- afraid
- averse
- doubtful
- halting
- indecisive
- loath
- reluctant
- shy
- skeptical
- slow
- tentative
- timid
- unsure
- unwilling
- backward
- dawdling
- delaying
- diffident
- disinclined
- doubting
- faltering
- half-hearted
- hanging back
- hesitating
- irresolute
- lacking confidence
- lazy
- uneager
- unpredictable
- vacillating
- wavering
On this page you’ll find 90 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to hesitant, such as: afraid, averse, doubtful, halting, indecisive, and loath.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use hesitant in a sentence
He was a little hesitant about accepting the assignment and the managing editor misunderstood him somewhat.
The side gates clicked as he stood hesitant under the shelter of the wall, and a figure emerged from his domain.
A moment before, she had been talking to me freely and impulsively, though a little shy and hesitant, as a young girl.
So Nancy went through the little garden again with hesitant feet, and turned her face to the Casino.
Barney stepped out on the sill, moved on a few hesitant steps, stood looking about.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- averse
- backward
- disinclined
- hesitant
- indisposed
- loath
- reluctant
- sorry
- uneager
- unhappy
- unwilling
- clashing
- contradictory
- debatable
- doubtful
- equivocal
- fluctuating
- hesitant
- inconclusive
- irresolute
- mixed
- opposed
- uncertain
- undecided
- unresolved
- unsure
- vacillating
- warring
- wavering
- abashed
- apologetic
- bashful
- blushing
- chagrined
- compunctious
- conscience-stricken
- contrite
- crestfallen
- debased
- demeaned
- discomfited
- disconcerted
- distraught
- distressed
- embarrassed
- flustered
- guilty
- hesitant
- humble
- humbled
- humiliated
- meek
- mortified
- muddled
- penitent
- regretful
- reluctant
- repentant
- shamed
- shamefaced
- sheepish
- shy
- sorry
- stammering
- stuttering
- submissive
- afraid
- allergic
- antagonistic
- antipathetic
- contrary
- disinclined
- disliking
- having no use for
- hesitant
- hostile
- ill-disposed
- indisposed
- inimical
- loath
- nasty
- perverse
- reluctant
- uneager
- unfavorable
- unfriendly
- unwilling
- afraid
- averse
- bashful
- demure
- diffident
- disinclined
- hesitant
- hesitating
- humble
- indisposed
- loath
- modest
- reluctant
- reserved
- retiring
- shy
- timid
- uneager
- unwilling
- wavering
- averse
- contrary
- hesitant
- immovable
- indisposed
- inflexible
- intractable
- loath
- negative
- negativistic
- obstinate
- ornery
- perverse
- reluctant
- stubborn
- unbending
- unmanageable
- unpredictable
- unruly
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
All synonyms in one line
abashed, ambivalent, ashamed, awkward, backward, en.synonym.one, balky, bashful, blushing, changeable, cool, diffident, disinclined, doubtful, dubious, embarrassed, enigmatic, halfhearted, incredulous, indecisive, indifferent, indisposed, loath, lukewarm, muddled, obscure, en.synonym.one, obstinate, perverse, problematic, puzzled, refractory, reluctant, restrained, sheepish, shy, stubborn, timid, unable, uncooperative, undecided, undetermined, uninterested, unstable, unwilling, wavering, wishy-washy, hesitating.
