Form синонимы на английском

  • Определения слова form

    • помета? форма; внешний вид, облик
    • форма, вид, разновидность
    • класс (в школе)
    • форма; бланк, образец, анкета
    • словесная формула, формулировка
    • хорошая спортивная форма.
      • en (спорт.)
    • модель; (литейная) форма.
      • en (техн.)
    • печатная форма.
      • en (полигр.)
    • опалубка.
      • en (строит.)

Синонимы к слову form

    • appearance
    • arise
    • arrangement
    • bring into being
    • come into being
    • construct
    • create
    • custom
    • develop
    • document
    • establish
    • fashion
    • figure
    • formula
    • found
    • grow
    • kind
    • manner
    • materialize
    • method
    • mode
    • model
    • mold
    • outline
    • outward appearance
    • paper
    • practice
    • pro forma
    • procedure
    • produce
    • questionnaire
    • shape
    • sheet
    • start
    • structure
    • style
    • system
    • take shape
    • type
    • usage
    • variety
    • way

Похожие слова на form

    • form
    • form’s
    • formal
    • formaldehyde
    • formaldehyde’s
    • formalism
    • formalism’s
    • formalities
    • formality
    • formality’s
    • formalization
    • formalization’s
    • formalize
    • formalized
    • formalizes
    • formalizing
    • formals
    • format
    • format’s
    • formations
    • formative
    • formed
    • former
    • formica
    • formica’s
    • formicas
    • formidable
    • formidably
    • forming
    • formless
    • formlessly
    • formlessness
    • formlessness’s
    • formosa
    • formosa’s
    • formosan
    • forms
    • formulaic
    • formulas
    • formulate
    • formulated
    • formulates
    • formulating
    • formulations

Посмотрите другие слова

    • Что такое food
    • Определение термина folly
    • Толкование слова folktale
    • Что означает понятие folk
    • Лексическое значение foley
    • Словарь значения слов fold
    • Грамматическое значение foghorn
    • Значение слова fog
    • Прямое и переносное значение слова foetus
    • Происхождение слова formazan
    • Синоним к слову fornication
    • Антоним к слову fort
    • Омоним к слову forte
    • Гипоним к слову fortune
    • Холоним к слову forum
    • Гипероним к слову forward
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову foul
    • Перевод слова на другие языки founder
  • design
  • fashion
  • mode
  • model
  • pattern
  • plan
  • scheme
  • structure
  • style
  • system
  • anatomy
  • appearance
  • articulation
  • cast
  • configuration
  • conformation
  • construction
  • contour
  • cut
  • die
  • embodiment
  • figure
  • formation
  • framework
  • mold
  • outline
  • profile
  • silhouette
  • skeleton
  • condition
  • object
  • shape
  • thing
  • anatomy
  • being
  • build
  • fettle
  • figure
  • fitness
  • frame
  • health
  • outline
  • person
  • phenomenon
  • physique
  • silhouette
  • torso
  • trim
  • behavior
  • fashion
  • law
  • manner
  • method
  • mode
  • practice
  • process
  • regulation
  • rule
  • style
  • way
  • canon
  • ceremonial
  • channels
  • conduct
  • convention
  • custom
  • decorum
  • etiquette
  • formality
  • habit
  • layout
  • manners
  • precept
  • proceeding
  • propriety
  • protocol
  • rite
  • ritual
  • ropes
  • setup
  • usage
  • by the book
  • by the numbers
  • convenance
  • done thing
  • application
  • letter
  • questionnaire
  • blank
  • chart
  • paper
  • sheet
  • data sheet
  • arrangement
  • character
  • design
  • manner
  • method
  • mode
  • order
  • practice
  • sort
  • style
  • system
  • variety
  • way
  • class
  • description
  • grade
  • guise
  • make
  • manifestation
  • rank
  • semblance
  • species
  • stamp
  • format
  • order
  • plan
  • scheme
  • structure
  • framework
  • harmony
  • orderliness
  • placement
  • proportion
  • symmetry
  • assemble
  • build
  • complete
  • compose
  • constitute
  • construct
  • create
  • design
  • develop
  • establish
  • forge
  • found
  • organize
  • plan
  • set
  • set up
  • work
  • arrange
  • cast
  • conceive
  • concoct
  • consummate
  • contrive
  • cultivate
  • cut
  • devise
  • erect
  • fabricate
  • fashion
  • finish
  • fix
  • frame
  • invent
  • manufacture
  • model
  • mold
  • outline
  • pattern
  • perfect
  • plot
  • project
  • scheme
  • shape
  • structure
  • trace
  • block out
  • bring about
  • cook up
  • dream up
  • hammer out
  • knock off
  • make up
  • put together
  • throw together
  • turn out
  • acquire
  • appear
  • develop
  • set
  • accumulate
  • condense
  • crystallize
  • eventuate
  • grow
  • harden
  • materialize
  • mature
  • rise
  • settle
  • become a reality
  • become visible
  • fall into place
  • shape up
  • show up
  • take on character
  • take shape
  • breed
  • instruct
  • rear
  • school
  • teach
  • train
  • bring up
  • give character
  • compose
  • constitute
  • make
  • serve as
  • act as
  • figure in
  • make up

On this page you’ll find 520 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to form, such as: design, fashion, mode, model, pattern, and plan.

  • disarrangement
  • disorganization
  • lawlessness
  • bad manners
  • impropriety
  • disarrangement
  • disorganization
  • disarrangement
  • disorganization
  • disorder
  • disorganization
  • disarrangement
  • disproportion
  • imbalance
  • unevenness
  • disarrangement
  • disorganization
  • decrease
  • demolish
  • destroy
  • disarrange
  • dismantle
  • disorder
  • disorganize
  • disperse
  • end
  • forget
  • halt
  • ignore
  • neglect
  • raze
  • ruin
  • scatter
  • stop
  • break
  • disturb
  • keep
  • tell the truth
  • wreck
  • hurt
  • kill
  • end
  • halt
  • decline
  • decrease
  • lessen
  • break
  • destroy
  • hurt
  • kill
  • neglect
  • ruin
  • learn
  • neglect
  • break
  • destroy
  • hurt
  • kill
  • ruin
  • deny
  • destroy
  • refuse
  • ruin
  • break
  • hurt
  • kill
  • neglect

