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intimidate [ɪnˈtɪmɪdeɪt] гл
запугивать, пугать, устрашать, запугать, напугать, припугнуть, испугать, устрашить
(frighten, scare)
- intimidate people – запугивать людей
- intimidate the population – запугать население
verb | ||
запугивать | intimidate, bully, cow, browbeat, bluff, daunt | |
пугать | frighten, scare, panic, fright, intimidate, alarm | |
устрашать | intimidate, daunt, appal, appall | |
припугивать | intimidate, threaten |
Предложения со словом «intimidate»
Perhaps she had a genuine concern in that they looked scary and that they would intimidate the clients and their customer base. |
Может, ей действительно казалось, что те дреды — «страшные» и что они отпугнут клиентов и всех заказчиков. |
I know a woman who decided to sell her house because she didn’t want to intimidate a man who might marry her. |
Одна моя знакомая решила продать свой дом, потому что не хотела быть выше своего возможного супруга. |
Big burly agent like you will intimidate the pencil necks. |
Крепкий здоровый агент вроде тебя запросто запугает этих бумажных крыс. |
What you are saying is you never directed your police force to harass or intimidate me in any way. |
Вы утверждаете, что никогда не приказывали полицейским чинам как — либо преследовать или запугивать меня. |
I do believe that Sheriff Longmire here is doing his damndest to try and intimidate my witness. |
Считаю, что шериф Лонгмайр изо всех сил пытается запугать моего свидетеля. |
They rely on wild, unpredictable moves meant to intimidate their opponents. |
Они делают дикие, неожиданные ходы с целью запугать противника. |
So why did you send that guy to come intimidate me at the club? |
А зачем вы подослали того парня, что угрожал мне в клубе? |
Did you really think you could intimidate my daughter into confessing to a crime she didn’t commit? |
Ты действительно думала, что сможешь запугать мою дочь признаться в убийстве, которого она не совершала? |
Each new man has tried new ways to crush the resistance and intimidate the population, but none has succeeded. |
Каждый новый командующий апробировал новые способы подавления сопротивления и запугивания населения, но ни один из них не преуспел в этом. |
If the main objective was to intimidate , the effect actually achieved was the opposite. |
Если главная цель состоит в запугивании , то на практике достигается противоположный эффект. |
That power should not be exercised to settle old political scores or to intimidate small States. |
Этими полномочиями не следует пользоваться для сведения старых политических счетов или для запугивания малых государств. |
It was important to address the causes of terrorism, including poverty, social strife and the use of force to intimidate the weak. |
Важно устранить причины терроризма, включая нищету, социальную рознь и применение силы, чтобы запугать слабых. |
These cases illustrate that the judiciary is being used as a tool to intimidate those whom the Government perceives as opponents. |
Эти примеры свидетельствуют о том, что судебная система используется в качестве инструмента для запугивания тех, кого правительство считает своими противниками. |
The settlers fired live ammunition to intimidate and terrorize the farmers in the area to force them to leave their lands. |
Поселенцы стреляли боевыми патронами для того, чтобы запугать и терроризировать фермеров в этом районе и вынудить их покинуть свои земли. |
According to armed group members in Rutshuru, the attack was intended to intimidate candidates of President Kabila’s alliance. |
По словам членов вооруженной группы, это нападение было совершено в целях запугивания кандидатов альянса президента Кабилы. |
According to the source, the police were present in order to intimidate the detainees. |
Согласно источнику, цель присутствия сотрудников полиции состояла в том, чтобы запугать задержанных. |
Death threats are used to intimidate people and as a measure of political persecution. |
Угроза убийством применяется для запугивания лица и представляет собой меру политического преследования. |
Iraq is trying to scare us, to intimidate us, but we are not afraid. |
Ирак пытается запугать нас, устрашить, но мы не боимся. |
Attempts were made to intimidate judicial officials involved in the case of a popular organization leader accused of making threats against opposition leaders. |
Были предприняты попытки запугать судебных должностных лиц, занимавшихся разбирательством по делу лидера одной народной организации, обвиненного в том, что он выступал с угрозами в адрес лидеров оппозиции. |
