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Abandon. Desert, leave, for-
sake, depart from, quit, give
up, relinquish, discontinue, ab-
dicate, renounce, repudiate, for-
swear, withdraw from, vacate,
surrender, retract, recant, re-
tire from, cast off, abjure, cede,
cease, resign, forego, yield,
waive, part with, let go, lay
down, evacuate, drop, deliver
ANT. Claim, cherish, defend,
keep, hold, maintain, protect,
adopt, uphold, advocate, vindi-
cate, occupy, undertake, prose-
cute, pursue, follow, seek,
guard, favor, retain, support,
assert, haunt.
Abandoned. Discarded, re-
jected and the p.p. of the syn. of
"abandon" ; depraved, corrupt,
profligate, wicked, unprincipled,
shameless, sinful, hardened, im-
penitent, lost, demoralized,
vicious, dissolute, reprobate,
graceless, obdurate, licentious,
incorrigible, irreclaimable, bad.
ANT. The p.p. of the ant. of
"abandon"; visited, frequented,
sociable; virtuous, good, de-
serving, worthy, commendable,
excellent, laudable; reclaim-
able, penitent; conscientiou-s,
correct, upright, righteous, self-
controlled, high-principled,
Abandonment. Desertion, re-
nunciation, surrender, rejection,
abandoning, relinquishment,
dereliction; cession, resigna-
tion, abnegation, demission, ab-
juration, abdication, defection,
ANT. Solicitude, care, heed,
watchfulness, vigilance; hospi-
tality, entertainment, convivial-
ity, welcome, reception; reten-
tion, completion, reclamation,
support, help, correction, cus-
tody, tenacity.
Abase. Degrade, reduce, lower,
discredit, disgrace, dishonor,
humble, sink, humiliate, bring
low, cast down, stoop, debase,
depress, drop, take down,
ANT. Elevate, exalt, honor,
promote, raise, dignify, uplift,
Abasement. Degradation, hu-
miliation, dishonor, degeneracy,
shame, depression, reduction,
lowering, fall, deterioration, de-
basement, degeneration, vitia-
tion, perversion, depravation,
abjection, disrepute, discredit,
ANT. Promotion, exaltation,
honor, elevation, aggrandize-
ment, dignity, repute, reputa-
tion, standing, supremacy.
Abash. Bewilder, confound, dis-
concert, discompose, confuse,
daunt, humble, dishearten, mor-
tify, shame, humiliate, snub,
1 1
ANT. Embolden, cheer, en-
courage, animate, uphold, rally,
countenance, inspirit, abet, in-
cite, buoy.
Abate. Lessen, lower, reduce,
diminish, moderate, decrease,
decline, ebb, mitigate, subside,
suppress, terminate, remove;
temper, assuage, alleviate, ap-
pease, pacify ; remit, allow ; re-
lax, slacken; bate, deduct;
soothe, soften, qualify, allay,
mollify, compose, tranquil ize,
quiet, quell, calm, dull, blunt;
batter down, beat down, demol-
ish, raze.
ANT. Increase, prolong, mag-
nify, foment, enlarge, extend,
aggravate, continue, develop, re-
vive, raise, enhance, amplify.
Abatement. Subsidence, decline,
lowering, reduction, decrease ;
allowance, discount, rebate, de-
preciation, drawback; modera-
tion, lessening, mitigation, as-
suagement, remission, sinking,
settling, waning, fading, ebb,
evanishment, declension, deduc-
tion, diminution.
ANT. Increase, augmenta-
tion, enlargement, increment,
accretion, development, growth,
aggrandizement, dilation, acces-
Abbreviate. Shorten, contract,
curtail, reduce, abridge, con-
dense, epitomize, compress.
ANT. Lengthen, extend,, elon-
gate, dilate, expand, amplify,
enlarge, produce, stretch, pro-
long, expatiate.
Abbreviation. Abridgment,
contraction, condensation, com-
pend, abstract, epitome, reduc-
tion, summaiy, curtailment,
ANT. Expansion, amplifica-
tion, expatiation, extension, pro-
duction, enlargement, dilation.
Abdicate. Resign, relinquish of-
fice (especially of the throne),
surrender, abandon, vacate,
forego, renounce, give up, cede.
ANT. Retain, claim, ocoupy,
maintain, usurp, seize, grasp.
Abdomen. Belly, paunch, ven-
tral region, visceral cavity.
Abduct. Take away (surrepti-
tiously or forcibly ) , kidnap, run
away with, carry off, spirit
away, drag away.
ANT. Restore, reinstate,
Abduction. Withdrawal, draw-
ing away, abstraction, kidnap-
ping, seizure, appropriation.
ANT. Adduction, replace-
ment, restitution, restoration,
surrender, reinstatement.
Aberrant. Wandering, ram-
bling, divergent, deviating, de-
vious, erratic ; irregular, abnor-
mal, unusual, exceptional.
ANT. Regular, true, consis-
tent, uniform, consecutive, nor-
mal, natural, continuous.
Aberration. Wandering, diver-
gence, irregularity, rambling,
disconnectedness, hallucination,
illusion, delusion, eccentricity,
singularity, peculiarity.
ANT. Uniformity, consecu-
tiveness, regularity, progres-
sion, continuity, order, type,
Abet. Aid, assist, promote, sup-
port, sanction, uphold, counte-
nance, encourage, advocate, in-
cite, instigate, embolden, favor,
foment, connive at, cooperate
ANT. Hinder, impede, ob-
struct, frustrate, baffle, con-
found, counteract, deter, dis-
courage, thwart, contradict, dis-
concert, disapprove, denounce,
dissuade, expose.
Abettor. Assistant, helper, aid,
ally, cooperator, advocate, con-
federate, accomplice, accessory,
adviser, promoter, instigator,
associate, coadjutor.
ANT. Opponent, foe, adver-
sary, antagonist, rival, dissua-
der, detector, baffler, discon-
Abeyance. Suspense, suspen-
sion, expectancy, waiting, an-
ticipation, dormancy, intermis-
sion, quiescence, suppression,
ANT. Renewal, revival, re-
suscitation, action, operation,
exercise, force, possession.
Abhor. Hate, detest, loathe,
shrink from, recoil from, shud-
der at, abominate, despise, dis-
like, eschew, nauseate, revolt
ANT. Crave, desire, enjoy,
covet, esteem, like, love, relish,
admire, approve, affect.
Abhorrent. Odious, offensive,
shocking, repugnant, loath-
some, revolting, horrible, repel-
lent, repulsive, nauseating.
ANT. Admirable, enjoyable,
lovely, estimable, desirable.
Abide. Wait for, await, attend ;
endure, tolerate, bear, suffer;
anticipate, watch for, expect;
bide, continue, reside, dwell, so-
journ, tarry, lodge, rest, stay,
inhabit, remain.
ANT. Abandon, shun; resist,
reject, avoid; deport, migrate,
move, journey, continue, pro-
ceed, progress.
Abiding. Lasting, continuing,
permanent, durable, constant,
stable, immutable, changeless,
ANT. Ephemeral, fickle,
changeable, unsubstantial, per-
Ability. Power, force, might,
efficiency, vigor, skill, energy,
dexterity, adroitness, skilful-
ness, cleverness, ingenuity, tal-
ent, aptitude, facility, knack,
expertness, readiness, quick-
ness, strength, capacity, quali-
fication, competency, genius, ca-
liber, capability, capableness,
faculty, gift, parts.
ANT. Incapacity, weakness,
inability, unreadiness, mala-
droitness, imbecility, impotence,
disability, inaptitude, ineffi-
ciency, incompetence, disquali-
fication, helplessness, stupidity,
Abject. Base, vile, mean, low,
despicable, contemptible, worth-
less, groveling, fawning, beg-
garly, servile, cringing, miser-
able, degraded, menial, ignoble.
ANT. Dignified, honorable, ex-
alted, worthy, venerable, illus-
trious, independent, princely,
self-assertive, self-reliant, vain,
arrogant, insolent, haughty.
Abjure. Renounce, relinquish,
reject, forswear, forego, repudi-
ate, disown, give up, retract, re-
voke, recant, disavow, disclaim,
withdraw, take back, deny,
apostatize, discard.
ANT. Claim, advocate, ac-
knowledge, profess, vindicate,
assert, demand, retain, appro-
priate, avow.
Able. Accomplished, adroit, tal-
ented, clever, ingenious, apt,
skilful, efficient, capable, fitted,
learned, gifted, masterly, tell-
ing, vigorous, strong, proficient,
competent, versed, practical, en-
dowed, powerful, mighty.
ANT. Incapable, ineffective,
unqualified, stupid, inept, weak,
inefficient, unskilful, silly, in-
Ablution. Washing, bathing,
cleansing, lavation, purifica-
tion, baptism.
ANT. Pollution, defilement,
dirt, soilure, contamination,
taint, stain, abomination, im-
[ 3 ]
Abnegation. Denial, abjuration,
renunciation, rejection, surren-
der, abandonment, disallow-
ance, abstinence.
ANT. Assertion, vindication,
license, claim, indulgence, con-
cession; affirmation, allegation,
statement, declaration, word,
averment, deposition; proposal,
Abnormal. Singular, unnatural,
unusual, irregular, peculiar, ex-
ceptional, aberrant, erratic,
monstrous, preternatural.
ANT. Normal, regular, usual,
natural, typical, customary, or-
dinary, common.
Aboard. On board, on the ship,
afloat, inside, within.
ANT. Ashore, aground.
Abode. Home, house, place, resi-
dence, domicile, habitation,
dwelling, lodging, quarters,
ANT. Halt, tent, "bivouac,
Abolish. Abrogate, annul, de-
stroy, repeal, revoke, suppress,
terminate, rescind, cancel, nul-
lify, suppress, overthrow, ex-
tirpate, remove, prohibit, set
aside, end, stamp out.
ANT. Establish, support, sus-
tain, cherish, confirm, continue,
restore, revive, reinstate, insti-
tute, promote, legalize.
Abominable. Hateful, horrible,
loathsome, abhorrent, foul, odi-
ous, offensive, detestable, im-
pure, execrable.
ANT. Desirable, admirable,
enjoyable, pleasing, pure, delec-
Abomination. Offense, horror,
shame, wickedness, abhorrence,
aversion, disgust, curse, pollu-
tion, iniquity, defilement, cor-
ruption, nuisance, annoyance.
ANT. Acquisition, enjoyment,
gratification, blessing, desire,
longing, delight, benefit, pleas-
ure, satisfaction.
Aboriginal. Primitive, prime-
val, primary, pristine, native,
original, indigenous, autoch-
ANT. Subsequent, imported,
exotic, recent, modern, late,
novel, fresh, immigrant, adven-
Abortion. Failure, miscarriage,
disappointment, non-success,
vain effort, defect, frustration,
ANT. Success, consummation,
completion, realization, perfec-
tion, achievement, development,
exploit, feat.
Abound. Team, swarm, multi-
ply, swell, increase, flow, luxu-
riate, flourish, prevail, wanton,
revel, exuberate.
ANT. Waste, lack, wane, van-
ish, lessen, decrease, die, decay,
About. Concerning, regarding,
touching, relative to, with ref-
erence to, in regard to; near,
surrounding, around; almost,
nearly, well-nigh; ready, on the
point of, on the eve of ; around,
hind part before.
ANT. Afar, distant, remote;
precisely, exactly.
Above. Overhead, aloft, on high ;
before, previously; higher, hav-
ing precedence; over, exceed-
ing, beyond, superior, exces-
ANT. Below, beneath, within;
later, subsequently; lower; less,
Aboveboard. Openly, candidly,
frankly, sincerely, fairly, in-
genuously, unreservedly, guile-
ANT. Secretly, elusively, un-
derhand, deceitfully, wiliJy.
Above-named. Named before,
aforesaid, above-mentioned,
above-cited, above-described,
mentioned above.
ANT. Named below, described
below, hereinafter named.
Abrasion. Rubbing, friction,
wearing away or off, disinte-
gration, attrition.
ANT. Accretion, augmenta-
tion, increment; supplement,
Abreast. Alongside, side by
side, aligned; against, off, op-
posite to.
ANT. Ahead, astern; behind.
Abridge. Abbreviate, shorten,
condense, diminish, reduce, con-
tract, cut down, deprive of, di-
vest of, epitomize, compress.
ANT. Amplify, expand,
spread out, extend, dilate.
Abridgment. Summary, synop-
sis, compend, analysis, abstract,
abbreviation, epitome, outline,
compendium, digest.
ANT. Amplification, expati-
ation, exposition, annotation,
paraphrase, expansion, com-
Abroad. Far away, distant, apart,
dispersed, aloof, adrift; dis-
tracted, confused, dazed, con-
founded; forth, out of doors.
ANT. Near, close, collected,
fast, housed; composed, poised,
self-contained; loithin.
Abrogate. Abolish, cancel, set
aside, annul, make void, over-
rule, invalidate, nullify, re-
ANT. Enact, confirm, enforce,
establish, continue, revive.
Abrogation. Repeal, rescind-
ing, annulment, abolition, rev-
ocation, voidance, cancelation,
setting aside ; discontinuance,
ANT. Enactment, institu-
tion, establishment; sanction,
continuance, confirmation.
Abrupt. Sudden, unexpected,
hasty, ill-timed, precipitate;
steep, precipitous, craggy,
rough, rugged, jngged; short,
blunt, curt, unceremonious ;
stiff, cramped, harsh, discon-
ANT. Easy, gliding; pol-
ished, smooth, undulating; ex-
pected, courteous, elegant, com-
plaisant, suave.
Abscond. Depart, steal away,
decamp, bolt, disappear, run
off, hide, withdraw, retreat, es-
cape, elope, slink or sneak off,
absent one's self.
ANT. Show, appear, emerge,
issue, present one's self.
Absence. Non-attendance, non-
appearance, non-existence, ab-
senteeism ; inattention, ab-
straction, preoccupation, mus-
ing; want, lack, privation, de-
fect, deficiency.
ANT. Presence, existence,
manifestation, evidence, sup-
ply; attention, consideration;
immanence, inherency.
Absent. Away, gone; ab-
stracted, preoccupied, inatten-
tive, dreaming.
ANT. Present, here; atten-
tive, alert.
Absolute. Perfect, complete, su-
preme, autocratic, authorita-
tive, commanding, independent,
unrestricted, unqualified, un-
limited, unconditioned, self-
existent, self-determined, ideal;
despotic, arbitrary, exacting,
domineering, tyrannical, impe-
rious, dictatorial, irresponsi-
ble; positive, actual, real, veri-
table, genuine, certain, categori-
cal, unquestionable.
ANT. Related, responsible,
conditioned, limited, qualified,
restricted, accountable; ductile,
humble, lenient, meek, mild,
yielding, compliant, complai-
sant; dubious, contingent, de-
fective, deficient, wanting, lack-
ing, mutilated, incomplete,
Absolution. Acquittal, remis-
sion, release, deliverance, for-
giveness, pardon, shriving,
shrift; indulgence, justification.
ANT. Charge, accusation, con-
demnation, censure, conviction;
penance, purgation, fasting,
Absolve. Acquit, clear, exoner-
ate, forgive, free, liberate, re-
lease, pardon, set free, dis-
charge, exempt, exculpate.
ANT. Accuse, condemn, con-
vict, impeach, charge, compel;
obligate, oblige, bind.
Absorb. Take in, consume, im-
bibe, swallow, suck up, ex-
haust; engross, engage, im-
merse, occupy, arrest, rivet (of
ANT. Give up, disgorge, send
out, radiate, throw off, eject;
dissipate, distract, disperse.
Absorption. Absorbing, imbib-
ing, assimilation, destruction,
consumption, exhaustion ; en-
grossment, engagement, occu-
pation, immersion.
ANT. Ejection, rejection, ex-
pulsion, discharge; inadver-
tency, inattention, oversight,
Abstain. Refrain, resist, for-
bear, desist, deny one's self,
avoid, cease, stop, withhold,
give up, relinquish.
ANT. Indulge, wanton, revel,
yield to, gratify.
Abstemious. Abstinent, sober,
moderate, temperate, sparing,
frugal, self-denying, continent.
ANT. Sensual, self-indulgent,
intemperate, greedy.
Absterge. Wipe off, purge,
cleanse, purify, scrub, sponge,
ANT. Soil, pollute, begrime,
contaminate, bespatter, bedaub.
Abstersive. Cleansing, purging,
purifying, scouring; detergent,
ANT. Corruptive, cont ami-
native, offensive.
Abstinence. Temperance, abste-
miousness, self-control, self-
restraint, self-denial, sobriety,
fasting, continence, moderation,
ANT. Excess, intoxication,
self-indulgence, sensuality,
wantonness, intemperance,
greed, gluttony, revelry, dissi-
Abstinent. Abstaining, fasting;
abstemious, sober, temperate,
self-restraining, self-denying,
continent, austere.
ANT. Sensual, self-indulgent,
intemperate, epicurean, dissi-
pated, incontinent, debauched.
Abstract, n. Epitome, summary,
abridgment, compend, synopsis,
syllabus, outline, digest, brief,
compendium, gist, drift, con-
ANT. Amplification, disqui-
sition, exposition, eatpansion, ex-
Abstract, v. Appropriate, with-
draw, remove, separate, take
away, detach, purloin, part,
eliminate, distract, discrimi-
nate, abridge.
ANT. A dd, complete, increase,
restore, unite, conjoin, fill up,
strengthen, combine.
Abstracted. Separated, with-
drawn, removed ; subtle, refined,
abstruse; inattentive, preoccu*
pied, dreaming, absent-minded,
oblivious, thoughtless, negli-
gent, indifferent, heedless, ab-
sorbed, absent.
ANT. Intelligible, lucid, trans-
parent; attentive, intent, ob-
servant, alert, prompt, ready,
thoughtful, wide-awake.
Abstraction. Disconnection, di*
junction, removal, isolation,
separation; preoccupation, rev-
ery, inattention, absorption, ab-
sence; taking, abduction, seiz-
ure, stealing, appropriation,
purloining; classification, gen-
ANT. Addition, conjunction,
union, restitution, importation,
restoration; enumeration, anal-
ysis; attention, specification,
observation, individkialization.
Abstruse. Hidden, difficult, rec-
ondite, profound, deep, curi-
ous, occult, dark, obscure, mys-
tical, hard, . vague, indefinite,
mysterious, abstract, tran-
ANT. Patent, simple, obvi-
ous, trite, intelligible, manifest,
lucid, clear, easy, plain, popu-
lar, superficial.
Absurd. Ludicrous, monstrous,
nonsensical, preposterous, sense-
less, ridiculous, foolish, irra-
tional, wild, unreasonable.
ANT. Sensible, rational, rea-
sonable, logical, wise, sagacious,
sound, substantial, philosophi-
cal, reflective, consistent, true.
Absurdity. Unreasonableness,
irrationality, foolishness, folly,
fatuity, idiocy, extravagance,
ANT. Reason, possibility;
truism, axiom, maxim, adage.
Abundance. Profusion, wealth,
affluence; flow, flood, overflow;
copiousness, fertility, richness,
largeness, store, plenty, exuber-
ance, plenteousness.
ANT. Scarcity, deficiency,
rarity, scantiness, dearth, fail-
ure, poverty.
Abundant. Abounding, flowing,
plentiful, liberal, bountiful, suf-
ficient, lavish, plenteous, much,
copious, replete, full, teeming.
ANT. Rare, scarce, scant, de-
ficient, insufficient, short, nig-
gardly, sparing, impoverished,
dry, drained.
Abuse, n. Misuse, dishonor, mal-
treatment, outrage, reviling, ob-
loquy, defamation, insult, dis-
paragement, reproach, ill usage.
ANT. Kindness, praise, def-
erence, respect, honor, good
treatment, good usage.
Abuse, v. Harm, ill-treat, ill-use,
injure, wrong, maltreat, op-
press, molest, malign, impose
on, ruin, victimize, slander, vio-
late, ravish, defile, disparage,
damage, defame, misuse.
ANT. Cherish, protect, re-
gard, shield, respect, care for,
tend, benefit; laud, favor, ap-
plaud, extol, eulogize, praise;
uphold, sustain, vindicate, con-
Abusive. Insulting, rude, de-
nunciatory, reproachful, injuri-
ous, offensive, reviling, inso-
lent, scurrilous, opprobrious.
ANT. Respectful, attentive,
laudatory, kind, flattering,
courteous, complimentary, ob-
Abut. Be adjacent, extend, im-
pinge, project, approximate, be
contiguous, adjoin ; end, border.
ANT. Diverge, recede, re-
turn, retreat, recurve.
Abutment. Terminal support,
Abuttal. Adjacency, contiguity,
nearness, juxtaposition; boun-
dary, terminus, limit, termina-
ANT. Interval, separation,
gap, chasm, interspace, fissure,
Abyss. Gulf, gorge, deep, chasm,
profound, abysm; the pit.
ANT. Surface, abutment, ad-
hesion, contact, contiguity;
Academical. Scholastic, learned,
literary, collegiate, classical.
ANT. Illiterate, ignorant,
Academy. School, seminary, in-
stitute, college, gymnasium,
high school; scientific body,
association of artists.
Accede. Consent, assent, acqui-
esce, comply, agree, accept, con-
cur, approve, coincide.
ANT. Decline, unthdraw, re-
fuse, demur, protest, dissent,
Accelerate. Hasten, quicken,
speed, precipitate, despatch, ex-
pedite, hurry, urge, push for-
ward, press on; forward, ad-
vance, further.
ANT. Delay, impede, clog,
hinder, retard, drag, obstruct.
Accent, n. Stress, beat, emphasis,
rhythm, pulsation, intonation,
cadence, tone, modulation, ictus.
ANT. Monotony, equable-
ness, babble, floiv, smoothness.
Accentuate, Accent, v. Lay
stress upon, put the ictus on ;
emphasize, mark, make promi-
ANT. Make light of, make
insignificant, underestimate', ig-
Accept. Take, receive; admit,
agree to, approve, acknowledge,
avow; estimate, regard, value,
ANT. Refuse, decline, reject,
ignore, disown, repudiate.
Acceptable. Welcome, pleasing,
grateful, gratifying, pleasant,
agreeable, pleasurable, season-
able, desirable, expedient.
ANT. Unpleasant, disagree-
able, annoying, grievous, un-
grateful, unwelcome.
Acceptance. Reception, taking;
acknowledgment, approbation,
approval, satisfaction, gratifi-
ANT. Rejection, refusal, re-
pudiation, exclusion.
Acceptation. Meaning, signifi-
cance, sense, import, interpre-
tation, construction, under-
standing; approval, adoption,
Access. Entrance, approach,
passage, avenue, entry; admis-
sion, admittance, audience, in-
terview; addition, increase,
gain; accession; attack, onset,
fit, paroxysm.
ANT. Exit, egress, depart-
ure; exclusion; repulse, recoil;
retirement, retreat ; quiescence,
inertia, languor, torpor.
Accessary, see Accessory.
Accessible. Easy of access, ap-
proachable, affable, conversible.
ANT. Distant, cold, unap-
proachable, difficult.
Accession. Addition, increase,
enlargement, extension, aug-
mentation; arrival, influx; at-
tainment (of power).
ANT. Abandonment, de-
crease, ebb, drain, subsidence,
departure, resignation, diminu-
Accessory, n. Confederate, as-
sistant, helper, associate, ac-
complice; detail, accompani-
ment, subordinate element;
companion, partner.
ANT. Foe, rival, adversary,
antagonist, opponent, enemy;
principal, instigator.
Accessory, a. Assisting, aiding,
abetting, helping, acceding, ad-
ditional ; supplemental, subser-
vient, subsidiary, subordinate,
conducive ; accompanying, con-
tributory, auxiliary.
ANT. Essential, inherent;
superfluous, irrelevant.
Accident. Chance, disaster, hap-
pening, hazard, incident, mis-
fortune, calamity, adventure,
casualty, mishap, possibility.
ANT. Certainty, provision,
plan, intention, appointment,
t 8 ]
calculation, law, necessity, pur-
pose, preparation.
Accidental. Casual, unintended,
fortuitous, chance ; incidental,
immaterial, non-essential; oc-
casional, contingent, adventi-
ANT. Intended, purposed,
prepared, appointed, certain.
Acclamation. Applause, cheer,
outcry, homage, gratulation,
ANT. Censure, execration,
denunciation, obloquy, sibila-
Acclivity. Rise, incline, ascent,
steep, hill, height.
ANT. Decline, declivity, hol-
loic, descent, depth.
Accommodate. Oblige, serve, fur-
nish, supply, contain, hold, con-
venience; adapt, reconcile, ad-
just, harmonize, suit, conform,
ANT. Deprive, aggravate, in-
convenience, disturb, disoblige;
misfit, incommode.
Accommodating. Kind, oblig-
ing, considerate, unselfish, po-
lite, yielding, conciliatory.
ANT. Rude, churlish, dis-
obliging, inconsiderate, exact-
Accompany. Follow, attend,
consort with, go with, escort,
ANT. Abandon, leave, quit,
avoid, discard, desert.
Accomplice. Confederate, ac-
cessory, abettor, associate, ally,
aid, assistant, promoter, coad-
ANT. Rival, enemy, foe, ad-
Accomplish. Complete, finish,
achieve, effect, perform, carry
out, attain, realize, consum-
mate, execute, perfect, fulfil,
do; equip, furnish.
ANT. Fail, mar, spoil, frus-
trate, defeat, disconcert, de-
Accomplished. Educated, ex-
perienced, practiced, finished,
versed, consummate, adroit, ex-
pert, apt, skilful, talented, fine,
qualified, proficient, polite, ele-
gant; completed, effected, estab-
ANT. Unskilled, unfettered,
ignorant, unpolished, uncouth,
inefficient, incapable, inexpert,
Accomplishment. Execution,
achievement, performance, com-
pletion; acquirement, attain-
ment, proficiency, ornament,
ANT. Failure, blunder, folly,
stupidity, incompetency, mis-
management, bungling.
Accord. Agree, correspond, har-
monize; grant, concede, give,
yield, deign, vouchsafe, consent,
ANT. Differ, disagree; with-
hold, deny, refuse.
Accordant. Agreeable, suitable,
consonant, harmonious, congru-
ous, agreeing, corresponding,
ANT. Adverse, inconsistent,
Accordingly. Suitably, conform-
ably, agreeably ; consequently,
therefore, hence, wherefore.
ANT. Conversely, inconsis-
tently, impertinently.
Accost. Approach, address, sa-
lute, greet, confront, speak
ANT. Depart, rebuff, check,
repulse, shun, elude, pass, ig-
Account, n. Record, register, in-
ventory ; bill, charge ; count,
calculation, enumeration; state-
ment, description, narration, re-
lation, narrative, recital, chron-
icle, history; explanation, expo-
sition ; consideration, regard,
motive, reason ; importance,
worth, dignity, profit, advan-
tage, benefit.
ANT. Suppression, silence;
attempt, project; misannounce-
Account, v. Esteem, regard,
deem, judge, think, hold, be-
lieve, consider, view; estimate,
reckon, rate ; explain, solve.
ANT. Underrate, undervalue;
disesteem, misestimate; mys-
tify, perplex, darken.
Accountable. Responsible, pun-
ishable, answerable, liable,
amenable; accredited, dele-
ANT. Independent, absolute,
supreme, despotic, autocratic.
Accouter. Equip, furnish, dress,
fit out, arm, array.
ANT. Despoil, impoverish,
denude, strip, bare.
Accredit. Credit, authorize,
trust, empower, commission, de-
ANT. Recall, supersede, dis-
miss, discard; disbelieve, dis-
trust, suspect.
Accredited. Authorized, com-
missioned, sanctioned ; confiden-
tial, trusted, believed.
ANT. Unauthorized, dis-
trusted, discredited.
Accretion. Growth, accumula-
tion, adhesion, coherence, in-
ANT. Abrasion, disintegra-
tion, diminution.
Accrue. Result, arise, issue, en-
sue, follow, proceed, come, in-
crease, augment.
ANT. Cause, occasion; re-
duce, weaken, abate.
Accumulate. Pile, collect,
gather up, bring together;
store, amass, garner, treasure,
husband, lay by, hoard; aggre-
ANT. Separate, dissipate,
disperse, scatter, waste, expend.
Accumulation. Collection, heap,
mass, accretion, hoard, store.
ANT. Separation, segrega-
tion; unit, individual; prodi-
gality, leakage, expenditure.
Accuracy. Exactness, precision,
nicety, truth, carefulness, cor-
rectness, exactitude, fidelity.
ANT. Looseness, slovenli-
ness, incorrectness, error, fal-
lacy, misconception, misstate-
Accurate. Careful, exact, faith-
ful, precise, truthful, correct,
rigorous, close, severe, just,
ANT. Inexact, faulty, inac-
curate, defective, loose, careless.
Accusation. Charge, indict-
ment, arraignment, impeach-
ment, imputation, crimination,
ANT. Discharge, acquittal,
vindication, absolution, ap-
Accuse. Charge, indict, arraign,
incriminate, impeach, cite, sum-
mon, tax, censure, taunt, blame,
ANT. Discharge, acquit, de-
fend, vindicate, exonerate, par-
don, absolve, condone, release.
Accustom. Habituate, use, be
wonted, harden, familiarize,
train, addict, drill, break in,
ANT. Estrange, wean, alien-
ate, dishabituate.
Acerbity. Sourness, acidity,
tartness, bitterness, roughness,
harshness, acrimony.
ANT. Sweetness, mildness,
softness, gentleness, smooth-
Ache, n. Pain, dull or continued
pain, anguish, suffering, agony.
ANT. Pleasure, relief, ease,
refreshment, dlight.
[ 10 ]
Achieve. Accomplish, perform,
complete, finish, realize, bring
to pass, work out, conclude ; ob-
tain, acquire, gain, win, get.
ANT. Neglect, undo, mar,
omit; fail of, lose.
Achievement. Accomplishment,
performance, attainment, com-
pletion, consummation ; exploit,
deed, feat.
ANT. Forfeit, failure, negli-
gence, frustration, blunder.
Acknowledge. Recognize, be
aware of; admit, concede, al-
low, accept; confess, avow; ex-
press thanks for; own. or pro-
ANT. Disclaim, disown,
deny, repudiate, ignore, dis-
Acme. Summit, zenith, climax,
top, apex, vertex, pinnacle, cul-
ANT. Base, nadir, depth,
ground, foundation, foot, root.
Acquaintance. Association, fa-
miliarity ; friend ; intimacy,
companionship, experience,
knowledge, friendship, fellow-
ANT. Ignorance, inexperi-
ence, unfamiliarity, ignoring.
Acquiesce. Assent, concur, yield,
comply, submit, agree, con-
ANT. Object, demur, dissent.
Acquire. Gain, earn, win, reap,
obtain, attain, achieve, get, se-
cure ; master, learn thoroughly.
ANT. Lose, surrender, miss,
forego, forfeit.
Acquit. Discharge, exonerate,
release, absolve, excuse, par-
don, exculpate.
ANT. Charge, condemn, sen-
tence, compel, indict, imprison.
Acquittal. Discharge, release,
deliverance, liberation, abso-
ANT. Judgment, punish-
ment, penalty, trial, retribu-
tion, correction, castigation.
Acrimony. Bitterness, sharp-
ness, sourness, tartness, sever-
ity, asperity, hardness, rancor,
ill-temper, spite, unkindness.
ANT. Gentleness, good na-
ture, kindness, sweetness, cour-
Act, n. Deed, performance, ex-
ploit, accomplishment, achieve-
ment, effect, movement, trans-
action, work.
ANT. Cessation, inertia, qui-
escence, inaction, rest, repose r
quiet, deliberation.
Act, v. Work, do, perform, exe-
cute; behave; play, feign, pre-
tend, dissemble; operate, have
effect; be, realize, actualize.
ANT. Rest, cease, stop, stay;
neglect, omit, mar, undo; ex-
pose, reveal, vaunt; be quiescent
or latent; fancy; endure, suffer.
Action. Exercise, motion, move-
ment, deed, performance;
agency, force, operation ; battle,
conflict ; gesture ; representa-
tion, play; subject, plot; law-
suit, case.
ANT. Inertia, torpor, lan-
guor; quiescence, rest, passive-
ness; harmony, truce, peace.
Active. Agile, brisk, alert, lively,
quick, prompt, ready, spry ; in-
dustrious, energetic, busy, dili-
ANT. Dull, idle, indolent,
lazy, quiet, slow, stupid.
Actual. Real, true, genuine, cer-
tain, absolute, positive, veri-
table, substantial ; present, sen-
sible, perceptible.
ANT. Possible, fictitious, sup-
posititious, virtual, theoretical,
hypothetical, conjectural.
Acumen. Discernment, penetra-
tion, keenness, shrewdness, in-
sight, sharpness, sagacity,
[ 11 ]
ANT. Dulness, obtuseness,
stupidity, bluntness.
Acute. Sharp, pointed, keen,
shrewd; violent, intense; high,
sudden, severe, distressing;
subtile, ingenious, sagacious,
ANT. Dull, blunt, obtuse,
stupid, heavy; chronic; stolid.
Adaptation. Adjustment, fitness,
conformity, suitableness, apt-
ness, harmony.
ANT. Incompatibility, in-
congruity, misfit, discord.
Add. Sum up, increase, adjoin,
append, attach, augment, en-
large, amplify, annex, affix.
ANT. Deduct, subtract, les-
sen, reduce, remove, diminish.
Addicted. Habituated, disposed
to, inclined, prone, attached to,
devoted, given over to, wedded
ANT. Averse, disinclined, un-
accustomed, indisposed, di-
vorced from.
Addition. Accession, enlarge-
ment, increase, extension, ac-
cretion, augmentation, adjunct.
ANT. Subtraction, decrease,
Address, n. Courtesy, manners,
politeness, tact, ingenuity, dex-
terity, discretion, adroitness ;
discourse, harangue, oration,
lecture, speech, appeal, request,
suit, solicitation.
ANT. Clumsiness, rudeness,
stupidity, unmannerliness,
folly ; refusal.
Address, v. Accost, approach,
court, greet, hail, salute, speak
ANT. Avoid, elude, ignore,
shun, cut, pass, overlook.
Adduce. Offer, present, advance ;
cite, quote, introduce, name,
mention; allege.
ANT. Withdraw, except, de-
duct, suppress, retract.
Adept. Expert, master, profi-
cient, genius, veteran, professor.
ANT. Novice, tyro, blun-
derer, inexpert.
Adequate. Equal, competent,
fitted, qualified, suitable, suffi-
cient, capable, adapted, satis-
factory ; proportionate, com-
ANT. Inferior, poor, useless,
worthless, unfit, incompetent.
Adhere. Stick, cling, cohere,
hold, cleave; belong, pertain;
be attached, fixed, or devoted.
ANT. Part, separate, sunder,
sever, give way.
Adherence. Tenacity, attach-
ment, constancy, fidelity, devo-
tion, partisanship; adhesion.
ANT. Desertion, separation,
disunion, unfaithfulness.
Adjacent. Near, close, border-
ing, adjoining, contiguous, be-
ANT. Separate, distant, re-
mote, detached, disconnected.
Adjourn. Postpone, delay, de-
fer; suspend, interrupt, close,
end, dissolve.
ANT Despatch, hasten, con-
clude, complete, terminate, con-
Adjunct. Addition, appendage,
accessory, aid, advantage, help ;
colleague, associate.
ANT. Detriment, impedi-
ment, hindrance, obstruction,
Adjure. Entreat, beseech, pray,
supplicate, implore, beg; swear
ANT. Defy, deprecate, re-
monstrate, dare, expostulate,
Adjustment. Arrangement, dis-
posal ; settlement, agreement,
understanding; fitting, adapta-
tion, conformity; regulation,
rectification, accommodation.
ANT. Disturbance, disorder,
confusion; dissension, diver-
gence; non-conformity.
Administer. Dispense, distrib-
ute, supply; direct, manage,
control, superintend; offer,
proffer, tender.
ANT. Withhold, refuse, re-
tain; betray, mismanage; re-
pulse, rebuff.
Admiration. Wonder, approval,
love, surprise, astonishment,
appreciation, reverence, high
ANT. Disapproval, contempt,
Admire. Honor, esteem, ap-
prove, adore, wonder at, vener-
ate, extol, marvel at, applaud,
revere, respect.
ANT. Despise, dislike, exe-
crate, hate, abhor, scorn, de-
Admissible. Allowable, lawful,
permissible, possible, probable.
ANT. Absurd, preposterous,
improper, wrong, unlawful.
Admission. Admittance, en-
trance, access ; avowal, acknowl-
edgment, concession, concur-
rence, allowance.
ANT. Denial, contradiction,
rejection, negation.
Admit. Receive; accept, acknowl-
edge, own, confess; permit, al-
low, suffer.
ANT. Exclude, debar; dis-
oion, deny ; dismiss, reject, re-
Admonish. Advise, warn, cau-
tion, counsel, censure, rebuke,
reprove; forewarn, remind, dis-
suade; instruct, teach, apprise,
ANT. Encourage, urge, coun-
tenance, applaud, abet, insti-
Admonition. Caution, warning,
advice, counsel, instruction, re-
minder, hint, reproof, reprehen-
ANT. Applause, encourage-
ment, incitement, urging, insti-
Ado. Trouble, toil, labor, pains;
bustle, stir, fuss, noise, tur-
ANT. Quiet, calm, compos-
ure, tranquillity.
Adopt. Appropriate, assume ;
approve, accept, support, main-
tain ; affiliate, father.
ANT. Reject, discard; re-
nounce, abandon, disclaim; dis-
own, repudiate.
Adoration. Worship, devotion,
homage, reverence, veneration,
ANT. Execration, disesteem,
abomination, abhorrence, hatred,
Adorn. Beautify, decorate, em-
bellish, ornament, garnish, il-
lustrate, gild, bedeck, grace,
dignify, honor, exalt.
ANT. Mar, spoil, deface, dis-
figure, deform, denude, strip.
Adroit. Dexterous, expert, skil-
ful, apt, handy, quick, clever,
ready, deft, ingenious, cunning.
ANT. Clumsy, unskilful?
awkward, bungling, unliandy,
Adulation. Flattery, extrava-
gant compliment, fulsome
praise, fawning, sycophancy,
blandishment, obsequiousness.
ANT. Defamation, obloquy,
ridicule, satire, sarcasm, de-
traction, aspersion, libel.
Adumbrate. Shadow, outline,,
indicate, hint, trace, delineate;
typify, represent, symbolize;
darken, obscure, hide, conceal.
ANT. Fulfil, realize, em-
body; misrepresent; reveal, il-
Advance, n. Progress, improve-
ment, growth ; offer, proposal,
overture, tender, proposition ;
rise, appreciation.
ANT. Regress, return, retro-
gression; diminution; depreci-
Advance, v. Push or send for-
ward, propel; promote, ele-
vate, dignify, exalt; improve,
strengthen, benefit ; propose,
offer; furnish, lend, loan; in-
crease, augment, raise; pro-
ceed, progress; thrive, prosper;
ANT. Retard, hinder, with-
hold, withdraw; suppress, de-
grade, depress; oppose, recall,
weaken, retreat; lessen, dimin-
Advantage. Benefit, profit, ex-
pediency, favorable opportunity,
blessing; behalf, account, in-
terest; privilege, convenience,
assistance, utility, service.
-ANT. Loss, disappointment,
frustration, difficulty, dilem-
Advent. Approach, coming, ar-
rival, accession.
ANT. Departure, exit, exo-
dus, retirement.
Adventitious. Accidental, inci-
dental, extrinsic, non-essential,
foreign, casual; redundant, su-
ANT. Intrinsic, pertinent,
regular, proper, necessary, ap-
Adventure. Chance, hazard,
risk, venture, experiment, trial;
event, incident, occurrence, con-
tingency, crisis.
ANT. Matter-of-fact, matter-
of-course; prospect; monotony,
Adventurous. Bold, daring, ven-
turesome, rash, reckless, head-
long; dangerous, perilous, un-
certain; fearless, enterprising.
ANT. Timid, nervous, hesi-
tating, cautious, cowardly.
Adversary. Foe, enemy, antago-
nist, opponent, rival, assailant.
ANT. Ally, helper, assistant,
accomplice, aider, abettor, ac-
Adverse. Opposite, contrary,
conflicting; hostile, injurious,
harmful ; unlucky, unfortunate,
ANT. Favorable, friendly,
propitious, fortunate, lucky.
Adversity. Calamity, affliction,
trouble, disaster, woe, distress,
ANT. Success, prosperity, ad-
vancement, good luck.
Advert to. Consider, notice, re-
mark, heed, attend, refer, al-
lude, mention, touch upon; re-
ANT. Ignore, pass, drop,
overlook, omit.
Advertent. Mindful, regardful,
attentive, watchful, observant,
thoughtful, considerate, heed-
ANT. Thoughtless, heedless,
inconsiderate, inattentive.
Advertise. Announce, publish,
proclaim, declare, circulate,
noise abroad ; offer for sale ; in-
form, notify, apprise; promul-
ANT. Suppress, ignore, hush,
conceal; mislead, misinform.
Advice. Counsel, suggestion, ad-
monition, instruction, caution;
tidings, intelligence, notice; de-
liberation, care, forethought;
recommendation, exhortation,
ANT. Remonstrance, re-
straint, expostulation, prohibi-
tion; deception, delusion.
Advisable. Judicious, expedi-
ent, politic, prudent, desirable,
beneficial, profitable ; proper,
ANT. Imprudent, undesir-
able, inexpedient, improper, det-
Advocate. Counsel, lawyer, at-
14 ]
torney; defender, promoter,
friend, patron, supporter,
pleader, maintainer.
ANT. Accuser, impugner,
gainsayer, adversary, opponent.
Affable. Open, free, frank, un-
reserved ; accessible, familiar ;
cordial, social, courteous, polite,
obliging, urbane, benign, gra-
cious, mild, well-bred; conde-
ANT. Distant, unapproach-
able, inaccessible, haughty, con-
temptuous, supercilious.
Affair. Business, concern, func-
tion, matter, circumstance,
question, subject; event, inci-
dent, occurrence, performance;
battle, combat, engagement,
skirmish, collision, brush, en-
ANT. Detail, item, feature,
Affect. Influence, change, trans-
form, modify, alter; concern,
interest, touch, move, impress;
crave, yearn, desire, like; as-
sume, adopt, feign, pretend;
operate, act on; melt, soften,
subdue, overcome.
ANT. Shun, repel, repudiate,
spurn, dislike, eschew.
Affectation. Airs, mannerism,
pretension, pretense, foppery,
ANT. Simplicity, artlessness,
naturalness, genuineness.
Affection. Feeling, passion, at-
tachment, fondness, tenderness,
love; propensity, disposition;
endearment, devotion, partial-
ity; attribute, quality, charac-
teristic, mark.
ANT. Indifference, repul-
sion, disaffection, repugnance.
Affiance. Trust, confidence, hom-
age, reliance, betrothal, fealty,
faith, plighting.
ANT. Disloyalty, distrust,
treason, suspicion, infidelity.
Affiliate. Associate, adopt, join,
connect, incorporate, annex.
ANT. Sever, transplant, sep-
arate, disjoin, dissociate.
Affinity. Relationship, kin, con-
sanguinity, propinquity; like-
ness, resemblance, relation, an-
alogy, connection, correspon-
dence; sympathy, attraction.
ANT. Repugnance, discord-
ance, antipathy, antagonism.
Affirm. Assert, swear, state, de-
clare, maintain, allege, protest,
confirm, ratify, approve, en-
dorse, aver, asseverate, assure,
avouch, establish.
ANT. Deny, doubt, demur,
contradict, negative, gainsay,
impugn, oppose, dispute.
Affirmation. Avowal, declara-
tion, statement, assertion, tes-
timony, deposition, confirma-
tion, ratification, approval, en-
ANT. Doubt, denial, contra-
diction, disputation, disap-
Affix. Join, annex, attach,
fasten, connect to, unite to, ap-
ANT. Remove, detach, sepa-
rate, unfasten.
Affliction. Adversity, misfor-
tune, grief, sorrow, distress,
tribulation, disaster, trial, mis-
ery, calamity, pain, anguish,
trouble, hardship.
ANT. Consolation, relief,
blessing, gratification, pleasure.
Affluence. Wealth, fortune,
riches, opulence, abundance,
plenty, profusion.
ANT. Want, scarcity, pov-
erty, penury, lack, indigence.
Afford. Supply, furnish, con-
tribute, bestow, offer, confer,
bear, endure, support, yield, im-
part, administer.
ANT. Withhold, deny, re-
tain, stint, grudge, withdraw.
[ 15 ]
Affray. Quarrel, tussle, scuffle,
scrimmage, collision, brawl, dis-
turbance, fight, rumpus, strug-
gle, contest, strife, encounter,
feud, tumult.
ANT. Peace, amity, friend-
ship, good will.
Affront. Outrage, insult, abuse,
annoyance, displeasure, offense,
provocation, wrong, vexation,
wound, exasperation, irrita-
ANT. Courtesy, homage,
amends, compliment, apology.
Afire. Ablaze, burning, ignited,
ANT. Out, quenched, extin-
Afloat. Adrift, at sea, abroad,
loose; happening, betiding,
ANT. Moored, anchored,
aground, stranded, fixed, stead-
fast, firm.
Afoot. Afloat, preparing, forth-
coming, ready, brewing, on
hand, astir.
ANT. Unprepared, unpro-
vided for, inactive, sluggish,
Aforesaid. Above-mentioned,
foregoing, preceding, above-
AXT. Folloicing, subsequent,
subjoined, forthcoming, after-
Afraid. Fearful, timid, appre-
hensive, anxious, alarmed, terri-
fied, frightened.
ANT. Fearless, bold, confi-
dent, reckless, venturesome, in-
different, secure, hopeful, auda-
Afresh. Anew, again, newly, fre-
quently, repeatedly, once more.
ANT. Uniformly, connect-
edly, continuously/.
After. Subsequent, later; fol-
lowing, behind, rear, back, pos-
terior; concerning, about, for,
in relation to; in imitation, of,
in the pattern of.
ANT. Before, preceding, in-
troducing; in front of; oppo-
site; facing; previous or prior
to, afore; in advance; previ-
ously, already.
Again. Anew, afresh, repeatedly ;
further, moreover, besides; on
the contrary; back, in answer
or restitution, in return; once
ANT. Once, continuously, un-
interruptedly, uniformly.
Against. Opposite, across, ad-
verse to, counter to, athwart;
facing, fronting, close up to, in
contact with; for, in prepara-
tion for, in expectation of; in
compensation for, in requital
of, to match.
ANT. With, for, beside, ac-
companying, aiding, promoting.
Agape. Yawning, open-mouthed;
wondering, gazing, dazed,
amazed ; curious, inquisitive,
agog, astare, eager.
ANT. Listless, lukewarm, in-
curious, indifferent.
Age. Duration; period, date,
epoch, time; maturity, genera-
tion; era, century.
ANT. Infancy, youth, boy-
hood, childhood; moment, in-
Agent. Actor, doer, operator,
promoter, performer ; cause,
force, power; deputy, factor,
attorney, representative, substi-
tute; means, instrument.
ANT. Counteragent, counter-
actor, opponent, neutralizer ;
chief, principal; originator, in-
Agglomeration. Accumulation,
heap, pile, mass, conglomera-
tion, cluster.
ANT. Disprrsion, division,
separation, sifting, dissipation.
Aggrandize. Exalt, honor, ele-
vate, dignify, promote, advance,
enrich, augment.
ANT. Degrade, impoverish,
debase, humiliate, dishonor,
Aggravate. Exasperate, pro-
voke, wound, make worse, inten-
sify, embitter, heighten.
ANT. Soothe, assuage, palli-
ate, diminish, conciliate, allevi-
Aggregation. Collection, accu-
mulation, mass, heap, pile,
amount, total, sum, result,
whole, agglomeration.
ANT. Dispersion, dissipation,
separation, division ; u n i t ;
element, individual, ingredient,
Aggression. Attack, invasion,
encroachment, assault, injury,
offense, onslaught, provocation,
ANT. Retaliation, repulsion,
retreat, resistance, evacuation.
Aghast. Dismayed, horrified,
terrified, frightened ; amazed,
astounded, startled, astonished,
ANT. Cool, fearless, indiffer-
ent, unmoved, unaffected, un-
Agile. Nimble, active, lively,
smart, prompt, alert, supple,
brisk, quick, ready, sprightly,
ANT. Sloio, heavy, clumsy,
bulky, awkward, inert, ponder-
Agitate. Disturb, trouble, shake,
jar, convulse; excite, rouse, fer-
ment; fluster, hurry, discon-
cert; discuss, controvert, de-
bate, examine, ventilate, inves-
tigate ; deliberate, contrive, de-
vise, plan.
ANT. Calm, allay, pacify,
smooth, compose, quiet / solve,
determine, settle.
Ago. Past, gone, since.
ANT. Future, coming, here-
after, hence.
Agony. Anguish, torture, tor-
ment, distress, throe, panga,
pain, suffering, woe, excrucia-
ANT. Assuagement, comfort,
relief, composure, ease, enjoy-
Agree. Accept, assent, approve
comply, consent, concur, admit,
ANT. Contend, disagree, deny ;
dissent, dispute, protest, oppose,
demur, differ; decline.
Agreeable. Suitable, proper, ap-
propriate, befitting, accordant,
conformable, consonant, wel-
come, amiable, pleasing, grati-
ANT. Unpleasant, disoblig-
ing, obnoxious, disagreeable, un-
w^jcome, offensive, inharmoni-
ous, unaccommodating.
Agreement. Contract, compact,
bond, Bargain, covenant, har-
mony, ixison, obligation, under-
taking, treaty.
ANT. Promise, understand-
ing, parole; discord, dissen-
Agriculture. Farming, hus-
bandry, cultivation of the soil,
ANT. Falloumess, sterility,
unproductiveness, waste.
Aground. Ashore, stranded, not
afloat; exhausted in resources.
ANT. Afloat, loose, abroad,
adrift; flush.
Ahead. In front, forwavi, on-
ward, in advance.
ANT. Abaft, astern, back, be-
hind, aft.
Aid. Help, support, assist, serve,
befriend, minister to, relieve,
succor; supply, give alms to;
foster, protect, encourage, favor.
A N T . Oppose, discourage,
t7iicart, baffle, deter, confront.
[ 17 ]
Ailing. Sick, ill, indisposed, un-
well, feeble, infirm, weakly,
delicate, unhealthy, pining.
ANT. Well, healthy, ener-
getic, strong, vigorous.
Ailment. Disease, malady, in-
disposition, distemper, com-
ANT. Health, sanity, conva-
lescence, vigor, recovery.
Aim. Direction, course, tendency,
bent, proclivity, bearing; inten-
tion, purpose, design, scheme;
reason ; view, scope, drift, mark,
goal, point; endeavor, attempt,
aspiration, determination.
ANT. Deviation, divergence,
deflection, digression, aberra-
tion; tangent; venture, leap,
fluke, chance, hazard, specula-
tion; neglect, avoidance, care-
lessness, oversight.
Air. Atmosphere, gas; breeze,
vapor, zephyr, wind; weather;
appearance, aspect, manner,
sort, style, way, behavior, car-
riage, bearing, expression, look,
demeanor, mien, fashion; tune.
Airy. Aerial, thin, rare, ethe-
real; light, subtle, sublimated;
sprightly, buoyant, vivacious,
volatile, jolly, jovial, light-
hearted; graceful, lithe, pliant,
flexible, showy, jaunty, flaunt-
ing, garish ; windy, empty.
ANT. Thick, ponderous, heavy,
inert, clumsy, dull, sluggish,
wooden, slow, cheerless, sullen,
doleful, leaden, lugubrious.
Akin. Related, allied, homogene-
ous, cognate, similar, congenial,
ANT. Foreign, alien, hostile,
heterogeneous, dissimilar.
Alacrity. Readiness, briskness,
activity, quickness, willingness,
promptness, compliance, cheer-
fulness, eagerness, gaiety, agil-
ANT. Sloumess, reluctance,
repugnance, aversion, refusal,
shrinking, recoil, disinclination.
Alarm. Summons, tocsin, dis-
tress signal, war-cry; fear, ter-
ror, apprehension, consterna-
tion, dismay, dread, affright.
ANT. Lullaby; confidence,
quiet, composure, assurance,
Alert. Lively, prompt, ready,
prepared, vigilant, wide-awake,
bustling, active, brisk, nimble,
watchful, sprightly, agile.
ANT. Slow, lazy, absent, ob-
livious, sluggish, dilatory,
Alien, n. Foreigner, stranger.
ANT. Citizen, countryman,
native, naturalized person.
Alien, a. Strange, foreign, hos-
tile, remote, distant, contrasted,
contrary, unlike, unconnected.
ANT. Pertinent, essential;
domesticated, naturalized; ger-
mane, akin, appropriate.
Alienation. Estrangement, trans-
fer, conveyance, disaffection,
variance, rupture, breach; (re-
lating to the mind) insanity,
aberration, delusion, lunacy, de-
lirium, mania, imbecility.
ANT. Confederacy, coalition,
alliance, league, union; sanity,
soundness, sobriety, rationality.
Alight. Perch, settle, drop, lodge;
dismount, descend.
ANT. Soar, spring, ascend,
start, mount.
Alike. Similar, kindred, same,
resembling, equivalent, homoge-
neous, identical, analogous, uni-
form, akin, allied.
ANT. Different, unequal, dis-
similar, unlike, heterogeneous,
distinct, various.
Aliment. Food, nourishment,
subsistence, fare, diet, regimen,
nutriment, viands, meat, suste*
ANT. Poison, bane; starva*
tion, exhaustion; venom,
Alive. Living, quick, subsist-
ing, animate, alert, active,
breathing; sensitive, suscep-
tible; operative; cheerful, joy-
ous; brisk.
ANT. Dead, defunct, lifeless,
deceased; inanimate, dull; de-
parted, cold; dispirited.
All, n. Whole, totality.
ANT. P art, piece, share, por-
All, o. Whole, entire, complete,
total ; each, every.
ANT. Some, part.
Allay. Repress, restrain, check,
subdue, silence, still, hush,
soothe, compose, calm, appease,
lull, alleviate, mitigate, solace,
abate, relieve, palliate.
ANT. Aggravate, arouse, ex-
cite, stir, kindle, fan, provoke.
Allege. Declare, afiirm, claim,
maintain, state, asseverate ;
advance, aver, introduce; pro-
fess, cite.
ANT. Contradict, gainsay,
refute, deny, disprove, quash.
Allegiance. Fealty, loyalty, de-
votion, homage, faithfulness,
ANT. Treason, rebellion, se-
dition, disloyalty, disaffection.
Allegory. Parable, fable, myth,
story, tale, apologue, metaphor,
illustration, simile.
ANT. History, fact, narra-
tive, chronicle, record.
Alleviate. Abate, mitigate, re-
duce, relieve, lessen, assuage, re-
move, soften, moderate, lighten.
ANT. Augment, increase,
heighten, intensify, magnify, ag-
gravate, enhance, embitter.
Alliance. Connection, relation-
ship, affinity; confederacy,
league, union, treaty, copartner-
ship, coalition; affiliation, simi-
ANT. Separation, estrange-
ment, divorce; antagonism, dis-
ruption, enmity, hostility,
schism, secession.
Allot. Divide, apportion, dis-
tribute, deal out, dispense; as-
sign, grant, give, appoint, des-
ANT. Refuse, retain, misdeal,
deny, confiscate, appropriate,
seize, withhold.
Allow. Grant, own, confess, ad-
mit; permit, let, authorize;
suffer, tolerate, endure; yield,
give, grant; approve, sanction,
abate, remit.
ANT. Protest, refuse, deny,
disapprove, forbid, disallow,
reject, withstand, resist.
Allowance. Leave, permission,
sanction, approval; admission,
acknowledgment, assent; com-
mission; qualification, excep-
tion; ration.
ANT. Refusal, disapproval,
denial; ratification, confirma-
Alloy, n. Admixture, adultera-
tion, deterioration, debasement,
disparagement, drawback.
ANT. Genuineness, enhance-
ment, purity, integrity.
Allude. Intimate, insinuate,
point, refer, suggest, signify,
hint, imply, indicate, mention.
ANT. Demonstrate, specify,
Allure. Decoy, entice, coax, at-
tract, tempt, inveigle, seduce.
ANT. Dissuade, repel, warn,
chill, damp, drive away, deter,
alarm, terrify.
Allusion. Hint, suggestion, inti-
mation, reference, implication,
ANT. Mention, demonstra-
tion, specification.
Ally, n. Assistant, helper, aider,
friend, associate, colleague,
partner, accessory, accomplice.
[ 19
ANT. Opponent, adversary,
foe, enemy, antagonist.
Aloft. Above, skyward, heaven-
ward, overhead, in the air.
ANT. Beneath, earthward,
Alone. Solitary, sole, single,
ANT. Accompanied, associ-
Along. Lengthwise, onward, for-
ward; together, beside, simul-
ANT. Across, sidewise or
sideways, lateral; apart, tan-
Aloof. Apart, distant, away,
ANT. Close, near, together,
Aloud. Distinctly, audibly, vo-
ciferously, clamorously, sonor-
ANT. Softly, silently, inau-
Also. As well, likewise, too, sim-
ilarly, withal, besides, in addi-
tion, in like manner.
ANT. Nevertheless, notwith-
standing, on the contrary, but,
yet, in spite of, on the other
Alter. Change, turn, vary, mod-
ify, shift, substitute, remodel,
transform, convert.
ANT. Conserve, perpetuate,
preserve, arrest, solidify, retain.
Alteration. Change, variation,
modification, shifting, muta-
- ANT. Changelessness, iden-
tity, fixity, permanence.
Altercation. Dispute, conten-
tion, controversy, difference,
quarrel, wrangle, dissension.
ANT. Concord, agreement,
compromise, reconciliation,
unanimity, harmony, conso-
Alternate. Reciprocal, every
other one, one after another, in
turn, interchangeable, mutual.
ANT. Continuous, successive,
consequent, proximate, sequent.
Alternative. Choice, option,
preference, election, pick, re-
ANT. Compulsion, quandary,
necessity; fixity, changeless-
Although. Albeit, even if, sup-
posing, grant that.
ANT. Yet, notwithstanding.
Altitude. Height, elevation, lof-
tiness, ascent, eminence.
ANT. Depth, declivity, de-
scent, abasement.
Altogether. Collectively, con-
jointly, wholly, quite, com-
pletely, totally, utterly, en-
tirely, thoroughly, fully, in the
ANT. Partially, piecemeal,
by instalments, partly, incom-
pletely, by halves, wanting; in-
dividually, separately.
Altruism. Philanthropy, unself-
ishness, public spirit, devotion
to others, self-sacrifice, self-for-
getfulness, generosity.
ANT. Selfishness, self-indul-
gence, worldliness, meanness;
Always. Ever, forever, eter<
nally, for aye, evermore, ever-
lastingly, perpetually; uni-
formly, invariably, generally,
ANT. Now, momently, in-
stantly, suddenly; sometimes,
Amalgamate. Mix, commingle,
unite, combine, blend, com-
pound, incorporate, join, fuse,
ANT. Disintegrate, decom-
pose, disperse, separate, dissi-
pate, analyze.
Amaranthine. Of the amaranth ;
fadeless, imperishable, undying,
[ 20 1
immortal, perennial; purplish,
ANT. Ephemeral, perishable,
mortal, fading.
Amass. Accumulate, heap up,
collect, gather, hoard, store
ANT. Disperse, divide, scat-
ter, spend, squander, loaste, dis-
sipate; portion, distribute, par-
Amateur. Lover, votary, devo-
tee; beginner, neophyte, nov-
i<f, tyro, dilettante.
Amazement. Astonishment, be-
wilderment, wonder, marvel,
stupefaction, confusion, per-
plexity, awe.
ANT. Anticipation, calmness,
coolness, familiarity, prepara-
tion, stoicism, self-possession,
steadiness, composure.
Amazing. Astonishing, astound-
ing, wonderful, surprising, mar-
velous, prodigious, strange, mi-
raculous, stupendous, extraor-
ANT. Common, familiar, triv-
ial, commonplace, frequent,
hackneyed, usual, customary.
Ambagious. Winding, devious,
sinuous ; tortuous, indirect, eva-
sive, circuitous; diffuse, dull,
tedious; dubious, enigmatical,
ANT. Direct, straight, frank,
open, simple, straightfoncard,
plain, clear, lucid, unmistak-
Ambassador. Minister, envoy,
legate, deputy, plenipotentiary.
Ambient. Surrounding, encom-
passing, enfolding, circling, in-
ANT. Penetrating, infiltrat-
ing, permeating, intervening.
Ambiguous. Doubtful, dubious,
uncertain, indefinite, vague, ob-
scure, indistinct, equivocal, en-
ANT. Obvious, plain, clear,
lucid, unmistakable.
Ambition. Emulation, rivalry,
aspiration, competition, opposi-
ANT. Contentment, moder-
ation, indifference, satisfac-
Amelioration. Amendment, im-
provement, promotion, better-
ing, elevation.
ANT. Degeneration, deterio-
ration, injury, detriment.
Amenable. Liable, responsible,
answerable, accountable; open,
impressible, pliant, docile.
ANT. Obstinate, irrespon-
sible, independent, autocratic.
Amend. Improve, mend, repair,
ameliorate, reform, correct,
ANT. Harm, corrupt, spoil,
debase, aggravate.
Amends. Compensation, atone-
ment, expiation, recompense, in-
ANT. Insult, injury, fault,
Amenity. Softness, mildness,
suavity, gentleness, refinement,
ANT. Austerity, ungracious-
ness, discourtesy, moroseness.
Amiable. Agreeable, gentle, good-
natured, pleasing, winsome, at-
tractive, charming, lovable.
ANT. Crusty, hateful, sullen,
surly, crabbed, cruel, unlovely,
gruff, disagreeable, ill-tempered.
Amicable. Cordial, kind, friendly,
harmonious, peaceable, propi-
tious, favorable, sociable, ami-
ANT. Unkind, cold, distant,
hostile, adverse, unfriendly.
Amid. Among, between, in the
midst of, betwixt, surrounded
ANT. Outside, without, be-
yond, afar from, away from.
I 21 ]
Amiss. Wrong, improper, faulty,
incorrect, inaccurate, inoppor-
ANT. Correct, right, fault-
less, perfect, effective, true.
Amount, n. Sum, total, aggre-
gate, whole; effect, substance,
ANT. Portion, instalment,
part; failure, deficiency,
Ample. Liberal, large, spacious,
plentiful, copious, lavish, exu-
berant, bountiful, generous.
ANT. Niggardly, stingy, scant,
mean, narrow, insufficient.
Amplify. Augment, enlarge, ex-
pand, expatiate, increase, de-
velop, widen, dilate, extend.
ANT. Abbreviate, condense,
reduce, abridge, amputate, epit-
omize, summarize.
Amusement. Diversion, sport,
play, fun, entertainment, merri-
ment, pastime, game, frolic,
ANT. Weariness, disgust, sa-
tiety, tedium, monotony, stren-
Analogy. Likeness, relation, re-
semblance, similitude, compari-
ANT. Unlikeness, incongru-
ity, disproportion, disagree-
Analysis. Separation, dissection,
investigation, partition.
ANT. Synthesis, composition,
aggregation, combination, co-
Anarchy. Misrule, disorder, law-
lessness, violence, confusion.
ANT. Law, order, government,
control, organization, subjec-
Anatomy. Analysis, dissection;
skeleton; dismemberment.
ANT. Synthesis, organization,
union, construction; body.
Ancient. Old, antique, anti-
quated, obsolete, primeval, aged.
ANT. Modern, young, fresh,
new, juvenile, upstart.
Ancillary. Auxiliary, helping,
instrumental ; subsidiary, sub-
ordinate, subservient.
ANT. Alien, adverse, redun-
dant, obstructive, impertinent,
irrelative, counteractive.
Angelic. Seraphic, celestial, pure,
ethereal, adorable, rapturous,
heavenly, divine, spiritual.
ANT. Demoniac, demoniacal,
diabolical, hellish, fiendish, foul.
Anger. Fury, ire, offense, pas-
sion, choler, indignation, rage,
temper, vexation, displeasure,
animosity, wrath, resentment.
ANT. Patience, self-control,
self-restraint, forbearance, le-
niency, mildness, forgiveness,
giveness, charity, lore.
Angry. Provoked, indignant, ex-
asperated, irritated, wrathful,
furious, resentful, mad, passion-
ate, sulky, piqued, galled.
ANT. Calm, unresentful,
peaceful, self-controlled, good-
tempered, forgiving, lenient.
Anguish. Agony, torture, tor-
ment, pang, acute distress, ex-
treme suffering.
ANT. Ease, pleasure, relief,
solace, assuagement, ecstasy.
Animal. Brute, beast, living or-
ganism, sentient being; fauna.
ANT. Man ; vegetable ; angel ;
inanimate object, substance;
soul, spirit.
Animate. Enliven, vivify,
quicken, invigorate, revive,
stimulate, waken, rouse, excite,
provoke, encourage, inspire,
ANT. Deaden, discourage, de-
ter, depress, dishearten, stifle. .
Animation. Life, vitality, spirit,
vivacity, energy, exhilaration,
sprightliness, courage, force,
buoyancy, vigor, liveliness.
ANT. Dulness, deadness,
[ 22 ]
spiritlessness, inertnest, stolid-
Animosity. Hatred, enmity,
malignity, antipathy, aversion,
acrimony, strife, bitterness, hos-
tility, dissension, malice, an-
ANT. Congeniality, unanim-
ity, friendship, companionship,
harmony, concord, regard, alli-
ance, kindness, sympathy.
Annals. Chronicles, records, reg-
isters, rolls, archives.
ANT. Romance, tradition,
hearsay, legend, lays.
Annex. Add, affix, attach, ad-
join, append, subjoin, tag, join,
unite, connect.
ANT. Detach, disconnect,
withdraw, separate, remove, dis-
Annihilation. Extermination,
obliteration, eradication, de-
struction; non-existence; obliv-
ion, non-being, eternal blank;
ANT. Perpetuation, immor-
tality; genesis, evolution, de-
Annotation. Note, comment, re-
mark, observation, gloss, scho-
lium, explanation, illustration,
ANT. Narrative, text, asser-
tion, proposition, statement.
Announce. Proclaim, publish, re-
port, herald, make known, state,
reveal, tell, declare, communi-
cate, promulgate, circulate,
ANT. Suppress, secrete, hide,
cover up, conceal, bury, with-
Announcement. Notice, procla-
mation, declaration, advertise-
ment, notification, manifesto,
ANT. Suppression, conceal-
ment, secrecy, equivocation, am-
biguity, insinuation.
Annoyance. Trouble, discom-
fort, vexation, torment, inflic-
tion, nuisance, irritation.
ANT. Oratification, delight,
ease, pleasure, relief.
Annual, n. Yearly publication,
year-book, annals; plant living
but a year.
ANT. Perennial, biennial, tri-
ennial; exotic.
Annul. Cancel, abrogate, recall,
repeal, revoke, countermand, re-
verse, reached, abolish, nullify,
supersede, invalidate.
ANT. Conserve, confirm,
maintain, enact, establish.
Anomalous. Abnormal, unnat-
ural, irregular, peculiar, excep-
tional, aberrant, unusual, sin-
gular, eccentric, erratic.
ANT. Normal, regular, usual,
ordinary, common, iconted.
Anon. Soon, shortly, forthwith,
immediately, instantly, directly,
ere long; afterward, presently,
ANT. Herewith, now; already,
Anonymous. Nameless, unac-
knowledged, of unknown author-
ANT. Identified, authorized,
authenticated, attested, signed.
Answer, v. Reply, rejoin, re-
spond; be accountable, respon-
sible, or liable, go surety; cor-
respond, be similar; do, serve,
suit, pass; refute, defend; sat-
isfy, fulfil.
ANT. Challenge, defy, ques-
tion, interrogate, query, sum-
Answerable. Refutable, respon-
sible, amenable, liable, account-
able ; corresponding, correla-
tive, suitable, proportionate.
ANT. Independent, irrespon-
sible, irrefutable; unsuitable,
dissimilar, different.
Antagonism. Opposition, con
[ 23 ]
tradiction, hostility, animosity,
ANT. Amity, alliance, associ-
Antecedent, a. Preceding, pre-
vious, prior, foregoing, anterior,
ANT. Subsequent, posterior,
sequent, following.
Antedate. Date before the true
time ; anticipate, forestall, fore-
ANT. Postdate, follow, suc-
ceed, supervene.
Anticipate. Forestall, expect,
foretaste, antedate, forecast, ap-
prehend, hope for, look forward
ANT. Postdate, follow; re-
flect upon, recall, recollect, re-
member; despair of, doubt,
dread, fear.
Anticipation. Expectation, pros-
pect, hope, trust, contempla-
tion, abeyance, foreboding, ap-
prehension, presentiment; pre-
science, prevision, forethought.
ANT. Realization, consum-
mation, despair, enjoyment, sur-
prise, doubt, dread, wonder,
Antipathy. Repugnance, repul-
sion, aversion, detestation, ab-
horrence, hatred, hostility,
ANT. Attraction, affinity,
congeniality, sympathy, har-
Antiquated. Quaint, obsolete,
bygone, ancient, archaic, old-
ANT. Modern, modish, new,
recent, stylish, fashionable,
Antiquity. Ancient times, eld.
early days; ancients, people of
early days; great age; (pi.)
relics of ancient days, archeol-
ANT. Modernity; futurity,
eventuality, posterity ; the pres-
ent, to-day.
Anxiety. Perplexity, apprehen-
sion, care, concern, solicitude,
worry, dread, trouble, forebod-
ing, misgiving, eagerness, diffi-
ANT. Ease, confidence, con-
tentment, apathy, acquiescence,
calmness, nonchalance, assur-
Apathy. Stoicism, calmness,
composure, lethargy, uncon-
cern, indifference, insensibility,
immobility, quietude, phlegm,
ANT. Fury, frenzy, suscepti-
bility, sensitiveness, anxiety,
excitement, agitation, feeling,
passion, vehemence, emotion.
Ape, v. Mimic, imitate, counter-
feit, copy, affect, personate,
ANT. Vary, modify, change.
Aperture. Opening, hole, gap,
rift, chasm, loophole, orifice,
ANT. Closure, blank wall;
seclusion, imperviousness.
Apex. Acme, vertex, pinnacle,
ANT. Base, nadir, foot, root.
Aphorism. Adage, maxim, prov-
erb, saying, dictum, apothegm,
ANT. Lecture, disquisition,
discourse, sermon.
Apiece. Each, individually, sev-
erally, distributively, sepa-
ANT. Together, collectively,
synthetically, in the aggre-
Apocalyptic. Tn or from " The
Revelation of St. John the
Divine"; prophetic, mystical,
mysterious; manifesting, re-
vealing, unveiling.
ANT. Concealing, obscuring t
shrouding, eclipsing.
t 24 ]
Apocryphal. Unauthentic, un-
canonical, legendary, fictitious,
false, equivocal, doubtful, spu-
ANT. Palpable, authorized,
accepted, authentic, genuine,
current, verified, attested.
Apology. Plea, excuse, defense,
confession, acknowledgment,
justification, vindication, ex-
planation, extenuation.
ANT. Charge, censure, im-
putation, condemnation, insult,
complaint, offense, wrong.
Apostate. Renegade, turncoat,
backslider, deserter, pervert,
ANT. Adherent, supporter,
zealot, dogmatist, fanatic.
Apothegm. Saying, dictum,
proverb, aphorism, precept, by-
ANT. Sermon, discourse, ti-
rade, harangue.
Appall. Terrify, frighten, dis-
may, shock, daunt, alarm, af-
ANT. Reassure, embolden.
Apparel. Clothes, dress, rai-
ment, attire, costume, habit,
guise, garments, robes, ves-
ture, wardrobe, equipment,
ANT. Nudity, deshabille,
rags, tatters.
Apparent. Seeming, probable,
likely, obvious, conspicuous,
manifest, clear, patent, evident,
plain, legible, specious.
ANT. Real, hidden, dubious,
improbable, doubtful, unimag-
inable, unsupposable, minute.
Appeal. Address, invoke, en-
treat, implore, supplicate, sue,
ANT. Protest, defy, abjure,
disdain, deprecate, repudiate.
Appearance. Semblance, look,
show, pretense, guise, fashion;
arrival, advent, apparition; de-
meanor, air, complexion, man-
ANT. Disappearance, eva-
nition, departure, vanishing.
Appease. Calm, pacify, soothe,
quell, mollify, mitigate, lull;
propitiate, placate, satisfy, rec-
ANT. Aggravate, exasperate,
provoke, inflame, incense, eat-
Appellation. Epithet, title, de-
scription, designation, name.
ANT. Anonymousness, name-
Appendage, Appendix. At-
tachment, addition, adjunct,
ANT. Main body, original,
whole, total.
Appertain. Belong, inhere, ad-
here, regard, concern, touch, re-
ANT. Be remote, far-fetched,
or forced, have no bearing upon.
Appetite. Longing, craving, de-
sire, relish, gust, zest, liking.
ANT. Aversion, loathing, re~
pugnance, antipathy, disgust.
Applause. Praise, approbation,
commendation, compliment,
plaudit, acclamation, eclat,
clapping of hands.
ANT. Denunciation, censure,
blame, sibilation, vituperation f
Appliances, n. pi. Means, in-
struments, appointments, ap-
purtenances, tools, adjuncts,
equipment ; resources, steps,
measures, ways; contrivances.
Applicable. Fit, appropriate,
suitable, pertinent, apt, proper,
relevant, germane ; adjustable.
ANT. Irrelevant, useless, un-
available, impertinent.
Applicant. Petitioner, solicitor,
suitor, candidate, aspirant.
Apply. Use, employ, exercise,
appropriate^ execute, carry out,
[ 25 ]
practice; devote, engage, dedi-
cate; request, petition.
ANT. Divert, misuse, dis-
card, divorce.
Appoint. Determine, establish,
fix; assign, allot, designate;
nominate, name, create; equip,
supply, furnish; direct, com-
mand, decree, enjoin, impose, re-
quire, ordain.
ANT. Reserve, cancel, dis-
arrange, reverse, unthhold, re-
tain, undo, suspend, recall,
Appointment. Assignation, as-
signment, agreement, arrange-
ment; meeting, tryst; station,
position, office, place; decree,
command, order, edict, ordi-
nance, mandate, requirement,
Apportion. Appoint, allot, ap-
propriate, divide, distribute,
share, grant, dispense, assign,
ANT. Retain, collect, con-
solidate, receive, gather, di-
Apposite. Apt, pertinent, suit-
able, seasonable, apropos, fit,
applicable, adapted.
ANT. Untimely, irrelevant,
unfitting, impertinent, mis-
Appraise. Estimate, prize,
value, rate, fix a price for, sur-
vey, assess, assize.
ANT. Undervalue, discard,
misprize; discount, rebate, al-
Appreciate. Estimate justly,
value highly, esteem, prize,
raise the value of; recognize,
ANT. Undervalue, misjudge,
ignore, misconceive; depreciate,
Apprehend. Arrest, seize, take,
catch, capture; imagine, con-
ceive, regard; perceive, realize,
understand, appreciate; fear,
ANT. Miss, lose, misundeT'
stand, ignore, misconceive.
Apprehension. Arrest, cap-
ture; understanding, intelli-
gence, mind, reason ; notice, cog-
nizance ; conception, imagina-
tion ; knowledge, discernment,
perception, sense; opinion,
fancy, sentiment, notion, fear,
suspicion, anxiety.
ANT. Escape, non-detection;
sensibility, emotion; apathy,
lethargy; illiteracy, stupidity,
stolidity; confidence, noncha-
Apprise. Give notice, inform,
tell, publish, advise, acquaint.
ANT. Deceive, mislead, hood-
wink, mystify.
Approach, v. Advance, draw
near, bring near, go near, push ;
broach, address confidentially;
resemble closely, be like, simi-
lar, or equal.
ANT. Diverge, retreat, go
back; retard, restrain; be un-
Approbation. Praise, commen-
dation, approval, liking; sup-
port, consent, sanction, indorse-
ment, concurrence, assent.
ANT. Censure, protest, de-
nial, disapproval, dissatisfac-
Approve. Praise, commend,
sanction, support, encourage,
ANT. Disparage, condemn,
disown, repudiate, dislike.
Approximation. Approach,
nearness, similarity, likeness,
contiguity, resemblance, pro-
pinquity, neighborhood.
ANT. Remoteness, variation,
distance, difference, divergence.
Appurtenant. Belonging, con-
nected, appended, attached, co-
I 26 ]
ANT. Isolated, detached, un-
allied, independent.
A priori. Theoretically; neces-
sarily, apodictically, constitu-
tionally, absolutely, primordi-
ally, inductively.
ANT. A posteriori; practi-
cally, according to experience;
deductively from facts.
Apropos. Opportune, seasonable,
apposite, timely, apt, suitable.
ANT. Inopportune, irrele-
vant, untimely, inapt, unsuit-
Aptitude. Disposition, knack,
endowment, tendency, inclina-
tion, fitness, suitability, bias,
ANT. Unreadiness, unskilful-
ness, repugnance, incongruity.
Arbiter. Umpire, judge, referee ;
controller, master, lord.
ANT. Appellant, claimant,
litigant, disputant.
Arbitrary. Despotic, autocratic,
tyrannical, overbearing, pe-
remptory; capricious, wilful,
fanciful; imperious, dictatorial.
ANT. Considerate, lenient,
obliging, equitable.
Arbitration. Mediation, inter-
cession, interposition, interven-
tion; arbitrament, umpirage,
trial, judgment, decision.
ANT. Litigation, contention,
disputation, appeal, dissension.
Ardent. Passionate, fervent, in-
tense, vehement, fierce, fiery;
hot, burning; zealous, enthusi-
astic, strenuous.
ANT. Cool, cold, indifferent,
, torpid, apathetic, dispassionate,
Argument. Reasoning, proof,
evidence, controversy, discus-
sion, debate; subject, topic,
theme, thesis; summary, ab-
stract, outline.
ANT. Assertion, assumption;
Aridity. Dryness, parchedness,
sterility, unfertility, barren-
ness; dulness, indifference, tor-
pidity, insensibility.
ANT. Moisture, fertility, ver-
dancy, luxuriance, productivity.
Arise. Ascend, mount, get up,
stand up; rebel, revolt; result,
ANT. Descend, dismount;
submit, cower; cause, instigate.
Aristocracy. Government of
nobles; nobility, peerage, gen-
ANT. Democracy; people,
populace, masses, rabble.
Arm, v. Equip, array, furnish,
gird, accouter, provide; fortify,
cover, protect, guard; prepare.
ANT. Divest, disarm; expose.
Army. Soldiery, legion, arma-
ment, forces, host, phalanx,
ANT. Individual; citizens.
Aromatic. Fragrant, spicy,
balmy, redolent, odoriferous,
ANT. Scentless, malodorous,
fetid, offensive, noisome, rank.
Arouse. Excite, provoke, insti-
gate, stimulate, animate, kindle,
warm, whet, summon, awaken.
ANT. Allay, mitigate, mod-
erate, still, quiet, assuage, quell.
Arraign. Accuse, charge, indict,
impeach, denounce; prosecute-
ANT. Acquit, discharge, con-
done, release.
Arrange. Settle, determine, ad-
just; dispose, group, marshall,
rank, range, distribute, place;
plan, contrive, project, devise,
construct, organize.
ANT. Confuse, disturb,
jumble, disperse, disorder, de-
Array, n. Order, parade, show,
exhibition, collection, arrange-
ment, line of battle, disposi-
[ 27 ]
ANT. Disorder, confusion,
Arrest. Apprehend, capture,
seize, detain, hold, take pris-
oner; stop.
ANT. Liberate, free, dismiss,
release, discharge; expedite.
Arrival. Advent, coming; comer,
person or thing arrived.
ANT. Departure, going.
Arrive. Reach, get to, come ; at-
tain, touch, overtake; happen.
ANT. Depart, set out or
forth, be gone.
Arrogant. Haughty, insolent,
proud, lordly, disdainful, su-
percilious, self-important, ego-
istic, overbearing, dogmatic,
ANT. Humble, diffident, po-
lite, bashful, servile, consider-
Art. Craft, business, calling, em-
ployment, trade; practical
knowledge ; creation of beauty ;
skill, dexterity, sagacity, apti-
tude, cleverness, ingenuity ;
cunning, artifice, deceit, guile.
ANT. Misrepresentation, cari-
cature; candor, simplicity; in-
competency, inability.
Article. Tiling, substance, com-
modity; part, portion, particu-
lar, point, item, member; essay,
paper, monograph, brochure.
AXT. Nothing, nullity, cipher;
totality, entirety, unity, integer.
Articulate. Join, unite, connect,
fasten together; enunciate, ut-
ter distinctly, pronounce.
ANT. Disperse, separate,
rend, dissect, disjoin, discon-
nect; whisper; render mute, si-
lence, muzzle.
Artifice. Cunning, craft, machi-
nation, stratagem, guile, device,
contrivance, cheat, imposture,
trick, ruse, maneuver, wile.
ANT. Fairness, frankness,
candor, openness, sincerity,
truth, honesty, artlessness, in-
genuousness, simplicity.
Artificial. Unnatural, factitious ;
feigned, counterfeit, fictitious,
spurious, sham ; affected, forced,
ANT. Natural, genuine, spon-
taneous, transparent, artless,
Artist. Designer, contriver,
skilled workman, artisan; me-
chanic, operative; painter;
sculptor, carver; master, mas-
Ascend. Rise, mount, soar, as-
pire, go up, tower.
ANT. Descend, fall, sink.
Ascendancy. Power, authority,
sway, dominion, rule, mastery,
control, government, influence.
ANT. Subordination, ser-
Ascertain. Determine, establish,
settle, flx, define, verify; dis-
cover, find out, get at.
ANT. Guess, surmise, sup-
pose, presume, conjecture.
Ascetic. Austere, rigid, severe,
self-denying, abstinent, stern,
ANT. Lenient, indulgent,
epicurean, pampered, mild, tol-
Ascribe. Impute, attribute, as-
sign, refer, charge, set down.
ANT. Dissociate, exclude;
deny, refuse; disconnect.
Ask. Request, petition, solicit,
entreat, beg, beseech, suppli-
cate, require of, crave, demand.
AXT. Refuse, reject, deny;
command, claim, exact, extort,
enforce, insist.
Aspect. Air, mien, look, counte-
nance, expression, feature, bear-
ing; state, attitude, posture,
condition, appearance; direc-
tion, outlook, prospect.
Asperity. Acrimony, sourness,
sharpness; sternness, severity,
I 28 1
bitterness, sullenness, ill-tem-
per; roughness, unevenness.
ANT. Sweetness, pleasant-
ness; gentleness, mildness ;
Asperse. Slander, calumniate,
traduce, vilify, attack, abuse,
blemish, besmirch, vituperate,
disparage, censure, slur, malign.
ANT. Eulogize, vindicate,
clear, defend, extol, praise,
Aspiration. Pronouncing with
the rough breathing; yearning,
longing, ardent desire, craving,
spiritual ambition.
ANT. Apathy, inertia, indif-
ference, dulness, aversion, re-
pudiation, avoidance.
Assault. Attack, invation,
charge, onset, onslaught, ag-
ANT. Resistance, defense, re-
pulsion, retaliation, undermin-
Assemble. Gather, collect, con-
vene, congregate, meet, come
ANT. Disperse, scatter, dis-
Assembly. Concourse, company,
gathering, congregation, as-
semblage, meeting, convocation,
throng ; congress, parliament,
legislature, synod, diet, coun-
cil, convention; ball, dance,
dancing party.
ANT. Dispersion, dismissal,
disunion, disruption.
Assent, n. Acquiescence, ac-
knowledgment, approval, con-
currence, approbation, accord,
consent, agreement, compliance.
ANT. Disagreement, dissent,
difference, protest, declension.
Assertion. Asseveration, prot-
estation, allegation ; position,
statement, word, declaration;
vindication, defense, mainte-
ANT. Denial, contradiction,
abandonment, protest, dis-
avowal, retraction, repudiation,
confutation, abjuration.
Assess. Tax, value, appraise, es-
timate, compute, fix, assign, de-
termine, impose.
ANT. Discount, rebate, uA-
Assiduous. Diligent, industri-
ous, untiring, indefatigable, de-
voted, constant, attentive,
painstaking, laborious, persist-
ent, active.
ANT. Indolent, remiss, inat-
tentive, lazy, desultory, incon-
Assignment. Appointment, al-
lotment; specification, fixing,
determination, offer, presenta-
tion; transfer, allowance.
ANT. Withdrawal, refusal;
acceptance, reception.
Assimilate. Make similar, cause
to resemble; digest, appropri-
ate, incorporate, absorb.
ANT. Contrast, reject, sepa-
rate, segregate.
Assist. Help, aid, succor, re-
lieve, support, befriend, serve;
speed, sustain, promote, fur-
ther, cooperate with, patronize.
ANT. Hinder, oppose, an-
tagonize, prevent, resist, coun-
Associate, n. Companion, com-
rade, chum, friend, helpmate,
partner, colleague, coadjutor,
accomplice, ally, consort, con-
federate, peer.
ANT. Antagonist, enemy, foe,
opponent, rival, stranger, op-
Association. Federation, fellow-
ship, alliance, companionship,
society, union, partnership,
lodge, company, confederacy,
corporation, fraternity, club.
ANT. Solitude; disintegra-
tion; independence, separation,
disunion, estrangement, disrup-
tion, avoidance; individuality.
Assortment. Arrangement, al-
lotment, distribution; set, class,
group, parcel, collection; vari-
ety, miscellany.
ANT. Disarrangement, dis-
placement, misplacement j con-
Assuage. Soothe, pacify, miti-
gate, ease, alleviate, abate, calm.
ANT. Excite, inflame, pro-
voke, aggravate, exasperate.
Assume. Arrogate, feign, pre-
tend, take, usurp, accept, affect,
appropriate, claim.
ANT. Waive, allow, surren-
der; doff; concede, grant, aban-
don, resign; demonstrate, prove,
Assumption. Presumption, hy-
pothesis, theory, postulate, con-
jecture ; acceptance of, responsi-
bility for; usurpation, arro-
gance, haughtiness, conceit,
lordliness, impudence, effront-
ANT. Truth, fact; timidity,
distrust, misgiving, consterna-
Assurance. Confidence, effront-
ery, presumption, assumption,
arrogance, impudence, self-re-
liance, boldness, assertion;
ANT. Doubt, distrust, hesi-
tancy, misgiving, timidity, con-
fusion, dismay, shyness.
Astonish. Amaze, startle, sur-
prise, astound, stupefy, stagger.
ANT. Encourage, embolden,
Astute. Keen, discerning, acute,
sagacious, shrewd, sharp, cun-
ning, subtle, discriminating,
knowing, perspicacious, crafty.
ANT. Stupid, unintelligent,
imbecile, dull, idiotic, short-
sighted, shallow.
Atrocious. Infamous, outra-
geous, nefarious, villainous, dia-
bolical, heinous, flagrant, hor-
ANT. Humane, noble, honor-
able, admirable, chivalrous, gen-
Attachment. Adherence, friend-
ship, regard, tenderness, love,
esteem, affection, devotion, in-
clination, union.
ANT. A lienation, aversion,
coolness, distance, estrange-
ment, indifference, antipathy,
animosity, dislike, enmity, di-
Attack, v. Assault, storm, as-
sail, invade, charge, rush upon,
spring upon ; censure, criticize ;
combat, besiege, beset.
ANT. Withstand, defend, re-
sist, support, shield, aid, up-
hold, shelter, vindicate, protest.
Attain. Achieve, accomplish,
gain, master, secure, earn, ob-
tain, win, acquire, accomplish.
ANT. Lose, fail of, forfeit,
give up, abandon, let go, miss.
Attainment. Winning, getting,
accomplishing, securing; eru-
dition, acquirement, wisdom,
accomplishment, mental re-
sources, information, learning,
ANT. Inspiration, intuition,
genius; ignorance.
Attempt. Try, undertake, seek,
endeavor, essay, attack, strive.
ANT. Abandon, shun, drop,
dismiss, negleot.
Attendance. Presence; persons
present; train, retinue; minis-
tration, service, waiting on.
ANT. Absence; non-atten-
dance; neglect, abandonment.
Attention. Care, notice, obser-
vation, consideration, watchful-
ness, alertness; study, reflec-
tion, application ; respect, cour-
tesy, politeness, civility, regard j
courtship, devotion, wooing.
[ 30
ANT. Indifference, careless-
ness, heedlessness, abstraction,
distraction, absence of mind;
neglect, preoccupation, ignor-
Attenuate. Rarefy, thin, reduce,
diminish, make slender, slim, or
spare, lessen.
ANT. Amplify, dilate, swell,
develop, enlarge, broaden, ex-
pand, increase.
Attest. Bear witness, certify,
indorse, corroborate, support,
authenticate; invoke, adjure;
prove, show, manifest, exhibit.
ANT. Controvert, contradict,
disprove, deny, upset, refute;
conceal; vitiate.
Attire. Dress, apparel, robes,
garments, habiliments, habit,
raiment, uniform, costume, liv-
ANT. Nudity, nakedness.
Attitude. Position, pose, pos-
ture, situation, standing, aspect.
ANT. State, condition, es-
sence; amorphism.
Attraction. Drawing, allure-
ment, lure, fascination, charm,
enticement, witchery, grace.
ANT. Repulsion, aversion,
disinclination, repugnance.
Attribute, n. Quality, property,
characteristic, peculiarity,
ANT. Essence, substance, na-
ture, being.
Attribute, v. Ascribe, assign,
impute, refer, charge, connect,
ANT. Separate, sever, sun-
der, disconnect, deny, dissociate.
Audacious. Bold, daring, fear-
less, courageous, venturesome,
intrepid, dauntless ; presumptu-
ous, forward, assuming, impu-
dent, impertinent, insolent,
ANT. Timid, cowardly, cau-
tious; unenterprising; retiring.
Augur, v. Foretell, portend, pre-
dict, presage, prophesy, divine,
prognosticate, betoken.
ANT. Demonstrate, estab-
lish, settle, prove, warrant, cal-
August. Awful, imposing, ma-
jestic, stately, grand, regal,
kingly, princely, noble, dig-
ANT. Mean, common, vulgar,
beggarly, commonplace, paltry.
Auspicious. Successful, fortu-
nate, lucky, happy, prosperous;
propitious, promising, oppor-
tune, favorable.
ANT. Hopeless, abortive, un-
promising, unsatisfactory, dis-
Austere. Severe, hard, stiff,,
stern, uncompromising, unre-
lenting, ascetic, rigid, formal.
ANT. Affable, kindly, indul-
gent, genial, bland, mild, ten-
Authentic. Genuine, trust-
worthy, veritable, accepted, au-
thorized, certain, accredited,
sure, true, reliable, original,
ANT. False, fictitious, spuri-
ous, unauthorized, apocryphal,
fabulous, counterfeit.
Author. Creator, maker, con-
triver, originator, inventor ;
writer, composer.
ANT. Destroyer, demolisher,
spoiler, annihilator.
Authority. Power, government,
empire, dominion; supremacy,
control, influence, interest; or-
der, precept, sanction, liberty,
warranty; expert, master, con-
ANT. Anarchy, license, in-
subordination, misrule, lynch
law; embargo, restriction, hin-
drance, proscription, prohibi-
tion, injunction, interdiction;
weakness, wrong, usurpation.
Autocratic. Absolute, unlim-
[ 31 ]
ited, tyrannical, oppressive,
disdainful, overbearing, arro-
ANT. Subordinate, depend-
ent, responsible, Constitutional.
Automatic. Self-moving, self-
ANT. Voluntary, free, op-
Auxiliary, n. Assistant, helper,
confederate, aid, ally, acces-
sory, promoter, subordinate.
ANT. Opponent, antagonist,
hinderer, opposer.
Available. Serviceable, useful,
profitable, beneficial, advanta-
ANT. Useless, inappropriate,
irrelevant, inoperative.
Avaricious. Grasping, sordid,
greedy, covetous, miserly,
ANT. Liberal, bountiful, ex-
travagant, wasteful, prodigal,
Avenge. Punish, retaliate, re-
venge, vindicate.
ANT. Forgive, pardon, over-
look, condone, waive, forego,
Avenue. Access, entrance, entry,
approach, passage; alley, walk,
street, road; route, channel.
Aver. Assert, declare, say, pro-
test, affirm, asseverate, allege.
ANT. Deny, contradict, dis-
Average. Medium, medial, mid-
dling, ordinary, tolerable, mod-
erate, mediocre, passable.
ANT. Extreme, excessive, per-
fect, extraordinary, excellent.
Aversion. Dislike, hatred, re-
pugnance, disgust, loathing, an-
tipathy, abhorrence, detesta-
tion, unwillingness.
ANT. Sympathy, congenial-
ity, ardor, eagerness, avidity,
love, desire, affection.
Avidity. Eagerness, longing, de-
sire, yearning; rapacity, crav-
ing, greediness.
ANT. Apathy, indifference,
coldness, aversion, loathing.
Avoid. Quit, shun, abandon, es-
cape, elude, withdraw, forsake,
ANT. Seek, court, approach,
accost, address, affect.
Avouch. Assert, affirm, declare,
protest, profess, asseverate.
ANT. Deny, contradict, gain-
Avow. Confess, own, acknowl-
edge, admit, profess, proclaim,
ANT. Disavow, repudiate,
deny, contradict, disclaim, ig-
Awaken. Rouse, kindle, excite,
ANT. Allay, quiet, subdue.
Award. Grant, allot, accord, dis-
tribute, assign, decree, deter-
ANT. Refuse, withhold, re-
tain, misappropriate, deny.
Aware. Conscious, sensible, cog-
nizant, knowing, apprised,
ANT. Unconscious, ignorant,
Awe. Fear, dread, reverence,
veneration, terror, wonder.
ANT. Contempt, familiarity,
irreverence, disrespect, inso-
Awful. Dread, grand, imposing,
majestic, noble, portentous, ap-
palling, august, alarming, hor-
rible, frightful, shocking, ter-
ANT. Commonplace, contemp-
tible, despicable, vulgar, undig-
Awkward. Clumsy, bungling,
ungainly, uncouth, rough, un-
ANT. Clever, skilful, handy t
dexterous, adroit.
[ 32 ]
Awry. Oblique, slanting, twisted,
crooked, distorted, athwart.
ANT. Straight, direct, true,
Axiom. Truism, postulate, self-
evident proposition, necessary
ANT. Paradox, sophism, con-
tradiction, nonsense, absurdity.
Azure. Blue, sky-color, cerulean.
Babble. Chatter, prattle, jibber;
prate, gossip, tattle; tell se-
crets, blab, blurt out; murmur.
ANT. Rush, suppress; enun-
Babel. Tumult, disorder, clamor,
confusion, discord, din, pother.
ANT. Silence; articulation,
distinctness, enunciation; mo-
Back, a. and ad. Remote, hind-
most, in the rear; again, re-
ANT. Near, foremost, in ad-
Back, v. Support, aid, second,
sustain, assist; retire, retreat,
withdraw; move backward,
cause to go backward.
ANT. Fail, disappoint; ad-
vance, push.
Backbiter. Slanderer, defamer,
traducer, calumniator, de-
tractor, cynic.
ANT. Advocate, upholder,
defender, vindicator.
Backslider. Recreant, apostate,
renegade, deserter, abjurer.
ANT. Confessor, zealot, bigot,
Backward. Averse, indisposed,
reluctant, loath, unwilling, hes-
itating, wavering; dull, slow,
stupid, stolid; late, tardy.
ANT. Forward, eager, will-
ing, ready, prompt; quick,
bright; previous, antecedent,
Bad. Evil, wicked, depraved,
abandoned, corrupt, immoral,
unfair, unprincipled, villainous ;
pernicious, mischievous, hurt-
ful, injurious, detrimental, un-
wholesome ; unlucky, unfortu-
nate ; sad, unwelcome, distress-
ing, disappointing; sorry, mean,
shabby, vile, wretched, abomi-
nable; poor, imperfect; serious,
hard, severe.
ANT. Good, perfect, right,
holy, beautiful, pleasant.
Baffle. Frustrate, thwart, defeat,
circumvent, checkmate, under-
mine; bewilder, perplex, con-
found, disconcert.
ANT. Aid, assist, advance,
encourage, promote.
Balance. Poise, hold in equilib-
rium; weigh, compare, esti-
mate; neutralize, counteract,
compensate ; equalize, square,
ANT. Upset, cant, tilt, over-
balance, subveri.
Bald. Bare, hairless; treeless,
unsheltered, naked, verdure-
less; unadorned, prosaic, dull,
vapid, tame, inelegant; literal,
unvarnished ; mere, unsup-
ported, uncorroborated.
ANT. Adorned, periwigged;
forested, shaded; bright, ele-
gant, rhetorical; ornate, pol-
ished, ivitty, scintillating.
Baleful. Harmful, hurtful, in-
jurious, baneful, pernicious,
deadly, ruinous.
ANT. Innocent, beneficial,
salutary, advantageous.
Balk. Frustrate, defeat, foil.
[ 33 ]
ANT. Aid, promote, insti-
Banish. Dismiss, drive out,
eject, expel, exile, ostracize,
evict, expatriate.
ANT. Welcome, admit, pro-
tect, domesticate, harbor.
Banquet. Feast, treat, regale-
ment, entertainment, festiv-
ity, carousal, cheer.
ANT. Fast, starvation, ab-
Banter, n. Badinage, irony, rail-
lery, ridicule, satire, chaff,
mockery, jeering, derision.
ANT. Discourse, discussion.
Barbarous. Brutal, atrocious,
cruel, inhuman, merciless, sav-
age, barbaric, barbarian.
ANT. Civilized, humane, po-
lite, refined, tender, delicate,
cultured, elegant, nice, courtly.
Bare. Nude, naked, unclothed,
exposed; sheer, simple, mere;
bald, unadorned, meager; poor,
destitute, indigent, empty.
ANT. Dressed, protected;
rich, luxurious, costly.
Bargain. Agreement, contract,
stipulation, transaction ; pur-
chase, speculation, haggling,
getting, proceeds; cheap pur-
ANT. Loss, misprofit; cheat.
Barren. Sterile, childless, un-
prolific ; unfertile, unproduc-
tive; uninstructive, ineffectual.
ANT. Productive, fertile, lux-
uriant, fecund; profitable, use-
Barrier. Obstruction, hindrance,
obstacle, bar, barricade, ram-
part; restraint, restriction.
ANT. Thoroughfare, en-
trance, admittance, opening,
Base. Cheap, worthless, inferior ;
vulgar, humble, unknown;
mean, contemptible, servile ;
shameful, scandalous, vile.
ANT. Noble, honored, ex-
alted, pure, valued, lofty, es-
teemed, refined.
Bashful. Modest, shy, retiring,
reserved, diffident.
ANT. Bold, forward, pert,
impudent, confident, conceited,
Basis. Base, foundation, ground-
ANT. Apex, top, superstruc-
Bathe. Wash, lave, cover, flood,
immerse, suffuse.
ANT. Dry, expose.
Battle, n. Fight, contest, skir-
mish, combat, encounter, bout,
engagement, strife, action, con-
ANT. Armistice, truce, con-
Bauble. Trifle, toy, plaything,
trinket, gimcrack, knickknack.
ANT. Valuable, jewel, orna-
ment, decoration, gem, posses-
Bays. Crown, wreath, garland,
chaplet; honors, renown, plau-
dits, praise, glory, applause.
ANT. Disgrace, contumely,
stigma, brand.
Beach. Shore, strand, margin,
sands, marge, rim, coast, sea-
shore, seaboard.
ANT. Ocean, sea, deep, main.
Beacon, n. Signal fire, mark,
sign, guide, light, flame.
ANT. Shadow; dark; icill-
o'-the-urisp, ignis fatuus.
Beam, v. Shine, emit rays, bea-
con, gleam, glitter, be radiant.
ANT. Die out, grow dark, go
Bear. Support, sustain, hold up,
carry; have, hold, possess; suf-
fer, undergo, endure, tolerate,
submit to; permit, allow; main-
tain, cherish, harbor; be re-
sponsible for; produce, yield,
give birth to; generate.
ANT. Drop, drag; release,
give up; protest, resist, rebel,
resent, reject.
Bearing. Behavior, deportment,
demeanor, appearance, aspect,
position, carriage, mien, air;
relation, connection; patience,
endurance ; direction, course,
aim; effect, force, meaning,
scope; producing; bed, socket.
ANT. Misbehavior; disconnec-
tion, independence, irrelevancy;
pendency, suspension; diver-
sion, deflection; inanity, ab-
Beat. Strike, thrash, flog, cud-
gel, pound, scourge, whip, bat-
ter, smite, pommel, overcome,
chastise, conquer, defeat, casti-
gate, bruise, bastinado, belabor,
switch, spank, worst, vanquish.
ANT. Soothe, stroke, caress,
pat, shield, protect, mollify,
Beatific. Ravishing, enrapturing,
enchanting, transporting, ec-
ANT. Tormenting, disgust-
imj, obnoxious.
Beatitude. Bliss, felicity, bles-
ANT. Suffering, tribulation,
pain, dolor.
Beautiful. Handsome, lovely,
charming, fair, pretty, graceful,
exquisite, beauteous, bewitch-
ing, attractive, picturesque,
ANT. Hideous, repulsive,
.ugly, deformed, frightful,
ghastly, grim.
Because. Since, inasmuch as,
for, as.
ANT. Yet, notwithstanding,
however, although, nevertheless.
Beckon. Signal, sign, call by
gesture, nod.
ANT. Ignore, repulse.
Become. Suit, adorn, fit, set off,
be appropriate to; get or grow
to, turn to, change into; befall,
bechance, happen to.
ANT. Disagree, clash, mis-
Becoming. Befitting, beseeming,
fit, graceful, proper, neat, suit-
able, congruous, worthy.
ANT. Unseemly, indecent,
derogatory, unsuitable.
Befall. Happen, occur, chance,
ANT. Impend, threaten, loom.
Befitting. Decent, becoming,
suitable, proper, appropriate,
ANT. Compulsory, obliga-
tory; improper, inexpedient.
Before. Preceding, in front of;
prior to, previous; in advance
of, ahead of; hitherto; above,
in a former place or previous
passage; formerly, of old, al-
ready; under the judgment or
control of.
ANT. Behind, after, subse-
quently, later.
Beg. Beseech, pray, ask, request,
supplicate, solicit, sue, implore,
ANT. Require, demand, ex-
tort, exact, insist; refuse.
Beggar. Mendicant, supplicant,
pauper, suitor, applicant.
ANT. Bestower, giver, bene-
Beggary. Want, penury, indi-
gence, destitution.
ANT. Riches, wealth, afflu-
ence, abundance, plenty.
Beginning. Origin, commence-
ment, fountain, source, spring,
start, opening, initiation, aris-
ing, outset, rise, inception, in-
ANT. End, finish, fulfilment,
outcome, conclusion, termina-
tion, result, effect, expiration,
Beguile. Cheat, deceive, befool ;
amuse, entertain, cheer, solace.
[ 35 >
ANT. Enlighten, advise;
weary, Lore.
Behavior. Conduct, deportment,
manners, breeding, carriage,
bearing, action, demeanor, life.
ANT. Misconduct, misde-
Behest. Command, injunction,
charge, precept.
ANT. Option, liberty.
Behind. Back, astern, rear-
ANT. Before, in front of.
Behold. See, look, discern, gaze,
scan, observe, contemplate.
ANT. Ignore, miss, wink,
overlook, disregard, connive.
Behoof. Advantage, profit.
ANT. Loss, detriment, disad-
Being. Reality, existence, actu-
ality; essence, inmost nature,
substance, life, vital principle,
root, heart.
ANT. Nonentity, nullity, non-
Beleaguer. Besiege, beset, block-
ade, invest; compass, block up,
surround, obstruct, environ.
ANT. Abandon; conquer, sub-
Belief. Trust, confidence, con-
viction, credence, persuasion,
reliance, assurance ; dogma,
creed, tenets, opinion, view;
credit, acceptance, assent, cur-
ANT. Distrust, denial, dis-
credit, dissent, rejection, dis-
Belligerent. Warlike, contend-
ing, conflicting, hostile, rival,
opposed, adverse, antagonistic,
pugnacious, contentious, quar-
ANT. Peaceful, friendly, for-
bearing, pacific, neutral.
Belonging, n. Quality, gift, en-
dowment, attribute ; property,
goods, estate, chattel, posses-
sion; appendage, appurtenance,
Belonging, a. Related, connected,
appertaining, congenial, cog-
nate, accompanying.
ANT. Alien, optional, inde-
pendent, irrelevant.
Below. Under, beneath, under-
neath, hereinafter.
ANT. Above, beforementioned,
Bend. Curve, twist, crook, bow,
deflect, deviate, diverge, twine;
influence, persuade, incline,
ANT. Straighten, stiffen, di-
rect; resist, break, crush.
Beneath. Below, under, under-
neath; unworthy of, unbefit-
ANT. Above, superior to;
over, aloft.
Benediction. Benison, blessing,
beatitude ; gratitude, thanks,
praise ; benefit, grace, boon.
ANT. Curse, censure, execra-
tion, ingratitude.
Benefactor. Patron, supporter,
upholder, friend, contributor.
ANT. Destroyer, enemy, op-
pressor, brute.
Beneficence. Charity, bounty,
liberality, benevolence.
ANT. Malevolence, hatred f
stinginess, miserliness, niggard-
Benefit. Boon, service, advan-
tage, profit, favor, blessing.
ANT. Evil, loss, damage, ca-
lamity, injury, privation.
Benevolence. Kindness, humane-
ness, charitableness, good will,
altruism, beneficence, liberality,
philanthropy, benignity, bounty,
humanity, sympathy, munifi-
cence, generosity, unselfishness,
ANT. Malevolence, malig-
nity, selfishness, stinginess,
unkindness, brutality, churlish-
[ 36 ]
ness, barbarity, illiberality, self-
seeking, niggardliness, harsh-
Benign. Kind, gracious, amiable,
gentle, friendly, benevolent, hu-
mane, obliging, good.
ANT. Hateful, harsh, brutal,
Bequeath. Will, leave, devise;
hand down, transmit, impart.
ANT. Withhold, alienate, dis-
Bereavement. Deprivation, loss,
destitution, affliction, forlorn
condition, desolation.
ANT. Blessing, compensation,
reparation, consolation, resti-
tution, restoration, substitu-
Bereft. Stripped, despoiled, de-
ANT. Endowed, blessed, en-
ricJied, compensated.
Beseech. Beg, implore, pray, ask,
solicit, entreat, petition, impor-
ANT. Grant, requite, confer;
disdain, defy.
Beset. Surround, circle, hem in,
besiege, beleaguer; embarrass.
ANT. Defend, defy, repel.
Beside. Near, close together;
aside from ; out of.
ANT. Far, distant.
Besides or Beside. Except, save,
distinct from; moreover, fur-
thermore, else, beyond that.
ANT. Apart, separate from;
exclusively ; finally.
Bestow. Give, present, award,
grant, confer; place, stow, store.
ANT. Receive; seize, appro-
priate, usurp; disperse, throw
Bet. Stake, wager, pledge.
ANT. Plan, calculate, dispose.
Betide. Happen, bechance, befall,
come to pass, occur, take place.
ANT. Result, be destined or
Betimes. Seasonably, in good
time or season.
ANT. Inopportune, late, tardy,
Betoken. Signify, denote, indi-
cate, represent, imply, prove,
show, augur ; presage, prefigure,
foretell, portend.
ANT. Mask, hide, mislead, be-
lie, misrepresent.
Betray. Reveal, expose, divulge,
deliver up, deceive; manifest,
show, indicate; lure, ensnare,
entrap, beguile; seduce, ruin,
ANT. Protect, preserve, fos-
ter, cherish, conceal, suppress,
Betrothal. Engagement, plight-
ing, affiancing.
Better. Amend, ameliorate, im-
prove, correct, advance, reform.
ANT. Make worse, degrade,
wreck, weaken, cripple, impair,
Between. Amid, among, be-
ANT. Outside, beyond, with-
Bewail. Bemoan, lament, sor-
row, grieve.
ANT. Rejoice, joy, exult.
Beware. Take care, be cautious,
be wary, look out, mind.
ANT. Be reckless, careless;
neglect, ignore.
Bewilderment. Confusion, em-
barrassment, daze, maze, per-
plexity, mystification.
ANT. Enlightenment, self-
possession, calmness, discern-
ment, perspicacity.
Bewitch. Charm, enchant, fasci-
nate, captivate.
ANT. Repulse, avoid, recoil,
annoy, harass.
Beyond. Over, across, remote,
farther than, before; yonder,
above, exceeding.
ANT. Beside, near, at hand,
[ 37 ]
close; behind, back; below, less
Bias. Bent, inclination, tendency,
leaning, proneness, proclivity,
propensity, partiality, predilec-
ANT. Repulsion, reaction,
Bicker. Wrangle, quarrel, dis-
pute, squabble.
ANT. Agree, sympathize, un-
derstand, harmonize.
Bidding. Command, order, di-
rection, appointment, mandate ;
offer, bid, proposal.
ANT. Request, solicitation;
refusal, rebuff.
Bide. Dwell, stay, reside, wait,
tarry, remain ; endure, bear.
ANT. Depart, go, move, mi-
grate; resist, rebel, protest.
Big. Large, great, wide, bulky,
huge, gross, fat; proud, arro-
gant, haughty, pompous.
ANT. Small, little, least,
thin, narroio; humble, subservi-
ent, unassuming.
Bigot. Zealot, fanatic, dogma-
tist, devotee.
ANT. Skeptic, liberal, apos-
tate, proselyte, doubter, agnos-
Bigoted. Intolerant, opinion-
ated, prejudiced, dogmatical,
narrow-minded, one-sided.
ANT. Liberal, broad-minded,
open to conviction.
Bill. Account, charge, score,
amount due, reckoning; draft of
law; poster, placard, advertise-
Bind. Fetter, tie, fasten, shackle,
restrict, restrain, secure; com-
pel, oblige, engage.
ANT. Free, loose, set free,
Birth. Family, parentage, origin,
source, lineage, nativity, de-
scent, extraction, race ; rise.
ANT. Death, extinction.
Bit. Part, piece, fragment, morsel.
ANT. Whole, mass, aggrega-
Biting. Gnawing, sharp, severe,
sardonic, censorious, piercing,
sarcastic, trenchant.
ANT. Pleasant, gentle, sooth-
ing, genial, flattering.
Bitter. Harsh, caustic, cutting,
savage, acidulous, acrimonious,
irate, sharp, sour, stinging,
pungent, virulent.
ANT. Sweet, honeyed, nee-
tared, luscious, dulcet, saccha-
Blacken. Slander, malign, de-
fame, daub, bespatter, befoul,
asperse, traduce, vilify, decry,
ANT. Clear, eulogize, vindi-
cate, whiten, whitewash.
Blackguard. Rascal, scoundrel,
ANT. Gentleman.
Blame. Censure, rebuke, chide,
reprove, reproach, condemn, vi-
tuperate, reprobate, reprehend,
ANT. Approve, praise, exon-
erate, acquit, exculpate.
Blameless. Pure, innocent, irre-
sponsible, without fault.
ANT. Guilty, implicated,
blameworthy, faulty.
Blanch. Bleach, whiten, white-
ANT. Blacken, stain, dye,
darken, color.
Bland. Soft, gentle, mild, af-
fable, gracious, tender, benign,
courteous, complaisant.
ANT. Harsh, abrupt, rough,
biting, savage, severe, impolite.
Blandishment. Flattery, coax-
ing, fascination, wheedling, at-
traction, charm, fawning, cajol-
ANT. Bluntness, unmanner-
liness, roughness, scolding, se-
verity, sternness.
[ 38
Blank. Bare, drear, bleak, void,
empty; utter, pure, simple,
mere, unqualified, unmitigated ;
amazed, astonished, confused,
ANT. Full, replete; complex;
modified, qualified; composed,
controlled, self-possessed, cog-
nizant, intelligent.
Blasphemy. Profanity, sacri-
lege, impiety, swearing.
ANT. Reverence, godliness,
Blast. Shrivel, destroy, blight,
kill, ruin, wither, annihilate;
explode, rend, burst.
