scientists and engineers must work

  1. must heat the fuel to the re­quired temperature very quickly.

  2. very wide application.

  3. hard to overcome numerous technological difficulties.

  4. is not an easy task.

  5. to use a laser for solving the problem of controlled thermonu­clear reaction.

  6. laser and thermonuclear reac­tion to produce a limitless source of energy.

7. than the capacity of all the
world’s power plants.


Exercise 3. A. Read and learn.

I Want to Read Faster

Mary: I’ve read a detective story. It wasn’t very good so I wasted (тратить, терять время) much time.

Jane: Oh, it takes me now not more than an hour to read a novel.

M.: Really?

J.: Two months ago it would have taken me about two days. It is a pity you didn’t join me when I was taking speed-reading course.

M.: Two things hold me back. Doubts that any system could radi­cally and permanently increase my speed. And money for the courses.

J.: But I thought that if I could double my speed, the sum would­n’t be so much.

M.: Sure, you are right. By the way, some authorities say it isn’t reading. Though a lot of unread newspapers, books and maga­zines about the house might fall on me. My present work day reading is 200 words per minute, it is very slow. How are those speed reading courses?

J.: Great, today 50,000 students a year take these courses.

M.: How long does this course last?

J.: Eight weeks, a 2,5 hour session a week plus an hour a day drill.

M.: What is your speed now?

J.: The final test showed that my speed was 1520 w.p.m. The book was the same we have used for our entrance exam.

M.: But you can lose the technique.

J.: It is another question. The only wide survey (опрос) of ex-students — 1800 of them — showed that after a year one third of the people weren’t using the method at all. Another third said they use it sometimes and that probably they have kept speed. But the rest of the students said they were reading faster than a year later.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Are you a fast or a slow reader?

  1. In what situations can fast reading be useful in your opinion?

  2. Would you like to improve your reading speed? Why?

  3. Can all books be read quickly? Why (not)?

Exercise 4. Comment on the following statement.

Every student ought to be able to read very fast.

One point of view: Reading requires thought; one needs time for thinking, reading ought to be a kind of dialogue with the author — this requires time; quality is more im­portant than quantity.


A contrary point of view : Fast reading does not mean careless reading, nothing is left out, thinking can be very fast, fast reading is reading for meaning, it saves time (экономить) also for thinking, it is very important for a person to get a great deal of information in as little time as possible.

Exercise 5. Conduct a scientific meeting on: «Laser and its applications».

Use texts 10A, 10B, and IOC as a basis for the preparation of an oral talk (устное сообщение), short abstracts (краткие тезисы), summary (реферат) of the presenta­tion and for the discussion of the theme (тема).

Useful Words and Phrases of Scientific Communication at a scientific meeting, conference, round-table discussion, symposium, colloquium, seminar, session, con­gress, etc.

Stages of a meeting


Opening a meeting

Introducing a speaker

Interrupting a speaker Opening a discussion

Ending a discussion Thanking

Ending a meeting Introducing the report


I declare the meeting open. Right, can we start? Ladies and Gentlemen, are we ready to begin? OK then, perhaps we could make a start?

I have a great pleasure to introduce Dr. (Prof.)

Baker, an expert in

Our first speaker, Dr Baker, will speak on…

May I draw your attention to the fact that this point will be discussed later?

And now I’d like to open the discussion on the presentation given by Dr Baker. Are there any questions to Dr Baker?

May I propose that we stop there?

I’m sure I’m speaking for everyone when I say how grateful we are to Dr Baker for his informative (excellent) presentation, (talk, speech, lecture). Pd like to thank everybody here.

I declare the meeting closed. Speaker

Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a great honour to address this meeting (conference); I’d like to talk in my report about First of all (in the first place) I’d like to name the main points of my paper.



While reporting

Now, let us turn to the point

The second point is …

Moving to point three …And finally …

So much about

I’d like to attract your attention to …

Allow me to call your attention to …

I should like to note (emphasize) …

If you look at this diagram Have a look at

If you remember, I mentioned … As I’ve already mentioned

Do you see what I mean … Do you follow me… As far as I know Sorry, I got lost

Ending the report

In conclusion I’d like to stress the importance … Thank you for your attention.


