- beheading
- crucifixion
- decapitation
- electrocution
- gassing
- hanging
- hit
- impalement
- punishment
- shooting
- strangulation
- capital punishment
- contract killing
- lethal injection
- necktie party
- rubout
- accomplishment
- achievement
- administration
- completion
- consummation
- delivery
- discharge
- effect
- enactment
- enforcement
- implementation
- operation
- performance
- prosecution
- realization
- rendering
- style
- doing
- fulfilling
- nuts and bolts
On this page you’ll find 99 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to execution, such as: beheading, crucifixion, decapitation, electrocution, gassing, and hanging.
- defeat
- failure
- hold
- imprisonment
- neglect
- retention
- abandoning
- disregard
- forgetting
- ignorance
- leaving
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use execution in a sentence
But it greatly equalizes and strengthens the fingers, and makes your execution smooth and elegant.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- ability
- achievement
- act
- art
- attainment
- bringing about
- capability
- carrying-out
- completion
- conclusion
- consummation
- coup
- deed
- effecting
- effort
- execution
- exploit
- feat
- finish
- fulfillment
- performance
- production
- proficiency
- realization
- skill
- stroke
- talent
- triumph
- accomplishment
- acquirement
- acquisition
- act
- actualization
- attainment
- completion
- conquest
- consummation
- contrivance
- creation
- deed
- effectuation
- effort
- enactment
- encompassment
- execution
- exploit
- feat
- fulfillment
- hit
- masterpiece
- performance
- production
- realization
- stroke
- success
- tour de force
- triumph
- victory
- accomplishments
- acquirements
- acquisitions
- acts
- actualization
- attainments
- completions
- conquests
- consummations
- contrivances
- creations
- deeds
- effectuations
- efforts
- enactments
- encompassments
- executions
- exploits
- feats
- fulfillments
- hits
- masterpieces
- performances
- productions
- realizations
- strokes
- successes
- tour de forces
- triumphs
- victories
- accomplishment
- achievement
- action
- deed
- doing
- execution
- exploit
- feat
- move
- operation
- performance
- step
- thing
- undertaking
- accomplishment
- achievement
- act
- dealings
- doing
- effort
- enterprise
- execution
- exercise
- exertion
- exploit
- feat
- handiwork
- maneuver
- manipulation
- move
- operation
- performance
- procedure
- step
- stroke
- thrust
- transaction
- undertaking
- administering
- agency
- application
- authority
- charge
- command
- conduct
- conducting
- control
- directing
- direction
- dispensation
- disposition
- distribution
- enforcement
- execution
- governing
- government
- guidance
- handling
- jurisdiction
- legislation
- order
- organization
- overseeing
- oversight
- performance
- policy
- power
- provision
- regulation
- rule
- running
- strategy
- superintendence
- supervision
- surveillance
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for Execution?
implementation, version
performance, course
do, fulfilment
capital punishment
killing, thing
fulfilment, implementation
implementation, fulfilment
implementation, carrying out
fulfilment, realization
murder, gangland slaying
carrying out
performance, performing arts
performance, version
death penalty
killing, capital punishment
do, carrying out
gangland slaying
deed, procedure
murder, capital punishment
realization, fulfillment
guidance, conduct
carrying out, carrying out of a task
procedure, carrying out of a task
killing, thing
killing, putting to death
performance, performing
realization, fruition
deed, carrying out
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Execution Thesaurus
Definitions of Execution
Execution Antonyms
Nearby Words
execute, executive, executed, executing, executioner, executable, executor, executant, executively, executory
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Synonyms for Execution. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 29, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/execution
Synonyms for Execution. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/execution>.
Synonyms for Execution. 2016. Accessed April 29, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/execution.
What is another word for execution?
725 synonyms found
[ ˌɛksɪkjˈuːʃən], [ ˌɛksɪkjˈuːʃən], [ ˌɛ_k_s_ɪ_k_j_ˈuː_ʃ_ə_n]
Table of Contents
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- handling.