ANT. Restore, expand, swell.
Blazon. Exhibit, show off,
blaze, blare, trumpet, proclaim,
ANT. Conceal, hush, cover,
hide, suppress, shroud, bury.
Bleach. Blanch, whiten.
ANT. Blacken, darken, soil,
Bleak. Windy, exposed, bare;
cold, chill, raw, desolate, com-
fortless, cheerless.
ANT. Sheltered, protected,
warm, balmy, cheerful, com-
Blemish. Blot, spot, flaw, fault,
imperfection, stain; deface-
ment, tarnish, disfigurement,
disgrace, defect, dishonor,
stigma, taint.
ANT. Purity, unsulliedness,
honor, integrity, wholeness.
Blend. Mix, unite, fuse, merge,
mingle, amalgamate, combine,
coalesce, harmonize.
ANT. Separate, run, dissoci-
ate, divide.
Bless. Delight, gladden, make
happy, thank, glorify, exalt,
praise, extol, felicitate, cheer.
ANT. Curse, anathematize,
sadden, grieve.
Blessing. Benediction, benison;
good, benefit, happiness, profit,
boon, gain ; glory, praise, grati-
ANT. Malediction, curse; be-
reavement, impoverishment, ca-
lamity, deprivation, disaster,
damage, detriment.
Blight. Pestilence, withering,
blast, destruction,
ANT. Development, matur-
Blind. Sightless, unseeing, eye-
less, undiscerning, ignorant, un-
conscious, uninformed.
ANT. Clear-sighted, far-see-
ing, discerning, penetrating,
conscious, keen, aware, sensi-
Blink. Wink, ignore, connive,
ANT. Notice, note, mark.
Bliss. Blessedness, happiness,
joy, ecstasy, rapture, felicity,
ANT. Torment, woe, suffer-
ing, misery, accursedness.
Blithe. Merry, joyous, cheer-
ful, gay, lively, airy, sportive,
blithesome, mirthful, jocund,
elated, vivacious, joyful.
ANT. Dejected, heavy, dull,
Block. Obstruct, arrest, stop,
ANT. Free, open, clear.
Blockhead. Dunce, dolt, stupid
fellow, numskull, ninny, simple-
ton, ignoramus, dullard, booby.
ANT. Sage, adept, savant,
philosopher, schoolman, lumi-
Blood-thirsty. Cruel, savage,
ferocious, murderous, bloody,
bloody-minded, gory, barbarous,
inhuman, ruthless, sanguinary.
ANT. Humane, kind, merci-
ful, mild, tender, compassionate.
Bloom, n. Blossom, flower,
flowering, efflorescence; flush,
freshness, prime, vigor, glow;
delicacy, innocence.
[ 39 ]
ANT. Decay, decadence,
blight, blast, roughness, tough-
ness, ghastliness, superannua-
tion, cadaver ousness, coarse-
Bloom, v. Blossom, bud, flower,
germinate, sprout, blow, de-
ANT. Blight, be blasted,
Blooming. Flourishing, flower-
ing; young, beautiful, fair,
ANT. Fading, waning, old,
unsightly, deformed, blasted,
Blot. Sully, spot, tarnish, spoil,
discolor, pollute, stain, erase,
blur, blotch, smear, smutch,
ANT. Cleanse, clear, whiten,
blanch: perpetuate, preserve.
Blot out. Erase, cancel, ex-
punge, obliterate, efface, de-
stroy, wipe out.
ANT. Restore, replace.
Blow, n. Knock, thump, stroke,
box, buffet, calamity, cuff, cut,
concussion, disaster, lash, mis-
fortune, rap. shock, stroke,
wound, affliction, blast, gale,
gust; disappointment.
ANT. Kelief, comfort, bless-
ing, consolation, assuagement.
Bluff. Abrupt, blunt, inconsid-
erate, open, rough, unmannerly,
uncivil, blustering, bold,
brusque, coarse, discourteous,
frank, impolite, plain-spoken,
ANT. Bland, courteous, ge-
nial, polite, refined, reserved,
urbane, polished.
Blunder. Error, mistake, mis-
understanding, fault, slip, over-
sight, inaccuracy, delusion.
ANT. Accuracy, correctness,
truthfulness, exactness, ratifi-
cation, foresight, achievement,
success, correction.
Blunt, a. Obtuse, dull, pointless,
edgeless, brusk, abrupt, plain,
informal, stupid, stolid.
AXT. Sharp, keen, acute,
sensitive, polished, courteous,
Blunt, v. Subdue, numb, hard-
en, dull, make dull, deaden,
paralyze, stupefy ; moderate,
allay, mitigate, assuage.
ANT. Quicken, sharpen, in-
stigate, excite, stimulate, ani-
mate, vitalize.
Blush, n. Bloom, color, redden-
ing, carnation, complexion;
shame, confusion, guiltiness.
ANT. Pallor ; innocence, pu-
rity, unconsciousness; boldness,
Bluster. Storm, rage, insult,
roar, swagger, vaunt, boast.
ANT. Cringe, whine, ivhim-
Boast. Vaunt, brag, swagger,
magnify, make much of, swell,
bluster, triumph, glory, vapor.
ANT. Whine, cringe; mini-
mize, apologize.
Bodily. Corporeally; completely,
wholly, altogether, entirely, col-
lectively, unitedly.
ANT. Spiritually, ghostly;
piecemeal, partially, gradually,
Body. Material or physical sub-
stance; carcass, corpse; trunk,
stem, bulk, main part; person,
individual, mortal, creature,
being; company, society, cor-
poration ; system ; consistency,
substance; ashes, form, dust,
frame, remains, clay.
ANT. Intellect, intelligence,
soul, spirit, mind; branch,
limb; world, iiniverse; mass,
Boil. Bubble, rage, effervesce,
explode, fume.
ANT. Calm, subside, cool, re-
I 40 ]
Boisterous. Loud, unrestrained,
stormy, noisy, furious, violent,
ANT. Quiet, silent, unosten-
tatious, mild, gentle, peaceful,
calm, serene, self-possessed.
Bold. Courageous, fearless, ad-
venturous, brave, intrepid,
dauntless, audacious, daring,
ANT. Timorous, fearful, re-
tiring, shy, bashful.
Bolster. Support, prop, help,
sustain, aid, buoy, patch, de-
fend, maintain.
ANT. Depress, fail, relax.
Bombast. Bluster, pomposity,
fustian, braggadocio, rhodo-
ANT. Modesty, humility, ve-
racity, moderation, temperance.
Bond. Tie, fastening, manacle,
fetter; compact, obligation, se-
ANT. Option, freedom, pa-
role, honor, discretion.
Bondage. Servitude, slavery,
imprisonment, captivity, incar-
ceration, subjection, serfdom,
confinement, thraldom.
ANT. Liberty, freedom, man-
umission, independence.
Bondsman. Slave, serf, captive,
vassal, prisoner.
ANT. Freeman, gentleman,
master, lord.
Bonny. Fair, pretty, pleasant,
handsome, shapely, buxom.
ANT. Homely, ufjly, un-
seemly, deformed, ill-favored.
Bonus. Premium, douceur, boon,
ANT. Fine, penalty, dis-
count, mulct.
Booby. Dunce, idiot, numskull.
ANT. Wiseacre, solon, oracle.
Bookish. Pedantic, studious,
learned, erudite, educated.
ANT. Illiterate, ignorant.
Boor. Rustic, clown, lout, peas-
ant, countryman, plowman,
swain, bumpkin.
ANT. Gentleman, courtier.
Boorish. Rude, rustic, clownish,,
loutish, ungainly, awkward,
coarse, rough, gawky.
ANT. Polite, civil, polished,
urbane, courtly, affable, gra-
Bootless. Useless, unavailing,,
unprofitable, profitless, vain.
ANT. Effectual, profitable,
useful, effective.
Booty. Plunder, prey, spoil, pil-
lage, loot.
ANT. Restitution, fine, for-
feiture, confiscation, penalty.
Border. Edge, limit, boundary,
brink, rim, verge, enclosure,
confine, band.
ANT. Land, tract, interior,
center, space, substance.
Bore. Pierce, perforate, pene-
trate, drill ; weary, plague,
trouble, vex, worry, annoy.
ANT. Delight, gratify, please.
Bosom. Breast, heart, affection;
hollow, depths, midst, inmost
recesses ; retreat, retirement,
quiet, privacy.
ANT. Surface, exterior, ex-
panse; manner, deportment, de-
Both. Twain, two.
ANT. Either, each, every,
neither, none, not any, no one.
Bother. Worry, pester, perplex,
harass, plague, tease, vex, mo-
lest, annoy, excite.
ANT. Aid, assist, calm, quiet,
Bottom. Deep, profound, base,,
foot ; foundation, basis, ground-
work; valley, meadow; ship,
vessel; seat; grounds, lees, sedi-
ments; stamina, power of en-
ANT. Top, height, acme r
apex, summit, crown, brow; sur-
Bound, v. Skip, leap, frisk, jump,
spring; confine, limit, circum-
scribe, terminate, restrict, re-
ANT. Hobble, limp, crawl,
creep, shamble; enlarge, open,
extend, spread out.
Boundary. Margin, limit, con-
fines, border, bound, frontier,
line, marge, verge, termination,
term, barrier, bourn, edge, en-
closure, landmark ; circumfer-
ANT. Land, region, estate,
interior, territory; center, cita-
del; inside.
^Boundless. Unlimited, illimit-
able, unbounded, measureless,
ANT. "Narrow, restricted,
confined, circumscribed.
Bountiful. Liberal, generous,
benevolent, unselfish, munifi-
ANT. Miserly, selfish, stingy,
Bounty. Liberality, gift, gener-
osity, charity, benefaction, be-
nignity, benevolence, munifi-
cence, donation; premium, re-
ward, bonus.
ANT. Closeness, stinginess,
niggardliness, miserliness.
Bower. Recess, arbor, retreat,
alcove, summerhouse.
ANT. Open place.
Brag. Boast, vaunt, bully, swag-
ANT. Cringe, whine, whim-
Braid. Bind, weave, plait, tie.
ANT. Unbind, dishevel.
Branch. Member, bough, limb,
shoot, arm, twig, scion, offshoot,
ramification ; section, depart-
ment, division; article, part,
portion; tributary; derivative
line, cognate stock.
ANT. Trunk, stock, stem;
race, family, house.
Brand, v. Denounce, mark, stig-
matize, disgrace.
ANT. Honor, decorate, dis-
Brandish. Flourish, wield, whisk,
shake, wave.
ANT. Suspend, stay, arrest.
Bravado. Boasting, bragging,
ANT. Diffidence, reserve, con-
cealment, modesty.
Brave. Fearless, heroic, un-
daunted, undismayed, adventur-
ous, bold, courageous, daring,
dauntless, gallant, intrepid,
valiant, venturesome, doughty,
chivalrous, chivalric, splendid,
ANT. Afraid, cringing, fear-
ful, shrinking, timid, timorous,
frightened, cowardly, faint-
hearted, pusillanimous, churl-
ish, discourteous, fearsome.
Brawny. Muscular, strong,
powerful, athletic, sinewy, her-
culean, robust, stout.
ANT. Weak, fragile, deli-
cate, feeble, effeminate, lean.
Breach. Break, rupture, open-
ing, fracture, flaw, fissure, rent;
violation, infringement, non-
observance; quarrel, difference,
variance, dissension, schism, ali-
ANT. Integrity, wholeness,
fiawlessness, completeness; rec-
onciliation, healing; conserva-
tion, observance; inviolat eness ;
union, fidelity, amalgamation.
Break. Fracture, rend, part,
sever, shatter, smash, shiver;
weaken, impair, enfeeble, ener-
vate; tame; make bankrupt;
dismiss, discard, degrade, cash-
ier; mitigate, assuage; inter-
rupt, stop, cut short; open, un-
fold; destroy, sunder, burst,
rive, crack, crush, demolish,
rupture, split, transgress.
ANT. Fasten, join, mend, se-
[ 42 ]
cure, unite, weld, attach, bind,
solder, heal, piece, conjoin, re-
join; protect, conserve; en-
courage, strengthen, preserve;
observe, obey.
Breast. Bosom, heart, affection,
Breathless. Out of breath ; life-
less, dead ; exhausted, eager, ab-
sorbed, attentive, fascinated ;
astonished, astounded, bewil-
ANT. Calm, collected, cool,
composed; indifferent, uninter-
Breed, n. Lineage, race, pedigree,
progeny, stock, line, family, ex-
traction, strain.
ANT. Ancestor, source, orig-
inal, origin.
Breed, v. Bring forth, bear, be-
get, produce; nurture, foster,
nourish; discipline, educate, in-
struct, train, teach, school; oc-
casion, originate, generate, pro-
create, propagate, cause, evolve.
ANT. Destroy, extirpate,
stifle, extinguish.
Breeding. Discipline, instruc-
tion, education, nurture, train-
ing, schooling; manners, de-
ANT. Ill manners, misbe-
havior; ignorance, illiteracy.
Brevity. Shortness, terseness,
conciseness, compression, pithi-
ness, succinctness, pointedness;
abbreviation, abridgment.
ANT. Prolixity, diffuseness,
verbosity, length, protraction,
elongation, extension, tedious-
Brew. Concoct, compound, mix,
hatch, foment, excite; prepare,
collect, gather, grow; threaten,
impend; form.
ANT. Disperse, break, spoil,
mar, miscompound.
Bridle, v. Restrain, curb, control,
govern, check; bristle, ruffle;
master, moderate, compress, re-
ANT. Relax, loosen, give vent,
liberate, discharge; soothe,
Brief. Short, concise, succinct.
ANT. Long, tedious, diffuse.
Bright, Shining, resplendent, lu-
minous, glowing, lustrous,
beaming, gleaming, glistening,
blazing, naming, flashing, radi-
ant, ruddy, refulgent, brilliant,
dazzling, sparkling, scintillat-
ing, burnished; lucid, clear,
transparent, pellucid, lambent,
cloudless, limpid; glorious, fa-
mous, illustrious ; intelligent,
acute, discerning, keen, ingeni-
ous ; auspicious, promising, pro-
pitious, favorable, inspiring ;
cheerful, merry, lively, happy,
ANT. Opaque, dull, dark,
gloomy, black, ebon, shadoioy-,
rayless, sunless, murky, cloudy,
overcast, pitchy, lurid; obscure,
mysterious, enigmatical, mystic,
unintelligible, occult, recondite,
abstruse, cabalistic, transcen-
dental; disheartening, discour~
aging, dismal, cheerless; igno-
rant, unlettered, untaught, im-
becile, rude, benighted; foul,
infamous, horrible, damnable,
vile, infernal, wicked, sullen,
atrocious, dejected.
Brilliant. Bright, radiant, flash-
ing, lustrous, glorious, lumi-
nous, effulgent, beaming, spark-
ling; illustrious, distinguished,
celebrated, famous, renowned,
ANT. Dark, dull, stupid,
gloomy; notorious, infamous;
obscure, insignificant.
Bring. Bear, fetch, convey; con-
duct, guide, lead, attend, ac-
company, convoy; obtain, gain,
procure, produce; induce, pre-
vail upon.
[ 43 ]
ANT. Remove, export, send,
exclude, debar, transport, ab-
stract, subtract.
Brisk. Lively, quick, vivacious,
active, alert, animated, prompt,
sprightly, nimble, spry, agile.
ANT. Slow, heavy, dull, slug-
gish, indolent, inactive, unener-
getic, stagnant.
Bristling. Full, crowded,
swarming, stocked, multifari-
ous, multitudinous ; bristly,
standing on end like bristles;
ruffled, roughened, corrugated,
bespined; bridled, angered, of-
ANT. Smooth, soothed, al-
layed; prone; bare, nude, scant,
devoid, vacant.
Brittle. Fragile, crumbling,
shivery, frail, easily broken.
ANT. Tough, stout, strong,
Broach.. Open, pierce, tap; sug-
gest, hint, approach, break;
utter, publish, proclaim, give
out ; originate, propound.
ANT. Repress, cork, bottle,
secrete, conceal, hide.
Broad. Wide; large, ample, ex-
tensive, vast, spacious, capa-
cious; liberal, tolerant, free,
hospitable ; spread, diffused,
open; gross, vulgar, indecent,
ANT. Narrow; contracted,
restricted, confined, limited;
prejudiced, illiberal, bigoted, re-
served; veiled, enigmatical,
shrouded, shaded; refined, deli-
cate, sketchy; specific, pointed.
Broil. Affray, quarrel, conten-
Brook. Tolerate, bear, suffer, en-
dure, abide, submit to, undergo,
ANT. Resist, resent, reject.
Brotherhood. Fraternity, fel-
lowship, association, sodality,
Browbeat. Bully, intimidate,
bulldoze, overawe.
ANT. Rally, support.
Bruise. Pommel, crush, squeeze,
break, pound, batter, deface.
ANT. Heal, soothe.
Brunt. Shock, attack, impulse,
onslaught, onset, assault.
ANT. Repulse, resistance, en-
Brutal. Brutish, animal, beastly,
bestial ; savage, ferocious, cruel,
harsh, uncivil, rude, rough,
gruff, impolite, brusque j sen-
sual, carnal.
ANT. Humane, self-con~
trolled, civilized, enlightened,
elevated, noble, refined, intelli-
gent, grand.
Bubble. Toy, trifle, fancy, con-
ceit, dream, vision, froth, trash.
ANT. Prize, treasure, real-
ity, substance, jewel, good, ad-
Buffoon. Wag, clown, jester,
mountebank, harlequin, droll,
punch, fool.
ANT. Wit, genius, pedant,
Build. Make, form, shape, figure,
model; construct, erect, raise.
ANT. Demolish, overthrow,
Building. Architecture, edifice,
structure, fabric, pile, erection.
ANT. Ruin, demolition, di-
lapidation, dismantlement.
Bulk. Magnitude, size, volume,
mass; greatness, amplitude,
massiveness ; majority, major
part, most, principal part; di-
ANT. Portion, section, atom,
particle; diminution, tenuity,
contraction, dismemberment,
Bulwark. Rampart, fortress,
fortification, stronghold, in-
trench ment, bastion, parapet,
[ 44 ]
ANT. Siefe, bombardment,
cannonade, boarding, storm-
Bungler. Botcher, clown, fum-
bler, clumsy workman, novice.
ANT. Adept, adroit, master,
artist, proficient workman, pro-
Buoy, v. Float, support, sus-
tain; elevate, inspire, assure,
animate, cheer.
ANT. Kink, droicn, depress,
swamp; crush, betray, fail, de-
ject, overcome.
Buoyant. Light; cheerful, hope-
ful, sprightly, vivacious, joyous,
blithesome, jocund, sportive,
jubilant, elastic, floating.
ANT. Heavy, defected, de-
pressed, moody, joyless, cheer-
less, desponding.
Burden. Load, weight; cargo,
freight; capacity, tonnage: im-
pediment, incubus, grievance,
trial, trouble, affliction, sor-
row; chorus, refrain; topic,
drift, tenor, point, substance.
ANT. Ease, lightness; facil-
ity, airiness, light-heartedness;
consolation, assuagement, alle-
ri<:lion, liberation, mitigation.
Burial. Interment, sepulture,
entombment, burying.
ANT. Exhumation, disinter-
Burlesque. Parody, travesty,
caricature, ridicule, farce.
ANT. Classic, history, fact.
Burn. Char, consume, cremate,
scorch, set on fire, singe, ignite,
incinerate, kindle, blaze, cau-
terize, glow, smolder.
ANT. Smother, stifle, subdue,
extinguish, cool, put out; sub-
side, glimmer, lower, pale.
Burnish. Brighten, polish, make
to glisten, glaze, gloss.
ANT. Dull, bedim, cloud,
scratch, abrade.
Burst. Break, open, explode,
blow up, rend, split, crack, dis-
charge, shatter, disrupt.
ANT. Cohere, hold, stand,
stick, together, adhere.
Bury. Inter, cover up, entomb,
inearth, inhume, inurn; shroud,
conceal, secrete, hide; immure,
confine; cancel, compose, hush,
cover with oblivion.
ANT. Resurrect, exhume, dis-
inter, excavate, expose, resusci-
tate; publish, announce, adver-
Business. Employment, craft,
trade, commerce, handicraft,
trallic, transaction, work, voca-
tion, job, affairs, avocation, pro-
fession, occupation, culling, con-
cern, duty, office, interest.
AXT. Stagnation, leisure, in-
Bustle. Activity, stir, commo-
tion, excitement, haste, hurry,
energy, eagerness, flurry.
ANT. Idleness, inactivity,
vacation, stagnation, quiet, in-
dolence, indifference, unconcern.
Busy. Engaged, employed, occu-
pied; diligent, industrious, ac-
tive, working, sedulous; brisk,
stirring, bustling, agile, spry,
nimble; meddling, officious.
ANT. Idle, lazy, indolent,
But. Save, except, furthermore,
barely, besides, however, just,
only, notwithstanding, though,
unless, yet, still, merely, never-
theless, provided, moreover.
Buxom. Bonny, blithe, shapely.
ANT. Lean, slend er, ill-shaped.
Buy. Purchase, bargain, ac-
quire ; bribe, corrupt, pervert,
suborn, subsidize.
ANT. Sell, hawk, retail, vend.
By. Through, with; at, on;
from, according to; near, close
by; past; along, over; before,
in the sight of, in the name of;
per, at.
Cabal. Confederacy, conspiracy,
conclave, combination, faction,
crew, junto, gang, coterie, plot,
political intrigue, league.
Cadaverous. Bloodless, pallid,
pale, wan, ghastly, deathlike,
ANT. Rosy, blushing, san-
guine, incarnadine.
Cage, v. Imprison, immure, con-
fine, incarcerate.
ANT. Liberate, free, dismiss,
Caitiff. Rascal, miscreant, vil-
lain, wretch, coward, sneak,
traitor, scoundrel, vagabond.
ANT. Gentleman, patriot,
Cajole. Coax, wheedle, flatter,
fawn upon, blandish; deceive,
entrap, beguile, inveigle, im-
pose upon.
ANT. Scold, chide, warn.
Calamitous. Disastrous, unfor-
tunate, unlucky, adverse, un-
toward, deplorable, ruinous, in-
auspicious, wretched, distress-
ing, grievous, ill-starred, troub-
lous, hapless, ill-omened.
ANT. Fortunate, auspicious,
felicitous, propitious, favorable,
Calamity. Disaster, misfortune,
catastrophe, mishap, trial,
trouble, affliction, adversity,
distress, hardship, ill luck, vis-
ANT. Blessing, boon, advan-
tage, good fortune, benefaction.
Calculate. Number, reckon, sum
up, count, compute, account,
estimate, enumerate, rate; con-
sider, deem, apportion, investi-
ANT. Guess, risk, chance,
conjecture, stake.
Calculating. Wary, cautious,
scheming, crafty, cool, hard,
selfish; careful, circumspect, sa-
gacious, farsighted.
ANT. Shortsighted, improvi-
dent, rash, careless.
Calculation. Reckoning, compu-
tation; expectation, anticipa-
tion, prospect; foresight, fore-
thought, caution, wariness, dis-
cretion, prudence, deliberation.
ANT. Omission, carelessness,
imprudence, indiscretion, in-
Caliber. Diameter, gage, capac-
ity; faculty, scope, talent, abil-
ity, gifts, parts, endowment.
ANT. Smallness, thinness;
imbecility, incapacity, pueril-
Call. Cry, bellow, clamor, ejacu-
late, scream, roar, shout, shriek,
bawl, yell, exclaim, vociferate;
invite, summon, send for, bid;
assemble, convene, muster;
elect, ordain, appoint; invoke,
appeal to.
ANT. Be silent, hush, list,
listen, harken, be still; ignore;
disperse; disdain, defy.
Calm. Composed, peaceful, pla-
cid, quiet, still, tranquil, self-
possessed, serene, undisturbed,
dispassionate, sedate, collected,
imperturbable, unruffled.
ANT. Frantic, frenzied, pas-
sionate, furious, raging, stormy,
violent, boisterous, agitated, ex-
cited, fierce, turbulent, icild,
heated, wrathful, disturbed.
Calumniate. Slander, traduce,
defame, vilify, revile, asperse.
ANT. Praise, commend, vin-
dicate, laud, honor, eulogise;
Calumny. Slander, aspersion,
defamation, detraction, abuse,
ANT. Vindication, justifi-
cation; eulogy, panegyric.
Camp. Encampment, bivouac.
Cancel. Obliterate, scratch out,
erase, efface, expunge, cross off ;
abolish, abrogate, nullify, an-
nul, revoke, rescind, make void,
ANT. Confirm, enact, perpet-
uate, approve, enforce, uphold,
sustain, maintain, establish,
record, write.
Candid. Honest, open, straight-
forward, transparent, unbiased,
artless, frank, guileless, ingenu-
ous, naive, sincere, impartial,
innocent, unprejudiced, above-
board, simple, truthful, unso-
phisticated, fair.
ANT. Deceitful, designing,
foxy, sharp, shrewd, crafty, art-
ful, sly, tricky, subtle, adroit,
cunning, insincere, diplomatic,
intriguing, wily.
Candidate. Aspirant, solicitant,
petitioner, canvasser, claimant,
ANT. Non-competitor; re-
signer, abandoner, abjurer.
Canvass. Debate, discuss, dis-
pute, agitate; examine, investi-
gate, scrutinize, sift, study, con-
sider; solicit votes from, apply
ANT. Admit, pass, misexam-
ine, allow, ignore, disregard.
Capability. Capacity, ability,
skill, power, competency, effi-
ciency, caliber, force, faculty,
scope, brains, talent.
ANT. Dulness, inability, in-
aptitude, difficulty, awkward-
Capacity. Space, magnitude, vol-
ume, dimensions, extent, size,
tonnage, caliber; faculty, gift,
talent, genius, competency, ca-
pability, discernment, clever-
ness, skill, aptitude; sphere,
office, province, character, func-
ANT. Restriction, narrow-
ness, contractedness, incapac-
ity; vncompetency, inefficiency,
Capital, n. Metropolis; large
letter; stock, sum invested; head
of a column or pillar; mental,
physical, or financial resources.
Capital, a. Chief, principal, es-
sential, leading, cardinal ; fatal,
forfeiting life ; excellent, prime,
first-class, first-rate, consum-
mate, high, important.
ANT. Subordinate, inferior,
unimportant, minor; defective,
Capitulate. Surrender, yield,
submit, stipulate.
ANT. Resist, contend, strug-
Caprice. Vagary, freak, whim y
fancy, crotchet.
ANT. Purpose, plan, deter-
mination, conviction, serious-
Capricious. Wayward, fanciful,
freakish, whimsical, inconstant,
uncertain, fitful, fickle, change-
ANT. Firm, inflexible, un-
sicerving, constant, decided, se-
Captious. Carping, hypercriti-
cal, censorious; crabbed, snap-
pish, touchy, cross, snarling,
acrimonious, contentious; in-
sidious, ensnaring.
ANT. Appreciative, commen-
datory, complimentary, encour-
aging, flattering, laudatory, ap-
Captivate. Charm, enchant, fas-
cinate, enamor, bewitch, please
highly, lead captive, win, catch.
ANT. Disenchant, disillu-
sionize; disgust.
Captivity. Thraldom, confine-
[ 47 ]
ment, duress, imprisonment,
bondage, subjection, slavery,
servitude, durance.
ANT. Freedom, liberty, in-
Capture. Seize, catch, arrest,
apprehend, make captive ; prize.
ANT. Liberate, free, release;
Care. Anxiety, trouble, solici-
tude, concern, vigilance, worry,
charge, caution, attention, heed,
forethought, management, per-
plexity, watchfulness, wariness,
precaution, oversight, prudence.
ANT. Indifference, heedless-
ness, negligence, oversight, re-
missness, slight, recklessness,
disregard, carelessness, inatten-
Career. Course, line of achieve-
ment, passage, race, flight, pro-
cedure, conduct, progress, ac-
tive life, success.
Careful. Thoughtful, provident,
considerate, reflective, heedful,
diligent, pensive, regardful, con-
ANT. Careless, thoughtless,
improvident, unthinking, heed-
less, inconsiderate, rash, wan-
ton, idle, dreamy, trifling.
Caress, v. Embrace, fondle, kiss,
pet, pamper, coddle, court, flat-
ANT. Vex, tease, affront, an-
noy, provoke, persecute.
Cargo. Freight, load, goods, lad-
ing, consignment, merchandise.
Caricature. Imitation, mimicry,
parody, travesty, burlesque, ex-
aggeration, extravaganza, take-
off, farce, monstrosity.
ANT. Portraiture, resem-
blance, representation, repro-
Carnage. Massacre, bloodshed,
slaughter, havoc, butchery.
ANT. Deliverance, ransom,
Quarter, redemption.
Carnal. Sensual, fleshly, lustful,
lascivious ; natural, unregener-
ate, earthly, temporal.
ANT. Spiritual, ethereal, re-
fined, pure, exalted, temperate,
Carnival. Festival, revel, mas-
querade, rout.
ANT. Fast, retirement, Lent,
penance, mortification.
Carol. Sing, warble, chirp, twit-
ter, chant, whistle, hum; hymn.
ANT. Whine, lament, dirge,
cry, croak, weep, groan, moan.
Carousal. Feast, festival, ban-
quet, revel, debauch, wassail,
ANT. Fast, abstinence, star-
vation; temperance, modera-
tion; self-denial.
Carp. Cavil, find fault, object to,
pick flaws, challenge, censure,
ANT. Concede, admit, com-
pliment, approve, applaud, ac-
quiesce, assent.
Carpet. Covering for floor; table
or board (metaphorical), con-
sideration, consultation.
ANT. Shelf (metaphorical),
rejection, oblivion, disposal.
Carry. Convey, move, transport,
lift, bring, bear, transmit, sup-
port, sustain, take; impel, urge,
push forward ; signify, infer, in-
volve, implicate.
ANT. Drop, let go, throw
down, fall under, shake off; re-
tard, impede; leave, be separate
Case. Box; covering, sheathe;
state, condition, plight, predica-
ment; instance, example, occur-
rence ; circumstance, event, con-
tingency; suit, action, process,
trial, cause; question, subject
of discussion; form, inflec-
ANT. Hypothesis, supposi-
tion, fancy, theory, conjecture;
t 48 ]
generalisation, principle, uni-
Cash. Coin, money, specie, cur-
rency, capital.
ANT. Paper money, green-
backs, bills.
Cast. Hurl, throw, pitch, fling,
drive, thrust, sling, toss; shed,
lay aside; calculate, compute,
reckon; found, form; direct,
turn; assign, appoint, allot;
impart, shed, diffuse, communi-
ANT. Raise, elevate, erect;
accept, approve, retain, carry;
miscalculate; break, dismember,
Caste. Grade, rank, order, line-
age, dignity, respect.
ANT. Abasement, degrada-
tion, disrepute, taboo, reproach,
Castigate. Whip, flagellate, cane.
ANT. Reward, encourage, ca-
ress, pat.
Casual. Accidental, incidental,
fortuitous, chance, contingent.
ANT. Regular, certain, fixed,
ordinary, pc-riorlir, systematic.
Casuistry. Sophistry, fallacy,
quibble; refinement.
ANT. Reason, common sense,
Catalogue. List, register, index,
enrolment, entry, record, roll,
inventory, schedule.
ANT. Non-registration, oblit-
eration, oblivion, forgetfulness;
non-entry, oversight, omission.
Catastrophe. Revolution, disas-
ter, mishap, misfortune, calam-
ity, cataclysm, blow, visitation.
ANT. Victor;/, triumph, ben-
efit, ovation, success, felicita-
tion, blessing.
Catch. Grasp, seize, clutch, cap-
ture, clasp, secure, snatch, take,
arrest, ensnare, entrap, grip,
lay hold; comprehend, appre-
hend, understand.
ANT. Lose, miss, fail of, let
go, give up, release, restore.
Categorical. Plain, absolute,
distinct, positive, declaratory,
ANT. Obscure, ambiguous,
dubious, hypothetical, contin-
gent, mystical, enigmatical.
Category. Class, division, order,
rank; universal aspect, primi-
tive relation.
ANT. Essence, truth, being,
substance, nature.
Causality. Causation, potenti-
ality, eventuality, operative-
ANT. Counteractivity, bar-
renness, sterility; finality.
Cause. Agent, origin, source, cre-
ator, spring; reason, power;
designer, antecedent, origina-
tor, author, producer; condi-
tion, principle.
ANT. Effect, result, end, pro-
duction, issue, accomplishment,
development, consequence, cre-
ation, fruit, event, outcome,
Caution. Care, heed, wariness,
circumspection, forethought,
discretion; warning, admoni-
tion, advice, counsel.
ANT. Temerity, heedlessness,
unguardedness, improvidence,
Cavalier, a. Arrogant, haughty,
overbearing, insolent, disdain-
ANT. Courteous; subservi-
ent, servile; civil, polite.
Cavil. Carp, object, censure.
ANT. Approve, allow, con-
Cavity. Opening, gap, aperture,
hole, fissure.
ANT. Obstruction, filling.
Cease. End, finish, desist, leave
off, quit, stop, refrain, abstain,
discontinue, pause, terminate.
ANT. Begin, commence, con-
[49 ]
tinue, originate, inaugurate,
start, set going, set in opera-
Celebrated. Famous, renowned,
distinguished, famed, illustri-
ous, eminent, glorious, notable,
ANT. Obscure, unknown, un-
notable, mean, insignificant, in-
Celebration. Solemnization, ob-
servance, commemoration, lau-
dation, praise, commendation.
ANT. Oblivion, desuetude,
Celebrity. Fame, renown, repu-
tation, glory, honor, repute,
eminence, distinction; person of
note, " lion."
ANT. Obscurity, ignominy,
disgrace, contempt, meanness;
infamy; oblivion.
Celerity. Rapidity, speed, haste,
velocity, swiftness, fleetness,
ANT. Slowness, tardinets, in-
Celestial. Heavenly, angelic, su-
pernal, ethereal, atmospheric,
immortal, seraphic, divine, god-
ANT. Earthly, terrestrial;
human, mortal; infernal.
Censure. Blame, disapproval, re-
proach, disapprobation, repri-
mand, condemnation, remon-
strance, rebuke.
ANT. Praise, approval, eu-
logy, commendation, encourage-
Center. Middle, midst.
ANT. Perimeter, rim, bound,
circumference, boundary.
Central. Convenient, medial, ac-
ANT. Remote, inaccessible,
Centralize. Concentrate, collect,
ANT. Disperse, distribute.
Ceremonial, n. Ritual, rites,
formalities, etiquette.
Ceremonial, a. Ritualistic, for-
mal, official, ministerial, pom-
pous, sumptuous, scenic, func-
ANT. Private, unostenta-
tious, undramatic, unimposing,
Ceremonious. Stately, lofty,
courtly; formal, studied, punc-
tilious; prim, precise.
ANT. Brush, blunt, super-
cilious, plain, simple.
Certain. Sure, infallible, posi-
tive, undeniable, unfailing; as-
sured, fixed, regular, estab-
lished; true, accurate, unmis-
ANT. Dubious, irregular, un-
decided, doubtful, exceptional,
Certainty. Assurance, convic-
tion, confidence, positiveness.
ANT. Hesitation, doubt, mis-
giving, conjecture, indecision.
Certify. Acknowledge, avow, de-
clare, prove, inform, assure, at-
ANT. Disavow, misinform,
Cessation. Stop, pause, abey-
ance, suspension, lull, respite.
ANT. Incessancy, continuity,
Chafe. Vex, irritate, gall, rub,
chagrin, tease, worry, harass,
annoy, fret; rage, fume; nettle,
exasperate, anger.
ANT. Soothe, coax, calm, con-
sole, humor; submit, endure,
Chaff. Banter, badinage, non-
sense, frivolity; refuse, trash.
ANT. Sense, reason, pith,
gist, seriousness, substance.
Chagrin. Humiliation, shame,
mortification, confusion, dis-
composure, dismay, disappoint-
C 50 ]
ANT. Delight, glory, exulta-
tion, triumph, rejoicing.
Challenge, v. Dare, brave, de-
fy; demand, require, claim; ob-
ject to, take exceptions.
ANT. Pass, allow, grant,
concede, permit; retract, re-
Champion. Defender, protector,
vindicator; hero, winner, chief,
victor, combatant.
ANT. Renegade, traitor, de-
serter, coward; adversary, op-
Chance. Hazard, casualty, acci-
dent, luck, fortune.
ANT. Law, sequence, pur-
pose, design, intention, causa-
tion, certainty.
Change, n. Transformation, va-
riation, transition, conversion,
innovation, diversion, novelty,
variety, vicissitude, alteration,
ANT. Fixity, identity, con-
stancy, uniformity, firmness,
permanence, persistence, steadi-
Change, v. Alter, transform,
vary, turn, veer, shift, qualify,
modify, exchange, diversify,
convert, metamorphose, substi-
ANT. Continue, endure, stay,
hold, keep, retain, abide, re-
main, persist.
Changeless. Stationary, undevi-
ating, immovable, reliable, con
ANT. Fluctuating, vacillat-
ing, capricious, variable, plas-
Character. Mark, figure, sign,
symbol, emblem, letter; consti-
tution, nature, disposition, turn,
cast, bent; temperament, moral
qualities, personality, traits,
habits; person, individual; re-
pute, reputation.
ANT. Anonymousness ; dis-
repute; vagueness; indefinite-
Characteristic. Attribute, pe-
culiarity, trait, sign, indication,
mark, feature, distinction, sin-
gularity, property, idiosyn-
ANT. "Nondescript, general"
ity, miscellany, commonness.
Charge, v. Load, freight, bur-
den; intrust; impute, ascribe;
accuse, impeach, incriminate,
arraign, indict; command, or-
der, require, bid; attack, as-
ANT. Free, acquit, liberate,
Charitable. Benign, bountiful,
liberal; lenient, mild, consider-
ANT. Selfish, harsh, exact-
ing, revengeful, churlish, cen-
Charity. Benevolence, liberal-
ity, bounty, generosity, philan-
ANT. Harshness, ill will,
malignity, malevolence.
Charlatan. Quack, mountebank,
impostor, pretender, humbug,
ANT. Victim, dupe, gull.
Charm. Spell, incantation, en-
chantment; fascination, attrac-
tion, allurement; witchery, sor-
cery, magic, necromancy.
ANT. Fear, repulsion, dis-
enchantment, disillusion.
Chary. Careful, cautious, wary;
frugal, sparing, saving, reluc-
ANT. Liberal, lavish, pro-
fuse, extravagant.
Chase. Pursue, track, hunt, fol-
low, prosecute ; emboss, enchase.
ANT. Flee, shun, elude,
evade; abandon, relinquish.
Chaste. Pure, spotless, immac-
ulate, modest, virtuous, simple j
refined, classic, elegant.
ANT. Corrup t, impure,
flashy, gaudy; coarse, inelegant.
Chasten. Discipline, chastise,
subdue, afflict, punish, soften,
ANT. Indulge, pamper, spoil,
Chattels. Goods, wares, effects,
ANT. Freehold.
Cheap. Common, inexpensive,
mean, worthless, vile, paltry,
low-priced, poor, indifferent.
ANT. Rare, costly, expen-
sive, high, precious.
Cheat, 11. Fraud, trick, artifice,
swindle, deceit, fiction, impos-
ANT. Truth, reality, fact,
"honesty, authenticity, certainty,
openness, sincerity.
Check, v. Restrain, curb, stop,
bridle, hinder, impede, inhibit;
reprove, chide, reprimand, re-
ANT. License, indulge, allow,
loose, liberate, abet, instigate.
Cheer, n. Gladness, joy, gaiety,
mirth, merriment, cheerfulness,
happiness, hope, conviviality,
plenty, hospitality.
ANT. Gloom, dearth, sullen-
ness, niggardliness, unsociable-
Cheerful. Glad, lively, mirth-
ful, animated, jocund, jolly,
blithe, buoyant, merry, joyous.
ANT. Oloomy, dejected, un-
happy, lifeless, dull, depressing,
melancholy, joyless, dispiriting.
Cherish. Foster, nurture, pro-
tect, shelter, treasure, comfort,
ANT. A bandon, afflict, check,
Chief, a. Head, important, ex-
cellent, high, principal, consum-
ANT. Subordinate, minor, in-
Chieftain. Captain, commander,
general, leader, chief.
ANT. Vassal, minion, adher-
ent, retainer, attendant, fol-
Childish. Puerile, weak, infan-
tine; silly, foolish, trivial, tri-
ANT. Manly, strong, wise,
sagacious; important, momen-
Chimerical. Visionary, imagi-
nary, unreal, dreamy, fanciful,
ANT. Real, actual, substan-
tial, veritable.
Chivalrous. Knightly, gallant,
gentlemanly, heroic, valiant,
ANT. Dastardly, recreant,
Choice, n. Option, preference,
alternative, selection, election,
free will.
ANT. Necessity, compulsion;
refusal; force; fate, predestina-
Choice, a. Select, dainty, rare,
valuable, cherished, exquisite,
ANT. Common, ordinary, des-
picable, cheap, inferior.
Choose. Select, pick out, cull,
prefer, elect.
ANT. Cast away, reject, de-
cline, refuse, leave, throw
Chronicle. Annals, records, reg-
ister, memorials, archives, his-
ANT. Legend, romance, tra-
Cipher. Zero, nothing, nonen-
tity, naught; character, symbol,
device, monogram ; secret char-
acter, private alphabet; nobody,
person of no account.
ANT. Infinity ; somebody, ce-
lebrity, star, notability, colos-
t 52
Circular. Round, annular, spher-
ical, ring-shaped.
ANT. Linear, direct, straight.
Circulate. Move in a circle ; dif-
fuse, spread, disseminate, pro-
mulgate, propagate, publish, no-
tify; travel.
ANT. Suppress, hush, cease,
stagnate; center, monopolize,
appropria te.
Circumference. Periphery, cir-
cuit, boundary, outline, enclo-
ANT. Center, interior.
Circumlocution. Verbosity, pro-
lixity, wordiness, diffuseness,
periphrasis, redundance, tautol-
ANT. Brevity, compression,
condensation, shortness, suc-
cinctness, terseness, compact-
ness, conciseness, directness,
Circumscribe. Define, limit, de-
lineate, enclose, confine, re-
ANT. Distend, dilate, ex-
pand, amplify, enlarge, extend.
Circumspect. Cautious, wary,
heedful, attentive, careful, pru-
dent, watchful, scrupulous, vig-
ANT. Careless, reckless, in-
cautious, heedless, unwary.
Circumstance. Event, situa-
tion, occurrence, position, de-
tail, incident, feature, accom-
paniment, particular, point,
item, condition.
ANT. Deed, case, transac-
tion, business, affair.
Cite. Call, summon, name, se-
lect, refer to, quote, mention.
ANT. Discard, dismiss, dis-
pute, contradict, reject, chal-
lenge, disprove.
Citizen. Inhabitant, dweller,
townsman, burgher, resident,
subject, denizen.
Ajf" Foreigner, alien, exile,
visitor, tramp, transient, tour-
ist, sight-seer.
Civilization. Culture, cultiva-
tion, refinement, amelioration,
ANT. Demoralization, sav-
agery, barbarism, rudeness.
Claim, n. Assertion, requisition,
demand, call; title, privilege,
right, pretension.
ANT. Disclaimer, surrender,
abjuration, waiver.
Claim, v. Demand, ask, require,
call for, assert, insist, request,
maintain, pretend.
ANT. Repudiate, waive, con-
cede, forego, abjure.
Clamor, n. Noise, uproar, hub-
bub, outcry, vociferation, ex-
ANT. Silence, reticence, ac-
quiescence; repression, stifling.
Clandestine. Secret, private,
furtive, stealthy, underhand,
sly, surreptitious, hidden.
ANT. Open, aboveboard, sin-
cere, frank.
Class. Company, grade, order,
rank, caste, clan, circle, associ-
ation, club, clique, coterie, set.
Classical. Refined, elegant, pol-
ished, chaste, pure.
ANT. Corrupt, barbarous,
uncouth, debased, inelegant.
Classification. Grouping, dis-
position, arrangement, distri-
bution, category, genus, desig-
nation, order, species, nature,
character; homogeneity.
ANT. Individuality, special-
ity, singularity, distinction,
Clause. Portion, section, pas-
sage, paragraph, stipulation,
article, chapter, provision.
ANT. Document, instrument,
Clean, a. Pure, neat, clear, spot-
less, cleansed, untarnished, up-
[ 53 ]
ANT. Foul, impure, untidy,
hampered, unclean.
Cleanse. Purify, wash, clean,
disinfect, lave, scour, sponge,
scrub, sweep, wipe, rinse, dust,
ANT. Defile, pollute, stain,
deprave, sully, taint, "befoul,
contaminate, corrupt, vitiate.
Clear, a. Pure, bright, transpar-
ent, free, serene, unclouded, ob-
vious, manifest, pellucid, un-
adorned, plain, distinct, evi-
dent, lucid, intelligible, explicit,
straightforward, perspicuous.
ANT. Mysterious, unintelli-
gible, vague, opaque, foggy, dim,
cloudy, dubious, turbid, ambig-
Clever. Gifted, expert, capable,
apt, bright, ingenious, quick-
witted, skilful, adroit, dexter-
ous, intellectual, happy, smart,
talented, keen, knowing, intel-
ligent, quick, sharp.
ANT. Foolish, slow, stupid,
idiotic, thickheaded, witless,
bungling, awkward, dull, igno-
rant, clumsy, senseless.
Climax. Acme, top, summit, cul-
mination, height, consumma-
tion, zenith, head.
ANT. Base, floor, nadir, anti-
climax, depth; bathos.
Cling. Stick, cleave, fasten, hold,
ANT. Drop, relax, swerve,
let go.
Close. Packed, condensed, com-
pressed, narrow, restricted,
solid; secret, reserved; nig-
ANT. Ample, wide, open, spa-
cious, patent, public, adver-
tised: open-handed, free, liberal.
Clownish. Rude, rustic, boorish,
awkward, clumsy, bucolic, clod-
ANT. Polite, affable, civil,
Clumsy. Awkward, inexpert, un-
couth, bungling, unskilful, un-
ANT. Neat, skilful, clever,
expert, adroit, dexterous, work-
Coalesce. Blend, mix, harmon-
ize, unite, consolidate, combine,
ANT. Disagree, sunder, sep-
arate, sever.
Coalition. League, union, al-
liance, confederacy, combina-
tion, compact, amalgamation.
ANT. Disruption, rebellion,
disagreement, sedition, mutiny.
Coarse. Of large fibers, crude,
rough, gross; indecent, indeli-
cate, unrefined, unpolished, vul-
gar, common, ordinary.
ANT. Fine, choice, delicate,
Coax. Wheedle, flatter, cajole,
fawn, allure, seduce, circum-
ANT. Coerce, impel, drive,
Coerce. Impel, restrain, inhibit,
force, compel, drive, check, in-
ANT. Persuade, coax, per-
mit, urge, induce, tempt.
Coexistent. Contemporary, con-
current, coincident, simultane-
ANT. Preceding or succeed-
Cogent. Forcible, powerful, ef-
fective, irresistible, convincing,
conclusive, persuasive, potent,
ANT. Weak, feeble, poicer-
less, ineffectual.
Cogitate. Meditate, think, re-
flect, consider, ponder, contem-
ANT. Dream, idle, wish.
Cognizance. Knowledge, obser-
vation, notice, recognition, ex-
[ 54 ]
ANT. Ignorance, oversight,
Coherent. Compact, consecutive,
close, logical, consistent.
ANT. Rambling, loose, dis-
cursive, aberrant.
Coincidence. Chance, fortuity,
harmony, agreement, casualty,
concurrence, contemporaneous-
ANT. Design, purpose, asyn-
chronism, anachronism, differ-
Cold. Frigid, chilly, frosty, icy,
polar, wintry; dull, lifeless, un-
impassioned, sluggish, apa-
thetic, indifferent, spiritless.
ANT. Hot, warm, ardent, im-
passioned, fiery, burning, fer-
vid, vehement, passionate.
Colleague. Associate, coadjutor,
collaborator, helper, companion,
partner, assistant, ally, confed-
ANT. Opponent, rival, antag-
onist, competitor.
Collect. Gather, glean, amass,
garner, muster, congregate, as-
semble, convoke, accumulate.
ANT. Distribute, dispense,
divide, assort, deal.
Collision. Clash, shock, impact,
concussion, encounter, contact,
opposition, conflict.
ANT. Divergence; concord,
harmony, agreement, coinci-
dence, concert, unity, amity,
Colloquy. Dialogue, conversa-
tion, talk, discourse, consulta-
tion, conference.
ANT. Babel, tumult, outcry,
clamor; silence, taciturnity.
Collusion. Connivance, accom-
pliceship, confederacy.
ANT. Frustration, betrayal,
Color. Hue, tint, tinge, shade,
complexion; pigment, paint;
pretense, speciousness, varnish,
appearance, semblance, excuse,
ANT. Paleness; transpar-
ency, openness.
Combat. Conflict, encounter,
battle, struggle, contest, con-
ANT. Truce, surrender, medi-
Combination. Association, con-
nection, union; alliance, league;
mixture, compound.
ANT. Division, disruption,
analysis, dissolution.
Comfortable. Agreeable, satis-
factory, pleasant, convenient,
commodious, snug, genial.
ANT. Miserable, distressed,
forlorn, icretched, cheerless.
Comic. Laughable, droll, funny,
comical, farcical, ludicrous, ri-
ANT. Serious, solemn, grave,
tragic, melancholy.
Command. Order, direct, bid,
instruct, charge, enjoin; rule,
ANT. Beg, petition, suppli-
cate, entreat; obey, yield, com-
Commemorate. Celebrate, ob-
serve, perpetuate.
ANT. Forget, abolish, ignore.
Commence. Begin, start, inau-
gurate, undertake.
ANT. Finish, conclude, ter-
Commend. Approve, encourage,
applaud, praise.
ANT. Blame, condemn, cen-
sure, denounce.
Comment. Remark, observe, ex-
plain, note, expound, interpret,
ANT. Confuse, obscure, mys-
tify, confound, misrepresent.
Commerce. Trade, traffic, busi-
ness, exchange.
ANT. Embargo, inactivity,
[ 55 ]
Commit. Assign, confide, trust,
relegate, entrust, consign.
ANT. Omit, let pass, disre-
gard, misconsign.
Commodious. Ample, spacious,
convenient, comfortable, suit-
ANT. Narrow, cramped, ill-
Commodity. Staple, ware, stock,
produce, article.
ANT. Drug, refuse.
Common. Ordinary, habitual,
everyday, familiar, frequent ;
coarse, vulgar, mean, low.
ANT. Exceptional, scarce, re-
fined, rare.
Commotion. Excitement, dis-
turbance, agitation, turmoil, tu-
mult, disorder.
ANT. Quiet, tranquillity,
calm, subsidence, pacification.
Communicate. Divulge, impart,
disclose, tell, announce, publish.
ANT. Secrete, suppress, con-
ceal, withhold, reserve; re-
press; disavow.
Communion. Fellowship, inter-
course, participation.
ANT. Alienation, exclusion,
deprivation, ostracism.
Community. Aggregation, soci-
ety, commonwealth, neighbor-
hood; fraternity, similarity,
sympathy, homogeneity.
ANT. Hostility, animosity,
"heterogeneity .
Commute. Exchange, replace,
barter, compensate, mitigate,
modify, lessen, diminish.
ANT. Disallow; charge; in-
crease, enlarge.
Compact, n. Agreement, bond,
contract, treaty, covenant.
ANT. Promise, intention.
Compact, a. Dense, close, solid,
firm, compressed; concise, terse.
pithy, short, brief, laconic, con-
pendious, succinct, sententious.
ANT. Diffuse; sparse, strag-
gling; broadspread, unshapely;
prolix, verbose.
Companion. Associate, partner,
mate, comrade, colleague.
ANT. Rival, antagonist, ad-
Companionable. Sociable, pleas-
ant, affable, genial, friendly,
ANT. Reserved, haughty, dis-
tant, cold, solitary, inaccessible.
Company. Concourse, gathering,
crowd, throng, meeting, multi-
tude, assembly, conclave, con-
ference, congregation, conven-
tion, convocation.
ANT, Privacy, retirement,
solitude, dispersion, loneliness,
Compare. Collate, estimate, de-
clare similar, liken, parallel.
ANT. Contrast, disconnect,
pit, distinguish.
Compass. Surround, enclose ; ef-
fect, achieve, consummate, com-
ANT. Expand, liberate; fail,
bungle, mismanage.
Compassion. Pity, sympathy,
condolence, kindness, clemency,
ANT. Cruelty, antipathy, re-
taliation, vindictireness.
Compatible. Consistent, accor-
dant, congruous, congenial, har-
ANT. Hostile, adverse, im-
possible, destructive, contradic-
Compel. Force, oblige, make nec-
essary, coerce, constrain, neces-
ANT. Hinder, prevent, delay,
block, hamper, encumber.
Compensation. Recompense, re-
ward, requital, satisfaction,
reparation, amends, indemni-
ANT. Damage, injury, depri-
[ 56 ]
Compete. Contend, rival, strive,
ANT. Share, participate.
Competence. Ability, capable-
ness; sufficiency, enough, ade-
ANT. Inability, weakness;
poverty, want, indigence.
Competition. Rivalry, emula-
tion, contest.
ANT. Alliance, co-partner-
Complacent. Pleased, satisfied,
contented, amiable, pleasant, af-
ANT. Morose, austere, un-
Complain. Murmur, grumble,
remonstrate, find fault, repine,
lament, grieve, expostulate.
ANT. Approve, commend, ap-
plaud, congratulate, rejoice.
Complement. Fulfilment, total-
ity, counterpart, supply, cor-
ANT. Deficit, abatement, de-
Complete, a. Perfect, finished,
total, whole, entire; concluded,
consummated, ended; adequate,
exhaustive, thorough.
ANT. Partial, inadequate,
imperfect, unfinished.
Complex. Confused, involved,
mixed, entangled, complicated,
composite, manifold, mingled,
intricate, obscure.
ANT. Direct, obvious, plain,
uniform, simple, homogeneous,
Complexion. Face, feature, ap-
pearance, look, hue, character,
ANT. Heart, core; reticence,
concealment, inexpression.
Compliance. Yielding, submis-
sion, acquiescence, docility, obe-
ANT. Resistance, repulsion,
Compliment. Flattery, praise,
homage, commendation, enco-
ANT. Insult, contempt, dis-
Complimentary. Commenda-
tory, flattering, laudatory.
ANT. Disparaging, abusive,
defamatory, denunciatory
Component. Constituent, fae-
tor, element, ingredient.
ANT. Compound, entirety,
sum, aggregate.
Comport. Conduct, behave, de-
mean ; accord, agree, harmonize.
ANT. Contrast, militate, dif-
fer; misdemean, misconduct.
Compose. Compile, construct*
constitute; soothe, allay, calm;
ANT. Analyze, dissect; irri-
tate, excite; criticize.
Composition. Formation, mak-
ing; compound, mixture; ar-
rangement, union, combination;
writing, invention; agreement,
ANT. Examination, analy-
sis, criticism; disturbance; seg-
Composure. Tranquillity, calm,
repose, self-possession, serenity.
ANT. Restlessness, perturba-
Compound, n. Mixture, combi-
nation, amalgamation, coales-
cence, synthesis.
ANT. Analysis, dissolution,
Comprehend. Understand, con-
ceive, grasp; include, enclose,
ANT. Misunderstand, mis-
construe; except, exclude.
Comprehension. Conception, un-
derstanding, perception, appre-
hension, capacity, intellect, rea-
son, mind, intelligence.
ANT. Idiocy, nescience, mi*-
understanding, misconception.
67 1
Comprehensive. Ample, wide,
inclusive, extensive, capacious,
ANT. Narrow, shallow, re-
Compress. Condense, squeeze,
contract, epitomize, abridge.
ANT. Expand, diffuse, di-
Comprise. Include, involve, con-
tain, comprehend, embrace, im-
ANT. Except, "bar out, omit,
Compromise. Adjust, arbitrate,
settle; engage, pledge, commit;
implicate, involve, endanger.
ANT. Contend, fight; repu-
diate, disallow; exonerate, ex-
Compulsion. Force, coercion,
constraint, control.
ANT. Coaxing, persuasion,
Compunction. Regret, remorse,
contrition, penitence.
ANT. Assurance, self-com-
placency, satisfaction.
Compute. Number, calculate,
reckon, count; value, estimate,
ANT. Guess, conjecture, sur-
Comrade. Companion, compeer,
colleague, associate, partner,
ANT. Opponent; stranger,
Concatenation. Connection, con-
tinuity; series, chain, succes-
ANT. Intermission, sever-
ing, disconnection.
Concave. Hollow, depressed, ex-
ANT. Convex, protuberant,
Conceal. Hide, suppress, se-
crete, disguise.
ANT. Reveal, expose, make
manifest, lay tare, confess, pub-
lish, divulge.
Concede. Surrender, admit, re-
sign, yield, allow.
ANT. Refuse, claim, contend,
contradict, deny, contest.
Conceit. Notion, whim, vagary,
idea, abstraction, affectation,
ANT. Reality, fact, sub-
stance; simplicity, humility.
Conceited. Egoistical, opinion-
ated, vain.
ANT. Simple, unassuming,
Conceive. Imagine, apprehend,
believe, design, think, under-
ANT. Express, produce, exe-
Concentrate. Convene, assemble,
congregate, muster, centralize.
ANT. Scatter, disperse, dis-
pense, dismiss.
Concern. Interest, anxiety, so-
licitude; affair, matter, insti-
ANT. Indifference, careless-
ness, disregard.
Concerning. About, regarding,
in relation to, respecting, in
respect to, relative to, of.
ANT. Disregarding, omitting.
Concert. Agreement, harmony,
concord, concordance, combina-
tion, union, association.
ANT. Opposition, disagree-
ment, discord.
Concession. Surrender, grant,
boon, acknowledgment, admis-
ANT. Refusal, denial, toith-
Conciliate. Win, gain, pacify,
reconcile, propitiate.
ANT. Alienate, irritate, es-
trnnge, lose, antagonize.
Concise. Succinct, condensed,
terse, pregnant, pointed, brief,
short, laconic.
[ 58
ANT. Prolix, verbose, diffuse,
discursive, rambling, pointless.
Conclave. Assembly, synod, cab-
inet, council, bureau.
ANT. Throng, mob, populace,
concourse, crowd.
Conclude. Close, end, terminate,
finish; decide, determine.
ANT. Begin, commence, un-
dertake, initiate; prolong, pro-
Conclusion. End, termination,
finale, finis.
ANT. Commencement, begin-
ning, initiation.
Conclusive. Final, decisive, pos-
itive, definitive, indisputable.
ANT. Dubious, vague, un-
certain, problematical, theoret-
ical, indeterminate.
Concoct. Brew, prepare, com-
pound, mix.
ANT. Spoil, upset, overbrew.
Concoction. Compound, brew,
mixture; scheme, fiction.
ANT. Rawness, crudity ; sim-
Concomitant. Attending, coin-
cident, attendant, synchronous.
ANT. Antecedent; diverse,
unconnected; subsequent.
Concord. Harmony, agreement,
friendship, unanimity, accord.
ANT. Variance, animosity,
Concourse. Assembly, throng,
crowd, mob, assemblage, gath-
ering, multitude.
ANT. Conclave, cabal, cabi-
net; desert, solitude.
Concrete. Solid, firm, compact;
complex, conglomerate ; indi-
vidualized, specific, particular.
ANT. Loose, shifting, yield-
ing, unresisting; abstract, gen-
doncur. Approve, harmonize,
agree; help, combine, conspire.
ANT. Disagree, dissent, part,
differ, disapprove, separate.
Concussion. Collision, encoun-
ter, crash, impact, percussion.
ANT. Inter-divergence; es-
cape; tangency ; failure, miss-
Condemn. Blame, censure, de-
nounce, convict, sentence, re-
prove, doom.
ANT. Acquit, exonerate, ab-
solve, pardon, justify, praise,
Condense. Concentrate, abridge,
ANT. Expand, amplify, en-
Condescend. Deign, vouchsafe,
ANT. Scorn, spurn, disdain.
Condescension. Graciousness, fa-
ANT. Arrogance, haughti-
ness, pride.
Condign. Adequate, deserved,
merited, suitable, meet, just.
ANT. Unmerited, inadequate ;
excessive or scant.
Condiment. Sauce, seasoning,
preserve, pickle, relish, appe-
Condition. Situation, case, cir-
cumstances, plight; rank, es-
tate, grade; proviso, considera-
tion, stipulation.
ANT. Concession, adapta-
tion; relation, dependence.
Conditionally. Provided, pro-
visionally, hypothetically, con-
ANT. Absolutely, positively,
Condole. Console, commiserate,
ANT. Congratulate, rally, ex-
Condone. Pardon, overlook, for-
ANT. Atone, expiate, satisfy.
Conduce. Subserve, promote,
forward, advance, contribute to,
ANT. Defeat; counteract,
Conduct. Lead, direct, guide,
convoy, escort; command, gov-
ern; manage, regulate; rule,
ANT. Mislead; mismanage;
Confection. Candy, cake, condi-
ment, concoction, sweetmeat.
Confederacy, Confederation.
Alliance, league, treaty, union,
coalition, federation, compact.
ANT. Secession, disruption,
Conference. Discourse, conver-
sation, talk; interview, collo-
quy, parley, consultation; con-
vention, convocation, meeting.
ANT. Silence; monologue;
Confess. Acknowledge, admit,
disclose, own, allow, grant, con-
cede, avow.
ANT. Deny, conceal, repudi-
ate, disavow, hide, dissemble.
Confession. Admission, avowal,
acknowledgment ; creed, doc-
trines, tenets, catechism, sub-
ANT. Heresy, apostasy, pro-
test, refutation, renunciation,
Confide. Trust, rely, lean, hope,
depend, believe, put confidence
ANT. Doubt, mistrust, disbe-
lieve, disprove, despair of.
Confident. Assured, sure, posi-
tive, certain; bold, presumptu-
ous, impudent, sanguine.
ANT. Dubious, doubtful, un-
decided, vacillating.
Confidential. Intimate, secret,
private; trusty, faithful.
ANT. Public, patent, open;
treacherous, insidious, traitor-
Configuration. Outline, shape,
form, contour.
ANT. Shapelessness, indeter-
minateness; distortion, deform-
Confine, v. Limit, bound, im-
prison, restrict, circumscribe,
ANT. Widen, expand, liber-
ate, unfasten, loosen, extend,
Confirm. Sanction, uphold, as-
sure, establish, strengthen, sub-
stantiate, settle, corroborate.
ANT. Shatter, weaken, up-
set, annul, abrogate, cancel, de-
stroy, shake.
Confiscate. Forfeit, seize, es-
cheat, condemn, sequestrate.
ANT. Release, restore, re-
Conflagration. Fire, arson, ig-
nition, incendiarism, combus-
ANT. Extinction, quenching;
Conflict. Contest, battle, strug-
gle, encounter; clashing, inter-
ference, disagreement, discord.
ANT. Amity, reconciliation,
pacification, arbitration.
Conform. Agree, consent, har-
monize, comply, correspond,
ANT. Dissent, disagree; an-
tagonize, secede; vary, differ.
Confound. Confuse, perplex, be-
wilder, mystify; surprise, as-
tonish, astound, startle; de-
stroy, ruin, overwhelm; discon-
cert, abash, shame.
ANT. Clear, set right, ar-
range, enlighten; save, protect;
calm, console, soothe, restore.
Confront. Oppose, threaten, en-
counter, challenge, face, intimi-
ANT. Encourage, abet, coun-
Confuse. Mingle, confound; de-
range, disturb, perplex, em-
barrass, obscure, mortify.
ANT. Arrange; relieve, as-
sist, allay; calm, restore.
Congeal. Freeze, convert to ice,
ANT. Melt, thaw, dissolve.
Congenial. Kindred, similar,
sympathetic, suited, natural,
proper, agreeable.
ANT. Disagreeable, abhor-
rent, unnatural, alien, dissim-
ilar, unxuited, unsympathetic.
Congenital. Coeval, connatural,
innate, inherent, ingenerate.
ANT. Unnatural, assumed,
extraneous, acquired, artificial,
Congeries, Congestion. Con-
glomeration, aggregation, accu-
mulation, plethora, repletion.
ANT. Dissipation, diffusion,
clearance, dispersion.
Congratulate. Felicitate, com-
pliment, rejoice with.
ANT. Console, condole with,
Congregate. Assemble, collect,
meet, convene, gather, throng.
ANT. Disperse, disappear,
separate, part, scatter.
Congregation. Assembly, meet-
ing, audience, conference.
ANT. Dispersion, dismis-
Congress. Parliament, conclave,
cabinet, council, assembly, legis-
lature, synod, convention, con-
ANT. Cabal, sedition, upris-
ing, mob; intrigue.
Congruous. Accordant, agree-
ing, harmonious, coherent, suit-
able, consistent, proper, appro-
ANT. Discordant, heterogene-
ous, inharmonious, improper,
Conjecture, n. Supposition, sur-
mise, guess, hypothesis, theory,
notion, divination.
ANT. Calculation, inference,
deduction, proof; fact, surety,
certainty, security.
Conjuncture. Combination, con-
currence; emergency, crisis, ex-
igency, juncture.
ANT. Provision, prepara-
tion, arrangement.
Connection. Conjunction, com-
bination, union, association, de-
ANT. Independence, disjuno-
tion, dissociation, dissolution.
Conquer. Overcome, subjugate,
master, vanquish, subdue, rout,
defeat, overpower, overthrow,
prevail over, reduce, win, sur-
mount, worst, checkmate, beat,
crush, down, discomfit.
ANT. Surrender, capitulate,
cede, forfeit, fly, yield, retreat,
withdraw, retire, submit, suc-
cumb, fall, lose, resign, fail.
Conquest. Victory, subjugation,
ANT. Defeat, failure, surren-
der, submission.
Conscience. Moral sense, intui-
tion, integrity, principle.
ANT. Irresponsibility, lax-
ity, undutifulness, unscrupu-
Conscientious. Scrupulous, ex-
act, upright, high-principled,
honest, honorable, equitable, in-
corruptible, fair, faithful.
ANT. Lax, unprincipled, un-
scrupulous, reprobate, dishon-
orable, faithless.
Conscious. Sensible, cognizant,
aware, intelligent, advised, ap-
prised, assured, sure, certain,
informed; thinking, reflecting,
rational, intellectual.
ANT. Insensible, unaware,
ignorant, dead, cold, deaf; ir-
rational, thoughtless.
Conscription. Drafting, im-
ANT. Volunteering, enlist-
[ 81 ]
Consecrate. Dedicate, ordain ;
sanctify, hallow.
ANT. Desecrate, defile.
Consecutive. Sequent, continu-
ous, orderly, following.
ANT. Disordered, rambling,
discursive, illogical.
Consent. Assent, approve, agree,
yield, comply, acquiesce.
ANT. Refuse, resist, decline,
Consequence. Result, issue, se-
quel, effect, outgrowth, event,
end, upshot; importance, dig-
nity, moment.
ANT. Cause, occasion, ori-
gin; axiom, postulate, premise,
antecedence; insignificance, pal-
Consequential. Following, re-
sulting, coherent, cogent, con-
nected ; pompous, self-conceited,
arrogant, vainglorious.
ANT. Incoherent, illogical;
affable, accessible, humble, con-
Conservation. Protection, per-
petuation, preservation, main-
ANT. Neglect, exposure, de-
struction, abolition.
Conservative. Stationary, tra-
ditional, opposed to change.
ANT. Radical, progressive,
changeable, transitional, modi-
fiable, innovating.
Consider. Think, ponder, medi-
tate, reflect, investigate, weigh,
deliberate, observe, attend, re-
ANT. Guess, conjecture, ig-
nore, chance, hazard.
Considerate. Kindly, thought-
ful, reflective, careful, prudent,
deliberate, serious, charitable,
forbearing, cautious.
ANT. Rash, careless, impru-
dent, thoughtless, rude, selfish,
overbearing, injudicious.
Consignment. Custody, com-
mission, delegation ; sending,
ANT. Miscommitment.
Consistency. Density, solidity,
compactness, coherence; agree-
ment, congruity, correspond-
ence, uniformity, harmony, in-
ANT. Tenuity, subtility, vol-
atility; incoherence, incongru-
ity, contrariety, contradiction.
Console. Comfort, condole with,
sympathize, encourage, soothe,
assuage, solace.
ANT. Distress, grieve, dis-
turb, annoy, sadden, trouble,
wound, hurt.
Consolidate. Solidify, harden,
condense, compress, compact;
thicken, strengthen, solder, ce-
ment, fuse; conjoin, combine.
ANT. Dissolve, melt, vapor-
ize, iceaken, dissipate, subli-
mate, pulverize; dissect, disjoin.
Conspicuous. Visible, apparent,
discernible, plain, clear, percep-
tible, noticeable; eminent, dis-
tinguished, prominent, famous,
noted, manifest.
ANT. Invisible, microscopic,
hidden, imperceptible, unseen;
ordinary, mediocre, common-
Conspiracy. Intrigue, treason,
cabal, plot, machination, combi-
nation; sedition.
ANT. Legislation, congress,
parliament, synod.
Constant. Fixed, immutable, in-
variable, unchanging, perma-
nent, perpetual; resolute, firm,
steady; persevering, assiduous;
incessant, unbroken, continu-
ous; faithful, true, loyal, de-
ANT. Irregular, exceptional,
casual, incidental, fickle, faith-
less, broken, treacherous, un-
trustworthy, false.
Consternation. Amazement, ter-
ror, alarm, dismay, panic, be-
ANT. Fearlessness, boldness,
composure, presence of mind.
Constituent. Elector, patron,
voter, supporter, sender; ingre-
dient, component, element.
ANT. Representative, nom-
inee; constitution, system, com-
pound, whole.
Constitution. Organization, for-
mation ; quality, character, tem-
perament, peculiarity, charac-
teristic; charter, law.
ANT. Conspiracy, rebellion,
tyranny, anarchy, despotism,
destruction, disorganization;
disposition, mood, frame of
mind, temper.
Construct. Build, erect, invent,
form, shape, combine.
ANT. Demolish, overthrow,
destroy, derange.
Construction. Building, erec-
tion, composition, fabrication;
structure, formation, form, fig-
ure; explanation, version, ren-
dering, interpretation.
ANT. Dislocation, dismem-
berment, dissolution; misunder-
standing, misconception.
Consult. Deliberate, take coun-
sel, confer, advise with, can-
vass, question, consider, regard.
ANT. Dictate, counteract,
Consume. Eat up, devour; de-
stroy, lavish, dissipate, waste,
ANT. Discard, reject, throw
aside; preserve, replenish, sup-
ply, provide.
Consummate, a. Perfect, excel-
lent, supreme, finished, com-
ANT. Common, faulty, defec-
tive, ordinary/, mediocre.
Consummation. Achievement,
attainment, completion, termi-
nation, accomplishment, fulfil-
ment, realization, close, finish,
ANT. Beginning, attempt, in-
ception, initiation, source, ori-
Consumption. Expenditure, use,
waste, extinction, destruction.
ANT. Development, increase,
growth, enlargement, augmen-
Contact. Touch, junction, con-
tiguity, closeness, union.
ANT. Adjacence, proximity;
separation, distance, isolation.
Contagion. Infection; contami-
nation, taint, pestilence, cor-
ANT. Prevention; antisepsis,
Contain. Include, embody, com-
prehend, comprise, embrace; re-
strain, hold.
ANT. Omit, exclude, drop,
discharge; yield, give way.
Contaminate. Taint, defile, cor-
rupt, sully.
ANT. Cleanse, purify.
Contemn. Despise, scorn, dis-
dain, slight.
ANT. Venerate, respect.
Contemplate. Meditate, study,
ponder, survey, reflect; intend,
ANT. Overlook, waive, aban-
don; execute, complete, do.
Contemptible. Despicable, ab-
ject, base, worthless, mean, low.
ANT. Respectable, venerable;
worthy, estimable, important,
Contend. Strive, fight, struggle,
combat; debate, argue, dispute;
affirm, assert, maintain, claim.
ANT. Concede, allow, sur-
Content. Satisfied, pleased, easy,
willing, resigned, gratified.
ANT. Reluctant, unwilling,
unsatisfied, rebellious, discon-
[ 63 J
Contention. Strife, dissension,
quarrel, rupture, dispute, de-
bate, controversy, altercation.
ANT. Peace, amity, harmony,
concord, reconciliation.
Contingent, a. Casual, happen-
ing, fortuitous, dependent, inci-
dental, provisional, uncertain.
ANT. Independent, absolute,
positive, uncontrolled, uninflu-
enced, unaffected.
Continual. Incessant, ceaseless,
invariable, perpetual, constant,
uninterrupted, unbroken, unre-
mitting, continuous.
ANT. Exceptional, irregular,
casual, contingent, intermittent,
interrupted, suspended.
Continually. Constantly, per-
petually, ever, always, repeat-
edly, frequently, continuously.
ANT. Occasionally, rarely,
Continue. Remain, endure, per-
sist; abide, stay, tarry; perse-
vere, be constant or steadfast.
ANT. Stop, cease, fail, pause.
Contract, n. Compact, stipula-
tion, agreement, arrangement,
bargain, covenant, pact, obli-
gation, pledge, engagement,
ANT. Promise, parole, assur-
anoe, understanding, assump-
Contract, v. Narrow, abbreviate,
abridge, lessen, reduce, com-
press; shrivel, shrink; agree,
stipulate, bargain.
ANT. Expand, amplify, di-
late; reverse, cancel, abandon.
Contradict. Deny, gainsay, dis-
pute, impugn, controvert; op-
pose, counteract, annul, thwart,
ANT. Maintain, argue, con-
firm, state, affirm, endorse.
Contrary. Opposite, opposed, ad-
verse, counter; conflicting, con-
tradictory, antagonistic, repug-
nant ; perverse, obstinate, stub-
born, headstrong.
ANT. Compatible, agreeing,
kindred, compliant, submissive;
Contrast, v. Differentiate, dis-
criminate, oppose, compare.
ANT. Resemble, be like or
similar, liken, harmonize.
Contribute. Add, give, coSper-
ate, assist, subscribe, supply.
ANT. Refuse, icithhold, deny.
Contribution. Donation, offer-
ing, gift, subscription, subsidy,
aid, assistance.
ANT. Withholding, retention,
Contrive. Plan, design, devise,
invent, project, form, frame,
scheme, plot, consider; manage,
make out; concert, adjust.
ANT. Bit, chance, venture,
bungle, hazard; mismanage,
Control, v. Direct, manage, rule,
command, sway, superintend;
hinder, repress, restrain, curb,
ANT. License, free; neglect,
abandon; mismanage, miscon-
Controversy. Dispute, alterca-
tion, contention, disagreement.
ANT. Agreement, unanimity,
Contumacy. Obstinacy, stub-
bornness, perverseness, perti-
nacity, obduracy; disobedience,
ANT. Docility, tractableness,
flattering, fawning, servility.
Contumely. Obloquy, reproach,
opprobrium, insolence, abuse,
contempt, scorn, disdain, arro-
AXT. Regard, consideration s
adulation, obsequiousness.
Convene. Assemble, meet, con-
gregate, summon, master, col-
r 34
ANT. Dismiss, disperse, dis-
band, dissipate.
Convenient. Suitable, fit, ap-
propriate, proper, adapted; ad-
vantageous, commodious, com-
fortable, useful, serviceable.
ANT. Inconvenient, useless,
awkicard, superfluous; inop-
Convention. Assemblage, con-
ference, meeting, concourse, ses-
sion, synod, congress, convoca-
tion; treaty, compact.
ANT. Recess, dissolution,
prorogation; dispersion, scat-
tering; promise, understand-
ing, parole.
Conventional. Usual, custom-
ary, ordinary, habitual, regu-
lar, wonted, prevalent, social,
everyday; stipulated.
ANT. Unusual, erratic, ex-
traordinary; legal, compulsory.
Conversant. Familiar, skilled,
acquainted, proficient, versed.
ANT. Strange, ignorant, un-
versed, unlearned.
Conversation. Converse, com-
munion, intercourse, parley,
talk, chat, conference, com-
munication, discourse, colloquy,
ANT. Speech, oration, ha-
rangue, soliloquy, apostrophe,
monologue, silenoe, tacitur-
Converse, a. Opposite, reverse,
contrary, counter, contradic-
ANT. Identical, one, same,
indistinguishable; direct, pri-
Conversion. Alteration, trans-
mutation, change, transforma-
ANT. Permanence, identity,
persistence, conservation.
Convertible. Equivalent, inter-
changeable, identical ; revers-
I e
ANT. Variant, contrary, in-
Convey. Take, transfer, move,
change, carry, shift, transmit,
transport, remove, consign, rele-
ANT. Retain, preserve, hold,
cling to, possess.
Conviction. Belief, assurance,
persuasion ; confutation, refu-
tation; proof, detection.
ANT. Doubt, disbelief, mis-
giving; vindication, justifies
Convince. Persuade, satisfy, en-
lighten, indoctrinate, inoculate.
ANT. Mislead, mystify, per-
plex, puzzle, unsettle, upset;
turn, convert.
Convivial. Social, festive, hoa-
pitable, jovial, jolly, compan-
ionable, gay.
AXT. Inhospitable, unsocial,
unneighborly, churlish; abste-
mious, ascetic, austere.
Convocation. Convention, con-
gress, assemblage, council,
ANT. Dispersion, disruption,
dismission, dismissal.
Convolution. Coil, involution,
spiral, twist, contortion.
ANT. Unfolding, evolution,
unraveling, explication.
Convoy. Escort, guard, attend-
ance, protection.
ANT. Capture, betrayal, on~
set, onslaught, hold-up.
Convulse. Disturb, shake, agi-
ANT. Calm, compose, soothe,
Cool. Somewhat cold, chilling,
frigid, freezing; unimpassioned,
composed, collected, unruffled,
self-possessed, sedate, placid,
quiet; indifferent, unconcerned,
ANT. Hot, uxirm, burning,
heated, excitable, ardent, eager.
Cooperate. Assist, abet, help,
conspire, concur, colabor.
ANT. Oppose, thicart, rival,
counteract, conflict, hinder, de-
feat, frustrate.
Coordinate. Equal, equivalent,
proportionate, commensurate,
tantamount, equipollent.
ANT. Subordinate; dispar-
ate, extraneous; inferior, supe-
Copy. Portraiture, facsimile, du-
plicate, imitation, likeness, im-
age, transcript, counterfeit.
ANT. Model, original, pat-
tern, example, prototype, arche-
type, exemplar.
Cordial. Earnest, warm, hearty,
ardent, affectionate, sincere, in-
vigorating, refreshing, pleasing,
ANT. Cool, formal, ceremoni-
ous, distant, reserved, disin-
Corner. Angle, bend, crotch,
knee; nook, recess, niche, re-
ANT. Abutment, protrusion,
prominence, convexity, projec-
Corollary. Inference, conclusion,
deduction, consequence.
ANT. Problem, proposition.
Corporal, Corporeal. Fleshly,
bodily, material, physical.
ANT. Spiritual, mental, in-
tellectual, moral, ethereal, im-
Corps. Body of troops, division
of army, squadron, band, com-
ANT. Aggregate, army, host,
mass, force, organization.
Corpse. Remains, dead body, ca-
daver, carcass, dust.
ANT. Soul, spirit, individual,
personality, mentality.
Corpulent. Fat, fleshy, plump,
obese, portly, round, stout.
ANT. Lean, thin, attenu-
ated, emaciated, slight, slender,
Correct. True, exact, accurate,
proper, faultless, right.
ANT. False, untrue, wrong,
inexact, inaccurate, fallacious,
Corrective. Regulative, preven-
tive, alterative, preservative,
rectifying, modifying, improv-
ing, reformatory.
ANT. Confirmative, stimula-
tive, intensltive, provocative,
Correlation. Interrelation, cor-
respondence, apposition, inter-
dependence, mutuality, recipro-
cation, interchange, reciprocity.
ANT. Contradiction, inde-
pendence, opposition, inconsis-
tency, incongruity.
Correspond. Agree, suit, match,
fit, tally, harmonize, answer,
correlate, stand counter; com-
municate, write.
ANT. Vary, disagree, clash,
jar; ignore, disregard, neglect.
Correspondence. Adaptation,
agreement, congruity; writing,
letter, despatches, communica-
ANT. Conversation; with-
draioal, non-intercourse; incon-
gruity, discord, disagreement.
Corroborate. Strengthen, estab-
lish, sustain, support, confirm.
ANT. Weaken, confute, re-
but, invalidate, shake, enfeeble,
Corrode. Consume, eat away,
waste, impair, rust, canker,
wear, crumble.
ANT. Renew, restore.
Corrupt, v. Defile, pollute, in-
fect, taint, vitiate, demoralize,
contaminate, debase, spoil, de-
ANT. Cleanse, purify, better,
correct, ameliorate.
Corruption. Decay, decomposi-
[ 66 ]
tion, pollution, defilement, in-
fection, contamination, adulter-
ation; depravity, immorality,
laxity, wickedness; dishonesty,
Cost. Price, worth, expenditure,
expense, charge, disbursement,
outlay; preciousness, richness,
splendor; loss, damage, pain.
Costume. Dress, livery, robes,
ANT. Disguise, incognito;
nudity, nakedness.
Council. Cabinet, bureau, cham-
ber, conclave, synod, convoca-
tion, meeting, conference, par-
liament, consultation, conven-
ANT. Cabal, league, conspir-
acy; multitude, mob.
Counsel. Advice, consultation,
opinion, suggestion, recommen-
dation, instruction, caution, ad-
monition ; deliberation, fore-
thought; plan, design, scheme;
purpose; lawyer, barrister, at-
Count. Compute, reckon, add,
tell, estimate, number, enumer-
ate, sum, calculate.
ANT. Guess, conjecture, sur-
mise, think, fancy.
Countenance, v. Approve, sup-
port, sanction, help, aid, abet,
encourage, patronize, befriend,
assist, favor.
ANT. Oppose, confront, dis-
courage, browbeat, face, com-
pare, disparage.
Counter. Contrary, opposed, op-
posite, against.
ANT. Accordant toith, co-
incident, consonant.
Counteract. Oppose, foil, baffle,
thwart, hinder, rival, resist, de-
feat, cross, frustrate, neutral-
ANT. Aid, cooperate, sub-
serve, promote, advance, assist.
Counterfeit, n. Forgery, fraudu-
lent copy, cheat, artifice, pre-
tense, sham, fabrication.
ANT. Exposure, detection)
verity, fact, truth, reality.
Countermand. Abrogate, annul,
revoke, rescind, recall, make
ANT. Order, command, bid,
charge, enjoin, direct, instruct.
Counterpart. Duplicate, copy;
correlative, complement, supple-
ment, obverse; match, mate,
tally, twin.
ANT. Antithesis, contradic-
tion, contrast.
Countervail. Balance, compen-
sate, make up, counterbalance,
ANT. Overthrow, unbalance,
weigh dou>n.
Countryman. Rustic, agricul-
turist, farmer, swain, yeoman,
laborer, peasant, husbandman;
clown, boor.
ANT. Citizen, townsman;
Couple, v. Link, unite, connect,
join, clasp, tie, yoke, buckle,
pair, splice, button; marry,
ANT. Loose, part, separate,
detach, isolate, unclasp; di-
Courage. Bravery, valor, fear-
lessness, spirit, heroism, forti-
tude, hardihood, boldness, dar-
ing, mettle, pluck, resolution,
ANT. Cowardice, timidity,
fear, dread, terror, dismay, con-
Course. Route, way, road, track,
race; direction, bearing, prog-
ress, process; career; succes-
sion, order, regularity; deport-
ment, conduct; series, system.
ANT. Deviation; disorder,
discursion ; hindrance, error.
Court, v. Woo, flatter, seek, in-
vite, solicit.
r 67 ]
ANT. Avoid, shun, repudiate,
repel, antagonize.
Courtesy. Politeness, affability,
urbanity, civility, complaisance.
ANT. Rudeness, incivility,
churlishness, ungraciousness.
Courtly. Polished, elegant, JXH.
lite, ceremonious, formal, re-
ANT. Undignified, unrefined,
coarse, awkward, boorish, ple-
Covenant. Agreement, stipula-
tion, bond, compact, contract,
bargain, arrangement, concor-
dant, pact, treaty.
ANT. Promise, understand-
ing, assurance, parole.
Cover, v. Hide, conceal, over-
spread, overlay, secrete, cloak,
veil, screen, mask, shroud, dis-
guise; invest, clothe, wrap;
protect, shelter, shield, guard,
defend; comprehend, comprise,
embrace; balance, compensate,
ANT. Expose, reveal, pro-
duce, exhibit; betray, divulge;
omit, exclude.
Covet. Desire, long for, wish
for, aim after, aspire to.
ANT. Dislike, despise; un-
Covetous. Eager, avaricious,
desirous, greedy, grasping, ac-
quisitive, rapacious.
ANT. Liberal, unselfish, gen-
erous, bountiful.
Coward. Craven, recreant, das-
ANT. Hero, champion; dare-
devil, desperado.
Coy. Bashful, shy, modest, re-
served, retreating, shrinking.
ANT. Bold, forward, imper-
tinent, pert, brazen, flippant.
Crack. Split, break, chop, rend,
cleave, snap ; craze, madden.
ANT. Mend, unite, repair;
restore, heal.
Craft. Skill, ability, power, tal-
ent, dexterity, aptitude, tact;
artifice, shrewdness, guile, de-
ception, cunning, deceit; ai%
trade, employment, vocation,
calling; vessel.
ANT. Inaptitude, tactless-
ness; fairness, openness, can-
dor, sincerity, frankness, in-
genuousness, straightforward'
Cramp. Restrain, hinder, check,
confine, hamper, clog, fetter,
ANT. Free, liberate, loose,
expand, ease, relieve, extricate.
Crash. Jar, uproar, clash, rend-
ing, noise, clang, resonance.
ANT. Murmur, whisper; si-
Crassitude. Crossness, thick-
ness, density, corpulence, obes-
ANT. Tenuity, agility, oo
tivity; spareness, slightness.
Crave. Intreat, beg, beseech, im-
plore, supplicate, desire, long
for, hunger for, yearn.
ANT. Demand, insist, re-
Crazy. Shattered, broken, tot-
tering; distracted, mad, luna-
tic, insane, delirious, cracked,
demented, deranged.
ANT. Sound, robust, vigor-
ous, sane, whole.
Create. Form, produce, make,
originate, cause, occasion, ap-
point, constitute; beget, engen-
der, generate; imagine, com-
pose, fashion, design.
ANT. Destroy, demolish, an-
Creature. Created being, being,
animal, man, person ; depend-
ent, vassal, parasite; wretch,
ANT. Chimera, ghost, hallu-
cination, fantasy, phantom, con-
ceit, crotchet.
Credence. Belief, trust, faith,
acceptance, confidence, reliance.
ANT. Denial, distrust, dis-
belief, doubt, skepticism.
Credentials. Diploma, missive,
title, warrant, vouchers, certi-
ficates, testimonials.
Credible. Probable, possible, re-
liable, trustworthy, likely.
ANT. Improbable, unlikely,
incredible, unreliable, untrust-
Credit. Trust, belief, faith, con-
fidence, credence, reliance; rep-
utation, influence, power; es-
teem, regard; loan, securities.
ANT. Insecurity; distrust;
shame, disgrace, censure.
Credulity. Gullibility, credu-
lousness, simplicity.
ANT. Skepticism, suspicious-
ness, incredulity, shrewdness.
Creed. Belief, catechism, con-
fession, articles of faith, tenets,
dogmas, doctrines.
ANT. Protest, abjuration,
disbelief, recantation, retrac-
Crestfallen. Downcast, dispir-
ited, dejected, disheartened, de-
pressed, desponding, low-spir-
ited, down-hearted.
ANT. Exuberant, elated, con-
fident, inspirited.
Crew. Gang, set, band, horde,
crowd, mob, throng.
ANT. Supercargo; bevy, ga-
laxy, cream, elite.
Crime. Offense, misdeed, wrong,
felony, sin, iniquity, misde-
meanor, enormity, transgres-
sion, wickedness, delinquency.
ANT. Good deed, well-doing,
exploit, achievement, duty, ser-
vice, Benefit, benefaction, hero-
Criminal, a. Immoral, iniqui-
tous, sinful, unlawful, wicked,
wrong, vile, nefarious, culpable,
abominable, illegal, vicious.
ANT. Virtuous, moral, inno-
cent, just, honorable, praise-
worthy, lawful, legal, right,
Criminate.^ Charge, accuse, ar-
raign, impeach.
ANT. Acquit, absolve, extri-
Cripple, v. Weaken, disable, im-
pair, break down, cramp, cur-
ANT. Renovate, strengthen,
augment, liberate, ease, expe-
Criterion. Standard, test, rule,
touchstone, measure, canon,
ANT. Eye, glance; intention,
Critic. Judge, censor, reviewer,
connoisseur ; caviller, carper ;
arbiter, savant.
ANT. Artist, author, writer,
performer, maker, poet, com-
Critical. Accurate, nice, exact;
decisive, crucial, determining,
important; dangerous, hazard-
ous, imminent, momentous, du-
bious, precarious.
ANT. Inexact, loose, und>is-
criminating; unimportant, in-
conclusive; safe, sure, settled,
decided, retrieved, redressed.
Criticism. Censure, stricture,
animadversion, review, critique.
ANT. Approbation, praise,
Criticize. Examine, estimate,
judge, discuss, analyze, anato-
mize, scan, animadvert.
ANT. Survey, overlook, slur,
skim, slight, neglect.
Crooked. Bent, curved, bowed;
distorted, twisted, wry, askew,
deformed, disfigured; perverse,
contumacious, capricious; dis-
honest, unfair, unscrupulous,
knavish, deceitful, tricky.
ANT. Straight, linear, wp~
[ 69
right, direct, honest, straight-
Cross. Fretful, petulant, peev-
ish, snappish, touchy, morose,
ill-natured, sullen, snarling,
cynical, sour, out of humor,
captious, crabbed, sulky.
ANT. Amiable, genial, good-
tempered, good-natured, blithe-
some, charming, winsome, at-
tractive, benign.
Crowd. Throng, multitude, con-
course, press, horde, herd, host,
rabble, mob, populace.
ANT. Cream, elite, bevy, con-
stellation, galaxy; solitude,
Crown, n. Diadem, coronet, gar-
land, chaplet, wreath, laurel,
bays; reward, honor, distinc-
tion, dignity; summit, crest,
top, head, brow, apex.
ANT. Base, bottom, floor,
foot, pedestal, foundation, sole;
infamy, shame.
Crown, v. Complete, consum-
mate, conclude, seal, achieve,
ANT. Mar, spoil, frustrate,
Crucial. Severe, trying, search-
ing, decisive, critical, momen-
tous, strategic.
ANT. Superficial, indifferent,
mild, lenient, lax, unimpor-
Crude. Raw, immature, unripe;
coarse, unrefined; undigested,
unconsidered, unpolished, un-
couth, awkward.
ANT. Mature; refined, sensi-
tive; well-considered, finished,
classical, highly wrought, elab-
Cruel. Inhuman, merciless, un-
feeling, dire, ruthless, pitiless,
relentless, savage, brutal, fero-
cious, blood-thirsty, sangui-
nary; severe, sharp, bitter,
ANT. Gentle, mild, merciful,
Jiumane, forbearing, generous.
Crush. Pound, crumble, demol-
ish, overpower, squeeze, com-
press, bruise, shatter, raze, pul-
ANT. Consolidate, compact,
amalgamate, solidify, stabili-
Culmination. Zenith, success,
consummation, acme, comple-
tion, apex.
ANT. Failure, downfall, de~
feat, descent, decline.
Culpable. Blameworthy, blam-
able, censurable, reprehensible,
faulty, wrong.
ANT. Innocent, blameless,
laudable, praiseworthy.
Culprit. Criminal, delinquent,
felon, malefactor, offender.
ANT. Hero, example, pat-
tern, model, saint, upright man.
Cultivate. Till; fertilize; im-
prove, refine, train, discipline,
develop; study, pursue, inves-
tigate; nourish, foster, cherish,
ANT. Neglect, blight, blast;
uproot, eradicate, extirpate;
stifle, abandon, prevent, dis-
Cunning. Craft, artifice, deceit,
intrigue, subtlety, chicane.
ANT. Candor, guilelessness,
Cupidity. Longing, greed, lust;
covetousness, avarice, acquisi-
tiveness, stinginess.
ANT. Prodigality, liberality,
generosity, extravagance.
Curb. Restrain, check, control,
repress, bridle.
ANT. Indulge, emancipate,
loose, release, free, liberate.
Cure, n. Remedy, antidote, re-
storative, corrective, help, spe-
cific; healing, restoration, con-
valescence, alleviation, renova-
[ 70 ]
ANT. Complaint, contagion,
disease, ailment; aggravation,
confirmation; inoculation.
Curiosity. Inquisitiveness, won-
der, marvel, rarity, celebrity;
inquiry, investigation, scrutiny,
ANT. Indifference, heedless-
ness, disregard, abstraction;
Curious. Prying, meddling, in-
quisitive, searching, scrutiniz-
ing; rare, singular, strange;
elegant, finished.
ANT. Indifferent, uninter-
ested; trite, common, usual.
Current. Common, general, prev-
alent, present, floating, popular,
ordinary, vulgar.
ANT. Obsolete, rejected, ex-
ploded; private, secret; con-
Curse, n. Execration, maledic-
tion, anathema, denunciation;
scourge, plague, torment, afflic-
tion, trouble ; imprecation, ban,
ANT. Blessing, benediction,
joy, crown; prosperity, welfare,
luck, success.
Cursory. Hasty, superficial, de-
sultory, careless, slight, rapid.
A XT. Elaborate, searching,
nte, profound.
Custody. Care, keeping, protec-
tion; confinement, duress, im-
ANT. Neglect, betrayal, ex-
posure, desertion; liberation,
Custom. Usage, habit, fashion,
practice, rule; form, formality,
observance; patronage; duty,
ANT. Law, regulation, com-
mand; disuse, non-observance,
Cutting. Sharp, keen; sarcas-
tic, severe, satirical, wounding,
piercing, trenchant, stinging,
sardonic, cruel.
ANT. Mild, soothing, flatter-
ing, indulgent, consoling, grati-
Cynical. Censorious, churlish,
carping, cross, peevish ; deri-
sive, contemptuous, scornful,
pessimistic, misanthropic.
ANT. Genial, lenient; opti-
mistic, philanthropic.
Dainty. Exquisite, choice, rare,
refined ; savory, palatable, de-
licious, toothsome, tasty, epi-
curean; fastidious, luxurious.
ANT. Common, dirty, vul-
gar, coarse, defiled, nasty, foul,
filthy .
Damage. Hurt, injury, detri-
ment, loss, mischief, impair-
ANT. Benefit, compensation,
advantage, blessing, reparation.
Danger. Peril, risk, hazard, ven-
ture, insecurity, liability, jeop-
ANT. Safety, security, pre-
caution, defense.
Daring. Adventurous, fearless,
risky, brave, courageous, daunt-
less, intrepid, valorous.
ANT. Cautious, timid, wary,
Dark. Black, swarthy, opaque,
obscure, shadowy, lurid, sun-
less, murky, cloudy, overcast,
ebon, pitchy, secret; mysteri-
ous, enigmatical, unintelligible,
occult, abstruse; gloomy, dis-
heartening, cheerless, dismal ;
ignorant, rude, untaught, be-
t 71 ]
flighted; wicked, foul, horrible,
damnable, vile, artocious, infer-
nal; joyless, mournful, sad, sor-
ANT. White, fair, light, ra-
diant, bright, clear, buoyant,
plain, brilliant, glaring, crys-
talline, transparent, dazzling,
luminous, illumed; happy, joy-
ful, festive.
Darling. Sweetheart, love, pet,
favorite, idol, dear.
Dash. Strike, hurl, cast, throw,
drive, send, speed, dart; alloy,
adulterate ; suffuse, overspread,
color; disappoint, ruin, frus-
trate; surprise, abash.
ANT. Raise, erect, reinstate ;
creep, crawl; fulfil, realize, ef-
Dastard. Coward, craven, recre-
ANT. Hero, champion; dare-
Data. Facts, basis, grounds, pos-
tulates, premises, given condi-
ANT. Conjectures, assump-
tions, inferences, deductions.
Date. Time, era, epoch, period,
ANT. Non-duration; eternity.
Daub. Smear, plaster, sully, be-
grime, soil, deface, defile.
ANT. Embellish, decorate;
cleanse, whiten.
Daunt. Terrify, alarm, intimi-
date, appal, frighten off, tame.
ANT. Rally, inspirit, encour-
Dauntless. Valiant, fearless, in-
trepid, bold, indomitable, un-
conquerable, valorous, chival-
rous, heroic, brave, daring.
ANT. Cowardly, timid, cau-
tious, fearful, afraid, faint-
hearted, shrinking.
Dawn. Appear, begin, open;
break, grow light, rise.
AKT. Wane, set, *tnfc, close.
Dazzle. Daze, blind; astonish,
surprise, overpower, bewilder,
ANT. Enlighten, illumine, il-
luminate ; make clear, instruct.
Dead. Lifeless, breathless, inan-
imate; deceased, defunct, de-
parted; dull, cold, frigid, inert,
indifferent ; tasteless, insipid,
flat; insensible, heavy, uncon-
scious, spiritless, still, torpid.
ANT. Quick, live, living, ani-
mate, alive, stirring, vivacious.
Deadly. Mortal, fatal, destruc-
tive, noxious, murderous, malig-
nant, pernicious, baneful, ven-
ANT. Vital, wholesome, life-
Deaf. Hard of hearing; dull, in-
sensible, heedless ; inexorable,
averse, disinclined; inaudible.
ANT. Acute, listening, atten-
tive, willing, susceptible.
Deal. Bargain, chaffer, trade,
traffic, do business; distribute,
allot, divide, share, mete out.
ANT. Close, stop, fail; col-
lect, gather, glean, muster.
Dear. Costly, high-priced, expen-
sive, precious; beloved, valued.
ANT. Cheap, common, inex-
pensive; hated, abhorred.
Dearth. Lack, want, scarcity,
ANT. Plenty, abundance, lux-
Death. Decease, dying, dissolu-
tion, departure, exit, expiration.
ANT. Life, birth, rise, vital-
ity, growth, activity.
Debar. Exclude, bar out, stop,
prevent, prohibit, restrain, hin-
ANT. Admit, enclose, em-
brace; allow, indulge, permit,
Debase. Degrade, deprave, cor-
rupt, alloy, deteriorate, lower,
I 72 J|
ANT. Raise, enhance, exalt,
honor, purify, improve, amelio-
Debate, n. Discussion, dispute,
controversy, contention, alter-
cation, contest.
ANT. Compliance, surrender,
withdrawal of opposition.
Debatable. Dubious, doubtful,
uncertain, disputable, proble-
ANT. Sure, certain, incon-
testable, self-evident.
Debauch. Seduce, corrupt, viti-
ate, defile.
ANT. Purify, elevate.
Debility. Infirmity, weakness,
languor, exhaustion, feebleness.
ANT. Vigor, strength, nerve,
energy, tone, vitality.
Debt. Liability, obligation, de-
fault, claim, score.
ANT. Liquidation, assets, ac-
commodation, credit.
Debtor. Borrower, mortgagor.
ANT. Creditor, lender, mort-
Decay, v. Corrupt, putrefy, de-
compose, rot, spoil, molder,
wither, perish.
ANT. Flourish, luxuriate, ex-
pand, vegetate, grow, increase.
Deceit. Fraud, deception, cheat-
ing, artifice, imposition, guile.
ANT. Honesty, openness, fair
dealing, frankness, truth, ver-
Deceive. Cheat, dupe, delude, be-
guile, fool, trick, impose upon,
disappoint, mislead, circum-
vent, entrap.
ANT. Enlighten, guide, dis-
abuse, deliver.
Deception. Craft, cunning, ly-
ing, fraud, hypocrisy, trickery,
delusion, duplicity, deceitful-
ness, falsehood, prevarication.
ANT. Candor, honesty, sin-
cerity, truth, veracity, guile-
lesmtss, frankness, simplicity.
Decide. Determine, settle, con-
clude, close, terminate, end, re-
ANT. Waver, hesitate, vacil-
late, fluctuate, be irresolute.
Decipher. Reveal, explain, un-
ravel, unfold.
ANT. Puzzle, mystify.
Decision. Determination, sen*
tence, conclusion, judgment;
firmness, resolution.
ANT. Vacillation, vaguene89 t
Decisive. Conclusive, positive,
final, definitive, indisputable.
ANT. Vague, hypothetical^
indeterminate, dubious, prob-
Deck. Adorn, dress, ornament.
ANT. Btrip, despoil; deform,
Declaim. Recite, speak, debate,
ANT. Study, compose, elab-
Declamation. Harangue, effu-
sion, debate, oratory, elocution.
ANT. Hesitation, stammer'
Declaration. Assertion, affir-
mation, avowal ; publication,
proclamation, official announce-
ANT. Denial; concealment;
recantation, disavowal, retrao-
Declare. Announce, publish, ad-
vertise, reveal, proclaim.
ANT. Suppress, unthhold,
Decline. Fall, decay, decadence,
degeneration ; refusal, rejeo-
tion, repudiation.
ANT. Rise, advancement, im-
provement ; acceptance.
Declivity. Fall, slope, descent.
ANT. Ascent, rise.
Decoction. Concoction, mixture,
ANT. Rawness, crudity.
[ 73 ]
Decompose. Analyze, dissolve,
resolve; decay, putrefy, become
ANT. Compound, mix, organ-
ise, compose.
Decorate. Adorn, embellish, im-
ANT. Spoil, mar, denude, de-
Decorum. Dignity, order, pro-
priety, seemliness.
ANT. Disorder, disturbance,
Decrease. Lessen, diminish, sub-
side, want, dwindle, curtail, re-
trench, reduce, loAver.
ANT. Increase, grow, aug-
ment, expand.
Decree. Decision, determination,
law, edict, mandate, manifesto.
ANT. Suggestion, request,
Decrepit. Weak, infirm, totter-
ing, aged.
ANT. Strong, youthful.
Decry. Disparage, detract, de-
preciate, denounce, abase, tra-
ANT. Extol, praise, eulogize,
Dedicate. Devote, hallow, sanc-
tify, consecrate; address, in-
scribe; assign, apply, set apart.
ANT. Desecrate, misuse, ali-
Deduce. Infer, draw, derive, con-
ANT. Induce, state, conjec-
ture, guess, anticipate, fore-
Deed. Performance, act, action,
exploit; reality, fact, truth;
document, instrument.
ANT. Omission, failure, in-
validation, reversal, recall; un-
Deep. Profound; difficult, mys-
terious, hard, intricate ; pene-
trating, sagacious, astute, in-
telligent, discerning, shrewd ;
heartfelt, intense, thorough.
ANT. Shallow; superficial,
artless, undcsigning; indiffer-
Default. Neglect, failure, omis-
sion; want, destitution, lack;
lapse, forfeit, delinquency, ab-
ANT. Satisfaction; appear-
ance, plea; maintenance, sup-
ply; presence.
Defeat. Overthrow, frustration,
ANT. Success, triumph, vic-
Defect. Fault, flaw, imperfec-
tion; omission, want, shortcom-
ANT. Emendation, perfec-
tion; supply, sufficiency.
Defense. Apology, justification,
vindication; shelter, shield,
protection, guard, resistance,
rampart, fortress, safeguard,
A>'T. Surrender, betrayal, ex-
posure, hazard; challenge.
Defer. Delay, postpone, procras-
tinate, adjourn, put off; yield
to, respect.
ANT. Hasten, hurry, expe-
dite, quicken, overdrive; slight,
Deference. Respect, considera-
tion, esteem, veneration, hom-
ANT. Disrespect, contumely,
impudence, defiance, disobedi-
Defile. Contaminate, spoil, pol-
lute, vitiate, infect, taint, be-
ANT. Purify, cleanse, disin-
fect, uxish, hallow, sanctify.
Definition. Description, exposi-
tion, comment, explanation, in-
terpretation, rendering, trans-
ANT. Misstatement.
Deformity. Ugliness, malforma-
[ 74
tion, distortion, disfigurement,
abnormity, hideousness.
ANT. Grace, beauty, regu-
larity, symmetry.
Defrayment. Payment, settle-
ment, liquidation, discharge.
ANT. Failure, insolvency, re-
pudiation, embezzlement, non-
Defy. Challenge, dare, provoke,
scorn, brave.
ANT. Dread, cower, shrink,
Degeneracy. Degradation, dete-
rioration, growing worse, decay,
decline ; inferiority, meanness.
ANT. Improvement, advance-
Degree. Grade, rank, step, sta-
tion, stage, quality, standing;
measure, interval, space.
ANT. Mass, magnitude, size,
Dejected. Disheartened, discour-
aged, depressed, downcast, des-
pondent, gloomy, melancholy,
ANT. Cheerful, elated, gay,
blithe, inspirited, joyous, jovial,
Delay. Postponement, procrasti-
nation ; hindrance, impediment.
ANT. Hurry, despatch, quick-
ening, urgency ; assistance, fur-
Delegate, n. Substitute, proxy,
representative, legate, deputy.
Delegate, v. Depute, commis-
sion, appoint, empower, consti-
tute, ordain.
ANT. Relegate, recall, super-
sede, remove.
Deleterious. Destructive, nox-
ious, deadly, poisonous; hurt-
ful, harmful, injurious, perni-
cious, unwholesome.
ANT. Wholesome, healthy,
beneficial, sanitary, salubrious,
Deliberate, v. Meditate, ponder,
debate, confer, consider, reflect,
consult, weigh, cogitate.
ANT. Shelve, dismiss, dis-
card, put aside; hazard, cluince,
Deliberate, a. Cautious, care-
ful, wary; well-advised, pur-
posed, studied; slow, leisurely;
intentional, earnest, unbiased.
ANT. Facetious, playful; ir-
resolute, hesitant, faltering, va-
cillating ;impulsive,rash,hasty ;
Delicacy. Dainty, morsel, tid-
bit, relish; refinement, luxury,
nicety, elegance; frailty, weak-
ness ; fastidiousness, scrupu-
lousness; purity, sensibility.
ANT. "Necessaries, commons,
fare; coarseness, roughness,
rudeness; vigor, strength; gross-
Delicious. Dainty, savory, de-
lightful, luscious, exquisite.
ANT. Nauseous, repulsive,
bitter, loathsome, unpalatable,
Delight. Joy, gladness, charm,
rapture, transport, satisfaction,
pleasure, ecstasy, happiness, en-
joyment, bliss.
ANT. Pain, suffering, sorrow,
misery, discomfort, dejection,
melancholy, discontent, trouble,
distress, depression.
Delightful. Agreeable, congen-
ial, grateful, pleasant, refresh-
ing, welcome, satisfying, deli-
cious, acceptable, pleasurable.
ANT. Miserable, depressing,
disappointing, horrible, melan-
choly, painful, woful, wretched,
mournful, saddening.
Delineate. Describe, figure, rep-
resent, sketch, draw, portray,
depict, paint.
ANT. Caricature, misrepre-
sent, exaggerate.
Delinquent. Offender, culprit,
criminal, miscreant, malefactor.
[ 75 ]
ANT. Worthy, model, para-
gon, pattern, beau ideal.
Deliver. Free, liberate, release;
save, rescue; give, hand over,
transfer; yield, grant, resign,
surrender; pronounce, declare,
speak; discharge, deal.
ANT. Confine, capture; sup-
press, retain; withdraio, be-
tray; appropriate.
Deluge. Inundation, flood, over-
flow, rush, cataclysm.
ANT. Drought, dearth, arid-
ity; mist, moisture; subsidence,
ebb, abatement.
Delusion. Error, fallacy, illu-
sion, hallucination, trick, snare,
fraud, deception, imposture.
ANT. Fact, certainty, verity,
actuality, truth, reality.
Demand. Require, ask, call for,
insist, exact, challenge.
ANT. Request, petition, sup-
plicate; disclaim, forego, waive.
Demarcation. Outline, sketch,
limit, boundary, division, en-
closure, separation, distinc-
ANT. Openness, space, ex-
panse, extent.
Demean. Behave, comport, act,
conduct one's self.
ANT. Misbehave.
Demerit. Fault, delinquency,
misdeed, failure.
ANT. Credit, merit, worth,
excellence, desert.
Democratic. Popular, representa-
tive, republican, radical.
ANT. Imperial, aristocratic,
regal, oligarchical, autocratic,
despotic, tyrannical, constitu-
tional, conservative.
Demolish. Overthrow, destroy,
overturn, raze, ruin.
ANT. Restore, repair; build,
construct, make.
Demonstration. Exhibition, ex-
emplification ; manifestation, il-
lustration ; evidence, proof, cer-
tainty, conclusion, consequence,
induction, inference, deduction.
ANT. Concealment, secrecy;
theory, supposition.
Demoralize. Corrupt, deprave,
vitiate, undermine, subvert.
ANT. Stimulate, impel, pro-
mote, incite, reassure, animate,
Demure. Sedate, staid, modest,
prudish, discreet.
ANT. Lively, vivacious, face-
tious, wanton, wild.
Denial. Refusal; contradiction,
negation, disavowal.
ANT. Affirmation, avowal,
admission, concession.
Denizen. Citizen, subject, in-
habitant, dweller, sojourner.
ANT. Foreigner, alien, trav-
eler, stranger, transient.
Denomination. Name, designa-
tion, description, appellation,
class, sect, school.
ANT. Misnomer.
Denounce. Brand, defame, stig-
matize, decry ; accuse ; menace,
threaten ; proscribe, vituperate.
ANT. Eulogize, applaud, up-
hold, vindicate.
Dense. Thick, slow, compact,
solid, close, thickset.
ANT. Sparse, thin, scattered;
quick, intelligent, clever, alert,
Denunciation. Censure, ar-
raignment; threat, menace; ex-
ANT. Vindication, defense,
apology, plea, excuse.
Deny. Refuse, withhold ; contra-
dict, gainsay ; renounce, abjure,
ANT. Affirm, grant, accept,
concede; indulge, yield, admit.
Depart. Leave, go, start, sally,
retire, disappear, vanish, bid
farewell; die, decease.
ANT. Arrive, alight; stay, re*
main, cling.
I 76
Department. Division, section,
portion; function, office, duty,
station; province, branch, line.
ANT. Organization, whole,
Dependent. Hanging, resting,
contingent, conditioned, relying,
subject, relative.
ANT. Independent, free, ab-
solute, irrespective.
Depict. Portray, draw, paint,
ANT. Caricature, parody.
Deplorable. Lamentable, piti-
able, sad, mournful, disastrous,
calamitous, grievous, distress-
ing, melancholy.
ANT. Acceptable, felicitous,
happy, welcome, glad, joyous,
beneficent, pleasing.
Deportment. Conduct, carriage,
behavior, demeanor, character.
ANT. Misbehavior, miscon-
Depose. Dethrone, debase, de-
grade, dismiss, oust, displace.
ANT. Enthrone, install, initi-
ate, elevate, exalt, invest with
Deprecate. Regret, disapprove,
lament; intercede, expostulate.
ANT. Rejoice in, approve; in-
voke, imprecate, curse.
Depreciate. Disparage, decry,
undervalue, detract, underesti-
ANT. Appreciate, value, es-
Depredation. Robbery, pillage,
plunder, spoliation, theft, inva-
sion, trespass, havoc, encroach-
ANT. Restitution, compensa-
tion, restoration, amends, repa-
Depression. Lowering, degrada-
tion, abasement, perversion, de-
preciation, dejection, discour-
agement; hollow, valley, de-
ANT. Elevation, raising, eto-
altation, promotion, ameliora-
tion, preferment, prominenoe t
Deprive. Bereave, rob, divest,
strip, despoil, dispossess, de-
pose; prevent, hinder.
ANT. EKdow, enrich, invest,
compensate, present, indem-
Deputy. Lieutenant, agent, rep-
resentative, envoy, legate, sub-
stitute, vicegerent, proxy, dele-
ANT. Master, principal, gov-
ernor, chief, sovereign, ruler.
