Honest and fair синонимы

Перевод по словам

fair [adjective]

noun: ярмарка, выставка, базар, красавица, благотворительный базар, прекрасный пол

adjective: справедливый, честный, прекрасный, светлый, белокурый, русый, беспристрастный, удовлетворительный, красивый, неплохой

adverb: честно, ясно, точно, чисто, любезно, учтиво, прямо, по-честному

  • fair trading laws — закон о добросовестной конкуренции
  • in the trade fair — в выставке
  • goods fair — товары ярмарка
  • country fair — страна ярмарка
  • copyright, fair use — авторское право, добросовестное использование
  • christmas fair — рождественская ярмарка
  • fair benefits — справедливые льготы
  • fair and clear procedures — справедливые и четкие процедуры
  • be a fair fight — быть честной борьбе
  • trade fair stand — ярмарка стенд торговли

and [conjunction]

conjunction: и, а, но

noun: конъюнкция

adverb: иначе

  • and installing — и установка
  • and front — и передний
  • physician and — врач и
  • and cruise — и круиз
  • tomato and — помидоры и
  • and cried — и плакал
  • and tedious — и нудно
  • blindness and — слепота и
  • liquor and — спиртные напитки и
  • and coloring — и окраска

honest [adjective]

adjective: честный, искренний, правдивый, нравственный, настоящий, подлинный, целомудренный, нефальсифицированный

  • honest politician — честный политик
  • to be very honest — быть очень честным
  • open and honest feedback — открытая и честная обратная связь
  • honest relationship — честные отношения
  • honest reflection — честно отражение
  • been completely honest with me — был полностью честен со мной
  • not being honest with me — не честен со мной
  • were honest with me — были честны со мной
  • will be honest — будут честными
  • gotta be honest — должен быть честным

Предложения с «fair and honest»

It was impossible to deny that Michael was scrupulously fair and honest.

Нельзя было отрицать, что Майкл щепетильно честен и справедлив .

Let me, uh, just say that I have not met a more fair and honest person than my wife, Alicia Florrick.

Я просто хотел сказать, что никогда не встречал более справедливого и честного человека, чем моя жена, Алисия Флоррик.

That, and because I can see you’d be fair and honest with us.

Я вижу, что мы можем на вас положиться.

The Ethical Slut discusses how to live an active life with multiple concurrent sexual relationships in a fair and honest way.

Этическая шлюха обсуждает, как жить активной жизнью с несколькими одновременными сексуальными отношениями честно и честно .

To be honest, I can’t wait until this science fair project is over, because the next day is Max’s birthday, and I’ve been saving up to get him a guitar.

Если честно , я не могу дождаться, когда показ научных работ закончится, потому, что на следующий день у Макса день рождения, и я приготовила ему в подарок гитару.

In any case, Mr. Buffett has always seemed to me the best of the midwest: straightforward, smart, honest; a simple, trustworthy man with an uncomplicated sense of fair play.

В любом случае, г — н Баффет всегда казался мне лучшим на Среднем Западе: открытый, умный, честный , простой, надежный человек, вызывающий ощущение честной игры.

All I ask for is an honest enquiry and a fair hearing and I believe the truth will be established beyond doubt.

Я прошу беспристрастного слушания. И верю, что правда восторжествует…

But one thing was certain: the electrical engineer was good-looking, fair and clean-shaven, with pleasant, regular features, and an honest face; he was tall and well-made.

Но молодой светловолосый электрик был явно хорош собой: приятные, правильные черты лица, честные глаза, высокий рост и хорошая фигура делали его очень привлекательным.

Lord Steyne read it, everybody but honest Rawdon, to whom it was not necessary to tell everything that passed in the little house in May Fair.

Читал его и лорд Стайн; читали все, кроме честного Родона: сообщать ему обо всем, что происходило в мэйфэрском домике, не считалось обязательным.

At any rate, I hope that clarifies things and illustrates why it is only fair to compensate my men fully for their latest haul, as it was an honest haul taken by an honest captain.

В любом случае, надеюсь это многое объясняет и демонстрирует почему будет честно полностью компенсировать моим людям их последний улов, ибо это был честный улов взятый честным капитаном.

He’s always been honest and fair minded in these dealings with the commons so… Mr. Aske can speak for himself.

Он всегда был честен и справедлив в отношении простого народа, однако, мистер Аск может и сам сказать.

So there, you see, said Jefferson Peters, in conclusion, how hard it is ever to find a fair-minded and honest business-partner.

Итак, вы видите, — заключил свою повесть Джефф Питерс, — как трудно найти надежного и честного партнера.

The reason people like me is because I’m fair, I’m honest, and I got a great jump shot.

Причина, по которой я нравлюсь людям: я справедлив , честен, и я у меня хороший бросок в прыжке.

The Defamation Act 2013 replaced the common law defence of fair comment with the statutory defence of honest opinion.

Закон о диффамации 2013 года заменил общеправовую защиту честных комментариев статутной защитой честного мнения.

Epitome’s dam Honest And True was a high-class racemare who won the Fair Grounds Oaks and finished third in the Kentucky Oaks in 1980.

Плотина Эпитома честная и правдивая была высококлассным гонщиком, который выиграл ярмарку Grounds Oaks и занял третье место в Кентукки — Оукс в 1980 году.

I don’t think anyone reading the above comments could, if being honest and fair, dispute that.

Я не думаю, что кто — то, читающий вышеприведенные комментарии, может, если быть честным и справедливым , оспорить это.

A great deal of Jewish legal scholarship in the Dark and the Middle Ages was devoted to making business dealings fair, honest and efficient.

Большая часть Еврейской юридической науки в темные и средние века была посвящена тому, чтобы сделать деловые отношения справедливыми , честными и эффективными.

It is a commandment to be honest and have fair measures.

Это заповедь быть честным и иметь справедливые меры.

I will be willing to work together with you in fashioning something reasonable, honest and fair.

Я буду готов работать вместе с Вами над созданием чего — то разумного, честного и справедливого .

    • overview
    • mutual synonyms
    • collocations
    • definitions

The terms honest and fair are synonyms (words with similar meaning).

adjective Honest can be replaced with adjective Fair in some context.

Honest and Fair are mostly used as synonyms in topics related to:
impartial, proper, good, upright and reasonable.

Mutual synonyms

  • just

  • straight

  • right

  • frank

  • true

More synonyms

Honest and Fair in Power Thesaurus

Синоним — не что иное, как сходное значение конкретного слова или его семантического отношения. Таким образом, это слово или фраза, которые означают то же самое, что и другое слово или фраза. Тем не менее, многие синонимы имеют различные смысловые оттенки — коннотации, которые представляют собой не сами предметы и явления, а отношение к ним.

