Книга синонимы английского языка

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Практический англо-русский и русско-английский словарь синонимов, Морозов М.В.

   Современный английский язык считается самым богатым синонимами языком. Большое разнообразие синонимов обусловлено историческими условиями, в которых этот язык развивался. Свои почти бездонные лексические закрома этот язык наполнял из нескольких могучих источников: германского, романского, греческого, скандинавского и даже славянского.
Изначально английский язык — это язык германских племён англов, саксов и ютов, завоевавших Британские острова в V-VI веках нашей эры. Слова германского происхождения составляют более половины всех английских слов.
Следующий по величине массив английской лексики — слова латинского происхождения. Их проникновение в язык шло в три этапа. Первый (он начался ещё даже до вторжения англосаксов на территорию Британии) — через торговлю и другие мирные соприкосновения с римской цивилизацией. Второй — через распространение христианства (латынь была официальным языком церкви). Третий — через французский язык (который сам развивался на основе латинского языка) после завоевания в 1066 году Англии норманнами («офранцузившимся» скандинавским племенем). С этого времени в течение нескольких столетий французский язык был официальным языком государства.

Практический англо-русский и русско-английский словарь синонимов, Морозов М.В.

abandon [Əb’aendƏn] v. — покидать [формальный стиль], оставлять [нейтральный стиль], бросать [разговорный стиль] [что-либо или кого-либо на милость какой-либо враждебной или противодействующей силы] гл.

Примеры: The positions have to be abandoned. Позиции придётся покинуть/ оставить/ бросить. Не managed to abandon the burning plane. Ему удалось покинуть горящий самолёт. Good fortune didn’t abandon her. Удача не оставила её. She had to abandon all hope of finding him. Ей пришлось оставить всякую надежду его найти. Do not abandon your attempts to convince them. He оставляй(те) своих попыток убедить их. When the enemy entered the village, the inhabitants abandoned everything and ran away. Когда враг вошёл в деревню, жители всё оставили (бросили) и убежали. How could she abandon her own children? Как она могла бросить своих собственных детей? «Только перед третьим гудком, когда Ипполит Матвеевич уже не сомневался в том, что брошен на произвол судьбы, Остап заметил его. It was only just before the third hoot, when Ippolit Matveyevieh no longer doubted that he had been abandoned to the mercy of fate, that Ostap noticed him.» (Ильф и Петров — Richardson)

1. Предисловие.
2. Введение.
3. Список сокращений.
4. Index of English Words.
6. Алфавитный указатель русских слов.
7. Библиография.

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Дата публикации: 07.06.2020 07:31 UTC


словарь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Морозов :: синонимы

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(n) 1. volume, tome, work, publication; hard-cover, soft-cover, paperback: Our personal library contains more than 5000 books. 2. libretto, words, lyrics: Richard Rodgers wrote the music and Oscar Hammerstein the book for several hit shows. 3. rules, laws, regulations: He alwais insists that we go by the book. -(v) 4. engage, beserve; earmark, ticket; order, register, enrol, list, enlist, log, record, post: Please phone the restaurant and book a table for four for seven-thirty.

См. в других словарях


  n.1. Work, volume.2. Main division (of a written work), part. …

Словарь синонимов английского языка 2


Похожие слова

Ссылка для сайта или блога:

Ссылка для форума (bb-код):


     ( books    plural & 3rd person present)   ( booking    present participle)   ( booked    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-count   A book is a number of pieces of paper, usually with words printed on them, which are fastened together and fixed inside a cover of stronger paper or cardboard. Books contain information, stories, or poetry, for example.  
His eighth book came out earlier this year and was an instant best-seller…, …the author of a book on politics., …reference books.     

2       n-count   A bookof something such as stamps, matches, or tickets is a small number of them fastened together between thin cardboard covers.  
usu N of n  
Can I have a book of first class stamps please?     

3       verb   When you book something such as a hotel room or a ticket, you arrange to have it or use it at a particular time.  

British officials have booked hotel rooms for the women and children…      V n  
Laurie revealed she had booked herself a flight home last night.      V n n  
…three-star restaurants that are normally booked for months in advance.      V-ed  

4       n-plural   A company’s or organization’s books are its records of money that has been spent and earned or of the names of people who belong to it.     (BUSINESS)  
For the most part he left the books to his managers and accountants…, Around 12 per cent of the people on our books are in the computing industry.     

5       verb   When a referee books a football player who has seriously broken the rules of the game, he or she officially writes down the player’s name.  
League referee Keith Cooper booked him in the first half for a tussle with the goalie.      V n  

6       verb   When a police officer books someone, he or she officially records their name and the offence that they may be charged with.  

They took him to the station and booked him for assault with a deadly weapon.      V n  

7       n-count   In a very long written work such as the Bible, a book is one of the sections into which it is divided.  


  cheque book  

  phone book  

9    If you bring someone to book, you punish them for an offence or make them explain their behaviour officially.  

bring sb to book      phrase   V inflects  
Police should be asked to investigate so that the guilty can be brought to book soon.     

10    If you say that someone or something is a closed book, you mean that you do not know anything about them.  

closed book      phrase   v-link PHR  
Frank Spriggs was a very able man but something of a closed book…, Economics was a closed book to him.     

