Enter синонимы на английском

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accede, add, append, arrive, ascribe, en.synonym.one, associate, bore, catalogue, chalk up, chronicle, classify, come, come in, credit, digitise, digitize, disembark, drill, embark, enlist, enrol, enroll, enumerate, feed in, figure, en.synonym.one, get in, get into, get there, go in, go into, impute, indicate, infix, inject, input, inscribe, insert, introduce, intrude, inventory, join, jot down, keep score, land, list, log, mark down, matriculate, move forward, move into, en.synonym.one, note, number, participate, penetrate, perforate, perform data entry, permeate, pervade, pierce, probe, program, pull in, puncture, put down, reach a destination, record, recruit, register, run into, run through, scan, schedule, set foot in, sign up for, stab, step in, subscribe, tabulate, take part in, tally, to become a member, total, transcribe, type in, visit, write down, enter key, return, return key.

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  1. входить (заключать, войти, вступать, зайти)
  2. поступать
  3. проникать (проникнуть)
  4. въезжать
  5. начинать
  6. записывать (регистрировать)
  7. ввести (вводить, вписать, вписывать, вносить)
  8. попадать
  9. выходить

Синонимы: leave, deal, penetrate, get, permeate, appear, invade, pierce, seep, exiting, institute, issue, alight, secede, embark, face, pervade.


  1. ввод
  2. вход (въезд, вступление)
  3. представление

Множ. число: enters.

Синонимы: representation, introduction, typing, imagination, representing, lead-in, concept, notation, exhibiting, play.

Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I enter We enter
You enter You enter
He/She/It enters They enter
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I entered We entered
You entered You entered
He/She/It entered They entered


enter the premises
входить в помещения

enter into contracts
заключать договоры

enter the house
войти в дом

enter into marriage
вступать в брак

enter the cave
зайти в пещеру

enter school
поступать в школу

enter deeply
проникать глубоко

enter further
проникнуть глубже

enter the territory
въезжать на территорию

enter the name
ввести имя

enter the coordinates
вводить координаты

enter the eye
попадать в глаза

enter the market
выходить на рынок

enter the park
вход в парк

entering Jerusalem
въезд в Иерусалим

enter the club
вступление в клуб


You mustn’t enter this room without permission.
Ты не должен входить в эту комнату без разрешения.

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
Оставь надежду, всяк сюда входящий.

I had a valid visa, so I was allowed to enter the country.
У меня была действующая виза, поэтому мне позволили въехать в страну.

Mom is about to enter the bath.
Мама собирается принять ванну.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Удобнее верблюду пройти сквозь игольные уши, нежели богатому войти в Царствие Божие.

No student is allowed to enter the room.
Ни одному студенту не позволено входить в эту комнату.

You decided to enter the room, didn’t you?
Вы решили войти в комнату, не так ли?

Tom didn’t hear Mary enter the room.
Том не слышал, как Мэри вошла в комнату.

Once you enter a company, you have to work for the company, whether you want to or not.
Поступив в компанию, ты должен работать на неё, хочешь ты этого или нет.

Enter the laboratory and press the emergency button.
Войдите в лабораторию и нажмите экстренную кнопку.

Lithuania enters the European Union.
Литва входит в Европейский союз.

Piter’s mother enters his room, and in spite of the windows being opened, she can tell that Piter has been smoking.
Мать входит в комнату Питера, и несмотря на то, что окна открыты, она осознаёт, что Питер курил.

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1    arrive, come or go in or into, insert, introduce, make an entrance, pass into, penetrate, pierce  

2    become a member of, begin, commence, commit oneself to, embark upon, enlist, enrol, join, participate in, set about, set out on, sign up, start, take part in, take up  

3    inscribe, list, log, note, record, register, set down, take down  

4    offer, present, proffer, put forward, register, submit, tender  

1    depart, exit, go, issue from, leave, take one’s leave, withdraw  

2 & 4    drop out, go, leave, pull out, resign, retire, withdraw  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( enters    3rd person present)   ( entering    present participle)   ( entered    past tense & past participle  )

1       verb   When you enter a place such as a room or building, you go into it or come into it.  
FORMAL   He entered the room briskly and stood near the door…      V n  
As soon as I entered, they stopped and turned my way.      V  

2       verb   If you enter an organization or institution, you start to work there or become a member of it.  
He entered the BBC as a general trainee…      V n  

3       verb   If something new enters your mind, you suddenly think about it.  