  English Word Перевод Synonyms 1 Ability способность Синонимы ability: aptitude, capability, capacity, competence, competency, efficiency, faculty, power, skill, talent 2 Able способный Синонимы able: accomplished, adept, adequate, adroit, capable, clever, competent, efficient, expert, fit, masterful, proficient 3 Accept принимать Синонимы accept: admit, agree, assent, believe, confirm, honor, take 4 Achieve достигать Синонимы achieve: accomplish, acquire, attain, do, effect, execute, finish, fulfill, gain, perform, win 5 Always всегда, постоянно Синонимы always: aye, consistently, constantly, eternally, ever, everlasting, evermore, forever, invariably, perpetually 6 Amazing удивительный Синонимы amazing: astonishing, astounding, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, improbable, incredible, unbelievable, wonderful 7 Anger гнев Синонимы anger: arouse, enrage, exasperate, inflame, infuriate, madden, nettle 8 Angry злой Синонимы angry: aroused, enraged, exasperated, excited, furious, indignant, inflamed, mad, wrathful 9 Answer ответ Синонимы answer: acknowledge, reply, respond, retort 10 Appearance появление, вид Синонимы appearance: landscape,, outlook, picture, scene, scenery, setting, show, sight, tableau, view 11 Ask спрашивать Синонимы ask: question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to, demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz 12 Attention внимание Синонимы attention: care, heed, notice, regard, study 13 Attract привлекать Синонимы attract: allure, bewitch, captivate, charm, decoy, draw, enchant, endear, engage, entice, fascinate, incline, induce, interest, invite, lure 14 Awful ужасный Синонимы awful: abominable, bad, dreadful, poor, terrible, unpleasant 15 Bad плохой Синонимы bad: atrocious, base, contaminated, contemptible, corrupt, cross, defective, deplorable, depraved, despicable, detestable, disagreeable, dismal, evil, execrable, faulty, foul, ghastly, gross, harmful, heinous, horrible, immoral, imperfect, improper, inappropriate, infamous, inferior, injurious, irascible, nasty, nefarious, noxious, obnoxious, outrageous, putrid, rank, rotten, scandalous, sinful, sinister, snide, spoiled, substandard, tainted, unfavorable, unfriendly, unpleasant, unsuitable, wicked, wrong 16 Beautiful красивый Синонимы beautiful: aesthetic, attractive, blooming, comely, dazzling, delicate, elegant, exquisite, fair, fine, glorious, glowing, gorgeous, graceful, handsome (man), heavenly, lovely, magnificent, pleasing, pretty, radiant, ravishing, resplendent, shapely, sparkling, splendid, stunning 17 Begin начинать Синонимы begin: commence, inaugurate, initiate, launch, open, originate, start 18 Benefit прибыль, выгода Синонимы benefit: advantage, avail, boon, favor, gain, profit, service 19 Big большой Синонимы big: ample, astronomical, broad, colossal, enormous, expansive, gargantuan, gigantic, grand, great, huge, immense, large, mammoth, mountainous, sizable, spacious, stout, substantial, tall, titanic, tremendous, vast 20 Bore скучный или глупый человек Синонимы bore: nuisance, pest, talkative, talker, troublesome 21 Brave смелый Синонимы brave: audacious, bold, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, fearless, gallant, heroic, intrepid, mettlesome, plucky, valiant, valorous 22 Break ломать Синонимы break: atomize, crash, demolish, fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck 23 Bright яркий Синонимы bright: brilliant, colorful, gleaming, incandescent, intellectual, intelligent, knowing, luminous, lustrous, quick-witted, radiant, shimmering, shining, shiny, smart, sparkling, vivid 24 Busy занятый Синонимы busy: active, diligent, engaged, engrossed, industrious, occupied 25 Call звать Синонимы call: bid, convent, invite, invoke, muster, recall, summon 26 Calm спокойный Синонимы calm: aloof, collected, composed, detached, level-headed, mild, peaceful, quiet, serene, smooth, still, tranquil, unexcited, unruffled 27 Care забота, уход Синонимы care: custody, prudence, thrift, wariness 28 Careful осторожный Синонимы careful: conscientious, meticulous, punctilious, scrupulous 29 Carry нести Синонимы carry: bear, bring, convey, haul, take, transport 30 Celebrated знаменитый Синонимы celebrated: distinguished, eminent, illustrious, notable, noted 31 Change изменять Синонимы change: alter, convert, diversity, modify, shift, transfigure, transform, transmute, veer 32 Cheap дешево Синонимы cheap: common, inexpensive, inferior, mean, paltry, worthless 33 Check контролировать, проверять Синонимы check: control, curb, hinder, impede, repress, stop, subdue 34 Choose выбирать Синонимы choose: cull, elect, pick, prefer, select 35 Class классифицировать Синонимы class: arrange, classify, dispose, distribute, group, rank 36 Clean чистить Синонимы clean: clarify, cleanse, faultless, immaculate, purify, spotless, unblemished 37 Clear ясный Синонимы clear: definite, district, explicit, unmistakable 38 Clever умная Синонимы clever: capable, dexterous, gifted, natural, sharp, smart, talented 39 Cold холодный Синонимы cold: chilled, chilly, cool, frigid, frosty, gelid, icy 40 Come приходить Синонимы come: advance, approach, arrive, near, reach 41 Comfortable комфортный Синонимы comfortable: agreeable, convenient, cozy, delightful, homely, pleasant, pleasing, relaxing, restful 42 Common общий Синонимы common: familiar, frequent, hackneyed, low, mean, ordinary, trite, usual, vulgar 43 Company компания Синонимы company: assemblage, assembly, collection, conclave, crowd, firm, gang, gathering, group, house, troupe 44 Compulsory обязательный Синонимы compulsory: binding, forced, imperative, mandatory, obligatory, required, requisite 45 Convenient удобный Синонимы convenient: adapted, advantageous, comfortable, handy, suitable 46 Cool прохладный Синонимы cool: chilly, cold, frigid, frosty, icy, wintry 47 Cover чехол, обложка Синонимы cover: hide, mask, project, screen, shield, veil 48 Crooked изогнутый Синонимы crooked: bent, curved, hooked, twisted, zigzag 49 Cry кричать Синонимы cry: bawl, bellow, roar, scream, shout, sob, wail, weep, yell, yowl 50 Cut резать Синонимы cut: carve, chop, cleave, crop, gash, lop, nick, prick, reduce, sever, slash, slice, slit 51 Dangerous опасный Синонимы dangerous: hazardous, perilous, risky, uncertain, unsafe 52 Dark тёмный Синонимы dark: black, dim, dismal, dusky, gloomy, murky, sad, shaded, shadowy, sunless, unlit 53 Decide решать Синонимы decide: choose, determine, resolve, settle 54 Defeat поражение Синонимы defeat: fail, frustration, outwit, overcome, rout 55 Definite определённый Синонимы definite: certain, clear, determined, distinct, obvious, positive, sure 56 Delicious вкусный Синонимы delicious: appetizing, delectable, delightful, enjoyable, exquisite, luscious, palatable, savory, scrumptious, toothsome 57 Describe описывать Синонимы describe: characterize, narrate, picture, portray, record, recount, relate, report, represent 58 Destroy разрушать Синонимы destroy: demolish, end, extinguish, kill, raze, ruin, slay, waste 59 Develop развивать Синонимы develop: clear, disclose, expand, lay, open, unfold 60 Difference различие Синонимы difference: contrast, disagreement, dissimilarity, incompatibility, inequity 61 Dirty грязный Синонимы dirty: filthy, foul, impure, soiled, sordid, squalid, unclean 62 Do делать Синонимы do: accomplish, achieve, attain, carry out, conclude, effect, enact, execute, finish, implement 63 Dull скучный Синонимы dull: boring, dead, dreary, dumb, expressionless, humdrum, insensible, lifeless, listless, monotonous, plain, slow, stupid, tedious, tiresome, tiring, unimaginative, uninteresting, wearisome 64 Eager страстно желающий Синонимы eager: alive to, enthusiastic, fervent, interested, involved, keen 65 Easy легкий, мягкий Синонимы easy: calm, carefree, child’ splay, clear, comfortable, contented, effortless, facile, lenient, light, mild, peaceful, serene, simple, tolerant, tranquil 66 Encourage поощрять Синонимы encourage: animate, back up, cheer, embolden, foster, hearten, incite, promote, reassure, support, urge 67 End заканчивать Синонимы end: cessation, close, conclude, discontinuance, finish, halt, stop, terminate 68 Enjoy наслаждаться Синонимы enjoy: appreciate, delight in, be pleased, indulge in, luxuriate in, bask in, relish, devour, savor, like 69 Enough достаточно Синонимы enough: abundant, adequate, ample, plenty, sufficient 70 Excite возбуждать Синонимы excite: animate, arise, awake, inflame, irritate, kindle, provoke, stimulate 71 Explain объяснять Синонимы explain: account for, clarify, define, elaborate interpret, justify 72 Fair справедливый Синонимы fair: honest, impartial, just, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced 