- boisterous
- chaotic
- exciting
- frenetic
- frenzied
- heated
- tumultuous
- unsettled
- animated
- burning
- confused
- disordered
- excited
- fervid
- fevered
- feverish
- furious
- hassle
- hell broke loose
- jungle
- madhouse
- nutsy
- restless
- riotous
- rip-roaring
- wild
- woolly
- zoolike
On this page you’ll find 60 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to hectic, such as: boisterous, chaotic, exciting, frenetic, frenzied, and heated.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use hectic in a sentence
So far, though, his new base had been just as hectic as the old one.
She had a lean, hectic face, and prominent blue eyes under masses of light hair.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- all-consuming
- ardent
- blazing
- eager
- earnest
- fervid
- feverish
- frantic
- frenzied
- heated
- hectic
- impassioned
- intense
- passionate
- red-hot
- vehement
- white-hot
- zealous
- bustling
- busy as a beaver
- energetic
- full
- fussy
- hectic
- humming
- hustling
- lively
- popping
- restless
- strenuous
- tireless
- tiring
- bustling
- busy as a beaver
- energetic
- full
- fussy
- hectic
- humming
- hustling
- lively
- popping
- restless
- strenuous
- tireless
- tiring
- bustling
- busy as a beaver
- energetic
- full
- fussy
- hectic
- humming
- hustling
- lively
- popping
- restless
- strenuous
- tireless
- tiring
- agitative
- animating
- appealing
- arousing
- arresting
- astonishing
- bracing
- breathtaking
- commoving
- dangerous
- dramatic
- electrifying
- exhilarant
- eye-popping
- far-out
- fine
- flashy
- groovy
- hair-raising
- heady
- hectic
- impelling
- impressive
- interesting
- intoxicating
- intriguing
- lively
- melodramatic
- mind-blowing
- moving
- neat
- overpowering
- overwhelming
- provocative
- racy
- rip-roaring
- rousing
- sensational
- showy
- spine-tingling
- stimulating
- stirring
- thrilling
- titillating
- wild
- zestful
- burning
- distracted
- fervid
- fevered
- frantic
- frenetic
- frenzied
- furious
- heated
- hectic
- high-strung
- impatient
- keyed-up
- nervous
- obsessive
- overwrought
- passionate
- restless
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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[ hˈɛktɪk], [ hˈɛktɪk], [ h_ˈɛ_k_t_ɪ_k]
Table of Contents
• burning (adjective)
- earnest,
- vehement,
- red-hot,
- hectic,
- eager,
- blazing,
- ardent,
- zealous,
- impassioned,
- intense,
- passionate.
• busy (adjective)
- humming,
- tireless,
- popping,
- Hustling,
- fussy,
- energetic,
- tiring,
- strenuous.
• exciting (adjective)
- hair-raising,
- far-out,
- racy,
- agitative,
- flashy,
- arresting,
- breathtaking,
- overpowering,
- titillating,
- spine-tingling,
- rousing,
- animating,
- impressive,
- dramatic,
- bracing,
- eye-popping,
- thrilling,
- astonishing,
- melodramatic,
- rip-roaring,
- moving,
- provocative,
- neat,
- intoxicating,
- appealing,
- zestful,
- sensational,
- overwhelming,
- Commoving,
- mind-blowing,
- Exhilarant,
- heady,
- impelling,
- stimulating,
- interesting,
- Arousing,
- showy,
- stirring,
- electrifying,
- dangerous,
- intriguing,
- fine,
- riproaring.
• feverish (adjective)
- inflamed,
- febrile,
- above normal,
- nervous,
- distracted,
- obsessive,
- fiery,
- on fire,
- running a temperature,
- flushed,
- overwrought,
- high-strung,
- impatient.
• frantic (adjective)
- hot under the collar,
- raving,
- shook up,
- rabid,
- delirious,
- fraught,
- violent,
- zonkers,
- worked up,
- berserk,
- mad,
- angry,
- flipped out,
- out of control,
- beside oneself,
- wired,
- freaked out,
- wigged out,
- raging,
- hot and bothered,
- weird,
- unzipped,
- crazy,
- deranged,
- distraught,
- insane.
• heated (adjective)
- fervent,
- stormy,
- wrathful,
- fierce,
- bitter,
- avid,
- acrimonious,
- tempestuous,
- indignant,
- irate,
- ireful.
• hectic (adjective)
- riotous,
- frenzied,
- unsettled,
- furious,
- wild,
- hassle,
- animated,
- nutsy,
- zoolike,
- chaotic,
- woolly,
- hell broke loose,
- Flurrying,
- Flustering.
• hurried (adjective)
- headlong,
- brief,
- sudden,
- Subitaneous,
- short,
- swift,
- impetuous,
- speedy,
- precipitous,
- slapdash,
- precipitant,
- superficial,
- precipitate,
- breakneck,
- fast,
- cursory,
- perfunctory,
- hasty,
- rushing,
- abrupt.