- ai,
- batch,
- alpha test,
- A-D conversion,
- authoring,
- authentication,
- artificial intelligence,
- access time,
- background processing.
- decapitation,
- shooting,
- martyrdom,
- electric chair.
- DO,
- brass rubbing,
- coloring,
- arts and crafts,
- carving,
- batik,
- ceramics,
- belles lettres,
- art,
- collage,
- art form.
- death warrant,
- performing arts,
- interpretation,
- death sentence,
- death row,
- behead,
- the death penalty,
- the chair,
- execute.
- come to,
- get through,
- conclude,
- wrap up,
- clear,
- carry through,
- finish with,
- call it a day/night,
- complete.
• accomplishment (noun)
- bringing abouts,
- carrying outs,
- effectings.
• achievement (noun)
- encompassments.
• act (noun)
- moves,
- step.
• action (noun)
- enterprises,
- enterprise.
• administration (noun)
- dis positions,
- over-seeings,
- super visions,
- administerings,
- directings,
- overseeings,
- conductings,
- over-seeing,
- governings,
- over sights,
- over-sights,
- super-vision,
- over sight,
- pro-visions,
- super-visions,
- over seeings,
- dis-positions,
- dis-position,
- super vision,
- pro-vision,
- pro visions,
- over seeing,
- pro vision,
- dis position,
- over-sight.
• capital punishment (noun)
- judicial murder,
- extreme penalty.
• carrying into action (noun)
- carrying into action.
• carrying out (noun)
- carrying out.
• carrying out of a task (noun)
- completion,
- nuts and bolts,
- consummation,
- Fulfilling,
- operation,
- style,
- enactment,
- delivery,
- accomplishment,
- implementation.
• cause (noun)
- inspiration,
- source,
- determinant,
- evocation,
- drive,
- origination,
- generation,
- motive,
- mainspring,
- grounds,
- stimulus,
- motivator,
- root,
- provocation,
- cause,
- elicitation,
- factor,
- compulsion,
- compunction,
- basis,
- force.
• completion (noun)
- climax,
- conclusion,
- arrival,
- finish,
- fulfillment,
- culmination,
- termination,
- finale.
• conduct (noun)
- wieldings,
- in tendances,
- intendances,
- in tendance,
- in-tendance,
- in-tendances,
- carrying ons.
• death penalty (noun)
- death-penalty,
- judicial executions,
- legalized killings.
• doing (noun)
- performings,
- achievings.
• effect (noun)
- efficacy,
- efficacies,
- tenor,
- imprint.
• enactment (noun)
- personation,
- playings,
- personations,
- Re-presentation.
• end (noun)
- expiries,
- wrap-up,
- terminus,
- expiry,
- Desistance,
- finis,
- signoff,
- windups,
- sign off,
- windup,
- sign-off,
- omega,
- finises.
• enforcement (noun)
- enforcings,
- ex action,
- compulsory laws,
- ex-actions,
- fulfillings,
- ex actions,
- necessitations,
- ex-action.
• executing (noun)
- executing.
• execution (noun)
- homicide,
- slaying,
- writ of execution,
- instruction execution,
- execution of instrument.
• expression (noun)
- de liveries,
- re-marks,
- de-liveries,
- set phrases,
- de-livery,
- re mark,
- ex-planations,
- de livery,
- choice words,
- re marks,
- choice of word,
- ex planations,
- turn phrase,
- ex-position,
- ex planation,
- ex-positions.
• governance (noun)
- predominanc.
• government (noun)
- political practices,
- powers that bes,
- statecrafts,
- pre dominances,
- pre-dominance,
- powers-that-bes,
- pre-dominances,
- pre dominance.
