Маленький синоним на английском


small — маленький

little – маленький

tiny (teeny) – крошечный

short – низкого роста, короткий

petite – миниатюрный

trifling – пустяковый, маловажный

pocket-size – карманный

miniature (mini) – миниатюрный

diminutive – крохотный

paltry – ничтожный, мелкий

dwarf (dwarfish) – карликовый

minuscule – мизерный

minor – незначительный

tiddly – махонький

microscopic (micro) – микроскопический

meager – небольшой

tight – тесный, узкий

compact – компактный

small-scale – мелкомасштабный

scanty – скудный, малочисленный

insufficient – недостаточный

immature – незрелый ( о человеке)

runty (undersized) – низкорослый

wee – малюсенький

midget – сверхмалый

teensy – крохотный

itsy-bitsy — крошечный


Синонимы к слову «маленький» (small)3.8 out of
based on
6 votes

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  • narrow-minded, character trait

  • unimportant, narrow-minded

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Odds and EndsКак интересен английский язык! Сколько синонимов и близких по значению слов! Вроде бы означают одно и то же, но различие между ними все же есть. Как же правильно их использовать? Мы собираемся рассмотреть несколько подобных примеров, и начнем с известных всем общеупотребительных слов little, small, tiny, являющихся  прилагательными и имеющими одно и то же значение — «маленький», но все же несколько отличающихся  друг от друга.

  • Начнем с прилагательного little [ˈlɪtl], которое, прежде всего, указывает на небольшой размер какого-либо объекта или предмета, малолетний возраст кого-либо, и одновременно несет в себе оттенки некого эмоционального отношения и субъективного мнения говорящего – a little box (маленькая коробочка), a little orange (маленький апельсин), a little bed (маленькая кроватка).
    • This little girl in her rosy dress looked like a little princes from fairy tales – Эта маленькая девочка в своем розовом платье походила на маленькую принцессу из сказок.

  • Прилагательное little используется с неисчисляемыми существительными для обозначения малого, недостаточного количества чего-то, к примеру, денег, воды, сахара, воздуха и т.п. – little money, water, sugar, air.
    • There is little salt in the salad – в салате недостаточно соли.
    • I have little money to buy a car – у меня не хватает денег, чтобы купить машину.

  • Данное прилагательное сочетается с абстрактными существительными для обозначения малой степени чего-либо – надежды, правды, интереса и т.д. – little hope, truth, interest, а также короткую продолжительность какого-то действия – разговора, беседы, прогулки – little talk, walk, незначительность какого-то дела – little matter. 
    • There is little truth in what you have told us – в том, что вы нам рассказали, мало правды
    • The child showed little interest for the toys – ребенок проявил мало интереса к игрушкам
    • We have a little talk with him – мы недолго с ним говорили.


  • Если словом little мы обозначаем малолетний возраст кого-то, то используя слово small  [smɔːl] указываем на небольшой рост человека или размер предмета.
    • He was a small but thick man – он был низким и толстым 
    • My parents had a small house in the country – у моих родителей был небольшой дом в деревне.
  •   Прилагательное small мы используем для указания малого дохода, небольшой вечеринки, компании, толпы и т.д. – a small profit, party, company, crowd, незначительность чего, например, дела, события – a small case, event.
    • A small crowd has gathered in front of my house – напротив моего дома собралась небольшая толпа 
    • This event was too small to pay attention to it – это событие было слишком незначительным, чтобы обращать на него внимание


Как Вы заметили из вышеизложенного, общим значением английских синонимов little и small является небольшой размер предмета, к которому они относятся, в других же случаях каждое из этих слов имеет свое значение. В английском языке есть еще одно слово, обозначающее маленький размер предмета – tiny [ˈtaɪnɪ], но не просто маленький, а крошечный, малюсенький. Это слово обладает положительной эмоциональной окраской – малюсенькие крылышки эльфов, крошечные туфельки дюймовочки —  tiny wings of elves, tiny shoes of Thumbelina.  

prosba avtora

  • cramped
  • limited
  • meager
  • microscopic
  • miniature
  • minuscule
  • modest
  • narrow
  • paltry
  • poor
  • short
  • slight
  • small-scale
  • young
  • baby
  • bantam
  • diminutive
  • little
  • mini
  • minute
  • petite
  • petty
  • scanty
  • shrimp
  • toy
  • trifling
  • wee
  • bitty
  • humble
  • immature
  • inadequate
  • inconsequential
  • inconsiderable
  • insufficient
  • picayune
  • piddling
  • pint-sized
  • pitiful
  • pocket-sized
  • puny
  • runty
  • scrubby
  • stunted
  • teensy
  • teeny
  • trivial
  • undersized
  • unpretentious
  • insignificant
  • light
  • limited
  • minor
  • narrow
  • negligible
  • paltry
  • inferior
  • lower
  • mean
  • minute
  • petty
  • secondary
  • set
  • trifling
  • bush-league
  • inadequate
  • inconsiderable
  • ineffectual
  • lesser
  • minor-league
  • small-fry
  • small-time
  • trivial
  • unessential
  • limited
  • narrow
  • base
  • little
  • mean
  • petty
  • set
  • grudging
  • ignoble
  • illiberal
  • selfish
  • vulgar