• madding (adjective)
- panic stricken,
- panicstricken.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- white-hot,
- spazzed out,
- feverish,
- hot under collar,
- in a stew,
- vitalizing,
- calescent,
- igneous,
- over-wrought,
- unglued,
- quickening,
- at wits’ end,
- recalescent,
- weirded out,
- Rowdydowdy,
- Roborant,
- Madding,
- sweltry,
- decalescent,
- keyed up,
- in a tizzy,
- aguey,
- Thermogenic,
- burning up,
- ovenlike,
- adrenalizing,
- feverous,
- having the shakes,
- busy,
- renewing,
- hurried,
- Innerving,
- rumbunctious,
- reinvigorating,
- busy as a beaver,
- burning,
- like an oven,
- smoking,
- frantic,
- exciting,
- Corybantic,
- red hot,
- hyper,
- unscrewed,
- Vivifying,
- all-consuming,
- termagant.
• pyretic (adjective)
- more ovenlike,
- more calescent,
- most smoking,
- more decalescent,
- more recalescent,
- more feverous,
- like oven,
- more smoking,
- very warm,
- more igneous,
- more parching,
- re-calescent,
- sweltriest,
- in candescent,
- sweltrier,
- most recalescent,
- more thermogenic,
- re calescent,
- de calescent,
- most thermogenic,
- most parching,
- most igneous,
- most ovenlike,
- most feverous,
- most decalescent,
- most calescent,
- de-calescent.
• rash (adjective)
- daredevil,
- injudicious,
- foolhardy,
- audacious,
- desperado,
- careless,
- incautious,
- impulsive,
- daring,
- irresponsible,
- rash,
- brash,
- thoughtless,
- unheedful,
- reckless,
- imprudent,
- hotheaded,
- brazen.
• reckless (adjective)
- unmindful,
- inattentive,
- negligent,
- heedless,
- nonchalant,
- indifferent.
• reinvigorating (adjective)
- re-invigorating,
- in-nerving,
- most innerving,
- in nerving,
- re invigorating,
- more innerving.
• stimulating (adjective)
- exhilarating,
- invigorating,
- gripping,
- thought-provoking,
- challenging,
- inspiring,
- energizing.
• tumultous/tumultuous (adjective)
- more rumbunctious,
- most termagant,
- un-restrained,
- more termagant,
- more rowdydowdy,
- dis-orderly,
- dis orderly,
- tumultous,
- more tumultous,
- most rowdydowdy,
- most rumbunctious.
• tumultuous (adjective)
- more rumbustious,
- most rumbustious.
- hum,
- buzz,
- peak,
- lively.
- feelings,
- excite,
- hot,
- heated.
• agitated (noun)
- agitated.
• frenetic (noun)
- disordered,
- restless,
- excited,
- tumultuous,
- boisterous,
- rambunctious,
- confused.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- turmoil,
- to do,
- topsyturvy.
• turmoil (noun)
- dis-order,
- dis quietude,
- topsy-turvies,
- dis quietudes,
- dis-quiet,
- dis tress,
- dis quiets,
- dis-quiets,
- up-roars,
- dis tresses,
- dis-orders,
- un-rest,
- up-roar,
- dis quiet,
- un-rests,
- topsy turvy,
- dis-quietude,
- un rest,
- dis order,
- topsyturvies,
- topsy turvies,
- free for all,
- hectics,
- dis-tresses,
- dis-tress,
- dis-quietudes,
- dis orders.
Other synonyms:
- frenzy,
- Febrific,
- madhouse,
- Grand Central Station,
- fevered,
- bustling,
- busy season,
- pyretic.
- active,
- fervid.
- full.
