What is another word for Fraud?
deceit, misrepresentation
Use filters to view other words, we have 1332 synonyms for fraud.
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Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
fraud [frɔːd] сущ
мошенничествоср, обманм, мошенникм, подделкаж, жульничествоср, фальшивкаж, махинацияж, афераж, подлогм, аферистм
(scam, deception, forgery, machination, swindler)
- commercial fraud – коммерческое мошенничество
- consumer fraud – обман потребителей
- old fraud – старый мошенник
- document fraud – подделка документов
- financial fraud – финансовая афера
фальсификацияж, подтасовкаж
(falsification, rigging)
- massive electoral fraud – массовая фальсификация
случай мошенничества, факт мошенничества
(case of fraud, fact of swindle)
фальсификация выборов
(election fraud)
noun | ||
мошенничество | fraud, cheating, swindle, cheat, dishonesty, fraudulence | |
обман | deception, deceit, fraud, trick, hype, hoax | |
мошенник | rogue, swindler, fraud, rascal, impostor, knave | |
подделка | fake, forgery, counterfeit, falsification, fraud, imitation | |
обманщик | deceiver, fraud, trickster, impostor, cheat, bluffer | |
афера | fraud, shady transaction, affaire, hustle, crook business | |
жульничество | fraud, deception, imposture, hokum, con, roguery |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
fraud сущ
- scam · rogue · fraudulent practice · confidence trick · con game · trickster
- deception · deceit · dishonesty · hoax · trickery · fraudulence · imposture · manipulation
- swindle · con
- fake · phony · sham · forgery · counterfeit
- fraudster · swindler · crook · con man
- cheat · faker · cheater · trick
- cheating
- impostor · imposter · hoaxer
- fraudulence, cheating, swindling, embezzlement, deceit, deception, double-dealing, chicanery, sharp practice, pharming
- swindle, racket, deception, trick, cheat, hoax, scam, con, rip-off, sting, gyp, fiddle, bunco, hustle, grift
- impostor, fake, sham, charlatan, quack, mountebank, swindler, gonif, snake oil salesman, fraudster, racketeer, cheat, confidence trickster, phony, con man, con artist, scam artist
- fake, faker, role player, pseud, pretender, imposter, sham, shammer, pseudo, impostor
- humbug, dupery, put-on, fraudulence, hoax
Предложения со словом «fraud»
Fraud, with the flighty wings of a bat. |
Обман с крыльями летучей мыши. |
Lorenzetti warns us that we must recognize the shadows of Avarice, Fraud , Division, even Tyranny when they float across our political landscape, especially when those shadows are cast by political leaders loudly claiming to be the voice of good government and promising to make America great again. |
Лоренцетти учит нас, что мы должны распознавать тени Жадности, Обмана, Раздора и Тирана, когда они появляются на нашем политическом ландшафте, особенно, если их источниками становятся политические деятели, гордо объявляющие себя хорошими правителями и обещающие «вернуть Америке былое величие». |
In the face of Avarice, Fraud and Division, these are obligations. |
Перед лицом Жадности, Обмана и Раздора они становятся нашими обязанностями. |
According to the California Department of Corrections, over 70 percent of those incarcerated have committed or have been charged with money-related crimes: robberies, burglaries, fraud , larceny, extortion — and the list goes on. |
Согласно Исправительному департаменту Калифорнии, более 70% заключённых совершали или были осуждены за преступления, связанные с деньгами: кражи, взломы, мошенничество , присвоение имущества, погромы — и так до бесконечности. |
You start the process of issuing a wire transfer, and up in your browser would pop a screen from your bank, indicating that there’s a problem with your account, and that you need to call the bank immediately, along with the number to the bank’s fraud department. |
Вы начинаете процесс запуска банковского перевода, и в вашем браузере появляется экран от вашего банка, указывающий на то, что есть проблема с вашим аккаунтом и что вам нужно немедленно позвонить по определённому номеру в отдел банка по мошенничеству . |
They can detect credit card fraud and block spam and they can translate between languages. |
Выявить мошенничество с кредитными картами или блокировать спам, они могут переводить с других языков. |
I’m arresting you on suspicion of murder and fraud … |
Я вас арестовываю за мошенничество и по подозрению в убийстве… |
Jamal Malik was last night arrested on suspicion of fraud . |
Джамаль Малик был арестован прошлой ночью по подозрению в мошенничестве . |
I’m deep in two mail fraud trials right now. |
Я погряз в двух судах по мошенничеству с использованием почты. |
My client will plead to two main counts of fraud . |
Мой клиент готов признаться по двум пунктам обвинения в мошенничестве . |
Anger, heresy, violence, fraud , treachery. |
Гнев, ересь, насилие, обман, предательство. |
He runs the fraud division of a regional bank. |
Он управляет отделом по борьбе с мошенниками в местном банке. |
I end up at the Canadian anti-fraud centre. |
И все закончилось в канадском противо — мошенническом центре. |
Most of the women who are locked up are charged with petty theft, fraud , prostitution. |
Большинство женщин запертых в тюрьме начинают с мелких краж, мошенничества , проституции. |
Most of the women who are locked up are charged with petty theft, fraud , prostitution. |
Большинство из заключённых сидят за мелкие хищения, мошенничество , проституцию. |
Investigating fraud and petty theft doesn’t appear to be your style. |
Расследование дел о мошенниках и мелких воришках не ваш профиль. |