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


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How to use form in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • build
  • composition
  • figure
  • form
  • frame
  • framework
  • makeup
  • physique
  • shape
  • air
  • attitude
  • bearing
  • blind
  • carriage
  • cast
  • character
  • condition
  • countenance
  • demeanor
  • dress
  • expression
  • face
  • fashion
  • feature
  • figure
  • form
  • front
  • guise
  • image
  • look
  • looks
  • manner
  • mannerism
  • mien
  • mode
  • outline
  • pose
  • presence
  • presentation
  • screen
  • semblance
  • shape
  • stamp
  • appeal
  • blank
  • claim
  • demand
  • draft
  • entreaty
  • form
  • inquiry
  • letter
  • paper
  • petition
  • requisition
  • solicitation
  • suit
  • assiduities
  • attentions
  • attentiveness
  • busyness
  • commitments
  • concentrations
  • considerations
  • dedications
  • deliberations
  • diligences
  • efforts
  • industries
  • perseverance
  • studies
  • zeal
  • arc
  • bend
  • bow
  • bridge
  • camber
  • extend
  • form
  • hook
  • hump
  • hunch
  • round
  • shape
  • span
  • stretch
  • arcs
  • bends
  • bows
  • bridges
  • cambers
  • extends
  • forms
  • hooks
  • humps
  • hunches
  • rounds
  • shapes
  • spans
  • stretches

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.





1    assemble, bring about, build, concoct, construct, contrive, create, devise, establish, fabricate, fashion, forge, found, invent, make, manufacture, model, mould, produce, put together, set up, shape, stamp  

2    arrange, combine, design, dispose, draw up, frame, organize, pattern, plan, think up  

3    accumulate, appear, become visible, come into being, crystallize, grow, materialize, rise, settle, show up     (informal)   take shape  

4    acquire, contract, cultivate, develop, get into     (informal)   pick up  

5    compose, comprise, constitute, make, make up, serve as  

6    bring up, discipline, educate, instruct, rear, school, teach, train  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  


form          [2]  

1    appearance, cast, configuration, construction, cut, fashion, formation, model, mould, pattern, shape, stamp, structure  

2    anatomy, being, body, build, figure, frame, outline, person, physique, shape, silhouette  

3    arrangement, character, description, design, guise, kind, manifestation, manner, method, mode, order, practice, semblance, sort, species, stamp, style, system, type, variety, way  

4    format, framework, harmony, order, orderliness, organization, plan, proportion, structure, symmetry  

5    condition, fettle, fitness, good condition, good spirits, health, shape, trim  

6    off form      below par, not in the pink     (informal)   not up to the mark, out of condition, stale, under the weather     (informal)   unfit  

7    behaviour, ceremony, conduct, convention, custom, done thing, etiquette, formality, manners, procedure, protocol, ritual, rule  

8    application, document, paper, sheet  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  


     ( forms    plural & 3rd person present)   ( forming    present participle)   ( formed    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-count   A formof something is a type or kind of it.  
with supp, oft N of n  
He contracted a rare form of cancer…, Doctors are willing to take some form of industrial action…, I am against hunting in any form.     

2       n-count   When something can exist or happen in several possible ways, you can use form to refer to one particular way in which it exists or happens.  
with supp, oft N of n  
Valleys often take the form of deep canyons…, They received a benefit in the form of a tax reduction…     

3       verb   When a particular shape forms or is formed, people or things move or are arranged so that this shape is made.  
A queue forms outside Peter’s study…      V  
They formed a circle and sang `Auld Lang Syne’…      V n  
The General gave orders for the cadets to form into lines.      V into n, Also V n into n  

4       n-count   The form of something is its shape.  
with supp  
…the form of the body.     

5       n-count   You can refer to something that you can see as a form if you cannot see it clearly, or if its outline is the clearest or most striking aspect of it.  
usu with supp  
She thought she’d never been so glad to see his bulky form.     

6       verb   If something is arranged or changed so that it becomes similar to a thing with a particular structure or function, you can say that it forms that thing.  
These panels folded up to form a screen some five feet tall…      V n  

7       verb   If something consists of particular things, people, or features, you can say that they form that thing.  
Cereals form the staple diet of an enormous number of people around the world.      V n  

8       verb   If you form an organization, group, or company, you start it.  
They tried to form a study group on human rights…      V n  
They formed themselves into teams.      V pron-refl into n  

9       verb   When something natural forms or is formed, it begins to exist and develop.  
The stars must have formed 10 to 15 billion years ago…      V  
Huge ice sheets were formed.      be V-ed  

10       verb   If you form a relationship, a habit, or an idea, or if it forms, it begins to exist and develop.  
This should help him form lasting relationships…      V n  
An idea formed in his mind.      V  

11       verb   If you say that something forms a person’s character or personality, you mean that it has a strong influence on them and causes them to develop in a particular way.  

Anger at injustice formed his character.      V n  

12       n-uncount   In sport, form refers to the ability or success of a person or animal over a period of time.  
usu supp N  
His form this season has been brilliant…     

13       n-count   A form is a paper with questions on it and spaces marked where you should write the answers. Forms usually ask you to give details about yourself, for example when you are applying for a job or joining an organization.  
You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation., …application forms.     

15    If you say that it is bad form to behave in a particular way, you mean that it is rude and impolite.  

bad form      phrase   usu PHR after v, v-link PHR  
It was thought bad form to discuss business on social occasions.     

16    If you say that someone is in good form, you mean that they seem healthy and cheerful.  

in good form      phrase   v-link PHR  

17    If you say that someone is off form, you think they are not performing as well as they usually do.  

off form      phrase   v-link PHR  
(=below par)  

18    If you say that someone is on form, you think that they are performing their usual activity very well.  

on form      phrase   v-link PHR  
Robert Redford is back on form in his new movie `Sneakers’.     

19    When something takes form, it develops or begins to be visible.  

take form      phrase   V inflects  
As plans took form in her mind, she realized the need for an accomplice…, The face of Mrs Lisbon took form in the dimness.     