Introducing oneself

My name is John Smith. I am from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I’m very impressed with Dr. B’s complete (interesting) presentation. I’d like to give you my view on this subject …


My question is as follows …

I have a question to ask …

One question is, the second question is …

I’d like to ask a question in this connection…

There is a practical question which …

Pd like to ask a question concerning …

May I address a question to Dr. В.? Is it possible to

describe simply, how…

Agreement with the speaker

I think you are entirely right speaking about… I’d like to express agreement with the speaker


But I am not sure you are right.

I am very sorry to have to say that I don’t agree

with Dr. B.

Unfortunately, I cannot agree with your final


I wish I could agree with you but…

We are not yet certain….



Making remarks

This is an interesting work but it has a lack…

It is surprising…

It is unbelievable…

I’m not surprised that it is possible…

I find it hard to believe…

Td like to make a comment of general nature…

Fd like to make two more remarks…

I have a few points to make…

I have just a small point, but it may make things

much clearer a bit.

Excuse me, but Td just like to point out…

Making contribution

I’d like to add in connection with…

to the discussion

In addition, Td like to mention…

Let me put some more questions…

Exercise 6. Read and smile.

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • rapidly нареч

    • quickly · swiftly · speedily · soon · apace · briskly · hastily · fleetly
    • quick · swift


  • quickly, fast, swiftly, speedily, at the speed of light, posthaste, at full tilt, briskly, hurriedly, hastily, in haste, in a rush, precipitately, like a shot, pretty damn quick, PDQ, in a flash, on the double, like a bat out of hell, like lightning, like greased lightning, like mad, like the wind, lickety-split, at warp speed, apace
  • apace, quickly, speedily, chop-chop

Предложения со словом «rapidly»

The virus wasn’t dengue, it was Zika, and it spread rapidly — Recife down the coast, a big metropolitan center, soon became the epicenter.

Это была не лихорадка денге, а вирус Зика, он быстро распространялся — Ресифи, крупный мегаполис вниз по побережью, вскоре стал эпицентром.

I know that I’m depriving my son of the sleep he desperately needs as a rapidly growing teenager.

Я знаю, что лишаю своего сына сна, который так нужен ему, подростку в период интенсивного роста.

And not only is the physical habitat of the Arctic changing rapidly , but the acoustic habitat is, too.

И не только физическая среда обитания Арктики стремительно изменяется, но и акустическая среда тоже.

They are rapidly improving the health status of the Afghan population, which used to be the worst in the world.

Они быстро подняли уровень здоровья афганского народа, который на тот момент был худшим в мире.

An automated system for rapidly sorting these important biomarkers is not currently available.

Автоматизированной системы для быстрой сортировки этих важных биомаркеров в настоящее время нет.

With rising populations, industrial development and economic growth, our demand for clean water is increasing, yet our freshwater resources are rapidly depleting.

С ростом населения, развитием промышленности и экономики, чистой воды нужно всё больше, а запасы пресной воды быстро истощаются.

Of course, I knew it was clear that religion would be a principle battlefield in this rapidly changing landscape, and it was already clear that religion was a significant part of the problem.

Конечно, я прекрасно знала, что религия станет главным полем битвы на этом быстро меняющемся ландшафте, и было очевидно, что в ней кроется значительная часть существующих проблем.

Our hydrogen, from water that is broken down, is going to escape into space more rapidly , and we’re going to be left with this dry, reddish planet.

Водород из воды, вследствие её распада, будет утекать в открытый космос быстрее, а нам останется эта сухая красноватая планета.

I did not wish to approach the fleet too rapidly .

Я не хотел приближаться к неприятельской флотилии слишком быстро.

His heart begins to beat rapidly with excitement and fear.

Его сердце начинает нервно колотиться от страха и волнения.