On this page you’ll find 250 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to small, such as: cramped, limited, meager, microscopic, miniature, and minuscule.

antonyms for small

  • adequate
  • big
  • fat
  • great
  • huge
  • important
  • large
  • liberal
  • rich
  • significant
  • substantial
  • sufficient
  • tall
  • thick
  • unlimited
  • unrestricted
  • wealthy
  • wide
  • consequential
  • giant
  • useful
  • benevolent
  • broad-minded
  • considerate
  • distinguished
  • enormous
  • excellent
  • famous
  • fine
  • generous
  • giving
  • immense
  • kind
  • important
  • major
  • significant
  • substantial
  • unrestricted
  • consequential
  • first-class
  • first-rate
  • superior
  • useful
  • benevolent
  • big
  • broad-minded
  • considerate
  • distinguished
  • enormous
  • excellent
  • famous
  • fine
  • generous
  • giving
  • huge
  • immense
  • kind
  • large
  • unrestricted
  • important
  • noble
  • benevolent
  • big
  • broad-minded
  • considerate
  • distinguished
  • enormous
  • excellent
  • famous
  • fine
  • generous
  • giving
  • huge
  • immense
  • kind
  • large

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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How to use small in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • diminutive
  • dwarf
  • little
  • midget
  • mini
  • minute
  • petite
  • small
  • tiny
  • wee
  • abrupt
  • bluff
  • blunt
  • boiled down
  • breviloquent
  • brusque
  • compendiary
  • compendious
  • concise
  • crisp
  • curt
  • hasty
  • laconic
  • limited
  • little
  • pithy
  • sharp
  • short and sweet
  • skimpy
  • small
  • snippy
  • succinct
  • surly
  • terse
  • to the point
  • awkward
  • circumscribed
  • close
  • closed in
  • confined
  • crabbed
  • crowded
  • hemmed in
  • illegible
  • incommodious
  • indecipherable
  • irregular
  • jammed in
  • little
  • minute
  • narrow
  • packed
  • pent
  • restricted
  • small
  • squeezed
  • tight
  • tiny
  • tucked up
  • two-by-four
  • uncomfortable
  • Lilliputian
  • bantam
  • bitsy
  • bitty
  • button
  • little
  • midget
  • mini
  • miniature
  • minute
  • peewee
  • pint-sized
  • pocket
  • pocket-sized
  • small
  • teensy
  • teensy-weensy
  • teeny
  • teeny-weeny
  • undersize
  • wee
  • weeny
  • baby
  • bantam
  • diminutive
  • dwarfish
  • mini
  • miniature
  • petite
  • pint-sized
  • pocket
  • pocket-sized
  • small
  • stunted
  • tiny
  • undersized
  • bare
  • confined
  • diminutive
  • inadequate
  • limited
  • little
  • meager
  • narrow
  • negligible
  • paltry
  • petty
  • poor
  • restricted
  • skimpy
  • slender
  • slight
  • small
  • spare
  • sparse
  • tenuous
  • thin
  • tiny

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Изучая иностранный язык, важно помнить о различиях значений прилагательных, которые переводятся на русский одинаково, особенно если эти слова используются часто.

Разница в использовании small и little, которые употребляются наиболее часто, уже подробно рассматривалась на страницах нашего блога.

Однако, боясь допустить ошибку, не нужно ограничиваться всего двумя словами, ведь существует большое количество других синонимов, о которых вы узнаете из этого материала.


Если предмет, который вы описываете, совсем маленький, крошечный, то используйте слово tiny. Однако помните, что tiny – это strong adjective, это значит, что в нем уже заложено значение «очень» и поэтому его нельзя использовать со словом very:

The room was not just small, it was tiny! – Комната была не просто маленькая, она была крохотная!

I saw a tiny stone on the floor. – Я увидел крошечный камень на полу.


Еще один синоним к слову smalldiminutive [dɪ’mɪnjutɪv]. По значению это прилагательное приближено к tiny: маленький, крохотный, миниатюрный, и употребляется для описания объектов или людей:

The curtain opened and a diminutive funny man appeared on stage. – Занавес открылся и крохотный смешной человек появился на сцене.

She was standing on the balcony and her figure seemed diminutive. – Она стояла на балконе и ее фигура казалась крохотной.