20    If someone or something behaves true to form, they do what is expected and is typical of them.  

true to form      phrase   v PHR, PHR with cl  
My luck was running true to form…, True to form, she kept her guests waiting for more than 90 minutes.     

art form        ( art forms    plural  ) If you describe an activity as an art form, you mean that it is concerned with creating objects, works, or performances that are beautiful or have a serious meaning.      n-count  
…Indian dance and related art forms.     

combining form        ( combining forms    plural  ) A combining form is a word that is used, or used with a particular meaning, only when joined to another word. For example, `-legged’ as in `four-legged’ and `-fold’ as in `fivefold’ are combining forms.      n-count  

free form      , free-form  
A free form work of art or piece of music has not been created according to a standard style or convention.      adj   ADJ n  
…free-form jazz.     

life form        ( life forms    plural  ) A life form is any living thing such as an animal or plant.      n-count   with supp  

re-form        ( re-forms    3rd person present)   ( re-forming    present participle)   ( re-formed    past tense & past participle  ) , reform   When an organization, group, or shape re-forms, or when someone re-forms it, it is created again after a period during which it did not exist or existed in a different form.      verb  
The official trades union council voted to disband itself and re-form as a confederation…      V  
The 40-year-old singer reformed his band.      V n  

sixth form        ( sixth forms    plural  ) , sixth-form   The sixth form in a British school consists of the classes that pupils go to from 16 to 18 years of age, usually in order to study for A levels.      n-count   usu sing  
She was offered her first modelling job while she was still in the sixth-form…     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus



the process of using the knowledge or information you have in order to understand something or form an opinion, or the opinion that you form ()

I have to make deductions about the meaning of words in poem then, I could understand more.



the electronic contents generated by an electronic device or system in form of an electronic form or as a printed output (excluding the computer system files) are called e-documents

[Tech.];[Leg.] electronic contents



abbr. acron.

Waste to Energy; Waste-to-energy (WtE) or energy-from-waste (EfW) is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the primary treatment of waste



a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet

[Med.];[Slang] «vit» is slang for «pill»



management by walking/wandering around; it’s a form of management based on frequent informal visits to the subordinates’work area and direct interaction with them




shorter informal form for «totally» (used mostly by teenagers)

[Slang] e.g.: You’re totes right!



a substance containing a harmless form of the germs that cause a particular disease. It is given to people, usually by injection, to prevent them from getting that disease.



a portmanteau of ’employer’ and ‘voyeurism’. signifies the act of searching for an employer or the practice of an employer when looking to fill positions. The term places an emphasis on the secretive connotation of the word ‘voyeur’, denoting a clandestine and thus superior form of employment search

[Tech.] Ex.: Employerism is what one must engage in, if one wishes to embark upon a more productive job hunt!




prolegomena -an introduction at the start of a book, usually used in plural form

payday loan


A small short-term loan, with very high interest rates, that the borrower promises to repay on or near the next payday. Used by wage earners who run short of cash before payday. Payday lending is an established form of lending in the US and Canada.

Also: payday advance, overnight loan.



A theory that regards thinking as a form of internal communication rather than an entirely different operation


cyber object


a virtual component in cyberspace which may be in any form and may execute any function, solely or partially.


cyber insurance


form of electronic indemnification for businesses and individuals against cyber-attacks and risks.


stiletto strength


a form of workout based on the usage of high heels

also called legwork


Digital Footprints


Digital footprint is a track left by user in form of data in process of transmission of information online

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. formnoun

    figure, shape

  2. formnoun

    A long bench with no back.

    figure, shape

  3. formnoun

    A window or dialogue box.

    figure, shape

  4. formnoun

    To give shape or visible structure to (a thing or person).

    shape, figure

  5. formnoun

    To take shape.

    shape, figure

  6. formnoun

    To create (a word) by inflection or derivation.

    By adding -ness, you can form a noun from an adjective.

    shape, figure

  7. formnoun

    To constitute, to compose, to make up.

    To apply for the position, complete the application form.

    shape, figure

  8. formnoun

    A grouping of words which maintain grammatical context in different usages.

    shape, figure

  9. formnoun

    Characteristics not involving atomic components.

    figure, shape

  10. formnoun

    A criminal record; loosely, past history (in a given area).

    figure, shape

  11. formnoun

    A class or year of students (often preceded by an ordinal number to specify the year, as in sixth form).

    shape, figure

  12. formnoun

    The den or home of a hare.

    figure, shape

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. form

    Body denotes the entire physical structure, considered as a whole, of man or animal; form looks upon it as a thing of shape and outline, perhaps of beauty; frame regards it as supported by its bony framework; system views it as an assemblage of many related and harmonious organs. Body, form, frame, and system may be either dead or living; clay and dust are sometimes so used in religious or poetic style, tho ordinarily these words are used only of the dead. Corpse and remains are used only of the dead. Corpse is the plain technical word for a dead body still retaining its unity; remains may be used after any lapse of time; the latter is also the more refined and less ghastly term; as, friends are invited to view the remains. Carcass applies only to the body of an animal, or of a human being regarded with contempt and loathing. Compare COMPANY.

    ashes, body, carcass, clay, corpse, dust, frame, remains, system, trunk

    intellect, intelligence, mind, soul, spirit

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. form

    shape, mould, fashion, constitute, arrange, frame, construct, contrive, conceive, make, produce, create, devise

    deform, dislocate, distort, dissipate, derange, dismember, disintegrate, analyze, disorganize

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. form, word form, signifier, descriptornoun

    the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something

    «the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached»

    course, figure, flesh, frame, shape, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, physical body, soma, human body, contour, grade, cast, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, configuration, class, variant, pattern, bod, signifier, descriptor, manikin, variety, strain, anatomy, var., material body, manakin, build

  2. kind, sort, form, varietynoun

    a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality

    «sculpture is a form of art»; «what kinds of desserts are there?»

    course, figure, flesh, frame, shape, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, physical body, multifariousness, potpourri, soma, assortment, diverseness, human body, contour, grade, sorting, cast, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, change, configuration, class, variant, motley, variety show, pattern, bod, miscellany, signifier, smorgasbord, miscellanea, descriptor, salmagundi, manikin, variety, strain, anatomy, mixture, mixed bag, var., diversity, material body, manakin, build

  3. form, shape, patternnoun

    a perceptual structure

    «the composition presents problems for students of musical form»; «a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them»

    course, figure, flesh, formula, frame, shape, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, condition, physical body, radiation diagram, soma, rule, human body, blueprint, radiation pattern, contour, grade, cast, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, configuration, class, variant, convention, practice, approach pattern, pattern, bod, signifier, embodiment, descriptor, manikin, variety, strain, normal, anatomy, traffic pattern, var., design, material body, manakin, build

  4. shape, form, configuration, contour, conformationnoun

    any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline)

    «he could barely make out their shapes»

    course, figure, flesh, conformity, contour line, frame, shape, kind, conformation, word form, physical body, soma, descriptor, human body, contour, grade, sort, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, cast, configuration, class, variant, abidance, constellation, pattern, bod, anatomy, signifier, embodiment, chassis, manikin, variety, strain, condition, compliance, var., material body, manakin, build

