What is another word for Gross?
courtesy, coarse
flagrant, property
property, good
courtesy, corrupt
courtesy, crude
courtesy, crude
obese, characteristic
good, complete
good, flagrant
disgusting, corrupt
fat, characteristic
fat, obese
behaviour, corrupt
obese, body
whole, part
good, flagrant
total, whole
complete, flagrant
crude, decent
crude, boorish
coarse, decent
flagrant, obvious
coarse, boorish
charater trrait, decent
total, whole
size, fat
activity, money
coarse, boorish
total, part
whole, part
fat, characteristic
size, fat
behaviour, coarse
behaviour, charater trrait
size, large
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grossly, grossed, grossing
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Synonyms for Gross. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 01, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/gross
Synonyms for Gross. N.p., 2016. Web. 01 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/gross>.
Synonyms for Gross. 2016. Accessed May 01, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/gross.
Определения слова gross
- английская фамилия
Синонимы к слову gross
- aggregate
- arrant
- awful
- bizarre
- blatant
- bring in
- clear
- coarse
- combined
- crass
- disgusting
- dreadful
- earn
- fantastic
- flagrant
- foul
- get
- glaring
- grotesque
- major
- make
- nasty
- obvious
- overall
- receive
- repellent
- repugnant
- serious
- sickening
- significant
- sum
- total
- uncivilized
- uncouth
- unpleasant
- vulgar
- whole
Похожие слова на gross
- gross
- grossed
- grosser
- grosses
- grossest
- grossing
- grossness
- grossness’s
Гиперонимы к слову gross
- surname
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- Антоним к слову doyle
- Омоним к слову sherman
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- Пословицы и поговорки к слову gill
- Перевод слова на другие языки alvarado
All synonyms in one line
abhorrent, absolute, adipose, aggregate, animal, en.synonym.one, base, beastly, bestial, big, broad, brusque, brutal, bulky, chubby, coarse, corpulent, countrified, crass, crude, dense, disgusting, entire, excessive, extravagant, fat, en.synonym.one, feral, fetid, flagrant, fleshy, foul, glaring, great, grievous, harsh, heavy, heinous, immodest, immoral, impolite, indecent, indelicate, large, lascivious, loathsome, loud, lowbred, massive, nasty, noisome, obese, en.synonym.one, objectionable, odious, offensive, outrageous, overblown, porcine, putrid, rank, repellent, repugnant, ribald, rough, rude, scummy, shameful, sheer, smutty, sordid, tasteless, thick, total, untamed, utter, vulgar, whole, wild, 144, aggregate, all, amount, assemblage, en.synonym.one, body, bulk, dimensions, entirety, extent, gain, income, interest, magnitude, mass, proceeds, profits, quantity, receipts, revenue, size, sum, sum total, total, totality, en.synonym.one, volume, whole, yield, bring, command, draw, earn, get, en.synonym.one, take, yield, arrant, complete, consummate, crying, double-dyed, en.synonym.one, earthy, egregious, everlasting, megascopic, perfect, pure, ripe, sodding, staring, stark, thoroughgoing, unadulterated.
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[ ɡɹˈə͡ʊs], [ ɡɹˈəʊs], [ ɡ_ɹ_ˈəʊ_s]
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Table of Contents
Similar words for gross:
abnormal (adjective)
abominable (adjective)
all (adjective)
appalling (adjective)
atrocious (adjective)
awful (adjective)
bad (adjective)
bawdy (adjective)
bodily (adjective)
boorish (adjective)
broad (adjective)
brutal (adjective)
bulky (adjective)
coarse (adjective)
complete (adjective)
corporal (adjective)
corpulent (adjective)
crass (adjective)
crude (adjective)
detestable (adjective)
disgusting (adjective)
distasteful (adjective)
downright (adjective)
dreadful (adjective)
egregious (adjective)
enormous (adjective)
entire (adjective)
extreme (adjective)
fat (adjective)
fetid (adjective)
filthy (adjective)
flagrant (adjective)
fleshly (adjective)
fleshy (adjective)
foul (adjective)
gaudy (adjective)
giant (adjective)
gigantic (adjective)
glaring (adjective)
gluttonous (adjective)
goodly (adjective)
grisly (adjective)
grotesque (adjective)
gruesome (adjective)
hateful (adjective)
heavy (adjective)
heavy-laden (adjective)
heinous (adjective)
hideous (adjective)
horrible/horrendous/horrid (adjective)
horrid (adjective)
huge (adjective)
immense (adjective)
impure (adjective)
indecent (adjective)
inelegant (adjective)
large (adjective)
lascivious (adjective)
lewd (adjective)
loutish (adjective)
low (adjective)
malicious (adjective)
massive (adjective)
massy (adjective)
nasty (adjective)
nefarious (adjective)
obese (adjective)
obnoxious (adjective)
obscene (adjective)
offensive (adjective)
other relevant words (adjective)
outrageous (adjective)
outright (adjective)
overweight (adjective)
patent (adjective)
perfect (adjective)
physical (adjective)
prodigious (adjective)
rank (adjective)
raunchy (adjective)
raw (adjective)
repulsive (adjective)
ribald (adjective)
risque (adjective)
rotten (adjective)
rough (adjective)
rude (adjective)
scurrilous (adjective)
sheer (adjective)
sickening (adjective)
sizable (adjective)
tangible (adjective)
total (adjective)
ugly (adjective)
unabbreviated (adjective)
unappeasable (adjective)
unattractive (adjective)
uncensored (adjective)
unchaste (adjective)
uncivil (adjective)
uncivilized (adjective)
uncleanly (adjective)
uncouth (adjective)
uncut (adjective)
unexpurgated (adjective)
unmitigated (adjective)
unpleasant (adjective)
unpopular (adjective)
unrefined (adjective)
unsavory (adjective)
voracious (adjective)
vulgar (adjective)
whole (adjective)
wicked (adjective)
yucky (adjective)
beastly (adverb)
beastly (adverb)
other relevant words (adverb)
aggregate (noun)
all (noun)
arrant (noun)
bulk (noun)
conspicuous (noun)
consummate (noun)
double-dyed (noun)
earn (noun)
earthy (noun)
egregious (noun)
entirety (noun)
five or more (noun)
income (noun)
macroscopic (noun)
macroscopical (noun)
megascopic (noun)
money (noun)
obvious (noun)
other relevant words (noun)
overall (noun)
perfect (noun)
porcine (noun)
profit (noun)
receipts (noun)
revenue (noun)
sodding (noun)
total (noun)
utter (noun)
weight (noun)
whole (noun)
attendance (verb)
bring (verb)
bring in (verb)
earn (verb)
pull in (verb)
- other synonyms
bring in
other relevant words
other relevant words (noun)
How to use «gross» in context?
for gross
Homophones for gross
Hyponyms for gross
Antonyms for gross
Hypernyms for gross
• abnormal (adjective)
- unexpected,
- extraordinary,
- eccentric,
- screwy,
- Deviating,
- Heteromorphic,
- anomalous,
- funny,
- curious,
- unorthodox,
- odd,
- atypical,
- Heteroclite,
- Anomalistic,
- heterodox,
- strange,
- divergent,
- weird,
- preternatural,
- fantastic,
- peculiar,
- off-color,
- gross,
- deviate,
- irregular,
- unusual,
- uncommon,
- queer,
- aberrant,
- bizarre,
- exceptional.
• abominable (adjective)
- repellent,
- hellish,
- stinking,
- repugnant,
- lousy,
- horrible,
- wretched,
- contemptible,
- abhorrent,
- base,
- loathsome,
- terrible,
- cursed,
- horrid,
- odious,
- grim,
- nauseating,
- despicable.
• all (adjective)
- greatest,
- full.
• appalling (adjective)
- most dismaying,
- more disheartening,
- most unnerving,
- most scaring,
- more unnerving,
- more dismaying,
- un-nerving,
- dis-heartening,
- dis heartening,
- dis maying,
- more scaring,
- un nerving,
- dis-maying,
- more petrifying,
- most disheartening,
- more daunting,
- most daunting,
- endest.
• atrocious (adjective)
- most godawful,
- most horrifying,
- more horrifying.
• awful (adjective)
- un-sightliest,
- un sightlier,
- un sightliest,
- de pressing,
- un-sightly,
- de-pressing.
• bad (adjective)
- most garbage,
- cruddier,
- more downer,
- un-satisfactory,
- sub standard,
- junkier,
- sub-standard,
- in adequate,
- un acceptable,
- more garbage,
- bottom out,
- cruddy,
- diddliest,
- unpleasant,
- dis-satisfactory,
- pitser,
- un-acceptable,
- most downer,
- pitsest,
- in correct,
- un satisfactory,
- not good,
- the pits,
- dis satisfactory,
- in-adequate,
- diddlier,
- cruddiest,
- junkiest.
• bawdy (adjective)
- suggestive,
- indecent,
- lascivious,
- lecherous.
• bodily (adjective)
- un spiritual,
- most unspiritual,
- sensual,
- more unspiritual,
- un-spiritual.
