Предложения со словом «empty»
And when we deny our humanity, it leaves us feeling empty inside, searching for ways to self-medicate in order to fill the void. |
И когда мы отрицаем свою человечность, она заставляет нас чувствовать себя опустошёнными и искать способы самолечения, чтобы заполнить пустоту. |
And when you start the game, you have an empty piece of land. |
В самом начале игры у вас есть пустой участок земли. |
They made a map with the existing city, they left empty the area that they would want to develop and shared this map. |
Они сделали карту существующего города, оставили пустой площадь земли, где планировалось строительство, и поделились этой картой. |
I felt strangely isolated as pigs and livestock moved into the empty homes. |
У меня было странное чувство изолированности, когда свиньи и домашний скот переместились в опустевшие дома. |
Well, I should tell you, America, during WWII, had military bases set up in Trinidad, and when the war ended, they left the island littered with empty oil drums — their trash. |
Я должен вам рассказать: во Вторую мировую войну войска американцев базировались в Тринидаде, а когда война закончилась, они ушли и оставили после себя много мусора — пустых нефтяных бочек. |
Or the Poles, who lived in towns and villages around the death camps, who watched day after day as the trains went in filled with people and came out empty . |
Ошибаются поляки, жившие по соседству с концлагерями и ежедневно видевшие, как переполненные людьми поезда прибывали и возвращались пустыми. |
There is a saying in Argentina: Power is like drinking gin on an empty stomach. |
Как говорят в Аргентине, власть — это как джин натощак. |
Every word I knew became empty noise, and Zeinab said, Well, get on with it. |
Все слова, которые я знала, стали пустым звуком, и Зейнаб сказала: Ну, давай уже. |
Now, yes, most of these searches will come up empty , but that’s how all of science works. |
Да, многие подобные расследования заканчиваются ничем, но наука на этом и построена. |
It’s a residential high-rise in Chicago aimed at young urban professionals and empty nesters, many of them new to the city. |
Это высотное жилое здание в Чикаго, предназначенное для молодых работников и пожилых пар, которые только переехали в город. |
Most people think about either empty space or clear blue sky or sometimes trees dancing in the wind. |
Большинство представляют или пустое пространство, или чистое синее небо, а иногда танцующие на ветру деревья. |
What can we expect our kids to learn if their diets are full of sugar and empty of nutrients? |
Что ожидать от учёбы детей, если они питаются одними сахарами и недополучают питательные вещества? |
So as you can see, the apple tree is empty . |
Как видете, на яблоне ничего нет. |
Two empty beer bottles and the crumbs from your hoagie? |
Две пустые пивные бутылки и крошки от твоего сэндвича? |
The two beer bottles in front of her were empty . |
Две пивные бутылки, стоявшие перед ней, были пусты. |
Just empty , meaningless, acrobatic sex, Peter. |
Просто пустой, бессмысленный, акробатический секс, Питер. |
But my opponents chose empty promises and smear tactics. |
Но мои оппоненты выбрали пустые обещания и бесчестную тактику. |
For a moment the orange card was an empty husk. |
Мгновение спустя от оранжевой карты осталась лишь пустая оболочка. |
My voice was amazingly calm, almost empty of inflection. |
Мой голос был поразительно спокоен, почти лишен интонации. |
The argument of the empty oasis was hard to refute. |
Аргумент в виде пересыхающего оазиса опровергнуть было очень трудно. |
The narrow corridor ending in two doors was empty . |
В узком коридоре, кончающемся двумя дверьми, было пусто. |
The halls and rooms and corridors were empty and still. |
В пустынных залах, комнатах и коридорах стояла тишина. |
Words themselves lose their meanings and become empty sounds. |
Сами слова теряют свои значения и превращаются в пустые звуки. |
A round target shield hung above the small empty hearth. |
Над небольшим, совершенно пустым камином висел на стене щит. |
A long, white, sandy, empty beach. |
На длинный, белый, песчаный, пустой пляж. |
He soon joined Gjerdrum in the empty War Room. |
Вскоре он присоединился к Гжердраму в опустевшей штабной комнате. |
He stared at the watch and the empty ribbon below. |
Ричер переводил взгляд с часов на пустынную ленту шоссе внизу. |
The Indian Ocean was a very large and empty battlefield. |
Для театра военных действий Индийский океан слишком велик и пустынен. |
He poured the carafe of wine into the empty glasses. |
Он налил вина из графина в свой пустой стакан. |