Our simple meal rapidly became a vast and complicated endeavor.

Наша скромная трапеза стремительно превратилась в обширное и сложное предприятие.

On one occasion it did escape briefly, but was rapidly recaptured I hasten to add.

Однажды она действительно сбежала ненадолго, но была быстро поймана, спешу добавить.

The rumors and incredible stories swept through Meadenvil rapidly .

По Медополю быстро разносились слухи о самых невероятных происшествиях.

The ensign was rapidly returning to his chatty norm.

Мичман быстро пришел в себя и затараторил с привычной непринужденностью.

At this time cinema rapidly developed in both the New and the Old World.

В настоящее время наблюдается стремительное развитие кино Нового и Старого Света.

Today’s world is changing rapidly because people want it to be better for them.

Современный мир изменяется очень быстро, потому что люди хотят сделать его лучше для себя.

The level of pollution in megapolices is rapidly increasing, so that many people find it impossible to breathe such air and settle in in suburbs.

Уровень загрязнения в мегаполисах стремительно увеличивается, так что многие люди находят невозможным дышать таким воздухом и селятся в пригородах.

Magazines, unlike newspapers, do not focus on daily, rapidly changing events.

Журналы, в отличие от газет, не сосредотачиваются на ежедневных, быстро изменяющихся событиях.

And computer technology is not standing still, it’s rapidly progressing.

И компьютерные технологии не стоят на месте, она быстро прогрессируют.

However, every year many immigrants move to the USA, so the population rapidly grows.

Однако каждый год много эмигрантов переезжает в США, поэтому население быстро растёт.

Computers are the most rapidly changing sphere of modern technology.

Компьютеры являются самой быстро меняющейся сферой современной технологии.

I had rapidly discovered that I wasn’t wild about the idea of my escapade being discussed by the general populace.

Я понял, что меня отнюдь не радует обсуждение моей персоны всем населением.

The enemy had been decisively crippled, and all four attack forces would pursue as rapidly as possible.

Врагу нанесен страшный удар, и четыре штурмовые группы скоро начнут его преследование.

The chain of command in the Empire allowed for a certain amount of flexibility, but an Imperial force without a leader grew rapidly unstable.

Командная иерархия Империи была достаточно гибкой, но имперский отряд без главы быстро терял упорядоченность.

Rapidly it gained altitude and speed, and then it circled.

Он стремительно набрал высоту и скорость и принялся описывать круги в небе.

I feel my original training as a Scientist enables me to more rapidly observe, summarize, and appraise the factors weighing on any specific situation.

Мое воспитание помогает мне быстрее подмечать и анализировать специфические факторы в специфической ситуации.

The line moved fairly rapidly because the Protector tolerated no long conversations.

Очередь продвигалась довольно быстро, потому что Защитник не терпел долгих разговоров.

When he thought of Uncle Jim the inside feeling of his body faded away rapidly to a blank discomfort. . . .`

При мысли о дяде Джиме все внутри у него холодело и замирало.

There was a jug of fresh lime water by her bed, emptying rapidly .

У ее кровати быстро пустел кувшин свежей лимонной воды.

Something passed rapidly then, high above the cathedral, uttering a sonic boom.

Что — то быстро пронеслось высоко над собором и произвело звучный гул.

His visual display showed the rapidly dispersing wreckage of Ragnhild Pavletic’s pinnace.

На его обзорный экран было выведено изображение быстро рассеивающихся обломков бота Рагнхильд Павлетич.

She saw that the conversation was rapidly getting into deep and stormy water.

Она видела, что разговор быстро принимает бурный и опасный оборот.

Molly began to sign rapidly , produced a scrap of paper, wrote something on it, and passed it to the Finn.

Молли начала подавать быстрые знаки, достала клочок бумажки, написала что — то на нем и передала Финну.

Zeb hitched Jim to the buggy again, and the horse trotted along and drew them rapidly over the smooth water.

Зеб снова впряг Джима в коляску, и конь потрусил вдоль по речке.

