Exercises синоним

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accomplishment, act, action, activity, appliance, en.synonym.one, application, assignment, blow, ceremony, class, course, cultivation, development, discipline, doing, drill, drilling, employment, example, exercising, exertion, feat, hike, instruction, labour, en.synonym.one, lesson, manipulation, manoeuvre, motion, movement, observance, operation, outing, performance, physical exercise, physical exertion, play, practice, practice session, preparation, promenade, ramble, reading, recitation, rehearsal, repetition, ritual, saunter, schooling, seminar, en.synonym.one, service, session, toil, training, usage, use, utilisation, utilization, walk, work, workout, accomplish, adopt, annoy, apply, bring about, en.synonym.one, burden, cause, control, discharge, discipline, do, drill, educate, effect, employ, engage in, execute, exert, expend, follow, form, freight, handicap, handle, harden, en.synonym.one, hold, implement, induce, load, make, make ready, make use of, manipulate, meet, observe, operate, overload, pain, perform, ply, practice, practise, prepare, pursue, put to use, school, spend, strain, take, train, en.synonym.one, trouble, try, undertake, use, utilise, utilize, weigh down, wield, work at, work out, worry.

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(v) 1. employ, use, apply, practise, bring to bear, put to use or effect; discharge, exert, wield, execute; utilize, effect: Try to exercise better judgement next time. The chairman exercises too much authority. 2. work out, limber up, warm up, train, drill: She exercises for an hour every day. 3. harass, annoy, irritate, vex, harry, distress, worry, concern, burden, try, drouble, perturb, disturb, agitate, make nervous, Colloq drive crazy, drive up the wall: We have been much exercised over the issue of acid rain. -(n) 4. activity, workout, working-out, warm-up, warming up, callisthenics, aerobics, isometrics, gymnastics; training, drill, drilling: Exercise is good for the heart. 5. action, application, practice, performance, discharge, use, utilization, employment, execution, operation: We expect the exercise of your best endeavoubs.

См. в других словарях


  I. n.1. Practice, use, appliance, application, performance, operation, employment.2. Exertion, labor, work, toil, effort, action, activity.3. Training, schooling, discipline, drill, drilling.4. Lesson, task, test-lesson, examples for practice, praxis.II. v. a.1. Exert (constantly), employ, busy, apply, use, put in action, set to work.2. Exert, wield, effect, produce, carry into effect.3. Discipline, train, drill, break in, habituate to practice.4. Practise, pursue, carry on.5. Task, try, test, put to the test.6. Try, afflict, burden, annoy, trouble, pain, make anxious, render uneasy.III. v. n.Labor, work, make exertion, take ~. …

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. exercise

    Exercise, in the ordinary sense, is the easy natural action of any power; exertion is the putting of any power to strain and tax. An exercise-drive for a horse is so much as will develop strength and health and not appreciably weary. But by qualifying adjectives we may bring exercise up to the full sense of exertion; as, violent exercise. Exercise is action taken at any time with a view to employing, maintaining, or increasing power, or merely for enjoyment; practise is systematic exercise with a view to the acquirement of facility and skill in some pursuit; a person takes a walk for exercise, or takes time for practise on the piano. Practise is also used of putting into action and effect what one has learned or holds as a theory; as, the practise of law or medicine; a profession of religion is good, but the practise of it is better. Drill is systematic, rigorous, and commonly enforced practise under a teacher or commander. Compare HABIT.

    act, action, activity, application, drill, employment, exertion, occupation, operation, performance, practise, use

    idleness, inaction, inactivity, relaxation, rest

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.5 / 2 votes

  1. exerciseverb

    practise, train, cultivate, develop

    rest, ease, disuse, respite, relax, recreate

  2. exercise

    exertion, use, practice, application, training, employment, drill

    rest, ease, relaxation, recreation

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. exercise, exercising, physical exercise, physical exertion, workoutnoun

    the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit

    «the doctor recommended regular exercise»; «he did some exercising»; «the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit»

    use, utilisation, physical exertion, recitation, exercise, example, employment, usage, exercising, physical exercise, workout, practice session, utilization, practice, drill

