1 abstraction, concept, conception, conclusion, fancy, impression, judgment, perception, thought, understanding
2 belief, conviction, doctrine, interpretation, notion, opinion, teaching, view, viewpoint
3 approximation, ballpark figure, clue, estimate, guess, hint, impression, inkling, intimation, notion, suspicion
4 aim, end, import, intention, meaning, object, objective, plan, purpose, raison d’être, reason, sense, significance
5 design, hypothesis, plan, recommendation, scheme, solution, suggestion, theory
6 archetype, essence, form, pattern
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
( ideas plural )
1 n-count An idea is a plan, suggestion, or possible course of action.
oft adj N, N to-inf, N of n/-ing
It’s a good idea to plan ahead…, I really like the idea of helping people…, She told me she’d had a brilliant idea.
2 n-count An idea is an opinion or belief about what something is like or should be like.
usu N about/on/of n, N that
Some of his ideas about democracy are entirely his own., …the idea that reading too many books ruins your eyes…
3 n-sing If someone gives you an idea of something, they give you information about it without being very exact or giving a lot of detail.
N of n/wh
This table will give you some idea of how levels of ability can be measured…, If you cannot remember the exact date give a rough idea of when it was.
4 n-sing If you have an idea of something, you know about it to some extent.
with supp
No one has any real idea how much the company will make next year.
5 n-sing If you have an ideathat something is the case, you think that it may be the case, although you are not certain.
N that (vagueness)
I had an idea that he joined the army later, but I may be wrong.
6 n-sing The idea of an action or activity is its aim or purpose.
the N
The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.
7 n-count If you have the idea of doing something, you intend to do it.
N of -ing/n
He sent for a number of books he admired with the idea of re-reading them…
8 n-sing You can use idea in expressions such as I’ve no idea or I haven’t the faintest idea to emphasize that you do not know something.
with brd-neg (emphasis)
`Is she coming by coach?’—`Well I’ve no idea.’
9 If someone gets the idea, they understand how to do something or they understand what you are telling them.
get the idea phrase V inflects
It isn’t too difficult once you get the idea…
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
idea hamster
a very creative person; someone who is always able to come up with fresh ideas
Additional comments:
Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus
ideation |
n. |
process of creating ideas ; creation of ideas |
v. |
perceive (an idea or situation) mentally |
«I just realised how important is that trip for you.» |
emoji |
n. |
a small digital image or icon used to express or convey an idea, a mood or an emotion in electronic communication. It’s a loanword from japoneese coming from e ‘picture’+ moji ‘letter, character’. |
[Internet] Althoug being coincidental, the resemblance of the term ’emoji’ to the english word ’emoticon’ (a facial expression composed of keyboard characters, such as :-)) helps its memorability. 😊 |
it hit me |
exp. |
it occurred to me, I suddenly thought of it, I had an idea all of a sudden |
E.g: I wondered all day long how to solve this problem and it suddenly hit me…I had to talk to Marry. |
beats me! |
exp. |
I have no idea; I don’t have a clue |
[Informal] E.g.: Why was she upset? — Beats me! |
freakishly |
adv. |
extremely [with the idea of «abnormally»] |
freakishly successful/large/lifelike |
to foreground
v. |
to emphasize (an issue, idea or word) |
best (or greatest) thing since sliced bread |
id. |
Used to express one’s enthusiasm about a new person, or a new thing such as an idea, plan, invention or innovation |
The way she goes on about him!; you’d think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread / Wow! this video game is the best thing since sliced bread! |
compare notes |
exp. |
share ideas based on a similar experience |
[Fig.] E.g.: They were both going through a divorce, so they met to compare notes. |
framework |
n. |
a set of ideas, rules, or beliefs from which something is developed, or on which decisions are based |
The educational framework of ISB is much different from the framework (curriculum) where I used to go to school. I do like it though. |
empirical |
adj. |
based on scientific testing or practical experience, not on ideas |
I found out that the distance from the pond doesn’t affect the number of plants from the empirical data I collected. |
employerism |
n. |
the preferred terminology used among the management hierarchy of a business establishment in reference to native ideas and common interests related to their particular field. |
syn.: slang, jargon |
open innovation |
n. |
innovation paradigm that assumes firms should use external ideas and/or external paths to market in their innovation process |
[Tech.];[Bus.] word coined by Henry Chesbrough, who opposes this paradigm to the closed innovation one, where all the innovation process happens within the borders of the firm. |
A breath of fresh air |
n. |
means a different approach or a welcome change to something. Ex.: anna has lots of wonderful ideas and motivation — she is a breath of fresh air. |
[Fig.] |
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Все знают, что слово «идея» на английском звучит как idea. Но знаете ли вы, что существует огромное разнообразие самых разных идей и способов выразить «идею идеи»? Вот самый длинный список слов, выражающих различные идеи, но стоящих в одном синонимическом ряду со словом «idea», так что старайтесь запоминать:
1. Abstraction: «абстракция» — теоретическая идея, а также процесс абстрагирования.
2. Apprehension: «понимание» — действие или способность схватывать значение, а также «мнение, идея, понятие».
3. Assumption: «предположение, допущение», принятие на себя, например ответственности, обязанности.
4. Belief: «понимание, вера, доверие», также уверенность в том, что нечто является правильным или правдивым, или состояние уверенности в ком-то или чем-то.
5. Brain wave Brainstorm: — внезапная идея, замыкание и перепады давления в мозгу, приводящие к неожиданным и смелым решениям.
6. Brainchild: идея или оригинальная мысль, порождение ума, выдумка, вынашиваемая идея.
7. Caprice: «каприз, причуда», неожиданное изменение образа мышления, непостоянство, прихоть, или же веселое музыкальное произведение.
8. Chimera: «химера», несбыточная мечта, фантазия или нереальная идея.
9. Cogitation: «размышление, раздумье», серьезное обдумывание, мысли, планы.
10. Cognition: результат умственного процесса, а также сам по себе умственный процесс.
11. Conception: «концепция» — идея или результат абстрактного мышления, а также формирование и понимание идей, основа идеи, которая составляет чье-то понимание чего-либо.
12. Conclusion: «заключение» — идея, основанная на рассмотрении или решении, а также результат или действие, которым что-то доводят до конца, или подводят итоги, заключающая идея.
13. Conjecture: «гипотеза, догадка, предположение», предполагаемая идея, достигаемая методом вычитания, или нечто, что должно быть доказано или наоборот.
14. Conviction: сильное убеждение, убежденность в правильности идеи.
15. Delusion/Illusion: ошибочная идея, также неправильные идеи, или возможно такие неправильные идеи могут быть симптомом умственной болезни.
16. Fancy: иллюзия, фантазия, причуда, воображаемая идея.
17. Guess/Surmise: догадка или предположение, идея, основанная на первоначальной или неверной информации.
18. Hallucination: галлюцинация, наваждение, обман чувств, иллюзия, вызванная лекарствами или умственным нарушением.
19. Hunch: предчувствие
20. Hypothesis: гипотеза, недоказанная идея, но согласно предположениям правильная как основа для эксперимента или расследования.
21. Image: умственная картина или идея, которую можно воспроизвести на основе слов, а также описание, изображение кого-либо или чего-либо на основе пропаганды или рекламы.
22. Impression: «оттиск, отпечаток» — неточная или смутная идея, впечатление.
23. Inspiration: вдохновение, вдохновляющая идея, или чувство, что-то, что побуждает.
24. Intellection: мышление, деятельность ума
25. Intuition: интуиция, идея, основанная на внезапном понятии, сознании или чувстве без осознанного мышления.
26. Mind’s eye: способность предугадывать идеи,
27. Notion: идея или понимание, которое может быть воображаемым, понятие.
28. Observation: идея, основанная на сознании, также соблюдение традиций, правил, размышлять о чем-то, собирание информации или доказательств.
