What is another word for Envy?
be jealous of another, be jealous
be jealous of another, be jealous
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Предложения со словом «envy»
I have neither hatred nor envy for Caesar’s son. |
Я не питал ненависти или зависти к сьiну Цезаря. |
Wintrow could only watch them in amazement and envy. |
Уинтроу же следил за их нежностями с завистью и изумлением. |
Do you subscribe to the Freudian theory of penis envy? |
Как ты относишься к фрейдистской теории о зависти к пенису? |
I envy leonard for growing up without that anguish. |
Я завидую , что Леонард вырос без всех этих мучений. |
But I’m not sure I envy the Wagner sisters. |
Но я не уверен, что завидую сестрам Вагнер. |
I don’t envy any of my friends with kids. |
Я не завидую друзьям, у которых есть дети. |
I envy you having a dozen papers with you. |
Завидую вам — вы захватили с собой дюжину газет. |
Kuttappen thought with envy of madmen who could walk. |
Куттаппен с завистью думал о сумасшедших, которые могут ходить. |
We never envy each other. |
Мы никогда не завидуем друг другу. |
Betsy Ross herself would envy your handiwork, Miss Caroline. |
Бэтси Росс позавидовала бы вашему рукоделию, мисс Кэролайн. |
He used to bring the albums to school and we examined his stamps with great interest and envy. |
Он приносил альбомы в школу, и мы рассматривали его марки с большим интересом и завистью . |
You have a lot of other hazardous neighbors: Obsession, Envy, etc. |
У тебя есть множество других опасных соседей: Страсть, Зависть и другие. |
I envy the tourists because I think that they study geography traveling and visiting different parts of the world. |
Я завидую туристам, потому что я думаю, что они изучают путешествие географии и посещение различных частей мира. |
Sins of anger, envy of others, gluttony, vanity, disobedience. |
Грехи злобы, зависти , чревоугодия, тщеславия, непослушания. |
All the men in her circle seemed to admire her and envy me. |
Мужчины ее круга, казалось, восхищались ею и завидовали мне. |
I could only marvel at his ingenuity and envy him his rule over this forgotten reach of nature. |
Я мог только дивиться его изобретательности и завидовать его власти над этим затерянным миром. |
Already they recall the lives of their grandfathers with envy. |
Они уже сейчас с тоской вспоминают о том, как жили их предки. |
The ribbon was meant to help Klara to avoid sin, selfishness, envy, indecency, lies and sloth. |
Лента должна была помочь Кларе отстраниться от греха, эгоизма, зависти , непристойности, лжи и лени. |
Every judgment seems to be motivated by greed, by malice, hypocrisy, hatred, envy, lust and madness. |
Все законы обусловлены жадностью, лицемерием, вероломством, ненавистью, завистью , похотью и безумием. |
She noticed the sapphire necklace right away and declared she was about to swoon with envy. |
Она немедленно заметила сапфировое ожерелье и сообщила, что готова лопнуть от зависти . |
For a moment Hornblower felt a little twinge of envy of Brown, who would never know the misery of helplessness, or the indignity of indecision. |
На мгновение Хорнблауэра кольнула легкая зависть к Брауну, не ведающему томительного бессилия или постыдных колебаний. |
Not many carnal sins were possible, of course, but there’s plenty of envy, spite, malice, and self-pity. |
Телесные, скорее всего, исключались, но осталось много зависти , презрения, злобы и жалости над самим собой. |
Skirata and Obrim seemed to be conducting a private war by their own rules, and Fi didn’t envy them. |
Похоже, Скирата и Обрим вели собственную войну по своим правилам, и Фай им не завидовал . |
I envy you your peace of mind, your clean conscience, your unpolluted memory. |
Я завидую покою вашей души, чистоте вашей совести, незапятнанности ваших воспоминаний. |
Drizzt looked at Deudermont with sincere admiration and even a measure of envy. |
Дзирт с искренним восхищением и даже с некоторой завистью взглянул на Дюдермонта. |
Your sex life is the envy of any man, like myself, in the midst of a midlife crisis. |
Вашей сексуальной жизни позавидовал бы любой, находящийся посреди кризиса среднего возраста, вроде меня. |