Derangement. Disorder, confu-
sion, disarrangement; disturb-
ance, discomposure; madness,
lunacy, insanity, mania, delir-
ium, alienation, aberration.
ANT. Order, arrangement,
regulation; calmness; sanity,
poise, rationality.
Derision. Scorn, contempt, ridi-
cule, mockery, contumely, scoff-
ANT. Admiration, respect,
reverence, regard, esteem, ven-
Derivation. Source, origin, gen-
esis, fountain, descent, root,
ANT. Result, issue, termina-
tion, effect, application, use.
Derogate. Detract, depreciate,
disparage, compromise, lessen.
ANT. Esteem, value, over~
estimate, enhance, extol.
Descendant. Offspring, poster-
ity, progeny, stock, family, lin-
eage, scion, branch, issue.
ANT. Ancestry, progenitor,
origin, root, source, founder,
Describe. Trace, draw, portray,
mark out, represent, depict, re-
count, narrate, illustrate, de-
fine, explain, characterize.
ANT, Caricature, misrepre*
[ 77 ]
sent, distort; mystify, perplex,
Descry. Perceive, discern, recog-
nize, discover, espy, see, behold,
detect, find out.
ANT. Overlook, miss, neglect.
Desecrate. Profane, pollute, per-
vert, abuse, secularize, prosti-
ANT. Hallow, sanctify, re-
spect, esteem, dedicate, devote.
Desert. Solitude, wild, wilder-
ness, waste.
ANT. Oasis, pasture, meadow.
Deserter. Renegade, turncoat, re-
. canter, backslider, abjurer, trai-
tor, apostate.
ANT. Adherent, devotee, sup-
porter, bigot, disciple, ally.
Deserve. Merit, earn, win, be
entitled to.
ANT. Forfeit, lose, miss, fail
Desideratum. Very desirable
thing, requisite, want, essential.
ANT. Superfluity, surplus,
Design, n. Intention, purpose,
aim, end, scheme, proposal, pro-
ject, object, plan, device, pur-
port, meaning, drift, scope,
mark; delineation, sketch, arti-
fice, drawing, draft; invention,
contrivance ; cunning, guile.
ANT. Execution, perform-
ance, structure, construction, is-
sue, result; candor, openness,
sincerity; chance, accident.
Design, v. Intend, plan, prepare,
project, contrive, scheme, pur-
pose, mean, propose; draw, de-
lineate, sketch ; contemplate,
outline, plot.
ANT. Risk, guess, conjecture,
chance; misconceive, misinter-
pret, misrepresent.
Designate. Specify, particular-
ize; describe, define, denomi-
nate, name, call, style, christen,
dub ; appoint, allot.
ANT. Misname, miscall; gen-
eralize; misrepresent.
Desirable. Eligible, expedient,
advantageous, beneficial, advis-
able, valuable, profitable, envi-
able, proper, judicious.
ANT. Inexpedient, disadvan-
tageous, harmful, inadvisable,
Desire. Appetite, inclination,
longing, proclivity, craving, im-
pulse, hankering, coveting, pro-
pensity, wish; aspiration, wilL
ANT. Loathing, disgust, aver-
sion, hate, repugnance, horror.
Desolate, a. Bereaved, comfort-
less, forlorn, cheerless, lonely,
solitary; uninhabited, forsaken,
unfrequented, waste, dreary,
ANT. Peopled, colonized, de-
veloped, cultivated; populous,
crowded, frequented.
Despair. Desperation, discour-
agement, hopelessness, despon-
ANT. Courage, hope, expecta-
tion, anticipation, assurance,
confidence, elation, cheer, trust,
hopefulness, encouragement.
Despatch, v. Expedite, speed, ac-
celerate, quicken, hasten; kill,
ANT. Delay, retard, impede,
obstruct; preserve, save, spare.
Desperate. Wild, reckless, des-
pondent, hopeless, wretched,
forlorn, lost; heroic, extreme,
defiant; precipitate, headlong,
ANT. Cautious, timid, shy;
hopeful, promising, propitious.
Despise. Contemn, scorn, slight,
disdain, spurn.
ANT. Respect, esteem, ven-
erate, regard, revere.
Despoil. Strip, denude, ravage;
rob, plunder, pillage, devastate.
ANT. Adorn, enrich, rehabili-
[ 78 ]
Despotic. Tyrannical, absolute,
imperious, autocratic, arrogant.
ANT. Conciliatory, humane,
merciful; constitutional, demo-
cratic, representative.
Destination. Aim, end, object,
purpose, design; goal, harbor.
ANT. Action, movement; ini-
tiation, project, effort.
Destiny. Fate, lot, doom, star,
fortune, necessity, end, predes-
ANT. Choice, will, freedom,
volition, free will.
Destructive. Ruinous, injurious,
pernicious, deleterious, bane-
ful, detrimental, hurtful, nox-
ANT. Constructive, restora-
tive, beneficial, wholesome, pre-
Desuetude. Disuse, non-observ-
ance, obsolescence.
ANT. Use, custom, practice,
exercise, operation.
Desultory. Rambling, irregu-
lar, capricious, wandering, rov-
ing, discursive, cursory, erratic,
spasmodic, unsystematic.
ANT. Methodical, continuous,
periodical, diligent, exact, un-
tiring, persevering, earnest, se-
rious, settled, consecutive.
Detail. Account, narrative, re-
cital; detachment; individual,
particular, item, specialty, ele-
ment, point, component.
ANT. Totality, whole, gener-
ality, aggregation, mass, bulk.
Detention. Hindrance, retain-
ing, restraint, stopping.
ANT. Relinquishment, aban-
donment, letting go, release, lib-
Deter. Hinder, discourage, pre-
vent, restrain, withhold, terrify,
scare, dishearten, dissuade.
ANT. Incite, provoke, allure,
tem.pt, seduce, prompt, per-
Deteriorate. Impair, degrade,,
debase; decline, degenerate.
ANT. Ameliorate, promote,
advance, rectify.
Determine. Settle, adjust, de-
cide; ascertain, verify; influ-
ence, lead, incl ine ; resolve.
ANT. Vacillate, waver, un-
settle, doubt.
Detest. Abominate, abhor, exe-
crate, loathe, shrink from.
ANT. Like, approve, appre-
ciate, praise, love.
Dethrone. Depose, uncrown,
drive out of power, cause to
ANT. Crown, enthrone, ex-
Detract. Depreciate, disparage,
lessen, derogate, calumniate,
slander, defame, decry, vilify.
ANT. Enhance, augment, in-
crease, flatter, compliment.
Detriment. Loss, damage, in-
jury, harm, evil, prejudice, dis-
advantage, impairment, incon-
ANT. Enhancement, rem-
edy, augmentation, improve-
ment, repair, reinstatement.
Develop. Evolve, unfold, educe,
disclose, unravel, exhibit, ex-
pand, enlarge; open, grow, ma-
ANT. Envelop, wrap, con-
ceal, contract, compress ; stunt T
duvtrf, hinder, prevent.
Deviate. Digress, wander, de-
flect, veer, diverge; depart, err,
stray, swerve ; differ, vary.
ANT. Cohere, coincide; ac-
company, continue, remain; ad-
vance; converge; agree, assimi-
Device. Contrivance, invention,
design, project, plan, scheme,
expedient, resource; wile, arti-
fice, stratagem, evasion, fraud;
emblem, symbol, type.
ANT. Fortune, luck, hazard?
t 79 ]
hit; openness, frankness, can-
Devious. Erratic, wandering,
deviating, crooked, circuitous,
misleading, treacherous, round-
ANT. Direct, plain, straight-
forward, frequented.
Devise. Plan, design, contrive,
imagine, scheme, project, con-
coct; bequeath, leave.
ANT. Mismanage, miscon-
trive; inherit.
Devoid. Void, wanting, empty,
destitute, vacant, unprovided
ANT. Full, supplied, pro-
vided, replete, furnished, abun-
dant, plentiful, sufficient.
Devolve. Transfer, consign, con-
vey, demise, devise, deliver;
impose, place, attach, commis-
sion, charge, depute; fall, pass,
be transferred.
ANT. Deprive, vnthhold, re-
call, cancel, alienate, skip, pass,
Devotion. Dedication, consecra-
tion, piety, religion, sanctity,
holiness, worship, adoration;
attachment, affection, love; ar-
dor, earnestness, zeal, eager-
ness, self-sacrifice.
ANT. Impiety, profanity,
sacrilege, irreverence; aversion,
alienation, antipathy, indiffer-
ence, apathy.
Devour. Consume, gorge, eat
ravenously, swallow ; destroy,
annihilate, waste, swallow up,
ANT. Disgorge, vomit; save,
Dexterity. Aptitude, skill, ex-
pertness, readiness, adroitness.
ANT. Ineptitude, inability,
weakness, awkwardness, clum-
Diadem. Crown, chaplet, fillet,
wreath, tiara, circlet.
Diagnosis. Investigation, de-
termination, analysis.
ANT. Misjudgment, error.
Diagnostic. Symptom, feature,
sign, cue, indication, mark, in-
ANT. Development, consum-
mation, crisis, head, formation.
Dialect. Language, phraseology,
tongue, speech, provincialism,
idiom, accent.
Dialogue. Conversation between
two people, colloquy, discourse,
ANT. Monologue, soliloquy,
apostrophe, oration.
Dictate. Direct, ordain, com-
mand, prescribe, order, bid, re-
quire, decree; utter; prompt,
suggest, enjoin, instruct.
ANT. Follow, repeat, obey,
answer; accept.
Dictation. Injunction, precept,
command, rule, maxim, direc-
tion, utterance.
ANT. Consultation, confer-
ence, council; advice, recom-
Dictatorial. Imperious, imper
tive, domineering, arbitrary,
absolute, unlimited, authori-
tative, unrestricted, overbear-
ANT. Condescending, suppli-
catory, affable, suppliant, un-
assuming, persuasive.
Diction. Expression, language,
phrase, phraseology, style, ver-
biage, vocabulary, wording.
ANT. Provincialism, barba-
rism, solecifim.
Dictionary. Lexicon, word-book,
glossary, vocabulary.
Didactic. Instructive, percep-
tive, moral, directive, educative.
ANT. Unsound, misleading,
erroneous, uninstructive, perni-
Die. Expire, decease, depart;
wither, perish, decay, decline,
[ 80
fade; cease, vanish, disappear;
sink, faint, fall; subside.
ANT. Live, recover, be born;
survive, exist; originate, de-
velop, grow, strengthen, flour-
ish, luxuriate, vegetate.
Diet. Food, victuals, nourish-
ment, aliment, nutriment, pro-
vision, viands, rations, fare,
subsistence ; assembly, parlia-
ment, congress.
ANT. Starvation, fasting,
abstinence, fast; gluttony, om-
Difference. Contrast, diversity,
variation, variety, discrepancy,
disagreement, disparity, dis-
tinction, divergence, unlikenesa.
ANT. Agreement, uniform-
ity, unity, consonance, identity,
likeness, resemblance, harmony,
sameness, similarity.
Differentiate. Discriminate, in-
dividualize, distinguish, par-
ticularize, specify, segregate,
ANT. Generalize, classify,
confuse, amalgamate.
Difficult. Arduous, exhausting,
severe, onerous, trying, toil-
some, hard, laborious; intri-
cate, involved, obscure, enig-
matical; unmanageable, re-
served, opposed, unamenable.
ANT. Easy, facile, trifling,
slight, trivial, pleasant, light;
simple, plain, clear, manifest ;
approachable, amcn-nble, pliant.
Diffident. Modest, doubtful, re-
luctant, hesitating; bashful,
timid, shy, self-distrustful.
ANT. Bold, aggressive, for-
irord, arrogant, self-conceited.
Diffuse, a. Prolix, loose, copi-
ous, rambling, verbose, long-
winded, diluted.
ANT. Epigrammatic, laconic,
terse, condensed.
Digest. Methodize, systematize,
arrange, classify, cod'ify ; study,
ponder, consider, contemplate,
meditate, con; master, assimi-
ANT. Confound, complicate,
disorder, derange, disturb; re-
ject, refuse.
Dignified. Stately, noble, grand,
majestic, self-respecting, impos-
ing, decorous, august, lofty, ex-
alted, pompous.
ANT. Stunted, low, mean, un-
imposing, depressed, ordinary,
Dignify. Advance, promote, ex-
alt, ennoble, prefer; grace,
honor, adorn; elevate, aggran-
ANT. Humiliate, debase, de-
Digress. Deviate, ramble, wan-
der; differ.
ANT. Proceed, advance; har-
monize, agree.
Dilapidation. Ruin, decay, dis-
integration, downfall, demoli-
ANT. Construction, repara-
tion; soundness, solidity; fab-
rication, building.
Dilate. Stretch wide, expand,
enlarge, widen, distend.
ANT. Compress, compact, re-
strict, narrow, condense, con-
Dilatory. Slow, loitering, tardy,
procrastinating, dawdling, lag-
ging, lingering, sluggish.
ANT. Prompt, vigilant, alert,
eager, earnest.
Diligence. Industry, assiduity,
activity, perseverance, applica-
tion, attention, care, heed.
ANT. Neglect, carelessness,
idleness, inertness, inattention,
Dim. Obscure, dark, covered,
hidden, dusky, indistinct, un-
ANT. Bright, clear, mani-
fest, light.
[ 81 ]
Dimension. Measurement, bulk,
mass, extent ; ( pi. ) size, ca-
pacity, amplitude, massiveness,
ANT. Segment, section, por-
tion, part.
Diminish. Lessen, reduce, de-
crease, abate, subside, shorten,
dwarf, retrench.
ANT. Augment, amplify, in-
crease, magnify, expand.
Din. Racket, clamor, noise, up-
ANT. Crash, explosion; si-
Dingy. Dirty, dull, soiled, tar-
nished, dim, obscure, somber.
ANT. Bright, burnished, ra-
diant, glittering, gleaming, lu-
Dip. Immerse, plunge, inunda.te,
soak, steep, drown, submerge.
ANT. Dry, drain, parch; air,
ventilate, evaporate, vaporize.
Diplomacy. Negotiation, indi-
rection, tact, artful manage-
ment, contrivance, circumven-
tion; embassage, ministry, am-
ANT. Dismissal, conge, re-
call; candor, naivete, ingenu-
ousness; mismanagement, mal-
administration; self-defeat.
Diplomatic. Prudent, wise, tact-
ful, astute, politic, sagacious,
judicious, discreet.
ANT. Blundering, tactless,
Direct, o. Unswerving, straight,
rectilinear, undeviating.
ANT. Meandering, crooked,
roundabout, circuitous.
Direction. Course, tendency,
aim, bearing; oversight, man-
agement, control, superinten-
dence, conduct; order, com-
mand; address, superscription.
ANT. Deviation, aberration;
Directly. Straightly, immedi-
ately, forthwith, soon, speed-
ily, instantly, promptly, pres-
ently, quickly, straightway, at
ANT. Secondarily, by-and-
by; remotely, obliquely, cir-
Dirge. Requiem, elegy, lament,
wake, threnody, coronach.
ANT. Anthem, Te Deum, Ju-
bilate, pcean, jubilee, halleluiah.
Dirt. Filth, uncleanness, dung,
foulness, meanness, filthiness,
ANT. Cleanness, purity, ab-
lution; innocence, spotlessness.
Dis-. The prefix dis- has usually
a negative, sometimes an inten-
sive, force. Therefore, for words
beginning with it look under
the antonyms of the root words.
When its force is intensive,
however, they will be found un-
der the synonyms of the root
words. Only a few of derived
significance are here given.
Disability. Unfitness, inability,
incompetence, incapacity, dis-
ANT. Merit, fitness, recom-
mendation, qualification, capa-
Disabuse. Undeceive, set right,
correct, enlighten, inform, rec-
ANT. Deceive, delude, hood-
Disappoint. Frustrate, foil, de-
feat, baffle, disconcert, mortify,
vex, betray, tantalize.
ANT. Fulfil, realize, satisfy,
gratify, encourage, verify, sup-
Disaster. Misfortune, mishap,
reverse, calamity, catastrophe.
ANT. Blessing, benefit, good
fortune, profit, gain, boon.
Disburse. Spend, expend, con-
sume, waste, use, lay out,
[ 82 ]
ANT. Save, economize, hoard,
Discern. Observe, discriminate,
distinguish, perceive, see, des-
cry, behold, espy, discover, pen-
etrate, differentiate.
ANT. Overlook, neglect, miss.
Discernible. Discoverable, per-
ceptible, visible, apparent, con-
spicuous, palpable, plain, mani-
fest, evident.
ANT. Obscure, minute, in-
visible, microscopic, impalpable.
Discernment. Sagacity, per-
ception, discrimination, bright-
ness, astuteness, insight, intel-
ligence, perspicacity, penetra-
tion, acuteness, judgment, in-
ANT. Blindness, inattention,
dulness, density.
Discharge, v. Unburden, un-
load; expel, eject; shoot, fire;
release, exonerate, acquit, lib-
erate, free ; dismiss, discard,
cashier; remove, destroy; per-
form, execute, observe.
ANT. Confine, charge, load,
burden, contain; detain, check,
delay, stop; preserve; ignore.
Disciple. Follower, student, be-
liever, pupil, learner, scholar,
supporter, adherent, votary.
ANT. Master, teacher, pro-
fessor, leader, rabbi.
Discipline. Training, teaching,
drill, exercise; control, regula-
tion, subjection, government;
punishment, correction, coer-
cion, chastisement.
ANT. Laxity, latitude, negli-
gence; reward, encouragement;
disorganization, mutiny, rebel-
lion, confusion, disorder.
Discomfit. Defeat, overpower,
conquer; foil, disconcert.
ANT. Encourage, rally, aid,
Disconcert. Frustrate, balk, de-
feat, thwart, baffle ; discompose,
embarrass, disturb, upset, per-
plex, abash, confuse, bewilder.
ANT. Assist, countenance,
encourage, compose, calm, ap-
pease, pacify, tranquilize.
Disconsolate. Inconsolable, sor-
rowful, heant-broken, comfort-
less, melancholy, desolate, for-
lorn, sad.
ANT. Joyous, cheerful, glad,
merry, jovial, happy, blithe.
Discordance. Disagreement, dis-
cord, dissonance, conflict, oppo-
ANT. Accordance, harmony,
Discover. Find, detect, discern,
ferret out, invent, expose, as-
certain, descry, disclose, betray,
indicate, manifest.
ANT. Hide, conceal, cover,
secrete, tury, suppress, with-
Discreet. Discerning, wise, saga-
cious, prudent, cautious, ju-
dicious, considerate, circum-
ANT. Foolish, heedless, reck-
less, silly, imprudent, undis-
cerning, unrestrained.
Discrepancy. Dissonance, dis-
cord, discordance, difference,
variation, disagreement.
ANT. Agreement, harmony,
Discrimination. Acuteness, pen-
etration, sagacity, discernment,
shrewdness, insight.
ANT. Dulness, shortsighted-
Discursive. Reasoning, argu-
mentative; roving, wandering,
rambling, desultory, inconse-
ANT. Orderly, coherent, con-
tinuous; condensed, succinct,
concise; strategic,
Discuss. Debate, argue, reason,
agitate, deliberate upon, con-
[ 83 ]
ANT. Confound, obscure; as-
sert, dogmatize.
Disdain, n. Contempt, scorn, dis-
regard, haughtiness, arrogance.
ANT. Reverence, respect, es-
teem,, consider ateness, humil-
Disease. Infirmity, ailment, dis-
temper, complaint, illness, sick-
ness, malady, indisposition, un-
soundness, affection.
ANT. Health, strength, ro-
bustness, soundness, sturdiness,
vigor; convalescence; sanity,
Disgust, n. Distaste, loathing,
dislike, repugnance, aversion,
ANT. Partiality, desire, lik-
ing, relish, fondness.
Dismal. Dark, gloomy, cheer-
less, dull, dreary, melancholy,
lonesome, somber, sad, doleful,
funereal ; horrible, terrible,
ANT. Cheerful., bright, in-
viting, cordial, gay, propitious,
Dismay. Affright, terrify, ap-
pal, alarm, intimidate, daunt.
ANT. Rally, inspirit, assure,
encourage, hearten.
Dismember. Disintegrate, mu-
tilate, separate, rend asunder,
ANT. Integrate, incorpo-
rate; constitute, construct.
Dismiss. Banish, discard, dis-
charge, remove.
ANT. Recall, welcome.
Disparage. Depreciate, decry,
undervalue, underrate ; defame,
ANT. Appreciate, overesti-
mate, extol, praise, exaggerate.
Dispel. Drive away, disperse,
dissipate, banish, scatter.
ANT. Collect, summon, ac-
Dispensation. Apportionment,
allotment, distribution; admin-
istration ; exemption ; system,
scheme, plan, regime.
ANT. Retention, restriction,
reservation, injunction, prohi-
bition; enforcement.
Disperse. Dispel, scatter, sepa-
rate; diffuse, spread, dissemi-
ANT. Gather, collect, con-
centrate; recall, summon.
Display. Expand, unfold, ex-
tend, uncover, open, spread; ex-
hibit, show, parade.
ANT. Conceal, hide, wrap,
dissemble, suppress.
Disposition. Arrangement, lo-
cation, placing, grouping; man-
agement, control, regulation,
direction; tendency, inclina-
tion, propensity; temper, char-
acter, nature, humor; willing-
ness; distribution.
ANT. Confusion, inversion,
disorder; mismanagement, lax-
ity; antipathy, repulsion; ob-
stinacy; mood; agglomeration,
Disputant. Litigant, debater,
arguer, controversialist, com-
petitor, claimant.
ANT. Advocate, auxiliary,
Dispute, v. Quarrel, wrangle;
debate, argue, discuss, agitate,
ventilate; impugn, deny, con-
tradict, oppose, contest.
ANT. Allow, concede, grant,
forego, relinquish.
Disquisition. Treatise, disser-
tation, discourse, essay, discus-
ANT. Effusion, tirade, dia-
tribe, rhodomontade.
Dissect. Anatomize, scrutinize,
analyze, explore, investigate,
examine, sift.
ANT. Integrate, organize,
compound, grasp; comprehend*
discern, diagnose.
I 84 1
Dissemble. Conceal, disguise,
cloak, hide, restrain, smother.
ANT. Reveal, confess, mani-
fest, expose, vaunt, profess.
Dissent. Differ, disagree, de-
ANT. Assent, consent, agree.
Dissertation. Disquisition, dis-
cussion, treatise.
Dissipate. Scatter, vanish, dis-
perse, disappear, waste, squan-
AST. Hoard, save, gather,
Dissociate. Separate, sever, dis-
join, divide, part, sunder, dis-
ANT. Associate, join, affiliate.
Dissolute. Abandoned, corrupt,
loose, profligate, reprobate, dis-
ANT. Upright, honest, con-
scientious, self-controlled.
Distance. Remoteness, space,
interval; absence, separation;
reserve, coldness, stiffness.
ANT. Proximity, contiguity,
nearness, presence, neighbor-
hood, contact.
Distend. Dilate, extend, spread,
ANT. Contract, narrow, con-
strict, condense.
Distil. Drop, extract, separate;
percolate, emanate, drip.
ANT. Condense, retain; suck;
Distinct. Separate, definite, dif-
ferent, clear, plain, unmistak-
ANT. Blurred, dim, indefi-
nite, confused, conjoined, ob-
Distinguish. Discern, perceive,
tell, discriminate; differenti-
ate; characterize, mark; sepa-
rate, divide; signalize, make
famous or celebrated.
ANT. Confound, miss, con-
Distinguished. Illustrious, fa-
mous, celebrated, noted, emi-
nent, marked, conspicuous, su-
preme, extraordinary, consum-
ANT. Obscure, inconspicu-
ous, hidden; infamous, notori-
Distortion. Deformity, twist,
perversion, falsification, mis-
representation, sophistry, cor-
ANT. Regularity, shapeli-
ness, symmetry; right, truth,
verification, rectification.
Distract. Divert, perplex, con-
fuse, disconcert, bewilder, con-
found, derange, craze.
ANT. Unite, fix, compose,
concentrate, collect.
Distraction. Confusion, perplex-
ity, abstraction, disturbance,
perturbation, agitation ; inat-
tention; absence, frenzy, mad-
ness ; alienation, aberration ;
delirium, mania, derangement,
ANT. Attention, composure,
self-possession, tranquillity.
Distress, n. Affliction, calamity,
adversity, misery, perplexity,
misfortune; agony, suffering,
anguish ; privation, destitution,
poverty, indigence.
ANT. Consolation, relief, as-
suagement, alleviation; boon,
blessing, pleasure.
Distribute. Dispense, scatter,
allot, apportion, grant, appoint.
ANT. Restrict, retain, col-
lect, gather, hold, reserve, keep.
District. Region, tract, terri-
tory, province, circuit, quarter.
Disturb. Agitate, shake, stir,
disorder, confuse, derange; mo-
lest, annoy, plague, trouble,
vex, worry; interrupt, hinder.
ANT. Soothe, quiet, assist,
compose, pacify; arrange, or'
Diversion. Detour, deviation,
divergence; recreation, amuse-
ment, enjoyment, pastime.
ANT. Directness, business,
procedure, continuity, task, la-
Diversify. Vary, change, alter,
modify; variegate, streak, spot.
ANT. Settle, fix, stereotype,
Diversity. Difference, dissimili-
tude, variation, unlikeness, di-
vergence, dissonance, heteroge-
neousness, multiformity.
ANT. Identity, similarity,
uniformity, consonance, homo-
geneousness, coincidence.
Divest. Dismantle, strip, un-
clothe, undress, unrobe, deprive.
ANT. Clothe, invest, shroud,
indue, encumber.
Divide. Sever, part, separate,
disunite, sunder; alienate, es-
trange; distribute, allot, ap-
portion, assign, share, dispense.
ANT. Unite, commingle, col-
locate, congregate, convene.
Divination. Magic, foretelling,
augury, prophecy, presage, pre-
ANT. Investigation, study;
information ; analysis.
Divorce, v. Separate, part, sun-
der, alienate, disunite.
ANT. Marry, wed, betroth,
Do. Accomplish, achieve, bring
to pass, complete, effect, realize,
discharge, perpetuate, perform,
commit, consummate, actual-
ize ; execute, finish, fulfil ; work
out, transact.
ANT. Neglect, ruin, spoil,
defeat, destroy, mar, miscarry,
fail, frustrate, baffle, omit, come
Docile. Manageable, amenable,
compliant, gentle, tame, sub-
missive, yielding, tractable, pli-
able, obedient.
ANT. Obstinate, firm, inflex-
ible, stubborn, self-willed, wil-
ful, determined, dogged, reso-
lute, opinionated.
Doctrine. Tenet, dogma, opin-
ion, belief, precept, principle,
teaching, creed.
ANT. Duty, practice, action,
conduct, operations application.
Dogmatic. Arrogant, authorita-
tive, imperious, domineering,
positive, self-opinionated, doc-
trinal, magisterial, dictatorial.
ANT. Practical, active, mod-
est, diffident, vacillating, con-
Domestic. Private, family, fa-
miliar, homelike.
ANT. Public, foreign, alien,
Domicile. Home, abode, house,
residence, mansion, dwelling.
ANT. World, wilderness; es-
trangement, migration, travel,
Dominance, Domination. Su-
periority, lordship, mastery,
sway, supremacy, command, as-
cendancy, government.
ANT. Servility, subjection,
inferiority, weakness, minority,
Domineer. Lord, tyrannize, dic-
tate, bully, swagger.
ANT. Submit, yield, bow, de-
fer, patronize, succumb; resist,
Dominion. Government, domi-
nation, supremacy, sway, dom-
inance, control, authority, do-
main, territory, sovereignty.
ANT. Submission, subjuga-
tion, servitude.
Doom, n. Condemnation, fate,
sentence, judgment, destiny,
ANT. Liberation, respite, es-
cape, acquittal, discharge.
Dormant. Sleeping, latent, in-
ert, quiescent.
[ 86 ]
ANT. Active, operative, vigi-
lant, awake, alert.
Doubt, n. Distrust, skepticism,
disbelief, suspicion, suspense,
hesitation, incredulity, irreso-
lution, misgiving, unbelief, per-
plexity, uncertainty.
ANT. Conviction, certainty,
assurance; belief, confidence;
determination, resolution, re-
Downwards. Below, beneath,
ANT. Upwards, above, aloft.
Drag. Draw, pull, haul, bring.
ANT. Carry, push, propel,
Drain. Empty, exhaust, draw,
strain, dry.
ANT. Fill, supply, replenish,
moisten, drench.
Draw. Haul, lead, pull, drag,
lure, entice, attract, incline, in-
ANT. Repel, repulse, rebuff,
alienate, estrange, reject.
Dread, n. Fear, terror, awe, ap-
prehension, horror, alarm.
ANT. Confidence, courage;
Dream. Reverie, fancy, vision,
delusion, conceit, hallucination,
romance, trance, vagary.
ANT. Fact, reality, realiza-
tion, verity, certainty, sub-
Dreary. Dismal, gloomy, dark,
lonesome, solitary, cheerless.
ANT. Cheerful, bright, prom-
ising, inviting.
Dress. Clothing, garments, ap-
parel, garb, array, uniform, at-
tire, costume, raiment, habili-
ments, vesture, robes, habit,
ANT. Nakedness, disarray,
nudity, bareness, deshabille, ex-
posure, undress.
Drift, n. Direction, bearing,
course; aim, purpose, inten-
tion, scope, tendency, design;
rush, impulse, current; heap,
ANT. Aimlessness, vague-
ness, aberrancy, indefiniteness.
Drink. Swallow, imbibe, quaff,
drain, absorb, suck in.
ANT. Pour, exude, disgorge,
water, moisten.
Drive. Impel, propel, compel,
push, thrust, urge; repulse, re-
pel, resist; ride.
ANT. Draw, attract, invite,
Droll. Whimsical, comical, ludi-
crous, funny, ridiculous, odd,
queer, facetious.
ANT. Sober, solemn, tragic,
Droop. Languish, sink, decline,
flag, pine, wither, fade, writ.
ANT. Prosper, revive, rally,
flourish, raise, luxuriate.
Drown. Sink, immerse, swamp,
overwhelm, overflow, inundate,
deluge, flood, overcome, over-
ANT. Dry, drain, air, venti-
late, expose.
Dry. Arid, parched; thirsty,
craving drink; barren, meager,
dull, dreary, tedious, plain ; se-
vere, sarcastic, sharp, keen.
ANT. Moist, fresh, juicy;
lively, entertaining; fulsome,
Due. Proper, fitting, suitable,
appropriate, becoming; owing,
ANT. Improper, unsuitable,
independent; unfair, extrava-
gant, deficient.
Dull. Heavy, stupid, unintelli-
gent, apathetic, insensible, cal-
lous, dead; inert, lifeless, in-
active, slow, torpid; blunt, ob-
tuse ; gloomy, sad, dismal ; dim,
obscure; wearisome, dreary, te-
ANT. Bright, light, tpark-
L 87 ]
ling, brilliant, quick, interest-
ing, lively, keen, witty, cheery,
inviting, entertaining.
Dumb. Speechless, mute, silent,
still, inarticulate.
ANT. Talkative, chatty, lo-
Duplicate. Copy, counterpart,
facsimile, imitation, likeness,
replica, reproduction, double,
ANT. Original, pattern, pro-
totype, archetype, model,
Duplicity. Deceit, deception,
circumvention, guile, artifice,
hypocrisy, fraud, dishonesty.
ANT. Candor, straightfor-
wardness, frankness, sincerity,
Duration. Continuance, term,
period, protraction, prolonga-
tion ( in time ) .
ANT. Brevity, momentari-
ness; infinity, eternity.
Duty. Office, responsibility, ob-
ligation, function, business, ac-
countability, right, righteous-
ANT. Immunity, freedom, li-
cense, exemption, dispensation.
Dwell. Live, reside, rest, stop,
stay, abide, lodge, sojourn.
ANT. Visit, migrate, liasten,
flit, roam, depart, travel.
Eager. Impatient, anxious, de-
sirous, longing, yearning, ar-
dent, enthusiastic, earnest, ani-
mated, fervent, impetuous, ve-
ANT. Torpid, sluggish, slow,
backward, belated, late, tardy.
Earn. Acquire, merit, win, get,
gain, procure, deserve, achieve,
obtain, realize.
ANT. Waste, lose, spend, for-
feit, squander.
Earnest. Eager, zealous, fer-
vent; steady, intent, fixed; sin-
cere, serious, true; important,
ANT. Indifferent, irresolute,
sportive, jesting, flippant.
Ease. Facility, knack, readiness,
expertness, easiness, satisfac-
tion, contentment, comfort, re-
pose, refreshment, relief.
ANT. Perplexity, irritation,
annoyance, constraint, disquiet,
trouble, vexation, difficulty, un-
easiness, awkwardness, worry.
Easy. Quiet, comfortable, tran-
quil, compliant, facile, compla-
cent, submissive ; unaffected,
natural, smooth; moderate, af-
ANT. Disturbed, uncomfort-
able, hard, difficult, anxious, ea-
Ebb. Retire, recede, abate, de-
crease, subside, wane, sink.
ANT. Flow, swell, increase,
flood, inundate, deluge.
Eccentric. Irregular, abnormal,
uncommon, peculiar, singular,
wayward, strange, aberrant, er-
ratic, whimsical.
ANT. Normal, conventional,
common, usual, regular, cus-
Echo. Resonance, repetition, re-
verberation, imitation, answer.
ANT. Sound, voice, original,
tone, noise, speech.
Eclipse, n. Obscuration, dim-
ming, obscurity, hiding, shroud-
ing, concealment, vanishing, ex-
tinction, obliteration, annihila-
tion, destruction.
ANT. Illumination, enlight-
enment, revelation; perpetua-
tion; radiation; unveiling, dia-
[ 88
Economics. Science of wealth,
public or political economy;
household management, house-
hold economy, housewifery.
Economize. Save, husband, re-
trench, manage frugally, be fru-
gal or prudent, practice econ-
omy, avoid waste; develop re-
sources, utilize.
ANT. Waste, misuse, sacri-
fice, be lavish, profuse, or ea>-
travagant; squander, dissi-
Economy. Thrift, thriftiness,
frugality, providence, good hus-
bandry; management, arrange-
ment, regulation, administra-
tion; plan, system, established
order, dispensation.
ANT. Prodigality, wasteful-
ness, extravagance, lavishness.
Ecstasy. Transport, rapture, in-
spiration, fervor, frenzy, emo-
tion, delight, enthusiasm, hap-
ANT. Coolness, dulness, en-
nui, weariness, tedium, indif-
Edge. Border, margin, brink,
rim, brim, verge; sharpness,
keenness, intensity, animation,
ANT. Center, interior; dul-
ness, bluntness, flatness; inert-
ness, inactivity.
Edible. Eatable, esculent, whole-
some, culinary.
ANT. Poisonous, deleterious,
harmful, dangerous, noxious,
Edict. Decree, command, order,
proclamation, mandate, ordi-
ANT. Hoax, eanard; request,
Edifice. Building, tenement, fab-
ric, structure.
ANT. Ruin, heap, demoli-
tion, destruction.
"Edify. Build up, enlighten, im-
prove, stimulate, strengthen,
ANT. Defile, debase, mislead,
misguide, pervert, corrupt.
Edit. Revise, correct, prepare
for the press, annotate, emend;
bring out; conduct, manage.
ANT. Distort, pervert, fal-
sify, garble, mutilate.
Educate. Discipline, teach, in-
struct, train, nurture, breed, de-
ANT. Dwarf, stunt, hinder ;
pervert, corrupt.
Education. Training, teaching,
tuition, instruction, schooling,
discipline, cultivation, breed-
ing, development, nurture, in-
formation, knowledge, learning,
reading, study.
ANT. Ignorance, illiteracy,
nescience, blindness, darkness.
Educe. Draw out, extract, elicit,
evolve, produce.
ANT. Adduce, cite, allege,
quote, advance, name, mention;
apply, insert, deposit, bestow.
Efface. Obliterate, erase, blot
out, destroy, cancel, eradicate,
ANT. Restore, revive, delin-
eate, imprint, portray, replace,
reinstate, renew.
Effect, n. Result, consequence,
event, issue; force, efficiency,
validity, weight, power; pur-
port, drift, tenor, meaning;
fact, reality, truth ; impression,
appearance, ensemble; (pi.)
chattels, goods, commodities,
property, movables.
ANT. Cause, motive, source^
incentive; origin.
Effect, v. Cause, produce, acconv
plish, change, achieve, create,
execute, perform, realize, com-
pass, effectuate, consummate,
ANT. Obviate, frustrate,
vent, mar, hinder; deter,
5 S9
Effective. Adequate, competent,
effectual, sufficient; potent, co-
gent, efficacious, forcible, ener-
getic, powerful ; active, efficient,
operative; conducive; service-
able, able, talented.
ANT. Weak, futile, nuga-
tory, inconducive, inoperative,
inadequate, impotent, incompe-
tent, powerless.
Effectuate. Accomplish, effect,
execute, achieve, secure, fulfil.
ANT. Prevent, hinder, abol-
ish, defeat, nullify, stifle, blight.
Effeminate. Feminine, womanly,
delicate; womanish, feeble, un-
manly, timorous, enervated,
soft, weak, emasculated.
ANT. Strong, manly, mascu-
line, virile, manlike, vigorous,
hardy, robust.
Effervesce. Boil, bubble, froth,
foam, ferment, sparkle; express
irrepressible emotion.
ANT. Subside; acquiesce, re-
frain, bear, brook, digest.
Effete. Barren, unfruitful; de-
cayed, spent, exhausted, worn,
wasted, decrepit.
ANT. Vigorous, fertile, pro-
lific, productive, exuberant, lux-
uriant, rank.
Efficacious. Effectual, effective,
active, operative, powerful, ade-
quate, cogent.
ANT. Insufficient, inade-
quate, ineffectual.
Efficacy. Power, potency, force,
competency, strength, effective-
ness, vigor, energy, usefulness.
ANT. Inefficacy, incompe-
Efficiency. Power, strength, ca-
pabilty, virtue, energy, useful-
ness, productiveness, effective-
ness ; attentiveness, aptitude,
skill, ingenuity, competence, in-
ventiveness, readiness, ingeni-
ousness, faculty, cleverness, ge-
nius, acuteness.
ANT. Weakness, inability,
incompetence, unproductivity ;
inattention, awkwardness, ab-
sence of mind, thoughtlessness,
preoccupation, distraction, lazi-
ness, stupidity.
Efficient. Operative, active, po-
tent, efficacious, effective, effec-
tual; able, skilled, ready, ener-
getic, proficient, competent.
ANT. Inactive, impotent, in-
effective, abortive; dull, inert,
indolent, sluggish, senseless,
Effigy. Image, representation,
figure, statue, likeness ; dummy.
ANT. Caricature, misrepre-
sentation, distortion; bust, por-
Efflorescence. Flowering, bloom-
ing, blossoming, budding; out-
burst; bloom, luxuriance.
ANT. Deflorescence, fading,
waning, blasting, withering;
nudity, bareness, denudation;
absorption, desiccation.
Effluence. Emanation, flow, ef-
fusion, efflux; issue, outpour-
ing; emission, discharge; abun-
dance, overflow.
ANT. Influx, infusion, reflu-
ence, ebb; exhaustion; absorp-
tion, retention.
Effluvium. Exhalation, emana-
tion, malaria, miasma, stink,
noxious vapor.
ANT. Ventilation, scent, dis-
infectant; zephyr, aroma, balm.
Effort. Endeavor, attempt, trial,
exertion, struggle, essay, strain,
striving, stretch.
ANT. Failure, frustration,
futility, weakness, deficiency,
misadventure; ease, inactivity,
spontaneity, facility.
Effrontery. Assurance, impu-
dence, audacity, shamelessness,
presumption, hardihood, bold-
ness 1 , brass; insolence, sauci-
[ 00
ANT. Modesty, coyness, shy-
ness, diffidence, sensitiveness,
shrinking, timidity, bashful-
Effulgence. Brilliancy, splen-
dor, luster, brightness, radiance,
refulgence, glory, flame, lumi-
nosity, resplendence.
ANT. Darkness, tencbrosity,
obscuration, gloom, opaqueness,
Effuse, a. Profuse, poured forth
freely, lavish, prodigal, copious,
abundant, effluent.
ANT. Dry, scanty, sparing,
meager, thin.
Effusion. Outpouring, effluence,
discharge, emission; abun-
dance; speech, address, ora-
tion; waste, shedding, spilling.
ANT. Infusion, absorption;
essay, reading, document, in-
strument; influx; retention.
Effusive. Lavish, generous, pro-
fuse, prodigal, gushing; spread
widely, diffused.
ANT. Sparing; taciturn, la-
conic, curt, brief.
Egoism. Selfishness, self-assur-
ance, self-conceit, self -con-
sciousness, self-confidence, self-
esteem, conceit, vanity, self-as-
sertion, self-praise, self-admira-
tion, self-love, self-exaltation.
ANT. Self-abnegation, def-
erence, self-forgetfulness, diffi-
dence, bashfulness, humility,
modesty, self-distrust, shyness,
unobtrusiveness, considerate-
ness, unostentatiousness.
Egregious. Surpassing, ex-
traordinary, remarkable, enor-
mous, monstrous, outrageous,
tremendous, prodigious, pecul-
iar; flagrant, gross.
ANT. Ordinary, usual, com-
monplace, mediocre, everyday.
Egress. Exit, way out, depart-
ure, going out, outlet; sally.
ANT. Entrance, avenue, ap-
proach, inlet; inroad, incur-
sion, invasion.
Either. One or the other of
two; each, both.
ANT. Neither, not any one
of two.
Ejaculation. Exclamation, cry,
utterance; expletive.
ANT. Silence, speechlessness,
dumfounderment ; drawl; ora-
tion, speech.
Eject. Cast out, emit, vomit,
void, evacuate; expel, dismiss,
discharge, oust; reject, banish,
throw aside, cast away.
ANT. Retain, absorb; ac-
cept, receive, house, store, ad-
mit, accommodate, welcome; in-
troduce, inject.
Eke out. Add to, supply, in-
crease, stretch, raise, augment,,
ANT. Stint, drain, withhold,
diminish, exhaust.
Elaborate. Improve, refine, de-
velop, mature, execute, forge,
prepare, concoct, work upon, la-
bor over.
ANT. Slight, neglect, disre-
gard, overlook ; miscontrive,
mismanage; chance, hit, guess,
conjecture, extemporize.
Elapse. Pass, slip, glide away,
lapse; intervene.
ANT. Wait, abide, halt, hold;
continue, endure; grasp, seize.
Elastic. Flexible, springy, resil-
ient, extensile, ductile, buoy-
ant; alterable, modifiable; re-
bounding, recoiling.
ANT. Rigid, tough, inflex-
ible; crystallized, unchange-
able; dull, inert.
Elated. Cheered, excited, exhil-
arated, animated, flushed, in-
spirited, inflated.
ANT. 'Depressed, dejected,
discouraged, dispirited, humil-
iated, abashed, confounded.
Elder. Senior, older, more an-
eient, earlier born; superior;
ANT. Younger, junior, ju-
"Elect, o. Picked, selected, cho-
sen, choice; appointed, dele-
gated; redeemed, saved; elite,
ANT. Rejected, doomed, rep-
robate; abandoned, depraved.
.Election. Selection, preference,
choice; appointment by vote;
alternative, free will, freedom,
power to choose; discrimina-
tion, discernment, distinction;
ANT. Postponement; rejec-
tion, reprobation, abandonment.
Electric. Charged with electric-
ity, relating to electricity; in-
spiring, inspiriting, stimulat-
ing; lightninglike, swift, flash-
ing, thrilling, stirring, exciting.
Electrify. Charge with electric-
ity, render electric; rouse, ex-
cite, thrill, stir, astonish, as-
tound, amaze, appal.
ANT. "Kill" (of something
charged, from which the elec-
tricity is suddenly removed) ;
disconnect, sever (of apparatus
for carrying electricity) ; stu-
pefy, soothe, deaden, calm, mes-
Elegance. Grace, beauty, pro-
priety, symmetry; polish, po-
liteness, refinement, gentility,
gracefulness, taste.
ANT. Deformity, awkward-
ness, coarseness, rudeness, dis-
Elegant. Graceful, well-formed,
symmetrical, lovely, handsome,
comely, refined, tasteful, orna-
mental, accomplished, polished.
ANT. Awkward, deformed,
ill-proportioned, misshapen, un-
graceful, hideous, coarse, rude.
Elegy. Dirge, threnody, lament,
jeremiad, requiem, coronach,
funeral song; serious or mel-
ancholy poem.
ANT. Pcean, jubilee, halle-
luiah, anthem.
Element. Constituent, compo-
nent, ingredient, part, prin-
ciple, atom; (pi.) rudiments,
outlines, essential parts.
ANT. Whole, mass, aggre-
gate, total, totality, gross, sum,
Elementary. Simple, uncom-
pounded, rudimentary, pri-
mary; physical, material, natu-
ral; ultimate, component, con-
ANT. Compounded, collec-
tive, aggregate, developed, or-
ganized; immaterial, incorpo-
real, impalpable.
Elevate. Raise, lift up, exalt,
promote, advance, aggrandize;
improve, dignify, ennoble, re-
fine, inspire, greaten; animate,
elate, cheer, excite, exhilarate.
ANT. Lower, degrade, de-
base, depress, demean, humble,
Elevation. Raising, elevating;
promotion, aggrandizement, ex-
altation ; dignity, refinement,
improvement ; amelioration ;
hill, height, altitude, superior-
ity, eminence, loftiness, tall-
ANT. Degradation, debase-
ment, depression, decline, fall,
depth; deterioration, inferior-
ity; shortness, stuntedness.
Elicit. Draw out, evoke, educe,
call forth, bring out, deduce,
bring to light ; express, extract,
evolve, worm out, extort.
ANT. Insert, implant, intro-
duce, inoculate, inject, infuse,
instill, incorporate, insinuate;
Eligible. Desirable, preferable,
worthy of choice, qualified, ca-
pable, suitable, prime, choice.
ANT. Worthless, ordinary,
indifferent, unprofitable, unde-
Elimination. Expulsion, exclu-
sion, discharge, removal, rejec-
tion, eradication, erasure, rid-
dance, obliteration.
ANT. Inclusion, retention;
approval; preservation, conser-
Elision. Omission, ejection, el-
lipsis, abridgment, excerp-
ANT. Insertion, inoculation,
introduction, implantation; in-
clusion; augmentation.
Elliptical. Contracted, abbrevi-
ated; suggestive, latent, allu-
sive; significant, pregnant; de-
fective, incomplete.
ANT. Explanatory, categori-
cal, full; expository, declara-
tory, enunciative.
Elocution. Speech, power of ex-
pression, utterance, delivery,
declamatory art; eloquence, or-
ANT. Reading, lection.
Elongation. Protraction, exten-
sion, production, drawing out,
continuation; withdrawal, dis-
ANT. Apocope, elision, cur-
tailment, abridgment, contrac-
Eloquence. Oratory, graceful
utterance, appropriate expres-
sion, impassioned speech.
ANT. Verbosity, wordiness,
prolixity, tediousness; grand-
iloquence, bombast, fustian.
Elucidate. Explain, illustrate,
clear, make manifest, unfold,
make plain, expound.
ANT. Confuse, mystify, ob-
scure, puzzle, bewilder, befog.
Elucidation. Explanation, ex-
position, illustration, demon-
stration; comment, annotation,
commentary, gloss, scholium.
ANT. Mystification, confu-
sion; obscurity, ambiguity.
Elude. Escape, avoid, shun, slip
away; baffle, foil, thwart, dis-
appoint, disconcert, balk, frus-
trate, evade, mock.
ANT. Meet, encounter, con-
front ; dare, defy; court, invite*
Elusive, Elusory. Evasive, de-
lusive, equivocating, deceptive,,
fraudulent, fallacious, deceit-
ful, illusory ; shuffling, shif ting,
slippery, fugitive ; shadowy, un-
substantial, intangible.
ANT. Persistent, staple, cer-
tain, solid; true, sure, unequiv-
Em-, or en-. A prefix meaning-
in or into, sometimes inter-
changeable with in-. The form
em- is used before words begin-
ning with p, b, or m. The pre-
fix has also a causal force.
Words beginning with this pre-
fix, whose original meaning is
simply the meaning of the root
word plus that of the prefix,
are omitted here, for their syn-
onyms and antonyms may be
readily formed from those of
the root word.
Emaciation. Leanness, lank-
ness, thinness, tenuity, attenu-
ation, wasting, gauntness, skin-
niness, meagerness.
ANT. Obesity, fatness, cor-
Emanate. Flow forth continu-
ously, issue, arise, spring, pro-
ceed, emerge.
ANT. End, terminate, culmi-
nate, eventuate, cease; dry up.
Emancipate. Free, enfranchise,,
liberate, rescue, release, manu-
mit, unfetter, unchain, disen-
thrall, set free.
ANT. Subjugate, enslave, en-
thrall, bind; disqualify, inca-
Embalm. Preserve, cherish, en-
shrine, keep; scent, perfume,
make fragrant; treasure, store,
ANT. Abandon, desecrate, ex-
pose, vulgarize, violate, profane.
Embargo. Prohibition, ban, re-
straint, hindrance, restriction;
detention, stoppage.
ANT. Permit, permission, re-
lease, discharge, cong6, libera-
tion, dismissal.
Embark. Ship; engage, enlist,
put in, invest; launch, enter,
ANT. Land, arrive, anchor,
disembark, go ashore.
Embarrass. Entangle, perplex,
make intricate or difficult; dis-
tress, trouble, harass, hamper,
confuse, disconcert, clog, puzzle,
abash, confound, encumber.
ANT. Extricate, relieve, dis-
entangle, liberate, deliver; ex-
pedite, facilitate, accelerate, as-
sist; calm, compose, tranquil-
Embellish.. Adorn, decorate, or-
nament, deck, beautify.
ANT. Detract, diminish, der-
ogate from, strip, destroy, de-
Embezzle. Appropriate, steal,
purloin, peculate ; falsify, forge,
ANT. Square, clear, balance;
restore, refund, retrieve.
Embitter. Make bitter, aggra-
vate, exacerbate, exasperate, en-
rage, anger, madden; molest,
provoke, excite.
ANT. Alleviate, soothe; com-
pose, quiet, pacify; sweeten; de-
light, please, comfort.
Emblem. Figure, image, sign,
symbol, token, type, attribute;
device, cognizance, representa-
tion; badge, mark, signal.
ANT. Disguise, decoy, incog-
nito, ruse, blind, domino, mask.
Embody. Incorporate, make cor-
poreal, concentrate, compact,
integrate, combine, collect; syS'
tematize, codify; comprehend^
include, embrace, comprise, con-
ANT. Analyze, dismember,
disband, disintegrate, dissipate.
Embolden. Encourage, animate,
reassure, inspirit, incite, urge,
ANT. Intimidate, frighten,
alarm, deter, overwhelm, dis-
Embosomed. Concealed, envel-
oped, surrounded, encircled, en-
ANT. Exposed, open, uncon-
cealed, revealed.
Embrace. Clasp, hug, press;
seize, welcome, accept; compre-
hend, include, cover, contain,
embody, take in.
ANT. Cast off, reject; ex-
clude, except.
Embroider. Embellish, enrich,
emboss, adorn with needlework.
ANT. Darn, botch, patch,
Embroil. Implicate, entangle,
ensnarl, involve; disturb, per-
plex, confuse, distract, trouble.
ANT. Extricate, separate, re-
move; compose, pacify, arrange,
Embryo. Germ, rudiment, nu-
cleus, origin.
ANT. Development, comple-
tion, maturity, fulfilment.
Emendation. Amendment, cor-
rection, rectification, reforma-
tion, improvement.
ANT. Error, defect, fault, in-
correctness, inaccuracy.
Emerge. Eise, issue, emanate,
escape; appear, become visible.
ANT. Disappear, sink; re-
treat, abscond, recede; enter;
Emergency. Exigency, urgency,
[ 94 ]
necessity, crisis, difficulty, ex-
tremity, strait; juncture, turn
of events ; unforeseen occasion ;
embarrassment, difficulty, casu-
ANT. Rescue, deliverance, so-
lution, provision, arrangement,
anticipation, foresight, climax.
Emigration. Removal, exodus,
migration from, colonization;
ANT. Immigration, migra-
tion to or into; settlement, so-
journ, abode, stay; domicilia-
tion, domestication.
Eminence. Prominence, projec-
tion, elevation, protuberance,
hill, high point; distinction,
celebrity, reputation, renown,
repute, fame, preferment; note,
conspicuousness; superiority.
ANT. Debasement, degrada-
tion, lowliness, decline; infamy,
disgrace, shame, obloquy, op-
probrium, scandal.
Eminent. High, lofty, elevated;
celebrated, distinguished, prom-
inent, illustrious, remarkable,
renowned, conspicuous, famous,
ANT. Mediocre, worthless;
infamous, notorious; egregious,
Emission. Ejection, expulsion,
issue; issuance, putting into
ANT. Injection, admission,
Emit. Eject, expel, throw out;
issue, decree, discharge; put
into circulation.
ANT. Inject; retain, with-
Emollient. Softening, laxative,
balsamic, soothing, palliative.
ANT. Irritant, astringent, ir-
ritating, galling.
Emolument. Gain, pay, profit,
remuneration, wap-es, salary, in-
come, hire, stipend, lucre, com-
pensation; advantage, benefit;
gratuity, perquisite.
ANT. Loss, damage, waste;
Emotion. Feeling, passion, ex-
citement, agitation, sensibility,
perturbation, tremor, trepida-
ANT. Indifference, insensibil-
ity, impassiveness, stoicism, im-
Emphasis. Stress, force, ictus;
weight, significance, impressive-
ANT. Elision, monotony, uni-
Emphatic. Significant, expres-
sive, strong, forcible, positive,
energetic, decided, distinct, un-
equivocal, earnest, important,
ANT. Mild, ordinary, usual,
unimportant, commonplace, un-
noticeable, cool, unimpassioned,
undemons tra tive.
Empire. Dominion, supremacy,,
sovereignty, authority, govern-
ment, command, control, sway,
rule, kingdom.
ANT. Independence, insur-
rection, anarchy, mutiny, sedi-
tion, uprising.
Empiric, Empirical. Tentative,
experimental, provisional, hy-
pothetic, experiential ; quack-
ANT. Regular, scientific, uni-
form, constant, inductive, cate-
Employ. Engage, call, hire, use,
engross, busy, exercise; apply,
enlist, entrust, occupy, econo-
ANT. Discard, dismiss, mis-
Employment. Business, voca-
tion, pursuit, calling, profes-
sion, craft, trade, occupation;
service, agency, office, employ;
application, engrossment.
[ 95 ]
ANT. Leisure, laziness, indo-
lence; recreation, vacation.
Empower. Commission, author-
ize, warrant, qualify; enable,
encourage ; delegate, sanction,
ANT. Hinder, prevent, dis-
courage, disqualify, disable; re-
call, revoke, withdraw.
2mpty, a. Void, without con-
tents, vacant, unoccupied; des-
titute, devoid; unsup plied,
unfurnished, unfilled; unsatis-
factory, vain, hollow, unsubstan-
tial; desolate, waste, deserted,
uninhabited ; senseless, weak,
frivolous; clear, unencumbered,
unobstructed, vacuous, unten-
anted, evacuated; silly, idle,
ANT. Full, occupied, inhab-
ited, colonized, obstructed, en-
cumbered; cultivated, informed,
well-instructed, sensible, experi-
enced; significant, important,
forcible, substantial.
Emulation. Rivalry, desire to ex-
cel, exceed, or surpass, competi-
tion; jealousy, envy, conten-
tion; vying, aspiration, contest.
ANT. Stagnation, inactivity,
dulness; contempt, disregard,
disdain, disaffection; abandon-
ment, resignation, discourage-
Enable. Empower, strengthen,
qualify, make capable, capaci-
tate, invigorate.
ANT. Weaken, disqualify, in-
capacitate, disable, hinder.
Enact. Decree, establish by law,
ordain; play, personate, repre-
sent, act, feign, dissimulate;
ANT. Abolish, abrogate, an-
nul, cancel, repeal, rescind, ex-
Enamor. Charm, captivate, fas-
cinate, inflame with love, en-
slave, endear, bewitch, enchain.
ANT. Disenthrall, repel, es-
trange, disgust, disenchant, hor-
Encamp. Bivouac, pitch, settle,
quarter, camp.
ANT. March, decamp, retire,
retreat, advance, charge.
Enchain. Bind with chains, fet-
ter, manacle, enslave.
ANT. Loose, liberate, manu-
mit, extricate, free.
Enchant. Charm, fascinate, be-
witch, enamor, captivate, win,
catch, lead captive; enrapture,
ravish, transport, beatify, de-
ANT. Repel, estrange, dis-
gust, horrify, shock, alienate.
Enchantment. Incantation, fas-
cination, charm, conjuration,
necromancy, magic, witchery,
sorcery, spell; delight, rapture,
ravishment, transport, bliss.
ANT. Disillusionment, repul-
sion, shock, alienation.
Encircle. Surround, encompass,
environ, gird, enclose ; embrace,
fold, clasp; hem in, beset, cir-
Enclose. Encompass, encircle,
shut, include, environ, envelop,
wrap, circumscribe.
Enclosure. Space enclosed, com-
pass, circle; yard, compound;
fence, ring, limit, park, field,
boundary, precinct.
ANT. Space, waste, desert,
wild, open, prairie, wilderness,
stretch, void, clearing.
Encomium. Eulogy, praise, eu-
logium, panegyric, commenda-
tion, laudation, psean, compli-
ment, good word.
ANT. Invective, taunt, vitu-
peration, obloquy, vilification,
Encompass. Encircle, enclose,
gird, hem in, surround, circum-
Encounter. Meet, confront, face.
withstand; assault, combat, en-
gage, fight, attack, contend,
compete with; fall upon.
ANT. Elude, avoid, escape,
shun, miss, flee, frustrate.
Encourage. Inspirit, animate,
embolden, hearten, incite, stim-
ulate ; cheer, comfort, console ;
support, countenance, reassure ;
advance, further; foster, abet,
aid, help, patronize; prompt,
ANT. Deter, discourage, dis-
hearten, dissuade; depress, de-
ject; provoke, incite, exasper-
ate; retard, hinder, prevent.
Encroach. Intrude, trespass, in-
fringe, invade; creep, advance
stealthily; transgress.
ANT. Respect, recognize, ob-
serve; protect; refrain.
Encumber. Clog, load, impede,
obstruct, hinder, burden, over-
load; embarrass, perplex, in-
volve, entangle, complicate.
ANT. Free, liberate; assist,
aid, help ; relieve, straighten.
Encumbrance. Load, impedi-
ment, hindrance; debt, claim,
ANT. A id, assistance; relief;
End, n. Limit, outcome, period,
extremity, extent, bound, con-
clusion, boundary, completion,
close, effect, expiration, finish,
finis, finale; issue, goal, intent,
fulfilment, purpose, point, re-
sult, termination, terminus;
utmost, uttermost; accomplish-
ment, achievement ; cessation,
consummation, design, conse-
quence; fragment, scrap, rem-
ANT. Commencement, ori-
gin, beginning, source, spring,
start, fountain, arising, incep-
tion, opening, initiation, out-
set, rise.
End, v. *>Re. break off, close,
complete, conclude, stop, quit,
.desist, terminate, finish, ex-
pire, wind up; destroy, kill,
put to death.
ANT. Begin, commence, in-
itiate, start, open; restore, re-
Endanger. Hazard, risk, peril;
commit, compromise, expose to
danger, jeopardize.
ANT. Protect, shield, save,
defend, cover, screen, preserve.
Endear. Make dear, attach, se-
cure the affection of, gain ; con-
ANT. Estrange, alienate, em-
bitter, antagonize.
Endeavor, v. Attempt, essay,
try, strive, undertake, make ef-
fort, labor, aim, exert one's
ANT. Neglect, omit, aban-
don, drop, dismiss, pass by, let
go, give up, throw away, up,
or over, overlook.
Endless. Interminable, bound-
less, limitless, infinite, immeas-
urable, illimitable; everlasting,
perpetual, eternal, unending,
without end; incessant, cease-
less, uninterrupted, continual,
continuous; immortal, death-
less, undying, imperishable.
ANT. Limited, brief, tempo-
rary, periodic, transient, fugi-
tive, finite, ephemeral, transi-
tory, temporal.
Endow. Furnish with dowry,
enrich, endue, put on, invest,
present, furnish, qualify, sup-
ply, clothe.
ANT. Denude, deprive, di-
vest, spoliate, strip, impover-
ish, despoil.
Endowment. Grant, gift, be-
quest, bounty, present, largess,
boon : property, fund, revenue ;
talent, faculty, power, quality,
capability, aptitude, parts, ge-
nius, qualification, ability; at-
[ 97 ]
tainment, provision, benefac-
ANT. Poverty, lack, inca-
pacity, impoverishment, spoli-
Endure. Suffer, submit, bear,
tolerate, allow, sustain, sup-
port, undergo, abide, afford,
brook ; experience ; continue,
remain, persist, be permanent.
ANT. Fail, sink, succumb,
surrender, yield, break down,
despair, droop, faint, fall, fal-
ter, give out, give up.
Enemy. Adversary, competitor,
foe, opponent, rival, antagonist.
ANT. Abettor, ally, friend,
accomplice, supporter, helper,
accessory, associate, compan-
ion, familiar, confidant, adher-
Energetic. Vigorous, active,
forcible, powerful, effective, po-
tent, efficacious, efficient, able,
ANT. Weak, languid, faint,
drooping, pining, exhausted,
feeble; listless, spiritless, inac-
Energy. Agility, activity, force,
power, potency, strength, inten-
sity, vigor, might, efficacy, effi-
ciency; spirit, animation, life,
manliness, animal spirits,
ANT. Indolence, slowness,
sloth, clumsiness, lassitude, in-
activity, sluggishness, heavi-
ness, inertness, laziness.
Enervate. Unnerve, weaken, en-
feeble, debilitate, effeminate;
break, paralyze; incapacitate.
ANT. Invigorate, strengthen,
harden, nerve, brace, empower.
Enfeeble. Enervate, weaken, de-
bilitate, unnerve.
ANT. Strengthen, nerve, in-
vigorate, brace.
Enfold. Envelop, wrap, enclose,
embrace, encircle, encompass.
ANT. Disclose, unwrap, de-
velop, reveal, expose.
Enforce. Urge, impress, com-
pel, constrain, oblige, force, re-
quire, exact, exert, strain.
ANT. Relax, abandon, remit,
waive, forego.
Enforcement. Inculcation, ex-
ecution, sanction, constraint,
ANT. Relaxation, abandon-
went, remission.
Enfranchise. Endow with fran-
chise or suffrage; free, emanci-
pate, release, qualify, manumit.
ANT. Disenfranchise, dis-
Engage. Promise, bind, pledge,
commit; plight, affiance, be-
troth ; enlist, induce to serve ;
attract, allure, gain, win, enter-
tain; arrest, fix, occupy, busy,
employ, engross; encounter, at-
tack, fight with, battle with;
contend, struggle, contest; in-
volve ; stipulate, agree ; adopt.
ANT. Decline, refuse, i&ith-
draio, extricate, disengage,
dismiss, discard; retreat, re-
Engagement. Promise, stipu-
lation, contract, obligation,
assurance, pledge ; betrothal,
affiancing ; employment, occu-
pation, business, vocation ; com-
bat, battle, contest, fight, en-
counter, action, conflict.
ANT. Release, liberation;
dismissal; excuse.
Engaging. Attractive, winning,
charming, pleasing, interesting,
ANT. Repulsive, unattrac-
tive, disagreeable.
Engender. Beget, generate, cre-
ate, breed, produce, cause, occa-
sion, propagate.
ANT. Stifle, destroy, extin-
guish, blioht. prevent, neutral-
Engrave. Carve, cut, chisel, im-
print, cut in, infix, grave, im-
press deeply; sculpture, stereo-
ANT. Erase, obliterate, wear
out, efface, destroy; carve in re-
Engross. Absorb, engage, mo-
nopolize, engulf, occupy, fore-
stall; copy.
ANT. Distract, disperse, dis-
sipate, scatter, vanish.
Enhance. Heighten, swell, raise
the price of, advance ; augment,
increase ; aggrandize.
ANT. Undervalue, depreciate,
disparage, detract, underesti-
Enigmatic, Enigmatical. Ob-
scure, puzzling, hidden, myste-
rious, perplexing, unintelligible,
ambiguous, recondite, incom-
prehensible, mystical, occult.
ANT. Plain, clear, manifest,
self-evident, lucid, explanatory,
open, intelligible.
Enjoin. Urge, admonish, advise,
order, direct, command, bid, re-
quire; prohibit, restrain; com-
mission, ordain, oblige, pre-
ANT. Dissuade; remit, ab-
solve, exonerate; recall, dis-
pense with, disqitalif'f.
Enjoy. Possess; delight in, like,
be pleased with.
ANT. Dislike, loathe, endure,
tolerate, lose, disrelish.
Enjoyment. Pleasure, delight,
happiness, gratification ; frui-
tion ; possession ; satisfaction,
gladness, felicity.
ANT. Misery, wretchedness,
grief, affliction, suffering, ca-
Enlarge. Amplify, augment, in-
crease, extend, expand, mag-
nify; make greater, ennoble;
dilate, descant, expatiate;
swell, grow.
ANT. Contract, narrow, re-
duce, diminish, restrict, lessen,
Enlighten. Illuminate, light
up; inform, teach, edify, make
intelligent, instruct.
ANT. Dark-en, obscure; mys-
tify, mislead, perplex, con-
Enlist. Enroll, register, incor-
porate, enter, embody, record,
chronicle, muster.
ANT. Erase, expunge, with-
draw, dismiss, disband, muster
Enliven. Amuse, quicken, ani-
mate, rouse, invigorate, in-
spire, inspirit, cheer, delight,
gladden, exhilarate.
ANT. Depress, dispirit, sub-
due, sober, moderate, oppress,
weary, paralyze, deaden, tire,
Enmity. Hatred, hostility, ma-
lice, rancor, animosity, antago-
nism, acrimony, bitterness, ill
will, malevolence, spite, malig-
nity, maliciousness, opposition,
asperity, aversion, hate, dis-
ANT. Friendship, love, affec-
tion, esteem, cordiality, amity,
alliance, concord, agreement, re-
gard, harmony, sympathy, kind-
liness, kindness.
Ennoble. Dignify, elevate, ex-
alt, ameliorate, enlarge, make
ANT. Debase, degrade, dete-
riorate, depress, deprave, cor-
rupt, vitiate.
Enormity. Depravity, atrocity,
wickedness, villainy, outrng-
eousness, heinousness, nefari-
ousness, abomination, perpetra-
tion, sin.
ANT. Innocence, righteous-
ness, guilelessness, inoffensive-
Enormous. Huge, vast, immense,
immoderate, inordinate, abnor-
mal, exceptional, monstrous, gi-
gantic, colossal, prodigious, ele-
phantine ; heinous, depraved,
ANT. Trivial, insignificant,
ordinary, average, diminutive,
Enough. Sufficient, plenty, sat-
isfactory, ample, abundant.
ANT. Insufficient, short, in-
adequate, scant, ill-supplied,
Enrage. Exasperate, provoke,
irritate, madden, incite, in-
cense, inflame, infuriate, excite,
aggravate, anger.
ANT. Soothe, conciliate, al-
lay, tame, quiet, mollify, ap-
pease, pacify, tranquilize.
Enrapture. Enchant, entrance,
enravish, delight, transport,
beatify, satisfy, please, glad-
den, fascinate, bewitch, capti-
vate, charm, attract, enamor,
ANT. Disgust, nauseate, re-
pel, torment, torture, horrify.
Enrich. Aggrandize, enhance,
endow, augment, store, supply ;
adorn, decorate, ornament, em-
bellish; fertilize.
ANT. Impoverish, rob, de-
nude, fleece, reduce, beggar, de-
spoil, strip.
Enroll. Enlist, register, record,
chronicle, embody, list, cata-
ANT. Erase, expunge, with-
Enrolment. Registration ; reg-
ister, record.
ANT. Omission; withdrawal;
Enshrine. Treasure, preserve,
cherish, embalm, consecrate.
ANT. Lose, misplace, expose,
destroy, desecrate.
Enslave. Captivate, charm, en-
thral, subjugate, master, domi-
nate, bewitch, delight, fasci-
ANT. Repel, disgust, alien-
ate; free.
Ensue. Follow, result, eventu-
ate, succeed, befall, accrue, hap-
pen, take place, supervene;
issue, arise, spring, come.
ANT. Precede, herald, intro-
duce; forewarn, threaten, pre-
monish, caution.
Entail. Transfer, transmit, fix,
devolve, involve, bequeath, de-
mise, leave, induce, necessitate.
ANT. Prevent, obviate, nul-
lify; neutralize; estrange, ali-
enate, supersede.
Entangle. Implicate, Involve,
compromise, entrap, knot, per-
plex, embarrass, confuse, inter-
twist, interweave, intertwine.
ANT. Straighten, extricate,
disentangle, unravel, deliver.
Enter. Go or come into; pierce,
penetrate; begin, commence;
enroll, inscribe, chronicle, note,
register, record ; engage in ; em-
bark, enlist, join; invade.
ANT. Depart, leave, issue,
quit, vacate; go out; finish,
end; withdraw from, retire, re-
Enterprise. Adventure, under-
taking, effort, attempt, essay,
endeavor, trial, experiment ; en-
ergy, activity, readiness, will-
ingness; progress.
ANT. Routine, monotony,
humdrum, matter-of-fact, un-
progressiveness ; caution, inac-
Enterprising. Venturesome, ad-
venturous, daring, audacious,
bold; prompt, alert, active, en-
ergetic, efficient, spirited, stren-
uous, eager, zealous, stirring;
progressive, speculative.
ANT. Timid, cautious, in-
active, fearful, cowardly; con-
servative; wary, prudent, di~
[ 1001
creet, anxious, careful, thought-
ful; indolent, unenterprising,
inactive, unready, laggard.
Entertain. Amuse, interest, di-
vert, cheer, delight, recreate,
beguile, please, occupy, gratify,
enliven, disport; consider, pon-
der; lodge, treat hospitably,
cherish, harbor, hold, receive.
ANT. Annoy, tire, bore, dis-
- turb, weary, distract, disquiet;
refuse, reject, deny, debar, ex-
clude, eject.
Entertainment. Delight, diver-
sion, amusement, cheer, enjoy-
ment, pastime, fun, merriment,
pleasure, recreation, sport, hos-
pitality, frolic, reception, lodg-
ANT. Weariness, work, toil,
ennui, labor, fatigue, disturb-
ance; refusal, rejection.
Enthrone. Crown, instal, exalt,
Olevate, invest with power.
ANT. Dethrone, depose, de-
base, degrade.
Enthusiasm. Ardor, earnest-
ness, excitement, inspiration,
frenzy, vehemence, warmth, ec-
stasy, passion, zeal, rapture,
eagerness, devotion, fervency,
fanaticism, fervor, intensity,
ANT. Indifference, caution,
calmness, prudence, timidity,
policy, coldness, dulness, cal-
culation, lukewarmness, dead-
ness, callousness.
Entice. Lure, attract, seduce,
coax, persuade, wheedle, cajole,
delude, entrap, decoy, inveigle,
lead astray, induce.
ANT. Warn, hinder, deter,
repel, admonish, caution, make
Entire. Whole, complete, per-
fect, unimpaired, unbroken, un-
diminished, undivided; full, in-
tegral, thorough, solid, unal-
loyed, plenary; unmixed, sheer,
mere, unmitigated, pure; total,
ANT. Partial, incomplete,
broken, impaired, alloyed, lim-
ited, divided, defective, mixed;
Entitle. Name, designate, de-
nominate, call, style, character-
ize; christen; enable, fit, em-
power, qualify.
ANT. Disable, disqualify.
Entity. Being, essence, exis-
ANT. Nonentity, chimera,
phantom, fantasy, hallucina-
Entomb. Bury, inter, inhume.
ANT. Exhume, disinter.
Entrance. Approach, doorway,
opening, door, entry, ingress,
gate, gateway, inlet, portal, ac-
cess, admission, admittance, en-
tree, introduction, penetration,
avenue, adit; beginning, com-
mencement, initiation.
ANT. Departure, egress, re-
fusal, exit, withdrawal, ejec-
tion, exclusion, expulsion, re-
Entreat. Beg, supplicate, solicit,
beseech, implore, pray, appeal,
petition, adjure, crave, impor-
tune, enjoin, urge.
ANT. Command, insist, bid,
enjoin, charge, direct; grant,
heed, hear, answer, respond.
Entry. Entrance, ingress, ac-
cess; avenue, passage, hall, in-
let; minute, note, record, regis-
ter, memorandum ; initiation,
ANT. Egress, exit, depart-
ure; outlet, vent; misrecord,
falsification, blank, omission;
conclusion, quittance, disposal.
Entwine. Interlace, weave, en-
twist, wreathe together or
ANT. Disentwine, dissever,
[ 101 ]
Enumerate. Compute, reckon,
numerate, number, tell, cite, es-
timate, recount, specify, detail,
calculate, rehearse, recapitu-
ANT. Mingle, jumble, con-
fuse; miscount, misreclcon, mis-
Enunciate. Announce, proclaim,
declare ; pronounce, syllable ;
state, propound, articulate, re-
late, utter, publish, promulgate.
ANT. Mutter, babble, stam-
Envelop, v. Wrap, surround, en-
circle, fold, encompass, cover,
ANT. Expose, unwrap, re-
veal, extract; develop.
Envenom. Poison, taint, vitiate,
infect, pollute; embitter; en-
rage, provoke, exasperate, irri-
tate, madden, inflame.
ANT. Purify, disinfect; de-
light, please, gratify.
Envious. Jealous, suspicious,
ANT. Friendly, kindly, well-
disposed, trustful, contented,
Environ. Surround, encircle, en-
compass, gird, belt, enclose, en-
velop; invest, besiege, hem in,
Envoy. Messenger (in diplo-
matic service) ; ambassador,
minister, legate, plenipotenti-
ANT. Scout, spy, orderly
(as messengers in military ser-
Envy. Malice, ill will ; jealousy,
hate, spite, hatred, grudging;
chagrin, discontent, mortifica-
ANT. Admiration, good will,
regard, esteem, benevolence; as-
piration, emulation.
Ephemeral. Transient, momen-
tary, daily, diurnal, fleeting, fu-
gitive, brief, evanescent, transi-
ANT. Permanent, immortal,
eternal, lasting, enduring, per-
petual, abiding, persistent, pe-
Epigrammatic. Pointed, terse,
laconic, concise, graphic.
ANT. Diffuse, prolix, point-
less, copious, circumlocutory,
verbose, periphrastic.
Epitome. Summary, compend,
abstract, curtailment, reduc-
ANT. Expansion, extension,
amplification, dilation.
Equable. Even, uniform, steady,
regular, proportionate, smooth,
easy, invariable.
ANT. Variable, fitful, irregu~
lar, disjointed, desultory, un-
Equal. Like, equivalent, identi-
cal, tantamount; uniform, reg-
ular, even, steady; proportion-
ate, commensurate; impartial,
unbiased; competent, fit, ade-
quate, sufficient; fair, equit-
able, just.
ANT. Dissimilar, unsteady,
incommensurate, irregular, dis-
proportionate; incompetent, in-
adequate; unjust, unfair; vari-
able, disparate.
Equality. Likeness, uniformity,
identity, evenness, equableness,
sameness of rank.
ANT. Dissimilarity, differ-
Equanimity. Composure, calm-
ness, tranquillity, steadiness,
ANT. Impatience, perturba-
tion, restlessness, disquiet.
Equip. Accouter, arm, provide,
furnish, fit out, supply, dress,
array, garnish, arrange, invest,
ANT. Divest, denude, dis-
mantle, despoil, derange.
[ 102
Equipage. Carriage, retinue,
vehicle, attendance, procession,
suite, train ; equipment, furni-
ture, baggage, effects.
Equipment. Accouterments, ap-
paratus, furnishings, dress, rig-
ging, trappings, gear, outfit,
provisions, equipage, arms, sup-
Equitable. Upright, just, im-
partial, unbiased, unprejudiced,
reasonable, fair, right, proper,
honest, even-handed, propor-
ANT. Unfair, unjust, unrea-
sonable, partial, prepossessed,
prejudiced, biased.
Equity. Justice, right, upright-
ness, rectitude, fairness, impar-
tiality, fair play, honesty, in-
ANT. Injustice, corruption,
dishonesty, partiality, unfair-
ness, prejudice.
Equivalent. Equal, equipollent,
tantamount; synonymous, in-
terchangeable, equiponderant.
ANT. Unequal, incommensu-
rate, uneven, unbalanced.
Equivocal. Ambiguous, indefi-
nite, enigmatical, dubious, un-
certain, doubtful, questionable,
perplexing, indeterminate, in-
distinct, suspicious.
ANT. Evident, clear, plain, di-
rect, manifest, obvious, indubi-
table, unquestionable, perspic-
uous, unambiguous, lucid, dis-
tinct, certain, indisputable.
Eradicate. Abolish, extinguish,
exterminate, extirpate, uproot,
destroy, annihilate, excise.
^NT. Cherish, encourage, in-
stil, propagate, implant, incul-
cate, inspire, foster.
Erase. Efface, expunge, cancel,
obliterate, blot out, scratch
ANT. Mark, delineate, ivrite,
inscribe, imprint, engrave.
Erect, a. Upright, standing, ele-
vated; bold, undaunted, firm.
ANT. Leaning, lying, supine;
groveling, abject; mean, servile,
Erect, v. Raise, uplift, place or
set upright, build, construct;
exalt, elevate, magnify; estab-
lish, institute, form, found,
ANT. Lower, incline, slant;
subvert, depress, remove, de-
stroy, demolish; debase, de-
Err. Deviate, wander, ramble,
rove; mistake, misjudge, blun-
der; sin, fall, lapse, trip, offend,
trespass, misapprehend, stray,
stumble, go astray.
ANT. Succeed, prosper; cor-
rect, rectify.
Errand. Message, mandate, com-
mission, mission, charge, dele-
ANT. Misannouncement, mis-
Erratic. Wandering, nomadic,
roving, rambling; planetary,
moving ; irregular, eccentric,
abnormal ; desultory, aberrant,
flighty, changeful, capricious.
ANT. Static, stationary; un-
der iating, steady, regular, nor-
mal; unalterable, methodical,
Erring. Sinful, fallible, liable
to err, wandering, misguided,
ANT. Virtuous, good, up-
Error. Blunder, mistake, misap-
prehension, oversight, inaccu-
racy; sin, fault, offense, trans-
gression, iniquity, trespass, de-
linquency, misdeed, shortcom-
ing, wrongdoing ; deception,
fallacy, untruth, falsity, hallu-
ANT. Truth, correctness, ac-
curacy; correction,
[ 103 ]
rectification; exactness, verifi-
Erudition. Knowledge, learn-
ing, lore, scholarship, letters.
ANT. Illiterateness, dunce-
dom, sciolism, ignorance, stu-
Eruption. Explosion, outbreak,
outburst; sally, sudden excur-
sion; discharge, eructation, ex-
sufnation, ejection.
ANT. Absorption, swallow-
ing, engulfing, engrossment, ir-
ruption, inburst; consumption,
Escape. Avoid, shun, evade, flee
from, elude; pass unobserved;
abscond, fly, hide.
ANT. Incur, encounter, meet,
confront; suffer.
Esoteric. Private, secret, acroa-
matic, inner, inmost; abstruse,
profound ; special, advanced.
ANT. Exoteric, public, popu-
lar; rudimentary, primary, ele-
Essence. Nature, quintessence,
substance, vital part, element;
volatile part, extract ; perfume ;
scent, odor ; being, existence, en-
tity, life.
ANT. Accident; property;
garb, clothing, surroundings.
Essential. Vital, necessary, in-
dispensable, requisite, impor-
tant; volatile, pure, diffusible,
highly rectified; innate, inher-
ent, immanent, leading.
ANT. Accidental, induced, im-
ported, adventitious; quantita-
tive, qualitative; promotive, re-
dundant, regulative, superflu-
Establish. Fix, settle, make
steadfast; decree, enact, or-
dain; institute, originate, con-
stitute, found, plant, organize,
form; place, secure, set up;
confirm, sanction, ratify, ap-
prove; verify, prove, substanti-
ate; fulfil, carry out, make
good; endow; demonstrate.
ANT. Unsettle, supplant, dis-
establish, break up, subvert, up-
set; misstate, refute, confute;
guess, conjecture, presume, sup-
pose, surmise.
Estate. State, condition; rank,
position; property, possessions,
fortune, effects; class, division,
order; lands, demesne, domain,
ANT. State, country, chat-
tels, community, waste, goods,
Esteem, n. Estimate, favor, re-
gard, respect, estimation; ad-
ANT. Aversion, hatred, dis-
like, contempt, abhorrence, an-
tipathy, repugnance, loathing.
Esteem, v. Estimate, hold, re-
gard, prize, value, think, ap-
preciate, deem, calculate, con-
sider; price; believe, affect;
revere, honor, respect, admire,
venerate, love, like.
ANT. Disregard, depreciate,
undervalue, dislike, misprize,
underrate, decry.
Estimable. Appreciable, calcu-
lable, computable; worthy, ex-
cellent, good, deserving, meri-
torious; amiable, lovable, de-
lectable, praiseworthy.
ANT. Unworthy, bad, inde-
lectable, unamiable; undeserv-
ing, unlovable.
Eternal. Immortal, perpetual,
fadeless, perennial, unfailing,
imperishable, endless, everlast-
ing, ever-living, interminable,
never-ending, never-fading, un-
ceasing, timeless, undying, un-
ending, unfading; infinite.
ANT. Ephemeral, transient,
fleeting, mortal, temporal, tran-
sitory, evanescent, sublunary.
Etiquette. Manners, breeding,
fashion, conventionality.
[ 104
ANT. Misobservance, non-
conformance, boorishness, rude-
ness, singularity.
Euphonious. Euphonic, melli-
fluous, clear, musical, silvery,
sweet-toned, melodious, harmo-
nious, mellow.
ANT. Harsh, discordant, dis-
Euphuism. Purism, finical style,
fastidious delicacy, affected
elegance, high-flown diction,
pompous or extravagantly or-
nate diction; affectation, facti-
tiousness, pedantry, highflying
(used of language).
ANT. Simplicity, vernacu-
lar, mother-tongue, bluntness,
naturalness, rusticity.
Evacuate. Empty; eject, expel,
excrete, throw out, discharge,
void; quit, leave, forsake, de-
sert, abandon, withdraw from,
ANT. Seize, occupy, hold, fill.
Evaporate. Vaporize, disperse
in vapor; disappear, evanesce,
vanish; exhale, emit in vapor;
turn to vapor ; melt, colliquate,
liquefy, dissolve, distil.
ANT. Consolidate, compact,
solidify, crystallize, indurate.
Evasion. Prevarication, equivo-
cation, quibbling, subterfuge,
shuffling, sophistry, tergiversa-
tion, disingenuousness ; shift,
quibble, fencing.
ANT. Answer, counter-argu-
ment, grappling; straightfor-
wardness; challenge.
Even. Smooth, level, hat, plane ;
equal, uniform, calm, steady,
unruffled; fair, just, equitable;
plain, flush ; well-balanced.
ANT. Variable, uneven; ab-
rupt, inclined, rugged.
Event. Circumstance, chance,
incident, fortune, result, possi-
bility, sequel, outcome, fact,
episode, end, contingency, case,
issue, consequence; occurrence,
adventure, accident.
ANT. Cause, antecedent, op-
eration, inducement, contribu-
tion, convergence, tendency, pre-
Eventful. Stirring, memorable,
signal, momentous, important,
critical, remarkable, marked,
noted, notable.
ANT. Ordinary, unmarked,
eventless, uninteresting, unim-
portant, characterless, trivial.
Ever. At any time ; always, per-
petually, continually, evermore,
eternally, aye, for aye, forever,
at all times; constantly, inces-
ANT. Never.
Everlasting. Endless, unending,
perpetual, incessant, ceaseless,
continual, uninterrupted, un-
ceasing, interminable, eternal,
constant, never-ending, never-
ceasing; imperishable, undying,
never-dying, deathless, immor-
tal, ever-living; infinite.
ANT. Ephemeral, transient,
Every. All, any, both, either,
ANT. None, no one, not any
Evict. Dispossess, eject, throw
ANT. Reinstate, admit; Zo-
cate, lodge, settle.
Evidence. Testimony, ground of
belief, proof; manifestation, at-
traction, testimony, averment,
deposition, declaration, appear-
ance, sign, token, indication, ex-
emplification, illustration.
ANT. Surmise, conjecture;
counter-evidence; refutation,
disproof; concealment, misin-
dication, suppression, fallacy.
Evident. Patent, clear, palpa-
ble, manifest, transparent, via-
ible, perceptible, obvious, open,
105 ]
conspicuous, apparent, distinct,
discernible, indubitable, overt,
plain, unmistakable, tangible;
indisputable, incontrovertible.
ANT. Doubtful, uncertain,
questionable, dubious; hidden,
concealed, secret, undiscovered,
obscure, latent, unseen, unim-
agined, unknown; covert, dark,
invisible ; impenetrable, occult,
impalpable, imperceptible, un-
thought of.
il, a. Ill, noxious, deleteri-
ous, wrong, bad, hurtful, mis-
chievous, sinful, unhappy, ad-
verse, unpropitious, harmful,
wicked, corrupt, unfair, notori-
ous, miserable, sorrowful.
ANT. Wholesome, right, vir-
tuous, beneficial, holy, pure, fe-
licitous, happy, fortunate, joy-
ous, welcome, grateful, worthy,
good, honorable.
Evince. Prove, show, evidence,
exhibit, manifest, demonstrate ;
establish; indicate, display.
ANT. Suppress, negative,
disprove, conceal.
Evoke. Summon, call forth;
excite, arouse, elicit, rouse, pro-
voke, educe, produce; elimi-
nate, extract.
ANT. Allay, stifle, stop, si-
lence, prevent, seal.
Exactly. Precisely, accurately,
strictly, nicely.
ANT. Loosely, inaccurately,
incorrectly, differently.
Exaggerate. Overstate, strain,
overcharge, stretch, overcolor;
amplify, enlarge, magnify, over-
draw, heighten, overpaint, over-
ANT. Disparage, attenuate,
palliate, understate, underesti-
mate, minimize, mitigate, qual-
ify, soften, modify.
Examine. Inspect, observe, in-
vestigate, scrutinize, consider,
Btudy; canvass, test, inquire
into, search into, look into;
weigh, ponder, criticize, prove,
discuss, overhaul, explore.
ANT. Conjecture, guess; dis-
card, slur; misconsider, misin-
Example. Model, pattern, ideal,
archetype, exemplar, standard,
sample, specimen, type, warn-
ing, ensample, exemplification,
prototype; copy, illustration,
instance; issue, development.
ANT. Stock, material, sub-
stance, laio, rule, case, system,
character, principle, quality.
Excavate. Hollow, dig, scoop
out, cut, trench; discover, dis-
ANT. Inter, inhume, bury;
conceal; fill, level.
Except, prep. Excepting, with-
out, saving, unless, exclusive
Except, v. Exclude, save, bar;
segregate, negative.
ANT. Include, reckon, count,
state, classify, propound, ad-
mit, affirm.
Exception. Exclusion, omission,
non-inclusion; objection; af-
front, offense; unusual case,
anomaly; qualification, sepa-
ANT. Rule, class; statement,
Exceptionable. Undesirable, ob-
ANT. Unobjectionable, de-
sirable, exemplary.
Exceptional. Irregular, rare,
unusual, uncommon, unnatural,
peculiar, anomalous, abnormal,
aberrant, exceptive.
ANT. Common, usual, nor-
mal, ordinary, regular.
Excess. Surplus, waste, extrav-
agance, wastefulness, superflu-
ity, lavishness, exorbitance, su-
perabundance, dissipation, in-
temperance, profusion, procli-
[ 106 ]
gality, redundance; increase,
ANT. Frugality, economy;
dearth, deficiency, defect, want,
shortcoming, lack, need, pov-
erty ; failure, destitution, inad-
equacy, insufficiency, scanti-
ness; temperance, sobriety.
Excessive. Superabundant, dis-
proportionate, undue, exuber-
ant, superfluous ; immoderate,
intemperate, extreme ; violent,
vehement; enormous, exorbi-
tant, overmuch, inordinate, un-
reasonable, extravagant.
ANT. Insufficient, scant, in-
adequate, lacking, wanting, de-
Excitability. Sensibility, sen-
sitiveness; irritability, irasci-
bility, passionateness.
ANT. Immobility, hebetude,
composure; insensitiveness, im-
Excommunicate. Dismiss, ex-
pel, denounce, proscribe, anath-
ematize, exscind; exclude, ban-
ish, bar, eject, blackball.
ANT. Admit, readmit, enroll,
Excrescence. Tumor, protuber-
ance; superfluity, useless ap-
pendage; redundancy.
ANT. Eradication, extirpa-
tion, excision, levigation, exsec-
Excruciate. Torture, torment,
rack, agonize.
ANT. Soothe, please, tran-
Exculpate. Absolve, exonerate,
acquit, clear, set right, vindi-
cate; defend, release.
ANT. Charge, implicate, in-
Excursion. Trip, ramble, tour,
jaunt, journey, expedition.
Excusable. Pardonable, venial.
ANT. Inexcusable, unpar-
Excuse, v. Pardon, forgive, ab-
solve, acquit, exonerate, excul-
pate; extenuate, justify; free,
exempt, release, let off; over-
look, regard indulgently, con-
done; remit, vindicate, defend,
ANT. Charge, condemn, tn-
culpate, convict, sentence; ex-
act, accuse.
Execrable. Detestable, cursed,
loathsome, accursed, villainous,
hateful, abominable, damnable,
diabolical, odious, abhorrent;
offensive, disgusting, nauseous,
obnoxious, repulsive, revolting,
ANT. Desirable, respectable,
laudable, eligible.
Execration. Curse, malediction,
ban, anathema, imprecation of
evil ; detestation, abhorrence,
horror, loathing, abomination;
ANT. Benediction, blessing.
Execute. Administer, perform,
enforce, carry out, do.
ANT. Fail, be lacking, disap-
Exemplary. Laudable, praise-
worthy, excellent, correct, esti-
mable, worthy, virtuous; pat-
ternlike, close, faithful, exact,
scrupulous, assiduous, punctil-
ious, rigid, punctual, rigorous;
worthy of imitation, fit for a
ANT. Detestable, objection-
able, exceptionable.
Exemplify. Illustrate, show by
example ; manifest, embody, ex-
hibit, represent.
ANT. Belie, betray, misrep-
resent, falsify.
Exempt, v. Relieve, set free, re-
lease, grant immunity to, ex-
cuse, exonerate, except.
ANT. Subject, render liable,
bind, oblige ; expose.
Exempt, o. Free, irresponsible,
[ 107 ]
liberated, clear, absolved, priv-
ileged, unamenable.
ANT. Liable, subject, amen-
able, responsible.
Exemption. Immunity, privi-
lege, exception, release, freedom
from liability; dispensation, li-
ANT. Liability, amenable-
ness, responsibility, subjection,
Exercise, n. Application, drill,
employment, exertion ; prac-
tice, training; occupation, use;
performance, operation, act, ac-
tivity, action.
ANT. Inaction, idleness, re-
laxation, rest, inactivity; ease,
Exertion. Use, exercise; effort,
endeavor, struggle, trial, at-
tempt, stretch, strain; labor,
ANT. Relaxation, rest, rec-
Exhalation. Evaporation ; va-
por, fume, steam, smoke, fog,
reek; mist, damp, effluvium.
ANT. Inhalation, exsicca-
tion, absorption.
Exhale. Emit, breathe out, give
out, evaporate ; vaporize.
ANT. Inhale, breathe in, in-
Exhaust. Drain, empty, expend,
spend, waste, consume, squan-
der, lavish, dissipate, destroy;
prostrate, cripple, weaken, de-
bilitate, enervate, disable, wear
out, weary.
ANT. Fill, replenish, aug-
ment, refresh, invigorate.
Exhibit. Show, display; mani-
fest, express, disclose, indicate,
make known, evince ; offer, pre-
sent, propose; betray; demon-
strate, illustrate.
ANT. Conceal, mask, hide,
secrete, suppress.
Exhibition. Sight, representa-
tion, pageant, display, manifes-
tation, show.
Exhilarate. Cheer, enliven, in-
spire, inspirit, stimulate, ani-
mate, elate, gladden; rejoice,
delight, please.
ANT. Depress, unnerve, un-
hinge, dispirit.
Exhort. Urge, stimulate, per-
suade, incite, encourage; ad-
vise, counsel, enjoin.
ANT. Dissuade, warn, depre-
cate, remonstrate.
Exigency. Demand, urgency,
need, necessity, requirement,
want; pressure, crisis, emer-
gency, juncture, quandary; con-
juncture, pass, pinch, strait.
ANT. Provision, rule, sup-
ply, course, preparation.
Exile, n. Banishment, expulsion,
ostracism, proscription, expatri-
ation; separation, isolation;
banished person.
ANT. Welcome, return; re-
maining; cherishing, fostering,
Exile, v. Banish, expatriate, os-
tracize, expel, proscribe, rele-
ANT. Welcome, reinstate, do-
mesticate, domiciliate.
Existence. Being, subsistence;
entity, essence, creature, thing;
life, animation; continuation,
ANT. Nonentity, non-exist-
ence, chimera.
Expand. Open, spread out; di-
late, enlarge, stretch, distend;
swell, diffuse, extend, increase;
develop, unfold, amplify.
ANT. Contract, curtail, con-
dense, restrict, attenuate.
Expanse. Extent, stretch, ex-
pansion ; firmament, sky, can-
opy, vault, welkin; vast, void,
space, breadth.
ANT. Limit, enclosure, con-
fine, bound.
108 ]
Expatiate. Rove, range; dilate,
enlarge, descant, be copious,
launch out, amplify.
ANT. Contract, summarize,
condense, epitomize.
Expect. Await, look for; anti-
cipate, rely upon, count upon,
reckon or calculate upon, look
forward to; look for, forecast,
forebode, foresee.
ANT. Welcome, greet, hail,
recognize; realize.
Expectation. Anticipation, ex-
pectance, prospect, expectancy;
reliance, confidence, assurance,
presumption; trust, hope.
ANT. Recollection, remem-
brance, retrospect ; distrust, de-
spair, discouragement.
Expediency. Fitness, propriety,
suitableness, desirableness, ad-
visability ; advantage, utility,
profit, usefulness ; profitable-
ness, advantageousness ; inter-
ANT. Disadvantage, detri-
ment, inutility, inexpediency.
Expedition. Haste, speed, celer-
ity, despatch, alertness, prompt-
ness, alacrity, quickness ; enter-
prise, undertaking; march, voy-
ANT. Delay, tardiness, pro-
Expend. Disburse, spend, lay
out; use, exert, consume, em-
ploy; waste, exhaust, spread,
scatter, dissipate.
ANT. Save, economize, hus-
Expense. Expenditure, outgo,
cost, outlay ; price, charge, pay-
ANT. Income, gain, proceeds,
return, profit, product, receipts.
Expensive. Dear, costly, high-
priced; lavish, wasteful, ex-
travagant; valuable, rich.
ANT. Cheap, worthless, poor;
Experience, n. Actual observa-
tion, feeling, or presentation;
practice, experimental knowl-
edge; experiment, trial, proof,
test, knowledge, habit.
ANT. Anticipation, expecta-
Experience, v. Feel, undergo,
prove by trial, endure, suffer,
be subject to; try, encounter.
ANT. Evade, escape, lose,
Experienced. Practiced, versed,
accomplished, able, qualified, in-
structed, thoroughbred; famil-
iar, skilled, accustomed, con-
ANT. Inexperienced, strange^
Experiment. Trial, test, assay,
examination, proof, touchstone,
ordeal ; observation, investiga-
tion, experimentation; illustra-
tion, exemplification.
ANT. Hypothesis, conjecture,
Explain. Elucidate, expound, in-
terpret, unfold, clear up, make
plain; account for, make intel-
ligible, give the reasons for,
solve, warrant, trace to causes,
justify; teach, decipher.
ANT. Mystify, bewilder, ob-
scure, darken, misinterpret.
Explanation. Elucidation, in-
terpretation, exposition, illus-
tration, description, explica-
tion; solution, warrant, justi-
fication, account, key; mutual
understanding; sense.
ANT. Confusion, misinter-
pretation, mystification, obscu-
Explicit. Express, clear, plain,
definite, positive, unambiguous,
unreserved, categorical, deter-
minate; detailed, declaratory,
unobscure, stated.
ANT. Ambiguous, doubtful*
indefinite, uncertain, vague, im-
[ 109 ]
plied, implicit, indeterminate;
hinted, suggestive, obscure.
Exponent. Index, indication, ex-
ample, type, representative, il-
lustration, specimen; advocate,
interpreter, propounder.
ANT. System, creed, prin-
ciple, opinion.
Export, v. Send out, carry out,
send abroad, ship, produce.
ANT. Import; consume.
Exposed. Unprotected, defense-
less, unguarded, endangered.
ANT. Guarded, defended, pro-
Expostulate. Object, dissuade,
ANT. Abet, coincide, agree,
Express, v. Squeeze out; utter,
declare, assert, speak; repre-
sent, indicate, show, signify, ex-
hibit, denote, intimate; send by
ANT. Suppress, repress, con-
Express, a. Explicit, clear, defi-
nite, plain, determinate, posi-
tive, categorical; exact, accu-
rate, faithful, true, close, pre-
cise; special, particular; swift,
rapid, fast; specific, pointed,
ANT. General; vague; leis-
urely; inaccurate, inexact, ap-
Expression. Squeezing out; as-
sertion, statement, utterance,
declaration; phrase, mode of
speech, term ; general tone, per-
vading effect, look, cast of coun-
tenance; lively representation;
modulation, feeling, execution;
ANT. Suppression, restraint,
repression ; face, features, line-
ament ; falsification, misstate-
ment, solecism, enigma.
Expunge. Erase, efface, oblit-
erate, cancel, blot out, delete.
ANT. Mark, write, trace, de-
Exquisite. Nice, accurate, deli-
cate, discriminating, exact, re-
fined ; precious, valuable, select,
choice, rare, excellent; perfect,
complete, matchless, consum-
mate; keen, poignant, acute, in-
tense; delicious.
ANT. Common, coarse, ordi-
nary; unrefined.
Extemporaneous. Improvised,
unpremeditated, extempore, im-
promptu, extemporary, offhand.
ANT. Prepared, studied, pre-
meditated, read, written, elabo-
rated; rehearsed, recited.
Extend. Stretch, reach ; prolong,
continue, lengthen, protract;
expand, dilate, enlarge, widen,
augment, increase; diffuse; im-
part, give, offer, yield ; amplify,
avail, apply.
ANT. Contract, restrict, cur-
tail, limit, narrow, reduce, con-
dense; miss, fail.
Extent. Expanse, amplitude, ex-
tension ; volume, bulk, magni-
tude, size; stretch, reach, com-
pass, length; degree, distance,
ANT. Limitation, diminu-
tion, restriction.
Extenuate. Lessen, diminish,
reduce; palliate, mitigate, ex-
cuse, qualify, apologize for.
ANT. Enhance, aggravate,
Exterior, a. Outward, external,
outer, outside, superficial; for-
eign, extrinsic, from without.
ANT. Inner, internal, do-
mestic, inward.
Exterminate. Eradicate, over-
throw, uproot, expel, extirpate,
annihilate, banish, destroy, re-
move, root out, wipe out.
ANT. Augment, breed, cher-
ish, develop, increase, populate,
replenish, settle, plant, foster t
[ 110 J
propagate, colonize, build up,
Extermination. Extirpation,
annihilation, eradication, abo-
lition, destruction, extinction,
excision, elimination.
ANT. Settlement, replenish-
ment, augmentation, coloniza-
tion, population, propagation,
External. Outward, outer, ex-
terior, outside, superficial; for-
eign, extrinsic; visible, appar-
ent; manifest, palpable.
ANT. Inner, internal, intes-
tine, inmost, hidden, non-ap-
Extinction. Destruction, anni-
hilation, extirpation, extermi-
nation, abolition ; extinguish-
ment; stifling, death, suffoca-
tion, cessation, obsolescence.
ANT. Inception, origination,
birth, course, life, operation,
action, exercise, continuance,
prosperity, survival.
Extinguish. Quench ; , destroy,
suppress, put down ; extirpate,
abolish, eradicate, kill, annihi-
late, put out.
ANT. Replenish, replant, im-
plant, cherish, propagate, pro-
mote, invigorate, establish, con-
firm, secure.
Extort. Exact, wrest, wrench,
wring out, force; despoil, ex-
press, fleece, squeeze out, ex-
ANT. Coax, cheat, wheedle,
Extortionate. Oppressive, ex-
acting, severe, hard, harsh; ex-
orbitant, close-fisted, rigorous,
monstrous, preposterous.
ANT. Liberal, bountiful, in-
dulgent, fair, moderate, reason-
Extract, n. Selection, excerpt,
passage, citation, quotation.
Extract, v. Draw, pull, take
out; derive, select, quote, cite;
determine, find; educe, elicit,
gather, collect, extort.
ANT. Insert, replace, incor-
porate, restore, reinsert, im-
Extraneous. Foreign, extrinsic;
non-pertinent, not germane, un-
essential, superfluous ; uncon-
nected, alien, unrelated, adven-
titious, ascititious.
ANT. Intrinsic, vital, inter-
nal, connected, essential.
Extraordinary. Unusual, re-
markable, uncommon, singular,
signal, egregious, rare, extra;
unwonted, peculiar, wonderful,
unprecedented, marvelous, pro-
digious, monstrous, preposter-
ous, strange.
ANT. Common, usual, fre-
quent, wonted, unremarkable,
unimportant, ordinary.
Extravagance. Excess, exorbi-
tance, enormity, unreasonable-
ness, preposterousness; wild-
ness, folly, absurdity, irreg-
ularity; prodigality, lavish ex-
penditure, profusion, waste.
ANT. Carefulness, economy,
frugality, saving, provision,
prudence, foresight.
Extravagant. Excessive, inor-
dinate, unreasonable, prepos-
terous, exorbitant; wild, fool-
ish, absurd, irregular; lavish,
profuse, wasteful, spendthrift,
ANT. Sound, sober, consis-
tent, fair, rational, economical,
frugal, careful, regular, usual.
Extreme. Utmost, farthest, ut-
termost, outermost; greatest,
highest; last, final, ultimate;
extravagant, immoderate, ex-
cessive, unreasonable ; remote,
terminal, distant, most violent.
ANT. Initial, primal, judi-
cious, moderate.
Extremity. End, Terge, termi-
nation, edge, border, extreme,
utmost point ; close, conclusion.
ANT. Beginning, commence-
ment, opening, center, origin,
"bulk, body.
Exudation. Ooze, drip, percola-
tion, excretion, secretion.
ANT. Absorption, parching,
Exultant. Exulting, jubilant,
triumphant, elated, joyous,
ANT. Mournful, dispirited,
Exultation. Elation, joy, tri-
umph, delight, transport, ec-
ANT. Mourning, depression.
fable. Story, myth, legend, al-
legory, apologue; plot, action,
series of events; fiction, false-
hood, lie, untruth, fabrication,
forgery, invention, figment; ro-
mance, parable, novel.
ANT. History, fact, narra-
Fabric. Building, structure, edi-
fice, pile; texture, make, work-
manship, conformation; manu-
factured cloth, woven stuff;
work, construction, tissue, web.
ANT. Destruction, disman-
tlement, demolition, fragment,
wreck, tatters, ruin, shreds,
Fabricate. Build, frame, con-
struct ; make, manufacture ;
forge, invent, coin, feign; form,
falsify, produce, devise, misrep-
ANT. Demolish, tear, spoil,
dismember, destroy, narrate,
lacerate, copy, represent, re-
peat, portray.
Fabulous. Invented, fabricated,
feigned, unreal, coined, ficti-
tious ; incredible, pretended, im-
aginary, false, monstrous.
ANT. Real, actual, historic,
authentic, fair, true, reason-
Facetious. Witty, jocose, jocu-
lar, humorous, waggish, funny,
comical, pleasant, droll; gay,
merry, sportive, lively, enter-
taining, sprightly; playful.
ANT. Matter-of-fact, heavy,
dull, grave, serious, saturnine,
somber, lugubrious.
Facile. Docile, easy, mild, cour-
teous, affable, complaisant, ap-
proachable ; pliant, pliable, duc-
tile, flexible, yielding, tractable,
manageable, compliant; ready,
dexterous; indulgent, weak, ir-
resolute, characterless.
ANT. Resolute, sturdy, ob-
stinate, determined, inflexible,
crusty, self-willed, self-reliant,
Facility. Easiness, ease ; readi-
ness, dexterity, expertness, abil-
ity, knack; condescension, ur-
banity, affability, civility, com-
plaisance, politeness; pliancy,
flexibility, ductility; appliance,
convenience, means, advantage,
resource; quickness, adroitness.
ANT. Effort, awkwardness,
labor, difficulty.
Fact. Occurrence, event, deed,
incident, act, performance, cir-
cumstance ; reality, actuality,
certainty, truth.
ANT. Fiction, supposition,
unreality, falsehood, chimera,
lie, delusion, invention, halluci-
nation, romance.
Factious. Turbulent, refractory,
seditious, rebellious, recalci-
r 112
trant, litigious, adversative,
ANT. Genial, complaisant,
agreeable, loyal, harmonious,
public- spirited, sympathetic, co-
operative, auxiliary.
Factitious. Artificial; euphuis-
tic, affected, finical, cramped,
conventional, spurious.
ANT. Natural, genial, unaf-
fected, pure, genuine, truthful.
Fade. Vanish, evanesce, disap-
pear, pass away; decline, lan-
guish, droop, decay, wither;
lose color, grow dim, blanch,
bleach, fall, sink, dwindle, pale,
change, set, etiolate, fail.
ANT. Rise, increase, bloom,
grow, flourish, endure, abide,
last, stand.
Fag. Droop, sink, grow weary,
flag; drudge, toil; do menial
service, tire, fatigue, jade, ex-
haust; work, slave.
ANT. Idle, lounge, dawdle;
strike; bask.
Pail. Fall short, be insufficient,
be deficient; decline, sink, de-
cay, wane, fade, break, give out;
cease, disappear, become ex-
tinct; miss, miscarry, be un-
successful, miss fire, be frus-
trated; omit, neglect; break,
become insolvent, suspend pay-
ment; trip, lose.
ANT. Succeed, exceed, sur-
pass, achieve, abound, yield, ex-
Paint. Weak, exhausted, worn,
listless, languid, wearied, dim,
feeble, fatigued, faint-hearted,
faded, faltering, half-hearted,
irresolute, purposeless, timid,
ill-defined, indistinct; unener-
getic ; obscure, inconspicuous.
ANT. Prominent, marked,
glaring ; resolute, sturdy, vigor-
ous, strong, fresh, hearty, dar-
ing, energetic; clear, brilliant,
bright, conspicuous.
Fair. Spotless, unspotted, un-
blemished, unstained, untar-
nished; white, light, blond;
handsome, comely, beautiful ;
pleasant, clear, cloudless, un-
clouded; favorable, prosperous;
promising, hopeful; open, dis-
tinct, plain, unobstructed, un-
encumbered; frank, honest, in-
genuous, candid, noble, honor-
able, upright, impartial ; rea-
sonable, proper, equitable, just ;
passable, tolerable, above medi-
ocrity; serene.
ANT. Lowering, dull, foul,
ugly, disfigured, fraudulent, un-
fair, dishonorable.
Faith. Creed, doctrine, assur-
ance, belief, confidence, assent,
credence, opinion, trust, credit,
ANT. Distrust, disbelief, dis-
sent, doubt, incredulity, infidel-
ity, misgiving, skepticism, un-
belief, suspicion, rejection.
Faithful. Firm, loyal, devoted,
stanch, sure, true, trustworthy,
trusty, unwavering, incorrupt-
ible; attached; accurate, close,
consistent, correspondent, ex-
act, equivalent.
ANT. Inaccurate, inexact;
faithless, false, fickle, untrue,
wavering, untrustworthy, ca-
Fall. Drop, descend, sink ; lapse,
droop, gravitate ; fall down, be
prostrated; be lowered, be de-
pressed; decrease, decline, be
diminished, die away, sin, err,
transgress, trip, trespass; die,
perish; empty, be discharged,
flow; happen, befall, come; be-
come, get; pass, be transferred;
be dropped, be uttered care-
ANT. Rise, soar, mount, re-
cover, climb, ascend.
Fallacy. Illusion, deception, de-
ceit, delusion, mistake, misap-
[ 113 ]
prehension, error, misconcep-
tion; sophism, sophistry, para-
logism, deceitful argument.
ANT. Truth, logic, proof, pos-
tulate, argument, verity, fact,
axiom, soundness.
Fallible. Erring, uncertain, ig-
norant, weak, frail, imperfect.
ANT. Certain, infallible, un-
erring, omniscient.
Fallow. Pale red or pale yellow ;
untilled, unsowed, neglected ;
inert, inactive, dormant; quies-
cent, idle, uncultivated, unpro-
ANT. Cultivated, tilled, pro-
ductive, worked, sown, prolific,
operative, fruitful.
False. Untrue, mendacious, un-
veracious, lying; dishonest,
perfidious, treacherous, faith-
less, disloyal, dishonorable, dis-
ingenuous, double-tongued,
false-hearted, double-faced, two-
faced; untrustworthy, untruth-
ful, unreliable, truthless; spu-
rious, counterfeit, forged, not
genuine, feigned, sham, hypo-
critical, make-believe ; incor-
rect, improper, erroneous, un-
founded, wrong; fallacious, de-
ceptive, deceiving, deceitful, de-
lusive, misleading, disappoint-
ing; sophistical, mock, bogus,
fabricated, unfaithful.
ANT. True, sound, correct,
authentic, real, genuine, candid,
conclusive, honorable, faithful.
Falsehood. Falsity, lie, fabrica-
tion, untruth, fiction, fib; im-
posture, counterfeit, cheat; fal-
lacy, error, sophistry, forgery,
ANT. Truth, verity, correct-
ness, fact, genuineness, honesty,
honor, reality, authenticity.
Falsify. Misrepresent, counter-
feit, belie, misstate, garble; dis-
prove, show unsound; violate;
mistake, misinterpret, betray.
ANT. Verify, rectify, correct,
check, certify, justify, expose,
declare, exhibit, publish.
Falter. Hesitate, stutter, stam-
mer; fail, quiver, tremble, tot-
ter; waver, be undecided, show
weakness; halt, slip, dubitate,
demur, flinch, vacillate.
ANT. Proceed, speed, flow,
run, discourse, determine, per-
severe, resolve.
Fame. Celebrity, honor, laurels,
distinction, notoriety, renown,
reputation, repute, glory, emi-
nence, credit; report, tidings,
rumor, bruit, news.
ANT. Silence, suppression,
hush; dishonor, discredit, hu-
miliation, infamy, shame, ob-
scurity, contempt, contumely,
disgrace, disrepute, ignominy,
Familiar. Conversant, well-ac-
quainted, well-versed; intimate,
close, near, friendly, fraternal,
cordial, amicable; social, acces-
sible, sociable, affable, kindly,
courteous, civil, companionable,
conversible ; unceremonious, un-
constrained, free, easy, infor-
mal ; well-known ; household,
frank, everyday, accustomed.
ANT. Uncommon, rare, ex-
traordinary, strange, unaccus-
tomed, unacquainted, new, un~
familiar, inconversant.
Famous. Celebrated, renowned,
distinguished, remarkable, far-
famed, eminent, noted, illustri-
ous, glorious.
ANT. Unknown, unsung, in*
glorious, obscure, forgotten.
Fanatic. Enthusiast, zealot, vi-
sionary, bigot.
ANT. Skeptic, unbeliever,
Fanaticism. Intolerance, super-
stition, bigotry, credulity; en-
thusiasm, frenzy.
