What is another word for Forbid?
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ban, bar, boycott, close, condemn, en.synonym.one, deny, deter, disallow, discourage, dismiss, dissuade, dull, enjoin, exclude, exile, foreclose, forestall, halt, hinder, inhibit, interdict, nix, ostracise, ostracize, outlaw, en.synonym.one, preclude, prevent, prohibit, proscribe, refuse, reject, shut out, turn down, veto, void.
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Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
forbid [fəˈbɪd] гл forbad/forbade, forbidden
запрещать, воспрещать, запретить, воспретить
(prohibit, ban)
- forbid discrimination – запрещать дискриминацию
- forbidden zone – запрещенная зона
verb | ||
запрещать | forbid, prohibit, ban, disable, disallow, inhibit | |
возбранять | forbid, prohibit | |
не позволять | forbid, keep out |
Предложения со словом «forbid»
God forbid you had to go to court to get help in being able to settle a dispute to enforce a contract, because that process alone would take you 465 days. |
Боже упаси, если вам надо будет идти в суд, чтобы разрешить спор для осуществления контракта, потому что один этот процесс занял бы 465 дней. |
Look at our politicians here, you know, back in the US — God forbid we go there right now. |
Посмотрите на наших политиков, что здесь, что там, в США, Не дай бог нам сейчас начать разговоры о политике. |
God forbid, another 9/11 could do that. |
Или второе 9/11 заставит нас дать отпор. |
I forbid you to use my name in this context. |
Я запрещаю Вам упоминать мое имя в подобном контексте. |
Local governments can also help to prevent some problems, if they forbid logging companies to destroy the forests, or stop factories from polluting water. |
Местное правительство может также помочь приостановить некоторые проблемы, если запретит лесозаготовительным предприятиям разрушать леса, или остановит заводы от загрязнения воды. |
Did I not forbid that you should ask the tyrant any favour? |
Разве я не запретил тебе просить тирана о милости? |
I forbid my staff from even starting conversations with the clients. |
Я запрещаю своим сотрудникам даже заводить разговор с клиентами. |
Almighty God is great in nature and the laws of nature, and those laws forbid marriage between brother and sister. |
Всевышний установил законы природы, и эти законы запрещают брак между братом и сестрой. |
I think it is a proper danger but I don’t deny your right to forbid your son to risk his neck with me. |
Я готов рискнуть, но за вами остается право запретить сыну ставить на карту свою жизнь. |
I can not forbid my donkey to praise the wisdom of our Emir! |
Я же не могу запретить моему ишаку восхвалять мудрость нашего эмира! |
God forbid he hit my sweet spot… |
Упаси боже, если он выяснит, что меня заводит… |
God forbid you should lose the bug altogether and you pointed us toward the door. |
Бог повелел тебе изгнать вольнодумцев и ты указал нам обоим на дверь. |
God forbid either of you should ever need surgery to save your life. |
Упаси вас боже от необходимости пройти через операцию чтобы спасти вашу жизнь. |
You don’t want to tell Americans, God forbid, that they have to change their lifestyle. |
Никому не хочется говорить американцам, не дай Бог, что они должны изменить свой образ жизни. |
Good humor and fun… God forbid. |
Хороший юмор и веселый… не дай бог. |
God forbid, just like your mother. |
Боже упаси, прямо как твоя мама. |
God forbid there won’t be another war. |
Мы должны Богу молиться, чтобы не было новой войны! |
God forbid that the king should abandon her just to ease his own conscience. |
Король не может бросить ее, просто чтобы облегчить совесть, бог не допустит. |
God forbid his holiness should ever turn his back on me. |
Бог запрещает его святейшеству отворачиваться от меня. |
God forbid I should borrow one from Holly. |
Ѕоже упаси мен€ вз€ть куртку у ‘олли. |
And god forbid, you really make it… |
Бог не позволил, но вы действительно сделали это… |
God forbid your car breaks down… |
Не дай бог сломается ваша машина… |
God forbid they ever achieve anything in life by actually working for it. |