73 Fall падать Синонимы fall: descend, drop, plunge, topple, tumble 74 False ложный Синонимы false: counterfeit, deceptive, erroneous, fake, fallacious, fraudulent, groundless, spurious, unfounded, untrue 75 Famous известный Синонимы famous: celebrated, distinguished, eminent, famed, illustrious, noted, notorious, renowned, well-known 76 Famous известный Синонимы famous: celebrated, noted, renowned, well-known 77 Fast быстрый Синонимы fast: a expeditiously, flash, fleet, hastily, hasty, lickety-split, like mercurial, posthaste, quick, quickly, rapid, rapidly, snappily, snappy, speedily, speedy, swiftly 78 Fat толстый Синонимы fat: beefy, bulky, burly, chubby, chunky, corpulent, elephantine, fleshy, full, paunchy, plump, pudgy, rotund, stout, tubby 79 Fear страх Синонимы fear: alarm, anxiety, apprehension, awe, dismay, dread, fright, horror, panic, scare, terror 80 Find находить Синонимы find: ascertain, detect, discover, learn, locate, unearth 81 Finish заканчивать Синонимы finish: close, complete, conclude, end, finalize, perfect, shape 82 Fly летать Синонимы fly: coast, cruise, flee, flit, glide, hover, sail, skim, soar, waft, wing 83 Funny забавный Синонимы funny: amusing, comic, comical, droll, humorous, laughable, silly 84 Generous щедный Синонимы generous: bountiful, lavish, liberal, magnanimous, noble 85 Get получать Синонимы get: accept, accumulate, acquire, bag, by, catch, collect, come derive, earn, fetch, find, gain, gather, glean, net, obtain, pick procure, regain, rep, salvage, score, secure, up, win 86 Go уходить Синонимы go: depart, disappear, fade, move, proceed, recede, travel 87 Good хороший Синонимы good: advantageous, agreeable, ample, apt, beneficial, capable, edifying, estimable, excellent, expedient, favorable, fine, first-rate, friendly, generous, genuine, gracious, grand, great, helpful, honorable, kindly, marvelous, noble, obedient, obliging, pleasant, pleasurable, profitable, proper, qualified, reliable, respectable, righteous, safe, salubrious, satisfactory, splendid, sterling, suitable, suited, superb, superior, top-notch, trustworthy, valid, well-behaved, wonderful, worthy 88 Great великий Синонимы great: considerable, distinguished, grand, mighty, much, noteworthy, powerful, remarkable, worthy 89 Gross грубый, вульгарный Синонимы gross: coarse, crude, extreme, grievous, improper, indecent, low, obscene, outrageous, rude, shameful, uncouth, vulgar 90 Happy счастливый Синонимы happy: blissful, cheerful, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, gay, glad, gratified, joyful, jubilant, overjoyed, pleased, satisfied, tickled 91 Hard трудный Синонимы hard: arduous, difficult, laborious, troublesome, trying 92 Hate ненавидеть Синонимы hate: abhor, abominate, despise, detest, disapprove, disfavor, dislike, loathe 93 Hate ненавидеть Синонимы hate: abhor, abominate, be hostile to, be reluctant, be repelled by, be sick of, despise, dislike, have an aversion to, loath 94 Have иметь Синонимы have: absorb, acquire, bear, beget, believe, contain, enjoy, fill, gain, hold, maintain, occupy, own, possess 95 Healthy здоровый Синонимы healthy: hale, hearty, robust, sound, sound, strong, sturdy, vigorous 96 Heavy тяжелый Синонимы heavy: burdensome, crushing, difficult, gloomy, onerous, oppressing, serious, sluggish 97 Help помогать Синонимы help: abet, aid, assist, attend, back, befriend, benefit, encourage, on, relieve, serve, succor, support, wai 98 Hide прятать Синонимы hide: camouflage, cloak, conceal, cover, mask, screen, shroud, veil 99 High высокий Синонимы high: elevated, great, lofty, soaring, steep, tall, towering 100 Highest высочайший Синонимы highest: supreme, tallest, topmost, uppermost 101 Horrible ужасный Синонимы horrible: appalling, awful, dire, dreadful, fearful, frightful, ghastly, hideous, repulsive, terrific, ugly 102 Hot горячий Синонимы hot: burning, feverish, scorching, torrid 103 Hurry торопиться Синонимы hurry: accelerate, bustle, hasten, race, run, rush, speed, urge 104 Hurt причинять боль Синонимы hurt: afflict, damage, distress, harm, injure, pain, wound 105 Idea мысль Синонимы idea: belief, concept, conception, notion, opinion, plan, thought, understanding, view 106 Important важный Синонимы important: considerable, critical, distinguished, essential, famous, indispensable, necessary, notable, primary, principal, significant, valuable, vital, well-known 107 Improve улучшать Синонимы improve: ameliorate, amend, better, correct, rectify, reform 108 Include включать Синонимы include: , comprehend, comprise, contain, involve 109 Influence влиять Синонимы influence: actuate, compel, draw, drive, excite, incite, induce, inflame, lead, move, prompt, stir, urge 110 Interesting интересный Синонимы interesting: absorbing, animated, appealing, arresting, attractive, bewitching, bright, captivating, challenging, consuming, curious, enchanting, engaging, engrossing, entertaining, enthralling, exciting, fascinating, gripping, inspiring, intelligent, intriguing, inviting, involving, keen, lively, moving, piquant, provocative, racy, sharp, spellbinding, spicy, spirited, tantalizing, though-provoking, titillating 111 Keep держать Синонимы keep: hold, maintain, preserve, retain, support, sustain, withhold 112 Kill убивать Синонимы kill: abolish, assassinate, cancel, destroy, execute, murder, slay 113 Kind добрый, хороший Синонимы kind: affable, benign, charitable, compassionate, complacent, generous, lenient, merciful, philanthropic, sympathetic, tender 114 Knowledge знание Синонимы knowledge: cognition, comprehension, information, intelligence, intuition, light, lore, perception, science, wisdom 115 Known известный Синонимы known: , acknowledged, admitted, avowed, celebrated, common, familiar, manifest, obvious, patent, popular, published, recognized, well-known 116 Large большой Синонимы large: big, great, mammoth, monumental 117 Lazy ленивый Синонимы lazy: idle, inactive, indolent, slothful, sluggish 118 Learn учиться Синонимы learn: acquire, attain, detect, discover, imbibe, memorize, trace 119 Learning изучение Синонимы learning: erudition, knowledge, scholarship, understanding 120 Little маленький Синонимы little: cramped, diminutive, dinky, exiguous, itsy-bitsy, limited, microscopic, miniature, minute, petite, puny, runt, shrimp, slight, small, tiny 121 Look смотреть Синонимы look: behold, contemplate, discover, examine, explore, eye, gape, gawk, gaze, glance, glimpse, inspect, leer, notice, observe, ogle, peek, peep, peer, perceive, peruse, recognize, scrutinize, search for, see, seek, sight, spy, stare, study, survey, view, watch, witness 122 Love любить Синонимы love: admire, adore, appreciate, care for, cherish, esteem, fancy like, savor, treasure, worship 123 Maintain поддерживать Синонимы maintain: carry on, claim, conserve, contend, justify, keep, nurture, perpetuate, retain, support, uphold, vindicate 124 Make делать Синонимы make: accomplish, acquire, beget, build, compose, construct, create, design, develop, do, earn, effect, execute, fabricate, form, gain, get, invent, manufacture, obtain, originate, perform, produce 125 Mark отмечать Синонимы mark: brand, designate, effect, heed, impress, imprint, label, note, notice, price, sign, stamp, tag, ticket, trace 126 Mind разум Синонимы mind: brian, disposition, intellect, intelligence, reason, sense, spirit, thought, understanding, wit 127 Mischievous озорной Синонимы mischievous: impish, naughty, playful, prankish, roguish, sportive, waggish 128 Miserable несчастный Синонимы miserable: dismal, forlorn, sorry, unhappy, wretched 129 Modern современный Синонимы modern: contemporary, current, new, present, recent, timely 130 Moody легко поддающийся переменам настроения Синонимы moody: changeable, fretful, glum, irritable, mopish, morose, peevish, short-tempered, spiteful, sulky, sullen, temperamental, testy, touchy 131 Move двигаться Синонимы move: accelerate, amble, bolt, bound, breeze, budge, chase, coast, crawl, creep, dart, dash, dawdle, drag, fling, flow, gallop, glide, go, hasten, high-tail, hobble, hotfoot, hump, hurry, inch, jog, journey, lag, lope, lumber, lunge, meander, mosey, pace, paddle, perambulate, plod, plug, poke, prance, promenade, race, ride, roam, run, rush, sail, saunter, scamper, scoot, scramble, scurry, scuttle, shuffle, skedaddle, slide, slip, slither, slouch, slump, spin, sprint, stagger, stir, straggle, streak, stride, swagger, tear, toddle, trail, traipse, travel, trek, trip, trot, trudge, waddle, walk, wander, whisk, wobble 132 Neat опрятный Синонимы neat: clean, dapper, desirable, elegant, natty, orderly, shapely, shipshape, smart, spruce, super, tidy, trim, well-kept, well-organized 133 