  2. use, usage, utilization, utilisation, employment, exercisenoun

    the act of using

    «he warned against the use of narcotic drugs»; «skilled in the utilization of computers»

    exercising, usage, use, practice, custom, habit, engagement, workout, use of goods and services, consumption, usance, role, practice session, function, work, employ, utilization, utilisation, employment, economic consumption, drill, physical exercise, example, manipulation, enjoyment, recitation, purpose, physical exertion, exercise

  3. exercise, practice, drill, practice session, recitationnoun

    systematic training by multiple repetitions

    «practice makes perfect»

    physical exercise, usage, use, practice, praxis, recital, drill, practice session, utilisation, example, utilization, class period, employment, exercising, pattern, course session, reading, recitation, workout, physical exertion, exercise

  4. exercise, examplenoun

    a task performed or problem solved in order to develop skill or understanding

    «you must work the examples at the end of each chapter in the textbook»

    representative, physical exercise, usage, use, practice, deterrent example, instance, lesson, drill, practice session, utilisation, case, example, utilization, employment, illustration, exemplar, exercising, model, good example, object lesson, recitation, workout, physical exertion, exercise

  5. exerciseverb

    (usually plural) a ceremony that involves processions and speeches

    «academic exercises»

    use, utilisation, physical exertion, recitation, example, employment, usage, exercising, physical exercise, workout, practice session, utilization, practice, drill

  6. exert, exerciseverb

    put to use

    «exert one’s power or influence»

    work, practise, maintain, exert, drill, do, exercise, work out, practice, wield

  7. practice, practise, exercise, doverb

    carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions

    «practice law»

    work out, fare, make out, use, practice, coiffe, manage, execute, perform, arrange, answer, drill, serve, work, coif, get along, suffice, make, set, behave, dress, come, act, cause, commit, exert, practise, coiffure, apply, rehearse, do, exercise

  8. exercise, work, work outverb

    give a workout to

    «Some parents exercise their infants»; «My personal trainer works me hard»; «work one’s muscles»; «this puzzle will exercise your mind»

    elaborate, knead, turn, operate, act, shape, bring, exert, run, function, put to work, work up, figure, forge, lick, work out, make, cipher, figure out, form, compute, mould, sour, calculate, work, do, exploit, go, play, drill, make for, mold, practice, puzzle out, act upon, do work, process, crop, exercise, solve, ferment, influence, work on, cypher, practise, wreak, cultivate, reckon

  9. exercise, work outverb

    do physical exercise

    «She works out in the gym every day»

    work out, solve, practice, practise, figure, puzzle out, drill, reckon, cipher, work, cypher, lick, figure out, elaborate, compute, exert, calculate, do, work up, exercise

  10. drill, exercise, practice, practiseverb

    learn by repetition

    «We drilled French verbs every day»; «Pianists practice scales»

    rehearse, practise, exercise, commit, drill, use, bore, do, work, work out, practice, apply, exert

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. homework

    «we were given many homework assignments»

    Submitted by rinat on August 20, 2019  

  2. physical activity

    being physically active

    i exercise everyday to stay fit.

    Submitted by rinat on September 9, 2019  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. exercisenoun

    practice, use, appliance, application, performance, operation, employment

  2. exercisenoun

    exertion, labor, work, toil, effort

  3. exercisenoun

    training, schooling, discipline, drill, drilling

  4. exercisenoun

    lesson, task

  5. exerciseverb

    exert (constantly), employ, busy, apply, use, put in action, set to work

  6. exerciseverb

    discipline, train, drill, break in, habituate to practice

  7. exerciseverb

    practise, pursue, carry on

  8. exerciseverb

    task, try, afflict, pain, make uneasy

  9. exerciseverb

    labor, work, make exertion, take exercise

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. exercisenoun

    performance, application, practice, employment, use, activity, training, discipline, drilling, drill, praxis, lesson, task, gymnastics, calisthenics, gestation

  2. exerciseverb

    employ, apply, busy, exert, practice, discipline, drill, train, distress, worry, harass

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «exercise»:

    exert, exercising, enjoyment, exercises, year, period, realization, practice, drill, biennium, practise, perform, ‘exercice, operation, maneuvers, drills, performance, fy, practicing, process, exerting, maneuver, ejercicio, fulfilment, discharge, wield, demonstrate, work, task, activity, engage

How to pronounce EXERCISE?