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Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
hesitant [ˈhezɪtənt] прил
нерешительный, неуверенный
(indecisive, unsure)
- hesitant step – нерешительный шаг
hesitant [ˈhezɪtənt] прич
колеблющийся, сомневающийся
(wavering, doubting)
adjective | ||
нерешительный | indecisive, hesitant, irresolute, undecided, faltering, hesitating | |
колеблющийся | oscillating, hesitant, vibrating, vacillating, wavering, flickering | |
сомневающийся | doubting, hesitant, doubtful, dubious, uncertain, insecure of | |
заикающийся | stuttering, stammering, hesitant |
Предложения со словом «hesitant»
But I also found that there were a large number of women who were extremely hesitant to take that first step because they were paralyzed by fear. |
И ещё я обнаружила, что есть много женщин, которые совершенно не готовы сделать этот первый шаг, потому что они просто оцепенели от страха. |
We didn’t have the kind of the relationship where we talked about the deeper stuff, but, like many siblings and like people in all kinds of relationships, we were hesitant to tell our truths, to reveal our wounds, to admit our wrongdoings. |
У нас были не такие отношения, чтобы говорить о глубоких вещах, но, как многие родственники и как люди, состоящие в каких — то отношениях, мы не спешили говорить друг другу правду, открывать свои раны, признаваться в своих прегрешениях. |
Even the hesitant , questioning look on his face was perfect as he emerged from dimness into the muted light of the chamber. |
И даже неуверенное, вопрошающее выражение лица точно вписывалось в картину. |
They had already become accustomed to this hesitant progress and to the sky filled with the roaring of planes. |
Люди уже привыкли к этому неуверенному продвижению, к небу, наполненному воем самолетов. |
His hands were soft on my face and his warm lips were gentle, unexpectedly hesitant . |
Его руки мягко держали мое лицо и его губы были нежные и неожиданно робкие. |
Perrin stopped suddenly in front of a door, and despite his size he seemed oddly hesitant . |
Вдруг перед одной из дверей Перрин остановился, и его крупная фигура показалась странно нерешительной. |
The sky continued to darken, and a number of stars had put in hesitant appearances. |
Небо продолжало темнеть, и на нем неуверенно появилось несколько звезд. |
She was just finishing by applying perfume when Rache’s hesitant tap came at her door. |
Она как раз кончала наносить духи, когда в дверь постучали. |
The boy and girl had walked out of sight and now a hesitant breeze was softly rumpling the surface of the lake. |
Юноша и девушка скрылись из виду, и поднявшийся легкий ветерок морщил зеркальную поверхность озера. |
The Federal Government had so far been hesitant to become involved in the public debate taking place on the issue. |
Федеральное правительство пока воздерживается от участия в широкой дискуссии по этому вопросу. |
It therefore launched talks with certain rebel groups that were hesitant to enter into the inclusive political dialogue. |
Поэтому оно начало переговоры с рядом повстанческих групп, которые не участвовали во всеохватном политическом диалоге. |
He’s gone from hesitant strikes in the victim’s home to painting the walls with blood. |
От неуверенных ударов в доме жертвы он уже перешел к стенам, залитым кровью. |
After a hesitant first few months, in May, European and U.S. policy makers decided to make energy resources part of the sanctions on the Russian regime. |
После нескольких месяцев колебаний в мае европейские и американские политические руководители решили включить энергоресурсы в пакет санкций против российского режима. |
The movement was hesitant in its first steps, but it’s now picking up momentum and spreading across the U.S. |
После первых нерешительных шагов движение набирает оборот и масштабы. |
Many residents of Nahal Oz, a community close to the Gaza frontier where a 4-year-old boy was killed by a Palestinian mortar shell, are hesitant about coming back. |
Многие жители Нахал Оз, поселения неподалеку от границы с Газа, где осколком палестинской мины был убит 4 — летний мальчик, сомневаются в том, что им стоит возвращаться назад. |
But China has been hesitant about enforcing economic sanctions and has done so half-heartedly. |
Между тем вопрос усиления экономических санкций вызывает у Китая большие сомнения, и он идет на подобные меры без особого энтузиазма. |
At the outset, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was hesitant to punish Russia. |
Канцлер Ангела Меркель с самого начала проявляла нерешительность, не желая наказывать Россию. |
It may make other countries hesitant to share with us.” |
У других стран могут возникнуть определенные сомнения в допустимости обмена разведывательной информацией с нами». |
