- colossal
- enormous
- gargantuan
- giant
- huge
- immense
- jumbo
- mammoth
- massive
- monstrous
- tremendous
- vast
- Moby
- blimp
- brobdingnagian
- cyclopean
- elephantine
- gross
- herculean
- monster
- prodigious
- stupendous
- supercolossal
- titan
- whopping
On this page you’ll find 73 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to gigantic, such as: colossal, enormous, gargantuan, giant, huge, and immense.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use gigantic in a sentence
Flashy department stores sprang up in cities, sparkling new malls dotted the suburbs, and big-box stores grew to gigantic proportions around the country.
The embankment or road-bed was commenced by gigantic piling, and is very broad and substantial.
The gigantic pylon, its shoulders breaking the sky four-square far overhead, seemed the prodigious portal of another world.
Emigration is now proceeding with gigantic strides, and is destined for some time to continue.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- behemoth
- brobdingnagian
- colossal
- elephantine
- enormous
- gargantuan
- gigantesque
- gigantic
- ginormous
- great
- herculean
- huge
- hulking
- humongous
- humungous
- immense
- jumbo
- large
- mammoth
- massive
- monster
- monstrous
- monumental
- mountainous
- prodigious
- pythonic
- sizable
- stupendous
- titanic
- tremendous
- vast
- almighty
- backbreaking
- colossal
- courageous
- forceful
- gargantuan
- gigantic
- hard
- heroic
- huge
- impressive
- laborious
- mighty
- strenuous
- tough
- vigorous
- astronomic
- colossal
- considerable
- enormous
- epic
- gigantic
- ginormous
- humongous
- jumbo
- mammoth
- massive
- mega
- monster
- monumental
- prodigious
- sizeable
- tremendous
- vast
- very big
- very large
- whopping
- a whale of a
- ample
- awash
- brimming
- bulky
- burly
- capacious
- chock-full
- colossal
- commodious
- considerable
- copious
- crowded
- enormous
- extensive
- fat
- full
- gigantic
- heavy-duty
- heavyweight
- hefty
- huge
- hulking
- humongous
- husky
- immense
- jumbo
- mammoth
- massive
- mondo
- monster
- oversize
- packed
- ponderous
- prodigious
- roomy
- sizable
- spacious
- strapping
- stuffed
- substantial
- supercolossal
- thundering
- tremendous
- vast
- voluminous
- walloping
- whopper
- whopping
- Bunyanesque
- behemoth
- colossal
- elephantine
- enormous
- gargantuan
- gigantesque
- gigantic
- ginormous
- great
- herculean
- huge
- hulking
- humongous
- humungous
- immense
- jumbo
- large
- mammoth
- massive
- monster
- monstrous
- monumental
- mountainous
- prodigious
- pythonic
- sizable
- stupendous
- titanic
- tremendous
- vast
- barn door
- behemothic
- blimp
- cyclopean
- elephantine
- enormous
- gargantuan
- giant
- gigantic
- huge
- humongous
- immense
- jumbo
- mammoth
- mondo
- monstrous
- mountainous
- super
- titanic
- vast
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for gigantic?
480 synonyms found
[ d͡ʒa͡ɪɡˈantɪk], [ dʒaɪɡˈantɪk], [ dʒ_aɪ_ɡ_ˈa_n_t_ɪ_k]
Related words: colossal animal, best animal planet shows, biggest animal on earth, largest animals in the world, largest land animals, biggest land animals, largest animal in the world, largest mammal
Related questions:
Table of Contents
• Brobdingnagian (adjective)
- more gigantesque,
- most behemoth,
- more behemoth,
- more humungous,
- most humungous,
- most gigantesque.
• Herculean (adjective)
- impressive,
- backbreaking,
- laborious,
- strenuous,
- mighty,
- almighty,
- hard,
- tough,
- vigorous,
- heroic,
- courageous,
- forceful.
• all (adjective)
- gigantic.
• astronomical (adjective)
- considerable,
- astronomic,
- very large,
- epic,
- ginormous,
- Mega,
- sizeable,
- very big.
• big (adjective)
- crowded,
- brimming,
- sizable,
- burly,
- awash,
- full,
- hefty,
- whopper,
- voluminous,
- extensive,
- fat,
- roomy,
- chock-full,
- stuffed,
- commodious,
- heavyweight,
- copious,
- substantial,
- capacious,
- strapping,
- bulky,
- ponderous,
- ample,
- packed,
- thundering,
- spacious.