The state comptroller was investigating misappropriations of funds, prescription fraud , and equipment theft. |
Государственный департамент расследует хищение средств, мошенничество и кражу оборудования. |
The Serious Fraud Office is bad for business and that’s bad for government. |
Служба по борьбе с крупным мошенничеством вредна для бизнеса, и это вредно для правительства. |
You could try to argue their marriage was a green card fraud on the state. |
Вы можете привести доводы, что их брак был мошенничеством с целью получения гринкарты. |
The jury finds Delancy guilty of mortgage fraud and 98 counts of civil rights violations. |
Присяжные признают его виновным в мошенничестве с закладными и в нарушении 98 статей гражданского права. |
The fund was earmarked for a program to safeguard against voter fraud . |
Для обеспечения программы, которая обеспечивает защиту от мошенничества с голосами избирателей. |
The district attorney served your mother notice that he was going to ask for an indictment against her for fraud , that she was facing a prison sentence. |
Адвокат района вручил уведомление, что собирается предъявить ей обвинение в мошенничестве , что грозило тюремным заключением. |
I am a fraud investigator and I need to talk to him because I’ve uncovered a massive fraud . |
Я расследую афёры, и мне нужно с ним поговорить, потому что я раскрыла крупный обман. |
G.A.O. Evaluates government programs and contracts to root out waste, fraud , and abuse. |
Финансовое управление проверяет государственные программы и контракты, чтобы искоренить напрасные траты, мошенничества и злоупотребления. |
She rolled, confirmed the false diagnoses, the fraud , the whole thing. |
Она рассказала об ошибочных диагнозах и всей вашей махинации. |
The cops put a warrant out for Nikki’s arrest, and I alerted a buddy at the FBI’s fraud division. |
Полиция выписала ордер на арест Никки, и я предупредил своего знакомого из ФБР о мошенничестве . |
One reason being maybe Medicare is being bankrupted by fraud . |
Одна из причин в том, что медобеспечение обанкротилось из — за мошенничества . |
The burden of proof is lower in a civil trial, so we slap Groody with a lawsuit alleging fraud . |
Бремя доказывания проще в гражданском судопроизводстве, поэтому мы ударим по Груди подачей иска о мошенничестве . |
The FBI found that 80% of the mortgage fraud was being induced by the lenders, not by the borrowers. |
ФБР обнаружило, что 80% ипотечного мошенничества было инициировано кредиторами, а не заёмщиками. |
We’re here to tell you that all stage magic is a fraud , a hoax, a sham. |
Мы должны сообщить вам, что вся эстрадная магия является мошенничеством , мистификацией, обманом. |
Do you have any idea how many U.S. and international fraud laws you’ve broken? |
Ты хоть представляешь, сколько американских и международных законов нарушила этими махинациями? |
And it’s not just about your massive financial fraud , Robert. |
Речь не только о твоих финансовых махинациях, Роберт. |
As in the Brian Davidson who is facing fraud charges |
Тот самый Брайан Дэвидсон, кого обвиняют в махинациях в Нью — Джерси? |
It isn’t often that I have such a captivating spectacle of avarice and fraud . |
Мне в жизни не часто доводилось самостоятельно ставить пьесы на темы скупости и мошенничества . |
It couldn’t have been mass hypnotism, mass illusion, some kind of trick or fraud ? |
А не могли ли здесь быть замешаны гипноз, обман зрения, какой — либо фокус или мошенничество ? |
It would suspect fraud or some form of illegality and would not wish to be implicated. |
Они заподозрили бы мошенничество или еще что — нибудь столь же незаконное и побоялись бы связываться. |
Her father’s political party took some heat for fraud in the last election. |
Политическая партия отца погорела на фальсификациях на последних выборах. |
I want to talk to you about this voter fraud investigation. |
Я хотел поговорить с тобой по поводу расследования о фальсификации голосов. |
The charges will include bribing a public official, fraud , and racketeering. |
Обвинения будут включать подкуп официального лица, мошенничество и вымогательство. |
The primary driver of the current crisis is accounting control fraud . |
Главной движущей силой нынешнего кризиса является мошеннический бухгалтерский контроль. |
They want you extradited to face fraud charges in their country. |
Они хотят экстрадиции, чтобы вы ответили за последствия этого мошенничества . |
Outstanding warrants for unauthorized computer access, wire fraud , identity theft. |
На него выписаны ордеры за несанкционированный доступ к компьютерам, электронное мошенничество , кражу личных данных. |
He served on check fraud , embezzlement, Forgery and grand larceny. |
Его брали за мошенничество , растрату, подлог и кражу в особо крупном размере. |
Arrests for shoplifting, forging checks, insurance fraud . |
Аресты за кражи в магазинах, подделка чеков, мошенничество со страховкой. |
He had exposed this horrible fraud and set them free again. |
Ведь он разоблачил этот ужасный обман и освободил их. |
He did everything you do if your intent is to perpetrate a fraud . |
Он всё делал так, как будто намеревался совершить обман. |
Her life was only as safe as the success of her fraud . |
Жизнь ее в безопасности лишь до тех пор, пока не раскроется ее обман. |
Check fraud , misdemeanor battery, a slew of possession charges. |
Подделка чеков, десятки мелких нарушений, множество обвинений в хранении наркотиков. |
I got caught for credit card fraud and electronic theft. |
Меня брали за подделки кредиток и за компьютерные взломы. |