• boorish (adjective)
- most inurbane,
- ill bred,
- most bad-mannered,
- most badmannered,
- in urbane,
- un educated,
- more ill bred,
- in-urbane,
- un cultured,
- ill mannered,
- more out of line,
- more clownish,
- more inurbane,
- most ill bred,
- most bad mannered,
- more unpoised,
- most out of order,
- more out-of-line,
- most swinish,
- most illbred,
- illmannered,
- more ill-bred,
- un-gracious,
- un polished,
- most lowbred,
- more bad mannered,
- most bearish,
- more illbred,
- most clownish,
- most ill-bred,
- un poised,
- more badmannered,
- un gracious,
- badmannered,
- un-cultured,
- most out-of-line,
- most clodhopping,
- more lowbred,
- bad mannered,
- more swinish,
- un-poised,
- un-educated,
- more out of order,
- more bearish,
- more clodhopping,
- most cloddish.
• broad (adjective)
- un restrained,
- lowminded,
- salty,
- low minded,
- un-restrained.
• brutal (adjective)
- ruthless,
- barbarous,
- cruel,
- ferocious,
- brutal,
- savage,
- carnal,
- bestial.
• bulky (adjective)
- un-handy,
- un handy,
- un manageable,
- voluminous,
- unhandier,
- un-manageable,
- un handier,
- ponderous,
- unhandiest,
- un-handier,
- un handiest,
- un-handiest.
• coarse (adjective)
- more vulgarian,
- more foul mouthed,
- gruff,
- philistine,
- incultest,
- lowdown and dirty,
- inculter,
- in cult,
- in-culter,
- lowdown dirty,
- un-cultivated,
- more roughneck,
- most roughneck,
- un cultivated,
- impure,
- in cultest,
- in-cultest,
- in-cult,
- most foul mouthed,
- most brutish,
- foul mouthed,
- more brutish,
- vulgarian,
- in culter,
- most foul-mouthed,
- most vulgarian,
- more foul-mouthed.
• complete (adjective)
- unexpurgated,
- undiminished,
- Whole-length,
- uncut,
- hook line and sinker,
- imperforate,
- unitary,
- unreduced,
- replete,
- uncondensed,
- whole-hog,
- undocked,
- uncensored,
- integrated,
- unabbreviated.
• corporal (adjective)
- more anatomical,
- most anatomical,
- anatomical.
• corpulent (adjective)
- most well-padded,
- blimpest,
- over-blown,
- more embonpoint,
- having bay window,
- more wellpadded,
- blimper,
- roly poly,
- rolypoly,
- well padded,
- having spare tire,
- stouter,
- most wellpadded,
- more well padded,
- most embonpoint,
- wellpadded,
- over blown,
- rotund,
- most well padded,
- more well-padded.
• crass (adjective)
- most blundering,
- more bovine,
- witless,
- oafish,
- lumpish,
- most lowbrow,
- most bovine,
- more blundering,
- more lowbrow.
• crude (adjective)
- un gainly,
- un-skillful,
- more barnyard,
- in sensible,
- more loud-mouthed,
- more loud mouthed,
- un enlightened,
- un gainlier,
- un-enlightened,
- un-gainly,
- un gainliest,
- un skillful,
- in-sensible,
- loud mouthed.
• detestable (adjective)
- more lowdown,
- lowdown,
- de testable,
- more low down,
- de-testable,
- low down,
- more maggot,
- most abhorred,
- hateable,
- more hateable,
- most maggot,
- more low-down,
- more abhorred,
- low-down,
- most lowdown.
• disgusting (adjective)
- dis-gusting,
- nerdiest,
- more surfeiting,
- dis gusting,
- more sleazeball,
- most surfeiting,
- more satiating,
- yecchiest,
- nerdier,
- most sleazeball,
- most satiating.
• distasteful (adjective)
- most dislikable,
- in sipid,
- dis-likable,
- dis-pleasing,
- un desirable,
- yickier,
- dis-tasteful,
- dis likable,
- dis pleasing,
- more unlikable,
- dis tasteful,
- un likable,
- yickiest,
- un inviting,
- more dislikable,
- most unlikable,
- un-likable,
- un-palatable,
- more savorless,
- in-sipid,
- un-desirable,
- un-inviting.
• downright (adjective)
- un-disguised,
- un disguised,
- un equivocal,
- in-dubitable,
- un-qualified,
- un-equivocal,
- more undisguised,
- in dubitable,
- un-questionable,
- un qualified,
- most undisguised,
- un questionable.
• dreadful (adjective)
- most shuddersome,
- more shuddersome.
• egregious (adjective)
- in-sufferable,
- in tolerable,
- in famous,
- in sufferable,
- in-tolerable.
• enormous (adjective)
- more astronomic,
- most super-colossal,
- more super-colossal,
- gigantic,
- more super colossal,
- most humongous,
- more humongous,
- most supercolossal,
- most super colossal,
- most astronomic,
- more supercolossal.
• entire (adjective)
- holistic,
- comprehensive,
- conclusive,
- full-scale,
- entire,
- exhaustive,
- sweeping,
- tally,
- all-inclusive,
- full-grown,
- Choate,
- global,
- full-fledged,
- all-embracing,
- uninjured.
• extreme (adjective)
- overkill,
- out of proportion,
- stern.
• fat (adjective)
- most jelly-belly,
- more oversize,
- dis-tended,
- dis tended,
- plumpish,
- more butterball,
- most butterball,
- most whalelike,
- more jellybelly,
- more whalelike,
- paunchier,
- more jelly-belly,
- over size,
- most jelly belly,
- jellybelly,
- fatter,
- bullest,
- more potbellied,
- most oversize,
- jelly belly,
- over-size,
- most potbellied,
- most jellybelly,
- lardest,
- more jelly belly,
- paunchiest.
• fetid (adjective)
- re eking,
- stenchier,
- more reeking,
- most reeking,
- Stenchy,
- re-eking,
- stinkiest,
- stinky.
• filthy (adjective)
- un kemptest,
- more fecal,
- un-kempter,
- un kempt,
- most feculent,
- un cleanest,
- be-grimed,
- more verminous,
- most blackened,
- un kempter,
- be grimed,
- un-washed,
- more begrimed,
- soilier,
- more blackened,
- un-cleaner,
- un-cleanest,
- un-kempt,
- un-kemptest,
- most fecal,
- most begrimed,
- most verminous,
- un cleaner,
- un washed.
• flagrant (adjective)
- dis-graceful,
- stick out like sore thumb,
- bare faced,
- more bare faced,
- most bare faced,
- out-and-out,
- more bare-faced,
- most bare-faced,
- most flagitous,
- dis graceful,
- bare-faced,
- flagitous,
- more flagitous.
• fleshly (adjective)
- animalistic,
- venereal,
- fleshly.
• fleshy (adjective)
- most sarcous,
- more zaftig,
- pulpy,
- more sarcous,
- most zaftig.
• foul (adjective)
- most pigpen,
- more polluted,
- more contaminated,
- dis-honorable,
- dis honorable,
- most sullied,
- most polluted,
- more pigpen,
- more sullied.
• gaudy (adjective)
- most pizzazz,
- more tinsel,
- kitschiest,
- kitschier,
- tawdry,
- more froufrou,
- most frou-frou,
- putting on ritz,
- more splendiferous,
- most frou frou,
- frou frou,
- more screaming,
- putting ritz,
- most froufrou,
- more frou frou,
- Flaunting,
- kitschy,
- most catchpenny,
- most splendiferous,
- more catchpenny,
- putting the ritz,
- most tinsel,
- most screaming,
- more frou-frou,
- more pizzazz,
- screaming.
• giant (adjective)
- cyclo-pean,
- most whaling,
- more superduper,
- cyclo pean,
- more super-duper,
- most super-duper,
- more super duper,
- super duper,
- most superduper,
- most super duper,
- more whaling.
• gigantic (adjective)
- most monster,
- more monster,
- more titan,
- mobier,
- most titan,
- mobiest.
• glaring (adjective)
- out standing,
- noticeable,
- more protrusive,
- most protrusive.
• gluttonous (adjective)
- wolfish,
- ravening,
- piggy,
- hoggish,
- edacious,
- never full,
- gourmandizing,
- Gorging,
- unquenchable.
• goodly (adjective)
- goodly.
• grisly (adjective)
- more blood-stained,
- more blood stained,
- Blood-stained,
- blood stained,
- most blood-stained.
• grotesque (adjective)
- un cannier,
- in congruous,
- in-congruous,
- sur realistic,
- more antic,
- more surrealistic,
- un canniest,
- un canny,
- de-formed,
- most surrealistic,
- un-canniest,
- sur-realistic,
- most antic,
- de formed,
- un-cannier.
• gruesome (adjective)
- spinetingling,
- spine tingling.
• hateful (adjective)
- un cool,
- most uncool,
- de-spiteful,
- more uncool,
- more cussed,
- malicious,
- un-cool,
- de spiteful,
- most cussed,
- uncool.
• heavy (adjective)
- most lead footed,
- topheavy,
- most two ton,
- more lead footed,
- co pious,
- more two-ton,
- two-ton,
- most two-ton,
- most twoton,
- top heavy,
- co-pious,
- weighted,
- most lead-footed,
- more lead-footed,
- more twoton,
- twoton,
- most leadfooted,
- heavy-laden,
- more weighted,
- more two ton.
• heavy-laden (adjective)
- heavy laden,
- most l,
- L,
- more l,
- heavyladen.
• heinous (adjective)
- un-speakable,
- un speakable.
• hideous (adjective)
- most beast,
- un-comely,
- more beast.
• horrible/horrendous/horrid (adjective)
- un-holiest,
- un kind,
- un-kind,
- un-holy,
- un-godliest,
- un kinder,
- un-kindest,
- un godly,
- un godlier,
- un godliest,
- un-godlier,
- un-kinder,
- un holier,
- un kindest,
- un-holier,
- un holy,
- un-godly,
- un holiest.