Dreadful doubts began to enter my mind.      V n  

4       verb   If it does not enter your head to do, think or say something, you do not think of doing that thing although you should have done.  
with brd-neg  
It never enters his mind that anyone is better than him…      it V n that  
Though she enjoyed flirting with Matt, it had not entered her head to have an affair with him.      it V n to-inf  

5       verb   If someone or something enters a particular situation or period of time, they start to be in it or part of it.  
The war has entered its second month…      V n  
A million young people enter the labour market each year…      V n  

6       verb   If you enter a competition, race, or examination, you officially state that you will compete or take part in it.  
I run so well I’m planning to enter some races…      V n  
He entered for many competitions, winning several gold medals…      V for n  
To enter, simply complete the coupon on page 150.      V  

7       verb   If you enter someone for a race or competition, you officially state that they will compete or take part in it.  
His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship.      V n for n  
…some of the 150 projects entered for the awards.      V-ed  

8       verb   If you enter something in a notebook, register, or financial account, you write it down.  
Each week she meticulously entered in her notebooks all sums received…      V n with prep/adv  
Prue entered the passage in her notebook, then read it aloud again.      V n prep/adv  

9       verb   To enter information into a computer or database means to record it there, for example by typing it on a keyboard.  
When a baby is born, they enter that baby’s name into the computer…      V n into n  
A lot less time is now spent entering the data.      V n   enter into  

1       phrasal verb   If you enter into something such as an agreement, discussion, or relationship, you become involved in it. You can also say that two people enter into something.  
FORMAL   I have not entered into any financial agreements with them…      V P n with n  
The United States and Canada may enter into an agreement that would allow easier access to jobs across the border…      pl-n V n  
No correspondence will be entered into.      be V-ed P (non-recip)  

2       phrasal verb   If one thing enters into another, it is a factor in it.  
FORMAL   There were also other factors that entered into the orchestration.      V P n  

re-enter        ( re-enters    3rd person present)   ( re-entering    present participle)   ( re-entered    past tense & past participle  )
in AM, also use reenter      If you re-enter a place, organization, or area of activity that you have left, you return to it.      verb  
Ten minutes later he re-entered the hotel.      V n  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. enter

    To reach, in the sense here considered, is to come to by motion or progress. Attain is now oftenest used of abstract relations; as, to attain success. When applied to concrete matters, it commonly signifies the overcoming of hindrance and difficulty; as, the storm-beaten ship at length attained the harbor. Come is the general word for moving to or toward the place where the speaker or writer is or supposes himself to be. To reach is to come to from a distance that is actually or relatively considerable; to stretch the journey, so to speak, across the distance, as, in its original meaning, one reaches an object by stretching out the hand. To gain is to reach or attain something eagerly sought; the wearied swimmer reaches or gains the shore. One comes in from his garden; he reaches home from a journey. To arrive is to come to a destination, to reach a point intended or proposed. The European steamer arrives in port, or reaches the harbor; the dismantled wreck drifts ashore, or comes to land. Compare ATTAIN.

    arrive, attain, come to, gain, get to, land, reach

    depart, embark, go, go away, leave, set out, set sail, start, weigh anchor

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. enter, come in, get into, get in, go into, go in, move intoverb

    to come or go into

    «the boat entered an area of shallow marshes»

    move into, figure, pull in, place, insert, make it, go into, inscribe, participate, put in, put on, recruit, embark, enrol, throw in, come in, assume, record, accede, go far, interject, get into, get in, infix, put down, inject, don, move in, enter, enroll, come, wear, draw in, come out, arrive, go in, interpose, tangle with, introduce

    chuck up the sponge, drop out, give up, leave, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, go out, throw in, throw in the towel, quit, exit, get out

  2. enter, participateverb

    become a participant; be involved in

    «enter a race»; «enter an agreement»; «enter a drug treatment program»; «enter negotiations»

    recruit, participate, enrol, go into, accede, get into, record, put down, figure, take part, go in, embark, introduce, insert, inscribe, infix, enroll, get in, move into, enter, come in

    exit, fall by the wayside, go out, give up, leave, get out, throw in, drop by the wayside, chuck up the sponge, quit, drop out, throw in the towel

  3. enroll, inscribe, enter, enrol, recruitverb

    register formally as a participant or member

    «The party recruited many new members»

    recruit, go into, participate, enrol, infix, enter, encrypt, get into, go in, put down, figure, introduce, levy, code, cipher, cypher, embark, grave, scratch, autograph, record, inscribe, write in code, insert, engrave, encipher, accede, get in, come in, enroll, move into, raise

    get out, drop out, throw in the towel, fall by the wayside, throw in, go out, exit, chuck up the sponge, drop by the wayside, quit, leave, give up