But the MOF remains hesitant to back its tough talk with action, not least because of American disapproval of supposed “currency manipulation.” |
Но Министерство финансов все еще не решается подкрепить жесткое заявление реальными действиями, и не в последнюю очередь из — за боязни неодобрения чиновниками США так называемых «манипуляций с валютой». |
The film functions as a message of reassurance to companies who might be hesitant to reach out to the FBI for help. |
Эта картина — успокаивающее послание тем компаниям, которые сомневаются в целесообразности обращения за помощью к ФБР. |
And here he is, yet you seem hesitant to seize that opportunity. |
И вот он здесь но ты, кажется, сомневаешься, ухватить за эту возможность или нет. |
The first kill was sloppy, hesitant , and unplanned. |
Первое убийство было небрежным, поспешным и неспланированным. |
Savannah’s hesitant to parade a heathen In front of her very proper parents at dinner. |
Саванна боится прослыть язычницей перед ее приличными родителями на ужине |
You seem unsure, and hesitant , when once you were firm, you were strong. |
Кажешься неуверенным, колеблющимся , хотя когда — то был твердым и сильным. |
She was hesitant , unsure what to do. |
Но она не знала, как поступить. |
She’s nervous, she’s tense, hesitant . |
Она нервничает, напряжена, нерешительна. |
Is he the strong, capable man that bestrides the sick room or the hesitant one I see here today? |
Сильный, уверенный человек, входящий в комнату больного, или нерешительный, которого я вижу сегодня? |
Everything was very cautious, hesitant … like he didn’t know what to do. |
Все было очень осторожно, нерешительно. Как будто он не знал, что делать. |
Now, with my dad, he said that I-I lacked ambition. That I, um, I was too meticulous and hesitant . |
Но отец говорил, что я недостаточно амбициозный, что я слишком дотошный и нерешительный. |
Suspicious guys who seem hesitant … |
…это нерешительные,… |
She looked determined and hesitant at once. |
Вид у неё был одновременно решительный и неуверенный. |
There was a hesitant knock at the door and she turned toward it. |
Раздался неуверенный стук в дверь. |
As I heard her warm, deep, slightly hesitant voice so close beside me, I became so excited I could hardly speak. |
Услышав так близко ее теплый, низкий, чуть неуверенный голос, я до того разволновался, что почти не мог говорить. |
He’s gone from hesitant strikes in the victim’s home to painting the walls with blood. |
От неуверенных ударов в доме жертвы он уже перешел к стенам, залитым кровью. |
Langdon seemed hesitant , as if his own academic curiosity were threatening to override sound judgment and drag him back into Fache’s hands. |
Лэнгдон колебался. Похоже, любопытство ученого было готово взять верх над чувством самосохранения. |
I was hesitant the first time I tried it, but I experienced an unanticipated and remarkable release of endorphins. |
Я сначала колебался, но когда попробовал, я испытал непредвиденный и значительный выброс эндорфинов. |
I met Peter when he was thinking about investing in my company, Zetasphere, although I think he was hesitant after his disappointing initial return from Snapchat. |
Я познакомился с Питером, когда он хотел вложиться в мою компанию Зетасфера, хотя я думаю, он колебался после разочарования в доходах от вложений в Снэпчат. |
Most of the underground is in favour of action but everyone’s hesitant . |
Большинство подземелья за активньIе действия но все колеблются . |
We’re reading trace radiation signatures, so we’ve been hesitant to crack it open. |
Мы нашли следы радиактивности, поэтому мы колебались, взламывать это или нет. |
The court was hesitant to let you come home so soon. |
Суд колебался, разрешить ли вернуться тебе домой так скоро. |
All our country’s scholars are begging the king to act, but he’s being hesitant like the Home Affairs Minister. |
Все ученые мужи нашей страны умоляют императора действовать, но он колеблется, как и министр внутренних дел. |
We know Coulson had a very different recovery experience, so we understand why he’s hesitant |
Мы понимаем, что у Коулсона отличающийся от твоего опыт восстановления, поэтому мы понимаем, почему он колеблется, |
Well, to tell you the truth, I was a little hesitant at first. |
Сказать по правде, сначала я немного колебался. |
Sir, forgive me if this isn’t the case, but you seem a bit hesitant . |
Сэр, простите меня, если это не так, но вы, кажетесь немного сомневающимся |
I’m only hesitant because he’s your boyfriend, And I’d hate to risk straining a good friendship. |
Я сомневаюсь только потому, что он твой любовник, а мне очень не хотелось бы ставить под угрозу наши хорошие отношения. |
