«I gather that phrases «as fool thinks, so the bell clinks» and «parliamentary immunity» have some connection.» — Такое ощущение, что фразы «дуракам закон не писан» и «депутатская неприкосновенность» как-то связаны
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Англо-русский словарь
1. [feıs] n (сущ.)
1. 1) лицо, физиономия
2) морда (животного)
2. 1) выражение лица
2) разг. гримаса
3. внешний вид
4. аспект, сторона (вопроса)
5. разг. наглость, нахальство
6. поверхность; внешняя сторона
7. поверхность (земли, воды)
8. лицевая сторона, лицо (ткани, игральных карт, медали и т. п.); правая сторона
9. циферблат
10. фасад
11. престиж; репутация; достоинство
12. 1) разг. личность, человек с именем, знаменитость
2) сл. детина, «лоб»
3) амер. сл. белый (в речи негров)
13. 1) геом. грань
2) фас, грань (кристалла)
14. тех.
1) (лобовая) поверхность, торец
2) срез; фаска
15. воен. фас
16. горн. забой, плоскость забоя; лава
17. полигр.
1) очко (литеры)
2) шрифт, рисунок шрифта; гарнитура шрифта, шрифт
18. ширина (доски)
19. тлв. экран (трубки)
20. тех. уровень (жидкости)
21. тех. (плоский) боёк (молота)
22. тех. передняя грань (резца)
23. спец. облицовка
2. [feıs] v (глаг.)
1. 1) находиться лицом к
2) быть обращённым к
3) смотреть в лицо
2. встречать (что-л.) смело; смотреть в лицо (чему-л.) без страха
3. сталкиваться лицом к лицу (с чем-л.)
4. отделывать (платье)
5. облицовывать
6. полировать; обтачивать
7. повёртывать лицом вверх (игральную карту)
8. воен. скомандовать поворот
9. подкрашивать (чай)
лицо, физиономия Синонимы: visage, countenance, physiognomy, mug, features
разг. человек, лицо; чувак Синонимы: person
макияж, косметика; редк. косметическая сумочка Синонимы: make-up, cosmetics
выражение лица Синонимы: expression, aspect, look, countenance, air
гримаса Синонимы: grimace, pout
разг. нахальство, наглость, дерзость; самоуверенность Синонимы: nerve, boldness, daring, pluck, self-assurance, mettle, spunk, confidence, bravado, grit, cheek, front, sand, brass, gall, effrontery, impudence
внешний вид Синонимы: appearance, look, semblance
репутация, престиж, достоинство Синонимы: reputation, dignity, repute, image, prestige
лицевая сторона, лицо (медали, ткани, игральных карт) Синонимы: facade, frontage, forepart
стоять лицом к лицу, встречаться Синонимы: encounter, confront
выходить, быть обращённым (к кому-л., чему-л.); быть повёрнутым (в определённую сторону) Синонимы: overlook, front, give
украшать, отделывать (одежду, мебель) Синонимы: trim, coat, overlay
Синонимы: face;лицо|countenance;выражение лица|visage;выражение лица, лицо|physiognomy;физиономия, лицо|mug;харя|kisser;личико
Синонимы: face n.
1 visage, countenance, physiognomy, features, lineaments,
Slang mug, mush, kisser, pan, puss, Brit phiz, phizog, dial,
clock: I don’t like the expression on your face.
2 look,
appearance, aspect, expression, mien: He has the face of
someone who is very proud of himself. Modern farming has changed
the face of the countryside.
3 mask, veneer, faade, front,
camouflage, pretence, disguise, (false) impression, semblance,
masquerade: She puts on a bold face, but we know she was deeply
hurt by your remarks.
4 dignity, image, self-respect, standing,
reputation, repute, name, honour, status: You might lose face
if you admit you were wrong.
5 boldness, daring, audacity,
effrontery, impudence, impertinence, presumption, brashness,
Colloq gall, brass, nerve, cheek, guts, gutsiness, Brit brass
neck, Slang US balls: Who would have the face to name such a
hotel ‘The Palace’?
6 surface, exterior, front, outside, cover,
facing, faade, skin: The building will have a face of white
7 right side, obverse, front; dial: The card landed
face up. The face of the clock is enamelled.