A wild crimson blot was crawling upward rapidly along his shirt front like an enormous sea monster rising to devour him.

Страшное бурое пятно быстро ползло вверх по рубашке, точно некое морское чудовище намеревалось сожрать его.

His eyes, concealed behind thick glasses, began blinking rapidly .

Его глаза за толстыми линзами очков начали быстро моргать.

His head was thrust forward, and his chocolate colored eyes blinked rapidly .

Голову он наклонил вперед и часто моргал глазами цвета какао.

Now, since frogs breathe through their skins they react to the toxins in the environment more rapidly .

Лягушки ведь дышат кожей и быстро реагируют на отравленный воздух.

I believe we should advance to Berlin as rapidly as possible.

Я считаю, что нам нужно продвигаться как можно быстрее к Берлину.

Turner spun the cylinder rapidly and snapped it back into the frame.

Тернер щелчком вогнал барабан на место и резко его крутанул .

Intense physical activity rapidly depletes muscle fibers of ATP, which gives them the energy they need to contract

Интенсивная физическая нагрузка быстро лишает мышечные волокна АТФ — кислоты, которая дает им энергию для выполнения работы.

Deanna Ramsay turned with a welcoming smile that rapidly died.

Диана Рэмзи повернулась с приветливой улыбкой, которая тотчас же замерла у нее на губах.

The precision remote system was designed to destroy any rapidly moving metallic object.

Система удаленного контроля была разработана так, что уничтожает любой быстро движущийся металлический объект.

Every gun’s crew was loading and firing as rapidly as possible.

Каждый орудийный расчет заряжал и палил так быстро, как только мог.

Moreover, detached skirmishers lose their sense of direction rapidly , and this thorny vegetation is admirably adapted to hinder free movement.

Разрозненные отряды быстро теряют направление, а колючая растительность как нельзя лучше препятствует перемещениям.

Computers can now store and process enormous amounts of information extremely rapidly .

Сейчас компьютеры могут хранить и обрабатывать огромное количество информации за необычайно короткое время.

They approached the second planet rapidly and over a period of two days its image expanded; at first with a majestic and measured swelling.

Они стремительно приближались к этой планете и в течение двух дней ее изображение увеличивалось.

Any such army which abused its power would rapidly be confronted by several things.

Любая армия, которая злоупотребит своей властью, весьма скоро столкнется с целым рядом проблем.

He spun his finger around, and the stone on the floor before him popped and snapped as it rapidly grew to a broad, flat rock.

Он согнул палец, и камешек мгновенно разросся до размеров здоровенного плоского куска скалы.

I was floating some ten feet above the ground at an angle that was rapidly drifting toward a horizontal position.

Я плыл примерно в десяти футах над землей под углом, стремительно смещавшимся к горизонтали.

The lieutenant looked up and followed the private’s view to a rapidly descending dot.

Лейтенант посмотрел вверх и проследил взгляд рядового до быстро снижающейся точки.

He raised his right hand slightly above shoulder-level, extended his index finger and moved it rapidly through a series of small circles.

Он вытянул правую руку на уровень плеча и начертал указательным пальцем несколько маленьких кругов.

He spoke rapidly in the strangely musical tones of one of the old Celtic tongues.

Он горячо и быстро заговорил со странными певучими интонациями одного из старых кельтских языков.

The headlights sank rapidly as the car’s powerful engine merely excavated its own grave.

Фары быстро опускались вниз, по мере того как мощный двигатель автомобиля копал свою собственную могилу.

The Bumpy Man was now shoveling quite a distance down the mountain-side, while the path behind him rapidly filled up with fresh-fallen popcorn.

Шишечный работал лопатой где — то в отдалении, а проделанная им тропинка покрылась новым слоем кукурузного снега.

Hornblower estimated the rapidly diminishing range, twirled the elevating screw, and fired.

Хорнблауэр оценил быстро убывающее расстояние, повернул винт и выстрелил.

Its plodding pace rapidly turned into a headlong plunge toward Hell.