The Mission received reports by returning refugees to East Timor that militias continue to intimidate and spread misinformation in the camps. |
Беженцы, возвращающиеся в Восточный Тимор, сообщили Миссии о том, что боевики продолжают запугивать людей и распространять в лагерях ложную информацию. |
Despite these repeated attempts to intimidate her being brought to the attention of the police, she reportedly received no protection. |
Несмотря на то, что эти неоднократные попытки запугать ее доводились до сведения полиции, она, как сообщалось, не получала никакой защиты. |
The authorities reportedly were attempting to intimidate other lawyers from undertaking and mounting a vigorous defence in controversial cases. |
Сообщается, что власти пытаются запугать других адвокатов активно браться за защиту по спорным делам. |
For the most part, instances of discrimination and harassment are clearly designed to intimidate remaining ethnic minorities or political opposition figures. |
Большей частью акты дискриминации и беспокоящих действий явно направлены на запугивание оставшихся этнических меньшинств или деятелей политической оппозиции. |
So far, such bands have sought to intimidate members of local popular organizations rather than engage in actual violence. |
Пока эти банды в основном занимаются запугиванием членов местных общественных организаций и не прибегают к фактическому насилию. |
This is India’s design to intimidate Pakistan. |
Таким образом Индия стремится запугать Пакистан. |
What is news is that American power might also be losing its ability to intimidate them. |
Новость заключается в том, что американское могущество, возможно, теряет свою способность внушать им страх. |
These attacks, including some by a new underground vigilante settler network, are obviously intended to intimidate , deter or punish the Palestinians. |
Эти нападения, в том числе некоторые из них, совершаемые новой подпольной сетью мстительных поселенцев, несомненно имеют своей целью запугать , устрашить или наказать палестинцев. |
The mystique and aura that we used to intimidate our opponents with will vanish. |
Исчезнет загадочность и аура, с помощью которых мы запугивали противников. |
Also happens to intimidate the hell out of me. |
Кроме того, случается так, что она и меня может запугать . |
He likes to intimidate and demonstrates psychotic tendencies. |
Любит запугивать людей и демонстрирует психические отклонения. |
And nothing that you do is going to intimidate me. |
И ничего из того, что вы делаете, не запугает меня. |
When you want to intimidate someone, don’t use so many words. |
Когда Вы хотите запугать кого — то, не используйте так много слов. |
I think working around a bunch of nurses has given you a false sense of your ability to intimidate . |
Думаю, работа среди кучи медсестёр дало тебе фальшивое представление о твоей способности запугивать . |
Popcorn wants to intimidate you with his size. |
Попкорн хочет запугать тебя своими размерами. |
They blame the Depression, but it’s to intimidate us. |
Они обвиняют Депрессию, но только для нашего устрашения. |
He knows how to intimidate his prey. |
Он знает, как запугать жертву. |
And instead, he’s claiming that I sent you there to intimidate him. |
Но вместо этого он заявляет, что я отправил тебя запугать его. |
They tried to intimidate me, no such luck. |
Они пытались меня запугать , но у них ничего не вышло. |
There’s a police booth to intimidate him. |
Там есть полицейский пост, это напугает его. |
They just came to intimidate you. |
Они просто пришли, чтобы тебя запугать . |
Annabel thought I was there to intimidate her. |
Аннабель подумала, что я пришёл угрожать ей. |
And they’re easier to intimidate , less likely to talk. |
К тому же их легче запугать , так что они вряд ли проболтаются. |
You needn’t try to intimidate me, Mr… |
Не пытайтесь меня запугивать , мистер… |
They have brought him b-back to intimidate us. |
Они привезли его, чтобы припугнуть нас. |
I was prepared to punch him, to intimidate him. |
Я был готов ударить, припугнуть его. |
Not until you stop sending men to intimidate our pit workers. |
Только когда вы прекратите запугивать наших шахтеров. |
It never seemed to intimidate Zoey or Liz. |
Это никогда не пугало Зои или Лиз. |
She just said all that to intimidate me. |
Она все это рассказала только для того, чтобы напугать меня. |
Perhaps he means — to intimidate us. |
Возможно, он хочет нас запугать . |
You use your badge and your gun to intimidate people. |
Ты используешь свой значок и пистолет, чтобы запугивать людей. |