• horrid (adjective)
- louest,
- hair raising,
- hairraising,
- louer.
• huge (adjective)
- most outsize,
- out-size,
- most leviathan,
- most mondo,
- more leviathan,
- out size,
- most behemothic,
- ex tensive.
• immense (adjective)
- inter-minable,
- in-terminable,
- in terminable,
- in finite,
- immense,
- un-bounded,
- un bounded,
- in-finite,
- inter minable.
• impure (adjective)
- most admixed,
- un-wholesome,
- de filed,
- more desecrated,
- most profaned,
- most vitiated,
- more vitiated,
- most desecrated,
- more infected,
- de-based,
- de based,
- most infected,
- more profaned,
- not pure,
- de-filed,
- more admixed,
- unchaste.
• indecent (adjective)
- x rated,
- un-decorous,
- most undecorous,
- un decorous,
- un becoming,
- in decent,
- xrated,
- more undecorous,
- un-becoming,
- in-decent.
• inelegant (adjective)
- tasteless,
- unpolished,
- graceless,
- tactless,
- gawky,
- undignified,
- clumsy,
- awkward.
• large (adjective)
- more thumping,
- most thumping,
- massive.
• lascivious (adjective)
- most soft core,
- more orgiastic,
- more soft-core,
- evilminded,
- soft core,
- most softcore,
- in continent,
- evil minded,
- softcore,
- more softcore,
- in-continent,
- most orgiastic.
• lewd (adjective)
- un-virtuous,
- more unvirtuous,
- most unvirtuous,
- un virtuous.
• loutish (adjective)
- un-mannerly,
- un mannerly.
• low (adjective)
- un worthier,
- dis reputable,
- most undignified,
- un worthy,
- dis-reputable,
- scurviest,
- crumbiest,
- scurvier,
- scurvy,
- more undignified,
- un-worthier,
- un-worthiest,
- un dignified,
- un worthiest,
- crumbier,
- crumby.
• malicious (adjective)
- more illdisposed,
- most illdisposed,
- ill disposed,
- bad natured,
- more bad natured,
- illdisposed,
- more bad-natured,
- more ill disposed,
- most bad-natured,
- most ill disposed,
- more ill-disposed,
- most bad natured,
- badnatured,
- greeneyed.
• massive (adjective)
- most cracking,
- more cracking.
• massy (adjective)
- more gigantesque,
- most behemoth,
- more behemoth.
• nasty (adjective)
- bummest,
- soiled,
- uncleanly,
- mephitic,
- un cleanlier,
- objectionable.
• nefarious (adjective)
- de-generate,
- de generate.
• obese (adjective)
- most avoirdupois,
- more avoirdupois.
• obnoxious (adjective)
- pain in neck,
- pain neck,
- heelest.
• obscene (adjective)
- porno,
- dirty,
- naughty,
- pornographic.
• offensive (adjective)
- offensive,
- embarrassing.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- in bad taste,
- largish,
- undisguised,
- Gigantesque,
- outrageous,
- straight out,
- well-padded,
- cloddish,
- spastic,
- starved to death,
- obnoxious,
- hideous,
- dreadful,
- ill-bred,
- lowbrow,
- super-duper,
- unalleviated,
- zaftig,
- Lou,
- having a spare tire,
- bad,
- glaring,
- purulent,
- lowbred,
- orgiastic,
- super colossal,
- nasty,
- unappetizing,
- appalling,
- Froufrou,
- abnormal,
- outsize,
- Ungenteel,
- flagrant,
- begrimed,
- overweight,
- grotesque,
- walloping,
- bodily,
- low-down and dirty,
- somatic,
- prodigious,
- king-size,
- dislikable,
- Whaling,
- awful,
- hard core,
- voracious,
- crude,
- bulky,
- huge,
- total,
- sheer,
- paunchy,
- astronomic,
- gaudy,
- dog-hungry,
- out-of-line,
- extra ordinary,
- the end,
- bad-mannered,
- unvirtuous,
- sickening,
- vituperatory,
- rotten,
- putting on the ritz,
- godawful,
- unappeasable,
- downright,
- Sarcous,
- nefarious,
- frou-frou,
- distasteful,
- illbred,
- surrealistic,
- tubby,
- unwieldy,
- tinsel,
- grody,
- foul-mouthed,
- putrified,
- raunchy,
- Clodhopping,
- superduper,
- unspiritual,
- fetid,
- rude,
- unabated,
- atrocious,
- verminous,
- enormous,
- loud-mouthed,
- decent-sized,
- amoral,
- jelly-belly,
- loutish,
- rank,
- whale of a,
- over-ripe,
- butterball,
- ill-disposed,
- filthy,
- scummier,
- inelegant,
- unsavory,
- mondo,
- Troglodytic,
- sleazeball,
- bad-smelling,
- behemothic,
- overripe,
- ribald,
- uncivilized,
- coarse,
- out and out,
- vituperous,
- giant,
- Piller,
- low,
- horrific,
- having a bay window,
- scuzzy,
- bearish,
- large,
- oversize,
- obese,
- Soily,
- hard time,
- loud,
- whalelike,
- embonpoint,
- corporal,
- gluttonous,
- catchpenny,
- gussied up,
- unpopular,
- low-down dirty,
- uncouth,
- vulgar,
- unmitigated,
- Heeler,
- potbellied,
- lewd,
- environmental,
- stark,
- off-base,
- ugly,
- clear cut,
- quiter,
- sizable,
- unlikable,
- nerdy,
- hateful,
- yicky,
- gruesome,
- yecchy,
- undecorous,
- barn door,
- revolting,
- big mouth,
- baby elephant,
- repulsive,
- all,
- outright,
- savorless,
- Incult,
- heavy,
- shuddersome,
- tangible,
- bad-natured,
- out-of-order,
- crass,
- Massy,
- supercolossal,
- obscene,
- raw,
- in one piece,
- corpulent,
- Incarnated,
- rascally,
- clownish,
- scurrilous,
- physical,
- protrusive,
- abominable,
- leviathan,
- uncivil,
- complete,
- splendiferous,
- Disgracious,
- boorish,
- feculent,
- bawdy,
- detestable,
- out-standing,
- super-colossal,
- open and shut,
- rough,
- unrefined,
- Unhandy,
- out of line,
- patent,
- disgusting,
- buller.
• outrageous (adjective)
- most debauching,
- un-bearable,
- dis gracing,
- more depraving,
- most shaming,
- un bearable,
- most debasing,
- most depraving,
- more disgracing,
- dis-gracing,
- de-basing,
- most disgracing,
- more shaming,
- de basing,
- more debasing,
- more debauching,
- unspeakable.
• outright (adjective)
- un deniable,
- out-rightest,
- out righter,
- out-right,
- out rightest,
- de finite,
- un-deniable,
- out right,
- out-righter,
- de-finite.
• overweight (adjective)
- overstuffed,
- overfed.
• patent (adjective)
- trans-parent,
- un-mistakable,
- open shut,
- trans parent,
- in disputable,
- un mistakable,
- in-disputable,
- clearcut.
• perfect (adjective)
- unmixed,
- unalloyed.
• physical (adjective)
- most environmental,
- materialistic,
- more concrete,
- more environmental.
• prodigious (adjective)
- most king-size,
- king size,
- more kingsize,
- most king size,
- more king size,
- most kingsize,
- more king-size,
- kingsize.
• rank (adjective)
- evilsmelling,
- more strong-smelling,
- evil smelling,
- more olid,
- more strong smelling,
- putrescent,
- most strong-smelling,
- most evil smelling,
- more turned,
- more graveolent,
- most graveolent,
- most evilsmelling,
- most evil-smelling,
- Graveolent,
- more evilsmelling,
- Olid,
- evil-smelling,
- strong-smelling,
- more evil smelling,
- most turned,
- most strong smelling,
- most olid,
- more putrescent,
- strong smelling,
- more evil-smelling.
• raunchy (adjective)
- sexually explicit.
• raw (adjective)
- un-scrupulous,
- un scrupulous.
• repulsive (adjective)
- off-putting.
• ribald (adjective)
- most rogue,
- low down and dirty,
- low down dirty,
- more rascally.
• risque (adjective)
- most amoral,
- in discreet,
- in-discreet,
- more amoral.
• rotten (adjective)
- more crumbled,
- bad smelling,
- more disintegrating,
- most bad-smelling,
- dis-integrating,
- most crumbled,
- un-sounder,
- more perished,
- fecal,
- most bad smelling,
- more moldering,
- badsmelling,
- rotting,
- more smelling,
- most overripe,
- more badsmelling,
- more putrified,
- more bad-smelling,
- dis integrating,
- dis integrated,
- most badsmelling,
- most putrified,
- more purulent,
- dis-integrated,
- de-composing,
- most purulent,
- de composed,
- more decomposing,
- over ripe,
- most moldering,
- more decomposed,
- most decomposing,
- most disintegrating,
- more pustular,
- most smelling,
- un sounder,
- un sound,
- most disintegrated,
- more bad smelling,
- most pustular,
- most corroded,
- more corroded,
- un-soundest,
- more disintegrated,
- more festering,
- de composing,
- Pustular,
- most festering,
- Perished,
- un-sound,
- more feculent,
- de-composed,
- most perished,
- most decomposed,
- more overripe,
- most putrescent.