Упаси Бог, чтобы они хоть когда — нибудь достигли чего — то, реально работая. |
God forbid, you may faint in the street. |
Не дай Бог, станет вам плохо на улице. |
God forbid something happens and people get stranded without a car. |
Боже упаси, если что — нибудь случиться, и люди останутся без машины. |
God forbid they have to pull one all-nighter, let alone two. |
Боже упаси, чтобы они задержались тут на ночь, не то, что на две. |
God forbid should step one foot outside his precious garage. |
Не дай бог отойти ему от своего расчудесного гаража. |
You might tear someone’s throat out but God forbid anyone should see your winky. |
Ты можешь отгрызть кому — нибудь глотку, но бог запретил показывать тебе кому — либо свою игрушку. |
Right, because God forbid I might just be talking about you and me right now. |
Верно, потому что, не приведи Господь, я мог бы просто говорить о нас с тобой прямо сейчас. |
And God forbid I don’t take them everyday at the exact same time. |
И не дай бог я не буду принимать их каждый день в одно и то же время. |
She has to decide to leave or, God forbid… |
Она может только съехать сама или отдать душу. |
God forbid I have a nice, calm evening — without you charging in… |
Избавь меня, Господи, от спокойного и приятного вечера без твоих обвинений в… |
God forbid you two should put something like that on my friend, Frank Sobotka… |
Не дай Бог вы бы накопали что — нибудь подобное на моего друга, Фрэнка Соботку… |
Or God forbid she’s anything like me. |
Или, не дай Бог, во что — нибудь вроде меня. |
God forbid you’re not as good as you remember. |
Не дай бог, ты не так хорош, как тебе кажется. |
God forbid this little incident ever gets back to poor Nathaniel Wolff. |
Не дай бог, эта история однажды дойдет до бедного Натаниэля Вульфа. |
You know, God forbid we appear incoherent when our brother dies. |
Знаешь, упаси Господи, если мы покажемся косноязычными после смерти брата. |
God forbid I get in the way of someone earning. |
Боже упаси мешать кому — нибудь зарабатывать деньги. |
If, God forbid, someone went down right now in this bar. |
Если, не дай Бог, кто — нибудь упадет сейчас в баре. |
God forbid she make more money than me! |
Не дай Бог она заработает больше денег, чем я! |
God forbid you should have to spend a day alone. |
Боже упаси тебя провести хотя бы день в одиночестве. |
And God forbid you breathe a word to a living soul. |
И упаси вас Бог проболтаться об этом кому — нибудь. |
God forbid, you will see on their lands — shame no end. |
Не приведи Господь, увидит тебя на своих землях — позору не оберёшься. |
God forbid anyone knew a gentleman with a peasant meets. |
Не дай Бог кто узнает, барин с крестьянкою встречается. |
I mean, God forbid they should make a mistake and forget to steal. |
Бог запрещает им сделать ошибку и забыть украсть. |
No, God forbid, his father has principles. |
Нет, помилуй Бог, у его отца есть принципы. |
God forbid the Feds ever get involved. |
Не дай Бог, еще федералы вмешаются. |
And God forbid if they found it… |
Боже упаси, чтобы они тут нашли… |
If anything happens, God forbid, it’s all yours. |
Если что — нибудь с ним случится, не дай Бог, всё будет твоим. |
God forbid, there’s no knowing the ways of this world. |
Не дай Бог, что может твориться в этом мире. |
God forbid you should forget one school concert or you… |
Не дай бог, ты пропустила школьный концерт. |
Remember, Michael. If, God forbid… |
Помни, Михал, если бы не дай, Боже… |
Because God forbid someone doesn’t like my van. |
Не дай бог кому — то не понравится мой фургон. |
God forbid someone’s feelings should get hurt. |
Не дай Бог пострадают чьи — то чувства. |
God forbid your royal feet go without eucalyptus… |
Господь строго запрещает твоим королевским ногам ходить без эвкалиптовой… |
God forbid, have fun once in a while. |
Боже упаси, да развлекись ты хоть раз. |
God forbid he did that to somebody in my family. |
Он мог убить кого — нибудь из моей семьи. |
God forbid I should put a crazy idea like that in your head. |
Боже упаси, столь безумную идею вложить в твою голову. |
And God forbid you ever have children, because if… |
И не дай Бог у тебя появятся дети. |
I told the sheriff, but God forbid she does any time. |