29. Opinion: мнение, идея, которая по субъективному мнению является правильной.
30. Perception: идея, основанная на наблюдении, сознании или способности понимать.
31. Phantasm: фантазия, заблуждение, иллюзия.
32. Picture: картина ума, также экземпляр, совокупность обстоятельств.
33. Preconception: идея, принятая до внимательного обсуждения.
34. Prejudice: идея или чувство неприязни или враждебности к кому-то или чему-то.
35. Premonition/Presentiment: идея или чувство предстоящего действия или происшествия
36. Prepossession: предубеждение, предвзятое мнение или отношение
37. Reflection: сформировавшаяся идея или сделанный комментарий после тщательного размышления. Размышление или феномена.
38. Speculation: рассмотрение того, что может быть правильным или того, что может случиться, а также рискованная инвестиция с потенциально большим доходом.
39. Supposition: «предположение», идея, основанная на предварительном рассмотрении или мнение.
40. Theory: теория, недоказанная идея или идея, представленная на рассмотрение; группа идей или принципов.
41. Thought: мысль, идея, сформированная в уме, также умственный процесс, образ мышления.
42. Vagary: странная или непредсказуемая идея.
43. Whim: необычная или неожиданная идея.
What is another word for Idea?
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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:4.0 / 2 votes
Idea is in Greek a form or an image. The word signified in early philosophical use the archetype or primal image which the Platonic philosophy supposed to be the model or pattern that existing objects imperfectly embody. This high sense has nearly disappeared from the word idea, and has been largely appropriated by ideal, tho something of the original meaning still appears when in theological or philosophical language we speak of the ideas of God. The present popular use of idea makes it to signify any product of mental apprehension or activity, considered as an object of knowledge or thought; this coincides with the primitive sense at but a single point — that an idea is mental as opposed to anything substantial or physical; thus, almost any mental product, as a belief, conception, design, opinion, etc., may now be called an idea. Compare FANCY; IDEAL.
apprehension, archetype, belief, conceit, concept, conception, design, fancy, fantasy, ideal, image, imagination, impression, judgment, model, notion, opinion, pattern, plan, purpose, sentiment, supposition, theory, thoughtAntonyms:
actuality, fact, reality, substance
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
image, notion, conception, belief, doctrine, supposition, understanding, fiction, fancy, thought, opinion, impression, sentimentAntonyms:
object, form, subject, thing, reality
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
idea, thoughtnoun
the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about
«it was not a good idea»; «the thought never entered my mind»
view, thought, persuasion, theme, thought process, estimate, musical theme, cerebration, approximation, opinion, mind, intellection, mentation, thinking, melodic theme, sentiment, estimation -
mind, ideanoun
your intention; what you intend to do
«he had in mind to see his old teacher»; «the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces»
thought, thinker, theme, psyche, musical theme, approximation, estimate, creative thinker, mind, head, melodic theme, nous, judgement, judgment, brain, intellect, estimation -
a personal view
«he has an idea that we don’t like him»
theme, estimate, musical theme, approximation, mind, estimation, melodic theme, thought -
estimate, estimation, approximation, ideanoun
an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth
«an estimate of what it would cost»; «a rough idea how long it would take»
theme, appraisal, estimate, musical theme, approximation, bringing close together, estimation, melodic theme, mind, thought -
theme, melodic theme, musical theme, ideanoun
(music) melodic subject of a musical composition
«the theme is announced in the first measures»; «the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it»
theme, musical theme, paper, thought, radical, topic, composition, subject, report, motif, base, approximation, estimate, stem, mind, root, melodic theme, root word, estimation
Matched Categories
- Calculation
- Cognitive Content
- Melody
- Music
- Opinion
- Purpose
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
[In the Platonic philosophy.] archetype (conceived of as existing from eternity), pattern, model, exemplar, form, essence (common to many individual things and represented by a general term) -
universal, concept, conception, notion, general or universal conception -
object of thought, image in the mind, mental representation of an object -
impression, apprehension, thought, fancy, conceit -
opinion, belief, supposition, judgment, sentiment
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «idea»:
notion, concept, ideas, thought, clue, picture, thinking, view, perception, vision, suggestion, sense, conception, indication, insight, ideal, understanding, inkling, proposal, impression, thrust, brainchild, belief, principle, assumption
Suggested Resources
What does IDEA stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the IDEA acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.