В английском языке уменьшительно-ласкательные имена называют diminutives, например Tom – это diminutive от Thomas, Alex – это diminutive от Alexander и так далее. Также в английском языке сущесвуют уменьшительные суффиксы (diminutive suffixes), которые придают словам уменьшительные значения.


Нет, нет, это не 60 секунд, это прилагательное, которое читается [maɪ’n(j)uːt] и обозначает «мелкий, мельчайший», а также «пустяковый, несущественный, незначительный, мелкий», когда речь идет о какой-либо информации либо чем-то абстрактном:

Through the lenses we could see minute particles of sediment. – сквозь увеличительное стекло мы могли видеть мельчайшие частицы осадка.

Their team stood a minute chance to win the competition. – Их команда имела незначительные шансы выиграть соревнование.

Each minute detail was described. – Каждая мельчайшая деталь была описана.


Слово французского происхождения, которое обычно используют, когда описывают женщину: изящная, миниатюрная. Прилагательное произносится как [pə’tiːt]:

I saw her petite figure in the crowd. – Я увидел ее миниатюрную фигуру в толпе.

My aunt was very petite when she was younger but now she gained weight. – Моя тетя была очень изящной, когда была моложе, но сейчас она набрала вес.


Прилагательное petty хотя и не описывает физических размеров, но тоже переводится, как «мелкий», в смысле «незначительный, неважный»:

Let’s avoid petty details and go straight to the point. – Давайте упустим мелкие детали и перейдем прямо к делу.

He was not arrested because he committed just a petty offence. – Он не был арестован, потому что он совершил только мелкое хулиганство.


Маленький, небольшой, в значении «незначительный». Обычно это прилагательное служит для описания каких-либо проявлений, изменений, а не физических размеров предметов:

There was a slight increase in sales in summer. – Летом был небольшой рост продаж.

The damage was not serious, just slight. – Повреждение было небольшим, только незначительным.

Не игнорируйте синонимы знакомых вам слов, наоборот, обращайте на них внимание при работе со словарями, при чтении текстов и вскоре вы заметите, что ваше понимание прочитанного и прослушанного улучшиться, к тому же, это позволит вам точнее выражать свои мысли на английском языке.

А если вам нужна помощь для пополнения словарного запаса и преодоления разговорного барьера – обращайтесь к нам, уже на вводном занятии вы получите полезные рекомендации по составлению индивидуальной программы обучения по Скайп от наших преподавателей. Запишитесь на вводное занятие прямо сейчас!

Увидели ошибку в тексте? Выделите её и нажмите на появившуюся стрелку или CTRL+Enter.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. smalladjective

    In a small fashion.

    tiny, microscopic, minuscule, little, minute

    capital, old, grown-up, large, adult, big, generous

  2. smalladjective

    Young, as a child.

    Remember when the children were small?

    young, wee, little

    grown-up, big, capital, large, generous, old, adult

  3. smalladjective

    adult, big, capital, grown-up, generous, large, old

  4. smalladjective

    lowercase, minuscule

    big, uppercase, capital, majuscule

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. small

    Fine (Latin finis, end) denotes that which has been brought to a full end, finished. From this root-sense many derived meanings branch out, causing words quite remote from each other to be alike synonyms of fine. That which is truly finished, brought to an ideal end, is excellent of its kind, and beautiful, if a thing that admits of beauty; as, a fine house, fine trees, a fine woman, a fine morning; if a thing that admits of the removal of impurities, it is not finished till these are removed, and hence fine signifies clarified, clear, pure, refined; as, fine gold. That which is finished is apt to be polished, smooth to the touch, minutely exact in outline; hence fine comes to be a synonym for all words like dainty, delicate, exquisite; as, fine manners, a fine touch, fine perceptions. As that which is delicate is apt to be small, by an easy extension of meaning fine becomes a synonym for slender, slight, minute, comminuted; as, a fine thread, fine sand; or for filmy, tenuous, thin; as, a fine lace, fine wire; and as a thin edge is keen, sharp, fine becomes also a synonym for these words; as, a fine point, a fine edge. Compare BEAUTIFUL; MINUTE.

    beautiful, clarified, clear, comminuted, dainty, delicate, elegant, excellent, exquisite, fine, gauzy, handsome, keen, minute, nice, polished, pure, refined, sensitive, sharp, slender, slight, smooth, splendid, subtile, subtle, tenuous, thin

    big, blunt, clumsy, coarse, great, heavy, huge, immense, large, rude, stout, thick

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. small

    little, diminutive, slight, minute, feeble, trivial, insignificant, paltry, narrow, mean, weak, slender, fine, inferior

    great, large, big, considerable, bulky, extensive, ample, spacious, stout, strong, important, broad, liberal