Did you know there’s a whole anti-fraud agency in the FBI? |
А ты знаешь, что в ФБР существует целое агентство, занимающееся только подделками? |
He was thrown in jail for fraud and forging official documents! |
Его посадили в тюрьму за мошенничество и подделку документов! |
I need you to take point on a consumer fraud hearing for Sandra. |
Мне нужно, что ты взял на себя слушание по делу обмана покупателей за Сандру. |
But I still don’t have anything for you about this fraud investigation. |
Но у меня все равно ничего нет для тебя по поводу расследования этой аферы. |
Murder, corruption, blackmail, fraud on a grand scale. |
Убийства, коррупция, шантаж, мошенничество в крупных масштабах. |
Paula and I have proof that the cemetery’s committing burial fraud . |
У Паулы и у меня есть доказательства незаконных захоронений на кладбище. |
Someone sent an e-mail to a medical journal accusing him of fraud . |
Кто — то отправил письмо в медицинский журнал и обвинил его в подлоге. |
You perpetrated a fraud on the court, used taxpayer dollars for personal gain. |
Ты обманул суд, использовал деньги налогоплательщиков для личной выгоды. |
What I have is the fact that you don’t want to be talking about having hired a fraud in court for the next six months. |
Вы просто не хотите следующие полгода говорить в суде о найме мошенника. |
This says I’m co-conspirator to hiring a fraud . |
Здесь сказано, что я участвовал в найме мошенника. |
WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
fraudster, impostor, hoky-poky, trickster, imposture, cheat, trickery, faker, deceit -
Any act of deception carried out for the purpose of unfair, undeserved and/or unlawful gain.
trickster, trickery, impostor, fraudster, hoky-poky, cheat, imposture, faker, deceit -
The assumption of a false identity to such deceptive end.
deceit, impostor, trickery, fraudster, cheat, faker, hoky-poky, trickster, imposture -
A person who performs any such trick.
faker, impostor, cheat, fraudster, deceit, imposture, hoky-poky, trickster, trickery
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:4.0 / 2 votes
A fraud is an act of deliberate deception with the design of securing something by taking unfair advantage of another. A deceit or deception may be designed merely to gain some end of one’s own, with no intent of harming another; an imposition, to take some small advantage of another, or simply to make another ridiculous. An imposture is designed to obtain money, credit, or position to which one is not entitled, and may be practised by a street beggar or by the pretender to a throne. All action that is not honest is dishonesty, but the term dishonesty is generally applied in business, politics, etc., to deceitful practises which are not directly criminal. Fraud includes deceit, but deceit may not reach the gravity of fraud; a cheat is of the nature of fraud, but of a petty sort; a swindle is more serious than a cheat, involving larger values and more flagrant dishonesty. Fraud is commonly actionable at law; cheating and swindling are for the most part out of the reach of legal proceedings. Treachery is chiefly used of dishonesty in matters of friendship, social relations, government, or war; treachery may be more harmful than fraud, but is not so gross, and is not ordinarily open to legal redress. Treason is a specific form of treachery of a subject to the government to which he owes allegiance, and is definable and punishable at law. Compare ARTIFICE; DECEPTION.
artifice, cheat, cheating, deceit, deception, dishonesty, duplicity, imposition, imposture, swindle, swindling, treachery, treason, trickAntonyms:
fairness, good faith, honesty, integrity, truth, uprightness
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
intentional deception resulting in injury to another person
impostor, shammer, imposter, pseudo, pretender, dupery, fraudulence, hoax, faker, role player, humbug, sham, fake, pseud, put-on -
imposter, impostor, pretender, fake, faker, fraud, sham, shammer, pseudo, pseud, role playernoun
a person who makes deceitful pretenses
histrion, imposter, pseudo, fake, dissimulator, faker, player, pretender, fraudulence, juke, role player, hoax, dissembler, put-on, humbug, shammer, actor, pseud, hypocrite, phoney, sham, phony, postiche, impostor, dupery, malingerer, thespian, skulker -
fraud, fraudulence, dupery, hoax, humbug, put-onnoun
something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage
pasquinade, put-on, tarradiddle, duplicity, drool, twaddle, bilgewater, caper, burlesque, parody, baloney, takeoff, joke, mockery, tommyrot, humbug, pretender, charade, fake, faker, impostor, role player, hoax, sham, fraudulence, dupery, pseud, trick, pseudo, antic, lampoon, shammer, snake oil, travesty, sendup, tosh, boloney, deceit, taradiddle, spoof, imposter, bosh, prank
Matched Categories
- Crime
- Deceiver
- Trickery
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
deceit, deception, duplicity, imposition, imposture, guile, trick, cheat, chouse, artifice, stratagem, wile, COLLUSION, humbug, hoax
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
imposture, deceit, humbug, duplicity, imposition, chicanery, wile, circumvention, guile, hypocrisy, malversation, graft, surreptionAssociated words:
collude, collusion, collusive, connivance
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «fraud»:
frauds, evasion, deception, scam, fraudulent, deceit, cheating, frode, forgery, anti-fraud, swindling, impostor, imposter, rigging, swindle, counterfeiting, sham, corrupt, trickery, usurpation
How to pronounce fraud?