Его размеренный шаг быстро перешел в безудержное падение в ад.

The dead human body is basically a bag of rapidly evaporating water.

Мертвое человеческое тело в основном мешок из которого быстро испаряется вода.

They covered three or four miles before they overtook the rear of the French infantry, marching rapidly through the mud, and Pouzauges pulled his horse to a walk.

Через три или четыре мили они догнали арьергард французской пехоты, быстро марширующей по грязи.

The dead were rapidly cooling in the unheated vestibule as medics pointlessly worked to repair the wounded.

Трупы быстро остывали в неотапливаемом вестибюле, пока санитары тщетно трудились над ранеными.

capacity, disintegrate, emission, widen, intensive, in­credible,
defence, stranger, reality, strengthen, fulfilment, inde­structible,
amplification, substance, entirely, vaporize.

производные от следующих слов, переведите,

русскому слову соответствующее

— installment,
installation, install; различие,
— differ,
difference, different; распадаться

disintegrator, disintegration, disintegrate; применимый

application, applicable, apply; укреплять

strong, strength, strengthen; эффективно

efficient, efficiency, efficiently; усилитель

amplification, amplifier, amplify.



sophisticated, to conduct, demand, almost, quickly, to carry out,
approximately, opportunity, requirement, also, use, to fulfill,
complex, as well, to realize, application, possibility;


integrate, cooling, outside, powerless, uncontrolled, limited,
disintegrate, nearer, capable, limitless, controlled, inca­pable,
powerful, heating, inside.

17. Переведите предложения, обращая
внимание на много­значность слов
и light.

makes a soap bubble (мыльный
and fall. If a soap bubble does not break at once, it will begin to
fall. Why? To explain this, we must remember a balloon which is
filled with hot air. It rises for some time and then it falls again.
A balloon rises be­cause the hot air inside it is lighter than
the air round it, and as it is lighter, it must rise. When the air
inside a balloon cools, the weight of the balloon itself makes it
fall. A soap bubble is really a little bal­loon filled with hot
air. This air is much lighter than the air outside. It can carry the
weight of the water which makes the skin of the soap bubble. But
this cannot last for a long time, because the skin of the soap
bubble is very thin. The bubble becomes as cool as the air around it
and it begins to fall. It is interesting to know that the early
experiments with balloons were based on soap bubbles.


is a large garage on Seventh Street that provides work for eleven
men. There is one man who meets the customers. There are two other
men who take care of batteries. There is another man who washes
cars. There are three other men who sell gas and oil. There is
another man who repairs timers. There are two men who work with
engines and there is one man who sells tires. There is no better
place for automobile service.


21. Прочитайте и переведите без словаря.

why light from the laser is so concentrated, you must know that
light travels in waves. Ordinary white light is made up of many
wavelengths travelling in every direction. Laser light is
essentially of one wavelength, with all the waves moving in one
di­rection. Because the laser wavelengths intensify each other,
they can remain in an unbelievably straight beam for a long
distance. Al­most any substance can be forced to «lase» if you
work hard enough with it. Gas lasers give off continuous beams of
light. Tiny semi­conductor lasers may be especially useful in
computers for trans­mitting signals to replace the use of
cables. Many lasers can give off invisible radiation, either
infrared or ultraviolet.


1. Answer
the questions.

  1. What
    is a laser? (a device producing an intensive beam of light) 2. What
    is its principle of operation? (light amplification by stimulated
    emission of radiation) 3. What light is produced by a la­ser?
    (light of pure single colour) 4. What can be done by means of a
    laser? (vaporizing the hardest materials) 5. What materials can be
    treated with a laser? (practically any material and any substance)

  1. What
    is the most promising use of lasers? (the use in all kinds of
    communication) 7. What prevents putting into effect the projects to
    use lasers more widely in space? (great technological difficulties
    and great cost involved)

2. Make
a sentence out of the two parts.

  1. A
    laser can find

  2. It
    is very interesting to com­bine

  3. There
    is an idea

  4. In
    this case a laser beam

  5. The
    light capacity in a laser in­stallation should be dozens of
    times greater

  6. To
    develop such a laser system in practice

  7. Scientists
    and engineers must work

  1. must
    heat the fuel to the re­quired temperature very quickly.

