Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
intent [ɪnˈtent] сущ
намерениеср, замыселм, умыселм, желаниеср
(intention, desire)
- statement of intent – заявление о намерениях
- artistic intent – художественный замысел
- malicious intent – злой умысел
- intent of this article – цель этой статьи
intent [ɪnˈtent] прич
стремящийся, намеревающийся
(seeking, intending)
intent [ɪnˈtent] прил
- intent look – пристальный взгляд
noun | ||
намерение | intention, intent, plan, aim, purpose, mind | |
цель | goal, purpose, objective, aim, target, intent | |
adjective | ||
пристальный | close, staring, intent, fixed, undivided, undiverted | |
полный решимости | determined, intent, dead, dead-set | |
внимательный | attentive, careful, thoughtful, mindful, watchful, intent | |
занятый | busy, occupied, engaged, concerned, intent, deep | |
намеревающийся | intending, intent, going to | |
склонный | prone, inclined, apt, addicted, given, intent | |
настойчиво стремящийся | intent | |
погруженный | immersed, submerged, sunk, deep, buried, intent |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
intent сущ
- purpose · aim · objective · target · goal
- plan · design
- meaning · idea · sense
- ambition · aspiration
- determined
- malice · criminal intent
- attentive · rapt · absorbed
- bent on, set on, insistent on, hell-bent on, committed to, obsessive about, obsessed with, fanatical about, fixated on, determined to, anxious to, resolved to, impatient to
- attentive, absorbed, engrossed, fascinated, enthralled, rapt, riveted, focused, undistracted, earnest, concentrating, intense, studious, preoccupied, alert, watchful
- wrapped, captive, absorbed, engrossed
- aim, intention, purpose, objective, object, goal, target, design, plan, scheme, wish, desire, ambition, idea, aspiration
- purpose, aim, design, intention
- purport, spirit
Предложения со словом «intent»
There are actually many here in the room, and I don’t know about you, but my experience of them is that there is no shortage of good intent. |
Многие из них здесь присутствуют, не знаю, как ты, но я уверен, что действуют они исключительно из лучших побуждений. |
The first is don’t assume bad intent. |
Первый — не нужно подозревать дурных намерений . |
But when we assume good or neutral intent, we give our minds a much stronger framework for dialogue. |
Но когда мы считаем, что намерения хорошие или нейтральные, мы даём себе гораздо больше пространства для диалога. |
But the larger intent was sincere and more than justified. |
Но более важная цель была искренней и более чем оправданной. |
He was emphasizing the intent to punish or extract revenge. |
Он мог подчеркнуть намерение наказать, выразить свою месть. |
You came here with hostile intent against Wizard Rahl. |
Ты пришла сюда с враждебными намерениями к Волшебнику Ралу. |
But there was never any intent to harm her. |
Но никогда не было никакого намерением причинить ей вред. |
We need to know you can read our intent. |
Мы должны знать, что ты можешь прочесть наше намерение . |
The statute prohibits trespass onto private property with the intent to capture an image of someone engaged in personal activity. |
Закон запрещает нарушение границ частной собственности с намерением сделать фотографию человека, занятого чем — то личным. |
The words were muffled through his distorted lips, but their intent and the hideous terror in every line of his face were plain enough. |
Слова звучали неразборчиво, но его намерения и отчаянный ужас, исказивший лицо, были достаточно ясны. |
Their intent was to give aid and comfort To our enemies by killing civilians And paralyzing air transportation. |
Их целью было оказание поддержки нашим врагам путем убийства гражданского населения и парализации воздушного сообщения. |
People mistaking your overwhelming warmth and affection for romantic intent. |
Люди путают твою твою безмерную доброту с выражением романтических чувств. |
And under its innocuous title does it conceal its most revolutionary intent. |
И под этим невинным названием кроется страшный революционный умысел. |
Their intent is to cause terror and destruction until civilization simply ceases to function. The threat will not… |
Они будут сеять ужас и разрушения до тех пор, пока цивилизация не падет! |
Screw up this job, and Wallace will charge possession with intent to distribute. |
Напортачишь с этой работой, и Уоллес предъявит хранение с целью распространения. |
His former comrade had seen the intent in his eyes and leapt to meet him as Loken and Abaddon smashed apart the pews along the nave. |
Бывший приятель по глазам догадался о его намерениях и тоже ринулся вперед. |
Which brings me to address the intent of this happy rendezvous. |