8 face to face.
confronting, facing, opposite, en face, vis—vis, tte—tte,
deux, eye to eye, head to head, Colloq eyeball to eyeball: We
met face to face for the first time in the courtroom.
9 in the
face of. in defiance of, notwithstanding, despite, in spite of,
confronting, in opposition to: Some experts attacked the report
for flying in the face of received wisdom.
10 make a face.
grimace, change one’s expression, murgeon: When I said I would
be there, she made a face.
11 on the face of it. to all or
outward appearances, seemingly, apparently, superficially,
evidently: On the face of it, I assumed that he was guilty.
show one’s face. put in or make an appearance, appear, arrive,
be seen, turn up, Colloq show up: I suppose I ought to show my
face at the office party.
13 to one’s face. directly, brazenly,
eye to eye, face to face, candidly, openly, frankly: I told him
to his face that he was a liar.
14 confront, brave, meet (with), encounter, experience,
deal or cope with, come or go up against; appear before: In the
jungle we faced grave danger from man-eating tigers. She faces
her first audience tonight.
15 give (out) or front on or onto,
front towards, overlook, look out on or over; be opposite: Our
rooms face the lake. Facing page
22 is a map of the area.
coat, surface, cover, clad, dress, sheathe, overlay, finish;
veneer: The collar is faced with velvet.
17 face down.
confront, intimidate, cow, subdue, overawe, browbeat: I’ll not
be faced down by that impudent clerk.
18 face up to. a admit,
accept, acknowledge, allow, confess: We must all face up to our
own shortcomings. b confront, deal or cope with, come or go up
against, brave, come to terms with; brazen through or out, bite
(on) the bullet, grasp the nettle: You wouldn’t be able to face
up to your wife if you’d forgotten her birthday.
Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений
Примеры фраз, тематические словари
to stare in the face — а) быть очевидным /явным/; her lie ~d him in the face — её ложь была для него очевидна; б) угрожать, грозить, надвигаться; ruin [disgrace] ~s him in the face — ему грозит разорение [позор]; [см. тж. 1, 1)] |
let’s get together and talk the whole thing over face to face — давайте встретимся и потолкуем обо всём лично |
face to face — а) лицом к лицу; б) лично, наедине |
to run one’s face, to travel on one’s face — амер. использовать приятную внешность, чтобы добиться продвижения, кредита и т. п.; выезжать на хорошеньком личике |
face to face — лицом к лицу |
Разговорные фразы
Уходите и перестаньте приставать ко мне! Отстаньте от меня! (американский разговорный) |
Замолчите! Заткнитесь! (Грубо.) (американский разговорный) |
Идиоматические выражения,фразы
a poker face 1. каменное/непроницаемое лицо |
an about-face (Am) 1. поворот на 180° (внезапно изменить планы, мнение и т.д.) |
face the music (informal) 1. держать ответ(расплачиваться за свои действия) |
Фразовые глаголы
face up to 1. смотреть правде в глаза, трезво смотреть на вещи |
face (sb) about
[имеется n и inv] |
Сочетаемость частей речи
to come face to face with smb — встретиться с кем-то и иметь беседу |
on her face — на ее лице |
to get egg on ones face — опозориться |
to bathe one’s face умыться |
old face — старое лицо |
Словарь ненормативной лексики английского языка
Faggot can be defined by his baby face! 2. Faggot’s mug talks for itself! — Педика по роже видно! |
I’m gonna shine your face with this turd if I see it again! — Я тебе физиономию начищу этими какашками, если они ещё раз будут тут! |
Пословицы и поговорки
Без денег — везде худенек.
Вверх не плюй: себя пожалей.
Личиком бел, да душою черн.
