1 boundless, ceaseless, constant, continual, eternal, everlasting, immortal, incessant, infinite, interminable, limitless, measureless, perpetual, unbounded, unbroken, undying, unending, uninterrupted, unlimited
2 interminable, monotonous, overlong
3 continuous, unbroken, undivided, whole
1 & 2 bounded, brief, circumscribed, finite, limited, passing, restricted, temporary, terminable, transient, transitory
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
If you say that something is endless, you mean that it is very large or lasts for a very long time, and it seems as if it will never stop. adj
They turned into an endless street…, The war was endless.
endlessly adv ADV after v, ADV adj
They talk about it endlessly., …endlessly long arcades of shops.
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary.
What is another word for Endless?
Use filters to view other words, we have 801 synonyms for endless.
If you know synonyms for Endless, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.
- boundless
- ceaseless
- constant
- continual
- continuous
- countless
- eternal
- incessant
- infinite
- interminable
- limitless
- monotonous
- never-ending
- perpetual
- unbroken
- unending
- unfathomable
- uninterrupted
- unlimited
- untold
- amaranthine
- deathless
- enduring
- everlasting
- illimitable
- immeasurable
- immortal
- incalculable
- indeterminate
- measureless
- multitudinous
- no end of
- no end to
- numberless
- overlong
- self-perpetuating
- unbounded
- undivided
- undying
- unsurpassable
- without end
On this page you’ll find 119 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to endless, such as: boundless, ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, and countless.
antonyms for endless
- bounded
- brief
- broken
- calculable
- ceasing
- changeable
- changing
- completed
- countable
- discontinuous
- ending
- ephemeral
- finished
- finite
- fleeting
- halting
- inconstant
- infrequent
- intermittent
- interrupted
- irregular
- limited
- measurable
- occasional
- restricted
- stopping
- temporary
- terminable
- transient
- completing
- finishing
- passing
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use endless in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- bottomless
- boundless
- complete
- deep
- endless
- extreme
- illimitable
- incalculable
- infinite
- profound
- thorough
- unending
- unfathomable
- vast
- 24/7
- all day and all night
- at all times
- ceaseless
- constant
- continuous
- day-and-night
- endless
- eternal
- everlasting
- interminable
- never-ending
- nonstop
- ongoing
- perpetual
- persistent
- relentless
- round-the-clock
- timeless
- unceasing
- unending
- uninterrupted
- boundless
- deep
- endless
- far down
- immeasurable
- infinite
- unending
- unfathomable
- unlimited
- vast
- amaranthine
- constant
- continual
- continuous
- day-and-night
- endless
- eternal
- everlasting
- incessant
- indefatigable
- interminable
- nonstop
- on a treadmill
- perennial
- perpetual
- round-the-clock
- unceasing
- unending
- uninterrupted
- unremitting
- untiring
- world-without-end
- abiding
- ceaseless
- chronic
- continual
- continuous
- endless
- enduring
- eternal
- everlasting
- incessant
- interminable
- lasting
- nonstop
- perpetual
- persistent
- persisting
- relentless
- sustained
- unending
- uninterrupted
- unrelenting
- unremitting
- aeonian
- around-the-clock
- ceaseless
- connected
- consecutive
- continuous
- dateless
- endless
- enduring
- eternal
- everlasting
- frequent
- interminable
- oft-repeated
- permanent
- perpetual
- persistent
- persisting
- recurrent
- regular
- relentless
- repeated
- repetitive
- running
- staying
- steady
- timeless
- unbroken
- unceasing
- unchanging
- unending
- unfailing
- unflagging
- uninterrupted
- unremitting
- unvarying
- unwaning
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for endless?
680 synonyms found
[ ˈɛndləs], [ ˈɛndləs], [ ˈɛ_n_d_l_ə_s]
Related words: endless runner games, best endless runner, endless runner pc, endless running games, endless runner walkthrough, endless runner mobile
Related questions:
Table of Contents
• abysmal (adjective)
- more complete,
- pro found,
- extreme,
- in-finite,
- pro-found,
- un-fathomable,
- pro-founder,
- most thorough,
- pro founder,
- more thorough,
- in calculable,
- in-calculable,
- in finite,
- un fathomable.
• all (adjective)
- endless.
• around-the-clock (adjective)
- all day and all night,
- at all times,
- all day all night,
- all day and night,
- all day night.
• bottomless (adjective)
- far down.
• ceaseless (adjective)
- most world without end,
- round clock,
- un tiring,
- day night,
- more world-without-end,
- more world without end,
- un-tiring,
- most world-without-end.
• constant (adjective)
- enduring,
- most persisting,
- more persisting.