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. smallnoun

    the slender part of the back

    rangy, gargantuan, larger, immoderate, gigantic, monstrous, man-sized, giant, overlarge, enormous, bouffant, large, double, sizable, plumping, galactic, too large, super, epic, macro, colossal, massive, elephantine, monumental, jumbo, uppercase, volumed, vast, coarse, loud, old, extensive, large-mouthed, blown-up, tremendous, king-size, bulky, mountainous, sizeable, huge, puffy, cosmic, unlimited, queen-size, hulking, increased, titanic, outsize, oversized, prodigious, heroic, monolithic, bear-sized, humongous, thumping, superior, voluminous, larger-than-life, queen-sized, macroscopical, spacious, wide, limitless, enlarged, harsh, Brobdingnagian, whacking, astronomical, bigger, life-sized, wide-ranging, life-size, whopping, capacious, extended, medium-large, largish, deep, large-scale, outsized, macroscopic, ample, banging, big, much(a), grand, full-size, stupendous, hulky, broad, king-sized, biggish, walloping, mammoth, great, immense, oversize, lifesize, astronomic

  2. smalladjective

    a garment size for a small person

    medium-large, large-mouthed, immoderate, prodigious, coarse, monstrous, enlarged, sizeable, rangy, life-size, large-scale, galactic, deep, queen-sized, increased, oversize, volumed, giant, big, cosmic, broad, extended, biggish, macroscopical, larger, jumbo, sizable, titanic, unlimited, overlarge, extensive, ample, grand, super, much(a), gigantic, life-sized, enormous, tremendous, immense, capacious, gargantuan, thumping, too large, whacking, double, voluminous, mountainous, queen-size, mammoth, astronomical, banging, large, old, whopping, superior, puffy, wide, blown-up, outsize, hulky, king-sized, man-sized, macroscopic, bear-sized, elephantine, astronomic, lifesize, great, full-size, macro, vast, bouffant, king-size, massive, limitless, stupendous, bulky, hulking, plumping, humongous, loud, spacious, epic, largish, wide-ranging, monolithic, monumental, colossal, bigger, larger-than-life, huge, uppercase, Brobdingnagian, oversized, harsh, heroic, walloping, outsized

  3. small, littleadjective

    limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent

    «a little dining room»; «a little house»; «a small car»; «a little (or small) group»

    short, piddling, trivial, niggling, picayune, diminished, footling, lilliputian, humble, lowly, modest, slight, petty, minuscule, minor, pocket-sized, little(a), belittled, pocket-size, small(a), fiddling, little, small-scale, piffling, low

    queen-size, monolithic, uppercase, spacious, prodigious, large, banging, large-scale, mountainous, whacking, limitless, plumping, life-size, elephantine, superior, epic, deep, titanic, oversize, lifesize, hulking, rangy, macroscopical, hulky, sizable, Brobdingnagian, biggish, humongous, extended, full-size, immoderate, larger, bulky, capacious, immense, voluminous, tremendous, volumed, broad, grand, vast, man-sized, largish, great, double, massive, ample, old, loud, astronomical, wide-ranging, coarse, much(a), super, macroscopic, jumbo, whopping, gigantic, large-mouthed, king-size, bouffant, bigger, unlimited, monstrous, extensive, walloping, big, outsized, harsh, enormous, huge, gargantuan, heroic, medium-large, bear-sized, increased, monumental, enlarged, overlarge, cosmic, puffy, blown-up, king-sized, mammoth, colossal, larger-than-life, sizeable, outsize, giant, astronomic, stupendous, galactic, macro, wide, life-sized, too large, queen-sized, oversized, thumping

  4. minor, modest, small, small-scale, pocket-size, pocket-sizedadjective

    limited in size or scope

    «a small business»; «a newspaper with a modest circulation»; «small-scale plans»; «a pocket-size country»

    pocketable, underage, diminished, mild, minor(ip), nonaged, humble, lowly, meek, modest, minuscule, minor, pocket-sized, belittled, venial, pocket-size, small(a), little, small-scale, low

    coarse, outsize, biggish, sizable, outsized, large-scale, galactic, great, massive, superior, rangy, ample, larger, vast, medium-large, sizeable, astronomic, capacious, extensive, full-size, oversized, plumping, unlimited, big, lifesize, mountainous, limitless, immense, prodigious, grand, hulking, humongous, too large, huge, tremendous, bouffant, macro, broad, banging, immoderate, oversize, man-sized, much(a), wide-ranging, queen-size, gargantuan, blown-up, largish, spacious, colossal, double, voluminous, gigantic, life-sized, deep, thumping, whacking, enlarged, large-mouthed, large, volumed, king-sized, cosmic, uppercase, heroic, monumental, life-size, giant, bulky, king-size, stupendous, jumbo, larger-than-life, wide, whopping, bigger, enormous, extended, Brobdingnagian, harsh, old, increased, epic, queen-sized, astronomical, puffy, monolithic, titanic, monstrous, hulky, walloping, macroscopical, elephantine, bear-sized, loud, super, mammoth, overlarge, macroscopic