He was fielding job offers that Harvard MBAs would envy. |
У него были такие предложения работы, которым позавидовал бы любой выпускник Гарвардской школы Бизнеса. |
This would prune the role of greed and envy in the operation of markets, and create room for the flourishing of other motives. |
Это сократит роль жадности и зависти в действии рыночной системы и создаст возможности для процветания других мотивов. |
I don’t envy any of my friends with kids. |
Я не завидую друзьям, у которых есть дети. |
The envy of my friends shall spread like locusts, Their hearts devoured. |
Зависть среди моих друзей должна распространиться как саранча, пожирающая их сердца. |
I envy somebody so in touch with their dreams. |
Я завидую тем, у кого такой хороший контакт с их мечтами. |
I look with disbelief and envy at men in the movies… who Dr…, wipe their faces off shaving foam. |
С недоверием и завистью я смотрю как герои в фильмах обтирают полотенцем с лица остатки пены для бритья. |
At times the love to friends masks itself envy. |
Порой любовь к друзьям маскирует собой зависть . |
That would be the envy of any leader in Europe or the United States. |
Этому показателю может позавидовать любой лидер в Европе или Соединённых Штатах. |
They envy the young, and they want to avoid them or denigrate them whenever possible. |
Они завидуют молодёжи и стараются избегать их и гнобить при любой возможности. |
Besides, Iran’s economic, social and political achievements are nothing to envy or replicate. |
Кроме того, экономические, социальные и политические достижения Ирана вовсе не внушают ни зависти , ни желания следовать его примеру. |
Indeed, if current trends persist, it could eventually replace Europe as the world region that others regard with more than a little admiration – or even envy. |
Если нынешние тенденции укрепятся, она даже может в конце концов занять место Европы как регион, на который другие смотрят с немалым восхищением – или даже с завистью . |
The human and intellectual qualities of the three remaining candidates are even viewed with some envy on this side of the Atlantic, where you can hear statements such as. |
На человеческие и интеллектуальные качества трех оставшихся кандидатов даже смотрят с некоторой завистью по эту сторону Атлантики, где можно услышать такие заявления как. |
But in the post-World War II period, Japan again used the forces of globalization to reinvent itself as an economic superpower that became the envy of the world. |
Но в послевоенный период Япония вновь использовала силы глобализации для восстановления своих позиций в качестве экономической сверхдержавы, на зависть всему миру. |
Russians look with some envy at the Americans, who rely on ground control to do most of the cataloging. |
Русские с завистью смотрят на американцев, ведь у них большую часть работ по учету выполняет центр управления. |
I envy sometimes the artists of the West for their freedom of expression. |
Я иногда завидую западным художникам, завидую их свободе самовыражения, |
But it is truer to say that the market economy is sustained by the stimulation of greed and envy through advertising. |
Однако было честнее сказать, что рыночная экономика поддерживается стимулированием жадности и зависти посредством рекламы. |
The paradox of capitalism is that it converts avarice, greed, and envy into virtues. |
Парадокс капитализма заключается в том, что он преобразовывает алчность, жадность и зависть в добродетели. |
But the returns are worth it, as the earnings on Ukrainian corruption would be the envy of any Silicon Valley start-up. |
Однако это вложение быстро окупается, потому что доходам коррупционеров могут позавидовать многие начинающие компании Кремниевой долины. |
Those who envy prajapati daksha spread such rumours about my family in order to defame me. |
Те, кто завидует Праджапати Дакше, распространяют много сплетен о его семье, для того чтобы ославить меня. |
DJ Clue, DJ Khaled, Jadakiss, Swizz Beatz, DJ Envy, and Ryan Leslie make cameo appearances. |
DJ Clue, DJ Khaled, Jadakiss, Swizz Beatz, DJ Envy и Райан Лесли делают эпизодические выступления. |
I envy you, Marshal, a well-favored, bright-eyed wife just as dazzling’ as that sun up there. |