Bob rolled his eyelights in the skull’s empty sockets. |
Боб закатил глаза — огоньки в пустых глазницах черепа. |
He stared at me with empty , opaque eyes. |
Он смотрел на меня своими пустыми, непроницаемыми глазами. |
On the empty pumpkin they cut out slots for two eyes, a nose and a mouth and put a lighted candle inside. |
В пустой тыкве они вырезают отверстия для двух глаз , носа и рта и помещают внутрь горящую свечу . |
And after your departure my heart was so empty . |
А после вашего отъезда на душе стало так пусто. |
Do you renounce Satan and all his empty promises? |
Вы отрекаетесь от сатаны и всех его пустых обещаний? |
A lone masked horseman waited near the empty camp. |
Неподалеку от опустевшего лагеря остановился одинокий всадник в маске. |
The Underground station was quite empty , and quite dark. |
На подземной платформе было совершенно пусто и совершенно темно. |
I knew it would empty my stomach and bowels. |
Я знал, что это опустошит мой желудок и кишки. |
You can’t do an hour on an empty stomach. |
Как ты выдержишь час в эфире на пустой желудок? |
And the lights blazed in the quiet empty laboratory. |
А в окнах лаборатории ярко и сиротливо горел свет. |
We proclaim the destruction, call riots, empty fire. |
Мы провозгласим разрушение, вызовем беспорядки, пустим пожары. |
His face was back to being peaceful but not empty . |
Лицо его стало снова спокойным, но не пустым. |
The doors had led to another straight, empty tunnel. |
Дверь привела девушку в очередной прямой, пустынный тоннель. |
This empty place, that horrible woman, the cats… |
Это пустое место, эта ужасная женщина, коты… |
I wish people would recycle their empty bottles and cans, and they should definitely use the garbage bins for litter, but not the woods. |
Я бы хотел, чтобы люди утилизировали свои пустые бутылки и банки, и им точно следует использовать мусорные баки для мусора, но не лес. |
A few of the red-black jewels had been forced from their settings; the empty holes looked obscene. |
Несколько красных камней были вырваны, и на их месте зияли безобразные дыры. |
A few of the red-black jewels had been forced from their settings; the empty holes looked obscene. |
Несколько красных камней были вырваны, и на их месте зияли безобразные дыры. |
A few of the red-black jewels had been forced from their settings; the empty holes looked obscene. |
Несколько красных камней были вырваны, и на их месте зияли безобразные дыры. |
Didn’t you spend half the day talking to an empty chair in Grace’s kitchen? |
Ты потратил пол дня разговаривая с пустым стулом на кухне Грейс? |
My exchequer is empty and we are borrowing money at a biting rate! |
Моя казна пуста, и мы занимаем деньги под огромные проценты! |
I wasn’t exactly feeling contented and cheery inside my empty house, either. |
Мне тоже было не слишком — то весело в моем пустынном доме. |
His eye sockets were almost empty and his gritted teeth were white against his gums. |
Зияли пустотой глазницы, и на фоне десен белели стиснутые зубы. |
Dahak’s mellow voice wrenched Colin away from his frightening, empty thoughts to more immediate matters. |
Мягкий голос Дахака отвлек Колина от пугающих мыслей и заставил вернуться к прямым обязанностям. |
He reached out and pulled over an empty chair from another table. |
Без лишних слов он пододвинул к столу свободный стул от соседнего столика. |
He pulled the car into the station’s level of the attached parking garage and found an empty slot. |
Детектив заехал на парковку возле станции и нашел свободное место. |
Ron stared as Harry brought it all back in to the compartment and tipped it onto an empty seat. |
Рон смотрел, как Гарри принес все это в купе и свалил на свободное сиденье. |
The game room was hectic, but it didn’t take long to find a seat at an empty table. |
Там была толчея, но Лисилу довольно скоро удалось найти место у свободного стола. |
The corridors should have been empty at this hour, but today’s events had changed the normal course of things. |
В этот час коридоры обычно пустовали, но сегодняшние события нарушили обыденное течение жизни. |
There were squares and long rectangles, crosshatched with smaller marks that connected the empty boxes. |
Заштрихованные квадраты и длинные прямоугольники, соединенные между собой более тонкими отметками. |
Somebody filled all of the empty tubing on a mountain bike with the contents from a pipe bomb. |
Кто — то заполнил все полые трубки на горном велосипеде содержанием самодельной бомбы. |
Ejecting the empty magazine, he found a fresh one in his coat pocket, and jammed it into place. |