  2. very
    wide application.

  3. hard
    to overcome numerous technological difficulties.

  4. is
    not an easy task.

  5. to
    use a laser for solving the problem of controlled thermonu­clear

  6. laser
    and thermonuclear reac­tion to produce a limitless source of

  7. than
    the capacity of all the world’s power plants.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • briskly
  • expeditiously
  • fast
  • immediately
  • promptly
  • speedily
  • swiftly
  • at speed
  • flat out
  • full tilt
  • hastily
  • hurriedly
  • in a hurry
  • in a rush
  • in haste
  • lickety-split
  • like a shot
  • posthaste
  • precipitately
  • with dispatch

On this page you’ll find 45 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to rapidly, such as: briskly, expeditiously, fast, immediately, promptly, and speedily.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING rapidly

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!


How to use rapidly in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • posthaste
  • rapidly
  • speedily
  • swiftly
  • brusquely
  • enthusiastically
  • in a lively manner
  • nimbly
  • promptly
  • quickly
  • rapidly
  • vigorously
  • actively
  • anticipatorily
  • ardently
  • breathlessly
  • cordially
  • cravingly
  • earnestly
  • energetically
  • enthusiastically
  • expectantly
  • fervently
  • fiercely
  • full tilt
  • gladly
  • heartily
  • hungrily
  • impatiently
  • intently
  • longingly
  • promptly
  • rapidly
  • readily
  • sincerely
  • speedily
  • spiritedly
  • strenuously
  • thirstily
  • vigorously
  • willingly
  • with enthusiasm
  • with gusto
  • zealously
  • zestfully
  • apace
  • chop-chop
  • expeditiously
  • flat-out
  • fleetly
  • full tilt
  • hastily
  • hurriedly
  • in a flash
  • in haste
  • in nothing flat
  • in short order
  • like a flash
  • like a shot
  • like greased lightning
  • like wildfire
  • posthaste
  • presto
  • promptly
  • pronto
  • quick
  • quickly
  • rapidly
  • soon
  • swift
  • swiftly
  • apace
  • chop-chop
  • expeditiously
  • flat-out
  • fleetly
  • full tilt
  • hastily
  • hurriedly
  • in a flash
  • in haste
  • in nothing flat
  • in short order
  • like a flash
  • like a shot
  • like greased lightning
  • like wildfire
  • posthaste
  • presto
  • promptly
  • pronto
  • quick
  • quickly
  • rapidly
  • soon
  • swift
  • swiftly
  • apace
  • chop-chop
  • expeditiously
  • flat-out
  • fleetly
  • full tilt
  • hastily
  • hurriedly
  • in a flash
  • in haste
  • in nothing flat
  • in short order
  • like a flash
  • like a shot
  • like greased lightning
  • like wildfire
  • posthaste
  • presto
  • promptly
  • pronto
  • quick
  • quickly
  • rapidly
  • soon
  • swift
  • swiftly

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Подборка по базе: Если бы автором учебника была я.docx, Краткосрочный план урока русского языка в 8 классе.docx, Проект Роль английского языка в современном обществе.pptx, Урок русского языка во 2 классе.docx, Урок русского языка _Способы толкования слова_ (5 класс).docx, Место ОДС в структуре национального языка.docx, Индивидуальный и дифференцированный подходы в обучении детей с О, Самоанализ урока русского языка (пример).doc, Григорьева Т.В.Задания для учителей Английского языка.docx, Международный университет в Москве (МУМ) дисциплина ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫ

Упражнение 8. Просмотрите текст 10А и ответьте на вопросы.

What is this text about? 2. What does the word «laser» mean?

  1. What is the laser, is it a device or some phenomenon? 4. Who was the first to write about lasers? 5. What writer from this country wrote a book about a laser? 6. What can a laser do? 7. Where can it be used? 8. What other uses do you know?