How to say fraud in sign language?
How to use fraud in a sentence?
James Comer:
He certainly needs better judgment in who he dines with, i know he’s issued a statement and said he did n’t know who those people were, but, at any rate, my focus is going to be investigating the current administration as the next chairman of the House Oversight Committee and try to get a handle on the massive amount of waste, fraud, and abuse in our federal government.
Chuck Schumer:
What the Republican governor is doing in Texas is just despicable, despicable, it boils my blood to even watch what they’re doing to these brave people … when there’s not any serious evidence of voter fraud.
Mark Earley:
We err on the side of the voter, i think we try to make sure those votes are tabulated. But in my position, from my frame of reference, there has to be some check or guard against voter fraud.
Lanny Davis:
I don’t know whether that line has been crossed. I certainly think there’s a question to be raised about what bank fraud has to do with Russian collusion, and that’s something that needs to be addressed by the court.
Donald Trump:
The Vice President did have this right or, more pointedly, could have sent the votes back to various legislators for reassessment after so much fraud and irregularities were found, if it were sent back to the legislators, or if Nancy Pelosi, who is in charge of Capitol security, had taken my recommendation and substantially increased security, there would have been no ‘January 6’ as we know it!
Translations for fraud
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- تزويرArabic
- измами, измамник, измама, мошеникBulgarian
- frauCatalan, Valencian
- podvodCzech
- Betrug, Betrügerin, BetrügerGerman
- απάτη, απατεώναςGreek
- fraudo, trompoEsperanto
- fraudeSpanish
- کلاهبردار, فریب, کلاهبرداری, آپارتی, شیادی, شیادPersian
- vilppi, huijari, petosFinnish
- svikFaroese
- imposteur, charlatan, fraudeFrench
- calaoisIrish
- רמאותHebrew
- csalás, szélhámosságHungarian
- խարդախ, խաբեբայություն, սրիկա, նենգություն, խարդախություն, խաբեբաArmenian
- fraudoIdo
- baratteria, frodi, frodeItalian
- 詐欺, 詐欺師Japanese
- თაღლითობაGeorgian
- hara tāwareMāori
- bedrog, oplichterij, vervalser, fraudeur, oplichting, bedrieger, charlatan, oplichter, fraude, flessentrekkerijDutch
- svindel, bedrageriNorwegian
- wyłudzenie, oszust, oszustwoPolish
- logro, fraudador, falcatrua, falsidade ideológica, fraudePortuguese
- мошенник, мошенничество, афера, шулерство, аферист, шулер, жульничество, жуликRussian
- bedragare, förfalskning, bedrägeriSwedish
- ghashi, sakataSwahili
- dolandırıcılıkTurkish
- 欺诈罪Chinese
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- Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
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Are we missing a good synonym for fraud?
- blackmail
- deceit
- extortion
- graft
- hoax
- misrepresentation
- scam
- artifice
- barratry
- cheat
- chicane
- chicanery
- con
- craft
- double-dealing
- dupery
- duplicity
- fake
- flimflam
- fraudulence
- guile
- hocus-pocus
- hustle
- imposture
- line
- racket
- sell
- shakedown
- sham
- skunk
- smoke
- song
- spuriousness
- sting
- swindle
- treachery
- bamboozlement
- fast one
- fast shuffle
- fourberie
- hanky-panky
- hoodwinking
- sharp practice
- song and dance
- swindling
- bastard
- bluffer
- charlatan
- cheat
- counterfeit
- crook
- deceiver
- double-dealer
- fake
- forger
- four-flusher
- hoaxer
- impostor
- mechanic
- mountebank
- phony
- pretender
- quack
- racketeer
- sham
- shark
- swindler
- horse trader
- playactor
On this page you’ll find 165 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to fraud, such as: blackmail, deceit, extortion, graft, hoax, and misrepresentation.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use fraud in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- bluster
- braggadocio
- bragging
- bravado
- deception
- delusion
- facade
- fake
- false colors
- false front
- feint
- fraud
- front
- humbug
- jiving
- lie
- pretense
- pretext
- ruse
- sham
- show
- snow
- stall
- subterfuge
- trick
- cheat
- con
- con artist
- fake
- fraud
- imposter
- mountebank
- phony
- pretender
- quack
- rip-off artist
- sham
- artifice
- baloney
- bamboozlement
- bill of goods
- bunco
- chicanery
- con
- con game
- cover up
- cozening
- deceit
- deception
- dirty pool
- dirty trick
- dodge
- double-dealing
- fake
- fast one
- fast shuffle
- fix
- flimflam
- frame
- fraud
- gyp
- hanky-panky
- hoax
- hoaxing
- humbug
- hustle
- imposture
- jazz
- jive
- plant
- put on
- racket
- ripoff
- run around
- scam
- sell
- shady deal
- sham
- shell game
- snow job
- spoof
- sting
- stunt
- swindle
- trickery
- whitewash
- wrong
- artifice
- cheating
- chicane
- deviousness
- dishonesty
- dodge
- double-crossing
- double-dealing
- duplicity
- feint
- fourberie
- fraud
- furtiveness
- gambit
- hanky-panky
- intrigue
- machination
- maneuver
- plot
- ploy
- ruse
- sharp practice
- skullduggery
- sophistry
- stratagem
- subterfuge
- surreptitiousness
- underhandedness
- wiles
- bluff
- cheat
- crime
- deception
- double-cross
- dupe
- fraud
- gold brick
- graft
- mockery
- swindle
- barricuda
- bilker
- bunco
- cheater
- clip artist
- con man
- crook
- deceiver
- fleecer
- flimflammer
- fraud
- hoser
- hustler
- mountebank
- scam artist
- scammer
- shark
- sharpie
- smoothie
- swindler
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for fraud?