• rough (adjective)
- un justest,
- un feeling,
- un just,
- un tutored,
- un-juster,
- untutored,
- un-ceremonious,
- un-justest,
- un-tutored,
- un juster,
- more untutored,
- most untutored,
- un-just.
• rude (adjective)
- more bad-mannered,
- uneducated.
• scurrilous (adjective)
- most vituperatory,
- more vituperous,
- most invective,
- more invective,
- most vituperous,
- more vituperatory.
• sheer (adjective)
- un diluted,
- quitest,
- more altogether,
- most altogether,
- un-diluted.
• sickening (adjective)
- stomach turning,
- most stomachturning,
- more stomach turning,
- most stomach turning,
- more stomach-turning,
- stomach-turning,
- stomachturning,
- dis-eased,
- most stomach-turning,
- dis eased.
• sizable (adjective)
- most decent-sized,
- most decent sized,
- decentsized,
- more decent-sized,
- more decent sized,
- de cent,
- most decentsized,
- decent sized,
- more decentsized,
- de-cent.
• tangible (adjective)
- most incarnated,
- more embodied,
- most embodied,
- more incarnated,
- touchable,
- well grounded,
- wellgrounded.
• total (adjective)
- un disputed,
- full scale,
- fullblown,
- all out,
- un-disputed,
- un-conditional,
- allout,
- every,
- un-limited,
- fullscale,
- full blown,
- un conditional.
• ugly (adjective)
- not much to look at,
- unprepossessing,
- unbeautiful,
- Hard-featured,
- unattractive,
- mis-shapen,
- bad-looking.
• unabbreviated (adjective)
- un-abbreviated,
- un abbreviated.
• unappeasable (adjective)
- un-appeasable,
- un appeasable.
• unattractive (adjective)
- un attractive,
- more unalluring,
- un alluring,
- most unalluring,
- Unalluring,
- un-alluring,
- un-attractive.
• uncensored (adjective)
- un-censored,
- un censored.
• unchaste (adjective)
- un-chaster,
- un chastest,
- un-chaste,
- un chaste,
- un-chastest,
- un chaster.
• uncivil (adjective)
- un-friendliest,
- un friendliest,
- un gentlemanly,
- more mannerless,
- un-gentlemanly,
- un-friendly,
- un civil,
- mannerless,
- most mannerless,
- un-civil,
- un friendlier,
- un-friendlier.
• uncivilized (adjective)
- dis-respectful,
- un-mannered,
- un controlled,
- dis respectful,
- un conscionable,
- un-conscionable,
- un civilized,
- un mannered,
- un-controlled,
- un-civilized,
- un sophisticated.
• uncleanly (adjective)
- un-cleanliest,
- un-cleanlier,
- un cleanliest,
- un cleanly,
- un-cleanly.
• uncouth (adjective)
- most ungenteel,
- dis-gracious,
- heavy handed,
- most loud mouthed,
- heavyhanded,
- more disgracious,
- un couth,
- un genteel,
- dis gracious,
- most disgracious,
- un-genteel,
- most loud-mouthed,
- more ungenteel,
- uncalledfor,
- un-couth.
• uncut (adjective)
- un-cut,
- un cut.
• unexpurgated (adjective)
- un-expurgated,
- un expurgated.
• unmitigated (adjective)
- un relieved,
- more unalleviated,
- un-alleviated,
- un-abated,
- un abated,
- most unabated,
- un-relieved,
- in-tense,
- in tense,
- in tenser,
- straightout,
- un-mitigated,
- in-tenser,
- most unalleviated,
- un mitigated,
- more unabated,
- un alleviated,
- in-tensest.
• unpleasant (adjective)
- un happiest,
- un-pleasant,
- more hard-time,
- hard-time,
- most hard time,
- more hardtime,
- most hard-time,
- most hardtime,
- un pleasant,
- un-happy,
- un happier,
- un happy,
- hardtime,
- more hard time.
• unpopular (adjective)
- dis-favored,
- un-valued,
- dis favored,
- dis-esteemed,
- more despised,
- drippest,
- most loathed,
- most unvalued,
- de tested,
- un-wanted,
- un-loved,
- more unaccepted,
- un wanted,
- more disliked,
- de-tested,
- unaccepted,
- more avoided,
- more loser,
- un accepted,
- most unaccepted,
- most disesteemed,
- most shunned,
- out of favor,
- more disfavored,
- un-accepted,
- dripper,
- more execrated,
- dis-liked,
- dis liked,
- unvalued,
- un loved,
- out favor,
- more loathed,
- Disfavored,
- dis esteemed,
- un welcome,
- most loser,
- most execrated,
- wimpy,
- un popular,
- uncared for,
- wimpiest,
- most detested,
- most disliked,
- more unvalued,
- more detested,
- most disfavored,
- more scorned,
- un valued.
• unrefined (adjective)
- un-refined,
- more troglodytic,
- most troglodytic,
- un refined.
• unsavory (adjective)
- un-savoriest,
- un savory,
- un-savorier,
- no good,
- un-savory,
- un savorier.
• voracious (adjective)
- most dog-hungry,
- more doghungry,
- more dog hungry,
- doghungry,
- dog hungry,
- starved death,
- most doghungry,
- more dog-hungry,
- most dog hungry.
• vulgar (adjective)
- outlandish,
- homespun,
- chintzy,
- cheap,
- barnyard,
- common,
- ignominious,
- sleazy,
- garish,
- ignoble,
- unseemly,
- depraved,
- sordid,
- indelicate,
- cockney,
- brazen,
- broad,
- idiomatic,
- scandalous,
- coarse-grained,
- unbecoming,
- shameless,
- profane,
- colloquial,
- degraded,
- barbaric.
• whole (adjective)
- most fulllength,
- most full-length,
- more full length,
- more fulllength,
- more full-length,
- full-length,
- in piece,
- fulllength,
- most full length,
- full length.
• wicked (adjective)
- unrighteous.
• yucky (adjective)
- skanky,
- yucky.
• beastly (adverb)
- monstrous,
- inhuman.
• beastly (adverb)
- swinish,
- Ferine,
- brutish.
• Other relevant words: (adverb)
- beastly.
- rigorous,
- grave,
- dire,
- desperate,
- acute,
- severe,
- serious,
- extreme,
- profound.
- good.
- be the bomb,
- my bad,
- decent,
- foul,
- word up.
- lock,
- and barrel,
- aggregate.
- clear.
• aggregate (noun)
- mass,
- assemblage,
- conglomerate,
- pile,
- body,
- heap,
- agglomerate,
- conglomeration,
- accumulation,
- combination,
- quantity,
- whole,
- lump,
- mixture,
- amount,
- agglomeration.
• all (noun)
- wall wall,
- whole shows,
- lock stock barrel,
- lock stock barrels,
- across board,
- whole nine yard,
- lock stock and barrels,
- utmosts.
• arrant (noun)
- arrant.
• bulk (noun)
- major parts,
- greater numbers,
- lions share,
- better parts,
- nearly alls,
- best parts,
- predominant parts,
- lion share,
- biggest shares,
- greater parts.
• conspicuous (noun)
- conspicuous.
• consummate (noun)
- consummate.
• double-dyed (noun)
- double-dyed.
• earn (noun)
- take in.
• earthy (noun)
- earthy.
• egregious (noun)
- egregious.
• entirety (noun)
- omneity,
- whole bit,
- intactness,
- absoluteness,
- Allness,
- universality,
- Integrality,
- Collectivity,
- undividedness,
- universalities,
- Collectiveness,
- omnitude,
- comprehensiveness,
- entireness.
• five or more (noun)
- sevenfold,
- fourscore,
- trillion,
- score,
- million,
- octet,
- decade,
- grand,
- hundred,
- septuple,
- billion,
- Jillion,
- decennium,
- octave,
- dozen,
- sixfold,
- teens,
- thousand,
- Duodecimo,
- hundredfold,
- hexad,
- octagon,
- octavo,
- sextuple.
• income (noun)
- re-turns,
- in-comes,
- re turns,
- in come,
- re-venues,
- re-venue,
- in comes,
- in black,
- take homes,
- re venue,
- in-come,
- re venues.
• macroscopic (noun)
- macroscopic.
• macroscopical (noun)
- macroscopical.
• megascopic (noun)
- megascopic.
• money (noun)
- stock,
- funds,
- purse,
- gold,
- coupon,
- currency,
- change,
- lucre,
- greenback,
- ingot,
- loot,
- dollar,
- check,
- bill,
- proceeds,
- fortune,
- iou,
- pocket money,
- nugget,
- issue,
- dough,
- sterling,
- bank note,
- spending money,
- worth,
- bullion,
- assets,
- treasure,
- coinage,
- money order,
- copper,
- balance sheet,
- net worth,
- wallet,
- scratch,
- wad,
- wampum,
- bankroll,
- pounds,
- silver,
- promissory note,
- draft,
- wherewithal,
- wealth,
- swag,
- ways and means,
- cash,
- capital,
- bond,
- money,
- moolah,
- petty cash,
- note.
• obvious (noun)
- obvious.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- across the board,
- bulk,
- winnings,
- Preponderancy,
- predominant part,
- whole schmear,
- adiposity,
- profit,
- principal part,
- takings,
- sum total,
- cleanup,
- integer,
- outturn,
- receipts,
- outturns,
- integrals,
- hefts,
- lock stock and barrel,
- integers,
- income,
- whole enchilada,
- biggest share,
- entirety,
- whole ball of wax,
- major part,
- weight,
- take home,
- organisms,
- whole nine yards,
- greater part,
- heft,
- tonnages,
- whole shebang,
- poundages,
- out-turns,
- whole shooting match,
- better part,
- full amount,
- cleanups,
- out-turn,
- greater number,
- tonnage,
- principal parts,
- sum,
- the works,
- whole show,
- wall to wall,
- best part,
- poundage,
- nearly all.