  5. little, smalladjective

    (of children and animals) young, immature

    «what a big little boy you are»; «small children»

    piddling, small-scale, trivial, picayune, diminished, lowly, footling, minor, humble, lilliputian, slight, minuscule, fiddling, petty, short, pocket-sized, little(a), belittled, low, pocket-size, small(a), little, modest, piffling, niggling

    astronomical, lifesize, monstrous, colossal, ample, life-sized, puffy, jumbo, harsh, enlarged, titanic, plumping, galactic, massive, gargantuan, bulky, prodigious, much(a), extended, hulking, big, macroscopical, large-scale, wide-ranging, spacious, enormous, mountainous, mammoth, double, huge, bouffant, monumental, biggish, thumping, giant, medium-large, unlimited, old, king-size, elephantine, volumed, coarse, full-size, rangy, hulky, larger, whopping, monolithic, man-sized, immoderate, bear-sized, wide, increased, loud, bigger, walloping, large-mouthed, cosmic, macroscopic, larger-than-life, astronomic, heroic, sizable, voluminous, epic, extensive, blown-up, Brobdingnagian, uppercase, super, oversize, whacking, broad, queen-size, tremendous, sizeable, great, banging, humongous, limitless, deep, oversized, overlarge, life-size, superior, queen-sized, large, capacious, outsized, outsize, stupendous, king-sized, macro, largish, vast, immense, gigantic, grand, too large

  6. small(a)adjective

    slight or limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope

    «a series of death struggles with small time in between»

    puffy, spacious, titanic, plumping, humongous, astronomic, limitless, monumental, immoderate, stupendous, queen-size, Brobdingnagian, large-mouthed, rangy, walloping, jumbo, oversize, bouffant, heroic, enormous, vast, great, colossal, king-size, extensive, huge, deep, macroscopic, monstrous, much(a), coarse, bigger, hulky, wide-ranging, cosmic, queen-sized, gigantic, big, large-scale, enlarged, largish, giant, gargantuan, monolithic, increased, super, sizeable, outsize, thumping, macro, too large, galactic, wide, life-size, massive, voluminous, larger, whacking, macroscopical, blown-up, old, harsh, bear-sized, large, extended, overlarge, outsized, superior, lifesize, loud, immense, mountainous, whopping, banging, hulking, elephantine, ample, larger-than-life, bulky, unlimited, man-sized, epic, capacious, oversized, grand, full-size, uppercase, biggish, prodigious, sizable, king-sized, life-sized, mammoth, volumed, broad, astronomical, medium-large, double, tremendous

  7. humble, low, lowly, modest, smalladjective

    low or inferior in station or quality

    «a humble cottage»; «a lowly parish priest»; «a modest man of the people»; «small beginnings»

    down(p), dispirited, minor, downcast, subaltern, scummy, base, baseborn, low-down, modest, petty(a), scurvy, pocket-sized, lower-ranking, secondary, humbled, gloomy, miserable, lowly, low, broken, small(a), down in the mouth, blue, humble, downhearted, grim, meek, low-toned, low-pitched, little, menial, pocket-size, small-scale, depleted, crushed, mild, junior-grade, diminished, abject, depressed, minuscule, low-spirited, belittled, humiliated

    plumping, macroscopical, colossal, large, mountainous, deep, enlarged, whacking, sizeable, voluminous, wide-ranging, unlimited, extended, humongous, king-sized, hulking, heroic, outsize, epic, astronomic, large-mouthed, sizable, whopping, galactic, outsized, giant, hulky, oversized, coarse, queen-size, life-size, double, Brobdingnagian, king-size, larger-than-life, largish, thumping, bigger, massive, immoderate, banging, overlarge, oversize, rangy, wide, tremendous, life-sized, monolithic, lifesize, grand, bear-sized, medium-large, walloping, blown-up, titanic, cosmic, much(a), capacious, great, super, gigantic, macro, volumed, large-scale, bouffant, ample, superior, huge, bulky, immense, larger, astronomical, old, monumental, harsh, too large, spacious, stupendous, limitless, enormous, biggish, queen-sized, full-size, big, gargantuan, elephantine, uppercase, monstrous, man-sized, extensive, jumbo, vast, increased, loud, prodigious, puffy, broad, macroscopic, mammoth

