- dignified
- dull
- earnest
- heavy
- muted
- quiet
- sage
- sedate
- sober
- subdued
- cold sober
- deadpan
- dour
- grim
- grim-faced
- leaden
- long-faced
- meaningful
- no-nonsense
- ponderous
- sad
- saturnine
- solemn
- somber
- staid
- strictly business
- thoughtful
- unsmiling
- acute
- fell
- heavy
- killing
- major
- pressing
- threatening
- afflictive
- consequential
- critical
- deadly
- destructive
- dire
- exigent
- fatal
- grievous
- hazardous
- important
- life-and-death
- momentous
- of great consequence
- ominous
- perilous
- serious
- severe
- significant
- ugly
- urgent
- vital
- weighty
- catacomb
- crypt
- mausoleum
- mound
- sepulcher
- shrine
- tomb
- vault
- final resting place
- last home
- permanent address
- place of interment
- resting place
- six feet under
On this page you’ll find 171 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to grave, such as: dignified, dull, earnest, heavy, muted, and quiet.
- insignificant
- little
- small
- trivial
- unimportant
- cheerful
- frivolous
- funny
- happy
- inconsequential
- ridiculous
- silly
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use grave in a sentence
The architects are likely rolling in their graves at this use of their plans, but our attention to detail allowed the producers of the virtual commencement video to transition seamlessly from the animated dome to images of the real one.
The water suggested the fear that he must be nearing the open sea, and he became supernaturally grave.
As soon as he had seen his mother, he would set off again, and never cease searching till he had found either Ramona or her grave.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- afflictive
- critical
- crucial
- dangerous
- decisive
- desperate
- dire
- essential
- grave
- serious
- severe
- sudden
- urgent
- vital
- ascetic
- astringent
- cold
- earnest
- exacting
- forbidding
- formal
- grave
- grim
- hard
- harsh
- inexorable
- inflexible
- obdurate
- rigid
- rigorous
- serious
- sober
- solemn
- somber
- stern
- stiff
- strict
- stringent
- unfeeling
- unrelenting
- disastrous
- distressing
- grave
- harsh
- intense
- painful
- serious
- terrible
- disastrous
- distressing
- grave
- harsh
- intense
- painful
- serious
- terrible
- catafalque
- coffin
- grave
- hearse
- pyre
- support
- big-time
- chief
- critical
- crucial
- exceptional
- four-star
- front-page
- grave
- great
- heavy
- high-power
- major-league
- playing hard ball
- professional
- serious
- strictly business
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for Grave?
architecture, burial place
Use filters to view other words, we have 1714 synonyms for grave.
If you know synonyms for Grave, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.
Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
grave [greɪv] прил
серьезный, тяжелый, тяжкий, тяжелейший, серьезнейший, нешуточный
(serious, heavy, severe)
- grave concern – серьезная озабоченность
- have grave consequences – иметь серьезные последствия
- grave condition – тяжелое состояние
- court of grave crimes – суд по тяжким преступлениям
мрачный, печальный
(grim, sad)
могильный, надгробный, погребальный
(sepulchral, tombstone, funeral)
- grave stone – могильный камень
(beyond the grave)
grave [greɪv] сущ
могилаж, братская могила, гробм, могилкаж
(tomb, mass grave, coffin, small grave)
- communal grave – братская могила
- new graves – новые гробы
- sites of mass graves – места массовых захоронений
Гравеср, ГРАВж
grave [greɪv] нареч
noun | ||
могила | grave, tomb, sepulcher, bed, entombment, cell | |
смерть | death, dying, demise, end, passing, grave | |
тупое ударение | grave | |
adjective | ||
серьезный | serious, severe, grave, earnest, strong, heavy | |
тяжелый | heavy, hard, severe, difficult, grave, heavyweight | |
важный | important, great, significant, big, momentous, grave | |
мрачный | gloomy, dark, grim, bleak, dismal, grave | |
степенный | sedate, staid, grave, range | |
опасный | dangerous, hazardous, unsafe, perilous, risky, grave | |
нешуточный | serious, grave | |
угрожающий | threatening, menacing, ominous, rampant, critical, grave | |
печальный | sad, sorrowful, mournful, deplorable, dismal, grave | |
низкий | low, lower, poor, deep, short, grave | |
веский | weighty, strong, valid, solid, powerful, grave | |
темный | dark, obscure, deep, black, murky, grave | |