Как я тебе завидую , такая привлекательная и лучезарная жена. Ослепительна как солнце! |
And if envy is to be justly considered a fault, then, to our great sorrow, we must admit that at times Volka experienced this feeling keenly. |
И если зависть справедливо считается недостатком, то, к великому нашему сожалению, приходится признать, что Волька иногда испытывал это чувство в достаточно сильной степени. |
You know, if ever I feel envy about your IQ again, I’ll just conjure up the image of you sprawled out on a bed of live koi, weeping and desperately trying to revive that little plastic diver. |
Если я когда — нибудь начну завидовать твоему IQ то просто вызову в воображении, как ты развалился в бассейне с карпом кои рыдал и отчаянно пытался оживить эту маленькую пластиковую рыбку. |
In that one moment of silence, the guests felt no envy, no resentment, no malice. |
В этот момент тишины гости не чувствовали ни зависти , ни обиды, ни злобы. |
They knew neither malice nor envy. |
Им была неведома злоба, неведома зависть . |
Envy for what, monsieur the archdeacon? their strength, their armor, their discipline? |
Завидовать! Но чему же, ваше высокопреподобие? Их силе, их вооружению, их дисциплине? |
So what is it all to me: fictitious capital, artificially created rivals, their ill will and envy? |
Так на что мне это все: выдуманные капиталы, искусственно созданные соперники, их недоброжелательство и зависть ? |
She flung Pitt a look of arch triumph, which caused that diplomatist almost to choke with envy. |
Она бросила на Питта такой лукавый и торжествующий взгляд, что дипломат чуть не задохнулся от зависти . |
Samuel went back in his mind over the fine ranch and the indications of water-no Welshrats could come out of that unless he sheltered a submerged envy. |
Самюэл мысленно перенесся назад, на чудесное ранчо, вспомнил, как нашел там воду — нет, ничто не давало повода для скорби, если только он не затаил в сердце подспудной зависти . |
The same people seldom come back but that’s envy, my dear. |
Те же люди иногда возвращаются, но это… это зависть , моя дорогая. |
Everyone who sees you will admire you and envy you. |
Теперь каждый, кто увидит тебя — будет восхищаться и завидовать … |
Greed… envy… malice… the coveting of another man’s horse? |
Жадность… зависть … порочность… возжелать лошадь соседа? |
I’m talking standability, drought tolerance, grain-to-stover ratio that is the envy of all corns. |
Я говорю о устойчивости к вредителям, засухоустойчивости, и соотношении зерна к соломе на зависть другим сортам. |
There will be no quarrels, no envy, no lawsuits. It’s the law. |
Ни свары, ни зависти , ни кляуз… закон! |
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.3 / 3 votes
envy, enviousnessnoun
a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another
invidia, enviousness -
envy, invidiaverb
spite and resentment at seeing the success of another (personified as one of the deadly sins)
invidia, enviousness -
feel envious towards; admire enviously
begrudge -
envy, begrudgeverb
be envious of; set one’s heart on
resent, begrudge
Matched Categories
- Admire
- Resentment
Suggested Resources
Song lyrics by envy — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by envy on the Lyrics.com website.
What does ENVY stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the ENVY acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.
Jealousy vs. Envy — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Jealousy and Envy.
How to pronounce envy?
How to say envy in sign language?
How to use envy in a sentence?
Josh Billings:
Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope.
Howard Keel:
You should never envy anyone. One day you might be in that person’s position and it might not be so nice.
Mary Baker Eddy:
A wicked mortal is not the idea of God. He is little else than the expression of error. To suppose that sin, lust, hatred, envy, hypocrisy, revenge, have life abiding in them, is a terrible mistake. Life and Life’s idea, Truth and Truth’s idea, never make men sick, sinful, or mortal.
I want everything. I envy nothing. I love everyone.