• continual (adjective)
- more unwaning,
- un-varying,
- more staying,
- most oftrepeated,
- most staying,
- unwaning,
- more aeonian,
- most unwaning,
- more oft repeated,
- most unbroken,
- most oft-repeated,
- un-flagging,
- more permanent,
- oft repeated,
- un changing,
- un flagging,
- most oft repeated,
- re current,
- oftrepeated,
- more unbroken,
- un varying,
- un-waning,
- un-changing,
- more frequent,
- frequent,
- un waning,
- repeated,
- more oft-repeated,
- re-current,
- re gular,
- most aeonian,
- repetitive,
- more oftrepeated,
- re-gular.
• continuous (adjective)
- level,
- perennial,
- invariable,
- undying,
- indefatigable,
- monolithic,
- cyclical,
- connected,
- flat,
- no end of,
- straight,
- regular,
- consistent,
- featureless,
- sequential,
- unchangeable,
- for ever and ever,
- steady,
- seamless,
- persistent,
- no end to,
- undeviating,
- consecutive,
- unchanging,
- robot-like,
- coherent,
- habitual,
- recurrent,
- unvarying,
- ceaseless,
- gapless,
- uniform,
- homogeneous,
- un-intermittent,
- continuing,
- monotonous,
- even.
• countless (adjective)
- more jillion,
- scadsest,
- many,
- heapest,
- most slew,
- most jillion,
- scadser,
- more oodles,
- un-told,
- more innumerous,
- peckest,
- raftest,
- loadsest,
- most mucho,
- pilest,
- un countable,
- most innumerous,
- most oodles,
- whole slew,
- un counted,
- most zillion,
- mucho,
- Messer,
- more zillion,
- umpteen,
- more mucho,
- un-countable,
- gobser,
- un told,
- more slew,
- loadser,
- in-numerous,
- scads,
- waddest,
- gobsest,
- messest,
- un-counted,
- stackest,
- in numerous.
• everlasting (adjective)
- in destructible,
- more termless,
- imperishable,
- in-destructible,
- most termless,
- indestructible.
• extending (adjective)
- stretching.
• general (adjective)
- far reaching,
- more all-embracing,
- un-confined,
- worldwide,
- most comprehending,
- un confined,
- more allembracing,
- most allembracing,
- overall,
- global,
- in discriminate,
- taken as whole,
- farreaching,
- allaround,
- all embracing,
- allinclusive,
- uni-versal,
- ex tensive,
- all inclusive,
- most all-embracing,
- uni versal,
- most all embracing,
- far-reaching,
- taken as a whole,
- in-discriminate,
- more comprehending,
- more all embracing,
- allembracing.
• immeasurable (adjective)
- more unreckonable,
- un-bounded,
- in estimable,
- unreckonable,
- un-reckonable,
- most unmeasurable,
- more unmeasurable,
- un-measurable,
- un measurable,
- in-definite,
- in-estimable,
- in definite,
- most unreckonable,
- un bounded,
- un reckonable.
• immense (adjective)
- more humongous,
- most humongous.
• immortal (adjective)
- more neverceasing,
- more phoenixlike,
- in dissoluble,
- in corruptible,
- most evergreen,
- most neverceasing,
- in-corruptible,
- more never ceasing,
- more unfading,
- never ceasing,
- un-fading,
- most phoenixlike,
- neverceasing,
- most never-ceasing,
- most unfading,
- in-dissoluble,
- un fading,
- most never ceasing,
- more evergreen,
- more never-ceasing.
• incessant (adjective)
- more day-and-night,
- most day and night,
- most day-and-night,
- in terminate,
- more day and night,
- in-terminate,
- most interminate,
- more interminate.
• inexhaustible (adjective)
- in exhaustible,
- in-exhaustible.
• infinite (adjective)
- innumerable,
- unbounded,
- immemorial,
- numberless,
- undefined,
- incalculable.
• interminable (adjective)
- inter-minable,
- in terminable,
- inter minable,
- most unbound,
- un bound,
- more unbound,
- in-terminable,
- long drawn out,
- un-bound,
- long winded,
- unbound.
• lasting (adjective)
- more long term,
- most forever,
- deep rooted,
- more inexpungible,
- most long term,
- long term,
- most long-term,
- more longterm,
- most inexpungible,
- more long-term,
- deeprooted,
- more forever,
- longterm,
- most longterm.
• limitless (adjective)
- more uncalculable,
- un calculable,
- in comprehensible,
- un-calculable,
- wideopen,
- in-numerable,
- most uncalculable,
- in numerable,
- no holds barred.
• much (adjective)
- more jam packed,
- heapsest,
- more lotsa,
- more mega,
- co-pious,
- most mega,
- co pious,
- pro-fuse,
- heapser,
- most everywhere,
- pro fuse,
- more everywhere,
- most lotsa,
- most jam packed,
- more jam-packed,
- most jam-packed.