No, he simply gave me permission — to go where I was hesitant to. |
Нет, он всего лишь дал мне разрешение пойти на то, в чем я сомневалась. |
And I was so hesitant to appoint her in this position because I didn’t want to take her away from her first responsibility, and that’s the job of being a mother. |
И я сомневался, брать ли её на эту должность, потому что не хотел отрывать её от главного дела. От материнства. |
I-at first, she was, like, I am not sure, — and she was hesitant , but |
Ну сперва она отнекивалась, сомневалась, но… |
Our boss was hesitant at first. |
Наш босс сомневался сначала. |
I think that’s why I’m so hesitant . |
Думаю, поэтому я так сомневаюсь. |
Please don’t be hesitant . |
Пожалуйста перестаньте сомневаться. |
Shokan, the guys are getting hesitant . |
Шокан, пацаны сомневаются. |
Merely that you admired her but you were hesitant to make an overture since you’ll been told she was courting another. |
Что ты восхищён ею, но не решаешься ухаживать,.. …потому что слышал, будто она встречается с другим. |
Is that why you’ve been hesitant to sign the immunity deal? |
Это поэтому ты не решаешься подписать соглашение о неприкосновенности? |
I’m just saying, I understand why you might be hesitant to raise a child when the parentage is in question. |
Я понимаю, почему ты не решаешься растить ребенка, не зная, кто его отец. |
Senator, your people are hesitant to join us because they’re worried there’ll be another military occupation. |
Сенатор, народ не решается присоединиться к нам, опасаясь очередной военной оккупации. |
Look who I found by the parking lot, hesitant to join us. |
Эй, посмотрите, кого я нашёл около парковки! Не решался присоединиться к нам! |
However, the wife is a little hesitant to cooperate with the investigation. |
Хотя, жена немного не решается сотрудничать с расследованием. |
You’ll understand if I’m a little hesitant to do anything you say or sign anything. |
Понимаете, я как — то немного не решаюсь делать всё, что Вы говорите или что — либо подписывать. |
Well, don’t sound so hesitant , or the maitre d’ will kill himself! |
Что ж, не говорите это с таким сомнением, иначе метрдотель покончит с собой. |
What is another word for Hesitant?
irresolute, decide
participle, uncertain
unenthusiastic, uncertain
uncertain, decide
uncertain, irresolute
uncertain, decide
retiring, irresolute
lacking confidence, retiring
unwilling, averse
retiring, lacking confidence
averse, retiring
contrary, averse
lacking confidence
lacking confidence, slightly embarrassed
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hesitate, hesitancy, hesitation, hesitatingly, hesitantly, hesitating
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Synonyms for Hesitant. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 29, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/hesitant
Synonyms for Hesitant. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/hesitant>.
Synonyms for Hesitant. 2016. Accessed April 29, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/hesitant.
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
hesitant, hesitatingadjective
lacking decisiveness of character; unable to act or decide quickly or firmly
hesitating, hesitantAntonyms:
Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
i would be cautious about walking there after dark.
Submitted by anonymous on June 30, 2021
proceed with caution.
he was hesitant to travel at night due to a previous bad experience.
Submitted by JP03 on March 9, 2015
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «hesitant»:
reluctant, irresolute, undecided, timid, tentative, reticent, doubtful, half-hearted, wait-and-see, dilatory
How to pronounce HeSITANT?
How to say HeSITANT in sign language?
How to use HeSITANT in a sentence?
Francis Collins:
Christians, of all people, are supposed to be particularly worried about their neighbors, if you are a Christian, or if you’re anybody who has not yet gotten vaccinated, hit the reset button on whatever information you have that’s causing you to be doubtful or hesitant or fearful, and look at the evidence.
Steny Hoyer:
The majority of Democrats right now are very hesitant, to say the least, and not at all sure that trade is good for working people.
Alex Elson:
It appears the Biden Administration genuinely wants to help people who are owed discharges, but that makes it all the more confounding that they are so hesitant to use their authority to immediately and automatically help the countless additional borrowers who are still waiting.
Ivan Krastev:
There’s high level of mistrust, and that goes both for Bulgaria and Romania, even the medical community, doctors, nurses, many are hesitant to get vaccinated, so it’s not a surprise that the society as a whole is too.