Ricardo A Scott:
There are those who sit and wonder why others strive amongst all the odds. They will never know, as they are the ones who try to keep others back by their envy and connivance with which they are preoccupied most of the time’- ricardo a scott, reggae inventor from trench town
Translations for envy
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- حسد, غبطArabic
- завиждам, завистBulgarian
- enveja, envejarCatalan, Valencian
- závist, závidětCzech
- misundelseDanish
- beneiden, NeidGerman
- φθόνοςGreek
- enviiEsperanto
- envidiar, envidiaSpanish
- حسد, رشک ورزیدن, رشک, حسادت, حسادت ورزیدنPersian
- kateus, kadehtiaFinnish
- envier, jalousie, envieFrench
- formadIrish
- farmad, eudScottish Gaelic
- hassadaHausa
- irigyel, irigységHungarian
- նախանձ, նախանձելArmenian
- iriIndonesian
- invidia, invidiareItalian
- 羨む, ねたみ, 嫉妬Japanese
- қызғануKazakh
- invidia, invideōLatin
- pavỹdasLithuanian
- skaudībaLatvian
- harawene, pūhaehae, tarahaeMāori
- afgunstig zijn, benijden, nijd, afgunstDutch
- misunnelseNorwegian
- zazdrościć, zazdrośćPolish
- ciumes, inveja, invejarPortuguese
- invidia, invidieRomanian
- зависть, завидоватьRussian
- завидети, závist, ljubòmora, jal, завист, zavideti, јал, завидјети, љубомора, zavidjetiSerbo-Croatian
- závisťSlovak
- zavist, zavidatiSlovene
- avund, avundasSwedish
- ఈసు, ఈర్ష్య, అసూయTelugu
- ความริษยา, ความอิจฉา, ริษยา, อิจฉาThai
- kıskançlıkTurkish
- 羨慕Chinese
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[ ˈɛnvi], [ ˈɛnvi], [ ˈɛ_n_v_i]
Table of Contents
- be green with envy,
- make someone sick.
- jealousy.
• discontent (noun)
- fretfulness.
• dissatisfaction (noun)
- dis-approvals,
- in-dispositions,
- dis-liking,
- dis-comfort,
- dis-favor,
- dis mays,
- dis satisfactions,
- dis-mays,
- dis-relishes,
- dis-tastes,
- dis-inclination,
- dis approvals,
- in-disposition,
- dis-satisfaction,
- dis tresses,
- dis tastes,
- dis relish,
- dis-tresses,
- dis-comforts,
- dis satisfaction,
- malcontentments,
- dis inclinations,
- dis liking,
- dis taste,
- dis may,
- dis-satisfactions,
- dislikings,
- querulousnesses,
- dis relishes,
- dis likings,
- de-solations,
- dis-quiet,
- dis-may,
- dis comforts,
- dis-inclinations,
- dis tress,
- de solations,
- dis favor,
- dis-quiets,
- de solation,
- dis quiet,
- de-solation,
- dis-taste,
- dis approval,
- dis-tress,
- in dispositions,
- dis-likings,
- dis quiets,
- dis-favors,
- dis inclination,
- dis comfort,
- dis-approval,
- in disposition,
- dis-relish,
- dis favors.
• enviousness (noun)
- enviousness.
• envy (noun)
- invidia,
- the green-eyed monster,
- avarice,
- greed,
- covetousness.
• green-eyed monster (noun)
- jaundiced eye,
- green in the eye.
• hatred (noun)
- dis-gust,
- invidiousnesses,
- dis gusts,
- re-venges,
- re venges,
- no use fors,
- dis-gusts,
- re venge,
- dis gust,
- malignances,
- allergy tos,
- re-venge.
• ill will (noun)
- un friendliness,
- unfriendlinesses,
- no love losts,
- de spites,
- un friendlinesses,
- despites,
- de-spites,
- un-friendlinesses,
- hatred; hard feeling,
- de spite,
- un-friendliness,
- bad wills,
- de-spite.