Necessary необходимый Синонимы necessary: essential, needful, required, requisite, unavoidable, undeniable 134 New новый Синонимы new: current, fresh, modern, novel, original, recent, unique, unusual 135 Old старый Синонимы old: aged, ancient, archaic, broken-down, conventional, customary, dilapidated, extinct, faded, feeble, former, frail, mature, musty, obsolete, old-fashioned, outmoded, passe, primitive, ragged, stale, traditional, used, venerable, veteran, weak, worn 136 Opinion мнение Синонимы opinion: dogma, idea, judgment, mind, notion, speculation, tenet, theory, thought, verdict 137 Opportunity возможность Синонимы opportunity: chance, expedient, occasion, scope, turn, window 138 Optimistic оптимистичный Синонимы optimistic: brave, bright, cheerful, confident, happy, hopeful 139 Ordinary обычный Синонимы ordinary: average, common, commonplace, inferior, low, medium, regular, undistinguished, usual 140 Organize организовать, сортировать Синонимы organize: arrange, classify, marshal, order, sort 141 Outstanding выдающийся Синонимы outstanding: arresting, celebrated, distinguished, due, eminent, eye-catching, great, important, impressive, payable, prominent, salient, special, superior, superlative 142 Part часть Синонимы part: allotment, fraction, fragment, piece, portion, section, share 143 Passion страсть Синонимы passion: anger, desire, emotion, excitement, fervor, fever, fury, love, zeal 144 Perfect идеальный Синонимы perfect: consummation, faultless, flawless, ideal 145 Place место Синонимы place: area, dwelling, location, plot, position, region, residence, set, site, situation, space, spot, state, station, status 146 Plan план Синонимы plan: arrangement, blueprint, contrivance, design, device, diagram, draw, intention, map, method, plot, procedure, scheme, way 147 Popular популярный Синонимы popular: accepted, approved, celebrated, common, current, favorite, well-liked 148 Predicament затруднение Синонимы predicament: dilemma, jam, pickle, plight, problem, quandary, scrape, spot 149 Promote содействовать Синонимы promote: advance, advocate, assist, elevate, encourage, excite, exhort, foment, foster, further, help, push, raise, urge on 150 Provide предоставлять Синонимы provide: arrange, care, cater, furnish, get, prepare, procure, purvey, supply 151 Put класть Синонимы put: achieve, aside, assign, attach, build, do, effect, establish, keep, place, save, set set 152 Quality качество Синонимы quality: attribute, brand, characteristic, excellence, nature, property, trait 153 Question сомнение Синонимы question: doubt, inquiry, inquisition, interrogation, investigation, query 154 Quick быстрый Синонимы quick: active, agile, alert, alive, deft, fast, perceptible, rapid, sudden, swift 155 Quiet тихий Синонимы quiet: calm, mute, peaceful, restful, silent, soundless, still, tranquil 156 Ready готовый Синонимы ready: alert, disposed, prepared, quick, set, speedy, willing 157 Real реальный Синонимы real: actual, certain, demonstrable, developed, essential, genuine, positive, true, veritable 158 Reasoning мыслящий Синонимы reasoning: analysis, exposition, generalization, logic, rationale, thinking 159 Respect уважение Синонимы respect: accept, consideration, esteem, regard 160 Right правильный Синонимы right: accurate, apt, correct, factual, fair, good, honest, just, lawful, legal, moral, proper, suitable, true, upright 161 Run бежать Синонимы run: dash, elope, escape, flee, hasten, hurry, race, rush, speed, sprint 162 Sad грустный Синонимы sad: dejected, depressed, downcast, dull, grave, melancholy 163 Satisfy удовлетворять Синонимы satisfy: appease, assuage, feed, fulfill, indulge, meet, pacify, quench, sate, satiate, serve, slake, suffice, surfeit 164 Say/Tell сказать Синонимы say/tell: inform, notify, advise, relate, recount, narrate, explain, reveal, disclose, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, enlighten, instruct, insist, teach, train, direct, issue, remark, converse, speak, affirm, suppose, utter, negate, express, verbalize, voice, articulate, pronounce, deliver, convey, impart, assert, state, allege, mutter, mumble, whisper, sigh, exclaim, yell, sing, yelp, snarl, hiss, grunt, snort, roar, bellow, thunder, boom, scream, shriek, screech, squawk, whine, philosophize, stammer, stutter, lisp, drawl, jabber, protest, announce, swear, vow, content, assure, deny, dispute 165 Scared испуганный Синонимы scared: afraid, alarmed, apprehensive, disquieted, disturbed, fearful, frightened, haunted, horrified, insecure, jumpy, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shocked, shrinking, shy, skittish, stunned, stupefied, terrified, terrorized, timid, timorous, tremulous, troubled, unnerved, vexed, worried 166 Selfish эгоистичный Синонимы selfish: greedy, illiberal, mean, mercenary, sordid, ungenerous 167 Show показывать Синонимы show: demonstrate, display, exhibit, explain, expose, indicate, note, point present, prove, reveal, to 168 Skill умение Синонимы skill: adroitness, artistry, finesse, mastery 169 Slow медленный Синонимы slow: behind, gradual, late, leisurely, slack, tedious, unhurried 170 Smart умный Синонимы smart: elegant, immaculate, neat, showy, spruce, trim, well-dressed 171 Sociable общительный Синонимы sociable: affable, companionable, convivial, festive, genial 172 Solve решать Синонимы solve: decipher, decode, uncover, unravel 173 Steady неуклонный Синонимы steady: consistent, constant, firm, regular, stable, undeviating, uniform 174 Stop останавливаться Синонимы stop: cease, conclude, discontinue, end, finish, halt, pause, quit, stay 175 Story история Синонимы story: account, anecdote, chronicle, epic, fable, legend, memoir, myth, narrative, record, sage, tale, yarn 176 Strange странный Синонимы strange: curious, exclusive, irregular, odd, outlandish, peculiar, queer, uncommon, unfamiliar, unique, unusual, weird 177 Strange странный Синонимы strange: eccentric, extraordinary, inexplicable, odd, queer, uncommon, unique, unnatural, unusual 178 Strong сильный Синонимы strong: athletic, fit, healthy, muscular, powerful, reinforced, robust, shout, stalwart, sturdy, tough 179 Sure уверенный Синонимы sure: accurate, assured, certain, clear, confident, definite, doubtless, persuaded, positive, positive, satisfied, trustworthy 180 Surprising удивительный Синонимы surprising: amazing, astonishing, marvelous, startling, striking, suddenness, unexpected 181 Take брать Синонимы take: acquire, assume, bewitch, buy, capture, catch, choose, consume, engage, grasp, hold, lift, occupy, pick, prefer, purchase, recall, remove, retract, rob, seize, select, steal, win 182 Tell рассказывать Синонимы tell: advise, bid, command, declare, disclose, divulge, explain, expose, inform, narrate, order, recount, relate, repeat, reveal, show, uncover 183 Think думать Синонимы think: assume, believe, consider, contemplate, deem, judge, mediate, reflect 184 Tired уставший Синонимы tired: drained, drowsy, enervated, exasperated, exhausted, fatigued, flagging, irked, irritated, sleepy, weary, weary 185 Trouble проблема Синонимы trouble: anguish, anxiety, concern, danger, difficulty, disaster, distress, effort, exertion, grief, inconvenience, misfortune, pain, pains, peril, worry, wretchedness 186 True верный, точный Синонимы true: accurate, actual, dependable, exact, genuine, loyal, precise, proper, real, right, sincere, staunch, steady, trusty, valid 187 Try пытаться Синонимы try: attempt, effort, endeavour, seek, strive, struggle, undertake 188 Ugly некрасивый Синонимы ugly: evil, frightening, frightful, ghastly, grisly, gross, gruesome, hideous, homely, horrible, horrid, monstrous, plain, repugnant, repulsive, shocking, terrifying, unpleasant, unsightly 189 Unhappy несчастный Синонимы unhappy: dejected, depressed, discouraged, dismal, downhearted, gloomy, glum, heart-broken, melancholy, miserable, poor, sad, sorrowful, uncomfortable, unfortunate, wretched 190 Unusual необычный Синонимы unusual: exceptional, extraordinary, peculiar, rare, remarkable, singular, uncommon 191 Use использовать Синонимы use: consume, employ, exercise, exhaust, expend, spend, utilize 192 Usual обычный Синонимы usual: accustomed, common, customary, familiar, ordinary, regular, regular 193 Various различный Синонимы various: different, manifold, many, multiform, multitudinous, numerous, several, sundry, variegated 194 Want потребность Синонимы want: indigence, penury, poverty, privation 195 Wide широкий Синонимы wide: broad, expansive, extensive, large, spacious 196 Wrong неверный, неправильный Синонимы wrong: erroneous, improper, inaccurate, incorrect, mistaken, unsuitable 197 Young молодой Синонимы young: boyish, childish, fresh, new, recent, youthful