  5. human body, physical body, material body, soma, build, figure, physique, anatomy, shape, bod, chassis, frame, form, fleshnoun

    alternative names for the body of a human being

    «Leonardo studied the human body»; «he has a strong physique»; «the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak»

    framing, course, skeletal system, figure, flesh, pulp, frame, shape, variety, kind, conformation, figure of speech, image, chassis, physical body, trope, frame of reference, soma, haoma, human body, underframe, strain, contour, grade, systema skeletale, general anatomy, cast, mannikin, inning, physique, phase, mannequin, condition, skeleton, body-build, habitus, configuration, fig, variant, number, digit, class, pattern, bod, name, skeletal frame, signifier, embodiment, descriptor, manikin, public figure, sort, anatomy, word form, var., design, material body, manakin, build

  6. shape, formnoun

    the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance

    «geometry is the mathematical science of shape»

    course, figure, flesh, frame, shape, kind, conformation, word form, physical body, soma, descriptor, human body, contour, grade, sort, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, cast, configuration, class, variant, pattern, bod, anatomy, signifier, embodiment, chassis, manikin, variety, strain, condition, var., material body, manakin, build

  7. form, shape, castnoun

    the visual appearance of something or someone

    «the delicate cast of his features»

    hurl, course, figure, flesh, dramatis personae, frame, shape, cast of characters, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, condition, physical body, soma, stamp, roll, human body, plaster cast, contour, grade, cast, mannikin, mould, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, configuration, class, variant, mold, pattern, bod, signifier, embodiment, casting, descriptor, plaster bandage, manikin, variety, strain, anatomy, var., material body, manakin, build

  8. formnoun

    a printed document with spaces in which to write

    «he filled out his tax form»

    course, figure, flesh, frame, shape, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, physical body, soma, human body, contour, grade, cast, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, configuration, class, variant, pattern, bod, signifier, descriptor, manikin, variety, strain, anatomy, var., material body, manakin, build

  9. form, variant, strain, var.noun

    (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups

    «a new strain of microorganisms»

    course, air, figure, flesh, breed, song, frame, shape, kind, conformation, striving, sort, chassis, physical body, straining, chance variable, soma, variation, discrepancy, human body, melodic phrase, mental strain, tenor, contour, grade, cast, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, melodic line, variance, word form, version, stochastic variable, stock, configuration, class, nervous strain, variant, variate, tune, pattern, bod, signifier, melody, edition, pains, descriptor, line, manikin, variety, strain, stress, anatomy, var., random variable, nisus, material body, manakin, build

  10. formnoun

    an arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse

    «the essay was in the form of a dialogue»; «he first sketches the plot in outline form»

    course, figure, flesh, frame, shape, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, physical body, soma, human body, contour, grade, cast, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, configuration, class, variant, pattern, bod, signifier, descriptor, manikin, variety, strain, anatomy, var., material body, manakin, build

  11. formnoun

    a particular mode in which something is manifested

    «his resentment took the form of extreme hostility»

    course, figure, flesh, frame, shape, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, physical body, soma, human body, contour, grade, cast, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, configuration, class, variant, pattern, bod, signifier, descriptor, manikin, variety, strain, anatomy, var., material body, manakin, build

  12. phase, formnoun

    (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary

    «the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system»

    course, figure, flesh, frame, shape, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, physical body, soma, human body, contour, grade, cast, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, configuration, class, variant, stage, material body, pattern, bod, signifier, descriptor, manikin, variety, strain, anatomy, var., phase angle, manakin, build

  13. class, form, grade, coursenoun

    a body of students who are taught together

    «early morning classes are always sleepy»

    category, ground level, figure, tier, flesh, frame, stratum, mark, kind, track, chassis, social class, physical body, grad, soma, row, course of action, score, human body, division, level, socio-economic class, grade, manikin, sort, mannikin, mannequin, conformation, phase, course of study, family, word form, trend, path, cast, gradation, configuration, class, variant, degree, course, pattern, bod, year, signifier, shape, descriptor, line, course of instruction, variety, strain, anatomy, physique, contour, var., material body, manakin, build

  14. formnoun

    an ability to perform well

    «he was at the top of his form»; «the team was off form last night»

    course, figure, flesh, frame, shape, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, physical body, soma, human body, contour, grade, cast, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, configuration, class, variant, pattern, bod, signifier, descriptor, manikin, variety, strain, anatomy, var., material body, manakin, build

  15. mannequin, manikin, mannikin, manakin, formnoun

    a life-size dummy used to display clothes

    course, figure, flesh, frame, mannikin, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, physical body, soma, human body, contour, grade, cast, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, fashion model, configuration, class, variant, homunculus, pattern, bod, signifier, shape, descriptor, manikin, variety, strain, anatomy, var., model, material body, manakin, build

  16. formverb

    a mold for setting concrete

    «they built elaborate forms for pouring the foundation»

    course, figure, flesh, frame, shape, kind, conformation, sort, chassis, physical body, soma, human body, contour, grade, cast, mannikin, mannequin, physique, phase, word form, configuration, class, variant, pattern, bod, signifier, descriptor, manikin, variety, strain, anatomy, var., material body, manakin, build

  17. form, organize, organiseverb

    create (as an entity)

    «social groups form everywhere»; «They formed a company»

    engineer, devise, mould, imprint, spring, take form, mastermind, work, shape, mold, direct, prepare, machinate, take shape, orchestrate, organize, forge, get up, coordinate, unionise, unionize, make, organise, constitute

  18. form, constitute, makeverb

    to compose or represent:»This wall forms the background of the stage setting»

    «The branches made a roof»; «This makes a fine introduction»

    wee-wee, take, hit, bring in, organise, institute, draw, cook, have, piddle, hold, mold, piss, constitute, do, reach, earn, stimulate, get to, shit, defecate, spring, lay down, name, pass water, comprise, mould, progress to, create, crap, take a shit, pretend, make water, gain, ready, found, imprint, establish, be, realize, make up, give, attain, pull in, induce, pee, make, wee, plant, ca-ca, get, take shape, prepare, micturate, shape, take in, score, build, make believe, forge, throw, arrive at, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, represent, puddle, take a crap, clear, appoint, produce, nominate, organize, take a leak, take form, cause, urinate, work, fix, realise, stool, seduce, construct

  19. form, take form, take shape, springverb

    develop into a distinctive entity

    «our plans began to take shape»

    rebound, constitute, spring, recoil, mould, imprint, bound, take form, work, leap, mold, ricochet, bounce, take a hop, take shape, organize, forge, resile, shape, reverberate, make, organise, jump