влиятельный | influential, powerful, authoritative, grave, puissant, high-powered | |
авторитетный | authoritative, prestigious, magisterial, competent, established, grave | |
verb | ||
запечатлевать | imprint, stamp, register, impress, engrave, grave | |
гравировать | engrave, etch, grave, chase, enchase, carve | |
высекать | carve, hew, strike, cut, chisel, grave | |
вырезывать | grave, indent | |
чистить днище | grave |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
grave сущ
- tomb · sepulchre · sepulcher · resting place
- serious · severe · grievous · solemn
- burial · death · burial place
- deep · heavy · earnest
- sedate
- staid
- disposal · dumping
- grave accent
- serious, important, weighty, profound, significant, momentous, critical, acute, urgent, pressing, dire, terrible, awful, dreadful, exigent
- solemn, serious, sober, unsmiling, grim, somber, severe, stern, dour
- weighty, grievous, heavy
- sedate, sober, solemn
- life-threatening, serious, dangerous, severe, grievous
- burial site, gravesite, cemetery plot, tomb, sepulcher, vault, burial chamber, mausoleum, crypt, last resting place
- grave accent
- tomb
- sculpture, sculpt
- inscribe, scratch, engrave
Предложения со словом «grave»
Then, as you know, bodies are buried in a casket in a concrete-lined grave in a cemetery. |
Затем, как вы знаете, тела помещаются в гроб, а затем — в бетонную могилу на кладбище. |
I leave flowers on Paul’s grave and watch our two-year-old run around on the grass. |
Я оставляю цветы на могиле Пола и наблюдаю, как наша дочь, которой уже два года, бегает по траве. |
Gender as it functions today is a grave injustice. |
Существующие гендерные роли — огромная несправедливость. |
And this lump takes over my throat, as if each of those bodies just found a grave right here in my esophagus. |
Ком застрял в моём горле, как будто каждое из этих тел только что обрело могилу прямо здесь в моём пищеводе. |
When Josephine passed away, he planted violets at her grave , and just before his exile, he went back to that tomb site, picked some of those flowers, entombed them in a locket and wore them until the day he died. |
Когда Жозефина умерла, он посадил фиалки на её могиле, и непосредственно перед своим изгнанием он вернулся на эту могилу, сорвал несколько фиалок, положил их в медальон и носил с собой до самой смерти. |
Dead man rising from the grave , tearing people apart. |
Мертвец, восстающий из могилы, разрывающий людей на части. |
This person dug up a grave and stole a body. |
Этот человек раскопал могилу и украл из нее тело. |
The Devouring Mother, possessor of both womb and grave . |
Мать пожирающая, хозяйка и лона, и могилы. |
Be sure to water the flowers on my backyard grave . |
Не забудь поливать цветы на моей могиле на заднем дворе. |
Every other paper is literally putting dirt on my grave . |
Каждая вторая газета буквально кидает землю на мою могилу. |
Remember the two footprints inside the grave , Hastings? |
Помните отпечатки, которые были в яме, Гастингс? |
Kyiv has many places of historic interest, among them Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, St. Andrew’s Church, Vydubetsky Monastery, Askold’s Grave , St. Sophia’s Cathedral, the Golden Gate, the monuments to Bohdan Khmelnitski, Prince Volodimir and many others. |
В Киеве много исторических мест , среди них Киево — Печерская Лавра , Андреевская церковь , Выдубецкий монастырь , Аскольдова могила , Софиевский собор , Золотые Ворота , памятники Бо гдану Хмельницкому , князю Владимиру и много других . |
A secret he had never revealed, and had sworn to carry to his grave . |
Тайну, которую он никому и никогда не открывал и поклялся унести с собой в могилу. |
We found evidence at the crime scene believed to be related to the Grave Digger investigation. |
Мы нашли улики на месте преступления, которые, похоже, относятся к делу Могильщика. |
Getting a court order to dig up the grave without cause won’t be easy. |
Если оснований нет, добиться решения суда на вскрытие могилы будет непросто. |
A dull, grave evening, and a deepening twilight, were not favourable to the removal of the oppression on her spirits. |
Хмурый, мрачный вечер и сгущавшиеся сумерки благоприятствовали ее угнетенному состоянию. |
She felt deep satisfaction at fulfilling the promise she had made on her father’s grave . |
Исполнив обещание, данное у могилы отца, Трот испытала глубокое удовлетворение. |