  8. little, minuscule, smalladjective


    «little a»; «small a»; «e.e.cummings’s poetry is written all in minuscule letters»

    piddling, small-scale, minuscular, picayune, trivial, lowly, footling, minor, humble, lilliputian, slight, minuscule, fiddling, diminished, petty, short, pocket-sized, little(a), belittled, low, pocket-size, small(a), little, modest, piffling, niggling, miniscule

    enlarged, queen-sized, cosmic, outsized, lifesize, sizable, heroic, elephantine, broad, tremendous, huge, hulking, queen-size, wide, banging, giant, bear-sized, volumed, life-sized, super, king-size, wide-ranging, hulky, great, biggish, unlimited, whacking, mountainous, coarse, oversize, titanic, macroscopical, plumping, stupendous, astronomic, whopping, thumping, increased, double, epic, immoderate, jumbo, massive, deep, spacious, macroscopic, king-sized, colossal, capacious, superior, blown-up, large-scale, sizeable, extensive, macro, larger-than-life, vast, enormous, bigger, uppercase, overlarge, much(a), galactic, Brobdingnagian, old, monolithic, man-sized, medium-large, too large, outsize, monumental, large, loud, limitless, walloping, bouffant, prodigious, humongous, ample, full-size, harsh, voluminous, gargantuan, largish, mammoth, astronomical, large-mouthed, oversized, monstrous, immense, puffy, gigantic, grand, extended, life-size, big, bulky, rangy, larger

  9. little, smalladjective

    (of a voice) faint

    «a little voice»; «a still small voice»

    piddling, small-scale, trivial, picayune, diminished, lowly, footling, minor, humble, lilliputian, slight, minuscule, fiddling, petty, short, pocket-sized, little(a), belittled, low, pocket-size, small(a), little, modest, piffling, niggling

    life-sized, large-scale, jumbo, colossal, increased, titanic, limitless, whopping, massive, ample, broad, larger, medium-large, galactic, plumping, life-size, bigger, overlarge, tremendous, huge, man-sized, banging, wide, immense, super, Brobdingnagian, king-sized, too large, sizeable, gigantic, voluminous, macro, bulky, bouffant, big, vast, superior, great, king-size, heroic, oversized, elephantine, oversize, epic, spacious, monstrous, enlarged, rangy, unlimited, capacious, mammoth, humongous, sizable, harsh, lifesize, puffy, large-mouthed, coarse, monumental, full-size, walloping, loud, astronomic, wide-ranging, cosmic, blown-up, bear-sized, outsized, deep, much(a), enormous, thumping, giant, large, hulking, biggish, largish, astronomical, macroscopical, monolithic, double, stupendous, extended, outsize, prodigious, whacking, larger-than-life, volumed, grand, gargantuan, mountainous, extensive, uppercase, queen-size, immoderate, macroscopic, queen-sized, old, hulky

  10. smalladjective

    have fine or very small constituent particles

    «a small misty rain»

    small(a), low, belittled, humble, minuscule, lowly, modest, diminished, minor, little, small-scale, pocket-size, pocket-sized

    massive, big, capacious, monstrous, deep, larger, oversize, sizable, life-size, immense, large-mouthed, puffy, king-sized, sizeable, large, monumental, full-size, man-sized, superior, bulky, outsized, mammoth, lifesize, immoderate, queen-size, gargantuan, voluminous, increased, tremendous, monolithic, wide-ranging, enlarged, harsh, life-sized, colossal, volumed, extended, heroic, spacious, plumping, uppercase, largish, ample, queen-sized, banging, huge, hulking, medium-large, giant, old, coarse, large-scale, bouffant, double, gigantic, hulky, titanic, outsize, cosmic, overlarge, epic, grand, humongous, king-size, bear-sized, astronomic, wide, whacking, macroscopic, much(a), Brobdingnagian, blown-up, walloping, thumping, loud, unlimited, larger-than-life, macro, bigger, jumbo, galactic, oversized, broad, whopping, elephantine, super, too large, astronomical, mountainous, vast, extensive, limitless, stupendous, biggish, great, enormous, prodigious, macroscopical, rangy

  11. modest, smalladjective

    not large but sufficient in size or amount

    «a modest salary»; «modest inflation»; «helped in my own small way»

    little, low, belittled, mild, meek, lowly, minuscule, modest, diminished, small(a), minor, humble, small-scale, pocket-size, pocket-sized

    humongous, voluminous, huge, astronomical, largish, big, immoderate, full-size, titanic, oversized, massive, bouffant, plumping, overlarge, bear-sized, hulking, biggish, harsh, monstrous, rangy, thumping, jumbo, bigger, walloping, spacious, double, large-mouthed, large, elephantine, ample, colossal, galactic, capacious, Brobdingnagian, wide-ranging, epic, medium-large, extended, queen-size, macroscopic, astronomic, wide, life-size, prodigious, life-sized, king-sized, heroic, cosmic, outsized, puffy, oversize, superior, large-scale, hulky, loud, vast, uppercase, giant, whacking, super, deep, monumental, larger, mammoth, broad, monolithic, macroscopical, grand, unlimited, king-size, mountainous, extensive, man-sized, macro, sizeable, larger-than-life, blown-up, enlarged, much(a), bulky, increased, volumed, outsize, tremendous, banging, old, coarse, lifesize, enormous, whopping, gigantic, gargantuan, limitless, immense, too large, great, queen-sized, sizable, stupendous