  20. shape, formverb

    give shape or form to

    «shape the dough»; «form the young child’s character»

    regulate, take form, mould, imprint, spring, take shape, work, determine, mold, influence, organize, forge, shape, make, organise, constitute

  21. shape, form, work, mold, mould, forgeverb

    make something, usually for a specific function

    «She molded the rice balls carefully»; «Form cylinders from the dough»; «shape a figure»; «Work the metal into a sword»

    spring, knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, model, excogitate, imprint, work out, run, spurt, function, put to work, organize, forge, lick, take form, solve, make, regulate, determine, figure out, cast, fake, mould, sour, invent, play, exploit, make for, spirt, go, take shape, fashion, do work, hammer, mold, organise, mildew, puzzle out, act upon, counterfeit, process, crop, work, ferment, influence, work on, constitute, formulate, wreak, cultivate, exercise, contrive, devise

  22. imprint, formverb

    establish or impress firmly in the mind

    «We imprint our ideas onto our children»

    imprint, forge, mold, take shape, take form, spring, make, organise, constitute, work, impress, shape, mould, organize

  23. formverb

    assume a form or shape

    «the water formed little beads»

    imprint, mold, take shape, shape, take form, spring, organise, constitute, work, forge, make, mould, organize

Matched Categories

    • Ability
    • Appearance
    • Biology
    • Body
    • Category
    • Change
    • Create
    • Document
    • Dummy
    • Gathering
    • Influence
    • Linguistics
    • Manner
    • Physical Chemistry
    • Spatial Property
    • State Of Matter
    • Structure
    • Taxonomic Group
    • Word
    • Writing Style

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. allele

    an allele is one of many forms of a gene

    different forms of a gene are called alleles.

    Submitted by JP03 on March 11, 2015  

  2. archetype

    different ways to explain a subjective experience.

    the hallucinogenic visions will take on different forms or archetypes, and seemed ultimately to be subjective.

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. formnoun

    shape (with especial reference to structure), figure, configuration, conformation, mould, fashion, cast, cut, TOURNURE

  2. formnoun

    mode, method, formula, formulary, established practice

  3. formnoun

    manner, system

  4. formnoun

    regularity, order, arrangement, shapeliness

  5. formnoun

    ceremony, formality, ceremonial, conventionality, etiquette, conventional rule

  6. formnoun

    empty show, mere appearance

  7. formnoun

    bench, long seat (without a back)

  8. formnoun

    class, rank of students

  9. formnoun

    type in a chase (ready for printing)

  10. formnoun

    10. mould, pattern, model

  11. formverb

    fashion, shape, carve, mould

  12. formverb

    make, create, produce

  13. formverb

    contrive, devise, invent, frame

  14. formverb

    constitute, compose, make up

  15. formverb

    arrange, dispose, combine

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. formnoun

    shape, structure, configuration, figure, conformation, cast, mould, tournure, formula, ritual, formality, ceremonial, conventionality, symmetry, image, phantom, mould, pattern, model

  2. formverb

    shape, fashion, mould

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «form»:

    shape, forms, format, way, formula, formulary, manner, formulaire, kind, train, constitute, type, forma, forme, sort, screen, modality, proforma, formatting, forming, version, formation, formed, forman, are, mode, represent

Suggested Resources

  1. FORM

    What does FORM stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the FORM acronym on the website.

  2. Form

    Form vs. From — In this article you will learn the differences between the words Form and From.

How to pronounce form?

How to say form in sign language?

How to use form in a sentence?

  1. Dylan Dean:

    We were talking about handing out fake vaccine cards as a form of protest to make it clear to the administration that if they did end up trying to mandate vaccines, that the students will and can find ways around that, i chose against doing that because it is a crime.

  2. Roy Innis:

    To make inexpensive guns impossible to get is to say that you’re putting a money test on getting a gun. It’s racism in its worst form.

  3. Jonathan Blutinger:

    There’s perhaps a stigma associated with this word (3D printing), usually with printing you think of an industrial process. (But) it’s important to realize that this is no different than cooking normally except instead of chopping the ingredients up and everything like that, the machine is basically just assembling it in paste form.

  4. Masami Sakoi:

    When we think about using the test results to form policy measures, the current method needs to be maintained for the time being though concerns that it lacks flexibility for boosting the number of tests is understandable.

  5. Socrates, Quoted in: Plato, Phaedrus, sct. 262.:

    Whenever, therefore, people are deceived and form opinions wide of the truth, it is clear that the error has slid into their minds through the medium of certain resemblances to that truth.

Translations for form

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • شكلArabic
  • формуляр, форма, съставлявам, оформям се, образувам, оформямBulgarian
  • forma, formulari, formarCatalan, Valencian
  • formulářCzech
  • formular, blanket, form, formeDanish
  • Form, Formular, bilden, formenGerman
  • φόρμα, μορφήGreek
  • formo, formiEsperanto
  • forma, formulario, formarSpanish
  • فرم, شکل, صورت, شکل دادن, شکل گرفتنPersian
  • lomakeFinnish
  • forme, formulaire, former, se formerFrench
  • cumadh, dèanamh, cruthScottish Gaelic
  • forma, formulario, formarGalician
  • अर्ज़ीHindi
  • fòm, fòmeHaitian Creole
  • formaHungarian
  • ձեւաթուղթ, ձեւArmenian
  • formaInterlingua
  • untuk mIndonesian
  • modulo, forma, formulario, formare, formarsiItalian
  • טופסHebrew
  • 形状, 用紙, 形式, 形作るJapanese
  • blankettiKalaallisut, Greenlandic
  • សំណុំបែបបទKhmer
  • 용지Korean
  • forma, figura, formo, figuroLatin
  • puka, āhuaMāori
  • образец, формулар, облик, обликуваMacedonian
  • vorm, formulier, vormen, vormgevenDutch
  • skjemaNorwegian
  • forma, formarOccitan
  • FormularzPolish
  • forma, formulário, formar, formatoPortuguese
  • formular, formăRomanian
  • анкета, бланк, форма, формуляр, фигура, образовать, формировать, образовывать, формоватьRussian
  • form, blankett, formulär, formaSwedish
  • formTurkish
  • فارمUrdu
  • hình thứcVietnamese
  • 形式Chinese

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • form [fɔːm] сущ

    1. формаж, бланкм, видм, анкетаж

      (shape, blank, type, questionnaire)