• jealousy (noun)
- prejudice,
- spite,
- maliciousness,
- resentment,
- green-eyed monster,
- grudging,
- malevolence,
- Backbiting,
- resentfulness,
- evil eye,
- Lusting,
- rivalry,
- Coveting,
- heartburn,
- Grudgingness,
- opposition,
- malice.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- Gluttonies,
- militancy,
- dissatisfaction,
- evil doing,
- ill will,
- hatred; hard feelings,
- ungodliness,
- lamentation,
- Torts,
- invidiousness,
- malcontents,
- spitefulness,
- Peccability,
- tort,
- no use for,
- malignance,
- sinfulness,
- sin,
- hard feelings,
- Veniality,
- evil-doing,
- wrongness,
- bad will,
- unfriendliness,
- allergy to,
- unrighteousness,
- querulousness,
- ill-will,
- malcontentment,
- no love lost,
- discontent,
- hatred,
- emulation,
- gluttony.
• resentment (noun)
- irritation,
- rancor,
- indignation,
- offense,
- antagonism,
- bile,
- huffiness,
- soreness,
- wrath,
- acerbity,
- umbrage,
- pique,
- vexation,
- bitterness,
- sullenness,
- infuriation,
- ill humor.
• sin (noun)
- de merit,
- dis obediences,
- de-merit,
- un-righteousnesses,
- ungodlinesses,
- evil doings,
- de-merits,
- mis deeds,
- mis deed,
- dis obedience,
- dis-obediences,
- de merits,
- peccabilities,
- venialities,
- un godliness,
- dis-obedience,
- sinfulnesses,
- un righteousnesses,
- evil-doings,
- mis-deeds,
- un righteousness,
- unrighteousnesses,
- un godlinesses,
- mis-deed,
- un-godliness,
- un-godlinesses,
- wrongnesses,
- un-righteousness.
• begrudge (verb)
- eating heart out,
- ate ones heart out,
- is reluctant,
- eat one heart out,
- ate one’s heart out,
- eating ones heart out,
- eat ones heart out,
- was jealous,
- eats one’s heart out,
- is jealous,
- be-grudges,
- am stingy,
- being stingy,
- are stingy,
- was stingy,
- ate one heart out,
- eats ones heart out,
- is stingy,
- be grudging,
- being reluctant,
- are reluctant,
- be grudged,
- be grudge,
- art reluctant,
- being jealous,
- be-grudging,
- am reluctant,
- re-sents,
- wast jealous,
- eats one heart out,
- wert jealous,
- eats heart out,
- re sent,
- re-sent,
- are jealous,
- ate heart out,
- am jealous,
- were reluctant,
- were stingy,
- eating one heart out,
- wert stingy,
- wast stingy,
- re sents,
- art stingy,
- be-grudge,
- eating one’s heart out,
- be-grudged,
- be grudges,
- art jealous,
- were jealous,
- wast reluctant,
- wert reluctant,
- was reluctant.
• be jealous of another (verb)
- object to,
- turn green,
- yearn,
- hunger,
- be envious,
- resent,
- lust,
- die over,
- thirst,
- hanker,
- have hard feelings,
- crave,
- long.
• covet (verb)
- hadst eye on,
- haddest hots for,
- yens for,
- spoils for,
- thirsts for,
- had eye on,
- yenning for,
- Desiderated,
- hast hots for,
- itches for,
- hath eye on,
- hadst hots for,
- aspired to,
- hast eye on,
- lusts after,
- had hots for,
- having hots for,
- itched for,
- aspires to,
- spoilt for,
- yenned for,
- hath hots for,
- Desiderating,
- haddest eye on,
- has eye on,
- lusted after,
- lusting after,
- having eye on,
- has hots for,
- thirsted for,
- spoiled for,
- longed for.
• emotion (verb)
- envy.
• grudge (verb)
- re fuses,
- re-fuse,
- re-fused,
- re fusing,
- re fuse,
- re fused.
• Other relevant words: (verb)
- look up to,
- want,
- admire,
- desire,
- behaviour.