1010 synonyms found
[ fɹˈɔːd], [ fɹˈɔːd], [ f_ɹ_ˈɔː_d]
Table of Contents
• affected (adjective)
- melodramatic,
- pedantic,
- assumed,
- Counterfeited,
- ham,
- spurious,
- high falutin’,
- overdone,
- stilted,
- theatrical,
- insincere,
- stiff,
- pretended,
- studied,
- shallow,
- simulated,
- unnatural,
- pretentious,
- false,
- feigned,
- schmaltzy,
- ostentatious,
- precious,
- Imitated,
- hollow,
- gone hollywood,
- faked,
- contrived,
- awkward,
- artificial,
- put-on,
- self-conscious,
- pompous,
- conceited,
- superficial,
- apish,
- playacting.
• la-di-da (adjective)
- la di da.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- campy,
- hammy,
- high falutin,
- campiest,
- la-di-da,
- manner,
- campier,
- affected.
- crook,
- brown-nose,
- fixer.
- imaginings,
- a figment of your imagination.
- gyp,
- honest,
- defamation,
- child abuse,
- criminal negligence,
- bioterrorism,
- contempt,
- conspiracy,
- blackmail,
- contempt of court,
- agriterrorism,
- bigamy.
- e-fraud,
- true,
- false accounting.
• artifice (noun)
- artifice.
• bluff (noun)
- pretext,
- ruse,
- pretense,
- bragging,
- front,
- show,
- delusion,
- bravado,
- braggadocio,
- facade,
- false colors,
- bluster.
• charlatan (noun)
- con artist.
• cheat (noun)
- hustle,
- fix,
- baloney,
- Cozening,
- stunt,
- snow job,
- whitewash,
- wrong,
- Hoaxing,
- con game,
- plant,
- frame,
- bill of goods,
- dirty pool,
- spoof,
- dodge,
- shell game.
• chicanery (noun)
- ploy,
- sophistry,
- plot,
- double-crossing,
- maneuver,
- stratagem,
- gambit,
- furtiveness,
- deviousness,
- machination,
- wiles,
- cheating.
• con (noun)
- crime,
- double-cross,
- dupe,
- take in.
• con artist (noun)
- clip artists,
- fleecers,
- barricudas,
- bilkers,
- scam artists,
- con-artist.
• confidence man (noun)
- con man.
• con man (noun)
- con-man.
• corruption (noun)
- malfeasance,
- fiddling,
- payola,
- shuffle,
- Bribing,
- skimming,
- payoff,
- demoralization,
- venality,
- crookedness.
• counterfeit (noun)
- copy,
- dummy,
- reproduction,
- pseudo,
- facsimile,
- actor,
- imitation,
- bum.
• cunning (noun)
- wile.
• deceiver (noun)
- deceiver,
- phony,
- counterfeiter,
- criminal,
- Defrauder,
- forger.
• deception (noun)
- hoax,
- flimflammery.
• dirt (noun)
- Lubricity,
- smut,
- lubricities.
• dishonesty (noun)
- infidelity,
- infamy,
- indirection,
- perfidy,
- insidiousness,
- criminality,
- criminalities,
- Improbity,
- wiliness.
• double-dealing (noun)
- bad faiths,
- doubledealing.
• dupery (noun)
- dupery.
• duplicity (noun)
- oneupmanship,
- judas kisses,
- one upmanship,
- twonesses,
- stab back.
• embezzlement (noun)
- pilferings,
- purloinings,
- mis-appropriations,
- mis applications,
- mis-applications,
- thievings,
- mis appropriations,
- mis appropriation,
- mis application,
- mis-application,
- mis-appropriation,
- filchings.
• extortion (noun)
- ex action,
- ex-actions,
- ex actions,
- ex-action.
• faithlessness (noun)
- in constancies,
- in-constancy,
- in-constancies,
- dis beliefs,
- un-faithfulnesses,
- dis-belief,
- in constancy,
- dis-beliefs,
- un-faithfulness,
- dis belief,
- ficklenesses,
- un faithfulness,
- un faithfulnesses.
• fake (noun)
- four-flushers,
- four flusher,
- four flushers,
- makebelieve,
- fourflushers.
• faker (noun)
- coiner,
- coiners.
• falsehood (noun)
- fibbery,
- half truth,
- Untruism,
- fallaciousness,
- perjury,
- half truths,
- figment,
- feigning,
- fakery,
- misstatement,
- mis-statement,
- fable.
• falsity (noun)
- in accuracy,
- dis-ingenuousnesses,
- dis ingenuousness,
- uncandidnesses,
- un realities,
- un candidness,
- un reality,
- un-candidness,
- un-candidnesses,
- dis ingenuousnesses,
- in-accuracies,
- in accuracies,
- un-reality,
- un-realities,
- un candidnesses,
- dis-ingenuousness,
- in-accuracy.