How to say EXERCISE in sign language?

How to use EXERCISE in a sentence?

  1. Zakaria Ngobongue:

    This exercise to a large extent can be considered a warm-up to enable our special forces to learn techniques in the fight against terrorism.

  2. Darren Huston:

    Worry about EXERCISE. Don’t hide TIME.

  3. Alejandro Lucia:

    Exercise in and of itself isn’t the kind of way to lose weight, it’s complementary to having an ideal body weight.

  4. Meryl Streep:

    I loved this show, i was addicted to it. I thought it was an amazing exercise in what we know and what we dont know about people, about family, about friends, how it flirted with the mystery of things, what was unsaid, unshown, unknown, was sort of the pull, the gravitational pull of the piece, and it was so exciting, so when I got the chance to join the crew, I thought yeah.

  5. Daniel Hoffman:

    In the Soviet days, the Soviets tried to crack down on news and exercise full control over what people could hear and read, you know, like George Orwell ‘1984’ stuff. But they weren’t successful and information got in, books got in, banned information got in, russians are crafty people, and they’ll find a way.

Translations for EXERCISE

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • تَمْرِين, تَدْرِيبArabic
  • практыкаваннеBelarusian
  • упражнявам, упражнявам се, тренировка, тренирам, упражнениеBulgarian
  • cvičit, cvičeníCzech
  • dyrke motionDanish
  • trainieren, Sport, Training, Übung, übenGerman
  • άσκηση, γυμναστικήGreek
  • ekzerciEsperanto
  • ejercer, ejercicio, ejercitarSpanish
  • õppusEstonian
  • تمرین, ورزش, مشقPersian
  • harjoitella, käyttää, kuntoilu, treenata, liikunta, harjoitus, treeni, harjoitteluFinnish
  • exercice, exercerFrench
  • eacarsaichScottish Gaelic
  • תַּרְגִּילHebrew
  • व्यायाम, अभ्यास, वर्ज़िश, कसरतHindi
  • egzèseHaitian Creole
  • edz, gyakorlat, edzés, gyakorol, gyakorlásHungarian
  • վարժությունArmenian
  • olahragaIndonesian
  • esercitareItalian
  • 体操, 体育, 練習, 運動Japanese
  • ვარჯიში, სავარჯიშოGeorgian
  • 연습, 運動, 운동, 련습Korean
  • exercitium, exercitātiōLatin
  • uždavinysLithuanian
  • vingrot, vingrinājums, vingrināt, izmantot, realizēt, vingrojumsLatvian
  • вежбаMacedonian
  • senaman, latihan, latih tubiMalay
  • oefenenDutch
  • treningNorwegian
  • ćwiczenie, ćwiczyćPolish
  • proceder, exercício, [[exercitar]]-[[se]], incitar, agirPortuguese
  • exercițiuRomanian
  • упражнение, зарядка, практиковаться, реализовывать, использовать, практика, упражняться, тренировка, тренироваться, физзарядкаRussian
  • вежба, vježba, вјежба, пракса, praksa, vežbaSerbo-Croatian
  • cvičenieSlovak
  • vaja, vadbaSlovene
  • träna, träning, praktisera, uppgift, utnyttja, övning, övaSwedish
  • mazoeziSwahili
  • వ్యాయామంTelugu
  • egzersizTurkish
  • вправаUkrainian
  • ورزش, مشقUrdu
  • bài tậpVietnamese
  • koapaskilükamVolapük

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1    apply, bring to bear, employ, enjoy, exert, practise, put to use, use, utilize, wield  

2    discipline, drill, habituate, inure, practise, train, work out  

3    afflict, agitate, annoy, burden, distress, disturb, occupy, pain, perturb, preoccupy, trouble, try, vex, worry  