Вынул пустой магазин, нащупал в кармане пальто новый и со щелчком вогнал его на место. |
- bare
- barren
- blank
- deserted
- desolate
- devoid
- dry
- hollow
- unfilled
- uninhabited
- unoccupied
- vacant
- abandoned
- clear
- dead
- deflated
- depleted
- desert
- despoiled
- evacuated
- exhausted
- forsaken
- lacking
- vacated
- void
- wanting
- waste
- destitute
- godforsaken
- hot-air
- stark
- unfurnished
- vacuous
- barren
- devoid
- flat
- hollow
- idle
- meaningless
- worthless
- dead
- petty
- silly
- aimless
- banal
- cheap
- deadpan
- dishonest
- dumb
- expressionless
- fatuous
- frivolous
- futile
- ignorant
- inane
- ineffectual
- inexpressive
- insincere
- insipid
- jejune
- nugatory
- otiose
- paltry
- purposeless
- senseless
- trivial
- unintelligent
- unreal
- unsatisfactory
- unsubstantial
- vacuous
- vain
- valueless
- vapid
- unfilled
- famished
- starving
- ravenous
- unfed
- clear
- consume
- deplete
- discharge
- drain
- drink
- dump
- escape
- evacuate
- exhaust
- gut
- leak
- purge
- run out
- unload
- vacate
- decant
- disgorge
- ebb
- eject
- expel
- leave
- release
- tap
- unburden
- void
- flow out
- make void
- pour out
- rush out
- use up
On this page you’ll find 300 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to empty, such as: bare, barren, blank, deserted, desolate, and devoid.
antonyms for empty
- aware
- busy
- filled
- full
- inhabited
- occupied
- overflowing
- populated
- animated
- cherished
- sufficient
- unused
- abundant
- complete
- copious
- effective
- entire
- fruitful
- productive
- replete
- sated
- satisfied
- filled
- full
- meaningful
- productive
- raised
- useful
- valuable
- worthwhile
- abundant
- complete
- copious
- effective
- entire
- fruitful
- replete
- sated
- satisfied
- sufficient
- full
- satiated
- abundant
- complete
- copious
- effective
- entire
- filled
- fruitful
- productive
- replete
- sated
- satisfied
- sufficient
- fill
- hold
- keep
- load
- maintain
- occupy
- allow
- permit
- take in
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use empty in a sentence
Herein he found an empty stall that was dark enough not to be seen, and still afforded sufficient light to read in.
When the funeral was over, and they returned to their desolate home, at the sight of the empty cradle Ramona broke down.
A quite young child will, for example, pretend to do something, as to take an empty cup and carry out the semblance of drinking.
For his heart seemed alternately full and empty; all the life he had was centred there.
In Flanders, he says, they would never attack with empty limbers behind them; they would wait till they were full up.
But the house will rarely be empty now that the shooting has begun, and there is always something going on in the neighborhood.
She was not born to make money—especially by dodges and false politeness, out of idle, empty-noddled boarders.
If it be suspected that the stomach will not be empty, it should be washed out with water the evening before.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- alone
- cast aside
- cast away
- deserted
- discarded
- dissipated
- dropped
- dumped
- eighty-sixed
- eliminated
- empty
- forgotten
- forsaken
- given up
- godforsaken
- jilted
- left
- left in the cold
- left in the lurch
- neglected
- outcast
- passed up
- pigeon-holed
- rejected
- relinquished
- shunned
- side-tracked
- sidelined
- unoccupied
- vacant
- vacated
- bare
- blank
- devoid
- empty
- hollow
- lacking
- minus
- missing
- nonexistent
- omitted
- unavailable
- vacant
- vacuous
- wanting
- arid
- barren
- blank
- bleak
- clear
- desert
- desolate
- empty
- lacking
- mean
- open
- poor
- scanty
- scarce
- stark
- unfurnished
- vacant
- void
- wanting
- arid
- barren
- blank
- bleak
- clear
- desert
- desolate
- empty
- lacking
- mean
- open
- poor
- scanty
- scarce
- stark
- unfurnished
- vacant
- vacuous
- void
- wanting
- arid
- depleted
- desert
- desolate
- dry
- effete
- empty
- fallow
- fruitless
- impotent
- impoverished
- infecund
- infertile
- parched
- sterile
- unbearing
- uncultivable
- unfertile
- unfruitful
- unproductive
- waste
- deadpan
- dull
- empty
- fruitless
- hollow
- immobile
- impassive
- inane
- inexpressive
- inscrutable
- lifeless
- masklike
- meaningless
- noncommittal
- poker-faced
- stiff
- stupid
- uncommunicative
- unexpressive
- vacant
- vacuous
- vague
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for Empty?
containing nothing, activity
exhaust, discharge wastes
hungry, containing nothing
Use filters to view other words, we have 2668 synonyms for empty.