Most archaeologists reckon that he was thrown into an unmarked grave , along with his heretic father. |
Большинство археологов полагает, что его захоронили в безымянной могиле вместе с отцом — еретиком. |
It was a very neat, rectangular grave with smooth sides and all the loose dirt scooped out by hand. |
Получилась очень аккуратная, прямоугольная могила с ровными краями и выбранной руками земляной крошкой. |
Her father was walking about the room, looking grave and anxious. |
Отец с мрачным и встревоженным видом расхаживал по комнате. |
A guard had led them there, grave and tall, his hand hovering near the butt of his blaster. |
Высокий и мрачный охранник, приведший их туда, держал руку на рукояти своего бластера. |
PELORAT, looking grave , was clearly unwilling to intrude on Trevize’s unhappy silence. |
Мрачный Пилорат никак не мог решиться нарушить молчание Тревиза. |
Yet the very viciousness of Navy’s counterattacks caused Niven grave doubts. |
Но сама аморальность контрмер Флота внушала Нивену мрачные сомнения. |
He put the Vegan in the coffin and nailed shut the lid, then climbed from the grave . |
Опустил покойного в гроб, приколотил крышку и выбрался из могилы. |
I will be in the grave with Christ, and will rise after betrayal. |
Я сойду во гроб со Христом и восстану с ним после предательства. |
I said stuff to set dear old mom spinning in her grave . |
Говорил такие слова, от которых моя милая старая мамочка переворачивалась в гробу. |
Great Boginja will be very angry when she rises from her grave . |
Душа Великой Богини была в бешенстве, что ее подняли из гроба. |
I’ll crack your shoulder blade You’ll drop so hard Elvis’ll turn in his grave |
Я с тобой сделаю такое, что Элвис перевернется в гробу. |
The Synod expresses grave concern about the potential harm if her condition should be made public. |
Синод выражает серьезную обеспокоенность негативным откликом общественности в случае, если о состоянии девушки станет известно. |
The first sailor that was infected pulled the whole crew down into a dark, watery grave . |
Первый матрос, пораженный болезнью, потянул за собой в темную могилу волн всю команду. |
Aurora has procured the exact location of Rebekah’s watery grave in two sealed envelopes. |
Аврора достанет точное местоположение Реббеки в водной могиле в двух запечатанных конвертах. |
So we did a search of the area and we discovered the second body in this shallow grave . |
Мы обыскали местность и нашли ещё одно тело в этой неглубокой могиле. |
She weeded the little bed of flowers in front of Fyodor’s grave , watered it, cleaned the stele surmounted with a red star. |
Она полола и поливала цветы на могиле Федора, чистила плиту, увенчанную красной звездой. |
They force the other girls to carry her body into the hills, dig a grave , and then bury her by a shed in the trees. |
Они заставили девушек нести её тело к горам, вырыть могилу и похоронить её возле хижины. |
They must stay to mourn him, to bury him, bring flowers to his grave . |
Они должны быть тут, чтобы оплакать его, похоронить, принести цветы на могилу. |
They actually buried me in a shallow grave , not even in the family plot. |
Они на самом деле похоронили меня в неглубокой могиле, даже не в семейном склепе. |
That is where they buried a saint and danced on his grave . |
Там они погребли святого и плясали на его могиле. |
Seeing a grave shadow on his cousin’s brow, however, was not such a surprise for Mitsuharu. |
На челе у него лежала суровая тень, что, впрочем, не слишком — то удивило Мицухару. |
Dorothy turned to the shaggy man, and her face was grave and reproachful. |
Дороти повернулась к Косматому с серьезным и укоризненным выражением лица. |
What’s to differentiate the archaeologist from the grave robber, bar education and hubris? |
Что отличает археолога от расхитителя гробниц, кроме образования и самомнения? |
The cold was the chill of the grave , and it carried the dusty must of an old tomb newly opened. |
Прохлада дышала холодом могилы, а ветер нес пыльную затхлость только что вскрытого старого склепа. |
Hers the hands that washed my body for burial, that straightened my limbs and wrapped me in a grave cloth. |
Ее руки омыли мое тело для погребения и завернули его в саван. |
He made Jevy hold her will while squatting by her grave . |
Пока он приседал вокруг могилы Рейчел, Жеви держал завещание. |
The headlights sank rapidly as the car’s powerful engine merely excavated its own grave . |