Это подводит меня к решению смысла этой счастливой встречи. |
one key to proving rape is illustrating the guy’s mental state, his intent. |
ключ к доказательству изнасилования иллюстрирующий психическое состояние парня, его намерения . |
I need proof that Reybold acted with criminal intent. |
Мне нужны доказательства, что Райболд действовал с криминальным умыслом. |
I want to tell him that there was no evil intent. |
Хочу сказать ему, что не было злого умысла. |
But I doubt the utility of struggling against the intent of God. |
Но я сомневаюсь в полезности борьбы с Божьим умыслом. |
She stood with her helmet in the crook of her arm, and her jade eyes were intent as icons blinked in the tank. |
Ванесса остановилась со шлемом в руке и впилась зелеными глазами в символы на экране. |
Evidence of a sustained and furious assault with clear intent to kill. |
Доказательства жестокого и яростного нападения с явным намерением убить. |
She folded her arms and looked away from his intent gaze. |
Под пристальным взглядом Зедда сестра Верна сложила руки на груди и отвела глаза. |
She did not answer, but bent a long, long, intent look upon me with her expressive black eyes. |
Она не отвечала, но долго — долго и пристально на меня смотрела своими выразительными черными глазами. |
The story of a quiet, upstanding, law-abiding citizen caught in the clutches of a uncaring judicial system intent upon prosecuting an innocent man. |
Это тихий, открытый, законопослушный гражданин, пойманный в тиски судебной системы, которая готова вынести приговор невиновному. |
Now it stands as a declaration of intent, an assertion that Tom Weston means to raise The Paradise to new heights. |
Теперь оно стало декларацией намерений , утверждением, что Том Вестон хочет поднять Парадиз до невиданных высот. |
It was a dramatic story and it served to motivate every student into the habit of intent concentration. |
История была драматична и побуждала каждого студента к напряженной сосредоточенности. |
Dance was arrested for sales and possession with intent to sell. |
В результате Дэнса арестовали за продажу и хранение наркотиков с целью сбыта. |
By putting their bases well inside the hyper limit, the Allies had ensured plenty of warning time if anyone came calling with hostile intent. |
Размещение индустриальных объектов так глубоко внутри гиперграницы гарантировало раннее оповещение в случае появления незваных гостей. |
They had disturbing eyes, too intent, almost feverish. |
Глаза у них были тревожные, чересчур внимательные, чуть ли не горящие лихорадочным блеском. |
Her intent, brown-eyed gaze looked as if it could scour lichen off granite. |
Взгляд внимательных карих глаз, казалось, мог высечь искры из гранита. |
Any direct harm you do unto others with malicious intent will be visited back upon you threefold. |
Любой направленный на других умышленный вред ударит по тебе обратно с тройной силой. |
Or should he have a new council of elders, ones who might be more intent on his success? |
Или он должен собрать новый совет старейшин, который действительно будет способствовать его успеху? |
True intent, shrouded behind mask of kind and gentle face. |
Их истинные намерения скрыты под маской доброты и мягкости. |
And it was your intent to destroy that integrity and his livelihood if you could? |
Вы хотели разрушить эту чистоту и лишить его средств существования? |
He did everything you do if your intent is to perpetrate a fraud. |
Он всё делал так, как будто намеревался совершить обман. |
He seemed intent on preventing Snape from slipping away at the end of class. |
Очевидно, он задался целью не дать последнему ускользнуть после урока. |
The various inducements had failed miserably in their intent, but they had never been taken off the books. |
Все эти стимулы потерпели жалкое фиаско в достижении своей цели, но никто их не отменил. |
He wore such a serious, intent expression, but there was tenderness in his eyes as well. |
Лицо его хранило строгое, напряженное выражение, но взгляд лучился нежностью. |
She was so intent on watching her pet descend that she didn’t notice the hush that came over the group, or see the startled, disbelieving expressions. |
Спуск ястреба настолько ее увлек, что она не услышала удивленный шумок, не заметила недоверчивых взглядов. |
It proved the duplicity in your actions, and revealed your true intent. |
Оно доказывает твою двуличность и выявляет твои истинные намерения . |
He was intent on a noise that his keen ears had caught among the clatter of the distant fighting. |
Его внимание привлек шум, который уловили его чуткие уши сквозь звуки битвы. |
A word which deliberately establishes intent without any hint of a misunderstanding which excludes childhood. |