11    If a hotel, restaurant, theatre, or transport service is fully booked, or booked solid, it is booked up.  

fully booked/booked solid      phrase   v-link PHR  
The car ferries from the mainland are often fully booked by February.     

12    In my book means `in my opinion’ or `according to my beliefs’.  

in my book      phrase   PHR with cl  
(=to my mind)  

The greatest manager there has ever been, or ever will be in my book, is retiring.     

  to cook the books  


  to take a leaf from someone’s book  

book in   , book into      phrasal verb   When you book into a hotel or when you book in, you officially state that you have arrived to stay there, usually by signing your name in a register.  
(=check in, check into)  
  (Antonym: check out, check out of)
He was happy to book into the Royal Pavilion Hotel…      V P n  
Today Mahoney booked himself into one of the best hotels in Sydney…      V n P n, Also V p, V n P  
in AM, use check in, check into     

address book        ( address books    plural  )

1       n-count   An address book is a book in which you write people’s names and addresses.  

2       n-count   An address book is a computer file which contains a list of e-mail addresses.     (COMPUTING)  

blue book        ( blue books    plural  ) , Blue Book   A blue book is an official government report or register of statistics.  
  (BRIT)      n-count  

book club        ( book clubs    plural  ) A book club is an organization that offers books at reduced prices to its members.      n-count  

book value        ( book values    plural  ) In business, the book value of an asset is the value it is given in the account books of the company that owns it.     (BUSINESS)      n-count  
The insured value of the airplane was greater than its book value.     

cheque book        ( cheque books    plural  )
The spellings chequebook, and in American English checkbook, are also used.      A cheque book is a book of cheques which your bank gives you so that you can pay for things by cheque.      n-count  

coffee-table book        ( coffee-table books    plural  ) A coffee-table book is a large expensive book with a lot of pictures, which is designed to be looked at rather than to be read properly, and is usually placed where people can see it easily.      n-count  

colouring book        ( colouring books    plural  )
in AM, use coloring book      A colouring book is a book of simple drawings which children can colour in.      n-count  

comic book        ( comic books    plural  ) A comic book is a magazine that contains stories told in pictures.  
  (mainly AM)      n-count  

in BRIT, usually use comic     

cookery book        ( cookery books    plural  ) A cookery book is the same as a cookbook.  
  (BRIT)      n-count  

course book        ( course books    plural  ) , coursebook   A course book is a textbook that students and teachers use as the basis of a course.      n-count  

e-book        ( e-books    plural  ) An e-book is a book which is produced for reading on a computer screen. E-book is an abbreviation for `electronic book’.      n-count  
The new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles.     

electronic book        ( electronic books    plural  ) An electronic book the same as an e-book.     (COMPUTING)      n-count  

exercise book        ( exercise books    plural  ) An exercise book is a small book that students use for writing in.  
  (mainly BRIT)      n-count  
in AM, usually use notebook     

guest book        ( guest books    plural  ) A guest book is a book in which guests write their names and addresses when they have been staying in someone’s house or in a hotel.      n-count  

log book        ( log books    plural  ) A log book is a book in which someone records details and events relating to something, for example a journey or period of their life, or a vehicle.      n-count  

order book        ( order books    plural  ) When you talk about the state of a company’s order book or order books, you are talking about how many orders for their goods the company has.  
  (mainly BRIT, BUSINESS)      n-count  
He has a full order book for his boat-building yard on the Thames.     

pension book        ( pension books    plural  ) In Britain, a pension book is a small book which is given to pensioners by the government. Each week, one page can be exchanged for money at a Post Office.      n-count  

phone book        ( phone books    plural  ) A phone book is a book that contains an alphabetical list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the people in a town or area.      n-count  

phrase book        ( phrase books    plural  ) A phrase book is a book used by people travelling to a foreign country. It has lists of useful words and expressions, together with the translation of each word or expression in the language of that country.      n-count  
We bought a Danish phrase book.     

picture book        ( picture books    plural  ) , picture-book   A picture book is a book with a lot of pictures in and not much writing. Many picture books are intended for children.      n-count  

prayer book        ( prayer books    plural  ) A prayer book is a book which contains the prayers which are used in church or at home.      n-count  

rule book        ( rule books    plural  )

1       n-count   A rule book is a book containing the official rules for a particular game, job, or organization.  
…one of the most serious offences mentioned in the Party rule book.     

2       n-count   If you say that someone is doing something by the rule book, you mean that they are doing it in the normal, accepted way.  
the N  
This was not the time to take risks; he knew he should play it by the rule book.     

school book        ( school books    plural  ) , schoolbook   School books are books giving information about a particular subject, which children use at school.      n-count   usu pl  

statute book        ( statute books    plural  ) Thestatute book is a record of all the laws made by the government.  
  (mainly BRIT)      n-count   the/poss N  
The Bill could reach the statute book by the summer if it attracts the support of Home Office ministers…     

stud book        ( stud books    plural  ) , studbook   A stud book is a written record of the breeding of a particular horse, especially a racehorse.      n-count  

telephone book        ( telephone books    plural  ) The telephone book is a book that contains an alphabetical list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the people in a particular area.      n-count  
(=telephone directory, phone book)  

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