David Leonhardt:
Some audiences have been vaccine-hesitant, i find when the true/full story of how the vaccines were developed is told, and I explain that they resulted from years of courageous/revolutionary work and that nothing was rushed, many are reassured and more willing to roll up their sleeves.
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Are we missing a good synonym for HeSITANT?
diffident, doubtful, half-arsed, half-assed (U.S. & Canad. slang) half-hearted, halting, hanging back, hesitating, irresolute, lacking confidence, reluctant, sceptical, shy, timid, uncertain, unsure, vacillating, wavering
arrogant, avid, can-do (informal) clear, confident, definite, determined, dogmatic, eager, enthusiastic, firm, forceful, keen, positive, resolute, self-assured, spirited, sure, unhesitating, unwavering
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
If you are hesitantabout doing something, you do not do it quickly or immediately, usually because you are uncertain, embarrassed, or worried. adj oft ADJ about n, ADJ to-inf
She was hesitant about coming forward with her story…
hesitancy n-uncount
A trace of hesitancy showed in Dr. Stockton’s eyes.
hesitantly adv ADV with v
`Would you do me a favour?’ she asked hesitantly.
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary.
How is the word hesitant different from other adjectives like it?
Some common synonyms of hesitant are averse, disinclined, loath, and reluctant. While all these words mean «lacking the will or desire to do something indicated,» hesitant implies a holding back especially through fear or uncertainty.
hesitant about asking for a date
In what contexts can averse take the place of hesitant?
The synonyms averse and hesitant are sometimes interchangeable, but averse implies a holding back from or avoiding because of distaste or repugnance.
not averse to an occasional drink
When might disinclined be a better fit than hesitant?
The words disinclined and hesitant can be used in similar contexts, but disinclined implies lack of taste for or inclination.
disinclined to move again
When is it sensible to use loath instead of hesitant?
While the synonyms loath and hesitant are close in meaning, loath implies hesitancy because of conflict with one’s opinions, predilections, or liking.
seems loath to trust anyone
When could reluctant be used to replace hesitant?
The words reluctant and hesitant are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, reluctant implies a holding back through unwillingness.
What is another word for hesitant?
649 synonyms found
[ hˈɛsɪtənt], [ hˈɛsɪtənt], [ h_ˈɛ_s_ɪ_t_ə_n_t]
Table of Contents
• afraid (adjective)
- un eager,
- un-happier,
- un willing,
- un happiest,
- un-willing,
- un happier,
- un-eager,
- more uneager,
- dis inclined,
- dis-inclined,
- unhappy,
- un happy,
- un-happiest,
- most uneager,
- un-happy.
• all (adjective)
- hesitant.
• ambivalent (adjective)
- more clashing,
- more fluctuating,
- most opposed,
- most fluctuating,
- in-conclusive,
- in conclusive,
- most clashing.
• averse (adjective)
- illdisposed,
- un friendlier,
- more ill disposed,
- ill disposed,
- un friendly,
- most ill-disposed,
- un-friendlier,
- most disliking,
- un-friendliest,
- anti-pathetic,
- dis-liking,
- un-friendly,
- most ill disposed,
- anti pathetic,
- un-favorable,
- dis liking,
- un friendliest,
- most illdisposed,
- un favorable,
- more ill-disposed,
- more disliking,
- more illdisposed.
• backward (adjective)
- re-served,
- re tiring,
- de-mure,
- de mure,
- re served,
- re-tiring.
• balky (adjective)
- in-flexible,
- un predictable,
- un bending,
- more negativistic,
- un-predictable,
- in-tractable,
- un manageable,
- in flexible,
- obstinate,
- stubborn,
- immovable,
- most negativistic,
- un-bending,
- in tractable,
- un-manageable.
• broken (adjective)
- in coherent,
- dis jointed,
- un-intelligible,
- more muttered,
- most mumbled,
- more mumbled,
- most muttered,
- in-coherent,
- un intelligible,
- dis-jointed.
• changing (adjective)
- vacillating.
• chary (adjective)
- safest.
• conflicting (adjective)
- ambivalent.
• cowardly (adjective)
- recreant.