Упражнение 9. Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста 10А. Исправьте неправильные утверждения.

nar radiation into beams. 8. The laser beam will begin operating in outer space.

Упражнение 10. Найдите в тексте 10А инфинитивы в функции части сказуемого и обстоятельства цели (см. 3-й и 5-й абзацы).

Упражнение 11. Найдите предложения с инфинитивом в функции определения и дополнения, переведите.

1. То design, construct and operate a laser system is a great technological achievement. 2. To protect the water resources, forests and atmosphere, several laws were passed in Russia in the 1970s.

  1. A very interesting problem is to produce a practically limitless source of energy. 4. There are projects to use lasers for long distance communication. 5. Automation makes it possible to obtain and develop new sources of energy. 6. To combine laser and thermonuclear reaction is a very interesting problem for the scientists in many countries. 7. To conduct physical experiments with laser beams, Russian physicists have developed large laser installations.
  1. Some Western experts consider that it is practically impossible to protect big cities from pollution. 9. Lasers to be placed on Earth satellites will transform solar radiation into laser beams. 10. A special design bureau in St. Petersburg was the first in the world to develop production of superlong escalators. 11. To put some projects with lasers in operation, great technological difficulties must be overcome. 12. One of the ways to make planes as economical as possible is to lighten the aircraft by using new composite materials. 13. Signals to be measured must be strong enough.

Упражнение 12. Определите, чем выражено определение, переведите.

  1. The new system developed increased the safety and efficiency of a car. 2. The laser’s most important potential use may be its long distance communication applications. 3. Provided the problems of using laser for controlled thermonuclear reaction were solved, the capacity of the pulse received would be much greater than that of all the world’s power plants. 4. All a pilot needs to do is to tune to radio transmitters and he will get direction signals he needs. 5. One of the problems scientists are working at is to transmit energy to space stations by using lasers. 6. Laser provides a light beam intensive enough to vaporize the hardest and most heat-resistant materials. 7. A hypersonic aircraft will require complicated cooling measures because of the extreme temperatures involved.
  1. A new electronic device to be installed in the car’s panel will calculate how far one can drive on the fuel left. 9. The hardest materials a laser beam is aimed at vaporize within a fraction of a second.
  1. Aircraft designers are interested in all kinds of new materials that are strong enough to be used for high-speed airliners.
  2. Noise and vibration are also the problems to be faced by designers of hypersonic crafts. 12. Besides, there is one more problem to be studied — that of surface cooling. 13. The ordinary aircraft windows would make the future superliner structure too weak to withstand great stresses developed. 14. Every student of Cambridge is to go to his tutor once a week to discuss with him the work done.


Упражнение 13. Определите части речи по суффиксам и префиксам.

encode, capacity, disintegrate, emission, widen, intensive, incredible, defence, stranger, reality, strengthen, fulfilment, indestructible, amplification, substance, entirely, vaporize.

Упражнение 14. Назовите производные от следующих слов, переведите, limit, transmit, approximate, success, science, relate.

Упражнение 15. Найдите русскому слову соответствующее английское.

устанавливатьinstallment, installation, install; различие, разницаdiffer, difference, different; распадаться — disintegrator, disintegration, disintegrate; применимый — application, applicable, apply; укреплять — strong, strength, strengthen; эффективно — efficient, efficiency, efficiently; усилитель — amplification, amplifier, amplify.

Упражнение 16. Найдите:

а) синонимы

rapidly, sophisticated, to conduct, demand, almost, quickly, to carry out, approximately, opportunity, requirement, also, use, to fulfill, complex, as well, to realize, application, possibility;

б) антонимы

further, integrate, cooling, outside, powerless, uncontrolled, limited, disintegrate, nearer, capable, limitless, controlled, incapable, powerful, heating, inside.

Упражнение 17. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность слов таке и light.