Словарные статьи, содержащие слово
- air
- aspect
- light
- look
- mask
- surface
- top
- appearance
- cast
- clock
- countenance
- dial
- disguise
- display
- facet
- features
- finish
- frontage
- frontal
- frontispiece
- frown
- glower
- grimace
- guise
- kisser
- lineaments
- makeup
- map
- mug
- obverse
- paint
- physiognomy
- pout
- presentation
- profile
- scowl
- seeming
- semblance
- show
- showing
- silhouette
- simulacrum
- smirk
- visage
- air
- cheek
- front
- mask
- audacity
- boldness
- brass
- chutzpah
- cloak
- confidence
- cover
- disguise
- effrontery
- façade
- facade
- gall
- impertinence
- impudence
- presumption
- semblance
- show
- veil
- false front
- image
- dignity
- honor
- prestige
- reputation
- self-respect
- standing
- social position
- allow
- challenge
- confront
- deal with
- encounter
- endure
- experience
- fight
- meet
- oppose
- risk
- run into
- suffer
- take
- abide
- accost
- affront
- bear
- beard
- brace
- brave
- brook
- contend
- countenance
- court
- cross
- dare
- defy
- eyeball
- resist
- stand
- stomach
- submit
- sustain
- swallow
- tolerate
- venture
- withstand
- be confronted by
- bit the bullet
- cope with
- fly in face of
- go up against
- grapple with
- make a stand
- square off
- take it
- take on
- take the bull by the horns
- tell off
- confront
- meet
- watch
- border
- front
- gaze
- glare
- overlook
- stare
- be turned toward
- front onto
- finish
- clad
- coat
- cover
- decorate
- dress
- front
- level
- line
- overlay
- plaster
- polish
- redecorate
- refinish
- remodel
- sheathe
- shingle
- side
- skin
- smooth
- surface
- veneer
On this page you’ll find 351 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to face, such as: air, aspect, light, look, mask, and surface.
- carefulness
- caution
- fear
- humility
- manners
- modesty
- reality
- shyness
- truth
- back
- behind
- character
- personality
- rear
- ill repute
- lowliness
- back
- behind
- character
- personality
- rear
- aid
- assist
- avoid
- disallow
- discontinue
- dodge
- help
- hold
- keep
- refuse
- reject
- support
- surrender
- yield
- disapprove
- evade
- give in
- give up
- halt
- hide
- ignore
- leave
- resist
- shun
- stop
- veto
- back
- retreat
- run
- withdraw
- back
- hide
- retreat
- run
- withdraw
- lay bare
- reveal
- roughen
- strip
- uncover
- wrinkle
- back
- hide
- retreat
- run
- withdraw
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
How to use face in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- address
- annoy
- bother
- brace
- buttonhole
- call
- challenge
- confront
- cross
- dare
- entice
- face
- flag
- greet
- hail
- proposition
- run into
- salute
- welcome
- whistle for
- addressed
- annoyed
- bothered
- braced
- buttonholed
- called
- challenged
- confronted
- crossed
- dared
- enticed
- faced
- flagged
- greeted
- hailed
- propositioned
- ran into
- saluted
- welcomed
- whistle for
- addresses
- annoys
- bothers
- braces
- buttonholes
- calls
- challenges
- confronts
- crosses
- dares
- entices
- faces
- flags
- greets
- hails
- propositions
- runs into
- salutes
- welcomes
- whistle for
- abuse
- anger
- annoy
- confront
- criticize
- displease
- dispraise
- dump on
- encounter
- face
- give a zinger
- give the cold shoulder
- hit where one lives
- meet
- offend
- outrage
- pique
- provoke
- put down
- slander
- slight
- taunt
- vex
- abusing
- angering
- annoying
- confronting
- criticizing
- displeasing
- dispraising
- dumping on
- encountering
- facing
- giving a zinger
- giving the cold shoulder
- hitting where one living
- meeting
- offending
- outraging
- piquing
- provoking
- putting down
- slandering
- slighting
- taunting
- vexing
- air
- attitude
- bearing
- blind
- carriage
- cast
- character
- condition
- countenance
- demeanor
- dress
- expression
- face
- fashion
- feature
- figure
- form
- front
- guise
- image
- look
- looks
- manner
- mannerism
- mien
- mode
- outline
- pose
- presence
- presentation
- screen
- semblance
- shape
- stamp
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
The mouth.
reputation, countenance, visage, facet, image, expression, surface, look, facial expression, public image -
Makeup; one’s complete facial cosmetic application.