• doubtful (adjective)
- questioning,
- doubting,
- most agnostic,
- dis trustful,
- in quandary,
- more unconvinced,
- un settled,
- un convinced,
- more discomposed,
- dis-composed,
- dis composed,
- most baffled,
- more questioning,
- dis-trustful,
- most questioning,
- un-convinced,
- more agnostic,
- most faltering,
- more baffled,
- most discomposed,
- most unconvinced,
- more faltering,
- un-settled.
• dubious (adjective)
- un trustworthy,
- more unassured,
- un-reliable,
- un trustier,
- un dependable,
- un clearer,
- un-assured,
- touch go,
- un clearest,
- un likely,
- most trustless,
- un-trustier,
- un-likely,
- fly by night,
- un likeliest,
- un-trustworthy,
- un reliable,
- un trustiest,
- un-clearest,
- Mootable,
- un-dependable,
- un trusty,
- most unassured,
- dubitable,
- untrustiest,
- un-likelier,
- un likelier,
- far fetched,
- iffy,
- un-clear,
- un-trusty,
- un assured,
- un-likeliest,
- un-trustiest,
- more trustless,
- un clear,
- un-clearer,
- untrustier.
• fearful (adjective)
- shaky,
- aflutter,
- have cold feet,
- running scared,
- shrinking,
- rabbity,
- in a dither,
- goose-bumpy,
- weak-kneed.
• gingerly (adjective)
- gingerly.
• humble (adjective)
- unpretentious,
- reverential,
- supplicatory,
- unambitious,
- self-conscious.
• ill (at ease) (adjective)
- ill.
• ill at ease (adjective)
- out of place,
- fidgety,
- on pins and needles,
- on tenterhooks,
- unrelaxed.
• inarticulate (adjective)
- unvocal,
- speechless,
- wordless.
• incredulous (adjective)
- mistrustful,
- unsatisfied.
• indecisive (adjective)
- in-decisive,
- un-determined,
- more waffling,
- in determinate,
- un-stable,
- un stable,
- un-stablest,
- un determined,
- wishy washy,
- hemming hawing,
- in decisive,
- wishywashy,
- un eventful,
- wishy-washy,
- un-stabler,
- hot cold,
- un-eventful,
- un stabler,
- un stablest,
- most astraddle,
- more astraddle,
- most waffling.
• indisposed (adjective)
- more uninclined,
- un-inclined,
- un caring,
- in disposed,
- un inclined,
- most uninclined,
- un-caring,
- in-disposed.
• insecure (adjective)
- in secure,
- most unpoised,
- up the air,
- more unpoised,
- un poised,
- more choked,
- up tight,
- in securest,
- most unconfident,
- in-securest,
- up-tight,
- up in air,
- most delphic,
- in-securer,
- un-poised,
- in securer,
- more unconfident,
- Unpoised,
- up air,
- in-secure,
- un confident,
- more delphic,
- most choked,
- un-confident.
• irresolute (adjective)
- Shilly-shally,
- volatile,
- in firm,
- infirm,
- watery,
- inconsistent,
- Half-hearted,
- on-the-fence,
- capricious,
- spineless,
- unwilling,
- double-minded,
- shifty,
- halfhearted,
- erratic,
- undependable,
- dillydallying,
- insipid,
- Flitting,
- yellow,
- impulsive,
- fickle,
- fly-by-night,
- wimpy,
- hot-and-cold,
- changeable,
- irresponsible.
• lukewarm (adjective)
- uninterested,
- un responsive,
- un interested,
- un-responsive,
- un committed,
- un-interested,
- un-committed,
- un-concerned,
- un concerned.
• nervous (adjective)
- un strung,
- unstrung,
- most spooked,
- more ruffled,
- more unrestful,
- most ruffled,
- high strung,
- taut,
- ex-citable,
- un-strung,
- highstrung,
- un-restful,
- most unrestful,
- un restful,
- more nervous,
- up-set,
- ex citable,
- more spooked.
• on the fence (adjective)
- not sure,
- in the middle,
- running hot and cold,
- not definite,
- betwixt and between.