Я сказал шерифу, но, видит Бог, она сделает это снова. |
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
To prohibit is to give some formal command against, and especially to make some authoritative legal enactment against. Debar is said of persons, disallow of acts; one is debarred from anything when shut off, as by some irresistible authority or necessity; one is prohibited from an act in express terms; he may be debarred by silent necessity. An act is disallowed by the authority that might have allowed it; the word is especially applied to acts which are done before they are pronounced upon; thus, a government may disallow the act of its commander in the field or its admiral on the high seas. Inhibit and interdict are chiefly known by their ecclesiastical use. As between forbid and prohibit, forbid is less formal and more personal, prohibit more official and judicial, with the implication of readiness to use such force as may be needed to give effect to the enactment; a parent forbids a child to take part in some game or to associate with certain companions; the slave-trade is now prohibited by the leading nations of the world. Many things are prohibited by law which can not be wholly prevented, as gambling and prostitution; on the other hand, things may be prevented which are not prohibited, as the services of religion, the payment of debts, or military conquest. That which is precluded need not be prohibited. Compare ABOLISH; HINDER; PREVENT.
debar, disallow, hinder, inhibit, interdict, preclude, prevent, prohibitAntonyms:
allow, authorize, command, consent to, direct, empower, enjoin, give consent, give leave, give permission, let, license, order, permit, put up with, require, sanction, suffer, tolerate, warrantPreposition:
An act is prohibited by law; a person is prohibited by law from doing a certain act. Prohibit was formerly construed, as forbid still is, with the infinitive, but the construction with from and the verbal noun has now entirely superseded the older usage.
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
forbid, prohibit, interdict, proscribe, veto, disallow, nixverb
command against
«I forbid you to call me late at night»; «Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store»; «Dad nixed our plans»
blackball, interdict, forestall, disallow, prohibit, preclude, nix, negative, prevent, proscribe, veto, forecloseAntonyms:
permit, countenance, allow, let -
prevent, forestall, foreclose, preclude, forbidverb
keep from happening or arising; make impossible
«My sense of tact forbids an honest answer»; «Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project»
proscribe, rule out, counter, interdict, keep, veto, preclude, forestall, prevent, prohibit, foreclose, nix, anticipate, foresee, close out, disallowAntonyms:
countenance, let, permit, allow
Suggested Resources
Forbid vs. Prohibit — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Forbid and Prohibit.
How to pronounce forbid?
How to say forbid in sign language?
How to use forbid in a sentence?
Kathleen Sebelius:
Shame on us if we sit here in July and don’t do something to increase the vaccination rates and then we can’t open schools or have a situation where, God forbid, the economy takes another hit because businesses have to shut back down.
Gordon Chang:
We need to have a high state of readiness to deter North Korea or, god forbid, defend South Korea, if you don’t have those exercises, readiness erodes very quickly, working together, getting that interoperability correct.
John Boehner:
Imagine if, God forbid, another terrorist attack hits the United States.
Vince DiPersio:
She is a nationally known figure and she has a big brand. God forbid someone gets out and does something terrible, but Kim is willing to take that risk.
Mark Ryavec:
We’re very, very concerned that one of these is going to jump to a building, and God forbid it jumps to a building that has people living in it, a lot of these second stories here are all apartments, and many of them are old, wooden structures.
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Are we missing a good synonym for forbid?