• overall (noun)
- overall.
• perfect (noun)
- perfect.
• porcine (noun)
- porcine.
• profit (noun)
- pro fits,
- out-put,
- out-puts,
- out puts,
- pro-fit,
- pro-duct,
- out turn,
- out put,
- pro-fits,
- pro ducts,
- out turns,
- pro fit.
• receipts (noun)
- revenue stream.
• revenue (noun)
- revenue.
• sodding (noun)
- sodding.
• total (noun)
- full amounts,
- flat outs.
• utter (noun)
- utter.
• weight (noun)
- sub-stances,
- sub-stance,
- g-factors,
- sub stance,
- gfactors,
- adiposities,
- gfactor,
- g factors,
- sub stances,
- g factor.
• whole (noun)
- hook line sinkers,
- whole shebangs,
- hook line and sinkers.
• attendance (verb)
- spectatorsed,
- gatheringed,
- boxes office,
- patronsing,
- witnesseses,
- witnessesses,
- assemblying,
- observersed,
- audienced,
- spectatorses,
- onlookerses,
- congregationed,
- witnessessed,
- turnouting,
- observersing,
- publicked,
- boxed office,
- turnouted,
- patronses,
- gatheringing,
- patronsed,
- onlookersing,
- observerses,
- audiencing,
- onlookersed,
- spectatorsing,
- publicking,
- witnessessing,
- assemblied,
- congregationing,
- boxing office.
• bring (verb)
- pro duce,
- selling for,
- re turn,
- Re-turn,
- pro-duces,
- re-turning,
- pro duces,
- sold for,
- sells for,
- re-turned,
- re turning.
• bring in (verb)
- are worth,
- were worth,
- co sting,
- am worth,
- being worth,
- was worth,
- art worth,
- wert worth,
- wast worth,
- is worth,
- co-sting.
• earn (verb)
- paid dues,
- de rives,
- made fast buck,
- re-aped,
- pays one dues,
- pro-curing,
- bring home bacon,
- paid one dues,
- makes big,
- de rived,
- art line for,
- be line for,
- re aping,
- payed ones dues,
- pro-cures,
- bringing home the groceries,
- bringing home groceries,
- brought home groceries,
- pays dues,
- de-rives,
- being in line for,
- de-rive,
- art in line for,
- pro-cured,
- wert in line for,
- is gainfully employed,
- are line for,
- was in line for,
- pro cured,
- pro-cure,
- were in line for,
- paying one dues,
- made it big,
- wast gainfully employed,
- is line for,
- wast line for,
- paid ones dues,
- bring home groceries,
- pro curing,
- paying ones dues,
- pays one’s dues,
- were gainfully employed,
- scraping together,
- scared up,
- pay ones dues,
- make big,
- making fast buck,
- de riving,
- scares up,
- art gainfully employed,
- re aped,
- paying one’s dues,
- bringing home,
- payed dues,
- wert line for,
- are in line for,
- brought home the groceries,
- pro cures,
- cleaning up,
- pays ones dues,
- is in line for,
- making big,
- makes it big,
- brought home,
- am line for,
- re-aping,
- was line for,
- scaring up,
- de rive,
- pay one dues,
- de-rived,
- wast in line for,
- being gainfully employed,
- scrapes together,
- being line for,
- paying dues,
- making it big,
- pro cure,
- scraped together,
- de-riving,
- makes fast buck,
- are gainfully employed,
- were line for,
- payed one dues,
- payed one’s dues,
- was gainfully employed,
- brings home the groceries,
- wert gainfully employed,
- made big,
- brings home groceries.
• pull in (verb)
- taking home,
- drawing in,
- draws in,
- takes home.
Other synonyms:
- Overpaid,
- immoral,
- worthless,
- Fescennine,
- well-paid,
- murky,
- deviant,
- unclean,
- gross out,
- pull down,
- hypocritical,
- indefensible,
- low-paid,
- decadent,
- malevolent,
- unpardonable,
- perverted,
- dishonorable,
- remunerative,
- wicked,
- unacceptable,
- blameworthy,
- reprehensible,
- unforgivable,
- squalid,
- degenerate,
- haul in,
- salaried,
- forbidden,
- earnings-related,
- sinful,
- per diem,
- dissolute,
- unethical,
- seamy,
- debauched,
- iniquitous,
- incorrigible,
- scatologic.
- taboo,
- overpay,
- errant,
- fatty,
- uncultured,
- wrong,
- fleshy,
- awesome,
- churlish,
- subhuman,
- criminal,
- unholy,
- Everything,
- ungodly,
- scatological,
- tainted,
- vile,
- weighty,
- shameful,
- portly,
- unnatural,
- unpaid.
- totality,
- improper,
- smutty,
- barbarian,
- uncultivated,
- generate.
- produce,
- overblown,
- paid,
- get back,
- yield,
- hourly.
- stout,
- dark,
- get together,
- realize.
- turn over,
- repay.
- pay,
- gain.
- draw,
- bank.
- work.
- pick up,
- make.
- get.
• attendance
- Companying,
- Housed,
- Companied,
- gathering,
- gating,
- Gated.
• bring
- sell for.
• bring in
- be worth,
- sell.
• Other relevant words:
- cleans up,
- bring home the groceries,
- animal,
- bring,
- scare up,
- scrape together,
- copping,
- clean up,
- pull in,
- be gainfully employed,
- took home,
- cleaned up,
- paid one’s dues,
- pay one’s dues,
- attendance,
- earn,
- Copped,
- gargantuan,
- make fast buck,
- drew in,
- bring in,
- be in line for,
- bring home,
- draw in,
- make it big,
- pay dues,
- brings home.
• untrained
- ignorant.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- execrable,
- petty,
- gross profit,
- harsh,
- fat,
- heinous,
- impossible,
- sad,
- scummy,
- noisome,
- small,
- fattish,
- miserable,
- preposterous,
- pitiful,
- woeful,
- teetotal,
- infamous,
- pokey,
- mangy,
- paltry,
- scrubby,
- thick,
- deplorable,
- shabby,
- tissue,
- reptilian,
- fantastical,
- little,
- mean,
- measly,
- main body,
- grievous,
- cheesy,
- dense,
- high-flown,
- shocking,
- abject,
- villainous,
- beggarly,
- unmentionable,
- extravagant,
- pitiable,
- opaque,
- beefy,
- snide,
- lamentable,
- ghastly,
- scabby,
- staple,
- dismal,
- fulsome,
- poky,
- poor,
- shoddy,
- regrettable.
How to use «Gross» in context?
When people hear the word «gross,» they immediately think of something disgusting, such as vomit or feces. However, the word can also refer to something that is odd or bizarre. For example, a gross scene in a movie might be when the character is stabbed in the stomach and starts to vomit blood. This is definitely not something that viewers are expecting and makes for a shocking moment. In the same way, gross body parts can be extremely unsettling for viewers. For example, someone with a gross body part might have a large, ugly scar on their stomach.
Paraphrases for Gross:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Proper noun, singular
blatant, brutal, enormous, glaring, huge, macroscopic, manifest, mindless, overt, rough, stark, vulgar, gravest, unworked, grossed-up.
Proper noun, singular
rough, lands, merchants, rules, pays, contributions, Burkes.
Noun, plural
Hairs, totals, feathers, CENTS.
Verb, past tense
Verb, 3rd person singular present
Other Related
brute, considerable, crass, crude, egregious, outrageous, serious.
Proper noun, singular
crude, serious.
Noun, singular or mass
brute, crude.
Homophones for Gross:
- grohs, grosz, Gros, groce.
Hyponym for Gross:
realize, make, earn, clear, bring in, pull in, take in, gain, realise.
WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
fine -
The movie grossed three million on the first weekend.
fine, net -
Coarse, rude, vulgar, obscene, or impure.