• wish (verb)
- sets heart on,
- re quests,
- setting ones heart on,
- looked forward to,
- re questing,
- yenning,
- re-quests,
- prays for,
- looks forward to,
- setting one’s heart on,
- yenned,
- sighs for,
- setting heart on,
- sets ones heart on,
- set ones heart on,
- sets one’s heart on,
- re-questing,
- setting one heart on,
- prayed for,
- sighing for,
- praying for,
- re quested,
- sighed for,
- set one heart on,
- sets one heart on.
Other synonyms:
• hostility
- malignity.
• Other relevant words:
- sigh for,
- grudge,
- competition,
- lust after,
- thirsting for,
- itch for,
- longs for,
- be reluctant,
- begrudge,
- spoiling for,
- yen for,
- aspiring to,
- Desiderate,
- Hungered,
- yearn for,
- hanker for,
- itching for,
- be jealous,
- eat heart out,
- long for,
- have eye on,
- wish,
- Hungering,
- yearns for,
- be stingy,
- set one’s heart on,
- yens,
- set heart on,
- yearned for,
- looking forward to,
- thirst for,
- pray for,
- covet,
- longing for,
- Hoped,
- spoil for,
- have hots for,
- look forward to,
- desiderates,
- aspire to,
- hankering for,
- eat one’s heart out,
- yearning for.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- discontentment,
- covetous,
- anxiety,
- restiveness,
- rebelliousness,
- green,
- jealous,
- disappointment,
- radiant,
- ira,
- colorful,
- aspiration,
- uneasiness,
- gorgeous,
- suspicious,
- peevishness,
- antipathy,
- amorous,
- Jealousness,
- acedia,
- anger,
- disgruntlement,
- heartburning,
- unhappiness,
- longing,
- Envied,
- upset,
- acrimony,
- be jealous of,
- divine discontent,
- immature,
- rage,
- rancour,
- ire,
- gula,
- fury,
- request,
- cold comfort,
- restlessness,
- unpleasure,
- be frightened,
- greedy,
- luxuria,
- sourness,
- cast envious eyes,
- emulate,
- aim,
- sulkiness,
- Ill Humour,
- enmity,
- aspire,
- sloth,
- distrustful,
- superbia,
- annoyance,
- pride,
- avaricious,
- animosity,
- agitation,
- envious,
- proscribe,
- voluptuous,
- begrudging,
- discontentedness,
- Envying,
- Envies,
- unfulfillment,
- prehensile,
- avaritia,
- provocation,
- hostility,
- gullible,
- disparage,
- jalousie,
- loquacious,
- displeasure,
- deadly sin,
- injure,
- petulance,
- Unsatisfaction,
- jaundice,
- greenish,
- mind,
- prohibit,
- unripened.
How to use «Envy» in context?
Envy is a powerful emotion and can be a dangerous thing. When envy gets out of control it can lead to a lot of destructive relationships, thoughts and actions. Envy can also lead to a feeling of being left out or inadequate. In some cases envy can lead to resentment. When envy is uncontrolled it can lead to bitterness and hatred.
There are many things that can trigger envy in us. We can be envious of someone’s appearance, wealth, social status, or abilities. We can also be envious of the things that they have or the things that they have done.
Paraphrases for Envy:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Reverse Entailment
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
appetite, grudge, inclination, malice.
Noun, singular or mass
Other Related
Noun, singular or mass
admiration, craving, hatred.
Verb, base form
Noun, singular or mass
Homophones for Envy:
- envoi, envoy, emf, Enfeoff.
Hyponym for Envy:
admire, look up to.
Phrases with Envy
Things Envy often describes
envy demons
envy powers
envy talking
envy shrieks
envy wrath
envy dream
envy suspicion
envy study
envy hatred
envy awe
How Envy often is described
mutual envy
new envy
real envy
pure envy
psychopathic envy
sheer envy
hidden envy
petty envy
repressed envy
intense envy
Envy is the first word in phrase
envy demon
envy Angevin
envy chapter
envy brothers
envy challenge
envy ruler
envy dis
envy series
envy plot
envy skull
Envy is the last word in phrase
Venus envy
penis envy
cargo envy
homunculus envy
alchemist envy
circus envy
breast envy
lady envy
ex-girlfriend envy
Wicca envy