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. fair

    The definition of beauty, «perfection of form,» is a good key to the meaning of beautiful, if we understand «form» in its widest sense. There must also be harmony and unity, and in human beings spiritual loveliness, to constitute an object or a person really beautiful. Thus, we speak of a beautiful landscape, a beautiful poem. But beautiful implies also, in concrete objects, softness of outline and delicacy of mold; it is opposed to all that is hard and rugged, hence we say a beautiful woman, but not a beautiful man. Beautiful has the further limit of not transcending our powers of appreciation. Pretty expresses in a far less degree that which is pleasing to a refined taste in objects comparatively small, slight, and dainty; as, a pretty bonnet; a pretty girl. That is handsome which is not only superficially pleasing, but well and harmoniously proportioned, with usually the added idea that it is made so by art, breeding, or training; as, a handsome horse; a handsome house. Handsome is a term far inferior to beautiful; we may even say a handsome villain. Fair denotes what is bright, smooth, clear, and without blemish; as, a fair face. The word applies wholly to what is superficial; we can say «fair, yet false.» In a specific sense, fair has the sense of blond, as opposed to dark or brunette. One who possesses vivacity, wit, good nature, or other pleasing qualities may be attractive without beauty. Comely denotes an aspect that is smooth, genial, and wholesome, with a certain fulness of contour and pleasing symmetry, tho falling short of the beautiful; as, a comely matron. That is picturesque which would make a striking picture.