4    action, activity, discipline, drill, drilling, effort, labour, toil, training, work, work-out  

5    accomplishment, application, discharge, employment, enjoyment, exertion, fulfilment, implementation, practice, use, utilization  

6    drill, lesson, practice, problem, schooling, schoolwork, task, work  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( exercises    plural & 3rd person present)   ( exercising    present participle)   ( exercised    past tense & past participle  )

1       verb   If you exercise something such as your authority, your rights, or a good quality, you use it or put it into effect.  
FORMAL   They are merely exercising their right to free speech…      V n  
Britain has warned travellers to exercise prudence and care.      V n  
      Exercise is also a noun., n-sing   N of n  
…the exercise of political and economic power…, Leadership does not rest on the exercise of force alone.     

2       verb   When you exercise, you move your body energetically in order to get fit and to remain healthy.  
She exercises two or three times a week…      V  
Exercising the body does a great deal to improve one’s health.      V n  
      Exercise is also a noun., n-uncount  
Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression and exhaustion…     

3       verb   If a movement or activity exercises a part of your body, it keeps it strong, healthy, or in good condition.  
They call rowing the perfect sport. It exercises every major muscle group.      V n  

4       n-count   Exercises are a series of movements or actions which you do in order to get fit, remain healthy, or practise for a particular physical activity.  
usu pl  
I do special neck and shoulder exercises…     

5       n-count   Exercises are military activities and operations which are not part of a real war, but which allow the armed forces to practise for a real war.  
usu pl, also on N  
General Powell predicted that in the future it might even be possible to stage joint military exercises…     

6       n-count   An exercise is a short activity or piece of work that you do, for example in school, which is designed to help you learn a particular skill.  
Try working through the opening exercises in this chapter…     

7       n-count   If you describe an activity as an exercisein a particular quality or result, you mean that it has that quality or result, especially when it was not intended to have it.  
usu sing, usu N in n/-ing  
As an exercise in stating the obvious, this could scarcely be faulted…, Think what a waste of taxpayers’ money the whole exercise was.     

8       verb   If something exercises you or your mind, you think or talk about it a great deal, especially because you are worried or concerned about it.  
This has been a major problem exercising the minds of scientists around the world…      V n  

exercise bike        ( exercise bikes    plural  ) An exercise bike is a special bicycle which does not move, so that you can exercise on it at home or at a gym.      n-count  

exercise book        ( exercise books    plural  ) An exercise book is a small book that students use for writing in.  
  (mainly BRIT)      n-count  
in AM, usually use notebook     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

exercise widow




someone who spends very few time with his wife/ her husband because of the partner’s preoccupation with physical exercise

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What is another word for Exercise?

  • practice

    use, work

  • drill

    work, train

  • use

    put to use, application

  • exert

    put to use, employ

  • employment

    use, application

  • work

    action, exertion

  • work out

    work, train

  • train

    work, work out

  • activity

    action, business

  • apply

    put to use, employ

  • exertion

    action, work

  • training

    exertion, instruction

  • workout

  • operation

    use, application

  • employ

    put to use, use

  • utilization

    use, application

  • utilize

    put to use, used

  • application

    practice, accomplishment

  • practise

    train, employ

  • do


  • discharge

    perform, practice

  • wield

    cause, practise

  • exercising

  • implementation

    practice, accomplishment

  • study

    employment, training

  • performance

    business, practice

  • worry


  • usage

    possession, used

  • task

  • action

    exertion, deed

  • execute

    activity, perform

  • burden

    worry, upset

  • discipline

    exertion, training

  • assignment


  • recitation

  • lesson

    course, task

  • movement

    exertion, manoeuvre

  • play

    application, used

  • implement

    used, do

  • ply

    carry on, cause

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phrasal verb



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exercising, exerciser, exercised, exercizing, exercized

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Synonyms for Exercise. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 29, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/exercise

Synonyms for Exercise. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/exercise>.

Synonyms for Exercise. 2016. Accessed April 29, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/exercise.

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