• colossal (adjective)
- super.
• cyclopean (adjective)
- cyclo pean,
- more brobdignagian,
- most brobdignagian,
- cyclo-pean.
• elephantine (adjective)
- towering,
- humongous,
- grand.
• enormous (adjective)
- gross,
- excessive.
• gigantic (adjective)
- blimp,
- massive,
- titan,
- immense,
- Moby.
• great (adjective)
- extreme,
- grievous,
- extravagant,
- extended,
- prolonged,
- major league,
- decided,
- long,
- inordinate,
- terrible,
- pronounced,
- numerous,
- bull,
- abundant,
- strong,
- lengthy,
- protracted,
- big league.
• high (adjective)
- sky-high,
- altitudinous,
- High-reaching,
- high rise,
- sky-scraping.
• huge (adjective)
- more outsize,
- out size,
- out-size,
- most outsize.
• husky (adjective)
- most well built,
- more wellbuilt,
- more well built,
- wellbuilt,
- more well-built,
- most wellbuilt,
- most well-built,
- well built,
- stalwart.
• immense (adjective)
- in terminable,
- in finite,
- un-bounded,
- in-finite,
- inter-minable,
- inter minable,
- in-terminable,
- un bounded.
• large (adjective)
- expansive,
- goodly,
- comprehensive,
- generous,
- majestic,
- magnificent,
- soaring,
- lofty,
- grandiose,
- cavernous,
- princely,
- awesome,
- baggy.
• large-scale (adjective)
- largescale,
- large scale.
• massive (adjective)
- most cracking,
- more cracking.
• monolithic (adjective)
- uni-form,
- uni form.
• monumental (adjective)
- awe inspiring,
- out standing,
- out-standing,
- aweinspiring,
- un-forgettable,
- un forgettable.
• mountainous (adjective)
- most highland,
- more highland,
- highland.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- heavy-duty,
- leviathan,
- humungous,
- astronomical,
- tremendous,
- super-duper,
- king-size,
- whopping,
- well-built,
- spread-out,
- vast,
- mammoth,
- stretched-out,
- Towery,
- cyclopean,
- stupendous,
- monolithic,
- Whaling,
- whale of a,
- hulking,
- buller,
- supercolossal,
- Gigantesque,
- outsize,
- superduper,
- spread out,
- unmatchable,
- big,
- large-scale,
- giant,
- elephantine,
- behemothic,
- monumental,
- stretched out,
- high,
- gargantuan,
- a whale of a,
- great,
- large,
- skyscraping,
- great big,
- untold,
- mountainous,
- oversize,
- Brobdingnagian,
- terrific,
- neverending,
- super-colossal,
- barn door,
- walloping,
- huge,
- mondo,
- colossal,
- enormous,
- unmeasurable,
- Massy,
- husky,
- super colossal,
- prodigious,
- pre-eminent,
- extra ordinary.
• prodigious (adjective)
- more king size,
- kingsize,
- king size,
- more king-size,
- most king-size,
- most king size,
- more kingsize,
- most kingsize.
• stupendous (adjective)
- titantic,
- fab.
• terrific (adjective)
- dis-quieting,
- dis quieting,
- up-setting,
- more agitating,
- most terrorizing,
- most agitating,
- more terrorizing,
- up setting.
• towering (adjective)
- most spiring,
- most unmatchable,
- more spiring,
- extra-ordinary,
- more towery,
- un-matchable,
- sub-lime,
- un-duer,
- para-mount,
- most surpassing,
- most towery,
- para mount,
- Spiring,
- un-due,
- un measurable,
- more surpassing,
- most unmeasurable,
- sur-passing,
- in tense,
- un-measurable,
- un-duest,
- un due,
- in-tenser,
- in tenser,
- pre eminent,
- sub lime,
- in-tense,
- un matchable,
- more unmeasurable,
- un duest,
- more unmatchable,
- in-tensest.
• tremendous (adjective)
- whaler,
- in-credible,
- whalest,
- in credible.
• untold (adjective)
- unspeakable,
- undreamed of,
- innumerable,
- innumerous,
- unnumbered,
- unnumberable.