I’ll be out in a sec, just let me put on my face.
facial expression, public image, expression, look, countenance, surface, image, visage, reputation, facet -
Short for babyface. A wrestler whose on-ring persona is embodying heroic or virtuous traits. Contrast with heel.
The fans cheered on the face as he made his comeback.
look, public image, facet, facial expression, reputation, countenance, surface, visage, expression, image -
The front surface of a bat.
facial expression, look, visage, expression, facet, public image, image, countenance, surface, reputation -
The part of a that hits the ball.
facet, expression, image, reputation, look, surface, facial expression, visage, countenance, public image -
The side of the card that shows its value (as opposed to the back side, which looks the same on all cards of the deck).
reputation, image, surface, countenance, facial expression, expression, facet, public image, visage, look -
A typeface.
look, image, expression, facet, facial expression, public image, reputation, visage, countenance, surface -
phiz, countenance, phizog, visage -
foreside -
mush, hero, cakehole, piehole, trap, gob -
to position oneself or itself so as to have one’s face closest to (something).
Face the sun.
countenance, image, reputation, public image, visage, expression, look, facet, facial expression, surface -
to have its front closest to (something else).
Turn the chair so it faces the table.
reputation, image, surface, facial expression, expression, public image, look, visage, countenance, facet -
To deal with (a difficult situation or person).
I’m going to have to face this sooner or later.
expression, visage, facial expression, countenance, surface, reputation, public image, facet, image, look, deal with, confront -
To have the front in a certain direction.
The bunkers faced north and east, toward Germany.
countenance, look, expression, facet, public image, surface, reputation, visage, image, facial expression -
to have as an opponent
They turned to boat into the face of the storm.
image, surface, countenance, visage, expression, facet, facial expression, look, public image, reputation -
To be the striking batsman.*
image, facet, public image, countenance, expression, look, surface, reputation, facial expression, visage -
Any of the flat bounding surfaces of a polyhedron. More generally, any of the bounding pieces of a polytope of any dimension.
facial expression, image, expression, public image, facet, look, countenance, surface, reputation, visage -
Any surface; especially a front or outer one.
reputation, surface, countenance, facial expression, visage, facet, image, expression, look, public image -
The numbered dial of a clock or watch.
expression, image, reputation, look, facet, countenance, surface, facial expression, public image, visage
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.3 / 3 votes
face, human facenoun
the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear
«he washed his face»; «I wish I had seen the look on his face when he got the news»
typeface, grimace, facial expression, human face, expression, side, look, fount, cheek, boldness, nerve, brass, case, font, aspect -
expression, look, aspect, facial expression, facenoun
the feelings expressed on a person’s face
«a sad expression»; «a look of triumph»; «an angry face»
construction, font, formula, look, verbalism, case, cheek, reflection, aspect, reflexion, smell, manifestation, view, fount, saying, vista, nerve, locution, facet, verbal expression, grammatical construction, facial expression, prospect, formulation, scene, spirit, side, tone, panorama, feel, facial gesture, brass, boldness, flavour, feeling, grimace, expression, looking at, human face, looking, flavor, typeface -
the general outward appearance of something
«the face of the city is changing»
typeface, grimace, facial expression, human face, expression, side, look, fount, cheek, boldness, nerve, brass, case, font, aspect -
the striking or working surface of an implement
typeface, grimace, facial expression, human face, expression, side, look, fount, cheek, boldness, nerve, brass, case, font, aspect -
a part of a person that is used to refer to a person
«he looked out at a roomful of faces»; «when he returned to work he met many new faces»
typeface, grimace, facial expression, human face, expression, side, look, fount, cheek, boldness, nerve, brass, case, font, aspect -
side, facenoun
a surface forming part of the outside of an object
«he examined all sides of the crystal»; «dew dripped from the face of the leaf»
facial expression, incline, human face, look, grimace, font, slope, aspect, typeface, case, expression, nerve, fount, boldness, position, brass, side, cheek, side of meat -
the part of an animal corresponding to the human face
typeface, grimace, facial expression, human face, expression, side, look, fount, cheek, boldness, nerve, brass, case, font, aspect -
the side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object)
«he dealt the cards face down»