But man to know God is a difficulty, except by a mean he himself inure, which is to know God’s creatures that be: at first them that be of the grossest nature, and then […] them that be more pure. — 1874: Dodsley et al., A Select Collection of Old English Plays
net, fine -
Great, large, palpable, bulky, or fat.
net, fine -
fine, net -
gross domestic product
fine, net -
fine, net
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
adulterated, defiled, dirty, filthy, foul, immodest, impure, indecent, indelicate, lewd, mixed, obscene, polluted, stained, sullied, tainted, tarnished, unchaste, uncleanAntonyms:
absolute, chaste, classic, classical, clean, clear, continent, genuine, guileless, guiltless, holy, immaculate, incorrupt, innocent, mere, perfect, pure, real, sheer, simple, spotless, stainless, true, unadulterated, unblemished, uncorrupted, undefiled, unmingled, unmixed, unpolluted, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untainted, untarnished, upright, virtuous
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote
entire, vulgar, vicious, impure, coarse, bloated, sensual, animal, bulk, indelicate, outrageous, unseemly, shamefulAntonyms:
partial, net, pure, refined
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
gross, 144noun
twelve dozen
receipts, revenueAntonyms:
decent, clear, invisible, lean, unseeable, mitigated, specific, inconspicuous, thin, nett, net, take-home -
gross, revenue, receiptsadjective
the entire amount of income before any deductions are made
tax income, receipts, taxation, revenue, tax revenueAntonyms:
take-home, invisible, net, clear, unseeable, nett, inconspicuous, mitigated, decent, lean, thin, specific -
before any deductions
«gross income»
porcine, pure(a), utter(a), unadulterated, thoroughgoing(a), double-dyed(a), crude, perfect(a), egregious, vulgar, glaring, gross(a), staring(a), arrant(a), rank, stark(a), megascopic, flagrant, crying(a), consummate(a), everlasting(a), complete(a), sodding(a), earthyAntonyms:
inconspicuous, invisible, decent, nett, take-home, net, lean, specific, clear, mitigated, unseeable, thin -
lacking fine distinctions or detail
«the gross details of the structure appear reasonable»
porcine, pure(a), utter(a), unadulterated, thoroughgoing(a), double-dyed(a), crude, perfect(a), egregious, vulgar, glaring, gross(a), staring(a), arrant(a), rank, stark(a), megascopic, flagrant, crying(a), consummate(a), everlasting(a), complete(a), sodding(a), earthyAntonyms:
take-home, net, invisible, specific, thin, decent, unseeable, mitigated, nett, lean, clear, inconspicuous -
gross, porcineadjective
repellently fat
«a bald porcine old man»
porcine, pure(a), utter(a), unadulterated, thoroughgoing(a), double-dyed(a), crude, perfect(a), egregious, vulgar, glaring, gross(a), piggy, staring(a), arrant(a), rank, hoggish, stark(a), megascopic, flagrant, crying(a), consummate(a), everlasting(a), swinish, complete(a), sodding(a), earthy, piggishAntonyms:
net, lean, specific, inconspicuous, take-home, unseeable, invisible, clear, nett, thin, decent, mitigated -
megascopic, grossadjective
visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical features)
porcine, pure(a), utter(a), unadulterated, thoroughgoing(a), double-dyed(a), crude, perfect(a), egregious, vulgar, glaring, gross(a), staring(a), arrant(a), rank, stark(a), megascopic, flagrant, crying(a), consummate(a), everlasting(a), complete(a), sodding(a), earthyAntonyms:
inconspicuous, lean, net, clear, unseeable, take-home, decent, invisible, mitigated, nett, specific, thin -
arrant(a), complete(a), consummate(a), double-dyed(a), everlasting(a), gross(a), perfect(a), pure(a), sodding(a), stark(a), staring(a), thoroughgoing(a), utter(a), unadulteratedadjective
without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers
«an arrant fool»; «a complete coward»; «a consummate fool»; «a double-dyed villain»; «gross negligence»; «a perfect idiot»; «pure folly»; «what a sodding mess»; «stark staring mad»; «a thoroughgoing villain»; «utter nonsense»; «the unadulterated truth»
inconspicuous, unseeable, thin, invisible, decent, take-home, mitigated, specific, nett, lean, net, clear -
crude, earthy, gross, vulgaradjective
conspicuously and tastelessly indecent
«coarse language»; «a crude joke»; «crude behavior»; «an earthy sense of humor»; «a revoltingly gross expletive»; «a vulgar gesture»; «full of language so vulgar it should have been edited»
rough, plebeian, rank, coarse, perfect(a), consummate(a), unadulterated, raw, primitive, common, flagrant, arrant(a), porcine, crying(a), unwashed, staring(a), sodding(a), megascopic, unrefined, rough-cut, glaring, crude(a), rude, crude, complete(a), gross(a), egregious, double-dyed(a), stark(a), vernacular, pure(a), unprocessed, uncouth, blunt, everlasting(a), down-to-earth, earthy, thoroughgoing(a), vulgar, utter(a)Antonyms:
specific, unseeable, decent, nett, inconspicuous, lean, take-home, clear, net, invisible, mitigated, thin -
crying(a), egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, rankverb
conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
«a crying shame»; «an egregious lie»; «flagrant violation of human rights»; «a glaring error»; «gross ineptitude»; «gross injustice»; «rank treachery»
net, inconspicuous, clear, mitigated, decent, take-home, nett, lean, specific, thin, unseeable, invisible -
earn before taxes, expenses, etc.
invisible, decent, lean, inconspicuous, clear, unseeable, nett, thin, take-home, specific, net, mitigated
Matched Categories
- Earn
- Large Integer
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes
large, big, bulky, great -
dense, thick, not attenuated -
coarse, rough, rude, unrefined, indelicate, sensual, impure, vulgar, low, broad -
enormous, flagrant, shameful, unseemly, unbecoming, outrageous -
palpable, manifest, glaring -
whole, total, entire -
whole, total, aggregate, gross amount, sum total -
twelve dozen
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «gross»:
crude, raw, flagrant, rough, brute, bruto, blatant, serious, disgusting, total, grave, bully, mao, glaring, unworked, macroscopic, brutal, severe, coarse, egregious, bullies, grossed-up
Suggested Resources
Gross vs. Net — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Gross and Net.
Net vs. Gross — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Net and Gross.
How to pronounce gross?
How to say gross in sign language?
How to use gross in a sentence?
Donald Trump:
So we had the most secure border we’ve ever had… And then it’s all gone in one instant. At first, I thought it was gross incompetence, but now it’s incompetent policy. They really want to have an open border.
Jeffrey Gundlach:
It is too early to make a judgment on Pimco, less than one year is too early for any investment strategy. But I do think it would behoove them to clarify their investment process absent Bill Gross.
Jonathan Chaplin:
Verizon has been losing subscribers in the first quarter for the last few years – churn is higher than gross adds, with the drop in switching activity induced by social distancing, Verizon should have benefited.
Richard Richter:
It cost us a lot in lost revenue. Normally we do up of $ 3 million a year in gross revenue. Last year it was $ 600,000, it was just terrible.
Bridgit Danner:
Maybe it’s not going to be the gross abnormality that could n’t produce the healthy child but maybe there will be some subtler things in that child’s later fertility or learning ability, for example.
Translations for gross
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- مقرف, كلي, معيب, سئ,جارح, إجماليArabic
- veletucetCzech
- unempfindlich, brutto, dick, grob, Gros, unanständig, ekelhaftGerman
- gruesa, bruto, repulsivoSpanish
- lihava, krossi, bruttomyynti, inhottava, bruttomäärä, tympeä, vakava, valtava, karkea, bruttotulo, bruttoansio, ällöttävä, enemmistö, inha, suunnaton, törkeä, rahvaanomainen, vastenmielinen, iljettäväFinnish
- grossière, dégoûtant, brut, grossierFrench
- comhlán, grósaIrish
- dà dhusan dheugScottish Gaelic
- nagytucat, grossz, otromba, durva, goromba, bruttóHungarian
- complessivo, rude, imperdonabile, macroscopico, ripugnante, lordo, indecente, volgare, osceno, grossolano, crudele, rozzo, grave, impuro, grassoItalian
- きもいJapanese
- 심한Korean
- bruto, walgelijk, grosDutch
- ekkelNorwegian
- gros, ciężki, odstręczający, poważny, obleśny, bruttoPolish
- brutoPortuguese
- brut, scarbosRomanian
- валовой, тяжкий, серьёзный, отвратительный, притупленный, брутто, большой, омерзительный, похабный, грубый, гадкий, тучный, неприличный, противныйRussian
- brútoSlovene
- obscen, äcklig, tråkig, oanständig, brutto, grov, trist, allvarlig, tjock, fet, gross, svårSwedish
- iğrençTurkish
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- Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
- Românește (Romanian)
- Nederlands (Dutch)
- Ελληνικά (Greek)
- Latinum (Latin)
- Svenska (Swedish)
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- فارسی (Persian)
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- հայերեն (Armenian)
- Norsk (Norwegian)
- English (English)
Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:
Are we missing a good synonym for gross?
- before deductions
- before tax
- complete
- entire
- total
- whole
- aggregate
- all
- in sum
- whole ball of wax
- whole enchilada
- whole nine yards
- whole schmear
- whole shebang
- blatant
- brazen
- extreme
- flagrant
- absolute
- apparent
- capital
- complete
- glaring
- manifest
- obvious
- plain
- rank
- sheer
- shocking
- utter
- arrant
- downright
- egregious
- excessive
- exorbitant
- grievous
- heinous
- immoderate
- inordinate
- out-and-out
- outrageous
- outright
- perfect
- serious
- shameful
- unmitigated
- unqualified
- barnyard
- callous
- foul
- low
- offensive
- rank
- raw
- ribald
- rough
- boorish
- carnal
- cheap
- coarse
- corporeal
- crass
- fleshly
- ignorant
- improper
- impure
- indecent
- indelicate
- inelegant
- insensitive
- in the gutter
- lewd
- loudmouthed
- low-minded
- lustful
- obscene
- raunchy
- rude
- scatological
- sensual
- sleazy
- smutty
- swinish
- tasteless
- ugly
- uncouth
- uncultured
- undiscriminating
- unfeeling
- unrefined
- unseemly
- unsophisticated
- great
- heavy
- hulking
- husky
- overweight
- stout
- thick
- adipose
- big
- bulky
- chubby
- corpulent
- dense
- fleshy
- lumpish
- massive
- obese
- porcine
- portly
- unwieldy
- weighty
- aggregate
- entirety
- sum
- totality
- all
- sum total
- earn
- make
- take in
On this page you’ll find 343 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to gross, such as: before deductions, before tax, complete, entire, total, and whole.