• vast (adjective)
- more spread out,
- more expanded,
- more stretched out,
- de-tailed,
- most spreadout,
- de tailed,
- farreaching,
- farflung,
- stretchedout,
- more spreadout,
- most stretchedout,
- most stretched out,
- never ending,
- most expanded,
- more stretchedout,
- spreadout,
- most spread out,
- more spread-out,
- most spread-out,
- all inclusive,
- most stretched-out,
- more stretched-out,
- most forever,
- far reaching,
- allinclusive,
- un-limited,
- far flung,
- more forever.
- study at enormous.
- behemoth,
- monster,
- monstrous,
- herculean.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- size.
Other synonyms:
- jumbo,
- Bunyanesque,
- mastodonic,
- Pythonic.
- titanic.
• bivalve
- oyster.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- indefinitely,
- wiry,
- basic,
- cardinal,
- not a little,
- extraordinary,
- beetling,
- tag,
- lank,
- uniform,
- acutely,
- loose,
- consummate,
- outsized,
- lanky,
- outrageous,
- stolid,
- measureless,
- wide,
- impenetrable,
- characterless,
- muckle,
- upper,
- splinter,
- overmuch,
- sinewy,
- out-and-out,
- abandoned,
- intensely,
- gangly,
- beyond all bounds,
- limitless,
- exorbitant,
- prestigious,
- bad,
- macro,
- supreme,
- leggy,
- amplitudinous,
- beyond measure,
- statuesque,
- exalted,
- unmatched,
- awful,
- indeed,
- broad,
- inflexible,
- fabulous,
- heinous,
- richly,
- solid,
- incalculably,
- whacking,
- horrible,
- unrivalled,
- gluttonous,
- exquisitely,
- immovable,
- stiff,
- horrendous,
- infinite,
- rag,
- scrap,
- exceedingly,
- heavy,
- arrant,
- undifferentiated,
- highest,
- deal,
- corpulent,
- interminable,
- broad-shouldered,
- overdeveloped,
- planetary,
- pretty well,
- long-legged,
- hypertrophied,
- paramount,
- significant,
- adipose,
- flagrant,
- overgrown,
- formidable,
- ultra,
- majuscule,
- powerfully,
- giantlike,
- obese,
- supersized,
- well,
- indeterminate,
- immoderate,
- out of sight,
- overlarge,
- imposing,
- elevated,
- unsurpassed,
- so,
- magniloquent,
- ever so,
- intemperate,
- unlimited,
- rangy,
- countless,
- hanging,
- incalculable,
- beyond compare,
- rigid,
- never-ending,
- Overgreat,
- extremely,
- staggering,
- boundless,
- superior,
- tall,
- unforgivable,
- muscular,
- very,
- weighty,
- topmost,
- inexhaustible,
- glaring,
- immeasurably,
- beyond comparison,
- no end of,
- shred,
- most,
- intractable,
- well-knit,
- featureless,
- unreasonable,
- unbridled,
- beefy,
- outstanding,
- exaggerated,
- galactic,
- unconscionable,
- Vasty,
- abysmal,
- very much,
- unparalleled,
- steep,
- pretty,
- enough,
- egregious,
- uppercase,
- eminent,
- unrestrained,
- greatly,
- pharaonic,
- oversized,
- endless,
- too much,
- cosmic,
- incontinent,
- Gigantean,
- king-sized,
- undue,
- unequally,
- immeasurable,
- in the extreme,
- unbounded,
- able-bodied,
- extra-large,
- Cosmical,
- brawny,
- athletic,
- overweening,
- Swapping,
- hyperbolic,
- fancy,
- infinitely,
- unbending,
- much,
- horrific,
- profound,
- invulnerable,
- gangling,
- thumping.
How to use «Gigantic» in context?
Word count: 1,491
Paraphrases for Gigantic:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
colossal, gargantuan, giant, huge, immense, mammoth, massive.
Noun, singular or mass
big, dramatic, extraordinary, immeasurable, incredible, large-scale, major, mighty, momentous, monstrous, overwhelming, phenomenal, prodigious, quantum, significant, staggering, sweeping, terrific, tidal, voluminous, whopping, Mega.
Other Related
considerable, daunting, enormous, formidable, gaping, great, herculean, large, monumental, substantial, tremendous, vast, yawning.