ANT. Skepticism, cynicism,
t H4 2
indifference, free-thinking, lati-
tudinarianism : disbelief, pro-
fanity; disrt. (;t;i'd, coldness.
Fanciful. Fantastic, grotesque,
visionary, imaginative, chimer-
ical ; unreal, eccentric, quaint,
imaginary, freakish, erroneous,
humorsome, capricious, fitful,
erratic, whimsical, absurd.
ANT. Ordinary, usual, regu-
lar, commonplace, real, accu-
rate, literal, prosaic, reason-
able, sensible, solid, sure, true,
sound, calculable, calculated;
natural, sober, truthful, cor-
Fancy. Imagination, whim, va-
gary, caprice, belief, conceit,
conception, desire, humor, idea,
image, inclination, mood, lik-
ing, predilection, supposition;
thought, notion.
ANT. Certainty, fact, real-
ity, truth, verity, actuality; ob-
ject, subject, thought, law, or-
der; aversion, horror.
Farcical. Droll, absurd, ridicu-
lous, ludicrous; comic, funny,
nonsensical, pantomimic.
ANT. Grave, serious, tragic,
solemn, dismal, ghastly, fune-
Fare. Go, travel, journey, pass;
prosper, be treated, prove, hap-
pen, turn out, be situated; be
entertained, feed; live, speed,
ANT. Toil, fa-st, fail, droop,
sink, faint, drop, falter, halt.
Farewell. Adieu, good-by, vale-
dictory, leave-taking, conge", de-
parture, parting.
ANT. Salutation, welcome,
Fashion. Form, shape, figure,
cut, make, model, cast, mold,
pattern, appearance, configura-
tion, conformation; way, man-
ner, sort, method; usage, cus-
tom, style, mode, conventional-
ity; gentility; guise, charac-
ter, practice, ceremony.
A>"T. Person, work, speech,
dress; derangement, formless-
ness, shapelessness ; outlandish-
ness, strangeness, eccentricity.
Fast, a. Fixed, fastened, close,
tight; firm, immovable; stead-
fast, constant, stanch; fortified,
strong, impregnable; profound,
sound, deep; swift, quick, fleet,
rapid; wild, reckless, thriftless,
dissipated, thoughtless, extrav-
agant; secure, stable, unyield-
ing, unswerving; accelerated;
ANT. Insecure, loose, slow,
tardy, steady, sober, virtuous.
Fasten. Secure, bind, tie, attach ;
join, unite, connect, hold to-
gether; hold compact, affix, an-
nex, grapple, fix.
ANT. Undo, loose, sever, re-
lax, remove, unfasten, detach.
Fastidious. Dainty, squeamish,
difficult, over nice, overdelicate,
queasy, critical ; overrefined,
censorious, particular, punctil-
ANT. Indulgent, uncritical,
easy; coarse ; omnivorous.
Fat. Unctuous, greasy, fatty,
oily; plump, fleshy, obese, cor-
pulent, portly, pursy; coarse,
heavy, dull, sluggish, stupid;
rich, profitable, lucrative; pro-
ductive, fertile, fruitful; luxu-
riant, brawny; stout; oleagin-
ANT. Lean, slender, attenu-
ated, emaciated, barren, poor,
scant; marrowless; anatomical.
Fatal. Deadly, mortal, lethal;
destructive, calamitous, baleful,
ruinous, mischievous, baneful,
pernicious ; fateful.
ANT. Beneficial, wholesome,
vitalizing, restorative, salubri-
ous, nutritious, slight, super-
ficial, harmless.
Fate. Destiny, destination, in-
evitable necessity, fatality ; lot,
doom, predetermined event; de-
struction, death ; final event,
ultimate destruction; fortune,
ANT. Will, choice, decision,
independence, freedom.
Fathom, v. Sound ; divine, pene-
trate, reach, comprehend, under-
stand; gage, pierce, measure,
ANT. Survey, glance, scan,
miss, skin, graze, overlook.
Fathomless. Bottomless, pro-
found, abysmal.
ANT. Superficial, shallow,
Fatigue, n. Weariness, exhaus-
tion, lassitude ; labor, hardship,
toil; languor, enervation.
ANT. Freshness, vigor, inde-
fatigability, activity.
Fatigue, v. Harass, weary, tire,
jade, exhaust, fag.
ANT. Inspirit, refresh, en-
liven, animate.
Fatuity. Foolishness, imbecil-
ity, idiocy; folly, madness, ab-
surdity, infatuation.
ANT. Wisdom, sense, sound-
ness, sobriety, discernment.
Fault. Defect, blemish, imper-
fection, flaw, weakness, failing,
frailty; misdeed, misdemeanor,
offense, trespass, wrong, trans-
gression, delinquency, indiscre-
tion; slip, error, lapse; failure,
omission, want, drawback.
ANT. Perfection, sufficiency,
correctness, completeness.
Faultless. Without blemish, per-
fect ; innocent, guileless, blame-
less, sinless, spotless, immacu-
late, guiltless, stainless; com-
plete, correct, accurate.
ANT. Incomplete, imperfect,
incorrect, defective, inaccurate,
corrupt, faulty, erroneous.
Faulty. Bad, defective, imper-
fect; blamable, blameworthy,
culpable, reprehensible.
ANT. Correct, complete, per-
fect, accurate; irreproachable,
blameless, unassailable.
Favor, n. Kindness, grace, coun-
tenance, friendliness, good will;
benefit, good deed, friendly
turn ; patronage, champion-
ship, support; letter, communi-
cation, epistle; gift, present;
decoration, knot, rosette; per-
mission, leave, pardon; advan-
tage, preference, boon; conces-
sion, predilection, civility, re-
gard, condescension.
ANT. Refusal, denial, prohi~
bition, disfavor, withholding,
withdrawal, frown, disapproval,
injury, discountenance.
Favor, v. Befriend, countenance,
patronize, encourage; approve,
regard with favor; facilitate,
be propitious to; support, help,
aid, assist; humor, indulge, ex-
tenuate, palliate, ease, spare;
resemble, look like.
ANT. Refuse, deny, disap-
prove, withdraw, withhold, pro-
hibit, discountenance, injure,
Favorable. Kind, friendly, pro-
pitious, willing, auspicious;
conducive, contributing ; bene-
ficial, advantageous, conveni-
ent, suitable, fit; permissive,
indulgent, concessive, partial,
fond, liberal.
ANT. Reluctant, unpropi-
tious, unfavorable, impartial.
Favorite. Dear, beloved, pet,
Favoritism. Partiality, invidi-
ANT. Odium, prejudice; im-
Fawn upon. Flatter, wheedle,
cajole, cringe, palaver, sla-
ANT. Insult, deride, defy, cen-
[ 116 ]
sure, dare, satirize, rebuke, rep-
Fealty. Homage, loyalty, alle-
giance ; fidelity, faithfulness,
honor, good faith, devotion.
ANT. Disloyalty, treachery,
infidelity, disaffection, shame,
Pear. Dismay, alarm, horror,
awe, apprehension, dread, ter-
ror, fright, panic, tremor, tim-
idity, trepidation, trembling,
affright, consternation, disquie-
tude, misgiving, anxiety, solici-
tude, concern; veneration, rev-
ANT. Courage, confidence,
assurance, fearlessness; trust,
boldness; fortitude.
Fearful. Afraid, apprehensive;
timid, nervous, timorous, faint-
hearted, cowardly; dreadful,
terrible, frightful, dire; awful;
shocking, terrific, horrible; hes-
ANT. Venturesome, auda-
cious, bold, confident, consola-
tory, inspiriting, assuring; at-
tractive, alluring, hopeful, in-
Feasible. Manageable, possible,
permissible, practicable, con-
ANT. Impossible, unallow-
able, impracticable.
Feast. Treat, banquet, regale-
ment, entertainment, carousal ;
festival, holiday; delight, en-
ANT. Starvation, scarcity,
want, lack, bareness, scantiness.
Featly. Neatly, cleverly, dex-
terously, adroitly.
ANT. Clumsily, bunglingly,
Feature. Lineament, cast of the
face; fashion, make, aspect, ap-
pearance, conformation ; promi-
nent part, outline; characteris-
tic, trait, point, mark, item,
component, element, indication,
portion, sign.
ANT. Whole, system, coun-
tenance; arrangement, case;
misindication, misinformation,
falsification; blind, mask, dis-
guise; excrescence.
Federation. Uniting, federating,
confederation, union, league,
allying, alliance, coalition, fed-
eral compact, confederacy, com-
ANT. Secession, disunion, te-
dition, mutiny, disruption.
Fee. Pay, reward, recompense,
compensation, remuneration;
feud, fief, fee-simple, uncondi-
tional tenure.
Feeble. Weak, not strong, ener-
vated, debilitated, infirm, lan-
guid, sickly, languishing, de-
clining, frail, drooping; faint,
imperfect, dim; without vigor,
lacking intensity; wretched,
poor, dull, forceless, puny, en-
feebled, nerveless ; incomplete,
vain, fruitless ; scanty, pitiable.
ANT. Strong, robust, active,
successful, effective; abundant;
powerful, muscular; forcible,
cogent, telling; violent, vehe-
ment, ardent; lusty, hale, vig-
orous, hearty.
Feed. Give food to, supply, con-
tribute to, provide for; nour-
ish, cherish, sustain; eat, take
food, take nourishment; sustain
life, subsist.
ANT. Starve, refuse, deny,
withhold, take away ; impover-
ish, steal from; diet, abstain,
Feel. Perceive, have feeling; be
perceived ; be moved, be excited,
be stirred, be wrought up, be
impressed; touch, handle; ex-
perience, suffer, or enjoy; be
affected by, be moved by ; prove,
sound, try, put to the "test.
ANT. Be hard or callous, in-
t 117 ]
sensate, apathetic, dull, numb,
imperceivable, indifferent, un-
susceptible, or stoical.
Feeling. Sense of touch; sensa-
tion, perception by touch; sen-
sibility, emotion, sentiment, af-
fection, passion, impression ;
tenderness, susceptibility; con-
tact ; pathos ; consciousness,
ANT. Callousness, insensibil-
ity, imperturbability, inexcita-
bility, coldness, insensateness.
feign. Invent, imagine, devise,
forge, fabricate ; counterfeit, af-
fect, assume, simulate, pretend
ANT. Detect, test, unmask,
refute, verify, substantiate.
Felicitous. Fit, appropriate, apt,
pertinent, seasonable, oppor-
tune, well-timed, happy, skil-
ful, ingenious; prosperous, suc-
cessful, fortunate, lucky, auspi-
cious, propitious; timely, joy-
ANT. Unhappy, unfortunate,
inauspicious, untimely, inop-
portune, disastrous, sad.
Felicity. Bliss, blessedness, hap-
piness; aptness, aptitude, fit-
ness, propriety, felicitousness,
suitableness; success, luck, for-
ANT. Ill luck, "bad fortune,
sorrow, unhappiness, disaster,
misfortune; sadness, mourning,
Fell, a. Inhuman, cruel, barba-
rous, relentless, ruthless, im-
placable, unrelenting, pitiless,
malignant, malicious, malign,
savage, ferocious, bloody, blood-
thirsty; direful, merciless, re-
morseless, fierce, truculent.
ANT. -Generous, chivalrous,
lenient, humane, propitious.
Fell, v. Prostrate, level, bring to
the ground, hurl down, knock
down; cut down, hew down, lay
low; hem; demolish, subvert,
waste, bare.
ANT. Plant, erect, support ;
stock, upraise, rear, propagate.
Fellow. Associate, companion,
comrade; equal, peer, compeer;
mate, match, counterpart; ad-
herent, colleague, member; cor-
relative, tally; partner, friend.
ANT. Foe, opponent, antago-
nist, stranger, mismatch, oppo-
Fellowship. Companionship, fa-
miliarity, intimacy, brother-
hood, acquaintance; participa-
tion, partnership, joint inter-
est; converse, intercourse, com-
munion; sociability, affability,
kindliness ; association, com-
pany; membership, society.
ANT. Severance, disconnec-
tion, dismemberment; non-in-
Felonious. Malignant, malign,
malicious, nefarious, infamous,
heinous, atrocious, cruel, felon ;
perfidious, traitorous, disloyal,
ANT. Legal, constitutional,
rightful, regular ; legitimate, le-
galized; permissible, allowable;
just, proper.
Feminine. Female, womanish,
womanly, effeminate; delicate,
tender, modest, soft.
ANT. Robust, manly; indeli-
cate, unfeminine; rough, rude;
Fen. Marsh, swamp, bog, moor,
morass, quagmire.
Fence, v. Enclose, guard, fortify,
defend, circumscribe, protect;
elude, parry, stave.
ANT. Open, disenclose; re-
ceive, catch, suffer.
Ferment, n. Yeast, leaven, fer-
mentation ; agitation, commo-
tion, tumult; fever, heat, glow.
Ferment, v. Set in fermentation ;
excite, agitate, heat; seethe,
concoct, brew; warm, chafe; ef-
fervesce, rankle, fester.
ANT. Damp, cool; dissipate;
subside, evaporate, disperse;
Fertile. Prolific, fecund, breed-
ing, bearing; fruitful, produc-
tive, rich, plenteous, luxuriant,
exuberant, teeming; causative,
conducive; pregnant; fraught,
ingenious, inventive.
ANT. Poor, sterile, barren,
unproductive, ineffective, incon-
dueive, fruitless, inoperative,
un inventive, unimaginative.
Festive. Convivial, jovial, joy-
ous, gay, merry, mirthful, fes-
ANT. Solitary, deserted, as-
cetic, gloomy.
Fetid. Stinking, offensive, rank,
rancid, malodorous, mephitic,
noisome, foul, strong-smelling,
ANT. Inodorous, fresh, per-
fumed, scented, balmy.
Fetter, n. Chains, bondage, cus-
tody, durance, duress, manacles,
irons, shackles, imprisonment,
handcuffs, gyves, bonds.
Fetter, v. Shackle, clog, hamper,
trammel; chain, bind, tie, con-
fine, restrain, encumber; man-
acle, hinder, impede.
ANT. Free, liberate, acceler-
ate, expedite.
Feud. Contest, controversy, dis-
pute, enmity, hostility, quar-
rel, strife, dissension, affray,
animosity, bitterness, broil, con-
tention, brawl, fray ; antipathy.
ANT. Friendliness, congeni-
ality, sympathy, clanship, paci-
fication, reconciliation, social-
ity, neighbor lines s.
Fever. Heat, flush, excitement,
agitation, ferment; ardor, fer-
vor, broil, passion.
ANT. Coolness, iciness, fri-
gidity; composure, indifference.
Few. Not many, small in num-
ber, hardly any, scarcely any;
scant, rare, lacking.
ANT. Many, abundant, nu-
Fiber. Strength, sinews, thews,
toughness; thread, staple, pile,
ANT. Laxity, debility, flab-
Fickle. Wavering, unsteady, un-
stable, inconstant, variable, vac-
illating, volatile, mercurial, fit-
ful, changeable, irresolute, un-
settled, capricious, fanciful, un-
reliable, mutable; veering, rest-
less, shifting.
ANT. Sober, orderly, reliable,
calculable, well-regulated, uni-
form, steady, trustworthy.
Fiction. Fable, falsehood, myth,
invention, novel, romance, fig-
ment, story, fabrication, legend,
allegory, apologue ; creation.
ANT. History, fact, literal-
ness, reality, truth, verity, cer-
Fictitious. Feigned, imaginary,
invented, unreal, purely ideal,
fanciful ; false, counterfeit, spu-
rious, supposititious.
ANT. Real, true, historical,
genuine, authentic, veritable.
Fidelity. Faithfulness, devoted-
ness, devotion, truth, loyalty,
true-heartedness, fealty, adher-
ence to duty; accuracy, close-
ness, exactness, truthfulness,
precision, attachment, honesty,
allegiance, integrity.
ANT. Disloyalty, treachery,
untruthfulness, disaffection, in-
accuracy, infidelity, inexact-
Field. Tract of land ; battle-field,
scene of war; surface, expanse,
range, scope; province, depart-
ment, region, realm, domain;
ground, arena; room, opportu-
ANT. Circumscription, con-
straint; interdiction, exclusion,
fierce. Ravenous, infuriate, bar-
barous, fell; vehement, turbu-
lent, passionate, uncurbed, un-
tamed, raging; furious, savage,
ferocious, fiery, violent, wild,
impetuous ; uncultivated, un-
ANT. Gentle, harmless, kind,
patient, submissive, sweet, ten-
der, docile, affectionate, mild,
peaceful, tame; calm.
Fiery. Hot, ardent, heated, fer-
vid, flaming, glowing; impetu-
ous, vehement, fierce, passion-
ate, impassioned; irascible,
choleric, excited, enkindled, hot-
blooded, irritable.
ANT. Cold, icy, frigid, chilly;
indifferent, phlegmatic, pas-
sionless, unimpassioned, mild,
tame; extinguished, quenched.
Fight, n. Combat, conflict, con-
test, battle, struggle, engage-
ment, encounter, action, affair,
fray, affray, brush; broil, riot;
spirit, fighting temper; resis-
tance, disposition to struggle,
ANT. Pacification, reconcili-
Figurative. Typical, representa-
tive, emblematical; metaphori-
cal, tropical ; flowery, florid, or-
nate; poetical, rhetorical, sym-
ANT. Literal, prosaic, unpo-
etical, unmetaphorical.
Figure, n. Form, shape, config-
uration, conformation, outline;
image, likeness, representation,
^gy 5 appearance ; pattern,
design; metaphor, trope; dia-
gram, drawing; price; symbol,
type, emblem; digit, number,
numeral, character; aspect, de-
lineation, condition, illustra-
ANT. Misrepresentation, de-
formity, disfigurement.
Figure, v. Adorn, variegate, di-
versify ; represent, signify, typ-
ify, symbolize ; imagine, image,
conceive, picture, represent;
calculate, compute, cipher; ap-
pear, act, perform; show off,
cut a dash.
ANT. Disfigure, harm, de-
stray; miscalculate, mistake.
File. Rasp, smooth, finish; plaea
on file; polish; perfect, refine,
ANT. Roughen, jag, acumi-
nate, denticulate, barb, notch,
Fill. Make full, fill up ; pervade,
occupy; dilate, expand, stretch,
distend; store, supply, furnish,
replenish, stock; satisfy, con-
tent, sate, satiate, cloy, pall;
occupy, hold, fulfil, perform;
become full, be filled; gorge, ap-
point, glut; stuff; rise; swell,
grow, increase.
ANT. Exhaust, drain, dtt-
satisfy, deprive, stint, vacate;
misappoint ; subside, ebb, evap-
orate, shrink, diminish.
Filter. Strain, ooze, percolate,
exude, transude; refine, distil,
leak; purify, cleanse, depurate,
defecate, clarify.
ANT. Muddle, disturb, be-
foul, thicken.
Filthy. Dirty, nasty, foul, defiled,
unclean, squalid ; impure, cor-
rupt, gross; dingy, unsanitary,
ANT. Pure, sweet, healthy,
clean, sanitary, wholesome.
Final. Latest, last, eventual, ul-
timate ; decisive, conclusive, de-
finitive; terminal; definite, de-
ANT. Initiative, open, pro-
gressive, continuous, incipient,
current, unconeluded, inchoate,
inaugural, nascent, rudimental.
[ 120 ]
Find. Discover, fall upon, light
upon, meet; obtain, get, pro-
cure, gain, arrive at, attain
to; observe, remark, perceive,
notice, discover ; detect, catch ;
supply, furnish, provide, contri-
bute; determine judicially, de-
clare by verdict; confront, as-
certain, experience, invent.
ANT. Withdraw; miss, lose,
elude, withhold, overlook, mis-
Fine, n. Forfeit, penalty, for-
feiture, mulct, amercement.
Fine, a. Minute, small, commi-
nuted, little ; slender, capillary,
delicate; thin, tenuous, subtile,
attenuated; light, keen, sharp;
exquisite, nice, refined; excel-
lent, superior, very good; bril-
liant, accomplished; beautiful,
handsome, splendid, elegant;
clear, pure, unadulterated; gay,
showy, garish, flashy, filmy, ar-
tistic, choice, finished, high,
grand, noble, generous, honor-
able, pretentious, pretty, os-
tentatious; presumptuous, cas-
ANT. Rough, mean, petty,
unfinished; illiberal, unimpos-
ing, paltry ; modest, unaffected,
affable; plain-spoken, categori-
cal; unanaliitical, unreflective ;
coarse, great, heavy, huge, im-
mense, large, rude, stout, thick,
blunt, big, clumsy.
Finery. Gewgaws, trinkets, or-
naments, trimmings, tawdri-
ness, decorations, trappings, be-
dizenment, tinsel, trash, dressi-
ANT. Ornament, dress, deco-
ration, adornment; chasteness,
sobriety, simplicity.
Finical. Fastidious, dainty, over-
particular, squeamish, overnice,
affected, elegant; dandyish, fop-
pish, spruce.
ANT. Effective, unaffected,
practical, energetic, real, genu-
ine, natural; outspoken, blunt,
coarse, rude.
Finish, v. Accomplish, execute,
complete, perform, achieve, do,
get done; perfect, polish, elab-
orate; end, terminate, close,
conclude, put an end to ; shape.
ANT. Start, commence, be-
gin; fail, undertake; miscon-
trive, botch, mar, mismanage.
Finished. Perfect, artistic, re-
fined, high.
ANT. Inartistic, incomplete,
poor, rude, coarse, unfinished.
Finite. Bounded, limited, con-
ditioned, contracted, restricted
ANT. Infinite, unlimited, un-
Fire. Blaze, burning, conflagra-
tion, flame, combustion; dis-
charge ; heat, ardor, fervor, vio-
lence, force, passion, impetuos-
ity, fervency, intensity, anima-
tion, vigor, spirit, enthusiasm;
light, luster, radiance, splen-
dor; vivacity, inspiration, im-
agination ; torture, affliction,
trouble, bitter trial, persecu-
First. Foremost, leading; chief,
highest, principal, capital; ele-
mentary, primary, rudimen-
tary; earliest; primitive, pri-
meval, pristine ; in the first
place, at the outset, in the be-
ginning, first and foremost;
original, onmost.
ANT. Subsequent, secondary,
subordinate, subservient, low-
est, unimportant, last, hind-
Fit, a. Competent, fitted, quali-
fied ; suitable, appropriate, apt,
apposite, meet, seemly, becom-
ing, befitting, proper, good, de-
cent, convenient, fitting, deco-
rous, adapted, congruous, pe-
culiar, particular, prepared, ad-
[ 121 ]
equate, calculated, ripe, right,
contrived, expedient.
ANT. Awkward, misfitting,
ungainly, ill-suited, inappropri-
ate, unseemly, unprepared, un-
suitable, inadequate, miscalcu-
lated, miscontrived, improper,
unfit, inexpedient.
Fitful. Variable, irregular, im-
pulsive, spasmodic, unstable,
fickle, whimsical, fanciful, ca-
pricious, fantastic, humorsome.
odd; eventful, checkered; rest-
less, inconstant, mutable, desul-
tory, unequal.
ANT. Regular, equable, or-
derly, systematic, calculable.
Fix. Set, place, establish, plant,
fasten, make firm; attach, tie,
connect; determine, define, ap-
point, limit, settle; rivet, direct
steadily, adjust; solidify, con-
solidate; link, locate, root, se-
cure; decide.
ANT. Displace, unsettle, re-
move, disarrange, uproot, trans-
plant, transfer, weaken, shake,
disestablish, reverse, disturb,
change, unfix.
Flaccid. Limber, lax, drooping,
flabby, soft, limp, yielding, re-
laxed, inelastic, pendulous.
ANT. Firm, braced, plump,
muscular, chubby, brawny, vig-
orous, strong, powerful.
Flag, n. Flagstone; streamer,
banner, colors, standard, pen-
non, pennant, ensign, gon-
Flag, v. Hang loose, droop ; lan-
guish, faint, decline, pine, sink,
succumb, grow weak, become
dejected; pall, grow stale, lose
interest, weary, tire; give in.
ANT. Freshen, flourish; per-
severe, hold, brace up, struggle,
persist, battle, recruit, recover.
Flagitious. Atrocious, heinous,
flagrant, scandalous, villainous,
corrupt, abandoned, profligate;
enormous, monstrous, disgrace-
ful, nefarious, aggravated.
ANT. Creditable, honorable,
noble, meritorious, justifiable,
distinguished, extenuated, ex-
cusable, pardonable.
Flaring. Flaming, glaring, con-
spicuous, bright, gaudy, over-
colored, flaunting, flashy, os-
tentatious, showy, tawdry.
ANT. Subdued, toned, har-
monized, dull, dim, dingy, neu-
tral, dowdy, colorless.
Flat, a. Level, horizontal; even,
plane, smooth; low, prostrate,
laid low; dull, lifeless, spirit-
less, unanimated, frigid, tame,
prosaic, uninteresting; point-
less; vapid, tasteless, insipid,
stale, dead, jejune ; peremptory,
absolute, positive; downright,
ANT. Animated, exciting, in-
teresting, thrilling, sensational,
emotional, melodramatic.
Flaunt. Wave ostentatiously, in-
solently, brazenly, or boldly;
display, vaunt, flourish, toss,
disport, boast; flout, flounce,
flutter, parade, figure.
ANT. Conceal, suppress, re-
tire, skulk, recede, hide, shrivel,
collapse, furl.
Flavor. Taste, savor, relish,
zest, smack, gusto; aroma, es-
sence, subtle quality, spirit,
soul; odor.
ANT. Insipidity, tasteless-
ness, inodorousness, mawkish'
ness, scentlessness, flatness.
Flexible. Pliable, pliant, lim-
ber, lithe, supple, crooked; af-
fable, tractable, compliant, doc-
ile, gentle; elastic; easy, indul-
gent, ductile, flexile, yielding.
ANT. Tough, rigid, inelastic,
hard, inflexible, inexorable.
Flicker. Quiver, flutter, falter,
waver, glimmer, bicker, shim-
mer, scintillate.
[ 122
ANT. Stream, "blaze, beam,
shine, gleam.
Plight. Flying, soaring, volita-
tion, mounting, fleeing, depart-
ure; flock; .olley, shower; es-
cape, evasion, disappearance ;
stampede, hegira, exodus.
ANT. Recurrence, return, re-
appearance; repose, perching,
Flimsy. Gauzy, poor, transpar-
ent, thin; trifling, trivial, in-
ane, puerile ; weak, shallow, su-
perficial, slight, unsubstantial ;
feeble, frivolous, foolish, light,
ANT. Solid, sound, irrefrag-
able, cogent, substantial.
Flinch. Wince, swerve, recoil,
blench, shrink, draw back.
ANT. Dare, face, bare, meet,
endure, challenge, defy.
Fling. Throw, cast, toss, hurl,
dart, pitch, chuck; prostrate,
overthrow, throw down; wince,
flounce; jeer, sneer, gibe, scoff,
flaunt, taunt; emit, ejaculate.
ANT. Snatch, grasp, hold,
keep, retain, arrest, catch.
Flippant. Fluent, voluble, glib,
talkative, nimble of speech ; im-
pertinent, pert, malapert, for-
ward, bold; superficial, saucy,
ANT. Servile, considerate,
obsequious, flattering, deferen-
tial; accurate; complimentary,
Float. Waft, swim, be buoyed
up; bear up, buoy up; spread,
ANT. Sink, drown, die, van-
ish, founder.
Flock, n. Brood, bevy, herd, lot,
group, pack, swarm, set, hatch,
drove, covey, litter; collection,
company, congregation.
Flock, v. Herd, congregate, as-
gemble, throng, crowd, troop.
ANT. Disperse, scatter, sep-
arate, segregate, distribute,
Flood, n. Deluge, abundance, in-
undation, overflow, freshet;
downrush, multitude.
ANT. Drought, drain, ebb,
scarcity, subsidence.
Florid. Flowery; flushed, rubi-
cund; ornate, rhetorical, figura-
tive, embellished; overwrought,
sanguine, meretricious.
ANT. Pallid, exsanguine;
bloodless, anemic, unadorned,
bare, sober, nude, chaste.
Flounder. Struggle, toss, wal-
low, tumble, flounce; roll, blun-
der, bungle.
ANT. Emerge, course, career,
speed, rise, skim, flourish.
Flourish. Thrive, grow; pros-
per, succeed, be successful; va-
por, boast, brag, vaunt, bluster,
show off; attain one's prime,
be in vigor; brandish, wave;
speed, triumph.
ANT. Fail, decline, fade, ar-
rest, founder, miscarry; sheath,
Flow. Stream, run, pour, roll on,
sweep along; melt, liquefy, be
molten; issue, emanate, pro-
ceed, come, grow, arise, follow,
spring, result; glide, wave, un-
dulate, float, waver, abound, be
full, flood, deluge, overflow; ca-
reer, progress, course.
ANT. Halt, stick, stop, hesi-
tate, fail, stickle, stint, beat,
recoil, ebb, regurgitate; stag-
Flower, n. Blossom, bloom ; best
part; prime, vigor; figure, ex-
pression; perfection, acme, or-
nament, pride, gem, cream.
ANT. Deformity, disappoint-
ment, blot, abortion; blight;
scum; dregs.
Flowing. Running; fluent, copi-
ous, smooth ; abundant, exuber-
ant, easy, eloquent.
[ 123 ]
ANT. Dry, dribbling, meager,
strained, labored, difficult, un-
ready, forced.
Fluctuate. Veer, waver, swerve,
vacillate, vary, undulate, oscil-
late, hesitate.
ANT. Abide, adhere, persist,
stand fast, stay, stick, hold fast.
Fluctuation. Oscillation, un-
dulation, unsteadiness, varia-
tion, change, shifting, rise and
fall, inconstancy, hesitation,
wavering, vacillation.
ANT. Steadiness, firmness,
steadfastness, constancy, stabil-
ity, fixedness, stolidity; persis-
tence, perseverance, pertinacity,
obstinacy, tenacity.
Fluency. Smoothness, flowing
quality, liquidness ; copious-
ness, affluence, command of lan-
guage, readiness of speech.
ANT. Solidity, density, com-
pactness, hardness; difficulty,
sloicness; paucity.
Flurry, v. Excite, agitate, dis-
concert, confuse, disturb, per-
turb, hurry, ruffle, worry, flus-
ANT. Soothe, compose, quiet,
calm, mesmerize.
Flutter. Hover, flap, flirt ; palpi-
tate, tremble ; flaunt ; fluctuate,
waver, oscillate, vacillate, be
inconstant, be unsteady; flit,
quiver, flicker.
ANT. Perch, roost, nestle,
. settle, subside, collapse, rest, re-
pose, pause, sink, lull.
Flux. Flow, flowing; mutation,
change, shifting, transition; fu-
sion, melting; solvent; motion,
progression, substitution, trans-
ANT. Stagnation, stillness,
identity, invariableness, immu-
tability, arrestation, crystalli-
Focus. Center; standpoint; con-
vergence, rendezvous, nucleus.
ANT. Circle, dispersion, dv*
vergence, dissipation.
Foggy. Misty, hazy; confused,
dazed, bewildered, muddy, mud-
dled; absent, stupid, obscure.
ANT. Alert, alive, awake; lu-
cid, clear, bright; shrewd,
Foible. Frailty, weakness, fail-
ing, defect, imperfection, in-
firmity, fault, weak point; pec-
ANT. Crime, atrocity, sin,
Foil, n. Contrast, background,
set-off; rapier; enhancement,
setting; elucidation.
ANT. Eclipse, outshining, ex-
tinction, overshadowing.
Foist. Impose, thrust; falsify,
counterfeit, palm, pass.
ANT. Expose, detect, verify,
Fold, v. Double, enfold, enwrap,
envelop, wrap, embrace, enclose.
ANT. Unfold, expose, disen-
Follow. Attend, accompany, re-
sult, pursue, succeed, chase, go
after, come after, copy, ensue,
heed, imitate, observe, obey,
practice; shadow.
ANT. A void, elude, precede,
quit, disobey, cause, produce,
shun, abandon.
Follower. Pursuer ; attendant,
retainer, supporter, dependant,
companion, associate ; adher-
ent, disciple, pupil, partisan;
imitator, copier.
ANT. Leader, teacher, rival,
antagonist, opponent.
Folly. Foolishness, imbecility,
fatuity, stupidity, shallowness,
dulness; absurdity, extrava-
gance, infatuation, unwisdom,
imprudence, nonsense, indis-
cretion; slip, lapse, misstep;
madness, misconduct, silliness,
[ 124 ]
ANT. Wisdom, sanity, sense,
prudence, judgment, sobriety.
Foment. Bathe; excite, insti-
gate, stimulate, brew, encour-
age, promote, abet, stir up ; fan,
cherish, propagate.
ANT. Allay, extinguish, ex-
tirpate, quench, discourage.
Pond. Foolish, silly, weak, ab-
surd, empty, vain, senseless,
baseless ; doting, affectionate,
loving, attached, enamored, de-
ANT. Averse, unloving, un-
affectionate, strong-minded, ra-
tional, austere, sensible, well-
grounded, undemonstrative.
Fondle. Caress, coddle, blan-
dish, pet; dandle; spoil, in-
ANT. Worry, annoy, tease,
chafe, irritate, ruffle.
Fondness. Delusion, folly, silli-
ness, weakness, absurdity; ten-
derness, doting; liking, prefer-
ence, partiality, predilection,
affection; relish, appetite.
ANT. Repulsion, aversion,
dislike, antipathy; hatred, con-
tempt; harshness, brutality,
F*od. Aliment, nourishment,
nutriment, nutrition, Viands,
sustenance, victuals, provender,
regimen, pabulum, rodder, diet,
forage, feed, fare; bread, meat,
provisions, cheer, commons, ra-
tions, subsistence.
Fool. Idiot, natural; dolt, wit-
ling, driveler, blockhead, sim-
pleton, dunce; buffoon, harle-
quin, droll, punch, antic, jester,
ANT. Wise man, adept, ex-
pert, scholar, master.
Foolish. Senseless, idiotic, silly,
t weak, daft, simple, irrational,
B insensate, shallow, brainless,
witless; unwise, unreasonable,
absurd, ridiculous, preposter-
ous, indiscreet, imprudent; pu-
erile, idle, trivial, trifling, con-
temptible, vain, childish; inju-
dicious, objectionable, imbecile,
nonsensical ; crazed.
ANT. Sensible, sane, clear-
sighted, deep, strong-minded,
sound, sagacious, wise, prudent,
judicious, eligible, calculating,
Footing. Foothold; foundation,
basis, groundwork; standing,
rank, grade, status, state, con-
dition ; settlement, establish-
ment; sum total.
ANT. Dislodgment, ousting,
Foppish. Dandyish, vain, cox-
combical, dressy, dandified.
ANT. Unassuming, modest,
dowdy, unaffected, clownish,
Foray. Inroad, irruption, raid,
invasion, incursion; sally, esca-
pade, dragonade.
ANT. Flight, retreat, recall,
stampede, decampment.
Forbear. Abstain, avoid, with-
hold, refrain, forego; stop, de-
sist, pause, cease, stay, hold,
break off, give over; be toler-
ant, endure, be patient; shun,
decline; omit; spare, tolerate,
put up with.
ANT. Seek, indulge, gratify,
yield, grant, bestow; continue,
advance, progress; rebel, resist.
Forbidding. Repulsive, repel-
lent, unpleasant, odious, abhor-
rent, disagreeable, offensive;
deterrent, prohibitory.
ANT. Attractive, seductive,
permissive, alluring, encourag-
Force, n. Strength, power, en-
ergy, might, vigor; efficacy, effi-
ciency, potency, validity, vir-
tue, cogency, agency; compul-
sion, violence, constraint, coer-
cion, enforcement; army, troop,
[ 125 3
legion, battalion, hcet, squad-
ron, phalanx; instrumentality,
dint, vehemence, pressure.
ANT. Weakness, feebleness,
inefficiency, counteraction, neu-
tralization, debility, inconclu-
siveness, pointlessness.
Pore, a. Anterior, preceding, an-
tecedent, prior, previous, for-
mer, foregoing; front, face; ad-
vanced, leading, head, foremost,
ANT. Posterior, subsequent,
following; rear, back, hindmost,
Forefather. Progenitor, ances-
tor, father.
ANT. Descendants, progeny.
Forefend. Avert, prevent, ward
off, hinder, keep off, forbid;
stave, obviate.
ANT. Remedy, rectify, cure,
mend, redress.
Forego. Relinquish, resign, re-
nounce, surrender, cede, yield,
abandon, give up, part with, let
go; waive, drop, abjure.
ANT. Claim, assume, seise,
grasp, retain, vindicate.
Foreign. Alien, external, ex-
terior, outward, strange, exotic,
from abroad; extraneous, ex-
trinsic, adventitious, irrele-
vant; outlandish.
ANT. Domestic, congenial,
native, relative, germane.
Forerunner. Precursor, herald,
harbinger, foregoer, avant-cou-
rier; prelude; prognostic, sign,
omen, premonition; predeces-
ANT. Successor, follower;
postlude; fulfilment.
Foresee. Foreknow, forecast,
have prescience of; predict, an-
ticipate, foretell, forebode, di-
ANT. Remember, recollect,
recall, reflect.
ForetelL Prognosticate, fore-
show, foreshadow, betoken, por-
tend, augur, bode, forebode,
presage; predict, prophesy; pre-
indicate, forewarn.
ANT. Recite, narrate, detail;
recollect, remember.
Forethought. Foresight, antic-
ipation, precaution, forecast,
provision, prudence.
ANT. Delay, procrastina-
Forever. Always, perpetually,
eternally, everlastingly, ever,
endlessly, evermore, aye.
ANT. Never, at no time.
Forfeit, Forfeiture. Loss, fine,
mulct, amercement, confisca-
tion, penalty; damages.
ANT. Bribe, premium, dou-
ceur, compensation, gratuity,
reward, remuneration.
Forge. Beat, hammer out, fabri-
cate, frame, form; devise, in-
vent, coin; falsify, counterfeit;
work, produce, elaborate, feign,
make falsely, shape.
ANT. Shatter, batter, shiver,
blast, fuse, detect, expose; mis-
construe, misshape, misfabri-
cate; verify.
Forgery. Counterfeit; falsifica-
tion, fraudulent imitation.
ANT. Attestation, verifica-
tion, signature; genuineness.
Forget. Consign to oblivion,
overlook; slight, neglect, cease
to care for; unlearn, pretermit,
ANT. Acquire, learn, recol-
lect, remember, retain, treasure,
Forgetful. Apt to forget; negli-
gent, inattentive, careless, heed-
less, neglectful, mindless.
ANT. Attentive, retentive,
careful, mindful.
Forgetfulness. Aptness to for-
get; failure of memory; negli-
gence, inattention, carelessness,
heedlessness; oblivion.
[ 126 ]
ANT. Retentiveness, recol-
lection, recalling.
Forgotten. Unremembered, by-
gone, slighted, overlooked, ob-
solete, neglected, disregarded.
ANT. Remembered, present,
treasured, cherished, guarded,
Forlorn. Deserted, forsaken, sol-
itary, abandoned, lost, friend-
less; wretched, miserable, piti-
able, destitute, desolate; help-
less, comfortless, disconsolate,
wobegone ; hapless, luckless ;
lone, lonesome.
ANT. Supported, cherished,
attended, protected, befriended,
Form, n. Shape, figure, configu-
ration, mold, fashion, cast, cut ;
mode, method, formula, formu-
lary, ritual; manner, system,
sort, kind, order; regularity,
arrangement; shapeliness, cere-
mony, formality, ceremonial ;
conventionality, etiquette; pat-
tern, model; mere appearance,
empty show.
Form, v. Shape, mold, fashion,
constitute, arrange, frame, con-
struct, contrive, conceive, make,
produce, create, devise, invent,
compose, dispose, combine.
ANT. Deform, dislocate, dis-
tort, derange, disintegrate, dis-
member, dissipate, disorganize,
Formal. Express, explicit, posi-
tive, strict, official ; regular, set,
methodical, fixed, rigid, stiff;
ceremonious, precise, punctili-
ous, starched, prim, exact; es-
sential, constitutive ; external ;
complete, shapely, sufficient, af-
fected, correct, stately, digni-
fied, pompous.
ANT. Incomplete, irregular,
informal, incorrect, inadequate,
easy, unassuming, unceremoni-
Formalism. Rigidity, parade,
ceremoniousness, pomposity, ex-
ternalism, punctilio.
ANT. Simplicity, unaffected-
ness, unostentatiousness, un-
Formality. Custom, established
mode ; ceremony, etiquette, con-
ventionality, mere form; pa-
rade, affectation, punctilious-
ness, stateliness.
ANT. Informality; uncere-
moniousness, unconventional-
ity; originality.
Formation. Creation, produc-
tion; composition, constitu-
tion ; arrangement, disposal,
combination, disposition ; con-
struction, shape, structure.
Former. Anterior, antecedent,
previous, prior, preceding, fore-
going; quondam, late, old-time;
past, bygone, foregone, previ-
ous ; first-named, first-men-
tioned; earlier, ancient.
ANT. Subsequent, succeed-
ing, posterior, latter, modern,
coming, future.
Formidable. Terrible, redoubted,
tremendous, dangerous; awful,
alarming, terrifying, discour-
aging, appalling, serious, hor-
rible, dreadful, fearful, shock-
ANT. Light, trivial; feeble,
harmless, contemptible, poicer-
less, despicable, weak, help-
Forthwith. Instantly, directly,
immediately, without delay, in-
ANT. Hereafter, soon, by-
and-by, presently.
Fortification. Fort, stronghold,
fortress, fastness, castle, cita-
del; bulwark, fortified place.
Fortify. Protect, surround; re-
inforce, brace, stiffen, strength-
en; confirm, corroborate; garri-
son, intrench.
[ 127 ]
ANT. Weaken, dismantle; in-
Fortitude. Endurance, heroism,
resolution, courage ; firmness,
patience ; bravery ; calmness,
resignation, hardihood, compo-
sure, stoicism.
ANT. Impatience, timidity,
flinching, irritation, faintness,
delicacy, effeminacy, womanish-
ness, childishness.
Fortuitous. Accidental, casual,
.contingent, chance, incidental,
ANT. Purposed, planned, de-
signed; anticipated, foreseen.
Fortunate. Favored, lucky, suc-
cessful, prosperous, happy, fe-
licitous, propitious, auspicious,
favorable, advantageous, provi-
ANT. Miserable, unhappy, un-
lucky, ill-starred, unfortunate,
wretched, woful, fallen, infeli-
citous, broke, crushed.
Fortune. Chance, accident, luck,
hap, casualty, fortuity; liveli-
hood; estate, substance, prop-
erty, possessions; wealth, afflu-
<ence, riches, opulence; destiny,
fate, destination, doom, star,
lot; issue, result, event; suc-
ANT. Design, purpose; mis-
fortune, ill luck, poverty; in-
ception, <iause, failure.
Forward, a. Onward, progres-
sive, advancing; front, fore, an-
terior; ready, prompt, eager,
willing, zealous, earnest; pre-
sumptuous, confident, bold, im-
pertinent, pert, assuming, flip-
pant; early, premature; obtru-
sive, anxious, self-assertive.
ANT. Tardy, reluctant, re-
tiring, backward, slow, modest,
Forward, v. Support, foster, ad-
vance, promote, further, encour-
age, aid, favor, help ; hasten, ac-
celerate, quicken, speed, hurry,
despatch, expedite ; transmit,
send on, ship.
ANT. Retard, delay, prevent,
hinder, frustrate.
Foul. Impure, nasty, dirty, un-
clean, squalid, filthy, tarnished,
soiled, stained, polluted, sul-
lied; disgusting, loathsome, of-
fensive, noisome; dishonorable,
unfair, sinister, underhanded;
base, scandalous, infamous, vile,
wicked, dark, abominable, de-
testable, disgraceful, shameful ;
vulgar, coarse, low ; abusive, in-
sulting, scurrilous; thick, tur-
bid, muddy; stormy, cloudy,
rainy; entangled, tangled.
ANT. Pure, uncorrupt, un-
stained, undefiled, uncontami-
nated, unsullied, stainless, fair,
unspotted, spotless, unpolluted,
Found, v. Base, set, fix, place,
ground, rest; build, construct,
raise, erect ; establish, institute,
originate, plant, set up; cast,
mold; endow, root.
ANT. Uproot, subvert, sup-
plant, disestablish.
Foundation. Base, groundwork,
basis, bottom, footing; estab-
lishment, settlement; endow-
ment; institution, origin, rudi-
ments, ground, substratum, un-
derlying principle.
ANT. Disestablishment; su-
perstructure; demolition, ruin,
Founder. Originator, institutor,
establisher, planter; molder,
caster; author.
ANT. Subverter, destroyer.
Fountain. Spring, well, jet;
source, origin, original cause,
first principle.
Fraction. Part, portion, frag-
ment, piece, bit, scrap, section.
ANT. Whole, total, amount,
sum, aggregate.
[ 128
Tractions. Cross, captious, petu-
lant, testy, peevish, fretful, ir-
ritable, waspish, snappish; pet-
ANT. Good-humored, blithe-
some, agreeable, complaisant,
Fragile. Brittle, easily broken,
frangible; infirm, frail, weak,
feeble, delicate, slight.
ANT. Tough, hardy, stout,
fragment. Remnant, fraction,
scrap, chip, detached part, bit,
piece, morsel.
ANT. Bulk, body, whole,
Fragrance, Fragrancy. Redo-
lence, perfume, aroma, balmi-
ness, incense, grateful odor or
smell, pleasant scent.
Fragrant. Aromatic, redolent,
spicy, balmy, odoriferous, per-
fumed, sweet-scented, odorous,
ANT. Inodorous, scentless,
Frail. Fragile, brittle, frangible ;
weak, feeble, infirm; irresolute,
erring, mutable.
ANT. Resolute, lasting, vir-
tuous; tough, hardy, strong,
Frame, n. Framework, skeleton,
carcass, framing; form, struc-
ture, system, fabric, constitu-
tion, scheme; condition, state,
temper, mood.
jFrame, v. Construct, build, put
together; form, compose, make,
constitute ; invent, devise, plan,
contrive; fabricate, forge.
Franchise. Right, privilege; ex-
emption, immunity; freedom.
ANT. Obligation, disability,
disqualification, liability, juris-
Frank. Open, ingenuous, free,
sincere, candid, artless, frank-
hearted, without disguise, un-
reserved; familiar, honest, out-
spoken, easy, plain.
ANT. Close, reserved; disin-
Frantic. Furious, raving, rag-
ing, mad, wild, infuriate, fren-
zied, distracted; maniacal.
ANT. Sane, sober, calm, col-
lected, cool, unruffled, composed.
Fraternity. Association, jircle,
society, company, brotherhood,
sodality, league, clan; brother-
Fraternize. Harmonize, sympa-
thize, consort, concur ; associate
with, cooperate with ; coalesce.
ANT. Renounce, abjure, for-
swear; ostracise.
Fraud. Duplicity, deceit, decep-
tion, dishonesty, treason, arti-
fice, trick, cheat, imposture,
swindle, treachery, imposition.
ANT. Good faith, honesty,
truth, uprightness, fairness, in-
Fraught. Filled, stored, laden,
freighted, charged, abounding,
pregnant, big; loaded, teeming.
ANT. Devoid, divested, ex-
empt, empty, wanting, poor,
Freakish. Whimsical, erratic,
capricious, odd, fanciful, hu-
morsome ; sportful, frisky, jok-
ing, mirthful.
ANT. Sober, steady, demure,
unwhimsical, unfanciful, reli-
able, consistent, equable, uni-
Free, a. Independent, at liberty,
unrestrained; released, emanci-
pated, delivered, liberated; ex-
empt, clear, allowed, permitted,
open ; unobstructed, unimpeded,
unrestricted ; frank, ingenuous,
candid, artless, unreserved, sin-
cere, frank-hearted; generous,
liberal, bountiful, hospitable,
charitable, munificent, open-
handed; prodigal, lavish, inv
[ 129 ]
moderate; ready, eager, will-
ing, prompt; gratuitous, spon-
taneous; loose, lax; familiar,
unconstrained, easy, informal;
detached, playing, operating,
unoccupied, unhindered, uncon-
ditional, untrammeled, care-
less, unconfined, bounteous.
ANT. Bound, shackled, sub-
servient, restricted, obstructed,
clogged; occupied; impeded, un-
lawful, compulsory, biased, sub-
ject, liable, amenable; condi-
tional, qualified; stingy, nig-
Freedom. Independence, liberty ;
scope, range, play, free swing;
franchise, immunity, privilege;
license, laxity, looseness, famil-
ANT. Slavery, serfdom, ser-
vitude; imprisonment, captiv-
Frenzy. Madness, rage, fury, in-
sanity, raving, distraction, lu-
nacy, derangement, mania, de-
lirium, aberration of mind; fa-
naticism, fire.
ANT. Calm, composure, col-
lectedness, coolness, sanity, so-
briety, equanimity.
Frequent, a. Oft-repeated; com-
mon, usual, everyday; many,
repeated, recurrent, general,
numerous, continual.
ANT. Few, solitary, scanty,
rare, casual.
Fresh. New, recent, novel; re-
newed, revived ; blooming, flour-
ishing, unfaded, unwilted, un-
withered, well-preserved ; unim-
paired, undecayed ; rosy, ruddy,
fair, delicate, fresh-colored;
well, hearty, florid, vigorous,
healthy, hardy, strong ; unworn,
unwearied, unexhausted, unfa-
tigued; vivid, lively, keen, un-
abated; unsalted; pure, cool, re-
freshing, sweet, health-giving,
bracing; brisk, stiff, strong;
raw, uncultivated, unpracticed,
untrained, unskilled, inexperi-
enced ; young, untried, modern.
ANT. Old, stale, weary-,
jaded; former; stagnant, im-
paired; original, ordinary, tar-
nished, faded, decayed, pallid,
sickly, putrid, moldy, musty,
Fretful. Touchy, peevish, petu-
lant, testy, snappish, waspish,
splenetic, spleeny, captious, ir-
ritable, ill-humored, ill-tem-
pered; fractious, impatient, dis-
ANT. Patient, contented, for-
bearing, meek, resigned, unmur-
Friction. Attrition, abrasion, re-
sistance, confrication, rubbing;
grating, contact.
ANT. Lubrication, non-con-
tact, detachment, isolation.
Friend. Confidant, intimate, as-
sociate, companion; ally, con-
fr&re, fellow-adherent; favorer,
encourager, well-wisher, advo-
cate, patron, adherent, defender,
supporter ; acquaintance, famil-
iar, chum, messmate, coadjutor.
ANT. Opponent, foe, adver-
sary, antagonist, enemy.
Friendly. Companionable, ge-
nial, neighborly, cordial, affec-
tionate, brotherly, fond, favor-
able, kind, kindly, loving, well-
disposed, social, tender, affable,
accessible, sociable, amicable,
complaisant, hearty, sincere.
ANT. Adverse, estranged, ill-
disposed, unfriendly, antagonis-
tic, unkind, inimical, alienated,
distant, disaffected, frigid, hos-
tile, cold, indifferent, conten-
tious, belligerent, bellicose.
Friendship. Affection, good will,
devotion, attachment, amity,
comity, consideration, favor,
friendliness, love, regard, es-
teem, admiration.
[ 130 ]
ANT. Hostility, hatred, en-
mity, feud; contempt, disdain;
Frighten. Alarm, affright, in-
timidate, scare, terrify, daunt,
appall, browbeat, depress, dis-
ANT. Calm, soothe, comfort,
ease; reassure, encourage.
Frightful. Terrible, fearful, ter-
rific, dire, dread, dreadful, hor-
rid, horrible, awful, shocking,
hideous, ghastly, grim, grisly,
gruesome, alarming; ugly, mon-
ANT. Pleasing, fair, attrac-
tive, encouraging, lovely, beau-
Frigid. Cold, dull, cool, unin-
teresting, lifeless, unanimated,
tame, spiritless ; formal, prim,
stiff, forbidding, chilling, rigid,
freezing, repulsive, repellent ;
inanimate, passionless, distant.
ANT. Warm, ardent, impas-
sioned; vehement, zealous.
Frisk. Leap, skip, hop, frolic,
jump, romp, gambol, wanton,
dance, sport, play.
ANT. Lie, ruminate, roost,
mope, sulk, rest, repose.
Frisky. Gay, lively, sportive,
playful, coltish, wanton, frolic-
ANT. Demure, sedate, pen-
sive, meditative.
Fritter. Slice, break, shiver,
shatter; dribble, waste, dissi-
pate, idle.
ANT. Husband, economize,
cultivate, provide, be frugal.
Frivolous. Trivial, worthless,
light, trifling, silly, petty, idle,
flimsy, childish, puerile, foolish,
ANT. Serious, earnest, im-
portant, grave.
Frolic, n. Gambol, lark, esca-
pade, prank; fun, pleasantry,
drollery ; merriment, merry-
making; play, game, festivity,
sport, entertainment, gaiety,
ANT. Study, engagement, oc-
cupation, purpose, undertaking,
Frolicsome. Gay, lively, frisky,
sportive, playful, frolic, merry,
joyous; wanton, festive.
ANT. Grave, serious, labori-
ous, earnest, studious.
Froward. Contrary, fractious,
perverse, contumacious, refrac-
tory, untoward, unyielding, un-
governable, wayward, disobedi-
ent, peevish, cross, captious,
ANT. Docile, amenable, fa-
vorable, agreeable, obedient,
Frugal. Provident, economical,
careful, choice, saving, chary,
thrifty, unwasteful, sparing;
parsimonious, abstinent, abste-
mious, temperate.
ANT. Profuse, lavish, luxu-
rious, extravagant, prodigal, in-
temperate, self-indulgent.
Frugality. Parsimony, thrift,
providence, prudence, economy,
sparing, miserliness, parsimo-
niousness, scrimping.
ANT. Liberality, luxury, op-
ulence, waste, wealth, extrava-
gance, bounty, affluence, abun-
dance, riches.
Fruit. Harvest, crop, product;
production, result, effect, con-
sequence, outcome ; offspring,
issue, young; produce, reward,
ANT. Seed, cause, origin, op-
eration, growth.
Fruitful. Productive ; prolific,
fertile, fecund ; abundant, rich,
plentiful, plenteous; pregnant,
fraught, causative, successful,
effectual, useful.
ANT. Unproductive, sterile,
barren, fruitless, useless, abor-
tive, ineffectual.
t 131 ]
Fruition. Fulfilment, enjoy-
ment; reaping, attainment, use,
ANT. Loss, disappointment,
Fugacious. Transitory, tran-
sient, evanescent, fugitive, eph-
emeral, fleeting.
ANT. Persistent, perennial,
permanent, perpetual.
Fulfil. Accomplish, effectuate,
effect, realize, execute, consum-
mate, complete, perfect; obey,
observe, perform, do, discharge,
keep, adhere to, comply with;
meet, satisfy, answer, fill, fill
out; verify, achieve.
ANT. Neglect, ignore; fal-
sify, disappoint; render abor-
tive; overlook, disregard, slight.
Fulminate. Explode, detonate;
utter denunciations, thunder,
fulmine, hurl threats; clamor,
roar, denounce, vociferate.
ANT. Laud, panegyrize, eu-
Fulsome. Gross, excessive, of-
fensive, extravagant, nauseous,
disgusting, repulsive, coarse, ri-
bald, questionable, loathsome,
sickening, fawning.
ANT. Chaste, sober, delicate,
nice, temperate, moderate.
Fume, v. Smoke, reek, emit va-
por, exhale; rave, rage, chafe,
storm, bluster, fret, flare up, be
in a rage.
ANT. Acquiesce; smile; sub-
mit, accede, consent, concur.
Function, n. Exercise, perform-
ance, execution, discharge;
employment, office, duty, busi-
ness, occupation, part, prov-
ince; character, capacity, op-
eration, administration,
ANT. Usurpation, misde-
meanor, misconduct, maladmin-
Functionary. Office-holder, offi-
cial, officer, servant, personage,
Fund. Stock, capital; supply,
store; foundation, permanent
fund ; money, means, resources ;
ANT. Expenditure, outlay,
Fundamental. Essential, radi-
cal, primary, organic, constitu-
tional, indispensable, principal,
ANT. Secondary, unimpor-
tant, non-essential, ascititious,
Funereal. Mournful, sad, lugu-
brious, woful, dark, plaintive,
somber, melancholy, funeral,
gloomy, dismal, sepulchral, sol-
emn, deathlike.
ANT. Joyous, festive, funny,
stirring, lively, ridiculous, far-
Funny. Ludicrous, droll, comi-
cal, farcical, sportive, humor-
ous, amusing, laughable, divert-
ing, jocose, ridiculous.
ANT. Tedious, dull, mourn-
ful, lugubrious, grave, serious,
dismal, sad, lamentable.
Furbish. Burnish, polish, rub,
scour, brighten.
ANT. Dull, tarnish, cloud.
Furnish. Provide, supply; fit,
equip, fit up; afford, give, be-
stow, contribute, present, pur-
vey, yield.
ANT. Withhold, unthdraw;
dismantle; retain, keep.
Furtive. Secret, sly, clandes-
tine, stolen, stealthy, surrepti-
tious, secretive.
ANT. Open, public, un-
disguised, unconcealed, unre-
Fuse. Melt, liquefy, smelt; inter-
mix, amalgamate, blend, com-
mingle, intermingle; coalesce.
ANT. Disunite, diffuse, dis-
amalgamate, disincorporate.
[ 132 ]
Fuss, n. Hurry, worry, ado, fid-
get, bustle, flurry, stir, agita-
tion, excitement, tumult.
ANT. Quiet, peace, sedate-
ness, calm, composure, tranquil-
Futile. Trifling, frivolous, triv-
ial; worthless, valueless, vain,
idle, unprofitable, profitless, un-
availing, fruitless, bootless, in-
effectual ; weak, ineffective, use-
less, nugatory.
ANT. Cogent, effective, po-
tent, powerful, useful, substan-
tial, solid.
Future. Forthcoming, coming,
ANT. Past, gone, bygone.
Gabble, n. Prate, jargon, stuff,
jabber, rattle, twaddle, chatter,
gibber, gibberish, babble, gab,
gossip, palaver, prattle, cackle.
ANT. Speech, conversation,
eloquence; reticence, tacitur-
nity; mincing, mouthiness, eu-
phuism, grandiloquence.
Gabble, v. Prate, prattle, chat-
ter, cackle, rattle, jabber, gos-
sip, palaver.
ANT. Drone, drawl, mur-
Gag. Silence, stifle, muzzle,
muffle, hush.
ANT. Evoke, provoke, inspire,
Gage, n. Measure, standard; di-
mensions, estimate; security;
challenge, defiance.
Gage, v. Measure, estimate,
fathom, probe.
ANT. Survey, conjecture, ob-
serve, view, scan, guess, mis-
Gain, n. Profits, earnings, in-
crease, gainings; emolument,
lucre, money-making; blessing,
profit, advantage, good, benefit.
ANT. Loss, detriment, dam-
age, privation, injury.
Gain, v. Get, acquire, win, earn,
obtain, procure, secure, carry,
achieve; conciliate, enlist, per-
suade, prevail upon, win over,
gain over, bring over ; reach, at-
tain, arrive at; profit; benefit,
realize, reap.
ANT. Lose, forfeit, suffer.
Gainful. Advantageous, profit-
able, beneficial; lucrative, pay-
ing, productive, remunerative,
ANT. Unprofitable, disad-
vantageous, detrimental, injuri-
ous, losing, gainless.
Gallant, a. Gay, fine, magnifi-
cent, well-dressed, showy, splen-
did; courageous, brave, valiant,
valorous, intrepid, chivalrous,
fearless, bold, daring, high-spir-
ited; noble, lofty, honorable,
magnanimous, high-minded ; at-
tentive, polite, courteous; am-
orous; heroic.
ANT. Coicardly, discourte-
ous, churlish.
Gambol. Frisk, frolic, romp,
caper, leap, hop, skip, jump,
ANT. Droop, tire, weary,
Game, n. Sport, play, amuse-
ment, pastime ; plan, scheme,
stratagem, strategy, adventure,
enterprise, measure, undertak-
ing; quarry, prey; recreation,
frolic, diversion.
ANT. Toil, study, duty, la-
bor; weariness, flagging; busi-
Garb. Dress, clothes, habit, ap-
[ 133 ]
parel, raiment, garments, ves-
ture, costume, attire, habili-
ment; uniform, vestments.
ANT. Undress; rags, tatters,
shreds; nudity, nakedness.
Garble. Mutilate, falsify, cor-
rupt, misrepresent, misquote,
pervert; cook, dress, color, dis-
ANT. Quote, cite, extract, re-
cite, report verbatim.
Garnish. Adorn, embellish, deco-
rate, deck, grace, beautify, or-
nament, prank, set off, trick
out; furnish, furbish.
ANT. Strip, dismantle, de-
nude, bare, deprive, divest.
Garrulity. Loquacity, babble,
loquaciousness, babbling, talk-
ativeness, prattle, prate; ver-
bosity, chatter.
ANT. Reticence, taciturnity,
laconism, reserve, silence.
Garrulous. Chattering, loqua-
cious, verbose, talkative.
ANT. Taciturn, speechless,
laconic, reserved, reticent, si-
Gaud. Trinket, finery, gewgaw,
trumpery, whim, gimcrack, toy,
bauble, trifle.
ANT. Ornament, gem, deco-
ration, jewel, valuable.
Gaudy. Flaunting, garish, glit-
tering, tawdry, tinsel, flashy,
showy, overdecorated, loud; be-
spangled, fine, gay, meretri-
ANT. Rich, simple, hand-
some, chaste.
Gaunt. Lean, lank, thin, meager,
emaciated, slender, attenuated,
spare ; grim, savage, hungry.
ANT. Docile, tractable, well-
fed, tame, sleek.
Gawky. Awkward, clownish, un-
gainly, clumsy, raw, boorish,
rustic, green, uncouth, loutish.
ANT. N eat, handy, graceful,
Gay. Showy, bright, fine, bril-
liant, dashing; gaudy, flaunt-
ing, flashy, garish, tawdry, glit-
tering, tinsel ; merry, lively, jo-
vial, cheerful, gleeful, blithe,
sportive, airy, gladsome, frolic-
some, jolly, hilarious, light-
hearted; sprightly, smart, fes-
tive, pleasuresome.
ANT. Heavy, sad, grave, dull,
dowdy, somber, melancholy.
Gaze, v. Stare, scan, behold, re-
gard, contemplate, view, gloat,
ANT. Wink, ignore, overlook,
ogle, glance, disregard.
General, a. Ordinary, universal,
common, commonplace, custom-
ary, everyday, public, prevalent,
familiar, normal, popular, ha-
bitual, frequent, usual.
ANT. Singular, uncommon,
exceptional, rare, unknown, in-
frequent, unusual; particular,
Generality. Universality; bulk,
mass, body, majority.
ANT. Section, minority, ex-
ception, individuality.
Generate. Beget, procreate, en-
gender, breed, propagate; pro-
duce, form, make, cause, bring
about, originate.
ANT. Stifle, extinguish, ter-
minate, annihilate.
Generation. Procreation ; pro-
duction, formation ; offspring,
progeny, succession of descend-
ants ; family, stock, race, breed ;
contemporaries; period, epoch,
age, era, lifetime; origination.
ANT. Perpetuity, eternity,
immortality; posterity.
Generic. General, common, col-
lective, racial, comprehensive.
ANT. Particular, personal,
specific, individual.
Generous. Liberal, noble, mag-
nanimous, bountiful, free, mu-
nificent, open-handed, disinter-
[ 134 ]
ested, open-hearted, chivalrous,
ANT. Avaricious, covetous,
greedy, parsimonious, penuri-
ous, petty, rapacious, stingy,
close, illiberal, ignoble, mean,
miserly, niggardly, churlish,
Genial. Fostering, cheering, en-
livening, encouraging, inspirit-
ing; cordial, hearty; cheerful,
pleasant, merry, mirthful, jo-
vial, warm, balmy, festive, joy-
ous, revivifying, rejuvenating,
ANT. Cold, cutting, harsh,
deleterious, noxious, deadly, de-
structive, blighting, lethal, un-
Genius. Bent, turn, aptitude,
aptness, faculty, capacity, en-
dowment, talent, gift; ingenu-
ity, invention, sagacity, intel-
lect, brains, parts, wit, inspira-
tion, creative or inventive
power; adept, proficient, mas-
ter, master hand ; nature, char-
acter, disposition, constitution,
characteristic; spirit, tutelary
deity, guardian angel; clever-
ness, inventiveness, skill, crea-
tiveness, giftedness, ideality,
ANT. Stupidity, senseless-
ness, folly, dulness, imbecil-
ity, obtuseness, stolidity, in-
Genteel. Refined, polite, courte-
ous, civil, polished, well-bred,
gentlemanly or ladylike; fash-
ionable, stylish, elegant; grace-
ful, refined, aristocratic, culti-
vated, cultured.
ANT. Rude, clownish, uncul-
tivated, ill-bred, boorish, uncul-
tured, plebeian, unfashionable,
unpolished, inelegant.
Gentle. Mild, bland, moderate,
kind, tender, compassionate, in-
dulgent, meek, soft, lenient, hu-
mane, clement, merciful, tender-
hearted, gentle-hearted; tame,
docile, peaceable, calm, peace-
ful, tranquil, tractable, pacific,
quiet; light, zephyrlike; no-
ble, high-born, well-born ; culti-
vated, refined, courteous, well-
bred, polished; placid, amiable.
ANT. Rough, rude, coarse,
fierce, savage; uneven, uncut;
boisterous; shaggy, ragged, dis-
ordered; harsh, uncivil, offen-
sive; tempestuous, stormy; in-
Genuine. Pure, uncorrupt, unal-
loyed, unadulterated, true, au-
thentic, real, veritable; native,
unaffected, sincere; sound, nat-
ANT. Spurious, adulterated;
fictitious; apocryphal, counter-
feit, false, artificial.
Germ. Embryo, ovule, seed-bud ;
origin, source, first principle;
nucleus, seed, bud.
ANT. Fruit, result, develop-
ment, product, produce, issue,
Germane. Related, akin, oog-
nate, allied; pertinent, rele-
vant, appropriate, apposite, fit-
ting, suitable; kindred, homo-
ANT. Foreign, alien, irrele-
vant, unconnected.
Germinate. Bud, shoot, vege-
tate, sprout, push, burst forth,
put forth, spring up.
ANT. Rot, decay, spoil, die,
putrefy, corrupt.
Get. Attain, earn, achieve, ac-
quire, obtain, procure, receive,
win, secure, gain.
Jan. Abandon, lose, forfeit,
surrender, forego.
Ghastly. Pale, wan, cadaverous,
deathlike; grim, dismal, hide-
ous, terrible, horrible, frightful,
shocking, grisly; spectral, pal-
[ 135 ]
ANT. Blooming, fresh, ruddy,
comely, buxom, seemly.
Ghost. Spirit, soul; apparition,
specter, sprite, phantom, shade,
departed spirit; vision.
ANT. Body, organism, ani-
Gibe. Sneer, scoff, taunt, flount.
jest, jeer, ridicule, deride, mock,
rail at.
ANT. Salute, compliment.
Giddy. Dizzy, vertiginous; in-
constant, fickle, changeable, un-
steady, mutable, unstable, vac-
illating, irresolute ; careless,
heedless, wild, reckless, head-
long, thoughtless, light-headed,
flighty; whirling, hare-brained,
beetling, flighty.
ANT. Slow, ponderous, sta-
tionary; earnest, thoughtful,
steady; low, wary, unelevated,
Gift. Bequest, benefaction, do-
nation, boon, grant, present,
largess, bribe, bounty, gratu-
ity; endowment, talent, genius,
faculty, power, capacity, capa-
bility, ability, turn, forte; do-
nation, douceur, offering, alms,
allowance, contribution, sub-
scription, subsidy, dower, leg-
sty, demise.
ANT. Reservation, refusal,
purchase; inanity, stupidity,
forfeit, penalty, fine, surren-
der; earnings, wages, remuner-
ation, Compensation; reward,
Gigantic. Vast, huge, colossal,
enormous, giant, prodigious,
Herculean, C yclopean, immense,
ANT. Puny, feeble, dwarfish,
petty, tn.s : illcnnt, pigmy.
Girdle. GiH, bind round; sur-
round, encircle, encompass, en-
close, embrace, shut in ; belt,
hem, environ, engirdle, begird.
ANT. Disclose, open, disen-
circle, ea>pand, ungird, disen-
Girl. Damsel, lass, lassie, miss,
maiden, maid, virgin, young;
unmarried woman.
Gist. Essence, pith, core, marrow,
substance, kernel, main point,
force, ground, foundation.
ANT. Surplusage, addita-
ment, redundancy, environ'
ment; accessories; clothing,
garb; excess, overplus.
Give. Deliver, bestow, supply,
grant, cede, confer, communi-
cate, impart, furnish; produce,
yield, surrender, concede, pre-
sent, afford, spare, accommo-
date with ; pay, exchange ; per-
mit, allow, vouchsafe, deign;
utter, pronounce, render; occa-
sion, cause ; devote, apply, ad-
dict, give up; sink, bend; re-
treat, give way, recede, retire.
ANT. Withhold, withdraw,
refuse, retain, grasp, fail, re-
strain, deny, take back, remove,
recall; take, receive, accept;
hold, support.
Glad. Rejoiced, pleased, grati-
fied, delighted, happy, well-con-
tented; cheerful, joyous, joyful,
gladsome, elated, jocund, play-
ful, light-hearted, cheery, ani-
mated; exhilarating, pleasing,
bright, gratifying; blithesome,
ANT. Unhappy, sad, sorrow-
ful, disastrous, sorry, dismal,
disappointed, discontented, un-
Gladden. Delight, cheer, exhil-
arate, bless, rejoice, gratify,
make glad.
ANT. Grieve, disappoint, de-
press, dispirit, trouble, wound,
afflict, sadden, displease.
Glare. Glitter, glisten, dazzle,
flare, gleam, sparkle; glower,
look fierce; beam, shine, glow,
ray, radiate.
[ 136 ]
ANT. Shimmer, scintillate,
waver, glimmer, smolder, burn
fitfully, flash, flicker, glister j
obscure, darken.
Glassy. Vitreous; crystal, crys-
talline, transparent, gleaming,
lucent, brilliant, shining;
smooth, polished, glacial, gla-
brous, brittle, pellucid, limpid,
glossy, silken.
ANT. Rough, uneven, pli-
ant, rugged, tough, opaque, tur-
bid, muddy, dull, dark.
Glaze, v. Set glass; calender,
polish, burnish, gloss, furbish :
become glassy, grow dim; vit-
ANT. Roughen, corrugate,
rumple, crumple, wrinkle, fur-
Glimpse, n. Glance, glimmer-
ing, sight, inkling, flash, sur-
vey, trace, tinge.
ANT. Observation, scrutiny,
investigation, inspection, ex-
posure, analysis, examination.
Gloom. Obscurity, darkness,
dimness, gloominess, cloud; de-
jection, sadness, depression, des-
pondency, melancholy ; gloam-
ing, twilight, shadow, obscura-
tion, dulness, cloudiness.
ANT. Light, radiance, clear-
ness, daylight, brightness.
Glorify. Extol, exalt, magnify,
bless, honor, praise; brighten,
make illustrious, elevate, en-
noble, adorn; laud, signalize,
aggrandize, panegyrize.
ANT. Debase, depress, abuse,
abase, defame, degrade, decry,
censure, blame, rebuke.
Glorious. Illustrious, renowned,
celebrated, eminent, famed, fa-
mous, distinguished, conspicu-
ous; resplendent, splendid, ra-
diant, bright, brilliant; noble,
lofty, exalted, supreme, high,
excellent, consummate.
ANT. Mean, debased, undis-
tinguished, disgraced, unknown,
dishonorable, inglorious.
Glory. Honor, renown, celebrity,
fame, praise; splendor, luster,
brightness, brilliancy, pride, ef-
fulgence ; gloriousness, noble-
ness, exaltation, grandeur; ra-
diance, state, pomp, parade,,
ANT. Obscurity, cloud, ig-
nominy, dishonor, degradation^
disgrace, shame.
Gloss, n. Interpretation, com-
ment, note, explanation, scho-
lium, commentary, annotation;
pretext, pretense, specious plea;
luster, polish, shine, sheen; dis-
tortion, misinterpretation, per-
version, twist, plea, specious-
ANT. Haze, nebulousness /
truth, Uteralness, representa-
tion, reality, verity, actuality,
solution, exposition.
Glowing. Shining, hot, intense,
ardent, excited, fiery, fervid,
ANT. Cool, languid, dispas-
sionate, dull, apathetic, chill-
Glut, n. Repletion, superabun-
dance, surplus, overplus, re-
dundancy, overstock, superflu-
ANT. Scarcity, want, scanti-
ness, dearth, failure, drainage,
Glut, v. Cloy, sate, satiate, pall,
surfeit; gorge, cram, stuff, fill,
overfeed, make replete.
ANT. Empty, void, disgorge,
eject, discharge, vomit.
Gluttony. Voracity, greed, gor-
inandizement, deglutition.
ANT. Abstinence, abstemi-
ousness, temperance, frugality.
Go. Move, pass, proceed, advance,
progress ; walk, travel, journey,
fare; depart, set out, leave;
reach, extend; contribute, con-
[ 137 ]
cur, tend, avail ; eventuate, turn
out; be esteemed, be reckoned;
accept, approve, endure, toler-
ate, swallow, bear; stir, budge.
ANT. Stand, stay, come, re-
main, rest, endure, persist, lack,
abide, fail.
Good, n. Benefit, gain, advan-
tage, utility, profit; welfare,
weal, prosperity, interest; vir-
tue, righteousness, excellence ;
abundance, riclies; boon, bless-
ing, mercy.
ANT. Hurt, loss, detriment,
injury, evil, disadvantage, ill,
calamity, affliction, infliction,
Good, a. Advantageous, service-
able, profitable, useful, benefi-
cial; suitable, fit, convenient,
proper, well-adapted; upright,
virtuous, worthy, pious, dutiful,
righteous, religious; excellent,
valuable, precious, sterling, ad-
mirable, capital ; kind, humane,
benevolent, friendly, favorable,
gracious, merciful, obliging,
well -disposed; fair, unblem-
ished, untarnished, unsullied,
immaculate, honorable, unim-
peached; cheerful, lively, social,
genial, companionable ; able,
skilful, expert, ready, dexter-
ous, well-qualified; competent;
pleasant, gratifying, agreeable;
considerable; real, true, seri-
ous, unfeigned ; right, complete,
sound, propitious, efficient, suf-
ficient, valid, actual, reputable,
ANT. Bad, wrong, evil, ill,
wicked, depraved, imperfect, un-
sound, vicious, profane, nig-
gardly, unpropitious, unservice-
able, unsuitable, inefficient, in-
competent, inadequate, invalid,
fictitious, supposititious, incon-
siderable, mean, disreputable,
disgraceful; baneful, mischiev-
ous, pernicious, injurious, hurt-
ful; abandoned, corrupt, im-
moral, unprincipled, dishonest,
unfair, villainous; unfortunate,
unlucky, unhappy; unwelcome,
sad, depressing, discouraging,
distressing; wretched, sorry,
abominable; inferior, defective;
severe, serious, hard, heavy.
Good-by. Farewell, adieu.
ANT. Salutation, welcome,
hail, greeting.
Good-humored. Cheerful, buoy-
ant, placid, amiable, good-na-
tured, good-tempered.
ANT. Cross, ill-humored, ill-
natured, unamiable, petulant,
fretful, peevish.
Goodly. Graceful, comely, beau-
tiful, good-looking; pleasant,
happy, agreeable, desirable; ex-
cellent, fair, fine; considerable.
ANT. Unpleasant, undesir-
able, inconsiderable, uncomely,
ungainly, clumsy, aickicard.
Gorgeous. Showy, glittering,
splendid, shining, magnificent,
resplendent, fine, rich, superb,
dazzling; costly, grand, strong.
ANT. Poor, naked, dingy,
bare, threadbare, cheap; grimy,
soiled; dull, obscure, dim.
Govern. Manage, reign over, di-
rect, command, control, rule,
sway, influence, mold, restrain,
curb, moderate, guide, super-
vise, conduct; regulate, steer,
ANT. Be subject, obey, sub-
mit, comply, yield; misrule,
misdirect, misconduct.
Grace. Favor, kindness, conde-
scension, love, benignity, good
will; piety, devotion, sanctity,
devoutness, faith, holiness, re-
ligion; mercy, pardon, forgive-
ness; elegance, polish, accom-
plishment, refinement; beauty,
symmetry, comeliness, graceful-
ness, ease; short prajer; excel-
lence, charm.
[ 133 ]
ANT. Disfavor, deformity,
pride, unkindness, gawkiness,
awkwardness, inelegance.
Graceful. Beautiful, comely, ele-
gant, stately, easy, natural, be-
coming, flowing, rounded, sinu-
ANT. Awkward, homely, un-
couth, ugly, plain, gawky, un-
Graceless. Depraved, degener-
ate, corrupt, reprobate, disso-
lute, profligate, lost, abandoned,
hardened, obdurate, shameless,
incorrigible, wicked, irreclaim-
able; ungraceful, scampish, vi-
cious, worthless.
ANT. Graceful, virtuous, up-
right, conscientious, worthy;
gracious, tender-hearted.
Gracious. Benevolent, benign,
kind, favorable, benignant, com-
passionate, friendly, merciful,
tender, lenient, condescending,
mild, gentle; affable, familiar,
civil, polite, easy, courteous,
ANT. Haughty, discourteous,
ungracious, ill-disposed, churl-
ish, unfriendly, impolite.
Gradation. Progress, progres-
sion, succession ; graduation,
precedency, arrangement, ordi-
nation, standing, rank, degree,
stage, tier.
ANT. Equality, uniformity,
fraternity; abruptness, break,
Gradual. Regular, progressive;
slow, approximate; continuous,
unintermittent, step by step,
ANT. Sudden, momentary, in-
stantaneous, periodic, intermit-
tent, recurrent, broken, discon-
tinuous, disconnected.
Grand. Stately, lordly, princely,
august, exalted, majestic, ele-
vated, illustrious, eminent, dig-
nified, great, high ; magnificent,
glorious, superb, splendid, lofty,
noble, sublime; principal, chief,
main, leading, supreme; large,
imposing, important, eventful,
pompous, gorgeous.
ANT. Little, undignified, un~
imposing, inferior, petty, pal-
try, secondary, unimportant, in-
significant, mean, common, beg-
garly, contemptible, small.
Grandeur. Greatness, vastness,
loftiness, elevation, immensity;
state, dignity, majesty, stateli-
ness, pomp, augustness, splen-
dor; magnificence, display, os-
ANT. Meanness, paltriness?
humiliation, shame, disgrace.
Grandiloquence. Bombast, fua-
tian, turgidity; verbosity, pom-
posity, mouthiness, grandiosity,
antiloquence, stiltedness, eu-
ANT. Simplicity, naivet6, un-
affectedness; vernacular.
Grant. Yield, admit, concede, al-
low; give, bestow, confer, deign,
vouchsafe ; convey, transfer ; al-
lot, accord, cede, impart.
ANT. Withhold, withdraw,
reserve, resume, deny, refuse.
Graphic. Vivid, lively, pictur-
esque, well-drawn, striking, tell-
ing; illustrative, pictorial, de-
scriptive, forcible, feeling; de-
ANT. Undcscrlptive, unillus-
trative, unpicturcsque ; hazy f
obscure, indefinite.
Grasp. Clasp, gripe, seize, grip,,
grapple, catch, clutch, clinch,,
lay hold of; hold, retain, com-
ANT. Loose, lose, abandon,
relinquish, surrender, release,
miss, misunderstand.
Grateful. Obliged, thankful, in-
debted, beholden ; agreeable, ac-
ceptable, pleasing, pleasant, de-
lightful, gratifying, welcome,.
C 1:
charming, satisfying; delicious,
savory, nice, cordial, luscious,
refreshing, invigorating; com-
forting, soothing, alleviating.
ANT. Unpleasant, unaccept-
able, disobliged, ungrateful, dis-
Gratification. Satisfaction, in-
dulgence; enjoyment, delight,
pleasure, fruition; reward, rec-
ANT. Pain, dislike, disap-
pointment, abstinence, stinting,
discipline, inurement, abnega-
Gratify. Please, delight, glad-
den; indulge, satisfy, humor,
ANT. Displease, dissatisfy,
stint, deprive, deny, discipline.
Gratitude. Thankfulness, obli-
gation, gratefulness.
ANT. Thanklessness, ingrati-
tude, ungratefulness, unthank-
fulness, resentment, oblivion,
Gratuitous. Free, voluntary,
uncompensated, groundless, un-
warranted, unsought, unneces-
sary ; spontaneous, baseless, un-
ANT. Compulsory, involun-
tary, obligatory, necessitated,
warranted, well-founded; un-
willing, enforced, enjoined.
Grave, a. Important, weighty,
serious, cogent, momentous ; so-
ber, sedate, thoughtful, staid,
solemn; plain, subdued, quiet,
silent; sad, pressing, demure,
Bomber, aggravated, heavy.
ANT. Joyous, merry, unim-
portant, facetious, ridiculous,
trivial, light, frivolous, futile,
trifling, petty, slight.
Great. Large, big, vast, huge,
bulky, ample, immense, gigan-
tic, enormous; much, excessive,
high ; numerous, countless ; con-
siderable, important, weighty;
distinguished, eminent, exalted,
prominent, excellent, elevated,
celebrated, noted, famed, illus-
trious, famous, renowned; au-
gust, grand, dignified, noble,
sublime, majestic, lofty; gener-
ous, magnanimous, chivalrous,
high-minded; sumptuous, rich,
magnificent; difficult, onerous,
hard, burdensome, grievous ;
chief, principal, main, leading,
grand; superior, preeminent;
protracted, noticeable.
ANT. Little, narrow, scanty,
puny, few, short, mean, ignoble,
weak, unimportant.
Greediness. Avidity, hunger, vo-
racity, ravenousness, gluttony;
eagerness, longing, greed, in-
tense desire; grasping, avarice,
rapacity, selfishness.
ANT. Generosity, prodigal-
ity, benevolence.
Greedy. Voracious, ravenous, in-
satiable, gluttonous, insatiate,
rapacious; eager, desirous ; self-
ish, grasping, avaricious;
ANT. Abstemious, abstinent,
contented, apathetic, indiffer-
ent; generous, unselfish.
Grief. Bitterness, misery, agony,
anguish, heartache, heartbreak ;
trial, grievance ; melancholy,
sadness, sorrow, trouble, tribu-
lation, woe, mourning, affliction,
distress, regret.
ANT. Happiness, joy, ela-
tion, delight, hilarity, exulta-
tion, cheer, mirth, gaiety.
Grievance. Hardship, wrong,
injury, burden, oppression ; af-
fliction, trial, sorrow, grief, dis-
tress, woe; complaint, trouble,
ANT. Congratulation, boon,
benefit, rejoicing, privilege, al-
leviation, riddance, disburden-
Grieve. Afflict, pain, hurt, dis-
t 140 1
tress, sadden, agonize; sorrow,
mourn, lament, suffer, bewail ;
burden, annoy, wound, com-
plain, deplore.
ANT. Ease, soothe, console,
please, rejoice, exult, alleviate,
gratify, content, satisfy.
Grievous. Sad, heavy, distress-
ing, afflictive, painful, deplor-
able, lamentable; hurtful, in-
jurious, noxious, mischievous,
detrimental, calamitous; atro-
cious, heinous, outrageous, in-
tolerable, dreadful, flagrant,
aggravated ; sorrowful, baleful,
burdensome, unhappy, disas-
ANT. Pleasant, joyous, de-
lightful, glad, consolatory, ac-
ceptable, welcome, grateful,
light, trivial, trifling.
Grim. Fierce, ruthless, cruel,
savage, ferocious; frightful,
horrible, hideous, dire, horrid,
appalling, terrific, dreadful;
ugly, ghastly, sullen, stern.
ANT. Mild, attractive, be-
nign, placid, docile.
Gross. Great; large, big, bulky:
dense, thick; coarse, rough,
rude, unrefined, unseemly, un-
becoming; indelicate, sensual,
impure, vulgar, low, broad ;
enormous, flagrant, shameful,
outrageous, grievous ; palpable,
manifest, glaring; whole, total,
entire, aggregate; vicious, ani-
mal, bloated.
ANT. Partial, component;
net ; refined, pure; elegant, deli-
cate, subtle.
Grotesque. Fantastic, whimsi-
cal, fanciful, droll, odd, unnat-
ural, strr.ngo, wild, bizarre, ex-
travagant; ludicrous, absurd,
ridiculous, antic, burlesque;
quaint, old, archaic, distorted,
AXT. Classic, chaste, grace-
ful, fine, severe, regular, fash-
ionable, symmetrical, typical,,
formal, normal.
Ground. Basis, base, ground-
work, support, foundation ; sod,
soil, clod, earth, loam, turf;
region, territory, country, land,
domain; estate, acres, field;
motive, consideration, reason,,
cause, account, inducement;
premise, plea.
ANT. Superstructure, state-
ment, argument, inference, de-
duction; product, development ,
result, effect; ocean, sea, deep t
main, waters.
Grounded. Rooted, established,
initiated, inaugurated, trained,
prepared, fixed, set; indoctri-
ANT. Ungrounded, unpre-
pared, uninitiated, baseless, un-
founded, groundless, unauthor-
Groundless. Vain, suppositi-
tious, unfounded, false, base-
less, fanciful, chimerical, gra-
ANT. Well-founded, author-
itativc, substantial, actual, au-
Group. Cluster, collection, assem-
blage, order, bunch, knot, class,
clump, assembly, collocation.
AXT. Individual, crowd, iso-
lation, medley, confusion; dis-
persion, distribution, scatter-
Grovel. Creep, crawl, sneak, be
prone, fawn, cringe, lie, grub,
ANT. Soar, aspire, mount,
rise, domineer, intimidate, dic-
tate, broicbcat.
Grow. Enlarge, increase, swell,
expand, extend, augment; veg-
etate, shout, sprout, germinate;
advance, wax, progress, im-
prove; adhere; raise, produce,
cultivate ; accrue, become, de-
velop, amplify.
[ 141 ]
ANT. Diminish, recede, con-
tract, fail, stop, die, wane, de-
cline, subside, ebb, decay, depre-
ciate, crumble, weaken.
Grudge, n. Hatred, pique, ran-
cor, spite, malice, malevolence;
grievance, aversion, dissatisfac-
tion, discontent, refusal.
ANT. Welcome, satisfaction,
approval, contentment, bene-
faction, complacency, bestowal.
Guardian. Warden, keeper, pro-
tector, defender, preserver ; cus-
todian, conservator.
ANT. Pupil, ward; traitor,
betrayer; charge, minor.
Guess. Conjecture, divine, sur-
mise, mistrust, suspect; find
out, solve, penetrate, fathom;
suppose, think, believe, fancy,
imagine; hazard, risk.
ANT. Examine, prove, inves-
tigate, establish, demonstrate,
deduce, elaborate, illustrate.
Guide, n. Director, conductor,
pilot ; mentor, monitor, adviser,
instructor, counselor; clue,
key; itinerary.
ANT. Follower, disciple, im-
itator, pupil.
Guide, v. Lead, conduct, pilot;
direct, rule, manage, regulate,
govern, control, steer; superin-
tend, influence, train.
ANT. Mislead, misconduct,
misdirect, mismanage, misregu-
late, misguide, miseducate, be-
tray, deceive, impose upon, dis-
appoint, cheat.
Guile. Cunning, craft, subtlety,
artifice, artfulness, deceit, du-
plicity, deception, fraud, wiles,
trickery; treachery, insidious-
ness, hypocrisy.
ANT. Frankness, simplicity,
honesty, candor, generosity, sin
cerity, truth, veracity.
Guilt. Guiltiness, culpability,
criminality; wrong, offensive-
ness, wickedness, ill desert, in*
iquity, sin, offense.
ANT. Sinlessness, innocence^
purity, godliness, righteous-
Guise. Aspect, appearance, garb,
dress, form, shape, figure, man-
ner, mode, fashion; practice,
habit, custom; semblance, plea,
demeanor, mien.
ANT. Character, person, in-
dividual, sentiment, disposition,
opinion, life, mind, soul, self.
Gumption. Shrewdness, discern-
ment, sagacity, skill, cleverness,
ability, capacity, power, pene-
tration, common sense.
Gush, v. Burst, stream, flow,
rush, spout, pour out, flow out;
sentimentalize, be overeffusive.
ANT. Drip, drop, filter, ooze,
percolate, dribble, drain, strain,
Gust. Taste, relish, zest, liking;
pleasure, enjoyment, delight,
delectation, gratification; turn,
fancy, favor; blast, squall; fit,
outburst, burst, paroxysm ;
puff, breeze, gale.
ANT. Calm, tranquillity, sub-
sidence, composure, restraint,
zephyr; insipidity, tasteless-
t 142 ]
Habiliment. Dress, garments,
clothes, apparel, vesture, rai-
ment, habit, costume, vestment,
garb, robes, uniform, cloth-
ANT. Undress, nudity, bare-
ness, deshabille, divestment.
Habit. Condition, constitution,
temperament; way, manner;
dress, garb, habiliment; habit-
uation, familiarity, association,
inurement; routine, rule, cus-
tom, fashion, practice, system,
habitude, use, usage, wont.
ANT. Dishabituation, inex-
perience, inconversance, desue-
tude, disuse, breach, infringe-
ment, disusage.
Habitation. Abode, dwelling,
lodging, domicil, headquar-
ters, quarters, dwelling-place.
Habitual. Usual, customary,
wonted, common, accustomed,
regular, ordinary, familiar,
everyday, perpetual.
ANT. Irregular, extraordi-
nary, unusual, occasional, ex-
ceptional, rare.
Haggard. Wild, wayward, in-
tractable, refractory, unruly,
untamed; gaunt, lean, spare,
meager, worn, wasted, raw-
boned ; attenuated, wrinkled,
ghastly, hollow-eyed.
ANT. Sleek, smug, plump,
chubby, comely, nightly, pretty.
Hail. Accost, address, salute,
greet, welcome, call, speak, sig-
ANT. Ignore, avoid, pass,
cut, disdain, insult, rebuff.
Halcyon. Calm, quiet, placid,
still, peaceful, tranquil, undis-
turbed, unruffled, palmy, se-
rene, happy, golden, balmy.
ANT. Stormy, tempestuous,
troublous, boisterous, bluster-
ing, turbulent, violent.
Hale. Healthy, sound, strong,
robust, hearty, hardy, well.
ANT. Feeble, sickly, weak.
Half, n. Bisection, dimidiation,
ANT. Integrity, total, whole,
entirety, sum, amount, aggre-
gate, quantity, number.
Hallow. Consecrate, dedicate,
sanctify, devote, make holy;
reverence, venerate, honor, re-
spect, pay homage to, enshrine.
ANT. Desecrate, profane, ex~
ecrate, blaspheme, abominate.
Halt. Stop, hold, stand, pull up j
limp, hobble; rest, falter, ham-
per, stammer, demur, dubitate,
pause, stand still, hesitate.
ANT. Advance, flow, speed;
determine, decide, conclude, fin-
Hamper. Hinder, fetter, en-
tangle, shackle, clog, encum-
ber, restrain, impede.
ANT. Free, liberate, loose;
expedite, hasten, speed, accel-
Hand. Palm and fingers; side,
direction, part; skill, dexterity,
talent, ability, faculty; handi-
work, workmanship; man-
agement, course; asrency, share,
intervention, participation; la-
borer, workman, operative, ar-
tificer, artisan, craftsman, em-
ployee; possession, power, con-
trol; index, pointer, indicator;
chirography, handwriting; in-
fluonce; handful, bunch.
ANT. Employer.
Handle. Touch, feel, take; man-
age, use. wield; treat, discuss,
discourse; deal with; operate,,
[ H3 1
ANT. Drop, bungle, misman-
age, botch, spoil, mar.
Handsome. Comely, stately,
well-formed, fine-looking; easy,
graceful, becoming, appropri-
ate; generous, liberal, noble,
magnanimous, disinterested;
ample, sufficient, large, plenti-
ful; beautiful, pretty, lovely,
ANT. Uncomely, ill-looking,
ungenerous, illiberal, ugly, un-
sightly, ghastly.
Handy. Dexterous, adroit, skil-
ful, skilled, ready, clever, ex-
pert; convenient, near, at hand.
ANT. Remote, inconvenient,
umoieldy, cumbrous, awkward,
useless, unhandy.
Hang. Rest, lean, depend, poise,
suspend; attach, incline, drop,
decline, droop; execute; drape,
adorn; dangle, be suspended,
adhere, rely, stick, cling; hover,
float, play; attend.
ANT. Stand, recline, lean,
lie; prop, support, uphold.
Happen. Chance, occur, befall,
bechance, betide, fall, come to
pass, fall out, take place, super-
ANT. Miss, omit, fail, pass,
spare, pass by, neglect, dis-
Happiness. Delight/ joy, pleas-
ure, satisfaction, comfort, bliss,
triumph, mirth, gaiety, ecstasy,
gladness, rejoicing, rapture,
contentment, merriment, bless-
edness, felicity, cheer, enjoy-
ment, well-being, light-hearted-
ness, cheerfulness, brightness;
beatitude, prosperity.
ANT. Grief, sorrow, anguish,
trouble, mourning, misfortune,
affliction, disaster, woe, agony,
distress, torture, torment, mel-
Happy. Gay, glad, joyous, cheer-
ful, blessed, delighted, joyful,
jolly, successful, rejoicing,
blissful, lucky, merry, fortu-
nate, rejoiced, jocund, buoy-
ant, felicitous, bright, blithe-
some, sunny, cheering, cheery,
sprightly, delightful, smiling,
mirthful, pleased, prosperous,
rapturous; light-hearted, blest,
gladdened, charmed; ready, ex-
pert, apt, skilful, adroit, able,
dexterous ; seasonable, oppor-
tune, befitting, pertinent, well-
timed ; auspicious, propitious,
ANT. Unlucky, unfortuna,te,
unsuccessful, infelicitous, sor-
rowful, sorry, dull, lugubrious,
disappointed, desponding, un-
Harangue. Speech, public or
formal address, oration; bom-
bast, declamation, tirade,
screed; effusion, rant.
ANT. Mumble, drawl, insinu-
ation, suggestion, stammering,
reasoning, blandiloquence, stut-
Harass. Fatigue, tire, weary,
annoy, exhaust; vex, plague,
worry, distress, trouble, molest,
disturb, torment, harry; jade,
tease, irritate, chafe, harrow,
pester, perplex.
ANT. Relieve, refresh, com-
fort, solace, soothe, animate, in-
Harbinger. Herald, forerunner,
precursor, announcer.
ANT. Reporter, narrator, fol-
lower, attendant, historian, re-
Harbor, n. Asylum, refuge, shel-
ter, cover, retreat, sanctuary,
resting-place; port, haven, des-
tination, home, anchorage.
ANT. Labor, toil, peril, ex-
posure, roving, wandering, voy-
age, roaming, pilgrimage.
Harbor, v. Shelter, lodge, pro-
tect; entertain, indulge, foster,
E 144 ]
cherish; secrete; accommodate,
ANT. Eject, expel, discard,
discourage, stifle, exclude, ban-
ish, dismiss.
Hard. Firm, solid, compact, im-
penetrable, rigid, unyielding ;
difficult, embarrassing, knotty,
puzzling, intricate, perplexing;
laborious, arduous, toilsome,
wearying, fatiguing; unkind,
insensible, cruel, oppressive,
rigorous, severe, exacting, in-
flexible, obdurate, callous, un-
feeling, unsympathetic; griev-
ous, distressing, painful, calam-
itous, unpleasant, disagreeable;
inclement, stormy, cold, severe,
tempestuous; harsh, sour, acid,
rough ; coarse, unpalatable ; un-
favorable, unprosperous, unpro-
pitious; stiff, unnatural, forced,
constrained, ungraceful ; exces-
sive, intemperate; inexplicable,
flinty, dense, stubborn, hardy,
ANT. Soft, fluid, liquid, elas-
tic, brittle, easy, penetrable,
mild, lenient, tender, ductile,
simple, uninvolved, intelligible,
Harden. Indurate, make hard;
habituate, inure, season, form,
train, accustom, discipline; for-
tify, strengthen, steel, nerve,
brace ; scar, make callous, make
obdurate; consolidate, compact.
ANT. Disinure, relax, ener-
vate, debilitate, soften, disha-
bituate, melt, mollify, vaporize,
Hardihood. Firmness, fortitude,
resolution, mettle, pluck, man-
hood, courage, bravery, bold-
ness, intrepidity, audacity, de-
cision, determination; effron-
tery, assurance, brass.
ANT. Weakness, effeminacy ;
timidity, fear; indecision; cow-
Hardly. Scarcely, barely, just;
severely, rigorously, unkindly,
roughly, cruelly; merely, nar-
ANT. Fully, amply, easily,
abundantly, largely.
Hardship. Toil, fatigue, weari-
ness ; grievance, suffering, trial,
affliction, trouble, misfortune,
calamity, burden, hardness ; an-
noyance, infliction, endurance.
ANT. Pleasure, amusement,
alleviation, recreation, gratifi-
cation, relief, assuagement, fa-
cilitation, treat, boon.
Hardy. Bold, intrepid, resolute,
brave, daring, valiant, heroic,
manly, stout-hearted, coura-
geous; strong, robust, firm,
lusty, stout, healthy, rigorous,
hale, sound, hearty; inured,
ANT. Weak, uninured, irres-
olute, delicate, debilitated, ten-
der, fragile, frail, infirm.
Harm. Injury, hurt, detriment,
mischief, damage, prejudice,
disadvantage ; evil, criminality,
wrong, wickedness; misfortune,
ill, mishap.
ANT. Benefit, boon, amelio-
ration, improvement, compen-
sation, reparation, remedy,
Harmless. Innocuous, innocent,
innoxious, gentle, inoffensive ;
unhurt, unharmed, uninjured.
ANT. Noxious, hurtful, noc-
uous, savage, cruel, deadly, mis-
chievous, violent, pernicious,
Harmonious. Concordant, har-
monic, consonant; melodious,
tuneful, musical, dulcet, mellif-
luous ; correspondent, consis-
tent, symmetrical, congruent;
friendly, cordial, amicable, fra-
ternal, brotherly, neighborly ;
accordant, proportioned, uni-
form, peaceful, agreeable.
[ 145 ]
ANT. Discordant, incongru-
ous, unsJiapely, harsh, dispro-
portioned, unmelodious, sharp,
grating, riotous, unfriendly,
unpeaceful, quarrelsome.
Harmony. Concord, amity, ac-
cordance, unison, consent, un-
animity, unity, accord, agree-
ment, uniformity, symmetry,
union, conformity, consonance,
congruity, concurrence, consis-
ANT. Hostility, separation,
discord, warfare, battle, vari-
ance, conflict, disagreement,
disunion, dissension, conten-
tion, antagonism, contest, con-
troversy, schism, opposition,
incongruity, difference, incon-
sistency, disproportion.
Harsh. Rough, sour, crabbed,
tart, hard, biting, sharp, cor-
rosive, caustic; grating, dis-
cordant, jarring; morose, se-
vere, stern, austere, acrimoni-
ous, ill-natured, unkind, un-
feeling; rude, uncivil, blunt, un-
gracious, gruff, brutal, bearish ;
abusive, rigorous, rancorous.
ANT. Smooth, lenient, me-
lodious, genial, kindly, suave,
bland, gentle.
Harvest. Fruit, crop, increase,
yield, result, return, proceeds,
product, growth, ingathering,
harvest-feast, harvest-festival,
harvest-time, harvest-home.
Haste. Despatch, celerity, speed,
promptitude, quickness; hurry,
precipitation, vehemence, pre-
cipitance ; expedition, excite-
ment, heedlessness, swiftness.
ANT. Delay, slowness, tardi-
ness, coolness, reflection, mod-
eration, steadiness.
Hasten. Expedite, despatch, ac-
celerate, speed, hurry, hustle,
quicken, precipitate, press on,
urge forward; haste, make
haste; urge, press.
ANT. Retard, impede, ob-
struct, demur, halt, hesitate.
Hasty. Quick, swift, fleet, fast,
rapid, brisk, speedy; cursory,
slight, hurried, superficial;
headlong, rash, reckless, pre-
cipitate, indiscreet, thought-
less; passionate, touchy, irri-
table, petulant, waspish, ex-
citable, fiery, hot, irascible,
peppery, fretful ; impetuous,
crude, incomplete, immature,
ANT. Tardy, slow, leisurely,
careful, reflective, developed,
complete, matured, elaborate,
thoughtful, deliberate.
Hateful. Malignant, malevo-
lent, malign; abominable, de-
testable, odious, execrable, ab-
horrent, horrid, shocking, ac-
cursed, damnable ; loathsome,
disgusting, nauseous, foul, re-
pulsive, offensive, vile, obnox-
ious, revolting, repugnant;
ANT. Lovely, loveable, de-
sirable, delightful, attractive,
enticing, enjoyable, tempting,
Hatred. Enmity, dislike, hos-
tility, anger, abhorrence, aver-
sion, spite, revenge, grudge, ill
will, malice, antipathy, resent-
ment, animosity, malignity, re-
pugnance, rancor, detestation,
ANT. Friendship, love, be-
nevolence, charity, beneficence.
Have. Hold, occupy, own, pos-
sess, be in possession of, re-
gard, consider, esteem; wish,
require, desire; obtain, get, ac-
quire, receive, gain; be obliged,
be under necessity; take, ac-
cept; bear, bring forth; feel,
entertain, enjoy, keep.
ANT. Want, need, lose, dis-
card, forego, miss, reject, covet,
[ 146 ]
Havoc. Ravage, devastation,
destruction, desolation, waste,
ruin; carnage, slaughter; dem-
olition, wreck.
ANT. Conservation, enrich-
ment, enhancement, augmen-
tation, development, prosper-
ity, productiveness, luxuriance.
Hazard, n. Chance, peril, ven-
ture, risk, casualty, accident,
contingency, danger, jeopardy,
ANT. Safeguard, protection,
security, surety, certainty, ne-
cessity, plan, assurance, safety ;
warrant, calculation, law.
Hazy. Foggy, misty, nebulous,
filmy, gauzy, cloudy, murky,
ANT. Clear, crystalline, di-
aphanous, transparent, bright,
luminous, shining.
Head. Top, summit, acme;
front, fore part; rise, com-
mencement, source, origin, be-
ginning; chief part, principal
part; person, individual; chief,
chieftain, leader, commander,
master, superintendent, direc-
tor; first place; understand-
ing, mind, thought, intellect;
topic, subject; class, section,
department, category, division;
seat of the brain ; crown, ruler,
crisis, gathering, culmination,
leadership, guide.
ANT. Tail, bottom, foot, fol-
loicer, servant, retainer, sub-
ordinate, subordination, inferi-
ority, body, bulk, substance,
Heal. Cure, remedy, restore;
reconcile, compose, soothe, har-
monize, settle; be cured, get
well ; repair, assuage, cicatrize.
ANT. Harm, hurt, wound,
pierce, ulcerate.
Healthy. Healthful, sanitary,
hearty, hygienic, well, vigor-
ous, strong, sound, wholesome,
hale, salutary, salubrious, in-
vigorating, bracing.
ANT. Unhealthy, noxious,
pernicious, insalubrious; ill,
sickly, unhealthful, weak, dis-
eased, feeble, wasted, emaci-
ated, fainting, failing, unsound,
worn, frail, fragile, exhausted,
Heart. Organ of circulation;
interior, center, essence, core,
kernel ; disposition, mind, will,
inclination, intent, passion, pur-
pose; spirit, courage, firmness,
fortitude, resolution; love, af-
fection, feeling, emotion; con-
science, character, moral na-
ture; nucleus, hardihood, life,
ANT. Rand, action, aspect,
exterior, manifestation, deed,
conduct, timidity.
Heart-broken. Forlorn, dis-
consolate, inconsolable, miser-
able, wretched, desolate, cheer-
less, comfortless, in despair,
broken-hearted, wobegone.
ANT. Cheerful, hopeful,
Heartily. Cordially, zealously,
sincerely, earnestly.
ANT. Half-heartedly, insin-
cerely, indifferently.
Hearty. Earnest, warm, cor-
dial, sincere, true, deep, pro-
found, heartfelt, unfeigned; ac-
tive, zealous, vigorous, ener-
getic, animated; healthy, hale,
sound, strong, well, robust;
abundant, full, heavy; nour-
ishing, rich, nutritious; hon-
est, genuine.
ANT. Delicate, infirm, un-
healthy, cold, insincere, hol-
low, dissembling, deceptive, de-
ceitful, hypocritical, false.
Heat. Warmth, high tempera-
ture; excitement, flush, vehe-
mence, impetuosity, passion,
violence, fever; ardor, earnest-
[ 147 ]
ness, fervor, eeal; contest, race,
struggle; intensity, ebullition.
ANT. Coolness, indifference,
calmness, subsidence, compo-
sure, reflection.
Heathenish. Heathen, pagan,
Gentile; cruel, savage, inhu-
man, ferocious ; unconverted,
unChristian, unbelieving, un-
ANT. Christian, believing,
refined, civilized, polished.
Heave. Lift, hoist, raise, ele-
vate; breathe, exhale; throw,
toss, hurl, fling, send; uplift,
upraise, subelevate.
ANT. Dash, sink, lower, de-
trude, precipitate.
Heaven. Firmament, sky, wel-
kin, empyrean; Paradise, bliss,
Elysium; felicity, transport, ec-
stasy, happiness, rapture, tran-
scendent delight.
ANT. Gehenna, limbo, abyss,
Hades, Tartarus, Avernus, in-
fernal regions; misery, agony,
torment, remorse.
Heavenly. Celestial, divine, an-
gelic, seraphic, cherubic, god-
like, saintly, sainted, blessed,
holy, beatific, beatified, glori-
fied, blest; enrapturing, rav-
ishing, rapturous, transport-
ing, ecstatic, delightful, bliss-
ful, golden.
ANT. Demoniacal, diaboli-
cal, foul, hideous, fiendish, hell-
ish, infernal; terrene, human,
Heavy. Weighty, ponderous,
oppressive, grievous, severe,
burdensome, cumbersome, af-
flictive; dull, sluggish, inert,
inactive, stupid, torpid, indo-
lent, slow, lifeless, inanimate;
dejected, depressed, sorrowful,
sad, gloomy, despondent, mel-
ancholy, disconsolate, crushed,
dovncast, crestfallen; onerous,
difficult, laborious, hard; te-
dious, weary, tiresome, weari-
some ; loaded, encumbered, bur-
dened; miry, muddy, clayey,
cloggy. 8 ggy> ill-raised; tem-
pestuous, stormy, strong, vio-
lent, energetic, boisterous; im-
penetrable, stolid; loud, deep,
roaring; dense, dark, gloomy,
cloudy, lowering; thick.
ANT. Light, trifling, trivial,
agile, active, joyous, brisk, al~
leviative, quick, consolatory,
buoyant, inspiriting, animat-
Hector. Threaten, bully, men-
ace; vex, tease, annoy, worry,
fret, irritate, provoke, harass,
harry; swagger, bluster, boast,
ANT. Cower, shrink, hide,
abscond, skulk.
Heed. Observe, regard, notice,
mind, attend, harken to, listen
to, obey, care, be wary or cau-
ANT. Slight, ignore, disre-
gard, neglect, omit, overlook.
Heedful. Observing, regardful,
watchful, careful, cautious, at-
tentive, wary, provident, cir-
cumspect, mindful.
ANT. Heedless, careless, un-
observing, thoughtless, unob-
servant, inattentive, negligent,
regardless, unmindful, neglect-
ful, remiss, inconsiderate, pre-
cipitate, reckless, headlong,
Height. Altitude, elevation;
eminence, summit, top, apex,
acme; hill, mountain; exalta-
tion, stature, dignity, lofti-
ness, grandeur; tallness, cul-
mination, crisis.
ANT. Depth, lowness, de-
pression, base, littleness, abase-
ment ; profundity.
Heighten. Elevate, raise; mag-
nify, exalt, ennoble; increase,
enhance, augment, improve;
aggravate, intensify; color, ex-
aggerate, vivify, amplify, lift
ANT. Lower, diminish, de-
press, abase, deteriorate, tem-
per, tone, modify, qualify, ex-
Heinous. Flagrant, flagitious,
infamous, villainous, nefarious,
wicked, atrocious, enormous,
monstrous; hateful, detestable,
odious, abominable, execrable.
ANT. Excellent, laudable, dis-
tinguished, praiseworthy, justi-
fiable, meritorious, excusable.
Help. Foster, aid, assist, encour-
age, succor, uphold, sustain,
support, abet, cooperate, sec-
ond, stand by, befriend, rem-
edy, prevent, avoid, promote,
ANT. Obstruct, incur, resist,
aggravate, oppose, thwart, dis-
courage, iC'ithstand, counteract.
Hereditary. Ancestral, patri-
monial ; transmitted, inher-
ited; lineal.
ANT. Conferred, acquired,
icon, achieved.
Heresy. Heterodoxy, error, un-
sound doctrine, schism, unor-
ANT. Orthodoxy, catholicity ;
convention, prevailing belief.
Heretic. Dissenter, schismatic,
nonconformist, heresiarch.
ANT. Orthodox believer, fa-
natic, adherent.
Heritage. Inheritance, entail-
ment, legacy, bequest, portion,
patrimony, estate.
ANT. Wages, acquisition,
merit, compensation.
Hermetically. Secretly, myste-
riously, mystically, occultly,
emblematically, symbolically ;
air-tight, closely.
ANT. Loosely, misfittingly ;
Heroic. Brave, valiant, cour-
ageous, bold, daring, intrepid,
fearless, dauntless, noble, mag-
nanimous, gallant; epic; vio-
lent, extreme, desperate, ex-
travagant; undaunted, chival-
rous, romantic.
ANT. Dastardly, cowardly,
cravenly, fearful, timorous.
Hesitate. Doubt, pause, delay,
demur, waver, vacillate; falter,
stammer ; dubitate, scruple.
ANT. Decide, run, flow, de-
termine, precipitate.
Heterodox. Unsound, unortho-
dox, heretical, freethinking.
ANT. Sound, orthodox.
Heterogeneous. Unlike, vari-
ant, various, confused, con-
glomerate, mingled, mixed, dis-
cordant, miscellaneous, dissim-
ilar, non-homogeneous ; alien,
strange, different, opposed, con-
trary, contrasted.
ANT. Homogeneous, identi-
cal, like, same, pure, uniform,
similar, alike, accordant, con-
Hew. Cut, chop, hack; smooth,
fashion, form ; mold, model, en-
grave, carve, sculpture, turn.
ANT. Leave intact.
Hibernal. Wintry, brumal, arc-
tic, glacial, frigid.
ANT. Summery, balmy, zeph-
yrous, halcyon, tropical.
Hide. Conceal, secrete, mask,
dissemble, protect, store, dis-
guise, screen, cover, burrow, en-
sconce; suppress, shelter, with-
hold, cloak, veil, bury, inter,
entomb, overwhelm.
ANT. Expose, disclose, dis-
cover, exhume, show, tell, raise,
reveal, unveil, unmask, uncover,
exhibit, confess, betray, avow,
divulge, disinter, make known,
lay bare, lay open, publish, ad-
vertise, manifest, promulgate,
admit; strip.
Hideous. Frightful, dreadful,
[ 149 ]
appalling, horrible, ghastly,
terrible, horrid, grim, shock-
ing, grisly; unshapely, ugly,
ANT. Graceful, beautiful, at-
tractive, captivating.
High. Prominent, superior, dis-
tinguished, preeminent; dig-
nified, great, admirable; recon-
dite, abstruse, occult, profound,
dark, obscure, transcendental;
proud, haughty, arrogant, su-
percilious, lordly; boastful, os-
tentatious, bragging, vain-glo-
rious ; despotic, domineering,
overbearing, tyrannical; turbu-
lent, violent, strong, tumultu-
ous, boisterous; extreme;
complete, full; dear; shrill,
acute, sharp, high-pitched ;
northerly, southerly ; early,
primeval ; capital, principal ;
strong-flavored; noble, exalted,
steep, tall, towering, uplifted,
elevated, eminent, lofty.