• frenzied
- frenetic.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- blooming,
- fieriness,
- obstreperous,
- exhilarate,
- het up,
- heaving,
- seething,
- delirium,
- panting,
- glowing,
- hyperpyretic,
- hyperactive,
- puerperal fever,
- chaos,
- quick,
- agitation,
- ruddy-faced,
- Calenture,
- overanxious,
- enkindle,
- Phthisic,
- encourage,
- hyperthermia,
- overeager,
- turn,
- fire,
- discomposure,
- incalescence,
- fluster,
- febricity,
- pulsation,
- bloom,
- twitter,
- trepidation,
- blush,
- quicken,
- officious,
- hectic fever,
- shock,
- full-blooded,
- madness,
- unrest,
- incandescence,
- working,
- florid,
- rosiness,
- ruffle,
- pyrexia,
- disorderly,
- excitement,
- feverishness,
- manic,
- hard,
- whet,
- confusion,
- noisy,
- exasperate,
- disconcerted,
- heat,
- redness,
- industrious,
- turbulence,
- flutter,
- savage,
- overenthusiastic,
- infatuated,
- excitable,
- hysteric,
- rowdy,
- wound fever,
- colouring,
- whiteness,
- agitate,
- inspire,
- uncontrollable,
- fervor,
- glow,
- tense,
- palpitation,
- hubbub,
- flaming,
- warm,
- uproarious,
- enthuse,
- ruddy,
- awaken,
- pother,
- rubefacient,
- hodgepodge,
- Flushing,
- in a dither,
- rosy-cheeked,
- warmth,
- urethral fever,
- overzealous,
- upset,
- intrusive,
- perturbed,
- remittent,
- disturb,
- provoke,
- thrill,
- childbed fever,
- hyperpyrexia,
- throbbing,
- steaming,
- Rubescence,
- steamy,
- enliven,
- continued fever,
- suffusion,
- rouse,
- running amok,
- caloric,
- flurry,
- temperature,
- flush,
- perfervid,
- turbulent,
- sunburned,
- blushing,
- in rut,
- phrenetic,
- difficulty,
- rumbustious,
- Blowzed,
- blowzy,
- remittent fever,
- burnt,
- in a fever,
- eventful,
- tumult,
- engender,
- intermittent fever,
- rosy,
- coloring,
- tremor,
- rushed,
- throb,
- unrestrained,
- fever,
- rubicund,
- muddle,
- stir,
- red-complexioned,
- clutter,
- evoke,
- quiver,
- red-faced,
- overambitious,
- burning with excitement,
- at fever pitch,
- boiling over,
- Mantling,
- mess,
- hyperthermic,
- Calidity,
- ferment,
- febrility,
- Reddening,
- Crimsoning,
- sanguine,
- relapsing fever,
- jungle,
- stew,
- over-active,
- eruptive fever,
- incite,
- disturbance,
- commotion,
- consumptive,
- fanatical,
- disorder,
- in a state,
- boiling,
- tingling,
- unstuck,
- unruly,
- perturbation,
- hectic flush,
- electrify,
- hysterical,
- diligent,
- Hyperkinetic,
- discombobulated,
- clamorous,
- arouse,
- jumble,
- up the wall.
How to use «Hectic» in context?
Everything in life comes with a trade-off. Whether it’s between work and family time, sleep and fitness, or having a healthy diet and social life, everyone has to make choices. That’s why it’s important to balance our lives and set healthy boundaries.
hectic schedules can be tough to manage, but there are ways to make them work. First, create a plan and stick to it. Make sure that you schedule time for relax and destress, and make time for yourself. Take breaks and let your guard down.
Second, make sure that you’re taking care of yourself both mentally and physically.
Paraphrases for Hectic:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
congested, fierce, heated, heavy, restless, stormy, troubled.
Other Related
busy, eventful, frantic, tumultuous, turbulent.
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feverish -
Of a fever, pertaining to bodily reactions characterised by flushed or dry skin.
feverish -
Very busy with activity and confusion; feverish.
The city center is so hectic at 8 in the morning that I go to work an hour beforehand to avoid the crowds
How to pronounce hectic?
How to say hectic in sign language?
How to use hectic in a sentence?
Tiger Woods:
She has been amazing with Sam and Charlie and my entire family. Unfortunately, we lead very hectic lives and are both competing in demanding sports. It’s difficult to spend time together. once you’re inside the ropes, it’s time to tee it up and time to play.
Skier Linsday Vonn:
After nearly three years together, Tiger and I have mutually decided to end our relationship, i will always cherish the memories that we’ve created together. Unfortunately, we both lead incredibly hectic lives that force us to spend a majority of our time apart. I will always admire and respect Tiger. He and his beautiful family will always hold a special place in my heart.
Daniel Johnson:
Everybody was trying to get outside, when I was coming out, you could see baby strollers turned over, people’s phones and left keys. It was kind of a hectic situation.
Liz Cooper:
I feel like I live at the doctor’s office so my schedule is very hectic with appointments, and it’s just not your average 25-year-old’s schedule, instead I had to be careful going out in public because if my white blood count was low I could risk getting an infection.
Stuti Garg:
Sometimes we want to get away from the busy and hectic city life to find solace in the raging waves of the ocean pounding on the rocks or the turbulent splashing of a bubbling waterfall. At other times we are amazed by the immovable silence of a mountain or the gentle caress of a river overjoyed tat its union with the sea. The topography of a region speaks to each one of us—a secret language that people from all facets of life understand and relate to.
Translations for hectic
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- frenètic, febrilCatalan, Valencian
- hektickýCzech
- hektischGerman
- agobiante, ajetreado, frenético, febrilSpanish
- گیج کنندهPersian
- kuumeinen, kiihkeä, hektinenFinnish
- frenetico, febbrileItalian
- 소모 열의Korean
- hectisch, hectischeDutch
- gorączkowyPolish
- agitatRomanian
- лихорадочный, беспокойныйRussian
- hektiskSwedish
- பரபரப்பானTamil
- น่าตื่นเต้นThai
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Are we missing a good synonym for hectic?
animated, boisterous, chaotic, excited, fevered, feverish, flurrying, flustering, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, furious, heated, riotous, rumbustious, tumultuous, turbulent, wild
calm, peaceful, relaxing, tranquil
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
A hectic situation is one that is very busy and involves a lot of rushed activity. adj
Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health…
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
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