• killing (noun)
- gassing,
- purging,
- contract killing,
- necktie party,
- manslaughter,
- hanging,
- slaughter,
- punishment,
- strangling,
- extermination,
- lethal injection,
- Dispatching,
- rub out,
- butchering,
- Snuffing,
- assassination,
- Guillotining,
- massacre,
- removal,
- asphyxiation,
- beheading,
- liquidation,
- HIT,
- impalement,
- electrocution,
- strangulation,
- elimination.
• lynching (noun)
- mob justices,
- vigilante justices,
- the gallow,
- stringing ups.
• masterstroke (noun)
- gests.
• mechanism (noun)
- pro cess,
- pro-cess,
- pro-cesses.
• method (noun)
- technique.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- encompassment,
- byproduct,
- mechanism,
- mob justice,
- Presidencies,
- seemings,
- Overseeing,
- end,
- performance,
- presidency,
- wises,
- governance,
- ensual,
- effectuation,
- compulsory law,
- administration,
- lynching,
- outcropping,
- powers that be,
- masterstroke,
- in sight,
- formulation,
- prosecution,
- feat,
- set phrase,
- government,
- Modus,
- conduct,
- aftereffect,
- the feds,
- death penalty,
- action,
- walk-on,
- fruition,
- Wielding,
- treatment,
- phrasing,
- enforcement,
- transcriptions,
- legalized killing,
- knowhow,
- speakings,
- Re-mark,
- capital punishment,
- effect,
- stringing up,
- statecraft,
- idioms,
- outcroppings,
- knowings,
- transcription,
- the gallows,
- choice word,
- pursuance,
- judicial execution,
- workings,
- Doing,
- turn of phrase,
- impulsions,
- rendition,
- Technics,
- washingtons,
- intendance,
- crucifixion,
- act,
- formulations,
- Technic,
- necessitation,
- vocalization,
- powers-that-be,
- discharge,
- Gest,
- achievement,
- transaction,
- impulsion,
- political practice,
- goings-on,
- After-math,
- result,
- choice of words,
- vigilante justice,
- the Fed,
- role,
- organization,
- what one is into,
- gallows,
• performance (noun)
- pursuances.
• production (noun)
- creation,
- formation,
- fabrication,
- making,
- construction,
- building,
- manufacture,
- production,
- development.
• rendering (noun)
- in sights,
- in-sight,
- in-sights.
• result (noun)
- pro-duct,
- re-percussions,
- after-maths,
- out cropping,
- by product,
- re turn,
- out-growths,
- re percussions,
- re actions,
- pro ducts,
- re-turns,
- re percussion,
- re-percussion,
- re turns,
- after effect,
- ensuals,
- out growths,
- after math,
- after maths,
- Re-turn,
- out-cropping.
• role (noun)
- pro-vince,
- walk-ons,
- walkons,
- walk ons,
- what one is inti,
- walk on,
- what is into,
- what one is in to,
- pro vinces,
- what is inti,
- pro-vinces,
- pro vince,
- what is in to,
- walkon.
• stopping point (noun)
- end of the line,
- wind-up,
- end of line,
- end line.
• technique (noun)
• transaction (noun)
- trans actions,
- trans-actions,
- goingsons,
- goings on,
- inter courses,
- goings ons,
- inter-courses,
- inter-course,
- goingson,
- inter course,
- trans-action,
- goings-ons,
- trans action.
• treatment (noun)
- behavior towards,
- action towards.
• verbalization (noun)
- verbalization.
• Other relevant words: (verb)
- murder.
Other synonyms:
- practice,
- administration (of an estate),
- rendering,
- pursuit.
- behavior.
- reading.
- realization,
- chair.