Слово, которое однозначно определяет намерение без какого — либо намека на недоразумение без скидок на возраст. |
Their everyday concern is more against individual local intruders intent on theft. |
Их обычной заботой является скорее не пустить туда незваных гостей из местных, намеревающихся что — то украсть. |
His intent had been to wave the knife and wave the portrait, and forever silence little Mark Sway. |
Он собирался помахать ножом и портретом перед носом Марка Свея и навсегда заставить его замолчать. |
What kind of monster would destroy one of God’s gentle creatures with such malicious intent? |
Каким чудовищем надо быть, чтобы так жестоко обойтись с одним из самых чудесных творений Господа! |
Though I must confess a special distaste for intent. |
Хотя вынужден признаться, что намеренное убийство мне особо претит. |
He had some papers in his hand, and an intent, disturbed expression on his face. |
В руках он держал какие — то бумаги, а на его лице застыло удивленное, обеспокоенное выражение. |
She walked with confidence and grace, intent on exploring the many delights of the bazaar. |
У нее была легкая изящная походка, и она явно собиралась получить удовольствие от посещения рынка. |
But nowhere in this draft resolution is there so much as a hint of true constructive intent. |
Но нигде в этом проекте резолюции не содержится даже намека на подлинные конструктивные намерения . |
A personal history between my client and Mr. Wheelan does not equate to intent. |
Личные отношения моего клиента и мистера Вилана не стоит принимать во внимание. |
This is clearly the intent of the article and can be explained in the commentary. |
Эта статья, несомненно, направлена на достижение этой цели, и этот момент можно разъяснить в комментарии. |
Also deeply appreciated was the serious intent with which the administering Power took its responsibilities. |
Столь же важной представляется та ответственность, с которой административная держава выполняет свои обязанности. |
Such treaties did not constitute mere declarations of intent but concrete obligations with which States parties must comply. |
Такие договоры представляют собой не простые заявления о намерении , а конкретные обязательства, которые государства — участники должны соблюдать. |
If member governments are intent on bad candidates, it will be impossible to avoid them. |
Если правительства стран настаивают на плохих кандидатах, избежать их назначения будет невозможно. |
Craig’s building is in reality an alien space ship, intent on slaughtering the population of this planet. |
Верхний этаж дома Крэйга, на самом деле — инопланетный корабль, намеревающийся истребить население планеты. |
The Court found no proof of the requisite intent to commit violence and it could not be ruled out that he had hit his eldest daughter on the head by accident. |
Судом не были найдены доказательства необходимого умысла совершения насилия, и нельзя исключать, что он ударил свою старшую дочь по голове случайно. |
They have the character of a reciprocal statement of intent to apply the Convention in practice. |
Они имеют характер совместного заявления о намерении на практике применять Конвенцию. |
It is clear to us that this draft resolution would have an effect that is the opposite of its advertised intent. |
Для нас ясно, что принятие этого проекта резолюции будет иметь последствия, прямо противоположные проповедуемому в нем намерению . |
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
The aim is the direction in which one shoots, or sometimes that which is aimed at. The mark is that at which one shoots; the goal, that toward which one runs. All alike indicate the direction of endeavor. The end is the point at which one expects or hopes to close his labors; the object, that which he would grasp as the reward of his labors. Aspiration, design, endeavor, purpose, referring to the mental acts by which the aim is attained, are often used as interchangeable with aim. Aspiration applies to what are viewed as noble aims; endeavor, design, intention, purpose, indifferently to the best or worst. Aspiration has less of decision than the other terms; one may aspire to an object, and yet lack the fixedness of purpose by which alone it can be attained. Purpose is stronger than intention. Design especially denotes the adaptation of means to an end; endeavor refers to the exertions by which it is to be attained. One whose aims are worthy, whose aspirations are high, whose designs are wise, and whose purposes are steadfast, may hope to reach the goal of his ambition, and will surely win some object worthy of a life’s endeavor. Compare AMBITION; DESIGN.