  12. belittled, diminished, smalladverb

    made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth)

    «her comments made me feel small»

    diminished, wasted, atrophied, lowly, humble, lessened, modest, small(a), minuscule, minor, pocket-sized, belittled, weakened, pocket-size, vitiated, little, small-scale, low

    macroscopic, rangy, large-scale, mountainous, voluminous, blown-up, extended, loud, enlarged, whacking, extensive, broad, largish, cosmic, walloping, bear-sized, wide-ranging, astronomical, queen-size, vast, deep, oversized, humongous, increased, giant, king-sized, stupendous, huge, large, full-size, jumbo, old, hulking, hulky, too large, galactic, massive, banging, lifesize, biggish, bigger, spacious, medium-large, big, monumental, macro, plumping, enormous, colossal, much(a), gargantuan, outsize, limitless, outsized, king-size, overlarge, uppercase, man-sized, mammoth, large-mouthed, puffy, thumping, heroic, great, macroscopical, ample, gigantic, capacious, immoderate, wide, harsh, epic, life-sized, sizeable, tremendous, unlimited, bulky, titanic, life-size, larger-than-life, immense, elephantine, sizable, superior, larger, queen-sized, monstrous, Brobdingnagian, double, coarse, grand, monolithic, prodigious, super, oversize, bouffant, astronomic, whopping, volumed

  13. smalladverb

    on a small scale

    «think small»

    sizeable, mammoth, colossal, vast, bulky, wide-ranging, queen-sized, ample, puffy, giant, voluminous, queen-size, volumed, capacious, enormous, large, humongous, oversize, large-scale, lifesize, enlarged, increased, loud, larger, sizable, macroscopic, macro, jumbo, double, hulky, stupendous, astronomic, great, hulking, large-mouthed, astronomical, coarse, massive, medium-large, outsized, overlarge, oversized, grand, galactic, banging, gigantic, cosmic, king-size, superior, heroic, uppercase, immense, bigger, extended, monumental, whopping, elephantine, epic, limitless, titanic, super, biggish, gargantuan, tremendous, too large, outsize, largish, unlimited, life-sized, monstrous, much(a), walloping, king-sized, prodigious, life-size, thumping, whacking, bouffant, rangy, big, immoderate, huge, macroscopical, bear-sized, blown-up, broad, deep, Brobdingnagian, spacious, extensive, man-sized, old, wide, mountainous, harsh, plumping, full-size, larger-than-life, monolithic

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. pocket size

    Submitted by anonymous on July 5, 2020  

  2. bite-sized

    easily done, understood, or managed

    the teacher presented the new information in bite-sized chunks.

  3. coffinlike

    small is a great word for coffinlike because a coffin is small

    the house was coffinlike.

  4. little

    small in size, amount, or degree (often used to convey an appealing diminutiveness or express an affectionate or condescending attitude).

    the plants will grow into little bushes.

    Submitted by JP03 on September 1, 2015  

  5. pépite

    Submitted by anonymous on April 2, 2020  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. smalladjective

    little, diminutive, tiny, puny, dwarf, minikin, dwarfish, stunted, liliputian, pygmean, pygmy, miniature, not great, not large

  2. smalladjective

    minute, microscopic, molecular, atomic, corpuscular

  3. smalladjective

    petty, trifling, trivial, inconsiderable, insignificant, unimportant

  4. smalladjective

    slender, scanty, paltry, moderate

  5. smalladjective

    feeble, weak, faint, slight

  6. smalladjective

    mean, sordid, selfish, illiberal, ungenerous, mercenary, narrow, narrow-minded

  7. smalladjective

    shallow, unintelligent, unintellectual, ungifted, sappy, stolid, dull, feeble-minded

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. smalladjective

    little, minute, diminutive, petty, slight, inconsiderable, puny, tiny, weazened, undeveloped, dwarfish, runty, wee, stunted, inappreciable, undersized, atrophied, miniature, trivial, insignificant, trifling, frivolous, mean, narrow-minded, illiberal, sordid, ungenerous, contracted, short, limited, piping, feeble, weak, microscopic, infinitesimal, molecular, corpuscular, atomic, fine, homeopathic

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «small»:

    little, small-, small-scale, tiny, minor, low, smaller, klein, slight, modest, malé, siu, small-sized, light, petit, young, kid, petite, petites, iittle, piccolo, petty, limited, weak, petits, reduced, kleine, harness, pup, restricted, mala, few, boy, hsiao, minimal, short, mic, narrow, xiao, junior, wee, mini, mild, kiddo, smallholder, baby

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  1. small

    Song lyrics by small — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by small on the Lyrics.com website.