    attractive, beauteous, beautiful, bewitching, bonny, charming, comely, delightful, elegant, exquisite, fine, graceful, handsome, lovely, picturesque, pretty

    awkward, clumsy, deformed, disgusting, frightful, ghastly, grim, grisly, grotesque, hideous, horrid, odious, repulsive, shocking, ugly, unattractive, uncouth, ungainly, unlovely, unpleasant

    Beautiful to the eye; beautiful in appearance, in spirit; «beautiful for situation,» Ps. xlviii, 2; beautiful of aspect, of its kind.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. fair

    open, clear, spotless, unspotted, untarnished, reasonable, unblemished, serene, beautiful, just, honorable, equitable, impartial

    lowering, dull, foul, disfigured, ugly, unfair, dishonorable, fraudulent

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:4.0 / 4 votes

  1. carnival, fair, funfairnoun

    a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc.

    fair, funfair, pleasure ground, circus, carnival, amusement park, bazaar

    dirty, inequitable, unsportsmanlike, immoderate, foul, cheating(a), unfair, unjust, out-of-bounds, unsporting, below the belt, raw, illegible, brunet, ugly, masculine, cloudy, extraordinary, brunette

  2. fairnoun

    gathering of producers to promote business

    «world fair»; «trade fair»; «book fair»

    funfair, carnival, bazaar

    unjust, raw, ugly, unsporting, brunette, foul, below the belt, immoderate, out-of-bounds, dirty, brunet, masculine, extraordinary, unfair, inequitable, illegible, cheating(a), unsportsmanlike, cloudy

  3. fairnoun

    a competitive exhibition of farm products

    «she won a blue ribbon for her baking at the county fair»

    funfair, carnival, bazaar

    below the belt, extraordinary, foul, immoderate, cloudy, unfair, illegible, unjust, brunet, brunette, unsporting, out-of-bounds, raw, unsportsmanlike, dirty, masculine, cheating(a), inequitable, ugly

  4. bazaar, fairadjective

    a sale of miscellany; often for charity

    «the church bazaar»

    fair, funfair, carnival, bazaar, bazar

    masculine, brunette, unsporting, foul, illegible, unsportsmanlike, out-of-bounds, dirty, brunet, inequitable, unjust, unfair, extraordinary, raw, cloudy, below the belt, ugly, immoderate, cheating(a)

  5. fair, justadjective

    free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules

    «a fair referee»; «fair deal»; «on a fair footing»; «a fair fight»; «by fair means or foul»

    upright, just, mediocre, reasonable, fair(a), middling, comely, bonny, average, good, fair, sightly, clean, fairish, equitable, honest, bonnie

    out-of-bounds, raw, inequitable, foul, ugly, unjust, extraordinary, immoderate, dirty, cloudy, unsportsmanlike, unfair, brunette, below the belt, brunet, illegible, masculine, unsporting, cheating(a)

  6. fair, fairish, reasonableadjective

    not excessive or extreme

    «a fairish income»; «reasonable prices»

    just, fairish, fair, bonnie, middling, clean, comely, bonny, mediocre, honest, reasonable, sensible, sightly, sane, average, fair(a)

    brunet, unfair, ugly, cloudy, below the belt, dirty, unsporting, masculine, brunette, cheating(a), foul, out-of-bounds, immoderate, extraordinary, raw, unjust, inequitable, unsportsmanlike, illegible

  7. bonny, bonnie, comely, fair, sightlyadjective

    very pleasing to the eye

    «my bonny lass»; «there’s a bonny bay beyond»; «a comely face»; «young fair maidens»

    becoming, mediocre, reasonable, decent, fair(a), middling, comely, sightly, comme il faut, bonny, average, just, seemly, clean, decorous, fair, fairish, bonnie, honest

    immoderate, extraordinary, brunette, unfair, foul, ugly, masculine, unjust, dirty, inequitable, out-of-bounds, illegible, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, brunet, cloudy, cheating(a), raw, below the belt

  8. fairadjective

    (of a baseball) hit between the foul lines

    «he hit a fair ball over the third base bag»

    just, fairish, bonnie, middling, clean, comely, bonny, mediocre, honest, reasonable, sightly, average, fair(a)

    unsporting, unfair, brunet, unsportsmanlike, extraordinary, cloudy, masculine, immoderate, brunette, raw, cheating(a), dirty, foul, unjust, illegible, ugly, out-of-bounds, inequitable, below the belt

  9. average, fair, mediocre, middlingadjective

    lacking exceptional quality or ability

    «a novel of average merit»; «only a fair performance of the sonata»; «in fair health»; «the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average»; «the performance was middling at best»

    mean(a), modal(a), mediocre, second-rate, reasonable, intermediate, fair(a), medium, bonnie, comely, middling, bonny, ordinary, just, average, median(a), sightly, clean, fair, fairish, honest

    unfair, out-of-bounds, foul, cloudy, below the belt, ugly, unsportsmanlike, brunette, extraordinary, dirty, inequitable, immoderate, cheating(a), illegible, raw, masculine, brunet, unjust, unsporting

  10. fair(a)adjective

    attractively feminine

    «the fair sex»

    inequitable, cloudy, extraordinary, illegible, unjust, foul, brunette, immoderate, ugly, masculine, cheating(a), unsporting, out-of-bounds, unsportsmanlike, unfair, below the belt, brunet, raw, dirty

  11. clean, fairadjective

    (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections

    «fair copy»; «a clean manuscript»

    uncontaminating, just, clean-living, sporting, blank, fair(a), unobjectionable, fresh, bonnie, comely, sporty, clear, middling, bonny, neat, white, unclouded, honest, average, sightly, clean, light, fair, fairish, mediocre, reasonable, uninfected, sportsmanlike

    foul, immoderate, unjust, extraordinary, cheating(a), inequitable, brunette, unsportsmanlike, brunet, ugly, unsporting, raw, cloudy, out-of-bounds, unfair, masculine, below the belt, dirty, illegible