• myriad (adjective)
- more thousand-and-one,
- more thousand and one,
- most thousand and one,
- most thousand-and-one,
- thousand and one.
• never-ending (adjective)
- neverending,
- never ending.
• nonstop (adjective)
- non stop.
• not stopping, not finishing (adjective)
- undivided,
- untold,
- deathless,
- without end,
- Overlong,
- multitudinous,
- unfathomable,
- indeterminate,
- unsurpassable.
• numberless (adjective)
- most unnumbered,
- more unnumbered,
- un-numbered,
- un numbered.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- stacker,
- timeless,
- no end,
- longstanding,
- myriad,
- unceasing,
- zillion,
- spread out,
- wide open,
- Piler,
- full-out,
- passel of,
- Perseverant,
- limitless,
- uncrowded,
- constant,
- in for the long haul,
- unremitting,
- unfailing,
- inexpungible,
- continuous,
- spread-out,
- bags of,
- barn door,
- Extending,
- perpetual,
- bulldogged,
- unfading,
- alive with,
- till cows come home,
- Mega,
- round the clock,
- all-encompassing,
- in for long haul,
- uninterrupted,
- a lot of,
- spun out,
- lots of,
- protractile,
- unlimited,
- lasting,
- uncalculable,
- Interminate,
- longwinded,
- very many,
- non-stop,
- tedious,
- like bad penny,
- strung out,
- ho-hum,
- round-the-clock,
- innumerous,
- unmeasurable,
- draggy,
- spacious,
- hohum,
- around-the-clock,
- never-ceasing,
- incessant,
- till the cows come home,
- day-and-night,
- unnumbered,
- pecker,
- much,
- on a treadmill,
- ho hum,
- immortal,
- thousand-and-one,
- stretched out,
- countless,
- nonstop,
- continual,
- renewable,
- across the board,
- world-without-end,
- aeonian,
- abysmal,
- day and night,
- Termless,
- inexhaustible,
- vast,
- oft-repeated,
- stretched-out,
- all around,
- dull as dishwater,
- Heaper,
- immeasurable,
- bottomless,
- crawling with,
- on treadmill,
- phoenixlike,
- no strings,
- all-embracing,
- wadder,
- long-term,
- tidy sum,
- everlasting,
- unrelenting,
- never-ending.
• perpetual (adjective)
- permanent,
- returning,
- repetitious.
• persistent (adjective)
- most bulldogged,
- re-solute,
- bound determined,
- un shakable,
- un-shakable,
- more perseverant,
- most perseverant,
- more bulldogged,
- re solute.
• protractile (adjective)
- stretchable.
• spacious (adjective)
- most uncrowded,
- more uncrowded,
- un-crowded,
- un crowded.
• tedious (adjective)
- more drudging,
- in sipid,
- draggier,
- un-exciting,
- draggiest,
- most drudging,
- more enervating,
- prosiest,
- more hohum,
- snoozer,
- most hohum,
- more ho hum,
- most enervating,
- un exciting,
- more ho-hum,
- snoozest,
- prosy,
- most ho-hum,
- most pabulum,
- un interesting,
- more pabulum,
- most ho hum,
- in-sipid,
- prosier.
• timeless (adjective)
- more always,
- most always.
• unceasing (adjective)
- un yielding,
- un ceasing,
- un-ceasing,
- un-yielding.
• undefined (adjective)
- un defined,
- un-defined.
• unending (adjective)
- un ending,
- un-ending.
• unfailing (adjective)
- surefire,
- there,
- rock solid,
- never-failing.
• uninterrupted (adjective)
- un interrupted,
- un-interrupted.
• unlimited (adjective)
- more allencompassing,
- more all-encompassing,
- un conditional,
- un-fathomed,
- most fullout,
- full scale,
- full out,
- fullout,
- more full-out,
- all encompassing,
- un-qualified,
- un-restricted,
- fullscale,
- un-conditional,
- un-restrained,
- un restricted,
- most allencompassing,
- most full out,
- un fettered,
- most full-out,
- most all encompassing,
- fullblown,
- un qualified,
- all out,
- most all-encompassing,
- un-fettered,
- un limited,
- un fathomed,
- full blown,
- more fullout,
- un-limited,
- allencompassing,
- allout,
- more all encompassing,
- un constrained,
- more full out.
• unrelenting (adjective)
- ironfisted,
- dead set on,
- brick wall,
- brick-wall,
- stiff-necked,
- Hard-headed,
- Iron-fisted.
• unremitting (adjective)
- un remitting,
- un-remitting.