• craftsmanship
- workmanship.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- cling to,
- approach,
- kill,
- firing squad,
- polish off,
- act upon,
- conformity,
- motion,
- perform,
- collectivization,
- noose,
- observation,
- keeping,
- excommunication,
- disposal,
- adherence,
- keystone,
- mass destruction,
- productiveness,
- perpetration,
- repercussion,
- become,
- distraint,
- get,
- Indorsement,
- strike a blow,
- banishment,
- pizzicato,
- auto-da-fe,
- eradication,
- glissando,
- drawing and quartering,
- finishing touch,
- pianism,
- caning,
- Murdering,
- bloodshed,
- gibbet,
- act up to,
- Sentencing,
- mastery,
- care,
- fait accompli,
- exterminate,
- performing,
- observance,
- annihilation,
- articulation,
- agency,
- missing link,
- meet,
- driving,
- coping stone,
- adhere to,
- impoundment,
- walk,
- enforce,
- functioning,
- Noyade,
- Exterminating,
- employment,
- management,
- operate,
- Garnishment,
- fusillade,
- blood,
- fingering,
- satisfaction,
- fall to,
- direction,
- death chair,
- sacrifice,
- run,
- carnage,
- Parlando,
- Heeding,
- achieve,
- life,
- euthanasia,
- consign,
- deliver,
- prorogation,
- set at rest,
- happy dispatch,
- satisfy,
- legato,
- high time,
- Paddling,
- compliance,
- put to death,
- death chamber,
- halter,
- commend,
- excitation,
- tackle,
- institute,
- heed,
- accordance,
- penance,
- exertion,
- convey,
- communization,
- proceeding,
- presentation,
- compel,
- broach,
- pronunciation,
- superstructure,
- release,
- procrastination,
- gore,
- Birching,
- procedure,
- lapidation,
- garrote,
- cross,
- maiden,
- give,
- course,
- Slaughtering,
- poisoning,
- evolution,
- music-making,
- respect,
- doing away with,
- postponement,
- set up shop,
- bane,
- answering,
- levy,
- make good,
- bringing to fruition,
- punish,
- work,
- undertake,
- abide by,
- drop,
- application,
- mode,
- catastrophe,
- gallows-tree,
- touch,
- intonation,
- doing in,
- nationalization,
- stoning,
- send,
- praxis,
- cunctation,
- immolation,
- handicraft,
- guillotine,
- acknowledge,
- campaign,
- meeting,
- go about,
- pause,
- mass extermination,
- conception,
- slur,
- purge,
- tree,
- responsibility,
- observe,
- quietus,
- manage,
- commit,
- enact,
- expropriation,
- pass on,
- working,
- completing,
- close,
- mission accomplished,
- scarpines,
- understanding,
- deferral,
- steering,
- Deferring,
- finish off,
- garrotte,
- carrying-on,
- conformance,
- despatch,
- bringing about,
- bloodletting,
- winding up,
- take steps,
- impressment,
- death,
- public presentation,
- administer,
- hot seat,
- business,
- Cashiering,
- rubato,
- issue,
- annexure,
- reprieve,
- skill,
- carry into execution,
- be faithful to,
- butchery,
- success,
- carry out,
- hemp,
- Operancy,
- blood bath,
- practises,
- carry into effect,
- put in force,
- spiccato,
- respite,
- concept,
- acceptance,
- blood-letting,
- comply with,
- utterance,
- transact,
- effectuate,
- signature,
- fulfill,
- labor,
- block,
- Martyrization,
- defenestration,
- for,
- exploit,
- eminent domain,
- burning,
- manner,
- leeway,
- genocide,
- Delation,
- arrange,
- acquittal,
- whipping,
- holdover,
- scaffold,
- take in hand,
- afford,
- socialization,
- influence,
- wasting,
- dismissal,
- use,
- gas chamber,
- accomplished fact,
- lift a finger,
- upshot,
- hemlock,
- race,
- protraction,
- stake,
- fulfil,
- commission,
- set about,
- pogrom,
- acquittance,
- manipulation,
- occupation,
- confiscation,
- rope,
- prepare,
- ne plus ultra,
- weed out,
- take action,
- Scourging,
- career,
- annexation,
- moratorium,
- Commandeering,
- spanking,
- making good,
- annihilate,
- cantando,
- lashing,
- denouement,
- dispose of,
- prolongation,
- set to work,
- just deserts,
- be in,
- accomplish,
- delay,
- keep,
- Deathblow,
- flogging,
- staccato,
- decimation,
- adjournment,
- destruction,
- launch forth,
- routine,
- federal case,
- overproduction,
- utilization,
- characteristic,
- movement,
- annihilating,
- attainment,
- process,
- hecatomb,
- fulfilment,
- stopping point,
- begin,
- enunciation,
- rubbing out,
- put in practice,
- attachment,
- order,
- stamp,
- method,
- expression,
- Decollation,
- retardation,
- Braining,
- record,
- realize,
- exercise,
- beating,
- seal,
- running,
- dispatch,
- sequestration,
- carrying through,
- exile,
- crowning touch,
- fatality,
- angary.