Word of the Day
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- Synonyms:
twist tie,
- GIGANTIC synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- GIGANTIC synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— GIGANTIC synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of GIGANTIC
— another words for GIGANTIC
All synonyms in one line
astronomical, big, broad, colossal, cracking, en.synonym.one, enormous, extensive, fantastic, giant, grand, great, huge, immense, infinite, large, mammoth, massive, monstrous, monumental, outrageous, prodigious, stupendous, titanic, tremendous, vast.
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Synonyms for Gigantic. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 30, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/gigantic
Synonyms for Gigantic. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/gigantic>.
Synonyms for Gigantic. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/gigantic.
Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
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- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote
Large denotes extension in more than one direction, and beyond the average of the class to which the object belongs; we speak of a large surface or a large solid, but of a long line; a large field, a large room, a large apple, etc. A large man is a man of more than ordinary size; a great man is a man of remarkable mental power. Big is a more emphatic word than large, but of less dignity. We do not say that George Washington was a big man.
abundant, ample, big, broad, bulky, capacious, coarse, colossal, commodious, considerable, enormous, extensive, grand, great, huge, immense, large, long, massive, spacious, vast, wideAntonyms:
brief, diminutive, inconsiderable, infinitesimal, insignificant, limited, little, mean, microscopic, minute, narrow, paltry, petty, scanty, short, slender, slight, small, tiny, trifling, trivial
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
gigantic, mammothadjective
so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth
«a gigantic redwood»; «gigantic disappointment»; «a mammoth ship»; «a mammoth multinational corporation»
mammoth, giganticAntonyms:
small, little
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «gigantic»:
giant, huge, enormous, mammoth, massive, immense, tremendous, monumental, daunting, colossal, gargantuan
How to pronounce GIGANTIC?
How to say GIGANTIC in sign language?
How to use GIGANTIC in a sentence?
Steven Daghlian:
The challenge from here is how long we can maintain these improvements, speaking of the Aussie market specifically, a 6% gain in two weeks is obviously a massive challenge to replicate in the tail end of the month. You don’t really see 10, 11, 12% improvements over the course of a month without any gigantic positive catalysts.
Hoda Kamel:
There is no fair labor law, no free union law, and there is no change in economic policies, factories are shutting down and there are fewer jobs while the informal sector is gigantic … When the revolution happened, people thought they will get their rights. But policies remained the same.
Vaagn Andikyan:
During the surgery, we removed this gigantic tumor that originated from her left ovary. We removed her left ovary, her left( fallopian) tube, and we removed the affected peritoneal tissue that was adhering to the ovary.
Alex Salmond:
We’re seeing an electoral tsunami on a gigantic scale, the SNP are going to be impossible to ignore and very difficult to stop.
Trevor Reed:
We’ve been told that even during the Cold War, they kept channels open. Even Kennedy was able to talk to Khrushchev during the Cuban missile crisis, anyone that’s advocating for closing embassies and cutting them off, that’s a gigantic mistake when two major nuclear powers are not speaking and are at odds with each other.
Translations for GIGANTIC
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- ضخم, هائلArabic
- ramzelBreton
- gegantí, gegantescCatalan, Valencian
- obrovský, obříCzech
- gigantiskDanish
- gigantischGerman
- gigantaEsperanto
- gigante, gigantescoSpanish
- غول آساPersian
- jättiläismäinen, jättimäinenFinnish
- gigantesqueFrench
- xigantesco, xiganteGalician
- gigászi, gigantikusHungarian
- gigantaIdo
- gigantescoItalian
- 巨大なJapanese
- gigantisks, milzīgsLatvian
- gigantischDutch
- gigantescoPortuguese
- uriaș, giganticRomanian
- гигантский, громадныйRussian
- jättestor, gigantiskSwedish
- devasaTurkish
- 巨大Chinese
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Are we missing a good synonym for GIGANTIC?
Brobdingnagian, colossal, Cyclopean, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan, giant, herculean, huge, humongous or humungous (U.S. slang) immense, mammoth, monstrous, prodigious, stellar (informal) stupendous, titanic, tremendous, vast
diminutive, insignificant, little, miniature, puny, small, tiny, weak
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
If you describe something as gigantic, you are emphasizing that it is extremely large in size, amount, or degree. adj
…gigantic rocks…, A gigantic task of national reconstruction awaits us.
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
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