- ambiguous
- concealed
- flawed
- hidden
- imperfect
- incomplete
- indefinite
- inferior
- limited
- moderate
- obscure
- uncertain
- unclear
- unfinished
- vague
- clean
- modified
- obscured
- clean
- decent
- good
- honest
- kind
- nice
- pleasing
- polite
- sensitive
- sophisticated
- little
- skinny
- slight
- small
- thin
- underweight
- slender
- net
- fraction
- part
- net
- lose
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
Embrace Quizcore Culture With This Gen Z Fashion Aesthetics Quiz!
How to use gross in a sentence
These numbers though are “gross underestimates” because they are based on “media reports we could access,” says Himanshu Thakkar, coordinator for SANDRP.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- barbarian
- barbaric
- base
- bawdy
- blue
- boorish
- brutish
- cheap
- churlish
- common
- crass
- crude
- dirty
- earthy
- filthy
- foul
- foul-mouthed
- gross
- gruff
- ill-bred
- immodest
- impolite
- improper
- impure
- incult
- indelicate
- inelegant
- loutish
- low
- lowbred
- mean
- nasty
- obscene
- off-color
- offensive
- raffish
- raunchy
- raw
- ribald
- rough
- roughneck
- rude
- scatological
- smutty
- tacky
- tasteless
- uncivil
- uncivilized
- uncouth
- uncultivated
- uncultured
- unpolished
- unrefined
- vulgar
- vulgarian
- aberrant
- anomalistic
- anomalous
- atypical
- bizarre
- curious
- deviant
- deviate
- deviating
- divergent
- eccentric
- exceptional
- extraordinary
- fantastic
- funny
- grody
- gross
- heteroclite
- heterodox
- heteromorphic
- irregular
- odd
- off-base
- off-color
- out of line
- peculiar
- preternatural
- queer
- screwy
- spastic
- strange
- uncommon
- unexpected
- unnatural
- unorthodox
- unusual
- weird
- abhorrent
- atrocious
- awful
- bad
- base
- beastly
- contemptible
- cursed
- despicable
- disgusting
- foul
- grim
- grody
- gross
- hairy
- hateful
- heinous
- hellish
- horrible
- horrid
- loathsome
- lousy
- nauseating
- obnoxious
- odious
- offensive
- repellent
- reprehensible
- repugnant
- repulsive
- revolting
- rotten
- sleazy
- stinking
- terrible
- vile
- wretched
- accumulation
- agglomerate
- agglomeration
- all
- amount
- assemblage
- body
- bulk
- combination
- conglomerate
- conglomeration
- gross
- heap
- lump
- mass
- mixture
- pile
- quantity
- sum
- the works
- total
- totality
- whole
- whole ball of wax
- whole enchilada
- whole schmear
- whole shooting match
- accumulations
- agglomerates
- agglomerations
- alls
- amounts
- assemblages
- bodies
- bulks
- combinations
- conglomerates
- conglomerations
- grosses
- heaps
- lumps
- masses
- mixtures
- piles
- quantities
- sums
- the works
- totalities
- totals
- whole ball of waxes
- whole enchiladas
- whole schmears
- whole shooting matches
- wholes
- complete
- entire
- full
- greatest
- gross
- outright
- perfect
- total
- utter
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
grossgross [grəυs]
1) то́лстый, ту́чный
2) гру́бый, вульга́рный; гря́зный; непристо́йный;
3) гру́бый, я́вный; ужа́сный;
4) валово́й; бру́тто;
6) просто́й, гру́бый, жи́рный ( о пище);
7) пло́тный, сгущённый; весьма́ ощути́мый
гру́бый; приту́пленный;
gross ear гру́бый, немузыка́льный слух
9) кру́пный, гру́бого помо́ла
10) большо́й, кру́пный; объёмистый
11) макроскопи́ческий
1) ма́сса;
а) о́птом; гурто́м;
б) в о́бщем, в це́лом
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > gross
grossgross error
суммарная погрешность
gross mass
общая масса
gross takeoff distance
полная взлетная дистанция
gross weight
общая масса
gross wing area
площадь крыла, включая подфюзеляжную часть
takeoff gross weight
общая взлетная масса
English-Russian aviation dictionary > gross
GROSSчто-то уж очень противное, грубое, вульгарное, отталкивающее. (См. также комментарии к слову SCURVY).
American slang. English-Russian dictionary > GROSS
grossПерсональный Сократ > gross
grossEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > gross
by (или in) the gross в общем, в целом by (или in) the gross оптом; гуртом gross гросс (12 дюжин; тж. small gross); great gross 12 гроссов gross большой; объемистый gross большой gross брутто gross буйный (о растительности) gross валовой; брутто; gross receipt валовой доход; gross value валовая стоимость gross валовой gross гросс (12 дюжин; тж. small gross); great gross 12 гроссов gross гросс (12 дюжин) gross грубый; притупленный; gross ear грубый, немузыкальный слух gross грубый, вульгарный; грязный; непристойный; gross story неприличный анекдот gross грубый, явный; ужасный; gross blunder грубая ошибка; gross dereliction of duty преступная халатность gross крупный, грубого помола gross крупный gross макроскопический gross масса gross объемистый gross плотный, сгущенный; весьма ощутимый gross простой, грубый, жирный (о пище); gross feeder тот, кто ест много и неразборчиво gross суммарный gross толстый, тучный; gross habit of body тучность gross грубый, явный; ужасный; gross blunder грубая ошибка; gross dereliction of duty преступная халатность gross грубый, явный; ужасный; gross blunder грубая ошибка; gross dereliction of duty преступная халатность gross грубый; притупленный; gross ear грубый, немузыкальный слух gross простой, грубый, жирный (о пище); gross feeder тот, кто ест много и неразборчиво gross толстый, тучный; gross habit of body тучность gross валовой; брутто; gross receipt валовой доход; gross value валовая стоимость receipt: gross gross валовая выручка gross gross валовой доход gross грубый, вульгарный; грязный; непристойный; gross story неприличный анекдот gross валовой; брутто; gross receipt валовой доход; gross value валовая стоимость value: gross gross валовая стоимость gross weight вес брутто; gross national product эк. валовой продукт страны weight: gross gross вес брутто gross gross масса-брутто
English-Russian short dictionary > gross
gross1. n гросс
2. n общее количество, всё в целом
3. a грубый, вульгарный
4. a грубый, похабный, непристойный, неприличный
5. a грубый, неизящный, топорный
6. a грубого помола; состоящий из крупных частиц
7. a арх. грубый, неотделанный
8. a простой, грубый; жирный
9. a большой, крупный; толстый, тучный
10. a грубый, явный, вопиющий
11. a грубый, нечувствительный; притуплённый
12. a тупой, непонятливый
13. a плотный; густой
14. a буйный, пышный
15. a спец. валовой; брутто
gross tonnage — валовая вместимость, валовой регистровый тоннаж
gross amount — валовая сумма; сумма-брутто; общее количество
gross weight — вес брутто; вес товара с тарой и упаковкой
gross sale — оптовая продажа; валовая выручка от продажи
Синонимический ряд:
1. fat (adj.) corpulent; dense; fat; fleshy; heavy; obese; overblown; overweight; porcine; portly; pursy; stout; thick; upholstered; weighty
2. flagrant (adj.) arrant; blatant; capital; egregious; flagrant; glaring; grievous; heinous; obvious; outrageous; rank; shameful
3. large (adj.) big; bulky; great; large; massive
4. material (adj.) corporeal; material; objective; phenomenal; physical; sensible; substantial; tangible
5. obscene (adj.) barnyard; coarse; crude; crusty; dirty; fescennine; filthy; foul; nasty; obscene; paw; profane; raunchy; rocky; scatological; scurrilous; smutty
6. raw (adj.) barbarian; barbaric; boorish; churlish; coarse; crass; crude; earthy; incult; inelegant; Philistine; raw; rough; rude; tasteless; uncivilised; uncouth; uncultivated; uncultured; unpolished; unrefined
7. utter (adj.) absolute; all-fired; black; blamed; blank; blankety-blank; blasted; bleeding; blessed; blighted; blinding; blithering; blue; confounded; consummate; crashing; dad-blamed; dad-blasted; dad-burned; damned; dang; darn; dashed; deuced; doggone; double-distilled; durn; utter
8. vulgar (adj.) animal; base; broad; indecent; indelicate; lewd; low; sensual; vulgar
9. whole (adj.) aggregate; all; complete; entire; outright; total; whole
11. gain (noun) gain; income; intake; profits
12. whole (noun) aggregate; all; be-all and end-all; entirety; sum; sum total; tale; total; totality; whole
13. pay (verb) bring in; clear; draw; earn; gain; net; pay; produce; realise; repay; return; yield
Антонимический ряд:
attractive; chaste; choice; clean; comely; dainty; decent; delicate; fine; handsome; incomplete; inconspicuous; intellectual; modified; moral; net; refined; thin
English-Russian base dictionary > gross
gross1. [grəʋs]
(pl без измен.)