How to use «Execution» in context?
Execution can mean different things to different people. To some, it may be the culmination of a criminal defendant’s life, while to others it may be a just punishment for a crime. Execution can be carried out by various means, including firing squads, lethal injection, and the gas chamber. It is a solemn, often gruesome, process that often attracts large crowds. Though it is often thought of as a punishment, execution also has a long and varied history.
Paraphrases for Execution:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Reverse Entailment
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
Proper noun, singular
Entries, Tests, implementing.
Noun, singular or mass
construction, expulsion, perpetration, transposition, implementing.
Verb, past tense
conferred, fulfilled, Carried, Undertook.
Verb, 3rd person singular present
works, deals, happens, becomes.
Proper noun, singular
Other Related
Proper noun, singular
enforcement, execute, executed, executing, outturn.
Noun, singular or mass
conclusion, enforcement, execute, executed, executing, outturn, pursuit, workmanship, carrying-out, operationalization.
Verb, past tense
executed, Proceeded, implementing.
Verb, 3rd person singular present
Proper noun, singular
Homophones for Execution:
- esthonian, exhaustion, eighty-nine, equation, eighty-one, exaction, esteem, eustoma, estonia, esthonia, exudation, estonian, excogitation, excitation, echidna, ejection, equisetum, ecosystem, eighteen, eastman, equitation.
Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
execution [eksɪˈkjuːʃn] сущ
исполнениеср, выполнениеср, осуществлениеср, реализацияж, проведениеср
(implementation, realization)
- budget execution – исполнение бюджета
- execution of arbitrary code – исполнение произвольного кода
- execution of his duties – исполнение его обязанностей
- execution of court decisions – исполнение решений суда
- program execution time – время выполнения программы
- execution of this task – выполнение этой задачи
- execution of operations – осуществление операций
- successful execution – успешная реализация
- execution of works – проведение работ
оформлениеср, составлениеср
(design, drafting)
- legal execution – юридическое оформление
- execution of transactions – совершение сделок
исполнительный лист
казньж, расстрелм, смертная казнь
(punishment, shooting, death penalty)
- public execution – публичная казнь
- mass execution – массовый расстрел
execution [eksɪˈkjuːʃn] прил
noun | ||
выполнение | implementation, execution, performance, fulfillment, accomplishment, realization | |
исполнение | execution, performance, fulfillment, pursuance, rendition, discharge | |
казнь | execution, dispatch, ax, decimation, despatch, axe | |
экзекуция | execution | |
уничтожение | destruction, annihilation, extermination, abolition, eradication, execution | |
мастерство исполнения | execution | |
опустошение | devastation, havoc, desolation, depletion, ravage, execution |
Предложения со словом «execution»
Everywhere, people were dying and being killed, losing their lives from disease, overwork, execution and starvation. |
Повсюду люди умирали, их убивали, они погибали от болезней, от измотавшей их работы, от казней и голода. |
In the companies I consult with, I often see flawless execution cultures which leaders foster to encourage great work. |
В компаниях, где я консультирую, я наблюдаю безупречную культуру труда, которую поощряют лидеры для роста производительности. |
He then turned towards Razan, who was screaming for her life, and, execution-style , with a single bullet to the back of the head, killed her. |
Потом он повернулся к Разан, которая молила о пощаде, и так же, будто казня, выпустил ей в затылок одну пулю. |
Saying he killed three kids, execution-style , over a parking dispute. |
Он сообщил, что убил троих ребят, и причиной стал спор из — за парковки. |
Some of the rage I felt at the time was that if roles were reversed, and an Arab, Muslim or Muslim-appearing person had killed three white American college students execution-style , in their home? |