Фары быстро опускались вниз, по мере того как мощный двигатель автомобиля копал свою собственную могилу. |
I’m not afraid of anything but I cannot allow you to desecrate her grave . |
Я ничего не боюсь, но я не могу позволить вам осквернить ее могилу. |
They say that Susan and Richard Jrs grave sites have been violated. |
Что кто — то осквернил могилы Сюзан и Ричарда — младшего. |
She’s buried in a shallow grave right inside the tree line. |
Она закопана в неглубокой могиле, прямо между рядами деревьев. |
The ceiling stopped its giddy rush, and male voices somewhere nearby spoke with grave rapidity. |
Потолок остановил свой головокружительный бег, и где — то поблизости мужские голоса заговорили быстро и серьезно. |
By the side of this stone, which was a simple slab at the head of a grave , stood a rich monument, decorated with an urn and ornamented with the chisel. |
Рядом с этим простым надгробием стоял богатый памятник, украшенный урной и барельефами. |
The Tokugawa had suffered a grave defeat, but it might be said that they had shown their mettle. |
Токугава потерпел тяжкое поражение, но все же сумел доказать, что представляет собой достаточно крепкий орешек. |
His father would prefer a son dead than in this terrible disgrace which would speed him to his own grave . |
Отец предпочел бы, чтобы сын умер, но не оказался опозоренным. |
He was trying not to drag me to the grave with him, so he was shielding as best he could. |
Он пытался не утащить меня с собой в могилу, и потому закрывался изо всех сил. |
El Catolico smiled at him, saw that Harper was pointing at a fresh grave , neatly piled with earth and waiting for its headstone. |
Харпер указывал на свежую могилу под аккуратным холмиком, ожидающим надгробия. |
Each tree is at once a totem, a grave marker, and a small lumber mill. |
Каждое дерево было одновременно тотемом, памятником умершему и всемогущей фабрикой по изготовлению лесоматериалов и товаров. |
She could not imagine Mendel guilty of any crime, grave or small. |
И она не могла вообразить, чтобы он был повинен в малом или большом преступлении. |
I will never retreat until every last Colonial dog lies in a grave . |
Я не отступлю, пока каждая колониальная псина не окажется в могиле. |
I half expected this was the lead line to some new mockery of his, but his face was grave . |
Я почти ждал нового издевательства, но лицо его было серьезным. |
A dead man rising from the grave , tearing people apart? |
Мертвец, восстающий из могилы, разрывающий людей на части? |
To Lee Cousins it was like a corpse rising from its grave . |
Ли Казинсу показалось, что он видит мертвеца, поднявшегося из могилы. |
Four cemetery workers were digging up the grave in the bright light cast by the patrol-car headlamps. |
Четыре кладбищенских работника раскапывали могилу, освещенную ярким сиянием фар одной из полицейских машин. |
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
sad, serious, momentous, weighty, pressing, sedate, demure, thoughtful, sober, sombre, solemn, important, aggravated, heavy, cogentAntonyms:
joyous, merry, facetious, unimportant, ridiculous, trivial, light, frivolous, futile
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
death of a person
«he went to his grave without forgiving me»; «from cradle to grave»
grave accent, tombAntonyms:
noncrucial, frivolous, noncritical, unimportant -
grave, tombnoun
a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone)
«he put flowers on his mother’s grave»
grave accent, tombAntonyms:
noncrucial, frivolous, noncritical, unimportant -
grave accent, graveadjective
a mark (`) placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
grave accent, tombAntonyms:
unimportant, noncritical, frivolous, noncrucial -
grave, sedate, sober, solemnadjective
dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises
«a grave God-fearing man»; «a quiet sedate nature»; «as sober as a judge»; «a solemn promise»; «the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence»
severe, sober, serious, somber, earnest, sincere, dangerous, staid, unplayful, weighty, grievous, drab, sedate, life-threatening, solemn, heavy, sombreAntonyms:
noncrucial, noncritical, unimportant, frivolous -
dangerous, grave, grievous, serious, severe, life-threateningadjective
causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm
«a dangerous operation»; «a grave situation»; «a grave illness»; «grievous bodily harm»; «a serious wound»; «a serious turn of events»; «a severe case of pneumonia»; «a life-threatening disease»
severe, sober, serious, wicked, stark, unsafe, terrible, hard, spartan, stern, heavy, unplayful, weighty, monstrous, good, grievous, atrocious, sedate, flagitious, life-threatening, dangerous, knockout, austere, heartbreaking, heartrending, solemnAntonyms:
noncrucial, unimportant, frivolous, noncritical -
grave, grievous, heavy, weightyverb
of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought
«grave responsibilities»; «faced a grave decision in a time of crisis»; «a grievous fault»; «heavy matters of state»; «the weighty matters to be discussed at the peace conference»
heartrending, sullen, laborious, heavy, overweight, toilsome, intemperate, corpulent, sound, serious, gruelling, dense, grueling, wakeless, with child(p), threatening, solemn, profound, backbreaking, severe, cloggy, heavy(a), large(p), great(p), clayey, enceinte, flagitious, grievous, monstrous, fleshy, atrocious, weighed down, hard, weighty, impenetrable, life-threatening, expectant, lumbering, ponderous, sedate, heartbreaking, sonorous, dangerous, arduous, operose, sober, rotund, heavy(p), big(a), labored, obese, laboured, punishing, cogent, telling, gravid, big(p), lowering, leadenAntonyms:
frivolous, noncritical, unimportant, noncrucial -
sculpt, sculpture, graveverb
shape (a material like stone or wood) by whittling away at it
«She is sculpting the block of marble into an image of her husband»
sculpt, scratch, sculpture, inscribe, engraveAntonyms:
noncritical, frivolous, unimportant, noncrucial -
scratch, engrave, grave, inscribeverb
carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface
«engrave a pen»; «engraved the trophy cupt with the winner’s»; «the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree»
itch, call off, scrape up, enrol, expunge, enter, fret, recruit, strike, etch, chafe, sculpture, code, cipher, cypher, come up, scratch, autograph, cancel, inscribe, write in code, encrypt, engrave, scrub, sculpt, scrape, fray, encipher, enroll, excise, scratch up, rubAntonyms:
noncrucial, unimportant, frivolous, noncritical
Matched Categories
- Carve
- Death
- Topographic Point
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
engrave, imprint, infix, impress deeply -
carve, form by cutting -
pit (for a dead body), sepulchre, tomb, ossuary, charnel-house, narrow house, long home -
important, weighty, momentous, cogent, of great consequence -
sober, serious, sedate, thoughtful, demure, staid, solemn -
plain, not showy, not tawdry -
(Music.) deep, not acute, low in pitch
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
important, momentous, serious, sober, solemn, staid, demure, sedate, quiet, thoughtful, subdued, sepulchral -
tomb, sepulcher, charnel-house, ossuary, sepulture, tumulus, barrow
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «grave»:
serious, severe, tomb, deep, gross, profound, acute, graves, seriously, cemetery, dangerous, falls, major, burial, great, severely, heavy, dire, grievous, gravesite, gravely, graveyard
Suggested Resources
Song lyrics by grave — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by grave on the Lyrics.com website.
How to pronounce grave?
How to say grave in sign language?
How to use grave in a sentence?
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier:
The road on which we have been and we are on, is probably the first step for calming down the situation, but we all know that we are still very far from a solution, and I need to underline again the financial engagement which we will have to Ukraine, given its grave economic situation.
Dilma Rousseff:
I cannot conclude my remarks without mentioning the grave moment Brazil is currently undergoing, i have no doubt our people will be capable of preventing any setbacks.
Marc Fernich:
While respecting the Court’s ruling, we’re disappointed that substantial allegations of grave jury misconduct continue to be swept under the rug and left wholly unexamined in a case of historic proportion — all, it appears, because of the defendant’s matchless notoriety.
Dame Rebecca West:
If the whole human race lay in one grave, the epitaph on its headstone might well be: «It seemed a good idea at the time.»
Marco Rubio:
And given their history of repression, Chinese troops massed on border is cause for grave concern.