aim, aspiration, design, determination, end, end, endeavor, endeavor, goal, inclination, intention, mark, object, purpose, tendencyAntonyms:
aimlessness, avoidance, carelessness, heedlessness, neglect, negligence, oversight, purposelessness, thoughtlessness
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
design, purpose, intention, drift, meaning, purport, aim, viewAntonyms:
chance, lot, fate, accident -
eager, fixed, urgentAntonyms:
indifferent, diverted, distracted
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
purpose, intent, intention, aim, designnoun
an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
«his intent was to provide a new translation»; «good intentions are not enough»; «it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs»; «he made no secret of his designs»
intention, objective, use, design, determination, aim, designing, figure, role, purport, function, excogitation, conception, pattern, spirit, blueprint, object, invention, target, innovation, bearing, purpose, plan, headingAntonyms:
inattentive -
intent, purport, spiritadjective
the intended meaning of a communication
intention, aim, liveliness, smell, design, flavour, disembodied spirit, sprightliness, feel, purport, flavor, look, spirit, drift, feeling, heart, life, emotional state, tone, purposeAntonyms:
inattentive -
captive, absorbed, engrossed, enwrapped, intent, wrappedadjective
giving or marked by complete attention to
«that engrossed look or rapt delight»; «then wrapped in dreams»; «so intent on this fantastic…narrative that she hardly stirred»- Walter de la Mare; «rapt with wonder»; «wrapped in thought»
clothed, cloaked, captive, engrossed, mantled, absorbed, enwrapped, confined, wrapped, jailed, imprisoned, drapedAntonyms:
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
eager, earnest, close, closely fixed, resolutely bent -
design, purpose, intention, aim, end, meaning, drift, purport, object, scope, mark, purview
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «intent»:
intention, intentions, intended, purpose, goal, intend, spirit, intentionality, aim, objective, ‘intention, intending
How to pronounce intent?
How to say intent in sign language?
How to use intent in a sentence?
John Fetterman:
We’re absolutely going to debate Mehmet Oz, and that was really always our intent to do that, it was just simply only ever been about addressing some of the lingering issues of the stroke, the auditory processing, and we’re going to be able to work that out.
Tony Abbott:
The terror threat remains high … and at this level an attack is likely, we don’t know when and how an attack may come, but we do know that there are people with the intent and the capability to carry out further attacks.
Jim Clyburn:
In this instance, they are dramatically different, the intent on the part of the president is not there, the cooperation on the part of the president is there. The exact opposite to what you had with the parallel of former President Trump.
Lauren Demosthenes:
As we care for patients, we are constantly learning and adjusting recommendations as new scientific information is released. In the case of pap smear guidelines, we are intent on balancing benefits and harms to patients, part of the concern with younger aged testing is the downstream testing with colposcopy, biopsy and then the intervention of removing or ablating a portion of the cervix which has been linked to an increased risk of premature birth.
Karl Fowlkes:
I understand the intent behind the move, but I’m not sure how effective this will be as AI services will likely still be able to access the copyrighted material one way or another.
Translations for intent
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- AbsichtGerman
- αφοσιωμένος, σκοπός, πρόθεση, προσηλωμένος, επιδίωξη, έμμονοςGreek
- intención, propósito, concentrado, intentoSpanish
- نیتPersian
- aikomus, vakaa, määrätietoinen, keskittynyt, tarkoitusFinnish
- butéFrench
- כוונהHebrew
- ئامانجKurdish
- consiliumLatin
- intentieDutch
- நோக்கம்Tamil
- ý địnhVietnamese
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All synonyms in one line
absorbed, ambitious, aspiring, assiduous, attentive, en.synonym.one, brisk, businesslike, busy, close, concentrated, constant, contemplative, decided, decisive, destined, determined, diligent, earnest, engrossed, enterprising, enthralled, fated, fixed, hard-working, immersed, en.synonym.one, impersonal, industrious, intense, methodical, mindful, observant, orderly, organized, painstaking, preoccupied, promising, purposeful, rapt, resolute, resolved, resourceful, scrupulous, serious, set, settled, sharp, skillful, steadfast, studious, systematic, en.synonym.one, vigilant, watchful, aim, ambition, design, desire, drift, en.synonym.one, effect, end, goal, hypothesis, idea, import, intention, liking, meaning, mind, motivation, motive, notion, object, objective, plan, postulate, projection, purport, purpose, en.synonym.one, reason, sense, significance, signification, spirit, supposition, target, tenor, theory, thought, understanding, view, will, wont, captive, enwrapped, wrapped.