ANT. Low, base, degraded,
inferior, mean, short, stunted,
depressed, dwarfed, ignoble.
Hinder. Delay, embarrass, op-
pose, prevent, stay, stop, re-
tard, hamper, impede, baffle, en-
cumber, check, bar, clog, coun-
teract, frustrate, foil, inter-
rupt, obstruct, resist, thwart,
block, balk, debar.
ANT. Quicken, hasten, speed,
accelerate, expedite, enable, fa-
cilitate, promote.
Hinge. Turn, depend, hang, be
dependent; move, work, rotate,
ANT. Halt, jar, grate, pre-
cipitate, abrade; give, fail.
Hire. Engage, commission, rent,
employ; bribe, buy up; lease,
ANT. Buy, purchase.
History. Annals, chronicle, re-
cital, memoir, narrative, rec-
ord, register, story, account,
archives, narration, muniment,
memorial, autobiography, bi-
ANT. Fiction, fable.
Hit. Strike; reach, attain, win,
secure, gain ; suit, accord with ;
clash, collide; succeed, be suc-
cessful; chance, hazard, touch,
ANT. Fail, err, miss, mis-
chance, swerve, deflect, over-
Hitch. Catch, get stuck or im-
peded; go by jerks; fasten,
unite, connect, tie, attach; bar,,
stick, stitkle, jam.
ANT. Run, glide, slide, ro-
tate, flow, continue.
Hoard. Store, deposit, save, gar-
ner, husband, hive, accumu-
late, amass, treasure.
ANT. Waste, squander, dis-
sipate, scatter.
Hoarse. Husky, raucous; gra-
ting, rough, harsh, low, gut-
tural, gruff.
ANT. Melodious, rich, mel-
low, sweet, mellifluous.
Hoary. Hoar, white, gray, sil-
very, frosty.
ANT. Dark, raven, jet, black.
Hoax. Deceive, cheat, impose
upon; befool, bamboozle, trick,
ANT. Guide, enlighten, in-
form, undeceive, direct, regu-
late, correct.
Hobby. Nag, hobby-horse; pur-
suit, whim, amusement, spe-
cialty, idiosyncrasy.
ANT. Nuisance, horror, aver-
sion, incubus, bugbear, scare-
Hold. Possess, retain, have, oc-
cupy; clasp, grasp, clutch,
clinch ; restrain, confine, im-
prison, detain; bind, fasten,
unite, connect; stop, stay, ar-
rest, suspend, withhold; sup-
port, maintain, sustain, con-
[ 150 ]
tinue, prosecute; embrace, en-
tertain, cherish; heed, regard,
consider, notice, judge, esteem,
count, reckon, deem; contain,
admit; celebrate, solemnize; as-
semble, convene ; cohere, ad-
here, cling, stick, cleave; be
firm, be fast, persist, last, en-
dure; be derived; think, be of
opinion, believe; stand, be
ANT. Drop, surrender, fail,
abandon, desert, release, forego,
vacate, concede, break, cease;
speed, accelerate; give, dis-
pense; disperse.
Hollow, a. Empty, void, va-
cant, vacuous, cavernous ; in-
sincere, false, faithless, hypo-
critical, treacherous, deceitful,
false-hearted, pharisaical ; ar-
tificial, concave, insubstantial,
flimsy, transparent, senseless,
unsound; deep, low, rumbling.
ANT. Full, solid, firm, sin-
cere, well-stored, strong, true,
sound, genuine, substantial.
Holy. Hallowed, sacred, conse-
crated, blessed, devoted, set
apart; righteous, saintly, spir-
itual, devout, saintlike, godly,
religious, heavenly-minded, pi-
ous, pure; reverend, sanctified,
ANT. Cursed, polluted, un-
sanctified, unconsecrated, un-
hallowed, wicked, worldly, ab-
ominable, common, impure, un-
holy, secular, profane, evil.
Homage. Fealty, allegiance, de-
votion, loyalty, fidelity; rever-
ence, obeisance, respect, def-
erence, duty, service, honor;
worship, adoration ; affiance,
submission, veneration.
ANT. Treason, rebellion, de-
fiance, insubordination, disaf-
Home. Habitation, hearth, resi-
dence, house, abode, dwelling,
domicil, fireside, hearthstone,
Homely. Domestic, homelike ;
plain, coarse, uncomely, inele-
gant, homespun; rather ugly.
ANT. Handsome, beautiful,
courtly, refined, elegant.
Honest. Honorable, fair, open,
straightforward, equitable; up-
right, virtuous, conscientious,
just, true, faithful, trusty, re-
liable, trustworthy; genuine,
thorough ; decent, reputable, re-
spectable, creditable, suitable,
proper; chaste; truthful, in-
genuous, sincere, frank, unre-
served, candid, good.
ANT. Lying, unscrupulous,
mendacious, untrue, deceitful,
dishonest, false, hypocritical,
fraudulent, disingenuous, per-
fidious, faithless, treacherous,
unfaithful, traitorous; dishon-
orable, improper, wrong, insin-
cere, vicious.
Honesty. Integrity, upright-
ness, probity, justice, fairness,
equity, honor, fidelity, faithful-
ness; truth, truthfulness, ve-
racity; genuineness, thorough-
ness; chastity, virtue; sincer-
ity, candor, frankness, open-
ness, unreserve, ingenuousness ;
straightforwardness, rectitude.
ANT. Insincerity, trickery,
dishonesty, guile, fraud, decep-
tion, unfairness, chicanery.
Honor. Veneration, reverence,
respect, homage, deference, civ-
ility; dignity, elevation, dis-
tinction ; majesty ; reputation,
repute, fame, esteem, credit,
glory, consideration; integrity,
probity, rectitude; pride, nobil-
ity, eminence, high-mindedness,
spirit, self-respect, grandeur,
ANT. Contempt, irreverence,
disrespect, slight, obscurity, de~
moralization, degradation, de~
basement, disgrace, cowardice,
infamy, dishonor.
Honorable. Honest, upright,
high-minded, illustrious, noble,
great, just, fair, trustworthy,
conscientious, virtuous, esti-
mable, reputable, right, proper,
creditable, equitable.
ANT. Dishonorable, dishon-
est, false, treacherous.
Honorary. Unofficial, nominal,
gratuitous, titular, unremuner-
ANT. Professional, official,
remunerative, jurisdictional.
Hoot. Shout ; cry like an owl ;
denounce, hiss, execrate, cry
down, decry, sibilate.
ANT. Salute, welcome, cheer,
"honor, acclaim, eulogize.
Hope. Trust, confidence, faith,
reliance ; expectancy, expecta-
tion, possibility ; dependence ;
anticipation, prospect, longing,
vision, desire.
ANT. Despair, despondency,
distrust, abandonment, disbe-
lief, abjuration.
Horizontal. Plain, flat, level,
even, plane.
ANT. Vertical, inclined, un-
even, slanting, sloping, hilly,
"broken, irregular, rough, roll-
ing, rugged.
Horrible. Horrid, frightful, ter-
rible, terrific, alarming, dire,
portentous, appalling, horrific,
horrifying, formidable, awful,
harrowing, dreadful, hideous,
fearful ; abominable, ghastly,
detestable, hateful, direful.
ANT. Lovely, desirable, en-
joyable, attractive, beautiful,
fair, pleasant, amiable.
Horror. Fright, alarm, dread.
fear, consternation, terror, af-
fright, dismay, panic; abomi-
nation, abhorrence, detestation,
disgust, hatred, shuddering, an-
tipathy; shrinking.
ANT. Love, attraction, en-
ticement, allurement.
Horse. Steed, charger, stallion,
gelding, mare, colt, pony, nag,
courser, barb, filly, palfrey;
cavalry, horsemen; stand, sup-
port, frame.
Hospitable. Generous, liberal,
bountiful, open, kind, uncon-
strained, unreserved, receptive,
large-minded; sociable, neigh-
borly, charitable.
ANT. Unsociable, exclusive,
retired, recluse, unneighborly t
Host. Entertainer ; innkeeper,
landlord; army, legion; multi-
tude, horde, throng, number, as-
ANT. Handful, sprinkling,
group, knot, corps, section;
guest, traveler, boarder, lodger.
Hostage. Sponsor, bail, surety.
ANT. Dictator, conqueror.
Hostile. Inimical, unfriendly ;
adverse, opposite, contrary, re-
pugnant, opposing, opposed.
ANT. Friendly, kindly, ami-
cable, neighborly, cordial, con-
Hostility. Enmity, animosity,
hatred, unfriendliness, ill will;
opposition, repugnance, vari*
ance, contrariety.
ANT. Companionship, con-
geniality, sympathy, harmony,
fellow-feeling, concord, alliance,
kindliness, friendship.
Hot. Burning, fiery, scalding,
heated, very warm; irascible,
impetuous, excitable, passion-
ate, hasty, furious, violent; ar-
dent, fervent, vehement, eager,
glowing, animated, fervid; bit-
ing, pungent, sharp, acrid, pep-
pery, stinging, piquant, high-
flavored; choleric.
ANT. Cold, frigid, cool, arc-
tic, chilled, chilly, boreal, bleak,
wintry, frosty, icy; apathetic f
[ 152
unresponsive, unfeeling, stoical,
passionless, uninspiring, dull,
dead, indifferent, unconcerned.
Huge. Immense, enormous, co-
lossal, vast, bulky, stupendous,
gigantic, elephantine, Hercu-
lean, Cyclopean, large, great,
monstrous, prodigious.
ANT. Petty, pigmy, puny,
undersized, small, minute.
Human. Cosmical, ethnical, an-
thropological, rational, civil-
ANT. Inhuman, beastly, ir-
rational, animal, brutish.
Humane. Kind, benevolent, be-
nignant, accommodating, ten-
der, compassionate, charitable,
sympathetic, gentle, clement,
kind-hearted ; tender-hearted ;
elevating, refining, cultivating,
rational, spiritual, humaniz-
ing; benign, merciful, gracious,
pitying, human, forgiving.
AXT. Barbarous ; inhuman,
unkind, cruel, unmerciful.
Humanity. Mankind ; benevo-
lence, kindness, philanthropy,
tenderness, sympathy, charity,
humaneness, good nature; hu-
man spirit, rationality, reason,
culture; man, compassion, sen-
ANT. Unkindness, cruelty,
inhumanity, irrationality, bes-
tiality, barbarity.
Humanize. Soften, make hu-
mane ; civilize, cultivate, re-
fine, polish, improve, enlighten,
reclaim, educate; ameliorate,
ANT. Barbarize, degrade, de-
base, brutalize, depress.
Humble. Meek, modest, unas-
suming, unobtrusive, lowly, un-
pretending, submissive, small,
poor, low; obscure.
ANT. High, lofty, assuming,
pretentious, proud, boastful, ar-
rogant, eminent.
Humid. Damp, wet, moist, va-
porous, dank, spongy.
ANT. Dry, arid, moisture'
less, parched.
Humor, n. Disposition, temper,
bent, propensity, bias, predilec-
tion; mood, frame of mind,
fancy, caprice, whim, freak, va-
gary, crotchet; pleasantry, fun,
jocularity, wit, facetiousness.
ANT. Nature, personality t
mind, purpose, will, seriousness.
Humorous. Facetious, jocular,
jocose, funny, comical, sport-
ive, comic, ludicrous, pleasant,
ANT. Grave, serious, sober,
matter-of-fact, solemn, sad.
Hurry, n. Flutter, flurry, pre-
cipitation, confusion, bluster,
bustle, agitation, perturbation;
haste, despatch, celerity, expe-
dition, quickness, promptness.
ANT. Slowness; composure.
Hurry, v. Haste, hasten, move
quickly; urge, speed, expedite,
despatch, accelerate.
AXT. Delay, retard, slow
down; loiter, saunter, move
Hurt, n. Damage, harm, injury,
mischief, disadvantage, detri-
ment, wound.
ANT. Benefit, pleasure.
Hurt, v. Injure, harm, damage,
impair, mar; pain, wound;
grieve, afflict, bruise.
ANT. Heal, soothe, console,
repair, benefit, compensate, re-
Hurtful. Harmful, injurious,
mischievous, detrimental, dele-
terious, disadvantageous, bane-
ful, noxious, prejudicial, per-
nicious, baleful.
ANT. Helpful, beneficial, ad-
vantageous, wholesome, salubri-
ous, good, sanative, remedial.
Hybrid. Mixed, impure, mon
grel, mule, half-breed.
153 ]
ANT. Pure, unmixed, thor-
Hypocrisy. Formalism, Pharisa-
ism, cant, pietism, sanctimoni-
ousness, assumed piety; deceit,
deception, dissimulation, false
profession, imposture ; sancti-
mony, pretense, sham, affecta-
ANT. Sincerity, transpar-
ency, truth, honesty, genuine-
ness, candor, frankness, open-
ness, ingenuousness, truthful-
Hypocrite. Deceiver, impostor,
pretender, cheat, dissembler ;
Pharisee, formalist.
ANT. Saint, believer, Chris-
tian; dupe, bigot, fanatic, sim-
Hypocritical. Canting, Phari-
saical, sanctimonious; insin-
cere, dissembling, false, hollow,
faithless, deceitful, unctuous,
smug, smooth, mincing.
ANT. Candid, truthful, sin-
cere, plain-spoken, transparent,
Hypothesis. Scheme, specula-
tion, system, supposition, con-
jecture, guess, surmise, theory.
ANT. Certainty, demonstra-
tion, evidence, fact, proof, dis-
Idea. Concept, conception, im-
pression, judgment, plan, opin-
ion, purpose, conceit, design,
fancy, pattern, thought, theory,
belief, image, imagination, no-
tion, supposition, ideal, appre-
hension, fantasy, model, senti-
ment, archetype; doctrine, un-
derstanding; fiction.
ANT. Object, form, subject;
substance, fact, actuality, re-
Ideal, n. Idea, archetype, orig-
inal, model, standard, proto-
ANT. Fact, performance, re-
ality, practice, act, accomplish-
ment, achievement, action, re-
alization, attainment, develop-
ment, doing, incarnation, em-
bodiment, execution.
Ideal, a. Mental, conceptional,
intellectual, notional, creative,
spiritual, poetical, suppositi-
tious, unreal, fictitious, imagi-
nary, fanciful, imaginative,
ANT. Physical, material,
visible, tangible, historical,
substantial, real, actual, pal-
Ideality. Imagination, concep-
tion, invention, fancy, creative-
ness, genius.
ANT. Imitation, uninven-
tiveness, copyism, unimagina-
tiveness; literaliti/.
Identical. Same, selfsame, not
different; particular.
ANT. Different, separate,
Identify. Prove identical, make
identical, confound; unite, in-
tegrate, incorporate, recognize,
ANT. Divide, disunite, con-
found, confuse, overlook, mis-
Identity. Sameness, unity, one-
ness, union, personality, indi-
viduality, convertibility.
ANT. Difference, separate-
ness, distinctness, contrariety,
Idiocy. Imbecility; foolishness,
fatuity, irrationality ; aberra-
[ 154 ]
tion, insanity; stupidity, folly,
senselessness, incapacity.
ANT. Intelligence, sagacity,
wisdom, capacity, brilliancy, as-
tuteness, acuteness, sense, com-
mon sense, soundness; sanity,
Idiom. Specialty, phrase, turn,
peculiarity, characteristic.
ANT. Barbarism, solecism.
Idiosyncrasy. Peculiarity, idi-
ocrasy; constitution, tempera-
ment, specialty, characteristic,
individuality, singularity, ec-
ANT. Community, univer-
sality, generality.
Idiot. Fool, natural, imbecile.
ANT. Sage, authority, lu-
Idle. Unbusied, unused, leisure ;
useless, ineffectual, fruitless,
bootless, unavailing, vain, abor-
tive, futile; trifling, trivial, un-
important, trashy, foolish, un-
profitable; waste, empty; indo-
lent, inert, lazy, slothful, unoc-
cupied, vacant, inactive, slug-
gish, unemployed.
ANT. Active, busy, diligent,
industrious, employed, work-
ing; occupied; tilled; filled,
populated; assiduous.
Idolize. Deify; adore, worship,
reverence, venerate.
ANT. LoatJie, abominate, ex-
ecrate, abhor.
Ignoble. Plebeian, vulgar, un-
titled, baseborn, low, mean,
rustic, peasant; worthless, in-
significant, contemptible; dis-
honorable, disgraceful, inferior,
unworthy; humble.
ANT. Honorable, eminent,
exalted, noble, lordly, illustri-
ous, grand, notable.
Ignominious. Dishonorable, in-
famous, disgraceful, shameful,
scandalous, disreputable, op-
probrious; despicable, base, de-
serving ignominy, contempt-
ANT. Honorable, creditable,
reputable, estimable, worthy.
Ignominy. Dishonor, disgrace,,
discredit, shame, infamy, dis-
repute, contempt, obloquy,
opprobrium, scandal, abase-
ment, odium; reprobation, re-
ANT. Credit, honor, reputa-
tion, glory, luster, distinction*
Ignoramus. Smatterer, novice,
wiseacre, dunce, simpleton, dul-
lard, greenhorn, numskull.
ANT. Savant, sage, lumi-
Ignorance. Illiteracy, stupid-
ity, nescience, blindness, dark-
ANT. Knowledge, wisdom,,
sense, learning, erudition.
Ignorant. Illiterate, unlearned,
unlettered, unskilled, untaught,
untutored, uneducated, ill-in-
formed, uninstructed, unin-
ANT. Educated, learned, in-
structed, sage, wise, skilled, cul-
tured, trained, well-informed*
Ignore. Disregard, neglect, over-
look, not recognize; set aside,,
reject; disown, repudiate.
ANT. Own, notice, recognize,
mark, visit, avow, claim.
HI, n. Wickedness, depravity,
evil ; misfortune, calamity, af-
fliction, misery, harm, pain.
ANT. Oood, blessing, for-
tune; righteousness, integrity t
HI, a. Bad, evil, unfortunate,
unfavorable ;. wicked, wrong, in-
iquitous, naughty; sick, ailing,,
diseased, disordered, poorly, in-
disposed; cross, crabbed, surly,
peevish, hateful, malicious; ill-
favored, ugly.
[ 155 ]
ANT. Well, strong, good, vig-
orous, healthy, robust, hearty,
Ill-bred, impolite, uncivil, un-
courteous, uncourtly, uncouth,
unpolished, rude, ill-behaved,
ANT. Polite, well-behaved,
civil, refined, courteous.
Illuminate. Light, illumine, il-
lume ; enlighten, make wise, in-
struct, inspire; emblazon, irra-
ANT. DarJcen, obscure, be-
dim, mislead, delude.
Illusion. Delusion, hallucina-
tion, deception, error, fallacy,
mockery, fantasy, phantasm,
chimera; dream, vision, myth.
ANT. Body, substance, form,
reality, actuality, essence.
Illusive. Delusive, deceptive, de-
ceitful, fallacious ; visionary,
unreal, disappointing, fugitive,
erroneous, false, imaginary, il-
lusory, chimerical.
ANT. Substantial, real, true,
satisfactory, solid, permanent.
Illustrate. Elucidate, explain, ex-
emplify, make clear; interpret,
demonstrate, represent, embody,
paint, image; adorn with pic-
ANT. Obscure, misinterpret,
confuse, mystify, darken, mis-
Illustrious. Glorious, splendid,
brilliant, bright, radiant; fa-
mous, famed, noted, renowned,
distinguished, celebrated, emi-
nent, signal, remarkable, con-
spicuous; deathless, noble.
ANT. Ignominious, disgrace-
ful, infamous, inglorious, dis-
HI will. Malevolence, unkind-
ness, malice, enmity, hatred,
hate, rancor, envy, grudge, un-
charitableness, ill nature; an-
tipathy, dislike, aversion.
ANT. Good will, benevolence,
Im- or In-. This prefix, which
is regularly in-, and which be-
comes il- before I, ir- before r,
and im- before a labial, means
in, into, on, or among, or de-
notes the negative not, or, occa-
sionally, has a simple intensive
meaning. Such words as begin
with this prefix without modi-
fication of the combined mean-
ing of the prefix and root word,
will be easily derived from the
antonyms and synonyms of the
root words. Others of more de-
rived meaning are found here.
Image. Statue; idol, object of
worship; likeness, effigy, figure,
resemblance, similitude, repre-
sentation, picture; trope, meta-
phor; idea, copy, conception,
fiction, shadow, vision.
ANT. Person, original, sub-
stance, subject, object, reality,
truth, verity.
Imagery. Phantasm, phantom,
vision, dream; tropes, figures
of speech, poetry, fancy, illus-
tration, metaphor, similitude.
ANT. Prose, statement, fact.
Imagination. Conception, in-
vention, ideality, fancy, fan-
tasy, creative power; esemplas-
tic faculty; idea, notion; con-
trivance, scheme, device, plot;
Imaginative. Inventive, crea-
tive, plastic, poetical, esem-
plastic, poetic; conceptive, ro-
mantic, ideal, original.
ANT. Unimaginative, unpo-
etical, prosaic, unromantio, lit-
eral, uninventive, matter-of~
Imagine. Conceive, think, im-
age, fancy, picture; devise, con-
trive, frame, project, invent,
create, mold; suppose, assume;
deem, apprehend, believe; sur-
I 156 ]
mise, understand, fabricate, pre-
ANT. Represent, exhibit, de-
pict, prove, demonstrate, verify,
Imbecile, a. Weak, feeble, help-
less, infirm, decrepit; foolish,
witless, idiotic, driveling, fat-
ANT. Shrewd, clever, saga-
Imbecility. Weakness, debility,
feebleness, infirmity, helpless-
ness; foolishness, childishness,
idiocy, fatuity, dotage, senil-
ANT. Strength, energy, vi-
rility, vigor, power.
Imbibe. Absorb, take in, suck
in, swallow up ; receive, gather,
gain, acquire, get, pick up; as-
similate, learn.
ANT. Discard, reject, re-
nounce, disavow, abjure, repudi-
Imitate. Copy, follow, pattern
after; mimic, ape, mock, im-
personate, take off; burlesque,
travesty, parody; represent, re-
semble, portray, depict, repeat,
ANT. Misrepresent, carica-
ture, alter, vary, distort, re-
model, differentiate, dissimilate,
Imitative. Imitating, copying,
mimicking, aping, apish, cari-
caturing, unoriginal, servile.
ANT. Original, creative, in-
Immaculate. Spotless, unspot-
ted, stainless, unsullied, un-
soiled, untainted, unblemished,
untarnished, clean, pure, un-
defiled; innocent, guiltless,
sinless, faultless, fair, holy,
saintly; virgin, unpolluted.
ANT. Impure, corrupt, sin-
fid, contaminated, defiled, pol-
luted, tainted, spotted.
Immanent. Intrinsic, inherent,
internal, indwelling; empiri-
cal; innate, subjective, congen-
ital, ingrained, natural, implic-
ANT. Emanant, transitive,
developed, projectile, exsilient,
phenomenal, explicit, acciden-
tal, transcendental, transeunt.
Immaterial. Incorporeal, un-
bodied, unfleshly, spiritual, su-
persensible ; unimportant, in-
significant, unessential, non-
essential, trivial, trifling.
ANT. Material, physical, im~
portant, corporeal, essential.
Immature. Unripe, crude, raw,
green, unformed, unprepared,
imperfect, rudimentary, unfin-
ished ; premature, hasty, unsea-
sonable, untimely ; undeveloped,
ANT. Ripe, complete, devel-
oped, mature, finished.
Immeasurable. Illimitable, un-
bounded, boundless, limitless,
measureless, immense, infinite;
vast, unfathomable.
ANT. Finite, limited, air"
cumscribed, restricted, shallow,
Immediate. Proximate, close,
near, next; direct, unmediated;
instantaneous, instant, pres-
ent; contiguous.
ANT. Distant, remote, medi-
ate, future.
Immediately. Presently, thi
instant, straightway, directly,
forthwith, at once, now, right
off, instantly, without delay.
ANT. Hereafter, by and by,
after a while, sometime.
Immemorial. Olden, ancient,
hoary, archaic, primitive, re-
mote, time-honored, primor-
ANT. Recent, modern, late,
fresh, upstart.
Immerse. Dip, plunge, sub-
merge, sink, douse, duck, bury;
[ 157 3
soak, steep, macerate, drown,
inundate, overwhelm.
ANT. Dry, drain, parch, ven-
tilate, air, ground, strand.
Immigration. Migration, colo-
nization, settlement.
ANT. Exodus, emigration.
Imminent. Impending, hover-
ing, threatening.
ANT. Improbable, doubtful,
unexpected, unlikely, contin-
gent, chimerical, problematical;
tcarded, staved, escaped.
Immunity. Freedom, exemp-
tion, release, exoneration; pre-
rogative, privilege, right, lib-
erty, charter, franchise; dis-
ANT. Liability, obligation,
jurisdiction, impost, amenabil-
ity, burden.
Imp. Sprite, hobgoblin, demon,
devil, flibbertigibbet, scamp,
ANT. Cherub, angel.
Impact. Impulse, shock, impres-
sion, stroke; collision, contact,
striking, impinging ; applica-
ANT. Isolation, separation,
interval, removal, avoidance,
non-contact, shave.
Impair. Deteriorate, vitiate, in-
jure, harm, make worse; les-
sen, diminish, decrease; ener-
vate, weaken, enfeeble; reduce,
ANT. Enhance, improve, re-
pair, augment, better, increase.
Impassioned. Passionate, vehe-
ment, impetuous, animated, ex-
citing, glowing, intense, fervid,
fervent, warm, ardent, zealous;
ANT. Cool, impassive, unim-
passioned, apathetic, indiffer-
Impatience. Uneasiness, dis-
quietude, restlessness ; haste,
vehemence, eagerness, precipi-
tation, impetuosity; heat, vio-
lence of temper, irritability, ir-
ANT. Patience, calmness, en-
durance, composure, leniency,
submission, forbearance, long-
Impediment. Bar, hindrance,
obstacle, obstruction, difficulty,
clog, encumbrance, stumbling-
block, check.
ANT. Assistance, aid, bene-
fit, help, relief, succor, advan-
tage; aidance, support, further
Imperative. Commanding, au*
thoritative, peremptory; bind-
ing, obligatory; urgent, irre-
sistible, dictatorial, inexorable,
ANT. Indulgent, lenient, sup~
plicatory, mild, optional, di*-
cretional, entreative.
Imperial. Belonging to an em-
pire, kingly, regal, sovereign,
royal; majestic, grand, magni-
ficent, exalted, great, noble, SU'
preme, consummate, superb.
ANT. Ignoble, servile, slav*
ish, beggarly, mean, paltry.
Imperious. Magisterial, dicta-
torial, despotic, domineering,
tyrannical, overbearing, lordly,
haughty, arrogant, authorita-
tive, exacting.
ANT. Yielding, compliant,
submissive, gentle, mild, docile,
Impetuous. Fierce, vehement,
violent, furious, passionate, pre-
cipitate, hasty, headlong, over-
zealous, reckless, rash, exciti
ANT. Careful, slow, deliber-
ate, thoughtful, reflective, lei-
Implement. Utensil, tool, appli-
ance, instrument.
ANT. Labor, work, science,
art, agriculture, manufacture.
[ 158 ]
Implicate. Entangle, enfold, in-
volve, connect, associate, com-
promise, charge, incriminate.
ANT. Disconnect, extricate,
acquit, dissociate.
Implication. Entanglement, in-
volution ; inference, conclusion ;
intricacy, complication; con-
cealment, latency; allusion, in-
sinuation, innuendo, adumbra-
ANT. Arrangement, system,
orderliness; manifestation, ex-
pression, exposition, demonstra-
tion, production.
Implicit. Understood, implied,
inferred, tacit; unreserved, un-
hesitating, firm, steadfast, un-
shaken, undoubtlng; involved.
ANT. Expressed, explicit, de-
veloped, stated, plain, specific,
Imply. Involve, import, include,
signify, mean, indicate, suggest,
hint, denote.
ANT. Express, declare, state,
Import, n. Meaning, sense, pur-
port, drift, signification, gist,
spirit, bearing, tenor, inten-
ANT. Statement, proceeding.
Import, v. Bring into; purport,
denote, imply, betoken, signify,
mean; concern, be of signifi-
cance to; introduce.
ANT. Export, banish, exile,
send abroad.
Importance. Consequence, mo-
ment, weight, significance, mo-
mentousness, import, concern;
avail; self-importance, pompos-
ANT. Nothingness, insigni-
ficance, unimportance, immate-
Important. Grave, weighty, mo-
mentous, serious, material, sig-
nificant; influential, prominent,
pompous, self-important, con-
sequential; expressive, leading,
main, relevant, considerable, es-
sential, great, dignified.
ANT. Insignificant, trivial,
inconsiderable, irrelevant, sec-
ondary, petty, mean, uninfluen-
tial, minor, unimportant.
Importunate. Urgent, pertina-
cious, pressing, teasing, busy,,
solicitous, overurgent, overen-
ANT. Modest, diffident, self-
reliant, self-respecting.
Importune. Urge, entreat, press,,
solicit, dun, beset, pester, tease,
worry, trouble.
ANT. Surrender, sacrifice,
abandon; grant, bestow.
Impose. Put, set, lay, place;,
appoint, enjoin, prescribe; ob-
trude, palm off, pass; inflict,
ANT. Remove, disburden, un-
load, free; hold up, arrest, dis-
Imposing. Stately, august, ma-
jestic, grand, noble, command-
ing, impressive; striking, effec-
tive, dignified.
ANT. Petty, undignified, un-
imposing, insignificant, paltry,
Imposition. Imposing, putting,
placing, laying; burden, levy,
tax, constraint, oppression, in-
junction ; deception, fraud, arti-
fice, trickery, imposture, cheat-
ing; presumption, exaction, en-
ANT. Sanction, warrant, at*.
thority ; truth, verity, fact, cer-
tainty, verification, genuine",
ness, authenticity, honesty.
Impost. Tax, duty, custom, ex-
cise, levy, toll, tribute, rate; im>
ANT. Revenue, proceeds, ex-
emption, immunity.
Impostor. Deceiver, pretender,,
cheat, hypocrite, knave, charla-
[ 159 ]
tan, mountebank, rogue, Phari-
see, trickster, dissembler.
ANT. Guide, enlightener, de-
tector, undeceiver.
Imposture. Cheat, trick, de-
ception, imposition, fraud, ruse,
delusion, dodge, artifice, wile,
deceit, stratagem, hoax.
ANT. Truth, fact, verity, re-
Impotence. Disability, inca-
pacity, incompetence, power-
lessness, weakness, inefficiency,
infirmity, frailty, imbecility,
inability, incapability, help-
lessness, disqualification.
ANT. Capacity, vigor, qual-
ification, ability.
Impoverish. Make poor or in-
digent, exhaust, deplete, rob,
beggar, fleece, denude.
ANT. Enrich, aggrandize,
augment, store, enhance, en-
Impregnable. Invincible, tin-
assailable, invulnerable, im-
movable, inexpugnable, secure,
tenable, irrefragable.
ANT. Pregnable, weak, ex-
posed, defenseless, expugnable.
Impregnate. Fecundate, imbue,
infuse, tincture, saturate, fill,
fertilize; mix, combine, insert,
steep, vivify, teach.
ANT. Remove, evolve, extri-
cate, separate, destroy, quench,
extinguish, be studious, learn.
Impression. Printing, stamp-
ing, imprinting; stamp, im-
press, brand; mark; sensation,
effect, influence; notion, idea,
opinion, fancy.
ANT. Concept, apprehension,
Impressive. Affecting, touch-
ing, moving, stirring, power-
ful, striking, overpowering;
forcible, solemn, imposing, im-
ANT. Weak, feeble, vapid,
tame, unimpressive, dry, insig-
Improve. Mend, gain, become
better, get on, gain ground; in-
crease, rise, be enhanced; bet-
ter, amend, ameliorate, rec-
tify; progress; avail one's self
of, use, make productive; cor-
rect, reform.
ANT. Debase, deteriorate, vi-
tiate, spoil, mar, impair, in-
jure, depress.
Improvement. Amending, bet-
tering, amelioration, amend-
ment, progress, efficiency, pro-
ficiency, advancement, use, bet-
terment ; increase, correction.
ANT. Degeneracy, retrograda-
tion, degeneration, debasement,
deterioration, retrogression.
Impudence. Assurance, bold-
ness, impertinence, pertness,
rudeness, sauciness, effrontery,
forwardness, incivility, inso-
lence, presumption, officious-
ness, intrusiveness.
ANT. Bashfulness, humil-
ity, diffidence, meekness, lowli-
ness, modesty, submissiveness ;
coyness, obsequiousness, sub-
serviency, abasement.
Impugn. Attack, assail, contra-
dict, oppose, resist, gainsay,
controvert, deny, blame.
ANT. Declare, state, allege,
approve, commend, defend, re-
pel; propose, propound, con-
front, face.
Impulse. Thrust, push, impe-
tus; passion, instinct, procliv-
ity, inclination, appetite; mo-
tive, influence, incitement, in-
stigation, incentive, force, sud-
den thought.
ANT. Deliberation, premedi-
tation, rebuff, repulse.
Impulsive. Propulsive, impell-
ing, moving; hot, quiek, rash,
hasty, passionate ; wayward,
[ 160
ANT. Discreet, hesitating,
reluctant, timid, calculating,
wary, cautious.
Impute. Ascribe, refer, charge,
attribute, imply, insinuate.
ANT. Withdraw, retract, re-
call; clear, justify, acquit.
Inane. Empty, void; worthless,
trifling, vacuous, vain, puer-
ile, frivolous; pointless, feeble,
vapid, characterless.
ANT. Significant, pointed,
powerful, sensible, forcible.
Inanition. Emptiness, vacuity,
inanity; vanity, folly, pueril-
ity, worthlessness, frivolous-
ness; exhaustion, starvation.
ANT. Fulness, repletion,
plethora; significance, mean-
Inaugurate. Install, invest, in-
duct; celebrate; commence, be-
gin, initiate, originate.
ANT. Divert, deprive, con-
clude, terminate.
Inauguration. Investiture, in-
stallation, induction, consecra-
tion, institution, initiation ;
commencement, formal open-
ing, beginning, origination.
ANT. Dismissal, discharge;
valediction, valedictory; close,
conclusion, end, termination.
Incandescence. White heat, in-
calescence, glow.
ANT. Iciness, refrigeration,
congelation, crystallization.
Incantation. Sorcery, charm, en-
chantment, spell, magic, con-
juration, witchcraft, witchery,
necromancy ; recitation, invo-
ANT. Evocation, exorcism.
Incarnation. Embodiment, im-
personation, manifestation, ex-
emplification, personification.
ANT. Disembodiment, ab-
straction, spiritualization.
Incendiarism. Arson ; confla-
ANT. Extinction, quenching,
Incense, v. Enrage, exasper-
ate, irritate, provoke, inflame,
anger, excite, heat, chafe, sting,
nettle, gall.
ANT. Allay, soothe, pacify,
appease, conciliate, mollify.
Incentive. Inducement, incite-
ment, spur, impulse, stimulant,
goad, motive, cause, encour-
agement, rousing, excitation.
ANT. Deterrent, prohibition,
learning, discouragement, dis-
Inception. Beginning, inaugu-
ration, commencement.
ANT. Ending, finis, conclu-
sion, termination.
Incessant. Ceaseless, continual,
unceasing, unremitting, per-
petual, constant, everlasting,
eternal, uninterrupted, unin-
ANT. Periodic, occasional,
intermittent, interrupted.
Incidence. Impact, stroke, im-
ANT. Reflection, resilience,
Incident, n. Event, occurrence,
circumstance, chance, accident,
fact, adventure, casualty.
ANT. Cause, antecedent, rea-
son, tendency, inducement, in-
Incident, Incidental, a. Hap-
pening, liable ; belonging, per-
taining, appertaining, natural,
relating; falling, impinging;
casual, occasional, pertinent,
fortuitous, concurrent, concom-
itant, accidental.
ANT. Regular, systematic,
disconnected, independent, ir-
relative, inherent, essential, im-
manent, invariable, uniform.
Incipient. Beginning, inchoate,
commencing, embryonic.
ANT. Final, terminal.
[ 161 ]
Inclemency. Harshness, sever-
ity, rigor, roughness, boister-
ousness, storminess, tempestu-
ANT. Clemency, mildness,
leniency, gentleness,
Inclement. Harsh, tyrannical,
cruel, unmerciful, severe, rig-
orous, stormy, rough, boister-
ANT. Benign, clement, mild,
genial, merciful.
Inclination. Inclining, slope,
leaning, slant; trend, verging,
obliquity; disposition, predi-
lection, bent, bias, proclivity,
proneness, tendency, leaning,
aptitude, propensity ; desire,
wish, fondness, liking, partial-
ity; aptness, attachment, af-
ANT. Tangency, disinclina-
tion, divergence, ineptitude, in-
aptness, dislike.
Incline, v. Slant, lean, slope;
trend, verge, tend; be disposed,
have a desire or propensity;
dispose, predispose, turn, bias;
bend, bow; bear, dip, induce,
ANT. Deter, restrain, check;
ascend, rise; indispose, disin-
Include. Hold, contain; com-
prise, embody, comprehend, em-
brace, take in.
ANT. Exclude, leave out.
Inclusive. Enclosing, encircling ;
including, comprehending, em-
bracing; comprehensive, addi-
tive, implied.
ANT. Exclusive, except ed;
adversative, opposite, contrary,
Income. Revenue, profits, gains ;
proceeds, pay, allowance.
ANT. Expenditure, disburse-
ment, outlay, expense.
Incongruous. Inconsistent, un-
suitable, absurd, conflicting,
discordant, discrepant, repug-
nant, mismated, incompatible,
inapposite, contrary, contradic-
tory, inappropriate, inharmoni-
ous, ill-matched, irreconcilable,
ANT. Consistent, harmoni-
ous, suitable, accordant, agree'
ing, compatible.
Increase, n. Accession, growth,
extension, augmentation, addi-
tion, enlargement, expansion,
increment ; product, produce,
gain, profit; offspring, issue,
progeny, descendants.
ANT. Deduction, detraction,
diminution, contraction, loss,
waste, detriment, curtailment,
reduction, expenditure, impov-
Increase, v. Advance, heighten,
pile up, enhance, aggregate, di-
late, magnify, spread, augment,
greaten, enlarge, raise; extend,
prolong; aggravate, intensify;
grow; multiply, be fruitful.
ANT. Decrease, lessen, di-
minish, decline, abate, lower,
reduce, curtail, retrench.
Inculcate. Infuse, impress, en-
force, instil, implant, ingraft,
urge, teach.
ANT. Insinuate, suggest, ab-
jure, disavow, denounce.
Incumbent. Obligatory, bind-
ing, devolving; lying, leaning,
reclining, resting, weighing
down, prone; coercive, indis-
pensable, urgent; threatening,
ANT. Optional, discretional,
elective, voluntary.
Incur. Contract, become liable
to; bring on; meet, run.
ANT. Avoid, shun.
Incursion. Inroad, raid, inva-
sion, irruption, descent, foray,
sally, encroachment.
ANT. Encampment, retreat,
abode, settlement.
t 162 ]
Indebted. Owing, obliged, be-
holden, under obligation.
ANT. Disobliged, unbeholden.
Indeed. Truly, really, verily,
positively, absolutely, in fact,
veritably, certainly, in truth;
strictly, in point of fact.
ANT. By no means, not at
Indefatigable. Unwearied, un-
tiring, persevering, persistent,
assiduous, sedulous, unremit-
ting, never -tiring, unflagging;
incessant, indomitable.
ANT. Idle, indifferent, indo-
Indelible. Ineffaceable, inde-
structible, ingrained, indefeas-
ible, irreversible, persistent.
ANT. Mutable, evanescent,
transient, effaceable.
Indemnify. Secure, save; com-
pensate, remunerate, reimburse,
requite; satisfy.
ANT. Fine, mulct, amerce.
Indicate. Show, denote, mark,
betoken, signify, point out, des-
ignate, specify ; evidence, evince,
betray, manifest, declare.
ANT. Conceal, misdirect, fal-
sify, misindicate, negative, con-
Indication. Indicating sign,
mark, note, index, symptom,
token, hint, suggestion, mani-
festation; evidence, demonstra-
tion, proof, prognostic.
ANT. Silence, surmise, mis-
direction, undemonstrativeness,
misguidance, misindication.
Indictment. Indicting, present-
ment; accusation, charge, im-
peachment, arraignment, crim-
Indifference. Neutrality, im-
partiality, disinterestedness ;
unconcern, apathy, coolness,
negligence, carelessness, inat-
tention, heedlessness ; trivial-
ity, insignificance, unimpor-
tance; inferiority; insensibil-
ity, composure.
ANT. Importance, interest,
significance, weight, gravity, af-
fection, ardor, eagerness.
Indifferent. Neutral, unbiased,
impartial, disinterested; cool,
unconcerned, unmoved, cold, in-
attentive, apathetic, dead, re-
gardless, heedless, unmindful ;
equal, all the same, all one,
just the same; passable, toler-
able, ordinary, middling, me-
diocre, rather poor; lukewarm,
ANT. Anxious, careful, sus-
ceptible, sympathetic, sensitive.
Indigent. Poor, needy, desti-
tute, necessitous, reduced, pen-
niless, moneyless, distressed, in-
solvent, in want; impecunious,
ANT. Wealthy, moneyed,
rich, affluent, opulent.
Indignation. Resentment, anger,
ire, wrath, fury, rage, exasper-
ation, choler ; denunciation, dis-
pleasure, protestation.
ANT. Gratification, admira-
tion, approval, applause, com-
Indignity. Insult, outrage, af-
front, slight, dishonor, abuse,
disrespect, contumely, reproach,
opprobrium, obloquy; rude-
ness, contemptuousness, igno-
miny, disgrace.
ANT. Deference, compliment,
honor, respect.
Indiscriminate. Undistinguish-
ing, undiscriminating; mixed,
confused, mingled, promiscuous,
indistinguishable ; ill-assorted,
ANT. Careful, sorted, select,
Indisposed. Averse, disinclined,
unwilling, reluctant, backward,
loath; ill, ailing, sick.
ANT. Prompt, willing, eager,
[ 163 ]
desirous, inclined; healthful,
Indite. Compose, write, dictate,
pen ; prompt, suggest, word, de-
scribe, phrase.
ANT. Transcribe, copy, imi-
tate, duplicate.
Individual, n. Person, person-
age, character, some one; unit,
single instance; personality.
ANT. Species, genus, family,
Individual, a. Particular, spe-
cial, separate, single, unique,
one; peculiar, personal; posi-
tive, decided, unconventional,
independent, specific, indivis-
ible, singular, identical, idio-
ANT. General, common, col-
lective, plural, universal.
Individuality. Personality, dis-
tinct existence; character, de-
cision, self-direction, original-
ity, self-determination, unique-
ANT. Generality, mediocrity.
Indolence. Laziness, sloth, in-
ertness, idleness, sluggishness,
ANT. Activity, energy.
Indomitable. Unyielding, un-
conquerable, invincible; untam-
able, irrepressible, indefati-
ANT. Effortless, feeble, lan-
Indorse. Superscribe; sanction,
approve, vouch for, confirm,
ratify; accept.
ANT. Protest, repudiate, re-
nounce, abjure, cancel.
Induce. Influence, impel, move,
prompt, instigate, persuade, ac-
tuate, urge, incite, spur, pre-
vail upon; cause, produce, ef-
fect, bring on.
ANT. Prevent, disincline, dis-
suade, deter, hinder, restrain.
Induction, introduction, instal-
lation, inauguration, institu-
tion; conclusion, inference, gen*
eralization, inductive method |
collection, collation, applica-
ANT. Statement, hypothesis;
deduction; subtraction; prin-
ciple, class, law, proposition,
argumentation, discourse.
Indulge. Gratify, yield, sat-
isfy ; humor, pamper, favor ; al-
low, permit, suffer, cherish, fos-
ter, harbor ; spoil, revel, grovel.
ANT. Thwart, deny, disap-
point, discard, contradict, re-
nounce, counteract, mortify, ab-
jure, discipline.
Indulgence. Gratification, hu-
moring, pampering; leniency,
kindness, tenderness, favor, lib-
ANT. Abstinence, self-sacri-
fice, repression, restraint.
Indulgent. Yielding, compli-
ant; lenient, mild, clement,
tolerant, gentle, kind, tender,
ANT. Harsh, severe, rough,
austere, self-controlled, absti-
Industrious. Diligent, active,
busy, assiduous, engaged, em-
ployed, sedulous, occupied, la-
borious, hard-working; brisk,
persistent, persevering.
ANT. Lazy, shiftless, idle.
Industry. Diligence, labor, ap-
plication, assiduity, attention,
constancy, exertion, intentness,
patience, perseverance, persis-
tence, sedulousness, pains, ef-
fort, activity, toil.
ANT. Idleness, inattention,
neglect, negligence, sloth, re-
missness, changeableness, in-
dolence, inconstancy, inactiv-
ity, fickleness, ease, indiligence.
Ineffable. Unspeakable, inde-
scribable, inexpressible, unut-
terable ; inconceivable, unsur-
f 164 ]
passable, undeclarable, exqui-
site, perfect.
ANT. Common, trivial, su-
perficial, vulgar, commonplace,
conversational, colloquial, ob-
Inert. Inactive, lifeless, dead,
passive, motionless; dull, indo-
lent, torpid, lazy, idle, supine,
sluggish, slothful; heavy, dor-
ANT. Active, alert, brisk,
energetic, quick, vigorous.
Inevitable. Necessary, unavoid-
able, infallible, certain, fixed,
ANT. Uncertain, avoidable,
Infamy. Dishonor, shame, dis-
grace, discredit, ignominy, op-
probrium, scandal, obloquy,
abasement; villainy, disgrace-
fulness, wickedness, atrocity,
shamef ulness ; despair, degra-
ANT. Honor, reputation, re-
nown, glory, celebrity.
Infantile. Young, childish, ten-
der; babyish, weak; childlike,
babylike; puerile, imbecile.
ANT. Manly, vigorous, ma-
ture, robust.
Infatuation. Folly, stupefac-
tion, foolishness, prepossession,
obsession ; fatuity, hallucina-
tion, madness, self-deception.
ANT. Sagacity, soundness,
wisdom, sanity, clear-sighted-
Infection. Contagion; contami-
nation, taint, bane, pest, poi-
son, corruption, defilement, vi-
tiation, pollution.
ANT. Purification, disinfec-
tion, antidote, antisepsis.
Infectious. Contagious, catch-
ing, pestilential, pestiferous;
contaminating, corrupting, de-
filing, polluting, poisoning, vi-
[ 1
ANT. Wholesome, sanative,
beneficial, antiseptic.
Infer. Deduce, conclude, gather,
collect, consider probable; de-
rive, argue.
ANT. State, enunciate, as-
sume, guess, conjecture, pro-
pound, anticipate, prognosti-
Inference. Conclusion, deduc-
tion, corollary, consequence ;
generalization, induction.
ANT. Statement, proposi-
tion, enunciation.
Inferiority. Subordination; de-
ficiency, imperfection, minor-
ity, poverty, subjection, servi-
tude, depression ; mediocrity.
ANT. Superiority, eminence,
excellence, majority, elevation,
independence, mastery, exalta-
Infernal. Hellish ; diabolical,
devilish, fiendish, demoniacal,
satanic, atrocious, nefarious,
dark, accursed, abominable.
ANT. Angelic, cherubic.
Infest. Throng, overrun, beset,
swarm in; disturb, plague, an-
noy, tease, harass, trouble, mo-
lest, torment, worry, pester.
ANT. Comfort, refresh, re-
gale, gratify.
Infidel. Unbeliever, disbeliever,
atheist, denier, freethinker, de-
ist, skeptic, heretic.
ANT. Believer, pietist, devo-
tee, Christian.
Infidelity. Unbelief, disbelief,
skepticism ; faithlessness, un-
faithfulness, disloyalty.
ANT. Fidelity, belief, faith,
religiousness, credulity, credu-
lousness; faithfulness, loy-
Infinite. Absolute, illimitable,
limitless, boundless, intermi-
nable, eternal, unlimited, un-
measured, measureless, unfath-
omable, unconditioned, num-
berless, unbounded, immeasur-
able, innumerable, countless.
ANT. Brief, bounded, rela-
tive, short, limited, finite, re-
stricted, transient, transitory,
small, little, evanescent, cir-
cumscribed, measurable, mod-
erate, narrow, shallow; infini-
Infinitesimal. Minute, atomic,
microscopic, inappreciable, in-
conspicuous, undiscernible, in-
finitely small.
ANT. Enormous, vast, infi-
nite, immeasurable.
Infinitude, Infinity. Bound-
lessness, vastness, immensity ;
infiniteness ; eternity, absolute-
ness, self-determination, self-
ANT. Relativity.
Infirm. Weak, feeble, frail, de-
bilitated, enfeebled, weakened;
faltering, wavering, irresolute,
vacillating; unsound, unstable,
insecure; decrepit, lame, fail-
ing, impotent.
ANT. Sound, forcible, firm,
strong, sure, cogent, healthy,
Infirmity. Weakness, decrepi-
tude, debility, feebleness, frail-
ness, frailty; foible, fault, fail-
ing, defect; disease, malady,
ANT. Strength, vigor, un-
healthfulness, soundness.
Inflame. Excite, stimulate, in-
cite, enkindle, rouse, animate,
inspirit, work up, fire; irri-
tate, exasperate, anger, nettle,
provoke, enrage, incense, mad-
den, infuriate; fan, embitter.
ANT. Quench, extinguish,
allay, cool, pacify, quiet.
Inflate. Distend, expand, swell,
bloat, blow up; puff up, make
conceited; increase, enlarge.
ANT. Exhaust, empty, fiat-
ten, squeeze, compress.
Inflated. Distended, swollen,
bloated; tumid, turgid, bom-
bastic, st-ilted, declamatory,
rhetorical, sophomorical, high-
flown; pompous.
ANT. Simple, plain, unaf-
fected, concise, laconic, explicit,
Inflection. Bend, bending, cur-
vature, flexure, crook; varia-
tion, declension, conjugation,
comparison; flexion.
ANT. Straightness, direct-
ness, rectilinearity.
Inflict. Impose, lay on, put on;
ANT. Spare, remove, allevi-
ate, suspend.
Infliction. Imposition, inflict-
ing; punishment, judgment;
grievance, trouble, nuisance.
ANT. Remission, sparing;
pleasure, gratification; accom-
modation, condoning.
Influence, n. Authority, ascend-
ency, control, predominance,
sway; reputation, weight of
character, credit; influx, in-
flow; effect, causation, impulse,
affection, power, weight, pres-
ANT. Inefficiency, ineffec-
tiveness, inefficacy, nullity, in-
operativeness, neutrality.
Influence, v. Induce, incite, in-
cline, persuade, move, stir, ac-
tuate, sway, compel, urge, in-
stigate, prompt, lead, impel, ex-
cite, drive, draw, direct, bias.
ANT. Prevent, restrain, re-
tard, deter, discourage, impede,
inhibit, hinder, dissuade.
Influential. Potent, poAverful,
controlling; efficacious, persua-
sive, forcible, guiding, consid-
erable ; authoritative.
ANT. Weak, ineffective, in.
operative, inconsiderable, un-
Inform. Quicken, animate, in-
[ 166 ]
spire; acquaint, apprise, men-
tion to, notify, advise, tell; ed-
ucate, enlighten, instruct, im-
part, communicate.
ANT. Misinstruct, misjudge,
deceive, hoodwink, misinform,
Information. Advice, notice,
intelligence; knowledge; accu-
sation, complaint, denuncia-
tion; instruction, counsel, no-
ANT. Concealment, mysti-
fication, ignorance, occultation.
Infringe. Transgress, violate,
break, disobey, nullify.
ANT. Preserve, observe, con-
serve, maintain.
Infuse. Instil, inspire, intro-
duce, inculcate, implant, dif-
fuse, shed, steep, soak, water,
infiltrate, insinuate, breathe
ANT. Strain, dry, drain, di-
vert, retract.
Ingenious. Inventive, gifted,
able, clever, bright, ready, sa-
gacious, adept, skilful.
ANT. Unskilful, uninven-
tive, slow, unready, unresource-
ful, unprepared, unapt.
Ingenuity. Inventiveness, in-
geniousness, acuteness, skill,
ability, readiness, faculty, ap-
titude, cunning, turn, gift, ge-
ANT. Inability, ineptitude,
Ingenuous. Artless, open, can-
did, frank, sincere, straight-
forward, honest, transparent,
guileless, truthful, childlike,
naive, noble, generous, honor-
ANT. Mean, reserved, sly,
insincere, disingenuous.
Ingratiate. Commend one's self
into favor, insinuate, recom-
ANT. Alienate, estrange.
Ingredient. Element, compo-
nent, constituent.
ANT. Refuse, residuum, in-
congruity, counteragmt.
Inherent. Sticking fast, adher-
ing; essential, immanent, in-
born, inbred, native, natural,
subjective, innate, intrinsic, in-
hering, congenital, indispen-
sable, indwelling, infixed, inter-
nal, ingrained, inseparable, in-
ANT. Extrinsic, superficial,
fortuitous, casual, accidental,
external, outward, superfluous,
transient, unconnected, supple-
mental, incidental, subsidiary,
superadded; foreign, extrane-
ous, separable, temporary.
Inherit. Get as legacy; occupy,
possess, enjoy.
ANT. Acquire, earn, gain,
squander, bequeath, leave, de-
mise, devise; dissipate, alien-
Inheritance. Inheriting; her-
itage, patrimony; bequest, pos-
session, legacy.
ANT. Acquisition, purchase,
donation; forfeiture, lapse; es-
cheatment, alienation.
Inheritor. Heir, successor, lega-
tee, devisee.
ANT. Testator, devisor.
Inimical. Antagonistic, hostile,
unfriendly ; adverse, opposed,
contrary, repugnant, noxious,
pernicious, hurtful, harmful.
ANT. Friendly, companion-
able, comradely; unanimous,
agreeable, beneficial.
Iniquity. Injustice, wickedness,
sin, unrighteousness; crime, of-
fense, misdeed, grievance, evil-
ANT. Justice, integrity, vir-
tue, holiness, honesty, upright-
Initiation. Introduction, en-
trance, admission; instruction;
167 ]
opening, beginning, inaugura-
tion, commencement.
ANT. Termination, comple-
tion, finish, fulfilment, out-
Initiative. Commencement, be-
ginning; power to originate or
begin; start, leadersnip, ex-
ANT. Termination, wake,
rear; prosecution, progress, per-
severance, accomplishment.
Injunction. Command, order,
mandate, precept, exhortation.
ANT. Disobedience, non-ob-
servance, non-compliance, in-
Injure. Maltreat, wrong, abuse ;
harm, damage, spoil, mar, dis-
figure, wound, cripple, sully.
ANT. Benefit, profit, advan-
tage, advance, repair.
Injurious. Wrong, unjust, ini-
quitous; hurtful, detrimental,
pernicious, deleterious, noxious,
deadly, mischievous, baneful,
fatal, destructive, damaging,
ruinous, disadvantageous; li-
belous, slanderous; prejudicial.
ANT. Helpful, advantageous,
beneficial, salutary, profitable.
Injury. Blemish, damage, evil,
disadvantage, detriment, hurt,
loss, wron<?, prejudice, injus-
tice, mischief, impairment, out-
rage, harm.
ANT. Remedy, advantage,
amelioration, benefit, service,
toon, help, blessing, improve-
ment, utiJitv.
Injustice. Wrong, unrighteous-
ness, iniquity, grievance, un-
fairness, injury.
ANT. Equity, fairness, jus-
tice, right, rectitude, integrity,
honesty, impartiality, upright-
ness, lawfulness, righteousness,
honor, faithfulness, fair play.
Inlet. Opening, entrance, com-
mencement, ingress.
ANT. Outlet, egress, de~
Inmate. Occupant, dweller, den-
izen, inhabitant, tenant, resi-
ANT. Visitor, intruder, for-
eigner, stranger, traveler.
Inn, Hotel, public house, tav-
Innate. Inherent, inborn, natu-
ral, inbred, native, congenital,
ANT. Unnatural, adventi-
tious, assumed.
Inner. Inmost, within, interior,
secret, close, vital.
ANT. Outer, outermost, ex-
terior, open.
Innocence. Harmlessness, inof-
fensiveness, innocuousness ; sin-
lessness, purity, stainlessness,
simplicity, guilelessness, guilt-
lessness, blamelessness.
ANT. Guilt, offensiveness,
contamination, tinfulness, im-
purity, guile, corruption.
Innocent. Pure, sinless, virtu-
ous, upright, stainless, right,
faultless, guileless, clear, clean,
blameless, guiltless, harmless,
inoffensive, righteous, spotless,
immaculate, innocuous.
ANT. Criminal, culpable, im-
moral, guilty, blameworthy.
Innocuous. Harmless, innocent,
inoffensive, wholesome, innox-
ANT. Hurtful, deleterious,
insidious, obnoxious.
Innovation. Change, alteration,
novelty, reversal.
ANT. Archaism, conserva-
tion, maintenance, old fashion,
Inoculate. Vaccinate, impreg-
nate, indoctrinate, instil, in-
sert, imbue, ingraft, ingrain.
ANT. Prune, divest; dis-
Inquiry. Query, interrogation.
[ 168 ]
question, interrogatory; study,
investigation, research, explo-
ration, examination, scrutiny;
asking, search.
ANT. Ouess, intuition, con-
jecture, assumption, supposi-
tion, hypothesis.
Inquisitive. Curious, meddle-
some, intrusive, searching, pry-
ing, inquiring, meddling, peep-
ing, scrutinizing.
ANT. Uninterested, uncon-
cerned, careless, heecless, apa-
thetic, inattentive, indifferent.
Inroad. Incursion, foray, raid,
irruption, encroachment, tres-
pass, infringement, dragon-
ANT. Occupation, sally, re-
treat, settlement, evacuation,
excursion, egress.
Insane. Crazy, lunatic, mad, de-
ranged, demented, crazed, de-
ANT. Sane, sound, sensible,
quiet, composed, sober.
Insanity. Delirium, dementia,
frenzy, lunacy, mania, aberra-
tion, madness, alienation, de-
rangement, monomania, hallu-
cination, craziness.
ANT. Sanity, clearness, ra-
tionality, lucidity, good sense,
reason, intellect, intelligence.
Inscribe. Write, engrave, im-
press, imprint; address, dedi-
cate; label, letter, mark, deline-
ANT. Erase, efface, cancel,
expunge, obliterate.
Inscrutable. Incomprehensible,
unsearchable, impenetrable, un-
intelligible, hidden, mysterious,
untraceable, insolvable, pro-
ANT. Obvious, intelligible,
explainable, self-evident, famil-
Insert. Set in, place in, intro-
ANT. Exclude, follow, add.
Inside. Within, internally.
ANT. Without, outside, ex-
Insidious. Artful, crafty, schem-
ing, cunning, intriguing, tricky,
designing; secret, deceptive.
ANT. Straightforward, sin-
cere, undesigning.
Insinuate. Push slily, ingrati-
ate; infuse, inculcate; hint, in-
timate, suggest; introduce, in-
ANT. Withdraw, extract, re-
tract, alienate.
Insipid. Tasteless, stale, flat;
spiritless, heavy, stupid, unin-
teresting, prosaic, tame, prosy,
dull, unentertaining, charac-
terless, flavorless.
ANT. Racy, interesting, en-
gaging, piquant, spirited, lively.
Insist. Demand, maintain, urge,
contend, persist, press, perse-
ANT. Abandon, surrender,
concede, yield, waive, forego.
Insolence. Rudeness, contempt,
disrespect, contumely; imper-
tinence, pertness, impudence;
frowardness, disobedience, in-
subordination ; arrogance, as-
ANT. Consideration, defer-
ence, modesty, respect, polite-
ness, bashfulncss.
Insolvent. Bankrupt, penniless,
beggared, ruined.
ANT. Solvent, wealthy, flush,
flourishing, thriving.
Inspect. Examine, scrutinize,
investigate, oversee, superin-
tend, supervise, overhaul.
ANT. Overlook, connive, dis-
miss, glance, pretermit.
Inspector. Examiner, critic, vis-
itor, superintendent, censor,
Inspiration. Inhalation; affla-
tus, obsession; exaltation, an-
[ 169 ]
thusiasm, frenzy, impulse, rev-
elation, intuition; insight, ge-
ANT. Study, education, ac-
quirement, learning, elabora-
tion, observation, deduction.
Instance. Request, impulse, in-
stigation, incitement; solicita-
tion, importunity, pressure,
urgency; illustration, example,
citation, case, exemplification,
specification ; entreaty, point,
prompting, persuasion, occur-
ANT. Dissuasion, warning,
deprecation, reluctance; rule,
principle, statement.
Instant, n. Moment, twinkling,
second, minute, flash, trice,
jiffy; particular hour or mo-
ANT. Period, time, cycle, du-
ration; eternity, permanence,
Instant, a. Immediate, instan-
taneous, quick; pressing, ear-
nest, urgent; current, present,
ANT. Continuous, contin-
ual; perpetual, eternal.
Instantly. Immediately, forth-
with, directly, at once, pres-
ently, straightway.
ANT. In the future, after a
Instigate. Incite, impel, move,
urge, prompt, provoke, stimu-
late, rouse, influence, encour-
age, persuade, prevail upon.
ANT. Repress, restrain, dis-
courage, unthhold, retard.
Instil. Infuse, insinuate; im-
plant, enforce, impress, incul-
cate, import, introduce.
ANT. Extract, remove, elim-
inate, eradicate, drain, extir-
Instinct, n. Impulse, proclivity,
tendency, inclination, prompt-
ing, intuition.
ANT. Reason, deliberation,
experience, judgment, elabora-
tion, experiment.
Instinctive. Natural, spontane-
ous; impulsive, unreflecting;
voluntary, intuitive.
ANT. Rational, cultivated,
logical, judicious, reasonable,
Institute, v. Found, establish,
originate, appoint, settle, fix;
ordain, enact, pass ; begin, com-
mence; invest, instal, appoint,
induct, organize.
ANT. Subvert, degrade, de-
prive, disestablish.
Institution. Establishment, in-
vestiture, custom, practice; col-
lege, school, academy, seminary,
Instruct. Teach, inform, train,
educate, enlighten, indoctri-
nate; direct, command, order;
acquaint, discipline, initiate.
ANT. Misinform, misguide,
mislead, deceive, neglect; bru-
talize; learn, study.
Instruction. Teaching, educa-
tion, training, schooling, infor-
mation, discipline, tuition, ad-
vice, counsel, direction, precept,
order, command, mandate.
ANT. Misguidance, misinfor-
mation, misdirection; pupilage,
Instrument. Tool, utensil, im-
plement; agent, medium, ma-
chine; document, deed, writ-
ing, charter, indenture, record.
ANT. Obstruction, bar, stop,
preventive; counteragent, op-
ponent, neutralizer ; misappli-
cation, counteraction.
Instrumentality. Intervention,
medium, means, agency, medi-
ation; use, employment.
ANT. Property, quality, vir-
tue, force, efficacy; non-inter-
vention, spontaneity; counter-
agency, neutralization.
Insult, n. Offense affront, in-
dignity, outrage, abuse, rude-
ness, dishonor, slight, disre-
ANT. Respect, hcmage, com-
pliment, deference.
Insult, v. Outrage, offend, dis-
honor, abuse ; provoke, mock,
ANT. Respect, salute, honor,
compliment, flatter, praise.
Insure. Make secure; assure;
underwrite; provide, warrant,
secure, guarantee, stabilitate.
ANT. Imperil, jeopardize,
shake, stake.
Insurgent, n. Rebel, malcontent,
mutineer, traitor, rioter.
ANT. Patriot, adherent, sup-
porter; ruler, magistrate.
Insurgent, a. Rebellious, diso-
bedient, mutinous, unruly, in-
subordinate, seditious.
ANT. Obedient, loyal, patri-
Insurrection. Rebellion, revolt,
uprising, mutiny, sedition, riot,
tumult, anarchy; pronounce-
ANT. Law, order, peace, sub-
jection, obedience, submission,
bondage, subsidence, acquies-
cence; government, pacification.
Intact. Untouched, unhurt, un-
harmed, uninjured, scatheless;
whole, entire, unbroken, un-
diminished ; safe, inviolate, sa-
cred, undefiled, uncorrupted,
ANT. Defiled, hurt, touched,
injured, corrupt, affected, con-
Integrate. Unite, combine, con-
solidate, solidify, incorporate;
sum, complete.
ANT. Analyze, dismember,
detach, remove, amputate, dis-
Integrity. Completeness, en-
tirety, wholeness; honesty, rec-
titude, virtue, goodness, prin-
ciple; uprightness, honor, prob-
ity, candor, truthfulness, con-
ANT. Fraud, meanness, ras-
cality, duplicity, unfairness,
underhand fdness.
Intellect. Reason, mind, sense,
brains, understanding; con-
sciousness, instinct; ability, ge-
nius, talent.
ANT. Matter, mechanism,
force; passion; spirit, soul.
Intellectual. Mental, psycho-
logical, inventive, learned, cul-
tured; philosophical, metaphys-
ANT. Illiterate, unlearned,
Intelligence. Knowledge, infor-
mation, understanding, appre-
hension, discernment, acumen,
penetration, quickness, bright-
ness, comprehension; news, an-
nouncement, tidings, report,
rumor, statement, notice, no-
tification, publication, advice^
instruction; intellect, spirit.
ANT. Misinformation, mis-
understanding; ignorance, con-
cealment, stupidity, misappre-
hension, dulness, suppression,
Intelligible. Clear, plain, un-
derstandable, distinct, compre-
hensible, explainable, familiar,
self-evident, obvious.
ANT. Inscrutable, mysteri-
ous, hidden, insolvable, impen-
etrable, ttnfathomable.
Intend. Design, resolve, mean,
propose, purpose, contemplate,
determine, meditate.
ANT. Venture, risk, hazard,
Intense. Close, severe, strict,
intent, strained; extreme; for-
cible, energetic, powerful; ar-
dent, earnest, vehement, exces-
sive, immoderate.
[ 171 ]
ANT. Relaxed, easy, mod-
.erate, forceless, impotent, in-
different, cool, languid.
Intensity. Intenseness, close-
ness, severity, strictness; ten-
sion, force, concentration, at-
tention, strain; vehemence, vi-
olence, excess; ardor, energy,
eagerness, power, vigor, activ-
ity, strength.
ANT. Laxity, relaxation, de-
bility, languor, coolness, indif-
Intent, n. Purpose, aim, ob-
ject, design, end, meaning, in-
tention, purport, scope, drift,
ANT. Chance, lot, accident,
Intent, a. Eager, fixed, earnest,
close, bent, set.
ANT. Distracted, diverted,
Intention. Design, purpose, in-
tent, meaning, purport.
ANT. Chance, fortune, luck.
Intentional. Deliberate, con-
templated, designed, intended,
studied, purposed, premedi-
ANT. Casual, accidental, un-
designed, fortuitous.
Inter. Bury, entomb, inhume.
ANT. Exhume, disinter.
Inter-. The synonyms and an-
tonyms of words beginning
with the prefix inter-, signify-
ing between, among, amidst,
mutually, may be obtained by
adding this meaning to that of
the synonyms and antonyms of
the root word, in such cases as
are of simple derivation.
Intercede. Mediate, arbitrate,
interpose, plead, make interces-
sion, advocate, interfere.
ANT. Abandon, excuse, in-
criminate, inculpate.
Intercept. Stop, cease; arrest,
catch; obstruct, interrupt.
ANT. Send, despatch, dele-
gate, forward, commission, in-
Intercourse. Converse, commun-
ication, communion, commerce,
connection, correspondence, in-
timacy, dealing, intercommuni-
ANT. Cessation, suspension,
reticence, disconnection, inter-
Interdict. Prohibit, forbid, pro-
scribe, inhibit, restrain, stop,
debar, disallow.
ANT. Indulge, grant, allow,
Interest, n. Advantage, benefit,
profit, good; part, portion; re-
gards, sympathy, concern, at-
tention, curiosity, selfishness,
behalf, share; authority, in-
fluence ; premium.
ANT. Disadvantage, loss;
inattention, unconcern, indif-
ference; disconnection, repudi-
Interfere. Intermeddle, inter-
pose; clash, conflict, intervene,
be opposed.
ANT. Withdraw, retract, re-
tire, recede.
Interior. Inside, internal, in-
ner, inward, inland.
ANT. Outside, exterior.
Interloper. Intruder, meddler,
ANT. Member, constituent.
Intermediate. Intervening, in-
terposed, interjacent, included,
comprised, middle, moderate.
ANT. Surrounding, enclos-
ing, outside, embracing, cir-
cumjacent; extreme; exclu-
Interment. Burial, sepulture,
ANT. Exhumation, resur-
Intermission. Suspension, in-
terruption, stoppage, rest, stop,
[ 172 ]
pause, suspense, respite, inter-
lude, remission, cessation, dis-
continuance, interval, interreg-
ANT. Continuity, continu-
ance, constancy, uninterrupt-
edncss, permanence, perpetuity.
Intermit. Suspend, interrupt,
relax, discontinue, break, stop,
cease, abate, subside.
ANT. Continue, prosecute;
urge, despatch.
Internal. Inner, interior, in-
side; within.
ANT. Outer, exterior, out-
Internecine. Destructive, ex-
terminating, deadly, inextin-
guishable, irreconcilable, mor-
tal, internecinal.
ANT. Desultory, incursive,
marauding, skirmishing, buc-
caneering, guerilla, freeboot-
Interpolate. Introduce, insevt,
foist in, intercalate; interlard,
interweave, import, garble, in-
tersperse, gloss.
ANT. Expunge, erase, ex-
purgate; verify, authenticate;
Interpose. Interfere, intercede,
interrupt, mediate, meddle, ar-
bitrate, intermeddle.
ANT. Avoid, shun, retire,
withdraw, hold aloof, let be,
keep clear, stand aside.
Interpret. Explain, define, ex-
pound, elucidate, Unfold, de-
cipher; translate, render, con-
strue; declare, represent, solve.
ANT. Mistake, misconceive,
misunderstand, falsify, misin-
terpret, distort, misrepresent.
Interpretation. Exposition, ex-
planation, elucidation; version,
construction, rendering, trans-
lation; sense, meaning, defini-
tion, signification, solution.
ANT. Misinterpretation, mis-
rendering; problem, text, diffi-
Interrogate. Question, ask, ex-
amine, inquire of, catechise.
ANT. Affirm, answer, assert t
indorse, pronounce.
Interrupt. Disturb, stop, hin-
der, delay, interfere with; sep-
arate, disconnect, divide, sever,
sunder, cut, dissolve; suspend,
discontinue, break off; inter-
ANT. Continue, prosecute,
Interstice. Crevice, hole, inter-
val, chink, cleft, cranny, gap,
crack, fissure, interspace.
ANT. Seam, suture, stop-gap.
Interval. Interstice; spell, sea-
son, period, term, intermedi-
ate time, interim, meantime,
intermission, interspace, cessa-
ANT. Continuity, uninter-
ruptedness, simultaneousness.
Intervention. Interposition, in-
terference, intrusion, interces-
sion, insinuation; agency, me-
ANT. Continuance, non-in-
Interview. Meeting, parley, con-
ference, consultation, colloquy,
ANT. Isolation, exclusion, in-
dependence, avoidance.
Intestate. Unwilled, undevised,
ANT. Willed, bequeathed, de-
Intestine, a. Internal, domestic,
interior, inward ; civil ; subjec-
ANT. External, outward, for-
eign, federal; objective.
Intimate, n. Confidant, associ-
ate, crony, familiar, companion,
Intimate, v. Suggest, hint, in-
sinuate, allude to, remind of;
[ 173 ]
announce, declare, communi-
cate, tell.
ANT. Conceal, reserve, with-
hold, repress.
Intimate, a. Near, close, famil-
iar, friendly, confidential; in-
ternal, interior, inward, deep-
seated, hearty; thorough, com-
plete, direct, exact; conversant.
ANT. Distant, strange, unfa-
miliar; superficial.
Intimidate. Frighten, alarm,
scare, daunt, dismay, threaten,
appal, terrify, deter, dishearten.
ANT. Calm, compose; en-
courage, inspirit, animate, reas-
Intolerable. Insufferable, un-
endurable, insupportable, un-
ANT. Endurable, comfort-
able, tolerable, supportable, pos-
sible to be borne.
Intolerant. Bigoted, unforbear-
ing; extreme.
ANT. Tolerant, forbearing,
large-minded, indulgent.
Intoxication. Inebriety, inebri-
ation, drunkenness ; excitement,
infatuation, exhilaration, delir-
ium, bewilderment, hallucina-
tion, ecstasy; poison, venom.
ANT. Antidote, sobriety, san-
ity, gravity, melancholy, depres-
sion; abstinence, abstemious-
Intrenchment. Ditch, dike, for-
tification, earthwork, moat; de-
fense, protection, shelter, inva-
sion, inroad, encroachment, in-
fringement, trespass.
ANT. Wall, rampart, mole,
embankment, mound, bastion;
forbearance, deference, respect.
Intrepid. Bold, brave, fearless,
undaunted, courageous, valor-
ous, unterrified, dauntless, chiv-
alrous, heroic, undismayed, un-
awed, valiant, doughty.
ANT. Cautious, timid, fear-
ful, cowardly, dismayed, terri-
Intricacy. Complexity, compli-
cation, entanglement, perplex-
ity, difficulty, intricateness, ob-
scurity, confusion.
ANT. Directness, obvious-
ness; system, method; disposi-
tion, array.
Intricate. Involved, perplexed,
complicated, entangled, com-
plex; mazy, labyrinthine, tor-
ANT. Simple, direct, obvious,
plain, uninvolved.
Intrigue. Plot, scheme, cabal,
conspiracy, machination, arti-
fice, cunning, duplicity, trick-
ery, chicanery, ruse; liaison,
ANT. Insurrection, assault,
rebellion, force, violence; sin-
cerity, candor, honesty, open-
ness, straight fonvardness.
Intrinsic. Inward, internal, es-
sential, real, genuine, true, in-
herent, native, innate, natural,
immanent, inbred, inborn.
ANT. Extrinsic, acquired, ap-
parent, accidental, borrowed,
assumed, pretended, added, ex-
ternal, adventitious.
Introduce. Lead in, usher in,
present, conduct in, commence,
make acquainted, make known,
begin, preface.
ANT. Come after, succeed,
follow; end, conclude.
Introduction. Introducing, pres-
entation, ushering in; preface,
prelude, preamble, proem, exor-
dium; induction, importation,
insertion, commencement, pre-
liminary; portico, gate, vesti-
bule, entrance.
ANT. Eduction, ejection;
extraction, exportation, elimi-
nation, estrangement; comple-
tion, conclusion, end; egress.
Introductory. Prefatory, initia-
[ 174 ]
tory, preliminary, precursory,
preparatory ; commendatory.
ANT. Final, conclusive, ter-
minal, valedictory, supplemen-
tal; alienative.
Intrude. Obtrude, encroach, in-
fringe, trespass, trench, inter-
fere, meddle.
ANT. Withdraw, retire, re-
cede; remove, retract.
Intrusion. Encroachment, in-
terference, intruding, obtrusion,
ANT. Withdrawal, removal,
retirement, retraction.
Intuition. Apprehension, cogni-
tion, perception, beholding; in-
stinct, insight, recognition.
ANT. Information, instruc-
tion, learning, experience, ac-
quirement, induction.
Inundate. Flood, deluge, over-
flow, submerge, cover, over-
ANT. Drain, dry, reclaim,
desiccate, parch.
Invade. Attack, infringe, vio-
late, encroach on, trench upon;
march into, enter in, assault,
assail, occupy.
ANT. Abandon, relinquish,
vacate, evacuate.
Invalid, a. Week, feeble, infirm,
sick, frail; null, void; unsound,
baseless, untrue, unfounded, fal-
ANT. Strong, well, healthy,
vigorous; sound, legal, constitu-
tional; legitimate, authorized;
genuine, true, correct, exact.
Invalidate. Nullify, cancel, an-
nul, overthrow, make void.
ANT. Conserve, maintain, es-
tablish, confirm, enact, insti-
Invasion. Trespass, incursion, ir-
ruption, encroachment, inroad.
ANT. Evacuation, abandon-
ment, relinquishment ; settle-
ment; retreat.
Invective. Satire, sarcasm, dia-
tribe, railing, abuse; obloquy,
denunciation, vituperation, re-
proach, castigation.
ANT. Praise, commendation,
encomium, eulogy, panegyric.
Invent. Discover, find out, de-
vise, contrive, produce; design,
concoct, elaborate ; conceive,
contrive, fabricate, originate,
forge, frame.
ANT. Copy, imitate, repro-
duce; execute.
Invention. Contrivance, con-
struction, device; fiction, fab-
rication, falsehood; thought,
ANT. Material.
Inventive. Ingenious, skilful,
clever, adept, resourceful.
ANT. Slow, unskilful, unin-
Inventor. Contriver, origina-
tor, author, creator.
ANT. Destroyer.
Inventory. List, catalogue, reg-
ister, record, enrolment, enu-
Inversion. Reversal, transposi-
tion, alteration, deflection, vio-
lation, permutation.
ANT. Erectness, verticality;
stability, permanence, fixity,
state, order, sequence; conser-
Invert. Upset, overthrow, re-
verse, subvert.
ANT. Restore, set up, make
Invest. Clothe, dress, array, en-
dow; attend, surround; lay out.
ANT. Divest, dismantle, un-
clothe, strip, disrobe; deprive.
Investigate. Inquire, examine,
test, scrutinize, prove, search,
explore, inspect, criticize, dis-
cuss, study.
ANT. Conjecture, guess.
Investigation. Search, exami-
nation, inquiry, research, ex-
t 175 1
ploration, inquisition, sifting,
scrutiny, study.
ANT. Discovery, clue, indi-
cation; solution, thread.
Investiture. Installation, induc-
tion, investment, habilitation.
ANT. Divestiture, divest-
Inveterate. Long-established,
obstinate; malignant, spiteful,
virulent; besetting, confirmed,
chronic, ingrain, incarnate, ha-
bitual, deep-rooted, hardened,
ANT. Undeveloped, incipient,
Invidious. Hateful, offensive,
odious; unfair, partial, incon-
siderate ; gratuitous.
ANT. Fair, just, consider-
ate, impartial, due.
Invigorate. Strengthen, brace,
harden, nerve, refresh, stimu-
late, animate, exhilarate.
ANT. Weaken, enfeeble, de-
bilitate, deteriorate, relax, un-
string, enervate.
Invitation. Solicitation, allure-
ment, enticement.
ANT. Rebuff, snub, check, re-
Invite. Ask, summon, bid, re-
quest, solicit, call, attract, en-
tice, persuade, allure; tempt,
incite, challenge.
ANT. Repel, forbid, depre-
cate; exclude, discard.
Invoke. Supplicate, implore,
solicit, summon, call, beseech,
invite, challenge, invocate, ap-
peal to, conjure, imprecate.
ANT. Defy; deprecate, de-
ter; ignore, elude; warn, in-
Involution. Complication, en-
tanglement; envelope; implica-
tion, mingling.
AWT. Evolution, disconnec-
tion, evolvement, extrication,
Involve. Envelop, wrap, cover;
comprise, embrace, contain ;
connect, unite, mingle, blend,
twine, interweave; implicate,
entangle, complicate, embroil,
embarrass, include, overwhelm,
ANT. Extricate, remove, dis-
connect, separate, disentangle,
distinguish, explicate.
Inward. Secretly, privately; in-
ternal, interior, inner; within.
ANT. Outward, external, ex-
Iota. Jot, tittle, particle, atom.
ANT. Whole, mass.
Irate, Irascible. Hasty, angry,
enraged, incensed, choleric, ir-
ANT. Good-tempered, calm,
forbearing, gentle, mild.
Ire. Anger, wrath, rage, fury,
choler, indignation, resentment,
displeasure, vexation.
ANT. Good will, patience, for-
bearance, mildness, forgiveness,
reconciliation, peaceableness.
Irridescent. Prismatic; opal-
ine, polychromatous, nacreous.
ANT. Blanched, neutral, col-
orless, dingy, achromatic.
Isolate. Separate, detach, dis-
sociate; insulate.
ANT. Associate, unite.
Isolation. Separation, loneli-
ness, segregation, detachment,
disconnection, insulation; soli-
tariness, solitude.
ANT. Organization, commu-
nity, co-membership, connec-
tion; continuity, concatenation.
Issue. Egress, exit, outlet; de-
livery; copy, number, edition,
impression; event, outcome, re-
sult, end, conclusion, consum-
mation, effect, termination;
children, offspring, posterity,
progeny ; antagonism, contro-
versy, contest.
ANT. Cause, principle, n-
[ 176 ]
fluence, action, working, oper-
ation; laic, system, commence-
ment; ancestry, paternity.
Iteration. Recital, repetition,
reiteration, recurrence, harp-
ing, succession.
Single statement.
Itinerant, a. Traveling, wan-
dering, roving, roaming, jour-
neying, unsettled, nomadic.
ANT. Stationary, domestic,
settled, fixed, local.
Itinerary. Guide, guidebook,
Jade, v. Tire, weary, fatigue,
exhaust, fag ; worry, harass, op-
ANT. Refresh, recruit, in-
vigorate, inspirit.
Jagged. Notched, indented, un-
even, ragged.
ANT. Smooth.
Jangle, n. Jargon, babel, bick-
ering, wrangle, quarrel, squab-
ble, contention.
ANT. Argument, discourse,
Jar, v. Shake, agitate ; clash, in-
terfere; wrangle, quarrel, con-
tend, bicker, spar, squabble,
ANT. Agree, harmonize, ac-
cord, concur.
Jarg-on. Gabble, gibberish; non-
sense, twaddle, flummery, trash,
stuff, gabble; slang; lingo, pa-
ANT. Speech, conversation;
discourse, oration; literature.
Jaundiced. Biased, prejudiced,
warped, prepossessed; bilious.
ANT. Unprejudiced, unbi-
Jaunty. Airy, showy, finical,
fluttering, gay, fine, bedizened,
flighty, fantastic, flaunting.
ANT. Staid, sober, sedate,
dignified, demure.
Jealous. Envious, suspicious,
resentful, covetous, invidious ;
anxious, apprehensive, solici-
tous, zealous, watchful.
ANT. Indifferent, genial, tm-
envious, liberal, self-denying.
Jealousy. Suspicion, envy, ri-
valry, solicitude.
ANT. Vigilance, watchful-
ness, magnanimity, generous-
ness, friendliness; certainty.
Jeer, v. Scoff, taunt, jibe, sneer,
flout, mock, jest, deride, banter.
ANT. Flatter, compliment,
praise; adulate, faum, cringe.
Jejune. Empty, barren, meager,
dry, sterile, bare, lean, unin-
teresting, thin, scant, poverty-
stricken, poor, void.
ANT. Full, rich, exuberant,
racy, interesting, overwrought,
redundant, abundant.
Jeopardy. Hazard, peril, risk,
danger, venture.
ANT. Security, safety, in-
surance, provision.
Jest, n. Joke, witticism, quip,
sally, raillery, fun, sport.
ANT. Seriousness, gravity,
Jest, v. Joke, sport, rally, ban-
ter, ridicule, mock, grin.
ANT. Preach, sermonize.
Jocose. Humorous, facetious,
witty, droll, funny, comical,
jocular, sportive, merry, wag-
ANT. Melancholy, serious,
earnest, grave, lugubrious.
Jocund. Joyous, joyful, merry,
frolicsome, blithe, jolly, sport-
ive, lively, playful, airy, gay,
[ 177
debonair, jovial, gleeful, care-
less, blithesome, mirthful, hi-
larious, sprightly, vivacious.
ANT. Melancholy, dull, sor-
rowful, grave, mournful, cheer-
less, rueful, doleful, careworn,
Join. Add, attach, annex; con-
nect, couple, link, unite, con-
join, cement; adjoin, be adja-
cent to, connect with; associ-
ate with, confederate, league.
ANT. Separate, disconnect,
disjoin, subtract, sever.
Joint. Juncture, union; flexure,
elbow, knee, articulation.
ANT. Disconnection, contin-
uity, uniformity, solution, dis-
Jollification. Revelry, convivial-
ity, festivity, revel, carousal,
wassail, carouse, fun, carnival.
ANT. Weariness, tedium,
tediousness, soberness, monot-
Jolly. Merry, joyous, gay, jo-
vial, mirthful, jocund, sportive,
jocular, funny, sprightly, face-
tious, waggish, blithe, blithe-
some, cheery, cheerful; portly,
bouncing, stout, plump.
ANT. Sad, mournful, cheer-
less, mirthless, joyless, lugu-
brious, gloomy, morose.
Jostle. Push, crowd, hustle, col-
lide, strike against; shake, in-
commode, joggle, jog, jolt.
ANT. Clear, lead, convoy,
escort, pilot, precede, extricate,
Jot. Iota, whit, tittle, particle,
atom, grain, bit, mite, scrap,
scintilla, cipher, trifle, idea,
thought, morsel, fraction.
ANT. World, mass, volume,
heap, bulk.
Journey. Travel, transit, expe-
dition, excursion, tour, voyage,
trip, pilgrimage.
ANT. Sojourn, tarrying, de-
lay, stop, stay, abiding, stop-
Jovial. Merry, joyous, gay, fes-
tive, mirthful, jolly, gleeful,
hilarious, genial, convivial.
ANT. Ungenial, gloomy, lu-
gubrious, melancholy, satur-
Joviality. Merriment, jollity,
mirth, hilarity, gaiety, frolic,
ANT. Sadness, seriousness,
Joy. Gladness, delight, pleasure,
happiness, transport, felicity,
exultation, ecstasy, bliss, rap-
ture, gaiety, hilarity, glee, be-
atitude, ravishment.
ANT. Sorrow, grief, melan-
choly, affliction, tears, depres-
sion, despondency, pain, mis-
ery, trouble, despair.
Joyful. Glad, joyous, merry, ju-
bilant, jocund, happy, jolly,
jovial, elate, elated, delighted,
ANT. Grave, solemn, mourn-
ful, sad, melancholy, lugubri-
Jubilant. Rejoicing, exultant,
triumphant, joyous, festive, ex-
ulting, congratulatory.
ANT. Doleful, sorrowful, re-
morseful, wailing, penitent, lu-
Jubilee. Festival, season of re-
joicing, feast, holiday, festiv-
ity, revel, carnival, merriment*
ANT. Fast, mourning, hu-
miliation, penitence.
Judge. Justice, referee, arbiter,
arbitrator, ximpire ; magistrate,
authority; critic, connoisseur.
ANT. Criminal, novice, tyro,
Judgment. Discernment, esti-
mate, award, criticism, under-
standing, discrimination, intel-
ligence, taste, sagacity, pene-
tration, wisdom, brains, pru-
[ 178 ]
dence, sense ; determination,
decision, opinion, notion, con-
clusion; judiciousness, intel-
lect; verdict, sentence, reward,
ANT. Argument, specula-
tion, inquiry, proposition, in-
vestigation, consideration, evi-
dence, pleading, pronounce-
ment; fickleness, insagacity,
Judicial. Just, well-balanced, de-
liberative; juridical, forensic.
ANT. Legislative, executive,
or administrative; impulsive.
Judicious. Discreet, wise, pru-
dent, sagacious, sensible, rea-
sonable, rational, sober, sound,
staid, politic, enlightened, well-
considered, well-chosen; dis-
cerning, thoughtful.
ANT. Silly, imprudent, in-
discreet, ill-judged, inexpedient,
rash, impolitic, blind, foolish.
Juggle, v. Cheat, conjure, im-
pose, trick, practice jugglery,
deceive, defraud ; bamboozle,
beguile, swindle, mystify, mis-
lead, overreach.
ANT. Expose, enlighten, un-
deceive; detect, reveal, correct.
Jumble, n. Confusion, disorder,
ANT. Order, system, neat-
ness, arrangement.
Jump, v. Leap, skip, bound, hop,
spring, vault, caper; bounce,
jolt, overleap; coincide, agree,
ANT. Walk, pace, prome-
nade; dance.
Junction. Joining, union, com-
bination, coalition, connection,
linking, coupling; joint, junc-
ture, angle; fastening, attach-
ment; alliance, confederacy.
ANT. Division, separation,
disconnection, hiatus, chasm,
uncoupling, disunion; continu-
Jungle. Thicket, brake, wilder-
ness, labyrinth, underbrush, en-
ANT. Open, clearing; order,
arrangement, system.
Junior. Younger ; subordinate,
less advanced.
ANT. Senior, elder, older;
more advanced, superior.
Jurisdiction. Right, authority,
sphere, judicature, legal power;
government, control, sway, ad-
ministration, magistracy.
ANT. Immunity, exemption,
freedom, independence.
Just. Upright, righteous, hon-
est, true, conforming to justice ;
exact, normal, reasonable, due;
equitable, fair, impartial, right,
rightful, lawful ; fair-minded,
blameless, honorable, straight-
forward, virtuous, uncorrupt;
accurate, correct; deserved, fit,
merited, appropriate, suitable,
happy, proper, harmonious.
ANT. Evil, untrue, unjust,
dishonest, prejudiced, unfair,
unreasonable, partial, unlawful,
unequitable; blameworthy, cor-
rupt, dishonorable; inaccurate,
incorrect; undeserved, unfit, in-
appropriate, inharmonious.
Justice. Legality, eqtiity, recti-
tude, fairness, law, lawfulness,
right, truth, uprightness, vir-
tue, fair play, faithfulness, im-
partiality, integrity, righteous-
ness ; reasonableness, desert,
ANT. Injustice, dishonesty,
favoritism, partiality, wrong,
unlawfulness, unfairness, un-
Justification. Vindication, de-
fense, exoneration, exculpation ;
absolution; apology, advocacy,
plea, maintenance.
ANT. Censure, condemna-
tion, conviction, implication,
crimination, inculpation.
[ 179 ]
Justify. Vindicate, maintain,
defend; absolve, clear, exoner-
ate; pardon, exculpate; adjust;
ANT. Condemn, convict, cen-
sure, criminate.
Justness. Exactness, propri-
ety, correctness, accuracy, ex-
actitude, strictness, fidelity,
ANT. Incorrectness, inexact-
ness, slovenliness.
Juvenile. Young, youthful, pu-
erile, childish, boyish, girlish,
infantine, immature, adoles-
ANT. Mature, elderly, aged,
senile, adult, manly, womanly,
Juxtaposition. Nearness, con-
tiguity, adjacency, proximity,
ANT. Distance, remoteness,
separateness; opposition.
Keen. Sharp; acute; bitter, se-
vere, piercing, stinging; eager,
vehement, fierce; prompt, ar-
dent, cutting, biting, sarcastic,
penetrating, satirical, shrewd;
poignant, acrimonious, caustic;
discerning, quick, astute.
ANT. Blunt, dull, languid,
blind, indifferent, obtuse, undis-
cerning, slow, simple.
Keep. Retain, hold, reserve, de-
tain, preserve, restrain, with-
hold, maintain, support, sus-
tain, continue, guard, protect,
adhere to, obey, fulfil; cele-
brate, honor, conduct, commem-
orate, solemnize; haunt, fre-
quent; observe, perform; con-
ceal, suppress; hinder, prevent,
ANT. Release, speed, liter-
ate, send, dismiss; neglect, be-
tray, abandon, discard; disre-
gard, disobey, transgress, for-
sake, desert, forget.
Keeping. Charge, guardianship,
custody, care ; holding, preser-
vation, restraint; maintenance,
support, feed, provision; har-
mony, consistency, congruity,
conformity, agreement.
ANT. Neglect, abuse, disre-
gard; abandonment, destruc-
tion; nonsupport, betrayal; dis-
agreement, incongruity.
Keepsake. Souvenir, token, re
membra ncer.
Ken. Sight, view, cognizance,
knowledge, survey, range.
ANT. Ignorance, oversight,
inexperience, inobservance.
Kernel. Seed, grain; nucleus;
core, gist.
ANT. Peeling, meat, shell,
Key. Lock opener; clue, guide,
solution, explanation; keynote,
tonic; wedge, clamp; lever.
ANT. Mystification, confu-
sion, mystery, secret, problem.
Kick. Strike or thrust at with
the foot; recoil; resist, rebel,
spurn, be calcitrant.
ANT. Caress, soothe, flatter,
Kill. Murder, massacre, as-
sassinate, butcher, execute, des-
patch, slay, slaughter, put to
ANT. Resuscitate, vivify, re-
animate, revivify, quicken, en-
Kin. Family, birth, blood, con-
sanguinity, descent, race, rela-
tionship, kind, kindred, affin-
ity, alliance.
[ 180 ]
ANT. Strangership, inaffin-
ity, alienage, foreignership.
Kind, n. Race, family, species,
breed, class, genus; character,
sort, variety, nature, fashion,
description, denomination, des-
ANT. Dissimilarity, differen-
Kind, a. Benign, indulgent, hu-
mane, compassionate, gentle,
tender, beneficent, propitious,
generous, forbearing, lenient,
bounteous, clement, mild, good,
obliging, bland, friendly, ami-
cable, philanthropic, charitable,
sympathetic, affectionate, ten-
ANT. Harsh, severe, hard,
cruel, unkind, rough, stern, for-
bidding, austere, crabbed, il-
Kindle. Light, ignite, inflame,
enkindle, set on fire; excite,
arouse, awaken, stir up, stimu-
late, incite, animate, foment;
exasperate, provoke, enrage.
ANT. Quench, suppress, ex-
tinguish, allay.
Kindness, Kindliness. Benevo-
lence, humanity, charity, sym-
^ pathy, compassion, amiability,
good nature; mildness, gentle-
ness, softness.
ANT. Harshness, cruelty, se-
verity, sternness, roughness, au-
Kindred, n. Relationship, con-
sanguinity, affinity; relations,
kin, kith and kin, relatives,
kinsmen, kinsfolk.
ANT. Disconnection, unre-
latedness; strangers, foreign-
Kindred, a. Related, cognate,
akin, allied, congenial; respon-
sive, sympathetic.
ANT. Unrelated, uncongen-
ial, unallied; different, unre-
Kingdom. Empire, monarchy,
sovereignty, domain, dominion.
Kingly. Regal, royal, monar-
chical, imperial, august, sov-
ereign, noble, splendid, mag-
nificent, imposing, grand, ma-
ANT. Plebeian, humble, pop-
ular, commonplace, simple, vul-
Knack. Toy, plaything, gim-
crack; dexterity, skill, adroit-
ness, facility, aptness, aptitude,
expertness, quickness.
ANT. Clumsiness, awkward-
ness, ineptitude.
Knave. Villain, rascal, rogue,
scoundrel, cheat, scamp, mis-
creant, swindler, scapegrace.
ANT. Gentleman, hero; gull,
dupe, simpleton.
Knavish. Trickish, cheating;
mischievous, roguish, waggish;
fraudulent, villainous.
ANT. Honest, upright, hon-
Knot, n. Tie, bond, intricacy,
connection; entanglement, com-
plication; joint; group, band,
clique, gang, crew.
ANT. Loosening, unfasten-
ing, unraveling, dispersion; so-
lution, simplification; evenness,
smoothness; individual.
Knotty. Knotted, difficult, in-
tricate, perplexed, tough, hard,
ANT. Plain, simple, obvious,
easy, smooth, uninvolved.
Know. Perceive, apprehend, un-
derstand; be convinced or as-
sured; acquaint, recognize; dis-
tinguish, comprehend.
ANT. Be ignorant or illit-
erate, overlook, misunderstand,
Knowing. Intelligent, skilful,
competent, well-informed, pro-
ficient, qualified, experienced,
accomplished; conscious, per-
[ 181 ]
cipient, thinking; cunning, ex-
pressive, significant; shrewd,
astute, discerning, sagacious.
ANT. Simple, innocent, gul-
lible, stolid, silly; dull, stupid,
inefficient; unresponsive, non-
Knowledge. Learning, wisdom,
scholarship, science, compre-
hension, cognition, erudition,
intelligence, light, lore, percep-
tion, recognition, acquaintance,
intuition, experience, informa-
tion, apprehension, notice, un-
derstanding, conversance, cog-
nizance, familiarity, instruc-
tion, enlightenment; acquire-
ments, attainments.
ANT. Ignorance, illiteracy,
unfamiliarity, rudeness, inex-
perience, misapprehension, r/n's-
conception, misunderstanding.
Labor, n. Toil, exertion, work,
effort, task, travail; drudgery,
industry, painstaking; burden,
ANT. Ease, indolence, rest,
respite, recreation, refreshment,
vacation, inactivity, laziness.
Labored. Elaborate, studied,
highly wrought, overwrought,
stiff, heavy.
ANT. Easy, natural, simple.
Laborer. Workman, operative,
workingman, hand, employee,
ANT. Employer.
Laborious. Toilsome, difficult,
tiresome, onerous, wearisome,
fatiguing, arduous, hard, bur-
densome, tedious, irksome; in-
dustrious, diligent, toiling, as-
siduous, hard-working, pains-
taking, sedulous, indefatigable,
ANT. Easy, light, simple, fac-
ile, feasible; lazy, indolent, in-
diligent, idle.
Labyrinth. Maze, confusion, in-
tricacy, windings ; perplexity,
complexity, bewilderment, in-
volutions ; difficulty.
ANT. Simplicity, calm, per-
spicacity ; insight, understand-
Lack, n. Deficiency, want, need,
destitution, failure, scantiness,
dearth, scarcity, fault, deficit,
shortness, insufficiency.
ANT. Plenty, fulness, abun-
dance, supply, sufficiency, com-
petence, satisfaction.
Laconic, Laconical. Short, epi-
grammatic, brusk, brief, con-
cise, pithy, sententious, terse,
ANT. Wordy, tedious, pro-
lix, diffuse, prosy, loquacious,
Laggard, n. Loiterer, lingerer,
sluggard, saunterer, dawdler,
Laical. Laic, lay, unprofession-
al; secular, temporal; civil,
ANT. Clerical, professional,
theological, sacred, divine, ec-
clesiastic, ministerial, priestly,
canonical, legal, sacerdotal.
Laity. Laymen, the people.
ANT. Clergy, professional
Lame. Hobbling, crippled, limp-
ing; inefficient, imperfect, de-
fective ; weak, feeble, poor, un-
satisfactory, insufficient ; halt,
faltering, impotent.
ANT. Robust, strong, potent,
efficient, cogent, effective, con-
vincing, telling, satisfactory.
[ 182 ]
Lament, v. Mourn, bemoan, be-
wail, deplore, sorrow over, re-
gret, grieve.
ANT. Rejoice, enjoy, hail,
Language. Idiom, speech, dia-
lect, tongue, patois, barbarism,
diction, expression, vernacu-
lar, vocabulary, mother tongue,
phraseology, discourse, conver-
sation, talk; articulation, ac-
cents; style, utterance, voice.
ANT. Jargon, gibberish, cry,
howl, roar; speechlcssness, in-
articulateness, muteness, dumb-
Languid. Drooping, indisposed,
inanimate, feeble, weak, faint,
sickly, pining, weary, listless,
heavy, dull, exhausted, heart-
less ; enervated, flagging, spirit-
less, unnerved, unbraced.
ANT. Strong, vigorous, ro-
bust, active, braced, healthy, en-
ergetic, animated, alert.
Languish. To be languid, pine,
droop, sink, faint, decline.
ANT. Luxuriate, thrive, pros-
per, flourish, bloom.
Languor. Feebleness, weakness,
faintness, weariness, lassitude,
listlessness, heaviness, dul-
ANT. Strength, vigor, energy,
freshness, lithesomencss.
Lank. Slender, thin, shrunken,
lean, loose, slim, long, lax.
ANT. Plump, fat, chubby,
short, full, rounded.
Lapse, n. Slipping, falling, slip,
fault; termination, failure; es-
cheatment, flow, flux, progress,
reversion, elapsing; apostasy.
ANT. Stability, fixedness, re-
tention, fixture, stoppage, up-
rightness; inheritance, posses-
Large. Colossal, ample, broad,
bulky, extensive, vast, massive,
spacious, wide, commodious,
enormous, coarse, grand, long,
gigantic, immense, huge, great,
big, capacious, considerable,
abundant; diffuse, comprehen-
sive, profuse, plentiful, popu-
lous, copious, liberal; enlight-
ened, catholic.
ANT. Circumscribed, illib-
eral, contracted, niggardly, sor-
did, bigoted; small, little, mi-
croscopic, mean, minute, tiny,
slender, trifling, trivial, dimin-
utive, inconsiderable, slight, in-
finitesimal, limited, short, insig-
nificant, scanty, petty, narrow,
Lash, v. Strike, whip, scourge,
flog, beat, tie, fasten; censure,
satirize, castigate.
ANT. Soothe, smooth, ca-
ress; eulogize, compliment, ex-
Lassitude. Languor, weariness,
weakness, debility, inertia.
ANT. Energy, strength, ro-
bustness, vigor, freshness.
Last, v. Continue, endure, per-
sist, remain, hold, abide, live.
ANT. End, stop, terminate,
depart, fade, cease, fail, die.
Last, a. Final, hindmost, far-
thest; next, past; highest or
lowest, supreme, utmost; most
unlikely, least fit; latest, final,
concluding, ultimate.
ANT. First, foremost, open-
ing, introductory, initiatory;
ensuing, next, nearest.
Lasting. Durable, permanent,
unending, enduring, abiding,
ANT. Temporary, transient,
ephemeral, momentary, occa-
sional, periodic, recurrent.
Late. Slow, tardy; deceased, de-
parted; far advanced; recent;
not long past; delayed.
ANT. Early, coming, pres-
ent, future, forthcoming, exist-
[ 183 ]
Lately. Recently, of late, not
far past, but just.
ANT. Formerly, remotely,
distantly in past or future.
Latent. Hidden, secret, invis-
ible, dormant, unobserved, con-
cealed, inapparent, potential,
implicit, undeveloped, inherent.
ANT. Visible, explicit, ap-
parent, exposed, developed, ac-
tive, conspicuous, manifest.
Lateral. At the side, oblique;
indirect, secondary, resultant,
parallel, incidental.
ANT. Direct, primary, im-
mediate, lineal.
Latter. Later, modern, more re-
cent; last, final.
ANT. Former, previous, an-
oient; penultimate.
Laudable. Praiseworthy, com-
ANT. Blameworthy, exe-
Laughter. Laughing, mirth,
merriment, glee; derision, ridi-
cule, contempt.
ANT. Weeping, tears, sor-
row, mourning, lamentation;
respect, veneration, admira-
Launch, v. Hurl, throw, let fly;
set afloat ; start, propel, move ;
expatiate, enlarge.
ANT. Recall, repress, retain;
ignore, avoid, shun.
Lavish, a. Profuse, prodigal ;
superabundant, excessive, ex-
travagant, bountiful, wasteful.
ANT. Sparing, economical,
close, niggardly, chary.
Law. Code, canon, edict, decree,
order, mandate, legislation, or-
dinance, rule, regulation, ju-
risprudence, enactment, com-
mand, commandment, economy,
formula, polity, principle, stat-
ute; mode, method, sequence,
adjudication, jurisdiction.
ANT. Misrule, anarchy, dis-
order, insubordination, rebel-
lion; caprice, chance, irregu-
larity, accident, casualty.
Lawful. Conformable to law,
legitimate, competent, consti-
tuted, authorized; legal, con-
stitutional, rightful, regular ;
permissible, orderly, right, al-
lowable, fair.
ANT. Illegal, impermissible,
unlawful, wrong.
Lawless. Contrary to law, ille-
gal ; unrestrained, unregulated ;
wild, rebellious, savage, disor-
ANT. Peaceful, law-abiding,
loyal, civilized, honest, tract-
able, well-disposed.
Lawyer. Counselor, attorney,
counsel, advocate.
ANT. Client.
Lax. Slack, vague, unconfined;
dissolute, licentious ; incoher-
ent; unprincipled, loose, re-
miss, flabby.
ANT. Concise, strict, rigid,
coherent, compact; conscien-
tious, principled.
Lay. Put, place, establish, de-
posit, arrange, spread, dispose,
set down; allay, prostrate.
ANT. Raise, erect, lift up;
excite, disorder, disarrange.
Lazy. Shirking, idle, inactive,
slothful, slow, sluggish.
ANT. Industrious, energetic,
active, assiduous.
Lead, n. Guidance, direction, in-
itiative, control ; precedence,
priority, preeminence.
ANT. Following, submission,
subordination; inferiority.
Lead, v. Guide, conduct, direct,
counsel; precede, draw, induce,
entice, allure; convoy; com-
mence, inaugurate ; persuade,
ANT. Follow; dissuade, mis-
lead, misguide; leave, aban-
[ 184 ]
Leader. Guide, conductor; di-
rector, chief, head.
ANT. Follower, disciple.
League. Alliance, compact, co-
alition, confederacy, confedera-
tion, bond, combination, union.
ANT. Neutrality; divorce,
disruption, disunion, secession,
disconnection, alienation, dis-
Lean, v. Incline, deviate, bend,
rest, rely on; conform; tend,
depend, hang; slope; repose,
ANT. Support, raise, erect,
stabilitate, rise, straighten.
Lean, a. Slender, spare, meager,
thin, lank, gaunt, skinny, bare,
scant, barren, mean; shriveled,
emaciated, bony, scraggy.
ANT. Fat, plump, brawny,
well-conditioned, obese, stout.
Leaning. Tendency, proclivity,
propensity, bias, liking, parti-
ality, inclination.
ANT. Loathing, aversion, re-
pugnance, avoidance, dislike.
Leap, v. Jump, vault, spring,
bound, hop, bounce.
ANT. Walk, dive, swim, run.
Learn. Acquire, imbibe, attain,
collect, know, gather, under-
stand, study.
ANT. Forget, lose; teach,
Learned. Erudite, versed, well-
informed, scholarly, skilled, lit-
erary, conversant, read.
ANT. Ignorant, unlearned,
illiterate, unscholarly.
Learner. Pupil, scholar, stu-
dent, disciple, novice.
ANT. Teacher, professor,
authority, adept, master, doc-
Learning. Knowledge, erudi-
tion, skill, literature, science,
lore, letters, education, culture,
tuition, acquirements, attain-
ments, scholarship.
ANT. Ignorance, illiteracy,
boorishness, stupidity; inspira-
tion, revelation.
Least. Smallest, shortest, low-
est, most unimportant, mean-
est, last.
ANT. Greatest, longest, no-
blest, highest, most important,
first, principal, main, leading,
Leave, v. Quit, abandon, give
up, forego, resign, surrender,
forbear; cease, stop, desist; de-
part, go from; bequeath.
ANT. Persist, stay, hold, re-
tain; continue; arrive.
Legal. Authorized, legitimate,
constitutional, licit, lawful, al-
ANT. Illegal, unlawful, un-
constitutional, lay, illegitif
Legend. Chronicle ; myth, fable ;
inscription, motto ; hearsay,
ANT. Fact, history, trut,
Legible. Distinct, plain, appar-
ent, discernible, clear, manifest,
decipherable, well-written.
ANT. Illegible, cryptograph-
ic, cabalistic, undecipherable,
Legitimate. Lawful, valid; au-
thorized, real, genuine, licit, al-
lowable, normal, standard.
ANT. Illegitimate, unallow-
able, unfair, unauthorized, il-
licit, false.
Leisure. Freedom, ease, vaca-
tion, convenience; opportunity,
retirement, spare time.
ANT. Occupation, employ-
ment, absorption, work, labor,
constraint, engagement, busi-
ness, toil.
Leisurely. Deliberate, conveni-
ent, easy, sauntering.
ANT. Hurried, hasty, diffi-
cult, speedy, industrious, <uid-
185 ]
uous, eager, precipitate, expe-
Lend. Let, afford, furnish, loan,
advance, grant.
A_NT. Refuse, withhold, re-
tain, appropriate, withdraw;
Lengthen. Elongate, stretch,
extend, prolong.
ANT. Shorten, contract, con-
fine, narrow.
Lengthy. Long, drawn out, te-
dious, verbose, diffuse, prolix.
ANT. Concise, comprehen-
sive, laconic, short, brief, con-
densed, succinct, compact.
Lenient. Merciful, mild, relax-
ing, assuasive, softening, com-
ANT. Harsh, cruel, hard, se-
vere, stern.
Lessen. Diminish, reduce, de-
crease, abate, lower, impair, de-
grade, weaken.
ANT. Increase, enlarge, ex-
tend, develop, heighten, multi-
ply, strengthen, spread, en-
Lesson. Instruction, precept,
doctrine, study; reproof, warn-
ing, rebuke, lecture, homily.
ANT. Misguidance, misin-
formaton, deception.
Let. Permit, allow, suffer; rent,
lease, hire out; assign, grant,
give, contract.
ANT. Prevent, hinder, check,
thioart; refuse, deny, withhold,
Lethal. Fatal, deadly, mortal,
poisonous, venomous, baneful,
ANT. Remedial, wholesome,
salutary, vital, invigorating,
Lethargy. Drowsiness, torpor,
swoon, trance, stupor, oblivion ;
ANT. Alertness, liveliness,
vigilance, wakefulness, life, ac-
tivity, quickness; eagerness, at-
tention, interest.
Letter. Epistle; mark, charac-
ter; note, communication, mes-
sage, missive; (pi.) erudition,
Level, n. Plane; surface, floor;
rank, standard, degree, posi-
tion ; ground ; horizontality,
equality, platform.
ANT. Unevenness, acclivity,
inequality, vertically, decliv-
Level, v. Smooth, flatten, even;
overthrow; aim, direct; plane,
raze, equalize.
ANT. Roughen, furrow, grad-
uate, grade.
Level, a. Flat, horizontal, even,
plane, smooth.
ANT. Rough, uneven, broken,
rolling, undulating, hilly.
Levity. Inconstancy, unsteadi-
ness, thoughtlessness, frivolity,
fickleness; flightiness, volatil-
ANT. Gravity, earnestness,
seriousness, sobriety, dignity,
Levy, v. Raise, collect, assess,
seize, exact; attack; tax, im-
pose, muster.
ANT. Pay, forego, surrender,
reimburse, repay, liquidate.
Liable. Accountable, bound, re-
sponsible, answerable, subject,
exposed, obnoxious; amenable.
ANT. Irresponsible, refrac-
tory, independent, autocratic.
Libel, n. Lampoon, satire, def-
amation, detraction, slander,
calumny, traducement.
ANT. Retraction, vindica-
tion, apology; puff, praise, en-
comium, advocacy, panegyric.
Liberal. Generous, munificent,
beneficent, large, free, catholic,
unselfish, unrestrained, toler-
ant; ample, profuse.
ANT. Mean, grasping, greedy,
[ 186 ]
niggardly, avaricious; narrow-
minded, bigoted, prejudiced, in-
adequate, contracted, scanty.
Liberate. Deliver, set free, dis-
engage, release.
ANT. Confine, imprison, ar-
rest; sentence, doom, condemn.
Libertine. Rake, debauchee, dis-
solute person, profligate.
ANT. Ascetic, anchorite.
Liberty. Emancipation, choice,
freedom, license, independence,
leave, permission, exemption;
privilege, franchise, immunity.
ANT. Slavery, captivity, serv-
itude, serfdom, compulsion, ne-
cessity, constraint, imprison-
ment, oppression, thraldom, su-
perstition, obligation.
Aiicen.se, n. Permission, leave,
privilege, right, warrant; lax-
ity, disorder, anarchy, lawless-
ANT. Obligation, constraint,
compulsion, submission, neces-
sity, restraint, restriction, mod-
eration, temperance.
License, v. Permit, authorize,
ANT. Prohibit, restrain, for-
bid, constrain, inhibit, interdict,
withhold, withdraw; annul, dis-
Licentious. Excessive, abusive;
unrestrained, uncurbed, unruly,
lawless, immoral, lewd, riotous,
ungovernable, wanton, lax, dis-
solute, profligate, loose, sensual,
impure, unchaste, lascivious.
ANT. Temperate, strict, mod-
erate, controlled, self-controlled,
ascetic, austere, sober, self-de-
nying, puritanic, renuncia-
Licit. Lawful, legal.