• opposing (adjective)
- averse.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- dubious,
- dummied up,
- dithering,
- undecided,
- chary,
- afraid,
- unrestful,
- pendent,
- weak,
- balky,
- ill at ease,
- negativistic,
- over-wrought,
- loath,
- doubtful,
- backward,
- astraddle,
- unresolved,
- on the fence,
- uneager,
- unsolved,
- untrusty,
- of two minds,
- unsure,
- incredulous,
- having no use for,
- rootless,
- open to question,
- reticent,
- hanging by thread,
- without guts,
- Fluctuant,
- shy,
- in dilemma,
- irresolute,
- uneffusive,
- unassertive,
- ashamed,
- tentative,
- in a quandary,
- lukewarm,
- inarticulate,
- dried up,
- hot and cold,
- yellow-bellied,
- uncertain,
- unconfident,
- broken,
- indecisive,
- unsocial,
- clammed up,
- hemming and hawing,
- unassured,
- on thin ice,
- unconcluded,
- reluctant,
- ill-disposed,
- not following,
- touch and go,
- insecure,
- Trustless,
- in clouds,
- unconvinced,
- unspeaking,
- humble,
- without belief,
- uninclined,
- up set,
- nervous,
- fearful.
• recreant (adjective)
- pigeonhearted,
- meanspirited,
- falsehearted.
• reluctant (adjective)
- laggard,
- more disheartened,
- more demurring,
- most disheartened,
- most grudging,
- more grudging,
- in-voluntary,
- more laggard,
- most demurring,
- dis heartened,
- most laggard,
- dis-heartened,
- in voluntary.
• reticent (adjective)
- more unforthcoming,
- close mouthed,
- more unspeaking,
- most unspeaking,
- un-speaking,
- un forthcoming,
- un-forthcoming,
- tight lipped,
- unforthcoming,
- most unforthcoming,
- un-communicative,
- un speaking.
• shy (adjective)
- more unsocial,
- un social,
- un assertive,
- most uneffusive,
- un-social,
- most introvert,
- un effusive,
- more unassertive,
- recessive,
- more introvert,
- introvert,
- most unsocial,
- un-assertive,
- more uneffusive,
- un-effusive.
• uncertain (adjective)
- hanging by a thread,
- unconfirmed,
- unfixed,
- up for grabs.
• uncertain, waiting (adjective)
- disinclined.
• undecided (adjective)
- un decided,
- un finished,
- more pendent,
- un-finished,
- most dithering,
- more dithering,
- un-decided.
• unresolved (adjective)
- un concluded,
- in complete,
- un resolved,
- un solved,
- un-resolved,
- un-concluded,
- most pussyfooting,
- more unconcluded,
- un-solved,
- most unsolved,
- more pussyfooting,
- in-complete,
- un-answered,
- un answered,
- more unsolved,
- most unconcluded.
• unsure (adjective)
- un sure,
- most rootless,
- more rootless,
- more fluctuant,
- most fluctuant,
- un-sure.
• unwilling (adjective)
- recalcitrant,
- non-consenting,
- unyielding,
- uncooperative,
- unconsenting,
- squeamish,
- Resisting,
- irreconcilable,
- defiant,
- indisposed,
- contrary,
- unhelpful,
- noncooperative,
- opposed,
- uncomplying.
• vacillating (adjective)
- more vibrating,
- most oscillating,
- most vibrating,
- most swaying,
- more swaying,
- more oscillating,
- most shifting.
• weak (adjective)
- laid back,
- faint-hearted,
- weakest,
- Impuissant,
- forceless,
- out of gas.
• weak-minded (adjective)
- more yellowbellied,
- more yellow bellied,
- yellowbellied,
- most yellowbellied,
- weak minded,
- most yellow-bellied,
- weakminded,
- most yellow bellied,
- yellow bellied,
- more yellow-bellied.
- alarmed,
- troubled,
- tense,
- on edge,
- anxious,
- worried,
- uneasy,
- upset,
- frightened.
- timid,
- decide,
- pendulous.
• hesitant (noun)
- incertain.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- halting,
- diffident,
- hesitating,
- wavering,
- groping.
Other synonyms:
- Vacillatory,
- emphatic,
- vacillant.
- slow.
• distant
- unapproachable.