typeface, grimace, facial expression, human face, expression, side, look, fount, cheek, boldness, nerve, brass, case, font, aspect -
grimace, facenoun
a contorted facial expression
«she made a grimace at the prospect»
typeface, grimace, facial expression, human face, expression, side, look, cheek, boldness, case, nerve, brass, fount, font, aspect -
font, fount, typeface, face, casenoun
a specific size and style of type within a type family
type, font, instance, look, pillow slip, case, eccentric, aspect, pillowcase, guinea pig, cheek, boldness, fount, casing, character, event, nerve, subject, example, facial expression, cause, baptismal font, shell, causa, side, grimace, slip, compositor’s case, caseful, grammatical case, fountain, showcase, expression, vitrine, brass, human face, baptistry, display case, sheath, typeface, typesetter’s case, baptistery, lawsuit, suit -
status in the eyes of others
«he lost face»
typeface, grimace, facial expression, human face, expression, side, look, fount, cheek, boldness, nerve, brass, case, font, aspect -
boldness, nerve, brass, face, cheeknoun
impudent aggressiveness
«I couldn’t believe her boldness»; «he had the effrontery to question my honesty»
font, look, case, hardiness, nervus, aspect, administration, cheek, strikingness, boldness, fount, buttock, impudence, governing body, hardihood, nerve, plaque, daring, facial expression, brass section, brass, side, organization, grimace, heart, memorial tablet, spunk, organisation, mettle, expression, governance, brass instrument, human face, establishment, typeface, impertinence -
a vertical surface of a building or cliff
typeface, grimace, facial expression, human face, expression, side, look, fount, cheek, boldness, nerve, brass, case, font, aspect -
confront, face up, faceverb
deal with (something unpleasant) head on
«You must confront your problems»; «He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes»
present, front, look, confront, face up -
confront, faceverb
oppose, as in hostility or a competition
«You must confront your opponent»; «Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring»; «The two enemies finally confronted each other»
present, front, look, confront, face up -
front, look, faceverb
be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to
«The house looks north»; «My backyard look onto the pond»; «The building faces the park»
count, await, search, appear, seem, breast, front, reckon, look, face up, depend, bet, attend, take care, present, wait, calculate, expect, confront, see -
be opposite
«the facing page»; «the two sofas face each other»
present, confront, front, look, face up -
turn so as to face; turn the face in a certain direction
«Turn and face your partner now»
present, confront, front, look, face up -
confront, face, presentverb
present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize
«We confronted him with the evidence»; «He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions»; «An enormous dilemma faces us»
portray, demonstrate, confront, demo, deliver, acquaint, represent, pose, give, lay out, front, look, face up, award, introduce, present, exhibit, stage, salute, gift, show, submit -
turn so as to expose the face
«face a playing card»
present, confront, front, look, face up -
line the edge (of a garment) with a different material
«face the lapels of the jacket»
present, confront, front, look, face up -
cover the front or surface of
«The building was faced with beautiful stones»
present, confront, front, look, face up
Matched Categories
- Appearance
- Approach
- Be
- Countenance
- Cover
- Disclose
- External Body Part
- Facial Expression
- Front
- Lie
- Line
- Meet
- Person
- Status
- Surface
- Turn
- Type
Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
i’ll gie ye a slap on yer mouche, i.e. i will give you a slap on your face, as in stanley baxter parliamo glesgo!
see above
Submitted by rsm.holms on July 28, 2021
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
surface, external part -
visage, countenance -
front, front part -
look, appearance, semblance, external aspect -
confidence, assurance, boldness, impudence, audacity, effrontery, brass, CHEEK -
confront, meet in front, meet face to face -
front, stand opposite to, stand over against -
put a face or surface on -
front, turn the face
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
countenance, visage, physiognomy, features, front, exterior, obverse, facet, effrontery, confidence, assurance, audacity, impudenceAssociated words:
facial, domino, complexion, multifaced, rouge, cosmetic, grimace, janus-faced, lineament, profile, silhouette, maskoid, smirk, physiognomist -
confront, meet, bully, bluff, veneer, plane, dress, smooth
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «face»:
confront, facing, faces, cara, encounter, tackle, address, facial, head, confronting, meet, nose, nominal, cope, faced, front, frente, mouth, confrontation, deal, surface
Suggested Resources
The face symbol — In this Symbols.com article you will learn about the meaning of the face symbol and its characteristic.