ANT. Illegal, illicit, unlaw-
ful, unlicensed, unauthorized,
illegitimate, improper, forbid-
Lie, n. Untruth, fiction, fable,
deception, falsehood, falsifica-
tion; delusion, illusion.
ANT. Truth, verity, reality,
fact; veracity, exactness, pre-
cision, principle, honesty, sin-
Lie, v. Utter a lie; rest, recline,
be situated; abide, remain, con-
tinue; exist, belong, consist;
lodge, sleep.
ANT. Rise, stir, move, walk,
Z>e active, go, change, run.
Life. Being, soul, spirit; af-
fairs; animation, vivacity, en-
ergy v ig r i living being; bi-
ANT. Death, mortality, de-
cease, lifelessness, annihilation,
nonexistence ; lethargy, coma,
stupor; demise, departure, dis-
Lift, v. Raise, elevate; exalt,
improve; steal.
ANT. Lower, sink, depress,
let descend; reduce, degrade,
humble; crush, overwhelm;
hurl, dash, fling, throw.
Ligament. Bandage, bond, con-
nection, ligature, strap, girth,
band, brace, tie ; tying, bind-
ANT. Fracture, disconnection,
dislocation, disruption, sever-
ance, laceration, splinter, rup-
ture, break.
Light, n. Gleam, shine, glitter,
flame, blaze, illumination, in-
candescence, glow, flash, flare,
sparkle, twinkle, flicker, glare,
glimmer, glistening, sheen, lus-
ter, shimmer, shining, scintil-
lation, day; open view, public-
ity; enlightenment, knowledge,
information ; prosperity, joy,
happiness, felicity.
ANT. Dark, gloom, dark-
ness, dimness, blackness, dusk,
shade, shadow, gloominess, ob-
scurity; extinction, night, tene-
broaity, death; confusion, mya+
[ 187 ]
tification, ignorance, misunder-
standing, illiteracy, blindness,
Light, a. Bright, clear, white;
umveighty, imponderable, port-
able, easy, volatile, insubstan-
tial, buoyant; small, trifling,
inconsiderable, moderate, insig-
nificant; porous, spongy; un-
steady, fickle, frivolous, un-
settled; empty, slight, vain, ca-
pricious, thoughtless.
ANT. Weighty, ponderous,
oppressive, grievous, burden-
some; onerous, difficult, labori-
ous, hard; dejected, depressed,
despondent; dull, inert, inac-
Like, v. Be pleased with, ap-
prove, enjoy, love, relish, es-
teem, fancy, affect.
ANT. Dislike, hate, loathe,
detest, abhor, abominate.
Like, a. Resembling, similar;
equal; probable, likely; dis-
posed to, inclined toward; cor-
ANT. Different, dissimilar,
counterpart; improbable, un-
likely; disinclined, indisposed.
Likelihood. Probability, sem-
blance, appearance, verisimili-
ANT. Improbability, incon-
ceivability, impossibility, un-
likelihood; distinction, differ-
ence, uncertainty, contrariety;
Likely. Probable, presumable,
reasonable, apt, credible, con-
ceivable, conjectural.
ANT. Unlikely, doubtful, in-
credible, dubious, improbable,
questionable, unreasonable.
Likeness. Resemblance, simi-
larity; guise; portrait, simili-
tude, correspondence, copy, im-
itation, image, representation,
ffigy, picture.
ANT. Unlikeness, disparity,
dissimilarity, inequality;
Likewise. Also, moreover, too,
ANT. Otherwise.
Liking. Inclination, pleasure,
desire, preference, approval, af-
fection, fondness, taste, parti-
ANT. Dislike, disrelish, ab-
horrence, hatred, loathing, re-
pugnance, aversion.
Limit. Boundary, termination,
restriction, confine, enclosure,
ANT. Expanse, space, inte-
rior, center, tract, land; void.
Limitless. Boundless, illimi-
table, immeasurable, vast, im-
mense, infinite, interminable,
unrestricted, unhindered, tun-
ANT. Bounded, limited, re-
stricted, circumscribed, defined,
restrained, hindered, prevented,
hampered, obstructed, condi-
Limpid. Clear, transparent, lu-
cid, pellucid, pure, translucent,
bright, crystal.
ANT. Turbid, foul, muddy,
opaque, dark, black.
Line, n. Thread, cord, hawser,
rope; boundary, contour, out-
line; family, race; track, rail-
road, course, method; continu-
ity, sequence, succession.
ANT. Breadth, icidth; ex-
panse, space, deviation, diver-
gency, variation; discontinu-
Lineage. Ancestry, family, de-
scendants, house, breed, race,
descent, progeny.
ANT. Ancestor, source, an-
cestry, origin, founder, progen-
Lineament. Profile, form, fea-
ture, mark, outline.
ANT. Face, aspect, counte-
t 188 ]
nance, visage, front, expres-
Linear. Direct, straight, recti-
linear, lineal.
ANT. Zigzag, wandering, di-
vergent, crooked, hooked, in-
Linger. Lag, saunter, tarry, de-
lay, halt, stop, hesitate, wait,
ANT. Hasten, speed, push
on, go, press forward, advance,
Liquid, a. Fluid, flowing, flu-
ent, running, melting, liques-
cent; mellifluous, soft, limpid,
ANT. Solid, hard, congealed,
insoluble, solidified, concrete;
harsh, discordant.
List. Roll, catalogue, schedule,
inventory, record, register, in-
ANT. Non-registration.
Listen. Harken, hear, attend,
hark, heed, list.
ANT. Ignore, scorn, neglect,
slight, be deaf to.
Listless. Indifferent, spiritless,
heedless, careless, languid, un-
interested ; indolent, vacant, su-
pine, torpid.
ANT. Interested, eager, ear-
nest, spirited, careful, heedful,
thoughtful, alert, attentive, ab-
sorbed, curious, engaged, ac-
Literal. Unimaginative, matter-
of-fact; real; accurate, correct,
exact, grammatical, positive,
verbal, close, plain, actual;
word by word, specific.
ANT. General, free, liberal,
Literary. Learned, bookish, lit-
erate, lettered, erudite, schol-
arly, well-read, studious, in-
structed, educated.
ANT. Illiterate, unlettered,
Literature. Books, literary pro-
ductions or works, publications,
writings, belles-lettres; study,
lore, reading, scholarship, at-
tainment ; inspiration, genius,
intuition, the divine afflatus;
science, learning, letters, eru-
Lithe. Pliant, flexible, limber,
supple, elastic, agile, flexile.
ANT. Stiff, tough, inelastic,
inflexible, unresponsive, hard,
Litter. Clutter, disorder, unti-
diness, rubbish.
ANT. Order, cleanliness, ar-
rangement, tidiness, system,
Little. Small, diminutive; insig-
nificant, contemptible; short,
brief; inefficient, weak, slight;
narrow, mean, illiberal ; pigmy,
scanty, unimportant, inconsid-
erable, trivial, petty, paltry,
dwarf, puny.
ANT. Great, big, large, huge,
monstrous, enormous, long, de-
veloped, bulky, full; important,
momentous, grave, serious, con-
siderable, significant; colossal.
Live, v. Have life; abide, dwell,
reside; survive, remain, last;
enjoy; feed, subsist; vegetate,
grow, continue, behave, act, ex-
ist, breathe.
ANT. Die, perish, depart,
decay, wither, fade, vanish, fail,
demise, drop, languish, expire,
decline, faint, sink, fall.
Live, a. Alive, living, active,
vigorous, earnest, energetic, an-
ANT. Defunct, inanimate,
dead, moribund, deceased, de-
parted, gone.
Livelihood. Support, mainte-
nance, sustenance, subsistence;
substance, living.
ANT. Beggary, want, starva-
tion, penury, inanition.
[ 189 ]
Liveliness. Sprightliness, ani-
mation, gaiety, vivacity, smart-
ness, briskness, activity.
ANT. Sloicness, torpor, stu-
pidity, dulness, insensibility,
listlessness, languor, inertness.
Lively. Quick, nimble, smart,
active, alert, sprightly, brisk,
animated, prompt, earnest, en-
ergetic, strong, vivacious, glee-
ful, blithe, airy, gay, jocund,
keen, eager, vivid, spirited, vig-
ANT. Lifeless, dull, torpid,
inanimate, inert, insensate, list-
less, languid, indifferent.
Livery. Release, deliverance ;
clothing, food, uniform, pecu-
liar garb; ration, boarding ; de-
pendence, servitude, badge, ret-
Living, n. Subsistence, estate,
ANT. Want, starvation, pri-
vation, beggary, dearth, insuffi-
ciency, paucity, poverty, indi-
Living, a. Active, lively, vigor-
ous; issuing, flowing; quicken-
ing, invigorating; burning, ig-
nited; vegetating, growing.
ANT. Dead, perishable, de-
caying, perishing, departed, in-
animate, vanishing, deceased,
defunct, withered.
Load. Burden, charge, weight,
pack, lading, incubus, clog, en-
cumbrance, cargo, freight, drag,
oppression, pressure.
ANT. Support, solace, alle-
viation, lightness, refreshment,
Loan, n. Advance, mortgage, hy-
ANT. Foreclosure, recall, re-
Loath, o. Averse, unwilling, re-
luctant; backward, indisposed,
ANT. Eager, ardent, zealous,
enthusiastic, ananous, desirous,
impatient, impetuous, earnest,
forward, fervent.
Loathe, v. Abominate, execrate,
abhor, dislike, detest, hate.
ANT. Desire, like, long for,
Locality. Position, location;
town, village, city; situation,
place, habitat.
Locate. Place, set; designate,
define; establish, settle, lodge,
fix, dispose.
ANT. Remove, leave, dises-
tablish, dislodge, displace.
Lock, n. Clasp, catch, bar, bolt,
fastening, hasp, hook, latch.
Locomotion. Movement, travel,
passage, migration.
ANT. Rest, abode, stoppage,
remanence, fixture, stationari-
ness, permanence.
Lodge, v. Rest, remain, shelter,
stay, abide, stop.
ANT. Remove, travel, pass
on, go, move, journey.
Lofty. Tall, sublime, exalted,
dignified, stately, majestic, sub-
lime, proud, haughty, elevated,
towering, high, eminent.
ANT. Low, stunted, ordi-
nary, unimposing, unassuming,
undignified, depressed.
Logical. Dialectical, reasonable,
coherent, consistent, sound, ar-
gumentative, close, discriminat-
ANT. Illogical, unsound, in-
consistent, unreasonable, inco-
herent, undiscriminating, falla-
cious, inconclusive.
Lonely, Lonesome. Forlorn, for-
saken, dreary, wild, desolate,
secluded, solitary, depressed,
alone, retired.
ANT. Frequented, populous,
companioned; cheerful, festive,
gay, bustling, animated.
Long-, a. Drawn out, protracted,
extended; continued; linger-
[ 190 ]
ing; distant, far away; exten-
sive, far-reaching.
ANT. Short, brief, curtailed,
contracted, abbreviated, con-
densed, concise.
Look, n. Appearance, aspect;
manner; glance, sight, view.
Look, v. Behold, see, stare, scan,
contemplate, view, glance, de-
scry, watch, discern, gaze, re-
gard,. inspect, survey; consider;
seem, appear; face, front, take
notice; expect, anticipate.
ANT. Be blind or unseeing;
overlook, miss, pass, neglect.
Loose, a. Unbound, untied, free,
unattached, unfastened, un-
constrained ; vague ; liberal, un-
chaste, dissolute; unconnected,
rambling; lax; detached, flow-
ing, scattered, sparse; inexact.
ANT. Tight, close; bound,
tied, fastened, secured; thick,
compact, dense; accurate, exact,
strict, logical, scientific; consci-
entious, self-controlled, firm,
Loquacity. Garrulity, talkative-
ANT. Taciturnity, silence,
u n responsiv cncss.
Lordly. Imperious, noble, honor-
able ; proud, haughty, lofty, ma-
jestic, magnificent.
ANT. Humble, mean, servile,
ignoble, lowly, meek, dishonor-
able, abject.
Lordship, n. Manor; dominion,
power, authority; rule, juris-
ANT. Subjection, subordina-
tion, homage, submission, sub-
Lore. Knowledge ; instruction,
wisdom, advice, counsel.
ANT. Ignorance, illiteracy,
inexperience, folly, imprudence.
Lose. Part with, deprive of ; de-
stroy, waste, squander, wander,
miss, ruin ; fail of.
ANT. Keep, retain, hold, ob-
tain, grasp, recover, preserve,
treasure, hoard, save, husband,
economize, guard, utilize.
Loss. Failure, destruction, pri-
vation; defect, harm; watte;
squandering, deprivation, for-
feiture ; detriment, ruin, defeat,
injury, damage, disadvantage.
ANT. Restoration, recovery,
reimbursement, retention, pres-
ervation, hoarding, guarding;
utilization; gain, aggrandize-
ment, augmentation, advantage,
acquisition, profit, benefit, in-
crement, earnings.
Lot. Chance, accident, fate, for-
tune, hazard; destiny, doom,
allotment, apportionment; por-
tion, division, part, parcel, land.
ANT. Law, arrangement, de-
sign, purpose, plan, prearrange-
Loud. Noisy; clamorous, boister-
ous, vociferous ; obstreperous,
turbulent, blustering; ostenta-
tious, gaudy.
ANT. Gentle, subdued, soft,
quiet, silent, inaudible; whis-
pering, murmuring; rustling.
Love, n. Friendship, liking, ten-
derness, regard, fondness, devo-
tion, affection, attachment, at-
traction, charity, courtship ;
good will ; kindness, delight, in-
clination ; benevolence.
ANT. Antipathy, hatred, en-
mity; alienation, dislike, dis-
affection, estrangement, bitter-
ness, coldness, repugnance, infi-
delity; desertion.
Lovely. Beautiful, charming, de-
lightful, delectable, enchanting,
lovable, amiable ; pleasing, win-
ning, sweet, admirable.
ANT. Hateful, hideous, ugly,
homely, unattractive, unlovely,
plain, gawky, unamiable, unlov-
Low. Sunken ; quiet ; small ; sub-
[ 191 ]
missive, humble; mean, vulgar,
base, ignoble, dishonorable ;
moderate; feeble, weak; plain,
simple; reasonable, cheap, ab-
ject, servile, slavish, degraded,
vile, groveling; deep; reverent;
dejected, depressed, dispirited.
ANT. High, tall, lofty, ele-
vated, exalted; eminent, noble,
illustrious, rising, strong, in-
fluential; honorable; elabo-
rate, ornate; notable; costly,
expensive, precious, dear; arro-
gant, haughty, proud, masterly,
lordly; high, loud, violent; ir-
reverent, sacrilegious, blatant;
elated, excited; intensified.
Xower, v. Depress, sink, reduce,
diminish, humble; let down,
drop; degrade, disgrace, de-
base; lessen.
ANT. Raise, exalt, elevate,
hoist; increase, aggrandize,
Lower, a. Inferior.
ANT. Higher, superior, more
Lowering. Gloomy, threaten-
ing, sullen; cloudy, overcast,
murky, dark.
ANT. Clear, bright, light;
Lowly. Low, humble, unimpor-
tant, meek, modest; mean, un-
pretending, mild.
ANT. Lofty, eminent, proud,
arrogant, lordly, haughty, ele-
vated; supercilious, conceited,
Loyal. Faithful, true, constant,
,. devoted, staunch, trusty, obe-
dient, submissive.
ANT. Inconstant, untrue,
traitorous, mutinous, seditious,
insurgent, insubmissive, rebel-
lious, disobedient, unfaithful,
disaffected, dastardly.
Loyalty. Allegiance, fidelity,
fealty, faithfulness, constancy.
ANT. Treason, treachery, un-
faithfulness, disloyalty; sedi-
tion, rebellion, inconstancy, in-
Lucid. Luminous, transparent,
sane, reasonable; shining, re-
splendent, bright; clear; radi-
ant, brilliant; limpid, lucent;
distinct, intelligible, perspicu-
ous, sober, sound.
ANT. Dark, opaque, muddy,
black, somber, turbid, obscure;
indistinct, unintelligible, mys-
tifying, insane, unsound, con-
fused, involved; illegible.
Luck. Chance, hap, fate, for-
tune, hazard, casualty, acci-
dent; success, good fortune.
ANT. Rule, law, causation,
purpose, design, certainty;
Luckless. Unfortunate, unsuc-
cessful, unlucky, ill-fated, un-
prosperous, ill-starred, unpro-
pitious, unhappy.
Lucky. Fortunate, successful,
auspicious, prosperous, happy,
favored, blessed.
Lucrative. Profitable, gainful,
paying, remunerative.
ANT. Disadvantageous, un-
remunerative, unprofitable, use-
less, fruitless, vain, unproduc-
Lucre. Gain, profit, riches, pelf,
emolument, greed, mammon.
ANT. Loss, poverty, failure,
Lucubration. Nocturnal study,
meditation, speculation, cogi-
ANT. Idleness, dulness, stu-
pidity, torpor, vacuity.
Ludicrous. Laughable, comic,
burlesque, droll, sportive, ri-
diculous, comical, odd, funny,
farcical, absurd.
ANT. Grave, serious, impor-
tant, momentous; sad, sorrow-
ful, melancholy, tragic, mourn-
ful, lugubrious.
Lugubrious. Mournful, woful,
[ 192 ]
pitiable, doleful, sad, sorrow-
ful, melancholy, complaining.
ANT. Ludicrous, droll, ridicu-
lous, comic, witty, jovial, ab-
surd, funny, laughable, comical.
Lull, v. Compose, calm, quiet,
soothe, hush, tranquilize, still.
ANT. Excite, aggravate, in-
cite, stimulate, exasperate, pro-
voke, inflame.
Luminous. Shining, brilliant,
bright; illuminated; enlight-
ened, intelligent, clear, intel-
ANT. Dark, black, gloomy;
unintelligible, unintelligent, in-
volved, mixed, confused.
Lunacy. Derangement, mania,
craziness, insanity, madness,
ANT. Sanity, intellect, rea-
son, rationality, lucidity, in-
telligence, brains; mind; self-
Lunatic, n. Insane person, ma-
niac, madman.
ANT. Philosopher, sage, lu-
minary, savant, scholar, scien-
tist, intellectual person.
Lunatic, a. Insane, mad, crazy,
cracked, deranged.
ANT. Sane, rational, intelli-
gent, reasonable, reasoning, in-
tellectual, knowing, sound.
Lure, n. Enticement, decoy; al-
lurement, bait, temptation, at-
Lure, v. Allure, entice, decoy,
tempt, attract, inveigle, se-
ANT. Warn, guide, alarm,
premonish, ward, instruct, con-
duct, guard; extricate, save.
Lurid. Yellow, pale, wan, dis-
mal, ghastly, gloomy, murky,
ANT. Bright, luminous, ra-
diant, clear.
Lurk. Lie hid, lie in wait, hide,
ANT. Rise, spring, emerge,
appear, reveal.
Luscious. Sweet, delicious, ful-
some, cloying, savory, delight-
ful, pleasing, grateful; sugary,
honeyed; rank, nauseous, unc-
ANT. Sour, sharp, tart, bit-
ter, pungent, acid.
Luster. Brilliancy, brightness,
splendor, glitter; renown, dis-
tinction, glory; gleam, radi-
ance, resplendence; eminence,
repute, celebrity, honor.
ANT. Darkness, tenebrosity,
blackness, gloom, obscuration;
detraction, derogation, infamy,
disrepute, dishonor, notoriety.
Lustration. Washing, purifica-
tion, cleansing; lustrum.
ANT. Defilement, contami-
nation, infection, desecration;
soiling, pollution.
Lustrous. Bright, shiny, gleam-
ing, luminous, brilliant, radi-
ANT. Dark, black, gloomy.
Lusty. Stout, strong, vigorous,
robust, healthful, able, lively,
sturdy; bulky, large, fat.
ANT. Weak, infirm, feeble,
incapable, ailing, effete, list-
less, invalid, powerless, conva-
Luxuriant. Exuberant, exces-
sive, rank, abundant, profuse,
plentiful, plenteous.
ANT. Delicate, frail, scanty,
scarce, feeble.
Luxuriate. Grow exuberantly,
feed luxuriously; flourish, in-
dulge; revel, wanton; delight,
indulge to excess.
ANT. Toil, slave, drudge, la-
bor, work; pine, waste, droop,
decay, languish.
Luxurious. Voluptuous, epicu-
rean, sensual, intemperate, ef-
feminate, self-indulgent.
ANT. Austere, ascetic, hard.
[ 103 ]
painful, self-denying, self-con-
trolled, temperate, restrained,
Luxury. Voluptuousness, epi-
curism, effeminacy, sensuality;
dainty, delicacy, gratification;
pleasure, enjoyment, delight;
treat, animalism.
ANT. Stoicism, asceticism t
self-denial, austerity, hardship;
Lying, a. False, mendacious, un-
truthful, untrue ; recumbent.
ANT. Truthful, true, vera-
cious, upright, honest, accurate,
exact; erect.
Macerate. Weaken, soften; at-
tenuate, make lean, waste, wear
away ; harass, mortify, torture ;
steep, soak, digest.
ANT. Fatten, replenish, re-
pair, pamper, swell.
Machinate. Plan, contrive, de-
vise, plot, scheme, harm.
ANT. Think aloud, speak
out, lie artless; counterplot,
compete; expose, defeat, baffle.
Machination. Plot, conspiracy,
intrigue, cabal, stratagem, de-
sign, trick, artifice, contrivance,
ANT. Detection, counter-ac-
tion, overthrow, baffling, defeat,
exposure, defiance, challenge;
conflict, competition.
Machine. Engine, instrument;
tool, puppet; organization, ma-
chinery, system, supernatural
Maculate, a. Blotched, defiled,
impure, spotted, blurred, cor-
rupt, unclean, mottled.
ANT. Unspotted, spotless,
speckless, pure, clean, immacu-
Mad. Crazy, insane; excited, in-
flamed, furious, rabid, angry;
distracted, lunatic, delirious,
crazed, deranged, demented, ma-
niac; enraged, raging; exasper-
ated, provoked, incensed, wrath-
ful ; wild, infatuated; frenzied,
frantic, raving.
ANT. Sane, sound, sensible^
quiet, composed, sober, unex~
Madden. Make mad, enrage ; ir-
ritate, provoke, inflame, infuri-
ANT. Calm, pacify, assuage,
mesmerize; heal, soothe, re-
Madness. Insanity, craziness,
derangement, mania, aberra-
tion; frenzy, fury, rage, delir-
ANT. Sanity, calmness, ra-
tionality, soberness, reason.
Magazine. Warehouse, recep-
tacle, storehouse, depository, re-
pository; periodical.
Magic. Sorcery, witchcraft, con-
juration, necromancy, enchant-
ment, incantation; fascination,
witchery, charm.
Magisterial. Stately, pompous,
august, lordly, dignified, lofty,
official, imperious, proud, dom-
ineering, haughty, despotic, ar-
rogant, dogmatical ; dictatorial,
consequential, imposing, au-
ANT. Submissive, docile, un-
dignified, unimposing, unas-
suming, modest.
Magistrate. Judge; civil or po-
lice officer, chief official.
ANT. Citizen, prisoner, civil-
ian, subject.
Magnanimity. Generosity, dis-
[ 194 ]
interestedness, greatness, hero-
ism, nobleness, forbearance.
ANT. Meanness, pettiness,
paltriness, spitefulness, spleen.
Magnanimous. Great, elevated,
generous, lofty, noble, coura-
geous; brave, dauntless, heroic,
illustrious; unselfish, exalted,
chivalrous, high-minded, honor-
ANT. Mean, small, ignoble,
base, selfish, cowardly, cring-
ing; mediocre; parsimonious,
Magnificent. Glorious, grand,
majestic, splendid, admirable,
superb, sublime; imposing, gor-
geous, stately, showy; august,
ANT. Petty, mean, paltry,
little, flat, beggarly, ordinary,
small-minded, tawdry, unim-
posing, tame.
Magnify. Enlarge, augment, in-
crease, amplify; laud, extol;
exaggerate; celebrate, glorify,
bless, praise.
ANT. Diminish, curtail, con-
tract, palliate, extenuate, de-
Magniloquent. Pompous, gran-
diloquent, bombastic, declama-
tory, stilted, high-flown, turgid,
inflated, boastful.
ANT. Simple, vernacular, un-
affected, plain-spoken.
Magnitude. Extent, size; gran-
deur, greatness ; importance ;
volume, dimension, mass; con-
sequence; sublimity, loftiness.
A XT. Smallness, diminutive-
ness, littleness, meagerness; in-
significance, meanness, unim-
Maid. Maiden, girl, damsel, vir-
gin, lass.
ANT. Matron, married
Maim. Disable, cripple, mangle,
mar, mutilate, disfigure, lame.
ANT. Restore, strengthen,
invigorate, mend.
Main, a. Bulk, majority, body,
principal, trunk, chief, leading,
most important, first, cardinal,
capital; necessary, vital, essen-
tial, indispensable, requisite;
huge, enormous; absolute, en-
tire, mere, direct.
ANT. Subordinate, non-es-
sential, auxiliary, minor, tribu-
tary, inferior.
Main, n. Ocean, mainland, con-
tinent; main conduit or pipe;
force, power, might, strength;
gross, majority.
ANT. Bay, gulf ; island; in-
ability, weakness; tributaries;
Mainly. Chiefly, principally;
largely, greatly, mightily, ab-
solutely, primarily, entirely.
ANT. Secondarily, subordi-
nately; partially, somewhat,
Maintain. Uphold, assert, vin-
dicate, allege, support, sustain ;
defend, continue; supply; pro-
vide; affirm.
ANT. Retract, deny, with-
draw; fail, turn traitor to.
Maintenance. Sustenance, sup-
port, vindication, defense, jus-
tification, provisions, subsis-
tence, livelihood.
Majestic. August, sublime, mag-
nificent, regal, royal, pompous,
stately, dignified, elevated, im-
perial, princely, grand, impos-
ANT. Low, humble, mean,
sordid, groveling; plebeian, vul-
gar, common; unassuming.
Majesty. Dignity, power, au-
thority, loftiness, stateliness,
augustness, grandeur, eleva-
ANT. Meanness, paltriness;
Majority. Superiority, senior-
[ 195 ]
ity; eldership, priority; bulk,
ANT. Minority, inferiority,
Stake. Produce, falsify; find;
acquire; travel over; cause; es-
teem, suppose, represent; com-
pel, force; be; amount to; at-
tain, reach, arrive at; manage,
interfere; proceed, tend, move,
go ; contribute, increase, accrue,
constrain, bring about, occa-
eion, require; shape, fabricate,
construct, fashion, frame, man-
ufacture, perform, do; become,
compose, constitute, create, es-
tablish, effect, execute, reach,
get, render.
ANT. Abolish, demolish, an-
nihilate, break, disintegrate,
unmake, undo; destroy, defeat,
mar, disestablish, miss, lose,
fail of; upset; misrepresent,
mismanage; hesitate, stop; de-
crease, diminish.
Maker. Creator, former, manu-
facturer, builder, constructor ;
author, composer, writer, com-
ANT. Destroyer, extermina-
tor, annihilator.
Make up. Collect; constitute,
form; reconcile, settle, adjust,
compose; make good, compen-
sate; supply, furnish, provide;
ANT. Distribute, disperse,
scatter; pi; default.
Mai- or Male-. A prefix denot-
ing ill. For words thus com-
pounded and not found here,
see the synonyms and anto-
nyms of the root word, from
which derivatives may be read-
ily chosen.
Malady. Disorder, distemper,
disease, sickness, ailment, ill-
ness ; complaint, indisposition.
ANT. Health, sanity, vigor,
robustness, soundness.
Malediction. Curse, cursing,
execration, imprecation, denun-
ciation, anathema.
ANT. Benediction, blessing,
praise, compliment.
Malefactor. Evil-doer, culprit,
felon, criminal, convict, out-
ANT. Benefactor, hero.
Malice. Spite, ill will, malevo-
lence, grudge, pique, bitterness,
animosity, malignity, rancor,
maliciousness, virulence.
ANT. Good will, benevolence,
Manacle, n. Handcuff, shackle,
Manacle, . Handcuff, shackle,
fetter, bind, chain.
ANT. Unbind, unfetter, un-
Manage. Direct, govern, con-
trol, wield, order, contrive,
concert, conduct, transact; ad-
minister, regulate, supervise,
superintend, handle, rule.
ANT. Mismanage, misgov-
ern, misconduct, upset, misuse,
derange; let go.
Manageable. Tractable, gov-
ernable, controllable, tamable,
ANT. Unmanageable, un-
tamable, uncontrollable, un-
governable, difficult, impracti-
cable, impossible, refractory.
Management. Conduct, admin-
istration, government, guid-
ance, direction, care, charge,
contrivance, intrigue ; skill,
address ; economy, treatment,
superintendence, surveillance ;
negotiations, dealings, trans-
ANT. Misconduct, malad-
ministration, mismanagement.
Manager. Director, superinten-
dent, supervisor, comptroller,
governor, overseer, conductor;
[ IPO 1
ANT. Workman, follower,
workingman, employee.
Mandate. Command, commis-
sion, order, charge, precept, in-
junction, requirement, edict.
ANT. Petition, request, en-
treaty, suggestion.
Maneuver (Manoeuvre), .
Management ; stratagem, arti-
fice, scheme, plan, trick, ruse,
intrigue; evolution, movement;
operation, tactics, contrivance.
ANT. Countermovement, de-
feat, check, bafflement, counter-
action, detection, neutraliza-
Maneuver, v. Perform an evo-
lution, move; scheme, plot, in-
trigue, manage, contrive.
ANT. Counteract, play up
to, check, checkmate.
Mangle. Cut, bruise, mutilate,
lacerate, maim, hack, tear; de-
stroy, mar, spoil; polish, cal-
ender, smooth, press.
ANT. Restore, heal.
Manhood. Virility, maturity;
humanity; courage, resolution,
bravery, hardihood, fortitude,
manliness, manfulness.
ANT. "Womanhood, feminin-
ity ; effeminacy; coioardliness,
coicardice, delicacy.
Mania. Insanity, derangement,
madness, lunacy, aberration,
alienation, delirium, frenzy.
ANT. Sanity, health, sound-
ness; poise, self-control.
Maniac. Lunatic, madman, in-
sane, bedlamite.
Manifest, a. Open, clear, evi-
dent, apparent, visible, conspic-
uous, plain, obvious; patent,
palpable, unmistakable, dis-
tinct, indubitable.
ANT. Hidden, indistinct, in-
conspicuous, occult, latent, ob-
scure, confused, hazy, foggy.
Manifest, v. Reveal, declare,
evince, make known, disclose,
discover, display, show, exhibit,
evidence, expose.
ANT. Hide, cover, conceal.
Manifold. Various, duplicate,
multiplied; numerous, many,
multitudinous ; diverse, multi-
farious; sundry.
ANT. Few, rare, limited,
scarce, scant; uniform, fac-
Mankind. Man; humanity, hu-
mankind; men; society.
ANT. Womankind; child-
hood; divinity, deity, Heaven,
God; earth, world, universe, na-
ture, creation; cattle, animals,
minerals, vegetables.
Manly. Bold, daring, valorous,
courageous, undaunted, hardy,
dignified; intrepid, heroic, vig-
orous, firm, noble, chivalrous;
mature, masculine, manlike.
ANT. Womanly, childlike;
timid, womanish, childish, un-
manly, boyish, weak, dastardly,
cowardly; effeminate.
Manner. Mode, custom, habit,
deportment, fashion, air, look,
mien, aspect, appearance; be-
havior, conduct; method, form,
ANT. Being, action, proceed-
ing, life, work, performance,
project, business.
Mannerism. Characteristic, pe-
culiarity, uniformity, self-repe-
tition, self-consciousness, affec-
tation, idiosyncrasy, specialty.
ANT. Unaffectedness, sim-
plicity, naturalness, character,
Mannerly. Civil, complaisant,
respectful, courteous, polite,
urbane, refined, well-behaved,
ceremonious, well-bred.
ANT. Rude, coarse, unman-
nerly, rough, impolite, uncivil,
Manufacture, n. Making, pro-
duction, fabrication ; product,
[ 197 ]
composition, construction, ma-
nipulation, molding.
ANT. Use, consumption, em-
ployment, wear,
Manumission. Release, eman-
cipation, liberation, deliver-
ance, enfranchisement, dismis-
sal, discharge.
ANT. Slavery, capture, sub-
jugation; restraint, repression,
Manumit. Release, liberate, en-
franchise, free, emancipate.
ANT. Enslave, capture, sub-
jugate, enthral.
Many. Frequent, manifold, di-
verse, divers, sundry, numer-
ous, multiplied, various, abun-
dant, multifarious.
ANT. Few, rare, scarce, in-
frequent, scanty.
Mar. Injure, mark, spoil, ruin,
blemish, damage, disfigure, de-
face, hurt, harm, impair, maim,
ANT. Make, mend, restore,
improve, reinstate, enhance, re-
pair, conserve.
Marauder. Plunderer, robber,
ravager, pillager, outlaw, ban-
dit, brigand, freebooter, rover,
ANT. Guard, sentry, keeper,
steward, ranger, outpost.
Margin. Border, edge, brim, lip,
rim, brink, verge, confine, limit,
skirt, boundary, extremity;
loophole, profit, interest, lee-
ANT. Center, main, space;
limitation, stringency, restric-
Marine. Naval, nautical, mari-
' time; oceanic, salt-water, pe-
ANT. Terrene, fresh-water,
terrestrial, land.
Marital. Connubial, nuptial, hy-
meneal, conjugal, wedded, mat-
ANT. Single, unwedded, celi-
Maritime. Marine, oceanic, nau-
ANT. Terrene, land.
Mark, n. Impress, stamp, ves-
tige, impression, imprint, track,
evidence, proof, characteristic,
badge, indication ; distinction,
eminence, importance.
ANT. Effacement, oblitera-
tion, erasure, plainness.
Mark, v. Remark, notice, regard,
heed, show, betoken, character-
ize, denote, stamp, imprint, im-
press, brand; label, designate,
observe, stigmatize, signalize,
specify, specialize; decorate.
ANT. Overlook, ignore, omit;
mislabel, misindicate, mis-
Marked. Noted, notable, promi-
nent, remarkable, eminent, dis-
tinguished, conspicuous.
ANT. Ordinary, mean, com*
monplace, everyday, undistin-
Marriage. Matrimony, wedlock,
wedding, espousal, nuptials,
conjugal union, spousal, union.
ANT. Divorce, celibacy, vir-
ginity, bachelorhood, widow-
hood, maidenhood.
Marrow. Medulla, pith, essence,
quintessence ; gist, substance,
cream, kernel.
ANT. Excrescence, surplus-
age, redundancy, superfluity;
surface, exterior; amplifica-
tion; body, volume, mass.
Marsh. Fen, swamp, quagmire,
morass, bog, slough.
ANT. Solid ground.
Marshal, v. Order, arrange, di-
rect, guide, lead, rank, array,
dispose, draw up; herald.
ANT. Disarray, misguide,
disarrange, disorder.
Martial. Warlike, military, sol-
dierly, brave.
t 198 ]
ANT. Peaceful, unmilitary,
Martyrdom. Martyr like state;
torture, torment, persecution ;
ANT. Denial, retraction; ab-
juration, renegation.
Marvel, n. Wonder, prodigy,
miracle ; surprise, astonish-
ment, amazement, admiration;
portent, phenomenon.
ANT. Commonplace, impos-
ture, cipher, farce, trifle.
Marvelous. Wonderful, aston-
ishing, surprising, strange, im-
probable, incredible ; miracu-
lous, stupendous, extraordi-
nary, wondrous, supernat-
ural, portentous, prodi-
ANT. Commonplace, every-
day, regular, normal, custom-
ary, natural, anticipated, cur-
rent, calculated, expected.
Masculine. Male, manly, vir-
ile, manlike; strong, robust,
powerful, bold, hardy, cou-
ANT. Feminine, womanly,
womanlike, female; effeminate,
Mask, n. Cover, disguise, pre-
text, subterfuge, screen; revel,
frolic, evasion, pretense, ruse,
plea; redoubt; domino, blind,
veil; hypocrisy.
ANT. Truth, nakedness, can-
dor, verity, openness; exposure,
detection, unmasking.
Mask, v. Disguise, cover, hide,
protect, conceal, veil, shroud,
ANT. Expose, unmask, dis-
cover, detect.
Mass. Quantity, sum, bulk, mag-
nitude, body, size, main part,
majority; aggregate, whole, to-
tality; heap, assemblage, com-
bination, concretion.
ANT. Fragment, section, por-
tion, bit, morsel, minority, seg-
Massacre, v. Murder, butcher,
kill, slaughter, slay.
ANT. Preserve, spare, rescue,
Massive. Compacted, weighty,
heavy, massy, ponderous, bulky,
huge, immense, vast, solid, co-
ANT. Slight, slender, frail,
airy; petty, small, light.
Master, n. Ruler, director, man-
ager, leader, employer, owner,
governor, superintendent, com-
mander, captain; teacher, in-
structor, tutor; adept; posses-
sor, proprietor ; professor, head,
ANT. Servant, slave, pupil,
employee, subject, learner, stu-
Master, v. Conquer, subdue,
vanquish, overcome ; acquire,
ANT. Tield, fail, surrender,
Masterly. Imperious, domineer-
ing, arbitrary, despotic; skil-
ful, clever, expert, dexterous,
adroit; finished, excellent, ar-
tistic, consummate.
ANT. Humble, obedient, com-
pliant, rude, clumsy, bungling.
Mastery. Authority, dominion,
supremacy ; victory, triumph,
preeminence, ascendency, su-
periority; acquirement, attain-
ment, acquisition; skill, dex-
terity, cleverness, ability.
ANT. Subservience, tutelage,
submission, guidance, obedience,
inexpertness, ignorance; defeat,
failure, surrender.
Masticate. Grind, chew.
ANT. Bolt, gobble, swallow.
Match, n. Equal, mate; contest;
union, marriage ; competition,
trial; companion; pair.
ANT. Superior, inferior; dis~
[ 199 ]
parity, mismatch, oddity, in-
Match, v. Mate, rival, oppose,
equal; correspond; adapt, fit,
suit; marry; harmonize; join,
couple, combine.
ANT. Fail, exceed, surpass,
preponderate; separate, disso-
Matchless. Unequaled, peerless,
unparalleled, incomparable, in-
imitable, consummate, exqui-
site, excellent, surpassing, un-
ANT. Common, ordinary, me-
diocre, everyday, commonplace,
Mate, n. Companion, associate,
compeer, match, equal; fellow,
intimate ; assistant, subordi-
nate; peer.
ANT. Stranger; superior, in-
ferior; principal, chief, head.
Material, n. Substance, solidity,
weight, stuff, matter.
ANT. Work, production, de-
sign; spirit, purpose.
Material, o. Corporeal, physi-
cal; important, essential; mo-
mentous, vital, weighty; bodily.
ANT. Spiritual, sublimated,
incorporeal, evanescent, ethe-
Matrimony. Marriage, wed-
ANT. Celibacy, virginity.
Matron. Wife, widow, dame;
housekeeper, head nurse; dow-
ANT. Girl, maid, maiden,
virgin, spinster, miss, lass.
Matter. Substance, body, ma-
terial, constituency ; concern,
affair, business; trouble, diffi-
culty; amount, portion, space;
sense, significance, moment;
import, importance; topic, sub-
ject, question; thing, event.
ANT. Immateriality, incor-
poreality, spirituality; mind,
soul, spirit, intellect; animus,
zeal, temper.
Mature. Ripe, perfect, ready,
perfected, completed, full-
ANT. Raw, crude, blighted,
immature, undeveloped, unripe.
Matutinal. Morning, dawning,
early, waking.
ANT. Vesper, evening, late,
waning, turilight.
Maudlin. Tearful, sentimental,
weak, silly; drunken; intoxi-
cated, inebriated, tipsy, mud-
ANT. Dry, sober, sensible,
unsentimental, unromantic.
Mawkish. Nauseous, disgusted,
squeamish; insipid, flat, stale,
sickly, disgusting, loathsome,
ANT. Sensible, savory, fine,
sound, palatable, pungent.
Maxim. Principle, axiom, prov-
erb, aphorism, apothegm, ad-
age, saying, saw, dictum, pre-
cept, rule.
ANT. Sophism, quibble, 06-
surdity, enigma, paradox.
Maximum. Greatest ; climax,
zenith, apex, acme, culmina-
tion, completion, utmost, ulti-
ANT. Minimum, least; mor-
sel, fragment: initiative, com-
mencement; decrease, icane;
incompletion, abortion.
Maybe, ad. Perhaps, possibly,
haply, mayhap.
Maze. Labyrinth, intricacy; be-
wilderment, uncertainty, per-
plexity ; embarrassment.
ANT. Clue, elimination, ex-
plication: solution.
Meager. Thin, lean, lank, poor,
gaunt, starved, hungry, emaci-
ated, barren, scanty.
ANT. Stout, brawny, fat,
chubby; abundant, fertile, copi-
I 200
Mean, n. Middle, medium, aver-
age, intermediate point; (pi.)
resources, property, revenue;
ANT. Extreme, excess, exor-
bitance, enormity, extrava-
gance; poverty, end, purpose,
Mean, v. Purpose, intend, de-
sign; signify, import, indicate,
denote, express.
ANT. Do, perform, execute;
say, state, enunciate, declare.
Mean, a. Ignoble, abject, beg-
garly, wretclied, degraded, de-
generate, vulgar, vile, servile,
menial, groveling, slavish, dis-
honorable, disgraceful, shame-
ful, despicable, contemptible,
paltry, sordid.
ANT. Noble, kingly, heroic,
princely, exalted, generous, em-
inent, honorable, spirited, lib-
eral, masterly, worthy, bounti-
ful, munificent.
Meaning. Purpose, aim, inten-
tion, import, design, object;
sense, explanation, significance,
interpretation, force, purport,
ANT. Statement; proceed-
ing; affidavit, declaration.
Meanness. Stinginess, illiber-
ality, sordidness, vileness, pe-
nuriousness, niggardliness, ab-
jectness, baseness; destitution.
poverty, lowness, scantiness,
smallness, rudeness, selfish-
ANT. Nobleness, generosity,
unselfishness, liberality, large-
Measure, n. Dimension, capac-
ity, quantity, amount : moder-
ation, restraint; extent, limit.
. proportion, degree; rule, gage,
standard ; meter.
ANT. Bulk, mass; segment,
section, portion; immensity, in-
Measureless. Unlimited, infinite*
immeasurable, immense, bound-
less, limitless, vast, unbounded.
ANT. Circumscribed, finite,
limited, bounded, restricted.
Mechanic. Artificer, artisan,
handicraftsman, hand, crafts-
man, operative, workman.
ANT. Artist, designer, plan-
ner, architect, constructor.
Mechanical. Approximate, em-
pirical; machine-made; auto-
matic, involuntary, blind; ha-
bitual, unrefiective, spontane-
ous, effortless, unimpassioned.
ANT. Labored, feeling, self-
conscious, forced, spirited, ap-
preciative, lifelike, lively, ani-
mated, impassioned.
Meddle. Interfere, handle, dis-
turb; intrude, interpose, inter-
vene, intercede; mediate, arbi-
ANT. Withdraw, retire, re-
move, recede, retreat.
Meddlesome. Meddling, intru-
sive, officious; pragmatical, in-
terfering; impertinent, obtru-
ANT. Unobtrusive, modest f
unofficious, shy, retiring, unas-
suming, reserved.
Mediate, v. Intervene, reconcile,
interpose, intercede, arbitrate.
ANT. Retire, imthdraw, let
be, leave, abandon.
Mediation. Interposition, inter-
cession, intervention, arbitra-
tion, interference, adjustment,
ANT. Indifference, neutral-
ity; non-interference.
Mediator. Reconciler, interces-
sor, interceder, advocate, um-
pire, propitiator.
Medicament. Remedy, specific,
medicine, cure, relief, help, re-
ANT. Irritant, infection, ag-
gravation, hurt, disease.
I 201 ]
Medicate. Drug, treat, heal,
ANT. Harm, infect; catch,
Medicine, n. Drug, physic, rem-
edy, medicament ; antidote, cor-
rective, salve, cure; therapeu-
ANT. Poison, virus, bane;
Mediocre. Moderate, indiffer-
ent, ordinary, mean, medium,
average, middling, common-
ANT. Superior, inferior, ex-
traordinary, distinguished, dis-
Mediocrity. Inferiority, aver-
age, moderate or middle state,
medium; moderation; common-
place, mean; sufficiency.
ANT. Excellence, superior-
ity, distinction, brilliance, rar-
Meditate. Consider, ponder, re-
volve, study, weigh, plan, con-
trive, devise, scheme, purpose,
intend; contemplate, muse, re-
flect, think, cogitate.
ANT. Execute, enact, com-
plete, consummate.
Medium, n. Middle, mean ; mod-
eration, average ; proportion ;
mediator, intermediary; means,
agency, instrumentality.
Medium, a. Middle, mean, mid-
dling, intermediate, medial, me-
diocre, central.
ANT. Outer, extreme, dis-
tant, remote.
Medley. Mixture, jumble, mis-
cellany, potpourri, hodge-
podge; tumult, confusion, lit-
ter, diversity, complexity.
ANT. Order, harmony, sim-
plicity; arrangement, classifi-
cation, assortment, disposition,
Meed. Merit, reward, recom-
pense; worth, desert; guerdon,
premium, prize, award, remun-
eration; gift, present.
ANT. Penalty, punishment,
brand, stigma, amercement.
Meek. Submissive, yielding, un-
assuming, gentle; mild, pa-
tient, humble; lowly, modest.
ANT. Bold, arrogant, proud,
self-assertive, irritable, pre-
sumptuous, high-spirited.
Meet, u. Join ; confront, encoun-
ter; be present; perceive, expe-
rience, suffer; equal, satisfy;
assemble, congregate; harmon-
ize, agree, unite; fulfil, com-
ply, gratify, answer.
ANT. Miss, escape, elude;
be absent ; avoid, separate, vary,
diverge, decline, part, disagree;
disappoint, fall short, fail.
Meet, a. Suitable, fit, proper,
appropriate, qualified, conve-
ANT. Inappropriate, unfit,
inconvenient, unsuited, im-
Meeting. Conference, assembly,
company, convention, congrega-
tion, junction, union, conflu-
ence; interview, encounter; as-
semblage, concourse, gathering.
Melancholy, . Melancholia;
depression, dejection, brooding,
ANT. Happiness, gladness,
sanity, merriment, mirth, cheer,
Melancholy, a. Sad, dispirited,
low-spirited, down-hearted, un-
happy, hypochondriac, heavy,
doleful, afflictive; dejected, de-
pressed, disconsolate, gloomy,
sorrowful, moody, desponding;
grave, somber, dark.
ANT. Happy, cheerful, glad-
some, sprightly, lively, merry,
mirthful, blithesome, gleeful.
Mellifluous. Smooth, honeyed,
sweet, mellow, euphonious, sil-
very, dulcet.
[ 202
ANT. Raucous, "hoarse, dis-
cordant, harsh, rough, broken,
Mellow. Ripe, soft, tender ; sub-
dued, delicate; genial, jovial.
ANT. Unripe, hard, green,
acid, sour; harsh, glaring; dis-
Melodious. Musical, agreeable,
harmonious, dulcet, sweet, tune-
ful, rhythmical, concordant,
ANT. Discordant, harsh, dis-
sonant, raucous, jarring, inhar-
Melody. Harmony, rhythm, air,
tune, music, song, sweetness of
sound, descant, theme, unison,
ANT. Discord, jarring, disso-
nance, harshness, discordance.
Melt. Liquefy, fuse, thaw, mol-
lify, soften; be dissipated, run,
blend, flow, dissolve.
ANT. Harden, combine, con-
solidate, unite, crystallize.
Member. Organ, limb ; constitu-
ent, part; clause, phrase; essen-
tial; portion, component.
ANT. Whole, body, entirety,
aggregate, sum, totality, com-
munity, society, association, or-
ganization, constitution.
Memoir. Memorial, biography,
record, narrative, chronicle, reg-
Memorable. Important, illus-
trious, remarkable, extraordi-
nary, signal, distinguished, fa-
mous, celebrated, great, conspic-
uous, prominent.
ANT. Ordinary, trivial, com-
monplace, insignificant, medi-
Memorial. Monument, record,
memorandum, memento, sou-
ANT. Silence, oblivion; non-
observance; erasure.
Memory. Remembrance, recol-
lection, reminiscence; fame, re-
nown, reputation; monument;
retrospection, retrospect; per-
petuation, retention.
ANT. Oblivion, oversight, un-
mindfulness, obliviousness, /or-
Menace, n. Threat, evil inten-
tion, denunciation, threatening.
ANT. Good will, benediction,
blessing, kindness; protection.
Mend. Help, amend, emend, cor-
rect, rectify; repair, improve,
reform, better, restore, amelio-
ANT. Impair, damage, spoil,
corrupt; harm, deteriorate, per-
Mendacity. Lying, deceit, false-
hood, untruth, duplicity, lie,
untruthfulness, deception; pre-
ANT. Truth, honesty, recti-
tude, uprightness, veracity, ac-
curacy, exactness.
Menial. Servile, mean; domes-
tic; dependent, attendant.
ANT. Noble, independent, au-
tocratic, supreme, superior.
Mental. Intellectual, spiritual,
metaphysical, subjective, psy-
chological, psychical, intelli-
ANT. Physical, corporeal, ob-
jective, bodily.
Mention, n. Reference, allusion,
notice, remembrance, hint, com-
munication, observation, decla-
ANT. Omission, silence, sup-
pression, forgetfulness, neglect.
Mention, v. Speak of, notice, an-
nounce, observe, remark, hint,
declare, tell, state, report, dis-
close, allude to, name, refer
ANT. Suppress, omit, be si-
lent about, forget, silence, drop,
neglect, disregard, slight.
Mercantile. Commercial, traffic,
[ 203 ]
business; wholesale, retail; in-
terchangeable, marketable.
ANT. Professional; unmer-
cantile, unmarketable, stagnant,
Mercenary. Paid, hired, hire-
ling, venal; greedy, sordid,
avaricious, selfish.
ANT. Generous, unselfish,
lavish, prodigal, liberal, phil-
anthropic, benevolent.
Merchandise. Wares, commod-
ities, goods; trade, traffic, com-
merce; stock.
Merchant. Trader, shopkeeper,
dealer, tradesman, trafficker ;
ANT. Shopman, salesman,
retailer, pedler, huckster.
Merciful. Compassionate, ten-
der, humane, gracious, kind,
mild, clement, benignant, leni-
ent, pitiful, forgiving; tender-
ANT. Remorseless, pitiless,
inexorable, unrelenting, severe,
cruel, hard, illiberal.
Mercy. Compassion, grace, fa-
vor, helpfulness, clemency, for-
bearance, tenderness, forgive-
ness, gentleness, pardon, bless-
ing, pity, kindness, mildness,
lenity, benevolence, benignity,
lenience, leniency.
ANT. Harshness, rigor, se-
verity, sternness, penalty, jus-
tice, vengeance, revenge, pun-
ishment, hardness, cruelty, im-
placability, ruthlessness, inhu-
manity, brutality, exaction.
Mere. Unmixed, pure, absolute,
unqualified, simple, bare, un-
affected; unadulterated.
ANT. Compound, mixed, im-
pure, blended, combined, adul-
Meridian, n. Midday, noon, ze-
nith, height, culmination, sum-
mit, apex, pinnacle, acme.
ANT. Midnight, antipodes,
depth, profundity, base, depres-
sion, nadir.
Merit, n. Desert, worth, excel-
lence, reward, approbation;
worthiness, credit, goodness.
ANT. Worthlessness, error,
v.nworthiness, demerit, weak-
ness, imperfection, fault.
Merry. Gay, jovial, sportive;
cheerful, happy; blithe, lively,
sprightly, vivacious, mirthful,
gleeful, joyous, jocund, hilari-
ANT. Gloomy, sad, discon-
solate, dismal, moody, dejected.
Message. Notice, word, com-
munication, missive, letter, in-
ANT. Interception, silence,
non-communication, neglect.
Messenger. Carrier, harbinger,
intelligencer, courier, forerun-
ner, herald, precursor.
Metaphysical. Mental, intel-
lectual, psychological, abstract,
general, ideal, psychical, sub
jective, rational, abstruse, con-
ANT. Physical, substantial,
physiological, material, practi-
cal, objective, palpable, exter-
Method. Order, system, rule,
way, manner, mode, course, ar-
rangement, process, means, reg-
ANT. Disorder, experimen-
tation, guesswork, conjecture,
attempt, empiricism.
Midst. Middle, center, heart;
thick; press; burden.
ANT. Circumference, rim,
surface, border, outside, per-
Mien. Aspect, manner, bearing,
look, carriage, deportment, ap-
ANT. Character, disposition,
nature, constitution, personal-
[ 204 ]
Might. Force, energy, power,
means, resources; strength, ca-
pacity, ability.
ANT. Weakness, feebleness,
infirmity, impotence; inability,
inefficiency, incapability; leant,
Mild. Gentle, pleasant, clement,
kind, soft, bland; moderate,
placid, tender, genial, meek.
ANT. Harsh, fierce, savage,
rough, wild, violent, merciless,
Mind. Understanding, intellect,
soul; opinion, judgment, belief;
choice, inclination, liking, in-
tent, will; courage, spirit; re-
membrance, memory, recollec-
tion; reason, brain, sense, con-
sciousness, disposition, intelli-
gence, thought, instinct.
ANT. Body, matter, brute
force, braum, limbs, material
substance, members; feelings,
emotions, heart, affections, sen-
sibilities; conduct; forgetful-
ness, obliviousness.
Mindful. Regardful, attentive,
heedful, observant, thoughtful,
ANT. Inattentive, regardless,
careless, forgetful, oblivious,
Mingle. Combine, join, confuse,
compound, mix; unite, associ-
ate; intermarry; blend, amal-
ANT. Separate, sever, segre-
gate, dissolve, sift, sort, classi-
fy, analyze.
Minister, n. Delegate, official,
ambassador; clergyman, priest,
parson, ecclesiastic, preacher,
divine, vicar, curate; envoy.
ANT. Monarch, master, supe-
rior, principal; layman; gov-
Minor, o. Inferior, less impor-
tant, smaller, less, junior, un-
important, younger.
ANT. Major, greater, older,,
senior, elder, main, important.
Minute. Small, tiny, slender,
diminutive, slight, little; pre-
cise, particular, detailed, criti-
cal, circumstantial, exact, fine,
comminuted, specific; inconsid-
erable; microscopic.
ANT. Monstrous, great, enor-
mous, grand, huge; general, ab"
stract, broad, comprehensive;
inexact, superficial.
Miraculous. Supernatural, su-
per-physical; wonderful, awe-
ANT. Natural, ordinary, sci-
Mis-. A prefix used in the sense
of amiss, wrong, ill. Words to
which this prefix but adds this
meaning are omitted here, and
their synonyms and antonyms
may usually be readily found
by reference to the root words.
Misanthropy. Cynicism, hatred,
ANT. Philanthropy, benevo-
lence, altruism, humanitarian-
Miscellany. Mass, mixture, col-
lection, medley, jumble, variety,
hodge-podge, diversity.
ANT. Selection, si/stem, ar-
rangement, order, group, assort-
ment, classification.
Mischief. Damage, harm, hurt,
injury, detriment, evil, ill ; mia-
hap, trouble.
ANT. Benefit, good, blessing,
profit, gratification, compensa-
tion, favor.
Miser. Niggard, skinflint, cur-
mudgeon, churl.
ANT. Spendthrift, profli-
Miserable. Abject, forlorn, pit-
iable, wretched, mean; worth-
less, despicable, contemptible
unfortunate, unlucky.
ANT. Comfortable, happy,
[ 205 ]
respectable, contented, cheer-
ful, easy.
Misery. Unhappiness, wretch-
edness, woe; calamity, disas-
ter, misfortune.
ANT. Happiness, content-
ment, ease, comfort, pleasure,
Misfortune. Adversity, failure,
ill luck, hardship, harm, ill,
affliction, calamity, blow, dis-
aster, disappointment, trial,
tribulation, sorrow, ruin, dis-
tress, stroke, misery, reverse,
mischance, visitation, chasten-
ing, trouble, chastisement, mis-
adventure, bereavement, mis-
ANT. Consolation, blessing,
"boon, happiness, joy, prosper-
ity, relief, triumph, success,
comfort, good fortune, gratifi-
cation, good luck, pleasure.
Mission. Message, errand, com-
mission, deputation; embassy;
ministry, legation; trust, office.
ANT. Assumption, usurpa-
tion, self -appointment ; faith-
lessness, betrayal.
Mist. Fog, vapor; obscuration,
cloudiness, perplexity, bewil-
derment, haze.
ANT. Clarity, brightness;
perspicuity, revelation, clear-
ness, discernment, insight, un-
derstanding; lucidity.
Mob. Rabble, masses, dregs of
the people, the vulgar, popu-
lace, crowd, canaille, lower
classes. ,
ANT. Elite, aristocracy, no-
bility, nobles, patricians.
Mobile. Movable, excitable, in-
constant, changeable, fickle ;
variable, ductile, sensitive.
ANT. Immovable, firm, set,
steady, unvarying, unchange-
able, inexorable.
Model. Mold, copy, design, ex-
ample, image, imitation, stan-
dard, type, representation, pat*
tern, prototype, facsimile, orig-
inal, archetype ; norm.
ANT. Imitation; work, pro-
duction, execution; accom-
Moderate, a,. Sparing, temper-
ate, frugal, calm, mild; lim-
ited, restrained, reasonable ;
dispassionate, controlled ; ab-
stinent, sober; austere, ascetic.
ANT. Immoderate, intemper-
ate, luxurious, excessive, ex-
Modern. New, novel, modish,
fashionable, present, late, ex-
tant, recent.
ANT. Past, ancient, anti-
quated, old, antique, obsolete,
Modesty. Humility, lowliness,
humbleness, meekness, shyness,
reserve, coldness, bashfulness,
backwardness, constraint, ti-
midity, unobtrusiveness, coy-
ANT. Frankness, freedom,
impudence, indiscretion, self-
conceit, sauciness, abandon, ar-
rogance, confidence, egoism, as-
sumption, assurance, boldness,
forioardness, haughtiness, lo-
quacity, pertness, pride, van-
ity, self -sufficiency, openness,
Moment. Instant, twinkling,
consequence, weight, consider-
ation, force, value, significa-
tion, avail ; second, trice.
ANT. Age, period, decade,
century, generation; insignifi-
cance, unimportance, trivial-
Monarch. Ruler, sovereign ;
king, prince, emperor, queen.
ANT. Subject, peer, plebes.
Money. Coin, cash, currency,
gold, funds, property, specie,
silver, bills, bullion, notes, cap-
[ 208 ]
Monopoly. Exclusivenesa, pos-
session, privilege, appropria-
tion, engrossment, preemption.
ANT. Community, partner-
ship, competition, free trade;
participation, sharing; com-
munism ; socialism.
Monotonous. Unvarying, uni-
form, wearisome, dull, tedious,
same, unison, humdrum, undi-
versified; similar, like.
ANT. Varied, changed, di-
versified; harmonic; lively; di-
vergent, variant.
Monster. Prodigy, enormity,
marvel, portent ; monstrosity,
wonder; demon, fiend, dragon,
sphinx, colossus, leviathan ;
ANT. Pigmy, dwarf, elf; an-
gel, beauty, cherub.
Monstrous. Abnormal, extraor-
dinary, prodigious, portentous,
marvelous, unnatural ; vast,
immense, colossal, stupendous;
shocking, horrible, hateful, ter-
rible, hideous.
ANT. Beautiful, small, rea-
sonable, little, shapely, regular,
fair, pretty, comely; ordinary,
familiar, natural; charming,
Moral, a. Dutiful, right, virtu-
ous, just, worthy, ethical ; in-
tellectual, spiritual, religious,
pious, righteous, ideal.
ANT. Immoral, wrong, sin-
ful, unjust, unworthy, vicious,
gross; irreligious, impious, sen-
sual; physical, bodily, carnal.
Moreover. Besides, further, in
addition; also, likewise, in ad-
dition to.
ANT. Finally, lastly.
Morose. Gruff, gloomy, crusty,
crabbed, acrimonious, severe,
snappish, sullen, surly, churl-
ish, dogged, ill-humored, ill-
natured, sulky.
ANT. Bland, gentle, benig-
nant, good-natured, kind, lov-
ing, pleasant, sympathetic, ge-
nial, amiable, friendly, tender,
indulgent, complaisant, mild.
Mortal. Deathlike; deadly, de-
structive, poisonous ; vulner-
able, vital; human, perishable,
ephemeral, transient, transi-
ANT. Immortal, undying,
everlasting, eternal, divine, ce-
lestial, life-fjiving, perennial.
Motherly. Maternal, mother-
like, parental; kind, loving, af-
ANT. Paternal, fatherlike,
fatherly; harsh, unloving, un-
kind, hateful.
Motion. Movement, change, ac-
tion, act, passage, move, proc-
ess, transit, transition.
ANT. Quiescence, quiet, rest,
repose, stillness, immobility.
Motive. Incentive, incitement,
inducement, reason, spur, stim-
ulus, cause; object, purpose;
argument, conviction; impulse,
ANT. Deed, achievement, ex-
ecution, action, attempt, pro-
ject; deflector, preventive, dis-
suasion, deterrent.
Mourn. Lament, grieve, regret,
rue, bewail, sorrow.
ANT. Exult, joy, rejoice, be
joyful, triumph, make merry.
Mournful. Lugubrious, heavy,
sad, sorrowful, grievous, ca-
ANT. Joyful, jubilant, glad-
some, cheerful, happy, pleas-
ant, joyous.
Move. Stir, agitate, trouble, af-
fect, persuade, actuate, impel,
prompt, instigate, incite, offer,
ANT. Stop, stay, arrest, pre-
vent, deter; calm, appease, de-
Movement. Motion ; compul-
[ 207 ]
sion, stimulation, incitement,
agitation, arousing, instiga-
ANT. Stoppage, stay, pause,
calm, quiet.
Much. Great; long; consider-
able; abundant; far; ample,
ANT. Little, small, scarce,
few, scanty, near; narrow.
Multiplication. Teeming, mul-
tiplicity, multitude, increase,
plurality, reproduction, aug-
mentation, swarming, multifa-
riousness, multitudinousness.
ANT. Diminution, division,
subtraction, reduction; extinc-
tion; rarity, scantiness; unity,
Multitude. Throng, crowd, as-
sembly, assemblage, common-
alty, swarm, populace; host,
rabble, mob, concourse.
ANT. Individual, solitude;
aristocracy; oligarchy; scanti-
ness, paucity, scarcity.
Mundane. Worldly, terrestrial,
earthly; sublunary; secular,
ANT. Unworldly, spiritual,
celestial, eternal, supramun-
dane, stellar, solar, lunar.
Munificent. Bounteous, boun-
tiful, liberal, generous; benefi-
cent, free, lavish, extravagant.
ANT. Small, niggardly, sav-
ing, sparing, mean, close.
Musical. Melodious, harmoni-
ous, tuneful, symphonious, mel-
lifluous, rhythmical.
ANT. Discordant, inharmo-
nious, harsh, raucous, unmelo-
Mute. Silent, dumb, speechless;
voiceless; still, unpronounced ;
unresponsive; taciturn.
ANT. Talkative, chattering,
garrulous, vocal, speaking, lo-
quacious, loud, noisy.
Mutual. Common, correlative,
reciprocal, joint, interchange-
ANT. Detached, distinct,
disunited, separate, severed,
sundered, unshared, unrecipro-
cated, unrequited, disconnected.
Mysterious. Abstruse, enigmat-
ical, dark, mystical, occult, ob-
scure, secret, transcendental,
unknown, unfathomable, mys-
tic, hidden, inexplicable, in-
scrutable, cabalistic, incom-
prehensible, recondite.
ANT. Clear, plain, appar-
ent, manifest, bright, light, ex-
plainable, simple, comprehen-
sible, obvious, easy, revealed,
Mystic. Unknowable, obscure,
mysterious ; allegorical, enig-
matical ; transcendental ; ca-
balistic, symbolical.
ANT. Familiar, simple, or-
dinary, commonplace, obvious,
Myth. Fable, tradition, legend;
parable, invention, fiction, alle-
gory; falsehood, lie.
ANT. Truth, fact, history t
narrative, incident.
[ 208 ]
Nabob. Millionaire, Croesus,
viceroy, governor, Dives.
ANT. Beggar, suppliant.
Naked. Nude, bare; defense-
less, unprotected, destitute ;
manifest, undisguised; simple,
mere, plain; unclothed, un-
draped, denuded ; uncolored, un-
ANT. Robed, draped, veiled,
dressed, shrouded, muffled; pro-
tected, sheltered; colored, var-
nished, qualified.
Name, n. Appellation, denomi-
nation, cognomen, designation,
surname, title, style, epithet.
Name, v. Call, indicate, desig-
nate, specify, mention, denomi-
nate, style, nominate.
ANT. Miscall, misname, mis-
indicate; be nameless or anony-
mous; hint, suggest, shadow,
intimate, imply.
Narrate. Relate, tell, recount,
describe, detail, rehearse, re-
port, recite.
ANT. Misrepresent, mistake;
suppress, conceal.
Narrative. Narration, recital,
account, rehearsal, relation,
description, story, tale, his-
Narrow. Not wide, straitened,
limited, without margin; big-
oted, illiberal ; parsimonious,
niggardly, selfish ; close, scruti-
nizing, exact; slender, spare,
thin, contracted, cramped.
ANT. Wide, broad, ample,
expanded, thick ; generous, be-
nevolent; unlimited; liberal.
Nascent. Embryo, rudimental,
budding, incipient.
ANT. O-rown, developed, ma-
ture ; aged; confirmed, set.
Nasty. Filthy, foul, dirty, of-
fensive, damp, disgusting, dis-
agreeable, wet; indecent, ob-
ANT. Pleasant, sweet, agree-
able, savory, nice, pure.
Nation. People, race, stock;
realm, community, state, com-
Native. Innate, natal, natural,
original, indigenous.
ANT. Alien, artificial, for-
eign, unnatural, acquired, as-
Natural. Native; essential, nor-
mal, regular, intrinsic, cosmi-
cal, spontaneous, original, art-
less, ingenuous; kind, affec-
tionate; genuine, unaffected.
ANT. Abnormal, monstrous,
unnatural, improbable, adven-
titious, fictitious, coarse; art-
ful, affected.
Nature. Creation, universe; es-
sence, constitution; kind, sort,
character, quality; temper, dis-
position, mood; mind, intelli-
gence; vitality.
ANT. Thing, subject, object,
man, being, creature, monstros-
ity, unnaturalness ; art, fiction,
romance, invention.
Naught. Nothing, cipher, zero.
ANT. Anything, everything,
Naughty. Mischievous, per-
verse, f reward; bad, corrupt,
worthless, good-for-nothing; re-
fractory, wicked.
ANT. Good, worthy, well-
behaved, tractable, pure, docile,
Nausea. Seasickness, loathing,
disgust, qualm ; repugnance,
ANT. Enjoyment, taste, de-
light, relish.
209 ]
Nautical. Marine, maritime, na-
val, oceanic.
Near, ad. Nigh, not remote, al-
most, nearly, well-nigh, inti-
mately, closely.
Near, a. Nigh, close, adjacent,
adjoining, approximate; immi-
nent, impending, forthcoming,
approaching; familiar, dear, in-
timate; immediate; literal, ac-
curate; narrow, parsimonious;
short ; proximate, contiguous,
present, ready.
ANT. Distant, remote, far;
reserved, uncordial, cool, stiff;
indistinct, obscure, future.
Nearly. Almost, well-nigh, inti-
mately, closely, approximately.
ANT. Quite, entirely, dis-
tantly, remotely.
Neat. Trim, tidy, prim, precise,
spruce, clean, cleanly, orderly,
natty, dapper, nice.
ANT. Negligent, slack, slov-
enly, slouchy, dirty, soiled, dis-
orderly, dowdy, untidy, rough,
unkempt, rude, uncared for.
Necessary. Essential, inevitable,
needful, infallible, undeniable,
indispensable, required, requi-
site, unavoidable.
ANT. Optional, useless, con-
tingent, worthless, casual, non-
essential, needless.
Necessitate. Force, compel, co-
erce, make necessary, oblige,
constrain, make, drive, impel.
ANT. Persuade, convince, in-
duce, tempt, coax, allure; liber-
ate, release.
Necessity. Need, requirement,
want, compulsion, fate, fatal-
ity, requisite, destiny, essential,
emergency, extremity, exigency,
indispensableness, urgency, un-
avoidableness, sine qua non.
ANT. Choice, contingency,
doubt, option, freedom, uncer-
tainty, fortuity, doubtfulness,
dubiousness, possibility.
Need. Exigency, emergency, ex-
tremity, strait, distress, indi-
gence, penury.
ANT. Competence, affluence,
choice, wealth, luxury, pro-
fuseness; superfluity, useless-
ness, dispensableness ; casualty,
accident; contingency, free-
Needful. Requisite, needy, ne-
cessitous, distressful, essential,
ANT. Contingent, casual, un-
necessary, unessential, discre-
tional, optional, needless.
Needless. Unnecessary, useless,
superfluous, groundless, gratui-
ANT. Needful, useful, help-
ful, obligatory.
Nefarious. Wicked, abominable,
iniquitous, execrable, atrocious,
ANT. Noble, honorable, ad-
mirable, laudable; benevolent t
generous, humane.
Negation. Denial, disavowal,
disclaimer, contradiction.
ANT. Assertion, declaration t
deposition, avowal, affirma-
tion, allegation, protestation,
Negative, a. Denying, indirect,
unaffirmative, privative, dis-
ANT. Positive, direct, asser-
tive, attributive, affirmative, de-
Neglect, n. Negligence, failure,
omission, disregard, oversight,
indifference, remissness, slight,
thoughtlessness, slackness, de-
fault, carelessness, disrespect,
heedlessnesa, inadvertence, in-
attention, scorn.
ANT. Care, attention, notice,
regard, esteem, consideration,
Negotiate. Transfer, sell, pass,
arrange, treat, bargain, trade,
[ 210 ]
communicate, transact, effect,
ANT. Stop, quash, misman-
age, misconduct.
Neighborly. Kind, civil, social,
friendly, near, adjoining, adja-
cent, neighboring, friendly, at-
ANT. Individual, solitary,
personal, distant, remote, un-
kind, uncivil, unfriendly.
Nerve. Steadiness, firmness, for-
titude, self-command, resolu-
tion, strength, courage, pluck,
endurance, coolness, presence
of mind.
ANT. Weakness, cowardice,
timidity, feebleness, nerveless-
Nervous. Excitable, agitated,
annoyed, irritable, weak, fear-
ful ; strong, vigorous, spirited,
nervy, forceful.
ANT. Self-possessed, self-
controlled, poised, calm, com-
posed; dull, inert, phlegmatic,
Neutral. Neuter, undecided, in-
different, unpronounced, unin-
terfering, negative, impartial,
unavowed, unaffiliated.
ANT. Interested, interfering,
positive, partial, active, allied,
avowed, declared.
Neutralize. Render neutral, in-
validate, counteract, counter-
balance, countervail, render in-
ANT. Enhance, intensify, ag-
New. Fresh, modern, novel, late,
recent, juvenile, upstart, young,
new-fangled, youthful, new-
ANT. Old, antique, ancient,
old-fashioned, aged, elderly.
News. Information, tidings, in-
telligence, advice, word, report,
account, announcement, ru-
ANT. Ignorance, silence, non-
publication, suppression; mis-
intelligence, misreport.
Nice. Exquisite, accurate, cor-
rect, precise, particular, punc-
tilious, squeamish, tinical, ef-
feminate, silly, exact, critical,
definite, strict, fastidious, cau-
tious, scrupulous ; discerning,
discriminating; fine, minute,
refined, delicate, dainty, pleas-
ant, agreeable.
ANT. Coarse, rude, rough,
inaccurate, blind, undiscrimi-
nating, unscrupulous, incau-
tious, undiscerning, careless,
negligent, disagreeable, nau-
Nicety. Fastidiousness, accur-
acy, scrupulousness, delicacy,
precision, daintiness, subtlety,
distinction, exactness.
ANT. Coarseness, roughness,
inaccuracy, rudeness.
Niggardly. Avaricious, covet-
ous, parsimonious, miserly,
sordid, sparing, penurious,
ANT. Generous, bountiful,
copious, ample, profuse, abun-
dant, bounteous, plentiful, mu-
Nimble. Alert, brisk, bustling,
lively, prompt, quick, speedy,
swift, spry, agile, sprightly, ac-
ANT. Clumsy, dilatory, dull,
heavy, inert, inactive, slow, un-
ready, sluggish.
Nobility. Greatness, dignity, su-
periority, nobleness, eminence,
elevation, worthiness; family,
rank, title, birth; aristocracy,
peerage, patrician class.
ANT. Obscurity, meanness,
serfdom, paltriness, plebeian-
ism .
Noble. Honorable, worthy, dig-
nified, elevated, superior, sub-
lime, great, eminent, stately.
[ 211 ]
generous, liberal, free, aristo-
cratic, patrician, illustrious,
grand, lordly, renowned, mag-
nificent, knightly.
ANT. Ignoble, plebeian, pal-
try, vulgar, base-born, low-born,
rustic, peasant, contemptible,
unworthy, mean.
Nobody. No person, no one, not
anybody, cipher, nonentity.
ANT. Somebody, notability,
celebrity, colossus, star.
Nocturnal. Nightly, dark, tene-
brose, gloomy.
ANT. Dally, diurnal, solar,
brilliant, light.
Noise. Cry, outcry, clamor, din,
clatter, uproar; rumor, report,
rattle, tumult.
ANT. Music, melody, har-
mony; silence, hush, stillness,
Noiseless. Silent, quiet, inau-
ANT. Noisy, uproarious, tur-
bulent, clamorous, boisterous,
brawling, tumultuous, loud.
Noisome. Noxious, insalubrious,
unwholesome, mischievous, de-
structive, nocuous, hurtful, pes-
tilential, harmful.
ANT. Wholesome, salutary,
salubrious, beneficial.
Noisy. Loud, clamorous, stun-
ning, boisterous, turbulent.
ANT. Noiseless, subdued, in-
audible, whispering; melodious,
Nominal. Literal, verbal, titu-
lar; formal, avowed, pretended,
ostensible, supposititious.
ANT. Veritable, essential, in-
trinsic, actual, substantial, im-
portant, real, serious, true.
Nominate. Name, specify, ap-
point, designate, entitle.
ANT. Suggest, icithdraw, re-
ject, indicate, cancel, deprive,
Nonsense. Folly, silliness, ab-
surdity, trash, inanity, plati-
tude, pretense.
ANT. Sense, msdom, fact,
truth, gravity, reason, science.
Normal. Regular, ordinary^ nat-
ural, standard, usual, typical,
recognized, common.
ANT. Exceptional, abnormal,
uncommon, singular, unusual,
monstrous, irregular, peculiar,
rare, unprecedented, remark-
able, unnatural.
Notable. Plain, evident, noted,
noticeable, distinguished, mem-
orable, extraordinary, conspicu-
ous, manifest; notorious.
ANT. Ordinary, mean, com,'
monplace, everyday, undistin-
guished, unimpressive, insig-
Note. Memorandum, comment,
remark, record, scholium; ac-
count, catalogue, bill ; heed, ob-
servation; reputation, distinc-
tion, celebrity, fame, repute, re-
ANT. Misindicction, misrep-
resentation, misleader.
Notice, n. Observation, regard,
cognizance, information, advice,
news, intelligence, intimation,
announcement, premonition, in-
struction, warning, attention,
ANT. Oversight, disregard,
neglect, slight, ignorance, con-
nivance, omission, hecdlessness,
m isinforma tion.
Notice, v. Mark, observe, note,
heed, regard, perceive, see, re-
mark, mention, comment on, at-
tend, mind.
ANT. Overlook, disregard,
misjudge, neglect.
Notification. Information, no-
tice, declaration, publication,
announcement, advertisement.
Notify. Intimate, declare, pub-
lish, announce, acquaint, warn,
apprise, communicate, inform.
[ 212 ]
ANT. Withhold, conceal, sup-
press, misinform, misreport.
Notion. Idea, conception, appre-
hension, sentiment, judgment,
opinion, belief, impression, esti-
mation, conceit, conviction.
ANT. Misconception, misap-
prehension, frustration, falsifi-
Notorious. Distinguished, con-
spicuous, remarkable, famous,
celebrated, noted, renowned.
ANT. Suspected, reputed, re-
Notwithstanding, conj. Still,
however, although, but, never-
theless, howbeit, yet, though.
Notwithstanding, prep. De-
spite, in spite of.
Nourish. Feed, foster, cherish,
nurse, tend, support, maintain,
train, educate, promote.
ANT. Starve, blight, destroy,
Nourishment. Nutrition, nutri-
ment, food, aliment, provision,
ANT. Poison, venom, bane,
starvation, exhaustion.
Novel, a. New, recent, modern,
fresh, stransre, uncommon, rare,
unusual, fantastic, odd, upstart,
ANT. 1'eneroblc, ancient, old-
fashion ed, time- /; onored.
Noxious. Noisome, injurious,
hurtful, pernicious, unwhole-
some, deadly, poisonous.
ANT. H'.'.'o/rsowe, salutary,
beneficial, healthful, salubri-
Nucleus. Kernel, core, center.
ANT. Exterior, face, appear-
Nudity. Nakedness, exposure.
ANT. Clothing, dress, vest-
ment, drapery.
Nugatory. Trifling, vain, insig-
nificant, futile, ineffectual, un-
availing, trivial, worthless, use-
less, null.
ANT. Important, potent, mo-
mentous, efficacious, successful,
grave, serious, satisfactory.
Nuisance. Annoyance, plague,
pest, affliction, bane, trouble.
ANT. Pleasure, delight, ben-
efit, blessing, gratification.
Nullify. Revoke, annul, cancel,
abolish, render void, abrogate,
neutralize, repeal.
ANT. Enact, confirm, per-
petuate, establish, stabilitate.
Numb. Enfeebled, destitute, tor-
pid, benumbed, insensible, par-
alyzed, deadened.
ANT. Alive, alert, sensitive,
keen, lively, animated, atten-
Number, n. Aggregation, multi-
tude, collection, numeral, nu-
merous, quantity.
ANT. Scarcity, feioness, pau-
Number, v. Count, enumerate,
calculate, tell, compute, reckon,
ANT. Guess, hazard, conjec-
ture; lump, mass.
Numberless. Innumerable, in-
finite, countless.
ANT. Few, scarce, rare, infre-
Numerous. Many, abundant, di-
verse, multifarious, manifold,
ANT. Few, scarce, rare, in-
Nuptial. Wedding, marriage,
hymeneal, espousal, connubial,
ANT. Bachelor, virgin.
Nurse, v. Nourish, cherish, fos-
ter, attend, manage, train, edu-
cate, teach, feed, nurture.
ANT. Starve, kill, destroy;
Nurture. Nourish, nurse, tend,
cherish, educate, train, feed.
[ 213 ]
ANT. Neglect, deprive, dis-
regard, slight.
Nutriment. Aliment, food, sus-
tenance, nourishment, susten-
tation, subsistence, nutri-
ANT. Starvation, detriment,
exhaustion, poison, decay, in-
Nutrition. Nutriment, feeding,
ANT. Poison, venom.
Oath. Curse, imprecation, pro-
fanity, swearing, adjuration,
affidavit, anathema, ban, blas-
phemy, denunciation, execra-
tion, malediction, vow, repro-
bation, sworn statement.
ANT. Blessing, benediction,
Obdurate. Firm, unbending, in-
flexible, unyielding, obstinate,
stubborn, impenitent, callous,
unfeeling, insensible.
ANT. Yielding, teachable,
tender, docile, amenable, flex-
ible, toftened.
Obedience. Submission, duty,
compliance, respect, dutiful-
ness, subservience.
ANT. Resistance, rebellion,
r transgression, disobedience, an-
tagonism, insubordination.
Obedient. Dutiful, respectful,
compliant, submissive, humble,
yielding, obsequious, modest,
ANT. Disrespectful, unduti-
ful, arrogant, hard, unyielding,
obstinate, obdurate, stubborn.
Obesity. Fatness, corpulence,
fleshiness, corpulency.
ANT. Leanness, thinness.
Obey. Submit, yield, comply.
ANT. Resist, refuse, disobey.
Object, n. Reality, fact, exis-
tence, phenomenon; aim, inten-
tion, end, purpose, appearance,
motive, design, sight, view, goal.
ANT. Subject, idea, fancy,
Objective. Outward, external,
extrinsic, concrete, universal,
actual, positive, real.
ANT. Subjective, intrinsic,
abstract, notional.
Oblation. Offering, gift, sacri-
fice, contribution, presentation.
ANT. Spoliation, sacrilege,
withholding, refusal.
Obligation. Responsibility, en-
gagement, contract, agreement,
bond, covenant, stipulation, ne-
cessity, debt, duty, compul-
ANT. Choice, freedom, as-
surance, promise, declaration,
Oblige. Bind, please, gratify,
accommodate, favor, constrain,
compel, force, coerce, benefit,
necessitate, obligate.
ANT. Release, acquit; per-
suade, induce ; annoy, disoblige.
Obliging. Civil, courteous, com-
plaisant, kind, considerate, ac-
commodating, compliant.
ANT. Discourteous, incon-
siderate, rude, disobliging, un-
Oblique. Indirect, slanting, in-
clined, perverse, disingenuous,
diagonal, divergent, angular.
ANT. Straightforward, rec-
Oblivion. Forgetfulness, disre-
ANT. Memory, reminiscence,
remembrance, recollection, cel-
ebration, commemoration.
[ 214 J
Obloquy. Censure, odium, con-
tumely, reproach, gainsaying,
reviling, calumny, slander, de-
ANT. Praise, acclamation,
encomium, panegyric.
Obnoxious. Odious, detrimen-
tal, blameworthy, pernicious,
ANT. Pleasant, grateful, in-
dependent, wholesome, benefi-
cial, salutary.
Obscure, a. Abstruse, deep, in-
volved, difficult, hidden, pro-
found, mysterious, ambiguous,
unintelligible, cloudy, complex,
complicated, dark, darksome,
dense, dim. doubtful, intricate,
dusky, indistinct, enigmatical,
incomprehensible, muddy, tur-
bid, shadowy, misty, unknown,
secluded, unascertained, re-
ANT. Clear, luminous, dis-
tinct, lucid, plain, plain-spoken,
intelligible, prominent, emi-
Obsequious. Servile, cringing,
fawning, compliant, submissive,
deferential, sycophantic, flatter-
ANT. Impudent, self-asser-
tive, independent, arrogant, in-
submissive, haughty, proud.
Observance. Observation, heed-
ing, form, practice, custom, at-
tention, celebration, ceremony,
ANT. Inobservance, inatten-
tion, disuse, disregard, disre-
spect, omission, unceremonious-
ness, informality.
Observant. Observing, watch-
ful, attentive, regardful, obe-
dient, mindful, careful, heed-
ANT. Unmindful, disobedi-
ent, disregardful, heedless.
Observation. Contemplation, re-
mark, study, notice, view, con-
clusion, judgment, attention,
comment, note, observance.
ANT. Inattention, oversight,
silence, ignorance, inadver-
Observe. Remark, note, watch,
heed, see, discover, attend, com-
ANT. Overlook, misconceive,
Obsolete. Disused, ancient, ne-
glected, antiquated, archaic, ef-
fete, past, old-fashioned, old,
rare, obsolescent.
ANT. Fashionable, modern,
current, customary, new, novel,
Obstacle. Impediment, obstruc-
tion, difficulty, hindrance, bar-
rier, check.
ANT. Course, proceeding, ca-
reer, advancement, progress.
Obstinacy. Pertinacity, firm-
ness, resoluteness, inflexibility,
persistency, perverseness, con-
ANT. Flexibility, docility,
Obstinate. Perverse, obdurate,
intractable, determined, stub-
born, resolved, resolute, inflex-
ible, unyielding, intractable, in-
domitable, unflinching, contu-
macious, decided, dogged, mul-
ish, heady, headstrong, fixed,
firm, immovable, opinionated,
persistent, pertinacious, refrac-
tory, unconquerable.
ANT. Pliant, docile, submis-
sive, dutiful, gentle, obedient,
compliant, tractable, yielding,
amenable, complaisant, irreso-
lute, wavering, undecided, pli-
able, teachable.
Obstruct. Bar, barricade, hin-
der, oppose, impede, stay, stop,
arrest, check, embarrass, clog,
choke, retard, interrupt.
ANT. Aid, facilitate, accel-
erate, forward, promote, clear,
[ 215 ]
advance, open, pave the way
for, further, free, expedite.
Obstruction. Obstacle, barrier,
bar, impediment, check, clog,
ANT. Course, proceeding, ad-
vancement, progress, career.
Obtain. Attain, gain, procure,
acquire, earn, win.
ANT. Lose, forfeit, surren-
der, forego.
Obtrude. Intrude, force, inter-
fere, thrust.
ANT. Suggest, hint, insinu-
ate; retire, withdraw.
Obtuse. Blunt, dull, stupid, un-
intelligent, stolid.
ANT. Keen, quick, sharp, in-
telligent, acute, clever.
Obverse. Opposite, facing.
ANT. Hinder, reverse.
Obvious. Opposing; plain, evi-
dent, clear, manifest, apparent,
discovered, perceived, open, ex-
plicit, patent.
ANT. Remote, obscure, far-
fetched, involved, latent.
Occasion, v. Cause, produce,
create, induce, originate, fur-
nish, compose, constitute, gen
Occasionally. Sometimes, casu-
ally, rarely.
ANT. A I ways, constantly,
regularly, frequently.
Occult. Secrot, concealed, hid-
den, unknown, invisible, latent,
eclipsed, unrevealed, mysteri-
ANT. Developed, plain, ex-
posed, patent, clear, familiar,
Occupancy. Possession, occupa-
tion, tenurv.
ANT. Kriction, ejection, dis
Occupation. Occupancy, avoca-
tion, employment, engagement
vocation, calling, office, trade.
ANT. Idleness, leisure, va-
cancy, vacation, abandonment,
Occupy. Possess, hold, employ,
ANT. Abandon, release, de-
sert, surrender, vacate, concede,
Occur. Happen, appear, meet,
befall, betide, take place.
ANT. Threaten, pass, im-
Occurrence. Event, happening,
incident, affair, adventure, cir-
cumstance, transaction, episode.
ANT. Cause, antecedent, in-
ducement, predisposition, ten-
dency, contribution.
Odd. Quaint, unmatched, queer,
unusual, eccentric, fantastical,
droll, comical, singular, pecul-
ANT. Common, usual, regu-
lar, normal, matched.
Odious. Hateful, detestable, dis-
gusting, abominable, repulsive,
forbidding, unpopular, invidi-
ous, loathsome.
ANT. Pleasing, pleasant, ac-
ceptable, agreeable, grateful,
delectable, bewitching, charm-
Odium. Hatred, abhorrence, de-
testation, antipathy, unpopu-
larity, offensiveness.
ANT. Welcome, acceptable-
ness, popularity.
Oclor. Scent, perfume, smell, fra-
grance, aroma, redolence; trail,
effluvium, fume.
ANT. Inodorcnsness.
Odorous. Fragrant, perfumed,
balmy, aromatic, odorant.
ANT. Scentless, inodorous;
fni ,V.
Offend. Displease, affront, harm,
pain, annoy, transgress.
ANT. Please, gratify, concili-
Offense. Umbrage, misdeed, de-
linquency, transgression, fault,
[ 216 1
affront, indignity, outrage, in-
ANT. Defense, guiltlessness,
Offensive. Disagreeable, obnox-
ious, distasteful, impertinent,
disgusting, rude, saucy, appro-
brious, insulting, insolent, at-
tacking, abusive, invading, as-
ANT. Defensive, pleasing,
grateful, savory.
Offer. Propose, propound, ten-
der, sacrifice, immolate, under-
take, attempt, try, proffer.
ANT. Withhold, irithdraio,
retract, retain, alienate, divert.
Offhand. Instant, ready, extem-
poraneous, unpremeditated, un-
studied, impromptu.
ANT. Premeditated, elabo-
rate, studied, thought-out.
Office. Service, duty, custom, po-
sition, charge, authority, func-
tion, business.
ANT. Leisure, vacancy, sine-
cure, resignation.
Officer. Official, functionary, di-
rector, dignitary, manager, ad-
ANT. Member, servant, pri-
vate, employee.
Official, a. Administrative, au-
thoritative, functional, profes-
ANT. Private, unofficial, un-
Officiate. Act, serve, perform.
ANT. Witness, retire.
Officious. Impertinent, meddle-
some, interfering, forward, in-
trusive, pushing.
ANT. Negligent, backward,
remiss; retiring, modest.
Often. Frequently, repeatedly,
commonly, many times, not sel-
ANT. Infrequently, seldom,
Old. Aged, ancient, primitive,
pristine, antique, antiquated,
old-fashioned, obsolete; senile;
gray, hoary, olden, immemo-
rial, time-honored, decrepit, el-
derly, patriarchal, remote, ven-
erable, time-worn.
ANT. Youthful, childlike,
young; recent, modern, fresh,,
new-fashioned, current.
Omen. Prognostic, augury, pres-
age, sign, portent, foreboding.
ANT. Fulfilment, event, oc-
currence, realization.
Ominous. Significant, porten-
tous, unpropitious, threaten-
ing, inauspicious, foreboding,
premonitory, suggestive.
ANT. Encouraging, auspi-
cious, propitious.
Omit, v. Leave out, neglect, for-
bear, fail, miss, overlook.
ANT. Consider, observe, no-
tice, attend, regard.
Omnipotent. All-powerful, ir-
resistible, Almighty.
ANT. Powerless, inefficient,
Omniscient. All-knowing, infal-
lible, all-wise.
ANT. Short-sighted, fallible,
One. Single, individual, soli-
tary, certain, undivided, com-
mon, united, unitary.
ANT. Many, several; few.
Onerous. Burdensome, oppres-
sive, heavy, toilsome, difficult,
laborious, responsible.
ANT. Light, easy, trivial.
Only, ad. Solely, singly, exclu-
sively, merely, barely, wholly.
ANT. Among, amongst, to-
gether, collectively.
Only, a. Single, sole, alone, pre-
eminent, chief.
ANT. Many, together, sev-
eral, mixed.
Onset, Onslaught. Assault, at-
tack, storming, aggression, in-
[ 217 ]
ANT. Repulse, resistance,
protection, shelter, support, de-
Onward. Forward, in advance,
ANT. Aback, astern, lack-
Opaque. Impervious, not trans-
parent, obscure, unintelligible.
ANT. Pellucid, translucent,
transparent, obvious, clear, in-
telligible, perspicuous.
*)pen, v. Unclose, disclose, ex-
pose, explain, begin, commence,
ANT. Close, shut, cover, con-
ceal; conclude, terminate; mis-
interpret, mystify.
^>pen, a. Unclosed, uncovered,
unprotected, exposed, plain,
obvious, evident, public, art-
less, candid, free, available, ac-
cessible, undisguised, ingenu-
ANT. Closed, barred, inac-
cessible, unavailable, reserved,
shut, secreted.
Opening. Aperture, hole, space,
breach, gap, fissure; start, in-
auguration, commencement, ini-
tiation, beginning ; opportunity.
ANT. Obstruction, stop-gap,
termination, enclosure, close,
end, conclusion, inopportunity,
Operation. Agency, action, ex-
ercise, production, influence,
force, performance, result, pro-
cedure, effect, execution.
ANT. Failure, uselessness,
futility, ineffectiveness, ineffi-
ciency, poioerlessness, inaction,
cessation, rest.
Opinion. Persuasion, idea, sen-
timent, view, conviction, judg-
ment, notion, impression, esti-
ANT. Evidence, argument,
inquiry, speculation, investiga-
tion, pleading.
Opponent. Antagonist, foe, ad-
versary, enemy, rival.
ANT. Helper, assistant, ac-
complice, ally.
Opportune. Timely, seasonable,
convenient, ready, suitable, au-
spicious, meet, appropriate.
ANT. Untimely, unseason-
able, inopportune, infelicitous.
Opportunity. Occasion, conven-
ience, occurrence, turn, open-
ANT. Lapse, omission, inop-
portuneness, contre-temps.
Oppose. Combat, withstand, con-
tradict, deny, gainsay, oppugn,
contravene, check, obstruct.
ANT. Aid, abet, support, ad-
vance, expedite.
Opposite. Facing, contrary, re-
pugnant, antagonistic, adverse,
counter, contradictory, op-
ANT. Agreeing, coincident,
harmonious, conformable, suit-
ing, fitting, accordant.
Opposition. Restraint, defeat,
resistance, hostility, obstacle,
obstruction, animosity.
ANT. Sympathy, harmony,
concord, alliance, congeniality.
Oppress. Impose, weigh down,
burden, grind, persecute, over-
whelm, crush, overpower, sub-
ANT. Encourage, assist, sup-
port, befriend.
Oppression. Cruelty, tyranny,
hardship, injustice, severity.
ANT. Kindness, mercy, jus-
tice, clemency, leniency.
Oppressive. Heavy, oppressing,
rigorous, tyrannical, unjust, ex-
tortionate, grinding.
ANT. Light, easy, compas-
sionate, just, humane, gener-
Opprobrium. Disgrace, infamy,
reproach, contempt, scandal,
obloquy, odium.
[ 218 ]
ANT. Popularity, welcome,
Option. Choice, preference, selec-
tion, discretion, wish, election.
ANT. Compulsion, necessity,
Opulence. Wealth, riches, for-
tune, affluence, independence.
ANT. Poverty, impecunios-
ity, indigence, want.
Oracle. Revelation ; prophet, an-
ANT. Empiricism, pragma-
Oracular. Prophetic, ominous,
portentous; authoritative, pos-
itive, dogmatical ; wise, grave,
sage ; obscure, equivocal, am-
ANT. Cautious, modest, va-
cillating, diffident.
Oral. Verbal, unwritten, vocal,
spoken, traditional.
ANT. Documentary, icrit-
Oration. Address, speech, dis-
course, harangue, lecture, dis-
putation, declamation, effusion.
ANT. Reasoning, suggestion,
Oratory. Eloquence, rhetoric, el-
ocution, declamation.
ANT. Hesitation, stammer-
ing, dulness.
Orb. Sphere, globe, ball; circle,
orbit, circuit; disk; revolution.
Orbit. Revolution, path, circuit,
ANT. Deviation, eccentric-
ity, perturbation.
Ordain. Set, regulate, establish,
appoint, decree, constitute, in-
stitute, prescribe, dictate.
ANT. Revoke, subvert, can-
eel, countermand.
Ordeal. Test, trial, experiment,
probation, proof, scrutiny, as-
say, investigation.
ANT. Result, event; argu-
ment, evidence, plea, discussion.
Order. Arrangement, system,
procedure, method, rule, regula-
tion ; command, mandate, rank,
direction, grade, class, clmrac-
ter, kind, management, injunc-
tion, prohibition, requirement,,
ANT. Alloicance, consent,
leave, permission, permit, lib-
erty, license.
Orderly. Regular, obedient, sys-
tematic, quiet, peaceable, meth-
odical, well-regulated.
ANT. Disorderly, riotous, ir~
Ordinance. Statue, law, edict,,
decree, rescript, regulation, in-
stitute, rule.
ANT. Custom, usage, tradi-
tion, fashion.
Ordinary. Normal, usual, com-
mon, customary, settled, fre-
quent, wonted, habitual, indif-
ferent, mediocre, plain, com-
ANT. Extraordinary, supe-
rior, unusual, uncommon.
Organic. Inherent, fundamen-
tal, essential, constitutional,
radical, vital; organized, syste-
ANT. Non-essential, circum-
stantial, provisional, contin-
gent, inorganic, secondary.
Organization. Structure, form,
construction ; organism.
ANT. Disorganization.
Organize. Arrange, constitute,
shape, adjust, frame, establish,
construct, systematize.
ANT. Disorganize, dismem-
ber, disband, break up, annul.
Origin. Source, rise, commence'
ment, spring, fountain, deriva
tion, cause, root, foundation.
ANT. Termination, conclU'
sion, extinction.
Original. Primitive, new, pri
mary, pristine, genuine, in
ventive, peculiar, initiatory,
[ 219 ]
primordial, ancient, former,
ANT. Subsequent, later, de-
rivative, modern, terminal.
Originate. Begin, cause, com-
mence, start, invent, create,
spring, rise.
ANT. Prosecute, conduct;
conclude, finish, end.
Ornament. Decoration, embel-
lishment, adornment.
ANT. Disgrace, brand, dis-
figurement, detraction.
Ornate. Adorned, beautiful, em-
bellished, decorated, elaborate,
rich, ornamented.
ANT. Bare, bald, nude, plain,
Orthodox. Sound, conventional,
approved, correct.
ANT. Heretical, unorthodox,
liberal, radical.
Ostensible. Exhibited, avowed,
professed, apparent, pretended,
declared, manifest, specious,
plausible, outward.
ANT. Real, actual, genuine,
veritable, concealed, hidden.
Ostentation. Display, boasting,
show, boast, vaunting, flourish,
pageant, pomp, parade, page-
ANT. Diffidence, modesty,
reserve, timidity, shrinking, re-
tirement, quietness, unobtru-
Ostracism. Banishment, exclu-
sion, expulsion, blackball, ex-
communication, separation.
ANT. Admittance, enlist-
ment, enrolment; welcome, fel-
Outbreak. Outburst, eruption,
tumult, commotion, rebellion,
insurrection, riot, conflict.
ANT. Quiet, order, pacifica-
tion, subsidence, quelling.
Outcast. Exile, vagabond, rep-
robate, castaway, pariah, va-
Outcry. Clamor, tumult, vocif-
eration, alarm, yell, scream,
ANT. Quiet, silence; accla-
mation, plaudit.
Outer. Outside, outward, exter-
nal, exterior.
ANT. Inward, inside, inter-
nal, interior.
Outlaw. Brigand, bandit, rob-
ber, highwayman, marauder,
Outlet. Egress, exit, vent.
ANT. Entrance, ingress.
Outline. Contour, sketch, delin-
eation, draft, plan.
ANT. Form, substance, bulk,
figure, field, ground, space; ob-
ject, subject.
Outrage. Outbreak, offense, vio-
lence, mischief, abuse, affront,
insult, indignity.
ANT. Favor; self-restraint,
Outrageous. Violent, furious,
excessive, exorbitant, wanton,
atrocious, monstrous, nefari-
ous, heinous.
ANT. Moderate, reasonable,
Outskirts. Border, edge, out-
post, precincts, environs, sub-
ANT. Interior, center, bulk,
mass, body, heart.
Outstanding. Uncollected, un-
discharged, unappropriated, un-
paid ; projecting ; opposing.
ANT. Collected, appropri-
ated, gathered, paid; support-
ing; reentrant.
Outward. Out, outer, external,
exterior, public, visible, sen-
sible, extraneous, superficial,
apparent, extrinsic, ostensible.
ANT. Internal, intrinsic, in-
ward, withdrawn.
Overcast. Cloudy, lowering, ob-
scured, murky, darkened, over-
spread, eclipsed.
[ 220
ANT. Cloudless, clear, lumi-
Overcome. Vanquish, conquer,
surmount, excel, overthrow,
subjugate, rule, domineer over.
ANT. Lose, forfeit, surren-
der, fail, submit, retreat, suc-
Overflow, n. Redundancy, inun-
dation, deluge, exuberance, su-
ANT. Subsidence, deficiency,
Overruling. Governing, control-
ling, superior, predominant, di-
recting, prevailing.
ANT. Governed, controlled,
inferior, subordinate.
Oversight. Charge, superin-
tendence, management, super-
vision, command, care, watch-
fulness, surveillance, control,
inspection, direction, watch ;
omission, error, inadvertence.
ANT. Mismanagement, neg-
ligence, disregard, slight ; par-
ticularity, attention to mi-
Overt. Public, manifest, appar-
ent, deliberate, open, avowed.
ANT. Covert, secret, furtive,
clandestine, implied.
Overthrow. Upset, ruin, de-
molish, destroy, overcome, de-
ANT. Restore, reinstate, re-
Overture. Proposal, proposition,,
offer, opening, prelude, invita-
tion, advance, initiation.
ANT. Inaction, quiescence.
Overweening. Rash, arrogant,
egoistic, vain, haughty, con-
ANT. Affable, courteous, so-
ciable, condescending, gracious,
polite, approachable.
Overwhelm. Submerge, en-
gulf, immerse, overpower, ex-
tinguish, bury, crush, sink,
subdue, vanquish, conquer, de-
ANT. Raise, reinstate, rees-
tablish, rescue, extricate.
Owe. Be indebted for, be obliged
for, borrow, hypothecate, at-
ANT. Repay, requite, defray,
Own. Possess, grant, acknowl-
edge, admit, confess, avow.
ANT. Lose, disown, abandon,
forfeit, alienate, disinherit, ab-
Pacific. Appeasing, reconciling,
tranquil, mild, calm, peaceful,
ANT. Harsh, irritating, ex-
asperating, quarrelsome, tur-
bulent, tumultuous, war-
Pacification. Conciliation, com-
promise, reconcilement, adjust-
ment, reconciliation.
ANT. Warfare, fighting, hos-
tilities, war.
Pact. Agreement, league, com-
pact, covenant, bargain, stipu-
lation, alliance, bond.
ANT. Understanding, prom-
ise, parole, honor.
Paean. Jubilation.
ANT. Dirge.
Pagan, a. Gentile, heathen, idol-
ANT. Christian, believer.
Paganism. Heathenism, poly-
theism, pantheism.
ANT. Christianity, Christen-
[ 221 ]
Pageant. Spectacle, exhibition,
display, show, ceremony, proces-
sion, parade.
ANT. Illusion, mockery, fan-
tasmagoria, dream.
Pageantry. Pomp, parade, dis-
play, show, spectacle, splendor,
Pain, n. Agony, ache, distress,
suffering, torture, anguish, tor-
ment, pang, throe, paroxysm,
twinge, woe, grief.
ANT. Ease, peace, rapture,
enjoyment, relief, solace, com-
fort, delight.
Pain, v. Hurt, grieve, afflict, dis-
quiet, trouble, distress, agonize,
torment, torture.
ANT. Please, delight, rejoice,
charm, refresh.
Painful. Disquieting, trouble-
some, afflictive, distressing, la-
borious, grievous, toilsome, ar-
duous, difficult.
ANT. Pleasant, pleasurable,
acceptable, agreeable, grateful,
desirable, delectable, delicious.
Painstaking. Careful, diligent,
attentive, faithful, laborious.
ANT. Neglectful, heedless, un-
mindful, disregardful, improv-
ident, thoughtless, careless.
Paint. Color, picture, depict,
delineate, sketch, draw, por-
ANT. Misrepresent, carica-
ture, daub.
Pair. Two, couple, span, brace,
ANT. One, several, many.
Pale. Pallid, white, wan, color-
less, dim, sallow.
ANT. Ruddy, high-colored,
conspicuous, brilliant.
Palliate. Cover, conceal, exten-
uate, hide, veil, screen, cloak,
gloss over, apologize for, miti-
ANT. Alleviate; aggravate,
heighten, increase, intensify.
Palm. Laurels, bays, prize, tro-
phy, crown.
ANT. Shame, blot, stigma,
Palpable. Perceptible, obvious,
plain, gross, material, corpo-
real, manifest, evident, patent,
ANT. Immaterial, intangible,
ethereal, impalpable, indistinct,
dubious, imperceptible.
Paltry. Contemptible, worth-
less, mean, vile, pitiful, trifling.
ANT. Valuable, estimable,
admirable, worthy, grand, ex-
cellent, magnificent.
Panegyric. Eulogy, encomium,
praise, laudation, commenda-
ANT. Satire, sarcasm, tirade,
stricture, invective, philippic.
Pang. Agony, anguish, distress,
paroxysm, throe.
ANT. Pleasure, delight, re-
freshment, enjoyment, gratifi-
Parable. Fable, allegory, apo-
logue, similitude.
ANT. History, fact, narra-
Parade, n. Ostentation, display,
show, pomp, pageant, spectacle,
ANT. Modesty, humility, re-
tirement, simplicity, plainness,
seclusion, suppression.
Paradise. Bliss, heaven, Eden,
ecstasy, Elysium.
ANT. Purgatory, hell, tor-
ture, misery, torment.
Paradox. Contradiction, ambi-
guity, absurdity, enigma, mys-
ANT. Axiom, postulate, pre-
cept, truism, proposition.
Parallel. Correspondent, correl-
lative, analogous, concurrent,
ANT. Different, opposed, di-
vergent, irrelative, incongruous.
F 222 ]
Paralyze. Deaden, benumb, un-
nerve, destroy, impair, enfeeble,
prostrate, debilitate.
ANT. Nerve, strengthen, re-
store, invigorate.
Paramount. Supreme, pree"mi-
nent, chief, superior, principal.
ANT. Minor, inferior, secon-
dary, subordinate.
Parasite. Flatterer, sycophant,
ANT. Calumniator, traducer,
Pardon, n. Absolution, mercy,
forgiveness, forbearance, remis-
sion, acquittal, indulgence.
ANT. Penalty, punishment,
vengeance, retribution, retalia-
Pardon, v. Condone, forgive, ab-
solve, excuse, overlook, remit,
pass over or by, acquit.
ANT. Convict, castigate, con-
demn, chastise, correct, punish,
doom, sentence, scourge, visit
upon, recompense, chasten.
Pardonable. Excusable, forgiv-
able, venial.
ANT. Inexcusable, unpar-
Parentage. Descent, extraction,
lineage, birth, stock, pedigree.
Parsimonious. Avaricious, fru-
gal, sparing, close, stingy, pe-
nurious, niggardly, illiberal.
ANT. Liberal, profuse, un-
sparing, extravagant.
Part, n. Fraction, fragment, sec-
tion, atom, segment, element,
piece, portion, instalment, con-
stituent, component, ingredient,
member, particle, share, subdi-
ANT. Whole, mass, bulk, en-
tirety, quantity, totality.
Partake. Share, participate.
ANT. Yield, forfeit, forego,
Partial. Biased, restricted, spe-
cific, limited, imperfect, incom-
plete, unfair, unjust, warped,
interested, inequitable.
ANT. Unrestricted, univer-
sal, general, equitable, just, un-
biased, impartial.
Particle. Atom, corpuscle, iota,
grain, jot, mite, molecule, ele-
ment, whit, tittle, scrap, shred*
ANT. Mass, quantity, sum,
entirety, sum total, whole, ag-
gregate, total.
Particular, n. Detail, point, fea-
ANT. Whole, subject, case.
Particular, a. Sole, single, indi-
vidual, respective, appropriate,
personal, singular, important,
peculiar, especial, specific, pre-
cise, critical, circumstantial.
ANT. Universal, general, com-
prehensive, indiscriminate, ab-
stract, inaccurate, inexact, un-
dis criminating.
Parting. Separation, leave-tak-
ing, farewell, dividing, division,
disruption, detachment.
ANT. Union, attachment.
Partisan. Adherent, follower,
supporter, disciple.
ANT. Opponent, antagonist^
Partition. Division, distribu-
tion, separation, allotment, ap-
portionment; compartment, in-
terspace, barrier.
ANT. Combination, inclu-
sion, comprehension, collection,
Partly. In part, somewhat, par-
tially, not wholly.
ANT. Altogether, entirely,
completely, to the full extent.
Partner. Associate, colleague,
coadjutor, confederate, partici-
pator, partaker, comrade, mate,
ANT. Rival, competitor, op~
ponent, adversary, alien.
Partnership. Company, firm.
[ 223 ]
union, connection, society, in-
terest, house, association, parti-
ANT. Independence, discon-
nection, disjunction, disunion,
Pass. Go, move, proceed, disap-
pear, vanish, depart, take place,
occur, elapse, spend, live, ex-
perience; transcend, exceed;
send, transmit, deliver; utter,
promise, pledge; finish.
ANT. Hold up; abide, wait,
halt, continue, endure.
Passable. Navigable, current,
acceptable, tolerable, admissi-
ble, moderate, traversible, me-
ANT. Impassable, impene-
trable, inadmissible, impervi-
ous; excellent.
Passage. Transit, conveyance,
journey, way, road, path, hall,
course, progress, process, vesti-
bule, corridor.
Passible. Susceptible, sensitive,
sensible, impressible.
ANT. Impassible, insuscepti-
ble, unsensitive.
Passion. Feeling, emotion, sus-
ceptibility, sentiment, ardor, ex-
citement, desire, anger, warmth,
ANT. Indifference, apathy,
coldness, coolness, frigidity.
Passive. Quiescent, unopposing,
enduring, submissive, patient,
unresisting, inert, inactive, re-
laxed, negative.
ANT. Resistant, positive, im-
patient, vehement, active, alert.
Past. Gone by, elapsed, ended,
spent, departed, late, accom-
ANT. Present; future.
Pastime. Entertainment, recre-
ation, sport, play, amusement,
ANT. Business, work, task,
labor, occupation, study.
Patent. Open, expanded, evident,
apparent, manifest, public.
ANT. Ambiguous, question-
able, dubious.
Paternal. Fatherly, tender, care-
ful, hereditary.
ANT. Careless, rough, harsh;
acquired, conferred, won.
Path. Footway, track, pathway,
route, course, road; method.
Pathetic. Affecting, emotional,
moving, pitiful, tender, touch-
ing, melting, plaintive.
ANT. Ludicrous, ridiculous,
farcical, unaffecting.
Pathless. Untrodden, impene-
trable, trackless.
ANT. Trodden, frequented.
Patience. Composure, calmness,
leniency, fortitude, sufferance,
submission, endurance, forbear-
ance, resignation, long-suffer-
ANT. Anger, impatience, ire,
passion, fury, frenzy, rage, tem-
per, vexation, petulance, wrath,
fretfulness, peevishness.
Patient. Resigned, passive, en-
during, unrepining, calm, for-
bearing, long-suffering.
ANT. Impatient, insubmis-
sive, malcontent, vehement, re-
Patrician. Noble, aristocratic,
high-born, well-born.
ANT. Plebeian, churlish, or-
dinary, peasant.
Patrimony. Heritage, inherit-
ance, estate.
Pattern. Archetype, exem-
plar, specimen, sample, design,
ANT. Caricature, misrepre-
sentation, monstrosity, perver-
Paucity. Scantiness, deficiency,
fewness, lack, want, rarity.
ANT. Fulness, number, fre-
qitcnry. abundance, quantity.
Pause, M. Stop, cessation, inter-
[ 224 ]
ruption, suspension, hesitation,
suspense, doubt.
ANT. Continuance, continu-
ity, perseverance, progress, pro-
gression, advancement.
Pause, v. Stop, cease, intermit,
wait, stay, tarry, demur, hesi-
ANT. Continue, proceed, per-
sist, persevere, advance.
Pay, n. Earnings, stipend, sal-
ary, wages, allowance, retainer,
remuneration, payment, com-
pensation, hire, fee, requital,
Pay, v. Recompense, requite, sat-
isfy, compensate, discharge, re-
munerate, fulfil, expend, liqui-
date, disburse.
ANT. Deprive, defraud, re-
tain, exact, hoard, invest.
Payment. Pay, compensation,
satisfaction, content, salary, re-
ward, wages, recompense, re-
quital, return.
Peace. Quiet, calm, repose, tran-
quillity, stillness, silence, har-
mony, amity, concord, reconcil-
iation, order, pacification.
ANT. Noise, disturbance, dis-
order, ivar, strife, discord, vari-
ance, tumult, agitation, hostil-
Peaceable. Peaceful, pacific, un-
disturbed, tranquil, quiet, mild,
serene, still.
ANT. Warlike, quarrelsome,
hostile, savage, fierce, violent,
Peasant. Countryman, rustic,
swain, laborer, villager.
ANT. Citizen, townsman.
Peculiar. Special, especial, in-
dividual, particular, appropri-
ate, unusual, singular, strange,
ANT. General, universal, or-
dinary, public, common.