I couldn’t get a hold of Diane, and I needed to intimidate him right away. |
Я не смог дозвониться Дайан а мне надо было сразу же его запугать . |
You know he really tried to intimidate me. |
Знаешь, он пытался запугать меня. |
These are used to intimidate or attract. |
Они использовались либо для устрашения, либо для соблазнения. |
And the occupation continues to intimidate teachers and scholars alike. |
Кроме того, оккупация по — прежнему служит фактором запугивания учителей и школьников. |
Short-term contracts are used by employers to intimidate independent union activists, and individuals demonstrating opposition views. |
Краткосрочные трудовые договоры используются работодателями с целью запугивания активистов независимых профсоюзов, а также отдельных лиц, высказывающих свое несогласие. |
In addition, the number of arrests showed a deliberate attempt to intimidate and suppress expressions of support for President Zelaya. |
Более того, большое число арестов продемонстрировало преднамеренную попытку запугать сторонников Президента Селайи и подавить выражение ему поддержки. |
He also informed Kimberley Process team members that AMA had hired some of Charles Taylor’s former bodyguards to intimidate local miners. |
Он также проинформировал членов инспекционной группы по Кимберлийскому процессу, что «АМА» наняла бывших телохранителей Чарльза Тейлора, чтобы запугивать местных старателей. |
This was plainly an orchestrated act to intimidate and seriously interfere with the functions of the British Embassy. |
Это было явно подстроено с целью запугать и создать серьезные препятствия для функционирования британского посольства. |
In some instances, SPLA and the Southern Sudan Police Service were reportedly used to intimidate opponents. |
По поступившим сообщениям, в ряде случаев НОАС и Полицейская служба Южного Судана прибегли к запугиванию оппонентов. |
The insurgents still avoid direct confrontations with ISAF forces and the National Security Force and continue to intimidate the local population. |
Мятежники по — прежнему избегают вступать в прямое противоборство с МССБ и Африканскими национальными силами безопасности и продолжают терроризировать местное население. |
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Synonyms for Intimidate. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 01, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/intimidate
Synonyms for Intimidate. N.p., 2016. Web. 01 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/intimidate>.
Synonyms for Intimidate. 2016. Accessed May 01, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/intimidate.
affright (archaic) alarm, appal, browbeat, bully, coerce, cow, daunt, dishearten, dismay, dispirit, frighten, lean on (informal) overawe, scare, scare off (informal) subdue, terrify, terrorize, threaten, twist someone’s arm (informal)
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
( intimidates 3rd person present) ( intimidating present participle) ( intimidated past tense & past participle ) If you intimidate someone, you deliberately make them frightened enough to do what you want them to do. verb
Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul… V n
Attempts to intimidate people into voting for the governing party did not work. V n into -ing
intimidation n-uncount
…an inquiry into allegations of intimidation during last week’s vote.
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
make someone feel frightened especially so that they will do what you want
Additional comments:
Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus
! Cyber Terrorism |
n. |
The attack on computers, networks and interconnected infrastructures with intent to intimidate or coerce a national, international, groups of people or organizations in furtherance of political, social or personal objectives. |
[Tech.];[Leg.] The attack on computers, networks and interconnected infrastructures with intent to intimidate or coerce a national, international community. |
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agitate, alarm, amaze, appall, astonish, en.synonym.one, awe, bother, browbeat, bully, coerce, confuse, control, cow, daunt, dazzle, dismay, disturb, dominate, enfeeble, faze, frighten, impend, loom, manipulate, menace, en.synonym.one, monopolise, monopolize, overawe, overpower, overwhelm, panic, portend, push around, restrain, scare, shake, shock, startle, stupefy, subdue, tame, tease, terrify, terrorise, terrorize, threaten, unsettle, upset, vex, weaken, en.synonym.one, whip.