• vast (adjective)
- more spreadout,
- more stretched out,
- de-tailed,
- de tailed,
- more stretchedout,
- most spread-out,
- far flung,
- more spread out,
- more stretched-out,
- most stretched-out,
- stretchedout,
- most spreadout,
- most stretchedout,
- most spread out,
- most stretched out,
- farflung,
- spreadout,
- most expanded,
- more expanded,
- more spread-out.
• wordy (adjective)
- lengthy,
- featherbedding,
- loquacious,
- ponderous,
- chatty,
- wandering,
- bombastic,
- wordy,
- excessive,
- rambling,
- windy,
- grandiloquent,
- verbose,
- superfluous,
- long-winded,
- talkative.
- continue.
• endless (noun)
- long.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- illimitable,
- sempiternal,
- boundless,
- unending,
- continual perpetual,
- eternal,
- infinite,
- dateless,
- interminable.
• unbroken (verb)
- pro founding,
- pro-founding,
- progressiving,
- un troubled,
- unimpairedding,
- unruffledding,
- un impaired,
- pro founded,
- end-lessing,
- ceaselessing,
- deeping,
- in-tacts,
- unremittinging,
- intacted,
- unruffledded,
- un-troubled,
- successived,
- regularing,
- perpetualed,
- intacts,
- undisturbeds,
- unimpairedded,
- un-ruffled,
- ceaselesses,
- solidded,
- pro founds,
- successiving,
- unimpaireds,
- un disturbed,
- in tacts,
- pro-founded,
- perpetualing,
- progressived,
- endlesses,
- endlessing,
- un-impaired,
- unremittinged,
- deeped,
- incessants,
- un broken,
- untroubledding,
- unruffleds,
- undisturbedding,
- successives,
- regulared,
- intacting,
- uninterruptedding,
- uninterrupteds,
- profounding,
- incessanted,
- incessanting,
- un-broken,
- pro-founds,
- solidding,
- unremittings,
- untroubledded,
- entiring,
- endlessed,
- in tact,
- un-disturbeds,
- profounded,
- untroubleds,
- un disturbeds,
- uninterruptedded,
- un ruffled,
- in-tact,
- undisturbedded,
- ceaselessed,
- end lessing.
Other synonyms:
- progressive,
- unruly,
- untrammeled,
- libertarian,
- open-ended,
- general,
- self-perpetuating,
- indefinitely,
- unimpeded,
- unflagging,
- unconditional,
- liberated,
- unabated,
- unrestrained,
- unchecked,
- frenzied,
- around the clock,
- unrestricted,
- forever,
- forevermore,
- uncontrolled,
- undisturbed,
- exempt,
- world without end,
- rampant,
- evermore,
- hands-off,
- amaranthine,
- remorseless,
- transcendent,
- unregulated.
- free-floating,
- Eterne,
- uninhibited,
- unlicensed,
- loosely,
- ongoing,
- sustainable.
- freely,
- unchallenged,
- relentless.
- standing.
- liberal.
- solid.
• bottomless
- measureless.
• boundless
- immense.
• general
- universal.
• inestimable
- imponderable.
• Other relevant words:
- constants,
- regulars,
- entires,
- entired,
- perpetuals,
- constanting,
- solids,
- progressives,
- profounds,
- constanted,
- unbroken.
• sempiternal
- never-dying.
• tiring
- wearing.
How to use «Endless» in context?
If you haven’t heard the song «endless» by Justin Bieber yet, you’re in for a treat. The song talks about how great it is to be with someone who makes you feel «always happy and never ending.» The lyrics are catchy, and the video has been seen over 1 billion times on YouTube. The song is a great reminder that even if things seem bad now, things will eventually get better.
Paraphrases for Endless:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
boundless, infinite, interminable, never-ending, unending.
bottomless, constant, continual, continued, continuing, continuous, countless, drawn-out, enduring, enormous, eternal, everlasting, immense, indefinite, lengthy, lifelong, long-lasting, long-winded, myriad, numerous, ongoing, open-ended, perpetual, persistent, prolonged, timeless, tireless, tremendous, unabated, unbounded, unceasing, unfathomable, unfettered, uninterrupted, unrelenting, unremitting, unrestricted, untold.
Other Related
ceaseless, incessant, inexhaustible, innumerable, limitless, perennial, protracted, relentless, unlimited, long-drawn-out.
Homophones for Endless:
- entellus, Entelechy.
Word of the Day
bow 1
- Synonyms:
twist tie,
- ENDLESS synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- ENDLESS synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— ENDLESS synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of ENDLESS
— another words for ENDLESS
Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:
- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
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In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the synonyms for endless. These synonyms for the word endless are provided for your information only.
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