Peculiarity. Individuality, sin-
gularity, idiosyncrasy, distinc-
tiveness, specialty, characteris-
tic, particularity.
ANT. Universality, general-
ity, uniformity, homogeneity,
Pedigree. Lineage, descent, an-
cestry, genealogy, birth, paren-
ANT. Ancestor, founder, ori-
gin; plebeianism; extinction.
Peer. Equal, match, mate, com-
rade, associate; nobleman.
ANT. Superior; subordinate.
Peerless. Unmatched, matchless,
unequaled, unique, superlative,
ANT. Ordinary, mediocre,
Peevish. Querulous, cross, testy,
ill-tempered, captious, discon-
tented, petulant, irritable, ill-
natured, irascible.
ANT. Good-natured, easy, ge-
nial, mild, complaisant, gentle.
Penal. Punitive, retributive, cor-
ANT. Preventive, reparatory;
honorary, remunerary.
Penalty. Retribution, forfeiture,
fine, punishment, amercement,
ANT. Reuxird, tcages, guer-
don, prize, honorarium, remu-
neration, compensation.
Pendent. Pendulous, overhang-
ing, hanging, suspended, de-
ANT. Supported, sustaining,
Penetrate. Enter, pierce, com-
prehend, discern, understand,
perforate, permeate, fathom.
ANT. Glance off, be tangent
to, find impermeable; misun-
derstand, mistake; float.
Penetration. Discernment, sa-
gacity, acuteness, discrimina-
tion, sharpness, observation, in-
ANT. Obtuseness, shortsight*
[ 225 ]
ednets; stupidity, shallowness,
Penitence. Repentance, contri
tion, remorse, sorrow, regret,
ANT. Self-approval, gratula-
tion; obduracy, hardhearted-
Penitent, Penitential. Repent-
ant, contrite, doing penance.
ANT. Impenitent, obdurate,
Pensive. Thoughtful, sad, wist-
ful, meditative, dreamy, sober;
serious, mournful, melancholy,
solemn, reflective.
ANT. Joyous, glad, happy,
gay, care-free, thoughtless, un-
Penurious. Covetous, parsimo-
nious, stingy, avaricious, nig-
gardly, sordid.
ANT. Liberal, bountiful, gen-
erous, prodigal.
Penury. Want, privation, indi-
gence, poverty, destitution, beg-
gary, need.
ANT. Wealth, abundance, af-
fluence, luxury, competence.
People. Nation, race, popula-
tion, state, tribe, community,
Perceivable, Perceptible. Dis-
cernible, distinguishable, cog-
nizable, observable.
ANT. Imperceptible, indis-
tinguishable, insensible, inap-
Perceive. Comprehend, appre-
hend, conceive, understand.
ANT. Ignore, lose, miss, fail
of, overlook, misconceive, mis-
Perception. Discernment, ap-
prehension, recognition, under-
standing, comprehension, feel-
ing, sensation, sense.
ANT. Conception, concept,
imagination, idea, notion; mis-
Percolate. Filter, strain, exude,
drain, ooze.
ANT. Flow, rush, stream,
run, disgorge.
Percussion. Shock, clash, col-
lision, concussion, encounter.
ANT. Recoil, rebound, rever-
Perdition. Loss, ruin, destruc-
tion, overthrow, wreck, demoli-
ANT. Restoration, recovery,
rescue, salvation.
Peremptory. Decisive, positive,
absolute, final, authoritative,
arbitrary, express, dogmatical,
determined, resolute.
ANT. Hortatory, mild, en-
treative, expostulatory, sugges-
Perennial. Perpetual, unceas-
ing, never failing, enduring,
continual, constant, permanent,
ANT. Occasional, intermit-
tent, periodic, uncertain; per-
ishing, ephemeral, transient,
Perfect. Finished, complete, en-
tire, faultless, consummate, ac-
curate, ideal, finished, absolute,
completed, correct, immaculate,
sinless, blameless, holy, unde-
filed, stainless, spotless, un-
ANT. Imperfect, bad, defi-
cient, blemished, faulty, cor-
rupt, poor, inferior, incomplete,
perverted, worthless, spoiled,
insufficient, meager, defective,
short, scant, marred, defaced,
corrupted, deformed, fallible,
Perfection. Excellence, complete-
ness, faultlessness, maturity,
wholeness, consummation, per-
ANT. Defect, imperfection,
incompleteness, blemish.
Perfectly. Thoroughly, exqui-
[ 226 ]
sitely, completely, faultlessly,
entirely, fully, wholly, exactly,
ANT. Imperfectly, faultily,
partially, inaccurately.
Perfidious. False, treacherous,
faithless, disloyal, dishonest,
ANT. True, loyal, stanch, up-
right, faithful, honest, trust-
Perform. Complete, accomplish,
execute, do, discharge, fulfil ;
represent, act, play, enact, con-
summate, achieve.
ANT. Spoil, injure, harm,
ruin, mar ; fail of, misconduct.
Performance. Completion, con-
summation, execution, accom-
plishment, achievement, work,
production, act, action, deed,
exploit, feat.
ANT. Failure, defeat, omis-
sion, abortion, undoing, non-
Perfume. Odor, redolence, balmi-
ness, fragrance, smell, aroma,
ANT. Stench, stink, fume.
Perfunctory. Mechanical, care-
less, listless, indifferent.
ANT. Animated, spirited, as-
siduous, careful, ardent, zeal-
ous, interested.
Perhaps. By chance, peradven-
ture, perchance, maybe, haply,
ANT. Certainly, inevitably.
Peril. Hazard, risk, jeopardy,
danger, venture, insecurity, li-
ANT. Safety, assurance, cer-
tainty, security.
Period. Time, cycle, age, epoch,
limit, end, conclusion ; era, du-
ration, date, term, continuance,
termination, conclusion, bound.
ANT. Eternity, infinity, per-
petuity, endlessness, everlast-
Periodical. Recurring, regular,
stated, recurrent, systematic,
calculable, serial.
ANT. Indeterminate, eccen-
tric, fitful, spasmodic, irregu-
Permanent. Enduring, abiding,
changeless, constant, durable,
steadfast, unchangeable, im-
mutable, invariable, fixed, un-
changing, stable, lasting, per-
sistent, perpetual.
ANT. Transient, brief, fleet-
ing, evanescent, passing, tran-
sitory, momentary, temporary,
Permission. Authority, allow-
ance, consent, liberty, leave, li-
cense, permit, authorization.
ANT. Hindrance, opposition,
objection, denial, prevention,
prohibition, refusal, resistance.
Pernicious. Mischievous, bane-
ful, destructive, noisome, dele-
terious, harmful, hurtful, poi-
sonous, noxious, pestilential,
unhealthful, unwholesome, det-
rimental, deadly, evil, foul, in-
jurious, insalubrious, pestifer-
ous, perverting, ruinous.
ANT. Helpful, invigorating,
salutary, advantageous, good,
favorable, life-giving, rejuven-
ating, useful, serviceable, be-
neficent, wholesome, beneficial,
Perpetual. Continual, endless,
unceasing, unfailing, incessant,
constant, eternal, everlasting,
perennial, permanent, endur-
ANT. Periodic, transient, re-
current, temporary, occasional,
casual, momentary.
Perplex. Entangle, involve, com-
plicate, embarrass, puzzle, be-
wilder, confuse, distract, annoy,
confound, trouble, worry, dis-
turb, pester, bother, mystify.
ANT. Enlighten, clear, e-
[ 227 ]
plicate, simplify, elucidate, il-
lumine, unfold, explain, mani-
fest, calm, quiet, control, please,
instruct, solve, illustrate, make
intelligible, account for.
Perplexity. Confusion, bewil-
derment, disturbance, distrac-
tion, doubt, embarrassment, as-
tonishment, amazement.
ANT. Composure, calmness;
discernment, insight.
Perseverance. Persistency, te-
nacity, steadfastness, steadi-
ness, constancy, pertinacity, in-
defatigableness, resolution.
ANT. Fitfulness, caprice, in-
stability, variableness, irregu-
larity, indecision, vacillation,
wavering, irresoluteness.
Perspicacity. Acuteness, keen-
ness, discernment, penetration,
perspicaciousness, insight, sa-
gacity, astuteness, distinctness,
ANT. Dulness, stupefaction,
obtuseness, hebetude, stolidity,
inobservance, insensibility.
Perspicuity. Plainess, lucidity,
clearness, explicitness, intelli-
gibility, transparency, perspic-
ANT. Obscurity, turbidness,
unintelligibility, incomprehen-
sibility, indefiniteness, doubt-
fulness, mysticism, confusion.
Persuade. Dispose, allure, en-
tice, urge, move, influence, pre-
vail upon, coax, bring over, in-
cline, convince, lead, induce, in-
cite, win over, impel.
ANT. Deter, discourage, re-
strain, hinder, repel, dissuade,
hold back.
Pertinent. Apposite, relevant,
suitable, appropriate, proper,
fit, adapted.
ANT. Unrelated, unsuitable,
impertinent, incongruous, alien,
unconnected, discordant, inhar-
Pertness. Impertinence, bold-
ness, forwardness, sauciness,
flippancy, impudence, briskness,
liveliness, smartness, sprightli-
ANT. Diffidence, humility,
modesty, shyness, bashfulness,
Perverse. Obstinate, contrary,
fractious, froward, intractable,
petulant, wilful, wayward, un-
governable, stubborn, factious,
ANT. Compliant, genial, ac-
commodating, governable, kind,
obliging, complaisant, amen-
Petition, n. Prayer, supplica-
tion, entreaty; solicitation, ap-
plication, suit, appeal, address.
ANT. Protest, claim, expos-
tulation, demand, injunction,
dictation, exaction, dissension,
Philanthropy. Love, good will,
charity, benevolence, humanity,
ANT. Misanthropy, ill will,
Philosopher. Student, theorist,
speculator, teacher, master, sa-
vant, schoolman, doctor; adept.
ANT. Learner, pupil, begin-
ner; ignoramus, dunce.
Philosophical. Rational, wise,
temperate, calm, cool, reason-
able, sound, collected, composed,
sedate, tranquil, Platonic.
ANT. Popular, crude, loose,
inaccurate, illogical, irrational,
unsound, unscientific, thought-
less, hotheaded, impulsive.
Physical. Material, natural, cor-
poral, sensible, visible, tangible,
bodily, corporeal.
ANT. Mental, spiritual, im-
material, unsubstantial, hyper-
physical, intangible, moral, un-
real, intellectual, invisible.
Picturesque. Graphic, vivid, ar-
[ 228 ]
tistic, beautiful, scenic, picto-
rial, graceful, comely, seemly.
ANT. Unseemly, ugly, inar-
tistic, ungraceful, tame, flat, in-
Piety. Sanctity, godliness, holi-
ness, religion, reverence, devo-
tion, grace.
ANT. Impiety, sacrilege, sin-
fulness, ungodliness, hypocrisy,
formalism, sanctimoniousness.
Piquant. Tart, sharp, pungent,
stimulating, biting, racy, sting-
ing, cutting, severe.
ANT. Flat, tame, dull, in-
Pique. Resentment, umbrage, ir-
ritation, displeasure, grudge,
ANT. Delight, gratification,
pleasure, satisfaction, content-
ment, approval, complacency.
Piteous. Sorrowful, mournful,
affecting, doleful, lamentable,
woful, rueful, sad, pitiable, piti-
ANT. Joyous, glad, merry,
happy, cheerful, comfortable,
desirable, pleasant, agreeable,
Pitiful. Lamentable, mournful,
base, contemptible, piteous, pa-
thetic, pitiable, touching, sor-
rowful, woful, wretched, despic-
able, moving, paltry.
ANT. Exalted, glorious, help-
ful, great, grand, sublime, supe-
rior, beneficent, commanding,
august, dignified, noble, lofty,
mighty, superb.
Pity. Sympathy, mercy, tender-
ness, condolence, compassion,
ANT. Cruelty, severity, mer-
cilessness, sternness, hardness,
rigor, inhumanity, brutality,
barbarity, harshness, pitiless-
ness, ruthlessness, hard-heart-
edness, ferocity, truculence.
Placid. Pleased, contented, un-
ruffled, undisturbed, peaceful,
serene, tranquil, quiet, gentle,
collected, calm, composed, pas-
ANT. Discontent, disturbed,
distressed, anxious, distracted,
perplexed, distrait; vehement,
wild, passionate, impulsive, agi-
tated, ruffled, excited, impas-
Plain. Artless, undisguised, sin-
cere, frank, honest, ingenuous,
candid, unembellished, simple,
downright, blunt, distinct, ap-
parent, manifest, open, clear,
evident, visible, obvious, unmis-
takable, conspicuous, level, flat,
smooth; easy, natural, homely,
ugly; simple, frugal.
ANT. Unnatural, pretended,
affected, assumed, feigned, arti-
ficial, insincere, vain, preten-
tious, conceited; ornate, orna-
mented, decorated, embellished;
involved, obscure, hidden, invis-
ible, inconspicuous, uneven, un-
dulating, rugged, broken, am-
biguous, abrupt, obstructed, un-
certain, enigmatical, abstruse;
beautiful, sophisticated, artful.
Plant, v. Seed, set, sow, seed
down, set out.
ANT. Eradicate, uproot, ex-
tirpate, weed out, root up.
Plausible. Specious, seeming,
pretending, fair-spoken, pass-
able, pretentious, ostensible, ap-
parent; colorable, feasible.
ANT. Genuine, transparent,
true, sterling, veritable, unmis-
takable, authentic, sincere, un-
Plead. Advocate, ask, beg, urge,
argue, solicit, entreat, implore,
ANT. Grant, bestow, an-
Pleasant. Kindly, obliging, at-
tractive, pleasing, pleasurable,
agreeable, kind, good-natured.
[ 229 1
ANT. Disagreeable, gloomy,
glum, harsh, hateful, repulsive,
unpleasant, repellent, offensive,
unkind, forbidding, dreary, ar-
rogant, austere, grim, ill-na-
tured, ill-humored, repelling.
Pleasure. Satisfaction, comfort,
solace, joy, gladness, delight,
will, chdice, purpose, command,
kindness, enjoyment, gratifica-
tion, happiness, self-indulgence,
ANT. Suffering, affliction,
pain, sorrow, sadness, distress,
misery, compulsion, force, coer-
cion; mourning, depression, de-
jection, melancholy, misfortune,
poverty, want.
Plenitude. Fulness, abundance,
completeness, plenty, repletion,
plethora; luxury, affluence, ex-
uberance, wealth, richness, pro-
fusion, amplitude, enough, sup-
ply, sufficiency.
ANT. Want, need, scarcity,
scantiness, dearth, insufficiency,
restriction, poverty, partiality,
stint, reserve, narrowness, pen-
ury, impecuniosity.
Plentiful. Bountiful, generous,
large, abundant, adequate, copi-
ous, enough, full, profuse, rich,
sufficient, complete, exuberant,
plenteous, replete, teeming, af-
fluent, ample, lavish, liberal,
luxuriant, overflowing, abound-
ANT. Deficient, drained, im-
poverished, scanty, insufficient,
small, sparing, stingy, strait-
ened, poor, scant, exhausted, in-
adequate, mean, miserly, nar-
row, niggardly, scarce, short,
Plot. Intrigue, conspiracy, cabal,
contrivance, scheme, stratagem,
project, combination, machina-
tion; story.
ANT. Blunder, botch; mis-
arrangemeni, miscontrivance.
Poet. Bard, author of poems,
singer, rimster, rimer, versifier.
Poetical. Metrical, rhythmical,
lyric, rimed, versified; imag-
inative, fictitious, creative.
ANT. Prosaic, unpoetical,
unrimed, unversified, unrhyth-
mic; commonplace, matter-of-
fact, unimaginative, realistic;
mathematical, historical.
Poetry. Meter, rime, numbers,
poesy, song, verse, poem, met-
rical composition.
ANT. Prose, prosaic speech,
prosaic writing.
Poignant. Pricking, piercing,
sharp, pungent; pointed, keen,
ANT. Blunt, dull, obtuse, in-
sipid, pointless, vapid, inexpres-
Poisonous. Venomous, baneful,
corrupting, noxious, pestilen-
tial, malignant, virulent, pes-
tiferous, deleterious, mephitic.
ANT. Salubrious, loholesome,
healthful, beneficial, sanative,
genial, remedial, hygienic.
Polite. Courteous, civil, courtly,
obliging, gracious, polished, ac-
complished, complaisant, culti-
vated, cultured, elegant, gen-
teel, urbane, well-behaved, well-
mannered, well-bred.
ANT. Awkward, clownish,
unmannerly, uncouth, boorish,
blunt, impertinent, bsusk, bluff,
impolite, insolent, eoarse, ill-
bred, ill-behaved, rude, rustic,
impudent, ill-mannered, untu-
tored, uncivil, untaught, dis-
courteous, unpolished, insult-
Politeness. Courtesy, civility,
gentility, refinement, courtli-
ness, elegance, urbanity, good
breeding, decorum, complai-
sance, affability.
ANT. Rudeness, arrogance,
incivility, churlishness, ungra-
[ 230 ]
ciousness, insolence, sauciness,
impertinence, effrontery, pre-
Poor. Needy, indigent, desti-
tute; lean, emaciated; feeble,
dejected; shabby, mean; unfa-
vorable, uncomfortable ; bar-
ren; sterile; inadequate, insig-
nificant, insufficient; meek.
ANT. Rich, wealthy, afflu-
ent, opulent; splendid, costly,
valuable, estimable; fruitful,
abundant, luxuriant, produc-
tive, prolific; copious, abound-
ing, ample, well- supplied, com-
fortable, favorable; adequate,
sufficient; important, signifi-
cant, arrogant, self-assertive.
Popular. Cheap, common, ordi-
nary, inferior; familiar, plain,
easy, comprehensible; favorite,
liked, approved, accepted, ac-
credited ; current, prevalent,
general, prevailing; pertaining
to the people, vulgar, plebeian;
ANT. Unpopular, exclusive,
aristocratic, snobbish; special,
excellent, unique, superior, emi-
nent; selfish, narrow, illiberal,
uncharitable; sole, only, scien-
c tific, restricted, esoteric; odi-
ous, detested.
Position. Situation, station, as-
sertion, place, posture, locality,
site ; attitude ; state, condition,
circumstances ; principle, doc-
trine, proposition, dictum, affir-
mation, thesis; rank.
Positive. Real, actual, absolute,
explicit, definite, confident, cer-
tain, dogmatic; defined, precise,
clear; veritable, substantial,
true ; indisputable, incontro-
vertible; indubitable; decisive,
unconditional, imperative, un-
equivocal, settled, assured, ex-
ANT. Negative, denying, in-
direct, disavowing, disclaiming,
privative; relative; unreal, fic-
titious, imaginative, contingent,
dependent, implied, conditional,
dubious, unsubstantial, indefi-
nite, equivocal.
Possession. Control, ownership,
tenure, retention, management,
occupation; (pi. ) property, es-
tate, wealth, dominion.
ANT. Dispossession, resigna-
tion, surrender, abandoning, re-
Potent. Powerful, mighty, puis-
sant, strong, able, efficient, effi-
cacious, forcible, cogent, influ-
ential, effective, active, ener-
ANT. Impotent, powerless,
weak, feeble, infirm; inefficient,
incapable, incompetent, inca-
Potential. Possible, implicit, un-
developed, virtual, immanent,
inherent, intrinsic.
ANT. Actual, explicit, real,
objective, developed, express,
determinate, positive, clear,
Poverty. Distress, beggary, in-
digence, destitution, pauperism,
penury, privation, want, need,
ANT. Wealth, riches, afflu-
ence, luxury, comfort.
Power. Ability, competency, ca-
pacity, faculty, aptitude, dex-
terity, efficiency, might, talent,
energy, skill, strength, readi-
ness, capability, cleverness, ex-
pertness, efficacy, force, qualifi-
cation, cogency, susceptibility.
ANT. Feebleness, weakness,
helplessness, impotence, incom-
petence, inability, inaptitude,
dulness, awkwardness, imbecil-
ity, incapacity, inefficiency, un-
skilfulness, maladroitness, stu-
Practice, n. Usage, habit, cus-
tom; performance, application,
[ 231 ]
system ; manner, method, mode,
ANT. Theory, speculation,
assumption, ideal, conjecture,
Practice, v. Do, perform, exer-
cise, carry out, execute; teach,
train; habituate, try; apply,
use; pursue.
ANT. Abandon, misuse, dis-
use, neglect, disregard, slight,
omit, pass over.
Praise, n. Applause, approval,
cheering, compliment, acclaim,
adulation, acclamation, appro-
bation, cheers, plaudit, eulogy,
encomium, flattery, laudation,
panegyric, sycophancy.
ANT. Abuse, blame, censure,
contempt, reproach, ignominy,
slander, scorn, obloquy, animad-
version, condemnation, denun-
ciation, disapprobation, dispar-
agement, vituperation, reproof,
disapproval, repudiation, hiss-
ing, vilification.
Praise, v. Laud, eulogize, cele-
brate, magnify, glorify; honor,
commend; applaud, extol, com-
ANT. Decry, blame, censure,
reprove, disparage, depreciate,
discredit, traduce, condemn.
Pray. Ask, beg, beseech, entreat,
implore, invoke, petition, sup-
plicate, request, importune, bid,
plead, call upon, conjure.
Precarious. Doubtful, dubious,
hazardous, perilous, risky, in-
secure, uncertain, unsettled, un-
steady, unstable, unassured.
ANT. Firm, settled, stable,
sure, certain, real, undoubted,
unquestionable, actual, assured,
immutable, incontestable, unde-
niable, infallible, strong, steady.
Precaution. Foresight, prudence,
forethought, providence, wari-
ness, care.
ANT. Thoughtlessness, im-
providence, carelessness, impru-
Precedent, n. Example, antece-
dent, case, instance, pattern,,
authority, warrant.
Precept. Commandment, law,
injunction, mandate, rule, di-
rection, principle, maxim; doc-
trine, dogma; order; instruc-
ANT. Hint, suggestion, allu-
sion, insinuation, prompting,
impulse, instigation.
Precise. Accurate, exact, correct,
definite, scrupulous, punctili-
ous, particular, nice, formal;
explicit, terse.
ANT. Inaccurate, inexact, in-
correct, heedless, careless, in-
cautious, implicit, ambiguous,
circumlocutory, loose, vague, in-
formal, unceremonious.
Predatory. Plundering, pillaging,
ravaging, rapacious, maraud-
ANT. Protecting, guarding,
watching, keeping, sheltering,
shielding, saving.
Predestination. Fate, neces-
sity, foreknowledge, foreordina-
ANT. Choice, freedom, free
will, independence, uncertainty,
accident, chance, free agency.
Prediction. Prophecy, prognos-
tication, foreboding, divination,
augury, soothsaying, vaticina-
tion, foretelling, presage.
ANT. Reminiscence, recol-
lection, report; history, nar-
ration, account.
Preface. Introduction, proem,
preamble, prologue, exordium,
ANT. Sequel, postscript, ap-
pendix, peroration, epilogue,
Prefer. Choose, elect, select, de-
sire, pick out, fancy, single
out, fix upon; elevate, advance,
[ 232 1
promote; offer, proffer, pre-
sent, address.
ANT. Reject, discard, decline,
refuse, repudiate; degrade, de-
press; postpone, defer, with-
Prejudice. Bias, partiality, un-
fairness, preconception, pre-
possession, presumption.
ANT. Certainty, evidence,
proof, conviction, conclusion,
demonstration, reason, reason-
Preliminary. Prior, introduc-
tory, preparatory, prefatory,
proemial, previous, precedent,
ANT. Subsequent, follow-
ing, consequent, appended, suc-
Premium. Reward, remunera-
tion, recompense, prize, bonus,
bounty, guerdon, meed, bribe,
douceur, enhancement, gratuity.
ANT. Penalty, fine, mulct,
amercement, forfeiture, depre-
ciation, decline, fall, loss.
Preposterous. Irrational, fool-
ish, monstrous, absurd, per-
verted, extravagant, ridicu-
lous, exorbitant.
ANT. Reasonable, moderate,
right, just, due, fair, judicious,
mediocre, commonplace.
Presence. Person, personality,
individuality, port, mien, ap-
pearance, nearness, immedi-
acy; vicinity, neighborhood.
ANT. Absence, distance, re-
moteness, separation; society,
world; temperament, charac-
Preservation. Security, safety,
maintenance, conservation, in-
tegrity, protection, care, guar-
dianship, watch and ward,
ANT. Exposure, abandon-
ment, impairment, peril, dam-
age, injury.
Presumption. Assumption, ar-
rogance, effrontery, audacity,
assurance; presupposition, hy-
pothesis, guess, conjecture, be-
lief, opinion, judgment, under-
standing, concession, condi-
ANT. Modesty, deference,
diffidence, bashfulness, hesita-
tion; proof, deduction, demon-
stration, verification, certainty f
Pretend. Claim, represent, al-
lege, simulate, feign, profess;
ANT. Verify, substantiate,
refute, detect, expose, unmask,
Pretense. Disguise, excuse, af-
fectation, mask, show, preten-
sion, semblance, wile, trick,
subterfuge, simulation, ruse,
assumption, pretext, seeming,
dissimulation, air, cloak, color.
ANT. Candor, sincerity, in-
genuousness, frankness, hon-
esty, truth, openness, reality,
simplicity, guilelessness, fact,
Prevalence. Success, superior-
ity, predominance, preponder-
ance; influence, force, power,
strength, efficacy; universality,
extension, acceptation, custom,
ANT. Decay, desuetude, dis-
appearance, evanescence, sub-
ordination, collapse, destruc-
tion, abolition, subsidence, sub-
jection, diminution.
Previous. Antecedent, before,
earlier, precedent, preliminary,
introductory, prior, preceding,
front, forward, former, fore-
going, anterior.
ANT. After, concluding, fol-
lowing, consequent, later, pos-
terior, latter, succeeding, sub-
sequent, hindmost, hinder,
I 233
Price. Expense, outlay, worth,
expenditure, value, charge,
Pride. Arrogance, insolence, re-
serve, haughtiness, self-esteem,
presumption, superciliousness,
vanity, ostentation, conceit,
self-respect, self-exaltation, dis-
dain, vainglory, self-conceit,
ANT. Humility, lowliness,
modesty, self-distrust, meek-
ness, self -abasement.
Primary. First, fundamental,
primitive, original, prepara-
tory; chief, principal, pristine;
elementary, leading.
ANT. Secondary, posterior,
subsequent, later, following;
unimportant, subordinate, in-
ferior; supplemental, auxiliary.
Prime, n. Perfection, culmina-
tion, apex, zenith; dawn, open-
ing, youth, spring, beginning;
cream, flower.
ANT. Wane, winter, even-
ing ; decadence, decay.
Primeval. Immemorial, orig-
inal, old, primal, patriarchal,
native, primitive, pristine, un-
created, ancient, aboriginal, au-
tochthonic, indigenous, prime,
primary, primordial.
ANT. Foreign, fresh, late,
modern, new, novel, recent, ex-
otic, adventitious.
Principal. Highest, most im-
portant, chief, main; leading,
foremost, preeminent, capital,
essential; primary, first.
ANT. Subordinate, inferior,
secondary, auxiliary, supple-
mental, minor, dependent, sub-
servient, ancillary.
Principle. Source, cause, ori-
gin; faculty, endowment; pos-
tulate, truth, maxim, axiom;
rule, law; element; doctrine,
dogma, opinion ; ground, mo-
tive, reason; integrity, recti-
tude, uprightness, probity, vir-
tue, worth, honor.
ANT. Result, sequence, devel-
opment, issue; application, ac-
tion, operation, exercise, mani-
festation, exhibition; iniquity,
Prize. Trophy, honor, reward,
premium, guerdon, palm, laur-
els; capture; gain, advantage;
spoil, plunder, booty.
ANT. Loss, failure, fine, for-
feiture; brand, stigma, infamy.
Probation. Examination, trial,
ordeal, test, assay, proof, ex-
ANT. License, irresponsi-
bility, non-probation.
Proclaim. Publish, announce,
declare, promulgate, herald, ad-
vertise, enunciate, utter, blaze
abroad, report, make known.
ANT. Silence, repress, sup-
press, conceal, secrete; retract,
Prodigal, a. Extravagant, pro-
fuse, lavish, bountiful, waste-
ful, squandering.
ANT. Economical, thrifty,
saving, frugal; close, miserly,
Profession. Avowal, declara-
tion, claim; occupation, voca-
tion, employment; law, theol-
ogy, or medicine; assertion, ac-
knowledgment; representation,
pretense, protestation.
ANT. Denial, concealment,
suppression; retraction, recan-
tation, disavowal; leisure, fad,
hobby, avocation; trade, busi-
Proficient. Expert, adept, skil-
ful, skilled, competent, conver-
sant, qualified, practiced, ac-
complished, finished, trained.
ANT. Unskilled, inexpert,
awkward, ignorant, backward,
inconversant, incompetent, un-
trained, unpracticed, inept.
[ 234 ]
Profit. Gain, advantage, bene-
fit, emolument, improvement,
proceeds, utility, usefulness, re-
turns, value, receipts, avail,
expediency, good, service.
ANT. Damage, destruction,
harm, hurt, loss, injury, waste,
ruin, detriment, disadvantage.
Profitable. Lucrative, beneficial,
useful, advantageous, produc-
tive, desirable, gainful, remun-
ANT. Useless, vain, fruit-
less, unproductive, unremuner-
ative, unprofitable, undesirable,
disadvantageous, detrimental,
Profound. Deep, descending ;
thorough ; fathomless, abys-
mal ; mysterious, abstruse, oc-
cult, obscure, recondite; com-
plete ; penetrating, intimate,
intense, philosophical.
ANT. Superficial, shallow,
commonplace, external, slight,
apparent, obvious, incomplete;
Progress. Advance, advance-
ment, attainment, increase, im-
provement, proficiency, progres-
sion, growth, development.
ANT. Delay, check, retro-
gression, stay, stop, stoppage,
falling off, relapse, decline,
falling back.
Prohibit. Forbid, hinder, in-
hibit, interdict, preclude, pre-
vent, debar, disallow.
ANT. Allow, empower, let,
license, order, require, sanction,
authorize, command, direct, en-
join, permit, warrant, suffer,
tolerate, put up with, give per-
mission, give consent, consent
Prolific. Fertile, fruitful, pro-
ductive, generating, teeming,
ANT. Barren, sterile, unpro-
ductive, unfruitful, effete.
Prolix. Long, diffuse, tiresome,
prolonged, protracted; wordy,
verbose, prosaic, rambling, dis-
cursive; tedious, wearisome.
ANT. Condensed, terse, con-
cise, brief, laconic, curt, epi-
Prominent. Projecting, mani-
fest, protuberant, conspicuous;
eminent, distinguished, famous,
celebrated, important, main,
principal, leading, characteris-
ANT. Receding, hollowed,
concave, indented, engraved;
insignificant, secondary, unim-
portant, minor, indistinguish-
able, indistinct, subordinate, in-
conspicuous, trivial, immate-
rial, unessential.
Promote. Encourage, forward,
foster, push, advance, aid, as-
sist, foment, excite, furth'er,
help, raise, urge forward, urge
on, elevate, exalt.
ANT. Abase, allay; hinder,
prevent, foil, frustrate.
Prompt. Ready, quick, agile,
alert, brisk, nimble, expedi-
tious; willing, hasty, inclined,
disposed, responsive, unhesitat-
ANT. Dilatory, slow, tardy,
lingering, loitering, inactive,
sluggish, unready, unrespon-
sive, procrastinating, behind-
hand, backward.
Pronounce. Deliver, speak, ut-
ter, articulate, enunciate; de-
clare, affirm; propound, assert,
ANT. Mispronounce, gab-
ble, mumble; silence, suppress;
deny, retract.
Propagate. Increase, diffuse,
disseminate, promote; spread,
extend, generate, promulgate,
ANT. Strangle, stifle, extin-
guish, suppress, repress, check t
[ 235 ]
hush up; contract, diminish,
reduce; contradict, deny.
Proper. Own, individual, pecul-
iar, particular; right, fit, de-
cent; personal, constitutional,
special, specific; suitable, ap-
propriate, seemly, legitimate ;
decent, respectable.
ANT. Common, universal,
general; unfitting, inappropri-
ate, unsuitable, unseemly, inde-
cent, wrong, improper, unbe-
coming, unbefitting.
Propitiation. Expiation, sat-
isfaction, atonement, reconcili-
ANT. Reprobation, retribu-
tion, vengeance, wrath, aliena-
tion, estrangement, curse, pen-
alty, punishment, offense, con-
demnation, chastisement.
Propitious. Auspicious, kind,
benign, gracious, friendly, be-
nignant, clement, kindly, fa-
vorable, merciful.
ANT. Adverse, antagonistic,
hostile, repellent, unfriendly,
unpropitious, unfavorable, ill-
disposed, forbidding, inauspi-
Proportion. Ratio, symmetry,
relation, harmony, share, lot;
equality, similarity ; adjust-
ment, distribution; arrange-
ment, adaptation.
ANT. Disproportion, dispar-
ity, disorder, incongruity, dis-
crepancy, absurdity, contrari-
Proposal. Bid, offer, overture,
ANT. Acceptance, denial, re-
fusal, rejection, repulse, disap-
Proposition. Proposal, state-
ment, offer, declaration; over-
ture, suggestion, proffer, ten-
der; position, thesis, dictum,
assertion, affirmation, doctrine.
ANT. Withdrawal, recanta-
tion, abjuration, disavowal, rev-
Prosperity. Thrift, weal, wel-
fare, happiness, well-being, suc-
cess, good fortune.
ANT. Woe, misfortune, ill
luck, failure, adversity, calam-
ity, reverses, affliction, distress,
disaster, misery.
Protest, v. Assert, aver, attest,
testify; affirm, declare; assev-
erate, avow, profess; expostu-
late, remonstrate, repudiate,
deprecate, denounce.
ANT. Retract, utithdraic, ab-
jure, revoke; coincide, sanction,
agree, endorse, subscribe, ac-
Protract. Defer, continue, delay,
extend, elongate, lengthen, pro-
crastinate, postpone, prolong,
draw out.
ANT. Abbreviate, contract,
conclude, hasten, hurry, reduce,
shorten, abridge, curtail, limit.
Proud. Arrogant, haughty, pre-
sumptuous, lordly; worthy, ad-
mirable, grand, splendid, mag-
nificent, ostentatious ; lofty, su-
percilious, imperious, boast-
ful, elated, imposing, vainglo-
ANT. Humble, unassuming,
unobtrusive, meek, lowly, mild,
submissive, unpretending, def-
erential, affable, unpresuming,
Proverb. Axiom, byword, dic-
tum, adage, aphorism, maxim,
motto, precept, truism, saying,
saw, apothegm.
Provide. Prepare, supply, af-
ford, contribute, furnish; en-
gage, bargain, agree ; stipulate ;
ANT. Neglect, withhold, re-
fuse, mismanage, appropriate,
overlook; divert, alienate, mis-
use; fail, disappoint.
Provocation. Vexation, incite-
[ 2.18 1
ment, stimulus, incentive; af-
front, insult, offense, indig-
ANT. Pacification, mitiga-
tion, assuagement; deference,
compliment, homage, honor, re-
Prowess. Heroism, valor, gal-
lantry, bravery, courage, in-
ANT. Fear, effeminacy, ti-
midity, cowardice, cowardli-
ness, pusillanimity.
Prudence. Discretion, frugal-
ity, forethought, judgment, ju-
diciousness, providence, care,
caution, foresight, wisdom, con-
sideration, carefulness, circum-
ANT. Folly, heedlessness,
prodigality, recklessness, indis-
cretion, wastefulness, improvi-
dence, imprudence, thoughtless-
ness, rashness.
Prudent. Cautious, considerate,
judicious, provident; circum-
spect, sagacious, wise, discreet;
frugal, economical, thrifty.
ANT. Reckless, inconsider-
ate, improvident, wasteful, ex-
travagant, lavish, prodigal; in-
discreet, unwise; foolish, rash,
imprudent, audacious.
Public. Common, general, popu-
lar, social, open; notorious.
ANT. Private, individual, se-
cret, domestic, secluded, close,
Punctilious. Exact, particular,
precise, careful, nice, scrupu-
lous, conscientious ; punctual,
ANT. Careless, slovenly, un-
scrupulous; informal, uncere-
Puny. Small, feeble, inferior,
petty; weak, diminutive, unde-
veloped, dwarfed, stunted, un-
dersized, tiny.
ANT. Large, great, rolu-st,
developed, fine, vigorous; colos-
sal, gigantic.
Pupil. Learner, disciple, student,
novice, ward, tyro.
ANT. Teacher, master, profi-
cient, scholar, adept; guardian.
Purchase, v. Buy, obtain, pro-
cure, secure, acquire, bargain
for, barter for, get.
ANT. Exchange, sell, barter,
dispose of, put to sale.
Pure. Innocent, unsullied, spot-
less, unspotted, stainless, true,
guiltless, incorrupt, clean, gen-
uine, chaste, guileless, classic,
classical, holy, immaculate, vir-
tuous, real, sheer, mere, simple,
unmixed, unpolluted, unadul-
terated, unmingled, undefiled,
unblemished, uncorrupted, un-
stained, untainted, untarnished,
upright, perfect.
ANT. Impure, indecent, pol-
luted, foul, tainted, unchaste,
immodest, lewd, obscene, indeli-
cate, defiled, dirty, filthy, gross,
mixed, stained, sullied, unclean,
tarnished, adulterated.
Purpose, n. Design, end, inten-
tion, aim, scope, meaning, ob-
ject, plan, intention, purport,
effect, project.
ANT. Lot, chance, accident,
haphazard, casualty, fate.
Put. Deposit, place, set, lay;
cause, produce, propose, state;
attach, attribute, assign; as-
sume, suppose; entice, con-
ANT. Remove, raise, with-
draw, displace, transpose, trans-
fer, change.
Putrid. Decayed, decomposed,
rotten, stinking, putrefied, foul,
ANT. Clean, sweet, whole-
some, fragrant, pure, healthful,
[ 237 ]
Quaint. Odd, antique; curious,
fanciful, affected, whimsical ;
archaic, singular, unusual ; an-
tiquated, extraordinary, droll.
ANT. Commonplace, usual,
ordinary, common; fashionable,
modish, modern.
'Quality. Property, peculiarity,
sort, disposition, temper; char-
acter, attribute, rank, part, po-
sition; characteristic; acquisi-
tion; nature, trait, mood, con-
dition, station, capacity, ten-
ANT. Negation, heterogene-
ity, anomalousness, lack of dis-
tinction, nondescript, weakness,
ineffectiveness, incapacity, dis-
Quantity. Greatness, measure,
amount, bulk, extent, size, ag-
gregate, length, duration, con-
tent, comprehensiveness.
ANT. Scantiness, want, de-
ficiency, margin, deterioration,
diminution, waste, wear, loss.
Queer. Curious, bizarre, droll,
comical, odd, peculiar, quaint,
strange, uncommon, unusual,
whimsical, singular, ridiculous,
anomalous, fantastic, funny, er-
ratic, extraordinary, ludicrous,
grotesque, laughable, preposter-
ous, unique, unmatched, eccen-
tric, crotchety.
ANT. Common, customary,
normal, ordinary, usual, regu-
lar, familiar, natural.
Querimonious, Querulous. La-
menting, complaining, whining,
bewailing, mourning, murmur-
ing, discontented, dissatisfied,
ANT. Contented, easy, uncom-
plaining, satisfied, complacent,
cheerful, genial, good-tempered.
Query, Question, n. Inquiry,
doubt; point, topic, subject;
dispute, discussion, debate; in-
vestigation, examination ; ex-
perimentation, scrutiny, inter-
ANT. Solution, explanation,
answer, reply, response; conces-
sion, admission.
Question, v. Ask, interrogate,
catechize, doubt, controvert, dis-
pute; examine, converse with;
call in question ; inquire, inves-
tigate, query, tlubitate.
ANT. Answer, reply, satisfy,
Quick. Speedy, expeditious, ac-
tive, rapid, nimble, fleet, alert,
lively, sprightly; alive, living,
animate; agile, brisk, ready;
hasty, swift; impatient, eager,
passionate ; fresh, bracing, keen,
sharp ; sensitive, perceptive, in-
ANT. Slow, tardy, inactive,
inert, sluggish, dull, insensitive,
deliberate, gradual, moderate,
late, unready, dilatory, slack,
unresponsive, lingering, heavy,
stupid, wearisome.
Quicken. Hasten, hurry, accel-
erate, despatch, drive, expedite,
facilitate, further, speed, urge,
promote, advance, make haste,
press forward.
ANT. Hinder, impede, check,
obstruct, retard, clog, delay.
Quiet, n. Rest, repose, tranquil-
lity, silence, calm, peace, still-
ANT. Tumult, noise, shout-
ing, action, commotion, activ-
ity, storm; unrest, excitement,
agitation, disturbance, turmoil.
Quiet, a. Tranquil, unruffled,
smooth, unmolested, peaceful,
undisturbed, peaceable, calm,
patient, contented, hushed,
still, placid; gentle, mild, un-
demonstrative, meek.
[ 238 ]
ANT. Turbulent, tumultu-
ous, uproarious, disturbed, agi-
tated, wild, excited, violent, un-
easy, boisterous, restless, con-
futed, noisy.
Quote. Cite, recite, plagiarize,
repeat, excerpt, extract, para-
ANT. Suppress, ignore, di*~
dain, omit.
Babble. Mob, crowd, people, pop-
ulace; herd, the masses, mul-
titudes, commonalty ; scum,
ANT. Aristocracy, nobility,
elite, galaxy.
Racy. Lively, piquant, pungent,
spicy, spirited, forcible, flavor-
ous, rich.
ANT. Flat, cold, flavorless,
insipid, stale, stupid, tasteless,
dull, prosy, vapid.
Radiant. Lustrous, brilliant,
splendid, gorgeous, glittering,
glaring, radiating, beaming, re-
splendent, shining, sparkling,
luminous, effulgent, glorious.
ANT. Dull, dark, somber,
murky, lusterless, non-lumi-
nous, sunless, shadowy, lurid,
cloudy, gloomy, obscure, over-
cast, ebon, black.
Radical. Fundamental, innate,
essential, native, natural, orig-
inal, organic, primitive ; entire,
complete, extreme, thorough,
positive, perfect, thorough-go-
ing, total; ingrained, constitu-
ANT. Superficial, tentative,
trial; inadequate, incomplete,
moderate, partial, palliative,
slighl; conservative.
liaise. Lift, elevate, heave; ex-
alt, advance, enhance ; increase,
excite, aggravate, intensify,
heighten, set upright; awaken,
arouse, originate, produce, ef-
fect, cause; build, erect; levy,
collect; propagate, breed, rear;
bring up, incite, start; utter,
summon; cultivate.
ANT. Depress, lower, drop,
sink, let doion; degrade, dis-
grace; debase, humble, reduce}
lessen, diminish, decrease.
Ramble. Rove, roam, wander,
range, stroll, saunter, straggle,
ANT. Speed, hasten, drive,
run, proceed, rush, hurry.
Random, a. Chance, haphazard,
fortuitous, casual, wandering,
stray, wild, aimless, purpose-
less, unpremeditated, acciden-
tal, vague.
ANT. Aimed, intended, con-
trolled, purposed, deliberate,
designed, intentional, regular,
systematic, planned.
Ransom, v. Redeem, liberate,,
rescue, deliver, release, emanci-
pate, indemnify.
ANT. Hold for ransom, kid-
nap, imprison, hold as hostage,
indict, fine, mulct, prosecute.
Rapid. Swift, quick, fast, fleet,
hasty, brisk, expeditious, hur-
ANT. Slow, deliberate, cum-
brous, lazy, retarded, moder-
ate, gradual, dilatory, linger-
ing, tardy.
Rapidity. Rapidness, haste, ce-
lerity, speed, velocity, agility,
swiftness, fleetness, quickness,
ANT. Sloioness. dilatoriness,
tardiness, delay, deliberateness^
[ 239 ]
Hare. Curious, extraordinary,
incomparable, odd, peculiar, re-
markable, precious, scarce, sin-
gular, strange, uncommon, un-
usual, unprecedented, unique,
unparalleled, infrequent.
ANT. General, usual, nor-
Hash. Precipitate, headlong, in-
discreet, foolhardy, hasty, heed-
less, thoughtless, incautious,
careless, inconsiderate, unwary.
ANT. Cautious, wary, dis-
creet, thoughtful, prudent, cel-
culating; timid, hesitating, re-
Bational. Sane, sound, intelli-
gent, reasonable, sensible, wise,
discreet, judicious; reasoning,
intellectual ; sagacious, equi-
table, enlightened.
ANT. Irrational, insane, un-
sound, foolish, absurd, injudi-
cious, unreasonable, preposter-
ous, unintelligent, extravagant.
Haw. Unprepared, uncooked,
immature, unripe, unseasoned,
inexperienced, unpracticed, un-
tried, unwrought, unfinished ;
bare, galled; chilly, bleak.
ANT. Cooked, dressed, pre-
pared, developed, mature, ripe,
mellow, seasoned, practiced, ex-
perienced, tried, tested, expert,
habituated, familiar, trained;
healed; genial, balmy.
Heach. Attain, arrive, get to,
enter, land, come to, gain.
ANT. Depart, leave, set out,
weigh anchor, embark, start,
go, go away, set sail.
Heady. Prompt, expeditious,
speedy, unhesitating, dexter-
ous, apt, skilled, handy, expert,
facile, easy, opportune, fitted,
prepared, disposed, free, will-
ing, cheerful.
ANT. Tardy, slow, inexpedi-
tious, hesitating, clumsy, inept,
unskilled, inexpert, hard, diffi-
cult, inopportune, unfit, ill-pre-
pared, unwilling, reluctant, un-
responsive, unaccommodating.
Heal. Actual, veritable, genu-
ine, demonstrable, substantial,
authentic, certain ; developed,
essential, positive; true, un-
ANT. Illusory, imaginary,
unreal, untrue, supposititious,
fictitious, hypothetical, fabu-
lous, fanciful, conceived, sup-
posed, feigned, reported, vision-
ary, theoretical.
Reality. Verity, actuality, sub-
stance, truth, genuineness, au-
thenticity, fact, substantiality,
ANT. Fiction, falsehood, un-
truth, myth, imagination, fab-
rication, fancy, supposition,
unreality, chimera, vision, hy-
pothesis, hollowness.
Realm. Domain, kingdom, re-
gion, province, country, depart-
ment, empire, state; jurisdic-
tion, sovereignty, dominion.
ANT. Anarchy, insurrection;
independence; democracy.
Rear. Lift, elevate, erect, raise,
build, establish, exalt, foster,
construct, breed, educate, in-
struct, train, discipline, cher-
ANT. Tear down, degrade,
undermine, depress, overthrow;
destroy, kill, demolish, subvert,
stifle, extinguish.
Reason, n. Cause, ground, aim,
motive, account, argument, de-
sign, consideration, end, object,
purpose, principle.
ANT. Pretext, pretense, fal-
sification; unreason, unreason-
ableness, irrationality, absurd-
ity, fallacy.
Reason, v. Debate, demonstrate,
argue, contend, discuss, prove,
establish, question, controvert,
wrangle, dispute.
[ 240 ]
ANT. Quibble, pervert, equiv-
ocate, evade, mystify ; cavil, re-
fine; misrepresent; dictate, as-
Reasoning. Argument, argu-
mentation, debate, ratiocina-
ANT. Sophistry, instinct, in-
tuition, presentiment.
Rebellious. Intractable, refrac-
tory, seditious, unmanageable,
contumacious, disobedient, in-
subordinate, mutinous, ungov-
ernable, uncontrollable.
ANT. Deferential, compli-
ant, docile, manageable, obedi-
ent, submissive, subservient,
yielding, tractable, gentle, con-
trollable, dutiful.
Recant. Retract, revoke, recall,
abjure, disown, disavow, re-
ANT. Profess, confess, as-
sert, declare, enunciate, main-
tain, hold; vindicate.
Reception. Admission, receipt;
entertainment ; acceptance, cre-
dence; welcome.
ANT. Rejection, dismissal,
repudiation, denial, protest, re-
nunciation, disavowal.
Recite. Describe, recapitulate,
detail, number; repeat, deliver,
rehearse; relate, narrate, re-
count; quote; count, enumer-
ate, tell.
ANT. Misquote, garble, fal-
sify, misrepresent, pervert; for-
get, fail.
Reckless. Mindless, negligent,
thoughtless, regardless, uncon-
cerned, inattentive, remiss, im-
provident, rash, inconsiderate.
ANT. Circumspect, careful,
wary, thoughtful, mindful, at-
tentive, considerate, provident,
prudent, calculating.
Recognize. Acknowledge, con-
fess, own, allow, concede, iden-
tify, avow.
ANT. Overlook, repudiate,
disown, ignore, disavow, dis*
Reconcile. Placate, propitiate,
pacify, appease; conciliate, re-
unite, content, harmonize; ad-
just, settle, compose.
ANT. Separate, sever, alien'
ate, estrange, disaffect.
Reconciliation. Reconcilement,
reunion, pacification, appease-
ment, propitiation, atonement,
expiation; adjustment, restora-
tion, harmony.
ANT. Separation, estrange-
ment, alienation, disaffection.
Record. Account, entry, enrol-
ment, catalogue, enumeration,
inventory, register, roll; ar-
chive, chronicle, document, his-
tory, inscription, instrument,
memorandum, memorial, muni-
ment, schedule, scroll.
Recover. Cure, heal, retrieve,
restore; be cured or healed, re-
cruit, recuperate, resume; re-
animate, repossess.
ANT. Relapse, sink, die, fail,
grow worse.
Recovery. Repossession, resump-
tion ; recruiting, healing, resto-
ration; regaining, recupera
tion, convalescence, retrieval,
redemption, resuscitation, re-
vival ; vindication, reinstate-
ment, reestablishment.
ANT. Loss, forfeiture, pri-
vation, damage, ruin, destruc-
tion, waste : illness, relapse, de-
clension, incurableness, hope-
Recreation. Sport, amusement,
diversion, refreshment, reani-
mation; holiday, pastime, re-
ANT. Toil, labor, work, in-
dustry, employment, fatigue,
weariness, lassitude, exhaus-
Rectitude. Justice, honesty, up-
Tightness, fairness, integrity,
straightforwardness, conscien-
tiousness, equity.
ANT. Iniquity, wrong, injus-
tice, immorality, corruption,
dishonesty, duplicity, under-
Redemption. Ransom, release,
rescue, retrieval, recovery, de-
liverance, liberation, salvation;
discharge, fulfilment ; atone-
ment, compensation.
ANT. Abandonment, forfeit-
ure, sacrifice, betrayal, depriva-
tion, desertion.
Reduce. Lessen, decrease, cur-
tail, abate, shorten, impair,
lower, subjugate, subject; di-
minish, attenuate, abridge, con-
tract; subdue.
ANT. Magnify, augment, ex-
pand, amplify, exalt, raise, in-
vigorate, promote, restore, re-
pair, renovate, transform.
Redundant. Exuberant, super-
abundant, overflowing, pleo-
nastic ; superfluous, excessive,
copious, plentiful; unneces-
ANT. Requisite, necessary,
sufficient, enough; scanty, de-
ficient, scarce, wanting, lack-
ing, incomplete, inadequate, in-
Refinement. Culture, elegance,
cultivation, civilization, po-
ANT. Coarseness, grossness,
rudeness, rusticity, barbarism,
boorishness, brutality, clown-
ishness, savagery, vulgarity.
Reflect. Consider, think, cogi-
tate, meditate, contemplate, ru-
minate, ponder, muse; animad-
ANT. Idle, dream, imagine,
fancy, wander, rove; disregard,
Reform, v. Amend, correct, rec-
tify, emend, repair, better, im-
prove, restore, reclaim, mend;
ANT. Corrupt, impair, viti-
ate, deteriorate, deform; spoil,
deprave, pollute, defile, injure,
Refuge. Shelter, asylum, re-
treat, covert; protection, sanc-
tuary, stronghold, defense; hid-
ing-place, harbor.
ANT. Exposure, peril, snare,
menace, pitfall, danger, threat.
Regard, v. Consider, observe, re-
mark, heed, mind, respect* es-
teem, estimate, value; attend,
notice; contemplate; revere,
ANT. Overlook, disregard,
miss, neglect, omit; misprize;
dislike, hate, loathe; contemn.
Regret, n. Grief, concern, sor-
row, lamentation, repentance,
penitence, self-condemnation;
compunction, remorse, contri-
ANT. Joy, exultation, hap-
piness, delight, self-gratula*
tion, approbation; praise, com-
mendation; felicitation.
Regular. Orderly, methodical;
conformable, agreeing; gov-
erned, subject; normal; consti-
tuted, selected; customary, sys-
tematic, stated, established, pe-
riodical, recognized, formal, re-
current, certain.
ANT. Unusual, exceptional,
rare, irregular, abnormal, ec-
centric, capricious, variable,
uncertain, erratic.
Regulation. Rule, method, prin-
ciple, precept; adjustment, dis-
posal ; arrangement, ordering,
disposition, government, con-
ANT. Disorder, anarchy, li-
cense, misgovernment, misrule,
non-regulation, cap-rice, malad-
justment, derangement.
Rehearse. Recapitulate, detail,
[ 242 ]
recount, describe, tell ; narrate,
repeat, recite, relate; practice.
ANT. Misrepresent; act, per-
form, pla;/.
Rejoice. Delight, joy, exult, tri-
umph, please, cheer, exhilarate,
gladden, transport, charm, en-
liven, gratify, make happy.
ANT. Mourn, grieve, weep,
lament, pain, distress, defeat,
sadden, deaden, vex, annoy, op-
press, afflict, trouble, depress,
burden, deject.
Relation. Recital, rehearsal, ac-
count, narration, tale, narra-
tive, detail, description; kin-
dred, affinity, consanguinity,
kinsman, kinswoman; connec-
tion, association, pertinency,
relevancy, agreement.
ANT. Action, happening, oc-
currence; alien, stranger, for-
eigner; absoluteness, disagree-
ment, dissociation, disconnec-
tion, irrelevancy.
Belease, v. Discharge, extricate,
disengage, quit, acquit; free,
loose, liberate; exempt, indem-
nify; deliver, remit.
ANT. Hold, bind, constrain,
confine, fetter, shackle, fine,
imprison, sentence, condemn.
Relief. Alleviation, mitigation,
aid, help, succor, assistance, re-
dress, remedy, indemnification;
exemption, deliverance, refresh-
ment, support, comfort.
ANT. Oppression, persecu-
tion, aggravation, severity, cru-
elty; weariness, discomfort, ex-
Religion. Devotion, faith, pi-
ety, righteousness, holiness, mo-
rality, godliness, pietism, wor-
ship, theology.
ANT. Irreligion, atheism, un-
belief, blasphemy, impiety, god-
lessness, profanity, sacrilege,
ungodliness, wickedness.
Relinquish. Resign, leave, quit,
forsake, abandon, renounce, de-
sert, forbear, forego; surrender,
ANT. Retain, hold, Iceep, de-
tain, preserve, support, cling to,
sustain, maintain; continue, be
constant to, persevere, persist.
Reluctant. Loath, slow, disin
clined, indisposed, averse, back-
ward, opposed, unwilling.
ANT. Eager, favorable, will-
ing, inclined, desirous, disposed.
Remain. Wait, tarry, rest, so-
journ, last, dwell ; stay, abide,
continue, endure; survive, out-
ANT. Leave, abandon, depart,
remove, go, disappear, flit; die,
Remark. Comment, note, obser-
vation, utterance, annotation.
Remarkable. Observable, rare,
noticeable, extraordinary, un-
usual, strange, wonderful, not-
able, eminent: distinguished,
famous, prominent, conspicu-
ous; singular, peculiar, individ-
ANT. Ordinary, usual, com-
monplace, mediocre, everyday,
common, general.
Remembrance. Memory, recol-
lection, reminiscence; memento,
souvenir, memorandum, memo-
rial, token.
ANT. Oblivion, forgetful-
Reminiscence. Memory, recol-
lection, remembrance; remnant,
relic, trace.
ANT. Oblivion, forgetful-
ness; announcement, warning,
suggestion, prognostic.
Remote. Removed, far, distant;
irrelevant, not related ; foreign,
indirect, unconnected, alien, un-
allied; separate, abstract.
ANT. Near, close, direct, re-
lated, connected, contiguous,
immediate; present, pressing.
I 243 ]
urgent; proximate; essential,
Rend. Burst, break, rip, sever,
mangle, rupture, sunder, tear,
lacerate, rive, slit.
ANT. Mend, reunite, secure,
unite, weld, heal, join, solder,
sew, stitch.
Render. Return, pay back, re-
store; requite; give up, yield,
surrender; furnish, contribute,
deliver ; translate, interpret,
set forth, exhibit, try out; ap-
portion, give, present, assign.
ANT. Keep, withhold, appro-
priate, retain, refuse, use, ap-
ply, employ; alienate, misap-
Renounce. Abandon, abjure, de-
ny, disavow, disown, forswear,
disclaim, retract, repudiate, re-
voke, recall, refuse, reject, dis-
card, recant.
ANT. Advocate, avow, claim,
assert, defend, hold, proclaim,
own, acknowledge, cherish, re-
tain, uphold, vindicate, main-
Renown. Fame, distinction, no-
tice, repute, name, reputation,
celebrity, honor, glory, emi-
ANT. Disgrace, shame, dis-
honor, disrepute, discredit, deg-
radation, taint, stain, brand.
Renunciation. Denial, disown-
ment, renouncement, disclaim-
er, rejection, abjuration, recan-
tation, abandonment.
ANT. Maintenance, support,
vindication, assertion, defense,
apology, justification.
Repeat. Reiterate, renew, re-
late, recapitulate, recite, repro-
duce, rehearse, renovate.
ANT. Discontinue, drop, end,
finish, stop, cease, break off, in-
Repentance. Penitence, regret,
remorse, sorrow, compunction,
contrition, self-condemnation,
ANT. Impenitence, obsti-
nacy, obduracy; comfort, com-
placency, approval, hardness,
content, self-approval, self-
complacency, self-congratula-
tion; stubbornness.
Repletion. Fulness, superabun-
dance, plethora, abundance, am-
plitude, sufficiency, enough.
ANT. Scarcity, want, lack,
insufficiency, need.
Reply. Answer, respond, rejoin,
ANT. Question, query, ask,
inquire; disregard, pass, drop,
Report. Account, description,
narration, narrative, recital, re-
hearsal, relation, record, tale.,
rumor, statement, story.
ANT. Allegory, fabrication,
Repose, n. Rest, recumbency,
reclination, ease, quiet, quiet-
ness, tranquillity, peace; calm-
ness, quiescence.
ANT. Unrest, agitation, tu-
mult, movement, restlessness,
turmoil, commotion, distrac-
Represent. Present anew, por-
tray, typify, delineate; person-
ate, act; perform; depict, de-
scribe, show, exhibit.
ANT. Misrepresent; falsify,
caricature, distort.
Reproach, n. Disrepute, oppro-
brium, discredit, dishonor, in-
vective, contumely, reviling, vil-
ification, abuse, scurrility, inso-
lence, insult, scorn, contempt,
ignominy, shame, scandal, dis-
grace, infamy.
ANT. Approbation, satisfac-
tion, praise, encouragement, ex-
altation, commendation, honor,
applause, eulogy, assent, accep-
tance, approval.
[ 244 ]
Reproach, -w. Chide, rebuke, re-
vile, condemn, vilify; blame,
censure, taunt, upbraid, re-
ANT. Praise, approve, com-
mend, laud, applaud, eulogize.
Reproof. Comment, criticism,
disapproval, chiding, reproach,
upbraiding, reproval, admoni-
tion, animadversion; censure,
blame, condemnation, denunci-
ation, objurgation, reprehen-
sion, rebuke, reprimand; re-
flection, check.
ANT. Commendation, pane-
gyric, approbation, applause,
approval, encomium, praise, eu-
Reprove. Admonish, blame, re-
proach, censure, condemn, rep-
rimand, warn, upbraid, chide,
check, chasten, find fault with,
expostulate with, rebuke, repre-
hend, remonstrate with, take to
ANT. Abet, applaud, encour-
age, cheer, countenance, incite,
urge on, impel, instigate, ap-
Repugnant. Opposite, opposed,
adverse, contrary, inconsistent,
irreconcilable, hostile, inimical;
incompatible, loath ; heteroge-
ANT. Harmonious, friendly,
amicable, wining, consistent,
compatible, congruous; homoge-
Reputable. Honorable, respec-
table, estimable, creditable.
ANT. Disreputable, disgrace-
ful, dishonorable, discreditable,
Requite. Avenge, pay off, quit,
punish, retaliate, revenge; sat-
isfy, settle with, reward, re-
turn, repay, remunerate, rec-
ompense, compensate, recipro-
ANT. Absolve, acquit, for-
give, excuse, neglect, pardon,
slight, forget, overlook, pass
Research. Inquiry, scrutiny, ex-
amination, experimentation, ex-
ploration, discovery, investiga-
tion, study, observation.
ANT. Ignorance, oversight,
inobservance ; shallowness, su-
perficiality, sciolism.
Reserve, n. Reservation, reten-
tion, limitation, backwardness,
coldness, shyness, coyness, mod-
esty; taciturnity, restraint, re-
pression, constraint.
AXT. Profuseness, prodigal-
ity, diffusion; affability, genial-
ity, cordiality, abandonment,
surrender, openness, frankness,
transparency, indiscretion, vol-
Resignation. Relinquishment,
forsaking, abandonment, abdi-
cation, renunciation, endur-
ance; patience, long-suffering,
forbearance; acquiescence, sub-
ANT. Maintenance, grasp,
resistance, retention, rebellion,
remonstrance, contention, reser-
vation, holding, keeping, retain-
ing, detention; murmuring, dis-
satisfaction, discontent, protes-
Resolute. Determined, decided,
fixed, steadfast, constant, per-
severing, firm, bold, unshaken,
steady ; undaunted, unflinch-
ing, stout-hearted.
ANT. Irresolute, timid, hesi-
tating, doubtful, ivavering, vac-
illating, capricious, variable,
weak, undetermined, undecided.
Resources. Expedient, means,
resort, contrivance; supplies,
devices, money, wealth, appli-
ances, funds.
ANT. Destitution, poverty,
indigence, bareness, want, ex-
haustion, inanition, lack, drain.
[ 245 ]
Respectable. Estimable, honor-
able, worthy, considerable, rep-
utable, honest; passable.
ANT. Unworthy, bad, mean,
dishonorable, dishonest, paltry,
Resplendent. Brilliant, splen-
did, glorious, luminous, efful-
gent, gorgeous, shining, glitter-
ing, burnished.
ANT. Dull, tarnished, luster-
less, somber, dimmed, sullied.
Best. Pause, peace, quiet, still-
ness, tranquillity, intermission,
cessation, ease, calm, peaceful-
ness, calmness, quiescence, stop,
repose, quietude, quietness, rec-
reation, sleep, slumber.
ANT. Agitation, commotion,
disturbance, excitement, rest-
lessness, strain, stir, tumult,
work, unrest, toil, disquiet, mo-
tion, movement, rush.
Restive. Restless, restiff, fidgety,
fretful, fractious, refractory,
intractable, impatient, rebel-
lious, skittish; resentful, recal-
citrant, balky, vicious, unruly,
stubborn, mulish, mutinous, ob-
ANT. Docile, gentle, submis-
sive, passive, quiet, tractable,
yielding, obedient, manageable,
Restore. Return, replace, re-
fund, repay, reinstate, rebuild,
repair, revive, heal, cure, re-
ANT. Remove, steal, appro-
priate, abstract, destroy, shat-
ter, injure, dilapidate, impair;
deprive; wound, harm.
Restrain. Constrain, hold in,
check, repress, circumscribe,
confine, curb, hinder, hold, hold
back, restrict, suppress, with-
hold, bridle, abridge, keep
back, keep down, keep in, keep
ANT. Let loose, set free, re-
lease, arouse, aid, emancipate,
animate, incite, excite, encour-
age, free, impel.
Result. Consequence, issue, con-
clusion, effect; end, event, ter-
mination, product, outcome ; in-
ference, deduction ; resolution,
ANT. Cause, beginning, com-
mencement, rise, origin, ante-
cedent, prognostic, initiation,
premonition, indication.
Retinue. Attendants, suite, fol-
lowers, train, retainers, satel-
lites, escort, cortege.
ANT. Solitariness, non-atten-
Retirement. Privacy, solitude,
loneliness, seclusion.
ANT. Company, converse, so~
ciety, fellowship, companion-
ship, association.
Retribution. Requital, retalia-
tion, payment, recompense; re-
payment, compensation, reward,
return ; penalty, punishment,
ANT. Remission, reprieve;
pardon, condonation, sparing.
Retrospect. Review, survey, re-
consideration, reexamination;
recollection, reminiscence, mem-
ANT. Prospect, prophecy, an-
ticipation, forecasting, prognos-
tication, speculation.
Return, v. Turn back, come
back; reply, respond; answer;
restore, recompense, remit, ren-
der; reappear, recur; revert,
ANT. Depart, vanish, disap-
pear, remove; retain, misappro-
priate; withhold.
Revelation. Disclosure, mani-
festation, apocalypse.
ANT. Concealment, shroud-
ing, veiling, mystery, obscura-
tion, cloud, cloudiness, hiding.
Revenge. Retaliation, retribu-
[ 246 ]
tion, vengeance, avenging, re-
ANT. Mercy, pardon, recon-
ciliation, pity, compassion, ex-
cuse, grace, forgiveness.
Bevenue. Income ; taxes, excise,
customs, duties, rents, receipts ;
produce, return, wealth, pro-
ANT. Outgo, waste, expendi-
ture, expense, deductions, im-
Beverse, n. Contrary, opposite,
counterpart ; change, vicissi-
tude; inversion, counter-posi-
tion; derangement, alteration;
rear, back; misfortune, defeat.
ANT. Obverse, front; order,
arrangement, version, position,
location; continuance, perpet-
uation, identity, stability, reg-
ularity, uniformity.
Bevive. Reanimate, reinvigor-
ate; restore, raise, recover, re-
new, recall ; awake, revivify, re-
ANT. Kill, destroy, extin-
guish, discourage; decline, die,
Revolution. Lawlessness, in-
surrection, revolt, riot, sedi-
tion, anarchy, insubordination,
rebellion, mutiny, confusion,
disorder, tumult, disintegra-
ANT. Government, submis-
sion, obedience, authority, con-
trol, command, dominion, domi-
nation, law, empire, rule, sov-
ereignity, loyalty, supremacy,
Bevolve. Roll, rotate, turn.
ANT. Bind, grind, stand,
slide, slip, stick, chafe.
Steward, n. Recompense, com-
pensation, remuneration, pay,
requital, retribution, punish-
Rich. Wealthy, opulent, afflu-
ent, supplied, abounding; abun-
dant, copious, bountiful ; fertile,
productive; valued, sumptuous,
precious, costly; high-seasoned;
luscious; vivid.
ANT. Poor, indigent, needy,
impoverished, destitute, impe-
cunious, penniless; lacking,
scanty, scarce, meager; barren,
sterile; trivial, worthless, un-
productive, fruitless, paltry,
valueless; dull, tame, dry.
Riches. Opulence, wealth, af-
fluence, richness, plenty, abun-
ANT. Poverty, want, indi-
gence, scarcity, need, lack, im-
Biddle. Conundrum, paradox,
problem, puzzle, enigma.
ANT. Axiom, answer, expla-
nation, solution, proposition.
Ridicule. Derision, raillery,
banter, burlesque, irony, satire,
mocking, sarcasm, gibe, jeer,
ANT. Respect, homage, ven-
eration, deference, honor.
Bight, n. Claim, liberty, pre-
rogative, license, privilege, ex-
emption, franchise, immunity,
duty, justice, uprightness, in-
tegrity; title, ownership; in-
terest; rectitude, correctness,
power; propriety, fitness, suit-
ANT. Wrong, falsehood, incor-
rectness, perverseness ; liability,
illegitimacy, non-legality, usur-
pation, injustice, impropriety,
unfitness, encroachment, force,
Righteous. Holy, uncorrupt,
honest, equitable, rightful, up-
right, virtuous, just, good, con-
ANT. Unholy, corrupt, dis-
honest, unjust, wicked, evil, un-
scrupulous, vicious, false, un-
principled, profligate.
Ripe. Mature, complete, fin-
[ 247 ]
ished; perfect, developed, full-
grown ; fit, consummate ; pre-
pared; full, seasoned, mellow.
ANT. Raw, unripe, crude,
fresK, green, unseasoned, un-
'Rise, v. Arise, issue, flow, pro-
ceed, spring, ascend, emanate.
ANT. Descend, drop, fall, go
down, set, settle, sink, decline.
Rival, v. Emulate, antagonize,
compete with, contend, strive,
oppose, equal.
ANT. Surrender, yield, de-
fer, retire.
Bobber. Brigand, marauder, pi-
rate, plunderer, thief, burglar,
bandit, highwayman, footpad,
despoiler, depredator, raider,
buccaneer, forager, freebooter.
Robust. Strong, lusty, sinewy,
muscular, hale, hearty, vigor-
ous, forceful; healthy, sturdy,
sound; violent, rude, rough.
ANT. Puny, weak, delicate,
frail, sickly, emaciated, thin,
slender, gentle, mild, consider-
ate, tender.
Romantic. Sentimental, fanci-
ful, fantastic, fictitious, wild,
extravagant, chimerical.
ANT. Unromantic, truthful,
unvarnished, unadorned, veri-
fable, actual, real, realistic,
Root. Radix, radicle, stock, ori-
gin, foundation, base, source,
stem, parent, commencement,
beginning, radical, bottom.
ANT. Branch, ramification,
product, issue, progeny, super-
Rough. Uneven, uncut, boister-
ous, unpolished; coarse, disor-
dered, shaggy, ragged; rude,
uncivil, harsh; loud, offensive;
tempestuous, stormy ; rugged,
knotty, craggy, gruff; incom-
plete ; uncourteous, churlish,
ANT. Smooth, plain, level,
polished, flat, glossy, sleek,
soft, mild, quiet, refined, ten-
der, gentle; balmy, zephyrlike.
Routine. Practice, custom, pro-
cedure, round, course, wont,
order; gradation, rotation, se-
quence, tenor, system, method;
Royal. August, kinglike, ma-
jestic, munificent, princely, re-
gal, magnificent, kingly.
ANT. Beggarly, contempt-
ible, mean, poor, servile, slav-
ish, vile.
Rude. Rough, uneven, shapeless,
unfashioned, rugged, uncouth,
inelegant, rustic, vulgar, raw,
clownish, unskilful, untaught,
illiterate, ignorant, uncivil,
impolite, saucy, impudent, in-
solent, surly, uncivilized, bru-
tal, barbarous, savage, violent,
fierce, tumultuous, impetuous,
boisterous, inclement, severe.
ANT. Polite, urbane, accom-
plished, cultivated, courteous,
refined, civil, affable, courtly,
gracious, elegant, polished, well-
bred, obliging; modest, bash-
ful; considerate, serene, placid,
genial, calm; fashionable, mod-
ern, civilized, modish.
Rugged. Rough, uneven, rude,
wrinkled, cragged, harsh, hard,
crabbed; steep, precipitate; vio-
lent, sour, surly, boisterous, tu-
multuous, stormy, inclement,
tempestuous ; austere, severe ;
ruffled, blunt.
ANT. Smooth, even, gentle,
soft, low; pleasant, kindly;
balmy, soothing; complaisant,
Rule. Regulation, law, precept,
maxim, canon, order, method,
direction, control, sway, em-
pire; principle, practice; domi-
nation, mastery, government ;
test, criterion, formula.
ANT. Exception, deviation,
eccentricity, irregularity.
Bun. Race, hasten, speed, pro-
ceed, hurry, scamper, post; go,
flow, glide, move, roll on; melt,
fuse; pass, advance; course,
fly, rush; hustle; pursue; cast,
shape, mold; drive, force;
indicate, mark out; incur,
encounter, venture, risk ;
conduct, manage, carry on;
ANT. Delay, walk, halt, stop,
saunter, rest, linger, hesitate;
harden; retrograde, slip.
Hustle. Rural, sylvan, pastoral,
country, countrified, bucolic,
agricultural, verdant ; artless,
inelegant, plain, rude, unpol-
ished, untaught, unsophisti-
cated; awkward, boorish, out-
landish, clownish, coarse, hoy-
denish, uncouth.
ANT. City-like, urban; ao-
complished, elegant, cultured,
polite, urbane, polished, well-
bred, refined.
Ruthless. Cruel, pitiless, harsh,
relentless, unsparing.
ANT. Tender, gentle, pitiful,
compassionate, lenient, regret*
ful, long-suffering.
Sable. Dark, black, ebon, somber.
ANT. Light, white, cheerful,
bright, ivory.
Sacrament. Eucharist, Lord's
Supper, communion; ceremony,
rite, service, solemnity, ordi-
nance, observance.
Sacred. Holy, divine, hallowed,
consecrated, dedicated, devoted,
religious, venerable, reverend.
ANT. Secular, profane, com-
mon, unconsecrated, human.
Sacrifice, n. Offering, propitia-
tion, expiation, thanksgiving ;
destruction, immolation, devo-
tion, surrender; oblation,
ANT. Offense, transgression;
retention, reservation; accep-
Sad. Sorrowml, mournful, de-
jected, gloomy, depressed, se-
date, cheerless, downcast, griev-
ous; dull, grave, dark, somber;
afflicted; calamitous; serious,
staid; melancholy, Disconso-
late, despondent, disastrous, de-
ART. Cheerful, joyous, glad,
mirthful, jubilant, jovial, light-
hearted; exultant, gay, exhil-
arated, happy, blithe.
Sagacious. Sage, sensible, keen,
discerning, clear-sighted, apt,
acute, intelligent, sharp, wise,
rational, shrewd, able, keen-
sighted, keen-witted, judicious,
perspicacious, quick-scented,
ANT. Obtuse, senseless, irra-
tional, silly, stupid, simple, un-
intelligent, undiscerning, dull,
absurd, foolish, futile, sottish,
Sale. Bargain, barter, deal, ex-
change, trade, change.
Salient. Leaping, bounding,
jumping; projecting; promi-
nent, conspicuous, noticeable,
significant; strategic.
ANT. Retreating, retiring,
low-lying; unimportant, incon-
spicuous, unnoticeable, minor,
inconsiderable, subordinate, in-
Salvation. Saving, preserva-
tion, deliverance; redemption;
[ 249 ]
ANT. Perdition, destruction,
damnation, condemnation, loss.
Sample. Specimen, example, il-
lustration, case, instance, ex-
ANT. Total, whole, excep-
tion, aggregate; abnormality,
Sanction. Authorization, au-
thority, countenance ; ratifica-
tion, confirmation, approba-
tion; approval, support, seal,
ANT. Discountenance, disal-
lowance, unauthorization ; can-
cellation, nullification; disap-
proval, non-support.
Sanguine. Blood-red, crimson;
warm, ardent; hopeful, lively,
animated, cheerful; confident,
enthusiastic, buoyant; trustful.
ANT. Pallid, cold, frigid;
unresponsive, depressed, life-
less, despondent, despairing, de-
jected, anxious, suspicious, mis-
giving, distrustful.
Sanity. Saneness, soundness, ra-
tionality; reasonableness, wis-
dom; amenableness.
ANT. Insanity, aberration,
derangement, unsoundness, ir-
rationality, madness, lunacy,
alienation, dementia, folly.
Sarcasm. Taunt, gibe; scorn,
contempt, satire; irony, sneer,
ANT. Compliment, eulogy,
praise, approbation, apprecia-
tion, panegyric.
Satisfy. Satiate, sate, compen-
sate; cloy, surfeit, suffice, con-
tent, glut, fill, requite; relieve,
reassure, convince; please, rec-
ompense, gratify, fulfil.
ANT. Deprive, deny, starve,
stint, refuse; annoy, tantalize;
aggravate, tease; displease.
Savage. Wild, uncultivated, un-
tamed, uncivilized, rude, brut-
ish, brutal, barbarous, cruel, in-
human, fierce, pitiless, merci-
less, atrocious, ferocious; mur-
derous, violent.
ANT. Tame, civilized, culti-
vated, domesticated, tender, re-
fined, polished, gentle, humane,
considerate, pitiful, merciful,
protective, generous, subdued,
chivalrous, clement, self-con-
Save. Preserve, rescue, deliver;
lay up, reserve, keep; spare,
prevent; protect; be economi-
cal, hoard, husband; obviate,
snatch, catch.
ANT. Lose, destroy, aban-
don, imperil, expose, endanger,
risk, hazard; waste, lavish,
spend, fling away.
Say. Utter, express, tell, speak,
declare; repeat, rehearse, re-
cite; assert; mention, suggest;
suppose; answer; respond, re-
ply; state, pronounce; affirm,
deny; allege.
ANT. Silence, hush, whis-
per, mumble; be taciturn; sup~
press, repress; mispronounce.
Scarce. Rare, infrequent, defi-
cient; uncommon; scant, spar-
ing, meager, insufficient; un-
usual, unique, singular, want-
ing, few, precious.
ANT. Plenty, abundant, fre-
quent, plentiful, common, thick.
Scheme, n. Plan, project, con-
trivance, design, purpose, plot,
device; system, outline; machi-
nation, intrigue, stratagem, ca-
bal, conspiracy; theory.
ANT. Blunder, derangement,
Disarrangement, bungle, botch.
Scholar. Learner, pupil, student,
savant, disciple.
ANT. Dunce, fool, ignora-
mus, illiterate person, idiot,
Science. Literature, art, knowl-
edge; truth, facts; skill, ex-
pertness ; comprehension ; in-
formation, investigation, ex-
perimentation, learning, expe-
ANT. Ignorance, error, smat-
tering, fallacy, sciolism; inex-
perience, unfamiliarity, incom-
Scorn, n. Disdain, derision, con-
tumely, despite, slight, mock-
ery, dishonor; contempt, disre-
gard; sneer, opprobrium.
ANT. Compliment, commen-
dation, deference, approval, es-
teem, respect, regard, approba-
Scruple, n. Unwillingness, hesi-
tation, doubt; particle; qualm,
reluctance, misgiving.
ANT. Confidence, assurance,
recklessness, heedlessness ; dar-
ing, self-complacency.
Scrupulous. Cautious, careful,
conscientious, hesitating; exact,
nice; questioning, unwilling,
punctilious, precise; diffident,
ANT. Reckless, confident,
careless, unconscientious, self-
complacent, heedless, unwary,
incautious, daring.
Scrutiny. Examination, inspec-
tion, observation, search, sift-
ing, exploration, inquisition, in-
ANT. Oversight, misobserv-
ance, disregard, slight, inatten-
Season. Time, period, term, in-
terval, spell, while ; occasion,
opportunity, timeliness, season-
ANT. Contretemps, unsea-
sonableness, untimeliness, un-
Seasonable. Opportune, suit-
able, timely, fit, convenient, ap-
propriate, normal; periodical;
ANT. Inopportune, unsuit-
able, unfit, untimely, inconveni-
ent, inappropriate, unwelcome,
unexpected, abnormal.
Secure, a. Undisturbed, assured,
heedless, inattentive; easy, un-
anxious, trustful, insured; ob-
tained, acquired ; fast, firm ; de-
fended, guarded, protected, cer-
tain, sheltered, safe.
ANT. Disturbed, endangered,
imperiled, insecure, hazardous;
anxious, distrustful, suspicious,
careful, precarious; loose, drift-
ing, doubtful, dubious.
Sedate. Settled, composed, calm,
quiet, tranquil, still, serene, un-
ruffled, undisturbed, contempla-
tive, sober, serious; passive.
ANT. Flighty, disturbed, un-
easy, restless, excited, discom-
posed, agitated, indiscreet; ac-
tive, moving; frivolous.
Sedition. Riot, rebellion, revolt,
insurrection, mutiny; outbreak,
uprising, secession, treason ; in-
subordination ; tumult, tur-
moil, anarchy.
ANT. Peace, pacification, or-
der, quiet, orderliness, obedi-
ence, allegiance, fealty, union,
patriotism, fidelity.
See. Perceive, behold, descry,
view; observe, discern, under-
stand, comprehend ; watch, look
after; interview, visit; associ-
ate, meet; accompany, escort;
attend, heed, be attentive ; gaze,
glance at.
ANT. Be blind; overlook,
mistake; misunderstand, mis-
comprehend; pass, ignore, neg-
lect; disregard, misconceive.
Seek. Search, try for, solicit, in-
quire for, strive after, hunt, fol-
low, trace, prosecute, attempt,
endeavor, investigate.
ANT. Shun, elude, ignore,
neglect, disregard, avoid, re-
linquish, drop, abandon, dis-
Seldom. Rarely, not often, infre-
; 251 }
quently; hardly ever, occasion-
ANT. Often, frequently, gen-
erally, commonly, regularly, ha-
bitually, invariably, uniformly,
Selection. Choice, pick, prefer-
ence, election, option.
ANT. Repudiation, rejection,
discarding, refusal; exclusion.
Self-abnegation. Self-renunci-
ation, self-sacrifice, self-control,
self-devotion, self-immolation,
ANT. Self-indulgence, self-
gratification, self-will, selfish-
ness, self-seeking.
Selfish.. Self-seeking, mean, un-
generous, narrow, illiberal, mer-
cenary, greedy, egoistical, self-
ANT. Generous, liberal, al-
truistic, philanthropic, benefi-
cent, self-denying, public-spir-
ited, magnanimous, unselfish,
Send. Sling, throw, fling, hurl,
lance, launch, propel, project,
cast, dart, despatch, discharge,
drive, emit; forward, trans-
mit, impel, dismiss, delegate,
ANT. Receive, keep, retain,
hold; bring, carry, hand, get,
give, convey.
Sensation. Emotion, sense, feel-
ing, perception.
ANT. Apathy, non-sensibil-
ity, non-perception, indiffer-
Sense. Understanding, reason;
cognition, apprehension; de-
duction; perception, feeling;
recognition, discernment ; rea-
soning; opinion, judgment, no-
tion, meaning, import, signifi-
ANT. Nonsense, misunder-
standing; stupidity, non-appre-
hension; non-comprehension;
stolidity, inertness, non-observ-
ance; fancy, folly, unsoundness.
Sensibility. Feeling, sensitive-
ness, susceptibility, impressi-
ANT. Coldness, deadness, un-
consciousness, hardness, numb-
ness, insensibility.
Sentiment. Thought, opinion,
notion, sensibility, feeling; sus-
ceptibility, impressibility, im-
pression, conviction; emotion;
maxim, saying, toast.
ANT. Nonsense, conjecture,
vacuity; assumption, prejudice,
Separate, v. Disunite, divide,
sever; come between, part; dis-
join, divorce; disengage, de-
tach; sunder; withdraw, elim-
inate, remove, segregate.
ANT. Unite, consolidate, in-
tegrate, connect, join, attach,
link, weld, engage, wed; gather,
convene, collect.
Sequence. Succession, follow-
ing, consequence, arrangement,
order; series, progression, con-
ANT. Precedence, introduc-
tion, priority; disorder, diseon-
nection; intermission, irregu-
Serious. Sober, earnest, momen-
tous, grave ; thoughtful, sedate,
solemn ; important, weighty ;
ANT. Gay, thoughtless, friv-
olous, laughing, joking, jocose,
careless, trifling, trivial, unim-
portant, light, insignificant,
Serve. Obey, minister to, sub-
serve, promote, aid, help, abet,
assist, benefit, succor.
ANT. Command, order, man-
age; obstruct, counteract, re-
tard, defeat, injure, thwart, op-
Set. Put, seat, place, fix; affix,
attach ; fasten, make stable or
[ 252 ]
firm; obstruct, embarrass; de-
termine upon, fix upon; plant;
frame; stiffen, solidify; adjust,
regulate, adapt; prepare; re-
place; spread; stud, variegate;
value at, rate at; establish,
furnish, prescribe, strengthen,
tabilitate, ground, confirm, de-
termine, appoint, assign.
ANT. Remove, uproot, trans-
fer, eradicate, transplant, un-
settle, weaken, soften, destroy,
, demolish; disperse, discard; de-
nude, disarrange, divest, strip;
misvalue, under- or over-rate;
abolish, frustrate.
Settle. Regulate, arrange, com-
pose, decide; establish; still,
calm; clear; restore; depress,
sink, lower, make compact, har-
den; determine, adjust, make
up, pacify; liquidate, balance;
colonize, people.
ANT. Disturb, confuse, de-
range; agitate, unsettle, excite,
uproot, overturn; obstruct; ele-
vate, upheave, break up; dis-
compose, disorder, rise, as-
cend, move; misregulate, aggra-
Severe. Stern, strict, austere,
hard, relentless, rigorous, un-
relenting, inexorable, harsh,
inflexible, rigid, morose, stiff,
uncompromising, unmitigated,
unyielding; critical, grave, se-
ANT. Lenient, clement, un-
exacting, mild, easy, gay, cheer-
ful, joyous; loose, slack, inex-
act, indulgent, uncritical, mod-
erate, kind, considerate.
Shade. Shadow; darkness, ob-
scurity; screen, shelter, protec-
tion; body, spirit, ghost; um-
brage, adumbration ; degree,
minuteness; seclusion.
ANT. Light, illumination,
sunshine, brightness, daylight;
glare, radiance, exposure; pub-
licity; quantity, amount; do-
Shake. Agitate, fluctuate, flut-
ter, oscillate, quake, quiver,
quaver, rock, shiver, shudder,
totter, tremble, waver, wave,
sway, swing, vibrate, thrill, jar.
ANT. Fasten, fix, set, secure,
settle, confirm.
Shame. Disgrace, reproach, dis-
honor, ignominy; degradation,
contempt, infamy; diffidence,
modesty, discredit; humilia-
tion, abashment; decency, de-
ANT. Fame, honor, glory t
approval, renown, credit; im
pudence, shamelessness, inde-
cency, immodesty, indecorum,
Shape. Appearance, figure, as-
pect, form, guise; outline; em-
bodiment ; character, fashion,
mold, pattern, cast, model.
ANT. Imitation, reproduc-
tion, copy; deformity, disfig-
Sharp. Quick, sagacious, witty,
discerning, shrewd, ingenious,
sour, acid, tart, acrid, biting,
poignant, acrimonious, sarcas-
tic, bitter, painful, afflictive,
violent, fierce, ardent, fiery;
acute, keen, trenchant, astute,
subtle, penetrating, discrimi-
nating, inventive, piquant; se-
vere, vigilant, attentive; caus-
tic, cutting; eager, hungry;
thin, emaciated; shrill, high;
exacting, close.
ANT. Dull, blunt, slow, ob-
tuse, undiscerning, unresource-
ful, sweet, honeyed, cloying,
saccharine, mellow; soft, gen-
tle, mild, tender, considerate,
kindly, lenient, clement; unin-
ventive, indifferent, sluggish,
inactive, tame, characterless,
spiritless, careless, inattentive;
thick; generous, unexacting.
Shelter. Defend, guard, harbor,
protect, shield, screen, ward,
cover, conceal.
ANT. Expose, betray, im-
peril, endanger, exhibit, lay
bare, discover, attack.
Short. Brief, contracted, inade-
quate, limited, scanty; insuffi-
cient, incomplete, imperfect ;
abrupt, petulant, quick; near,
direct, straight; succinct, con-
cise, condensed, compendious ;
terse, pithy, laconic, curt, sen-
tentious; severe, uncivil; nar-
row; destitute.
ANT. Long, protracted, ex-
tended, adequate, ample, suffi-
cient, plentiful, abundant, copi-
ous; perfect, complete; civil,
suave, complaisant; circuitous,
indirect; tedious, prolix, ver-
bose, extended, wordy; broad;
provided for.
Show, v. Exhibit, present, dis-
play; tell, reveal; direct, con-
duct; clear, .prove, manifest,
explain, evince; bestow, con-
fer; appear, look, seem; dem-
onstrate, unfold, inform, teach ;
ANT. Conceal, hide, with-
hold, suppress, obscure, mys-
~.tify, cloak, wrap; contradict,
deny, refute, disprove, falsify;
Shrewd. Keen, critical, subtle,
arch, astute, sagacious, acute,
discerning, penetrating; mali-
cious, evil, vicious ; wily, artful,
cunning; clever, sharp, able;
discriminating, intelligent.
ANT. Stolid, stupid, unin-
telligent, dull, thick, unsaga-
dous, undiscerning, undiscrim-
inating ; plain, blank, blunt,
frank; kindly, sincere, benevo-
lent; fair, open.
Sick. Diseased, ill, disordered,
distempered, indisposed, weak,
ailing, feeble, morbid; imper-
fect, impaired, weakened, cor-
rupted; disgusted, surfeited.
ANT. Healthy, whole, well,
sound, strong, robust, salubri-
ous, vigorous, hale, wholesome,
Side. Margin, edge, verge, bor-
der, boundary; party, sect, fac-
tion, interest, cause, policy, be-
half; face, aspect, plane; slope,
declivity; half.
ANT. Center, interior, body,
heart, core; opposition, seces-
sion, neutrality.
Sight. Vision, show, represen-
tation, exhibition; faculty of
seeing, view; visibility, spec-
tacle; inspection, examination;
opinion, judgment; perception,
ken, cognizance; contemplation,
survey; insight; appearance.
ANT. Blindness, non-visibil-
ity, obscuration; non-appear-
ance; oversight, neglect; disap-
pearance; vanishing; impres-
sion, prejudice.
Sign. Mark, manifestation, in-
dication, presage, symbol, type,
token, emblem, note, omen, sig-
nal, prognostic, symptom.
Significant. Expressive, sugges-
tive, important; weighty, mo-
mentous; manifest, intimating,
declarative, betokening, imply-
ing, meaning, denoting; tell-
ing, speaking; forcible; con-
ANT. Insignificant, mean-
ingless, inconspicuous, mute,
inexpressive, expressionless, un-
Silence. Stillness, hush, restful-
ness, quiet, muteness, noiseless-
ness, calm, peace, tranquillity;
dumbness, taciturnity; obscur-
ity, secrecy, oblivion.
ANT. Noise, sound, tumult*
clamor, roar, storm, din, un~
rest, babel, commotion, rever-
beration, resonance, agitation,
[ 254 ]
clatter; talkativeness, loquac-
ity, garrulity; publicity, fame,
rumor, repute, celebrity.
Similar. Corresponding, like,
resembling, uniform, homoge-
neous; congruous, harmonious.
ANT. Dissimilar, unlike, dif-
ferent, alien, discordant, heter-
ogeneous, incongruous.
Simple. Silly; single, uncom-
bined; plain, unadorned; mere;
sincere, artless, unaffected, nat-
ural ; direct, clear, perspicuous ;
credulous, foolish; humble, un-
distinguished, lowly; innocent;
ANT. Complex, double, com-
pound, combined, mixed; or-
nate, adorned; blended, fused,
multiform; artful, affected, ar-
tificial; indirect, complicated,
circuitous, skeptic, pragmatic;
proud, haughty, distinguished,
celebrated; various, organized,
elaborate; designing, insincere,
double-minded; developed, per-
Sin. Evil, crime, guilt, offense,
wickedness, fault, vice, crimi-
nality, misdeed; viciousness,
ungodliness, wrong, wrong-do-
ing, unrighteousness, iniquity,
transgression, immorality, de-
pravity, delinquency.
ANT. Virtue, godliness, rec-
titude, uprightness, sinlessness,
excellence, blamelessness, good-
ness, holiness, innocence, moral-
ity, integrity, purity, righteous-
ness, right.
Sing. Chant, carol, chirp, hum,
warble, chirrup.
Singular. Unexampled, eminent,
unprecedented, extraordinary,
remarkable, uncommon, rare,
unusual, peculiar, strange, odd,
eccentric, fantastic; individual,
unique; conspicuous, consum-
mate, exceptional, particular;
curious, queer.
ANT. Common, everyday, or-
dinary, commonplace, general,
universal, usual, regular, cus-
tomary, frequent, numerous;
unnoticeable, normal, typical,
inconspicuous, humdrum.
Sink. Subside, drop, droop, de-
cay, lower, lessen; submerge,
immerse, engulf; depress, de-
grade, debase, diminish; fall,
descend; decline, dwindle, de-
crease; weary, flag, abate; re-
duce; drown; attenuate.
ANT. Rise, ascend, mount,
increase, augment, aggrandize,
swell; flourish, exalt, heighten,
promote, enhance; encourage,
Situation. Site, station, post,
case, plight, state ; location, po-
sition; place, office; condition;
locality, seat, ground, spot ; cir-
cumstance, predicament; cate-
gory; employment; footing, as-
pect; birth, standing.
ANT. Absence, dislodgment,
displacement, non-assignment.
Skeptic. Agnostic, doubter, free-
thinker, infidel, unbeliever, de-
ist, atheist, disbeliever.
ANT. Christian, believer.
Sketch, n. Outline, picture, de-
sign, drawing, draft; skeleton,
plan, brief.
Skilful. Expert, dexterous, apt,
handy, adroit, clever, deft, pro-
ficient, skilled, trained, accom-
plished, happy, ingenious, prac-
ticed; adept, masterly, cun-
ANT. Unskilled, clumsy, in~
expert, unskilful, unintelligent,
awkward, incompetent, unpre-
pared, untrained, unable, un-
taught, bungling, helpless, mal-
adroit, shiftless.
Slander, v. Defame, disparage,
depreciate, malign, asperse, ca-
lumniate, libel, vilify, revile,
traduce, decry, backbite.
[ 255 ]
ANT. Extol, eulogize, laud,
praise, vindicate, defend.
Slang. Vulgarity, cant, collo-
quialism, vulgarism.
ANT. Diction, language.
Slender. Small, narrow, slim;
weak, feeble, slight; moderate,
trivial, inconsiderable, meager;
spare, abstemious, frugal.
ANT. Thick, stout, robust,
broad, ample, deep, bulky, con-
siderable, massive, weighty; gi-
ant, colossal.
Slippery. Smooth, glib; mu-
table, uncertain, fickle, incon-
stant; unstable, changeable;
wanton, loose, unchaste; icy,
glassy, insecure, perilous, un-
safe; shifty, elusive; deceptive,
evasive; unprincipled.
ANT. Rough, firm, safe, se-
cure, stable; constant, certain,
dependable, upright, sincere,
outright, trustworthy, sound.
Slow. Deliberate, dilatory, lin-
gering, gradual, moderate, pro-
crastinating, tardy; inert, inac-
tive, sluggish, drowsy, dull, de-
laying, dawdling.
ANT. Nimble, active, brisk,
alert, lively, prompt, speedy,
quick, spry, swift, agile.
Small. Little, diminutive, in-
considerable; inconsequential,
uninfluential, trivial, insignifi-
cant; paltry, mean, incapable,
unable; short; weak, slender,
gentle, low; tiny, puny; unim-
portant ; scanty, moderate ; sor-
did, selfish ; inferior, unintellec-
tual, ungifted, unintelligent.
ANT. Large, great, big, ex-
tensive, enormous, bulky, mas-
sive, weighty, ample, spacious,
broad, strong, stout, generous,
liberal, munificent; important,
significant, notable, influential,
distinguished, gifted, magnani-
mous, intelligent, intellectual,
superior, competent.
Smart. Acute, quick, lively,
brisk, clever, dashy, showy;
pungent, pricking ; keen, severe,
poignant; vigorous, sharp; ac-
tive, shrewd; efficient, witty;
pretentious, spruce; fresh.
ANT. Dull, heavy, blunt, ob-
tuse, dense, stupid; aching;
slow, inactive, sluggish, ineffi-
cient, shabby, dowdy, boorish,
Sneer. Jeer, mock, gibe, taunt,
fling, scoff.
ANT. Smile, laugh; flatter,
compliment; cheer.
Sober. Abstinent, abstemious,
moderate, regular; steady, col-
lected, quiet, cool, staid, som-
ber; temperate; dispassionate,
self-controlled, calm, self-pos-
sessed, solemn, sedate.
ANT. Intemperate, intoxi-
cated, drunk, impassioned, ex-
cited, heated, furious, passion-
ate; unreasonable, immoderate,
uncontrolled, agitated, extrava-
gant; erratic, eccentric.
Socialism. Communism, collec-
tivism, fabianism.
Society. Companionship, fellow-
ship, company ; participation,
connection ; association, part-
nership ; community, sodality,
communion, intercourse.
ANT. Solitude, solitariness,
privacy, separation, segrega-
tion; individuality, personal-
ity; disconnection, dissociation,
Soft. Yielding, impressible, mal-
leable; smooth, delicate; agree-
able, gentle, flowing; flexible;
mild, tender, conciliatory, kind;
effeminate, weak; easy; quiet,
peaceful, tranquil.
ANT. Hard, unyielding, im-
pervious, tough, stubborn, im-
permeable; non-resilient; dis-
agreeable, harsh, brush, gruff,
unkind; strong, manly ; virile;
[ 256 ]
rough, coarse, rigid, rigorous,
abrupt ; resolute, determined.
Solemnity. Gravity, formality,
ritual, ceremonial, sobriety, se-
riousness, reverence, devotion;
celebration, observance ; sanc-
tity, awfulness, sacredness; im-
ANT. Levity, triviality, gai-
ety, vulgarity ; secularity, dese-
cration, profanity; meaning,
unimpressiveness, unimposing-
ness; simplicity.
Solid. Hard, sound, real, valid,
weighty, profound ; compact,
resistant, dense ; heavy ; strong,
firm, stable; substantial; im-
penetrable; cubic.
ANT. Hollow, yielding, soft,
resilient, malleable, fluid, flex-
ible, impressible, liquid; brittle,
frail; light, trifling, frivolous;
invalid, weak, fallacious, un-
Solitude. Loneliness, solitariness,
loneness, recluseness, retired-
ness ; withdrawal, remoteness,
destitution, absence; seclusion,
retirement; desertion, retreat,
wilderness, desert, privacy, iso-
ANT. Populousness, society,
popularity, throng, crowd, in-
tercourse, meeting, convening,
populace, multitude.
Solution. Disruption, separa-
tion, breach ; disentanglement,
explanation, clearing up; reso-
lution, disintegration; release,
discharge; solvency; disconnec-
tion, discontinuance; key, an-
swer, elucidation.
ANT. Union, amalgamation,
conjunction, connection, combi-
nation, entanglement, complica-
tion ; continuity; integration;
obscurity, confusion, perplexity,
Soothe. Soften, allay, compose,
tranquilize, pacify; humor, flat-
ter, please; assuage, calm, mol-
lify, comfort; lull; mitigate, re-
ANT. Rouse, excite, disturb,
disquiet; aggravate, displease,
scold, irritate, exasperate, an-
noy, infuriate; dissatisfy.
Sordid. Vile, base, gross; mean,
avaricious, covetous, niggardly;
greedy; low, degraded; stingy,
close, ungenerous, penurious ;
ANT. Pure, noble, honorable,
refined; generous, unselfish, lib-
eral, broad, munificent, u-ncov-
etous; prodigal, profuse, lav-
ish; high-minded.
Soul. Spirit, life, courage, fire,
ardor ; vitality, animus ; leader,
inspirer; passion, fervor, affec-
tion; person; reason, intellect,
emotions; ghost, specter.
ANT. Lifelessness, soulless-
ness; body; coldness, spiritless-
ness; irrationality, unintelleo-
Sound, n. Noise, note, tone, re-
port; impulse, vibration.
ANT. Silence; taciturnity;
stillness, hush, lull, muteness.
Sound, a. Whole, unbroken, un-
harmed, free, perfect, healthy;
firm, strong, solid, safe; cor-
rect, true, orthodox; deep, pro-
found, undisturbed; right; le-
gal, valid, undefective; entire,
thorough, substantial, irrefu-
ANT. Unsound, broken, par-
tial, harmed; imperfect, soft,
diseased; weak, mellow, unsafe;
incorrect, untrue, heterodox;
light, trivial, fragile; illegal,
illegitimate, invalid, defective;
insubstantial, fallacious, hol-
loio, unfounded.
Sovereign, n. King, prince, po-
tentate, monarch, emperor ;
ANT. Subject, peasant, serf.
[ 257 ]
Sovereign, a. Supreme, para-
mount, superior, chief; indepen-
dent, unlimited, absolute; con-
trolling, efficacious ; princely,
royal; primary, principal, re-
gal, imperial; predominant.
ANT. Inferior, subordinate,
subservient, ministerial, secon-
dary, subject; popular, menial;
inefficient, une/ficacious, uncer-
tain, weak.
Space. Extension, room; inter-
val, duration, time; capacity,
distance, measure, quantity ;
boundlessness, illimitableness ;
immeasurableness, immensity.
ANT. Confinement, proxim-
ity, limitation, restriction, con-
tiguity, continuity.
Spare, a. Scanty, sparing, fru-
gal, wanting, lacking, parsi-
monious, needed, chary; su-
perfluous; lean, meager, thin,
ANT. Ample, abundant, pro-
fuse, plentiful, liberal, bounti-
ful, unsparing, unstinted, unre-
stricted, generous; plump, fat,
corpulent, portly.
Sparse. Scattered, sprinkled, in-
frequent, thin, scanty, meager,
ANT. Dense, thick, plentiful,
many, populous, crowded, nu-
merous, frequent, multitudi-
Speak. Say, talk, tell, utter, dis-
course, articulate, converse, ex-
press, chat, chatter, enunciate,
pronounce; announce, declaim,
declare, deliver.
ANT. Be mute or dumb;
keep silence, be taciturn; sup-
press; recall.
Speculation. Venture ; theory,
view, notion, conjecture; con-
sideration, meditation, contem-
plation, thought, weighing; hy-
pothesis, scheme.
ANT. Certainty, fact, ver-
ity, proof, realization, verifica-
Speech. Address, discourse, lan-
guage, speaking, talk, oration,
utterance, sermon, harangue,
dissertation, oratory, disquisi-
ANT. Hush, silence, stillness,
taciturnity, speechlessness.
Spirit. Life, soul; ghost, spec-
ter; fairy, sprite; energy, vi-
vacity, ardor, courage, enthusi-
asm; intellectuality; meaning,
intent; vapor; distilled liquid;
air, breath ; intelligence, imma-
teriality, essence, disembodi-
ment, apparition ; activity, ear-
nestness, zeal; temper, disposi-
tion; principle, motive.
ANT. Substance, body, cor~
poreity, flesh, frame, material-
ity, embodiment, organization;
spiritlessness, timidity, lifeless-
ness, soullessness, deadness, tor-
por, dejection, slowness.
Spiritual. Immaterial, incorpo-
real, mental, intellectual; holy,
divine, heavenly-minded; eccle-
siastical, sacred; moral; reli-
gious, ethical.
ANT. Carnal, fleshly, mate-
rial, sensuous; gross; unspirit-
Splendid. Shining, showy, mag-
nificent, sumptuous, pompous;
illustrious, brilliant, famous;
gorgeous, grand, glorious; im-
posing; superb, heroic, noble.
ANT. Dull, tame, obscure,
tarnished, tawdry, somber, beg-
garly, gloomy, poor, ordinary,
ineffective, inglorious, insignifi-
cant, mean, low.
Spontaneous. Free, intentional,
voluntary, willing, unbidden,
impulsive, automatic, instinc-
tive, deliberate.
ANT. Forced, compelled, co-
erced, unwilling, reluctant.
Spread, v. Open, unfurl, dis-
[ 258
perse, distribute, scatter, circu-
late, disseminate, dispense; ex-
tend, stretch, expand, amplify;
divulge, propagate, publish, dif-
ANT. Collect, condense, con-
tract, furl, gather, close, shut;
confine, suppress, restrict, re-
call, conceal, hush, localize.
Spring, v. Leap, bound, jump;
shoot, fly, dart, start; emerge;
bend, warp ; proceed, issue, re-
sult; burst, emanate, flow; rise,
originate, germinate.
ANT. Settle, alight, arrive,
land, drop; end, terminate, de-
bouch, finish, eventuate.
Spy. Scout, emissary, detective.
Stable, a. Steady, abiding, firm,
strong, durable; fixed, estab-
lished; constant, resolute, un-
wavering; secure, stanch, per-
manent; solid, lasting, perpet-
ual; immobile, rigid, unmov-
ANT. Vacillating, wavering,
unsteady, toppling, weak, tot-
tering, infirm, insecure, precari-
ous, frail, unstable; transient,
ephemeral, evanescent, vanish-
ing, non-durable.
Stain, v. Blot, spot, sully, tar-
nish, tinge, tint, color, discolor,
disgrace, dishonor, dye, soil.
ANT. Preserve inviolate or
Stand, v. Rest, continue upright
or erect, be situated or located ;
cease, stop, pause, halt; en-
dure, last; maintain, be fixed
or steady; be, consist; agree,
accord; endure, sustain, bear;
withstand; submit to.
ANT. Advance, move, pro-
ceed, progress; fail, fall, die,
depart, run, yield, succumb,
drop; give up, surrender; re-
taliate, avenge, resent.
Standard, n. Flag, colors, ban-
ner, ensign; criterion, test;
support, frame; model, type,
norm; gage, measure, scale;
upright; exemplar.
ANT. Misrule, mismeasure-
ment, misadjustment, misfit,
State, v. Declare, tell, assert,
affirm, asseverate, allege, tes-
tify, assure, swear, set forth,
protest, predicate, pronounce,
specify, propound, maintain,
inform, express, depose, claim,
avow, avouch, aver, certify.
ANT. Deny, contradict, con-
trovert, disprove, refute, re-
pudiate, waive, contravene,
dispute, gainsay, oppose, re-
Station. Depot; place, spot, po-
sition, stand; office, sphere;
state, rank, condition, occupa-
tion, business.
ANT. Removal, departure;
dislodgment, ejection, displace-
ment; locomotion.
Stay, v. Stop; prop, hold up,
support, sustain; hold, re-
strain; hold back, hinder, de-
lay ; check ; fasten, secure ; con-
tinue, abide, remain; dwell,
tarry, linger, wait; forbear;
rest, depend, rely.
ANT. Loose, liberate, free;
fail, let fall; expedite, speed,
accelerate; proceed, advance,
progress, go on; move, depart;
oppress, burden ; overthrow.
Steadfast. Established, firm ;
constant, resolute ; grounded,
rooted, placed; resolved, un-
wavering, stanch.
ANT. Unsteady, unattached;
vacillating, icavering, weak, in-
secure, irresolute, inconstant,
Steep. Sharp, sheer, high, pre-
cipitous, abrupt.
ANT. Gradual, level, slight,
fiat, easy, gentle, horizontal,
[ 259 ]
Stiff. Rigid, inflexible, strong,
obstinate, pertinacious, rigor-
ous, constrained, affected; un-
bending, unpliant; starched;
formal, ceremonious, difficult,
punctilious, stately; austere,
peremptory, inexorable, un-
ANT. Flexible, pliant, un-
affected, amenable, easy, yield-
ing, affable, genial, unceremoni-
ous, informal; pliable, malle-
able; considerate, compromis-
Still. Noiseless; inert, stag-
nant, serene; motionless, rest-
ful, quiet; silent, calm, sound-
less, low; hushed, mute, placid,
quiescent ; stationary ; gentle,
soft, mild, pacific, peaceful.
ANT. Disturbed, agitated,
moved, restless; noisy, moving,
loud, resonant, turbulent; un-
quiet, rough, harsh.
Stop. Suppress, discontinue, de-
lay, interrupt; close, obstruct;
arrest, impede; restrain, hin-
der, repress; cease, halt, stay,
tarry; bar, seal; suspend, end,
ANT. Assist, advance, con-
tinue, expedite, speed, hasten,
promote; clear, open; improve,
push, benefit; progress; facili-
tate; initiate, commence, be-
Storm. Agitation, disturbance,
ANT. Calm, hush, peace, se-
renity, stillness, tranquillity,
fair weather.
Story. Narrative, legend, anec-
dote, account, tale, record, re-
cital, incident, myth, narration,
novel, relation.
ANT. Annals, chronicle, bi-
ography, history, memoir.
Stout. Corpulent; portly; vig-
orous, strong, lusty, robust;
firm, resolute, bold; tough;
large, bulky; brawny; valiant^
courageous, redoubtable.
ANT. Thin, slender, weak 9
lean, frail, feeble, attenuate^
emaciated; timid, irresolute,
Strange. Outlandish, wonder-
ful, astonishing, marvelous, un-
common, irregular, queer, odd,
eccentric; foreign, new, novel,
unusual; reserved, distant; un-
familiar, unaccustomed, inex-
ANT. Familiar, usual, com-
mon, general, universal, accus-
tomed, ordinary, home, domes-
tic, regular, customary, habit-
ual, commonplace.
Strength. Robustness, tough-
ness, hardness, stoutness, spirit,
lustiness, puissance, authority;
force, vigor, power; endurance,
resistance; security, validity;
firmness; intensity; virtue; en-
ergy, nerve, sinew, fiber;
ANT. Weakness, thinness,
frailty, softness, delicacy; im-
becility, feebleness; spiritless-
ness, impotence, inability; in-
security, invalidity; waver-
Strenuous. Eager, pressing, ur-
gent; zealous, ardent, earnest;
bold, intrepid ; strong, deter-
mined, resolute; vigorous, en-
ergetic, vehement, forceful.
ANT. Weak, irresolute, vac-
illating, wavering, enervated,
Strong-. Powerful, cogent, mus-
cular; robust, lusty, sinewy,
hale, hearty, vigorous, force-
ful: enduring, resistant; vio-
lent, forcible; ardent, zealous,
vehement, earnest, solid, nour-
ishing; firm; capable, potent,
effective, influential, sound ;
pungent; hardy, tenacious.
ANT. Weak, feeble, infirm,
[ 260
sickly, exhausted, debilitated,
wanting, pliant, frail, soft;
low, faint; spiritless, foolish;
wavering, impotent, powerless,
defenseless, insecure, delicate;
^inefficacious, unconvincing, un-
satisfactory, unavailing, flac-
cid, nerveless.
Stubborn. Obstinate, inflexible,
obdurate, headstrong, harsh, in-
tractable, firm, contumacious,
heady; unbending, unyielding,
persistent, refractory.
ANT. Yielding, pliant, mild,
gentle, docile, tractable, man-
ageable, flexible, pliable; vacil-
lating, wavering, irresolute,
Studious. Contemplative, ob-
servant ; sedulous, earnest, dili-
gent; studied; absorbed, medi-
tative, thoughtful, attentive,
pondering, devoted, musing,
cogitative; careful, literary, re-
flective, assiduous.
ANT. Illiterate, unliterary,
idle, indulgent, careless, inat-
tentive, thoughtless, negligent,
regardless, indifferent.
Study, n. Application, learning,
acquisition, meditation, con-
templation ; diligence, consid-
eration, thought, research, en-
deavor, knowledge, purpose, in-
tention, attention, concentra-
ANT. Idleness, dawdling, il-
literacy, ease, indifference, in-
diligence, negligence, careless-
ness, unstudiousness, thought-
Stupid. Simple, insensible, sot-
tish, sluggish, senseless, dolt-
ish, heavy, dull ; stolid, insen-
sate, obtuse, prosy.
ANT. Quick, bright, sharp,
intelligent, responsive, clever,
. sensible, eager, animated, pen-
Stupidity. Slowness, dulness,
obtusenesa, insensibility, slug-
gishness, stupor, apathy.
ANT. Intelligence, anima-
tion, brilliancy, acuteness, sen-
sibility, cleverness, sense, sa-
gacity, quickness, readiness,
alertness, keenness.
Stupor. Apathy, awoon, torpor,
lethargy, coma, fainting, un-
consciousness, stupefaction, as-
phyxia, swooning, insensibility,
Sublime. Exalted, lofty, noble,
majestic, grand, stately, mag-
nificent, dignified, elevated, au-
gust, pompous, high, eminent,
ANT. Low, ignoble, debased,
degraded, inglorious, ordinary,
mean, undignified, inconspicu-
ous, unimposing, ridiculous.
Submissive. Obedient, compli-
ant, yielding, obsequious, sub-
servient, humble, modest, pas-
sive, docile, acquiescent.