Song lyrics by face — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by face on the Lyrics.com website.
What does FACE stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the FACE acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.
How to pronounce face?
How to say face in sign language?
How to use face in a sentence?
Wiley Cash:
His whole leg would be against my leg. His whole upper body would be against my body. [ I’d ] feel his breath on [ my ] face. I mean, he would just be all over me right there.
Nicolás Maduro:
We have them all identified. They’re all identified. They will fall one by one and they will go straight to face justice.
Christian Ali:
She’s face down on the concrete, a lot of fluid coming out of her head, about 20 seconds after that, I came upon a crowd of about 30 people… probably about five people on the ground, bleeding.
Anders Lee:
Kevin Hayes, James van Riemsdyk, Michael Raffl and Scott Laughton also scored for Philadelphia, and Carter Hart made a career-high 49 saves. The Flyers won a third overtime game in a postseason series for the first time. Carter Hart kept us in this game, Giroux said. Carter Hart made some huge saves for us and I was pretty glad to see Provys shot go in there. Mathew Barzals and Derick Brassard each had a goal and an assist, and Anders Lee and Matt Martin also scored for New York, which trailed 2-0 midway through the first period before taking leads of 3-2 and 4-3. Semyon Varlamov stopped 26 shots. Its an unfortunate play there at the end, but it happens, Mathew Barzals said. Now its a winner-take-all Game 7. Game 7 is Saturday, with the winner advancing to face Tampa Bay in the conference finals Philadelphia had a chance on a flurry in front of The Islanders net early in the second overtime, but Semyon Varlamov stopped the puck and Pelech dove at the loose puck to keep it out with his stick and glove. After Pelech lost the puck on a shot attempt when his stick broke, The Flyers pushed it up the ice and Provorov got a pass from Kevin Hayes and beat Semyon Varlamov. I saw their defenseman broke his stick, Haysie was carrying the puck in and I knew he was going to try to make a play, Provorov said. He threw the puck up front, I got it and their forward was sliding into the lane so I shot it opposite side and tired to go top corner and got it there. Carter Hart had 38 saves in regulation. Carter Hart made several nice stops in the first extra period, including a save on Jordan Eberles backhand midway through. Our shots were there, our chances were there for sure.
Alouettes General Manager Jim Popp:
I’m surprised Michael Sam left, i was very surprised. If Michael Sam doesn’t come back, I would think football’s over for Michael Sam. Michael Sam’s the one that has to face that.
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Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:
Are we missing a good synonym for face?
1 clock (Brit. slang) countenance, dial (Brit. slang) features, kisser (slang) lineaments, mug (slang) phiz or phizog (slang) physiognomy, visage
2 appearance, aspect, expression, frown, grimace, look, moue, pout, scowl, smirk
3 air, appearance, disguise, display, exterior, façade, front, mask, pretence, semblance, show
4 authority, dignity, honour, image, prestige, reputation, self-respect, standing, status
5 (informal) assurance, audacity, boldness, brass neck (Brit. informal) cheek (informal) chutzpah (U.S. & Canad. informal) confidence, effrontery, front, gall (informal) impudence, neck (informal) nerve, presumption, sauce (informal)
6 aspect, cover, exterior, facet, front, outside, right side, side, surface
7 face to face à deux, confronting, eyeball to eyeball, in confrontation, opposite, tête-à-tête, vis-à-vis
8 fly in the face of act in defiance of, defy, disobey, go against, oppose, rebel against, snap one’s fingers at (informal)
9 on the face of it apparently, at first sight, seemingly, to all appearances, to the eye
10 pull (or make) a long face frown, grimace, knit one’s brows, look black, look disapproving, look displeased, look put out, look stern, lour or lower, pout, scowl, sulk
11 show one’s face approach, be seen, come, put in or make an appearance, show up (informal) turn up
12 to one’s face directly, in one’s presence, openly, straight
13 be confronted by, brave, come up against, confront, cope with, deal with, defy, encounter, experience, face off (slang) meet, oppose, tackle
14 be opposite, front onto, give towards or onto, look onto, overlook
15 clad, coat, cover, dress, finish, level, line, overlay, sheathe, surface, veneer
1 cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery
2 renovation, restoration
face up to
accept, acknowledge, come to terms with, confront, cope with, deal with, face the music, meet head-on, tackle
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
1] ( faces plural ) (NOUN USES)
Please look at category 25 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.