- ban
- block
- cancel
- censor
- deny
- deprive
- disallow
- enjoin
- exclude
- freeze
- halt
- hinder
- impede
- inhibit
- oppose
- preclude
- prevent
- proscribe
- restrain
- restrict
- rule out
- stop
- check
- debar
- embargo
- forestall
- forfend
- interdict
- nix
- obstruct
- obviate
- spike
- stymie
- taboo
- veto
- withhold
- declare illegal
- hold up
- lock up
- put the chill on
- say no
- shut down
- shut out
On this page you’ll find 89 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to forbid, such as: ban, block, cancel, censor, deny, and deprive.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use forbid in a sentence
Apple’s new feature at the heart of the issue — App Tracking Transparency — won’t forbid companies like Facebook from collecting targeting data, but will ask them to disclose it and seek user opt-in.
The decades-old law was introduced after lawmakers saw the 1983 movie WarGames and decided the US needed an anti-hacking law that forbids anyone from using a computer “without authorization or exceeding authorized access.”
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- ban
- boycott
- circumvent
- condemn
- debar
- deny
- disallow
- discountenance
- discourage
- eliminate
- enjoin
- except
- exclude
- exile
- forbid
- freeze out
- frustrate
- hinder
- interdict
- interfere
- keep out
- limit
- obstruct
- ostracize
- outlaw
- override
- preclude
- prevent
- refuse
- reject
- restrain
- rule out
- segregate
- shut out
- stop
- suspend
- adjure
- appoint
- authorize
- ban
- bar
- beckon
- bid
- call
- call for
- call on
- call the signals
- call upon
- charge
- check
- cite
- compel
- debar
- dictate
- direct
- enact
- enjoin
- exact
- forbid
- force upon
- give directions
- give orders
- grant
- impose
- inflict
- inhibit
- instruct
- interdict
- lay down the law
- mark out
- oblige
- ordain
- order
- ordinate
- proclaim
- prohibit
- put foot down
- require
- requisition
- restrain
- rule out
- send for
- set
- subpoena
- summon
- take charge
- take the lead
- task
- tell
- warn
- adjures
- appoints
- authorizes
- bans
- bars
- beckons
- bids
- calls
- calls for
- calls on
- calls the signals
- calls upon
- charges
- checks
- cites
- compels
- debars
- dictates
- directs
- enacts
- enjoins
- exacts
- forbids
- force upon
- gives directions
- gives orders
- grants
- imposes
- inflicts
- inhibits
- instructs
- interdicts
- lies down the law
- marks out
- obliges
- ordains
- orders
- ordinates
- proclaims
- prohibits
- puts foot down
- requires
- requisitions
- restrains
- rules out
- sends for
- sets
- subpoenas
- summons
- takes charge
- takes lead
- tasks
- tells
- warns
- blackball
- deny
- deprive
- exclude
- forbid
- hinder
- preclude
- prevent
- refuse
- reject
- suspend
- abjure
- abnegate
- ban
- begrudge
- call on
- contradict
- contravene
- controvert
- curb
- disacknowledge
- disallow
- disavow
- disbelieve
- discard
- disclaim
- discredit
- disown
- disprove
- doubt
- enjoin from
- eschew
- exclude
- forbid
- forgo
- forsake
- gainsay
- hold back
- keep back
- negate
- negative
- not buy
- nullify
- oppose
- rebuff
- rebut
- recant
- refuse
- refute
- reject
- repudiate
- restrain
- revoke
- sacrifice
- say no to
- spurn
- taboo
- take exception to
- turn down
- turn thumbs down
- veto
- withhold
- abjure
- cancel
- censor
- debar
- deny
- disacknowledge
- disavow
- disclaim
- dismiss
- disown
- embargo
- exclude
- forbid
- keep back
- kill
- nix
- pass on
- proscribe
- put down
- rebuff
- refuse
- repudiate
- shut out
- taboo
- veto
- withhold
- zing
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.