  4. figure, enterverb

    be or play a part of or in

    «Elections figure prominently in every government program»; «How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics?»

    move into, figure, reckon, insert, go into, work out, participate, embark, estimate, record, enrol, come in, see, fancy, picture, compute, visualize, accede, calculate, envision, inscribe, get in, cipher, infix, put down, image, get into, enter, enroll, recruit, visualise, cypher, forecast, project, go in, introduce, count on

    leave, chuck up the sponge, throw in the towel, drop by the wayside, go out, exit, give up, fall by the wayside, throw in, drop out, quit, get out

  5. record, enter, put downverb

    make a record of; set down in permanent form

    move into, land, figure, repose, bring down, commemorate, insert, read, introduce, go into, register, show, participate, destroy, drop off, embark, get down, place down, enrol, demean, come in, write down, record, accede, lay, immortalize, degrade, inscribe, memorialise, take down, get in, disgrace, infix, put down, unload, tape, get into, drop, enter, discharge, enroll, recruit, immortalise, go in, set down, memorialize

    drop by the wayside, drop out, get out, fall by the wayside, quit, give up, leave, go out, exit, throw in, throw in the towel, chuck up the sponge

  6. enterverb

    come on stage

    recruit, participate, enrol, go into, accede, get into, record, put down, figure, go in, embark, introduce, insert, inscribe, infix, enroll, get in, move into, come in

    throw in, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, leave, chuck up the sponge, quit, exit, get out, give up, go out, throw in the towel, drop out

  7. accede, enterverb

    take on duties or office

    «accede to the throne»

    defer, go into, participate, acquiesce, bow, enter, recruit, get into, go in, put down, give in, figure, assent, record, submit, embark, introduce, insert, enrol, inscribe, infix, enroll, get in, move into, come in, accede

    quit, throw in the towel, fall by the wayside, throw in, get out, leave, drop by the wayside, drop out, give up, go out, chuck up the sponge, exit

  8. insert, infix, enter, introduceverb

    put or introduce into something

    «insert a picture into the text»

    move into, go in, figure, bring out, insert, go into, premise, slip in, inscribe, participate, acquaint, put in, embark, present, sneak in, enrol, stick in, preface, come in, inclose, record, accede, precede, usher in, get into, tuck, get in, infix, put down, enter, bring in, enroll, recruit, inaugurate, enclose, introduce, innovate

    drop by the wayside, chuck up the sponge, fall by the wayside, leave, drop out, get out, exit, quit, throw in, give up, throw in the towel, go out

  9. embark, enterverb

    set out on (an enterprise or subject of study)

    «she embarked upon a new career»

    recruit, go into, participate, enrol, enter, figure, get into, record, put down, introduce, infix, go in, embark, venture, insert, inscribe, ship, enroll, accede, get in, come in, move into

    leave, exit, drop out, chuck up the sponge, get out, drop by the wayside, quit, throw in, go out, throw in the towel, give up, fall by the wayside

Matched Categories

    • Attach
    • Be
    • Begin
    • Register
    • Succeed
    • Take Office
    • Theater

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. enterverb

    go into, come into

  2. enterverb

    record, register, enroll, note, set down, chronicle, jot down, take down

  3. enterverb

    insert, set in

  4. enterverb

    come in, go in, pass in

  5. enterverb

    penetrate, pierce

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «enter»:

    intro, insert, type, specify, introduce, entering, entry, penetrate, write, introducing, join, indicate, come, include, between, register, inscribe, access, entrance, entered, introduction, input, navigate

How to pronounce ENTER?

How to say ENTER in sign language?

How to use ENTER in a sentence?

  1. Sammy Wilson:

    If I travel to another country and there is a sacred site, an area of restricted access, I don’t enter or climb it, I respect it, it is the same here for Anangu [ Uluru’s traditional owners ]. We welcome tourists here. We are not stopping tourism, just this activity.

  2. Grant Sirevog:

    There’s no recommendation to enter the building, the structural integrity is greatly compromised.

  3. Michael Innis-Jiménez:

    The United States has a long history of limiting or outright excluding people based on what the government deemed undesirable, this undesirability was based on race, nationality or any number of reasons the government classified as a’ defect.’ These were the people who could not enter The United States legally.

  4. Goa Kerle:

    If the door to the place you intend to morally enter is
    shut, knock, if it doesn’t open, demolish the door. As
    soon as possible.

  5. William Cocks:

    Applying early will allow you to save the additional $ 60 expedite fee, if you have a valid passport, be sure to check its expiration date before you make travel reservations.Some countries will not let you enter if your passport will expire in fewer than six months.


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