1 n-count Your face is the front part of your head from your chin to the top of your forehead, where your mouth, eyes, nose, and other features are.
oft poss N
A strong wind was blowing right in my face…, He was going red in the face and breathing with difficulty…, She had a beautiful face.
2 n-count If your face is happy, sad, or serious, for example, the expression on your face shows that you are happy, sad, or serious.
poss N, adj N
He was walking around with a sad face…, The priest frowned into the light, his face puzzled.
3 n-count The face of a cliff, mountain, or building is a vertical surface or side of it.
with supp, oft N of n
…the north face of the Eiger…, He scrambled 200 feet up the cliff face.
4 n-count The face of a clock or watch is the surface with the numbers or hands on it, which shows the time.
5 n-sing If you say that the face of an area, institution, or field of activity is changing, you mean its appearance or nature is changing.
the N of n
…the changing face of the British countryside…
6 n-sing If you refer to something as the particular face of an activity, belief, or system, you mean that it is one particular aspect of it, in contrast to other aspects.
the adj N of n
Who ever thought people would see Arsenal as the acceptable face of football?
7 n-uncount If you lose face , you do something which makes you appear weak and makes people respect or admire you less. If you do something in order to save face , you do it in order to avoid appearing weak and losing people’s respect or admiration.
To cancel the airport would mean a loss of face for the present governor…, She claimed they’d been in love, but I sensed she was only saying this to save face.
face value
poker face
9 If you say that someone can do something until they are blue in the face, you are emphasizing that however much they do it, it will not make any difference.
until sb is blue in the face phrase V inflects (emphasis)
You can criticise him until you’re blue in the face, but you’ll never change his personality.
10 If someone or something is face down, their face or front points downwards. If they are face up, their face or front points upwards.
face down/up phrase PHR after v, v-link PHR
All the time Stephen was lying face down and unconscious in the bath tub…, Charles laid down his cards face up.
11 You can use the expression `on the face of the earth’ to mean `in the whole world’, when you are emphasizing a statement that you are making or making a very exaggerated statement.
the face of the earth phrase n PHR, usu after adj-super/brd-neg (emphasis)
No human being on the face of the earth could do anything worse than what he did.
12 If you come face to face with someone, you meet them and can talk to them or look at them directly.
face to face phrase PHR after v, PHR n, oft PHR with n
We were strolling into the town when we came face to face with Jacques Dubois…, It was the first face-to-face meeting between the two men.
13 If you come face to face with a difficulty or reality, you cannot avoid it and have to deal with it.
face to face phrase PHR after v, PHR n
Eventually, he came face to face with discrimination again…
14 If an action or belief flies in the face of accepted ideas or rules, it seems to completely oppose or contradict them.
to fly in the face of sth phrase V inflects, PHR n
…scientific principles that seem to fly in the face of common sense…
15 If you take a particular action or attitude in the face of a problem or difficulty, you respond to that problem or difficulty in that way.
in the face of sth prep-phrase
The Prime Minister has called for national unity in the face of the violent anti-government protests…
16 If you have a long face, you look very unhappy or serious.
a long face phrase N inflects
He came to me with a very long face.
17 If you make a face, you show a feeling such as dislike or disgust by putting an exaggerated expression on your face, for example by sticking out your tongue. In British English, you can also say pull a face.
to make/pull a face phrase V and N inflect, oft PHR at n
Opening the door, she made a face at the musty smell…, Kathryn pulled a face at Thomas behind his back.
18 You say on the face of it when you are describing how something seems when it is first considered, in order to suggest that people’s opinion may change when they know or think more about the subject.
on the face of it phrase PHR with cl
It is, on the face of it, difficult to see how the West could radically change its position.