What makes a soap bubble (мыльный пузырь) rise and fall. If a soap bubble does not break at once, it will begin to fall. Why? To explain this, we must remember a balloon which is filled with hot air. It rises for some time and then it falls again. A balloon rises because the hot air inside it is lighter than the air round it, and as it is lighter, it must rise. When the air inside a balloon cools, the weight of the balloon itself makes it fall. A soap bubble is really a little balloon filled with hot air. This air is much lighter than the air outside. It can carry the weight of the water which makes the skin of the soap bubble. But this cannot last for a long time, because the skin of the soap bubble is very thin. The bubble becomes as cool as the air around it and it begins to fall. It is interesting to know that the early experiments with balloons were based on soap bubbles.

Упражнение 18. Переведите.

There is a large garage on Seventh Street that provides work for eleven men. There is one man who meets the customers. There are two other men who take care of batteries. There is another man who washes cars. There are three other men who sell gas and oil. There is another man who repairs timers. There are two men who work with engines and there is one man who sells tires. There is no better place for automobile service.

Упражнение 19. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be.

Упражневне 21. Прочитайте и переведите без словаря.

То understand why light from the laser is so concentrated, you must know that light travels in waves. Ordinary white light is made up of many wavelengths travelling in every direction. Laser light is essentially of one wavelength, with all the waves moving in one direction. Because the laser wavelengths intensify each other, they can remain in an unbelievably straight beam for a long distance. Almost any substance can be forced to «lase» if you work hard enough with it. Gas lasers give off continuous beams of light. Tiny semiconductor lasers may be especially useful in computers for transmitting signals to replace the use of cables. Many lasers can give off invisible radiation, either infrared or ultraviolet.


Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

  1. What is a laser? (a device producing an intensive beam of light) 2. What is its principle of operation? (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) 3. What light is produced by a laser? (light of pure single colour) 4. What can be done by means of a laser? (vaporizing the hardest materials) 5. What materials can be treated with a laser? (practically any material and any substance)
  1. What is the most promising use of lasers? (the use in all kinds of communication) 7. What prevents putting into effect the projects to use lasers more widely in space? (great technological difficulties and great cost involved)

Exercise 2. Make a sentence out of the two parts.

  1. A laser can find
  2. It is very interesting to combine
  3. There is an idea
  4. In this case a laser beam
  5. The light capacity in a laser installation should be dozens of times greater
  6. To develop such a laser system in practice
  7. Scientists and engineers must work
  1. must heat the fuel to the required temperature very quickly.
  2. very wide application.
  3. hard to overcome numerous technological difficulties.
  4. is not an easy task.
  5. to use a laser for solving the problem of controlled thermonuclear reaction.
  6. laser and thermonuclear reaction to produce a limitless source of energy.
  7. than the capacity of all the world’s power plants.

I Want to Read Faster

Mary: I’ve read a detective story. It wasn’t very good so I wasted

(тратить, терять время) much time.

Jane: Oh, it takes me now not more than an hour to read a novel.

М.: Really?

J.: Two months ago it would have taken me about two days. It is

a pity you didn’t join me when I was taking speed-reading course.

М.: Two things hold me back. Doubts that any system could radi

cally and permanently increase my speed. And money for the courses.

J.: But I thought that if I could double my speed, the sum would

n’t be so much.

М.: Sure, you are right. By the way, some authorities say it isn’t

reading. Though a lot of unread newspapers, books and magazines about the house might fall on me. My present work day reading is 200 words per minute, it is very slow. How are those speed reading courses?

J.: Great, today 50,000 students a year take these courses.

М.: How long does this course last?

J.: Eight weeks, a 2,5 hour session a week plus an hour a day drill.

М.: What is your speed now?

J.: The final test showed that my speed was 1520 w.p.m. The

book was the same we have used for our entrance exam.

М.: But you can lose the technique.

J.: It is another question. The only wide survey (опрос) of

ex-students — 1800 of them — showed that after a year one third of the people weren’t using the method at all. Another third said they use it sometimes and that probably they have kept speed. But the rest of the students said they were reading faster than a year later.

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