• foul play (noun)
- cruel acts,
- funny businesses,
- foul-play.
• fraud (noun)
- misrepresentation,
- Swindling,
- duplicity,
- sting,
- shakedown,
- Duping,
- hoodwinking,
- pseud,
- racketeer,
- string,
- hoaxer,
- imposture,
- mechanic,
- skunk,
- guile,
- bluffer,
- line,
- treachery,
- Barratry,
- play actor,
- role player,
- spuriousness,
- bastard,
- horse trader,
- song and dance.
• hanky-panky (noun)
- hankiepankies,
- mis chief,
- mis-chief,
- hankiepankie,
- hankypanky,
- hokey-pokeys,
- sexual activities,
- hankie-pankies,
- mis chiefs,
- hokey pokey,
- hankie pankies,
- hankie pankie,
- mis-chiefs,
- fooling arounds,
- hokey pokeys,
- hokeypokeys.
• hocus-pocus (noun)
- Hocus,
- nonsense,
- Mummeries,
- Occultism,
- magic words,
- gobbledegook,
- Hocuspocus,
- mummery,
- magic word,
- incantation.
• hypocrisy (noun)
- dis-plays,
- dis-play,
- dis plays,
- false professions,
- dissemblings,
- dis play,
- unctuousnesses,
- pharisaicalnesses,
- glibnesses.
• hypocrite (noun)
- sophists,
- playactor,
- casuists,
- masqueraders,
- Pharisees,
- masquerader,
- two-timer,
- lip server,
- dissembler,
- two-face,
- dissemblers,
- backsliders,
- tartuffe,
- hypocrite,
- smoothies,
- Dissimulator,
- sophist,
- backslider,
- wolf in sheep’s clothing,
- casuist,
- Attitudinizer.
• impostor (noun)
- impersonator,
- pettifogger,
- mockers,
- scorner,
- beguilers,
- beguiler,
- empiric.
• indirection (noun)
- in direction,
- in-directions,
- in directions,
- in-direction.
• intrigue (noun)
- de-sign,
- de-signs,
- little games,
- frameups,
- frame ups,
- de sign,
- frameup,
- de signs.
• operator (noun)
- Operators.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- fraud,
- clip artist,
- bad deeds,
- scam,
- sandbagger,
- mischiefmaker,
- varmints,
- Hanky Panky,
- breach of trust,
- dishonesty,
- stall,
- false profession,
- four-flusher,
- sharpie,
- duality,
- cardsharper,
- cover up,
- gold brick,
- sneakiness,
- dodger,
- hypocrisy,
- Pharisaicalness,
- ripoff,
- sharpies,
- uncandidness,
- grafters,
- Sharks,
- chicanes,
- peculation,
- scammers,
- jazz,
- ambidextrousness,
- lawlessness,
- charlatan,
- despoilers,
- shoplifter,
- Knaveries,
- nepotism,
- mendacity,
- Grafter,
- frame up,
- cattle thief,
- shadiness,
- rip-off,
- housebreaker,
- unctuousness,
- despoiler,
- fourflusher,
- bluff,
- pillagers,
- inconstancies,
- subterfuge,
- grift,
- racket,
- shammer,
- falsification,
- embezzlement,
- trick,
- shammers,
- sexual activity,
- sell,
- extortion,
- trickiness,
- Fraudulency,
- scam artist,
- intrigues,
- sanctimoniousness,
- skullduggery,
- imposter,
- marauder,
- funny business,
- scammer,
- bluffers,
- impostor,
- razzle-dazzle,
- hypocriticalness,
- liftings,
- grifter,
- bamboozlement,
- fraudulence,
- second-story operator,
- safecracker,
- fast shuffle,
- imposters,
- dirty trick,
- falseness,
- hoser,
- Cribbing,
- quack,
- jiving,
- humbug,
- on the take,
- rascal,
- bad faith,
- bad deed,
- fake,
- exploitation,
- frame-ups,
- swindler,
- stab in back,
- rustlers,
- cardsharp,
- tartuffery,
- bilker,
- profligates,
- hustler,
- falsity,
- lowlifes,
- chicanery,
- falsehood,
- dirty dealing,
- Quacksalver,
- knave,
- underworld,
- sanctimony,
- profiteering,
- unscrupulousness,
- rogue,
- whippersnappers,
- counterfeit,
- fourberie,
- holdup artist,
- intrigue,
- Skimmings,
- simulators,
- sham,
- run around,
- Fleecer,
- fast one,
- larceny,
- plagiarism,
- perfidiousness,
- glibness,
- knavery,
- housebreakers,
- treacherousness,
- flimflammer,
- recreants,
- safecrackers,
- defalcation,
- Pharisaism,
- foragers,
- dirt,
- dissimulation,
- victimization,
- rustler,
- double-dealing,
- defalcations,
- hosers,
- fooling around,
- cheat,
- hankie-pankie,
- double cross,
- scamp,
- lowlife,
- shark,
- simulator,
- falsifications,
- whippersnapper,
- rip-off artist,
- con,
- underhandedness,
- bribery,
- Double dealing,
- jive,
- scallywag,
- bunco,
- ripoff artist,
- varmint,
- dualities,
- feint,
- fickleness,
- hanky-panky,
- deception,
- mockery,
- frame-up,
- faithlessness,
- sharp practice,
- shiftiness,
- scallywags,
- hokey-pokey,
- gougers,
- foul play,
- swindle,
- false front,
- shady deal,
- jobbery,
- robber,
- unreality,
- jives,
- illicit scheme,
- junque,
- phoniness,
- unrealities,
- inconstancy,
- twoness,
- raider,
- barricuda,
- Forager,
- slickers,
- pretender,
- cruel act,
- surreptitiousness,
- peculations,
- deceit,
- shoplifters,
- pillager,
- Briberies,
- two-facedness,
- hokeypokey,
- gouger,
- cunnings,
- Double dealer,
- piracy,
- phonies,
- thieving,
- chicane,
- felon,
- doublecross,
- literary theft,
- faker,
- little game,
- dodgers,
- double-dealer,
- slyness,
- trickery.