• insistent
- urgent.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- circumlocutory,
- hypocritical,
- wobbly,
- shaking,
- touch-and-go,
- intimidated,
- modest,
- unready,
- timorous,
- variable,
- be dilatory,
- dicey,
- undetermined,
- impeach,
- cynical,
- mealy-mouthed,
- disbelieving,
- uncommunicative,
- sheepish,
- jumpy,
- deceitful,
- apathetic,
- politic,
- circumspect,
- careful,
- stumbling,
- unadventurous,
- puzzled,
- affected,
- polysemous,
- scrupling,
- undaring,
- leery,
- artful,
- pawky,
- tremulous,
- shy of,
- cowardly,
- hanging back,
- unaccountable,
- scrupulous,
- agnostic,
- Boggling,
- untrusting,
- faulty,
- loth,
- shivering,
- skeptical,
- apprehensive,
- prudent,
- mealymouthed,
- quaking,
- uneven,
- reserved,
- quavering,
- stammering,
- balking,
- periphrastic,
- cautious,
- havering,
- palpitating,
- dawdling,
- whimsical,
- safe,
- restive,
- quivering,
- Demurring,
- sceptical,
- guarded,
- regardful,
- stuttering,
- retiring,
- unclear,
- judicious,
- on guard,
- coy,
- Weak-minded,
- incalculable,
- mindful,
- Equivocating,
- equivocal,
- mumbling,
- queasy,
- tottery,
- changing,
- resistant,
- suspicious,
- unenterprising,
- vacillate,
- indirect,
- thorough,
- Qualmish,
- unobtrusive,
- halt,
- unpredictable,
- jittery,
- unctuous,
- chancy,
- unverifiable,
- unforeseeable,
- namby-pamby,
- embarrassed,
- oily,
- noncommittal,
- trembling,
- panicky,
- unenthusiastic,
- pusillanimous,
- antagonistic,
- Jibbing,
- Distrusting,
- roundabout,
- unbelieving,
- shuddering,
- inconstant,
- sticking,
- edgy,
- canny,
- distrustful,
- inconclusive,
- Stickling,
- discreet,
- straining,
- tergiversating,
- self-effacing,
- euphemistic,
- a-tremble,
- slick,
- mincing,
- Indemonstrable,
- unprovable,
- shifting,
- deliberate,
- problematic,
- enigmatic,
- faltering,
- lazy,
- discomfited,
- at loose ends,
- muttering,
- uncomfortable,
- unpersuaded,
- Delaying,
- heedful,
- wary,
- vague,
- fluctuating,
- bashful,
- lacking confidence,
- indefinite,
- obscure,
- shilly-shallying,
- awkward,
- ambiguous,
- pause,
- unsteady,
- unsettled.
How to use «Hesitant» in context?
The word hesitant is often defined as a person who is not sure about doing something, especially because it may be considered risky. In some cases, the person may be apprehensive about the potential consequences of acting in a certain way. Generally speaking, the term is used to describe somebody who is not keen on moving forward with something. In some cases, the person may be indecisive, while in others, they may be fearful. Regardless of the underlying reason, the hesitation can be a barrier to progress. For some people, it can be a sign that they are not up for the challenge or that they do not have the necessary conviction.
Paraphrases for Hesitant:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
irresolute, reluctant.
afraid, averse, careful, cautious, dilatory, doubtful, dubious, halting, insecure, precarious, questionable, resistant, restrained, shaky, shy, unwilling, wary, Half-hearted.
Other Related
indecisive, loath, reticent, sceptical, tentative, timid, uncertain, unsure, wait-and-see.
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APA | Classic Thesaurus. (2016). Synonyms for Hesitant. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from https://www.classicthesaurus.com/hesitant/synonyms |
Chicago | Classic Thesaurus. 2016. «Synonyms for Hesitant» https://www.classicthesaurus.com/hesitant/synonyms (accessed May 2, 2023). |
Harvard | Classic Thesaurus 2016, Synonyms for Hesitant, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 2 May, 2023, <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/hesitant/synonyms>. |
MLA | Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Hesitant» 24 March 2016. Web. 2 May 2023. <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/hesitant/synonyms> |