  12. honest, fairadjective

    gained or earned without cheating or stealing

    «an honest wage»; «an fair penny»

    just, mediocre, reasonable, fair(a), dependable, honorable, middling, comely, reliable, true(p), bonny, average, good, sightly, clean, fair, fairish, bonnie, honest

    unjust, out-of-bounds, ugly, foul, cloudy, illegible, immoderate, masculine, inequitable, brunet, raw, unsporting, cheating(a), below the belt, brunette, extraordinary, unfair, dirty, unsportsmanlike

  13. fairadjective

    free of clouds or rain

    «today will be fair and warm»

    just, fairish, bonnie, middling, clean, comely, bonny, mediocre, honest, reasonable, sightly, average, fair(a)

    below the belt, extraordinary, unjust, illegible, raw, cheating(a), unfair, unsportsmanlike, foul, brunette, brunet, out-of-bounds, immoderate, unsporting, inequitable, ugly, cloudy, dirty, masculine

  14. fair, fairishverb

    (used of hair or skin) pale or light-colored

    «a fair complexion»;

    just, fairish, fair, bonnie, middling, clean, comely, bonny, mediocre, honest, reasonable, sightly, average, fair(a)

    immoderate, cheating(a), brunet, illegible, cloudy, ugly, raw, masculine, unjust, unsportsmanlike, inequitable, extraordinary, unsporting, out-of-bounds, unfair, foul, below the belt, dirty, brunette

  15. fairadverb

    join so that the external surfaces blend smoothly

    inequitable, foul, cheating(a), dirty, raw, cloudy, masculine, brunette, unsporting, ugly, illegible, immoderate, extraordinary, below the belt, out-of-bounds, unfair, brunet, unsportsmanlike, unjust

  16. fairly, fair, cleanadverb

    in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating

    «they played fairly»

    jolly, fair, middling, passably, evenhandedly, fairly, clean, plumb, moderately, reasonably, pretty, somewhat, plum

    ugly, foul, brunet, brunette, unsportsmanlike, out-of-bounds, unjust, cloudy, inequitable, unfair, illegible, masculine, below the belt, dirty, raw, cheating(a), immoderate, extraordinary, unsporting

  17. fairly, fair, evenhandedlyadverb

    without favoring one party, in a fair evenhanded manner

    «deal fairly with one another»

    jolly, fair, middling, passably, evenhandedly, fairly, clean, moderately, reasonably, pretty, somewhat

    brunette, raw, brunet, cloudy, dirty, cheating(a), inequitable, masculine, immoderate, illegible, foul, unsporting, extraordinary, below the belt, out-of-bounds, ugly, unjust, unfair, unsportsmanlike

Matched Categories

    • Baseball
    • Exhibition
    • Gathering
    • Show

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. fairadjective

    spotless, unspotted, untarnished, unblemished, unstained

  2. fairadjective

    white, light, blonde

  3. fairadjective

    handsome, comely, beautiful

  4. fairadjective

    pleasant, clear, cloudless, not cloudy, not overcast

  5. fairadjective

    favorable, prosperous

  6. fairadjective

    promising, hopeful

  7. fairadjective

    open, distinct, plain, unobstructed, unincumbered

  8. fairadjective

    frank, honest, candid, ingenuous, equitable, just, honorable, upright, impartial, unbiassed

  9. fairadjective

    reasonable, proper

  10. fairadjective

    10. pretty good, more than middling, above mediocrity

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. fairadjective

    impartial, equitable, unbiased, just, honorable, unprejudiced, ingenuous, average, middling, tolerable, so-so, passable, comely, attractive, pretty, handsome, blond, light, unsullied, untarnished, spotless

  2. fairadverb

    clear, openly, frankly, honestly, favorably, auspiciously, impartially

  3. fairnoun

    bazaar, exposition

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. List of paraphrases for «fair»:

    equitable, just, impartial, honest, loyal, fairness, equity, leal, even-handed, adel, reasonable, feria, right, justas, equal, equitably, salon, unfair, fairly, clean, justo, decent, upright, correct, unbiased, justice, foire, nazih, exhibition, fair-minded, regular, balanced, impartiality, righteous, expo, proper

Suggested Resources

  1. FAIR

    What does FAIR stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the FAIR acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

  2. Fair

    Fair vs. Fare — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Fair and Fare.

How to pronounce FAIR?

How to say FAIR in sign language?

How to use FAIR in a sentence?

  1. Jeremy McKinney:

    Hope is alive and well, for our asylum seekers, for DACA( Temporary Protected Status) recipients, for all our clients looking for a fair shake before USCIS or EOIR, this is everything.

  2. Chief Justice Anne Ferguson:

    There has been vigorous and sometimes emotional criticism of the Cardinal and he has been publicly vilified in some sections of the community, it is fair to say that his case has divided the community.

  3. Donald Trump:

    Well if you look at the different situations, of course you could name many of them, I could get you a list and I’ll have it sent to your office in two seconds. But there certainly were a lot of abuse of women, you look at whether it’s Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones, or any of them, and that certainly will be fair game.

  4. China Global Television Network:

    We stand by our accurate and fair reporting of events in China and totally reject those unfounded accusations of fake news or ideological bias.

  5. John Fisher:

    Meaningful foreign participation and international monitoring will be needed to prevent local pressure and intimidation from interfering with a fair judicial process, sUBSTANCE STILL THERE.

Translations for FAIR

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • مَشْرُوع, حَقَّانِيّ, مُبَاح, مُسَوَّغ, مُقْسِط, أَشْقَر, عَدْل, مُحِقّ, مَأْذُون, مُنْصِف, مَقْبُول, نَزْه, عادِل, مُصِيب, مُشْتَرَع, مُصَرَّحٌ, نَزِيه, مُجَاز, مُشَرَّعArabic
  • ғәҙел, йәрминкәBashkir
  • попътен, неопетнен, справедлив, значителен, хубав, невинен, красив, рус, задоволителен, панаир, базар, подравнявамBulgarian
  • just, bell, equitatiuCatalan, Valencian
  • férCzech
  • tegWelsh
  • lys, blond, smuk, retfærdig, rimelig, markedDanish
  • hell, fair, gerecht, wunderbar, anständig, schön, hellhäutig, blond, Kirchtag, Messe, Kirmes, Ausstellung, Markt, Kirchweih, JahrmarktGerman
  • δίκαιοςGreek
  • justa, blonda, foiroEsperanto
  • justo, viento de popa, bello, pastel, inocente, equitativo, razonable, feria, feria de muestrasSpanish
  • روشن, مکارهPersian
  • viehkeä, tasapuolinen, puhdas, kelvollinen, vaalea, oikeudenmukainen, myötäinen, puolueeton, kohtuullinen, kaunis, reilu, kohtalainen, irti, rehellinen, näyttely, markkina, messu, rihdata, tasoittaa, virtaviivaistaa, kohdistaaFinnish
  • juste, beau, joli, belle, équitable, foire, marchéFrench
  • réasúnta, fionnIrish
  • fionn, cothromach, sgèimheach, maiseach, bòidheach, bàn, féillScottish Gaelic
  • feiraGalician
  • בהיר, פייר, הוגן, יפה, צודק, בהירהHebrew
  • निष्पक्षHindi
  • szép, igazságos, korrekt, szőke, fehér, vásárHungarian
  • արդարArmenian
  • fagurIcelandic
  • giusta, discreto, bello, equo, equa, giusto, discreta, bella, mercato, fieraItalian
  • הוגןHebrew
  • 色白, 公正, フェアの, 相当, 美しい, 公平, 博覧会, 市, フェア, フェアーJapanese
  • укмуштай, ярмарка, жармаңкеKyrgyz
  • feriaLatin
  • kakahoMāori
  • मेळाMarathi
  • adilMalay
  • doenbaar, correct, mooi, eerlijk, rechtschapen, bevallig, rechtvaardig, redelijk, schappelijk, bleek, blank, kermis, beurs, braderie, jaarmarkt, uitlijnen, effenenDutch
  • sprawiedliwy, targiPolish
  • claro, equilibrado, belo, adequado, formoso, honesto, justo, decente, bonito, feiraPortuguese
  • cler, clarRomansh
  • прекрасный, справедливый, приемлемый, светлый, че́стный, правомерный, сносный, красивый, ярмарка, базар, выставка, рынок, феерияRussian
  • vášar, ва́шар, са́јам, sájamSerbo-Croatian
  • rimlig, skälig, blond, ljuslagd, rättvis, fagerSwedish
  • beyaz tenli, doğru, insaflı, âdil, hakkaniyetli, güzel, kayda değer, açık, âdilâne, fuar, festivalTurkish
  • hội chợVietnamese
  • kermetVolapük