ANT. Disobedient, haughty,
proud, arrogant, unyielding,
conceited, active, rebellious, re-
luctant, defiant, refractory, re-
Subsidy. Aid, allowance, gift,
bounty, reward, tribute, sup-
port, subvention, pension, bo-
nus, premium, grant, indem-
Substantial. Real, solid, true,
existing, essential ; corporeal,
material; strong, stout, re-
sourceful, massive, tangible,
bulky; sensuous.
ANT. Imaginary, unreal, in-
substantial, fictitious, supposi-
titious, immaterial, weak, chi-
merical, visionary, spiritual,
disembodied, ghostly.
Subtle. Artful, crafty, cunning,
shrewd, sly, wily ; astute, guile-
ful, discriminating, insinuat-
ing, sophistical.
ANT. Frank, honest, open,
[ 261 ]
sincere, artless, undiscriminat-
ing, undiscerning, simple, di-
rect, blunt, unsophisticated.
Subvert. Destroy, ruin, sup-
plant, suppress, supersede, ex-
tinguish, overthrow, overturn.
ANT. Conserve, preserve, up-
hold, sustain, keep, perpetuate.
Succeed. Follow, pursue; en-
sue, result, be subsequent;
descend, devolve; gain, acquire,
attain, obtain, achieve, accom-
plish ; supervene ; nourish, pros-
per, thrive.
ANT. Precede, anticipate, an-
tecede; fail, deteriorate, be
lacking, lose, miss, disappoint,
be deficient in; decline, wane,
Succession. Succeeding, series,
sequence, order; lineage, de-
scent ; following, continuity,
consecution, rotation, regular-
ANT. Antecedence, prece-
dence, anticipation, forerun-
ning, prevention; disorder, ir-
regularity, non-sequence, inter-
mission, gap, failure, inconsec-
Sudden. Unexpected, unusual,
abrupt, unlocked for, hasty,
unanticipated, unforeseen, un-
provided for ; rash, quick, heed-
less, reckless.
ANT. Anticipated, foreseen,
expected; slow, gradual, tran-
sitional, moderate; wary, cau-
tious, careful, provident.
Suffer. Support, sustain, toler-
ate, permit; allow, let, grant,
consent to; endure, bear, sub-
mit to, undergo, be affected by,
ANT. Resist, rebel, repel,
withstand; forbid, disallow, re-
fuse, reject, expel, repudiate;
fight, antagonize, challenge.
Sufficient. Competent, satis-
factory, full, ample; equal, ad-
equate, enough; qualified, ca-
pable, responsible; efficient;
adapted, fitted.
ANT. Inadequte, incompe-
tent, unsatisfactory, lacking,
wanting, unequal, unfit, inca-
pable, unqualified, insufficient,
unsuited, meager, short, defi-
cient, scanty.
Suggestion. Hint, innuendo,
intimation, insinuation, impli-
Suitable. Proper, competent,
correspondent, consonant, com-
patible, congruous, consistent;
fitting, accordant, becoming,
adapted; seemly, appropriate,
agreeable, convenient; harmo-
nious, uniform; homogeneous.
ANT. Improper, divergent,
incompetent, incompatible, dis-
sonant, incongruous, inconsis-
tent, unfit, discordant, unbe-
coming; unseemly, inappropri-
ate, inconvenient; unharmoni-
ous, different, heterogeneous.
Sum. Aggregate, quantity, mag-
nitude, amount ; compendium,
substance, gist; height, com-
pletion; total, whole, compu-
tation; example, problem; col-
lection; drift, bearing.
ANT. Part, portion, half,
fraction, item, particular; in-
completeness, imperfection, dis-
crepancy; article, detail, frag-
ment, component, constituent,
Superb. Grand, magnificent, au-
gust, stately; rich, elegant;
showy, excellent; princely, gor-
geous, splendid; proud.
ANT. Mean, shabby, poor,
undignified, dingy; meager;
tawdry, impoverished; ordi-
nary, common; humble, plain,
Superior. Elevated, higher, up-
per; surpassing, greater; pre-
eminent, excellent, ascendent,
[ 262
predominant, prevalent, advan-
tageous, beneficial.
ANT. Inferior, lower, worse,
deeper, meaner, subordinate,
lesser, mediocre, ordinary, av-
erage, common, unremarkable,
inconspicuous, detrimental, dis-
advantageous; declining, dete-
Supernatural. Miraculous, pre-
ternatural, superhuman.
ANT. Common, natural, or-
dinary, commonplace, every-
day, usual.
Supple. Pliant, flexible, bend-
ing; fawning, soft; yielding,
compliant, submissive; flatter-
ing, obsequious, subservient,
servile, cringing, adulatory;
lithe, limber, elastic.
ANT. Firm, stiff, unyield-
ing, obstinate, infleorible, hard,
dominant, domineering; abu-
sive, scolding, tyrannous; un-
bending, stubborn, independent,
self-assertive, supercilious, ar-
rogant, haughty.
Support. Maintain, sustain, up-
hold, cherish, keep, bear, prop,
carry, tolerate, hold up, keep
ANT. Demolish, abandon,
betray, destroy, drop, desert,
wreck, break down, cast down,
overthrow, let go, throw down.
Suppose. Deem, guess, imag-
ine, think, conjecture, surmise.
ANT. Conclude, ascertain,
discover, prove, know, be sure.
Suppress. Repress, subdue, re-
strain, overthrow, quell, over-
whelm, conceal, stifle, smother,
stop ; overpower, extinguish,
ANT. Excite, fan, increase,
augment, strengthen, raise, ag-
gravate; pubJish, promulgate,
advertise, spread, disseminate;
Sure. Unfailing, infallible, per-
manent, steady, stable, strong,
indisputable, confident, posi-
tive, firm; certain, safe, secure,
assured, believing, trusting, un-
questioning; abiding, fast.
ANT. Insecure, fallible, un-
steady, inconstant, wavering,
indeterminate, dubitable, un-
certain, questionable, imperma-
nent, doubtful, hesitating, dis~
trustful, precarious, disputable,
Surrender. Abandon, give over,
relinquish, resign, waive, yield,
alienate, capitulate, cede, let
go, sacrifice, give one's self up.
ANT. Resist, withstand, op-
pose, thwart, baffle; die.
Suspense. Uncertainty, expecta-
tion, apprehension, anxiety, in-
determination, indecision ; so-
licitude, intermission, protrac-
tion, abeyance, doubt; pause,
ANT. Decision, settlement,
determination, finality, execu-
tion; achievement, termination,
accomplishment, end; unin-
terruption, continuance, con-
tinuity, regularity, sequence.
Sustenance. Subsistence, food,
provision, maintenance, sup-
port; supplies, aliment, nutri-
ment, nourishment; livelihood,
living, nutrition, sustenta-
ANT. Starvation, loant, in-
digence, poverty, hunger, lack,
thirst, inanition, exhaustion;
non-subsistence, non-support.
Sweet. Sugary, saccharine, dul-
cet, luscious; agreeable, pleas-
ing, fragrant, soft, melodious ;
beautiful, mild, fair; fresh;
amiable, winning: wholesome.
ANT. Sour, bitter, sharp,
add; discordant, inharmoni-
ous, dissonant: disagreeable,
displeasing; fetid, malodorous;
plain, homely; stale, unwhole-
some, spoiled; offensive, repul-
sive, unlovely.
Swift. Quick, fleet, speedy, ex-
peditious, rapid, prompt; ac-
celerated, nimble, alert, ready,
headlong, eager, fast.
ANT. Slow, tardy, delaying,
late, unready, laggard, delib-
erate, sedate, reluctant, linger-
ing, lazy, loitering, inactive,
sluggish, inexpeditious.
Symmetry. Proportion, grace,
conformity, uniformity, simi-
larity, regularity, shapeliness,
harmony, agreement; comeli-
ANT. Disproportion, dishar-
mony, incongruity, irregular-
ity, disagreement, disparity,
shapelessness; interdisparity.
Sympathy. Pity, compassion,
commiseration, tenderness, con-
dolence; fellow-feeling; agree-
ment, conformity, reciprocity;
ANT. Antipathy, harshness,
antagonism, unkindness, cold'
ness, mercilessness, pitiless-
Synonymous. Similar, corre-
spondent, like, identical, inter-
changeable, alike, same, corre-
sponding, synonymic, equiva-
ANT. Antonymic.
System. Order, mode, method,
regularity, rule, manner.
ANT. Confusion, chaos, dis-
order, derangement, irregular-
ity, disarrangement.
Tacit. Silent, implied, granted,
unexpressed, understood, im-
ANT. Mentioned, expressed,
explicit, declared.
Taciturn. Mute, silent, speech-
less, reserved, close, dumb, un-
communicntive, reticent.
ANT. Communicative, free,
garrulous, loquacious, talka-
tive, unreserved.
Take. Lay hold, seize, grasp,
obtain ; capture, fasten on ; at-
tack ; gain, captivate, charm ;
choose, turn to; employ, use,
demand, require; copy, deline-
ate; assume, adopt; acquire;
engage in, indulge in; carry,
convey, conduct; remove, with-
draw, deduct; acknowledge, ac-
cept; receive, admit; partake
of, swallow; undertake, clear;
tolerate, endure; consider, in-
terpret, suppose; receive, sub-
mit to, bear.
ANT. Drop, reject, abandon,
surrender, miss, lose, repel, re-
fuse, decline, repulse, spurn.
Talent. Ability, gift, endow-
ment, genius, faculty; capac-
ity, cleverness, aptitude, forte.
ANT. Inability, ineptitude,
incompetence, imbecility, stu-
Tangible. Perceptible, tactile,
palpable; apprehensible, evi-
dent, manifest, clear; material,
substantial, sensible, obvious.
ANT. Impalpable, spiritual,
intangible, incorporeal, imma-
terial, incomprehensible.
Tart. Sharp, acid, sour; keen,
severe; harsh, caustic, petu-
lant, acrimonious.
ANT. Gentle, mild, genial,
kindly, poUte; mellow, sweet.
Taste, n. Savor, relish, flavor,
sensibility, judgment; discern-
ment, nicety, perception, zest^
choice, elegancy, refinement.
264 ]
ANT. Disrelish, insipidity,
ill-savor, coarseness, indelicacy,
non-perception, indiscrimina-
Tasteful. Delicate, artistic, el-
egant, dainty, esthetic, exqui-
site, fastidious, fine, chaste,
nice, tasty, delicious, esthetical.
ANT. Coarse, rough, rude,
harsh, hideous, clumsy, dis-
ffusting, deformed, displeasing,
fulsome, gaudy, grotesque, dis-
tasteful, horrid, inartistic, in-
harmonious, meretricious, of-
fensive, ragged, tawdry.
Taunt, v. Ridicule, mock, jeer,
deride, revile, flout, scoff, scorn,
insult; reproach, rebuke, cen-
ANT. Compliment, flatter,
approve of, congratulate.
Teach. Discipline, instruct, tu-
tor, school, train, educate, en-
lighten, drill, inculcate, give
lessons, give instructions, in-
doctrinate, inform, initiate, in-
still, nurture.
ANT. Learn, study, prac-
tice, investigate, experiment,
try, develop, receive, drink in,
acquire, attain, imbibe, under-
stand, glean, gather, collect.
Tedious. Wearisome, fatiguing,
irksome, tiresome; prolix, dull,
slow, monotonous, tiring, try-
ANT. Interesting, exciting,
amusing, charming, delightful,
stirring, bright, entertaining.
Tell. Enumerate, communicate,
impart, reveal, disclose, report,
acquaint, repeat, rehearse, dis-
cover; count, number, reckon,
recount; narrate, divulge; in-
form, teach; order, command,
Temerity. Audacity, foolhar-
diness, rashness, presumption,
recklessness, hardihood, hasti-
ness, heedlessness, precipita-
tion, overconfidence, precipi-
tancy, venturesomeness.
ANT. Care, caution, hesita-
tion, cowardice, timidity, wari-
ness, circum-spection.
Temporal. Transient, fleeting,
transitory, temporary; terres-
trial, worldly, secular, mun-
ANT. Eternal, permanent,
everlasting; religious, spirit-
Tendency. Proneness, drift, aim,
disposition; direction, course;
influence; inclination, leaning,
bent, bias; proclivity, aptitude,
propensity, liability.
ANT. Aversion, repulsion,
repugnance; opposition, reluc-
tance, divergence, tangency, de-
Tender. Effeminate, soft, sen-
sitive, compassionate, humane,
kind, merciful, pitiful, dear,
delicate; gentle, mild, suscep-
ANT. Hard, pitiless, callous,
careless, heedless, rough, coarse,
unkind, inhuman, unmerciful,
unfeeling ; hardy, strong, stur-
Tension. Strain, stretch, effort,
stretching, tensity, tenseness,
rigor, severity, harshness, stiff-
ness, tightness.
ANT. Relaxation, release, re-
lief, laxity, slackness, looseness.
Term. Boundary, limit; expres-
sion, phrase, word, name ; mem-
ber, condition, denomination.
Termination. Limit, end, con-
clusion, bound, result; com-
pletion, consequence, effect; ful-
filment, consummation, accom-
plishment, achievement, finis,
finality, exit, issue.
ANT. Beginning, initiation,
inception, commencement, rise f
start, origin, source, cause, pro-
cess, course.
[ 265 ]
Terrible. Terrific, fearful, hor-
rible, shocking, awful; dread-
ful, formidable, frightful; tre-
mendous ; astounding, startling.
ANT. Insignificant, amusing,
pleasing; unastonishing.
Terse. Concise, pithy, succinct,
short, brief, laconic, compact,
sententious, condensed, com-
pendious, neat.
ANT. Long, lengthy, tedious,
wordy, diffuse, prolix, verbose.
Testimony. Affirmation, certi-
fication, deposition, proof, evi-
dence, witness, affidavit, attes-
tation, oath.
ANT. Demonstration.
Theory. Hypothesis, specula-
tion; doctrine, conjecture, ex-
planation; assumption, scheme,
postulate, plan; science, phil-
osophy ; exposition, rationale ;
ANT. Fact, truth, verity, ac-
Therefore. Consequently, then,
hence, thence, whence, where-
fore, accordingly.
ANT. Because, as for, inas-
much as, since.
Thick. Dense, close, compact,
solid, coarse, gross; muddy,
turbid, misty; crowded, abun-
dant; indistinct; dull; numer-
ous; inarticulate.
ANT. Thin, rare, sparse, in-
frequent; pure, limpid, crystal-
line, clear, distinct, incompact,
shallow, articulate.
Think. Cogitate, contemplate ;
remember, reflect, muse, medi-
tate, ponder, consider, deliber-
ate, judge, conclude, believe;
purpose, intend, design, mean;
presume, venture; imagine, ap-
ANT. Guess, hazard; dream,
idle, stargaze, wander, rove.
Thought. Imagination, fancy,
conceit, notion, consideration,
supposition, contemplation, de-
liberation ; reflection, cogita-
tion, meditation, conception,
solicitude, care, concern; rea-
soning; idea, opinion, concept,
judgment, purpose, intention,
ANT. Thoughtlessness, gid-
diness, carelessness, inconsider-
ation, dreaminess, dulness, stu-
pidity, rashness, impulsiveness ;
vacuity, dream, hallucination,
Threat. Menace, denunciation,
threatening, intimidation.
ANT. Promise, encourage-
ment, allurement, enticement;
Thrifty. Economical, saving,
careful; sparing, frugal, indus-
trious, prosperous, thriving;
provident, foresighted.
ANT. Wasteful, prodigal, un-
economical, lavish, spendthrift,
extravagant; slack, laay; im-
provident, unprepared.
Throng. Concourse, crowd, host,
jam, mass, multitude, press.
ANT. Solitude; unlderness,
desert, waste.
Tidings. Message, information,
intelligence, news, rumor, re-
port, advices, announcement.
ANT. Suppression, censor-
ship, misinformation, canard.
Time. Epoch, era, period, date,
age, eon, season, term, while,
succession, sequence, duration.
Timid. Fearful, timorous, cow-
ardly, afraid, pusillanimous,
faint-hearted, shrinking, retir-
ing, shy; diffident, bashful.
ANT. Bold, confident, ven-
turesome, courageous, adven-
turous, heedless.
Tip. Incline, lean, list, slant,
slope, tilt, cant, careen, dip,
heel over.
Tire. Exhaust, fag, weary, fa-
tigue, jade, harass, wear out.
[ 260 ]
ANT. Refresh, recreate, rest,
relax, relieve, repose, restore,
Title. Epithet, name, appella-
tion, designation, cognomen, de-
nomination ; address, inscrip-
tion, heading, style.
ANT. Nondescript, nameless-
Together. With, in company, as-
sociated, conjoined, unitedly, si-
multaneously, contemporane-
ously, coincidently.
ANT. Separately, variously,
Toil. Labor, drudgery, work, ex-
ertion, employment, occupation,
task, travail.
ANT. Rest, relaxation, recre-
ation, ease,' amusement, plea-s-
ure, enjoyment, fun.
Tolerable. Endurable, bearable,
supportable ; passable, medium,
ordinary, mediocre, indiffer-
ANT. Intolerable, unendur-
able, insufferable, unbearable,
Tool. Appliance, implement, ap-
paratus, mechanism, utensil,
machine, weapon.
Topic. Head, division, motion,
point, proposition, question, is-
sue, subject, theme, matter.
Torment. Pain, misery, agony,
anguish, torture, distress.
ANT. Enjoyment, pleasure,
comfort, ease, gratification, de-
Total, a. Whole, entire, full, ab-
solute, complete, undivided.
ANT. Partial, imperfect, in-
complete, divided, fractional,
Trace. Mark, remains, sign, ves-
tige, track, token, trail, foot-
mark, footprint, footstep, im-
pression, memorial, remnant.
Trade. Profession, occupation,
office, calling, avocation, em-
ployment, commerce, dealing,
ANT. Stagnation, inactivity,
dulness, embargo; leisure, va-
cation, idleness, vacancy.
Tragedy. Mournful drama; ca-
tastrophe, calamity, adversity,
disaster, affliction.
ANT. Comedy, happinest,
mirthful drama, prosperity,
luck, good fortune.
Traitor. Betrayer, turncoat,
renegade, rebel, deceiver, apos-
tate; insurgent, deserter, mu-
ANT. Patriot, adherent, de-
fender, supporter.
Tranquil. Quiet, calm, undis-
turbed, peaceful, unagitated;
unruffled, composed, poised, col-
lected, cool.
ANT. Agitated, excited, un-
easy, anxious, troubled, rest-
Transact. Conduct, carry on,
perform, act, accomplish, da,
negotiate, treat.
ANT. Leave alone, rest, stop,
refrain, desist, cease.
Transaction. Business, action,
deed, proceeding, doing, affair,
act, negotiation, performance.
ANT. Inactivity, quiescence,
rest, neglect, inaction, passivity.
Transgression. Infringement,
misdemeanor, misdeed, affront;
violation, breach, fault, crime,
offense, sin.
ANT. Innocence, guiltless-
ness; purity, righteousness;
observance, obedience, fulfil-
Transient. Fleeting, tempo-
rary, transitory, ephemeral,
evanescent, brief, flitting, fly-
ing, momentary, passing, fugi-
tive, short.
ANT. Permanent, perpetual,
lasting, enduring, abiding, im-
mortal, everlasting, unfading,
( 267 ]
undying, persistent, eternal, im-
Transparent. Translucent, pel-
lucid, clear, lucid; diaphanous;
open, porous; crystalline, lim-
pid, bright; perspicuous.
ANT. Opaque, thick, turbid;
mysterious, questionable, du-
Travel. Go, pass, journey, mi-
grate, move, traverse, wander,
ANT. Dwell, reside, stay, re-
main, settle.
Treasure. Wealth, abundance,
plenty; money, jewels, cash,
valuables, hoard, riches, bul-
lion; reserve.
ANT. Refuse, trash, offal;
dregs, trifles.
Treaty. Negotiation, compact,
agreement, covenant, alliance,
convention, contract.
ANT. Neutrality, non-in-
terference, non-intervention.
Tremendous. Frightful, terri-
fic, horrible, awful; fearful,
appalling, alarming, horrify-
ing, dreadful.
ANT. Unappalling, incon-
siderable, unimposing.
Trial. Attempt, endeavor, es-
say; effort, exertion; experi-
ence, proof, test; examination,
experiment ; criterion, ordeal,
assay ; temptation, trouble,
affliction, distress, grief, suf-
fering, tribulation.
ANT. Non-attempt; ease, fa-
tility; acceptance; oversight,
disregard; trifle, triviality.
Trick. Stratagem, wile, fraud,
cheat, juggle, finesse, sleight;
deception, imposture, delusion,
imposition; artifice, machina-
tion, contrivance, legerde-
ANT. Exposure, revelation,
examination; blunder, botch,
bungling, fumbling, maladroit-
ness, mishap; genuineness, art-
lessness, openhandedness.
Triumph. Success, conquest,
victory; ovation, celebration,
jubilee, jubilation, exultation;
achievement, attainment.
ANT. Defeat, failure, disap-
pointment, discomfiture, abor-
tion, baffling.
Trouble. Affliction, sorrow, dis-
turbance, perplexity, vexation,
molestation, annoyance, incon-
venience, calamity, misfortune,
adversity, misery; tribulation,
distress, disaster, torment, diffi-
culty, anxiety.
ANT. Blessing, peace, com-
posure, alleviation, appease-
ment, pleasure, fortune, boon,
affluence, happiness, joy, suc-
cess, gladness, ease, facility,
amusement, recreation.
True. Correct, accurate, pre-
cise, exact; unwavering, faith-
ful, loyal; actual, pure, real,
genuine; veritable.
ANT. Untrue, false, ficti-
tious, unreliable, incorrect, in-
accurate, inexact; vacillating,
disloyal, faithless; counterfeit,
impure, unreal, factitious, un-
trustworthy, adulterated, spu-
rious, fickle, treacherous.
Trust, n. Confidence, belief, ex-
pectation, faith, hope; reliance.
ANT. Doubt, misgiving, dis-
trust, skepticism, suspense; de-
Truth. Fact, reality, fidelity,
conformity, exactness ; stead-
fastness; veracity, verity; ac-
curacy, precision, faithfulness.
ANT. Falsehood, falsity, lie,
untruth, fabrication, fiction;
fallacy, mistake, sophism.
Tumult. Ferment, disturbance,
turbulence, disorder, bluster,
hubbub, bustle, brawl, riot; ex.
citement, distraction, confusion,
turmoil, noise.
[ 268 ]
ANT. Peace, order, orderli-
ness, pacification, quiet, sub-
Turn, n. Revolution; alteration,
vicissitude ; winding, bending,
meandering; stroll; succession,
alternation ; chance, occasion ;
convenience, purpose, exigence;
form, cast, shape, manner, fash-
ion; rotation, recurrence; op-
portunity; deed, office, treat-
ment, act; tendency, talent,
gift; crisis.
ANT. Fixity, unchangeable-
ness, immobility, uniformity,
stability, continuity; indepen-
dence; malformation, shape-
Turn, v. Revolve, reverse, de-
flect, change; divert, transfer,
use, employ, apply, devote; al-
ter, metamorphose, transform,
convert; shape, mold, adapt;
whirl; hinge, depend; eventu-
ate, issue, terminate.
ANT. Stick, stop, remain;
adhere, hold to; persist, con-
tinue; stabilitate, perpetuate,
arrest, stereotype.
Tutor. Teacher, instructor, pro-
fessor, preceptor, master, sa-
vant, guardian, governor.
ANT. Pupil, student, nov-
ice, disciple, scholar, ward,
Twist, v. Contort, writhe, con-
volve; pervert, distort; wind,
wreathe ; insinuate ; encircle.
ANT. Straighten, untwist,
rectify, unwind, disentangle,
unravel; verify, substantiate.
Type. Mark, stamp, sign, em-
blem; style, semblance; repre-
sentation, similitude, figure,
symbol, token; character, pat-
tern, archetype, model, norm;
cast, mold, fashion.
ANT. Caricature, monstros-
ity, abnormity; falsification,
deviation; misrepresentation.
Ubiquity. Omnipresence; uni-
versal presence, all-pervasive-
ANT. Localization, limita-
Ugly. Loathsome, unsightly, re-
pulsive ; ill-natured, quarrel-
some; unpleasant; plain, ordi-
nary, homely, hideous, fright-
ful; cross, vicious.
ANT. Attractive, handsome,
fair, pleasant, agreeable, beau-
tiful, shapely, comely; lovely,
kindly, good-natured, gentle.
Ultimate. Final, last, conclu-
sive, farthest, extreme, most
remote; elemental.
ANT. Initial, nearest, be-
ginning, primary.
UXL-. A prefix meaning not or
icithout, or simply intensive,
which ia prefixed to nouns, ad-
jectives, adverbs, and the par-
ticiples of verbs. Words whose
meaning is simply that of the
root word with negative or in-
tensive emphasis are omitted
here, and their synonyms and
antonyms may be formed from
those of the root word.
Unction. Anointing, ointment;
power, fervor, animation, fer-
vency, ardor, enthusiasm, en-
ergy, spirit, emotion.
ANT. Tameness, perfunctori-
ness, coldness, lifelessness.
Unctuous. Fatty, oily, greasy;
bland, suave, tender, fervid ; ob-
sequious, fawning, servile, sye~
[ 269 ]
ANT. Blunt, brusk, abrupt;
cynical, sarcastic; harsh, un-
mannerly, uncomplimentary.
Under-. A prefix meaning be-
neath or below. Words whose
meaning is simply that of the
root word with the meaning of
the prefix added are omitted
in this place, and their syno-
nyms and antonyms may be
formed in many cases from
those of the root word.
Under, prep. Below, beneath,
ANT. Above, upon, over.
Understand. Know, compre-
hend ; learn, be informed, hear ;
recognize, interpret; imply,
assume ; apprehend, discern,
see, perceive, conceive, pene-
ANT. Misunderstand, mis-
comprehend, misinterpret; de-
clare, state; express, inform.
Understanding. Sense, intelli-
gence, conception, perception,
discernment, knowledge, intu-
ition, cognition, reason; inter-
pretation; mind, brains.
ANT. Insensibility, stupid-
ity, dulness, obtuseness, sense-
lessness, slowness, irrational-
: ity, sluggishness, ignorance, un-
Undertake. Engage, enter, set
about, attempt; covenant, con-
tract; guarantee, promise, af-
firm; project, commence; stip-
ANT. Abandon, drop, desist,
discontinue, decline; complete,
finish, end, terminate.
Undertaking. Enterprise, en-
gagement, attempt, adventure,
business, effort, endeavor; ex-
periment, venture, interest, af-
fair, matter, concern.
ANT. Leisure, inactivity;
Undulation. Waving motion ;
vibration; wavy outline; pul-
sation; oscillation, swelling;
wave, ripple.
ANT. Equilibrium; arresta-
tion, standing; plain, table-
Uniform. Unchanging, equable,
consistent, homogeneous ; con-
sonant; regular, constant, in-
variable, steady; similar, un-
varied, alike.
ANT. Heterogeneous, vari-
able, varying, diverse; irregu-
lar, inconsistent, erratic, eccen-
tric, unsymmetrical.
Union. Unity, connection, con-
cord, combination, confederacy,
alliance ; coalition, conjunc-
tion; harmony, concert, agree-
ment ; league, confederation,
consolidation; oneness, junc-
ture, unification.
ANT. Disconnection, separa-
tion, disjunction, disunion, di-
vorce, severance, analysis, dis-
sociation, contrariety, decompo-
sition, division, schism, parti-
tion, discord, disagreement, se-
cession, disruption; multiplica-
tion, diversification.
Unique. Sole, only, unmatched,
unequalled, unparalleled, sin-
gular, peculiar, exceptional,
ANT. Common, universal,
everyday, commonplace, ordi-
nary, familiar, vulgar, mean.
Unison. Harmony, agreement,
concord, union, accordance.
ANT. Discord, variance, dis'
agreement, divergence.
Unit. Oneness, unity; one; in-
tegral; item, individual.
ANT. Sum, mass, total, ag-
gregate, whole, collection.
Unite. Add, join, attach, an (
nex; combine, connect; agree
harmonize, associate, coalesce;
incorporate, consolidate, amal
gamate, blend, embody, merge >
[ 270 ]
concur, coSperate, league, con-
ANT. Disjoin, sever, sepa-
rate, divide, resolve, discon-
nect; disintegrate, dissociate,
sunder, diverge; multiply, split,
Unity. Oneness, concord, con-
junction, agreement, junction,
uniformity, harmony, union ;
singleness, unanimity.
ANT. Separation, disunion,
disconnection, division, disa-
greement, divorce.
"Universal. General, unlimited,
all-reaching; total, whole, en-
tire; catholic, common; com-
prehensive, exhaustive, com-
ANT. Specific, special, indi-
vidual, particular, limited, lo-
cal, partial, exclusive, excep-
"Up-. A prefix giving the idea
of elevation or an intensive
value. Words whose meaning
is derived quite simply from
that of the root plus that of
the prefix are omitted here.
Their synonyms and antonyms
may be readily formed from
those of the root word.
Upbraid. Reproach, censure,
blame, condemn; taunt, chide,
ANT. Approve, commend,
praise, eulogize, compliment,
Upon. On; about, concerning;
with, immediately after, forth-
ANT. Under, beneath, "be-
low; before, after, without.
Upper. Higher, superior, on
ANT. Lower, inferior, below,
Upright. Erect, perpendicular,
vertical; honest, just, honor-
able, conscientious, virtuous,
good, faithful, true, trust-
ANT. Inclined, slanted; in-
verted; unprincipled, dishon-
est, unscrupulous, corrupt, un-
Uproar. Tumult, disturbance,
confusion, bustle, clamor, com-
motion, turmoil, racket, noise,
ANT. Peace, calm, quiet, si-
lence, order, tranquillity.
Urbane. Courteous, polite, re-
fined, suave, elegant; civil, pol-
ANT. Discourteous, uncivil t
unrefined, impolite, rude, boor-
Urge. Animate, instigate, stimu-
late, encourage, arouse; impel,
press, drive; beseech, entreat,
importune; goad, spur, incite;
hasten, accelerate, expedite.
ANT. Hold back, hinder, ob-
struct, prevent, retard, inhibit,
restrain; defy, challenge, dare;
oppose, object.
Urgent. Urging, pressing, im-
portunate, immediate, impor-
tant, imperative, grave, momen-
tous, serious, cogent, solicitous,
critical, emergency, necessi-
ANT. Trivial, insignificant,
unimportant, immaterial, in-
Usage. Custom, wont, habit,
use; mode, method, manners,
behavior; practice, procedure;
Use. Employment, application,
occasion, necessity, usefulness,
utility; practice, usage, cus-
tom, manner, habit; service^
advantage; profit, avail, need;
ANT. Uselessness, misappli-
cation, super -fluousness, worth-
lessness, disuse, non-observ-
ance, desuetude.
[ 271 ]
Useful. Advantageous, profit-
able, serviceable, beneficial ;
fruitful, effectual, suitable, ef-
fective, adapted, helpful, good,
convenient, valuable, available.
ANT. Useless, profitless, un-
profitable, valueless, unservice-
able, fruitless, inconducive, in-
effectual, unavailing, retarding,
hindering, preventive, obstruc-
tive, cumbersome, burdensome,
Usual. Familiar, frequent, ordi-
nary, regular, wonted, preva-
lent, accustomed, common, cus-
tomary, everyday, general, nor-
mal, habitual, prevailing, pub-
ANT. Exceptional, infre-
quent, extraordinary, strange,
uncommon, unparalleled, un-
usual, out-of-the-way, singular,
Usurp. Arrogate, assume, ap-
propriate, seize.
ANT. Inherit, accept, re-
Utility. Profit, expediency, use,
usefulness, avail, benefit, ad-
vantage, service, usableness.
ANT. Futility, inutility, in-
adequacy, inexpediency, use-
lessness, folly, impolicy, disad-
vantage, worthlessness, un-
Utmost. Farthest, extreme, re-
motest, last, most distant; ut-
termost; greatest.
ANT. Nearest, next; least.
Utter, v. Issue, deliver, liberate,
discharge; circulate, pass; ex-
press, publish, disclose, speak,
pronounce; promulgate.
ANT. Suppress, recall, check,
stifle, hush, repress; retract,
Utter, a. Complete, perfect, to-
tal, entire, absolute; peremp-
tory, unconditional, unquali-
fied; thorough.
ANT. Imperfect, incomplete;
conditioned, qualified; partial.
Utterly. Fully, totally, thor-
ANT. Partially, imperfectly,
Vacancy. Emptiness; leisure,
intermission, idleness ; vacu-
um; chasm, gap; interval; va-
cuity, space, void.
ANT. Fulness, plethora, re-
pletion; business, occupation,
Vacant. Blank, empty, void, un-
occupied, waste, unemployed,
untenanted, vacuous, unfilled,
devoid, unencumbered, disen-
gaged, idle, uncrowded; inane,
silly; free; thoughtless, uare-
flective; abandoned; inane;
leisure; unmeaning.
ANT. Full, filled, occupied,
replenished, diligent, buaj/, en-
gaged, employed; reflective,
thoughtful, meaningful; brim-
ful, busy, crammed, inhabited,
packed, replete, brimmed, over-
flowing, brimming, jammed,
gorged, crowded.
Vacate. Empty, make vacant,
quit, resign, surrender; annul,
abrogate, cancel, invalidate, ab-
scind, abolish, overrule, neu-
ANT. Fill, occupy, employ,
hold, retain, substantiate.
Vacation. Interval, intermis-
sion, holidays, rest, leisure.
ANT. Worktime, term, busi-
I 272 ]
Vacillate. Fluctuate, waver, be
unsteady, stagger, reel, sway,
rock, hesitate, be inconstant,
ANT. Adhere, abide, deter-
mine, be steadfast, stay.
Vacillation. Wavering, fluctu-
ating, swaying, reeling, rock-
ing, fluctuation, hesitation, in-
constancy, unsteadiness.
ANT. Steadiness, firmness,
inflexibility, determination.
Vacuity. Emptiness, vacancy,
void, vacuum; inanity, nihil-
ity, inanition, unreality; space.
ANT. Fulness, bulk, mat-
ter, substance; occupation, ac-
tuality, reality; contents.
Vagabond. Wanderer, vagrant,
tramp, rascal; outcast, loafer,
nomad, idler, beggar, rogue.
ANT. Worker, laborer.
Vagary. Whim, freak, crotchet,
whimsicality, caprice, fancy.
ANT. Purpose, idea, deter-
mination, judgment, serious-
ness, conviction.
Vagrant, a. Wandering, erratic,
unsettled, strolling, itinerant,
roving, sauntering, nomadic.
ANT. Domestic, local, estab-
lished, resident, abiding, dwell-
Vague. Unsettled, undetermined,
indefinite, ambiguous, lax, un-
certain, dim, doubtful, obscure,
indistinct, unfixed, general, in-
tangible, equivocal, pointless ;
unwarranted, unauthorized.
ANT. Determined, limited,
strict, specific, pointed, definite,
distinct, scientific, settled, clear,
fixed, manifest, perspicuous.
Vain. Futile, trivial, vapid, vis-
ionary, worthless, abortive, un-
satisfying, fruitless, empty, de-
ceitful, baseless, delusive, boot-
less, idle, ineffectual, shadowy,
trifling, unserviceable, unsub-
stantial, profitless, inconstant,
unprofitable, null, nugatory, un-
availing, unimportant, unreal;
showy, useless ; conceited, arro-
gant, ostentatious.
ANT. Adequate, solid, use-
ful, effective, powerful, worthy,
important, sufficient, service-
able, potent, competent, advan-
tageous, beneficial, efficient, ear-
pedient, profitable, real, sound,
substantial, valid, valuable, es-
sential, cogent, availing, satis-
factory, modest.
Valediction. Farewell, valedic-
tory, leave-taking, adieu.
ANT. Salutation, welcome,
hail, reception, recognition.
Valiant. Strong, powerful, in-
trepid, courageous, brave, val-
orous, heroic, gallant, chival-
rous, daring, dauntless, bold,
fearless, redoubtable, undaunt-
ed, stout-hearted.
ANT. Timid, cowardly, fear-
ful, timorous, recreant, craven.
Valid. Sound, good, justified,
trustworthy, well-grounded, effi-
cacious, weighty, powerful, effi-
cient, conclusive, logical, solid,
cogent, important, grave, sub-
stantial, sufficient.
ANT. Weak, invalid, null,
void, unsound, baseless, falla-
cious, unfounded, untrue; un-
available, inoperative, super-
Validity. Soundness, justness,
efficacy, force, weight, cogency,
ANT. Weakness, impotency,
ineffectiveness, lightness, futil-
Valor. Bravery, courage, prow-
ess, intrepidity, heroism, bold-
ness, daring.
ANT. Timidity, fearfulness,
cowardice, pusillanimity.
Valuable. Worthy, estimable,
costly, precious, expensive, use-
ful, dear, serviceable.
[ 273 ]
ANT. Worthless, valueless,
cheap, inexpensive, silly, use-
less, trifling, trivial.
Value, n. Worth, utility, desir-
ability, importance, power; im-
port, signification; esteem, re-
gard, excellence; price, cost,
ANT. Cheapness, reduction,
Value, v. Compute, esteem, re-
spect, regard; be worth, rate,
appraise, estimate; appreciate,
prize, treasure, account.
ANT. Cheapen, reduce, con-
temn, despise, undervalue, un-
derestimate; disregard, dises-
teem, misprize.
Vanish. Disappear, fade, pass
away, dissolve, melt away, be
ANT. Appear, approach, 'be
manifest, loom up, arrive.
Vanity. Pride, conceit; unreal-
ity, worthiessness, emptiness ;
hollo wness, triviality, futility,
unsubstantiality, falsity; ego-
ism, self-sufficiency; show, os-
ANT. Reality, truth, worth;
simplicity; modesty, humility,
self -distrust ; substance, solid-
Vanquish. Conquer, overcome,
subdue, defeat, surmount, con-
fute, silence; subjugate, over-
throw, master, foil, discomfit,
quell; disprove, confound.
ANT. Succumb, yield, fail.
Vapid. Dead, spiritless, flat, in-
sipid, dull, unanimated; taste-
less, stale, tame; languid, pro-
saic, feeble, prosy.
ANT. Pungent, spirited, ani-
mated, pithy, trenchant.
Vapor, n. Fume, steam, reek, ex-
halation, smoke, fog, mist; va-
gary, phantom, whim, dream,
vision ; flatulence ; fantasy.
ANT. Inhalation, absorption.
Variable. Changeable, fickle, in-
constant, mutable, shifting, un-
steady, vacillating, wavering,
fluctuating, versatile, capri-
ANT. Unchanging, immu-
table, constant, firm, unwaver-
ing, steady, invariable, unalter-
Variance. Variation, dissension,
disagreement, discord, differ-
ence, alteration, strife; hostil-
ity, antagonism, discrepancy,
ANT. Harmony, agreement,
assimilation, reconciliation, ac-
commodation, peace.
Variation. Modification, alter-
ation, mutation, change, diver-
sity, vicissitude, variety, devia-
tion; departure, difference, dis-
ANT. Fixity, harmony, con-
tinuance, uniformity, rule, law,
Variegated. Streaked, dappled,
particolored, diversified, varied,
checkered, figured, mottled.
ANT. Unspotted, spotless,
Variety. Diversity, difference, as-
sortment, species, class, multi-
far iousness, medley, miscellany,
multiplicity, kind.
ANT. Type, species, speci-
men, uniformity.
Various. Different, diverse, sev-
eral, manifold, changeable, un-
certain, inconstant, variable,
variegated, sundry, diversified.
ANT. Identical, few, same,
uniform, similar, single.
Varnish, v. Gloss, palliate, con-
ceal, cover, embellish, disguise,
lacquer, extenuate, excuse, mit-
igate, glaze over.
ANT. Simplify, divest; re-
veal, bare, manifest.
Vary. Alter, change, modify, al-
ternate, diversify, variegate,
[ 274 ]
differ, deviate, depart, be di-
verse, swerve, disagree, trans-
form, metamorphose.
ANT. Stereotype, perpetu-
ate: conform, assimilate, har-
Vast. Spacious, huge, immense,
great, mighty, transcendent,
measureless, boundless, colos-
sal, enormous, stupendous, pro-
digious, gigantic, monstrous, re-
markable, extraordinary.
ANT. Moderate, limited, con-
fined, circumscribed, narrow,
close, small.
Vaticination. Prediction, div-
ination, prophecy, prognostica-
tion, augury.
ANT. Fulfilment, ratifica-
tion, realization, verification,
accomplish m en t .
Vault. Jump, spring, bound,
leap; tumble, turn.
ANT. Crawl, creep, grovel.
Vaunt. Boast, brag, display,
show off; advertise, flourish,
ANT. Conceal, disparage, de-
cry, detract, repress, suppress.
Veer. Shift, turn, change, trim,
ANT. Stand, stick, adhere,
persist, remain.
Vegetate. Sprout, grow, germi-
nate; bask, idle, hibernate.
ANT. Decay, fade, wither,
pine; bustle, energize, work,
Vehemence. Impetuosity, vio-
lence, fury, frenzy, ardor, fer-
vor, fervency, warmth, zeal, en-
thusiasm, passion, force, inten-
ANT. Passivity, inertia, qui-
escence, coldness, stoicism, in-
difference, unconcern, apathy,
Vehement. Raging, hot, ar-
dent, fervid, burning, passion-
ate, eager, violent, impetuous,
furious, urgent, mighty, for-
cible, powerful, sanguine, en-
ANT. Cool, impassive, indif-
ferent, feeble, mild, controlled,
subdued, cold, stoical, passion-
less, weak, inanimate.
Veil, v. Cover, invest, hide, con-
ceal, screen, mask, shroud, en-
ANT. Expose, disclose, strip,
denude, unveil, make manifest.
Velocity. Celerity, fleetness, ra-
pidity, speed, swiftness; impe-
tus, momentum.
ANT. Inertia, sluggishness,
inertness; resistance; passiv-
ity, languor, inactivity.
Venal. Mercenary, hireling, sor-
did, purchasable, salable, pros-
ANT. Honest, honorable, in-
corruptible, public-spirited, pa-
triotic, unpurchasable, gener-
ous, disinterested.
Vend. Barter, trade, sell, hawk,
ANT. Buy, purchase, bribe,
Venerable. Worthy, honorable,
estimable; dread, awful; sage,
wise, grave.
ANT. Despicable, dishon-
ored; informal, free, intimate,
easy; foolish, silly.
Venerate. Honor, respect, re-
vere, reverence, adore, admire,
ANT. Dishonor, disregard,
scorn, scoff at, slight, spurn, de-
test, disdain, despise, contemn,
abhor, execrate.
Veneration. Reverence, adora-
tion, respect, awe, worship, es-
teem, dread.
ANT. Irreverence, loathing,
disrespect, contempt, disdain,
dishonor, scorn.
Vengeance. Punishment, retri-
bution, revenge, retaliation.
[ 275 ]
ANT. Forgiveness, pardon,
reprieve, indulgence, amnesty,
remission, absolution.
Venial. Excusable, justifiable,
pardonable, slight, trivial.
ANT. Inexcusable, heinous,
unpardonable, flagrant, mortal,
infamous, unjustifiable, inex-
Venom. Virus, bane, poison;
Bpite, malice, malignity, hate,
ill will, maliciousness, rancor,
grudge, bitterness, acrimony.
ANT. Medicine, remedy; be-
nevolence, kindness, good will.
Venomous. Poisonous, malig-
nant, noxious, mischievous, vir-
ulent, spiteful.
ANT. Wholesome, remedial,
salubrious ; kindly, compas-
sionate, genial.
Vent. Outlet, escape, emission,
utterance, discharge, opening,
hole, passage; market, sale.
ANT. Close, stop-gap, end,
termination, obstruction, stop-
Venture, n. Chance, risk, haz-
ard, speculation; accident, con-
tingency; stake, adventure, ex-
periment; luck, hap; danger,
ANT. Certainty, surety, se-
curity, inevitableness, assur-
ance; safety, protection; law,
method; caution, calculation.
Venture, v. Dare, hazard, ad-
venture, risk, jeopardize, im-
peril, chance.
ANT. Calculate, warrant, se-
cure, guarantee, protect.
Venturesome. Bold, daring, ad-
venturous, hardy, courageous,
intrepid, enterprising, doughty,
ANT. Fearsome, timid, re-
luctant, averse, loath, unwill-
Venturous. Bold, daring, fear-
less, venturesome.
ANT. Timid, fearful, diffi-
dent, shy.
Veracious. True, truthful, re-
liable, trustworthy, straight-
forward, honest, credible.
ANT. False, deceitful, men-
dacious, lying, dishonest, per-
Veracity. Honesty, truthful-
ness, reality, candor, truth, in-
genuousness, frankness, verity,
exactness, correctness, accuracy.
ANT. Deception, duplicity,
falsehood, fiction, guile, men-
dacity, untruth, lie, delusion,
fabrication, deceit, error, false-
ness, falsity, imposture.
Verbal. Spoken, oral, literal,
parole, vocal, unwritten, unre-
ANT. Written, recorded, epis-
tolary, documentary.
Verbose. Wordy, prolix, diffuse,
prosy, tedious.
ANT. Laconic, terse, concise,
succinct, curt.
Verdict. Decision, judgment,
opinion, pronouncement, find-
ing, sentence.
ANT. Indecision, indetermi-
Verge, n. Border, limit, bound-
ary, edge, margin, brink; cir-
cumference, circle, ring; rim,
brim, confine, skirt.
ANT. Center, midst, heart,
Verge, v. Tend, incline, slope,
lean, trend, bear, border, ap-
proach, approximate.
ANT. Deviate, recede, revert,
return, depart, retrocede.
Verify. Prove, correct, estab-
lish, confirm, authenticate, af-
firm ; corroborate, attest, sub-
stantiate; fulfil, demonstrate,
ANT. Falsify, misrepresent,
subvert, misstate, fail, dises-
tablish, mistake.
[ 276 ]
Verisimilitude. Likelihood,
probability, consistency.
ANT. Improbability, incon-
sistency, unlikelihood.
Veritable. Actual, real, genuine,
true; positive, absolute; orig-
inal, authentic.
ANT. False, fictitious, sham,
spurious, untrue, feigned, sup-
Verity. Fact, truth, reality, ac-
tuality, existence, truthfulness.
ANT. Falsity, unreality, de-
lusion, fancy, dream, conjec-
ture, hypothesis.
Vernal. Spring, balmy, genial,
ANT. Wintry, aged, autum-
nal, decadent, brumal, harsh,
Versatile. Changeable, incon-
sistent, variable, many-sided,
capricious, erratic, fickle, un-
stable; mobile, plastic, ready.
ANT. Fixed, uniform, one-
sided, immobile, immutable, un-
Versed. Experienced, studied,
practiced, skilled, acquainted,
conversant, proficient, familiar,
clever, indoctrinated.
ANT. Unskilled, ignorant,
unpracticed, untaught, uniniti-
Version. Account, description,
translation, rendering, inter-
pretation, reading; statement.
ANT. Text, problem, diffi-
culty; misinterpretation.
Vertical. Perpendicular, plumb,
ANT. Inclined, slanting, slop-
Vestige. Trace, mark, footstep,
track, sign, remains, trail, to-
ken, remnant, record.
ANT. Misindieation; oblit-
eration, effacement.
Veteran. Old soldier; expert,
adept, proficient; habituS.
ANT. Novice, recruit, tyro.
Veto. Prohibit, forbid, negative,
withhold assent to.
ANT. Pass, approve, assent
to, promulgate, endorse.
Vex. Agitate, disquiet, harass,
afflict, tease, weary, jade; tor-
ment, worry, hector, distress,
annoy, trouble, perplex, bother,
persecute, fret, irritate, offend,
provoke, affront, disturb, tan-
ANT. Please, soothe, quiet,
allay, appease.
Vexation. Chagrin, agitation,
mortification, uneasiness, grief,
trouble, sorrow, distress, irri-
tation, displeasure, affliction,
plague, torment.
ANT. Pleasure, enjoyment,
gratification, satisfaction.
Vibrate. Swing, oscillate, fluc-
tuate, quiver, waver, undulate,
ANT. Rest, be still.
Vice. Crime, sin, fault, iniquity;
defect, error, blemish, imper-
fection, immorality, depravity,
wickedness ; evil, corruption.
ANT. Virtue, goodness, per-
fection, righteousness, nobility,
Vicinity. Neighborhood, vici-
nage, nearness, proximity, pro-
ANT. Distance, remoteness,
separation, removal.
Vicious. Faulty, wicked, cor-
rupt, depraved ; foul, noxious,
defective, unruly, refractory,
spiteful, malignant, mischiev-
ous, immoral.
ANT. Virtuous, pure, good,
upright, noble, moral, perfect.
Vicissitude. Change, alterna-
tion, mutation, interchange, va-
riation, revolution.
ANT. Fixity, changeless ness,
stability, perpetuity, immut<t-
[ 277
Victorious. Conquering, trium-
phant, winning, successful, ex-
ultant, elated, boastful, van-
quishing, subduing, prevailing,
overcoming, mastering, subju-
ANT. Defeated, worsted, hu-
miliated, beaten, baffled, dis-
comfited, conquered, overcome,
vanquished, routed, repulsed,
foiled, disconcerted.
Victory. Success, supremacy,
triumph, achievement, advan-
tage, conquest, mastery.
ANT. Defeat, disaster, de-
struction, overthrow, miscar-
riage, retreat, rout, failure,
disappointment, frustration.
Victuals. Food, provisions, vi-
ands, sustenance, meat.
View, n. Sight, look, survey,
inspection; perception, exami-
nation; reach, range; scene,
prospect ; sketch ; conception,
judgment, opinion; object, aim,
purpose, design; vista, perspec-
tive; picture, intention, scope,
drift; estimate; apprehension.
ANT. Blindness, darkness,
obscuration, mistiness; preju-
dice, misconception, misrepre-
sentation, deception, error, de-
lusion, aimlessness, non-inten-
tion, occultation.
View, v. See, behold, look at,
survey, examine, inspect, ex-
plore, consider, contemplate, re-
gard, scan, witness, study, re-
flect upon, reconnoiter.
ANT. Overlook, neglect, pass
by, miss, slight, ignore; mises-
timate, misjudge.
Vigilance. Sleeplessness, wake-
fulness, watchfulness, circum-
spection, attentiveness, wari-
ness, cautiousness, caution, ac-
tivity, lookout, alertness, ob-
A:XT. Torpor, dulness, inat-
tention, somnolence, careless-
ness, drowsiness, indifference,
Vigilant. Alert, awake, careful,
on the alert, on the lookout,
wary, watchful, wakeful, wide-
awake, sleepless, cautious, cir-
ANT. Negligent, thoughtless,
unwary, oblivious, drowsy, in-
attentive, careless, dull, heed-
less, inconsiderate, neglectful,
Vigorous. Full of vigor, strong,
lusty, robust; forcible, ener-
getic, powerful, sturdy, hearty,
thrifty, flourishing, spirited,
ANT. Weak, impotent, inca-
pacitated, feeble, inactive, debil-
itated, powerless, effete, ener-
vated, indolent.
Vile. Low, base, worthless, des-
picable, mean, depraved, im-
pure, sinful, wicked, bad, dis-
honorable, ignoble, degraded,
sordid, infamous, low-minded.
ANT. Noble, exalted, honor-
able, upright, estimable, great,
worthy, eminent, liberal, free,
generous, superior, dignified,
sublime, stately.
Villain. Scoundrel, knave, ras-
cal, scamp, ruffian, rogu;
ANT. Oentleman, man of re-
finement, polish, delicacy, and
Villainous. Base, vile, mean, de-
praved; sorry, mischievous, in-
famous, knavish ; heinous, sin-
ful, outrageous, atrocious.
ANT. Gentlemanly, noble,
refined, honorable, worthy, up-
Vindicate. Maintain, defend,
justify; assert, protest, pro-
nounce, declare, asseverate ; up-
hold, claim, substantiate, sup-
port, advocate.
AXT. Surrender, yield, givt
[ 278 ]
up, resign; abandon, forego,
waive; destroy, annul, vitiate;
accuse, charge, impute, tax,
Vindictive. Revengeful, unfor-
giving, implacable, spiteful, un-
relenting, malicious.
ANT. Forgiving, generous,
merciful, long-suffering, mag-
Violate. Injure, disturb, inter-
rupt, transgress, desecrate, de-
bauch, dishonor, outrage, pro-
fane, abuse, infringe, ravish.
ANT. Respect, protect, rev-
erence, honor, value, prize, fos-
ter, shelter.
Violence. Vehemence, impetu-
osity, fierceness, force, viola-
tion, infraction, infringement,
transgression, profanation, as-
sault, outrage.
ANT. Preservation, defense,
protection; mildness, self-con-
trol, gentleness, respect, obedi-
ence, conservation.
Violent. Fierce, vehement, out-
rageous, boisterous, turbulent,
impetuous, passionate, severe,
ANT. Sane, sober, calm, col-
lected, unruffled, composed,
Virgin, n. Maid, maiden, girl,
ANT. Wife, mother, married
woman; prostitute, whore.
Virgin, a. Chaste, maidenly,
modest; pure, undefiled, fresh,
ANT. Married, matronly,
motherly; defiled, polluted.
Virile. Mature, masculine ; mas-
terful, forceful; robust, vigor-
ANT. Feminine; feeble, ef-
feminate, puerile, emasculate.
Virtual. Potential, efficacious,
energizing, implicit, indirect,
practical, essential, equivalent.
ANT. Stated, direct, definite,
expressed, explicit, emphatic,
Virtue. Energy, strength, po-
tency, efficacy; value, merit,
excellence ; worth, meritori-
ousnesa; integrity, purity, vir-
ginity, chastity; goodness, mo-
rality, uprightness, rectitude,
probity, righteousness ; force,
power, capacity ; honor, worthi-
ness, honesty, truth, duty, vir-
tuousness, faithfulness, justice.
ANT. Inability, weakness,
impotency, inefficacy ; badness,
corruption, impurity, unchas-
tity, depravity, wickedness, laa-
ity, dishonesty.
Virtuous. Excellent, upright,
righteous, pure, chaste; good,
honest, exemplary, blameless,
worthy, modest.
ANT. Wicked, bad, wrong,
unrighteous, impure, dishonest,
worthless, immodest, blame-
Virulence. Malignancy, virus,
contagion, poison, venom; bit-
terness, malevolence, acrimony.
ANT. Mildness, blandness,
salubriousness, abatement, as-
suagement; potency; benevo~
lence, virtue.
Visible. Perceptible, noticeable,
apparent, open, conspicuous, ob-
vious, manifest, evident, clear,
plain, observable, palpable, dis-
ANT. Invisible, unseen, itn~
perceptible, concealed, eclipsed,
indistinguishable, impalpable,
microscopic, indiscernible.
Vision. Sight; apparition, crea-
tion, phantom, fancy, specter,
appearance, chimera, illusion,
ANT. Material, substance;
reality, fact, actuality.
Visionary. Fanciful, fantastic,
unreal, imaginary, ideal, chi-
[ 279 ]
merical, fantastical, wild,
whimsical, capricious, illusory,
romantic, shadowy, dreamy, un-
substantial, fabulous.
ANT. Actual, real, true, sub-
stantial, genuine, palpable, au-
thentic, veritable.
Vital. Living; mortal; impor-
tant, necessary, essential ; ani-
mate ; indispensable, material,
ANT. Mortal, lifeless, inani-
mate, secondary, separable, un-
essential, unimportant, immate-
Vitiate. Impair, contaminate,
annul, spoil, void, destroy, in-
jure; cause to deteriorate,
taint; invalidate.
ANT. Adhere to, corroborate,
support, confirm, substantiate,
justify, sanction, vindicate; re-
fresh, improve, remedy.
Vivacious. Animated, sportive,
gay, jocund, light-hearted;
merry, sprightly; brisk, frolic-
some, spirited, cheerful, mirth-
ANT. Inanimate, dead, life-
less, spiritless, heavy, somber,
melancholy, mournful, sad, in-
ert, dull, stolid.
Vivid. Clear, lucid, striking, ac-
tive, lively, quick; fresh, in-
tense, animated, bright, strong,
spirited, sprightly ; brilliant,
lustrous, radiant, glowing, scin-
tillant, sunny.
ANT. Dull, opaque, lurid, ob-
scure, rayless, somber, cloudy,
dark, colorless, dim, pale, wan,
dusky, non-luminous.
Vocation. Call, summons, cita-
tion; business, profession, em-
ployment, calling, occupation,
trade; function, mission, office.
ANT. Leisure, non-employ-
ment; avocation, hobby.
Vogue. Mode, custom, way, use,
fashion, practice, usage.
ANT. Disfavor, desuetude,
disuse, unfashionableness, abo-
Voice, n. Sound, utterance, tone;
language, words, speech, judg-
ment, expression, vote; com-
mand, precept; opinion.
ANT. Dumbness, silence, in-
expression, muteness, inarticu-
lation, obtumescence.
Void, a. Empty, vacant, devoid,
wanting, ineffectual, destitute,
lacking; unoccupied, unused,
unfilled; null, invalid, nuga-
tory; vain, unreal, imaginary,
ANT. Occupied, solid, sub-
stantial, possessed, endued; ef-
fectual, valid, operative, good,
efficacious, furnished.
Volatile. Light-hearted, airy;
changeable, fickle; lively, evap-
orating, vaporable, vivacious,
buoyant, jocund ; inconstant,
flighty, whimsical, capricious,
unsteady, reckless.
ANT. Fixed, steady, estab-
lished, determined, solid, set-
tled; persistent, resolute; in-
volatile; somber, demure. i
Volition. Will, choice, prefer-
ence, determination, purpose;
discretion, free will, election,
ANT. Necessity, force, pre-
destination, fate, coercion, fore-
Voluble. Rotating; nimble, glib;
active; fluent, loquacious, talk-
ative, rapid, running, coursing.
ANT. Direct; slow, deliber-
ate, hesitating, stuttering, tor-
pid, stammering, creeping, lazy.
Volume. Book, tome; convolu-
tion, coil; dimension, mass, ca-
pacity, bulk, size.
ANT. Minuteness, smallness.
Voluntary. Spontaneous, will-
ing, un compel led ; free, impul-
sive; unconstrained, deliberate,
[ 280 ]
intentional, optional, gratui-
tous, by choice; discretional.
ANT. Coerced, forced, invol-
untary, compulsory, necessi-
tated, constrained.
Volunteer, v. Offer, bestow, or
act freely, proffer, tender, pre-
ANT. Levy, draft, requisi-
tion, request, demand, suborn,
Voluptuous. Sensual, sensuous,
epicurean 5 luxurious, pleasur-
able, licentious, self-indul-
ANT. Self-sacrificing, absti-
nent, ascetic, self-denying, aus-
tere, puritanical, renuncia-
Voracious. Hungry, greedy, ra-
pacious, eager, ravenous, glut-
tonous, insatiate, omnivorous.
ANT. Fastidious, dainty, re-
fined, delicate, nice.
Vouch.. Declare, affirm, attest,
support, asseverate, aver, pro-
test, assure, promise, warrant,
ANT. Repudiate, abjure, re-
nounce, protest against, demur,
decline, abnegate.
Vouchsafe. Grant, concede, be-
stow; condescend, deign, stoop,
descend, yield.
ANT. Deny, refuse, toithhold.
Vow, n. Promise, pledge; oath,
Vow, v. Devote, promise, conse-
crate, dedicate; assert, assever-
ate, swear.
ANT. Release, absolve, free;
pollute, defile, profane.
Vulgar. Common, general, ordi-
nary, public; vernacular; ple-
beian ; popular ; rustic, boorish,
low, coarse, base, underbred.
ANT. Noble, aristocratic, pa-
trician, high-born, refined, po-
lite, high-bred, stylish, select,
choice, cultivated; strict, scien-
tific, philosophical, technical,
Vulnerable. Susceptible, liable,
subject, assailable, weak, ten-
der, exposed.
ANT. Impregnable, unassail-
able, unexposed, concealed, for-
tified, defended.
Waft. Bear, convey, transmit,
carry, transport, make to float
on waves ( of air or icater).
ANT. Sink, weigh down, de-
Wages. Salary, stipend, allow-
ance, remuneration, fruit, hire,
pay, compensation ; earnings ;
reward, emolument.
ANT. Gratuity, bonus, pre-
mium, grace, douceur, gift,
Wait. Stay, tarry, delay, stop,
abide, remain, linger; rest; ex-
pect, watch, await, look for.
ANT. Hasten, hurry, speed,
press on; go, depart.
Waive. Relinquish, forbear, re-
fuse, forego; throw away, cast
off, reject, desert; abandon, re-
mit, quit claim, cancel, drop,
renounce, surrender.
ANT. Urge, assert, press,
enforce, claim, defend, vindi-
Wake. Be awake, watch; ex-
cite, arouse, stir; reanimate,
revive; call, evoke, summon,
ANT. Soothe, hush, tranquil*
[ 281 ]
ise, quiet; mesmerize; allay,
appease, calm.
WakefuL Vigilant, awake, sleep-
less ; watchful, observant, wary.
ANT. Drowsy, sleepy; heed-
less, careless, incautious, un-
Walk. Move on foot, proceed;
be stirring, be abroad; behave,
pursue, conduct one's self; per-
ambulate, pass, traverse; step,
stride, march, stalk, tramp,
plod, trudge, tread.
ANT. Halt, stop, stand still;
ride, drive.
Wan. Pale, sickly, languid, pal-
lid; ashen, colorless, haggard,
cadaverous; livid, bloodless.
ANT. Fresh-colored, bright,
rosy, lively, sanguine, incarna-
Wander. Straggle, stroll, range ;
turn aside; be delirious, rave;
be crazed; expatiate; depart,
saunter ; navigate, travel ; devi-
ate, diverge, err, ramble, go
astray, rove, stray, veer, roam,
ewerve, digress.
ANT. Remain, stay, settle,
rest, stop, pause, moor, anchor,
perch, bivouac, halt, alight,
Wane. Be diminished, decrease ;
decline, fail, sink; fade, pale;
ebb; pine, droop, deteriorate,
attenuate, contract, recede.
ANT. Wax, increase, rally,
improve, brighten, expand, de-
velop, advance.
Want, n. Defect, failure, dearth,
indigence, absence, scarcity, de-
ficiency, lack; destitution, pov-
erty, need, shortness, insuffi-
ciency, scantiness.
ANT. Supply, sufficiency, al-
lowance, provision, abundance,
production, adequacy, supple-
Ward, n. Watch, guardianship,
guard; garrison, defender, pro-
tector; defense, protection; cus-
tody; keeper, guardian, war-
den; pupil, minor; division!
Ward, v. Watch, guard; defend,
protect; repel, turn aside; be
vigilant; keep guard, avert, re-
pel, parry, fend.
ANT. Betray, surrender, ad-
Warfare. Hostilities, war; con-
test, struggle; strife, discord;
belligerence, antagonism; cam-
paign, battle, skirmish, engage-
ANT. Peace, truce, armis-
tice; amity, pacification; neu-
trality ; reconciliation; tran-
quillity, friendliness, harmony,
order, quiet, concord.
Warlike. Military, martial, hos-
tile, soldierly, inimical, belli-
cose, unfriendly, belligerent.
ANT. Peaceful, civil, unmili-
tary, friendly, pacific, amicable.
Warm. Ardent, zealous, fervent,
cordial, hot, glowing; violent,
vehement, furious, excited, pas-
sionate; warm-blooded, warm-
hearted; sunny, mild, genial,
pleasant ; close, oppressive ; fer-
vid, earnest, eager, enthusias-
tic, hearty; lively, interested;
ANT. Cool, cold; dispassion-
ate, collected, composed, calm,
unruffled, placid, sedate, quiet,
staid; unconcerned, frigid, apa-
thetic, chilling; repellent.
Warmth. Fervency, glow, ear-
nestness, cordiality, animation,
eagerness, excitement, vehe-
mence ; interest, zeal, ardor, en-
thusiasm, passion, fervor, heat,
intensity, spirit; emotion, life.
ANT. Coolness, calmness, in-
difference, frigidity, torpidity,
apathy, impassiveness ; calm,
chill, obtuseness, frost, iciness.
Warn. Make ware, notify, ad-
[ 282 ]
monish, caution; advise, men-
tion to, inform, apprise; dis-
suade, deter, alarm, premonish.
ANT. Encourage, embolden,
inspirit, hearten, induce, insti-
gate, prompt, impel.
"Warrant, n. Guaranty, secur-
ity, voucher; commission, cre-
Warrant, v. Secure, guarantee,
support, justify, sanction, as-
sure; empower, engage, under-
take, authorize.
ANT. Invalidate, nullify, re-
pudiate, cancel, make void; en-
danger, imperil.
Wary. Circumspect, watchful,
cautious, vigilant, prudent, dis-
creet, heedful, thoughtful, care-
ful, guarded, scrupulous, chary.
ANT. Unsuspecting, unwary,
incautious, negligent, heedless,
inattentive, indifferent, remiss.
Wash, v. Cleanse, wet, scrub,
moisten, bathe, lave; overflow,
fall on; waste, abrade; stain,
tint, color; overlay, cover;
cleanse, rinse.
ANT. Soil, stain, pollute, de-
file, contaminate, bemire.
Waste, n. Squandering, devasta-
tion, loss, decrease; void, des-
ert, wilderness; refuse; prodi-
gality, diminution, dissipation,
destruction, havoc, desolation,
ravage; solitude, expanse; con-
sumption, expenditure, extrava-
ANT. Restoration, renova-
tion, reimbursement, renewal,
recovery, restitution, repara-
tion; accumulation, frugality,
economy, thrift, hoard, store,
Waste, v. Squander, dissipate,
lavish, desolate ; ruin, devas-
tate, destroy; wear away, im-
pair, use up, consume, spend;
damage, injure.
ANT. Restore, renovate, re-
pair, renew; develop, multiply,
augment; economize, hoard, ac-
cumulate, treasure, husband,
Waste, a. Desolate, devastated,
stripped, bare, dreary, dismal,
gloomy, cheerless ; worthless,
valueless, refuse, rejected, un
used, superfluous.
ANT. Populated, occupied,
cheerful, lively; valuable, use-
ful, essential, necessary.
Wasteful. Destructive, ruinous;
lavish, prodigal, profuse, ex-
ANT. Careful, economical,
frugal, protective.
Watch, v. Be awake, keep vigil,
be on guard, tend; heed, ob-
serve, expect.
ANT. Sleep, drowse, slum-
ber; be careless, neglect, over-
Watchful. Circumspect, wake-
ful, heedful; vigilant, awake,
attentive, wary, cautious, ob-
ANT. Drowsy, slumbrous, in-
observant, careless, heedless, in-
attentive, unwary, incautious,
remiss, distracted, inadvertent.
Waver. Reel, totter, vacillate,
fluctuate, hesitate, dubitate, be
undetermined, alternate, be
perplexed, scruple.
ANT. Decide, choose, settle,
determine, dispose of, be stead-
Wavering, n. Fluctuation, hesi-
tancy, indecision, vacillation;
uncertainty, irresolution.
ANT. Decision, determina-
tion, resolution, promptness.
Way. Path, road, route, street,
track, alley, avenue, channel,
course, highway, pathway, high-
road, driveway, lane, pass, pas-
sageway, passage, thoroughfare,
roadway; distance, interval;
motion, progression, journey;
[ 283 ]
means, scheme, device, plan;
manner, method, mode, fashion,
style ; practice, habit, habitude,
custom, wont.
ANT. Deviation, error, dis-
cursion; deflection, divergence,
rambling, wandering; excep-
tion, variation.
"Wayward. Disobedient, head-
strong, froward, perverse, wil-
ful, obstinate, stubborn, unruly,
capricious, contrary.
ANT. Amenable, docile, man-
ageable, compliant, obedient.
Weak. Feeble, infirm, sickly, ex-
hausted, unable ; deficient ; soft,
pliant, frail; low, faint; spir-
itless; foolish, wavering, lack-
ing; debilitated, unsound, in-
valid, fragile, delicate, tender;
exposed, unguarded, defense-
less; pliable, irresolute; simple,
silly, witless, shallow, imbecile,
childish ; injudicious, unwise ;
insipid, tasteless, thin, diluted,
watery; imprudent, indiscreet,
erring; flimsy, slight, frivolous;
unsafe, unsubstantial, un-
trustworthy ; ineffectual.
ANT. Strong, sturdy, vigor-
ous, hardy, robust, powerful;
sound, hale, healthy, stout,
able; efficient, capable, potent,
mighty; firm, compact, secure,
impregnable; forcible, intense,
energetic; biting, sharp, racy,
pungent; rank; tough, tena-
cious, cohesive, resisting; stren-
uous, ardent, eager, zealous,
hearty; vivid, brilliant; solid,
substantial; valid, confirmed,
"Weaken. Debilitate, enfeeble,
enervate; invalidate; depress,
impair, reduce, lower, sap, di-
lute, attenuate.
ANT. Strengthen, empower,
invigorate; confirm, corrobo-
rate, substantiate; augment, in-
crease, mend, improve; enhance.
Weakness. Feebleness, debility,
languor, imbecility, infirmity,
decrepitude, faintness, frailty.
ANT. Strength, vigor, tone,
health, power, efficiency, nerve,
Wealth. Riches, affluence, opu-
lence, abundance, plenty, for-
tune, competence, estate, treas-
ure, money, funds, cash, prop-
erty; luxury, satiety.
ANT. Poverty, scarcity, in-
digence, lack, want, need, impe-
Wear. Carry, bear, have on ; use
up; impair, waste, diminish,
consume; last; don, exhibit,
ANT. Doff, abandon; renew,
renovate, repair; increase, aug-
ment, swell.
Weariness. Fatigue, languor,
exhaustion, lassitude, prostra-
tion, depression.
ANT. Strength, vigor, force,
energy, restedness.
Wearisome. Tiresome, tedious,
irksome, vexatious, fatiguing;
trying, wearing; prosy, monot-
onous, annoying, uninterest-
ing; toilsome, laborious.
ANT. Easy, pleasing, com-
fortable; invigorating; facile;
interesting, exciting, fascinat-
ing, delightful, amusing, stir-
Weary, a. Fatigued, tiresome,
irksome, wearisome ; tired, sick,
ANT. Energetic, strong, re-
freshed, invigorated : pleased,
Weave. Interlace, unite; com-
pose, fabricate; intwine, plait,
braid, plat.
ANT. Disentangle, unravel,
untwist, disunite, untwine; ex-
tricate, simplify.
Wed. Marry, espouse; unite, at-
I 284 ]
[who '
ANT. Separate, divorce.
Wedding. Marriage, bridal, es-
pousals, nuptials, nuptial cere-
ANT. Celibacy, bachelorhood,
Wedlock. Marriage, matrimony,
nuptial state.
ANT. Celibacy, bachelorhood,
Weep. Cry, shed tears, lament,
complain ; drip, be soaked ; sob,
bewail, bemoan; droop.
ANT. Laugh, smile; rejoice,
be cheerful, enjoy.
Weight. Heaviness ; pressure,
burden; importance, influence,
consequence, moment ; ponder-
ousness, gravity, load, power;
efficacy, impressiveness.
ANT. Lightness, levity, vola-
tility; insignificance, triviality,
weakness, inefjlcacy, worthless-
ness ;portableness, ease, facility.
Weighty. Heavy, ponderous,
burdensome, onerous; forcible,
momentous ; efficacious, impres-
sive, cogent.
ANT. Easy, light, unencum-
bered; active, swift ; slight, un-
important; frivolous, volatile,
unsettled, giddy.
Welcome, n. Greeting, saluta-
tion, reception.
ANT. Farewell, adieu, part-
ing, good-by, leave-taking; re-
pulse, repudiation.
Welcome, a. Grateful, pleasing,
gladly entertained, acceptable,
agreeable, gratifying; gratui-
tous, free.
ANT. Unwelcome, unpleas-
ant, disagreeable, unacceptable.
Welfare. Prosperity, happiness,
well-being, enjoyment, success,
weal, advantage, benefit, profit,
luck, thrift.
ANT. Adversity, misfortune,
reverses, failure, ill luck, un-
Well, a. Good, desirable, fortu-
nate, advantageous; healthy;
favored, lucky; hale, sound.
ANT. Ill, sickly, diseased,
unwell, poorly; unlucky, unfor-
Well, adv. Justly, rightly, abun-
dantly, fully, adequately, thor-
oughly, satisfactorily, advanta-
geously, conveniently, properly.
ANT. Ill, wrongly, poorly,
imperfectly, improperly, badly
Wet. Damp, moist, rainy, hu-
mid; nasty; dank; showery;
lively, interesting.
ANT. Dry, parched, thirsty,
arid; plain, unvarnished;
shrewd, sharp, quaint.
Wheedle. Cajole, flatter, entice,
coax, inveigle, fawn upon.
ANT. Deter, undeceive, de-
tract, decry; chide, scold, re-
buke, blame.
Whereas. Since, considering;
when in fact, while, although;
seeing that; inasmuch as.
Whimsical. Capricious, fanciful,
queer, strange, freakish, quaint,
ANT. Staid, serious, softer,
matter-of-fact, steady, sedate.
White. Snowy, pale, pallid; un-
blemished, innocent, pure ; gray,
hoary; fortunate, happy, favor-
ANT. Black, dark, colorless,
negro, sooty, coallike; dismal,
gloomy, forbidding, threaten-
ing, sullen, foreboding; impure,
Whole. All, total, complete, en-
tire, undivided, uninjured, un-
broken ; unimpaired, integral ;
sound, perfect, faultless, strong,
well, healthy.
ANT. Partial, imperfect, un-
sound, ill, sick; divided, frac-
Wholesome. Salubrious, salu-
tary, healthy, healthful, nour-
[ 285 ]
ishing, nutritious, strengthen-
ing, invigorating; beneficial,
good; fresh, sound, uncorrupt.
ANT. Detrimental, deleteri-
ous, prejudicial, hurtful, perni-
cious, noxious.
Wholly. Entirely, completely,
perfectly, totally, fully, alto-
gether, utterly.
ANT. Partially, imperfectly,
incompletely, separately, in
Wicked. Sinful, criminal, guilty,
immoral, ungodly, profane, un-
righteous, atrocious, unholy, vi-
cious, nefarious, heinous, aban-
doned, iniquitous, depraved,
unprincipled, irreverent, vile,
abandoned, bad, evil, unjust,
ill, outrageous, monstrous, vil-
ANT. Good, righteous, just,
godly, virtuous, fair, honorable,
unsullied, pious, benevolent, up-
right, reputable, true, excellent.
Wickedness. Crime, sin, vice,
iniquity, evil, depravity, im-
morality, enormity; badness,
vileness, corruption.
ANT. Goodness, piety, godli-
ness, righteousness, honor, vir-
tue, benevolence.
Wide. Broad, spacious, vast, ex-
tensive, comprehensive, liberal;
remote, distant, far; ample, ex-
ANT. Narrow, contracted,
confined, cramped, constricted,
limited; bigoted, parsimonious;
close, near.
Wife. Married woman, consort,
spouse, helpmate.
ANT. Sweetheart, maiden;
Wild, a. Untamed, uncultivated,
undomesticated ; savage, unciv-
ilized, rude, ferocious; violent,
turbulent; disorderly, crazy,
ungoverned; visionary; unshel-
tered, exposed.
ANT. Tame, domesticated,
cultivated, civilized; populated,
frequented; polite, gentle, re~
fined; rational, orderly, sane,
controlled, sober, collected.
Wile. Trick, snare, artifice, be-
guilement, allurement, strata-
gem, cheat, fraud, imposture,
deceit, deception, contrivance,
ANT. Artlessness, openness,
candor, straightforwardness.
Wilful. Self-determined, volun-
tary; obstinate, perverse, stub-
born, refractory ; self-willed,
headstrong; wayward; inten-
tional, prepense, preconceived,
premeditated, designed, delib-
erate, purposed.
ANT. Concessive, compliant,
amenable, obedient, docile, man-
ageable; adventitious, acciden-
Will, n. Choice, determination,
preference, volition; decree, de-
sire, command, purpose ; con-
trol, disposal ; testament ; reso-
lution, decision, self-reliance,
force ; inclination, pleasure, dis-
position; behest, order, direc-
ANT. Indecision, vacillation,
indeterminateness, indifference;
sensibility, perception.
Will, v. Bequeath, devise, direct;
choose, decide, determine, de-
cree; wish, desire, incline to
have; be willing.
ANT. Die intestate; be indif-
Willing. Inclined, consenting,
ready, complying; chosen, de-
sired; disposed, minded, desir-
ous; voluntary.
ANT. Loath, disinclined, re-
luctant, averse, backward.
Win. Gain, get, procure, earn;
be victorious, prevail; obtain;
acquire, achieve; conquer; suc-
ceed, accomplish.
[ 286 ]
ANT. Lose, fail of, miss, for-
feit, be deprived or bereaved
Wind, v. Coil, twine, wreathe,
twist, turn ; enfold, encircle ; di-
rect; insinuate.
ANT. Straighten, unravel,
Winding. Twisting, circuitous,
bending, curving, meandering,
flexuous, serpentine, sinuous.
ANT. Straight, rectilinear,
direct, undeviating, unswerving.
Winning. Charming, attractive,
alluring, pleasing, bewitching,
winsome, fascinating, delight-
ful, lovely, captivating, prepos-
sessing, enchanting.
ANT. Repulsive, unpleasing,
repellent, disagreeable, offen-
sive, repugnant, revolting, dis-
gusting, odious.
Wisdom. Judgment, prudence,
reason, understanding, sense,
skill, sagacity, attainment, dis-
cernment, depth, discretion, in-
formation, foresight, learning,
profundity, reasonableness, pre-
science, knowledge, insight, ju-
diciousness, erudition, enlight-
ANT. Folly, imbecility, stu-
pidity, error, foolishness, fatu-
ity, idiocy, absurdity, impru-
dence, indiscretion, miscalcula-
tion, nonsense, mis judgment,
silliness, senselessness.
Wise. Knowing, erudite, wary,
learned, sagacious; crafty; ju-
dicious, discreet; skilled, in-
telligent, rational ; sage, sensi-
ble ; logical ; deep, discerning,
profound, philosophical.
ANT. Senseless, idiotic, ir-
rational; nonsensical, impru-
dent, irrational, indiscreet, ri-
diculous, preposterous, insen-
Wish, v. Long for, hanker after,
desire; invoke, imprecate.
ANT. Despise, dislike; dia-
relish, be averse to, displease.
Wit. Ingenuity, humor, satire,
sarcasm, irony, burlesque; in-
tellect, mind, understanding,
sense; man of genius or humor;
penetration, discernment, in-
sight, acumen ; facetiousness,
drollery, waggery, jocularity,
sparkle, repartee, joke, playful-
ness, fun, witticism, pleasantry,
banter, jest, raillery.
ANT. Stupidity, inanity, ob-
tuseness, vapidity, dulness,
commonplace, matter-of-fact;
irrationality, platitude; dolt,
dullard; sobriety, solemnity, se-
riousness, gravity, stolidity.
Witchcraft. Sorcery, enchant-
ment, magic, necromancy, con-
juration, incantation, charm,
spell, thaumaturgy.
Witchery. Sorcery, witchcraft;
fascination, enchantment, spell,
entrancement, ravishment.
ANT. Reality, actuality, dis-
illusionment, bald facts.
With. By, on the side of, by the
help of; attending, accompany-
ing, close ; against ; according
to ; in contrast with ; upon, im-
mediately after.
Withdraw. Take back, recall,
retire; draw back, remove; re-
cede, depart.
ANT. Offer, afford; produce;
repeat, reiterate, confirm; re~
nor,- furnish, propose, give.
Withhold. Hold back, restrain,
impede, hamper; retain, refuse;
suppress, check, rein in, inhibit,
stint, forbear; detain.
ANT. Let go, give, bestow,
confer; admit, yield; furnish,
allow, provide, permit; encour-
age, embolden, cheer, hearten,
Within, a. Inside, inwardly, in-
ternally, indoors, in the limits
[ 287 ]
ANT. Without, outside, out-
wardly, externally, outdoors.
Without, prep. Out of, beyond,
out of the limits of, in the ab-
sence of, in separation from;
independently of; exclusive of,
ANT. Within, inside of, in
the limits of, including, embrac-
"Without, con;'. Unless, except.
Withstand. Oppose, resist, con-
front, thwart, combat, prevent,
ANT. Concede, grant, assist,
submit, acquiesce, abet, coun-
tenance, encourage, support.
Witness, n. Attestation, testi-
mony, evidence, proof; one who
attests or is directly cognizant
of; eye-witness; deponent, cor-
roborator ; spectator, auditor,
ANT. Belief, hearsay, rumor,
report ; invalidation, refutation.
Witty. Acute, sharp, smart, fa-
cetious, arch, keen, amusing,
humorous, satirical, taunting,
ANT. Dull, stupid, obtuse,
dry, prosaic, prosy, tiresome, te-
dious, serious.
Woe. Grief, sorrow, misery, ca-
lamity; curse, malediction; dis-
consolateness, tribulation, mel-
ancholy, agony, depression, un-
ANT. Joy, delight, pleasure,
prosperity, enjoyment, bliss, fe-
licity, welfare, cheerfulness,
Woful. Sorrowful, distressed,
wretched, afflicted, unhappy,
sad; paltry, poor, piteous, dis-
consolate, miserable, burdened,
ANT. Joyous, light-hearted,
cheerful, merry, rejoiced, glad,
delighted, gay, blessed.
Womanhood. Muliebrity, ma-
turity in woman, feminality;
womanliness ; woman, woman-
ANT. Manhood, manliness,
masculinity; man, mankind.
Womanish. Effeminate, weak,
foolishly feminine.
ANT. Mannish, aping a man,
foolishly masculine.
Womanly. Becoming a woman,
feminine, delicate, refined.
ANT. Manly, strong, virile,
becoming a man.
Wonder, n. Astonishment, ad-
miration, amazement, surprise,
awe, bewilderment, curiosity;
portent, miracle, prodigy, mar-
vel; phenomenon, sight, rarity,
ANT. Expectation, anticipa-
tion; familiarity, apathy, in-
difference; foreknowledge, pre-
science; ennui; satiety; plati-
tude, truism, commonplace.
Wonderful. Amazing, astonish'
ing, marvelous, surprising, im-
probable, strange, incredulous;
startling, awesome, portentous,
extraordinary, prodigious, won-
ANT. Commonplace, famil-
iar, expected, ordinary, wonted,
hackneyed, customary, habitual.
Wonted. Accustomed, usual, ha-
bitual, customary, habituated,
used, conventional, regular, fre-
quent, common.
ANT. Exceptional, unusual,
unused, unconventional, infre-
quent, irregular.
Wood. Forest, grove, thicket;
timber, trees; copse, woodland,
ANT. Open, prairie, clear-
Word. Term, expression, ac-
cents, tongue, vocable ; account,
tidinga, message ; statement,
declaration, affirmation, prom-
ise; (pi.) contention, dispute,
288 ]
wrangling, altercation; speech,
talk, discourse, language.
ANT. Idea, conception, sug-
gestion; sentence, unit of com-
position, paragraph.
Work, n. Exertion, activity, ef-
fort, toil, employment, labor;
business, duty; product, fabric,
production, performance, man-
ufacture; act, deed, service, re-
sult, effect, achievement, feat;
composition, structure ; man-
agement, treatment, operation,
issue, fruit; occupation; ac-'
tion. drudgery.
ANT. Frustration, abortion,
hodge-podge; failure, deficiency,
defect, fault; miscarriage; rest,
inertia, fruitlessness, inopera-
tiveness; inefficiency, futility;
repose, relaxation, ease, vaca-
tion, idleness, leisure, recrea-
Work, v. Exert one's self, labor,
be engaged, toil; operate, act,
perform; effect, affect, conduce,
influence; strain; use, utilize;
produce, accomplish ; prevail
upon, manage, lead; ferment.
ANT. Rest, recreate, stop, re-
pose, halt, relax, be at ease,
lie, recline, sleep, slumber; fail,
miscarry, be wanting, lapse.
Workman. Worker, artificer, la-
borer, artisan, mechanic, opera-
tive, craftsman; toiler, hand;
ANT. Employer, superinten-
dent, inspector, supervisor, di-
rector, overseer.
Workmanship. Handicraft, ex-
ecution, skill, art, manipula-
tion, handiwork.
ANT. Bungling, botching.
World. Earth, universe, crea-
tion; affairs, interests, life, ac-
tion, occupation ; inhabitants,
people, mankind ; globe, cosmos,
planet, nature; public, society,
human race.
ANT. Heaven; atom, indi-
Worldly. Human, common ; sec-
ular, temporal; mundane, ter-
restrial, earthly; fleshly, car-
nal; universal; sublunary; sor-
did, selfish, ambitious, earth-
born, groveling.
ANT. Spiritual, ethereal, ce-
lestial, heavenly, lunar, solar;
incorporeal, ghostly; ideal, ab-
stract, mental, intellectual; sa-
cred, holy, pure.
Worry, n. Care, anxiety, fret,
solicitude, torment, vexation,
trouble, annoyance, plague, dis-
quiet ; perplexity, concern, fear,
apprehension, uneasiness, mis-
ANT. Trust, calm, courage,
serenity, tranquillity, placidr
ity, quiet, ease of mind, reso-
lution, dauntlessness.
Worship, n. Reverence, hom-
age, adoration, submission, ob-
sequiousness, honor, abject-
ANT. Detestation, hatred,
abhorrence, loathing, disgust,
antipathy, assertion, defiance,
Worship, v. Adore, reverence,
revere, idolize, respect, defer,
venerate, deify, honor, exalt.
ANT. Defy, dare; abhor, de~
test, hate, disdain, abominate,
contemn, loathe.
Worth. Desert, merit, excel-
lence; price, rate; value, qual-
ity, equivalence ; virtue, char-
acter, worthiness, integrity;
credit, cost, estimate.
ANT. Demerit, worthless-
i*ess, cheapness, uselessness, fu-
tility, poverty.
Worthless. Undeserving, use-
less, valueless, vile, mean, mis-
erable, poor, wretched, abject,
unworthy, ignoble, abandoned,
depraved; refuse, waste.
[ 289 ]
Airr. Costly, valuable, dear,
high-priced, expensive; sump-
tuous, splendid, rich, precious ;
useful, excellent, estimable, vir-
tuous, worthy.
Worthy. Valuable, deserving,
estimable, virtuous; suitable,
adapted, meritorious, exem-
plary, upright, righteous, hon-
est, honorable.
ANT. Worthless, valueless,
ignoble, defective, unsuitable,
Wound, v. Hurt, injure, dam-
age, harm, cut, stab, rend, lac-
erate, pain; annoy, mortify,
ANT. Heal, allay, cure, rem-
edy, soothe, repair; appease,
assuage, comfort, harmo-
Wrap, v. Wind, fold, cover, en-
velop, enfold, involve, conceal,
hide, muffle.
ANT. Unwind, unfold, lay
bare, reveal, develop, expose.
Wrath. Fury, ire, resentment,
passion, anger, rage, exasper-
ation, indignation, choler, irri-
ANT. Calmness, control, re-
straint, composure, placidity,
Wrathful. Furious, raging, in-
dignant, passionate, choleric,
ireful, angry, exasperated, in-
censed, irate, wroth, mad, pro-
voked, resentful.
ANT. Calm, collected, con-
trolled, repressed, masterly, re-
strained, good-tempered.
Wreath. Garland, chaplet, fes-
toon, crown, bays, diadem.
Wreck, n. Ruins, remains, rub-
bish, wreckage, debris; havoc,
destruction, shipwreck, ruin,
desolation, perdition, demoli
ANT. Preservation, conser-
vation, saving, protection, *.
Wrench, v. Pull, twist, wrest,
force, strain, sprain; pervert,
distort, wring.
ANT. Straighten, untwist;
Wretched. Miserable, calami-
tous, afflicted, unhappy, de-
graded, woful; worthless, pal-
try; forlorn, wobegone, com-
fortless, distressed ; shocking,
deplorable, depressing, sad;
contemptible, mean, pitiful, de-
based, humiliated.
ANT. Prosperous, flourish-
ing, fortunate, happy, enviable,
felicitous, successful, thriving;
valuable; honored, noble, ex-
Wrong, a. Injurious, unjust,
faulty, detrimental, unfit; im-
proper, incorrect; mistaken, er-
roneous; illegal, immoral.
ANT. Right, upright, law-
ful, equitable, fair, just, be-
coming, proper, suitable, ap-
propriate, fit; correct, true, ac-
tual, real.
Wrought. Worked, elaborated;
performed, done, effected, exe-
cuted, produced, manufactured.
ANT. Rough, crude, coarse,
raw, unpolished.
Wry. Twisted, distorted; mis-
directed, perverted, wrested ;
askew, contorted, deformed, de-
ranged; crooked, awry.
ANT. Straight, rectilinear,
direct, upright, erect; perpen-
dicular, shapely, comely, sym-
metrical, proper, well-formed.
T 290 ]
Yawn. Open wide, gape ; desire,
be eager.
ANT. Close, shut, engulf.
Yearly. Annual, happening
each year, per annum, every
year, year by year.
ANT. Perennial, everlast-
ing, evergreen.
Yearn. Long, desire, be eager,
covet, crave, hanker.
ANT. Loathe, revolt, recoil,
shudder at, despise.
Yell, v. Cry out, shriek, scream,
ANT. Keep silence, subdue,
Yet. Besides, nevertheless, not-
withstanding, however, still,
eventually, ultimately, at last,
BO far, thus far, hitherto, at
present; over and above; fur-
ther; now.
Yield. Furnish, produce, afford,
bear, render; relinquish, give
in, let go, forego; accede, ac-
quiesce; resign, surrender, con-
cede, allow, grant, submit, suc-
cumb; comply, consent, agree.
ANT. Withdraw, withhold,
retain, deny, refuse, vindicate,
assert, claim, disallow, appro-
priate, resist, dissent, protest,
struggle, strive.
Yielding. Conceding, produc-
ing, surrendering, supple, pli-
ant, submissive, unresisting,
obsequious, attentive, flexible,
compliant, accommodating.
ANT. Defiant, resisting, ob-
stinate, firm, stiff, hard, per-
Yoke, n. Bond, chain, link, tie;
servitude, bondage, vassalage,
service, thraldom, subjection,
ANT. Freedom, liberty; au-
thority, command.
Yoke, v. Couple, conjoin, con-
nect, link; enslave, subjugate.
ANT. Dissever, divorce, dis-
connect, liberate, release, man-
umit, enfranchise.
Young. Juvenile, immature ; in-
experienced, innocent, igno-
rant; youthful, boyish, girlish,
ANT. Old, mature, adult;
experienced, knowing; senile,
aged, decrepit, venerable; an-
. tique, antiquated, obsolete; su-
Youth. Adolescence, childhood,
infancy ; youthf ulness, juve-
nility; minority; lad, boy, girl,
ANT. Age, senility, maturity.
Youthful. Puerile, juvenile, im-
mature, young, fresh, vigorous,
unripe, callow, childish, boyish,
childlike, girlish, adolescent.
ANT. Mature, adult, full-
grown, ripe, ripened.
Zeal. Ardor, eagerness, earnest-
ness, fervor, enthusiasm, en-
ergy, feeling, devotion, inten-
sity, passion, spirit.
ANT. Apathy, indifference,
coldness, carelessness, sluggish-
ness, torpor.
Zealot. Partisan, bigot, enthusi-
ast, fanatic, devotee, visionary,
ANT. Renegade, traitor, de-
serter; lukewarm person.
Zealous. Ardent, anxious, ear-
nest, enthusiastic, fervid, eager,
[ 291 ]
steadfast, keen, fervent, de-
voted, prompt, ready, fiery, pas-
ANT. Lukewarm, indiffer*
ent, cold, apathetic, passion-
less, phlegmatic.
Zenith. Height, pinnacle, acme,
summit, culmination, maxi-
mum, apex, top.
ANT. Nadir, lowest point,
depth, minimum.
Eephyr. West wind, breeze,
gentle wind.
ANT. Gate, furious wind.
Zero. Naught, cipher, nothing.
ANT. Something, existence,
creation; infinity.
Zest. Flavor, appetizer, pleasure,
gusto, gust, enjoyment, relish,
sharpener, enhancement, savor,
taste, smack, sauce, appetite.
ANT. Distaste, disrelish,
Zone. Girdle, belt, girth, cinc-
ture, band, baldric; region,
climate, clime; circuit, circum-
ference; zodiac; orbit.
ANT. Sphere, universe.
Firmness noun — Firm or unwavering adherence to one’s purpose.
Usage example: a woman of remarkable firmness in the achievement of the goals she has set for herself
Show all Definitions
Synonyms for Firmness
Antonyms for Firmness
Resolution is a synonym for firmness in perseverance topic. In some cases you can use «Resolution» instead a noun «Firmness», when it comes to topics like fortitude, certain, resolve, tenacity. popular alternative
Nearby Words: firm, firming, firmly
Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
firmness [ˈfɜːmnəs] сущ
стойкостьж, прочностьж
(durability, strength)
непоколебимостьж, решительностьж, решимостьж, настойчивостьж
(steadfastness, decisiveness, determination, perseverance)
устойчивостьж, незыблемостьж, неизменностьж
(stability, inviolability)
твердостьж, жесткостьж
(hardness, rigidity)
- unwavering firmness – непоколебимая твердость
noun | ||
твердость | hardness, firmness, solidity, rigidity, stability, resolution | |
прочность | strength, durability, toughness, stability, hardness, firmness | |
крепость | fortress, strength, stronghold, citadel, tower, firmness |
Предложения со словом «firmness»
Due to courage and firmness of soviet warriors the enemy, who was heading for the Caucuses, was stopped here by the walls of the city in September of 1942. |
Благодаря стойкости и мужеству советских воинов здесь, у стен города, в сентябре 1942 года был остановлен враг, рвавшийся на Кавказ. |
He had strong passions and an ardent imagination, but his firmness of disposition preserved him from the ordinary errors of young men. |
Он имел сильные страсти и огненное воображение, но твердость спасла его от обыкновенных заблуждений молодости. |
But the firmness gradually faded away before her incessant importunings and tantrums. |
Но твердость его постепенно таяла под воздействием бесконечных настойчивых требований и истерик дочери. |
The Warder bond carried an implacable firmness that suggested she might try dragging Elayne if she dallied. |
Узы стража донесли неумолимую настойчивость, что предполагало готовность тащить Илэйн волоком, если она будет упорствовать. |
She could hear the mentat firmness in his voice, that deep sincerity of pronouncement. |
Она слышала в его голосе твердость ментата, глубокую убежденность в каждом делаемом заявлении. |
I was conscious of the firmness of the trigger against the ball of my finger and every crevice and rise of the grip against the palm of my hand. |
Я ощущал спусковой крючок подушечкой пальца и каждым изгибом сжимавшей оружие ладони. |
I could feel the firmness of him through his jeans, through my panties. |
Я чувствовала его твердость сквозь его джинсы, сквозь мое белье. |
The firmness of the woman’s voice belied the smile on that lush mouth. |
Твердость, с которой говорила эта женщина, никак не вязалась с ее кукольным ротиком. |
Firmness: attribute of flesh texture expressing resistance to deformation which depends on variety, stage of ripeness and on length of storage. |
2.10 Твердость : признак текстуры мякоти, характеризующий сопротивляемость деформации и зависящий от сорта, степени зрелости и продолжительности хранения. |
He lost his habitual firmness , and his sorrow, usually dumb, found vent in bitter lament. |
Он лишился обыкновенной своей твердости , и горесть его (обыкновенно немая) изливалась в горьких жалобах. |
Thus prepared to expect adverse circumstances, she had acquired the firmness necessary for acting under them. |
Подготовленная таким образом ко всяким неожиданным бедствиям, она не растерялась и в данном случае. |
Firmness of courage or effort of fear? |
Стойкость мужества, или напряжение, вызванное страхом? |
Though the latter held on tenaciously, her voice lost none of its honeyed firmness and softness. |
Анна Михайловна держала крепко, но, несмотря на то, голос ее удерживал всю свою сладкую тягучесть и мягкость. |
I struggled vainly for firmness sufficient to answer him, but the effort destroyed all my remaining strength; I sank on the chair and sobbed aloud. |
Я напрасно пытался ответить ему; волнение лишило меня последних сил. Я опустился на стул и разрыдался. |
‘That’s because the dampers are filled with a fluid ‘that contains magnetised iron filings, ‘which can react in milliseconds to alter the firmness of the suspension.’ |
Это происходит благодаря амортизаторам, заполненным жидкостью, содержащей намагниченные железные частицы, которые за миллисекунды могут изменять жесткость подвески. |
I now related my history briefly but with firmness and precision, marking the dates with accuracy and never deviating into invective or exclamation. |
Теперь я изложил свою историю кратко, но твердо и ясно, называя точные даты и удерживаясь от проклятий или жалоб. |
I want firmness and discipline. |
Я требую стойкости и дисциплины. |
‘The security challenges we face today will haunt us forever… ‘…unless we meet them with firmness and resolve. |
Вызов безопасности, с которым мы встретились сегодня, будет охотиться на нас вечно, если мы не встретим его с непоколебимостью и решительностью. |
Firmness was the only way of breaking down these stupid suspicions. |
Только решительность и помогала сламывать эти глупые подозрения. |
And Rashelle turned the blaster on Seldon with a firmness that put to rest any hope for his own life beyond the next second. |
В следующее мгновение Рашель держала на прицеле Селдона. Суда по ее решимости — Селдону оставалось жить несколько секунд! |
His whole person breathed lowliness and firmness and an indescribable courageous despondency. |
Все его существо выражало приниженность, решимость и какое — то мужественное уныние. |
Let us show out firmness tomorrow when those damn reds have their meeting. |
Позвольте нам продемонстрировать нашу решимость завтра, когда у этих гребаных краснокожих будет собрание. |
All children were afraid of the dark and the only cure was firmness . |
Все дети боятся темноты и единственное тут лекарство — твердость . |
I don’t know. She looks at him; suddenly her face is quite empty, as though something which gave it actual solidity and firmness were beginning to drain out of it. |
Не знаю. — Она смотрит на него; внезапно лицо ее становится пустым, словно его покидает что — то придававшее ему физическую определенность, твердость . |
Margaret tried to check herself, but would not speak until she could do so with firmness . |
Маргарет попыталась успокоиться, но не решалась заговорить, пока не обрела твердость голоса. |
Save him, for the love of Heaven! said Rowena, her firmness giving way under terror for her lover’s impending fate. |
Спаси его, ради господа бога! — молвила Ровена, теряя всю свою твердость и холодея от ужаса при мысли об опасности, угрожающей ее возлюбленному. |
Again I rose, and exerting all the firmness of which I was master, removed the planks which I had placed before my hovel to conceal my retreat. |
Но я тут же поднялся и, призвав на помощь всю твердость , на какую я был способен, отодвинул доски, которыми маскировал вход в свой сарай. |
These generals were famous for their firmness and inflexible resolution. |
Эти генералы славились твердостью и непреклонной решительностью. |
Their inhumanity seemed a miracle of class consciousness, their barbarity a model of proletarian firmness and revolutionary instinct. |
Их бесчеловечность представлялась чудом классовой сознательности, их варварство — образцом пролетарской твердости и революционного инстинкта. |
Left alone, Alexey Alexandrovitch recognized that he had not the strength to keep up the line of firmness and composure any longer. |
Оставшись опять один, Алексей Александрович понял, что он не в силах более выдерживать роль твердости и спокойствия. |
In his walk, in his gestures, in the sound of his voice there was a determination and firmness such as his wife had never seen in him. |
В походке, в движениях, в звуке голоса его была решительность и твердость , какие жена никогда не видала в нем. |
‘Allans, mon vieux,’ he said, with gentle firmness , ‘we’re going to Montargis.’ |
Allons, mon vieux, — сказал Хоуард ласково, но твердо . — Пойдем в Монтаржи. |
And yet when Utterson remarked on his ill-looks, it was with an air of great firmness that Lanyon declared himself a doomed man. |
Однако в ответ на слова Аттерсона о том, как он плохо выглядит Лэньон ответил, что он обречен, и сказал это твердым и спокойным голосом. |
She waited a little, and recovered her fatal firmness . |
Как жестоко искушать меня! Она подождала немного и вернулась к своему твердому решению. |
His face expressed a feeling of mingled grief, firmness , and resignation. |
Лицо его в одно и то же время выражало и скорбь, и твердую покорность. |
Because you are a man, anyway, a serious person with old-fashioned firmness and experience in the service. |
Потому что вы все — таки мужчина, человек серьезный, с старинною твердою служебною опытностью. |
Упругость и мягкость – это ключевые факторы. |
But then, if we do this, it’s true that it creates firmness and make it smaller, right? |
это же действительно создаст упругость и сделает лицо меньше? |
His frank acceptance of the situation marks him as either an innocent man, or else as a man of considerable self-restraint and firmness . |
Его бесхитростное поведение в минуту ареста говорит либо о его полной невиновности, либо, наоборот, изобличает его незаурядное самообладание и выдержку. |
What he found was a stranger who put aside with the calm firmness of a man his hand when at last and in a kind of baffled desperation he went and touched her. |
Но встретила его чужая женщина, которая со спокойной мужской твердостью отвела его руку, когда он, окончательно потерявшись, попробовал ее обнять. |
Despite all the bullshit women will say about that, most of them want this firmness , to be trapped. |
Большинство женщин, хоть и отрицают это, на самом деле хотят чувствовать эту напористость, хотят чувствовать себя пленницами |
I am here to protect you, she said with soft firmness . |
Я — здесь, чтобы защищать тебя, — нежно, но решительно возразила Дорс. |
His moral backbone leaned on that firmness . |
Лишенный морального стержня, Грантер искал опоры в стойкости Анжольраса. |
Nothing, Dasha repeated, quietly, but with a sort of sullen firmness . |
Ничего, — тихо, но с какою — то угрюмою твердостию повторила Даша. |
For heaven’s sake, madame, said Villefort, with a firmness of expression not altogether free from harshness-for heaven’s sake, do not ask pardon of me for a guilty wretch! |
Ради бога, сударыня, — отвечал королевский прокурор с твердостью , даже несколько сухо, — никогда не просите у меня пощады виновному! |
“Only to a place,” the creature said, “where there is firmness under me.” |
— Только на твердую поверхность. |
Only the firmness of the handwriting had indicated that Carla Lemarchant was a young woman. |
Разве лишь четкость почерка наводила на мысль: его автор, Карла Лемаршан, еще очень молода. |
Mr. Thornton made a hasty step or two forwards; recovered himself, and went with quiet firmness to the door (which she had left open), and shut it. |
Мистер Торнтон поспешно шагнул ей навстречу, опомнился и, решительно подойдя к двери, которую она оставила открытой, закрыл ее. |
He was saying these things to give himself firmness . |
Так он хотел окончательно укрепиться в своем решении. |
Well built pavements form a vault and possess this sort of firmness . |
Хорошо выложенный настил в таких случаях выгибается дугой и держится прочно. |
This was not due to any lack of firmness . |
Не от недостатка твердости происходило это. |
Dr. Mayerson is taken aback… at the firmness of Zelig’s conviction. |
Д — р Майерсон ошеломлен… твердостью убеждений Зелига. |
An engineer will tell you it’s an absolute… like the firmness of the earth. |
Говорю тебе как инженер, что как… твердость почвы. |
This was a dire blow to poor Elizabeth, who had relied with firmness upon Justine’s innocence. |
Это было жестоким ударом для бедной Элизабет, твердо верившей в невиновность Жюстины. |
Yes, said Jacques Collin, bowing respectfully, I admire his noble character, his firmness , his dignity. I would give my life to make him happy. |
Да, — сказал Жак Коллен, почтительно наклонившись. — Я восхищаюсь его благородным характером, его твердостью , великодушием и отдал бы свою жизнь, лишь бы он был счастлив. |
There is urgent need that some one should go and talk with them a little, but with firmness . |
Необходимо поговорить с ними немного, но твердо . |
She had method and firmness . |
В ее преподавании были система и настойчивость. |
How, says the trooper, folding his arms and looking with indomitable firmness at his brother, how is my mother to be got to scratch me? |
Скажи мне. — и кавалерист, сложив руки, глядит на брата с непоколебимой твердостью , — скажи, как убедить матушку вычеркнуть меня? |
It is his aunt Betsey who, by her character, represents the struggle to find the right balance between firmness and gentleness, rationality and empathy. |
Именно его тетя Бетси по своему характеру олицетворяет борьбу за то, чтобы найти правильный баланс между твердостью и мягкостью, рациональностью и сочувствием. |
When this occurs the same amount of neurological input creates a greater firmness or tone in the resting continuous and passive partial contraction in the muscle. |
Когда это происходит, то же самое количество неврологического входа создает большую твердость или тонус в состоянии покоя непрерывного и пассивного частичного сокращения в мышце. |
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
Fortitude (Latin fortis, strong) is the strength or firmness of mind or soul to endure pain or adversity patiently and determinedly. Fortitude has been defined as «passive courage,» which is a good definition, but not complete. Fortitude might be termed «still courage,» or «enduring courage;» it is that quality which is able not merely to endure pain or trial, but steadily to confront dangers that can not be actively opposed, or against which one has no adequate defense; it takes courage to charge a battery, fortitude to stand still under an enemy’s fire. Resolution is of the mind; endurance is partly physical; it requires resolution to resist temptation, endurance to resist hunger and cold. Compare BRAVE; PATIENCE.
courage, endurance, fortitude, heroism
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
separation, decomposition, analysis, unravelling, disentanglement, disintegration, conversion, firmness, &cAntonyms:
aggregation, composition, union, amalgamation, integrity, totality, incorporation, synthesis, collocation, conservation, entanglement, confusion, conglomeration
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote
resolution, declaration, resolvenoun
a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote
firmness of purpose, result, solving, answer, resoluteness, announcement, solvent, proclamation, annunciation, resolve, resolving, declaration, contract, resolving power, firmness, closure, solution, settlementAntonyms:
preparation -
resolving power, resolutionnoun
the ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the angular separation of images that are close together
solvent, answer, declaration, resolving power, firmness of purpose, solving, resolve, solution, settlement, result, closure, resolving, firmness, resolutenessAntonyms:
preparation -
resoluteness, firmness, firmness of purpose, resolve, resolutionnoun
the trait of being resolute
«his resoluteness carried him through the battle»; «it was his unshakeable resolution to finish the work»
steadiness, firmness of purpose, resolving power, solving, resolving, resoluteness, result, solvent, resolve, soundness, declaration, answer, settlement, firmness, closure, solutionAntonyms:
preparation -
resolution, solvingnoun
finding a solution to a problem
solvent, answer, declaration, resolving power, firmness of purpose, resolve, solution, settlement, solving, result, closure, resolving, firmness, resolutenessAntonyms:
preparation -
settlement, resolution, closurenoun
something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making
«they finally reached a settlement with the union»; «they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences»; «he needed to grieve before he could achieve a sense of closure»
colony, small town, block, firmness of purpose, liquidation, closedown, resolving power, stop, solving, answer, gag law, colonization, resoluteness, solution, solvent, cloture, resolve, stoppage, result, resolving, declaration, law of closure, settlement, closing, blockage, gag rule, shutdown, firmness, occlusion, village, colonisation, closureAntonyms:
preparation -
resolution, resolvingnoun
analysis into clear-cut components
solvent, answer, declaration, resolving power, firmness of purpose, resolve, solution, settlement, solving, result, closure, resolving, firmness, resolutenessAntonyms:
preparation -
(computer science) the number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picture
solvent, answer, declaration, resolving power, firmness of purpose, resolve, solution, settlement, solving, result, closure, resolving, firmness, resolutenessAntonyms:
preparation -
the subsidence of swelling or other signs of inflammation (especially in a lung)
solvent, answer, declaration, resolving power, firmness of purpose, resolve, solution, settlement, solving, result, closure, resolving, firmness, resolutenessAntonyms:
preparation -
(music) a dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord
solvent, answer, declaration, resolving power, firmness of purpose, resolve, solution, settlement, solving, result, closure, resolving, firmness, resolutenessAntonyms:
preparation -
solution, answer, result, resolution, solventnoun
a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem
«they were trying to find a peaceful solution»; «the answers were in the back of the book»; «he computed the result to four decimal places»
closure, consequence, termination, event, reply, firmness of purpose, dissolvent, solvent, upshot, effect, firmness, answer, response, final result, solution, result, dissolver, solving, resolve, root, dissolving agent, declaration, outcome, resolving, settlement, resolvent, resolving power, resultant, issue, resoluteness, resultant roleAntonyms:
preparation -
a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner
«he always wrote down his New Year’s resolutions»
solvent, answer, declaration, resolving power, firmness of purpose, resolve, solution, settlement, solving, result, closure, resolving, firmness, resolutenessAntonyms:
Matched Categories
- Breakdown
- Computer Science
- Decision
- Decision Making
- Determination
- Document
- Harmony
- Music
- Physical Phenomenon
- Remission
- Statement
- Trait
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote
analysis, decomposition -
firmness, determination, steadiness, constancy, inflexibility, courage, energy, pluck, hardihood, decision, manliness, tenacity of purpose -
resolve, determination, intention, fixed purpose -
(Math.) solution, explanation -
(Med.) disappearance, dispersion, termination, breaking up -
(Legislation.) resolve, declaration
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
firmness, determination, pertinacity, persistence, steadfastness, constancy, resolve, purpose, determination, decomposition, solution, dissolution
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «resolution»:
resolutions, decision, solution, settlement, resolving, regulation, resolve, solving, unscr, motion, resolver, résolution, resolución, solve
How to pronounce resolution?
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How to use resolution in a sentence?
Seth Cropsey:
It’s absolutely clear that where Putin seeks revenge, this kind of resolution of what he of what he called the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century, namely the end of the Soviet Union. That means restoring Russian borders to something like what they were when the Soviet Union existed, but I think that China has a much broader ambition and that it’s not regional, it’s global. And those two, I think Chinese leaders understand very well will come up against each other, whether it’s now or sometime in the future.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner:
Full implementation of this resolution will demonstrate global consensus in imposing stronger sanctions on North Korea’s sources of revenue for North Korea UN-proscribed nuclear, ballistic missile, and proliferation programs.
Charles Krauthammer:
That entire regime is now dead as a result of this agreement. Obama will now go to the Security Council making almost totally irrelevant what Congress does, they are going to go within days to the UN. They are going to pass a resolution. It will probably be unanimous which is approving of the deal and part of that resolution will be to cancel all previous resolutions on sanctions and declaring the illegality of the Iranian program.
Liang Thow Ming:
We’re both keen to come to a resolution.
David Ereira:
If you want to minimize the cost to taxpayers, you need to be looking at the broader economic picture rather than saying we need to automatically apply the rules every time, the whole point of bank resolution is preserving key financial services for the benefit of the broader economy.
Translations for resolution
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- قرارArabic
- rezoluce, rozlišeníCzech
- Entschlossenheit, Vorsatz, Auflösungsvermögen, Auflösung, Standfestigkeit, ResolutionGerman
- ανάλυσηGreek
- difinoEsperanto
- otsusEstonian
- erottaminen, päätöslauselma, kannanotto, lujuus, päättäväisyys, resoluutio, tarkkuus, ratkaisu, päätös, erottelukykyFinnish
- détermination, résolutionFrench
- gléineIrish
- fogadalom, felbontás, elhatározásHungarian
- բանաձևArmenian
- resolusiIndonesian
- risoluzioneItalian
- רזולוציהHebrew
- 解決, 表明, 決断, 議決, 解像度, 決心, 分離, 分離度, 分解度, 分解, 画素数Japanese
- senatusLatin
- ketetapan, resolusi, azam, peleraian, ketegasanMalay
- beeldscherpte, resolutie, beeldkwaliteit, resoluutheid, vastberadenheid, voornemenDutch
- beslutning, vedtakNorwegian
- resoluçãoPortuguese
- реше́ние, твёрдость, разре́шение, ана́лиз, реши́мость, резолю́ция, разреше́ние, реши́тельность, развя́зкаRussian
- razlučivost, rezolucijaSerbo-Croatian
- தீர்மானம்Tamil
- ความละเอียดThai
- çTurkish
- 決議案Chinese
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