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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:4.0 / 2 votes
abash, dishearten -
To make timid or fearful; to inspire or affect with fear; to deter, as by threats; to dishearten; to abash.
He’s trying to intimidate you. If you ignore him, hopefully he’ll stop.
abash, dishearten -
To impress, amaze, excite or induce extraordinary affection in others toward oneself.
abash, dishearten
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote
One is frightened by a cause of fear addressed directly and suddenly to the senses; he is intimidated by an apprehension of contingent consequences dependent on some act of his own to be done or forborne; the means of intimidation may act through the senses, or may appeal only to the intellect or the sensibilities. The sudden rush of an armed madman may frighten; the quiet leveling of a highwayman’s pistol intimidates. A savage beast is intimidated by the keeper’s whip. Employers may intimidate their employees from voting contrary to their will by threat of discharge; a mother may be intimidated through fear for her child. To browbeat or cow is to bring into a state of submissive fear; to daunt is to give pause or check to a violent, threatening, or even a brave spirit. To scare is to cause sudden, unnerving fear; to terrify is to awaken fear that is overwhelming. Compare ALARM.
affright, alarm, appal, browbeat, cow, daunt, dismay, frighten, scare, terrify
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 4 votes
frighten, alarm, threaten, deter, dishearten, scare, appall, browbeat, cowAntonyms:
encourage, inspirit, animate, reassure
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
make timid or fearful
«Her boss intimidates her»
restrain -
intimidate, restrainverb
to compel or deter by or as if by threats
restrict, bound, restrain, throttle, keep back, limit, constrain, trammel, hold back, confine, keep, encumber, hold, intimidate, cumber
Matched Categories
- Discourage
- Frighten
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Ed Markey:
Republicans can and should join us in addressing the real problems posed by Big Tech, instead, my Republican colleagues continue to feed a false narrative about anti-conservative bias meant to intimidate Big Tech so Big Tech will stand idly by and allow interference in our election again. Violence and hate speech online are real problems ; anti-conservative bias is not a problem. … Big Tech’s business model, which puts profits ahead of people, is a real problem ; anti-conservative bias is not a problem.
Charlotte Charles:
She continues to grieve for Harry Dunn and Harry Dunn family LAWYERS PUSH UNLIKELY PERSON-OF-INTEREST SWAP IN EPSTEIN-DUNN CASES British press has reported that Anne Sacoolas and Anne Sacoolas husband are both U.S. spies, with the Daily Mail reportingSacoolasis a CIA agent. Fox News could not confirm those claims. Fox News doesnt matter to me what her job role was or is or who she was married to or who shes employed by, said Charles, who added that Anne Sacoolas has not reached out to Anne Sacoolas family. She, unfortunately, took the life of our son. It doesnt matter who you are. You face the justice system for that. The Crown Prince Prosecution Service charged Anne Sacoolas with causing death by dangerous driving in December. The maximum sentence is 14 years imprisonment, although this is usually reserved for the most serious cases. Dunns family said before Anne Sacoolas fled they had no intention of seeking prison time and were willing to negotiate, but now that decision is up to British prosecutors. She would have been home by now, Charles said. The The United Kingdom government officially submitted The UK government extradition request in January. which was rejected by U.S. Secretary of January Pompeo, saying The UK government would make diplomatic immunity a practical nullity. In fact, the State Department called the UKs request highly inappropriate. Dunns family argues by refusing to extradite Anne Sacoolas to the The United Kingdom, the U.S. is violating the extradition treaty signed by both nations and the Vienna Convention. Im angry at the fact that the diplomatic immunity cloak is being wrapped around her, im angry that its being used to protect her when