• plagiarism (noun)
- cribbings,
- literary thefts.
• pretension (noun)
- device,
- claim,
- cover,
- mannerism,
- air,
- pose,
- impersonation,
- charade,
- artificiality,
- affectation,
- pretension,
- stage,
- guise,
- masquerade,
- forgery,
- disguise,
- gimmick,
- ostentation.
• quack (noun)
- quacksalvers,
- flimflammers,
- bunco artist,
- bunco artists.
• racket (noun)
- under world,
- under-world,
- illicit schemes,
- swindlings,
- under-worlds,
- under worlds.
• rascal (noun)
- dis-grace,
- dis graces,
- good for nothing,
- mischief maker,
- re-probates,
- re probate,
- dis-graces,
- dis grace,
- re-probate,
- cardsharps.
• robber (noun)
- de-spoilers,
- second story operator,
- sandbaggers,
- cattle thieves,
- secondstory operators,
- de spoiler,
- holdup artists,
- de spoilers,
- secondstory operator,
- cardsharpers,
- de-spoiler,
- second story operators,
- second-story operators.
• rogue (noun)
- ne’er do well,
- neer-do-well,
- neer do well.
• scam (noun)
- crooked deal,
- hosing,
- sucker game.
• sham (noun)
- hypo-criticalness,
- hypo-criticalnesses,
- pre-tends,
- pre tends,
- hypocriticalnesses,
- hypo criticalness,
- pre tend,
- hypo criticalnesses.
• swindler (noun)
- double dealers,
- doubledealer,
- confidence artist,
- confidence artists,
- doubledealers,
- double-dealers.
• theft (noun)
- robbings,
- muggings,
- lootings.
• trick (noun)
- dis guise,
- dis-guises,
- dis guises,
- dis-guise.
• trickery (noun)
- bait switches,
- bait switch,
- bait and switches,
- razzle dazzles,
- razzle dazzle,
- bait and switch,
- razzledazzles,
- razzledazzle,
- razzle-dazzles.
• two-facedness (noun)
- two facedness.
• underhandedness (noun)
- under-handedness,
- under handednesses,
- under-handednesses.
• wile (noun)
- schemings.
• cozen (verb)
- be-guile,
- be-guiles,
- de-frauds,
- de-fraud,
- de fraud,
- be guile,
- de frauds,
- be guiles.
• Other relevant words: (verb)
- deed,
- lie.
Other synonyms:
- pharisee,
- racketeering,
- malpractice,
- cardboard cut-out,
- viper,
- trickster,
- cyberfraud,
- flatterer,
- wheeler dealer,
- weasel,
- fox,
- optical illusion,
- insider trading,
- shyster,
- varlet,
- mirage,
- phantom,
- simulacrum,
- phantasmagoria,
- con woman,
- smoothie,
- scoundrel,
- black market,
- hallucination,
- simulation,
- wire fraud,
- bottom feeder,
- Trafficking,
- liar,
- politician,
- apple polisher,
- sleazebag,
- sycophant,
- manipulator,
- influence-peddling,
- charmer,
- huckster,
- shill,
- the black economy,
- kiss-ass,
- Phantasm.
- fiddler,
- flimflam,
- adventurer,
- worm,
- apparition,
- illusion,
- mountebank,
- myth,
- graft,
- hocus-pocus,
- corruption,
- sleaze,
- wretch,
- fantasy.
- traffic.
- fancy.
• betrayer
- judas.
• cozen
- frauded,
- frauding.
• deceive
- cozen.