Translations for grave
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- адамраAbkhaz
- grafAfrikaans
- ضريح, قبرArabic
- qəbir, məzarAzerbaijani
- ҡәберBashkir
- магі́лаBelarusian
- гробBulgarian
- কবরBengali
- seriós, greu, sepulcreCatalan, Valencian
- hrob, závažný, vážnýCzech
- grav, begravelseDanish
- Grab, dumpf, gemessen, furchtgebietend, dunkel, gravitätisch, gewichtig, respektgebietendGerman
- βαρύς, τάφος, βαρείαGreek
- tomboEsperanto
- apremiante, bajo, grabar, esculpir, sombrío, grave, fosa, tumba, tallar, solemne, serio, reservado, seco, sepulturaSpanish
- haudEstonian
- گور, قبرPersian
- vakava, hauta, matalaFinnish
- grave, tombe, tailler, graver, sculpterFrench
- grêfWestern Frisian
- uaighIrish
- uaighScottish Gaelic
- oaieManx
- קֶבֶרHebrew
- क़ब्र, गंभीरHindi
- sírHungarian
- գերեզմանArmenian
- kuburIndonesian
- gröfIcelandic
- tomba, fossaItalian
- 墓Japanese
- საფლავი, სამარეGeorgian
- мазар, қабырKazakh
- 무덤Korean
- merzel, tirb, mezar, ziyaret, gorr, qebir, قهبر, گۆڕKurdish
- көр, мүрдө, мүрзө, бейитKyrgyz
- sepulchrumLatin
- GrafLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- ຂຸມເຮ່ວ, ຊຸມຜີ, ຂຸມຝັງສົບLao
- kapasLithuanian
- kapsLatvian
- гробMacedonian
- булшMongolian
- pusara, kuburMalay
- qabarMaltese
- grafDutch
- gravNorwegian Nynorsk
- gravNorwegian
- ингӕнOssetian, Ossetic
- poważny, grób, mogiłaPolish
- sepulturaPortuguese
- mormântRomanian
- выреза́ть, гравирова́ть, серьёзный, моги́ла, гра́вис, [[производи́ть]] [[впечатле́ние]], [[произвести́]] [[впечатле́ние]], тяжёлый, ни́зкий, гробRussian
- гро̏б, grȍbSerbo-Croatian
- hrobSlovak
- gròbSlovene
- varrAlbanian
- gravSwedish
- kaburiSwahili
- கல்லறைTamil
- సమాధిTelugu
- қабр, гӯрTajik
- หลุมฝังศพ, หลุมศพThai
- gör, mazarTurkmen
- mezarTurkish
- каберTatar
- моги́лаUkrainian
- قبرUrdu
- qabr, goʻr, quburUzbek
- mả, mộ, dấu huyềnVietnamese
- גרובYiddish
- 墓穴Chinese
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n burying place, crypt, last resting place, mausoleum, pit, sepulchre, tomb, vault
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
grave [2]
1 dignified, dour, dull, earnest, gloomy, grim-faced, heavy, leaden, long-faced, muted, quiet, sage (obsolete) sedate, serious, sober, solemn, sombre, staid, subdued, thoughtful, unsmiling
2 acute, critical, crucial, dangerous, exigent, hazardous, important, life-and-death, momentous, of great consequence, perilous, pressing, serious, severe, significant, threatening, urgent, vital, weighty
carefree, exciting, flippant, happy, joyous, merry, undignified
2 frivolous, insignificant, mild, trifling, unimportant
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
( graves plural) ( graver comparative) ( gravest superlative )
Pronounced greɪv, except for meaning 5, when it is pronounced grɑ:v.
1 n-count A grave is a place where a dead person is buried.
They used to visit her grave twice a year.
2 n-count You can refer to someone’s death as their grave or to death as thegrave.
oft to N, oft poss/adj N
…drinking yourself to an early grave…, Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.
3 adj A grave event or situation is very serious, important, and worrying.
He said that the situation in his country is very grave…, I have grave doubts that the documents tell the whole story.
gravely adv ADV adj, ADV with v
They had gravely impaired the credibility of the government.
4 adj A grave person is quiet and serious in their appearance or behaviour.
William was up on the roof for some time and when he came down he looked grave…
gravely adv ADV with v, ADV adj
`I think I’ve covered that business more than adequately,’ he said gravely.
5 adj In some languages such as French, a grave accent is a symbol that is placed over a vowel in a word to show how the vowel is pronounced. For example, the word `mère’ has a grave accent over the first `e’.
6 If you say that someone who is dead would turn in their graveat something that is happening now, you mean that they would be very shocked or upset by it, if they were alive.
turn in their grave phrase V and N inflect
Darwin must be turning in his grave at the thought of what is being perpetrated in his name.
from the cradle to the grave
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