      • worst form – наихудшая форма
      • optically active form – оптически активная форма
      • disjunctive normal form – дизъюнктивная нормальная форма
      • binary quadratic form – бинарная квадратичная форма
      • data entry form – форма ввода данных
      • most general form – наиболее общая форма
      • form of cerebral palsy – форма детского церебрального паралича
      • take various forms – принимать различные формы
      • registration form – регистрационный бланк
      • form of intellectual property – вид интеллектуальной собственности
      • special form – специальная анкета
    2. формулярм


      • standard form – стандартный формуляр
    3. формированиеср


      • process of forming – процесс формирования
  • form [fɔːm] гл

    1. формировать, формироваться, создаваться, сформировать, сформироваться, сложиться, складываться

      (shape, generate, develop)

      • form the future – формировать будущее
      • form almost – формироваться практически
      • form a government – сформировать правительство
    2. образовывать, образовать


      • form alliances – образовывать союзы
      • form a ring – образовать кольцо
    3. составлять, составить


      • form an angle – составлять угол
      • form an opinion – составить мнение
    4. образовываться, образоваться

      (appear, produce)

  • form [fɔːm] нареч

    1. в форме


форма form, shape, mold, uniform, format, mode
вид view, kind, form, look, appearance, species
бланк form, blank, slip, guest card, billhead, census paper
формат format, size, form
разновидность species, variety, kind, variation, type, form
анкета questionnaire, form, questionary, worksheet
образ form, image, fashion, picture, character, figure
класс class, rating, classroom, grade, school, form
фигура figure, shape, form, character, stature, picture card
модель model, pattern, type, form, make, sample
образец sample, pattern, specimen, model, example, form
состояние condition, state, status, position, fortune, form
внешний вид appearance, aspect, form, face, outward, presence
опалубка timbering, casing, decking, form, falsework, deck
очертание outline, shape, cutout, form, contour, configuration
порядок order, method, course, right, discipline, form
формальность formality, form, solemnity, ceremony, punctilio
построение construction, formation, composition, form, parade, scheme
проформа form
нора hole, burrow, den, lodge, earth, form
экстерьер exterior, form, point, points
печатная форма plate, form
общепринятая форма form
скамья bench, settle, bank, form
парта desk, form
этикет etiquette, decorum, courtesy, form
церемония ceremony, rite, circumstance, form
готовность readiness, alacrity, willingness, preparedness, trim, form
образовывать form, constitute, generate
формировать form, shape, mold, troop, texture, head
создавать create, build, establish, make, produce, form
составлять be, constitute, make up, make, compose, form
формироваться form, troop
образовываться form
принимать форму take the form, take shape, form, shape
формовать mold, form, throw, fashion, model, mould
создаваться form, grow up
придавать форму shape, form, body, configurate, fashion, figure
вырабатывать produce, make, work out, elaborate, form, deliver
составляться form
принимать вид form, shape, pose, put on, assume the similitude of
придавать вид fashion, form
дисциплинировать discipline, chasten, break in, school, form, chastise
воспитывать educate, bring up, raise, nurture, foster, form
тренировать train, coach, exercise, drill, discipline, form
строиться align, fall in, parade, troop, aline, form

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • form сущ

    • shape · pattern · uniform · appearance · shaping
    • kind · format · sort · class · variety · type · species · sight
    • way · manner
    • constitute · comprise
    • produce · make · make up · compose
    • develop · build
    • blank · application form · questionnaire · blank form · data card · formular
    • mold · mould


  • shape, configuration, formation, structure, construction, arrangement, appearance, exterior, outline, format, layout, design
  • body, shape, figure, stature, build, frame, physique, anatomy, vital statistics
  • manifestation, appearance, embodiment, incarnation, semblance, shape, guise
  • kind, sort, type, class, classification, category, variety, genre, brand, style, species, genus, family
  • mold, cast, shape, matrix, die
  • etiquette, social practice, custom, usage, use, modus operandi, habit, wont, protocol, procedure, rules, convention, tradition, fashion, style, praxis
  • questionnaire, document, coupon, paper, sheet
  • fitness, condition, fettle, shape, trim, health
  • manakin, mannequin, mannikin, manikin
  • phase
  • strain, variant
  • cast, shape
  • course, class, grade
  • signifier, descriptor, word form
  • shape
  • pattern, shape
  • flesh, soma, figure, frame, build, anatomy, human body, physique, bod, chassis, shape
  • contour, conformation, configuration, shape
  • sort, variety, kind


  • make, construct, build, manufacture, fabricate, assemble, put together, create, produce, concoct, devise, contrive, frame, fashion, shape
  • formulate, devise, conceive, work out, think up, lay, draw up, put together, produce, fashion, concoct, forge, hatch, incubate, develop, dream up
  • set up, establish, found, launch, float, create, bring into being, institute, start (up), get going, initiate, bring about, inaugurate
  • materialize, come into being/existence, crystallize, emerge, spring up, develop, take shape, appear, loom, show up, become visible
  • acquire, develop, get, pick up, contract, slip into, get into
  • arrange, draw up, line up, assemble, organize, sort, order, range, array, dispose, marshal, deploy
  • constitute, make, make up, compose, add up to
  • constitute, serve as, act as, function as, perform the function of, do duty for, make
  • develop, mold, shape, train, teach, instruct, educate, school, drill, discipline, prime, prepare, guide, direct, inform, enlighten, inculcate, indoctrinate, edify
  • shape
  • organize
  • forge, mold, work, shape
  • take form, take shape, spring
  • make, constitute
  • imprint

Предложения со словом «form»

Now, before The Simpsons, before Gumby, before Betty Boop, before there was such a thing as cinema and television, animation was hugely popular in this form.

Ещё до «Симпсонов», до «Гамби», до «Бетти Буп», до того, как появились такие вещи, как кино и телевидение, мультипликация была очень популярна именно в такой форме .

Now, I invented my own form of the zoetrope, which removes the drum and replaces the slits with a video camera.

Я изобрёл свой собственный зоотроп, которому не нужен барабан, щели в котором заменены видеокамерой.

Her teachers who were stars in the royal palace, to the ancient dancers of Angkor and to the primal villagers from which the art form originally took life.

Её учителями были звёзды королевского дворца, чьими учителями были танцоры Ангкорского периода, чьими учителями были селяне, благодаря которым и появилась эта форма искусства.

These desires are totally opposed to any form of reality.

И эти желания совершенно противоположны реальности.

And this is helping us form an early picture of what trade-offs people are comfortable with and what matters to them — even across cultures.

Это помогает нам иметь раннее представление о приемлемых компромиссах и о том, что важно людям разных культур.