Иногда на меня находила ярость, и я думала, а что, если бы араб, мусульманин или человек, одетый по — мусульмански, убил бы трёх американских студентов прямо у них дома? |
Our brother is in jail in York, awaiting execution . |
Наш брат в тюрьме в Йорке, в ожидании казни. |
Now I had to get a court order of execution . |
Теперь я должна была получить ордер на выполнение приговора. |
The gallery has an excellent selection of the best works by the peredvizhniki: Ilya Repin (including Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan), Victor Vasnetsov, Ivan Shishkin, Vasiliy Surikov (The Morning of the Strelets Execution ), Vasiliy Vereshchagin and others. |
Галерея содержит прекрасную коллекцию лучших работ передвижников: Ильи Репина (включая картину Иван Грозный и сын его Иван), Виктора Васнецова, Ивана Шишкина, Василия Сурикова (Утро стрелецкой казни), Василия Верещагина и других. |
He didn’t need to be there for the execution . |
У него не было необходимости находиться здесь для совершения убийства. |
In his files, Dixon was able to connect Ramos’ cartel to the execution of two prosecutors in New Jersey. |
Диксон связал воедино картель Рамоса с убийством двух обвинителей в Нью — Джерси. |
A shape-shifter accused of murdering a human got a speedy trial and an execution . |
Оборотня, обвиненного в убийстве человека, ждал скорый суд и почти немедленная казнь. |
I am too ardent in execution and too impatient of difficulties. |
Я излишне поспешен в действиях и слишком нетерпелив перед лицом препятствий. |
You are to be taken from here to await execution in a manner… appropriate to your heinous crimes. |
Вас уведут отсюда, и вы будете дожидаться казни, соответствующей вашему гнусному преступлению. |
Any delay in the execution of or disobedience to any of those instructions will result in the destruction of the disobeying vessel. |
Любое промедление или неисполнение приказа повлечет за собой немедленное уничтожение ослушавшегося корабля. |
The Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures required a witness to the execution of a mad hippogriff. |
Комитет по уничтожению опасных созданий требует, чтобы при казни взбесившегося гиппогрифа присутствовал независимый свидетель. |
We’ve received word that the final appeal has been denied and the scheduled execution of Rodney Garrett by firing squad is now imminent. |
Стало известно, что последняя аппеляция отклонена и запланированный расстрел Родни Гаррета теперь неизбежен. |
She had always supposed it was just an odd way to soften execution for some unknown reason. |
Шалон всегда считала, что это просто необычный способ сделать казнь по какой — то причине менее жестокой. |
So she can make peace with her maker before her execution . |
Таким образом, она может заключить мир со своим создателем перед её казнью. |
I want you to ask the court for a delay so you can be with him at his execution . |
Вы должны попросить суд об отсрочке, чтобы вы могли присутствовать на казни. |
Whether there is a way to stop this execution without destroying my relationship with some very powerful nobles. |
Есть способ остановить эту казнь без разрушения моих отношений с очень могущественным дворянином. |
My preference was to get a second order of execution every time I crossed a state line. |
Я бы предпочла получать новый ордер каждый раз при пересечении границы. |
His disgrace and execution will strike a deadly blow to their morale. |
Потеря его чести и казнь нанесут огромный удар по их морали. |
There are strict Department of Corrections guidelines that govern every aspect of an execution . |
Есть точные рекомендации департамента исправительных учреждений, которые определяют каждый аспект казни. |
The execution of Jarl Borg made public would surely discourage and deter any possible partners. |
Публичная казнь ярла Борга, несомненно, отобьёт желание у возможных союзников. |
The glitch in the execution does not alter the state’s right to carry out the sentence. |
Ошибка при казни не влияет на право государства привести приговор в исполнение. |
No offense, but it’s basically going to be a public execution . |
Без обид, но это, в общем, будет публичной казнью. |