If you know synonyms for Empty, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.
1 bare, blank, clear, deserted, desolate, destitute, hollow, unfurnished, uninhabited, unoccupied, untenanted, vacant, void, waste
2 aimless, banal, bootless, frivolous, fruitless, futile, hollow, inane, ineffective, meaningless, otiose, purposeless, senseless, silly, unreal, unsatisfactory, unsubstantial, vain, valueless, worthless
3 cheap, hollow, idle, insincere, trivial
4 absent, blank, expressionless, unintelligent, vacant, vacuous
5 (informal) esurient, famished, hungry, ravenous, starving (informal) unfed, unfilled
6 clear, consume, deplete, discharge, drain, dump, evacuate, exhaust, gut, pour out, unburden, unload, use up, vacate, void
, adj
1 full, inhabited, occupied, packed, stuffed
2 & 3 busy, fulfilled, full, interesting, meaningful, occupied, purposeful, satisfying, serious, significant, useful, valuable, worthwhile
vb cram, fill, pack, replenish, stock, stuff
brainless, ditsy (U.S. informal) dizzy (informal) featherbrained, flighty, frivolous, giddy, goofy (informal) harebrained, inane, scatterbrained, silly, skittish, vacuous
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
( emptier comparative) ( emptiest superlative) ( empties plural & 3rd person present) ( emptying present participle) ( emptied past tense & past participle )
1 adj An empty place, vehicle, or container is one that has no people or things in it.
oft ADJ of n
The room was bare and empty., …empty cans of lager…, The roads were nearly empty of traffic.
2 adj An empty gesture, threat, or relationship has no real value or meaning.
usu ADJ n
His father threatened to throw him out, but he knew it was an empty threat., …to ensure the event is not perceived as an empty gesture.
3 adj If you describe a person’s life or a period of time as empty, you mean that nothing interesting or valuable happens in it.
usu v-link ADJ
My life was very hectic but empty before I met him.
4 adj If you feelempty, you feel unhappy and have no energy, usually because you are very tired or have just experienced something upsetting.
usu feel ADJ, also ADJ n
I feel so empty, my life just doesn’t seem worth living any more.
5 verb If you empty a container, or empty something out of it, you remove its contents, especially by tipping it up.
I emptied the ashtray… V n
Empty the noodles and liquid into a serving bowl… V n prep
He emptied the contents out into the palm of his hand. V n with out
6 verb If someone empties a room or place, or if it empties, everyone that is in it goes away.
The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of athletics. V
…a woman who could empty a pub full of drunks just by lifting one fist. V n
7 verb A river or canal that empties into a lake, river, or sea flows into it.
The Washougal empties into the Columbia River near Portland. V into n
8 n-count Empties are bottles or containers which no longer have anything in them.
usu pl
If you come away from somewhere empty-handed, you have failed to get what you wanted. adj ADJ after v
Delegates from the warring sides held a new round of peace talks but went away empty-handed…
If you describe someone as empty-headed, you mean that they are not very intelligent and often do silly things. adj
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
empty nester
parent whose children no longer live in the family home
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All synonyms in one line
abortive, all gone, arid, bare, barren, en.synonym.one, blank, boring, cleaned, clear, cleared, cloudless, consumed, deceitful, deceiving, delusive, depleted, designing, destroyed, dishonest, disingenuous, dissipated, dry, dull, emptied, exhausted, en.synonym.one, expended, expressionless, figurehead, flat, foolish, fresh, frivolous, fruitless, futile, green, hollow, hopeless, hypocritical, idle, ignorant, ineffectual, insidious, insincere, irrelevant, lone, machiavellian, monotonous, nominal, otiose, pointless, en.synonym.one, profitless, prosaic, purposeless, routine, rude, self-styled, senseless, so-called, spent, squandered, stupid, superficial, superfluous, tame, tedious, titular, token, trifling, unadorned, unavailing, undistinguished, unfilled, uninhabited, uninteresting, unnecessary, unoccupied, unused, used, used up, useless, vacant, vacuous, vain, vapid, void, washed, white, worthless, abandon, bail, clear, collapse, deflate, en.synonym.one, deplete, dip, disburden, discharge, drain, draw, dump, eject, emit, evacuate, excrete, exhaust, flatten, fling down, flush, free, issue, ladle, pour out, purge, en.synonym.one, relieve, remove, rid, sap, scoop, shower, spill, spoon, tap, tax, teem, throw out, unburden, unload, unpack, vacate, void, weary, destitute, devoid, empty-bellied, innocent.
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