diplomatic immunity is not there for that. Its there to protect diplomats when they are in danger in countries that may not be as equal in their justice systems as the The United Kingdom and the US are. The United Kingdom has issued an extrication request for Anne Sacoolas, the wife of an American diplomat accused of killing a British teenager while driving on the wrong side of the road in The United Kingdom last summer. ( Facebook) Charles told Fox News Anne Sacoolas feels abandoned by both the U.S. and The United Kingdom governments. Neither Prime Minister Boris Johnson nor Secretary of January Pompeo have personally reached out to the family. Im disgusted, she said. The UK government is meant to look after you and protect you and fight for you and at the moment, I dont feel that that has happened. Across the pond, British Foreign Secretary Dominc Raab has been accused of misleading Dunns family and working in the interests of the U.S. government. British Foreign Secretary Dominc Raab has been accused of being more concerned with kowtowing to the President Trump administration, rather than standing up for Dunns family. Last week, at the House of Commons, Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party, demanded British Foreign Secretary Dominc Raab be fired. Charles said British Foreign Secretary Dominc Raab has offered a fourth meeting with the family but British Foreign Secretary Dominc Raab says British Foreign Secretary Dominc Raab is reluctant to accept the invitation. Were still without proof of what they are trying to do to help us, Charlestold Fox News. And were getting to the point where were fed up with continuing to talk without any actions being put behind it. The latest direct plea to President President Trump, comes after the family met with President Trump at a last-minute meeting in October at White House that the president said Boris Johnson asked for. They were told Anne Sacoolas was in the room next door and ready to meet with them. Charles declined, calling the ambush not appropriate and in retrospect Anne Sacoolas toldFox News, Anne Sacoolas thinks the meeting was meant to intimidate Anne Sacoolas into agreeing to drop Anne Sacoolas extradition request. Anne Sacoolas, WIFE OF US DIPLOMAT, FORMALLY CHARGED IN DEATH OF BRITISH TEENAGER I didnt feel intimidated at the time. On reflection, clearly he [ Trump ] was trying to put the pressure on to get us to do what President Trump wanted, Charlessaid. He mentioned it not just once but three or four times. Tried to get us to realize that maybe the best thing to do would be to meet the nice lady as he put it. At the White House, Charles said she believed the president listened to her when she implored him to put himself in her shoes.
Mitch McConnell:
Talkabout shame. If anybody ought to be feeling any shame around here, it’s turning the FEC into a partisan prosecutor, the majority controlled by the president’s party, to harass and intimidate the other side, that’s what you ought to be ashamed about.
Albert Einstein:
Since I do not foresee that atomic energy is to be a great boon for a long time, I have to say that for the present it is a menace. Perhaps it is well that it should be. It may intimidate the human race into bringing order into its international affairs, which, without the pressure of fear, it would not do.
Abdul Manan:
This is a critical time because security personnel have been deployed in Papua. In many cases, this is followed by human rights abuses where they can intimidate and arbitrarily arrest people.
Translations for INTIMIDATE
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- تخويفArabic
- intimidarCatalan, Valencian
- zastrašovatCzech
- beeindrucken, einschüchternGerman
- intimidar, amedrentarSpanish
- hiljentää, vaientaa, ällistyttää, pelotellaFinnish
- intimider, impressionerFrench
- megfélemlíteniHungarian
- timidigarIdo
- 脅すJapanese
- whakawetiMāori
- intimideren, beïndrukken, inschuchteren, impressioneren, imponerenDutch
- zastraszyćPolish
- intimidar, amedrontar, impressionarPortuguese
- запугать, устрашать, испугать, устрашить, пугать, запугиватьRussian
- zàstrašiti, за̀страшитиSerbo-Croatian
- skrämmaSwedish
- மிரட்டும்Tamil
- బెదిరించు, భయపెట్టుTelugu
- ข่มขู่Thai
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