How to pronounce idea?
How to say idea in sign language?
How to use idea in a sentence?
Andrea Pirlo:
The idea of no longer being guaranteed that protagonist’s role really weighed upon me, maybe I would have stopped feeling as comfortable within myself.
Melissa Goetz:
Some of these drugs are going to require high level monitoring physicians, and I think there can be an idea that that level of monitoring can be burdensome for the parents, but this is something we’ve been talking about with The FDA — most patients welcome that level of monitoring because it means they’re going to potentially be healthier and have better care.
Pat Toomey:
I think there’s a fundamental disagreement, the states are responsible for the conduct of elections. I think it works, I think it’s the right way to do it, and I think that legislation to nationalize that is misguided. It’s someone’s idea of a solution but it’s in search of a problem, so I’m not interested.
Steven Blockmans:
The China agreement was a big plank in that strategy, if the Chinese and European parliament don’t move, the The EU risks losing a deal that would have cemented the idea The EU can make decisions to defend The EU own commercial interests, without having to call the White House first.
Gwen Carr:
The de Blasio administration should never have waited for four years or until September because the idea that The NYPD couldn’t have acted before DOJ has always been a lie.
Translations for idea
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- ideeAfrikaans
- فكرةArabic
- төшөнсәBashkir
- ідэ́я, ду́мкаBelarusian
- иде́я, ми́съл, предста́ва, планBulgarian
- ideaCatalan, Valencian
- myšlenka, nápadCzech
- Idee, Ahnung, VorstellungGerman
- susuEwe
- ιδέαGreek
- ideoEsperanto
- ideaSpanish
- aimdus, mõte, arvamus, kavatsusEstonian
- ایدهPersian
- idea, ajatusFinnish
- idée, penséeFrench
- beachd-smaoin, smaoin, beachdScottish Gaelic
- רַעֲיוֹןHebrew
- विचारHindi
- lideHaitian Creole
- ötletHungarian
- գաղափար, միտքArmenian
- ideaInterlingua
- ideIndonesian
- tema, idea, impressione, parereItalian
- רעיוןHebrew
- 考え, ちゃくそう, アイデア, 主意Japanese
- ცნება, იდეაGeorgian
- 아이디어, 생각, 구상Korean
- بیروڕاKurdish
- īnfōrmātiōLatin
- IddiLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- mintis, idėjaLithuanian
- doma, idejaLatvian
- идејаMacedonian
- idee, gedachte, intentie, impressie, ingeving, bedoeling, indruk, bedenking, plan, denkbeeldDutch
- idéNorwegian
- pomysł, ideaPolish
- ideiaPortuguese
- idee, părere, bănuialăRomanian
- мысль, те́ма, план, поня́тие, за́мысел, иде́я, представле́ниеRussian
- misao, zamisao, мисао, замисао, pomisao, идеја, помисао, idejaSerbo-Croatian
- myšlienka, nápadSlovak
- ideja, predstava, zamiselSlovene
- idé, tankeSwedish
- స్వరకల్పన, అభిప్రాయము, వ్యూహము, ఉపాయముTelugu
- düşünce, fikirTurkish
- іде́я, ду́мкаUkrainian
- خیالUrdu
- tư tưởng, ý định, ý niệmVietnamese
- 理念Chinese
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Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:
- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
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