So, one aspect of string theory, at its simplest form, is this: matter is made up of atoms, which are made up of protons and neutrons and electrons, which are made up of quark.

Теория струн, если говорить проще, рассказывает о следующем: материя состоит из атомов, они состоят из протонов, нейтронов и электронов, а они, в свою очередь, — из кварков.

At the time, I was in graduate school, and I was so excited that I had found this new life form.

Тогда я училась в аспирантуре и была в восторге от того, что обнаружила новую форму жизни.

Now, my dad is my biggest fan, so in that crushing moment where he wanted to kill my new little life form, I realized that actually I had failed him, both as a daughter and a scientist.

Мой отец поддерживает меня больше всех, поэтому в тот сокрушительный момент, когда он захотел истребить моё открытие, я осознала, что на самом деле подвела его, — и как дочь, и как учёный.

Why do certain configurations of line and color and form excite us so?

Почему определённое сочетание линии, цвета и формы нас так волнует?

The only form of ethical persuasion that exists is when the goals of the persuader are aligned with the goals of the persuadee.

Единственная форма этичного убеждения, имеющая право на существование, — когда цели убеждающего совпадают с целями убеждаемого.

And sure enough, nationally, small local groups — they were called Democratic-Republican Societies — began to form and protest against Federalist-dominated hegemony.

Разумеется, по всей стране маленькие местные общества — их называли Демократическо — республиканские общества — сформировывались и начинали протестовать против господства федералистов.

It’s the kind of data that I collected for Nokia that comes in in the form of a very small sample size, but delivers incredible depth of meaning.

Это всё то, что я собирала для Nokia, что поступало ко мне мельчайшими крупицами, но несло в себе значение невероятной глубины.

Which the brain combines these sensory signals with its prior expectations or beliefs about the way the world is to form its best guess of what caused those signals.

При этом мозг сопоставляет эти сенсорные сигналы со своими предыдущими ожиданиями и представлениями о мире, формируя наиболее точное предположение об источнике сигнала.

And we let these institutionalized ideas form a false sense of hierarchy that would determine what was considered a good grade of hair and what was not.

И мы позволили этой укоренившейся идее сформировать ложное представление о том, что следует считать волосами хорошего качества, а что — нет.

Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism.

Ахондроплазия — это наиболее распространённая форма карликовости.

Today it can feel like things are happening too fast — so fast, that it can become really difficult for us to form an understanding of our place in history.

Сегодня кажется, что всё случается слишком быстро, так быстро, что нам бывает трудно определить и осознать своё место в истории.

Melquiades was a patient at that time, he was about 18 years old, and he had a very difficult form of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

В то время Мелкиадесу было около 18 лет, он болел очень тяжёлой формой устойчивого к лекарствам туберкулёза.

I used to think that cremation was a sustainable form of disposition, but just think about it for a second.

Я думала, что кремация — это эффективный способ утилизации, но только задумайтесь!

So just because I’m talking about the exteriors of buildings, not form, not function, not structure, even so those surfaces give texture to our lives, because buildings create the spaces around them, and those spaces can draw people in or push them away.

Поэтому я говорю о внешности зданий, не о форме , не о функциях, не о структуре, внешний вид зданий задаёт рельеф нашей жизни, потому что здания создают пространство для неё, и это пространство привлекает людей или отталкивает.

And in capsule form, it’s that pupae — that’s the immature form of the insect — were irradiated until they were sterile, grown to adulthood and then released from planes all over the Southwest, the Southeast and down into Mexico and into Central America literally by the hundreds of millions from little airplanes, eventually eliminating that terrible insect pest for most of the Western Hemisphere.

В форме капсулы, эти куколки — это незрелая форма насекомого — облучались радиацией, стали бесплодными, были выращены до взрослого состояния, а потом выпущены из самолётов по всему юго — западу, юго — востоку, вниз до Мексики и в Центральной Америке, буквально сотнями миллионов из маленьких самолётов, в конечном итоге устраняя этих ужасных насекомых — вредителей в большей части Западного полушария.

So now I have to tell you the short form of the long, torturous story of GM regulation in the US.

Сейчас я расскажу краткую версию долгой, мучительной истории регуляции ГМ в США.

For many teens battling chronic sleep loss, their go-to strategy to compensate is consuming large quantities of caffeine in the form of venti frappuccinos, or energy drinks and shots.

Для многих подростков основное средство борьбы с недосыпанием — потребление большого количества кофеина в виде двойных фраппуччино, энергетиков или алкоголя.

The answer is to return all the money raised directly to citizens, in the form of equal monthly dividends.

Решение — возвращать собранные деньги напрямую гражданам в виде равных ежемесячных дивидендов.

And accidentally, I happened to even invent a new dance form which I didn’t realize, and it became a rage.

Я даже случайно изобрёл новый стиль танца, о чём и не догадывался, и он стал повальным увлечением.

The two and a half alphabets which form the word प्रेम, which means love, if you are able to understand that and practice it, that itself is enough to enlighten mankind.

Две с половиной буквы образуют слово प्रेम, что означает любовь, и если вы способны понять это и претворить в жизнь, то одного этого уже достаточно для просвещения человечества.

It died out about 200 years ago, and yet in Latin America, from Mexico to Chile, all our countries maintain some form of the Décima in our popular traditions.

Она ушла примерно 200 лет назад, хотя в Латинской Америке, от Мексики до Чили, хранят некоторые формы децимы в её лучших традициях.

I already had the lyrics, I had the form — the Décima — and the content.

У меня уже был текст, форма — децима — и содержание.

And as an example of this, if as a fetus you were exposed to a lot of stress hormones through your mother, epigenetics is going to produce your amygdala in adulthood as a more excitable form, and you’re going to have elevated stress hormone levels.

Например, если во время беременности ваша мать постоянно испытывала стресс, по законам эпегенетики, в зрелом возрасте ваша миндалина станет легковозбудимой, а уровень гормона стресса будет повышен.

And in a world which is putting up walls, the design needed to express in form the very opposite.

В мире, который возводит стены, этот дизайн должен был отражать противоположную идею.

A new form of sacred space with no pattern or models to draw from.

Быть новой формой священного места без опоры на шаблоны и известные модели.

Maybe a pure form, a single form of emanation that you could imagine would be all dome and everything we kept making was looking too much like an egg.

Наверное, единственная излучающая свет, чистая форма , которую только можно себе представить, — купольная, поэтому всё, что мы придумывали, было очень похоже на яйцо.

But rotation was not enough, because we needed a form.

Но вращения было недостаточно — нам была нужна форма .