2. общее количество, всё в целом
the gross of the army [of the people] — большая /основная/ часть армии [народа]
in (the) gross — а) в общем, в целом; б) оптом, гуртом
we earned a gross of 30 dollars — мы заработали в общем /в сумме/ тридцать долларов
2. [grəʋs]
1. 1) грубый, вульгарный
gross manner — грубая /вульгарная/ манера держаться
to use gross terms /language/ — употреблять грубые выражения, ругаться
2) грубый, похабный, непристойный, неприличный
2. 1) грубый, неизящный, топорный
2) грубого помола; состоящий из крупных частиц
3. простой, грубый; жирный ()
4. большой, крупный; толстый, тучный
a gross animal, an animal with a gross body — крупное животное
5. грубый, явный, вопиющий
gross error /mistake, blunder/ — грубая ошибка
gross injustice — явная /вопиющая/ несправедливость
gross lie — наглая /вопиющая/ ложь
gross ignorance — вопиющее /дремучее/ невежество
it is a gross exaggeration to say that… — было бы огромным преувеличением сказать, что…
6. 1) грубый, нечувствительный; притуплённый
gross ear — грубый /немузыкальный/ слух
to have gross nerves — иметь крепкие нервы, быть нечувствительным
2) тупой, непонятливый
7. плотный; густой
the darkness was so gross that it might be felt — темнота была такой плотной, что, казалось, её можно пощупать
8. буйный, пышный
the gross vegetation of the tropical jungle — буйная /пышная/ растительность тропического леса
gross income — валовой доход, общий доход
gross amount — а) валовая сумма; б) общее количество
gross weight — а) вес брутто; б) полётный вес
gross profit /receipts, revenue/ — валовая прибыль
3. [grəʋs]
давать получать () валовой доход, валовую прибыль
they grossed 10 million dollars — они получили валовую прибыль в размере 10 миллионов долларов
НБАРС > gross
большой, крупный; толстый
грубый, явный, вопиющий
gross balance — предварительный баланс [остаток], валовой остаток
gross price — валовая цена, цена брутто, брутто-цена
gross book value, gross cash flow, gross debt, gross dividend, gross domestic product, gross earnings, gross exposure, gross external debt, gross interest, gross international reserves, gross investment, gross invoice price, gross lease, gross national product, gross premium, gross premium income, gross premiums earned, gross premiums written, gross profit, gross profit margin, gross price, gross rate, gross sales, gross salary, gross tonnage, gross yield
грубый; жирный
общее количество; все в целом
the gross of the army [of the people] — большая [основная] часть армии [народа]
We earned a gross of 30 dollars. — Мы заработали в общем [в сумме] тридцать долларов.
эк.давать [получать] валовой доход [валовую прибыль]
The company grosses approximately $80 million a year. — В год компания получает валовую прибыль в размере примерно 80 млн. долл.
* * *
брутто: сумма без вычетов (напр., налогов).* * *
Банки/Банковские операции
Англо-русский экономический словарь > gross
имя прилагательное:имя существительное:
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > gross
grossАнгло-русский словарь по машиностроению > gross
1) большой, крупный; толстый, тучный
The man was so gross he could hardly get through the door. — Мужчина был такой толстый, что едва мог протиснуться в дверь.
corpulent, fat, obese, overweight, heavy, big, large, bulky, unwieldy, huge, great, vast, immense, enormous, monstrous, gigantic, massive, colossal, prodigious, titanic, gargantuan
3) грубый, явный, бросающийся в глаза, вопиющий
The accident was caused by gross negligence. — Авария произошла из-за явной невнимательности.
flagrant, downright, sheer, utter, complete, total, plain, glaring, obvious, manifest, rank, egregious, heinous, outrageous, unmitigated, unqualified, unequivocal
4) валовой; брутто
The firm’s gross profit was over a million dollars last year. — Валовая прибыль фирмы составила в прошлом году свыше миллиона долларов.
6) густой, плотный
7) грубый, вульгарный, пошлый; грязный, неприличный, непристойный, похабный
His gross remarks made us cringe. — Его грязные замечания вызвали у нас отвращение.
coarse, crude, unrefined, vulgar, indelicate, improper, uncouth, offensive, unseemly, lewd, lascivious, lecherous, carnal, smutty, foul-mouthed, earthy, ribald, indecent, obscene, licentious, sordid
грубый, жирный, не вызывающий аппетита
That sandwich looks gross. — Этот бутерброд выглядит страшно неаппетитно.
9) грубый; притупленный
1) общее количество; общая сумма
— in the grossSyn:
2) гросс
иметь общий доход; получать валовый доход
The film went on to gross $8 million in the US. — В США фильм собрал более восьми миллионов долларов.
Англо-русский современный словарь > gross
gross1) большой; объемистый
2) толстый, тучный; gross habit of body тучность
3) буйный (о растительности)
4) крупный, грубого помола
5) грубый, явный; ужасный; gross blunder грубая ошибка; gross dereliction of duty преступная халатность
6) простой, грубый, жирный (о пище); gross feeder тот, кто ест много и неразборчиво
7) грубый, вульгарный; грязный; непристойный; gross story неприличный анекдот
грубый; притупленный; gross ear грубый, немузыкальный слух
9) плотный, сгущенный; весьма ощутимый
10) валовой; брутто; gross receipt валовой доход; gross value валовая стоимость; gross weight вес брутто; gross national product econ. валовой продукт страны
11) макроскопический
1) масса; by (или in)
the gross
а) оптом; гуртом;
б) в общем, в целом
2) гросс (12 дюжин;
small gross); great gross 12 гроссов
* * *
1 (a) брутто; валовой; валовый; объемистый
2 (d) брутто; гросс
* * *
грубый; валовой, брутто
* * *
[ grəʊs]
гросс, масса
получать чистый доход, приносить чистый доход
грубый, вульгарный, непристойный; большой, крупный, толстый* * *
* * *
1. прил.
1) большой
2) буйный (о растительности)
3) грубый; явный, бросающийся в глаза
4) валовой
5) макроскопический
2. сущ.
1) общее количество; общая сумма
2) гросс (12 дюжин; тж. small gross)Новый англо-русский словарь > gross
grossАнгло-русский технический словарь > gross
grossваловой ; брутто ; чрезвычайный ; большой ; объемистый ; крупный ; ? gross amount ; ? gross assets ; ? gross average hourly earnings ; ? gross balance ; ? gross coefficient ; ? gross domestic product (GDP) ; ? gross domestic product at factor cost ; ? gr
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > gross
grossEnglish-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > gross
gross- объёмистый
- общее количество
- крупный (грубого помола)
- валовой
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > gross
grossThe Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > gross
The dividend gross-up is amount added to the actual dividend when calculating the dividend tax credit. — Корректирующая надбавка к дивиденду — это сумма, которая при расчете налогового кредита по дивидендам прибавляется к фактическому дивиденду.
Англо-русский экономический словарь > gross-up
grossThe new dictionary of modern spoken language > gross
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Gross — steht für: Gross SZ, Viertel der Gemeinde Einsiedeln in der Schweiz Groß (Hollabrunn), eine Katastralgemeinde von Hollabrunn Gross, ein andere Schreibweise für die Messeinheit Gros Gross Income, eine Bezeichnung für Nettohonorarumsatz Gross… … Deutsch Wikipedia
gross — 1 / grōs/ adj [Middle English, immediately obvious, from Middle French gros thick, coarse, from Latin grossus] 1: flagrant or extreme esp. in badness or offensiveness: of very blameworthy character a gross violation of the rules of ethics a gross … Law dictionary
Gross — Gross, a. [Compar. {Grosser}; superl. {Grossest}.] [F. gros, L. grossus, perh. fr. L. crassus thick, dense, fat, E. crass, cf. Skr. grathita tied together, wound up, hardened. Cf. {Engross}, {Grocer}, {Grogram}.] 1. Great; large; bulky; fat; of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gross — Gross, n. [F. gros (in sense 1), grosse (in sense 2). See {Gross}, a.] 1. The main body; the chief part, bulk, or mass. The gross of the enemy. Addison. [1913 Webster] For the gross of the people, they are considered as a mere herd of cattle.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gross — may refer to:* Gross (economics), before deductions (brutto) * Gross (unit), a counting unit equal to 144 * Gross examination, in anatomical pathology, identification of disease with the naked eye * Gross realm, in mysticism, the physical realm * … Wikipedia
gross — [grōs] adj. [ME grose < OFr gros, big, thick, coarse < LL grossus, thick] 1. big or fat and coarse looking; corpulent; burly 2. glaring; flagrant; very bad [a gross miscalculation] 3. dense; thick 4. a) lacking fineness, as in texture … English World dictionary
gross — [adj1] large, fat adipose, big, bulky, chubby*, corpulent, dense, fleshy, great, heavy, hulking, husky, lumpish, massive, obese, overweight, porcine, portly, stout, thick, unwieldy, weighty; concepts 773,781 Ant. skinny, slender, thin gross… … New thesaurus
gross — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unattractively large or bloated. 2) vulgar; unrefined. 3) informal very unpleasant; repulsive. 4) complete; blatant: a gross exaggeration. 5) (of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total.… … English terms dictionary
gross up — To convert a net figure into a gross one for the purpose of tax calculation, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑gross * * * ˌgross ˈup [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they gross up he/she/it … Useful english dictionary
GROSS (M.) — GROSS MICHAEL (1964 ) Surnommé l’«Albatros» en raison des son envergure, le nageur allemand Michael Gross bat douze records du monde au cours de sa carrière. Il remporte trois titres olympiques (200 mètres nage libre et 100 mètres papillon en… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Gross — Gross, NE U.S. village in Nebraska Population (2000): 5 Housing Units (2000): 1 Land area (2000): 0.130441 sq. miles (0.337841 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.130441 sq. miles (0.337841 sq. km) … StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places