Meanwhile the parade grounds were readied for the execution . |
Между тем лобное место у заставы Дю — Кур было подготовлено для казни. |
He was methodical in planning, in preparation, execution . |
Он действовал последовательно в планировании, в подготовке и в исполнении плана. |
I thought the spectacle of public execution was a thing of the past. |
Я думал, что спектакль с публичной казнью остался в прошлом. |
And the essence of an invention or discovery lay in the idea, not in the execution . |
И сущность изобретения или открытия лежит в идее, а не в его осуществлении. |
The court has asked me to make sure that your rights are protected during the execution process. |
Суд попросил меня обеспечить соблюдение ваших прав во время приведения приговора в исполнение. |
See if we can get them to at least postpone the execution . |
Посмотрим, удастся ли нам хотя бы отсрочить исполнение приговора. |
Six prisoners sentenced to execution , Clad in the barbaric fashion Of the thracian hordes of the maedi! |
Шесть пленников, приговоренных к казни, одетых по варварской моде фракийских орд из племени медов! |
Warden Bill Cain has overseen the execution of six people at Angola and is well versed in the process. |
Начальник Билл Кейн наблюдал казнь шести человек в Анголе и хорошо разбирается в этом процессе. |
The Dallas cops dismissed the hooker’s execution as a street killing, dope-related. |
Далласские полицейские квалифицировали убийство проститутки как уличное убийство, связанное с наркотиками. |
An integer overflow in koffice-libs allows for a Denial of Service and possibly the execution of arbitrary code when viewing malicious PowerPoint files. |
Целочисленное переполнение в koffice — libs позволяет вызвать отказ в обслуживании и возможности выполнения произвольного кода при просмотре специальным образом подготовленных файлов PowerPoint. |
XnView is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow and possible remote code execution when handling XPM image files. |
XnView уязвим к переполнению буфера в следствии переполнения стека, что может привести к запуску удалённого кода при обработке графических файлов XPM. |
An integer overflow flaw in the Qt pixmap handling could possibly lead to a Denial of Service or the remote execution of arbitrary code. |
Ошибка целочисленного переполнения в обработке изображения Qt может потенциально привести к отказу от обслуживания или удаленному выполнению произвольного кода. |
An integer overflow in the dynamic loader, ld.so, could result in the execution of arbitrary code with escalated privileges. |
Уязвимость целочисленного переполнения в динамическом загрузчике, ld.so, может привести к выполнению произвольного кода с повышенными привилегиями. |
An integer overflow vulnerability has been reported in file allowing for the user-assisted execution of arbitrary code. |
Сообщается об уязвимости, приводящей к целочисленному переполнению в file, позволяющей выполнение пользователем произвольного кода. |
Grip contains a buffer overflow that can be triggered by a large CDDB response, potentially allowing the execution of arbitrary code. |
Grip содержит переполнение буфера, которое может быть вызвано большим CDDB ответом, потенциально позволяя исполнение произвольного кода. |
F-Prot Antivirus contains a buffer overflow and other unspecified vulnerabilities, possibly allowing the remote execution of arbitrary code. |
F — Prot Antivirus содержит переполнение буфера и другие не указанные уязвимости, возможно позволяющие удаленное исполнение произвольного кода. |
GnuPG is vulnerable to a buffer overflow and an erroneous function pointer dereference that can result in the execution of arbitrary code. |
GnuPG уязвим к атакам типа переполнение буфера и ложное разыменование указателя на функцию, что может привести к исполнению произвольного кода. |
The Execution result cannot be saved in a read-only variable. |
Результат Execution не может быть сохранен в переменную только для чтения. |
The data viewer displays data flowing through a path during execution and can be configured to display data in numerous formats. |