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«If a person hurts a lot, then it doesn’t really matter, how much joy he brings.» — Если человек приносит много боли, то совсем не важно, сколько он приносит радости

 Tuesday [ʹtju:zdı] , 02 May [meı] 2023

Большой англо-русско-английский словарь

транскрипция, произношение, примеры употребления, фразеологизмы,синонимы и антонимы

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  • Англо-русский словарь

    1. [ʹɒnıst] a (прил.)

    1. честный

    2. 1) правдивый; прямой, искренний; откровенный

    2) добросовестный; верный

    3. настоящий, подлинный, нефальсифицированный

    4. скромный, простой; обычный

    5. арх. (о женщине) целомудренная, честная; добродетельная, нравственная

    6. уст. добрый, почтенный, достойный (часто в снисходительных обращениях)

    2. [ʹɒnıst] adv (наречие)

    1) прост. честное слово; ей-богу

    2) поэт. поистине


честный Синонимы: upright, fair, truthful

настоящий, нефальсифицированный, подлинный Синонимы: legitimate

почтенный, достойный уважения Синонимы: reputable, respectable

заслуживающий внимания Синонимы: good, worthy

простой, незамысловатый Синонимы: humble I 1., plain 1.

искренний, правдивый Синонимы: sincere, frank, candid

нравственный, целомудренный Синонимы: upright, innocent

Синонимы: honest;честный|truthful;правдивый|fair;справедливый, честный|just;справедливый|lawful;законный|law-abiding;законный|proper;пристойный|blameless;невинный|scrupulous;совестливый|straight;прямой, откровенный|frank;откровенный|candid;откровенный, чистосердечный|objective;объективный|trustworthy;заслуживающий доверия

Синонимы: honest adj.
1 trustworthy, truthful, veracious, trusty, honourable,
creditable, decent, law-abiding, uncorrupted, uncorrupt,
incorruptible, ethical, moral, virtuous, principled, upright,
high-minded, dependable, reliable, reputable, on the up and up:
How often does one meet an honest person in politics?
above-board, straight, square, square-dealing, fair, just, on
the up and up, straightforward, proper, genuine, bona fide,
real, authentic, Colloq on the level, US square-shooting: I
write because I cannot earn an honest living. Would Felix give
me an honest deal on a used car?
3 candid, frank, open, plain,
straightforward, forthright, direct, sincere, ingenuous,
explicit, uninhibited, unreserved, unrestrained, unconstrained,
above-board, plain-spoken, unambiguous, unequivocal, Colloq
upfront: To be completely honest, I cannot stand the sight of
4 fair, just, equitable, legitimate, valid, rightful,
sound, proper: He gets an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s

Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений

Примеры фраз, тематические словари

honest injun!, honest indian! — амер. разг. честное слово!, ей-богу!

honest to god, honest to goodness — амер. действительно; по чести говоря; клянусь!

honest sweat — трудовой пот

to be honest — быть честным

thoroughly honest — безукоризненно честный


Разговорные фразы

honest Injun! — честное слово!

He was in essence an honest person. — В сущности, он был честным человеком.


Идиоматические выражения,фразы

an honest Joe

1. честный малый
He’s just an honest Joe trying to earn enough money to live.

honest as the day (is long)

1. кристально честный человек
You can be as honest as the day is long and still get into trouble if you fill in your lax form incorrectly.

Honest men marry soon, wise men not at all

Честные мужчины женятся рано, мудрые не женятся вообще


Фразовые глаголы

earn an honest penny

(earn (make или turn) an honest penny)

заработать честным трудом

‘Well, Mrs. Gamp,’ observed Mould, ‘I don’t see any particular objection to your earning an honest penny under such circumstances.’ (Ch. Dickens, ‘Martin Chuzzlewit’, ch. XXV) — — Ну что ж, миссис Гэмп, — заметил мистер Моулд, — я не вижу никаких причин, почему бы вам при таких обстоятельствах не заработать честно на кусок хлеба.

Tom was available wherever an honest penny could be turned. (J. O’Hara, ‘From the Terrace’) — Том никогда не упускал возможности честно подработать.

honest Abe


(honest (или old) Abe)

«честный (или старый) Эйб» (прозвище президента Авраама Линкольна [A. Lincoln, 1809-65])

And on that fateful July morning in 1881, President Garfield was to take the final fearful pace in the footsteps of «Old Abe». (J. Cottrell, ‘Assassination! The World Stood Still’, part I, ch. 3) — Это злосчастное июльское утро 1881 года стало свидетелем последнего, страшного события в жизни президента Гарфилда, которое довершило сходство его судьбы с судьбой «старого Эйба»


Сочетаемость частей речи

an honest judge — неподкупный судья
(сочетаемость прилагательных:)

honest answer — откровенный ответ
(сочетаемость прилагательных:)

poor but honest — беден, но честен
(сочетаемость прилагательных:)

honest confession — чистосердечное признание
(сочетаемость прилагательных:)

honest employment — честный труд
(сочетаемость прилагательных:)


Словарь ненормативной лексики английского языка

We recon on his being honest. — Мы рассчитываем на его порядочность

… обладатель обеих левых рук … , Криворукий, левша, бездарный

Well, her boyfriend is a kinda cackhander, to be honest… — Ну, кавалер её, честно сказать, совсем криворукий какой-то


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