• manipulator
- operator.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- gilt,
- paste,
- treason,
- conversion,
- jiggery-pokery,
- gouge,
- thievery,
- boloney,
- factitious,
- prevarication,
- lying,
- Formalist,
- craftiness,
- colouring,
- bosh,
- equivocation,
- Sabbatarianism,
- pretence,
- Bluffing,
- Posturer,
- invention,
- crafty,
- postiche,
- conveyance,
- bilk,
- contrivance,
- crooked,
- evasion,
- drool,
- mystification,
- cardsharping,
- shrewdness,
- Pettifoggery,
- twaddle,
- austerity,
- Juke,
- Manoeuvrer,
- shifty,
- skulker,
- foxiness,
- blind,
- Counterfeiting,
- tricky,
- put on,
- pretend,
- Precisianism,
- stealing,
- burlesque,
- dissembling,
- deceitful,
- acting,
- tommyrot,
- distortion,
- speciousness,
- Mannerist,
- player,
- fencing,
- Histrion,
- disrepute,
- annexation,
- show-off,
- blue laws,
- above,
- shoplifting,
- white lie,
- intriguing,
- joke,
- insincerity,
- scrounging,
- untruth,
- Pecksniff,
- straw man,
- big shot,
- formalism,
- pietism,
- coloring,
- machinator,
- ramp,
- suggestio falsi,
- put-up job,
- caper,
- deceptive,
- carpetbagger,
- shuffling,
- snake oil,
- imitative,
- man of straw,
- abstraction,
- antic,
- Blague,
- poaching,
- tergiversation,
- Snatching,
- deceitfulness,
- lip reverence,
- Sabbatism,
- swizz,
- whited sepulcher,
- Humbuggery,
- credibility gap,
- designate,
- deceive,
- finesse,
- instruct,
- concealment,
- bunko steerer,
- travesty,
- Misdevotion,
- theft,
- pettifogging,
- game,
- fakir,
- Lifting,
- treacherous,
- threadbare,
- sharper,
- appearance,
- sendup,
- faking,
- meretriciousness,
- delude,
- ringer,
- exaggeration,
- roguery,
- perjurer,
- Affecter,
- posing,
- Whited Sepulchre,
- pinchbeck,
- gammon,
- navigate,
- conceal,
- attitudinizing,
- gloss,
- make-believe,
- thespian,
- Capper,
- liberation,
- rip off,
- cunning,
- big wheel,
- signify,
- ballot-box stuffing,
- barracuda,
- fictitious,
- Dissemblance,
- corrupt,
- craft,
- hollow man,
- deceptiveness,
- Gerrymandering,
- supernatural,
- spieler,
- juggler,
- Thimblerigging,
- tarradiddle,
- grand larceny,
- evasiveness,
- confidence game,
- shoddy,
- Pinching,
- circumvent,
- Flam,
- defraud,
- lampoon,
- Boosting,
- cant,
- snitching,
- poser,
- mislead,
- representation,
- phoney,
- takeoff,
- cozenage,
- falseheartedness,
- diddling,
- art,
- untruthfulness,
- appropriation,
- Pilfering,
- malingerer,
- disingenuousness,
- performer,
- jugglery,
- taradiddle,
- dishonest,
- hackneyed,
- twister,
- blagueur,
- skulduggery,
- wise guy,
- villain,
- specious,
- prank,
- disgrace,
- crookery,
- confidence trick,
- junk,
- exhausted,
- monkey business,
- bamboozle,
- window dressing,
- interesting,
- sacerdotalism,
- seeming,
- hoodwink,
- Thimblerigger,
- exhibitionist,
- illicit business,
- Inveigler,
- smooth operator,
- pilferage,
- fraudulent,
- posture,
- false show,
- face,
- supercherie,
- diddle,
- imply,
- Pietist,
- grotesque,
- four-flushing,
- betrayal,
- Cunningness,
- fiddle,
- cheater,
- pasquinade,
- canter,
- parody,
- skulk,
- ADJ,
- bogus,
- varnish,
- false witness,
- guilefulness,
- confidence man,
- mental reservation,
- tired,
- imposition,
- petty larceny,
- means,
- curve,
- suppressio veri,
- Defrauding,
- lip devotion,
- lurk,
- poseur,
- bend,
- perversion,
- mock,
- tinsel,
- defalcator,
- color,
- betray,
- dishonorable,
- obstinacy,
- semblance,
- prejudice,
- bilgewater,
- Swiping,
- Story-teller,
- odium theologicum,
- tosh,
- Filching,
- swizzle,
- manoeuvre,
- Saltimbanco,
- forswearing,
- artful,
- fictional,
- clinquant,
- bigotry,
- lip service,
- artfulness,
- dishonor,
- finagler,
- beguile,
- irony.
How to use «Fraud» in context?
In the world of business and finance, fraud is one of the most common and destructive crimes. Victims of fraud can end up losing millions of dollars in bogus investments, stolen identities, and other scams. The effects of fraud can be long-lasting, affecting businesses and individuals nationwide.
The illegal act of deception is one of the most common ways that fraudsters take advantage of others. They use fake documents, phony invoices, and other schemes to cheat innocent people out of their hard-earned money. Fraudsters can be ruthless in their pursuit of profits, and many people have lost everything they have to these scams.
Paraphrases for Fraud:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
Forward Entailment
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
Reverse Entailment
fraudulent, anti-fraud.
Proper noun, singular
fraudulent, SCAMS, anti-fraud.
Noun, singular or mass
fraudulent, scam, swindle, fraudster.
Verb, past tense
Noun, singular or mass
avoidance, bribery, charlatan, circumvention, counterfeiter, crook, fake, falsifying, forger, hoax, imposter, impostor, irregularity, malfeasance, misconduct, sham, smuggling, swindler, truffle, usurpation, wrongdoing, rip-off.
Noun, singular or mass
Other Related
Proper noun, singular
evasion, racketeering.
Noun, singular or mass
abuse, adulteration, dishonesty, embezzlement, evasion, misappropriation, racketeering, theft, Counterfeiting.
Proper noun, singular
Hyponym for Fraud:
crime, criminal offense, law-breaking, criminal offence.