Средство просмотра данных отображает поток данных, передаваемых по пути во время выполнения , и может быть настроено для просмотра данных в разных форматах. |
Questions of a proper time frame for execution and the relation of an order for execution to the issue of appealability were raised. |
Был поднят вопрос о надлежащих временных рамках для исполнения и вопрос о связи постановления об исполнении с возможностью возбуждения апелляционного производства. |
The last execution had been carried out in 1999. |
Последний раз смертный приговор был приведен в исполнение в 1999 году. |
A last-minute stay of execution could only come from the governor of Virginia. |
Приказ отложить казнь в последнюю минуту может отдать только губернатор Вирджинии. |
Either of these decisions could give rise to appeal, with stays on execution being available pending the appeal. |
Любое из этих решений может быть обжаловано, при этом их осуществление приостанавливается до рассмотрения апелляции. |
Welcome to the Lady Claudia Maria… former wife of Lucius Caius Marius… whose recent execution touched us all deeply. |
Добро пожаловать, госпожа Клавдия Мария. Вдова Люция Кая Мария, чья недавняя смерть повергла нас в отчаянье. |
Although there is absolute customer orientation and proper execution for granted. |
Хотя абсолютная ориентация на клиентов и надлежащее выполнение само собой разумеющееся. |
National implementation, like national execution , should not be confused with implementation or execution by government. |
Национальное осуществление, как и национальное исполнение, не следует путать с осуществлением или исполнением государственными учреждениями. |
This commitment shall remain in force until the execution of the final decision of the Tribunal. |
Это обязательство остается в силе до исполнения окончательного решения суда. |
Whenever a project is fully implemented by national execution , the Secretariat is not usually involved. |
В тех случаях, когда проект полностью осуществляется на основе национального исполнения, Секретариат, как правило, не участвует в них. |
In this part of the experiment, Nick has adjusted the sponges to more accurately reflect what happened in Tafero’s execution . |
В этой части эксперимента, Ник регулирует губки, чтобы более точно показать, что произошло при казни Таферо. |
At the time of his execution , the Court of Appeal of Trinidad and Tobago was also in session, deliberating on the issue of a stay order. |
Во время приведения приговора в действие Апелляционный суд Тринидада и Тобаго также заседал, обсуждая вопрос принятия решения о приостановке казни. |
The victim was shot downward in the head from point blank range while on his knees, that’s not a mugging, that’s an execution . |
Жертве выстрелили в голову в упор сверху вниз, когда он стоял на коленях, это не ограбление, это убийство. |
It is possible to cash out only after casino finance manager had confirmed execution of all bonuses rights. |
Все операции по снятию денег производятся только после их подтверждения ответственным работником казино — финансовым менеджером. |
The legal assistance section of this draft creates the option of execution of requests for legal assistance in carrying out controlled deliveries. |
В этом проекте раздел об оказании правовой помощи содержит различные пути выполнения просьб об оказании правовой помощи в осуществлении контролируемых поставок. |
I got hold of Jason Wilkie’s surveillance tape just before his execution . |
Я получила кассету с записью Джейсона Вилки прямо перед казнью. |
Phrases with Execution
How Execution often is described
public execution
mass execution
immediate execution
impending execution
mock execution
actual execution
subsequent execution
poor execution
botched execution
scheduled execution
Execution is the first word in phrase
execution method
execution order
execution scene
execution style
execution chamber
execution styles
execution squad
execution methods
execution date
execution site
Execution is the last word in phrase
summary execution
vigilante execution
attempted execution
aurora execution
signature execution
code execution
court execution
life execution
show execution
gangland execution