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- decided
- hell-bent
- preoccupied
- resolved
- alert
- attending
- bent
- bound
- deep
- eager
- earnest
- firm
- set
- steady
- watching
- absorbed
- attentive
- committed
- concentrated
- concentrating
- decisive
- engaged
- engrossed
- enthusiastic
- fixed
- immersed
- industrious
- intense
- minding
- occupied
- piercing
- rapt
- riveted
- settled
- steadfast
- watchful
- wrapped-up
On this page you’ll find 120 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to intent, such as: decided, hell-bent, preoccupied, resolved, alert, and attending.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use intent in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- captivated
- consumed
- deep in thought
- engaged
- engrossed
- fascinated
- fixed
- gone
- held
- immersed
- intent
- involved
- lost
- preoccupied
- rapt
- really into
- up to here
- wrapped-up
- connotation
- denotation
- intent
- meaning
- message
- purport
- sense
- significance
- value
- word meaning
- ambition
- aspiration
- course
- desideratum
- design
- desire
- direction
- end
- intent
- intention
- mark
- object
- objective
- plan
- purpose
- scheme
- target
- where one is heading
- wish
- ambitions
- aspirations
- courses
- desiderata
- designs
- desires
- directions
- ends
- intentions
- intents
- marks
- objectives
- objects
- plans
- purposes
- schemes
- targets
- where one is headings
- wishes
- aim
- aspiration
- desire
- dream
- end
- enterprise
- goal
- hope
- intent
- mark
- objective
- purpose
- target
- wish
- appetites
- ardors
- aspirations
- avidities
- cravings
- desires
- drives
- eagerness
- earnestness
- emulations
- energies
- enterprises
- enthusiasms
- fire in bellies
- get up and gos
- hankerings
- hopes
- hunger
- initiatives
- itches
- keenness
- longings
- loves
- lust
- moxies
- passions
- pretensions
- pushes
- right stuffs
- spirits
- strivings
- thirsts
- vigor
- yearnings
- zeal
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
1 absorbed, alert, attentive, committed, concentrated, determined, eager, earnest, engrossed, fixed, industrious, intense, occupied, piercing, preoccupied, rapt, resolute, resolved, steadfast, steady, watchful, wrapped up
2 bent, hellbent (informal) set
3 aim, design, end, goal, intention, meaning, object, objective, plan, purpose
4 to all intents and purposes as good as, practically, virtually
, adj
1 casual, indifferent, irresolute, unsteady, wavering
n chance, fortune
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
( intents plural )
1 adj If you are intenton doing something, you are eager and determined to do it.
v-link ADJ on/upon -ing/n
The rebels are obviously intent on keeping up the pressure…
2 adj If someone does something in an intent way, they pay great attention to what they are doing.
WRITTEN oft ADJ on/upon n
She looked from one intent face to another…
intently adv ADV after v
He listened intently, then slammed down the phone.
3 n-var A person’s intent is their intention to do something.
FORMAL …a strong statement of intent on arms control…
4 You say to all intents and purposes to suggest that a situation is not exactly as you describe it but the effect is the same as if it were.
to all intents and purposes/to all intents phrase usu PHR with cl
To all intents and purposes he was my father.
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus
cybercrime |
n. |
a criminal action of commission or omission with intent to harm targeting humans or machines using any telecommunication device via internet |
[Leg.];[Tech.] cybercrime means hacking, bullying, identity theft |
! Cyber Terrorism |
n. |
The attack on computers, networks and interconnected infrastructures with intent to intimidate or coerce a national, international, groups of people or organizations in furtherance of political, social or personal objectives. |
[Tech.];[Leg.] The attack on computers, networks and interconnected infrastructures with intent to intimidate or coerce a national, international community. |
cyber identity theft |
n. |
the act of using someone else’s identifying information with the intent to defraud others online |
[Leg.];[Tech.] criminal act to steal a personal information online |
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