19 If you put a brave face on a bad situation or put on a brave face, you try not to show how disappointed or upset you are about the situation. In American English you can also say put on a good face.
put a brave face on sth/put on a brave face phrase V inflects, oft PHR n
Friends will see you are putting on a brave face and might assume you’ve got over your grief…, Scientists are putting a good face on the troubles.
20 You can say that someone has set their face against something to indicate that they are opposed to it, especially when you want to suggest that they are wrong.
(mainly BRIT)
to set your face against sth phrase V inflects, PHR n/-ing
This Government has set its face against putting up income tax.
21 If you show your face somewhere, you go there and see people, although you are not welcome, are rather unwilling to go, or have not been there for some time.
to show your face phrase V inflects, PHR adv/prep
I felt I ought to show my face at her father’s funeral.
22 If you manage to keep a straight face, you manage to look serious, although you want to laugh.
a straight face phrase PHR after v, with PHR
What went through Tom’s mind I can’t imagine, but he did manage to keep a straight face…, You have to wonder how anyone could say that seriously and with a straight face.
23 If you say something to someone’s face , you say it openly in their presence.
to sb’s face phrase PHR after v
Her opponent called her a liar to her face.
24 If a feeling is written all over your face or is written across your face , it is very obvious to other people from your expression.
be written all over/across/on sb’s face phrase V inflects
Relief and gratitude were written all over his face…, I could just see the pain written across her face.
to shut the door in someone’s face
to have egg on your face
to cut off your nose to spite your face
a slap in the face
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
face [2] ( faces 3rd person present) ( facing present participle) ( faced past tense & past participle ) (VERB AND PHRASAL VERB USES)
Please look at category 8 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.
1 verb If someone or something faces a particular thing, person, or direction, they are positioned opposite them or are looking in that direction.
They stood facing each other… V n
The garden faces south. V adv/prep
2 verb If you face someone or something, you turn so that you are looking at them.
She stood up from the table and faced him… V n
Stand up. Face the wall. V n
3 verb If you have to face a person or group, you have to stand or sit in front of them and talk to them, although it may be difficult and unpleasant.
Christie looked relaxed and calm as he faced the press… V n
4 verb If you face or are faced with something difficult or unpleasant, or if it faces you, it is going to affect you and you have to deal with it.
Williams faces life in prison if convicted of attempted murder… V n
We are faced with a serious problem. be V-ed with n
5 verb If you face the truth or face the facts, you accept that something is true. If you face someone with the truth or with the facts, you try to make them accept that something is true.
Although your heart is breaking, you must face the truth that a relationship has ended… V n
He accused the Government of refusing to face facts about the economy… V n
He called a family conference and faced them with the problems. V n with n
Face up to means the same as face ., phrasal verb
I have grown up now and I have to face up to my responsibilities… V P P n
6 verb If you cannotface something, you do not feel able to do it because it seems so difficult or unpleasant.
with neg
My children want me with them for Christmas Day, but I can’t face it… V n/-ing
I couldn’t face seeing anyone. V n/-ing
7 You use the expression `let’s face it’ when you are stating a fact or making a comment about something which you think the person you are talking to may find unpleasant or be unwilling to admit.
let’s face it phrase PHR with cl
She was always attracted to younger men. But, let’s face it, who is not?
face the music
music face down phrasal verb If you face someone down, you oppose them or defeat them by being confident and looking at them boldly.
(mainly AM)
He’s confronted crowds before and faced them down. V n P, Also V P n (not pron) face up to
face 5
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
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What is another word for Face?
characteristic, behaviour
meet, approach
expression, action
attitude, body
express, exterior
appearance, expression
expression, characteristic
meet, suffer
end, verge
encounter, event
countenance, express
nose, countenance
exterior, side
attitude, effrontery
coat, activity
front, expression
coat, activity
attitude, pretense
behaviour, attitude
support, resist
characteristic, thing
front, practice
front, characteristic
characteristic, countenance
attitude, defiance
respect, self-respect
side, end
countenance, exterior
conflict, oppose
respect, property
appearance, cover
appearance, front
conflict, brave
pretense, effrontery
cover, end
respect, property
respect, property
conflict, resist
brave, resist
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Synonyms for Face. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 29, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/face
Synonyms for Face. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/face>.
Synonyms for Face. 2016. Accessed April 29, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/face.