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  1. Stephanie Foster:

    Covetrus now has more leverage with the manufacturers than I will ever have as a small business, they’re able to get the manufacturers to agree to instant rebates and they can do flash sales on products and things that we just can’t compete with.

  2. Johnson Johnson:

    Although this is a small percentage of the overall vaccines that the county has received, we know it is not insignificant — this is a heart-wrenching situation for our hospital, our Phase 2 community members and our Unified Command partners.

  3. Josephine Tsang:

    The protests are only a small incident happening in Hong Kong, if I don’t buy now, the price will keep rising.

  4. Matteo Renzi:

    Italy has lost too many opportunities in the e-commerce sector. The only way for small companies to keep up with global competition is to turn digital.

  5. Jerome Champagne:

    In Cape Verde, the football association was sharing a small three-floor building with other sports federations, there was nothing, if you got there now to Cape Verde, FIFA built a headquarters with offices, in another wing you have dorms so that people attending courses are able to stay on-site. We convinced the government to restore the national stadium, we put in an artificial field.

Translations for small

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  • صغيرArabic
  • kiçikAzerbaijani
  • бәләкәйBashkir
  • малы́, мале́нькі, малады́Belarusian
  • ма́лъкBulgarian
  • ছোটBengali
  • petitCatalan, Valencian
  • жима, кегийChechen
  • malý, mladýCzech
  • малъOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
  • пӗчӗкChuvash
  • ifanc, bach, bychan, ieuanc, mânWelsh
  • liden, lilleDanish
  • gering, klein, jungGerman
  • sueEwe
  • μικρός, νέοςGreek
  • juna, malgrandaEsperanto
  • pequeño, joven, chico, minúsculas, pequeñaSpanish
  • väikeEstonian
  • که, کوچک, جوان, خرد, برناPersian
  • nuori, pieniFinnish
  • lítilFaroese
  • petit, jeune, minusculeFrench
  • lyts, jongWestern Frisian
  • beagIrish
  • beagScottish Gaelic
  • pequenoGalician
  • begManx
  • קטנה, קטנים, קטנות, קטןHebrew
  • छोटाHindi
  • kicsi, kisHungarian
  • պստիկ, պուճուր, փոքրիկ, փոքր, փոքրատառ, մանրArmenian
  • kecilIndonesian
  • ńta, ọbeleIgbo
  • mikraIdo
  • lítill, smárIcelandic
  • giovane, piccoloItalian
  • קָטָןHebrew
  • 小さい, 若いJapanese
  • მცირე, პატარაGeorgian
  • кішкене, кішіKazakh
  • តូចKhmer
  • 작은Korean
  • بچووکKurdish
  • кичине, кичинекейKyrgyz
  • paulus, iuvenis, parvusLatin
  • ນ້ອຽLao
  • mažasLithuanian
  • mazsLatvian
  • мал, мали, малаMacedonian
  • жижигMongolian
  • छोटा, लहानMarathi
  • kecilMalay
  • żgħira, żgħir, żgħarMaltese
  • နုပ်, သေးBurmese
  • klein, nietig, minuscuul, jongDutch
  • liten, ungNorwegian
  • petit, pichon, pichòtOccitan
  • ਛੋੱਟਾPanjabi, Punjabi
  • mały, młodyPolish
  • وړوکی, کوچنیPashto, Pushto
  • pequeno, minúsculo, jovemPortuguese
  • pitschen, giuvenRomansh
  • mici, mic, tânărRomanian
  • мале́нький, молодо́й, ма́лый, ма́ленький, маленькийRussian
  • अल्पSanskrit
  • ма̑л, mȃlSerbo-Croatian
  • කුඩාSinhala, Sinhalese
  • malýSlovak
  • majhenSlovene
  • i vogëlAlbanian
  • ung, liten, småSwedish
  • mdogoSwahili
  • சிறிய, இளைய, சிறிய்Tamil
  • చిన్నTelugu
  • хурдTajik
  • เล็กThai
  • kiçiTurkmen
  • maliitTagalog
  • küçükTurkish
  • бәләкәй, кече, кечекTatar
  • молоди́й, мали́й, мале́нькийUkrainian
  • چھوٹاUrdu
  • kichikUzbek
  • nhỏ, nhỏ nhắn, tiểuVietnamese
  • minudik, smalik, yunikVolapük
  • קלייןYiddish
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