And that it has the kind of dimple of what you might imagine a shoulder or the cheekbone, and that kind of organic form.

Здесь есть впадина, как в плече или скуле и в других органических формах .

And this started to become an interesting form, carving the base.

Из этого началá получаться интересная форма .

They grow up — and this is the worst thing we did to girls — they grow up to be women who have turned pretense into an art form.

Вырастая, они — и это худшее, что мы можем сделать для девочек, они становятся женщинами, которые возводят притворство в некое искусство.

I’m asking them to wake up and understand that we need a new form of governance, which is possible and which harmonizes those two needs, those good for our own people and those good for everybody else.

Я прошу их очнуться и понять, что нам нужны новый стиль управления, — и это осуществимо, — который сможет отвечать и тем, и другим нуждам, и новые решения, которые будут выгодны для всех.

Vaporwave is more than an art form.

Вейпорвейв — больше, чем просто форма искусства.

My grandmother was a firecracker, my mom is a professional, my sister and I are loud, and that’s our form of feminine power.

Моя бабушка была ещё та зажигалка, моя мама — профессионал в этом, мы с сестрой тоже не тихони — это наша форма женской власти.

This pattern reveals metallic crystals that can only form out in space where molten metal can cool extremely slowly, a few degrees every million years.

В этом образце видны вкрапления металлов, которые могли сформироваться только в космосе, где расплавленный металл может очень медленно охлаждаться, — на несколько градусов за миллионы лет.

In a traditional cremation, the ashes that are left over — inorganic bone fragments — form a thick, chalky layer that, unless distributed in the soil just right, can actually hurt or kill the tree.

В традиционной кремации остатки пепла, фрагменты неорганической кости, образуют густой, меловый слой, который при неправильном распределении в почве может навредить дереву или даже погубить.

It’s a famous design mantra that form follows function.

Известная дизайнерская мантра гласит, что форма следует за функцией.

But stories don’t give everyone the same opportunity to appear within them, particularly not stories compartmentalized in the form of American movies.

Однако истории не каждому предоставляют одинаковую возможность быть в них участником, особенно истории в американских фильмах.

A coalition of government employees who are excited and ready to drive change, began to grow and form.

Союз правительственных работников, которые были воодушевлены и готовы начать изменения, начал расти и формироваться .

And it really is a stomach because you can put energy in this side in the form of pollution, and it creates electricity.

Это настоящий желудок, потому что можно с этой стороны поместить энергию в виде загрязнений, и они произведут электричество.

And then in a long and complicated process, the tribes coalesced together to form the Chinese nation, which controlled the entire Yellow River and had the ability to bring hundreds of thousands of people together to build dams and canals and regulate the river and prevent the worst floods and droughts and raise the level of prosperity for everybody.

В результате долгого и сложного процесса племена объединились и сформировалась китайская нация, контролирующая Хуанхэ на всей её протяжённости и способная сплотить сотни тысяч людей для постройки плотин и каналов и таким образом усмирить реку, предотвратить разрушительные наводнения и засухи и обеспечить некий уровень процветания для каждого.

This means that two out of five of your closest friends and relatives will be diagnosed with some form of cancer, and one will die.

То есть у двоих из пяти ваших ближайших друзей и родственников будет диагностирована та или иная форма рака, и один из них умрёт.

Now, I did a presentation at St. Paul’s School for Girls in Hammersmith, and I had an audience rather like this, except it was comprised entirely of sixth-form girls.

У меня была презентация в школе Св. Павла для девочек в Хаммерсмите с похожей аудиторией, за исключением того, что состояла только из девочек шестого класса.

This rectilinear form is an ancient tomb that is previously unknown and unexcavated, and you all are the first people to see it in thousands of years.

Этот прямоугольник — древняя гробница, ранее неизвестная и нетронутая, и вы — первые люди, увидевшие её за тысячи лет.

Just as water drops come together to form oceans, I believe that we all must come together when tackling this global problem.

Так же, как капли воды объединяются, образуя океаны, я уверена: решая эту мировую проблему, мы все должны собраться вместе.

This sounds terrible, but the reality is, in the security industry, this form of attack is somewhat commonplace.

Это звучит ужасно, но на самом деле в сфере безопасности такая форма атаки — обычное дело.

And they’ll extrapolate that information and aggregate it, such that they can pretty much form a recipe for the air at different times.

Они собирают и обобщают информацию, и таким образом создают рецепты состава воздуха в различные моменты истории.

Doctors thought it was a new form of polio.

Врачи решили, что это новая форма полиомиелита.

Rather than bring nature into our laboratories and interrogate it there, we need to bring our science into the majestic laboratory that is nature, and there, with our modern technological armamentarium, interrogate every new form of life we find, and any new biological attribute that we may find.

Вместо того, чтобы забирать природу в наши лаборатории для допроса, необходимо впустить науку в величественную лабораторию, коей является сама природа, и уже там, используя современное технологическое оборудование, изучать каждую новую форму живого организма с его неповторимыми биологическими характеристиками.

Not from a solid block of stone, but from a pile of dust, somehow gluing millions of these particles together to form a statue.

Не из целого куска камня, а из кучи пыли каким — то образом склеить миллионы частиц и создать из них статую.

The only way you get a statue from a pile of dust is if the statue built itself — if somehow we could compel millions of these particles to come together to form the statue.

Единственный способ сделать статую из пыли — если статуя создаст себя сама, если мы каким — то образом смогли бы заставить эти частицы собраться вместе в статую.

But along with that vision, he also tried to give us — and most people don’t know this, either — he tried to give us a partner in the form of our fiercest Cold War rival, the Soviet Union.

И вместе с ней он попытался дать нам — хотя многие даже не представляют этого — попытался дать нам в виде партнёра ни кого иного, как нашего злейшего врага по Холодной войне — Советский Союз.

With a message of justice and peace, that there is a shared religious ethos that is now emerging in the form of revitalized religion in this country.

И это становится своего рода формой возрождения религии в этой стране.

The atmosphere is just these gases that form a thin blue line that’s seen here from the International Space Station, a photograph that some astronauts took.

Атмосфера — это лишь тонкая голубая линия, сформированная из этих газов, которую фотографируют астронавты на Международной космической станции.

And so these baked-in tendencies and urgencies in technological systems give us a sense of where things are going at the large form.

Так что тенденции и проблемы, интегрированные в технологические системы, позволяют почувствовать, к чему всё идёт в глобальном масштабе.

Sarcoma is a very rare form of cancer.

Саркома — это редкая форма рака.

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